#Household: Thayer
violentplumbob · 2 months
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A lot happened with Meadow Thayer. She started out living with the Oldies but after Herb caught his son in law smooching with Meadow he was very angry and he threw Meadow out. With Daniel's help she was able to put a deposit down on one of the trailers. However shortly after moving in and coming to terms with being pregnant she knew he was bad news after he blew up at Dustin for talking to her. She ended things swiftly and got on with her pregnancy.
It was during her pregnancy she met Orlando Centowski and with 2 bolts they were a match. They started out as friends and as he helped with Flynn she asked him to move in with her. With Orlando sick of the orphanage and also a Family sim he said yes. As time went on they fell in love and now they're just their own little family with no sign of Daniel.
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heromonty · 1 year
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And some more graduations. Thankfully, there’s no one else left in this household.
Makeovers under the cut!
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Meadow & Angela - moved in w/ Mary-Sue and will be using Lilith’s old room as theirs (as soon as I refurnish it)
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Tank - Moved back in w/ Buzz. Will probably end up regretting that decision soon enough. At least he can sneak off to meet up with the guy from the bar though.... Also can I just say that it’s criminal that there is no dog tag(s) cc.
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timberllania · 1 month
Greene Household - Spring, Year 1
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The round comes to an end with Wanda flirting with Oliver Thayer. She actually wanted to go on a date, but she was too tired for one, and the round was too close to ending for that as well.
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akitasimblr · 1 year
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thayer is on fire... ❤️‍🔥😆
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oops, he did it again! 😂🫣
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@obsoletepixels @noeyinthemist @wileyfern @aresember @threelakees @minty-plumbob
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mangotreesims · 21 days
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new start and new house for the thayer-broke household !!
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meadow has been so tired lately, i wonder why....
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oooh thats why also she threw up like 3 times, so that toilet STANKS
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someone phone brandi !!! she's gonna be a grandma again !
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cute cute cute flirt flirt flirt (got a new default replacement for the mac n cheese)
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look how big that bump is lol
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X names are so difficult to think of
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beatricecrumplebottom · 4 months
I dreamed I was playing Meadow Thayer and she had quads which got her up to 10 kids. I apparently named one of them Matthew, but I don't remember any of the others.
I haven't had the triplets & quads mod in a decade, and I don't think I've ever played Meadow.
Though when I was playing the Broke household recently, she was very good with Dustin's baby sister (who I named Skipper, because I am very unoriginal.)
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deatherella · 5 months
Found the Hood kids at Uni
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Finally found what uni I sent the hood teens to. LFT. Like where Juno and Kezia are. Meadow Thayer and Lindsay Reiner had the same hair so I gave Meadow a new do. She gagged over it. Some Sims don't appreciate a damn thing you do for them, I tell ya. I liked that new hair I found here on tumblr just lately, don't know what her problem is.
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Abhijeet's got a gun. And having way too much fun with it. Fugliness begone! is his motto.
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Coach Mace slapped Shanna silly - I think she was doing yoga and he thought she should work out. So, she grabbed Abhijeet's gun and slapped him back.
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Meadow and Kezia caught up. They saw more of each other when they were children in the hood. Lindsay won't do her homework or study skills because she's never in the mood, but she'll go paint for hours on end. The evil cow won't let Shanna and Meadow eat. Lindsay gave up on the day while eating.
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Canyon Commons Dorm household. We won't discuss Abhijeet's choice of dress.
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The hoodies are ready to become Juniors! Meadow is an hour behind everyone else. They all started their classes while she was on the pc registering and she's been an hour behind them for finals since the start.
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A moment of strangeness. Scot Almassizadeh vanished off the lot and Lori Wendell takes his room. WTF, eh. Maybe he didn't like any of his dorm-mates???? He showed up again at another dorm taking a room when one of the graduates moved out.
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mlek13 · 11 months
Third Generation of the Tribe
I decided I wanted to catch up with my other neighborhood for a bit.  When I left off I summarized my second generation sims.  (I actually finished this post a few days ago, but it didn’t post or save so I’m back to my previous draft.)
Silvia and Manuel were the first born sims in the tribe.  They grew up together, were teenage sweethearts, and ended up being the unintentional matriarch and patriarch of the main colony.
