#How Boeing 787 Made
mediamonarchy · 2 months
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aircraftcarrier4 · 11 days
The High-Stakes Showdown: How Qatar Airways' Mega-Order Will Intensify the Boeing-Airbus Rivalry in Fuel Efficiency and Technological Innovation
Boeing and Airbus: Leaders in Aviation
Boeing and Airbus stand as the two primary titans of the aviation industry, competing head-to-head in the production of commercial aircraft. Both companies have a rich history of innovation, reliability, and efficiency, and their ongoing rivalry drives significant advancements in aircraft technology. This competition is crucial for the industry's progress, particularly in the realms of fuel efficiency and sustainability, as airlines worldwide seek to minimize costs and environmental impact.
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Fuel-Efficient and Technologically Advanced Aircraft
Boeing's Contributions
Boeing has been a pioneer in developing fuel-efficient and technologically advanced aircraft. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, for instance, is a breakthrough in aviation technology. It utilizes 20% less fuel compared to similar-sized aircraft due to its lightweight composite materials, advanced aerodynamics, and state-of-the-art engines. Boeing continues to push the envelope with the 777X, featuring new GE9X engines, folding wingtips, and composite wings designed to enhance performance and reduce fuel consumption.
In addition to these advancements, Boeing is exploring new technologies such as electric and hybrid propulsion systems, as well as implementing artificial intelligence and data analytics to optimize flight operations and maintenance schedules. These innovations aim to further decrease operational costs and environmental impact, reinforcing Boeing’s commitment to sustainable aviation.
Airbus's Advancements
Airbus, on the other hand, has also made significant strides in producing fuel-efficient aircraft. The Airbus A350 XWB (Extra Wide Body) is a prime example, offering a 25% reduction in fuel consumption compared to previous models. This efficiency is achieved through the use of advanced materials, aerodynamic design, and new-generation engines. The A320neo family, with its new engine option, boasts a 15-20% fuel burn improvement over the previous generation, thanks to innovations such as sharklet wingtips and advanced aerodynamics.
Airbus is also investing heavily in future technologies. The company is working on hydrogen-powered aircraft, which could revolutionize the industry by significantly reducing carbon emissions. Additionally, Airbus is exploring digital solutions like predictive maintenance and real-time data monitoring to enhance aircraft performance and reliability.
Qatar Airways: A Global Aviation Leader
Qatar Airways, based in Doha, is known for its exceptional service and rapidly expanding global network. The airline has received numerous awards for its high-quality service, luxury offerings, and operational efficiency. Central to its success is its strategic investment in the latest and most advanced aircraft, enabling it to maintain a competitive edge and provide a superior passenger experience.
The Expected Qatar Airways Mega-Order
The expected Qatar Airways mega-order will escalate Boeing and Airbus is expected to place a substantial order for new aircraft, a move that could significantly impact both Boeing and Airbus. This mega-order, rumored to be worth several billion dollars, is anticipated to include a mix of wide-body and narrow-body aircraft to support the airline's ambitious expansion plans.
Implications for Boeing
Securing a significant portion of this order would be a substantial boost for Boeing, especially in light of the challenges it has faced in recent years, including the 737 MAX grounding and the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. A large order from Qatar Airways would help restore confidence in Boeing's products and stabilize its financial outlook. It would also demonstrate trust in Boeing's ongoing developments, such as the 777X and the 787 Dreamliner, reinforcing their presence in the Middle Eastern market.
A successful bid could also spur further innovation within Boeing, as the company would be motivated to meet the high standards and expectations of a leading airline like Qatar Airways. This could lead to the accelerated development of new technologies and improvements in existing models, benefitting the broader aviation industry.
Implications for Airbus
For Airbus, winning a substantial part of this order would reaffirm its market position and validate its strategy of focusing on fuel-efficient, technologically advanced aircraft. The A350 and A321neo are likely contenders for Qatar Airways' fleet expansion. Success here would bring significant revenue and bolster Airbus's reputation in the competitive airline industry, particularly in a region where aviation is a key economic driver.
A major order from Qatar Airways would also provide Airbus with valuable feedback and insights, enabling the company to refine its products and services further. This could enhance Airbus’s ability to cater to the evolving needs of airlines and passengers, ensuring its continued leadership in the market.
The Competitive Dynamics
Strategic Importance
The expected order from Qatar Airways is strategically crucial for both Boeing and Airbus. The Middle East is a pivotal market due to its geographical location and the ambition of its airlines to become global hubs. Winning this order means not just immediate financial gains but also long-term strategic advantages. It would allow the victor to establish a stronger foothold in a region where fleet modernization and expansion are ongoing priorities.
Technological Edge
Both Boeing and Airbus are likely to leverage their latest technological advancements to win over Qatar Airways. Boeing may emphasize the operational efficiency and passenger comfort of the 787 and the advanced features of the 777X. Airbus, on the other hand, could highlight the fuel efficiency and range of the A350 and the versatility of the A321neo. The competition will be intense, with each manufacturer striving to outdo the other in terms of innovation and cost-effectiveness.
Environmental Considerations
Fuel efficiency is not just a cost-saving measure but also a critical component of airlines' environmental strategies. Both Boeing and Airbus are acutely aware of the growing pressure on the aviation industry to reduce its carbon footprint. Aircraft like the 787 Dreamliner and the A350 XWB are designed with this in mind, using advanced materials and aerodynamic designs to minimize emissions.
For Qatar Airways, selecting the most fuel-efficient aircraft is aligned with its sustainability goals. The airline has already made strides in this area, and a mega-order focused on the latest generation of aircraft would underscore its commitment to environmental responsibility.
The anticipated Qatar Airways mega-order is more than just a significant purchase; it is a crucial event that will likely shape the future dynamics of the aviation industry. For Boeing and Airbus, this order represents an opportunity to showcase their latest technological advancements and secure a critical win in a highly competitive market. For Qatar Airways, it is a step towards reinforcing its position as a global aviation leader, committed to providing the best service while prioritizing efficiency and sustainability.
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The outcome of this mega-order will have far-reaching implications, influencing not only the financial health and market positioning of Boeing and Airbus but also setting new benchmarks for innovation and environmental standards in the aviation industry. As the competition heats up, all eyes will be on Doha to see which manufacturer comes out on top, potentially altering the landscape of global aviation for years to come.
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uncle-ak · 1 month
The Rip Tide
Returning home to Cameroon after almost a decade away was a mix of excitement and apprehension. As the plane descended, memories flooded back of childhood days spent in bustling markets and vibrant streets. This post is not about being in Cameroon, but the journey to get there.
