#How quickly he turns when Qiren slams his hand on the table in anger
guqin-and-flute · 1 year
I can't get over how much Xichen loves Wangji I just
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flautistsandpeonies · 3 years
Reformation Part 4
Read the Previous Chapter [Here]
Word Length: 3,101
Summary: You have to succeed no matter what. If you don’t, the loss would be devastating.
The day after the next, the Lan Discussion hall was filled once again; however,  this time, a ruckus was occurring in every corner of the room.
“This is outrageous!, “Sect Leader Wang cried, a sentiment echoed by many leaders within the hall, “We have to do something about that foul beast!”
After the hunting party returned, the Lan Sect went into lockdown; the guards tripled, all armed with banishment tools and blades freshly sharpened. Visiting disciples were told to lessen their departures from the Cloud Recesses as a safety measure. With the events of the other night, guards were placed around the Jingshi, and no one but sect leaders were allowed to see Wei WuXian in his worsened state.
“We are taking a-Xian home, “Jiang Fengmian stood toe to toe with Lan Qiren
“That is unnecessary, “Lan Qiren said tersely
“What’s necessary, “Jiang Fengmian replied, “is making sure that my head disciple is no longer in danger. That creature may come back for him.”
“Which is why he should stay here, “Lan QIren challenged, “How can you be sure it won’t attack as soon as you leave the Cloud Recesses?”
“It’s a being of the night is it not?, “Yu ZiYuan huffed, “It won’t come in the day; if we leave right now we’ll be safe in our home soon enough.”
“And is Wei WuXian safe in your home?, “Sect Leader He challenged, “How can we be sure that the Jiangs won’t cause him more harm?.”
Yu ZiYuan glared at the man, “Does He Zongzhu believe that we are more dangerous than some unknown creature?”
“Seeing as you are the cause of this whole situation, I can firmly say “yes”, “Sect Leader He returned her glare
The noise within the hall grew louder. Sect leaders were doing their best to hush their disciples, but the room was slowly descending into chaos.
A disciple in the back hollered, “None of this would’ve happened had you just controlled yourself, woman!”
“What was that!, “Madam Jin thundered while Yu ZiYuan grew purple at the accusation
“Say that again!, “Jiang WanYin challenged the hidden cultivator
The disciple was brave with their anonymity, “The Violet Spider is insane! Wei WuXian would’ve never been in Gusu if she hadn’t attacked him at the banquet! That creature would have never shown!”
Minor sect disciples nearly screamed in agreement. Yu ZiYuan looked ready to unfurl Zidian against the crowd while Madam Jin braced her palm against her blade.
Wen Ruohan slammed his hand down against his table; the action silenced many.
“That’s quite enough of that, “the man looked vaguely annoyed, “Squabbling like children will get us nowhere.”
The Wen disciples were the only ones other than the Lans not kicking up a fuss in the hall. Sitting diligently beside their sect leader, they could only differ to him and keep quiet unless spoken to.
“Wen Zongzhu, “Jiang Fengmian turned to him, “It’s best if we leave with a-Xian immediately. The creature seems to favor forests and mountains, our lake-fronts may deter it.”
“And will Jiang Zongzhu be able to keep Wei WuXian safe from the other beast after his life, “flicking a hand in ZiYuan’s direction, Ruohan was unaffected by her anger
“I won’t allow her to harm him anymore, “Fengmian replied, though no one believed him, “I can send my own hunting party after the creature.”
“And who will lead it, “Sect Leader Wang questioned, “Yourself? Your son? The last hunt had Nie Zongzhu and Gusu Lan’s Twin Jades, and the creature fought them easily. What hope do you have? What hope do any of us have?”
Sect Leader Wang’s words sent a wave of depression over the crowd. With the Cloud Recesses in lockdown, it was as if they were prey animals trapped in a pen, and the creature outside was a fox waiting to devour them.
“What will we do?!, “a minor sect disciple cried, “What if it tries to consume us all?!”
Jin GuangShan stood and walked towards his fellow sect leaders, “Perhaps, we could try using Wei WuXian again?”
“No, “Lan WangJi said with an icy air around him, “Another attempt only endangers Wei Ying.”
“Second Young Master Lan, “Jin GuangShan implored, “Let’s not be unreasonable. What else could we possibly do? Wait until the creature tries to break in?”
“Having Wei WuXian there in that state is too dangerous, “Lan XiChen said in his brother’s defense
“We need a solution, “GuangShan replied, “We can’t all stay here waiting for something to happen.”
“We will not risk him again, “Lan WangJi said tersely
“It may be necessary, “the Jin Sect Leader pressed, “For the moment, the creature seems to be focused on him. This may be our only chance to kill it.”
“You are all so very incompetent, “a chill went up in the air, Wen Ruohan tapped his hand against his chair impatiently as he interrupted the ensuing argument again
Unlike before, Wen Ruohan didn’t seem to find satisfaction in the other sects arguing. The man was slowly releasing his spiritual power throughout the room; some people found themselves falling to their knees from the pressure.
“Wen Zongzhu, “Lan XiChen was choosing his words carefully, “the Lan are very capable of attending to Wei WuXian’s needs.”
“Are you?, “the near-immortal replied, his tone neither pleasant nor placating, “That’s twice now a hunt by the Lans has injured him.”
“This creature is new to us all, “XiChen said as finely as he could, “Now that we know what it’s capable of, we can deal with it better.”
"Still, the Cloud Recesses is no safer than Lotus Pier with that creature around, “Jiang Fengmian spoke, “I don’t see why he has to stay here.”
