#Hoverboard Protective Cases
buttl0rd · 6 months
I'm watching like a hawk for that new kid 🤲 THE BABY
ALRIGHT HERE HE IS!! lemme introduce you to the new kid 👉👉
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this is carroway - he's the best 😎👽
this is gonna be a long post cause i have so much art and content to gush about. i love this kid 👇
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Some fun character details:
he was originally supposed to be like the 90's movie tough bully kid but he's ended up just being a stupid asshole. he probably likes to think he's really cool and tough 💪
has 3 younger sisters, hates being outnumbered by girls
huge foodie and finishes whatever you don't eat. not fussy at all
always leaving his mittens outside. they get all wet and gross in the snow
affectionately ripping on everyone he loves. he's a total asshole but most people know he doesn't mean half the shit he says. the real ones tolerate him 😔🤙
he doesn’t know he’s bisexual (don’t tell him, he’ll find out on his own)
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Hobbies & Interests
Aliens. Carroway is a firm believer in alien life and has an immense interest in UFO sightings, alien communication and all things outer-space. He often brags to his classmates that he has been abducted and probed, and is friends with the Martians that visit South Park sometimes (do any of them believe him?). He has a telescope that he set up in his friend Dante’s treehouse which he uses to spot UFOs in the night.
FUN FACT: His probe is linked with Cartman's. It's the connection that makes it possible for OCs to exist in the same universe as canon characters.
Drums. He has a drum set in his garage on which he practices every day after school. He has exceptional rhythm and is very talented. He keeps drumsticks in his backpack just in case he encounters a drumset or anything he can make a beat with (tables, benches, trashcans, etc.) Neighbors complain to his parents about the noise, so his garage is sound-proofed to the best of Mr. Carroway’s ability. 
Snowboarding. Carroway goes snowboarding every few weeks. His family do snowboarding trips and he LOVES it. He also skateboards and rides his bike when he’s not up in the mountains, kid just likes to go fast. He dreams of being a professional snowboarder when he’s older.
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TFBW: Boarderline
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Boarder is a special flying support unit, part of Coon & Friends. He delivers high-impact quick attacks with his hoverboard and can heal/cure status conditions with his awesome space beams. As a speedster he utilizes the whole battlefield and is constantly moving, making him difficult to hit.
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He was a human that got abducted and genetically modified by Martians to serve and protect the alien race. After battling in many galactic wars he returned to his home in Colorado. His abilities were noticed by the superhero organization, Coon & Friends and Boarder was recruited to join their alliance. He provides support to Coon & Friends in battle.
Inspired by the gear he wears when he goes snowboarding.
His superhero costume consists of a white bodysuit with black tape accents and a big old metal zip. There's reflective blue strips on the gloves, boots and around the edge of his signature spaceboard. He's got these iconic space goggles that protect his face when he’s flying at the speed of light.
His name is a play on words - board (from his hoverboard) and borderline (being only just good enough for Coon & Friends). Allies call him Boarder for short.
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SOT: Skullrogue
Skullrogue is Carroway’s Stick of Truth character.
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He is a rogue-class unit and is quick and sneaky on the battlefield. He has a long black hooded cloak and a skull mask. His main weapon is a pair of daggers that are enchanted with flame magic. He cannot use magic himself but he is proficient with weapons, especially the daggers. He throws them and uses them to stab enemies in the back.
Skullrogue has an undisclosed edgy backstory, like any rogue player. He is mysterious and broody and so cool. He is loyal to the Wizard King and thinks Princess Kenny is hot.
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As a young adult, Carroway becomes a professional snowboarder and competes nationally in competitions. He becomes famous and earns a lot of money from his career, travelling the world for competitions. He makes it all the way to the Winter Olympics, representing the USA in the snowboarding category
After a career-ending injury in his mid-30's, he had to retire from snowboarding early and now lives off his sponsors and used-to-be-a-big-shot money. Despite being wealthy, he moved back to South Park and lives in a trailer (it’s easier than having a huge house). 
He sometimes needs a walking aid to get around and is medicated for chronic back pain.
He was too busy with his career to find love when he was younger, so he stays single and lonely in his 40s. He still goes out and does sport events, commentaries and sponsorships - he remains famous even though he cannot compete anymore. He’s like a living legend in the winter sports community. 
I'm still working on a PCOV design for him so stay tuned for that...
Anyway that's it for now!! I hope you love him 😘
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oreo-oro-orero · 7 months
The Idea of a scene or chapter where Jinx has to comfort Ekko after she witnesses him having a breakdown would be heartwarming and heartbreaking.
Ekko always struck me as a person who despite looking as though he has everything together especially when it comes to the rest of the cast, he is actually hurting greatly almost to the point where it's starting to wear down on him to keep up his mask.
Ekko and Jinx have a lot of parallels but they also have a handful of differences that tie into those parallels as well. One is that while Jinx remained stagnant despite her getting older, Ekko was forced to grow up too quick to survive the harshness of Zaun, you can even make a case that the nickname "little man" is a reference to this.
The stress of leading the firelights
The stress of protecting his parents(if their still alive)
The years of anger and cynicism he's tried to control and bury down only letting it pop out in short bursts
He may even feel some guilt on how shitty things have gotten, after all he was the one who told the gang about Jayces apartment, he was the one who couldn't save Benzo or Jinx
The years of loneliness even within the Firelights
All these things eating away at his mind, trying to claw their way out and it finally happens after him and Jinx are alone.
It could be after a particularly bad Firelight mission. Ekko and Jinx are in his room and he's chewing her out about how reckless she's being. The argument spirals and soon Jinx taunts him about how perfect he is and about how he thinks he's above everyone else and finally that mask that he so carefully constructed after years falls off. It doesn't even fall off, it full on cracks and shatters into the earth. He yells "YOU DON'T THINK IM SCARED TOO!!!" this startles Jinx because this is the first time Ekko has raised his voice up to at least this volume.
Ekkos mask is truly gone at this and all these bottled up emotions are in the forefront. He starts to tell Jinx about how he's scared every time he goes into Zaun, how he's not like her and Vi and how they can jump into Zaun and fight whatever they need to get what they want. How he's always scared, always scared of something going wrong, always scared of bringing back another corpse and his perfectionist tendencies amplify this. He talks about how being the leader of the Firelights scares him, how he knows that no matter what happens if one of them dies it's his fault because he's the one who took them in, he's the one who taught them how to ride the hoverboards and use the crystal grenades, he's the one who has supposed to protect them but yet he couldn't. He didn't sign up to be a leader and he doesn't even know if it's worth it anymore or if he even wants to do this anymore.
He laughs bitterly and it's like he's talking to himself now. He mocks the nickname Jinx gave him 'Boy Savior" how ironic because he can't seem to save anyone, how he couldn't save Benzo, or VI or Jinx. Hes talking more calmly now but it's a defeated tone and this strikes at Jinx's heart, it's like a loss of light has happened within the room. Ekko says that he sometimes wishes he stayed on the bridge with Jinx, sure he would've died but at least it would be over, the pain, suffering, anger, regret, it would all be over. He says sometimes the best dreams he would have is when Jinx would finally shoot him, he points to his chest "right through here" he says. It would be a perfect ending, the naive boy being taken down by the harsh reality of the world. This is starting to scare Jinx, she has never heard him talk like this....and she doesn't like it...not one bit.