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They were the parents of seven children, including the first set of twins in the colony, George and Lydia.
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Poor George had his life cut short when he was scared to death by a ghost.  I missed the event while I was watching another part of the lot.  I noticed that an icon was missing, but it took me a while to figure out who was gone and how.  Unfortunately, this is the only decent picture I have of him as a teen.
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I only have more pictures of his twin, Lydia because she seemed to be the main helper of birthdays for toddlers.  Here she is pictured with her future partner/spouse, Brian.  (I don’t pay much attention to marriage relationships in this neighborhood, so I use those terms interchangeably.)  Brian is an offspring of the Beta tribe, the second household I created to provide potential future spouses.
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Silvia and Manuel’s third child is Lorena.  She partnered with Neil who is the son of an Amazon and happens to be Brian’s half-brother on their father’s side. 
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Lydia, Brian, Lorena, and Neil all moved onto their own lot together.  Between the two couples, they have 12 children.
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So many kids makes for ready playmates.
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Unfortunately, not everyone is going to get along.  I had to keep these two separated for most of their childhood and teen years.
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These two were adults (or nearly adults) before they learned to get along.
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Lydia and Lorena are both very industrious sims (especially Lorena, judging by the pictures.)
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They keep busy with all types of chores
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even while heavily pregnant.
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I was glad when they could finally build a stove, so Lydia could start making comfort soup for the family.
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While I’m sure their husbands did help out around the homestead, they were definitely not as ambitious or skilled as the ladies were.
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I forgot until I was going through the pictures that Silvia and Manuel’s fourth and fifth children were also twins.  Another boy-girl set, their names are Emilio and Blanche.
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Blanche fell in love Xavier Thayer as a teenager when he was visiting the homestead with his mother Meadow, who joined the Amazon tribe.
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Their romance continued even into adulthood.
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They moved out with Sergei (son of Lynn and Lewis) from the main camp and his lady Bella from the Amazons.  In spite of living in the same household and raising their children together (6 for Blanche and Xavier and 3 for Sergei and Bella) the two couples are not close.  They are practically strangers.
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It was rough starting out with too many babies and not enough house.
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They have had a lot of struggles between fires,
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brushes with death,
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a secret aspiration failure from having too many babies,
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and infidelity.  Xavier is in love with 5 women, but his wife doesn’t seem to know.  I think some of the relationships were from before they were married.
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Emilio fell in love with Gretchen from the main camp.  She is Anthony and Heidi’s only surviving child.
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They are following in Silvia and Manuel’s footsteps and becoming the new matriarch and patriarch of the main tribe.  With their generation, I think I am starting to move away from tribal lots and more toward nuclear + extended families.  Right now they are living on the main camp with the remaining elders of the previous generation, several new adults that haven’t become established on their own yet, and their own young children.
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With this generation I am also starting businesses.  Since I’m not using the in-game money system, my businesses are based on trade.  When a customer buys something, I make them selectable and take something from their inventory of a comparable value and place it in the business owner’s inventory.  Right now the businesses are mostly selling random goods and the trades are very random.  At some point I would like my households to specialize more in what they craft and sell and ideally they would trade for things they actually need.
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Silvia and Manuel’s sixth child is Todd.  Todd is single and looking for love.  He kind of gets lost in the crowd with the other sims in the main camp.
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I forgot that Todd and his younger sister, Silvia and Manuel’s seventh and last child, Alexis did not get along.
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Alexis found love with Troy from the dating pool.
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The moved out with Tonya (daughter of Cecelia and Elias) from the main camp and her former townie spouse, Chandler Platz.
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Considering Alexis stole Troy away from his dating pool love interest, it’s not too surprising when he cheats on her with his former lover.
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The shock of his infidelity coupled with the fact that she chops trees while pregnant to the point of exhaustion, causes her to collapse.
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Troy saves her life.
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Later, she gets the chance to return the favor.
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It’s too soon to say if their near death experiences will bring them back together or if Alexis will be unable to get over Troy’s cheating.
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Not all sims are destined to spend their entire lives together like Manuel and Silvia.
