#hemp fabrics
brandkolab · 25 days
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silkfabri · 2 months
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effortsecoesntls · 1 year
Tips to Choose Original Hemp Clothing
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Hemp clothing has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its sustainable nature and numerous benefits. As a durable and eco-friendly fabric, hemp offers a unique blend of style, comfort, and environmental consciousness. In this article, we will explore the benefits of hemp clothing, with a particular focus on men's hemp shirts and fabrics. Additionally, we will provide valuable tips to help you choose authentic and original hemp clothing.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness: Hemp is a highly sustainable plant that requires minimal resources to grow. It grows quickly, is naturally resistant to pests, and requires no pesticides or fertilizers. Hemp cultivation also helps purify the soil by removing toxins and reducing soil erosion. By choosing hemp clothing, particularly men's hemp shirts, you contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly fashion industry.
Durability and Longevity: One of the key advantages of hemp clothing is its durability. Hemp fabric is known for its strength and resistance to wear and tear. Hemp shirts for men are long-lasting and can withstand frequent washing and extended use without losing their shape or quality. Investing in hemp clothing ensures you have garments that will stand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
Breathability and Comfort: Hemp fabric is highly breathable, allowing air to circulate freely and keeping the body cool and comfortable. Men's hemp shirts are ideal for warmer climates or active lifestyles, as they help wick away moisture and prevent odors. The natural fibers of hemp provide a comfortable and soft feel against the skin, making it a preferred choice for those seeking comfort in their clothing.
Versatility in Style: The mens hemp clothing offers versatility in style, allowing men to embrace fashion trends while being eco-conscious. Men's hemp shirts come in various designs, from casual t-shirts to formal button-downs, catering to different occasions and personal preferences. Whether you prefer a relaxed, laid-back look or a more polished and sophisticated ensemble, hemp clothing can be easily incorporated into your wardrobe.
Authenticity and Quality: When choosing hemp fabrics, it's essential to ensure that you're purchasing authentic and high-quality products. Here are some tips to help you choose original hemp clothing: a. Check the labels: Look for clothing made from 100% hemp or a high percentage of hemp fibers. Avoid blends with synthetic materials. b. Feel the fabric: Authentic hemp fabric has a slightly coarse texture and becomes softer with each wash. c. Check certifications: Look for certifications that guarantee the organic and sustainable production of hemp.
Care and Maintenance: To maintain the quality and longevity of your hemp clothing, it's essential to follow proper care instructions. Hemp fabric can be machine-washed in cold water and tumble-dried on low heat. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as they can weaken the fibers. With proper care, your men's hemp shirts and other hemp clothing items will continue to look great for years to come.
Final Words
Choosing original hemp clothing, particularly men's hemp shirts and fabrics, offers numerous benefits, including sustainability, durability, breathability, and style versatility. By following the tips provided above, you can ensure that you're selecting authentic and high-quality hemp clothing that aligns with your values and fashion preferences. Embrace the comfort, durability, and eco-friendliness of hemp clothing and contribute to a greener and more sustainable wardrobe.
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nishadesigns · 1 year
Introducing Our Hemp Sheets, Towels and Robes Collection for Home and Hospitality- Nisha Designs
To know more about our Hemp Sheet and Towel Collection and to receive the samples and catalog please message us or call us at [email protected] or 702.622.8321. You can read about our collection here.
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i keep thinking about the fact that (probably because of the war) we've never gotten the studio version of VESELO, which is a shame, because the song fucking slaps like, the band got tired of telling people "it's not weed you piece of shit stoner" whenever someone made jokes about hemp seeds mentioned in Shum, so Kateryna went "okay, you know what? maybe it is" and made a song about weed
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smaraismarais · 6 months
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Photo /Steve Marais - LAMPOON MAGAZINE 2023
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dresshistorynerd · 2 years
Opinions in hemp cloth/fabric? I saw one of your post talking about polyster vs cotton/wool/linen
Hi! Thank you for the question! When I was writing that post/addition, I actually forgot the existence of hemp (not that it's among the most important natural fabrics today (sadly)). And when I went to check some sources to make sure I didn't get things wrong, I learned that cotton also gets stronger when wet, which I had previously learned the other way around. (I had gotten it wrong in that post too.)
