#How did Fox does not regret posting that question lol?
papabearbobbynash · 2 years
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Judd and Wyatt??? 
Also if we’re really being honest 
Eddie and Chris
Buck and Chris
Michael and May
Michael and Harry
Bobby and May
Bobby and Harry 
Bobby and Buck
Bobby and Eddie
31 notes · View notes
yolkyeomie · 3 years
Humanity of the Inhuman | Kim Sunwoo
summary — legends are meant for the wild fantasies of the dream world, but when one myth suddenly comes true, you find yourself tangled within its webs of reality.
word count — 7.2k words
pairing — sunwoo x female!reader (ft. x juyeon in a sense?)
genre — college au, gumiho au
disclaimer — !! light mentions of death, blood, and injury !! this is an wip of fic that I did not have the energy to complete, so it leaves off at a pretty big cliff hanger :( but if enough people enjoy it it I’ll make a part 2 or sumn lol (update: it does in fact have a part 2 now, go enjoy it!)
part I | part II | part III | part IV?
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“Nine tailed foxes,” the instructor stated, pointing their finger towards the pictures that were projected upon the board. There were three different depictions of the creature from other cultures posted up together, expressing how each of the cultures viewed the mythical being. Mindlessly you began to draw on the notebook set in front of you, taking in each picture and messing different aspects that you liked together.
“Known as the Kitsune in Japan, the Huli Jing in China, and the Gumiho here,” they continued, switching to the next slide that only displayed more old pictures of the fox, “they are a well known part of our folklore today that even western countries have begun to adopt their own version of this creature into their literature.”
“If it’s so popular, why are we learning about it now,” you mumbled, the lead of your pencil snapping as soon as the words had been spoken into existence. You let out a deep sigh at the inconvenience, letting an angry curse come out of your mouth as you leaned over to grab something new to write with.
Though you stopped mid turn as a black pen was placed into your vision. Curiously you glanced up to catch the smiling sight of Juyeon above you, waving around his pen and urging you to take it from his hand. “We’re learning about the Gumiho because it’s an important part of our folklore, just because it’s well known doesn’t mean you shouldn’t teach it.”
He was an acquaintance, nothing more than that, a “school friend” if that made more sense. You had met him the first day you attended the mythology class after picking up the course for fun, seeing as the only available seat in the room was by him. Having no friends who attended the class at the same time as you, he had offered to become one and you gladly took up his request in order to feel a little less only in the room full of strangers.
It was a little odd to see a class so minor like this be jam packed with students, but you did notice the recent influx of people who were interested in the mythologies of their and others cultures.
Plus, you didn’t do very well on your own and were a little more socially dependent than you’d like to admit, so Juyeon’s willingness to befriend you was greatly appreciated.
“Well, I guess you’re right,” you shrug, gratefully taking the pen out of his hands. “But still, what person doesn’t know the wild tales of the nine tailed foxes? They’re like… everywhere now. If I meet someone who didn’t even have a clue what I was talking about, I’d be surprised.”
“You never know,” Juyeon continued, urging you to take a look at the board. Being presented was the Korean version of the nine tailed fox, a few notes typed beside the art describing the details and depictions of what was generally believed about the fox demon. “Maybe one day you’ll need that information to save yourself from a Gumiho one day?”
You snorted at his words, pointing out one of the bullet points to him and quietly reading them to him. “First of all, this is a mythology class. That means everything we learn here is a myth, not real? Secondly, it clearly says that they seduce men and last time I checked, I’m not a man.”
“Well, I guess you’ve got a point there,” he nodded, laying his head in his hands as he half heartedly listened to the teacher speak. “I guess I’m the one who should be paying more attention to the lecture since I’m the man, but I don’t think a Gumiho would ever find interest in me.”
“Why?” You questioned, a teasing smile appearing on your face and you poked the pin cap into his side. “It’s said that gumihos eat human livers, do you have bad livers or something? Do you have some sort of liver disease that would make you undesirable to a fox?”
“If I say yes will you stop poking me?” He innocently asked.
“I’d know you’re lying if you said yes, you’re rather healthy despite some… odd habits you have,” you clarify, giving the boy a skeptical look before turning back towards the board. You were only acquaintances with Juyeon, but there were times you’d catch him in the hallways of the building or dorms when you were looking for Kevin doing skeptical activities. Most of the time he was just smuggling snacks that his roommate would steal out of the room but man did he look crazy while he did so.
“Hey, those aren’t odd habits, it’s me protecting what I paid for,” Juyeon argued, a pout developing on his face as he tried to explain himself, “if you don’t pay for it, you don’t get a bite of it! That’s the rules and you have to respect the rules.”
You only spared Juyeon a quick glance, your eyes full of skepticism for him. He was a nice guy, a decent person to hang around, but awkwardly catching him in the hallways like a criminal running from a crime scene was all you had to see from him to determine whether or not you wanted to hang around him often. “Y/N, seriously! I'm not some freak I promise, my roommates and I just do this often and—“
“Sure, Juyeon,” you nodded, softly patting his back in only slight comfort. “I completely understand what you mean.”
“Y/N!” He complained a little louder this time, earning some sneaking looks from the rest of your peers. The two of you weren’t the biggest troublemakers but you did have a volume problem more often than you’d like to admit. Though, that was mainly because Juyeon doesn’t understand when to keep his mouth shut. “Come on, Y/N, I know you don’t believe what I’m saying but you gotta! I can even show you what we—“
“I really don’t want to walk into that room,” you decline almost immediately, “something tells me I’ll regret it if I do.”
A small chuckle left Juyeon’s mouth at your harsh words, finally taking the response as an end to the conversation. It seemed as though the two of you had stopped just in time though, as a deep sigh left your instructor’s lips. The entire class turned their head towards him in confusion, unsure on what sort of gloom had possessed their mythology teacher.
“I think… I’ll end class early today,” he declared, turning off the board that had projected the day’s lesson. In a flash, your reference for your very own nine tailed fox disappeared in front of your eyes as the instructor continued to speak. “The rain just… throws me off the mood for today.”
Instinctively you turned your head toward the window and lo and behold, the rain was pouring down outdoors. Many students groaned at the sudden change in forecast, not having brought umbrellas to shield them from such weather since the day had called from sunny skies. “Ah… that’s gonna suck going home,” you tell yourself, noting how even you hadn’t brought an umbrella.
“Excuse me!” A student called out, drawing attention to the front of the class where they had seated themselves. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you superstitious? Usually rain is considered a good thing especially on wedding days. It’s supposed to be a good omen for the future of their marriage.”
“Superstitious?” He hummed in response, thinking to himself for a few moments before answering. “Well, in a sense? Not for the reasons you think I am though.”
“Does it have something to do with gumihos?” You couldn’t help but ask, curiosity getting the best of you as you blurted out in front of everyone. The class turned back to look at you expectantly, exchanging confused and bewildered glances with each other. Even Juyeon looked at you as though you were beginning to lose your mind. You don’t really blame them, rain didn’t really have anything to do with gumihos after all.
However, your teacher smiled at you. His eyes crinkled at their sides and his wrinkles from age becoming more prominent as his smile continuously grew larger as he thought about his answer again. “Something my grandparents used to tell me when I was younger,” he began, each student getting left on the edge of their seats as he turned back towards the rainfall, “that when it rained, it meant a gumiho had entered the premise.”
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“You don’t actually believe him, do you?” Juyeon asked, holding the borrowed umbrella over your heads. The boy had offered to walk you home in the disastrous, knowing you lived off campus instead of in the dorms. The dorms were a lot closer to the apartment you had rented out, so the two of you had scrambled over to his room first in order to grab an umbrella and begin the trek to your home.
He was only walking you towards the closest bus stop to the campus, not wanting to intrude on your privacy any further than he already was. Juyeon was just your acquaintance from mythology after all, he was just a little too nice to let you go out into the rain and get soaking wet.
“What, about the whole rain and gumiho thing?” You responded, remembering your teacher's statement he had ended the class with. You shrugged after a moment to yourself, “honestly, not really. I mean, come on, gumihos being related to the rain? It doesn’t even make that much sense the more you think about it.”
“I guess you’re right,” he agreed, “but don’t you think it’s a little weird how he seemed to believe it? Whole heartedly too, he ended the whole class over some superstition his grandparents told him!”
“It’s probably an old saying in his family or something,” you ultimately decide, nodding your head to yourself as you come to a conclusion. “Lots of people have things like heirlooms and stories that get passed down from generation to generation, maybe that’s what that was. Maybe his family is really big on nine tailed foxes and rain.”
He shook his head in disagreement, stopping in place and nearly causing you to get soaked by the downpour. “I don’t think so, why would they pass down a saying like that when gumihos aren’t real?”
“How do you know that they aren’t real?” You challenged him.
“Because if they were real, then we wouldn’t be learning about it in a mythology class and calling it folklore,” Juyeon stretched his arm out so that the umbrella was covering the both of you as he kept talking, “Humans are like… cockroaches. We force ourselves into the lives of other beings, I think we would have done something about gumihos by now don’t you think?”
You grinned at him as you rocked back and forth on your feet absentmindedly, nugging his shoulder soft as you teased, “wow, I know the lesson wasn’t long today but did you already forget that we were taught? Once a fox has lived for a thousand years, it becomes a gumiho and can shapeshift! How will you know your face to face with a fearsome nine tailed fox when they look exactly like any normal stranger on the street?”
You didn’t even give the boy a chance to speak as you stood in front of him, your back getting pelted with the rain droplets as you continued to jeer, “anyone could be a gumiho. I could be a gumiho, your roommate could be a gumiho, our teacher could be a gumiho, even you could be a gumiho and we’d never know a thing!”
“I think you're forgetting something,” Juyeon countered, pulling out his phone from his pocket and waving it in your face. “Humans have technology, we’ll just develop more technology to find them if we need to.”
“Gosh, you’re no fun,” you pout.
“And your bus stop is right there,” he pointed behind you, taking note of the metal structure built on the side of the road.
You struggle to decide whether or not you want to steal his umbrella as payback for being the way he was but ultimately ditched the idea. “Fine, I’ll see next week then? That is, if you don’t get eaten by a gumiho that is.” You teased.
You watched as annoyance contorted on his face, wanting to find a reason to be mad at you but unable to keep the grin off his face. “I’m not going to be eaten by a gumiho, Y/N. Did we not just have the conversation that they aren’t real?”
“Gumihos seduce men to absorb their energy!” You argued once more. “You’re a physically fit guy whose kept his livers healthy and you’ve got the looks to draw attention to you, you’re the perfect meal for a nine tailed fox to catch!”
“Go home, Y/N,” he urged, pushing you out from under his umbrella. You whined at his audacity and quickly covered your head with your hands in an attempt to shield yourself from the rain. The boy only laughed at your reaction before waving you off, giving you a small farewell as you rushed over towards the bus stop.
When you glanced back to find him again, Juyeon was gone, turned around the corner with his umbrella in tow and forcing you to sit and wait for the bus stop to come if you didn’t want to be soaked by the time you got home.
“Sheesh he could have waited until the bus actually came,” you complained, sitting back on the bench with a somewhat annoyed frown donning your face once again. Juyeon always seemed like he was in a hurry at times, whether he was sneaking around the dorms on your campus or rushing through the hallways to get to his next destination, he always had somewhere to be. There were times where he’d completely ignore your existence in and outside of your mythology class because of his need for action, too busy with his daily life to even spare you a glance.
