#but there were a few days that were just a struggle to balance needs so not a lot of interesting stuff happened
deathbysatellite · 2 years
Grunt Household: Week 1
Much like with the Pleasant household, we start off the Grunt household with one sibling repeatedly antagonizing the other.
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Quit being mean, Ripp.
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Intercept ended up being the correct choice, and General Buzz earned $20,000 doing so!
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Interesting bug that happened: the school bus drove off after dropping off Tank, then a second school bus came by to drop off Ripp. Sitting on the opposite end of the bus isn’t enough to Ripp to avoid his brother. No, he needs to take a whole other bus home.
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Both of them wanted to get some gadgets, then Tank decided he wanted to buy some jewelry. I bought a necklace for Ripp and a watch for Tank, but I forgot to put the watch on Tank before he aged up, so it ended up going to Ripp.
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Ripp becomes fast friends with Tycho Curious, while Tank introduces himself to Puck Summerdream.
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No offense, Tank, but you literally don’t have any friends to invite to a sports party (yet).
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General Buzz brought Tristen Nott home with him from work.
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And while Tristen busies herself with the fish, we end up with a rare sweet moment between Buzz and Ripp, as Buzz autonomously decides to push his son on the swing set.
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Buck wanted some help with his homework, so I had the person with the highest relationship score do that. In this case, it was Ripp.
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The tree out front briefly caught fire during a lightning storm.
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Once again managed to pick the right choice, and Ripp won $500 in a sweepstake prize.
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While hanging out with another coworker, this time Kimberly Cordial, Buzz found his passion for Sports.
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Ew, Kimberly, that’s literally rotten.
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Poor Buck ended up so tired, he passed out where he was standing in the dirty bathroom.
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Ripp snuck out late at night with Ophelia Nigmos.
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Somebody left a pile of trash in front of the house, and somebody else had the bright idea to try to squash the resulting roaches, so now Buzz has the flu.
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Tank discovered his love of science via the telescope.
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Buzz decided to introduce himself to Ophelia in an interesting fashion. Come on, what did Ophelia ever do to you??
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Oh, look! Ripp and Tank are getting along for o-
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Well, that didn’t last long.
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I honestly don’t remember which brother brought home Nawwaf Jordan.
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Come one, Tank! Puck gave you a sincere compliment and you rejected it? And now you’ve briefly lost your first friend!
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Buzz seems to be getting popular, as he’s now brought home Matthew Picaso home with him. This is getting dangerously close to a party.
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And just in time for Tank and Buck’s joint birthday, too!
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Tank’s Lifetime Want is to have 20 pet best friends. His first attempt at befriending a pet didn’t go so well, as Scout rejected any interaction from Tank other than being fed a treat.
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Buzz has much better luck making friends, as he pretty quickly ended up networking with Marylena Hamilton. I told you he was getting popular!
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Well, damn! I did not expect that!
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How come Scout is nice to you??
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Randy London became another victim of Unsavory Charlaton.
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Buzz decided to congratulate Tank for...not going to college. Y’know, that actually seems in-character for him.
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Tank decided to break from the family’s long military tradition, and join the Athletic career instead.
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Buck’s been wanting to get a kitten for a while, so I finally got him one as a birthday present. Meet Bonkers!
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Meanwhile, Ripp brought Meadow Thayer home with him from work.
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The weekend finally came, so I sent the family on a trip to Bluewater Village.
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This is mostly for the purpose of getting them some clothes, now that Tank and Buck have aged up. If clothes shopping didn’t take so long, I would have had them do something afterwards.
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Ripp met Ivy Copur, and most of his Wants rolled to be about her. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem very interested in him.
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Tank took quite a liking to little Bonkers, quickly developing a friendship. Something I’ve noticed with Tank, is that he builds relationship score with other Sims very quickly. They’re often at about a 75-85 with him, before he’s even at a 50 with them.
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Being the only person he has chemistry with, Ripp asked Meadow out on a date.
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It went well enough for him to score his first kiss!
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Uh-oh! Mrs. Crumplebottom’s here, which means things could go hilariously wrong, very quickly.
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Luckily for the two of them, Mrs. C was too busy lecturing people for wearing their swimwear in public (at a public pool), so Ripp ended up having a dream date.
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Tank managed to get promoted pretty quickly.
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Rare Want? I’ve never seen it at least.
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Ripp and Meadow hung out again the next day (along with Catherine Viejo, who tagged along with Meadow).
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Despite having just bought clothes the day before, Buck decided he wanted to go clothes shopping again.
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I gave Buck Popularity as his primary Aspiration, but Grilled Cheese as his secondary. He rolls Grilled Cheese Wants far more than Popularity Wants, and the constantly rerolling want to gain a cooking skill point has earned him enough enthusiasm in Cuisine to get a magazine subscription.
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Tank, on the other hand, has Fortune as a secondary Aspiration, and he’s one of those shopaholic Fortune Sims. He’s constantly rolling Wants to buy really expensive stuff, like this $500 statue, or what I’m pretty sure is the most expensive stereo in the game. Well, something for him to hold onto for when he gets his own place.
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Tank rolled Wants to invite someone over, become best friends with Puck, and play catch (another rare Want?), so I’m hitting three birds with one stone.
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Thanks to Meadow, Ripp got promoted to the top of the Slacker Career, and became an overachiever!
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Having neglected his homework all weekend, Ripp spent Monday morning rushing to get it done before school. I try to do Wants based gameplay, but since teens don’t typically roll Wants to do their homework unlike children and young adults (I actually have yet to see that Want appear for teens), I have them do their homework if they roll a Want that requires having good grades, like getting into private school, or getting a part-time job, or going to college. Ripp had been rolling the “Go to College” Want quite a bit.
This creates another similarity to my playthrough of the Pleasant household. In both cases, the teen that’s supoosed to be lazier ends up doing really well in school due to an abundance of “Go to College” Wants.
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And we end the week with Tank leaving the nest to find his own place.
Bonus: Tank’s new home.
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jyoongim · 3 months
Hola, I was wondering for an Alastor x reader (which isn’t particularly romantic if you don’t want it to be) where the reader needed a job and started working at the hotel?
But she’s pregnant (and hell born) so she’s struggling a bit and he helps her out with stuff when she’s tired :)
Alastor x pregnant!hellborn!reader
Something cute and fluffy to read
When you found yourself pregnant you were in shock.You didn’t know what to do or where to go. 
You had saw an ad for a hotel in need of a another maid and decided you would give it a go.
The hotel was ran by the Princess of Hell, who happily accepted you. She had told you the hotel was for sinners seeking redemption. You thought it was odd, but a job was a job.
You were hesitate to tell her of your condition, thinking she would turn you down but she didn’t. She had told you the farther along you got that it was okay to ask for help.
So now you were a maid at the Hazbin Hotel.
All the residents were…surprisingly nice.
You sheepishly introduced yourself and hoped to get along with everyone. The hotel wasn’t in the worst state, but it could use a good polishing.
Niffty was often with you to assist when you couldn’t clean certain places.
The sunlight had alerted you that you needed to wake up and start your day. You sighed as you rolled out of bed and put on your uniform. You pouted as your belly poked through the material, you were about six months now and it was showing.
You made your way downstairs to head to the kitchen to begin cleaning, knowing you might have missed breakfast.
Charlie had been kind enough to leave you a list of things that needed sprucing up.
You were thankful that the kitchen wasn’t in too much of a mess.
Grabbing empty dishes and turning on the water, you began to clean.
You hummed a little song as you busted the suds. You were so focused on your task that you didn’t notice when Alastor waltzed into the kitchen.
Alastor’s ears perked when he saw you. You rarely saw the demon as you were usually busy, but he was pleasant company to keep.
”Good morning my dear! What a fine hellish day it is!” He chirped, causing you to spin around. You smiled “good morning Alastor” as you continued rinsing and piling dishes on the counter.
The two of you chatted as he made a cup of coffee and took a seat at the table. You had finished washing everything and now to put things up.
You frowned when you got to the cups. You couldn’t reach the cabinets and putting too much strain on your back wasn’t good for the baby.
”How’s the little on fairing you my dear? It seems you’ve grown since the last time I saw you” the red demon inquired as he watched you try to figure out what to do with the cups.
You laughed ”heavy. It seems I am in need to let out a few inches in my uniform.” You rubbed your belly.
You spotted the tiny stool that Niffty used and smiled.
Shuffling a bit, you angled it so you could reach.
You were almost done placing everything when you misreached for a cup and because your center of gravity was off, you found yourself tilting off
”Aaah!” You squealed clenching your eyes ready for impact, when you fell into a firm chest.
”careful my dear” 
you opened your eyes and see that Alastor was supporting you. You smiled sheepishly and thanked him, trying to wiggle out of his hold.
But the demon hummed as he carried you to the lobby and sat you down on a couch. “Al! I’m fine besides I have to other things to clean today” you pouted.
His brows frowned “nonsense! You can’t possibly clean in this state” 
You huffed “Iam perfectly fine. Just didn’t realize how off balance I am now”
You stood, thanked him and went about you day.
But maybe he was right.
Your list was almost finished, but you had one last thing to do.
It was almost the late evening and you were tired from buzzing around the hotel. You were tired, sweaty, your feet felt swollen, and your back ached.
You growled in annoyance when you felt your baby kick as you scrubbed a mysterious spot on the rug.
”I’m almost finished and i promise you’ll get some grub” you patted your belly hoping to soothe the angry soul, but it seemed your baby was irritated.
A sharp kick made you hiss as you wrung out your sponge.
You checked the time, you didn’t know it had gotten so late.
Your stomach growled in protest as you hadn’t really ate anything all day.
You sighed and decided a quick break wouldnt hurt.
Huffing you took a seat on the couch and sighed in relief to be off your feet.
You didn’t notice that you had dozed off when a hand gently shook you.
”Oh Al did you need something? I didn’t even realized I had fell asleep” you rubbed your eyes.
The red demon snapped his fingers and a plate of food appeared. You blinked in confusion “You seemed tired so no one wanted to bother you, but Charlie was worried you hadn’t eaten today. You need to take better care of yourself dear. Its not just you you need to think about” He nudged a piece of fruit towards you.
You got teary-eyed. You had been feeling like more of a burden, but everyone did care about you, even the evil Overlord.
You graciously accepted the food and damn near went feral when you realized how hungry you were.
You patted your belly happily stuffed, your baby pressing against you, guess the little soul was happy as well.
”May I?” Alastor asked, eyes focused on your belly. You smiled. You didn’t take Alastor for the touchy type, but who could resist a pregnant woman?
You took his hand and pressed it against where your baby was resting. Your body buzzed as his static surrounded you and your baby kicked at his hand.
You let out a giggle “I think the baby likes you Al”
He smiled “oh I’m sure it’ll turn out to be as lovely as its mother”
You made a motion to get up and Alastor helped hoisting you up
”why don’t you take a rest hmm? Wouldn’t want you to be a sack of bone now would we?”
He escorted you to your room and you smiled at him as you opened your door.
”Thanks Alastor I really appreciate everything” you quickly pressed your lips to the demon’s cheek and giggled as static popped and wished him a goodnight.
Maybe raising a baby in a hotel wasn’t all that bad.
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graphicpepsi · 1 month
euphoria (nsfw, mdni)
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OR: what happens when you and König move in together
Sex. lots of it.
Waking up to his hard dick poking your ass from under the sheets. Waking up to him grinding against the mattress, muttering sweet nothings into his pillow. It's sweet.
You're no exception; König can't count the number of times he's woken up to the feeling of your wet folds grinding against his leg, your eyes shut in an innocent sleep; soft little moans escaping from your lips as you desperately hump at his side.
Neither one of you can help it- his scent drives you fucking crazy, does something to you. And if he groans in his sleep? You're done. Wet and bothered for the next few hours until you either fall asleep or wake him up. (He hasn't let you take care of yourself since moving in)
During the day, his hands are always on you. You could be innocently cooking breakfast one moment, and the next be bent over the counter with no panties and his tongue in your pussy. (Why would you cook breakfast when he could just eat you?)
As much as he loves giving you head, König loves to receive it just as much, and now that you live together you can suck his dick practically whenever. If he's writing up reports at his desk, you're underneath it with his cock stuffed deep in your throat. Sometimes you'll even do it while he's on the phone- licking hot stripes up his veiny dick, watching him try to keep his composure.
It's not like either one of you are clingy, either- you're just making up missed time. Who knows how long it'll be before he's back on deployment? At least, that's what you tell yourself when his mouth is buried in your pussy for the fourth time that day. Not like he's complaining or anything, he basically begs you to let him eat you out.
He loves fucking you against the shower wall, too. Loves watching you struggle to balance taking all of him, loves it when he has to hold you so you don't fall. Adores the way your little moans and whines are drowned out under the sound of the water. Loves the sound your wet skin makes when he slaps it under the water, fucking you till it turns cold and you're both shivering against each other.