Hemp is an amazing material. It's very similar to linen in it's properties, in some regards even better. Like linen it's extremely breathable, so great for hot weather, and antibacterial, so it doesn't smell easily and when against skin, keeps it cleaner too. It has even better water absorption abilities than linen, which is why it doesn't feel wet even when it has absorbed a good amount of sweat or water in general. Like linen (and apparently cotton) it gets stronger when wet too, which makes washing and sanitizing it without damaging it easy. It's also even before getting wet super strong, the strongest plant fiber there is. It even has one ability linen doesn't have (nor most plant fibers) it's UV resistant, adding to it's great abilities for summer use.
One thing I didn't mention in that post about linen, which makes it still very relevant, is that growing linen is so much more ecological than growing cotton, which requires a ton of fresh water. Flax (the plant linen is made of) grows very easily in fairly harsh conditions and doesn't need fertilizers, which are often damaging to the ecosystem. However, hemp does the same and better. It's very resistant to pests, so doesn't need extra pestilence that could have adverse effects to the ecosystem, and unlike most other monocultural farmland, it even enriches the earth, keeping the earth resistant against erosion.
All of these properties are why it was used for sails and ropes for millennia. Its very long and strong fibers allow it to be made into very thick canvas excellent for sails. Hemp canvas was also used for stiff interlining. But it got me thinking, why isn't hemp often talked about in clothing history (except in the fact that it was the first plant fiber to be woven into fabric)? It has such obviously excellent properties, which surely would have been attractive to pre-industrial people with limited resources. After looking around I found couple of explanations.
Hemp was indeed used widely for clothes, especially in rural setting. Since it became the first plant fabric in central Asia, it was the primary fabric for clothing in China till the introduction of cotton around a millennium ago. It was used in Europe too since the Goths introduced it in antiquity. However in historical texts (at least in 16th-18th century) hemp cloth is also often referred to as linen and it can be hard to distinguish if the fabric written about was actually made from hemp or flax, since they did make fairly similar cloth. There was a limiting factor too for more widespread use of hemp, since it's processing into fabric was labour intensive, which got better in Industrial Era, when some of the most labor intensive parts were able to be mechanized. It was though very easy and cheap to grow, and needed especially little attention in summer, when farmers had most work. Because of it's enriching properties it also could be grown in the same plot year after year. For these reasons it was often grown in small quantities within small-scale farming even when large scale farming was becoming more common. It's perhaps where the rural association came from, as it was likely grown for personal household textiles and not for selling.
Though there was of course larger scale farming of it and records of selling it by merchants after feudalism started fading, even if the labour intensive processing made it less profitable. Apparently one of the most popular usages for hemp in clothing was men's shirts, for upper and lower classes. Sailors also often wore hemp clothing as it was so excellent and durable in all the conditions that would come across at sea. Hemp also was not as fine as linen, and while very fine hemp was soft and as linen softens in use and with every wash, it still wasn't quite as soft and fine as linen could be. So especially upper classes, who wouldn't need the maximum practicality and durability, would opt into linen, which was still very practical and durable, but also a bit more comfortable against skin.
At the time, when labour was plentiful and relatively cheap compared to land, hemp was still profitable. Entering the Industrial Era this started to change as industrial production requiring less human labour was much cheaper and therefore left more profit margin, so the capitalists now controlling production would greatly favor materials that could be produced industrially. While the processing of hemp became less labour intensive with mechanization, it was still much more labour intensive than cotton for example, which was the first thing that was industrialized. Hemp production was still fairly wide through 19th century and to early 20th century, even if declining in it's share of the clothing production like all the rest of the natural fabrics (except cotton).
But then the war on drugs happened. Now the hemp typically used for clothing is not exactly the same used for weed (there's different strains and then male and female and it seems complicated and I don't know that much about plants), what I read it doesn't have at least very strong psychoactive qualities unlike those used specifically for weed (though there was some overlap). Of course that didn't stop growing hemp being banned very widely, leading the hemp fabric production to plummet in the latter half of 1900s. Growing hemp has become easier now, but the prohibition still create hurdles for farmers. Which sucks a lot because it's such an amazing material and with modern mechanized processing it's cheap to make (and can be made to be really soft) on top of being excellent quality and gentle to environment.