Most Cameroonians, well, most Africans will tell you about the increasing costs of traveling back home from Europe, Asia, and America. Let me give you some reasons why. Firstly, fluctuating fuel prices have significantly impacted airline ticket prices, making air travel to Africa more expensive. As fuel costs increase, airlines naturally pass down these costs to passengers via higher fares, especially for long haul flights. Travelers coming from America can relate. More than half of the trip is over the Atlantic.
Secondly, infrastructure development and maintenance cost within African countries have contributed to the overall expense of traveling. While some countries boast modern airports and transportation networks, others cannot relate, leading to higher operational costs for airlines and travel companies. Once again, these costs are transferred to travelers via higher ticket fares.
Thirdly, stringent safety and security measures implemented by both African governments and international aviation authorities add to the costs of traveling, as compliance with these regulations require additional investments in equipment, training, and personnel.
Anyway, I boarded my flight to Cameroon December 20th last year. It was my first time flying with EgyptAir. Based on the previous paragraphs, you can infer as to why I decided to fly with them. Anyway, it was a beautiful plane. Boeing 787–9 Dreamliner, and it looked like it was just a few years old. The flight to Cairo would be about 10 hours and then another 5 hours flight to Douala, Cameroon sandwiched around a 4-hour layover.
It had been a long morning driving to the airport so I had made up my mind to spend that 10 hours by sleeping as much as I could. Of course, I woke up when it was time to eat. The food was great, good options, and nice portion sizes. Everything was normal, I went back to sleep after eating. It was an exceptionally smooth flight to Egypt.
10 hours later, we touched down in Cairo. I got lost so many times trying to find a lounge that would take my Priority Pass card. Finally found one and spent the next 3 hours there. They had some finger foods, snacks and non-alcoholics drinks and juices. Their guava juice was impeccable. Finally saw that the flight to Douala was boarding so I made my way to the gate.
The boarding process was very interesting. They split the us into two lines by gender for security checks. This took another hour to finish causing a late departure. When I walked into the plane, I was amazed. The plane looked aged like it was used during the 70’s. I made it to my seat and kept scanning the plane for further analysis. Such a stark contrast with the plane that left America. This plane lacked many of the basic amenities like personal TVs, power outlets, and reliable internet connections.
The absence of amenities was striking. While flights to/from other routes offer in-flight entertainment and the convenience of staying connected, flights to Africa often leave passengers disconnected from the digital world. It is a reminder of the technological disparities that persist between regions. Imagine traveling with kids, how do you keep them occupied and entertained. Three rows up from me was a man having an enjoyable time and taking selfies. He didn’t seem to be bothered about the rage that was going on in my head.
The discrepancy extends beyond the flight experience to the onboard cuisine. While traveling from the USA to Europe, passengers are treated to a diverse array of culinary delights. Yet, on flights to Africa, the food offerings pale in comparison. It’s ironic to consider that many of the spices that enhance dishes worldwide originate from Africa, yet the culinary experience onboard fails to reflect this richness.
Turbulence woke me up. We were over N’Djamena, Chad, which is about 2 hours from Douala by air. How I knew we where over N’Djamena was because the plane had these old monitors over the middle row which finally showed our location.
The irony about this entire experience was what happened when the planed touched down in Cameroon. It was a very smooth landing I must admit. Anyone who has ever traveled by air would tell you that when the plane lands, you remain in your seat until the plane reaches the gate and comes to a complete stop. As the plane landed and taxied towards the gate, some passengers got up from their seats, and hastily started retrieving their belongings from the overhead compartments. It was a chaotic atmosphere, and the flight attendants could not do anything because it risked their own safety. It was actually very fascinating, but not in a good way. In all my years of flying, I’d never seen something like that.
As I stood in line inside the humid airport in Douala waiting to have my passport stamped, I thought about the whole journey. The question I had in my mind prior to the scene when we landed was, “why does Africa always seem to get the shorter end of the stick?” Seems like I got my answer after all.
Why would airlines send their best planes to Africa when us Africans cannot properly behave on them?
Can’t have nice things if you don’t know how to fully appreciate it.
What are your thoughts? Drop it in the comments section.
Talk Soon,
Boy D’jine
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jared-ailstock · 2 months
The Intersection of Business and Social Responsibility in Aviation
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In today's aviation industry, the integration of business objectives with social responsibility is not just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity. As global awareness of environmental and social issues increases, aviation companies are finding that sustainable development and ethical practices are crucial to long-term success. This shift is transforming the way the industry operates, pushing companies to align their profit-driven goals with the broader expectations of society.
The aviation industry is at a critical juncture where it must balance traditional profit motives with the increasing demands for social responsibility. This includes commitments to environmental sustainability, such as reducing carbon emissions and noise pollution, as well as enhancing community engagement through various outreach and development programs. Airlines and aviation companies are now tasked with proving that they can be both profitable and good corporate citizens, adapting their business models to accommodate new standards for social responsibility.
This article will delve into the intersection of business and social responsibility within the aviation industry, exploring both the challenges and opportunities this presents. We aim to highlight innovative strategies and real-world examples of how the industry is addressing these issues, as well as consider potential future directions that could further enhance the integration of these dual objectives.
Sustainability Initiatives in Aviation
Environmental Stewardship
The aviation industry's approach to environmental stewardship has evolved significantly, with major airlines and airports adopting a range of initiatives aimed at minimizing their environmental footprint. Key strategies include carbon offsetting programs, where companies invest in environmental projects to compensate for their carbon emissions, and the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which can reduce the carbon emissions of flights by up to 80% over their lifecycle compared to traditional jet fuel. Additionally, efforts are being made to reduce waste from operations, including recycling programs and initiatives to minimize single-use plastics on flights.
Green Technology Investments
Investment in green technology is another crucial aspect of the industry’s push toward sustainability. This includes the procurement of fuel-efficient aircraft equipped with the latest engine technology and aerodynamic designs that minimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions. For example, new aircraft models like the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 are designed with efficiency in mind, featuring materials that make them lighter and more fuel-efficient. Airports are also investing in energy-saving designs, incorporating features like solar panels and smart building systems that reduce overall energy consumption. These investments not only contribute to the sustainability of the aviation industry but also offer long-term cost savings and enhance the sector's reputation among increasingly environmentally-conscious consumers.
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Corporate Governance Structures
Aviation companies are increasingly structuring their governance frameworks to ensure that social responsibility is woven into the fabric of their business operations. This integration often involves the establishment of dedicated sustainability committees within the board of directors to oversee and drive the company's environmental and social strategies. These committees are tasked with setting targets, monitoring progress, and ensuring compliance with global sustainability standards. Additionally, aviation companies are adopting transparent reporting practices, providing stakeholders with regular updates on their social responsibility initiatives, compliance with environmental regulations, and community engagement efforts. This level of transparency and accountability is crucial for maintaining trust and support from investors, customers, and regulatory bodies.