When you're on your period, he's the sweetest man ever; always bringing you chocolates, ginger ale, warm pads- you name it. He won't think twice before pouring $50 into your comfort.
The first day you're off it? He acts like a man fucking starved.
"Missed this fucking pussy, all mine."
"Good girl, fuck, such a pretty pussy."
and if you were ever up for it, you know this man has towels ready for some period sex.
"I don't care, mein schatz, I kill people for a living-"
"Little blood won't scare me, doe."
He likes fucking you everywhere. In the shower, over the arm of the couch, on the kitchen floor- anywhere he feels like, basically. He once made you grab the railing of your patio for dear life as he fucked you from behind, the cold autumn air making your nipples pierce through your shirt. (The neighbours won't see anything, right?)
And god, if this man doesn't stop putting your stuff on the top shelves because he thinks it's cute watching you reach for them- you might just kill him.
"Need help, mein engel?"
His voice purrs in your ear, hands gripping your waist and holding you down, preventing you from jumping up anymore.
"I don't remember leaving these on the top shelf, Köni," You sigh, leaning into him as a strong arm casually grabs the chips you were reaching for.
"Hm. Weird." He mumbles, pressing open-mouthed kisses on your neck, comforting the bruises he'd left there just last night.
His scent is everywhere- not that you're complaining. He smells like oak, and pine, and the best cologne you've ever smelt but never seen. Definitely helps when he's not home and the only thing you have is a vibrator and his pillowcase.
But besides all the desperate sex, there's also the pleasant domesticity of living with König. Like when he cooks you food, or when you bake him dessert. When he hands you a towel through the bathroom door after you forgot one. You bringing him hot coffee in the early hours of the AM when he's struggling with work.
Him carrying you to bed after you fell asleep watching Netflix on the couch. You sewing up his mask whenever it gets torn or ripped from battle.
You sitting on the bathroom counter, watching him shave intently because you think he looks hot doing it. Him helping you shave, which always, always ends in sex.
Leaving little notes for him about how handsome he is on the bathroom mirror because you know he's struggled with self-image before. Him leaving hickeys on every stretch mark or insecurity of yours he can find. You're just perfect to him.
Worshipping every scar on that man's body; kissing the ones on his jaw and licking the ones on his chest.
God, you're so head over heels for this man.
A/N: when is it my turn to live with zaddy könig😔😔 i want him primally. like actually i wanna **** him till i literally **** *** and *** from taking his ***** **** & my last sight is his massive ****** ******* me ****.
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hookhausenschips · 16 days
The Fastlane To Family {KR7}
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: The new rookie slowly becomes the on grid child of the Iceman.
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As the newest and youngest member of the Formula 1 grid, I, Y/N, stood beside my race car, inhaling the mixed scents of burnt rubber and high-octane fuel. The roar of the engines filled the air with palpable anticipation.
I glanced around, absorbing the vibrant spectacle, the excited chatter of fans blending with the mechanical symphony of the pit lane. Yet, amidst all the noise and excitement, there lingered a silence in my heart—a void left by a father who walked away from our family when I was just a child.
Growing up, it was just my mom and me. She was my rock, cheering me on from karting races to junior championships. Despite her unending support, there was always a part of me that felt incomplete. I had a father, but I never really had a dad.
It was during my first official test as an F1 driver that I met Kimi Raikkonen. Known as the 'Iceman' for his cool demeanor on track, Kimi was a veteran of the sport, admired by many for his straightforward attitude and racing prowess. As I struggled with the complexities of handling my F1 car, Kimi noticed me.
"Remember, it's all about balance and knowing your limits," he advised one afternoon as he watched me analyze some telemetry data that looked more like a cryptic puzzle.
I nodded, feeling somewhat star-struck. "Thanks, Kimi. It's just a lot to take in all at once."
"You’ll get there. It takes time," he replied, his voice carrying a calming assurance.
After that initial moment of guidance at my first test session, Kimi’s role in my life began to deepen progressively. It wasn’t just about racing anymore; it was about finding a connection that spanned beyond the track.
Over the next few races, Kimi became a mentor and a friend. His advice was always practical, his presence reassuring. Somehow, he began to fill a gap I hadn't realized was so profound.
As the season progressed, Kimi taught me about resilience, about facing the media, and handling the pressures that came with the sport. His family occasionally visited the races, and I saw the loving father he was to his own children. It was in those moments I felt both a sense of warmth and a twinge of envy.
One evening, after a particularly grueling race in Monaco where I had spun out, Kimi found me sitting alone by the paddock, my head in my hands.
"Want to talk about it?" he asked, sitting beside me.
"It's just... sometimes I wonder if I’m cut out for this," I confessed. "I miss having someone to look up to. Someone who's there, you know?"
Kimi looked out into the distance before speaking. "I may not know all about your personal life, but on this track, you're never really alone. We’re a team. And if you ever need a bit of that... fatherly advice, I’m here."
His words were a salve to my bruised confidence.
A pivotal moment came mid-season during a particularly challenging weekend at the British Grand Prix. The weather was unpredictable, and so was my confidence in handling the car under such variable conditions. After a disheartening practice session, Kimi invited me to debrief over coffee, away from the bustling energy of the team garages.
As we sat down in the quiet of the motorhome, Kimi shared stories from his early days—mistakes he'd made and lessons he’d learned. "It's not just about fighting the car," he explained, "but cooperating with it, understanding it like a dance partner." His anecdotes were not only instructive but also peppered with his dry humor, making the lessons stick in a way that technical debriefs often didn't.
As the season progressed, our mentor-mentee relationship started to feel more like a friendship. Kimi invited me to join him and his family for dinner during a race weekend in Monaco. Sitting with his family, sharing laughs, and stories, I felt an inclusion that went beyond my expectations. His wife was warm and welcoming, treating me like a guest of honor, while his children eyed me with curiosity and shy smiles.
Our bond continued to strengthen as we faced various challenges together. During one stressful race in Singapore, where the heat and humidity tested every driver’s endurance, Kimi and I found ourselves fighting for podium positions. Post-race, exhausted yet exhilarated, we shared a long cooldown lap, discussing our individual races and the intense final laps.
“I saw you holding off Carlos behind you,” Kimi said, a note of respect in his voice. “You’re getting stronger every race.”
Hearing such words from Kimi wasn’t just a compliment; it was a form of validation from someone who had seen it all in the world of Formula 1.
Seasons changed, and my career in F1 began to flourish. With Kimi’s guidance, I improved not just my driving, but my understanding of the technical aspects of racing. His presence at critical moments of decision-making became something I relied on more than I had expected.
His mentoring had transcended the cockpit of a race car. Kimi had become a steadfast part of my life—a constant in a world marked by speed and change. Our bond, forged in the fast lanes, was built to last a lifetime, proving that sometimes, family finds you in the most unexpected places.
It was during a pre-race event that a journalist unexpectedly asked about my family. "I understand your father isn’t in the picture. How has that influenced you?"
I paused, looking over at Kimi who was signing autographs nearby, laughing with a young fan. Turning back to the journalist, I smiled.
"I grew up without a dad, that’s true. But I’ve found guidance, strength, and a bit of family right here in the paddock. Kimi’s been a great mentor and a father figure to me."
The racing season was nearing its end, and rumors about Kimi Raikkonen's retirement had been swirling in the paddock for weeks. However, nothing could have prepared me for the moment he confirmed it. We were in the team's motorhome when he gently broke the news to me personally.
"I think it's time for me to step back," Kimi said, his voice steady but his eyes revealing a hint of sadness. "Spend more time with my family, you know?"
I nodded mechanically, trying to process the information, but a storm of emotions was brewing inside me. As he continued to explain his decision, a sense of abandonment enveloped me, growing stronger and darker. It was as if history was repeating itself; just when I thought I had found a figure of stability and support, he was leaving.
"Kimi, you can’t leave," I blurted out, the words laced with a mix of desperation and anger. "You’re just like him—just like my father. You're walking away when I need you most!"
Kimi looked taken aback, his face softening. "Y/N, come here," he said, motioning for me to sit beside him. Hesitantly, I moved closer, trying to hold back tears that were threatening to spill.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Listen, I know this might feel like I’m abandoning you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I'm not leaving your life—I’m just leaving the grid."
The dam broke, and tears streamed down my face. "It just feels like everyone I depend on leaves eventually," I confessed, the pain of past and present mingling together.
Kimi wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a reassuring hug. "Y/N, I’m not your father. I won’t just disappear. I promised to be there for you, and I intend to keep that promise. You’re part of my family now, and that doesn’t end with retirement. You'll always have a place with us, at our table, in our home. Anytime."
His words, genuine and firm, slowly seeped into my heart, easing the ache with the warmth of his assurance. "You mean that?" I asked, looking up at him.
"I do," he confirmed with a nod. "And hey, I'll be around. I’ll come to races when I can. And you’ll always be able to call me, anytime you need—about racing, or about life. Anything.”
As Kimi’s retirement neared, our interactions became tinged with a sense of urgency, each moment feeling more significant. One late afternoon in Italy, Kimi and I took a walk around the track, discussing life beyond racing.
“What worries you about all this ending?” I asked, curious about his thoughts on leaving the world he’d known for so long.
“It’s a big change, sure,” he admitted. “But life’s about phases. You end one chapter and start another. And remember, leaving F1 doesn’t mean disappearing. We’re family now, Y/N. That doesn’t end with retirement.”
His words were comforting, especially as I grappled with my own fears of abandonment. Seeing how he approached his transition with a mix of realism and optimism helped me understand that endings were also beginnings.
As we continued walking, the setting sun cast long shadows on the track, and Kimi stopped to look out over the circuit. “Every turn on this track has a story,” he mused. “Just like every phase in life. Make sure you live them fully, no matter the challenge.”
The conversation lightened my heart and cemented a new kind of bond between us. Kimi’s retirement race came, As Kimi drove his final lap, the crowds cheers felt like a celebration of more than just his career. It was a tribute to the enduring nature of chosen family, to the unbreakable ties that we had formed.
I felt a surge of gratitude. I might have lost a father early in life, but in this world of high speeds and fierce competition, I had gained something invaluable—a family on the track and a father figure who taught me more than just how to drive.
As the fireworks painted the sky, I realized that family isn't always defined by blood, but by the bonds we create and the promises we keep. Kimi had shown me that no matter the distance, those bonds can withstand more than we sometimes believe possible.
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @really-fucking-tired, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery, @evie-119, @dhanihamidi, @leclercdior
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reiderwriter · 9 months
Smutty part two of the hand to hand combat fic plz
A/N: Your wish is my command! I think a lot of people were frustrated at where I left the first part off lol, so here's a special treat for everyone who lowkey hated me after that lmao. Enjoy! 18+ MINORS DNI Also it is a crime that there aren't more gifs of Spencer wet, I have used most of them ㅠㅠ
You can read the first part here!
Warnings: shower sex, fingering, suggestive washing idk, Intercrural sex (he fucks the gap between her thighs for a while), no contraception, PinV sex, slight cum play? I guess?
You can also find my masterlist here, and if you enjoy my 18+ works, I'm partaking in kinktober, and you can find out about all of my plans here :]
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As you washed off the day's sweat, standing in the shower rooms of the FBI gym, you cursed the gods above for making you such a coward. 
If you'd been bolder during your sparring session with Spencer, you could've ended the day in a much more pleasurable way, or you'd at least have the memory of whatever you'd do to aid your fantasies. You thought back to your humbling defeats of earlier that day. You really thought you could get the upper hand on Reid in at least one of your rounds, but no. He’d got the jump on you all three times, leaving you squirming under his touch on the mat as he enjoyed his defeats. 
The second-round had been close, having the initial upper-hand being in the assailant role, but he’d used his extra height to throw you off balance, pinning you to the ground from behind, his hands trapping yours against your lower back. You’d blushed at the compromising position, your ass raised suggestively, his bodyweight pushed on top of yours, crotch to your centre, as you tried stay calm despite the very thin materials of both of your work out gears that separated you. 
Not that you were complaining about the extra contact, but you weren’t beneath using it as an excuse for your loss. In your final round, he’d let you think you hand the upper hand for a second, teasing you about enjoying the view from your place above him, straddling his waist as you pinned him down. By that point, you were beyond horny, reaching near orgasmic levers of desperation to feel him push up into you, and he’d let you enjoy the feeling of your core grinding into him for a few minutes. Just long enough that no one else would notice that your movements weren’t simply struggles to keep him pinned. Then, he’d gone and ruined it by thrusting his hips up quickly and using the momentum and your shock to buck you off to the side, returning you to your earlier pinned pose. Despite the losses, you couldn’t really find much else to complain about other than the fact that you hadn’t kissed him right then and there, having not thrown caution to the wind. 