Ekko is sitting on the bed at this point slumped over his knees, "Every time I walk past a mirror or a broken window or glass, I don't see a leader, a spark of hope or even a man....all I see is a little boy still clinging onto something that left him long ago. A little boy who's still afraid of the dark, a little boy who's still afraid of monsters" he looks up at Jinx with an expression that threatens to tear her heart out of her chest. Ekko always looked tired but this was something else, he was tired of everything, of the Firelights, of Zaun, Of Piltover, of everything "all those years I've spent fighting.....was it even worth it....is it still worth it.....I'm tired Jinx....I'm so so so tired" Ekko slumped back in his seated position again "...I'm sorry for yelling at you ji-".
Before he can finish his sentence, Jinx comes and sits on his lap and wraps her arms around his head and nuzzles him into her chest. He plays with his hair a bit and whispers things like "I'm sorry"and "it's okay, it's okay, I'm here" Ekko tries to talk but Jinx shushes him and holds him tighter "just let me hold you, let me love you" and Ekko quietly sobs while clutching onto her too.
I also like the idea that Ekko has Dark Impulses but doesn't act on them. Ekko is shown to be a very capable fighter so I have no doubt he could kill someone if he wanted to, i can imagine him having to hold himself back from doing it and those impulses could be worked into his break down. He starts to describe what he's thought about doing to the chembaron and chemgang members, some of what he says even disturbs Jinx.
Thanks to @starry-nights12 for giving me the idea!
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neojayink · 4 months
Sketch Dump + Splatoon Neo Artist Updates
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I’m nearly finished the complete plot of sneo hero story. Currently planning on how all my ideas will coincide with each other.
Hero: “Cross Contamination” - A sub plot that introduces Toxic Octolings and shows the failures of a scientist attempting to create genetically modified Octolings. Much like sanitized Octolings, the toxic octos have been contaminated and now show off zombie-like behaviors.
“Hero Team Up” - A pair of heroes on their night shift protecting the city. The left hero is physically exhausted from the mission. Neon Octolings shown carrying the new “Dauber Glove” weapons.
“Part time environmentalist” - Sketches for a story in which the main character works at a water plant facility. Currently scrapped idea as it introduced a convoluted storyline. Reworked into the Hero Night Shifts. (Protecting the Microbiome) “Water jug ink hammer” and “stream shot” seen as weapons. May be explored in the future.
“Tree Octoling Trio” - First concept for the Tree Octoling in the story. The hero will arrive to a zoo-like Forrest enclosure in search of a hidden treasure. The tree Octoling is protecting it, and has never seen an outsider before. Their natural instinct to protect their turf kicks in and a battle starts. Tree octopuses do not exist, but this one has been created in irony of that fact. They represent a successful genetic modification experiment by the scientist.
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“Hype Mode” - A new mechanic that lets the player trade their heart for stat boosts. More details coming in the sneo mechanics updates.
Edit: this mechanic will be reworked into what we will call “flow state”
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“Lock Jaws” - Splatoon Neo’s second official special. Will be seen after the “Supersize: Streamshot Deluxe” is shown off. The user summons a ghostly koinobori (carp/koi fish streamer ‘kite’.) The lock jaws which is made of holo ink swims through the air and surfaces to latch onto its target. Holo ink allows inklings to cast 3D projections of ink. It’s seen in many specials, but in this case, holo ink casts into a koi fish. Once locked, the enemy player will lose access to its special, sub weapon, and given negative effects such as dizziness and dillution. (Dillution makes you take more damage and deal less damage when affected)
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“Turf Board” - New weapon class of surfboard + hoverboard weapons. It will be a usable method of transportation in battles. Comes with its own ink tank to let you “hover” from its fountain mechanism. Ink saver main will be your friend with this wpn as the hover mode will burn through ink. I haven’t finished the mechanics and balancing but I could see this letting you hover for at least 5 seconds. As a turfing weapon it can shoot out two streams of ink. The win animation will definitely look like how people dance with sign advertisements. Vehicles will show up in the “raceway” stage as obstacles you can drive around with ink like the turf board.
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And finally,
“Neon Lotus” - Album cover concept 1. The twins have their final designs pretty much complete and they have a few songs in the works already. Their album vibe is inspired by old school sonic graphics. Surprisingly it’s harder for me to create songs for the twins vs ultramarine. It’s about 4 to 6 in difference. I’m definitely a perfectionist to neon lotus but I’m sure they’ll come out great. Over time I’ll be sharing more audio clips for both bands songs.
(This post sat in my drafts for months 😅just now checking drafts)
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derfisch-draws · 1 year
OC Masterpost
probably good to have a quick reference there of all my Guys, both for my sanity and perhaps yours too. will probably add more later, either as they become relevant again or as I create them. I'll try to keep all info and reference images as up to date as possible
my sonas
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not much to know about these guys, except they're both me. goodra is a little more outgoing, but is a couch potato, while tanuki keeps to themself more, but likes the outdoors
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a docile lil typh. imagine every fujoshi stereotype, and map it onto a nerdy gay boy, and you've basically got an's personality lol. he has a maybe-boyfriend grumpig who I haven't really developed yet. he's based off this picture though:
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zoroark & lucario
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these two are the guildmaster (lucario) and second-in-command (zoroark) of a guild in a pmd setting I've been rolling around in my head for a while. pokemon civilization exists in a region within the greater pokemon world, and is surrounded by some sort of protective barrier that keeps out humans. lucario fled there from an abusive trainer, and met zoroark there, who was living as a bandit. the two bonded, became mates, and founded a guild together as a safe haven for exiles and refugees like themselves. the armbands they wear serve strategic functions when they fight, but were mostly picked to match each other's color as a sign of their relationship
lucario is stern, but soft-spoken and reserved. his aura sensors having been removed by his previous trainer, he's unable to consciously control aura, and relies mainly on physical attacks and agility when fighting. in a pinch though, his body goes into desperation mode, and a whirlwind of destructive aura energy surrounds him, hurting him in the process. he wears a focus band just in case. this also can activate if he's incredibly stressed or angry, so it's best not to get him upset! thankfully, he's very good at emotional management, and he has a sweet tooth, so the best way to calm him down is to have a mago berry on hand
zoroark is impish, and has a habit of toying a bit with those around him. he doesn't let anyone know his emotional state except lucario. he doesn't even let anyone else see his eyes, always keeping them in a near-shut squint. only lucario has seen his eyes fully open. as someone who avoids conflict when possible, he attacks in a single strike, and uses the improved speed from his choice scarf to flee as quickly as possible, potentially lifting some goods in the process
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gatsby is a protogen in a setting where cyborgs like him are treated as products to be sold. I've written up a whole doc about his backstory here, but in short, he's escaped life as a slave, and is trying to live life on his own terms now
chiki & avillon
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these two are the mascots of a rhythm game concept I've had in mind for a while called "beast beat." as rhythm game characters, I haven't given a ton of thought to their personalities, but I do know that they're best friends. they live in a utopian setting with a retro future aesthetic. they're both djs, though chiki does more actual dj work, while avillon only does it occasionally, and focuses more on music production. also, avillon has a cool hover moped, and chiki has a hoverboard, but I haven't drawn either yet. woops
also, they're both hella gay! and chiki is trans
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 9 months
If Revolver Had Faced Roboppi
(Well... I went on and on about how Roboppi should've duelled anyone other than Soulburner and I decided to put that idea into a quick fanfiction.)