Ethical Challenges
The aviation industry faces a range of ethical dilemmas, particularly concerning labor practices and fairness in corporate dealings. Issues such as fair wages, safe working conditions, and equitable treatment of employees are at the forefront of the industry's ethical challenges. Aviation companies are addressing these issues by implementing fair labor policies, conducting regular audits of their practices, and engaging with employee unions to ensure workers' rights are protected. Additionally, the industry must navigate complex corporate dealings that involve fairness in competition, anti-bribery, and corruption practices. By adhering to strict ethical standards and enforcing robust compliance programs, aviation companies work to maintain their integrity and uphold their social responsibilities.
Community Engagement and Impact
Local Community Involvement
Airlines and aviation companies play a significant role in the communities where they operate, particularly around airports. Engagement with these communities is crucial not only for business operations but also for fostering positive relationships and supporting local development. Many aviation companies implement community advisory boards to facilitate dialogue and address concerns related to noise, pollution, and other impacts associated with airport operations. These forums allow companies to gather feedback, adjust operations accordingly, and demonstrate their commitment to being good neighbors.
Impact Programs
Specific programs designed to positively impact local communities include educational initiatives, scholarship programs, and funding for local infrastructure projects. For example, some airlines partner with schools and universities to provide educational workshops, career days, and internships that help prepare the next generation for careers in aviation. Economic development projects might involve supporting small businesses in airport regions or investing in local tourism to boost the economy. These programs not only contribute to the social fabric of the communities but also enhance the reputation of the aviation companies involved, showing their commitment to social responsibility extends beyond their immediate business interests.
Economic Implications
Economic Benefits
Integrating social responsibility into business practices offers significant economic benefits for aviation companies. One major advantage is brand enhancement; airlines that are perceived as responsible tend to attract more customers, particularly among environmentally and socially conscious travelers. Additionally, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can strengthen investor confidence, as more investors seek to place their funds in companies with robust environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. Customer loyalty is another critical benefit, as passengers are more likely to remain loyal to brands that reflect their values and are seen as contributing positively to societal issues.
Cost Considerations
While implementing socially responsible practices often involves substantial costs, these are increasingly seen as necessary investments rather than optional expenses. Costs can include everything from upgrading to more fuel-efficient aircraft to implementing comprehensive waste management and recycling programs. These expenditures are justified within business models through the long-term savings they generate, such as reduced fuel costs and lower waste disposal fees, as well as the avoidance of penalties for non-compliance with environmental regulations. Moreover, these investments often lead to operational efficiencies that can offset their initial costs over time.
Future Directions
Trends and Innovations
Emerging trends that could shape the future of social responsibility in aviation include the continued advancement of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), increased use of renewable energy sources at airports, and further digitalization of operations to reduce paper waste and increase efficiency. Innovation in electric and hybrid aircraft technologies also presents exciting opportunities for the industry to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint.
Challenges and Opportunities
The aviation industry continues to face challenges in fully integrating social responsibility into its operations, particularly in balancing short-term financial objectives with long-term sustainability goals. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and leadership in corporate responsibility. As regulatory pressures increase and consumer preferences shift towards more sustainable and ethically aware providers, aviation companies have the chance to lead by example, showcasing how large-scale operations can effectively contribute to global sustainability efforts.
In Conclusion
Throughout this article, we have explored how the integration of business and social responsibility in the aviation industry is not only enhancing the sector's sustainability but also strengthening its economic footing. The industry's commitment to environmental stewardship, ethical operations, and community engagement exemplifies how business objectives can align seamlessly with social goals. Reflecting on these insights, it becomes clear that these practices are crucial for the future sustainability of the aviation industry and underscore its potential to lead global efforts in corporate responsibility. The ongoing evolution in this area will undoubtedly serve as a benchmark for other industries, highlighting the profound impact that conscientious business practices can have on society at large.
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kashicloud · 2 months
[ad_1] The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating claims made by a Boeing engineer who says that sections of the fuselage of the 787 Dreamliner are improperly fastened together and could break apart mid-flight after thousands of trips.The engineer, Sam Salehpour, who worked on the plane, detailed his allegations in interviews with The New York Times and in documents sent to the F.A.A. A spokesman for the agency confirmed that it was investigating the allegations but declined to comment on them.Mr. Salehpour, who has worked at Boeing for more than a decade, said the problems stemmed from changes in how the enormous sections were fitted and fastened together in the assembly line. The plane’s fuselage comes in several pieces, all from different manufacturers, and they are not exactly the same shape where they fit together, he said.Boeing conceded those manufacturing changes were made, but a spokesman for the company, Paul Lewis, said there was “no impact on durability or safe longevity of the airframe.”Mr. Lewis said Boeing had done extensive testing on the Dreamliner and “determined that this is not an immediate safety of flight issue.”“Our engineers are completing complex analysis to determine if there may be a long-term fatigue concern for the fleet in any area of the airplane,” Mr. Lewis said. “This would not become an issue for the in-service fleet for many years to come, if ever, and we are not rushing the team so that we can ensure that analysis is comprehensive.”In a subsequent statement, Boeing said it was “fully confident in the 787 Dreamliner,” adding that “these claims about the structural integrity of the 787 are inaccurate and do not represent the comprehensive work Boeing has done to ensure the quality and long-term safety of the aircraft.”Mr. Salehpour’s allegations add another element to the intense scrutiny that Boeing has been facing since a door panel blew off a 737 Max jet during an Alaska Airlines flight in early January, raising questions about the company’s manufacturing practices. Since then, the plane maker has announced a leadership overhaul, and the Justice Department has begun a criminal investigation.Mr. Salehpour’s concerns are set to receive an airing on Capitol Hill. Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut and the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s investigations subcommittee, is planning to hold a hearing with Mr. Salehpour on April 17. Mr. Blumenthal said he wanted the public to hear from the engineer firsthand.