“We cannot be blamed for..., “XiChen started but was stopped by Wen Ruohan raising his hand
“I will say this clearly..., “the Wen Sect Leader was out of patience, “The Jiangs have damaged a perfectly good disciple for no reason. The Lans took him in, only for him to be bewitched by some unknown creature.”
The pressure in the room got even stronger. More experienced cultivators grit their teeth, forcing themselves to stay upright.
“Who should care for him now? The Nie? The Jin? A minor sect? Will we cycle him through all of your healing pavilions before the year is out?, “Each question came with the cultivator’s ever-darkening tone
Everyone in the room flinched as Wen Ruohan slammed his hand down once more.
“Plan another hunt. A better hunt, “it wasn’t a suggestion, “If there’s no change after this next attempt, if he is damaged again, then I’ll be taking Wei WuXian back to Nightless City with me. I’m certain my Xu-er can hunt this creature while a-Qing watches over him.”
Wen Ruohan’s eyes were a deadly fire, “Are there any objections?”
For the next couple of days, sect leaders met and prepared for the next hunt. Limited in what disciples they could send, they couldn’t be as choosy and particular as they normally would when vetting their disciples. Too scared that a courier would be eaten by the looming creature, they had to choose from what little reserves they had.
The Jiangs would send Jiang WanYin, heading all the disciples the Jiang clan brought to the discussion. The Lan would be sending their Twin Jades along with several senior disciples. The Nie would bring their sect leader along with the disciples he carried along. The Jin would send their heir, his cousin, and their retinue. The Wen were sending all the disciples Wen Ruohan brought with him. The minor sects were sending their strongest disciples they had with them at the time.
Everyone was both nervous and excited about the hunt. The idea of fighting an unknown creature no doubt gave them a lot of anxiety, but, on the other hand, the fame and glory that would come from defeating it was enough to solidify their resolve.
Back in the Jingshi, Lan WangJi sat in the guestroom, sharpening his sword and preparing for the hunt.
To his right, Wei WuXian lay in bed, a disturbed look upon his unconscious face. Uneven breaths came out of his slightly open mouth.
“Calling me.....Master...is...”
Not pausing in taking care of his blade, each word from Wei WuXian’s mouth made WangJi press the wet stone down a little bit harder, the sparks flying high.
“WangJi, “looking up, Lan XiChen, Nie MingJue, and Nie Huaisang stood in the doorway
“Xiongzhang, “WangJi nodded in greeting, “Nie Zongzhu, Second Young Master Nie.”
MingJue nodded back, “Huaisang wanted to see him, so I called a break from our night-hunt planning. Apologies for intruding.”
“No need, “WangJi shook his head as Nie Huaisang stepped into the room and quickly went up to Wei WuXian
“He says it during the day now, “Huaisang sat down gently beside his friend
Placing his hand on Wei WuXian’s forehead, the enchanted man tried to shake him away.
Huaisang sighed and removed his hand, “Wei-Xiong, you have the worst luck”
“He’s still alive, that’s at least something, “Nie MingJue said, trying to console him
“Calling me.....Master...”
“The meeting?, “WangJi asked while flipping his blade over
“It’s more arguing than planning, “XiChen replied, “People aren’t as worried about the hunt as more as who has a claim to Young Master Wei after all this is over.”
“No one does, “Was WangJi’s succinct reply
“Calling me....calling....calling.....”
“True, but they’re all talking  in possibilities. Everyone’s claiming Young Master Wei would be more comfortable with them than anywhere else, “XiChen spoke
“That’s for Wei Ying to decide, “giving a quick glance to the man, he said, “after he wakes.”
“Jiang Zongzhu still advocating to take him back to Lotus Pier, “Huaisang frowned, “I don’t trust Madam Yu around him, nor Jiang WanYin.”
“And Ruohan seems determined to take him to Nightless City, “MingJue added, crossing his arms
“He won’t have reason to after the hunt, “Lan WangJi’s stern tone matched the scrape of the wet-stone against Bichen
“WangJi?, “XiChen questioned, giving a look to his little brother
Lan WangJi’s eyes were alight with resolution as he set the wet stone on the floor.
“I will take off its head.”
“Calling me.....”
Standing in the middle of the clearing, Wei WuXian stood slouched, the moonlight shining down upon him. Glossy pink eyes seemed to be looking for something as he chanted on and on.
Hiding in the trees, cultivators had swords, arrows, and talismans at the ready. It was only a matter of time before the creature appeared.
Their plans had changed dramatically from the last time, instead of trailing the enchanted man to the clearing, they simply brought him before his nightly wake and set up traps along the way.
“Calling me....Master...is...”
“Nothing is showing on the compass, “Jin ZiXun complained staring down at the cultivation tool
“Perhaps the compass doesn’t register it as a resentful being, “a Wen disciple thought aloud
“Then how will we track it?, “a minor disciple questioned, “This will be even harder if it escapes again.”
A ways away, Lan WangJi stood listening. Thinking back to the hunt that started this, his eyes narrowed in contemplation
“Calling me...., “Wei WuXian chanted on in the center of the clearing
The cool air blew about them as the night went on. Insects of the night, trilled on as they waited and waited.
All of a sudden, Wei WuXian grew silent. The cultivators tensed, knowing what was coming.
The sound was the same as last time, nightly creatures vacated their homes in fear as the monster drew ever closer.
The cultivators shifted into battle-ready positions and a large silhouette was seen arriving in the sky.
The beast slammed down on the ground, wings expanding for a second before retracting.
“It’s you, “Wei WuXian sighed dreamily at the monster
The beast disregarded Wei WuXian for a moment. Glaring at the trees, the cultivators realized it was looking for them to appear.
“Huh, “Nie MingJue grunted, narrowing his eyes, “It’s smarter than we thought.”