AO3 link if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50157784
When Revolver went out searching for the Dark Ignis, the last thing he expected to see was an island made up entirely of what looked to be the extended cast of The Brave Little Toaster. Curious, he headed towards it, eyes narrowing when he spotted a familiar figure.
Roboppi. The Dark Ignis’s lackey. He landed several paces away from the lone AI.
Roboppi turned to him. “Revolver!” he exclaimed in surprise.
Revolver’s eyes narrowed. “Where’s the Dark Ignis?”
“The… what?” Roboppi tilted his head to the side.
Revolver sighed heavily. “Where is… Ai?” The name sounded so unnatural on his tongue but he saw no other option to get the AI to understand him.
Roboppi’s eyes narrowed. “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what you two are planning to do with Sol Technologies,” Revolver growled, his fist clenched.
“I don’t know what Bro is planning to do. But I’m going to start conquering the universe from here.”
“Conquer the universe?” Revolver repeated, completely baffled.
“Are you underestimating my skills? Even Bro acknowledges my skill! I’ll become greater than my Bro and become the AI that conquers the universe!”
Revolver was silently baffled by Roboppi’s words. He had the appearance of a small child, yet spoke like the villain out of some superhero movie. It was more than a little ridiculous. However, this AI had defeated Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl so he clearly wasn’t someone to take lightly.
“Got that?” Roboppi went on. “If you do, leave this country immediately! Humans aren’t needed in this country!”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me where the Dark Ignis is,” Revolver growled.
“So you won’t leave? In that case…” He held up his arm, revealing a tiny duel disk on his wrist. “If you defeat me, I’ll tell you where my Bro is, or…” His anger faded for a moment to give way to confusion. “Whatever you were just calling him.”
“Fine.” Revolver held up his own duel disk. “I’ll be your opponent.”
“Duel!” The two of them exclaimed in unison.
Roboppi took the first turn, which was just fine with Revolver: his deck worked better on the second turn usually. However, the AI’s turn was barely over when a sound filled the air. Revolver looked up. Playmaker was racing toward the island, hopping off his hoverboard when he was close enough.
“Roboppi!” he exclaimed.
“Ah.” Roboppi glanced at him. “My former master has arrived. But this is my country. Leave now! Bro told me to protect my country, so I’ll erase everyone in my way!”
Playmaker looked taken aback for a moment before replying, “Where’s Ai?”
“That’s what we’re duelling for,” Revolver answered.
“That’s right,” Roboppi nodded. “I agreed to tell him where Bro is if he wins, but that won’t happen. It’s foolish to battle me. I’ve changed!” He tapped the side of his head with a finger. “I’m very smart now!”
“What did Ai do to you?” Playmaker asked.
Revolver’s eyes narrowed at him. Such trivial questions weren’t going to get them anywhere. He needed to be able to duel and defeat this devious AI, get the location of the Dark Ignis from him, and destroy him for all he’d done.
Roboppi rested his hand on his chest. “Bro and I linked when he fought Bohman. That’s when I became smart.”
“Ai’s backup affected you…” Playmaker realised aloud.
“By becoming smart, I know lots of things. It feels great!”
“I don’t care!” Revolver cut in, his patience snapping like a twig. “I’m duelling you for one reason and one reason alone: to find and destroy the Dark Ignis!” He placed his hand on his deck. “My turn! Draw!”
Within one turn, Revolver was able to reduce Roboppi’s life points all the way down to one thousand five hundred. It was big damage, sure, but not nearly enough. If he had a way to, he would defeat the AI in one turn but Roboppi had negated one too many of his effects to make that possible. So revenge on the Dark Ignis would have to wait…
“It seems I underestimated Revolver a bit,” Roboppi’s voice was dark as he recovered from Revolver’s attack.
Revolver’s eyes narrowed. “Is that a surrender I hear? I’ll accept it if you tell me where the Dark Ignis is.”
He held his duel disk up, knowing the AI wasn’t likely to surrender but willing to give him a chance regardless. After all, Roboppi wasn’t his target. The Dark Ignis was. For all Revolver knew, Ai had brainwashed or manipulated this other AI into working with him. He was dangerous, but Ai was the main threat.
“You think I’d betray Ai?” Roboppi exclaimed, pointing at him. “No, Revolver, I’ll defeat you for my bro!”
Revolver growled a bit. “What do you even owe that… that… the Dark Ignis?” He held back a few choice words he had for Ai, they could wait until he faced him in a duel.
Roboppi’s aggression faltered for a moment as he gazed at the ground. “Bro showed me a new world.” His eyes narrowed again when he met Revolver’s gaze again. “I’ll repay his kindness by defeating the one who torments him.”
“Oh, I’M tormenting the Dark Ignis?! After everything that monster-” All of Revolver’s rage toward Ai for what he did to the Zaizens slipped out in one venomous word. “-has done I’m the one tormenting him?!”
“That’s right! Revolver, you were the one who attacked the Cyberse in the first place! If not for you, there never would’ve been a war, and Bro’s friends never would’ve died!”
Revolver bit back a gasp, his eyes narrowing to hide his shock. He didn’t think this AI would know so much: he’d just been some AI of Yusaku’s, a pet of sorts Revolver assumed, prior to suddenly showing up as the Dark Ignis’s lackey. Had someone told him all this? Yusaku? The Dark Ignis?
Roboppi clenched his fist as he went on. “And yet my Bro can only blame himself. He’s tormented with guilt, he thinks it’s his fault all his friends are gone but really it’s all your fault! I hate you for tormenting my bro!”
Revolver simply glared back at the AI, trying to muster up a response, a retort of some kind that he was wrong. But no words came out. It was… true. Revolver had started all this with his attack. If he’d just left the Ignis alone… no, the Light Ignis would have still been a threat eventually but… would the threat have been as bad as it was now?
Revolver’s thoughts remained so torn he couldn’t muster a reply to the angry childish words. It was clear Roboppi hadn’t said it to get under Revover’s skin. The immature, almost child-like AI was just angry on behalf of someone he cared about, however misguided such care was. Revolver’s gaze faltered, lowering to his duel disk.
“Roboppi…” Playmaker was the one who broke the stunned silence. He’d been so quiet Revolver nearly forgot he was there and he didn’t bother looking at him as he went on, “Revolver wasn’t the one who… there was no other way to defeat Bohman. Ai knows that too.”