With each pulse of water from the shower head, you tried to clear your head, but he'd consumed your thoughts. You didn't think you wanted him this badly, but apparently one touch was all it took for you to become aware of the desire you had for him. You let your own hands trail between your legs as you decided to deal with your bodies pent up frustrations.
The door to the bathroom opened, though, just when you were about to get going and you had to pull your hand away as you called out to your new friend. 
"Pen? That you? God I'm so fucking sweaty from that work out." You laughed a little as you greeted her, but the other person didn't make any other noises, stopping dead in their tracks. 
"Y/N?" Somehow your blood ran cold as your body heated up. 
"Spencer? What are you…?" You whipped your head around to get a look at him over the glass shower stall door, pulling your hands over your chest, reflexively. 
"Morgan said the men's showers were broken, and he was heading home to shower. But I can't sit for that long on the subway without getting rid of all this sweat. He said there'd be no one else in here since we stayed so late…. I can… I can leave if you need me to?" 
"No! No, it's okay, it's not like we're using the same shower or anything, and I don't want you to feel so… Uncomfortable." 
He thanked you, then slipped into a stall a three away from your own, as you tried your best not to watch the flex of his arms as he firmly gripped his towel around himself. 
Turning back to your own shower, you decided you needed to speed it up, actually get on with it so you could escape this awkward, tempting situation. You were almost sure this was some kind of divine punishment. You lathered up your hair and began to massage your head when the water suddenly ran so cold it burned. 
"Ah, shit," you whimpered out as you ran from the water as quickly as possible. 
"Um, Spencer?" 
"Y-Yeah," he responded, having heard your moans and immediately perked his head up. 
"Your shower stall, it's the second from the door right?" 
"Yeah, why?" 
"Shit, I should've mentioned something," you ran a hand through your hair as you turned off your shower. "That one doesn't work too well, when you use hot water in that one for some reason, it makes the rest of these showers run cold for the rest of the day." 
"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't realise." 
"No, it's good, I guess it's just cold shower time for me now." You sighed in a huff of annoyance, and turned your shower back on. 
"Do you… Do you want to come and use this one? My water's still hot and the cold water really won't be good for relaxing your muscles after all that work." 
"With you?" Your eyes meet his over the walls of your shower stall and you try not to sound too eager. Maybe this could be your chance after being such an idiot earlier. 
"Yeah, I guess. I still need to, you know, wash up?" 
You nodded at him then, and began collecting your things, your towels in your hands covering your sensitive areas, but only just as you stepped into his space.
He pressed himself against one of the walls as you entered, doing his best to cover his cock with his hands, but failing pretty miserably. You shot a single look down there, hoping he didn't notice. He was hard, and God did you want to help him out. 
But unsure of how to broach the topic, you ignored it and put your things down, before turning in to face the shower. A little sign of contentment fell over you as you felt the heat against your skin again, body relaxing as you began washing off your hair once again. 
You felt him move until he was a shadow at your back, close enough that you could feel his breath on your skin. 
"Y/N, let me help you clean your back. I don't want you to flare up that arm injury, and you're not reaching that well." 
"What?" Ill advisedly, you turn to face him. His eyes trail over your body, landing on the swell of your chest as you stand only millimeters from touching. Gently dragging his eyes back up, he repeats his plea, and turns you around, grabbing your body wash.
"Trust me, I'll help." But you know this isn't going to do any good easing the tension in your body, his hands on you being as distracting as they were. You almost jusmo a little when his bare hands finally come down on your waist. 
"S-Spencer I have a loofah!" You almost moan out as he begins to rub circles into your skin with his fingers spread. He's closer now, and with his hands out of the way. You can feel his cock, bare against your ass, twitching as you realise he's getting a lot of pleasure out of this. 
"Do you know how much bacteria can live on one of those things? You wanted to get clean, right?" It's all you can do not to buck back into him as he releases the words, hands coming up to your shoulders as he works his strength into your skin. His hands feel so good against you, that you barely notice them slipping around your front, as he begins to work on the plains of your stomach as well.
You throw your head back against his chest in pleasure as he slips higher and higher, hands eventually cupping your breasts as he slowly lathers them up, taking his time to feel every single inch of your skin. You whimper in your pleasure, and you hear his heavy breathing similarly pick up. 
"Spencer…" You don't know what your words are asking, begging for, but it's clear he does, as his hands spread. One goes up to your neck, wrapping around you tightly as you gasp out a breath, the other washing hanging in the air as he rids it of soap before trailing down between your legs. 
His fingers find your clit and you whimper. 
"That's it baby, I'm just gonna help you get clean, okay? Gonna make you feel good, too." You nod at his words, giving him the silent confirmation he needs to press his cock in between your thighs and start rubbing it up against you, not yet pushing it in. You're pushing your ass back into him now as he starts to fuck the folds of your sweet cunt, writhing in pleasure everytime his tip catches on your hole, pleasure rolling off your tongue in waves. 
His hand on your neck keeps you from gaining volume, keeping you grounded as he gets you close to that euphoric bliss. You're desperate to actually feel him inside you though, squirming in the hopes that one of his thrusts will accidentally land on target. 
"Spencer, please…" You know what you want now, and you're desperate for him to listen, as you turn your head to the side, grabbing the back of his own as you pull him down for a sloppy kiss. His hips still as he falls into the kiss, tongue dragging over your lips and begging for entrance. His hand stays on your clit though, and within a few more rubs you feel yourself twitch in his arms, fully held up by his hand on your neck. 
"Spencer, please, need you…" 
"Are you sure, Y/N? This is still a public bathroom, and I don't want you to think you have to do anything just bec-" You cut him off with another kiss, and that's all he needs before he's pressing you back into the shower stall, wrapping your legs around his hips and pushing his cock inside of you. 
You pulled his lips down to yours again and again, desperate to taste him, shower abandoned behind you. His pace picked up and soon he was slamming into you, with the full force of his body, the weight that had earlier been used to pin you down now being used to pleasure you to the fullest. 
He pressed his forehead against yours, letting his eyes fall to the place where your two bodies met, his grunts filling the space as you tried your best to bite your tongue. You knew that if you let yourself be as loud as you could've been in that moment, someone would definitely notice. 
"Just like that, Spencer, fuck, just like that." Your hips bucked wildly against his as he pulled your other leg up and around him, holding you fully off the ground as he continued his movements. 
You gripped his back, letting your nails find any purchase they could, dragging scratches down his skin, marking him as yours. You didn't feel so bad about the pain you must've been dealing him though, not when his hands were leaving red handprints on your hips from his tight grip, the sharp discomfort only fuelling your passion. 
"Spence, I'm… Fuck I'm close." Your head slumped into his neck. 
"Cum for my, Y/N, need to feel you clench around my cock." He grunted, and somehow your body listened to his demands perfectly, spilling over the edge with his next thrust. 
He moaned out quickly, lowering your legs to the floor, still holding you up, as he pulled out and stroked his cock a few more times. His white release painted both of your stomachs with his climax, and you fell against each other in your bliss, trying to both gain back your normal heart rate and calm your breath. 
"Spencer, I think we need to get back in the shower," you smiled up at him, and dragged him back over to it as he flushed, not finding the words needed to apologise for his mess. 
You pulled him in for a kiss under the water and mentally thanked Morgan for putting you through hell that day. He pulled away from you to attempt to talk, but you didn't want to let him. 
"You know," he started, but you tried to shut him up again, wanting desperately to feel his lips right back on yours. 
"Y/N, please," he laughed pulling your head away from him as you whined out childishly. 
"You know, Morgan was lying about us needing to do this physical thing." Your eyes bulged at the confession, as you tried to stammer out a reply. 
"What? I… What?" 
"He pulled the same act a year or so ago, too. Y/N, Penelope is never in the field, she doesn't have to do physical training, and we both have enough case hours to cover any further requirements." 
"So he… ThatThat son of a bitch." You muttered angrily to yourself as he ran a hand through your still damp hair, smiling down on you peacefully. 
"Wait, Spencer… If you knew that he was making this whole thing up, why did you go along with it?" 
"Needed an excuse." He pulled you in for another kiss, this one slow and languid, as you felt him twitch to life again at your thigh. 
"An excuse for what?" You moaned out as his lips trailed down your neck, leaving behind a trail of love bites you were sure would bloom into purple bruises, just another decoration for your neck alongside his handprint. 
"An excuse to touch you. You're very good at following professional boundaries, you know?" You laughed at him once more and let him pull you close into him again. It took you an extra hour to shower that day, but it was worth every second. 
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famousheartphantom · 3 months
Just a few steps
Great. Your feeder is late from work again and you ran out of reachable snacks...You will have to get up and get more.
You do the motion to get into a sit up position in your bed. You struggle a lot and end up building a sweat as well as wheezing a bit, this was definitely not your strong point. It was obvious, afterall you were 590 lbs of pure raw fat who barely did any exercise.
Heck, you got an accelerated heart rate just from watching TV on the couch a few days ago.
Despite this you try to stand up. Which involves many tactics to use all of your weight to propel yourself forward, as it in for now, it's almost impossible for you to get up just by sheer force, you had none of that.
After what appears like an eternity you manage to stand on your feet....they hurt, your joints do to. Oh hell, your lungs are burning, you are sweating bullets while breathing so heavily and worst of all ...your heart is beating...irregularly? It burns but feels cold at the same time.
You whine in place as it hurts you from every angle. To have such an empty stomach, all the other stuff you could handle, sorta, but you needed to eat so badly...
You force yourself to take a step. Only for your body to betray you and fall backwards into the bed as you loose your balance.
Luckily the reinforced bariatric bed cushions your fall. But you are in the same predicament you were when you were standing up. You will have to lay down for now...better wait for your feeder to come home. You don't wanna have another 'heart incident' while you are alone. Just wait for them to come and finish your insatiable hunger....for now at least..
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girlrotterr · 2 months
But I'm a Lesbian! pt.3
ellie x abby x dina x fem!reader a/n: a shorter chapter! But I promise chapter 4 will definitely be longer! anyways, enjoy angels! 💗
→ Part one! → Part two! → Part four! → Part five! → Part six!
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Suddenly, like a starting gun had been fired, the four of you sprang into action. It was a dash to the showers, with elbows bumping and bodies jostling as you all struggled to be the first one in.
Abby, with her speed and strength, managed to dart ahead, closely followed by Ellie. You and Dina were neck and neck, both determined not to be left behind. In the chaos, you stumbled over each other's feet, arms flailing as you tried to maintain your balance.
"Watch it!" Ellie grumbled as she tried regaining her balance.
Eventually, you all reached the showers, each claiming a stall with exhaustion. The sound of rushing water filled the air as you quickly stripped off your clothes and stepped into the warmth. 
With only a few minutes to spare, you all hurriedly scrubbed yourselves clean, trying to make every second count.
“Fuck! Does anyone have shampoo?!" Ellie yelled, shaking her empty bottle in frustration.
"I do!" you exclaimed, quickly grabbing your shampoo bottle and rushing over to Ellie's stall. 
Ellie's eyes widened seeing you approach, her initial reaction being to dart her gaze away, her face turning a deep shade of red. 
fuckk..you were naked.
Without hesitation, you squeezed a generous amount of shampoo into her waiting hand. 
“t-thanks..” Ellie stammered, her voice slightly shaky. 
"I think I need some too~," Dina purred, her voice flirtatious, waving her hand dramatically as if in desperate need.
"Shit, me too!" Abby chimed in, her head popping out of her stall, trying to catch sight of you.
"You're both so unoriginal," Ellie grumbled, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"I'll be right there!" you replied, turning around to share shampoo with Abby and Dina.
Ellie's gaze lingered on you for a moment, eyeing the way your hips swayed, the curves of your body traced by droplets of water. The softness of your skin, illuminating in a soft glow. There was a certain beauty in your movements, a grace that captured her attention. 
She craved to discover it. 
Soon enough, you found yourselves in the cooking classroom, greeted by the aroma of various ingredients. Rows of kitchen stations awaited, each equipped with utensils, pots, and pans. 
The teacher, a seasoned chef, greeted the four of you. “Hello, ladies! Today, we'll be making some classic breakfast dishes," she announced. 
"It's important to start every day with a nutritious meal, especially for your husband," she added with a wink. 
The four of you blankly stared at her. 
The teacher clapped her hands, signaling the start of the cooking session. "Right then! Chop, chop!"
"Just follow my lead," Dina reassured, playfully smacking your ass before guiding you to the station next to hers.
Ellie took charge of cracking eggs, her movements precise and efficient. Abby occupied the stove, flipping pancakes with a flick of her wrist. 
Dina always experimented with different ingredients, adding a dash of spice here and there to enhance the flavors. As for you, your focus was on whipping up a batch of fluffy scrambled eggs, gently stirring them in a skillet.
"Here," Dina said, pausing her tasks and stepping behind you, "You'll hurt your wrist if you do it like that."