You wondered where he so urgently needed to go at times, but ultimately knew that was none of your business. The two of you were nothing but classmates, school friends who helped each other out every so often whenever you got the chance. You had no right to dig into Juyeon’s business, so you never tried to cross the line the two of you set up for each other. You don’t really know if you wanted to cross it in the first place.
Besides, he never even said hello to whenever he was in a rush! Why bother trying to discover something where he has to completely ignore your existence to do it? That wasn’t exactly your type of information and gossip you wanted to gather and indulge in.
You sat at the bus stop for around three or four minutes, unwillingly listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the bus stop glass. Like your superstitious instructor, you weren’t very fond of the rain but not for the same reasons. The weather would always ruin plans you had been looking forward to for weeks and the days that came after it always felt humid and musty, you didn’t enjoy the aftermath of rain like other people did.
Don’t even get you started on the days where a thunderstorm would roll over the city, those were the worst days of your life.
You snap out of your daze for a moment, however, completely forgetting your hatred for the raining weather at the sound of barking floating through the air. You tried to ignore it at first, comfortably leaning against the side of the structure and scrolling across your phone to distract yourself, but you couldn’t help it. The more you tried to pretend like the sound didn’t exist the louder it seemed to become, which was a lot seeing as the downpour was a little louder than normal.
Begrudgingly, you stood up out of your seat and shoved your phone deep into your pockets. “Is the universe trying to tell me something today?” You mumbled, covering your head with your hands and stepping out into the rain. You peered across the street where the barking was coming, checking the side of the road for any oncoming cars before rushing to the other side.
The closer you got to the other sidewalk, the louder and more distinct the barking became, resembling more of a young dog than a fully grown one. The barks were more closely related to squeaky toes than anything if you had to be honest; light, annoying, and young. But there was no one else on the street beside you, and your morals were telling you to involve yourself instead of run away.
“Puppy...or puppies?” You called, not exactly having a name to call out for the animals. You don’t even know if they could hear you over the rainfall, but it was worth a shot. If they didn’t come running to you soon you were going to run right back to the bus stop for shelter and go home. You didn’t want to fall ill from standing out in the rain for too long and you didn’t want to miss your bus stop either. “Come here, boy! Or girl…? Whatever you are, come here! I’ll get you some place warm and out of the rain.”
There was no response, which was to be expected. They were animals, not humans, so they couldn’t exactly reply back even if they really wanted to. The barking was still echoing across the area but there was no sign of the animal making all the commotion, not to mention the fact that the rain was beginning to fall harder with each passing second. You might have to give up early if you didn’t want to get caught in a potential thunderstorm, it hurt your heart but you had to take care of yourself as well.
“Ah, I better hurry up before I miss the bus home… walking is going to be a pain if I do,” you mumble to yourself, turning to sprint across the street.
Though you stopped yourself from moving when you heard the sound of bells echoing against your ears, ringing loud and clear within your head as if it was right in front of you. You cautiously look around you for the source of the bells, the jingling rippling out to the rest of the world like a droplet of water falling into a lake. The bells chimed again in your head, yet this time pulling in a certain direction and urging you to continue on that way.
Glancing between the bus stop and the direction you were being pulled toward, you followed the jingling of the bells. Everything in your body was telling you that chasing after the ringing was a bad idea but nevertheless you pushed forward. The dog barking had completely gone silent and the loudest thing in the area was no longer the rain, but the bells in your ears.
You scurried across the sidewalk like a cat, trying your best to stay dry in the unfortunate weather but ultimately failing as you began to feel your clothes stick to your skin. “Ah, there’s no way I’m not going to be sick after this.” You mumbled, turning the corner to peer down an alleyway where the bell chiming was the strongest.
“I’m wet and cold and I’ve been out here for way too— oh my god!” A scream fell out your mouth as you tumbled to the ground petrified by the sight before you. Slumped up against the wall was a boy, barely clinging onto his life as he took slow ragged breaths to keep himself stable. On his arms was the familiar crimson red creeping down his forehead and splattering to the ground, creating a mixture of water and blood pooling underneath him.
Did you just find the end results of a bloody fight? In the middle of the city and close to your college’s campus no less?
“Excuse me, are you alright?” You called out to him, mentally smacking yourself for asking such a question. Clearly the boy wasn’t okay, he was bleeding out in the middle of the rain!
Despite the stupidity of the question, he slowly turned his head toward you. A majority of his face was covered by his hair being plastered against his head thanks to the rain so you couldn’t exactly see if he was looking directly at you, but the mere fact that he was responsive was enough for you.
You hurry over to him as fast as you could, though careful not to slip and fall on the slippery ground, before crouching down next to him. “Can you move at all? It’s not good to sit out here in the rain and waste away, you need to go to a hospital or something—“
“No,” he declined, forcing himself to sit up against the wall and make an attempt to stand up. The boy struggled to himself up right, leaning against the wall for support and the severity of his wounds being put on display. It didn’t look like he got into a fight, per se, more like he had been attacked by an animal. He had large gashes that covered his body and his clothes were tattered and stained with the red hue they leaked down his arm. He needed any sort of medical attention, right away or he might actually bleed out in the middle of the alleyway.
“Can you not see that you’re hurt?” You hissed, grabbing a hold of his wrist and tugging him down to your height. The boy grimaced at your toughness as you rolled up his sleeve, catching sight of an ugly yet fresh scar that needed to be addressed immediately. “You need to go to a hospital, or you’ll die out here in the rain.”
“No,” he challenged you, his face somewhat akin to an animal’s snarl as he tried to snatch his arm away from you. In that instance you heard the soft of the bells that had led you down the alleyway, much louder than they had been before and nearly drowning at the words that the boy had spoken. It sounded like… the ringing was coming directly from him. “I can’t go there, I won’t go there. They won’t be able to help anyway.”
“Are you an idiot?” You couldn’t help but ask, almost scoffing at his persistence to stay away from medically trained professionals. His lips formed into a pout, appalled by the fact that you had the audacity to call him an idiot. “I’m trying to help you man. It’s raining, you’re bleeding out, and I’ve probably missed my ride to go home. Please don't take my kindness for granted and let me help you.”
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You laid down in the middle of your bed, staring at your ceiling as you struggled to recall the events from the day before. It’s not like you to forget things easily or anything, in fact you had a rather decent memory when it came to remembering events that had taken place beforehand. You didn’t have a photographic memory, you just had a habit of remembering little details that have happened throughout your day.
But right now? You couldn’t remember a single thing that had happened yesterday.
Most of what you could remember was leaving your mythology early because your teacher had ended the class early. He didn’t like the rain and it had shifted his mood and everyone was grateful for the extra time off. Juyeon had generously offered to walk you to your bus stop with his umbrella so that you could get home without getting rained on and…. that’s where it ends. You can’t recall anything that happened after that. You don’t even remember ever walking into your house the more that you think about it.
“Alright, this is weird,” you declare, forcing yourself to sit up off of the bed. At least you had no classes to attend, you don’t know how you could pay attention to anything you were being taught if you had to deal with your sudden memory loss. “Why can’t I remember anything? Why does it feel like what u forgot was something really important too…?”
Just when you felt as though you were on the verge of pulling your hair out, your phone began to ring. It was a lot louder than you originally set the volume on and was practically screaming at you to pick it up instead of ignoring it like normal. Frustrated, you snatched the device from underneath the sheets and answered the call with a much more aggressive “hello?” than you had meant to start with.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Juyeon’s voice registered through the speaker.
Juyeon. Why was Juyeon calling you right now? The two of you don’t usually call each other unless it was something class related because you weren’t close enough to each other to hold conversations like that. So the mere fact that he had called you out of the blue like this was…. weird to say the least. “Of course,” you replied, giving your voice a lighter tone than when you had answered. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You called me a couple of times yesterday but I didn’t answer because I was busy,” he clarified, giving you a little peek as to what had happened the day before.
You called Juyeon first, why would you do that? You didn’t even call him once, but multiple times given the way he had worded his sentence. You’re not even close to Juyeon, why would you even dare to call him several times yesterday? If you were in trouble you should have just called Kevin like normal! “Are you saying you don’t remember?”
“Yes, actually, I don’t remember anything that happened yesterday.” Maybe you had gone to go get a drink or something before coming home and that’s why your thoughts from yesterday were blurry. But you’re not the type of person to drink that much, at least not alone you wouldn’t. “Listen, Juyeon, I’m sorry about all of this. I didn’t mean to call you, I was just… out of it or something. I don’t know I just can’t remember right now.”
“It’s fine, Y/N, don’t worry I’m just glad you’re alright. I got worried something might have happened to you but hearing you now makes me relieved.” You smiled at his words, letting his caring words for you twirl around in your head like ribbons. Juyeon was just too nice to you, honestly, but he was probably like this with everyone he knew. It made sense if he was, he was kind to almost everyone he met.
Before you could answer, the jingling of bells echoing through your ears, distracting you from any other words that might have come out of the boy’s mouth. You glanced around the room for shunting that could have made the noise, but you don't exactly have anything that could chime like the whimsical clicking of a wind chime. “Do you hear that?” You asked him, cutting off the boy mid sentence as you stood up.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” he answered, “what am I supposed to be hearing? All I hear is you.”
In a flash all of the memories from the day before flooding back to you. The barking, the bell ringing, and the injured boy who refused to go to the hospital to treat his wounds. It all came back to you now, but why had it gone away in the first place. “I’ll… I’ll call you back, Juyeon.”
“Y/N? Y/N, what's wrong? Is something—“ you hung up before he could finish his sentence, cautiously following the ever growing sounds of the bells you had heard earlier. The closer you got to your door, the louder the chiming became, probably signifying the fact that you were going in the right direction.The last time you had followed the bells, they led you straight to the wounded boy. So if your hunch was right, it was most likely leading you straight back to him.
You carefully opened the door to your room, peering through the crack in the door frame to see what was going on. It was eerily silent and for the most the entirety of your apartment showed no signs of inhabiting a second person. “That’s odd…,” you noted, fully stepping out of your room to look around the room for the boy from yesterday. It seemed as though he hadn’t even lived in your house for an hour. “I don’t think he ever left… and I still can hear those bells so he can’t be far.”
Goosebumps ran down your spine as a cold wind blew through your living room. Something was off, you’ve never felt uneasy in your own home before. You had picked this apartment to live in because it felt comfortable and warm like home, but the only thing you were getting from it now was the feeling of being watched. As if a pair of eyes were carefully taking in your every move to determine how you’d react next.
“I know, you’re here,” you stated, rolling your eyes as you began to turn around. “You couldn’t have left in the middle of the night, you were bleeding out and collapsed as soon as you—“
You stopped mid sentence when you stopped the boy in the hallway to your bathroom, frazzled and confused by his surroundings yet still keeping a close eye on you. Now that he wasn’t soaking wet and bleeding (thanks to your amateur bandaging skills) you couldn’t help but notice how much more innocent without the dramatic effect of everything that had happened yesterday. “You really are still here, nice to see you didn’t die while I was asleep.”
“Where am I?” He demanded, not as aggressive as he was the day before but still in a rather rude tone you weren’t expecting from him. “How did I get here and… who are you?”
You slumped onto the small couch of your living room, glancing around the room for a moment before turning back to him with a cheeky smile on your face. “Heaven. You died in your sleep and now you’re in heaven. In the goddess that's going to accompany you through the afterlife.”
“Lies, you just said I didn’t die while I was sleeping,” he quickly pointed out, catching your lie as soon as it came out your mouth.
“Woah, despite all those injuries and passing out in the way here you still have a working brain, that’s good to know,” you tease him, watching as the boy rolled his eyes at your tiny jabs. “I’m Y/N but i guess you can just call me your savior really. Oh, and this is my house. You slept on the couch last night and I appreciate the fact that there is no blood on my cushions. Thanks.”