So I guess my opinion is hemp is great we should make more of it instead of cotton and especially synthetic fibers and legalize weed.
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hempstudio · 5 months
Hemp has revolutionized the fashion industry!
In recent years, the fashion industry has witnessed a revolutionary shift towards sustainability, driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for ethical practices. Amidst this wave of change, hemp has emerged as a frontrunner, revolutionizing the fashion scene with its eco-friendly attributes and versatility. Join us on a journey into the world of hemp and discover how it's transforming the fashion landscape.
From Farm to Fabric: The Eco-Friendly Journey of Hemp
Hemp is a low-impact crop that requires minimal water, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers to thrive. Unlike traditional cotton, which is notorious for its heavy environmental footprint, hemp cultivation contributes to soil health and biodiversity. This section explores the sustainable cultivation practices that make hemp an environmentally friendly choice for conscious fashionistas.
Versatility Unleashed: Hemp's Wide Range of Fashion Possibilities
Gone are the days when hemp clothing meant scratchy, uncomfortable garments. Thanks to technological advancements, hemp can now be transformed into luxurious, soft fabrics that rival the comfort of cotton and linen. Dive into the diverse world of hemp textiles, from breathable summer wear to cozy winter layers, and discover how this versatile material is challenging preconceived notions about sustainable fashion.
Breaking the Mold: Hemp Fashion as a Symbol of Innovation
Hemp fashion is not just about sustainability; it's also a symbol of innovation in design and manufacturing. Explore how designers and brands are pushing the boundaries of creativity, using hemp to create chic and stylish pieces that challenge the notion that eco-friendly clothing has to be bland or uninspiring. The hemp revolution is not just about saving the planet; it's about redefining the aesthetic norms of the fashion industry.
As the fashion industry navigates its way towards a more sustainable future, hemp stands out as a beacon of hope. This once-overlooked plant is now taking center stage, proving that fashion can be both stylish and environmentally conscious. From its eco-friendly cultivation to its versatile applications and innovative designs, hemp has become a driving force in the sustainable fashion movement.
Embrace the hemp revolution and be a part of a future where fashion not only looks good but also does good for the planet. The era of sustainable, chic hemp fashion has arrived, and it's here to stay.
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binch-i-might-be · 10 months
living with a man is the worst thing that can happen to a girl
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I feel like sometimes Elden Ring players get too horny and forget that Ranni's fucked up doll body is literally made out of broken porcelain and rope
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tetrachromate · 6 months
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sewing through it all (got covid for the 1st time)
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brandkolab · 1 month
Garment Construction
Sampling construction services
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Send us the images or a sketch of your design.
Choose a size from our size chart or send us your own specifications.
Share the details over an email at [email protected]
After confirmation, we shall start with pattern making and a toile in muslin.
After making the toile, we send you the images or one can also call for the sample ( shipping chargeable ).
Alterations can be made with in the designs as per the convenience before we move into production.
Click here to view Stitching Techniques and Styles
Sampling charges
Sampling charges of single size pattern and toile in muslin will be 3000/- (35% of sampling cost will be refunded on the production order quantity of above 100 pieces)
Additional pattern or pattern grading will be 500/- INR each.
Production sample will be produced after toiles.(in final selected fabric,dye or print)
Production sample pieces is subjective to design, print /dye, fabric and stitching. It can only be provided after patter and toiles are produced.
Timelines for the bulk order will be provided before you place your final order.
MOQ 30 pieces each design.
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tantrika1 · 1 year
Browse Our Most Comfortable Women's Hemp Clothing Australia
Are you tired of buying cheap clothes? Tantrika is a brand that supports sustainable practices, fair trade and quality garments. The hemp fibres are durable enough for durability but soft enough to feel great against your skin. It wicks moisture from your body like no other fabric, so you never have to worry about feeling sweaty or uncomfortable. Our range of clothes is made from top-quality materials and incorporates the superior properties of hemp fibre. We love that hemp is the only natural fibre that can absorb and release moisture without feeling wet or clammy. Contact us for more details about Women's Hemp Clothing Australia.