She gently took hold of your hand, her touch delicate yet firm. Her fingertips tracing along your skin, leaving a trail of warmth. As she leaned closer, her chest pressed against your back, you could feel the heat radiating from her body.
Your palms grew moist with sweat, and a slight tremble ran through your fingers. Flustered, you struggled to maintain composure, your cheeks warming with a faint blush. 
"Oh," you murmured, turning to meet her gaze, "thank you."
Dina smiled warmly. "You’re so cutee!!" she remarked, pulling you into a tight hug. "Marry mee!!” 
Just then, the cooking instructor approached Abby,  “Abby, the nurse needs you,"
Abby glanced up from her station, faking a face of concern. "What for?" she asked, wiping her hands on her apron.
The teacher shrugged. "I'm not sure, but she sounded urgent. You better go check."
"Alright," she nodded at the instructor before turning to the rest of you. "Catch you later, guys," she said with a smirk.
The three of you exchanged knowing glances.
"Mhm.." Dina remarked, her tone suspicious.
With a forceful slam, the nurse's back collided with the wall, a small whimper escaping her lips as Abby pressed her against it. The nurse's eyes widened in surprise, her breath hitching as she felt Abby's strong grip on her wrists.
Abby leaned in closer, her voice low and seductive. "You’re so fucking impatient.." she whispered, her breath warm against the nurse's ear.
The nurse's cheeks flushed crimson, excitement coursing through her veins. She struggled to find her words, her heart pounding in her chest. Before she could respond, Abby's lips crashed against hers in a hungry kiss, sending a surge of pleasure. The nurse squeezed her thighs together, her hands reaching up to tangle in Abby's hair.
As their lips parted, the nurse's breath came out in ragged gasps, her eyes glazed with desire. "I-I needed you," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.
Abby flashed her a grin, her eyes burning with desire. "fuckk…" she murmured, trailing kisses along the nurse's neck. “Let's see how long you last this time."
Dina leaned in with a mischievous glint in her eye. “I've been thinking," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sizzling of the stove.
You and Ellie exchanged curious glances, waiting for Dina to continue.
"We should sneak into the director's office tonight and steal back our stuff," Dina proposed, a smirk plastered on her lips.
Ellie crossed her arms, her expression firm. "Fuck no." 
"What?! Why not?" Dina whined, clearly disappointed. 
Ellie sighed, "I'm already three strikes down," 
"We won't get caught if we plan it!" Dina insisted, nudging Ellie's arm. 
You nodded in agreement with Dina, "She's right, Ellie," you chimed in, "We'll plan it out and make sure everything goes smoothly. We won't leave any evidence behind."
Ellie raised an eyebrow, surprised by your willingness to participate. 
"Come onn, El's!" Dina groaned,  "Don't you want your finger—"
"Okay!" Ellie interrupted, cutting Dina off before subjecting her to more teasing. "But you owe me a pack of cigarettes.." she huffed in annoyance.
Dina grinned. "deal!" she replied cheerfully.
A sudden small buzzing sound caught Ellie's attention, a tickle on her right shoulder. She glanced over to see a pesky fly. 
"Don't move," you whispered urgently, eyeing the fly.
Dina, sensing an opportunity, slowly raised her hand, ready to swat the fly. But just as she made her move, the fly darted away, escaping her grasp.
"Damn it!" Dina exclaimed in frustration, waving her hand through the air attempting to catch it. 
The fly continued to buzz around the kitchen. Ellie, determined to get rid of it, swatted at the air wildly. You, too, joined in the frenzy, swinging a dish towel in an attempt to kill it. 
“Don’t let it land on the food!” Dina urged. 
In your frantic attempts to catch the fly, bottles of oil and water were knocked over, creating a slippery mess on the floor. Ellie, caught off guard by the slick surface, slipped and crashed to the ground with a loud thud. 
“Argh! Damn it!” Ellie groaned in pain.
Meanwhile, your efforts caused water to splash onto a cooking pot, leading to a sudden burst of sizzling oil that sent you yelping in pain. 
“Ouch!” you shouted, stumbling back and landing on top of ellie.
Amidst the chaos, everyone momentarily forgot about the bacon, sizzling on the hot stove. It was beginning to burn, filling the kitchen with thick smoke that billowed up toward the ceiling.
“Hey guys,” Dina called out amidst the commotion, “Something’s burning..”
Abby walked back into the kitchen, disheveled with lipstick marks scattered across her neck. “Hey guys, I’m back...” her voice trailed off. 
She stood frozen for a moment, taking in the utter chaos that had unfolded while she was gone. 
Ellie was still on the floor, rubbing her bruised body, while Dina was frantically trying to clean up the spilled oil and water, her clothes stained and her hair in disarray. Whilst frantically trying to dodge splattering oil from the pot. You were scrambling to turn off the stove, desperately trying to salvage whatever remained of the bacon.
“What the fuck happened?!” Abby exclaimed, slowly walking over
Before anyone could respond, the sprinkler system activated, sending gushes of water down from the ceiling. Abby stood frozen in shock as she was drenched by the downpour, her already disheveled appearance now completely soaked.
The kitchen descended into madness as everyone scrambled to avoid the flood of water, slipping and sliding on the now-slippery floor. Ellie let out a frustrated groan, while Dina cursed loudly, and you desperately tried to shield the food from the onslaught of water.
Abby shook her head in disbelief, “I should’ve just stayed for round two..” 
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bachissidehoe · 4 months
Skater boy!Suna, who catches your eye on your daily walk to work as he practices in the skate park across the street.
Skater boy!Suna, who starts to recognize you on your walks, giving you head nods or slight waves while watching you pass by him every day.
Skater boy!Suna, who you just can’t help but look forward to seeing, even if it’s just for a quick second as you walk by. His jumps and tricks are so clean on his board, it almost looks like he’s defying gravity, you even stop and stare a minute to watch him.
Skater boy!Suna, who you finally decide to approach one day, as you stand against the skate park fence with your fingers through the wiry metal.
Skater boy!Suna, who flashes you a sly grin and asks you if you skate at all. When you admit you don’t, he offers to teach you, mixing in a few flirtatious words here and there.
Skater boy!Suna, who holds your hips as you glide on his board, struggling to maintain balance. He catches you when you fall off, chuckling to himself at your embarrassed expression.
Skater boy!Suna, who invites you to watch him skate every day before your walk to work. So you go and sit on a bench in the park, constantly mesmerized by his skill, telling him how he amazes you.
Skater boy!Suna, who flirts with you any chance he can get- placing a hand on your shoulder, patting your head, giving you subtle compliments- anything to make you blush.
Skater boy!Suna, who starts walking you to work so he can spend more time with you, even trying to get you to skate there with him. Obviously, you refuse, so he plants you on his board, holding your hand and guiding it slowly down the sidewalk.
Skater boy!Suna, who still goes to the skate park in the rain, just so he can see you. He knows he doesn’t have to skate this often, but he doesn’t like the idea of missing you. And of course, you go too, realizing what a dumb idea it was as the two of you run for cover.
Skater boy!Suna, who brings you under a canopy to avoid the rain, laughing and shaking droplets out of his hair.
Skater boy!Suna, who fucks you silly while you wait for the rain to clear up- what else were you supposed to do? The tension became too much to take, and you were overwhelmed with the need to have his cock stuffed inside you.
Skater boy!Suna, who digs his nails into your hips while ramming into your tight little pussy, telling you how much of a slut you are for wanting to get fucked like this, while praising your perfect body at the same time.
Skater boy!Suna, who rubs circles around your throbbing clit while fucking you, telling you how badly he needs you to cum around his cock. And of course you do, cumming with a string of whimpers and moans as many times as he wants.
Skater boy!Suna, who calls out of work for you that day, seeing as you’re in no condition to walk anywhere after he fucked you dumb.
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loluzzz · 5 months
Dad Bestfriend Hiromi Higuruma Headcannons
A/N : first time writing + it’s 12am. hopefully u enjoy and if not lmk what i can do better :p
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who always likes to check in on you to make sure you’re okay. He’s always there to listen whenever you need to talk. Sometimes you ramble for hours and when you try to apologize he responds with “It’s okay honey. That’s what I’m here for.”
Dads Bestfriend Hiromi who always seems recharged once he’s around you. In a way you were both similar since you were both stressed out all the time. Having each other to lean back on has help create such a strong relationship between you two.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who always teases you about your looks and how gorgeous you are.
- “Look at you pretty girl”
- “I bet all the boys at uni are just all over you”
- “You look stunning”
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who gets slightly jealous whenever you mention a boys name around him. He plays it cool but will begin to ask questions. What are they like? Do they work? Are they a good influence? You always dismissed her concerns as just being protective over his bestfriend’s little girl.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who’s more attentive to your needs than your actual father. Need a shoulder to cry on? He’s there. Struggling in a class? Hiromi is willing to tutor you for free. Need a ride? doesn’t matter how far, he’ll be there.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who enjoys spoiling you. Whether it’s for a special occasion such as your birthday or something as small as aceing exam, he’ll make sure to gift you something. Whether it was something small like your favorite flowers or even grand gesture such as expensive jewelry.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who is awfully playful around you as a way to get you to touch him. He’ll sometimes snatch for your phone, book or drink away from you in an attempt for you to climb on his body to retrieve it back. The way your small hands grabbed his big arms or the way you’d occasionally sit on top of him in order to grab your stuff back turned him on.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who likes to have you grind on his lap whenever your parents weren’t around. Helping you both relieve some sexual tension between you guys. You desperately rub your panties against his bulge on his black slacks. He grins onto your hips making sure to keep you balanced on top of him.
“Keep going. You’re so needy today pretty girl…” He whispered softly into your ear.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi whose love language is physical touch. He would sometime sneak in a few touches on your body. Rubbing and holding your inner thigh as he drives you home after he offers to pick you up from uni for your dad. It was just an excuse to have some alone time with you. Some days he tries to go further and rubs your clothed pussy under your skirt. He makes sure to ask before her moved them to the side to finger you. All while he’s still driving you home, making sure you get home safely.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who would enjoy edging himself to your pictures. He made a secret account just to stalk your instagram. All those seemingly innocent pictures of you, after the gym stories, and simple selfies of your face drove him insane. Just thinking what your moans would sound like. He rubs his bulge through his boxers while looking at a full body picture of you.
“Mmmm~ Just one chance y/n please~ Mmph~ Just let me cum inside youuu~”
“So desperate h-huh pretty girl? Fuck- mmmm~”
“Bet you’re so tight and warm. Just squeezing my cock~”
“Such a perfect little body~ mmm~”
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who finally gets the chance to sleep with you makes sure not to mess up. He’s entirely focused on your pleasure before his. Making sure to flick his tongue all around your wet pussy. Eating you out just the way you like while his nose tickles your clit. You could tell he enjoyed this just as much as you did. You could cum from this alone. He was so gentle with you, making sure not to be too rough or mean to your body.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi whimpering mess once he finally inserts his veiny cock inside you making such lewd noises each thrust. While in missionary, he holds onto your waist but makes sure not to grab you too rough. The tip of his cock just kissing your cervix.
“Just as how I imagined~”
“Mmm~ You feel so good~ It feels good for you to right my pretty girl~?”
“Yes baby~ Just wrap yourself around my cock~”
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who makes sure to cum deep inside you, not letting a drop escape from your puffy cunt. He hugged you tight once you both finish.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who makes sure to hold onto you tightly as apart of aftercare.
“You did so well baby~”
“Such a pretty girl. You’re okay. Rest on me okay?”
“I’m here for you baby. Want me to rub your little body? You must be so sore.”
He always prioritizes your wellbeing over his. He continues to comfort you and hold you until you fall asleep. That’s when he finally falls asleep after you. Still holding you close to his chest.
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lavendertom · 7 months
The Neighbor Across the Street pt. 1
Mike Schmidt x Babysitter!f!Reader
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
wc: 1.9k
warnings: none! maybe small age gap (reader is 20, mike is like 23/24 ?) lmk if there’s something i missed by chance
summary: the neighbor across the street needs a babysitter, so you take the job, not knowing what’s in store for you as you grow closer to the siblings. pt. 1 of a multi part series!
could be seen as a prequel to my first work My Favorite Prize, but wasn’t written with the intention :) hopefully this doesn’t feel too long, i promise it gets better in pt 2! mostly exposition here 😌
College was not the experience you’d expected at all. You lived at home deciding to attend community college, and you didn’t have many friends or the ‘college experience’ everyone else was having. You were lonely, but at least you went to bed in your own room every night rather than sharing a tiny dorm with an annoying roommate and zero privacy.
“I think I found a job for you, y/n.” you heard your mom say as you walked in the door, barely crossing the threshold.