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simsterlyrock · 2 years
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Back in the Thayer household, Jeff starts studying cooking to get his cuisine hobby up high enough that he can head to Sue’s Secret Kitchen to enter a cooking contest.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
There's some pretty huge changes coming down the pike today and the pseudo empire are beginning to engage people here and we have to move in and foreigners are moving in and they're coming here finally in numbers and I said and daughter say usually it's these knottheads pretending their foreigners and it usually is. And they plan on taking them in and threatening our son to try and get to his wife and us and we are going to stop them. They're also trying to get to Venus again and it is the morlock but now it includes Tommy f. There's a huge number of people they keep saying he'll be gone soon and he probably will be because the empire is impressing them and oppressing them and they're in the tunnels trying to break their grip but really it's to try to take ships. There's a huge effort is a giant number of them going down today and in the eastern hemisphere they are attacking with huge forces and on those bunkers as well as the large ships and very large ships and they're going down now it is a huge huge Force what went down there yesterday was massive and has not returned some points of 8% of the remaining force of theirs the day before was 7% today they vow to make it larger and they're getting up there they are also losing people elsewhere making it a total that's higher and we hesitate to explain that and they are evacuating the middle areas and they're going to elsewhere the pseudo empire and empire are attacking and they do have plans to get our son stuff and they're horrible people that is the morlock.
-there are several other things occurring in Charlotte county they are proceeding to bring these people to court for crimes that they're committing and have committed and for land that they took and they're taking back a lot of it and pseudo empire was losing systems last night they're retained 50%, they push them back and they are goals are to regain the bunkers they lost and they're clearing them of idiot s*** now and that would be bugs and things like that they're pulling it all that out and the morlock are attacking in the eastern hemisphere but are pushed back
-the several other things happening they're pretty warrants out on these fools running around saying stupid things to people on the saying it to our son it doesn't appreciate it it says things back that are pertinent and usually they don't get it until later turns as fast as and hurt themselves out right now they said 20 households out there at 110 10 of those households did not return and we're at 100 in the neighborhood of regiants. That's the one thing's happening there are more things happening they're putting warrants out on people trying to take money from our son regardless and they're going to arrest them and Joe Murray is one of them and Preston Rambo is another and they are seeking information from Ken thayer. And they are seeking information from Biden. And they're going to go after them if they don't stop it's a real pain in the ass for people who understand what they're doing
-there are several other things happening they're fighting out that Camilla needs to be investigated and a lot of people have turned to s*** and their lives are going to end and they feel that they know that
-there a few more points here in town and the county they're going through the ranks and trying to lay people off and it's not going too well it never does they don't have replacements I think I'm going to try and get them another couple things so Jason has been encouraged is trying to kick her son out of the apartment because he's encouraged and he is getting beat up and pretty badly there's a whole bunch of things that are happening right now that are going to change what's happening here the largest is the warlock probably by the end of the week are going to be cut in half the entire number and it depends on what happens on the islands and it does not account for the blockade either which they might start fighting which the empire and pseudo empire expect and encourage because they want to hit the stupid pieces of s***
-there's a large number of people that can't stand these people and a lot of them are more lock themselves they're a very inane race and asinine around saying about each other and they're flipping and they're rude and their violence and their mean they're all so kind of slow and wimpy but they are dangerous and bunches we need to put warnings out there right now
Thor Freya
I've had enough of these idiots filling in my husband's life with stupid comments and dumb looks and asinine gestures they're all dying and that's what they do for a living and we're sick of them
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questlation · 1 year