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effortsecoesntls · 2 years
Key Factors to Consider When Looking For a Hemp Clothing Wholesaler
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What do you look for in a hemp clothing wholesaler? While it can be tempting to choose the first wholesaler you come across, it's important to understand that finding the right one can save you time and money in the long run! You want to find someone who will provide the highest quality clothing, give you the best customer service, and pay attention to detail in every aspect of their business practices.
To help you through this process, we’ve put together the key factors to consider when looking for hemp clothing wholesale.
A good hemp clothing wholesaler will make it easy for you by providing references and testimonials from previous customers. Finding a company that has been in business for an extended period of time will also give you the comfort of knowing that they are a strong enough business to last and can more likely be trusted to be there when you need them.
One of the key factors to consider when looking for hemp fabrics is price. Hemp clothing is pricier than regular cotton, so choosing the right manufacturer who offers competitive pricing can save you thousands of dollars on your inventory. It's best to thoroughly research the supplier you're interested in before starting any agreement, including the wholesale prices they offer so that you know their pricing strategy and feel comfortable with it.
Is the wholesaler's location convenient for you? The shipping cost can be high, so you may want to look elsewhere if it is inconvenient. Ideally, you want your hemp clothing wholesaler to be in or very near your country of origin. You may not need it right away, but dealing with someone local will make things much easier later on. If you can find a trustworthy and reliable wholesaler close by, you will save time and money as well as any worries about shipping that are associated with dealing with one far away.
Is the hemp clothing wholesaler able to offer hemp clothing with organic, fair trade or animal-friendly materials? For instance, is the fabric made from 100% recycled fibers and printed with vegetable-based inks? If you're looking for eco-friendly or socially responsible apparel, you'll want to shop at companies specializing in eco fashion.
Shipping Fees and Time
Remember that shipping costs and timelines will vary depending on the supplier. Some suppliers offer same-day shipping, whereas others can take several days to ship items out after placing an order. The type of garment being ordered will also affect these times.
You may also want to check the company's license and insurance. While these are not mandatory, you should verify that the company complies with local laws. You can look up their business information online, check with your state or provincial government, or visit their brick-and-mortar store.
How are you going to pay them? Do they accept wire transfers, PayPal, checks, or in-person cash? What is their preferred payment method and do they accept multiple forms of payment or just one? It's also important to find out if they have an invoicing system that enables you to track expenses from a bank account. An invoice system will let you know when you need money in your account.
When looking for a hemp clothing wholesaler, you'll want to consider if they can produce at scale. Their ability to provide your business with the amount of product you need is important so you don't run out before more inventory arrives. If they're not equipped with the infrastructure needed, it could impact your business's bottom line.
Clothing Styles and Colors
Hemp clothing comes in many colors and styles, so it is important to find a hemp clothing wholesaler who carries the style of clothes you are looking for. There are hemp pants, skirts, shirts, jackets, dresses and more.
To get started, it's worth looking at the quality of their garments and whether they offer samples or free products. A company that offers high-quality clothes and sends out samples without asking for money will generally have the best customer service and produce the highest quality merchandise overall.
Hemp clothing wholesale is not as easy to find as you might think. It can be time-consuming if you don't know what to look for, but when you consider these factors, you should be able to find the right supplier.
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nishadesigns · 1 year
Bast Hemp Fabric Collection- Queen Bastet- Sustainability A Touch of Magick- Nisha Designs
Everything on our planet is a spiritual and magickal creation of Soul Energy. The Creation of The Divine One. Which then manifest physically. Hemp plant is a representation of The Divine One’s Soul Energy. Queen Bastet. Queen Bastet goddess is worshiped in the form of a lioness and a cat. She has the head of a cat and a slender female body. Queen Bastet’s magick is of protection, pleasure,…
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iskratsaritsa · 2 years
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Handmade stamps on hemp tea towels
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