Wei WuXian started to walk to the monster, speaking again, “Master, I’m here.”
Narrowing its eyes, the beast finally looked to its prey. Spreading its arms, it invited Wei WuXian with a rumbling hum. Closing its eyes, it breathed deeply as it savoring the cultivator’s scent.
“Now!, MingJue ordered, “rushing out with his fellow Nie cultivators
Brandishing his blade, XiChen sent it straight at the unaware monster just as it was about to embrace Wei WuXian, piercing deep into its arm.
The beast howled, hand striking out to throw Wei WuXian far away. The enchanted cultivator gasped in shock as he landed in a nearby bush.
“SCREEEEEAAAAAH!, “the beast howled as its tongue darted out and claws elongated, shaking its head wildly
Cultivators charged from all angles, sword glares flashing out at the beast. The creature charged and swung, knocking back cultivator after the cultivator and even tearing into many of them; their blood coated its claws as the battle commenced.
Jiang WanYin quickly engaged the monster with Zidian. The electrified whip slashed against its broad wings, cutting deep. The beast tried to get at him, but he was quick on his feet, dodging the clawed nails as they danced.
“Tch, “throwing Sandu out, it pierced the monster’s wing, throwing it back
Several cultivators jumped backwards, drawing their arrows, and fired. Spiritual binding ropes were attached. Firing into the beast they began to run around trying to entrap it.
“SCREEEEEAAAAAH!, “Grabbing the ropes with its claws, the tore the ropes to pieces
Ripping his sword out of the beast’s arm, XiChen aimed for the other, striking down hard, blood covered his face as he hit a vein.
“Switch, “Nie MingJue called to him, jumping forward
Striking at its torso with his saber, a deep gash was left on its stomach. Clawing back, MingJue was thrown backwards and flipped to land on his feet.
Lan WangJi darted forward, slashing with his blade. Uncaring of the clawed hands coming for him, he pressed on the beast, his golden eyes blazing at they stared one another down.
Going for wounds already inflicted, he made sure to widen each and every gash, blood rushed out and covered his white robes.
“Second Young Master, “a disciple cried out as a claws hand came dangerously close to his face
Grasping its wrist, WangJi twisted it as hard as he could until he heard the bone snap. The beast hollered, snatching its hand away in pain.
Summoning as much spiritual power as he could into his sword, he brought his blade up high, jumping as he charged forward. The beasts neck was unprotected as he slashed down.
The beast’s eyes widened at the sword glare coming for it; it tried to slide away as fast as it could before-
Dark red blood pooled on the ground, the creature’s clawed hand flew up to its wound; shaking its head, the thick dark red liquid flew all around.
Lan WangJi raised his blade to strike again, sword glare bright and powerful. Charging forward, he slashed again and again. The beast was disoriented and forced the back away bit by bit.
Rapidly taking out a tracking talisman, Lan WangJi rushed forward, throwing his sword, the blade pierced the monster’s arm. Thrusting his hand out, he quickly shoved the talisman into one of the beasts gaping wounds. Taking out another, he jammed it into an adjacent gash.
“RAAAAHHHHH!!, “The monster howled in agony
Twirling in place, WangJi kicked up, foot hitting the monster’s chin and making it bite its own tongue. Then, with a bone-shattering punch to its chest, the beast flew back.
The beast struggled to stand back up, blood gushed out of varying would on its body, yet they were slowly starting to heal.
"SCREEEEEAAAAAH!, “the monster howled at Lan WangJi, black and red eyes were searing in anger
WangJi stood his ground, raising Bichen once more for another assault.
The creature growled as it was surrounded, cultivators from all the sects ready to charge at it. It knew it was at a loss.
"SCREEEEEAAAAAH!, “rapidly flapping its damaged wings, dust and blood swirled into the air
“Dammit, no, “Jiang WanYin lashed out with his whip, attempting to hold it down
The beast was too quick! With a loud rush, the beast burst high into the air and out of Zidian’s reach. Screeching once again, the monster zoomed through the sky.
Taking out a compass, Jin ZiXun grinned in glee as the needle started to throb from the talismans from Lan WangJi’s attack
“After it!, “Jin ZiXuan ordered his fellow Jin, all of them mounting their blades and following after the fleeing beast
Following behind them, the clearing soon became empty of cultivators except for a few. Sheathing his blade, WangJi walked to the puddle of blood the monster left behind. A pointed ear lay discarded on the ground. Picking it up, Lan WangJi quickly stowed it away in his qiankun sleeve.
“Amazing, Second Young Master Lan, “a senior Lan disciple rushed over to him
Rushing over to the bushes on the edge of the clearing, Wei WuXian sat, still bewitched, in the bushes. Wide-eyed, his pink pupils were actually glistening with tears.
“Master....left, “he mumbled, “Master...calling....left....”
Gently taking the man by the arms, Wei WuXian didn’t fight him but continued to mumble.
“Master....calling me...., “he said, “Master....left?”
“WangJi, “Looking up, XiChen was high upon his blade, “Take Young Master Wei back. Show the ear the Wen Zongzhu so he doesn’t try and take him.”
“Xiongzhang , “WangJi wanted to protest
XiChen smiled, “He’s your priority. We have it now. Go.”
XiChen flew off, leaving no room for argument. Nodding at the senior disciple, WangJi let go of his blade and let it hover for a second before mounting it. Grabbing Wei WuXian by the waist, he held him tightly as the enchanted man slouched against him.
“We will return, “he said, “do not lose it.”
“Of course, “the disciple replied as WangJi rose high in the air and set off towards the Cloud Recesses
He had a sect leader to talk to.
The light of the afternoon sun shined through the windows of the Jingshi’s common room.