He nodded his head in understanding, though it seemed like the movements weren't actually correlating to what his mind was thinking. “Wait, you’re my… savior? No that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Why not?” You questioned, “I saw you bleeding out in an alleyway yesterday and I tried to take you to hospital but you kept refusing to go, so I just… took you home. I address your wounds and everything and just hoped that when I woke up there wouldn’t be a corpse in my living room. Luckily, as we see now, there isn’t. I saved your life.”
“No!” He yelled, rolling up his tattered clothes to find messily wrapped bandages all over his body. “Why would you do that?”
“Because you were dying?” You blurted, confused to the boy’s sudden panic. “What would you rather have bled out in public for all to see?”
“Yes, actually, that would have been the better option of the two.” How ungrateful was this boy? You saved his life and all he has to say is that he wished you didn’t? Maybe you should have strayed away from your morals for a second because all that had gotten you so far was a boy with no manners. “I don’t think you realize what you’ve done.”
“I have realized what I’ve done,” you responded, “I’ve saved your life because I’m a good person. Why are we arguing about this, there are no downsides to getting your lives saved. Wait, are you embarrassed because you got attacked by some feral cat and nearly died? Not gonna lie, I’d be embarrassed about something like that too.”
“I wasn’t… attacked by a cat,” he explained, a scoff threatening to spill out of his mouth at your bizarre accusation. “I don’t think a cat could make those types of scars.”
“If it wasn’t a cat…” you began, thinking aloud as you tried to member the wounds that covered the boy’s body. The more you pictured them in your head. The more you realize those weren’t… cat scars. They still seemed as though they were animal scars but a cat didn’t make that big a gash on a person’s body. You should have known, you’ve gone to cat cafes enough to have learned the hard way. “Then what…?”
“Gumihos,” the boy replied, tearing off the bandages you had wrapped around him the night before. You winced as you watched your handwork tumble to the ground, but were more concerned over the fact that the gashes on his arm were healed almost completely overnight. “I was attacked by gumihos.”
“Nine tailed foxes?” You blurted, more for yourself than the boy. Seeing you bewilderment made a smile begin to etch across his lips, childish yet mischievous as you tried to break down what you had learned in your head. “But… those are just folklore, they aren’t real. If they were, one would have been caught by humans at this point.
“Why? Don’t you know that a gumiho can shapeshift? They live among humans as if they were any other mortal in order to get what they want in life,” the boy explained, reminding you of the words you had thrown at Juyeon for making the same excuse. “You really think that they’d let a human catch sight of their existence and get away with it?”
“Okay then answer me this,” you ask, sitting up attentive to the stranger you had brought into your home. “If gumihos are real… then why did one attack you and leave you out to die? Don’t they usually kill humans for their livers and hearts? You should have been devoured by now.”
A hearty laugh left the boy’s mouth, much stronger and louder than the small giggle from earlier. His smile couldn’t stop growing on his face as he blinked his eyes at you, the dark browns of his iris swapping out to a bold amber yellow color. His pupils slowly began to dilate into the familiar small slits of a cat’s as your own eyes widened in pure fright. The boy you had saved had now become your greatest mistake. “What makes you think I’m human?”
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“Juyeon!” You hissed at the boy, urging him to come to you once you had finally caught sight of him. He was walking with a group of his friends, people who hadn’t mingled with and didn’t know whether or not you wanted to in the first place. When the boy had turned his head to you, the entirety of his friend group did as well, displaying their bright and eager smiles as they waved their hands in greeting. Awkwardly you greeted them back, unsure of what to do next as they also whispered and muttered to themselves as they let Juyeon break from their group.
Hopefully it was something nice and not anything that could hurt your feelings. They were still grinning and jeering with each other despite whatever comments they were making, so maybe it was a conversation of their approval. Or at least… you hoped it was, you couldn’t really tell the difference. You acted like you had a tough shell but in reality you were way too soft when it came to a stranger’s perspective of you.
“What’s up Y/N?” He greeted, a fond smile plastered across his face as he stood in front of you with his hands shoved in his pockets. “It’s a rare sight to see you interact with me when we don’t have a class together. It must be serious.”
“Well…” you trailed off, unsure of how to explain to him. “I guess it’s serious? But nothing too serious… I need some advice really, that’s all.”
“Advise?” Juyeon questioned, intrigued by the topic you had brought him. “Wow… of all the people could have chosen, you need my advice! I can’t help but say I’m honored. But what happened to your other friend… Kevin was his name, right? He would come to walk you home after class sometimes, why aren’t you asking him?”
You grimace at the thought of the boy before quickly waving the thought away. “Kevin will just think I’m crazy and make fun of me. Plus, I think you’re probably most equipped to help me out here since we take mythology together and all.”
“Ah… still keeping this as a school oriented friendship right?” He teased, getting a small laugh to leave your mouth. “Alright, what is it? What mythological help do you need this time? I’m all ears.”
You hesitated for a moment, unsure on how to word your sentences without sounding insane. The whole reason you had gone to Juyeon instead of Chanhee was because he would understand you a little better than your friend could. “Gumihos… you know how we’re learning about them currently, right? Is there something that people should know about them in order to protect themselves from one?”
Juyeon raised a brow at your question, staying silent as he thought to himself. “Gumihos? I thought you didn’t want to learn about gumihos because it was pop culture and everyone knows about them?”
“Well, what can I say!” You exclaimed, hoping to cover up your nervousness as much as possible. “I decided to take up a personal essay of sorts on those nine tailed foxes. I got intrigued a few days ago about them and I wanted to get as much information as I could about them, but we don’t go back to our mythology class until I… really can’t wait to get started.”
In reality, you actually had that gumiho boy holed up in your apartment still. In fear of the boy actually attempting to devour your liver you had locked him up in your bathroom and placed a talisman on the door so that he couldn’t escape. You had absolutely no clue on how to deal with a gumiho and you had only recently started your lesson on the fox spirits a few days ago. So needless to say, you wanted to be prepared for whatever might come next while housing him.
“That’s fair,” Juyeon agreed, taking your lie like candy and smiling brightly back at you. “I mean, the concept of nine tailed foxes are pretty cool, so I can’t blame you for looking into them a little further than everyone else.”
“So?” You asked, eagerly awaiting his answer, “Do you have any information I should know?”
“Well… there's this one thing I’ve been told before by my grandparents,” he explained, trying his best to recall past memories that had no use up until now. “Yeah, they would use old myths as stories to tell me before bed when I was a kid. They told me that no matter what fork a gumiho comes in, never let them kiss you.”
“Kiss?” You blurted out, shocked that that was the one thing he decided to share. “What’s kissing got to do with fox spirits?”
“It’s how they take your energy,” Juyeon told you, putting his pointer fingers together as if mimicking a kiss between two people. “When a gumiho kisses you, they absorb your energy. The more energy they absorb the weaker you become until you eventually die! Kinda scary, right? Not only do they feed off of human livers, but our mere life essence.”
“What type of bedtime story is that,” you mumbled, skeptically glancing over Juyeon. If that was the type of stories he was being told as a child, how was he not a little messed up in the head? If you were him, you would be absolutely terrified of everything even approaching you. Who knew when someone would randomly come up and kiss you? Your first and last kiss would be from a fox trying to steal your life away!
“I was very easy to tease as a child,” he shrugged, his smile turning sheepish as he softly scratched the back of his neck. “My grandparents loved telling me stories like that because I was an emotional little kid, ease to scare and quick to try and stuff like that.”
“That makes a little more sense,” you nodded, “no sane person would tell that as a bedtime story, it’s always got to be told to a child that’s easily scared.”
“Yeah, yeah, say what you want. If they hadn’t told them those stories of gumihos, I probably wouldn’t be taking mythology now,” Juyeon explained, glancing back toward the direction your shared class was. “And if I didn’t take mythology, you wouldn’t have any friends in that class.”
You shrug in response, he was right. If Juyeon had decided that he didn’t want to take the mythology course you probably wouldn’t have ever met him in the first place. So that was one good thing that had come out of his grandparents scaring him into the folklore of nine tailed foxes. “If you don’t mind me asking by the way,” the boy continued, switching topics while he still had your attention. “Whatever happened that day? You said you’d call me back but you never did. I can’t lie, I was a little worried for you again.”
“Ah, that,” you stall, struggling to make up a lie off the time of your head. You felt bad for lying to Juyeon more than you already were, you heard what he said! He’s worried about you and you didn’t want to put any more of load onto his back with your supernatural problems. “Well, I think I’ve got spirits in my house. I’ve been hearing weird noises sometimes and I thought you could hear it too, that’s why I asked.”
“Funny how things like this happen to a mythology student, huh? I wonder what kind of spirit has skipped their way into your house then.” Juyeon laughed, shaking his head at the ironic situation you had got yourself in, “well if you ever find yourself needing a home away from home, my dorm room is always open? We’d have to clean up a little bit before you arrive and sneak you in but anything to get away from spirits, right?”
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
Xu Mo and Loneliness [Character Study]
Surprise! It's essay time again ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ! Disclaimer: I use CN translations because Elex...
One (of the many) things I love about Xu Mo's character is his juxtapositions [Character Study]. He is one of the loneliest men in the world due to his archetype and nature [Into Your World] but also the most susceptible to loneliness.
Throughout the game, he's dropped hints about his fear of being left behind:
"... But the sensitive artist was also afraid the butterfly would one day grow tired of being beside him, and so he thought about catching the butterfly and putting it in a glass jar. Like this, the butterfly would never be able to leave him." [Drowning in Love SSR - Artist and Butterfly Call]
"... But if I really did encounter the one and only color in my life, then I certainly wouldn't let them go." [Drowning in Love SSR - The Only Color Call]
"... No matter what the truth may be, I'll always be with you. Until the very moment it arrives... I just hope that, at that time, you won't want to push me away." [CH12 - Truth and False Call]
MC: Don't worry, I'll be alright on my own. Xu Mo: But I'm not alright alone. [CH13.4]
But, at the same time, he's accepted the adage that "'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all":
"The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat." [CH9.14]
Just to expand on this for those who are unfamiliar with The Little Prince story, when the Little Prince is going to leave the fox, the fox says that it is going to cry. The Little Prince feels that his taming of the fox has done it no good at all, because now it's hurt, but the fox denies this because now it has the color of the wheat fields.
"Since she was willing to gently embrace all that he was, then why not accept this pain in his heart that was caused by her alone." [Overseas Date]
"Forget it, he'll just be foolish once more with this foolish girl." [True Love Date]
One other aspect of his juxtapositions is how his wants and needs are in conflict and I think people are naturally picking up on this, which is why he's viewed as having a really intense relationship with the MC.
I'm just going to define my words in this context to make things clearer but a "want" is your desire in life, while a "need" is your raison d'etre, essentially your reason for living and your goal in life. It's not necessary for all stories or characters to have this, but they're certainly more captivating with this. (As an aside, Zhou Qiluo has this going for him too while Li Zeyan and Bai Qi do not... and maybe why Bai Qi keeps getting hit with the vanilla and boring label LOL).
So, what does Xu Mo want? To love the MC and, as a byproduct, never be alone again. What does he need? The continuing survival (and evolution) of humankind, even if that means walking a path that will leave people behind him and end with him being alone.
This internal conflict is something we see again and again in the game:
[CH13] He reveals his identity to her as Ares, but lets her go. He even sacrifices his eye and the ability to see her color.