She had been begging you to find a job for months now. You had an agreement with your parents that freshman year you would focus on your studies, but sophomore year you had to step up and start helping balance the burden of college tuition. It was now spring semester of sophomore year and you still had no job.
“Don’t hand me another McDonalds application, please.” you said with a sigh as you placed your keys and bag on the dining room table.
“You know the neighbor across the street, Mike?” you felt your heart drop with the mention of his name. How could you not know the neighbor across the street.
He immediately caught your attention the day he moved in with his sister. You knew he was a few years older than you, he wasn’t in school and he was constantly working. He was nice. Although, you’d never truly spoken to him besides introducing yourself back when he initially moved in and you were just a junior in high school. Your parents often helped him keep up with yard work when things got especially hard. Everyone knew they were struggling, it wasn’t that hard to tell.
“Yeah, I remember him.” Of course I remember Mike. He’s the neighbor that I’ve found a little too attractive since he moved in.
“I saw him this morning before work, he was telling me they’ve been in a really bad place lately. Abby’s babysitter quit, so I might’ve offered for you to stop by and help a few times a week.” your mother said, saying it as fast as possible so you couldn’t object.
“Really, mom?” you said sounding annoyed. “You couldn’t have talked to me about this before throwing me into it?”
“Listen, it won’t be that bad. I told him you’d stop by after dinner to just try it out, no commitment. He’ll be there while you just hang out with Abby for a few hours, you know how she is.” Abby was a sweet kid, just a little quieter than other kids her age.
“Okay fine, I’ll go. No promises this will work out.” You replied as you walked to your room, mentally preparing yourself for the evening ahead of you.
An hour later you found yourself at the doorstep of the Schmidt’s. You hesitantly raised your hand to knock on the door. You waited a moment until the door swung open.
You saw Mike standing in front of you and he honestly looked like a mess. His dark hair was all over the place and his eyes looked tired as can be. He was wearing a black hoodie, the front pocket was falling apart, and jeans that had dirt stains all over the front.
“Hey, y/n, right?” he said.
“Yeah, my mom told me you needed someone to help look after Abby.” you said, getting a good look at his eyes. This was the first time you’d ever seen them in detail. They were brown with a few specks of green and hazel in them. They were actually pretty nice to look at.
“Yeah,” he said with a chuckle, “I didn’t intend on accidentally hiring you for this. Sorry about that.”
“No, it’s totally fine.” you said chuckling yourself, looking down at your hands. “I’ve been needing a job, so it’s kind of a blessing in disguise.”
“You’re in college right? You’re studying… what was it again?” your mom must’ve really given him the rundown.
”Cybersecurity, second year.” you said with a small smile, blush creeping up on your face. You never got used to people complimenting your accomplishments even though you had been an honors student since 3rd grade.
“Right, that’s impressive.”
“Thanks.” you said, smiling sheepishly.
“Anyways, feel free to come in, Abby should be somewhere around here.” he said as he moved out of the doorway, welcoming you into the home.
The house looked cleaner than you’d expected, given the state of the outside of it. It was pretty ordinary and plain. He walked towards the living room, where you could see Abby laying on the ground. There was a TV in front of her playing some kind of old cartoon. An assortment of crayons, markers, and other art supplies were sprawled all across the ground.
“Hey Abs, I want you to meet someone.” Mike said to the young girl. You walked over to stand beside him. “This is y/n, she’s going to hang out with you for a bit today, okay?”
“Hi Abby, it’s nice to meet you!” you said with a smile.
Abby looked at Mike as he spoke, then looked at you, back at Mike again, before finally going back to whatever she was drawing earlier.
“She’s gonna be a little shy at first.” he whispered to you. “Once you start talking to her she should hopefully open up a bit. I’m gonna catch up on some stuff around the house if you need anything.” he gave you a reassuring smile before walking away.
“What kind of drawing is that?” you said in an attempt to start conversation with the girl. She looked at you for a moment before looking back down. This is going to be a long night.
You decided that your initial approach wasn’t going to work. So, you got down to her level. You sat down next to her on the ground, grabbing a piece of paper and marker.
“I like drawing too, you know. Give me the name of any cartoon character and I can draw it for you.” you said softly.
She gave you a side eye, before turning her head towards your face. “Any character?”
“Yup, any character.” you said with a smile.
“Felix the Cat.” she said just before turning her attention back to the paper in front of her. This girl knows her stuff.
After a few minutes of sketching the character, you set the paper down in front of her. She paused her own work, taking the paper into her hands. She looked at you again.
“Can you draw Yogi Bear?” She commented while still looking at the sketch in her hands, sitting up just a bit straighter.
“Sure.” you said before grabbing more paper and markers.
Before you knew it, there was a large stack of drawings from the two of you featuring all sorts of characters ranging from Mickey Mouse to the Powerpuff Girls. The two of you had been doodling for almost 3 hours now, pausing every so often to talk about why they chose the characters they chose. The two of you were now discussing your favorite drawings of the night.
“I think my favorite is…” Abby began before thinking for a moment, “Courage the Cowardly Dog.”
“That’s a good one. Look at how good your drawing is!” you said to the young girl as you both laid on the ground flipping through the pages of art.
“Not as good as yours y/n!” Abby said to you, holding a stack of her favorites in her hands.
The two of you continued your conversation as Mike returned back to check in on you guys. He was genuinely surprised at how quickly Abby opened up to your company. He stood out of the girls sights for just a moment longer, taking in the sounds of laughter coming from both his sister and you.
“Hey Abs, it’s getting late, you wanna get ready for bed?” he said as he walked into the room.
“Mikeee!” Abby whined. “I’m having so much fun with y/n. Please can I stay up a little longer?”
“It’s okay Abby, I’ll be back again soon and we can do it all over again.” you reassured the girl with a smile.
“Do you promise?” she asked you.
“I promise.”
“Pinky promise?”
“Of course!” you said with a laugh, pinky promising that you’d be back. Mike watched the interaction unfold with a smile.
“Alright, go get ready for bed, I’ll come tuck you in soon.” Mike told his sister.
“Bye y/n!” Abby shouted as she made her way to her room.
“So, how was she?” Mike asked you as you stood up from the floor, attempting to tidy up some of the mess you both made.
“Great, actually. I thought she adjusted fairly quickly. You’ve got quite the picasso on your hands.” you said as you quickly gestured to the now extremely messy floor.
“It’s one of the only things that keeps her entertained.” he said with a small chuckle. “But in all seriousness, I can tell she really trusts you. She hasn’t had a babysitter who actually cared for her like this in a while.”
“It was fun, I’m glad it seemed like she had a good time.” you said with a smile. “So when do you think you’ll need me here again?”
“Is tomorrow too soon?”
“No that’s perfect. Already looking forward to it.”
“You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, y/n.”
“Seriously, I’m happy to help. I really did have a great time with Abby.”
“Tomorrow it is then.” he said before shuffling through his pockets for a few dollars, attempting to hand you them. “Here, take this for coming on such short notice.”
“Mike, it’s fine. I really don’t mind. You need it more than I do.” you said with a small smile.
“You sure?” he said, almost as if he had to convince himself it was okay.
“I’m sure.” you said as you headed towards the front door. “I think I’m gonna head out now.”
“Thanks again, y/n.” he said through the door as you walked out, the cool night air hitting your face.
“Of course, anytime. See you tomorrow.” you said with a small wave. You walked home with a different feeling inside. You knew taking this little job to help out the neighbor you never attempted to truly get to know was gonna be fun.
Mike shut the door after making sure you crossed the street safely, making his way to Abby’s room.
“Y/n is really fun, Mike.” she said as she pulled the covers over her body.
“That’s good, Abs.” he said as he grabbed one of her favorite teddy bears, handing it to her.
“I think we’re going to be best friends.” she said smiling at the new assortment of drawings she already managed to tape to her walls.
“You be nice to her, okay Abby?” he said to her. “I know how you can get, don’t screw this one up.”
“Okay Mike.” she said groaning, rolling her eyes slightly.
He shut off the lamp next to her bed, giving his sister a small kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, Abby.”
He shut the door to Abby’s room, making his way back to the living room floor to clean up the mess that was still there. He grabbed one of the left over papers, admiring the assortment of characters on the paper. Right in the middle of it all were two stick figures which could only be assumed to be you and Abby.
He smiled at it, recognizing he had a good feeling about this babysitter. Not only because of how it could help Abby, but because he finally got the neighbor girl to break out of her own shell. Maybe it could even help him too.
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jadeddangel · 3 months
can you do
angel x reader x husk poly
They neglect the reader, but with a good ending
"Not too important"
Husk x reader x Angel Dust
Summary: In which Angel and Husk struggle to balance their work lives and personal lives, leading to a mild argument and a struggled apology
Warnings: swearing, abandonment issues, talk of Valentino, talk of physical abuse
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You, Husk, and Angel had been dating for a little over since the incident with Charlie and Angel getting into an argument, you didn't really know what happened since you weren't there but you could piece together that it almost got messy. The hotel had been growing steadily after the extermination so you, husk and angel struggled with making time for eachother, especially with Val trying to make angel "pay" for the incident at the club and for ignoring him. And due to the hotel gaining popularity, husk had been forced to work as Alastor's little errand boy for the time being. And then there was you, after zestial found out about carmilla's incident with the angels, zestial has been making you work like crazy, errands, working as a temporary bodyguard in certain rings, despite him not needing it. It was getting exhausting trying to give all of your energy towards zestial and having a good attitude while also remaining the hinge that really brought angel and husk's relationship, to say you were burnt-out was an understatement.
You had gotten home after a long day of errands and escorts. As you finally got into your shared room, you stripped out of the green and black cloak along with semi-formal clothes in a darker theme After a very much, well-deserved bath and some time to decompress, you headed downstairs in some more casual clothes. After seeing Angel sitting at the bar to talk with husk, you nearly skidded down the stairs eager to give your lovers the attention they deserved, you hopped onto the bar chair next to angel before wrapping him in a hug, " Angie! Oh, how I've missed you! How was work?" You nearly exclaimed in the poor boys ear. Angel's body went ragged as his muscles tensed and tried to relax, realizing it was just you but still didn't quite relax. Angel used his second set of arms to carefully remove your body from his tucking your arms into your lap and rolling his eyes exhaustedly, "It was the same as usual, long and hard, Val has a stick up his ass" Angel complained a bit, as you listened closely, his tone wasn't like how it usually was, and the lack of dirty jokes really made you concerned. You nodded a bit before turning your attention to husk.
"Don't think I forgot about my favorite little kitty. How are you doing? Alastor isn't being too much of an unbearable prick, is he?" You asked, taking notice of the alastor's lack of presence. Husk's body went ridged at the sound of alastors name causing him to overpour his glass over alcohol he was serving himself, Husk let out a hiss as he stepped back and away from the overflowing mess of his glass. "It's the same as it always is, Listen, Our days were hard enough, we don't need you and your peppy attitude to make it worse, you don't know what it's like so don't even try and act like you know what's going on." Husk hissed out through gritted teeth, narrowed eyes focused in on you, pupils forced into the shape of sharp slits.
Husk's words bounced around in your brain for a few mere moments before your body tensed as you tried not to take them to heart. You could feel your body relax as your mind disconnected from your emotions in order to protect itself. Your nails subconsciously dug into the hard linoleum of the countertop as you struggled to ground yourself, "Oh...." The sound fell effortlessly I the silent air as you struggled to find the right words, not caring how they hurt yourself or the people around you. "Right.... YOU both have had a bad day, and me trying to cheer you up makes me the bad guy? Get a grip, HUSKER... " You spoke monotonously aside from enunciating certain words. You pushed your chair back as a sickening crackle filled the thick air; your chair had scraped up a good amount of the wood, which would most certainly get you in trouble later.
Your blood was boiling in anger at his insensitivity as you "calmly" walked away from the bar to your room to get some space. You laid down face first in the cold covers. You felt the bed dip slightly and a cold, wet nose pressing into the underside of your forearm. "Hi fat nuggets.." You sighed s bit sitting up so you could pet Angel's beloved pet.
Time had passed rather quickly as you ranted to fat nuggets about everything that happened, avoiding using any slurs or cussing in front of the sweet animal. You had left your emotions calm down as you felt a familiar feeling of guilt from having acting that way. You may not hold grudges, but you weren't apologizing first. You were tired of being the bigger person in all of these situations, and it exhausted you. You let out a heavy sigh as you looked down at the adorable little creature that seemed to be hanging onto your every word, " I need to get some sleep now, zestial has me planned for an early meeting again.. never thought I'd regret selling me soul, " you joked while scratching behind Nugget's ear. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you picked the little pig up and laid down, holding him close to your chest for comfort. You heard the floorboards outside your door creak from weight as a long slender hand pushed open the door slowly, causing light to flood the room. You did your best to ignore it and stay still. The most you did was let go of nuggets, allowing them to jump into, presumably, Angel's arms.