Roboppi let out a growl. “He might know, but I don’t. And I don’t intend to know.”
“If you won’t bother knowing, then don’t speak of things you have no clue about, you malfunction!” Revolver snapped, trembling with rage.
“Revolver!” Playmaker exclaimed, clearly pissed off. Revolver ignored him.
“Call me whatever you want, I’m still gonna defeat you!” Roboppi snapped back, his fingers resting on his deck. “And when I do, I’ll become incredible enough to conquer the entire universe! My turn! Draw!”
So the duel continued on with Roboppi somehow turning things around on this turn, bringing them to a similar number of life points but also emptying Revolver’s entire field apart from his field spell. He was dead if he didn’t draw the right card here. Thankfully, he did: Rokket Tracer.
Revolver managed to turn the duel back around in his favour on his turn. He summoned his synchro, Borreload Savage Dragon, equipping Borreload Dragon and negating each and every one of Roboppi’s effects to land a powerful attack, not defeating him but bringing him down to a low six hundred life points.
Roboppi gasped when he was thrown back by the force of Revolver’s attack. His head hung low, hiding his eyes. A dark chuckle slipped past the child-like AI.
“Not bad, Revolver but I have life points left.” Roboppi’s voice was suddenly… cold.
“Hm?” Revolver raised an eyebrow. “Your mood’s changed.”
“What incredible duelling.” Roboppi didn’t seem to hear him as he went on, his eyes closed as he lifted his head. “Maybe humans aren’t dumb, but I’ve grown more in this duel.” Roboppi’s eyes opened to reveal red eyes. “I’m extremely smart now. I’ve surpassed all limits. I may have even surpassed my Bro!”
He burst into a cold evil-sounding laugh, so unlike his previous childish demeanour it made Revolver flinch visibly and step back.
“What the-?!” The words slipped past him.
Wheels began turning rapidly in his head, asking so many questions and stumbling upon so many non-answers all at once it made his head spin. What WAS this and why was it happening? Was it mind control? No, there had to be a more logical explanation than that. Roboppi was an AI… was there a malfunction in the code? Some sort of glitch or bug that activated when the vessel took massive damage?
Whatever it was, Revolver couldn’t deliberate long as Roboppi struck back with a fury, negating every one of Revolver’s monster effects and traps before destroying his Borreload Savage Dragon. His life points dropped to a mere one hundred and worse yet, there was one more attack coming.
Revolver stared at his empty hand. “I… I can’t negate this attack.” His voice was soft with pure shock.
Was this really… the end? He was to die at the hands of the Dark Ignis’s malfunctioning lackey without even getting a chance to make the monster atone for his crimes?
Roboppi cackled once again. “Everyone has trouble against Revolver but he’s easy for me! In my current state, I can even beat my Bro easily!” He cackled again. “I’m the saviour of Link VRAINS! I’m the one who’ll save AI’s future.”
Revolver looked back at the malfunctioning AI, the despair in his eyes no doubt on full display. He waited with dread for the AI to attack. Static shocks shot out of Roboppi’s head as he continued to cackle and gloat. He was… overloading. Despite his despair over imminent death, Revolver’s mind still struggled for an answer to what was happening to the AI about to take his life.
Had he been some simple AI, given only one goal, trying to carry out this goal in increasingly more extreme ways? That sounded like something out of some science fiction movie. But… scientifically possible.
“I’m a saviour. I’m the universe. I… I… I am… am…” Roboppi’s voice was switching between his usual one and a more high-pitched robotic one. Roboppi’s body swayed almost like a zombie, his voice faltering. “It’s over for Revolver and over for me…” He looked up again. “I end my turn.”
“What?” Revolver’s relief was completely drowned out by baffled shock. “You end your turn?”
He wondered for a brief moment if the AI was sparing him for some bizarre reason before Roboppi cackled again and went on,
“I’ll conquer the universe. Everyone who opposes me will be finished. I’ll do a major cleaning of the universe.”
A lightbulb lit up in Revolver’s mind. Roboppi was originally a housework AI, he’d only ever been given one goal, to clean, and he was now taking it to what he saw as the next logical step: eradicating humanity.
“Clean… clean… a major cleaning…” Were Roboppi’s final words before his eyes suddenly glazed over and he fell backwards. His human body faded into bits. In its place, laid a much smaller blue and pink robot of a triangular sort of shape.
“Roboppi…” Playmaker’s voice was as stunned as Revolver currently felt.
He stared at the fallen AI, eyes wide. Revolver’s heart pounded in his ears, still getting over the shock of being moments away from death as a new emotion wove its way into his cold heart, one he could barely believe: sympathy.
“His system. It… it was just a housework AI… pushed to its limits when it was given free will…” Revolver’s voice was hardly more than a small breath.
He glanced at Playmaker. Despite his shock, one nagging question was still on his mind: how had Roboppi gained free will?
“Ai’s backup…” Was all Playmaker said, but it was all Revolver needed to understand.
The Dark Ignis had done this. Not intentionally, even in the depth of his rage towards the creature, Revolver highly doubted Ai would purposefully do this to his only remaining companion, not to mention a fellow AI. Still, backing up his data in Roboppi was clearly too much for the simple AI to handle.
“Clean…” Roboppi’s voice was tiny as he crawled across the floor. “I have to clean… I must return to my master’s room and clean. That’s when I’m most happy. Master’s room holds many happy memories for me.”
Revolver couldn’t bear to look at the little AI like this, instead gazing off to the side. Roboppi had threatened his life just moments before but still, Revolver found more and more sympathy growing in his heart for him. Roboppi was clearly just a victim in this. All that talk about conquering the universe…
Revolver wondered for a moment if the Dark Ignis put all those ideas in Roboppi’s head and while it reignited his anger toward Ai for a moment, he pushed it aside for a moment to turn to Playmaker, who was most likely taking this sight much harder and…
The expression Revolver saw was heartbreaking. Playmaker looked to be on the edge of tears. His eyes, fixed on Roboppi, were wide, his lip even quivering slightly, as the inner corners of his eyes raised with unmistakable sadness.
“Playmaker…” Revolver prompted him, his own voice soft with horror.
He didn’t move, couldn’t move. If Playmaker wanted him to call off the duel, he would in a heartbeat. Roboppi couldn’t fight back. There was no point in attacking the poor thing now.
Playmaker glanced at Revolver. His eyes closed as he dipped his head, his voice grave and swift. “Revolver… please take care of this.”
Revolver blinked, a bit taken aback by the request. “Are you certain?”
The words slipped past him without a second thought. A part of him didn’t want to. Attacking an innocent victim would make him no better than he was when he’d been about to attack the Light Ignis’s hostage, surely?
Playmaker nodded. “It would never be the same again. I… I can’t bear the sight.”