Lan WangJi sat at his table, flipping through a journal of songs. Title after title passed before pausing on the one he was looking for.
On the top of the page, in neat, what many would consider perfect, calligraphy was the piece’s name: WangXian.
Placing the journal in his lap, WangJi quickly summoned his guqin and sat it down on the table. Giving a cursory glance down at the piece, he began to play.
Lan WangJi’s nimble fingers, plucked at the silver strings of his WangJiQIn, a soft sound filling the bedroom. The melody was pleasant and pleasing to the ears; disciples walking past outside even stopped for a second before continuing on their way.
In the Jingshi’s guestroom, Wei WuXian lay peacefully. The sounds from the common room soon drifted in and filled that room as well.
Even in his unconscious state, Wei WuXian could still be affected by music. The man gave out a slight gasp as the music filled his ears. However, instead of fighting against the tune, the man actually relaxed even more, letting out a pleasant sigh.
In the common room, Lan WangJi continued on with his playing. Even when he got to the end of the song, he restarted, playing over and over again.
In the guestroom of the Jingshi, Wei WuXian smiled.
Author’s Notes:
-I really tortured myself by having two fight scenes two chapters back to back lol
-This and the previous chapter were once one but I separated cause I felt that it flowed better
Read my Prompts and WIPs [Here]
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drwcn · 4 years
“Discordance”!verse part 1: disciples discovers their secret, Lan Qiren and the elders are informed. Complications ensue. 
in which wwx is lxc’s husband through political alliance, and there is an affair. 
{detailed synposis/premise of this au}
[8] | [7] | [6] | [5] | [4] | [3] | [2] | [1] [synopsis]
They seized Wei Ying immediately. 
That should’ve been Lan Wangji’s first warning - that this was a doomed scenario, that there was no explaining - no talking - their way out of this one, that no one was going to care if he and Wei Ying were sincere in their sentiment. In the eyes of his clan and the world, this was a sordid business, and they were sinners. 
The slap came without warning. A flashing blur of white sleeve and blinding pain bloomed across his cheek, the thunderclap vibrating through his skull and down his spine. 
His Uncle, strict and severe as he was, had never raised a hand to him until now. And in his strike, Lan Wangji felt a third of Lan Qiren’s spiritual reserve and the full force of his anger. 
His mouth was filled with blood in an instant - bitter, metallic and hot, gushing from where his teeth had cut against the inside of his left cheek. The sensation, together with the pain that seemed to grip his head in a vice, left him momentarily reeling, blinded. 
Over the ringing in his ear, Lan Wangji heard his uncle’s voice, tight and low with barely controlled fury: your sect master’s - your brother's - husband, how dare you even think it! Wangji, you have disappointed and disgraced this entire family! 
Then...a set of knees hit the floor with a muffled thud. 
Lan Wangji turned, in time to see Wei Wuxian struggle free from the holds of two of Lan Wangji’s shixiongs - two strong, stoned-faced senior disciples whose names he knew but for the life of him couldn’t recall. 
"Shufu!” Wei Wuxian cried again, when Lan Qiren remained impervious to his call. Shuffling forward on his knees, he latched onto the hem of the older man’s sleeve and begged, “Please, this isn't his fault! It's mine! It's all my fault! I should be punished not Lan Zh - not Wangji. I seduced him, I led him astray, please shufu, you know your nephew, how could he do such a thing if it were not for me?! It was me, it was all me!"
Lan Wangji’s eyes widened, shocked. No, this wasn’t what they’d agree to say! “Wei Ying -”   
“Indeed,” interrupted an Elder from where all twenty-five of them waited in jingshi’s courtyard. The other eight were not currently present in Cloud Recesses, but it hardly mattered. They had majority attendance, if a vote was to be called today. 
“Qiren,” the Elder stepped into the vestibule. “We’ve all watched Wangji grow up. We know his heart and his regard for Xichen. This isn’t his nature." 
Lan Wangji clenched his fist. Who were they to claim to know his nature, to know Wei Ying’s nature, when it was clear that prejudice had blinded them against evidence. So quickly they had allowed themselves to assume that Wei Wuxian must be the culprit to carry the burden of blame, that because he was from Yunmeng, that because he was Wei Wuxian, the son of the rambunctious Cangse Sanren, that he must necessarily be the wretch who corrupted Gusu’s irreproachable Hanguang-jun. 
Lan Wangji tried to open his mouth to argue in Wei Ying’s defence, but found that he couldn’t. He glanced towards his Uncle, who countered his distress with a sullen glare. Of course, the Silence Charm. The irony of the situation was not lost on him, and were he not in such a state of utter panic, Lan Wangji would have found it amusing. 
“You forget yourself, Wangji. ‘Wei Ying’ is not a name you can use. He is your xiong‘fu, and should’ve stayed that way,” said another Elder as he joined them. 
Were he and Wei Ying really such forgivable monsters, wondered Lan Wangji, for doing nothing more than love each other? Were they so despicable that his clansmen thought them terrifying enough to send all the resident Elders and his uncle?  
Kneeling on the floor, still clutching the ends of Lan Qiren’s robes, Wei Wuxian’s eyes were red and watery when they met his, and he shook his head at him pleadingly. 
Lan Wangji had never seen Wei Ying like this: obedient, frightened, and subdued. His heart squeezed in his chest so forcefully he could hardly breath. Overwhelmed by the sudden desperate need to be close to him, to hold him, Lan Wangji started forward, but his uncle had anticipated as much and planned one step ahead. Two sharp fingers jabbed into his meridians on either side of his chest before he could make half a move. 