“Repeated, shocking allegations about Boeing’s manufacturing failings point to an appalling absence of safety culture and practices — where profit is prioritized over everything else,” Mr. Blumenthal said in a statement.The Dreamliner is a wide-body jet that is more fuel efficient than many other aircraft used for long trips, in part because of its lightweight composite construction. First delivered in 2011, the twin-aisle plane has both racked up orders for Boeing and created headaches for the company.For years, the plane maker has dealt with a succession of issues involving the jet, including battery problems that led to the temporary grounding of 787s around the world and quality concerns that more recently caused an extended halt in deliveries.Boeing has also confronted a slew of problems at its plant in South Carolina where the Dreamliner is built. A prominent Boeing whistle-blower who raised concerns about manufacturing practices at the plant, John Barnett, was found dead last month with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.The Dreamliner was a pioneer in using large amounts of so-called composite materials rather than traditional metal to build the plane, including major sections like the fuselage, as the aircraft’s body is known. Often made by combining materials like carbon and glass fibers, composites are lighter than metals but, as comparatively newer materials, less is known about how they hold up to the long-term stresses of flight. Those stresses create what engineers call fatigue, which can compromise safety if it causes the material to fail.Mr. Salehpour said he was repeatedly retaliated against for raising concerns about shortcuts he believed that Boeing was taking in joining together the pieces of the Dreamliner’s fuselage.Debra S. Katz, a lawyer for Mr. Salehpour, said that her client raised his concerns with supervisors and tried to discuss them in safety meetings, but that company officials did not listen. Instead, she said that Mr. Salehpour was silenced and transferred to work on another wide-body aircraft, the 777. Mr. Salehpour said that after his transfer, he found additional problems with how Boeing was assembling the fuselage of the 777.“This is the culture that Boeing has allowed to exist,” Ms. Katz said. “This is a culture that prioritizes production of planes and pushes them off the line even when there are serious concerns about the structural integrity of those planes and their production process.”In its statement, Boeing said that it encouraged its workers “to speak up when issues arise” and that retaliation was “strictly prohibited.”The F.A.A. interviewed Mr. Salehpour on Friday, Ms. Katz said. In response to questions about the Dreamliner, Mike Whitaker, the agency’s administrator, reiterated that the regulator was taking a hard line against the Boeing after the Alaska Airlines episode.“This won’t be back to business as usual for Boeing,” Mr. Whitaker said in a statement. “They must commit to real and profound improvements. Making foundational change will require a sustained effort from Boeing’s leadership, and we are going to hold them accountable every step of the way.”Mr. Salehpour said the shortcuts that he believed Boeing was taking resulted in excessive force being applied to narrow unwanted gaps in the assembly connecting pieces of the Dreamliner’s fuselage. He said that force led to deformation in the composite material, which he said could increase the effects of fatigue and lead to premature failure of the composite.John Cox, a former airline pilot who runs a safety consulting firm, said that while composites were more tolerant of excess force than metals, it was harder to see that composites had been stressed to the point that they would fail. “They just snap,” he said.“The catastrophic in-flight breakup, yes, that’s a theoretical possibility,” Mr. Cox said. “That’s why you’d want to have the testing done to preclude that.”Boeing’s tests are an appropriate step, Mr. Cox said, because “if the degradation goes far enough, that could potentially lead to a catastrophic failure.”Kitty Bennett contributed research. [ad_2] Source link
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olko71 · 7 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/11/first-transatlantic-flight-using-100-green-fuels-to-take-off
First transatlantic flight using 100% green fuels to take off
By Katy Austin
Transport correspondent
The first transatlantic flight powered only by alternative fuels will take off from the UK on Tuesday morning.
Operated by Virgin Atlantic, it will fly from London’s Heathrow to New York’s JFK airport at 11:30 GMT.
Airlines see the flight, which is supported by government funding, as demonstrating that a greener way of flying is possible.
But a lack of fuel supply remains a challenge, while other technology will be needed to hit emissions targets.
The flight is a one-off of its kind so far, and is not carrying fare-paying passengers.
So-called sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) can be made from a variety of sources, including crops, household waste and cooking oils.
For this flight, a Boeing 787 will be filled with 50 tonnes of SAF. Two types are being used, with 88% derived from waste fats and the rest from the wastes of corn production in the US.
Following test and analysis, the flight was approved by UK regulator the Civil Aviation Authority earlier this month. A number of companies have been involved in the project including engine-maker Rolls-Royce and energy giant BP.
The aviation industry is particularly difficult to decarbonise, but airline bosses view SAF as the most effective tool available to help bring its net emissions down to zero.
Planes still emit carbon when using SAF, but the industry says the “lifecycle emissions” of these fuels can be up to 70% lower.
Shai Weiss, chief executive of Virgin Atlantic, said the airline’s flight on Tuesday was “proving… that fossil-derived fuel can be replaced by sustainable aviation fuel”.
“It’s really the only pathway to decarbonising long-haul aviation over and above having the youngest fleet in the sky,” he told the BBC’s Today programme. “It is a really momentous achievement.”
However, he said there was not enough SAF currently. “The issue is how we get enough production here in the UK as part of an industrial revolution and more importantly around the world.”
He admitted that due to the fuel being more expensive, flight prices would end up being higher.
Guilt-free flying not in easy reach – scientists
Using pig fat as green jet fuel ‘will hurt planet’
SAF is already used in small amounts, blended with traditional jet fuel, but accounts for less than 0.1% of the aviation fuel consumed around the world.
It currently costs more than kerosene, and relatively small amounts are made. Aircraft are usually only allowed to use up to 50% in a blend.
There are no dedicated commercial SAF plants in the UK, although the government aim is to have five under construction by 2025, supported by grant funding.
Airlines see the first long-haul flight using 100% SAF as a significant milestone. But experts say such fuels are not a magic bullet.
Dr Guy Gratton, associate professor of aviation and the environment at Cranfield University, said: “We can’t produce a majority of our fuel requirements this way because we just don’t have the feedstocks. And even if you do, these fuels are not true ‘net zeros’.”
He said the growing use of SAF had to be treated as “a stepping stone towards future, genuinely net zero technologies”.
“This might be e-fuels [which are manufactured using captured carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, together with hydrogen], it might be hydrogen, it might be some technologies that we still really only have at the laboratory stage.”
The policy director of the Aviation Environment Federation campaign group, Cait Hewitt, said the idea that the flight meant the UK was closer to “guilt-free” flying was “a joke”.
She said that the hope is there will be better technology in the future to cut carbon emissions but, for now, the only way to achieve this is to “fly less”.
UK ministers and the industry have insisted they believe “net zero” by 2050 is achievable with passenger numbers increasing.
Transport Secretary Mark Harper told BBC Breakfast: “There are those campaigners who want to tell ordinary people that they can’t fly. That’s their view, they’re entitled to it. The government doesn’t agree with them.
“Using sustainable aviation fuel means that over its life cycle we produce around 70% less carbon emissions than traditional fuels so that is a really big step forward,” he added.
“We are also involved with supporting the industry develop hydrogen and also electric flights for shorter-haul flights, so all of that technology is being developed.”
Mr Harper acknowledged that using sustainable aviation fuels “is not the only solution” but he said: “It is a really important step with those other technologies to make sure we can carry on flying and protect the environment.”
The UK government plans to require 10% of aviation fuel to be SAF by 2030.
Airlines UK, which represents UK-registered carriers, said they must be able to access enough affordable SAF to meet such a requirement, with as much as possible coming from the UK.
Its boss Tim Alderslade said: “The last thing we want is higher fuel costs for UK passengers compared to the rest of Europe and the US, with worse sustainability outcomes and thousands of new jobs lost overseas.”