Angel took a deep breath as he sat down on the side of the bed, "Muffin? It's Angie.. look, I don't know if you're awake right now, but I'm sorry, we're sorry, work has been stressful on all of us, and we took it out on you." Angel pressed into the sensitive matter carefully, "Husk is worried about you. Why don't you come down for a drink, huh? I can see your brow furrowing, " Angel teased. You hadn't even realized your expression had changed as you sighed heavily sitting up, "I'm not taking anything husk makes until he apologizes.." you muttered stubbornly. Angel let out a little snicker, "you both are so cute when your mad, cmon just one drink and if anything goes wrong you've got us," Angel tried to bargain, and so far, it was working. Angel put two of his hands under your arms to lift you while the other two set nuggets down. Angel soon managed to coax you out of bed, aka bribe and carry you, and helped you down stairs. The wood where the chair had scraped away was fixed along with the chair in its original spot. You hesitantly sat down with angels encouragement, Angel took his seat next to you and gestured to husk to say something. Husk took a deep breath and cleared his throat, "want a drink?" Husk grumbled as Angel let out a heavy sigh shaking his head as he set his forehead in his palms.
Husk poured you your usual drink as he looked at you with slightly pleading eyes. Husk has never big on apologizes but you could tell he was trying to apologize just... in his own little way. You grabbed the glass from him taking a big sip, "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to hurt you, I wasn't thinking, ill accept your apology, will you accept mine?" You asked reaching for his paw with your other hand slowly allowing him to pull away if wanted/needed. Husk didn't as he held your hand tightly, "can we just rest after this drink? We've all had a shitty day.."Husk said in his usual husky voice. You and angel shared a look before letting out happy snickers and giggles, "definitely, mr.whiskers~" Angel teased in his usual tone. Husk let out a deep groan pulling his paw away "great now the moments ruined" Husk shot back just as playful as Angel. They were happy and so were you, so it worked out well, and you wouldn't change a thing
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backwzzds · 11 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ body party, sensei!zoro (nsfw)
lora’s note: so ghetto 🙄 repost for kazuha 🤍 @roronoaswifey
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thinking about sensei!zoro, a master swordsman who taught weekend classes to whoever wanted to learn the art and craft of swordsmanship. roronoa zoro, renowned the nation’s best swordsman. almost no one knew what he did during his free time, except that he ran a secret and private martial arts gym to a select few of individuals in his class—all joined by some referral of a past member.
you were his newest addition. invited by your friend, she knew how much you needed to destress from all the problems in your life. you’d signed up on the very last day zoro was still accepting members, being the last and final one to walk through the door of the underground gym.
from the way you tried to quietly sneak in the back of the class, already twenty minutes late from being lost, zoro never missed the way you struggled to keep up with the other women who mirrored his stance almost as good as his. first were the stretches. he took a lot of time to make sure no one caught cramps mid-training, so he always spent at least an hour on it every session.
you’re caught in the back, too busy trying to see his tall figure behind all the moving women demonstrate the next move, but get confused when there’s nobody up front anymore.
“make sure to extend your limbs, you wanna feel your muscles stretch in your body,” his voice startles you as you try your hardest to mirror the women in front of you.
you laugh nervously. “i’m not so flexible,” you weren’t so good at your balance either, you didn’t miss the way the other women laughed at your inability to keep up. they were much more fit, able to stand in heinous positions for long amounts of times. a large hand is placed on your abdomen and another on your back.
“don’t look at them,” sensei!zoro instructs. “just breathe.” with a nod of your head, you do as told with his hands supporting you up. “you’re new to the class. i don’t expect you to master something like armament so easily, especially not on the first day.” his voice is supportive and soothing; it makes your nerves ease just a little bit.
but in your peripheral, you see the way two women beside you gave you small glares. you weren’t sure if a lot of the girls here took the class because they actually wanted to learn swordsmanship or just flex their petite bodies for the incredibly hot sensei. you were different though.
you didn’t have a skinny body or long legs—you had curves filling out your sweatpants tightly, and you couldn’t move too much or else your heavy breasts would bounce painfully—of course you had to navigate the course differently than them. but you weren’t gonna let a little weight on you stop you from trying a new (and healthy) coping mechanism to get away from your problems.
after stretches, came sparring. everyone had gone over to the sword rack and chose their weapon of choice, while you took the time to hold each one, measuring out which one was the perfect weight for you.
“that’s a good one,” sensei!zoro interrupts your thoughts. “seems light enough for you to hold. lemme see your swing.” doing as told, you demonstrate a quick swing away from his body, and he nods in approval. “that’s your sword now. look at it, remember it, and come here.”
you follow his to a corner of the room, away from everyone else. “they’re a few steps ahead. i’ll catch you up on what we’ve learned so far.”
you frown before bowing. “sorry, you shouldn’t have to—woah!” you’re caught off guard by a sudden swing of a very sharp sword.
“rule one,” zoro eyes you with a smirk. “once we get on these mats—it’s battle only. i’ll go easy on you today.”
you firmly nod your head and get into stance. “yes sir.”
four hours later, the class finally ends, and everyone is preparing to go home, tired and sweaty. you’re resting your bag on your shoulder about to follow out the exit when your name is heard through the large gym.
“y/n,” sensei!zoro calls. your classmates all turn around to look at him with hopeful eyes. with an amused smile, the young teacher gestures his head to the exit. “the rest of you are dismissed. see you next week. y/n, c’mere.”
you furrow your eyebrows and slowly gravitatetoward the green-haired man, trying to ignore the slick comments being muttered under the breaths of your classmates.
“how come she gets to stay back? she can literally learn on her own.”
your voice is nervous as you grip onto the handle of your bag. “yes sensei?”
“zoro. you can call me zoro after class hours,” he tells you. “you did well today. best new student i’ve seen in a while,” he crosses his arms as he leans back against his desk.
surprise is etched in your throat. “r-really? i didn’t think so, i was struggling on some of the balance positions. i’m not exactly the most flexible, so it’s a bit hard for me to start off at least.” you admit. “literally all i can do is the splits, and i haven’t even done that in a while.”
“that’s alright, practice makes perfect,” your handsome teacher assures you. “over time, if you decide to stay in the class, balance and flexibility will come to you like muscle memory. you’ll be surprised how much your body can accomplish when you give it a chance. trust me, you’ll be able to put your legs behind your ears by the time i’m done with you.”
your brown cheeks flush at his comment. you were sure he didn’t have any hidden innuendo behind his words, but you still can’t help but heat up at his nasty words. his voice is naturally flirty as he smiles over at you.
zoro can’t help but be amused at your natural reaction. he’d clearly been eyeing you all day, the way your beautiful body actually looked damn-near perfect as it mirrored his own movements. sure, your balance wasn’t exactly the best; but you kept trying till you got it right. and because of that, sparring with him was much easier than it should have and would have been with anyone else. on top of being a fast learner, he liked your determination; it was something he admired in his students, especially one as beautiful as you.
you shift your weight from one leg to another in an attempt to at least relieve the tingling feeling between your thighs. “thank you sensei—i mean zoro. i really had fun during this class. sorry again for coming late, i got lost trying to find the building underground.”
“‘s no problem, don’t worry about it. i have a hard time finding my way around too sometimes.” zoro chuckled at your fluster. “next class though, you better be here bright and early. that’s an order too.”
“i will! hopefully i don’t get lost again. in the mean time, i’ll keep practicing my stretches at home. i would not wanna catch a cramp in the middle of sparring, especially with you,” you scoff ironically with a small laugh but once you realize what you’d actually said, you quickly correct yourself. “o-or anyone else that i’d be training with.”
zoro leans up off his desk and walks over to your body. “no worries. it’s my job to teach you the art of swordsmanship. how to take it seriously to the point where’s not just a side hobby—but a lifestyle as well,” his voice lowers as he looks down at you. “i can tell you’re not confident in your skills yet. you should be. you did well for a first day beginner.”
“well, it’s really just the flexibility and balance i’m worried about,” you admit, gesturing to yourself. “i’m kinda different than everyone else in the class so i wasn’t sure if i was even doing it right. at least, based on the comments from the others.” you roll your eyes. “i’ll keep trying though. flexibility shouldn’t be too hard to learn.”
you’re caught by surprise at your sensei’s next words. his large hand grabs at your chin, and lightly tilts your head back to face him. he leans in and nearly touches his nose with yours, breathing out, “let me teach you.”
and that was exactly how you ended up with your ankles right behind your ears at this very moment.
“this isn’t flexible?” sensei!zoro’s rough voice teases as he pounds into you mercilessly. his large fingers comes down to pull back the hood of your pussy and show love to your clit, rubbing the small nub in between his fingers and stimulating you even more. “look how you got your ankles behind your ears for me like a filthy girl. what i’d say? pretty flexible to me.”
the green-haired man looked down at your connecting bodies in amazement as he watched his fat tip slip in and out of your pussy successfully swallowing him whole with every hungry thrust he gave you. suddenly, a long dribble of spit fell from his glossy lips as he spat on your pussy, already creamy from your previous orgasms against him. zoro nastily uses the new source of lube as an excuse to touch up all on you, spreading the lips of your cunt apart to reveal all of you to him.
tears fell from your eyes as you cried for more, running your manicured fingers across his scarred chest. “you like that princess?” like the way i’m fucking you so good?” zoro engulfs your lips in his, swallowing your cries into his mouth. “tell me how you feel.”
“yes, so good sir,” you babble. you couldn’t even speak properly, not with the feeling of his pretty cockhead hitting each inch of your gummy walls. your legs were so far behind your head, this position allowed zoro to hit nothing but your aching cervix. you’d broken your celibacy for your martial arts teacher whom you’d met barely six hours ago, and you didn’t feel an ounce of regret for one bit. “please more, ‘m gonna cum, zoro!”
sensei!zoro would smirk down at you with dark eyes, debating on denying you your fourth orgasm for the night. deciding to tease you a bit more, he resorted to a harsh smack to the fat of your tit, watching the recoil bounce to easily. your skin gains red undertones as that part of your breast grows warm. “not my name pretty. c’mon say it.”
throwing your head back, you rolled your hips against his. you loved the way the curtains indeed matched the drapes as small moss green pubic hairs were covered in nothing but your slick from zoro thrusting into you forcefully. “i’m gonna cum, sensei. please let me cum.”
you’re turning to putty in his hands as he keeps you in a damn-near mating press. you were nervous that the abstract position would have caused you pain, not having been folded like this in a very long time, but zoro completely made sure you were comfortable if he was gonna fuck you to tears. the jewelry pierced in your navel dangled around as the pudge of your stomach rolled up against you tightly, completely helpless as the large strong man held you in this heavenly position, never once letting go of your flesh.
“no objections here. go on and cum.” with a smirk of completion, the young instructor sped up his pace as he helped you reach your high, leading you to completely soak his torso, squirting for the very first time in your entire sex life. you let out loud cries mixed with whines as you feel your body spasm under your instructor’s hot touch, who stood above you watching in complete amazement.
as you finished, you breathed out heavily as you stared at the mess you just made in near horror. “that your first time?” zoro teased, slowly rubbing at your clit, making sure you got every last drop out. you nod your head shyly, too admit that your past boyfriends were never able to get you to cum no matter how hard you tried. “you did a good job. turn around and bend over for me.” you don’t object as you scoot off the wet surface of his desk and bend over, pressing your ass on complete display for him.
zoro slips back into you with complete ease as he rubs his hand all along the terrain of your globes, mentally preparing himself for the best nut of his life. “fuck,” he groans, heading back to his earlier pace. “can’t believe all this was hidden beneath those damn clothes.”
the sensei’s eyes trail onto your back, and he swears he feels himself grow hard inside you all over again when they trail to the large butterfly tattoo on the spine of your back. the beautiful wings fluttered open and closed with each backshot he gave you, and he couldn’t hold his composure anymore.
you nearly shudder when you feel his cold hands rub along your blue tattoo. with sex clouding your mind, you find half the energy to thrust back into him, hopefully throwing some pleasure for him as well. this sudden change in rhythm catches zoro by surprise. you’re breathing heavily as your plump cheeks move graciously against his pelvis, each thrust giving excellent recoil as he feels himself about to cum again soon. “fuck, just like that, keep going.”
it’s been a while since sensei!zoro’s had sex, and all based on his personal preference, but hell, did you make him feel like he was fucking for the first time ever again. the way your walls welcomed him and held onto him tight every time he entered and exited you took him by amazement. who knew such a shy person could fuck him so good like this?