[CH16] They're "enemies" and they draw a clear line between them at the news conference, but he then saves her and returns her home. He sacrifices their experience together in the dream world and his answer to her question about whether or not he'd even offer up the person important to him for his goals.
”Before I met you, I would be annoyed at the pace of the people with me. Everyone has their own destination and a person walking by themselves would be quicker. Mm, this isn't a good custom. But on my path, whenever I turn my head back, I would always find that you had already caught up to my side. This time as well. Perhaps, in this world, you're the only person who can make me unable to resist looking back. Or perhaps you're the only person who can reach my side again and again. So, in the future, I won't let go anymore. On this day, next year, you'll be at my side too.“ [2019 (2nd) Birthday Call]
Now, the entire reason I wrote up this post—LOL. I'm actually half-serious because his [Endless Path Date] is amazing in how they distilled his character to one of his core themes and represented that facet entirely in this AU date.
I'm going to be jumping around chronologically in the date to show how he was in the past, to the present before MC regained her memories, to after she regained her memories.
Xu Mo: I hope you don't regret the choice you made this day.
MC: ... I admit I hate them, but I don't wish to be the same as them because of this.
MC: I don't want to become a murderous demon.
Xu Mo seemed to be a bit surprised and then, after a few seconds, the crimson in his eyes faded and became a calm purple, scrutinizing me.
Xu Mo: A murderous demon... Do you believe that I am one as well?
His voice carried a smile, but I felt a formless pressure and sense of terror surround me and I shuddered.
MC: You aren't. You saved me.
Although the way was to turn me into a vampire... in a sense, he gave me a "new life".
Xu Mo: Save? It appears that, in your understanding, when vampires are hunting for food they are saving people.
MC: I'm just being factual. Also, the word "hunting"...
The corner of Xu Mo's lips pulled up.
Xu Mo: There's no rush. In the future, you will experience for yourself whether or not the word I used is accurate.
I was stunned and suddenly remembered the thirst towards fresh blood in that hut earlier which had dominated me.
Xu Mo seemed to have no intention of bothering himself with me again and turned around, preparing to leave.
MC: Um... please wait a moment.
He silently looked back, his expression indifferent and cold under the moonlight.
I summoned up my courage and looked straight at Xu Mo.
MC: Can... can you give me your blood?
MC: I heard that this was the only way to become a true vampire; they won't have to drink blood and they won't lose their reasoning, so...
Xu Mo: So I have to answer your request?
Xu Mo interrupted me, as if he heard something laughable.
Xu Mo: Vampires are not gods who never refuse a request. Or is it that all humans are such selfish creatures?
MC: N-not at all! In exchange, I can...
The wind blew through, rustling the leaves of the trees. Xu Mo calmly listened to my words and was silent for a long while before he lightly sighed, but it also seemed like a laugh.
Xu Mo: Alright, I agree.
Under the moonlight, the hand that was held out to me was pale and slender. I took a step forward and also stretched out my hand—
Xu Mo blinked, slowly without hurry, and swept his eyes over in my direction.
He saw me and didn't appear to be surprised at all; instead, it was like he knew I was there all along, witnessing everything.
His smile wasn't anything different from usual and even the way he set down his glass and held out his hand to me was like that day, two years ago.
Xu Mo: [MC], you came.
The color of crimson blurred my vision and the smell of blood was like a wave threatening to engulf me.
I felt like breathing was difficult and my legs were unsteady; I could only lean against the wall.
Xu Mo saw that I didn't move and walked directly over to me. It was as if everything around him had no effect on him and those two crimson eyes reflected only my figure.
He came to me like this, step by step, and the strange thing was... that I actually didn't feel any fear.
He raised a hand to support me and this let me see his eyes clearly. There seemed to be a faint worry in them.
Xu Mo: Do you remember everything?
A gentle voice landed beside my ear and, as I recalled the scenes of that night, I looked at Xu Mo and mumbled.
MC: I promised you that, no matter how long, I would always...
He blinked and those crimson eyes crumbled into purple, a faint smile appearing in them.
Xu Mo: Mm, you said you would be at my side forever.
The reason I transcribed these three scenes is because they're so good at showing his assumed indifference, to how fast he caved into the temptation of not being alone, to how he continues to hold this hope despite MC having "broken their promise", to the future where they get to walk in an endless night together forever.
IT'S SO GOOD. I'm a sucker for immortality concepts and PG nailed this vampire version so well; his ancientness in the past, the longing for companionship, and then the sharing of a life.
Anyway, I was actually going to post this essay after I read his newest Halloween card because, after seeing he was an exiled prince with Snow White themes, my guess was that it was going to have a heavy and explicit theme about loneliness again.
But I got impatient seeing as how I have to wait until the end of the event to redeem him. So, I guess I'm throwing it out there that this is my prediction??? For those who have read that date, you can tell me if I'm hot or cold LOL. I'm going to look like a fool yelling about loneliness themes if that isn't the case this time though.
Semi-switching gears and bringing back my [Into Your World] post, I just want to add that in addition to being so intensely curious about the MC's world and trying to understand her, I've noticed that MC and Xu Mo share something pretty unique to them that's less obvious with the others.
This is the mimicry that they do to each other.
There's been psychological studies that looked into the social aspects of mimicry (Baaren et al 2009) and mimicry and attraction in romantic relationships (Nicolas Gueguen 2009). In short, mimicking someone appears to promote social harmony, comfort, and trust in the other person; it can also make you more attractive to them LOL.
I really don't think Xu Mo is doing this intentionally and that, instead, this supports his (alienated) scholar archetype, his hobby of people watching, and trying to understand the MC's world. The same goes for MC, she wants to understand his world and a part of that is experiencing things in his way.
The reason I believe this is less obvious (if at all apparent) with the others is because, when I compare Xu Mo's dates to Bai Qi dates, all of Bai Qi’s dates are more like experiencing activities together, which Xu Mo has as well, ex. [Winery Date], [Sunrise Date], [Hot Spring Date], etc.
But Xu Mo has dates where they specifically mimic each other, such as:
[Blossom Date] He covers her eyes, she then covers his eyes.
[Archery Date] Technically, he teaches her but after he gets bull's-eye, she copies the form he taught her and also gets bull's-eye.
[New Year's Eve] He gets taught and mimics the way she makes dumplings.
[Qixi 2018 Mini Story] He and the kids ended up copying the MC's flying fish.
[Rainy Night Date] The flashback about how she folded origami cranes and then taught him and they make strings of them.
They also—and this I swear is unique solely to Xu Mo—mimic each other's words or sentence structures and phrases:
[Blossom Date] Tao Yao poem and how they quoted it back at each other, essentially finishing each other's stanza.
[Endless Path Date] The beginning of the dates shows an inside joke between them where MC tries to ask Xu Mo difficult questions to stump him, because he can see through her. But he guesses the herbs she bought by the smell on her fingers. Later on, she guesses that he's going to a party based on his use of the cologne she made him and which he only uses for parties. She explicitly brings up the beginning and how she can deduce things about him too via scent.
[CH13.15] Xu Mo quotes 1 Corinthians 13:12 at MC and [CH16.12] MC quotes 1 Corinthians 13:2 at him.
[CH16.12] During the conference, MC literally quotes the words he said to her [CH13.17] back at him to go against him.
[Dumbstruck Date] Heck, this whole date was MC repeating words that the original Xu Mo said to her and making Winter!Xu Mo jealous as heck LOL.
Throughout the story, where MC draws her strength from how the other men are as people (Li Zeyan's stability and permanence, Bai Qi’s core of justice, etc.), she seems to draw extensively on the words Xu Mo has said to her, or references to the same body of literature.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, but IMO this is why he reacts the worst out of all the men to MC’s disappearance in Chapter 25+.
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study-van · 5 years
About me Tag
I was tagged by lovely @alinaetude thank you <3 (lmao how can I make it more obvious that I am on my computer)
Name: Yasemin
Nickname: Minik (tiny in Turkish), Yaso, Yas, Yaz, my surname, tmq (the magician queen lol it got stuck to me thanks to one of my favorite book series)
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 176 cm (according to Google it’s either 5′8 or 5′9)
Time: 11:45 (I am still in America rip)
Favorite Musicians: (okay hardest question ever) Angèle, ZAZ, BTS, Khalid, Troye Sivan, Hayley Kiyoko, IU, HONNE, Daniel Caesar, Hozier, Dean, a bunch of jazz artists (Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald etc), lately I also listen to lots of lo-fi hiphop
Song stuck in my head: Women like me, Little Mix (I have no idea how this happened I blame my roommate Elise)
Last thing I googled: cm to inch converter
Last movie I saw: in cinema Aquaman, on my computer “Roma” (the Oscar marathon has started!!!)
Last song I listened to: Vertigo, Khalid
Other blogs: I have my main where I basically post anything and my idle blog
Do I get asks: I wish :(
Why did I choose my username: I wanted to make a pun... Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists of all time (shh I know how cliché) so study-van was born but at the same van has this other meaning of well...a literal van
Following: 934 (wow I am really close to 1k what should we do to celebrate??)
Lucky number: 7
What I’m wearing: university hoodie + black mom jeans, gotta be comfortable in the plane
Dream job(s): I really want to become a doctor, if I can I would love to go into surgery but we’ll see...
Dream trip(s): Blood Falls, Japan Fox Village, and São Paulo
Favorite food: Mantı (Turkish dumplings), iskender (just google it), Korean fried chicken (literally the best chicken dish in the world), steak, jjajangmyeon, tempura udon, san sebastian cheesecake (okay I am big foodie pls don’t judge)
Instruments: Violin (for nearly 9 years), piano (for 3 years), guitar (for 3 years)
Favorite songs: I am just going to say one song bc I have been listening it religiously and it's Through the Night by IU (pls listen IU you won’t regret it, her songs are really good)
Relationship status: Complicated, I mean there is someone in my life but we decided to not name it and it’s not something super serious
Three Books: Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (literally the best book that was ever written, I know we were all forced to read it at some point in our academic life but pls if so re-read it again with an open mind), Complications by Atul Gwande
Three TV shows: I don’t really follow any series rn does Stranger Things, Casa de Papel, and Game of Thrones count??
Book I’m reading now: Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski
How many blankets I sleep with: back at home it’s three bc the weather is super cold
Anything I want: better grades, real friends, and figuring out how to deal with mental health problems
I tag: @ash-trological , @mathbunny-studies , @ingenuestudies , @studylikegeller
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to BLACKPINK
Alexa: bold Alex: italic
today you are reacting to... BlackPink!
o damn, are you sure this band isn’t your favourite?
pFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT-  ok, good one, anyway this is them :3
((she tried sending me a picture but it didn’t work))
awh come oN
~ technical difficulties, please stand by ~
dfgfd shhhHhhHhH i know wot im doin smdh. this is alreaDY GOING BADLY
...should i just google them?
its okay, i got it. this is them
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o damn. they're very pretty, but that was to be expected
yep.. so what concept do you think they have? lol as if it isnt obvious
idk man three of them are giving me death glares. uhh black? and pink?
tbh,,,,,they have the girl crush concept, like, theyre all badass and stuff
oh, well that’s..  interesting
i cant believe im letting you edit this post..  anyway, opinion on them? they dont look that similar, thank god
well the red-haired one i like the most so far since she doesn't look like she wants to choke me (and not in the kinky way)
fgjgfghj yes i see
the one wearing the 2b outfit is probably your goth waifu
and the pink(TM) one looks like she's the sugar mommy of the group
m o o d
i'm guessing she's the leader? it could just be the thanos throne
they dont really have a leader..  this is also them
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ah, lovely, a picture where they don't look like they want to murder me
yes, finally
a bunch of talented asian cuties, wot is new
to be honesT. i'll start with the first one from the second picture
her stage name is rose
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the first two from left to right are the prettiest imo
o rlly
i'm gonna get lynched alive for saying that, aren’t i
so, opinion?