Revolver dipped his head. Keeping Roboppi around like this would just be sad. So… as horrible as it was…
“My turn. Draw.” Revolver looked at the new card. “I summon Gateway Dragon in attack mode…”
He watched the dragon appear on his otherwise empty field. It had one thousand six hundred attack points, with Roboppi’s weakest monster having only one thousand at the moment. Roboppi had six hundred life points… Revolver had just enough points to… finish the job. He bit his lip.
“Battle… Gateway Dragon… attack Dryer Drake…” Revolver’s voice was numb, his gaze fixed on the monsters to avoid looking at the struggling innocent AI who was about to take this hit.
Gateway Dragon charged up its attack: a yellow fireball that grew steadily before shooting forward. It exploded against Dryer Drake. A blinding flash of light exploded from the impact, draining the last of Roboppi’s life points… along with whatever life he had left…
(I couldn't bring myself to write the rest of Roboppi's death. Just assume he died quickly and painlessly. And the stuff with the letter and Revolver vs Soulburner goes the same as it does in canon. Just assume Playmaker caught the letter (it was Ai who created it, I could see him programming it to go to him) and Soulburner shows up to defend Playmaker.)
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rottingambrosia · 8 months
so i went a lil crazy last night and wrote a really random rambling thingy about the striders its also kina jokey but eh i had fun
tw for mentions of abuse, self deprecation, death, incest, stridercest, pseudo incest, massive spoilers, etc.
lil cal right? hes fucking insane. because lil cal is literally just like a peice of caliborn trapped in a fucking puppet and in the beta bro protects that puppet seen when rose throws dream lil cal out the window and he lands on bros hoverboard thingy and arrives on the metoer like place where john is, doing his weird ectobiology bullshit to ensure that lil cal will arrive on earth with bro because bro has had lil cal his entire life and that lil cal is not "empty" so says dave when he speaks with dirk because dirks lil cal, who he also grew up with, was "empty" because caliborn had not yet "corrupted"(?) lil cal which is why bro is such a dick to dave and i think thats also why bro expected dave, seen when daves meteor lands on earth and bro is prepared with a tiny pair of shades and im over here thinking like their universes were obviously combined like this entire time but (now i might be wrong i dont completely remember) but they all entered the game in 2009 right? (i dont think so but i dont remember :/) but the alpha kids entered the game ast the age of 16 not 13 ok wait no i remember now they entered while the beta kids were doing their 3 year journey to the new server but they(the alpha kids) had to wait nearly a year, but thatrs fine because jane mentioned that it was 'approximately 3 years'. bak to the topic of the striders dave says that bro was like a robot and that he only realized what real affection was on the meteorand i dont think he wouldve neccesarily noticed this in the case of the doomed timeline because in the doomed timeline vriska wasnt there to stop rose from drinking, terezi from becoming kismesis' with gamzee, blah blah blah. so vriska indirectly helped dave realize his trauma and he couldnt really talk to anyone on the metoer about it because most of them were trolls and then rose would probably be some sort of overbearing and dave probably didnt even really completely acknowledge it until he met up with dirk. then dave killed dirk.dave killed dirk and then brought him back to life. the version of his brother that he could actually bond with and who agreed with him that if he 'went unchecked would probably end up like that' dirk is (in my opinion) incredibly self destructive. he is constantly surrounded by a splinter of himself, constantly reminded of how "terrible" he is. he made a robot of himself to beat up the guy he liked. dirk (both beta and alpha) has sort of died more than the rest of them???? bro died to jack noir, dirk was decapitated himself multiple times, he nearly killed lil hal. his class is literally destroyer. he hates himself so much (and i love it) then theres their shades. eyes are often referred to the soul and ALL striders wear shades. bro, dave, dave alternates, lil hal, davesprite, davepetasprite, dirk, dirkbot, arquiusprite, etc. etc. etc. i think this alludes to them feeling vulnerable. bro is controlled by lil cal. dave was abused. lil hal is an ai and people often overlook his sentience. davesprite was also abused by bro and is literally from a doomed timeline AND becomes a sprite which means hes also similarily overlooked. it is insane how often the striders are sort of over looked by the other characters but i think they WANT to be somewhat overlooked hence why they use insane amounts of irony, sarcasm, etc. its because they want to be overlooked especially dave but at the same time theyre incredibly egotistical, especially dirk. AND THATS WHY I THINK THEY WOULD BENEFIT FROM STRIDERCEST BECAUSE DIRKS (SOMEWHAT) TONED DOWN IRONY AND EGO CAN BENEFIT FROM DAVES VULNERABILITY AND MORE OPEN HEART AND VICE VERSA BECAUSE DIRK COULD BENEFIT FROM KNOWING WHAT IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE TO BE AROUND THE BROTHER HE IDOLIZED BEHIND A SCREEN HIS ENTIRE LIFE (REFERENCE TO HIS TATTOO) AND DAVE COULD BENFIT FROM KNOWING WHAT ITS LIKE TO LIVE WITH A DIRK WHO ISNT "POSSESSED" BY LIL CAL AND
# ***THAT***
and thats the end of my insanity. for now. itll come back when i finish watching the 17 hour long creepypasta iceberg video (its an iceberg video but in the video the guy calls it an island...because theres so much of creepypasta so clearly an iceberg isnt big enough(even though i watched kwites iceberg iceberg video and am well aware of how big they can be(i love kwite hes my comfort youtuber/streamer)))
or until i watch another homestuck analysis video
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end-fall · 1 year
I got a little behind in my recaps due to life happening, so these next few will be posted rapid fire!
Session 21 started with Cael apologizing to Elton for her getting drunk and her lapse in her duties. Elton said it was okay and wasn't her fault, which Cael protested saying that if anything happened to Godwin he was to be king and she had to protect him. This caused Elton to have an outburst saying that he wasn't really the prince, that he failed in his duties to protect the actual prince, and that no one was actually listening to him and what he wanted, which was to rescue Sevrun. Cael said that she understood and had misunderstood what her duties were in this case before offering Elton a hug before he had a nap.
Once he woke up Elton whent looking for Lady Carestia and rand into Caleb who had an armful of books. Caleb confided that he was scared of messing up his first big assignment and Elton told him that everyone messes up, but Caleb was smart and resourceful enough that he could learn from his mistakes and use his anxieties to drive him to do better. Caleb thanked him, trying not to cry and showed Elton to Carestia. She was in the Roses wing with Charmaine and Richard, going through mountains of files and notes as she tried to get a full handle on what was going on. She apologized to Elton for trying to force him into a role he wasn't comfortable in and said that the strategy had changed to trying to distract people from what the party was doing instead. Elton thanked her and apologized for messing up last night and also asked if he could bring his sword to the opera. Carestia said with the right embellishments he should be able to wear his armor as well since it was all ceremonial. He left to get some more rest before the opera and a short while later Jax and Cynn arrived. Cynn caught up to Cael in the hall and apologized for not telling her the drink was supposed to be watered down and said that if Cael needed her help for the opera she was more than willing to help. Cael told her she would need her on the look out to make sure all social interactions this evening went smoothly and then headed for the Rose wing. She overheard Carestia, Richard, and Charmaine talking inside and found them going over all the Rose files. Apon entering, Carestia asked Cael to tell her everything about the primary mission, which she did.