NEW YORK, April 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, YPO, the global leadership community of more than 34,000 chief executives in 150 countries, announced that Greg Murray, Co-Founder and CEO of KOKO Networks, is the recipient of the organization's 2023 Global Impact Award. KOKO Networks is a Kenyan-based climate-tech company tackling deforestation and carbon emissions caused by using charcoal as cooking fuel in urban homes.  The YPO Global Impact Award is YPO's highest honor to members that recognizes their impact outside of YPO, celebrating CEO impact that is both sustainable and scalable. "Greg and KOKO Networks are paving the way with their innovative approach to combating deforestation and improving the health of Kenyans, finding technology-based solutions that benefit not only the environment but also millions of consumers," says Thayer Smith, CEO of YPO. "He is an inspiration within our YPO community and beyond." According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), charcoal, the dominant fuel used for cooking in urban Africa, is the main driver of deforestation on the continent. Indoor air pollution from burning charcoal causes hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, primarily children under 5 years old, from pneumonia and acute respiratory infections. This pollution is the equivalent of breathing in four packs of cigarettes a day. Murray and his co-founders, Sagun Saxena, Micael da Costa and Nicholas Stokes, set out to tackle this problem through designing and launching a new technology-driven industry that could rapidly transition countries away from charcoal dependence. By providing consumers with a superior solution that is significantly less costly than charcoal, KOKO is scaling rapidly, with over 10,000 new households switching to its clean fuel and carbon platform each week. KOKO, which employs 1,800 staff across East Africa, India and the U.K., manages a network of over 2,000 high-tech KOKO Fuel ATMs located in corner shops in low-income neighborhoods, enabling customers to conveniently and safely access low-cost clean fuel within a short walk of home. KOKO Fuel is now used in the homes of more than 3.5 million Kenyans across six cities, reducing over 4 million tons of carbon emissions each year and protecting family health from the diseases caused by indoor air pollution. Carbon revenues are shared with households via lowering the cost of KOKO Fuel, making it affordable for even the poorest. KOKO Fuel is sustainable bioethanol produced in East Africa from molasses, a byproduct of sugar production, delivering increased incomes to farming communities. Murray says, "We are honored to receive YPO's 2023 Global Impact Award. Ten years ago, we developed an ambitious plan to harness technology, infrastructure and carbon markets to drive energy transition and forest protection at a scale and pace that is meaningful. We are just getting started – there are over a billion people across 60 low-income tropical forest nations who are charcoal dependent and need our networks. We have about 15 years to turn the tide on tropical deforestation, and it simply can't be done without tackling the main commodity demand drivers and giving the forests the space to regenerate. KOKO is a scalable new tool in that fight." Murray was selected from honorees representing YPO's regions around the world. YPO Global Impact Award Regional Honorees: Shadi Bakour, Co-Founder and CEO of Path (Pacific U.S.)Eric Braverman, Founding CEO of Schmidt Futures (Northeastern U.S.)Kenneth C.M. Lo, Founder of O-Bank (North Asia)Luis Javier Castro, Founder of Alejandría (Latin America)Daniel Epstein, CEO of Unreasonable Group (Western U.S.)Renat Heuberger, Founding Partner and CEO of South Pole (Europe)Jonathan Huy Tran, Chairman of Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ACB) (Southeast Asia)Greg Murray, Co-Founder and CEO of KOKO Networks (Africa)Nicholas Reichenbach, Founder and Executive Chairman of Flow Alkaline Spring Water (Canada)David Reiling, Chairman and CEO of Sunrise Banks (Mid-America U.
S.)Prashant Sutar, Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of Aryan Pumps and Enviro Solutions (South Asia)About YPO: YPO is the global leadership community of more than 34,000 chief executives in 150 countries who are connected by the shared belief that the world needs better leaders and that business can be a driving force for good. Each of our members has achieved significant leadership success at a young age. They lead businesses and organizations that collectively employ more than 22 million people around the globe and generate over USD9 trillion in combined revenue. YPO members come together to learn and exchange ideas to make a difference in the lives, businesses and communities they impact. Visit ypo.org for more. Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1065220/3992696/YPO_Logo.jpg View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/in/news-releases/ypo-names-greg-murray-the-2023-global-impact-award-recipient-301801241.html Source link
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grimbunnies · 2 years
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Johnny: “Shall we, my dear?”
Ophelia: “You’re ridiculous, Johnny.”
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Johnny: “To my incredible girlfriend. Cheers!”
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deathbysatellite · 2 years
Grunt Household: Week 1
Much like with the Pleasant household, we start off the Grunt household with one sibling repeatedly antagonizing the other.
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Quit being mean, Ripp.
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Intercept ended up being the correct choice, and General Buzz earned $20,000 doing so!
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Interesting bug that happened: the school bus drove off after dropping off Tank, then a second school bus came by to drop off Ripp. Sitting on the opposite end of the bus isn’t enough to Ripp to avoid his brother. No, he needs to take a whole other bus home.
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Both of them wanted to get some gadgets, then Tank decided he wanted to buy some jewelry. I bought a necklace for Ripp and a watch for Tank, but I forgot to put the watch on Tank before he aged up, so it ended up going to Ripp.