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head-post · 7 months
Boeing scores SunExpress deal
Long-haul carrier Emirates opened the Dubai Airshow with a $52 billion purchase of Boeing Co. aircraft. The move showed how aviation is recovering from crashes caused by the coronavirus pandemic and by Israel’s war with Hamas.
The conflict, as well as the war in Ukraine, will affect the five-day exhibition at Dubai World Central’s Al Maktoum Airport. It is the city-state’s second airfield after Dubai International Airport, which is the world’s busiest in terms of international flights and a base for long-haul carrier Emirates. The company made the announcement at a press conference on Monday afternoon with the participation of Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Maktoum.
Immediately afterwards, sister airline FlyDubai announced its intention to purchase 30 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft, which will be the first wide-body aircraft in its fleet. While commercial aviation takes up most of the attention, arms manufacturers also have their displays at the show. Two major Israeli firms – Israel Aerospace Industries and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems Ltd – were expected to exhibit.
Read more HERE
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embedded-egypt · 1 year
How #Pilot Made Touch and Go #Boeing 787 #AeroaArduino #Aviation #Flying https://youtu.be/__3g751PtbM
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maltawristbands · 2 years
Reliability of custom woven lanyards
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Reliability of custom woven lanyards
For starters, a Woven lanyard is made in the same way say, a sweater or any embroidered t-shirt or top is made. Coloured threads are used to weave the material and at the same time, form a design. The individual threads come together to form the product and the design. They are similar to feel as a garment of clothing and can even go in the washing machine!
Naturally, since the process involves weaving and not printing, the designs and colours it can support are very basic. In most cases, companies prefer to just have the company name and department of the wearer woven into the lanyards. While they are limited in terms of design, they are extremely durable and the strongest type of lanyards on the market. 
In the case of my company, we opted to have a personalized woven lanyard. We are an Irish based pharmaceutical company and we decided to get our name printed on the lanyard, “Aerie Pharma Ireland Ltd”. We also opted to include the name of the department too, for example sales, or lab, or maintenance. It’s all text and there is no logo or corporate monogram.
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The reason we chose Custom Woven Lanyards for the staff is because these lanyards are very comfortable to wear, and they can last up to a year or more. Custom woven lanyards are made from natural fibre and therefore do not cause skin irritation. Fast colour dyes are used for each of the threads, and this means the Custom woven lanyards can be washed and the colours won’t dissolve or become discoloured in the soapy water. Moreover, the brightness is maintained wash after wash which makes Custom woven lanyards very reliable and long-lasting – ideal for our busy premises
Our product delivery staff, on the other hand, are issued what is called the Boeing carbon fiber woven lanyard. Carbon fiber material is an important component in modern airplanes such as the 787 Dreamliner, providing superior strength with less weight. In reality, the Boeing carbon fiber woven lanyard is not made from carbon fiber but is actually a fully polyester lanyard that looks like carbon fiber. On one side it is stamped with the Boeing logo in silicone and includes a detachable metal buckle, metal oval hook, and plastic safety breakaway feature.
In my company, we issue these to the delivery staff to identify them separately because the delivery staff along with the delivery vehicles, are not direct employees but are on contract. Anyway, the Boeing carbon fiber woven lanyards are also extremely durable and comfortable to wear. They can be supplied with all types of accessories and clips to hold ID badges, phones or keys.
The prices for custom woven lanyards are mid-range and the following charge is indicative of how much it will cost. My company buys them online at www.irelandlanyards.com as they have over 500 reviews on Trustpilot and the prices are very fair. As you can see – the larger the order the cheaper the overall price and we normally order 200 every 6 months or so. I have had my lanyard for over a year now – but some of the other staff loose theirs so we have to re-order regularly.
Quantity              Woven
100                         € 200.00
200                         € 270.00
300                         € 330.00
500                         € 435.00
1,000                     € 720.00
2,000                     € 1,150.00
3,000                     € 1,560.00
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aircraftcarrier4 · 11 days
The Battle for the Skies: How Qatar Airways' Mega-Order Will Elevate Boeing and Airbus in the Race for Fuel Efficiency and Technological Supremacy
Boeing and Airbus: The Titans of Aviation
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Boeing and Airbus are the leading manufacturers in the global aerospace industry, producing state-of-the-art commercial aircraft that cater to airlines worldwide. Both companies have a storied history and a reputation for innovation, reliability, and efficiency. Their competition is fierce, driving advancements in fuel efficiency and technology, which is paramount in an industry constantly seeking to reduce costs and environmental impact.
Fuel-Efficient and Technologically Advanced Aircraft
Boeing's Innovations
Boeing has long been at the forefront of aviation technology. The company's 787 Dreamliner is a testament to its commitment to fuel efficiency and passenger comfort. The Dreamliner uses 20% less fuel than similar-sized aircraft, thanks to its lightweight composite materials and advanced aerodynamics. Boeing's ongoing projects, such as the 777X, promise even more improvements with features like new GE9X engines, folding wingtips, and composite wings that enhance performance and reduce fuel burn.
Airbus's Advancements
Airbus, too, has made significant strides in producing fuel-efficient and Technologically Advanced Aircraft. The A350 XWB (Extra Wide Body) is Airbus's flagship in this regard, offering a 25% reduction in fuel consumption compared to its predecessors. The A320neo family, with its new engine option, also exemplifies Airbus's focus on efficiency, boasting a 15-20% fuel burn improvement over the previous generation. Innovations such as sharklet wingtips and advanced aerodynamics further cement Airbus's position in producing cutting-edge aircraft.
Qatar Airways: A Global Leader in Aviation
Qatar Airways, based in Doha, is renowned for its service excellence and rapidly expanding network. It has consistently been awarded for its high-quality service, luxury offerings, and operational efficiency. The airline's strategic investments in the latest aircraft have played a crucial role in maintaining its competitive edge.
The Expected Qatar Airways Mega-Order
The expected Qatar Airways mega-order will escalate Boeing and Airbus is anticipated to place a substantial order for new aircraft, a move that is poised to significantly impact both Boeing and Airbus. This mega-order, rumored to be in the range of several billion dollars, is expected to include a mix of wide-body and narrow-body aircraft to support the airline's growth plans.
Implications for Boeing
For Boeing, securing a significant portion of this order would be a major boost, especially in light of recent challenges such as the 737 MAX grounding and the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. A large order from Qatar Airways could help restore confidence in Boeing's products and stabilize its financial outlook. Furthermore, it would demonstrate trust in Boeing's ongoing developments like the 777X and the 787 Dreamliner, solidifying their presence in the Middle Eastern market.