One the ride over to the opera Jax thanked Cael for the cupcakes and card. Inside Jax and Cynn spotted Mathias talking to Belegar Ironhammer, a dwarf, and the two of them went over to say hi.
Elton and the Roses were approached by Conner who introduced them to a sleazy business man surrounded by other businessmen who wanted to get Leon to invest in Atlas industries. Elton deflected and they grouped back up before heading to their box to watch the start of the opera which was about an entire town trying to cut an dwarf's unruly beard. Jax noticed that there was catwalks above the stage and general seating. Cael got a note saying that there was a suspected assassination in the works and she let the party know this. Elton heard Sev's voice in his head and went running after his presence with Cael and Lucky running after him. They ended up in an alley outside where they saw a the silhouette of Val with his back to them next to his hoverboard. He fell and they realized he just got stabbed by a man in armor an odd yellow hat. Cael and Lucky tried to arrest him, but he teleported to the roof where there were eight other people with odd hooked blades. Members of the Neon Blades gang.
Inside, Jax was watching the opera house and noticed someone with an arcubus going through a door with a group of people and assumed that was the assassin. She told Cynn to trust her and grabbed her hand before jumping out of the box. With a clever use of featherfall she managed to preserve their momentum and they landed in the box the peron had just exited. They hit the ground running and went through the door, up the ladder, and onto the catwalks above where they saw five people including the person with the gun and got ready to fight.
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mkstrigidae · 1 year
DVD commentary ask for neon rain please! (can’t fit the whole scene but jon’s scheme with sam and how he proves they’re soulmates)
“Sure-“ Sansa told him absently, pulling one of the holoscreens over and groaning as she saw the data flickering, “Arya- are you working with some kind of dampener again?” It would be just their luck that a stray dampener in the shop would inhibit her access to the central system just when she needed it.“What are you talking about?” Arya asked, her head popping up from under the car she was working on. Her short hair was in two high, spiky pigtails, and swished around as she turned to look at Sansa in confusion.“Oh- that may be me.” Sam said, looking rather embarrassed and patting his jacket. “Oh- I’m sorry- I keep one with me when I’m working with patients to keep the recorders from picking up confidential information, and I must have forgotten to leave it in the office.”“No problem.” Sansa smiled at him, relieved that she wouldn’t have to go and hunt down the source of the problem later. “We can easily go old school- my dad always liked having the option, so I can write one for you”
Ooooh this is a fun one! SO sorry it's getting answered so late- I'm a disaster.
This is kind of a big mistake on Sansa's part, here. She knows she met her soulmate, that he's looking for her (either because he wants a relationship or wants to put her in prison for grand theft) and that her handwriting could give her away. And yet, she gives it to Sam without any suspicion. It's partially justified, in that it would be really unusual for someone as wealthy as Jon's family to show up at a shop on the lower levels, but it's mostly a case of Sansa drastically misjudging who Jon is. She doesn't really know anything about him and assumes that he's just another rich club kid with more money than brains. She also really hasn't let herself process the idea of having a soulmate yet, and I don't think has really grasped the extent that Jon is willing to go to in order to find her. She hasn't looked into him the way her siblings have- she's afraid he's just going to be another Joffrey.
And then Sam stumbles into their shop, trips over like, three different things, and , because of that, immediately endears himself to both Stark girls. He's probably giving off slightly nervous energy that both Sansa and Arya attribute to just being a mid-level kid nervous to be down on the lower levels. He's definitely not as smooth as Jon would want, but they don't really suspect anything because he doesn't really read 'skylight kid' to either of the girls and their guard is down.
Sam, as one of Jon's closest friends, of course, is the only person who knows the actual story behind how Jon met his soulmate. Sam probably thinks Jon's being a bit dense, doing all of this reconnaissance work instead of just talking to her (for god's sake), but he and Jon have been ride or die for each other since high school and so he agrees to the plan. (I think the hoverboard is actually intended to be a gift for Rhae, so once Jon figured out where the Stark shop was, he needled Sam into taking it). Their plan also, unknowingly, plays into Sansa's nostalgia- Ned liked having physical copies of things, and she's genuinely glad to write the invoice out for him when the issue of his medical dampener (it seems like doctors in this verse would HAVE to have something like this for privacy, given all the tech).
I think Robb might have picked up on how writing the invoice (and giving this guy they had just met a handwriting sample) was a bad idea more quickly than Sansa or Arya- he's the strategist/mastermind behind most of their heists, and is wildly protective of his siblings. The girls aren't nearly as paranoid, especially given how nice Sam seems, and given that Sansa's got two jobs (plus heists) and Arya's doing an apprenticeship in addition to working at the shop (and heists also), they've both probably been sleep deprived for like, five years.
Sam, bless him, expected WAY more resistance to the idea of giving a handwriting sample. He's absolutely baffled when Sansa offers to give him one of her own volition, but is probably glad for it, because she seems nice and he still thinks that Jon is a dumbass for not just like, talking to her. Of course, as soon as Jon confirms that it's Sansa's handwriting (he's probably sitting a few blocks over and trying to be inconspicuous but is too broody to pull it off), he wants to go right in and do The Reveal. He's smart enough to come up with this whole verification scheme, but impatient enough about wanting to meet Sansa that he's metaphorically already picking out wedding colors. The boy has some emotional baggage around the idea of soulmates- we'll get into it eventually. Basically, he really wants to get to know Sansa, and he's intelligent, but impatient).
Thanks so much for the ask!! This was fun (if very late- I am so sorry) and I hope it was what you were hoping for!
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onlineproductservice · 11 months
Are off-road hoverboards water-resistant or waterproof?
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Hoverboards have revolutionized personal transportation, offering a futuristic and exhilarating way to commute and explore. Initially designed for urban environments, hoverboards have evolved to cater to adventure enthusiasts seeking off-road capabilities. The emergence of off-road hoverboards has opened up a new realm of possibilities, allowing riders to tackle various terrains with ease. However, a crucial consideration for these outdoor excursions is their ability to withstand the elements, especially water. Let's delve into the question: Are off-road hoverboards water-resistant or waterproof?
Understanding Water-Resistant vs. Waterproof
Before diving into the specifics of off-road hoverboards, it's essential to distinguish between water-resistant and waterproof functionalities. These terms are often used interchangeably but hold distinct meanings.
Water-Resistant: A water-resistant hoverboard is designed to repel water to some extent, protecting its internal components from damage caused by light splashes or drizzles. While they can handle minimal exposure to moisture, they are not built to withstand prolonged or heavy exposure to water.
Waterproof: On the other hand, a waterproof hoverboard is constructed with a higher level of protection, ensuring it remains fully functional even after complete submersion in water for a certain depth and duration. A true waterproof hoverboard can withstand more rigorous water-based challenges.