Instinct overriding manners, Lan Wangji struck out his fist hard against his uncle’s shoulder, but it was too late. Even as he coughed wetly at the impact, Lan Qiren had managed to do as he intended. A palm, heavy and unyielding, slammed firmly into his nephew’s sternum.
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying cried his name, lurching forward, but two sets of hands grabbed him by the shoulder and elbow and pulled him back. 
Lan Wangji released a choked gasp. Deep within himself, he felt his golden core forcibly stutter to a stop, and the spiritual energy which flowed through his meridians faded through his limbs and tapered to nothing, like a river cut off from the sea. 
Without spiritual energy securing them in his possession, Bichen appeared in his grasp and his guqin materialized upon his table. In a heartbeat, the latter had disappeared again, confiscated by a single gesture from the Elder.  
“Relinquish your sword, Wangji,” spoke the man. 
“Do as he says, Lan Z...Wangji.” Over his uncle’s shoulder, Lan Wangji watched  Wei Wuxian let go of Suibian. Tears tracked down his pale ashen face as he lowered his eyes and allowed himself to be yanked roughly to his feet by the disciplinary officers. “I’m sorry for doing this to you. I was weak. Forgive me.”
No, no, no! Shut up! Shut up!!   
Lan Wangji trembled with everything he couldn’t put to words. His grip on Bichen slackened, and he barely noticed when his sword was taken from him.
Wei Wuxian had already turned away. 
Wei Ying, Wei Ying!!! 
One after another, the disciplinary committee left jingshi, escorting the husband of their Sect Master - their Wei-jun - away, restrained and subjugated as though he were a mere miscreant. The door slid shut just as the last of the Silence Charm ebbed away. 
“Wei Ying! Wei Ying!!” 
Lan Wangji slammed his fist against the door, but the wooden frame which would’ve usually been reduced into splintering pieces held steadfast under his hand, as strong as steel, as solid as stone. 
A faint blue glow enshrouded his residence. He stumbled back, raising his eyes to follow the sprawling aura as it merged seamlessly above him.
Echoed the Grand Master’s voice from the other side. 
No, no, no, no, no.... 
“Wei Ying! Wei Ying!! WEI YING!!” Realization dawning on him, Lan Wangji threw himself into the barrier and beat at the door again, again, and again, until his knuckles busted open and his palm bled red. He swallowed thickly, feeling bile rising in his throat. The meager pain of his hands did nothing to numb the horror festering in his chest.
Just like they’d done to his mother, the Elders had sealed Lan Wangji inside this house. 
[part 2]
兄夫 xiong’fu - older brother’s husband, this term doesn’t technically exist in Chinese, I just made it up lol 
*another part is coming! i swear! it was getting long, so i just posted this.*  
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kurowrites · 4 years
Snow - Chapter 9
Entire fic. AO3. 
Bet you all thought you were safe, ehehehe.
It’s a few days after that memorable Saturday that Wei Ying has an unexpected visitor in his office. He doesn’t have unannounced visitors often – usually people call or email him first if they want something from him. It’s a surprise, therefore, that someone knocks at the door of his office mid-afternoon, and it’s an even bigger surprise when no one other than Lan Qiren, the president of the university, waltzes through his door.
Wei Ying has never even met Lan Qiren on a personal basis, though he’s seen him before: slim and tall, with a long beard and strict, sharp eyes. Now that he knows Lan Zhan, the kinship between the two is evident in terms of looks and manners. But there is something about Lan Zhan that puts Wei Ying immediately at ease, and there’s something about Lan Qiren that puts him immediately on edge. Lan Zhan is very warm once you get to know him; Lan Qiren is frosty no matter how you look at him.
There can only be one reason why a busy man like Lan Qiren has come to find Wei Ying: Lan Zhan. And by the look on his face, Lan Qiren hasn’t come to congratulate them on their budding relationship.
Lan Qiren strides though the room and stands in front of Wei Ying’s desk, staring down at him wordlessly. It’s rather rude, Wei Ying thinks, but it’s Lan Zhan’s uncle, so he’s going to try and be polite.
“How can I help you?” he asks with his best attempt at friendliness.
“Do not act innocent,” is Lan Qiren’s immediate reply. “I know what you are doing.”
Wei Ying raises his eyebrows. That’s a big statement, considering that Wei Ying himself doesn’t know what he’s doing, especially when it comes to Lan Zhan.
“Excuse me?”
“You are the man who has seduced my nephew.”
Wei Ying feels his eyebrows rise even higher. Well, that statement is partially true. Wei Ying certainly helped Lan Zhan on, but no seducing would have happened if Lan Zhan hadn’t been equally intent on being seduced. It hadn’t been Wei Ying’s idea to get tied to a bed and be fucked with excruciating, meticulous slowness, after all. That had all been Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying clears his throat to answer.
“Even if I did, I can hardly see how that concerns you, President Lan.”
“Do not be insolent!” Lan Qiren cried. “Of course it concerns me when a stray dog like you suddenly lurks around my nephew! Your academic credentials are excellent, that much I will allow, but do not think for one minute that your status is equal to him! He has always been a collected, reasonable person, and the moment he sees you he starts getting rebellious! He should be looking for a proper partner, not something like you!”
That hurts. In all fairness, Wei Ying is used to people looking down on him, insulting him, so Lan Qiren’s words are nothing new. He’s heard diatribes like this too many times already. But the insinuation that he is not and will never be a proper partner to Lan Zhan, that one hurts. It shouldn’t; he’s known from the beginning that Lan Zhan is in this for his own personal reasons. Reasons that have nothing to do with Wei Ying, reasons that Wei Ying is aware have nothing to do with love. He still put his heart on the line, and this is the result. The reminder is unwelcome and painful.