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Ripp becomes fast friends with Tycho Curious, while Tank introduces himself to Puck Summerdream.
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No offense, Tank, but you literally don’t have any friends to invite to a sports party (yet).
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General Buzz brought Tristen Nott home with him from work.
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And while Tristen busies herself with the fish, we end up with a rare sweet moment between Buzz and Ripp, as Buzz autonomously decides to push his son on the swing set.
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Buck wanted some help with his homework, so I had the person with the highest relationship score do that. In this case, it was Ripp.
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The tree out front briefly caught fire during a lightning storm.
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Once again managed to pick the right choice, and Ripp won $500 in a sweepstake prize.
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While hanging out with another coworker, this time Kimberly Cordial, Buzz found his passion for Sports.
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Ew, Kimberly, that’s literally rotten.
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Poor Buck ended up so tired, he passed out where he was standing in the dirty bathroom.
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Ripp snuck out late at night with Ophelia Nigmos.
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Somebody left a pile of trash in front of the house, and somebody else had the bright idea to try to squash the resulting roaches, so now Buzz has the flu.
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Tank discovered his love of science via the telescope.
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Buzz decided to introduce himself to Ophelia in an interesting fashion. Come on, what did Ophelia ever do to you??
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Oh, look! Ripp and Tank are getting along for o-
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Well, that didn’t last long.
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I honestly don’t remember which brother brought home Nawwaf Jordan.
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Come one, Tank! Puck gave you a sincere compliment and you rejected it? And now you’ve briefly lost your first friend!
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Buzz seems to be getting popular, as he’s now brought home Matthew Picaso home with him. This is getting dangerously close to a party.
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And just in time for Tank and Buck’s joint birthday, too!
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Tank’s Lifetime Want is to have 20 pet best friends. His first attempt at befriending a pet didn’t go so well, as Scout rejected any interaction from Tank other than being fed a treat.
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Buzz has much better luck making friends, as he pretty quickly ended up networking with Marylena Hamilton. I told you he was getting popular!
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Well, damn! I did not expect that!
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How come Scout is nice to you??
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Randy London became another victim of Unsavory Charlaton.
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Buzz decided to congratulate Tank for...not going to college. Y’know, that actually seems in-character for him.
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Tank decided to break from the family’s long military tradition, and join the Athletic career instead.
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Buck’s been wanting to get a kitten for a while, so I finally got him one as a birthday present. Meet Bonkers!
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Meanwhile, Ripp brought Meadow Thayer home with him from work.
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The weekend finally came, so I sent the family on a trip to Bluewater Village.
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This is mostly for the purpose of getting them some clothes, now that Tank and Buck have aged up. If clothes shopping didn’t take so long, I would have had them do something afterwards.
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Ripp met Ivy Copur, and most of his Wants rolled to be about her. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem very interested in him.
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Tank took quite a liking to little Bonkers, quickly developing a friendship. Something I’ve noticed with Tank, is that he builds relationship score with other Sims very quickly. They’re often at about a 75-85 with him, before he’s even at a 50 with them.
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Being the only person he has chemistry with, Ripp asked Meadow out on a date.
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It went well enough for him to score his first kiss!
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Uh-oh! Mrs. Crumplebottom’s here, which means things could go hilariously wrong, very quickly.
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Luckily for the two of them, Mrs. C was too busy lecturing people for wearing their swimwear in public (at a public pool), so Ripp ended up having a dream date.
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Tank managed to get promoted pretty quickly.
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Rare Want? I’ve never seen it at least.
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Ripp and Meadow hung out again the next day (along with Catherine Viejo, who tagged along with Meadow).
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Despite having just bought clothes the day before, Buck decided he wanted to go clothes shopping again.
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I gave Buck Popularity as his primary Aspiration, but Grilled Cheese as his secondary. He rolls Grilled Cheese Wants far more than Popularity Wants, and the constantly rerolling want to gain a cooking skill point has earned him enough enthusiasm in Cuisine to get a magazine subscription.