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she's uhhh 23? and a singer, and she's the goofy one
well youre right about her being a singer..  shes 21, and yes, she is pretty goofy. she is fluent in english because she is australian
n i c e
this is her kickin everyone's ass 
((Then she showed me this video))
skinny legend
and they said infinity war was the most ambitious crossover... asian idols wearing brazilian carnival outfits as some dude sings that song from shrek 2? sign me tf up
LMAOO gee her voice still gives me chills rose step on me
alexa that's lewd, let us move on swiftly
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sorry i just like her shes also a good dancer
i'm guessing she's gonna be my favourite
english speaking idols get bonus points, and she seems to excel at everything else, so...
yes, she is amazing. oh, she also cried over her fish's death
;-; oof
:( bless her anyway, you have any questions?
nop, she's gucci, let us proceed
right, the next one is jisoo
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she's a qt ;; she looks like a dork i want to shake her hand and give her a hug
this is her smiling
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see thats the heart smile
is she the radiance? because my retinas are burned
literally no one is gonna get that joke
wat if they do?
then they are people of culture
uhh, she is the soft one, and.. she's short because why not, and she's 22 and she sings ;; 
o- i mean, she isnt really tall, but she isnt that short. yes, she is a singer, the oldest, 23 y/o and she is a goofball, a derp. very entertaining tbh
she looks adorable and has a cute name and is a goofy dork god bless
all of them are good at english but her. but she Tries- and is confused.  
o o f
tis a baby
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she deserves all the hugs
she isnt the best dancer, but shes a Great singer, and very stable on stage
their hair alexa their hair is so fucking aesthetic
i KnoW
i am in pain, pack your dictionary we're moving to korea
fuck yeaH the next one is lisa
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abs of JUSTICE
hot diggidy she's the sass queen, and she's uh..  23, and a rapper
oh, this is also her
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she is also 21, and yes, a rapper!! a very swaggy one
but shes a whole cutie, and the youngest
awh ;;
and she gets embarrassed easily
i see, so she's the tsundere of the group
she is from thailand, and i think shes fluent in four languages, including english
nice, man
she is also an Amazing dancer
n i c e ,  m a n
shes kinda my wife but theyre all my bias so i cannot decide it is Too Hard
i only have one bias  u-u
ofc u do
remember to only have one waifu alexa, too many waifu will ruin your laifu
a baby
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they’re all cuties this is fucking illegal
it  i s do you have any question about baby lalisa over there :(
so far this is a very solid kpop band
lots of english speakers, cute dorks and pure babies everywhere
;-; yes
it has my seal of approval
n i c e the last member is jennie
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o damn. jennie? j-just jennie?
just jennie. she doesn’t need anything else
is that an ACDC shirt
why do they all look so good and fashionable, and both glamorous and cute and pure at the same time, alexa the space-time continuum shouldn't allow this
pffft opinion?
hmm.. she's both a rapper and a singer, and uhh..  she's the second sassiest, but also a goof, and she's 23. I'LL STICK WITH MY 23 also damn nice thighs
she does have amazing thighs tbh.. WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW SHES ALSO A RAPPER AND A SINGER
well usually in smaller kpop bands one of them does the support for both singing and rap..r-right?
,,,,,,,,,now that you say it
it finally happened folks, i taught alexa something about kpop
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THEY ARE, they have the badass girl crush concept, BUT THEYRE ALL FUCKIN CUTIES IRL also, take this
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my poor heart
jennie is so smol ;; jennie is the smolest
i'm sorry, i was distracted by the thicc
mood tbh she is also fluent in english lmao
y ES theyre all really cute and entertaining, they dont go over the top, but theyre still pretty funny - as funny as a girl group can be anyway
pfft i find all of them entertaining tbh. show me some songs fam 
o, alrighty. this is a dance practice, it was the first thing that was released and everyone went nuts
((Then she showed me the dance practice video))
lisa is the one with shorts, jennie has the cap, rose is the one with braids and the last one is jenniejisoo
oof, a bit too edgy for my taste, sorry. but the routine is great!
well, they were kinda made to be badass
yeah, i figured
also, a little side note
their company is one of the biggest companies out there, but theyre known for their shitty management, as in, they dont really give idols many comebacks or promotions, so they dont have many songs;; even tho they debuted two years ago
well, that kinda sucks
i imagine this business is pretty finicky behind the scenes. i guess it can’t be all sugar and glitter all the time
true..  anyway, this is is one of the two songs in their debut ep lol 
((Then she showed me “Whistle”))
also, may i add, their mvs are hella aesthetic
they seem to be..  not a fan of the super edgy american-ish songs though
yeh, their second ep was better. this is from the second ep
((Then she showed me “Playing With Fire”))
pyromaniac title, piano in the first second. this one's gon' be gud
yeah, this one was definitely better - well, not objectively, just imo 
yeah then theres this beautiful beautiful song 
((Then she showed me “Stay”))
that title gives me the hibby jibbies
y e p p
nvm i saw a mcdonalds in the background and now i'm chuckling
sdfdsdfg honestly the mv is So Pretty
shhh its a nice lil song just dont read the lyrics lmao
the chorus is so nice tho, with the claps
it is..  well, that was mildly depressing
at the end they hold hands and laugh and jump around in a circle in the mv and its just..  i rlly like the mv and the filter is very pretty
a e s t h e t i c
anyway, back to badass
((Then she showed me “Ddu-du Ddu-du”...?))
this is their most recent release, this time with a mini album
and i see thanos’s throne is back
y eS
these sets look expensive as fucc.. is that a fennec fox?
and the evil parrot from rio? what is this, a crossover episode?
first we had the shrek 2 song, now this they gon' hit me with dat turu turu du alexa halp meh  
i k r wat u gon do
is that.. a sparkly tank?
y ES jennie is an icon
i feel like i've ascended
tbh all these things were so unnecessary yet they did it anyway
well i certainly don’t regret it
that breakdown at the end is kinda cheap, but i think the diamond tank made up for it
sdfvbvGJHGthere are two mvs left
oh, just.. just two?
y es
i feel bad for them ;; did u say it's been two years
this is so r00d
yes, always feel bad for yg artists
what’s yg?
its a company - their company
ah, i see
their shitty company
here's their debut song (which i dont really like but Oh Well.)
((Then she showed me “Boombaya”..? who the hell comes up with these names?))
well, in all fairness if they're one of the biggest they probably have a lot of bands to manage
not really..  they had very successful bands though, so that kinda paved the way for the ones nowadays
"i'm so hot i need a fan i don't want a boy i need a man" BISH YOU'RE A 5 FOOT 20-SOMETHING ASIAN IDOL CHILL
hjkjhghj shhHHH
this is a whole drugtrip
it iS
are those..  black leather biker pants...  mixed with blue jeans? this is some next level shit alexa i can't handle this
y ES fashion icon
why do coke when you can watch this for free and legally?
ikr theres one last mv, and its better, trust me
theyre cute in this one
((Then she showed me “As If It’s Your Last”))
jisoo is the one with the heart magnet and i love her
awh ;; man these titles are edgier than 13 year old me
oh come on, its a love song
that dancing, it's s-so lewd  <-<;;
it iS oh, i forgot lisa's rap is in english
n o i c e i didn't know jennie had her own ice cream business
girl is going places okay but 1:36
what about it?
th-the cotton candy part
sorry i remember the first time and saw it and was like fukc thas cute
well, it was. it was pure ;;
alright, final thoughts?
well, they're a bunch of cute and talented dorks, but that ain't nothing new. either way, 10/10 for the lewd dancing and the fact that they speak english. give dem more comebacks, fam
they have lewder choreos, but thats for another day. justice4blackpinkcomeback edition
yeS, let’s make a petition
Heya peeps, it’s a boii mod Alex here. This was the first time I put together a Reaction Wednesday post, so uh.. yeah...  I think it turned out pretty good! But seriously, a lot of work goes into these, even though it may not seem like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! See you next week!
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jinships-ideas · 7 years
BTS Run 25 - The Jin Harem
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Here, Seokjin makes a comment
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That radiant smile and response Hoseok gives him is just :’)
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Second of all: MATCHING POSES
Namjin looking so cute (they always look cute)
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YES Jungkook
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Here we have a Namjoon Staring at a Seokjin
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Here’s a closeup 
(Yoongi looks like that one friend who’s done with the couple’s shits)
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(Vlive logo, please kindly get out of the way please)
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Here we have a casual Jinmin wrist-holding moment
(Is that Jeanlous?)
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Here we see Seokjin reaching out to Yoongi for a High-5 (low-5 actually)
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He slaps the hand belatedly after realising Seokjin wasn’t asking for Yoongi to hold his hand
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‘My Jin senses are tingling’ - Kim Namjoon 2017
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‘I saw that’ - Kim Namjoon (a jealous tall man)
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‘I SAW THAT’ - Delusional Namjin Shipper 
Really, why are you staring at SeokJin when Yoongi is talking?
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Jimin plays along and responds to Jin’s melodic “are you ready~”
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Yoongi: I’m the MC, I have to be fair
(Sits beside Jin)
Yoongi: I need to see the screen to commentate
(Doesn’t even has his little mic with him)
BOI You and your ‘justifications’
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Seokjin answers Yoongi’s question in the middle of a game
(Jin even died mid-answering in the game and he wasn’t even mad/regretful)
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Here’s a pouty Tae after he died in the game
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Here we have Jin 
Jin: Jungkook ah, kill monie. KILL MONIE
(He calls Namjoon monie. I am soft :’) )
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Here we have yoonjin looking lost together 
Yoongi - lost and confused about the whole game
Jin - actually lost the game
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This frame was so in-sync it was freaky to watch them react at the same time and make the same actions
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You thought I was kidding about their synchronisation.
I wasn’t 
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Once again, Jin patiently explaining gaming terms to the clueless MC/Commentator Yoongi
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Matching Yoonjin (I read a study where people tend to subconsciously do the same thing/pose the same way as the person of their attraction...)
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Once again, Jin explaining to the curious Yoongi about the game
(the cute little red bow on Yoongi’s mic though)
(The cute little ear from the drawing poking out of Jin’s head is cute too)
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I just had to put this here 
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It reminded me of this
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Yoongi, you are supposed to be an impartial host and commentator
Why are you shrieking as though you are part of Team Jin?
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Yoongi, as he announces pink team’s (Tae, Monie, Hobi) victory
He did that unamused gulp/pout
Yoongi, your bias is overflowing
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Why are you sitting so close to JK, Jin?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Here we have a Jinkook high-5 moment
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“WOW, Jin hyung is great” - Park Jimin 2017 (let’s be real, more like all the time)
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More High-5s!
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Look at that stretch, all for a high-5 with MVP Jin!
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Have a dancing 94line just because 
(by the way, the caption for Namjoon says ‘serious’) This boi be out here dancing a weird dance with the dance machine seriously while the actual dance machine is fooling around
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Tae rubs his nose
(why is this even noted?)
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Because 1 second later, Jin does the same!
(Remember what I said about subconsciously imitating the person of your attraction? That’s why)
and to think I feared we wouldn’t get any Taejin moments this episode!
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That heart though... does the PD know something?