Lan Zhan doesn’t love him. He knows that.
He quickly shakes the thought off, and concentrates on the anger rising within him. Anger is much easier to handle.
“Are you suggesting Lan Zhan should be looking for a wife? For marriage? And children?” he asks. “You can’t force him into that for your own convenience. He deserves to make his own choices!”
Lan Qiren huffs in condescension. “If you are suggesting I am homophobic, let me assure you I am not. I have long known about my nephew’s homosexual inclinations. His wishes in that regard shall be respected. But you, I cannot approve of. If he chooses a partner, it shall be among his own peers, a son of a respectable family. Not a mongrel like you.”
Wei Ying stares at Lan Qiren for a moment, a quick reply dying on his tongue.
A mongrel.
A mongrel.
“I think you’ve said enough,” he says sharply. “This mongrel still has work left to do. Please leave my office.”
“Stay away from my nephew, if you know what’s good for you,” Lan Qiren says, and stalks out of the office, slamming the door.
The office is completely silent after Lan Qiren has left, and only gradually does Wei Ying becomes aware that he’s literally shaking. He balls is hands into fists, tries to calm himself down, but the shaking won’t stop. He’s upset, and, yes, he realizes after a moment, he’s feeling afraid. He has no doubt that this is the end. His personal feelings don’t matter. And even if Lan Zhan likes him, and likes fucking him, that’s not enough to go against the opinions of his uncle.
Wei Ying knows it well. Lan Zhan is strict and rule-abiding, and he has a high respect for both his older brother and his uncle. If his uncle tells him to do something, Lan Zhan will listen. And Wei Ying has no doubt that Lan Qiren will tell Lan Zhan to stop seeing Wei Ying, to stop involving himself with a person like him. And Lan Zhan will no doubt see how inappropriate their entire relationship is, and will end it.
Of course he can do better than Wei Ying! There are many handsome, well-bred, gay men out there, and any of them would be happy to date a man like Lan Wangji. There could be no objection to him by anyone, in any way. He’s incredibly good-looking, smart, educated, rich, good at caretaking, good at cooking, good at cleaning – there is not a single thing in which Lan Zhan doesn’t excel. Well, with the exception of talking, perhaps. He is rather stingy with his words. But some people might appreciate that all the more. After all, there’s never an insincere, inconsiderate word out of Lan Zhan’s mouth. When he speaks, he means it. He’s just an all-around good person. Whoever gets him in the end will be lucky indeed.
And Wei Ying has no right to keep Lan Zhan tied to him. It would be selfish, too, asking for more presents, for more attention than Lan Zhan is already willing to give. He has no claims on Lan Zhan, other than a casual engagement to fuck and spend a good time together.
Fuck, he doesn’t want to be rejected. He’s not sure how well he’d take it if Lan Zhan actually said “I don’t want you anymore” to his face.
Suddenly, all these people who do crazy things for those they love start to make much more sense. He would do crazy things for Lan Zhan, too.
He takes out his mobile phone and sends a quick message to Lan Zhan.
[Wei Ying] Do you have time to talk?
Then he turns back to his work and tries to concentrate for the rest of his working hours. He’s only vaguely successful.
Lan Zhan sent him a message that he will be waiting at a café close to university after work, so Wei Ying makes his way over there as soon as he’s finished for the day. The weather outside is cold and overcast, with a wet chill that quickly settles in his bones despite Lan Zhan’s warm sweaters and soft scarf. The warmth of the café is all too welcome a sensation when he opens the cute art nouveau entrance door.
He almost immediately catches sight of Lan Zhan, easy to spot in his shining white turtleneck sweater among the dark gleaming wooden interior of the café. He’s sitting at a small table, and he’s looking directly at Wei Ying. It’s… flattering, honestly, to have Lan Zhan’s attention as soon as he comes through the door.
When he steps closer, he notices that Lan Zhan’s hair is slightly damp, probably due to the weather outside, and the tips of his hair are curling a little. It makes him look so much softer than usual, and it makes Wei Ying want to push his fingers through that hair, get as close as he can, and kiss him.
He wants to kiss Lan Zhan very badly. Take comfort in his physical presence.
God, he’s a little messed up. He’s come here to break up with Lan Zhan, after all.
He swallows his instinct and takes the seat opposite Lan Zhan’s, smiling at him brightly.
“Hi, Lan Zhan,” he says, feeling a little silly about how silly he’s being. One look at Lan Zhan, and his resolve is already wavering. He’s so weak, it’s embarrassing.
Lan Zhan’s uncle called him a mongrel, and looking at Lan Zhan’s face, Wei Ying cannot help but think that he’s willing to be called a mongrel a thousand times as long as he gets to keep Lan Zhan.
“You wanted to talk,” Lan Zhan says. “Do you need something?”
Oh god, did Lan Zhan come here thinking Wei Ying called him out to ask for money?
“Ah, no!” Wei Ying stutters. “No, everything is fine. No. It’s just…”
Lan Zhan simply looks at him, evidently waiting for him to get on with it.
“I had a visit from your uncle today,” he starts hesitantly.
The effect is immediate. Lan Zhan straightens up (if someone with a s posture as straight as his can straighten up, that is) and grows rigid. It’s not a good sign for what’s to come.
“He, uh, might have made his… unfavourable position on our relationship clear?”
Lan Zhan breathes a deep sigh and looks out of the window for a moment.
Well, there it is. There is no way that Lan Zhan’s decision will be in favour of Wei Ying. He’s only a sugar baby, after all. There are thousands of those, and better ones, too. People that actually have taste and class, and will not embarrass Lan Zhan when they’re seen together in public. People that Lan Qiren might even approve of.