“such a good girl,” zoro mutters, running his hand all along your body. it was unusual for him to touch someone this much during sex. he usually partook in quick hookups, not really interested in relationships in the past few years, but you were different. he found himself wanting to touch you, caress you, and even hold you, all within seven hours of meeting you.
the green haired man feels his stomach tighten up as he holds onto your waist tightly for support. anything less and he might have collapsed on top of you. “fuck, i’m gonna cum,” he breathes out. “where do you want it baby?”
you don’t even think twice about your words before you’re begging, “please, inside me, sensei. want all of it.” though you’ve been celibate for a while now, you continued taking your birth control to prevent your intolerable period pains during your cycles.
zoro smirks and abides by your wishes, eventually reaching his own peak, and fucking his hot and fresh semen into you. you two let out a string of curses as you feel him fill you up. “fucking shit, baby. so good,” he whispers, completely emptying everything he had into your womb. as he started to come down, his thrusts slowed, making sure your abused cunt caught every drop.
you’re breathing heavily against the table as your vision spins. “good girl. good fucking girl.” by the time he fully stopped, zoro rubbed down your back and ass soothingly, bringing you down from your high as well. “gonna pull out, okay?”
you nod your head, completely exhausted against his table. you winced when you felt him pull out. you’re about to stand up, but are taken aback when you feel zoro lean over to grab something and rest his hand back on your spine, lightly pushing you back down. “hold on, lemme clean you up first.” he mutters.
you don’t respond as you feel your eyes shut. you let the man take care of you as sleep nearly overcomes your vision. zoro cleans between your legs with baby wipes, occasionally pressing small kisses against the cellulite of your thighs before heading into his locker and pulling out a spare set of clothes.
you give him a small smile in appreciation, and are surprised when it fits you perfectly. zoro did like his clothes two sizes bigger than his normal. you gladly take a bottle of water from him and indulge in a few sips as he slips on his sweatpants and grabs his keys.
pressing a small kiss to your complete sweat-out edges, he pats your ass lightly before gesturing to the exit. “come on, lemme drive you home.”
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wandasaura · 6 months
summary — a few bullet points describing the relationship you have with your girlfriends
warnings — alludes to elements of ageplay, very brief mention of smut, literally only a sentence
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♥️⊹ ˚ . 18+, men/minors dni ⁺ 𓈒 ꒰💌꒱ ♡ ・ mommy maximoff ✧
ꕤ wanda is definitely the authoritarian within your dynamic. unlike natasha who will let you get away with whatever you want, within reason of course, wanda upholds the expectation that you should act as their good little dove and abide by the rules without her having to remind you.
ꕤ for the most part, you don’t need to be reminded about bedtime or using your inside voice, but on the days that you want to test her patience, she always starts out soft. it’s a gentle reminder at first, rough fingers beneath your chin, tilting your head back until you meet her eye, softly asking you to listen to mommy before she smiles goofily and kisses your waiting lips that have always formed a pout by this point. if she had to ask again, she wasn’t as nice, and for the post part, you never let her get to three. for the most part. there are some days you wake up just wanting to rile her up, get beneath her skin, and giggle with your daddy at her expense. when she got to three on those days, her eyes flashed red and whatever misbehavior you’d been taunting her with, became a second thought as you sniffled at her disappointed face.
ꕤ natasha always thought it was hilarious to see you fall so far so fast, and how you tearfully mumbled out apologies as your mommy rambled about actions and consequences. her amusement had gotten her in trouble with the scary witch more times than she’d like to admit, and while most of wanda’s wrath wasn’t shown to her the way it was to you in this headspace, there were a handful of times when she found herself right alongside you at the kitchen counter, writing lines until her hand felt raw and her eyes burned daggers into wanda’s head when she was sure you weren’t looking.
ꕤ that being said, natasha wasn’t all fun and games either. especially not when you found yourself beneath her in the bedroom, desperate for your release that she had spent hours building up and pulling away. wanda would laugh cynically at your side, squeezing your hand when you would inevitably reach out for her and pout. it was a healthy balance, but at the end of the day, you knew that both of them were a safe space to sink into
ꕤ when wanda’s having a hard day, they usually fall close to her birthday or the death anniversaries of her family members, she’s not herself in the slightest. you can always tell when her grief becomes allconsuming. she’ll pull away from you and natasha, find a reason to stay later at work or lock herself away in a spare bedroom claiming she’s doing mission reports and needs to focus, but you know that she’s crying as quietly as she can, struggling to find a reason to keep going when everything hurts so much. you’re her motivation at that point — when she feels like she just can’t go on in so much pain anymore. she loves you and natasha equally, but she doesn’t want to be the one to traumatize you. natasha’s lost handfuls of people, she understands the way wanda feels, but you’re their innocent little dove, and the thought of hurting you like that… she would never. so eventually she’ll come out to find you, and she’ll braid your hair, and cuddle you close, and forgive the fact that bedtime was an hour ago in favor of finding ice cream buried in the freezer and eating it while she watches your favorite show/movie. you make sure to love on her extra hard, and natasha doesn’t mind the favoritism as she watches you snuggle close to wanda and follow her around like a shadow, not wanting to leave her alone.
ꕤ when natashas having a bad day, usually triggered by a mission that reminded her of the conditions of the red room/her time under cover in ohio, she’s the opposite. she knows what she lives for, and she makes sure to express her gratitude for you and wanda in anyway she can. whether it’s spontaneous hugs and kisses throughout the days, cooking your favorite meal for dinner even if she hates the long and tedious process of making some of wanda’s favorite foods, or preparing a bubble bath for the three of you to sink into at the end of the day complete with candles and bubbles, she’s going the extra mile to make sure you feel loved. she’s painfully aware of how short and unpredictable life is, and she wants to make sure if anything happens to her, neither of you question for a second if you were loved.
ꕤ your favorite days though, are the days when you have them all to yourself. you’ll pile up on the couch and spend the entire day eating absolute junk, cuddling close to them and laughing about old memories and childhood stories, you bake sweet treats and just enjoy each others company. ans at the end of the night, you fall into bed between them with a smile on your face, knowing that just before you can’t keep your eyes open anymore, wanda’s gonna lean in close and kiss your forehead, and natasha’s going to squeeze your waist and whisper, “goodnight, little dove” in your ear
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slowlymyavenue · 3 months
The Brainwashing Bed
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Based on a true* story.
*hypnotically induced
The title gives this one away just a bit, don't you think? This one may receive some revisions, like several of my recent posts. We'll see.
Consider your bed. Lay down, if you like.
It's comfortable, I hope. You spend an awful lot of time in it...although, probably not as much as you'd like. That's common. Few of us get enough sleep, these days. But let's focus on the bed itself.
A good bed is the right balance of soft and firm, providing a certain measure of support along with a certain degree of cushion. Everyone has a slightly different preference on this, sure, but the idea remains universal: your bed has to have the right balance.
Beyond that, it should keep you warm - but not too warm - and cozy. Pillows and blankets and comforters and all those nice accessories help with this, that's true. Your bed may be any of several different compositions, ranging pretty wildly in cost. It could be one of the larger investments in your home.
But underneath all that variability, the goal is shared. A good bed helps you sleep. You feel safe in it; it's easy to get comfortable, relax, and enjoy the way it feels.
This makes it the ideal delivery mechanism for a particular experiment of mine...not that I'd modify your bed, of course. The experiment is a fun one to discuss, however, so indulge me a bit, won't you?
I thought you might.
Consider your bed, with a subtle shift in purpose. It remains primarily designed to keep you comfortable, warm, and safe, but there is an additional function hidden beneath. There is an intent to guide that relaxed version of you into a state of compliance, submission, obedience. In short, something has been done to your bed so that it will help brainwash you.
It's perfect, really, don't you think? All the necessary components are present already. Your brain associates the bed with comfort, safety, relaxation, sleep...so the bed need only be given the smallest degree of capacity to guide that state in a different direction.
It varies from bed to bed, as most experiments vary from person to person. Some are given a device that emits a low pulsing vibration: soothing, inexorable. Others receive the less-tame form of a heating pad: penetrating warmth to relax the body and melt the mind. Still others find an almost imperceptible static sound surrounding them at bedtime: slowly overpowering the sound of your own thoughts.
But it wouldn't be very scientific of me to reveal which one you'd get, would it? You'd expect the effect and react accordingly. If I were going to make those modifications, your bed would receive all of those upgrades...and perhaps more.
Like I said, though, I wouldn't do that. Well, not unless you volunteered for the experiment, or really really really wanted me to do it. What other things would I change about your bed? Good question.
Subtle is the goal at first. You shouldn't notice anything immediately; it needs to take awhile. You'd find it more difficult to think, of course, and you'd feel more willing to accept my words without a second thought. Would you be able to distinguish that from simple drowsiness, though? Would it be too late by the time you did?
That's the idea. Your bed knows you, in a way, spending so much time together with you. It's fairly straightforward to use that knowledge to make the correct alterations. I like to provide a sense of intent, as if the bed itself wants you to surrender. If you were, somehow, part of the test group, your bed would be able to slip restraints over your legs without your perception of it.
What's that? Are your legs bound? Interesting.
It's important to relax, still, so you'd find it extremely difficult to struggle against the restraints. Whatever means of influence the bed has been enhanced with would be dedicated to keeping your body as close to limp as possible. Your mind, well, that follows naturally with your body. Heaviness makes it hard to think.
Besides, there'd be no time to really focus on your predicament before the bed entered the programming phase. That's where the design truly shines, if I do say so myself.
You see, we both know you've pleasured yourself in bed; it knows that, too. It knows the method you use most, the way your body moves, the sounds you make, the toys you've tried...all of it. All I have to do is provide it with the means to stimulate your body; it could already have your legs restrained, and spread. Oh, there are also restraints for your thighs, hips, torso, arms, and even your head. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, thrashing about, now would we?
The restraints can be selective, yes. The primary purpose is still to keep you comfortable (and perhaps you aren't even in bed yet, only learning about the experiment and deciding whether to participate). You'll be bound only as tightly as needed, or wanted.
What happens then? Programming phase requires you to be more receptive than usual, so you'd be stimulated accordingly. The bed has new attachments for that in case you aren't able to move: vibrators attached to arms attached to pistons and springs whirring to life between your legs, pheromone emitters beneath or inside your pillows to flood your body with instinctive heat and lust, cables to connect to your headphones and override the sounds, maybe even a gag to slip into your slightly open mouth if you tend to get loud when you pleasure yourself.
In early stages of testing, the bed simply used the influence methods - sound, vibration, warmth - to compel you to pleasure yourself. You've felt the urge before, I suspect, even before the upgrade. Simple, but very potent. It's okay, if the restraints weren't comfortable, you'll be free to touch yourself -or- use the attachments.
Once you begin to feel the pleasure from whatever source, the bed begins to feed you instructions. These are typically echoes of my words, mantras, coupled with flashes of obedience, submission, and surrender. If the restraints seemed too excessive, you'd be touching yourself while these compulsions are fed to your relaxed, compliant brain. If the restraints were necessary, the bed would be stimulating you just the way it knows you like.
The beauty of the design is that you are naturally fairly helpless when you're in bed, especially if you've been appropriately relaxed, restrained, or otherwise subdued. The brainwashing is able to flow freely into your receptive head, and by the time you've been brought to orgasm - by your own hand, or by the bed itself - you're simply...sleepy.
Because the bed, of course, is still meant to guide you to sleep. The entire programming phase, it would be draining you as much as needed. Drifting off becomes a bit of a foregone conclusion, by then.
Does the stimulation continue even after you fall asleep? Of course. Additional programming is fed to your sleeping self, even as the bed resumes its more innocuous disguise while the night goes on. Some subjects forget the brainwashing bed by the time they awaken. Others remember clearly and are drawn to it, eager to surrender again.
That's the real experiment, you see. I wouldn't modify your bed like we've discussed, unless I already have. I seem to have misplaced my notes, so who knows?
Do you have a brainwashing bed? Do you feel it calling?
Or are you already bound and being brainwashed as we discuss it?
Either way, as always, enjoy.
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vintagetimetarot · 7 months
What blessings are coming into your life very soon? ♡︎🪽
Hello everyone! This reading is inspired by @sillyfoxlady . I’ve been looking for some good PAC topics that bring a positive energy, and this is pretty open ended so I decided to do it. Pick a vintage illustration below for your reading. And when I say very soon, these are blessings coming into your life by your definition of very soon. Whether it means days, weeks, months, whatever. Have fun, and this is a general reading. Please like and rb (maybe even comment) if it resonated with you.
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Pile 1: you guys have quite a few blessings coming into your life very soon. I think one of these blessings is having a very good holiday season, specifically with your family. This may include travel as well, and just spending a LOT of time with the people you love. It’ll lift your spirits, and I think you’ll get a message from friends and family, possibly invitations really soon to events, and have a very fun time. People are going to be very kind to you really soon during this time, I honestly see this coming extremely fast, in days. You may reconnect with old friends and family you haven’t spoken to in awhile or see them. Time will go slowly in the sense you will feel like these loving moments last so long, and you’ll enjoy every second of it. For a lot of you I’m getting a specific message that you will have a lot of fun at a family gathering. (Take or how it resonates) you’ll generally just will feel happier and it’s going to stick to you for quite a bit. You’ll find yourself having a mindset change. You’ll be so happy and more positive about things in life. I feel like you’ll also get some clarity on things that were previously bothering you, you’ll get the comfort you need. I also see if you are struggling, whether financially, mentally, or both, you will be taken care of. You’ll realize many people care about you, and many things that happen in the next few days are going to surprise you in a good way. That’s all I got, I hope this resonated!