(the caption says ‘to my liking/liking to my heart’ about Yoongi’s suggestion for the KartRider matches)
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Tae secretly saying Yoongi is talkative and that they should just start the match and only Jin replied :’)
(I believe jin replied ff - which is a way of typing a laugh like keke/fufu)
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Have a celebrating Hobi cos it’s damn cute
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Jin teasing Jimin about not completing the course
“JIMIN-SSI~” - Jin (probably all the time)
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This is Jin. Jin is impressed by Hobi’s skills. Jin also has a cute little cactus poking out of his head. Don’t worry, that cactus is a drawing but it makes him look cuter. It looks like the ear of an alpaca. 
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Speaking of alpacas, I really thought he named RJ, RJ because it sounded like  아재 (Ah-Jae, R-J) But he named it that because the ‘R’ comes from how you pronounce ‘alpaca’ in Korean ( 알파카 - ‘aleupaka’) and ‘J’ from ‘Jin’ (진)
THIS BOI, even when he isn’t trying he’s still punning!
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Here we have a cactus Jin acknowledging Hobi’s powers at KartRider and calling him a Darkhorse. 
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Here, we have Jin noting how JK is slowing getting upset and decided to point it out
(once again, I'm pointing out the cactus-ear because it’s so cute)
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Tae - Huge ass Jeep with the cutest little fox (it looks like and matches him)
Namjoon - not even a freaking vehicle. He’s riding a freaking broom. Get on his level. Seriously, GET ON HIS LEVEL. He’s not even on the ground
Chim - Golden Angler Fish with scary ass teeth and a cute little light cos he’s a shining chim
Jin - Shark-like Torpedo looking contraption (with no cute pet)
Hobi - The most normal Kart and matching bears with chim & namjoon (but namjoon switched to a sheep pet after)
JK - Taking extra to an extreme with a huge ass general and a Viking-hat wearing pet
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Yoongi: *thinking hard about what it’ll be like to get a massage from jin
Yoongi:... no no, bad yoongi. Bad idea. 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Hobi: oooooooh  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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(lmao he was so offended that Yoongi brushed off his massage suggestion)
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Namjoon: You rejected his massage offer? HOW CRAZY!
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Only Jimin didn’t have the item XD (conspiracy theory on why Jimin Lost)
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Here have a perplexed Joonie cos he looks so cute!
And he does indeed stick his chin out when concentrating!
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Get yourself a man who stares at you the way Jin stares at food
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Mocking themselves for losing because they are the ‘Jin team’ (진 means weak/lose in Korean when taken out of context)
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Here we have Namjoon taking the opportunity to call Jin without honorifics
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Hobi does it too~ 
(that soft gaze though! I feel so attacked)
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He’s still staring at the food XD 
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Jin being hit by Jimin’s sexiness with his water dance
(Actually, he got hit by the water Jimin was splashing around lol)
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(the flowers poking out of namjoon’s head though)
This concludes this weeks’ Run!- Jin Harem post~
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Until next time~
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deltariskyfox · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
(But I dont play by the rules so I'm not gonna tag anyone)
— What was your last…
1. Drink: Orange Juice
2. Phone call: @goodgodimaweirdperson
3. Text message: Really good friend
4. Song you listened to: im sure its in my playlist... https://open.spotify.com/user/picsdoneright02/playlist/0EGpHh1dwfsB4vz8Bx2ohX?si=VgrimhvFTTCH3Bw0SXKORg
5. Time you cried: Last Friday but I teared up today though...
— Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. Been cheated on: Yes
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Seperatly yes but together no
— Fave colours
12. Green
13. Blue
14. Red
— In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: Yes
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Does my mom count (I have no life...)
— General
22. How many your Facebook friends do you know irl: Which Facebook? A few I guess though
23. Do you have any pets: Yes, a dog, Leopard gecko, and a red-eared slider turtle
24. Do you want to change your name: No
25. What did you do for your last birthday: hung out with family
26. What time did you wake up today: 6:00 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Getting woken up by my bf texting me
28. What is something you can’t wait for: This summer
29. What is your favourite animal: I’m kinda in love with foxes and dolphins can I choose both...
30. What are you listening to right now: https://open.spotify.com/user/picsdoneright02/playlist/0EGpHh1dwfsB4vz8Bx2ohX?si=VgrimhvFTTCH3Bw0SXKORg
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I’ve spoken to a few Thomases or Toms
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: Fake ass Christians that gossip way too much
33. Most visited website: Tumblr
34. Hair colour: Brown
35. Long or short hair: short-medium length
36. Do you have a crush on someone: The question is not who its how many.
37. What do you like about yourself: Um im not even gonna touch this...
38. Want any piercings: Yes I want my ears peirced
39. Blood type: O negative
40. Nicknames: Go back to my post about this....
41. Relationship status: Taken
42. Sign: Libra
43. Pronouns: He/Him I guess idk
44. Fave tv show: Supernatural/Farscape/Doctor Who
45. Tattoos: I want some
46. Right or left handed: Right but i use my left a good bit.
47. Ever had surgery: No but I probably will...
48. Piercings: Again I want some
49. Sport: Soccer
50. Vacation: I just wanna go anywhere, Gulf Coast, Canada, or my bf's house preferably
51. Trainers: converses
— More General
52. Eating: Depends on the day...
53. Drinking: Depends on the day...
54. I’m about watch: Youtube i guess. I might watch tv but idk.
55. Waiting for/to: graduation
56. Want: To be with my bf irl.
57. Get married: At some point
58. Career: Artist, Author, Policeman, Lawer, Psychiatrist. something like that.
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: Kisses... unless from a friend then hugs
60. Lips or eyes: Eyes
61. Taller or shorter: Taller
62. Older or younger: It doesn’t matter as long as it’s legal
63. Nice arms or stomach: Idc as long as they are nice and we match well
64. Hookups or relationships: Relationships definitely
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: Combo?
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: No
67. Drank hard liquor: Yes
68. Turned someone down: Yes
69. Sex on first date: No
70. Broken someone’s heart: Sadly, yes
71. Had your heart broken: Yes
72. Been arrested: No
73. Cried when someone died: Yes
74. Fallen for a friend: Yes..
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: On and off
76. Miracles: Yes
77. Love at first sight: No
78. Santa Claus: I did and I don’t regret it lol
79. Angels: Yes
— Misc
80. Eye colour: Brown
81. Best friend’s name: I have 2, Kayla and Daven
82. Favourite movie: Recent movie- A Dog's Purpose,    Disney Movie- All of them but I guess if I had to choose, The Fox and The Hound
83. Favourite actor: David Tennant, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, any main actor in my favorite shows.
84. Favourite cartoon: The Wiggles/Phineas and Ferb
85. Favourite teacher’s name: Ramey, Bower, Howell, Culligan, Mauldin, and Vidrine. I cant decide...
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brownheadedcowbird · 6 years
big shoutout to @thewarlocksbitch for the tag 😘
1. Nicknames: caro, c, carrotline (thx sophie)
2. Gender: girl!
3. Star Sign: gemini >:)
4. Height: 5′8
5. Time: 8:26 am
6. Birthday: june 5
7. Favorite Bands: the killers, lord huron, ELO, the lumineers, the strokes, fleetwood mac, bleachers, fleet foxes, midnight oil, the oh hellos, the decemberists, the dear hunter,the moody blues
8. Favorite Solo Artists: bruce springsteen, hozier, adele, chance the rapper, john denver, shakey graves, sufjan stevens
9. Song stuck in my head: this song from science camp that’s like “tan oak tan oak *clap clap* oooh baby let your xylem flow”
10. Last Movie Watched: elf! last night w my mom and brother
11. Last Show Watched: ...project runway. season 10 btches!
12. When did I Create my Blog: january 2015 i think? i made one before that in 2013 but deleted it for finals sophomore year and then regretted not having a place to yell about homestuck :/
13. What do I post: random funny stuff, animals and nature-y stuff, music, sometimes art, lots of annoying personal posts that i usually delete later
14. Last Thing Googled: “when do deer shed their antlers” bc i saw a post calling a doe “he” but i thought it was too early for that and i was curious (also “fanny packs” on my laptop bc i want a fanny pack for running. please do not judge me i have many things to carry.)
15. Do you have other blogs: yeet @panamint is my photo blog go check it out
16. Do you get asks: every now and then! you guys are so sweet though honestly i’ve never gotten a negative ask and i love u
17. Why did you choose your username: oof ok i actually wanted kaibab bc thats a) my uncle’s angel of a dogs name and b) a cool trail in the grand canyon but all the good variations of that were taken so i was like well his other dogs name was beloh.... let’s go w that (it’s pronounced the same i just added an e lol)
18. Following: 359! give me recs for more!
19. Followers: 873 i think
20. Favorite colors: navy, mint, orangey-yellow, lots of greens, ?
21. Average hours of sleep: 8!! i got super lucky last semester and only had class before 8 am once a week, and now i’m on break! BUT next semester i have an 8 am 4 days a week so uhhhh rip me
