#How about
chickycherrycola · 5 days
Screaming crying shaking with excitement and nerves I am SIGNED UP for the next level of pole fitness which is INTRO TO AERIAL!!! Inversions baby here we goooooo 🙏🏻💃
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Sometimes I sit here thinking it's only me who believes that Elain is aro/ace and the witchy lady of the village who lives in her cottage up in the fields by herself. Brewing potions and spells all day, and tending to her garden of poisonous plants.
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Someone please tell me I'm not alone in this.
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onlyblackcoffeez · 7 days
love doing hse (gov health service) tests when they tell you that you're at high risk for [whichever] addiction like babygirl tell me something I don't know. this is a government provided quiz result like
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real-doozy · 13 days
vers is the gay bi
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necromanceable · 22 days
My cats come running whenever I open a window....they crave the Breeze
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beep-beep-boop · 26 days
I’ve been getting really into the idea of the sacred spiral lately.
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palmviolet · 27 days
changed my ao3 pfp to rust so now i get a hit of serotonin every time i see myself when i answer my comments
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So... we should ship them.
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I'm really really tempted at using the friends of friends mod on rain world because i love my blue lizord so much BUT i want to be friends with scavangers and my lil guy won'T LET ME
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^ the dumdum
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cum-villain · 1 month
happy birthday!!! kim dokja would be so happy for you
i know you're trying to insult me here but it's whooshing over my head so i'm just going to take the happy birthday wishes
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fairlyzacky · 1 month
I miss my old phone :( It had a really annoying feature so that urgent voice messages from coworkers could be played directly through my speaker when they were sent instead of just ending up in my mailbox. Sometimes I’d just have some angry guy yelling in my pocket from outof my phone speaker..
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tubapun · 2 months
Another apartment update: toilet flusher made a snap noise and went limp and I was like "oh god" but I took the lid off to see if it was a maintenance problem or a Mike problem and it turned out it just lightly disconnected on the gear or whatever and was able to snap back in, so it was a Mike problem and is fixed
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cryptidafter · 2 months
I’ve breezed through the first twelve chapters of Can Ci Pin in one day and I am endlessly impressed by the way priest tackles class divisions and social inequality.
And the way she world builds is so fun to me because she really throws you right in and has you learn as the story progresses which - as someone who can’t stand paragraphs and paragraphs of environmental details - is so nice. I can picture the world really well without feeling like I’m being inundated with superfluous stuff.
Of course, the characters really carry the story because priest knows how to craft a realistic narrative. Lin Jingheng and Zhanlu are my favorites so far (because I love a mean asshole and his faithful AI companion). Lu Bixing is a big weirdo but endearing in his own right; I love how dedicated he is to teaching his wild students by any means necessary lol. Lin Jingshu also compels me for obvious reasons.
I’m excited to keep reading and check another of priest’s books off my list!
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bittsandpieces · 2 months
After reading about your sensitivity to tannins, I’m curious if you are a fan of any orange wines? If so, do you have any that you’ve enjoyed recently? On the flipside, do you enjoy pét nats at all?
They tend to be the wines I enjoy most frequently and consistently, and I’m always eager for recommendations (especially from someone with a knowledgable palette who also has autism-related food sensitivities)!
If this is a “none of the above” scenario, could you share any recent recommendations/faves of wines that you have enjoyed? Thank you in advance! 🧡
I like orange wines, but I really dislike petnats lol 😅 they're just so... sour
For orange wines: a recent favorite is the Pullus pinot grigio! It's made in Starjeska, Slovenia and has this lovely almost salmon/rose gold color. Pear, melon (closer to honeydew than cantaloupe), and a bit floral on the nose. On the palate you get a good dose of minerality from the skin contact, some citrus and bright acidity balanced out by an almost oily energy. The pearl comes through as well in a really nice way! Slovenia has pretty strict guidelines for integrated farming, so the actual growing process is pretty hands off and very environmentally friendly (ZERO irrigation, which as someone from a very dry climate, still throws me off). It's a solid 8.5/10 for me, which is about as high as I ever give a dry wine lol
As for petnats.... I can't say I would drink it again, but the one I've liked most of the few I've tried was the Kobal Bajta rumeni muscat! Very yeasty, it's quite cloudy in the glass and the citrus elements are balanced out quite well with the creamy taste that the wild yeasts lend! Great for people who enjoy petnats, definitely, just not quite in my prefered palate
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itstimeforstarwars · 3 months
Do you think the Republic has a galactic minimum wage or is it up to each planet. Huttspace obviously still has slavery so I doubt they have minimum wage but I'm gonna say republic outer rim planets probably also don't have minimum wage or the galactic minimum wage is so low that it's functionally useless and probably hasn't been updated in four hundred years.
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Me when I’m half way through a fic to read that reader is female because SOME writers don’t tag shit correctly
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