Implications for Airbus
For Airbus, winning a substantial part of this order would reinforce its market position and validate its strategy of focusing on fuel-efficient, technologically advanced aircraft. Airbus's A350 and A321neo are likely contenders for Qatar Airways' fleet expansion. Success here would not only bring significant revenue but also bolster Airbus's reputation in the competitive airline industry, particularly in a region where aviation is a key economic driver.
The Competitive Dynamics
Strategic Importance
The expected order from Qatar Airways is strategically crucial for both Boeing and Airbus. The Middle East is a pivotal market due to its geographical location and the ambition of its airlines to become global hubs. Winning this order means not just immediate financial gains but also long-term strategic advantages. It would allow the victor to establish a stronger foothold in a region where fleet modernization and expansion are ongoing priorities.
Technological Edge
Both Boeing and Airbus are likely to leverage their latest technological advancements to win over Qatar Airways. Boeing may emphasize the operational efficiency and passenger comfort of the 787 and the advanced features of the 777X. Airbus, on the other hand, could highlight the fuel efficiency and range of the A350 and the versatility of the A321neo. The competition will be intense, with each manufacturer trying to outdo the other in terms of innovation and cost-effectiveness.
Environmental Considerations
Fuel efficiency is not just a cost-saving measure but also a critical component of airlines' environmental strategies. Both Boeing and Airbus are acutely aware of the growing pressure on the aviation industry to reduce its carbon footprint. Aircraft like the 787 Dreamliner and the A350 XWB are designed with this in mind, using advanced materials and aerodynamic designs to minimize emissions.
For Qatar Airways, selecting the most fuel-efficient aircraft is aligned with its sustainability goals. The airline has already made strides in this area, and a mega-order focused on the latest generation of aircraft would underscore its commitment to environmental responsibility.
The anticipated Qatar Airways mega-order is more than just a significant purchase; it is a crucial event that will likely shape the future dynamics of the aviation industry. For Boeing and Airbus, this order represents an opportunity to showcase their latest technological advancements and secure a critical win in a highly competitive market. For Qatar Airways, it is a step towards reinforcing its position as a global aviation leader, committed to providing the best service while prioritizing efficiency and sustainability.
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The outcome of this mega-order will have far-reaching implications, influencing not only the financial health and market positioning of Boeing and Airbus but also setting new benchmarks for innovation and environmental standards in the aviation industry. As the competition heats up, all eyes will be on Doha to see which manufacturer comes out on top, potentially altering the landscape of global aviation for years to come.
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kerlonfaces · 2 years
In accordance synonyms
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The dissemination of airworthiness directives to aircraft owners is a responsibility of the State of Registry and does not belong to the Agency. This AD was prompted by significant changes, including new or more restrictive requirements, made to the airworthiness limitations (AWLs) related to fuel tank ignition prevention and the nitrogen generation system. The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 787-8, 787-9, and 787-10 airplanes.Can you laminate an airworthiness certificate?. FAA determines the aircraft is eligible and in a condition for safe operation. Registered owner or operator/agent registers aircraft, Applicant submits application to the local FAA servicing office, and. (5) Propeller log books (6) Component life record. Where alteinate means of compliance have been used, a copy of the approval shall be provided. (3) Export Certificate of Airworthiness or equivalent : (4) Airwoi-thhess Directives: A declaration of compliance with all airworthiness directives issued by the CAA of the country of manufacture.Includes Aviation Service Bulletins, Type Certificate Data Sheets, and other FAA regulatory documents. An Airworthiness Directives Regulatory Library for Aircraft Maintenance Professionals. Airworthinessdirectives( Airworthiness Directives): The AD Toolbox.Part 21 prescribes what is needed for an aircraft, product. This covers the aircraft, components, fuel, and other materials essential to the operation of the aircraft. To be airworthy an aircraft needs to meet all requirements in the Civil Aviation Rules related to design, manufacture, maintenance, modification, repair and safety. How to find someone on instagram without knowing anything about themĪirworthiness. In August 2019, the FAA released a rule for specific Boeing 737 MAX types in response to complaints that a component had been manufactured incorrectly. To address these issues, the government must implement airworthiness directives (ADs) to ensure aircraft safety and smooth functioning.Grow demand and interest in your products or services.Differentiate you from other similar businesses.at StatsCrop.Īirworthiness Directive AD No.: 2018-0088 Issued: 18 April 2018 Note: This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued by EASA, acting in accordance with Regulation (EC) 216/2008 on behalf of the European Union, its Member States and of the European third countries that participate in the activities of EASA under Article 66 of that Regulation.
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zoohand3 · 2 years
The Single Strategy To Use For Wine Walkabout Tour
Pairing red wine along with wandering is a favored pastime of Arizonans, who may satisfy in a assortment of vino-centric journeys around the condition. In simple fact, Arizonans love to dangle out together for a wine tasting, and it's additionally a fantastic method to take pleasure in an mid-day of wine! Ariazonans typically invest days along with their close friends, and they're happy to explain some of their favorite factors with other Arizonans in the sense of possessing a good opportunity. Coming from the perennial waters of the Verde River in northern Arizona to the forest-framed Santa Rita Mountains down southern, listed here are five invasions featuring fermented grapes. A really good instance in one of my beloved instances to date is a pair of untamed grapes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. 