22. Lucky number: 3!
23. Instruments: trumpet but i’m prob pretty rusty lol
24. What am I wearing right now: hoodie from my school, longsleeve from grand teton, thick fleece leggings w snowflakes on them, and gray socks
25. How many blankets I sleep with: like 5 bc i sleep w my window open and it’s december in montana
26. Dream Job: ok DREAM dream is wildlife photographer but right now i’m headed towards working with captive breeding/release programs for endangered species! other main option rn is wildlife rehab, which would also be amazing, but i’m gonna decide after i finish some internships
27. Dream Trip: alaska or like. the alps. also i really want to go back to california to see my friends and go to death valley again
29. Nationality: american
28. Favorite food: grilled mac and cheese (grilled cheese but the inside is mac and cheese i would die for that and a smoothie rn)
30. Favorite Song(s) Now: the wanting by j roddy walston and the business, welcome to japan by the strokes, pipe bomb dream by turnpike troubadours, sleep on the floor by the lumineers (even tho i legitimately cannot listen to it without crying), the question by the moody blues, here is the news by elo
i tag: @ughmulder @wotsupfuckers @gastropodas @moshgoblin and all of my mutuals sorry i was just too lazy to type out everyone so snodfart gets the tags 💛
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eeveesanddragons · 7 years
1 - 150
Bitch I see you (I love you - please keep getting me to do these because it’s fun)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Either the same person who is the anon that asked this or someone at the NaNoWriMo event today (I actually really like holding other peoples hands it’s fun, cute and platonic)2. Are you outgoing or shy? A bit of both - shy when I’m around people I don’t know/aren’t comfortable with and outgoing with people I know. It also depends on my mood3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? MY NANO FRIENDS BECAUSE I DON’T GET TO SEE MOST OF THEM EXCEPT IN NOVEMBER I LOVE THEM4. Are you easy to get along with? I would hope so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I like a lot of people (platonically, not romantically) so I would hope so6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I actually can’t pinpoint a specific thing about people I’m attracted to, but they’re all generally attractive to me and decent human beings7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I don’t think so but a girl can hope, right?8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? The male character whose intro short story I’m writing at the moment9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Yeah (sometimes)10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Oh god, I have deep conversations with people every five minutes - probably a family friend last night about sexuality (I’ve come out to four people in as many days and it feels so good)11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Bacon, Croissants, Hash Browns, Ice Cream, 2x Apple Danishes, Marshmallows” - I was sending a shopping list to my Mum from my brother12. What are your 5 favourite songs right now? ‘Yet Another Dig’ by Bob the Drag Queen ft. Alaska - ‘Candy Store’ from Heathers - ‘Animus Vox’ by The Glitch Mob - I can’t think of two more13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? I would say yes14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Sometimes15. What good thing happened this summer? Man we’re just coming out of Winter. Going into Summer I can already pinpoint one thing that’ll be good - taking my dog down to the beach and seeing Jinkx Monsoon live16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I haven’t kissed anyone17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Abso-bloody-lutely18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Lol no he’s a dweeb19. Do you like bubble baths? HELL YEAH20. Do you like your neighbours? I guess? I don’t talk to them much but they’re nice people21. What are you bad habits? I chew on the skin around my fingers, I sometimes sleep until 3pm, and I drink too much soft drink22. Where would you like to travel? Fucking everywhere I can (Russia, UK, New Zealand -again- Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, everywhere I can)23. Do you have trust issues? I don’t think so24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Getting into bed after a long day OR using micellar water on my face before bed25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my chin?26. What do you do when you wake up? Lay in bed for a while thinking about things I should do that day then feed my dog27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Less pink - I’m pale as shit and my skin goes pink so easily. I wouldn’t change the complexion but if I could stop myself from burning or turning pink I’d be great28. Who are you most comfortable around? My sister and my mum probably29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Nope30. Do you ever want to get married? I think so31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail? YES and I often accidentally hit myself in the face with it32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? I wouldn’t (have a conversation with two people though? Cate Blanchett and Chris Hemsworth33. Spell your name with your chin. M easghahn34. Do you play sports? What sports? I don’t do sports anymore (I really want to get back into some though) BUT I used to play Netball, Softball, Basketball (for like six months), I did swimming, dancing, callisthenics, athletics. I’m generally pretty good at most sports35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV. I could survive with just music so long as I still had books36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Oh yeah37. What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing or I change the topic or put on music38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Challenges and encourages me to do things and pushes me to keep working towards goals, has a dog, is cute, will let me hold their hand for as long as I want, recognises the signs for when I need me time, is good at doing hair and makeup39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I would say bookstores but lately I really really shoe and makeup shopping40. What do you want to do after high school? Did* travel or go to uni and do a teaching course. I travelled and I realised I didn’t want to go straight to Uni (I do want to do it later on though)41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? That’s a bit of a trick question. Second chance to be a better human/fix mistakes? YES. A second chance but use it to be the same shitty abusive human? FUCK NO42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Either I’m thinking, listening, or have nothing to say, or I’m just trying to keep it together until I can be alone for a bit and recoup43. Do you smile at strangers? I do 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? SPACE BITCH I fucking love space I want to meet aliens45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? My dog usually46. What are you paranoid about? Most things47. Have you ever been high? No (sometimes I wish I was less hung up about it though and would actually do it once)48. Have you ever been drunk? Nope - I’ve had a lot to drink at points but I’ve never actually been drunk49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? No and if I did I wouldn’t post it here?50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Grey51. Ever wished you were someone else? Sometimes - but a more put together, productive, less anxious version of me52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My productiveness53. Favourite makeup brand? I’ll say MAC because my favourite lipstick is a MAC lipstick54. Favourite store? Any store I don’t work at55. Favourite blog? PaperFury56. Favourite colour? Green and Purple57. Favourite food? Nutella and Strawberries58. Last thing you ate? Pizza (and Nutella and Strawberries for dessert)59. First thing you ate this morning? Hashbrowns and croissants60. Ever won a competition? For what? A few - I won a footy jersey, a netball comp, a writing competition61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Nope62. Been arrested? For what? Nope63. Ever been in love? Nah64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I mentioned (at 17) that I’d never been kissed and I was at a public pool with friends and a friend said “well we should do something about that” and grabbed me and kissed me - it was pretty cool65. Are you hungry right now? No66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? The only people I interact with regularly on Tumblr are people I’m friends with IRL so !?!!??67. Facebook or Twitter? RIght now? Twitter - because people on my facebook are shitty and I keep seeing stuff related to the fucking postal survey68. Twitter or Tumblr? Both69. Are you watching tv right now? Rupauls Drag Race AS2 finale (I put the marathon on pause for NaNoWriMo)70. Names of your bestfriends? Sammy, Katrina, Hannah, Joanne (I hardly seem them because we’re all super busy but I could message any of them and they’d usually be down with doing something fun and we’re supportive of each other)71. Craving something? What? Nothing atm72. What colour are your towels? Purple72. How many pillows do you sleep with? One but sometimes I use smaller pillows/cushions for my wrists if my tendonitis is flaring up73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? I used to74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Maybe three75. Favourite animal? My dog, but also horses and foxes76. What colour is your underwear? Black77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? GOLDEN GAYTIME79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Grey80. What colour pants? Blue81. Favourite tv show? I don’t know?!?!?82. Favourite movie? Legally Blonde hands down but also Thor Ragnarok83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls 184. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Janice86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? DORY87. First person you talked to today? My brother about getting him to feed my dog (but I talked to my dog first because she slept on my bed)88. Last person you talked to today? NaNo people89. Name a person you hate? Tr*mp90. Name a person you love? My Mum91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Not really92. In a fight with someone? If I am I’m unaware of it93. How many sweatpants do you have? Uhhh maybe one pair that doesn’t fit because they’ve been in my drawers since I was 13 and haven’t thrown them out for whatever goddamn reason?94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Like 20 (more like 10)95. Last movie you watched? Thor Ragnarok 96. Favourite actress? Right now it’s Tessa Thompson97. Favourite actor? Why are these gendered GDI use Actor for everyone. But right now it’s Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Kaitlyn Alexander98. Do you tan a lot? I don’t tan even a little I’m pale af99. Have any pets? A DOG AND I LOVE HER SO DAMN MUCH SHE’S SO CUTE (follow her on instagram @ziva_the_lamington) 100. How are you feeling? Tired, a little socially drained after today, but good101. Do you type fast? Most of the time102. Do you regret anything from your past? All the times I was being a shitty kid doing dumb shit103. Can you spell well? Yaeh maet 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? No105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart? I don’t think so107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes! I did horse riding for a year108. What should you be doing? Writing my novel because I’m behind in my NaNo word count (someone prod me to write)109. Is something irritating you right now? Yeah - me not being as productive as I should be and not going to see various doctors about my shoulder/eyes/mental health110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Once111. Do you have trust issues? Already asked this, no112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Mum113. What was your childhood nickname? Megslegs114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? All the time and whenever I can115. Do you play the Wii? I used to have one but it’s super old so not anymore116. Are you listening to music right now? I’m listening to movie soundtracks117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I do118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes119. Favourite book? Gentlemans Guide to Vice and Virtue or Gathering of Shadows120. Are you afraid of the dark? No121. Are you mean? I hope not122. Is cheating ever okay? “act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage” NO123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Not for long, but I try to124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No? I guess I think love develops as you form a bond with a person125. Do you believe in true love? Yes126. Are you currently bored? Bored? No, tired of the state of non-productiveness? Yes127. What makes you happy? Hiking, my dog, friends, family128. Would you change your name? No, i like it129. What your zodiac sign? Virgo130. Do you like subway? I guess so131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Cool, lets date and see where we go132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Family friend133. Favourite lyrics right now? “Never going to give you up” (If you’re still reading this I commend you)134. Can you count to one million? Lol who has the time135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I’m straight (I’m obviously not)136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed137. How tall are you? Like 5″11/6″0138. Curly or Straight hair? Curly139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette140. Summer or Winter? Autumn/Spring 141. Night or Day? Daytime/evenings142. Favourite month? August or March143. Are you a vegetarian? No but I have thought about going veg144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk and dark145. Tea or Coffee? Tea146. Was today a good day? It really was147. Mars or Snickers? Mars148. What’s your favourite quote? “Per Aspera Ad Astra” “As Travars” “Nevertheles, She Persisted”149. Do you believe in ghosts? Sure why not150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Aled said nothing, he just started to grin” - Radio Silence
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thclcstgirl · 7 years
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And holy crap what a year it’s been!
Fox’s One Year Anniversary, July 14th
Many of you don’t know this, but I actually did not think about Fox at all when I first watched The 100. Didn’t even think about her except as the girl that hugged Bellamy. Didn’t even realize it was the same girl that later died ( super pointlessly and without any explanation but that’s a rant for another day ;) ) to be perfectly honest. She was some random background character to me just like she was to everyone.
And then I started playing her (thanks to my preference for playing half or barely developed characters so I can make them my own) and started really thinking about this sadly underdeveloped character and HOLY CRAP GUYS. My sweet lil Fox has become so fucking important to me as both a character that helps my get through writing lulls with my career and as someone who has led me to so many important people in my life, writing partners and friends and best friends and people that laugh and cry with me over these silly fictional characters that mean so much to all of us.
I’m so thrilled to have lasted a year ( my first time on any character lasting this long! ) and so honored to say that it’s thanks to my partners on here, old and new alike, that my love and my ability to write my beautiful mistreated daughter that I’ve lasted as long as I have.
NOW ONTO THE FLUFF. Because I think we all need it after some of those gifs ;)
My best friend;
@headstrongblake: Ashley like. What do I even say. Like do I wax poetic about how amazing our girls are? Or how Fox admires Octavia only slightly less than I admire you? Or maybe mention that you’re one of the main reasons I came back after my two month disappearing act? Or maybe about how much I value that we can talk every day and never get tired of each other or how we understand that sometimes a day is just bad and we need to hide from the world and that’s cool because we know the other will be there when we’re ready to rejoin the world? Do I mention how you’ve become more like a sister to me than a friend?
My most valued advisors and all time favs;;
@faultedleader - Fuck, Heather, like, we’ve been together since the very beginning. I was so intimidated by you because you and Ashley had these beautiful things going on and you were so wonderful and so eloquent and I’m sitting here with my smol daughter like ‘I wonder if she’ll like the connection between Fox and Bellamy or be annoyed and think I’m expecting too much because of it’. LOOK HOW FAR WE’VE COME. From admiring you with lil fox eyes hiding in my den to yelling at each other over vast amounts of heartbreak ( and every now and then some fluff. to worsen the heartbreak bwa ha ha ) that we cause each other. I never thought I could love someone who made me cry as often as you do, but here we are and I wouldn’t change a thing. *lifts glass* Here’s to another wonderful year together!
@crimiinalchemiist - MY FIRST BABE. My only true Jasper, my main babe and major love. You ( and I don’t know how tf because I’m trash and you’re wonderful ) have been with me even before the beginning of my journey here. Without you, I wouldn’t even BE here. You’re the one that started the group that introduced my to my girl, the one that introduced me to indie at all, the one that suffered 1001 questions as I tried to navigate this weird and wonderful and dramatic world of indie roleplaying. Fox LITERALLY wouldn’t exist in the sense that she does for me and my partners *winks winks nudges nudges at you* if it wasn’t for you, and I can never repay you for that. I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you.
@trueheda - Do you ever have a person that just immediately triggers that “QualityTM” reaction in you whenever their name or their blogs come up? Kai had been that for me since I very first started reading his writing tbh, and I’ve never stopped thinking it. Kai is that person that I’m still semi-intimidated by even though we’re friends and we’ve got darling plots going on ( we’re not gonna talk about Fox’s strange infatuation with your murder son oops ) because he’s just so. fucking. quality. Like how can you now just be constant awe of someone with Kai’s skill?? ( the answer is you cannot, btw ) But I am so happy that Kai apparently deems me friend enough and quality enough to play against his amazing babes, and this thrills me to no end tbh.