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The Features of Off-Road Hoverboards
Off-road hoverboards boast several features that set them apart from their urban counterparts, making them better suited for rough terrains. Here are some key features to look for when searching for the best off-road hoverboard:
Rugged Tires: Off-road hoverboards come equipped with larger, sturdier tires featuring deep treads for enhanced traction. These tires can tackle grass, gravel, dirt, and uneven surfaces with ease.
Powerful Motors: To navigate challenging terrains, off-road hoverboards require powerful motors. Dual motors are common in these models, delivering better torque and handling inclines with efficiency.
Robust Build: The construction of an off-road hoverboard is more robust, featuring durable materials that can endure the bumps and jolts of off-road adventures.
Extended Battery Life: Longer battery life is crucial for outdoor escapades. The Best Off Road Hoverboards boast batteries that can last for several hours, ensuring you have ample time to explore without interruptions.
All-Terrain Modes: Some off-road hoverboards come with specialized riding modes, allowing users to adjust the settings based on the terrain they are traversing.
Water-Resistance in Off-Road Hoverboards
Off-road hoverboards, by their nature, are designed to handle more extreme conditions, including dust, mud, and even light splashes. As a result, many off-road models offer a certain degree of water resistance, protecting the internal components from accidental encounters with water.
IP Rating: One way to determine a hoverboard's water resistance is by checking its IP (Ingress Protection) rating. For example, an IP54 rating signifies that the hoverboard is dust protected and can handle splashes from all directions. However, it is not completely waterproof.
Water-Resistant Casing: Off-road hoverboards often come with enclosures that shield the internal electronics from moisture, preventing short-circuiting in light rain or damp conditions.
The Truth about Waterproof Off-Road Hoverboards
While some off-road hoverboards offer water resistance, finding a hoverboard that is truly waterproof is more challenging. As of now, manufacturers have not developed hoverboards that can be submerged underwater without suffering damage. Thus, it is crucial for riders to exercise caution when riding in wet conditions.
Tips for Riding Off-Road Hoverboards in Wet Conditions
Although your off-road hoverboard may have some level of water resistance, it's important to take certain precautions when riding in wet conditions:
Avoid Deep Puddles and Streams: While your hoverboard might handle light splashes, avoid riding through deep puddles or streams to prevent water from seeping into sensitive components.
Wipe Down After Riding: After an off-road adventure in wet conditions, make sure to wipe down your hoverboard thoroughly to remove any moisture that may have accumulated.
Consider Aftermarket Waterproofing: Some companies offer aftermarket waterproofing solutions for hoverboards. While these may provide additional protection, they may also void the manufacturer's warranty.
In conclusion, off-road hoverboards are designed to tackle rough terrains, and many offer a degree of water resistance to handle light splashes and damp conditions. However, they are not fully waterproof, and riders must exercise caution when using them in wet environments. When searching for the best off-road hoverboard, consider its water-resistant features, and remember to take proper precautions when exploring the great outdoors with your hoverboard. Happy riding!
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onlinereviewslife · 11 months
Are there any age or weight restrictions for riders?
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The world of personal transportation has seen remarkable advancements in recent years, and one of the most exciting innovations is the off-road all-terrain hoverboard. Combining the thrill of skateboarding with cutting-edge technology, these versatile devices are designed to traverse various terrains, from rugged trails to sandy beaches. As the popularity of off-road hoverboards grows, questions arise about who can ride them safely. In this article, we will explore whether there are any age or weight restrictions for riders of off-road all-terrain hoverboards.
Safety Considerations for Off-Road All-Terrain Hoverboards
Before delving into age and weight restrictions, it is crucial to highlight the safety considerations associated with riding off-road all-terrain hoverboards. These powerful machines can reach significant speeds and are capable of tackling challenging surfaces, making safety a paramount concern.
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Safety Gear Requirements
Regardless of age or weight, all riders must prioritize safety by wearing appropriate gear. A well-fitted helmet is essential to protect against head injuries in case of accidents. Elbow and knee pads can prevent painful abrasions and fractures, especially during falls. Additionally, wrist guards can minimize the risk of wrist injuries, which are common in hoverboard accidents.
Training and Experience
Off-road all-terrain hoverboards are not recommended for beginners or inexperienced riders. Riders must have a certain level of proficiency in handling standard hoverboards before attempting to ride off-road models. Familiarity with the controls, balance, and response of the device is crucial to navigate challenging terrains safely.
Age Restrictions for Off-Road All-Terrain Hoverboard Riders
Manufacturer Guidelines
Most reputable manufacturers of off-road all-terrain hoverboards provide age recommendations for their products. These guidelines are based on factors such as the size, power, and control capabilities of the hoverboard. Generally, the minimum recommended age for off-road models is 14 years old.
Parental Supervision
For riders below the recommended age, parental supervision is essential. Parents should assess their child's maturity, physical abilities, and experience with hoverboards before allowing them to ride an off-road model. Even if a child meets the minimum age requirement, parents must ensure that the child understands the importance of safety guidelines and the potential risks involved.
Weight Restrictions for Off-Road All-Terrain Hoverboard Riders
Weight Limits Imposed by Manufacturers
Similar to age restrictions, manufacturers specify weight limits for their off-road all-terrain hoverboards. The weight limits are determined by the design, construction, and power of the device. The average weight limit for these hoverboards is around 220 pounds (100 kilograms).
Importance of Adhering to Weight Limits
Adhering to weight limits is crucial for the safe operation of the off-road hoverboard. Exceeding the recommended weight can put undue stress on the device's components, leading to malfunctions or accidents. It is essential for riders to check the manufacturer's guidelines and ensure they are within the specified weight range.
Off-road all-terrain hoverboards offer an exhilarating and unique mode of transportation, allowing riders to explore various landscapes with ease. However, safety should always be the top priority. Riders must wear appropriate safety gear and possess the necessary experience and skills to operate these powerful devices safely.
When it comes to age and weight restrictions, manufacturers typically provide guidelines to help users make responsible decisions. Parents should closely supervise younger riders and assess their child's readiness before permitting them to ride off-road hoverboards. Moreover, adhering to weight limits is vital to ensure the longevity and reliability of the hoverboard.
By promoting responsible riding practices, we can fully enjoy the excitement of off-road all-terrain hoverboards while minimizing risks and accidents. Always remember: safety first!
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sailee091 · 1 year
Locomo SBV vs. Electric scooters: Who Wins?
The electric bikes could be considered as a transformative present day replacement of the kick bike, with the distinction that it is controlled by an electric engine.
On the opposite side, the Locomo SBV are characterized as self-adjusting bikes likewise moved by an electric power. Their engines are introduced inside each wheel. These bikes have a whirligig and a speed increase sensor that makes them push ahead or in reverse and shift the course.
Right away, the Locomo SBV look much more alluring and polished, because of their creative plan. However, the two vehicles enjoy a benefits and drawbacks that should be thought of, particularly in the event that you want a vehicle for your everyday drive or a really long outing.
Also checkout the BERG Go-Karts by visiting the given link.
Simple to utilize
These bikes are contemporary and intended to compare to clients' necessities with the goal that they are both truly simple to utilize. The impediment of the hoverboard is that toward the starting you demand greater investment to rehearse on the grounds that the equilibrium of the body position is the way in to its moving.