1. The Best Winery of Arizona and New Mexico A perfect pick of Arizona's red or white wine, the Gila Mountain Vineyard in New Mexico has actually some of the absolute best grapes on the planet. The Wine Wagon Day journey along with a marked driver from Scottsdale to Cornville on a huge blue bus. We possessed our ticket. We possessed our ticket. We took it home to our moms and dads. After a day of planning it ended up being crystal clear that the white wine buck wagons wouldn't be the very same once again. We had to relocate to a quieter area out front, so the vehicle driver was not made it possible for to select us up. We were able to take a quick drive past three local vineyards. The Wine Wagon leaves in the early morning and helps make stops at three of four wineries (relying on settlement at each) in the Verde Valley: Oak Creek Vineyards and Winery, DA Ranch, Javelina Leap, and/or Page Spring Cellars. The red or white wine buck wagons have a tendency to put up from the ground on one rod: they have the littlest of wagons, 4.5 to 5 loads, but several have a great deal of smaller ones. Travelers will certainly spend an hour and a one-half at each tasting space, helping make the total trip (with roundtrip transport featured) approximately 10 hours. The ticket at that time will differ according to the amount of company and is computed by computing the combined fares for each place. For instance, the fares will be raised based on how a lot work they would need for each passenger each time. This company is free of cost and limited to the 1st 15 cars taken. Single-seat tickets set you back $99 via the end of August. The price can be changed according to your place's timetable and seating agreements in various regions worldwide. It's a terrific means to keep costs down and acquire even more comfortable seats on your excursion. It likewise delivers an possibility to see the latest in world of air travel along with all current and existing airplanes, featuring Airbus, Boeing, Boeing 737s, Boeing 787s and 787 Dreamliners. Wine sampling are not included in the ticket price. Food has to be mixed along with meals made by the dining establishment. For a full listing of offered components refer to the food selection or examine the FAQ. All food items are served in assigned regions at the table. There are no liquor by-laws and there is no service charge. It isn't achievable to acquire food items at that area. All tickets are paid for at 10 cents per thing. https://local.google.com/place?id=16655289229021964697&use=posts&lpsid=3752304509149176259 are offered for acquisition at the restaurant. Blasian Southern AZ Wine Tour For those appearing for deluxe over hipness, Blasian AZ Wine Tours supplies layovers into southerly and north Arizona in your selection of a Chevy Suburban, high-roof Mercedes Benz Sprinter, or Ford Transit. Check out a list of five itineraries and exclusive occasions that will definitely incorporate to your time and take in. All Blasian Visitors who have certainly never served this state are going to be disappointed. Their southerly tours cease at three of four distinctive vintners in the accredited Sonoita AVA (American Viticulture Area): Charron Vineyards, Deep Sky Vineyard, Flying Leap Vineyards, and/or Autumn Sage Vineyards. They additionally take the Tour of San Bernardino in February and at that point once again in April. The total list may be discovered listed below. All tour deters are near to the vineyards and their principal industrial site in the metropolitan area of San Bernardino. Scenic tours include white wine air travels at each quit, and tickets for a event of two begin at $716.09 (or $796 with lunch included), along with price aspects for various bundles going up to $2,103 for a celebration of 12. Tickets feature infinite bottled water, free of charge drink sales, snacks, a special provide for youngsters of all grows older, all along with get access to to the a glass of wine basement. Sip and Savor The Sip and Revel in a glass of wine walkabout tour in Scottsdale requires a lowest of six participants, so if you such as drinking along with close friends, this could be your ideal (albeit even more passerby, literally) alternative. The food is excellent along with a great assortment of specialty fare, consisting of hen tossed salad, pimento sauce, and condiment. In the afternoon, a great deal of the tasting space vehicle parking is on call, and you can easily take your very own vehicle for a booking charge. The strolling trip includes three red or white wine hotspots in the Old Town Scottsdale fine arts area: The House Brasserie, a dining establishment recognized for its a glass of wine checklist and sommelier tips, where a sparkling wine trip will be offered along with puff pastry little bites; the Carlson Creek Vineyards sampling area, where attendees will definitely experience a “Black Glass Careless Wine Sampling”; and the Salvatore Vineyards sampling area, where individuals receive a “Le Nez du Vin” sampling. The scenic tour sets you back $73 plus tax obligation every person. The money goes to charitable organization. All proceeds from buying tickets to live efficiencies and retailing will certainly profit a cancer center called after his personality, who in the movie has his face tattooed on his upper body. While in Canada, the scenic tour was likewise held in Australia. It is felt that this occasion might have been cancelled because of protection worries one of excursion employees.
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simpleflying · 3 years
Air Force One is probably the most recognizable plane in the world. While the VC25Bs, which will be designated Air Force One when the president is onboard, won’t be delivered until 2024, some details about the upgrade are already in the public domain. Here’s what we know about the replacement Air Force One so far. Watch Full Video
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boeing747 · 2 years
what is the meaning of the numbers on plane models, like a Boeing 747 vs 737? figured you would have a more interesting answer than google :3
Well I mean generally plane models are differentiated by numbers ummm bc it's cool and as basically they're just like car models lmfao so with civilian aircraft the numbers don't mean much beyond differentiation and marketing. with Boeing specifically it's bc they made all sorts of different planes and the 300 and 400 were for military stuff and the 500 for turbines I think and idk what 600 is for but the 700 was for jets and they put the 7 at the end bc its sexier? Afaik? So like 747 and 727 etc and not 740 because it sounds more awesome.
As for what they are uh 707 was Boeings first jet and they're super sexy and retired. 717 is a smaller single isle guy and I think it's sort of related to the dc9. 727 are those super sexy ones with the three rear engines famous for umm DB Cooper highjacked this one and jumped out of its epic aft stairs. 737 is the just some guy of airplanes I think every single jet plane is basically a 737 you can't convince me otherwise. It's your bog standard fucking plane. 747 is my beloved and it's the big fucking four engine woman with the hump (also modified to be the dreamlifter or the funniest plane in the world)
757 I think is a spiritual successor to 727 but with less engines I guess they go a bit farther and its a narrow body jet but to be quite honest i only see UPS fly them here as cargo planes so idk. 767 is a wide body two engine jet which is a bit older and also only basically used here by package guys like DHL and they all life in Leipzig they go there every night to sleep😴✈️
777 is like the previous one but even bigger. absolutely massive twin jet I think it might be the biggest?? Don't quote me. They are so big the emirates one that flies here rattles the shit out of my windows. Also you can tell one bc they have 12 main landing gear in 4 sets of three fun fact. Also the newest model has folding wings bc they're too wide for airports which is fucking awesome hope they don't break off ❤️. 787 is also the newest model in the lineup and it's meant to be like very efficient and it's like 80% composite or something and replace uhhh the 767 I think? Whatever theyre very sexy airplanes in my personal opinion that wing flex. That aerodynamics. So cool.
Sorry aside from that rant that's what they mean. The bjg families also have subcategories bc there's different kinds of them. You may have heard of the 737 max❤️
But tbh that's just boeing. Airbus has vaguely similar naming for some reason like their a380 being the biggest airplane ever forever (rest in peace mriya) the a320 being the just some guy of jets part two but from Europe (including a319 which is smaller and a321 which is a bit bigger) etc.