Pile 2: I see you guys have been working on something lately, and all that work is going to pay off very soon, and your faith will be restored. You’ll develop a better attitude and mindset about whatever this is you are working on, and you will be given the resources and materials to work on this extensively as your blessing. I feel like for most of you this will be a physical material. You will have people help you along the way, I see a masculine energy specifically coming in to help you. I think you’ve been working on this specific thing for a LONG TIME. I think that people are also going to start and acknowledge what this is in a positive light, for some of you what you are working on I don’t think some people in your life approve of, but they are going to have a change of heart. I see that you’ll finally be speaking up for yourself and what you want, and because of this you will be blessed. There are some many unexpected surprises coming your way, the universe or whatever higher power you believe in is asking you to hold onto your faith, because things are gonna change very soon. This is going to be a big refresher for you, you’ll finally be able to relax. This is all I got, I hope this resonated!
Pile 3: I feel like you guys have been searching for answers to something so much, and you’ve become so weary and tired at this point. You want to give up. I think you guys are finally going to be given an opportunity, that is going to give you the best outcome you could ever imagine. You got the two most positive cards in the deck. It’s right above the horizon. I think you’ve been shutting down solutions and help, and just refusing to listen to people, but I see you finally opening up, taking a change and committing to this opportunity. This opportunity is very external, and will give you the chance to finally get some balance in your life. I think this is something you’ve been wanting to change for some time, and it’s finally almost here. I think you will be supported by others in this opportunity given to you, making this very beautiful for you. I think you are gonna get so overwhelmingly happy. You’ll have a change in your mood as well, for the better. This will come very fast and very suddenly. Almost out of nowhere. I feel like this opportunity involves two or more things. This could be two or more people, two or more job offers, etc. but it’ll end up complimenting each other if it makes sense? I see this is something you’ve wished for for a long time I think. Just know it’s all going to work out. This is all I got, I hope this resonated!
Pile 4: You guys are going to be leaving a difficult situation, and entering a very positive one. You are going to be given so many opportunities in your new situation, that it might make you a bit overwhelmed with happiness. You’ll hit the jackpot with this one, and I get a very fated type of energy. You’ll be putting this old situation to rest, and you won’t think about it anymore. For most you reading this, you will be physically moving away from whatever this is as part of a new opportunity. I also think you are going to meet someone new in your life, for the better as a part of this situation. For most of you, this is a romantic situation you’ll be in because of this. I think this will be very clear when it’s happening, you’ll just know. You’ll feel more loved very soon, by somebody. I think this is the person offering these many opportunities to you. It’ll be a sign of relief once you are out this situation. Something tells me this could happen overnight for a small portion of you guys. But even if it’s not overnight, it’s coming soon. You are going to be healthily moving on as well, you won’t be in mourning. The holidays may be very special for you as well, or when all of this goes down. You may be quite nervous about anything changing, but I’m telling you you might be in shock! I feel this is something you previously believed could have never happened. Good luck! This is all I got, I hope this resonated.
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
The sun and his flower
word count; 2133 – f!reader
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Hinata never really got into driving. He took his driver's licence, but never got around to buying a car after returning to Japan. So when the snow fell overnight and he overslept for practice with the Black Jackals, he had no other choice but to leave his bike and hop on a bus.
And he would forever be thankful that he did. Because that morning was the first time he saw you. You sat closer to the front of the bus, in one of those unfortunate seats turned the other way, so Hinata could watch as you bopped your head carefully to whatever music you listened to and stared out the window. Your movements didn’t quite match up with his own music, which he found annoying so he turned his off. Who still uses earbuds with a cord? he thought as he watched how the cord was tangled in with your scarf.
Even though he didn’t know the names of any particular flowers, he started comparing you to them.
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So he kept catching the bus, often running briskly to the bus stop just to make sure he could get on the right one, even if it was a bit early or a bit late.
Sometimes he got a seat where he could see your face, sometimes he had to pretend to adjust something to turn and catch glances at you, and sometimes he could only pout at the top of your head over the seat. Nonetheless, he started imagining what you did after stepping off the bus. Were you a student? A florist? A musician? Or maybe you worked in some office, like Kuroo.
You always got off before him, the same stop every time, and his eyes would follow you until you were blurry because the bus moved and then you were out of sight. He would then slump back in his seat, putting his headphones on for two more stops until he could get off, jogging to make up for the warm-up time he missed.
“You ever considered getting a car?” Sakusa asked him one day as Hinata shuffled into place beside them where they were finishing warm-ups while he started them, beginning with his thighs while Sakusa rolled his shoulders back into place.
“No,” Hinata answered sharply before chuckling, struggling a bit to keep his balance in the pose he used. “I mean, the bus is cheaper.”
Atsumu scoffed. “As if money for a car should be a problem, ya can get a little golf or something if yer so worried,” he said, jumping in place to loosen up his muscles.
“I could get a car, but I don’t really need it. Think of the environment, Tsumu.” Hinata teased back, switching legs as Bokuto came from the bathroom.
“Sho!” he cheered, not minding any conversation they might have had before. Hinata kept on with his warmup beside the net while they started with Atsumu setting for their spikes. Sakusa made little comments and quickly, everyone forgot about the previous conversation. Finally, Hinata was ready to spike. Atsumu set up a few for him before they were told to get ready for team practice, everyone taking a break to fill up on water.
As Hinata dried off his forehead with the bottom of his shirt, he sighed. “Actually, there’s this girl,” he said, stopping when he heard someone gasp dramatically, not sure which of his team members it was as he continued. “On the bus, she’s really pretty.”
“Don’t be shy, tell us about ‘er,” Atsumu encouraged, leaning his arm uncomfortably on Sakusa’s shoulder, a motion that was quickly denied.
So Hinata did, he got up from the bench and with unnecessary gestures, he told them about which stop you get off at and detailed the colour of your hair. He had a small discussion with himself about what word to use for the colour of your eyes, and then when he finished he looked at his friends with the sweetest smile.
Bokuto, ever the optimist, nodded encouragingly. “And?”
Hinata’s nose scrunched. “That’s it. We haven’t talked yet.”
“You take the bus every day just to stare at her? That’s not creepy at all,” Sakusa said sarcastically, ending the conversation on that note as they were called back to the court.
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You didn’t mean to. Your eyes usually stayed on the scenery passing by, making up scenes in your head based on whatever music your shuffled playlist handed you, so you didn’t mean to make eye contact with the orange-haired guy when you were on your way off the bus. He sat in the seat closest to the door, and when your eyes met his, he smiled. You could have sworn it was cloudy outside, so why was the sun sitting on the bus with you this whole time? And why didn’t you notice it before?
The moment was cut short as more people were getting off, some burly man bumping your shoulder to get off and naturally pushing you along as you realised it was indeed drizzling outside. By the time you turned around to seek his warmth again, the bus doors were closing and the bus carried your sunshine away.
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The day after, the volume on your earbuds was a bit lower as you stepped on the bus, looking around uncharacteristically and deflating when you realised there was no orange hair in sight. So you sat down in the seat behind where he sat yesterday and got back to looking out the window.
It wasn’t until four stops later that someone sat down beside you, and you frowned when you looked forward and saw that the bus wasn’t that full, so then you turned to whoever sat beside you. And there he was, warm just like the last time you saw him.
“Sorry, is it okay if I sit here?” he asked, loudly enough to disturb other commuters, but you couldn’t hear while your earbuds were still in. Your eyes zeroed in on his cheeks where there were tiny freckles kissed by a soft red flush, probably from running to the bus stop or something. Then you looked down, noticing how his lips were moving before his tongue ran between them, oh.
You picked your earbud out before tucking some hair behind your ear so you could see him properly, taking in a quick breath. “Sorry! What did you say?” you asked, corners of your lips tilted up.
Hinata chuckled, skipping the question of whether or not he could sit there. “What are you listening to?” he asked instead, pointing to the earbud you were rolling between your fingers.
You hesitated for a second before simply handing the earbud over, an inviting glint in your eyes as you silently let him indulge in your privacy. He smiled even brighter, making you squint slightly before he took the earbud and put it in his ear, subconsciously leaning a bit closer so he wouldn’t pull yours out.
And as he started slightly moving his head, you wondered what he was so happy about so early in the morning. If the sun’s brightest time is midday, why does it feel like it’s right here at 06.47? You chuckled silently under your breath, wondering if everyone else on the bus felt his warmth too. “I like your smile,” you said before you could stop yourself.
Hinata really liked your music, it suited you and at the same time, it was nothing like what he imagined. He didn’t listen to music that often, preferring to listen to his breathing and nature while jogging, but he could get used to this if he could share it with someone. With you.
When you took the initiative to talk more, he almost felt shy about it, lifting a hand to the back of his neck. “Thank you. I like your music,” he said, wanting to compliment you back but feeling like he couldn’t just say I like you. Because he did, he knew so little about you that it wasn’t easy to pinpoint anything, but he just liked you.
Eventually, you had to get off, so Hinata scrambled out of his seat, making your earbud fall out. Now he stood beside the seat, the two of you still connected as you held your phone and he had the earbud in. Quickly, he took it out and apologised, to which you told him not to worry before walking past him and in the heat of your fluster, you didn’t even say goodbye. You didn’t even catch his name.
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The next time you sat down on the bus, you were determined to do better, exactly how Hinata was yesterday as he braced himself to talk to you. When Hinata once again stepped on the bus at his usual stop, you lifted your hand and waved at him, making him smile and come over to sit beside you. “Hey!” he greeted cheerfully.
“Hi,” you responded, very aware of your upper arm pressed against his even if there was space enough not to. You handed over one earbud for him, taking in a deep breath of courage. “You never told me your name.”
Hinata took the earbud but didn’t put it in his ear. “Shoyo. Hinata Shoyo.” He mentally cursed at how he sounded like James Bond, but every other thought dissipated when you responded with your name. He liked it. He looked at you, noticing how prettily your eyelashes swung out at the edge and how he could finally decide on your eye colour now that he saw you up close. “Pretty,” he whispered, not sure if he was talking about your name or just you.
You blushed, turning away for a moment and then looking back at him, wondering the same thing as he did. “What do you do, Shoyo?” you asked, letting his name roll off your tongue like a sour candy you weren’t sure you could handle but still felt tempted to eat up.
“I’m a professional volleyball player,” he answered, looking proud. Your eyes widened, lips parting in surprise.
“Really? That’s so cool!” you said, making sure you didn’t talk too loudly and disturb others on the bus. You were amazed and naturally let your eyes browse down to get a glimpse of his physique. Professional athlete. “I don’t know why I thought professional athletes didn’t use public transport.”
If you asked his teammates, they don't, he thought. Hinata nodded, mindlessly twirling the earbud in his hand, which made you take yours out and tug on the cord to put it away. “And you? What do you do?” He bit his lip lightly in anticipation, every one of his theories flashing by in his mind. He checked the screen to find it wasn’t that long until you had to get off.
“It’s boring, I work in a cafe,” you said, nose scrunching at how lame your job was compared to his.
“You don’t like it?” he asked curiously. You hummed a short tone, thinking about it.
“I kinda love it. It’s just not as cool as being a volleyball player,” you said, emphasis on the last words, which made Hinata huff out a short laugh. “I’m not sure what I want to do yet.”
“If you like it, it’s cool,” he said like there was no use arguing. And you suppose it wasn’t, because you should in fact enjoy these years of your life where you’re still figuring things out. “Can I come with you?”
You blinked at him, looking from the front of the bus and back to him. “Yes? But weren’t you going somewhere?”
“I don’t even have work today, I just got on the bus to see you,” he admitted, and you hoped your gleeful laughter covered the sound of your heartbeat.
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Now you’re together all the time, but you’re not always on the bus. You’re at the cafe, taking a break and sharing a piece of cake, you’re in the park either talking and laughing or having him show you how to play volleyball and laughing even more, you’re at his place and kissing on his couch after not seeing each other all day while your music plays softly on the speakers, you’re at his game to cheer for him and then meet all his friends and perhaps even family, and you’re in a restaurant when he gives you a little silver ring to promise you two stick together even while figuring things out. Things like how to open a brand new cafe in Brazil after he airs the idea of moving back there.
Because the two of you just wanted to be together, like how flowers always seem to reach for the sun and the sun does its best to keep them warm in the limited time it has.
/tags @hotvinimon @makkir0ll
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