“My uncle’s opinions and concerns have been noted,” Lan Zhan says stiffly. “However, my uncle does not get to make decisions regarding my relationships. I have asked him not to take your grievances up with you. I will have to speak with him again.”
“Lan Zhan, I–” Wei Ying stutters, panicking a little. Did Lan Zhan have a fight with Lan Qiren over Wei Ying? “Lan Zhan, you can’t mean– He’s your–”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan says gravely. “My uncle is a good man who takes his responsibilities seriously. However, that does not mean he is always right. And seeing that we are all adults, he might have the right to voice his opinion, but he does not get to make any decisions for me. He was out of place to come and speak to you. If he does it again, you are to tell me immediately.”
“Lan Zhan, I can’t be responsible for familial strife.”
This time, Lan Zhan leans forward and takes Wei Ying’s hand, cradling it in his own. It is unexpectedly soothing, to have that contact. Wei Ying fights the intense urge to abandon all manners and crawl into Lan Zhan’s lap right there and then.
How much he wishes for that comfort now. He shouldn’t but he still wants.
“You are not,” Lan Zhan replies, stroking the back of Wei Ying’s hand with his thumb. “It is my uncle’s problem if he refuses to accept my decisions, and it has nothing to do with you. He is not to trouble you again.”
Lan Zhan’s insistence loosens one knot in Wei Ying’s chest. Lan Zhan doesn’t want to break up, that much is clear. At the same time, it ties another knot of worry in his chest. He certainly doesn’t want Lan Zhan to get into a fight with his family for the sake of what, a sugar baby? That can’t be worth it no matter how you look at it. Lan Zhan might get tired of Wei Ying one day. But if he destroys his relationship with his uncle, he will destroy it forever. No no, that can’t be.
As Wei Ying is still trying to find the right words, Lan Zhan suddenly asks, “Are you free this Saturday?”
It’s a strange non-sequitur, especially from Lan Zhan.
Still, Wei Ying nods. Of course he’s free. Half of his free time has been consumed by Lan Zhan lately. The other half has been consumed by thinking about Lan Zhan.
“My brother will be back by Saturday,” Lan Zhan explains. “We shall have brunch together. He is… more supportive.”
Wei Ying stares at him for a minute. Lan Qiren has made his disapproval clear, so Lan Zhan plans to introduce Wei Ying to his brother?
He cannot help but smile the tiniest little bit. He’s sensing a rather strong rebellious tendency in Lan Zhan today. For once, their roles seem almost reversed.
He tries to imagine himself as the sugar daddy, and laughs to himself. Oh no, that would be terrible. For one, he doesn’t have any money. There is nothing he could offer that Lan Zhan would want, if their roles were reversed.
“Your brother?” he asks, gathering himself. “I’d be happy to meet him. I’m a little curious to see you two together. I want to know with whom you grew up with.”
“My brother is a very generous, kind person,” Lan Zhan says, and Wei Ying figures that is extraordinary praise.
Lan Zhan keeps holding his hand even as the coffee they order comes, and Wei Ying basks in the warmth of the café and the warmth of Lan Zhan, wanting to remain in this bubble as long as he can.
Lan Zhan wants to keep him around for at least a little longer, and Wei Ying can live a little longer without heartbreak.
He smiles at Lan Zhan.
It’s good.
He ignores the black tar that’s slowly dripping out of his heart.
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satonthelotuspier · 5 years
❄️ Untamed Winter Fest 2019 ❄️
Day 31 - Beginning - 2.0k
More Xicheng from my Jiang Family AU - the story leads on from Day 2, Day 4, Day 21 and Day 26 if you missed them.
CW for living with Mental Health Issues.
“I’ve emailed you three properties that might work, will you have a look later and let me know whether you like any of them? I’ll arrange a viewing for the weekend if you do”
Jiang Cheng had his phone on speaker; he took the brief interlude while he spoke to Lan Xichen to fuss Snowdrop who had been sleeping at his feet.
“If I can get this commission sent for approval this afternoon I will” he promised as Snowdrop tried to jump into his lap to investigate his desk. Hearing Lan Xichen’s voice but not being able to see him confused her greatly.
“Are you struggling? Do you want me to stay at mine tonight? I can come and collect Snowdrop”
“No no, I should be finished, I’m just at a roadblock right now; your call came at a great time to give me a break actually”
“If you’re sure...”
“Very, I’m going to take Snowdrop for a you know what once we hang up and treat myself to a trip to the coffee shop on the way back. That should get the braincells firing again” he stretched his kinked shoulders out, spine arching to release the tension of being hunched at a computer screen since first thing that morning.
“Right, I hope you enjoy your Chai Latte or whatever abomination you end up ordering, I’ll be there about half seven tonight, I’ve got a quick meeting with Wangji and Uncle Qiren at six. Shall I pick up some food on the way over if you’re on a deadline?”
“Great, yes, thanks,” he jumped up as Xichen hung up and went to collect Snowdrop’s leash.
They walked to the park and he spent a little more time on training Snowdrop how to play fetch with a suitable stick he found, then back to his building via the coffee shop, where he treated himself to the promised Chai Latte and a muffin for lunch.
They were virtually at the door when Snowdrop spotted another dog and gave an almighty yank on her leash in her excitement, he just about managed to keep hold of her but his Chai Latte was firmly knocked out of his hand and the luckily cooled drink drenched him from head to toe.
He would have been frozen in shock if he didn’t have to wrestle with an overexcited dog, “Snowdrop, sit” and she finally relented, looking at him expectantly for a treat when she complied. “Are you joking? You think you’re getting a treat after your shenanigans?” he demanded in irritation, wiping at his face, futilely as it turned out because his sleeve was just as soaked in coconut milk and chai.