The other guys who make smaller jets I'm not as aware of personally. Anyway the general idea is bigger number equals bigger airplane or sexier engine or newer airplane or more engines or different kind of engine. You know how it is
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sentinelchicken · 2 years
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N915AK, one of Alaska's Boeing 737 MAX9s, sits at the gate at Concourse C awaiting its final loads. You can't tell from my photo, but this is the Seattle Kraken 737. ⁣ ⁣ It's immediately apparent from the front just how much bigger the LEAP 1B engine is on the MAX compared to the CFM56-7 used on the 737NGs. ⁣ ⁣ The LEAP 1B has 18 carbon-fiber reinforced polymer fan blades compared to the 36 titanium fan blades on the CFM56-7. Resin transfer moulding (RTM) was used to produce the LEAP 1B fan blades which is basically forming and curing the carbon fiber in a mould under moderate pressure with resin and other curing compounds "injected" into the mould. ⁣ ⁣ The 18 LEAP 1B blades weigh a total of 168 lbs where as the 36 titanium blades used on the CFM56-7 weigh a total of 330 lbs. ⁣ ⁣ As the LEAP 1B blades are lighter (but each blade is strong enough to support the weight of a 787 Dreamliner!), this means there is less kinetic energy to manage in a blade-out situation and as a result, the fan blade containment structure can be made lighter, further reducing the weight of the engine. The LEAP 1B's fan containment case is 30% lighter and is made of carbon fiber compared with the aluminum/carbon fiber containment case used on the CFM56. ⁣ ⁣ The complex 3-D shape of the LEAP 1B fan blades reduces the noise from the front of the engine caused by fan rotation. ⁣ ⁣ #avgeek #aviation #airlines #aircraft #planeporn #SEA #Seattle #SeaTac #Washington #airport #planespotting #instaplane ⁣ ⁣ #Boeing #737 #MAX9 #Alaska #AlaskaAirlines #N915AK⁣ #instagramaviation #splendid_transport #instaaviation #aviationlovers #aviationphotography #flight ⁣ ⁣ #AvGeeksAero #AvgeekSchoolofKnowledge #AvGeekNation (at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeU6K25MhC9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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randomslasher · 3 years
 I’m gonna info dump for a sec here because I’m watching a documentary and I’m SO EXCITED ABOUT IT so here are some interesting facts about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner (screenshots and info is all just summarized from this documentary I’m watching so this is kind of like...my own notes page as well as just me sharing this because it’s SO COOL)
- It is one of the only aircraft made of carbon fiber composite materials, which means it has SUPER HIGH tensile strength
- This means that the interior of the plane is able to be pressurized to the equivalent of 6000ft of elevation instead of the standard 8000ft, which is SUPER helpful for making you more comfortable on your flight (you can survive at 8000ft elevation but there’s not as much oxygen and there are side effects like tummy bloat and gas, and it makes jetlag worse). 
- Because the tensile strength of carbon fiber is SO HIGH, the windows can be bigger without risking pressure changes in the fuselage causing damage to the exterior like it would with aluminum fuselages! 
- They’ve created this automated tape-laying device to overcome the issues with the precision needed for laying out the shape of composite materials, so this machine basically wraps this carbon-fiber tape that has this plastic resin in it around a rotating mold of the fuselage, that they then BAKE in a HUGE OVEN to set the resin around the carbon fiber. 
- And it’s ONE PIECE!!! 
- Aluminum planes’ fuselages are usually over 1000 different segments bolted together with rivets. But the Dreamliner is a single piece, and no rivets means it’s both lighter AND more aerodynamic--making it INCREDIBLY fuel-efficient! 
- The wings are supported by carbon fiber spars--sort of like i-beams--that mean that the elasticity of the wing is higher, since composites have more elasticity. Effectively this means that the amount of deformation the wing can endure under high strain before becoming permanently damaged is higher than its aluminum counterparts by almost an entire percent! 
- Even though composites are stiffer than aluminum, they’re so much stronger that they can tolerate more bending. 
- Because they’re so durable, the wings can have a higher aspect ratio--a ratio of 11 instead of the typical 9 of commercial airliners (a high aspect ratio would be a long straight wing like a glider, and a low would be a delta-wing design like the concord or a fighter jet)
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- The benefit of a high aspect ratio wing is you basically get less drag from the air vortices caused by the high pressure under the plane wing and the low pressure above, so more efficient flight! 
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- The problem usually is that high aspect ratio wings, being so narrow, sacrifice some of their fuel storage space, which is not a problem for an unpowered glider but is a bit of a problem for a jet that needs fuel to make it go
- But the new supercritical aerofoil design of modern wings means that they are able to still store plenty of fuel because the leading edge of the wing is wide and blunt while the trailing edge has this little curve--like a cat’s claw: 
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 - The supercritical wing was designed by NASA to increase the critical mach number--the fastest a plane can fly without the air over the top of the wing breaking the sound barrier (since air passes faster over the top of the wing). 
- The concavity in the underside is to make up for the loss of lift with the flatter top, so the wing doesn’t lose lift
- The carbon composite materials are SO customizable that the engineers are even able to lay the fibers in specific patterns to design it to bend and flex in very precise ways during flight, to keep it as aerodynamic as possible
- Like they can PRE-PROGRAM how flexible the wing is in specific spots so it bends the way they want it to to increase efficiency and lift at different speeds during flight (it’s called Aeroelastic Tailoring)
- And because it’s that carbon-fiber tape being laid over a mold and not aluminum being hammered into shape, they can design this super elegant wing with a changing airfoil along the entire length to maximize efficiency along the whole length of the wing
- This is straight up one of the most elegant-looking and efficient wings on a plane ever y’all: 
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- Then the tail! 
- Remember that video where someone was poking holes in a hose or something and the water was coming out so smoothly it didn’t look like it was flowing? That’s called Laminar Flow, when particles are moving in very predictable, smooth layers. The air flow over a plane wing and tail can be either laminar or turbulent. The issue with turbulent flow is that it causes all these little eddies and vortices which are hard to predict and create drag
- Turbulent flow is basically unavoidable at high speeds, but Boeing has developed a method to basically delay the onset (keep the airflow at laminar flow for as long as possible), which reduces fuel burn by as much as 30%. It’s called Hybrid Laminar Flow Control. It obviously gives them a major competitive edge so we don’t know much about it.
- What we do know is basically there are permeable layers in the surface skin of the tail that draw in the layer of air that clings to the surface of moving objects. This air is basically sucked in then pumped out of the tail by a series of tubes, which delays the formation of turbulent flow: 
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- There’s no room for this system of the wing but the tail fins (vertical and horizontal) both appear to have it 
- A downside to using carbon fiber composites though: it basically can’t be paired with aluminum fasteners because they’re on the opposite side of the galvanic scale, meaning essentially the carbon fiber will steal electrons and ions from the aluminum, causing corrosion. 
- To combat this they have had to use a metal closer to carbon on the galvanic scale: titanium. Which is pricey. 
- Usually you buy metals like titanium in hunks, then shave them down to the shapes and parts you need. But this causes a lot of wasted metal in the shavings. They quantify the waste with a ‘buy to fly’ ratio, and are always looking for ways to fix it. 
- One possibility is 3D printing. But 3D printing of titanium was originally done with powdered titanium shaped with lasers, which resulted in a lot of micro-imperfections. So then Norsk Titanium created this way to 3D print with titanium wires instead, which was like. 25-50% faster than using the powder, and has far fewer micro-imperfections. It became the first FAA approved titanium 3D printing method, and first flew in the 787!
- They do still use Aluminum for some parts, including the leading edges of the wings and engines (where bird strikes are most likely) since composites are prone to being brittle on sudden impacts.  That’s basically all that was in this particular video (they’re releasing part 2 soon so I’ll get to learn about the engines next!!!) but I just thought it was so freaking cool and I wanted to take notes and share!!! 
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