@nctyourplaything - MY SWEET GIRL. Fuck I don’t even know what I’d do without your level headedness to calm me down from my occasionally high salt levels, Em. We met through Harper and I knew by the time we were a few replies in that I’d fallen for your writing and your voice and I’d literally follow you to the ends of the earth. And now you have Mandy and just FUCK like who would have guessed that I’d fall so hard for Mandy Milkovich ( I did, actually. I loved her in the show and paired with your phenomenal writing and taste for development how could I not fall just as head over heels for her? ). Fox and Mandy are such a crack lil pair from their different fandoms but they work SO WELL together and I’m so glad I didn’t lose you when the show tried to ruin your 100 girl because honestly, Emily, I mean it when I say I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you babe.
@icebuilt - LOR LIKE WHAT EVEN HAPPENED WITH US. We went from “oh wow another Roan and she’s so well written and Lenee loves her but like she’s sooooooo well written I couldn’t possibly approach her ok now we’re in a gv together maybe this can be my in” to literal all-nighters to satisfy my and my kids’ urges for you and yours because WE LITERALLY CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF YOU and I know I’m using the word literally a lot and I mean it like literally and not like figuratively because meeting you and becoming friends with you was literally ( lol ) one of the best things that’s happened to me on this weird blue website and in this wonderful but now awful show that borned our babies. I know I’m really bad at the ooc thing sometimes and I just hope you know that I adore you so very much and I think so highly of you as a person and a writer and I hope I’ve been doing better at displaying that for you because that’s what you deserve.
@kiingbuilt - My love, my Roan, my lil Fox’s king like, I don’t know if you realize ( again because I kinda suck at the ooc thing and I’m so sorry I’m trying to work on it I swear ) to the extent that Fox cares about her azgeda-turned-floukru king. She would do anything under the sun for him if he asked her to, follow him to the ends of the Earth and back again if he wanted her to. I know I don’t ask for a whole lot and that’s so on me like, but I’m working on that too and eventually you’ll probably regret telling me I can pester you with multiple threads and asks and bugger-ness haha But I’m kind of really eager for it is that weird? ( it is, oopsie ) <33
@survivorbuiilt / @silcntmuscle -  SAMMIE MY SAMMIE MY MURPHY MY MBEGE MY BOYSSSSSSSS. Well, Fox’s boys. Ok let me paint you a picture Sammie; here we have a sad panda britt who’s always imagined that Murphy and Fox were friends prior to the ground, who’s poor lil Fox has always had a lowkey thing for Mbege and who’s, sadly, never been brave enough or found someone to play this out with. Enters Sammie! Who’s loves me down with beautiful headcanons and seems to feel the same way I do about our poor mistreated babies and who loves the angst and the sweet and literally gives me everything I’ve every dreamed of when it comes to the Johns and their little fox. Sammie who lures me into new and exciting places with beautiful things THAT SHE IMMEDIATELY RIPS AWAY WITH HEARTWRENCHING ANGST because we all know that’s the fastest way to my heart and like; you just get me Sammie, and I love you and your boys and this incredible dynamic we’ve created with our children.
@leaderbuilt - Wrynnnnnnnn ok so I don’t have like, A Moment with a whole lot of people ( honestly no one else at all even comes to mind right now) where I had that “this person understands me and we’re going to do great things together” BUT I HAVE THAT WITH YOU and it was that ask, that “I wanna go, get out of here” ask WHERE YOU BROKE MY FUCKING HEART AND SOUL BY PARALLELING JASPER’S PROMISE TO FOX WITH BELLAMY. Like, I’d waited so fucking long for someone to give me Bellamy reacting to Fox’s death, for Bellamy’s thoughts when he had her and left her in that goddamn mountain and you gave me that. I’ve literally been waiting since I created Fox for something like that and I will never be able to thank you enough for giving me that from Bellamy. I love what we’ve got with our lil rare pair and I love you for always being patient with me and always chatting me up because ( for like the third time this post ) I do suck at initiating ooc chatter but I’m trying man! I’m trying. You’re amazing and I hope you always remember that. I’ll hardcore fight anyone who tries to say differently <3<3
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (these are a few of my favorite things people );;
@imnobodysson, @atonedhero, @greaseveined, @pariahbuilt, @wildmoored, @stellarstolen, @braverstars, @braverybuilt, @speedforcechosen, @mystiicanatomy, @trikrulinkon, @indiebryan, @gedanes, @gatcrguy, @chaosthxory, @atlasendured, @bigbrotherbellamy, @valleywatcher, @noukru, @makeitakillshct, @saviorbuilt, @noulaikkwelnes, @rcdteeth, @portectorisms, @amongthcwreck, @onyafevayuj, @bxmbsxaway 
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mysmess-seol-blog · 7 years
Jumin’s Day 10, 1AM Call - Korean vs. English Comparison
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Hello all.
Sorry for my lack of posting for the past few days. To be honest, I went through so much stuff that I just don’t know how to handle right now. I also went through course registration for my upcoming semester and I filled 22 credits. Kill me.
Without getting too personal, just know that I am slowly getting back to the way things were going and I hope to keep it that way ^^
Also, in my little unannounced absence, I got a lot more requests to go through! Wow! I can’t believe I got so much interest from all of you guys~ thanks so much! The anon may know this, but while I usually answer questions/requests in the order of which they are submitted (minus the personal questions), I went through them all and found this one to be the quickest to gather screenshots and answer/debate. I am a bit short on time because of current affairs, so I please hope that you guys understand that I am answering this one first!
This call is by far my favorite call in history. Why is this man so irresistible? My love for Jumin Han is just out of this world. In all my 23 years of living, he is the most charismatic character I have ever come across, I swear.
Please join me under the cut if you would like to hear my analysis (more like opinion) of this breath-taking phone call ^^
Please note that although this is an analysis, there may be opinions that may differ or be consistent with mine! While I can give some sort of Korean background, for debatable topics, I do not represent all of the Korean minds for respective topics. Also, please excuse any errors or let me know if clarifications are needed, for English is not my first language! Thank you and enjoy!
Okay, so let’s talk. Nonny! You said there were four options, and to be honest, I don’t even know if I unlocked all the options…if I remember correctly, I only got three? So I am sorry in advanced if I didn’t get all the ones you wanted ㅠㅠ when I replay Jumin’s route when I have the time, I will check out the other choice (really want to know rn tbh…) and edit this post, but for now, I will just do the three that I have.
Also, note that this call is preeeeetty similar in terms of how they translated it compared to my translations so I probably won’t post as many screenshots. But the ways I interpreted could be different, but more than an analysis, this is more about how I perceived and how much I enjoyed this call, because lol, I did…♡
So we start off with Jumin sighing as soon as he answers the call. To which the English version says, “God…” which I don’t actually know why it does?
The Korean version just has it written out as it is which is, “하…” (Ha…)
He asks why you are up and calling him at this hour since he was sure he told you to sleep. Also to stop fidgeting and whatnot. To which you have two choices.
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Choice 1: 그럼 머리 쓰다듬어 줘요, 잠이 안와요. My translation & translation version are the same: Then stroke my hair, I can’t sleep.
Choice 2: 후~ 이렇게 바람 부는 건 괜찮아요? My translation & translation version are the same: Hoo~ can I blow wind like this?
I am a 여우같은년 (fox like simply put, bitch lol) and I blew wind to him first buuuuuut, I’ll go with the stroke my hair choice first ^^;;;;
He says something like telling you to come closer and proposes a deal. He will stroke your hair if he can feel with his body that you are closer to him. I’m not posting a screenshot because my translation is pretty similar and only has minor differences so it would seem a bit pointless.
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Choice 1: 그런 게 어딨어요? 그냥 쓰다듬어주세요. What is that? Just stroke my hair. Translation version: Don’t be like that. Just stroke my hair.
Choice 2: 그럼 그냥 자겠습니다. Then I will just go to sleep. Translation version: I’ll just go to sleep now.
I know this man. I think we all know this man. He is a businessman and without even thinking, I just said at first in my playthrough that I would go choice two because lol, I could already predict that he would lecture me about dealing with a businessman buuuut, let’s start with choice one.
Lol, and well, this choice was really boring. It was boring because I was right lolol. He said something really similar to my business professor and I was very usgohiahp about the choice. I mean, he’s right, and honestly I used this material for a business meeting simulation and got brownie points (is that the right expression? lolol) but still. I want to make this man tempted LOL.
Let’s go the choice two.
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Hmm? That, I don’t like. Don’t turn your back on me. I don’t want to miss a single moment of your sleeping face/appearance(?).
Lol, Jumin, what was that you said about your wonderful business philosophy? ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
After that, he says something about how he wants you to hold your chin up and that even if it is uncomfortable, it can’t be helped because he is selfish and wants to see your face and omg i was red while relistening to this call pls help.
He also says how we should talk responsibility for being so nice to him and making him the way he is right now and uh, yeah, I’ll take responsibility anyday. Take me now pls.
I’ll talk about how the call ends for all the choices soon at the end, but for now, let’s go back to the very first choices we came across in this call.
We will blow air and lol, yeah. It’s my favorite. It was like some crazy ASMR shit and I get goosebumps every time.
You tempt him and he was briefly about to since he was contemplating to himself whether he should keep his cool or not.
If you chose this choice then you all know he wants to teach you a lesson and blow into your ear to proof how sensitive of an area it is and to feel how tempted he was and lol, I died.
I live by myself and the apartment next to me came running thinking I was in trouble. He thinks I’m crazy now lolol. It was like 1 in the morning. Sorry 오빠♡
Okay, so this is where I can’t for the love of God remember if there was only one choice or two. Because nonny said four choices, I am going to assume I didn’t get one here. Please let me know if that is the case =w=
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I understand…I won’t do it.
LOL, if there were two choices, I don’t know what came across me to choose that one because I would have been shook and just jumped the man, but apparently I chose this one haha.
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It’s too late to regret it now. Since you started it…hang up and look forward to it.
I think the English translation version is very similar to mine. Too lazy to check lolol.
Then as we all know, he wants to hang up since it is “only getting in the way” and the wonderful, “거기 가만히 있어…” (stay still).
Man, the way he says that made me feel like I was going crazy. I could not sleep that night LOL.
Okay, so your debate! What did they do after that phone call?
Goooood question! ( ͡°⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ⁄ʖ⁄ ⁄ ͡°) 
Well, I am definitely not an innocent mind lolol. I don’t know how to put it without sounding extremely creepy but I mean Jumin did say to look forward to what was going to happen after hanging up and I mean, my mind was already ready to pounce that man, sooooooo.
As the MC of MM in my own mind and imagination, lol. We can all assume how I think and they aren’t innocent thoughts. shoot me.
For one, he is a grown 27 (26 for outside of Korea) year old man and if anything, MC me, you, us asked for it if we were pretty much testing his patience and teasing him like that ;)
A lot of you guys know how I feel about Jumin and the topic of sexual experience because I talked about it in my old account. There were many implications in the Korean version, and frankly, the world realistically isn’t just some rainbows and unicorn thing or some magical shoujo experience where love is always innocent, as we all know.
Which is why I like this game. I mean, yes there are fictional aspects about it that definitely is too good to be true, but it isn’t so much where I can’t play it. I am usually not a fan of otome games because of many reasons. I could feel 심규혁 (Yoosung’s voice actor) in his free talk about how he was trying not to sound “오글오글” (I think it means closest to cheesy?). I think even with some cheesy aspects, I could relate to a lot of these characters because even if they are in a fictional game, they all have a pain of sorts and it isn’t always happy-go-lucky.
That was a random tangent.
So simply put, to give my answer to this debate, yeah, I’m pretty sure something went down, at least in my imagination and that is how I want to think of it ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
I have my fantasies too (^ //// ^)
I want to hear what you guys think? What was your reaction to this famous call of Jumin’s? Either leave a comment or send an ask below~^^
- 류설♡
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