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Tank, on the other hand, has Fortune as a secondary Aspiration, and he’s one of those shopaholic Fortune Sims. He’s constantly rolling Wants to buy really expensive stuff, like this $500 statue, or what I’m pretty sure is the most expensive stereo in the game. Well, something for him to hold onto for when he gets his own place.
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Tank rolled Wants to invite someone over, become best friends with Puck, and play catch (another rare Want?), so I’m hitting three birds with one stone.
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Thanks to Meadow, Ripp got promoted to the top of the Slacker Career, and became an overachiever!
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Having neglected his homework all weekend, Ripp spent Monday morning rushing to get it done before school. I try to do Wants based gameplay, but since teens don’t typically roll Wants to do their homework unlike children and young adults (I actually have yet to see that Want appear for teens), I have them do their homework if they roll a Want that requires having good grades, like getting into private school, or getting a part-time job, or going to college. Ripp had been rolling the “Go to College” Want quite a bit.
This creates another similarity to my playthrough of the Pleasant household. In both cases, the teen that’s supoosed to be lazier ends up doing really well in school due to an abundance of “Go to College” Wants.
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And we end the week with Tank leaving the nest to find his own place.
Bonus: Tank’s new home.
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black-plumbob · 2 years
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Next in the rotation is the Jocque family, who have to be one of my most hated households. Sophia never rolled the fear for pregnancy, so she never “got her tubes tied” (turned on bc with ACR). Once Sophia started going through menopause, she and Marcel started adopting kids. They just didn’t know when to quit. Now the house is packed, and playing them is honestly so overwhelming. To expand the house and care for all their kids, Sophia and Marcel had to take out a lot of loans. They’re currently §41,000+ in debt 😬 Together, Sophia and Marcel are only bringing in §542/day. Their heir really needs to reach the top of their career, otherwise the family will go bankrupt and their house will be repossessed.
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The oldest of the Jocque kids is Violet, who just married Malcolm Landgraab. She’s the adopted mother of Malcolm’s alien child, Betty Landgraab.
Next are twins Audrey and Sebastian Jocque. Both are knowledge sims. Sebastian wants to reach the top of the journalism career, and Audrey wants to reach the top of the education career. Audrey is in love with Billy Menon (son of Jason Menon and Jessie Pilferson), though they aren’t going steady. Sebastian is in love with Lucy Grunt (daughter of Tank Grunt and Meadow Thayer), though they aren’t going steady.
The fourth kid is Roman Jocque. He’s a popularity sim who wants to reach the top of the law career. He’s in love with Ellie Greyson (daughter of Grayson Butler, named Irvin Stevenson in my game), though they aren’t going steady. Humorously, Ellie wants to become a cult leader. By dating a future lawyer, it sounds like she’s preemptively getting her ducks in a row ;)
The fifth and sixth Jocque kids are adopted. The fifth kid is Angelina Jocque, who is a family sim. She’s currently single, but her LTW is to reach a golden anniversary. The sixth kid is Kayla Jocque, who currently doesn’t have an aspiration. Her zodiac is Gemini, and since I’m playing by Cindy/PleasantSims’ zodiac/aspiration guide (with slight modifications), Kayla’s going to be a popularity sim once she ages.
For anyone who likes to play “guess the parents,” here’s some close-up’s of Angelina and Kayla. I’m playing with all Maxis hoods and Pleasantview townies.
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Additionally, the Jocques have 3 pets. Scout, male dog. Smokey, male cat. And Pumpkin, female kitten.
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akitasimblr · 1 year
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not saying he didn't deserve it 😝 but today's date location is fully on me and the random generator, logan!!
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penelope on her mind 😱🤣
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it was a real uneventful date to be honest... logan took the opportunity to shower, sleep and eat after leaving the bathroom and only joined xavier for a dance in the last minutes. let's take them home, shall we?
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xavier wanted to redeem himself for the date fiasco, i think... baby steps, right? 😉
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billie was way too happy to find thayer naked. i'm not gonna comment on this 😝🤣🤣
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@moonfromearth @wileyfern @windslar @nugsims @devotedsims
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katatty · 2 years
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But trouble rears its ugly head when pink flashing arrives, hahaha. You and me both, Buck. 
(Naturally the game crashed right after this outing, which is just what happens to my game if I play it for like 4+ hours... but I’ll be checking in with Buck & his new friends again soon enough!)
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