While alluding to the kids, the Locomo SBV are more hard to utilize in light of this equilibrium and to that end they are not suggested for them. If you have any desire to make your child cheerful and keep him/her protected simultaneously, give him/her an electric bike. Joyor H1 is a model extraordinarily intended to be utilized by kids.
With regards to the solace of the clients, the vehicle should be effortlessly shipped and put away, and this relies generally upon its size.
The Locomo SBV are generally little and light, their weight is around 10kg.
The electric bikes are greater, however their plan permits them to be collapsed with the goal that they diminish their size and satisfy the necessities for solace.
Distance range
The distance range is a significant variable, particularly when you utilize the electric bike habitually. Not entirely set in stone by the limit of the battery.
The two kinds of bikes are fueled by a lithium battery, all things considered, the distance scope of the Locomo SBV is more modest. A large portion of the Locomo SBV have a distance range between 10-20 km. Then again, the electric bikes come in various models and with various specialized highlights which permit them to have a greater distance range. A few models of Joyor, for example, Joyor Y10 and Joyor F5+ can arrive at up to 100 km with a solitary battery charge.
The speed factor relies upon the guidelines in each state, city, country and so forth. On account of Europe, in numerous nations, as far as possible is 25 km/h. A large portion of the Locomo SBV can arrive at up to 15 km/h, while the electric bikes can arrive at a more significant level of speed.
The speed depends on the force of the engine, yet additionally on the territory. The plan of the Locomo SBV doesn't permit them to be driven on an uneven street, all things considered, they could be driven exclusively on a level surface with practically no flaws. The lopsidedness of the street can cause you to lose your equilibrium so you can without much of a stretch tumble off.
On the opposite side, the electric bikes can be driven even on a rough street due to their construction, which is more strong and secure. Additionally, there are models with greater tires and better retention frameworks, similar to the ones of the X Series, which ingest the inconsistencies of the street and assurance you a protected ride.
Security is presumably the main component while alluding to method for transport.
Past cases show that the Locomo SBV can detonate in light of the battery which will in general overheat without any problem. Likewise, on account of their construction, individuals lose equilibrium and tumble off simpler, while on the electric bike you can move with greater edge and its design is most certainly more steady and strong.
A ultimate choice of which kind of bike is better is yours, however essentially from these outcomes we can say that the electric bike is more secure than the hoverboard and could be utilized for longer distance trips. It can likewise arrive at a higher speed level (continuously as per as far as possible guidelines). In the event that you want transportation in your regular daily practice, whether or not you really want to get to work or simply need to go for a "walk", the electric bike is more strong and dependable.
Joyor Electric Bike is the organization that drives the new electric portability idea in Europe by bringing to the market the broadest scope of electric bikes for any taste or need. Joyor is an electric and foldable bike intended for individual transportation and relaxation. Quick, sturdy, strong, protected and simple to ride, Joyor is planned in the Netherlands. With Joyor Bike you can appreciate progressive vehicle made to offer a one of a kind involvement with an overpowering cost.
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outlierspark · 2 years
🎁a new hoverboard and a protective case
-love from trauma "enjoy and please be careful lil bud"
Once upon a time, Tailgate would be a flurry of joy. She loves hoverboards.
But one traumatic relationship later, and she's just... looking at this and it makes her sick. She barely knows this person. Just like Getaway.
She packs it back up and leaves it on the lost and found table (a matter of doom; Rung feeds Unicron with things from this). No thanks. She's not doing whatever you want her to do.
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kindterri · 2 years
Subway surfers mod apk mexico
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#Subway surfers mod apk mexico mod apk#
#Subway surfers mod apk mexico full#
#Subway surfers mod apk mexico for android#
Avoiding the trains of various speeds and also at the same time some trains are kept on the tracks. Various trains are moving here and there, and In case you get hit, you will die.
#Subway surfers mod apk mexico mod apk#
The gameplay of Subway Surfers MOD APK comes with powerful functions to playfully enjoy the running and protect the character from all obstacles. Survive in the world of difficulties with continuous running As you begin, it starts with a slow pace, and as time goes on, the speed of running becomes ridiculous high- avoiding obstacles and hindrances on the same pathway with speed makes things difficult. You don’t need much effort, just swiping and tapping on the screen to perform all activities protecting your character.
#Subway surfers mod apk mexico full#
The journey is full of adventure and fun because of the varied obstacles sprawled over the tracks in your journey. You have to run on the track to avoid getting caught by the policeman trying to catch you. Subway Surfer MOD APK is popular gameplay whose functions and activities everyone knows about and offers the users a variety of fun. We are discussing below some of the features to offer you the services Run endless on no end tracks with obstacles Run for no end and just survive in the tracks where different trains are moving here and there to hit you! Subway Surfer MOD APK comes with extraordinary functions and features that endure various adventures on the incredible journey. Like hoverboards, flying kicks, jump shoes, magnets, jetpack, keys for revival if you die, and much more. With many types of accessories and support items, you will have to complete your journey with ease. Various blockages come before you, and you need to jump or swipe underpasses. Subway Surfer MOD APK offers various railway tracks to switch and avoid hitting trains during the run. Avoid the varied obstacles sprawled in the journey and fast-moving trains that are crazy enough to kill you. Run-Run and Run to avoid getting caught by the policeman who is always after you, and if you get stuck, you will be hooked in a second. Subway Surfer is outstanding in functions where you have to balance the character and run on the railway tracks. It’s worldwide popular and one of the historical games which never loses its interest and fun because of its regular updates. You can choose from the variety of outlooks and characters in the game with different shapes and animated looks. You don’t need to do much or plan to win in the game you take on a character that you can customize with accessories and skins. Subway Surfers MOD APK has super exciting functions and extreme factors that provide in-depth fun playing a simple running game. Over a billion downloads and multi-million active users daily add to its massive popularity. Such is the extended popularity of the game because it offers an extremely simplified survival running gameplay that is relaxing and doesn’t require much effort but offers a hack of fun at the same time. Well, it’s ridiculous providing a brief introduction about Subway Surfers because, in the gaming arsenal, no one is there who doesn’t know or has played this game.
#Subway surfers mod apk mexico for android#
Subway Surfers MOD APK v3.0.1 (Unlimited Money & Keys) for android Subway Surfer MOD APK Features Run endless on no end tracks with obstacles Survive in the world of difficulties with continuous running Multiple sorts of premium tools to help you in your journey with ease Keys that revive you from death Conclusion
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haadii2132 · 4 years
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perfectmovers3 · 4 years
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charleslittle3-blog · 5 years
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UK Hoverboards accessible to be obtained from uksegboards. Peruse our quality decision of bluetooth hoverboard, kids hoverboard, grown-up float sheets, harsh territory hoverboards and humble hoverboards accessible to be bought. Our most well known model, the 6.5 inch wheel hoverboard accompanies a CE affirmed battery so you realize that it is 100% safe and is EU ensured.
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