He noticed the man who’d stepped onto the pavement and stood watching then; and fuck but his heart stopped.
Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen’s uncle. What was he doing here? What was wrong?
He didn’t fid out the purpose of the visit. Lan Qiren merely confirmed Lan Xichen was alright, stayed to have tea with him and discuss various bland topics then left, without ever saying much beyond the formalities.
He shrugged it off, showered and changed out of his stained clothes and got back to work on his project, hitting the send button just after six.
Nice, he’d have time to check Lan Xichen’s email before he arrived with food.
He scanned the properties and quickly discounted all of them. They were all beautiful, close to parks for Snowdrop, with generous gardens so she’d be able to run loose when she wanted, but they were well out of his price range.
He wasn’t poor by any standards, he was comfortable and could afford a nice apartment on his own, but the Lans were in the big money leagues. Perhaps Xichen just wasn’t aware of the difference in their means. Some people born to money didn’t have much of an understanding of how it worked in reality, and while Xichen was anything but stupid he could be naive about some things.
It would be embarrassing but he’d have to say something; he didn’t want Xichen to think he was being obstructive and he genuinely did want to move in with him but it needed to be something that wouldn’t bankrupt him in a few months. As a freelancer he couldn’t always guarantee his income and he couldn’t afford to dip too often into his savings.
He set the table so it was ready for when Lan Xichen arrived and grabbed his tablet to do some searching of his own.
The best way to end any conflict positively was to show Xichen he was taking it seriously, so he would present some possible properties of his own.
He’d found one that was a tentative tick for all his boxes by the time he heard the doorbell, so he bookmarked the page and went to let Xichen in.
Over dinner Lan Xichen regaled him with the tale of how his uncle Qiren had laughed for 10 minutes straight during their meeting when he told them of the Chai Latte incident and how hilarious it had been to have Jiang Cheng act formal and serve him tea still covered head to toe in coconut milk.
Jiang Cheng was less than impressed.
“Really, so he turns up for what reason? Sees me at my least glorious, makes me serve him tea then has the temerity to tell my boyfriend and my brother-in-law while laughing his ass off that I looked like an absolute twat”
“Wanyin, honestly it wasn’t like that. And the reason was as we’re talking of moving in together he wanted to come and visit you. He approves, honestly I’ve never heard him laugh like that before, it was like he was possessed. He said you’d make me happy”
“Oh great, your uncle approves because you’re moving in with a fucking clown” he threw his chopsticks down on the table and Xichen reached over to try and take his hand.
He snatched his away.
“Why are you pouting about this Wanyin? It was a funny accident, and my uncle didn’t mean that at all. He did the same to Wei Wuxian when he and Wangji were becoming serious; he didn’t mean any disrespect” he put his own chopsticks down and moved around the table to kneel beside Wanyin and catch hold of his hands. “I’m sorry. I’ll ask Uncle to apologise too if it will make it better, we didn’t mean to hurt you”
Jiang Cheng shook him off and got to his feet, putting space between them, and honestly he knew he was being childish and pathetic, but when had that ever stopped him before? Really Xichen was going to find out about this side of his personality sooner or later, better now before they’d committed themselves to a home together. Lucky for Xichen even.
“Nice, then I look like the petulant child who can’t take a joke, lets not do that” he jammed his hands into the pockets of his battered jeans to keep him from going to town on the contents of the table.
“If it hurt you then we need to apologise”
“I’m not hurt. Stop making me sound piteous”
He saw the moment Xichen realised no matter what he said he was going to get a negative response; it was like shutters went down behind his eyes and his face lost it’s usual expressive warmth. He had never looked more like Lan Wangji in Jiang Cheng’s sight before.
“So what do you want me to do then Wanyin?” he asked with spread hands, but they both probably knew at this point nothing he could do or say would help.
Jiang Cheng moved to the table to take up his crockery, “Stop being so accommodating, it’s pathetic” he snapped and stalked off to the kitchen. He slammed the crockery down so hard some of it smashed, and Lan Xichen had followed him into the kitchen.
Why wouldn’t he back off and leave Jiang Cheng alone to cool down like any sensible person would? If he’d had sense he’d have taken Snowdrop and retreated to his own place by now to let Jiang Cheng rage in peace.
Because he had the audacity to stick around obviously Jiang Cheng wouldn’t let him be. “Oh and those places you sent me, you’ll have to scratch them all off the list. You need to get real and look in a more reasonable price range” You fucking idiot, you know you should do this when you’re calm and sensible.
“Jiang Wanyin, that doesn’t matter, money isn’t an object-”
“Wrong” he snapped, “Money isn’t an object for you, pretty little rich boy, it most certainly is for me. Sorry you shacked up with a prole, Your Highness, but that means you have to take notice of things those of us who live in the real world have to consider, like how much I can seriously afford to sink into mortgage repayments or rent each month”
“I didn’t intend to rent or mortgage”
“How nice for you. As mentioned, however, that really isn’t going to work for me. I’m not your royal whore, Your Highness, I will be paying my share” like he’ll still even be here tomorrow, never mind want to move in with you.
Xichen pinched the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb, “Can we talk about this another time please Wanyin, when you’re not so-?”
“Emotional? Brutally honest? Sure, whatever, get lost” he turned his back to Xichen and busied himself in the sink.
He heard Xichen’s sigh, heard him walk out of the kitchen, the rattle of Snowdrop’s leash and the outer door open and close behind them.
Great. That was that then. The end. He’d done it again. Well done Jiang Cheng, your one hundred percent record of self sabotage remains undiminished.
He channelled himself into cleaning up like a demon to work through the remaining anger, and then the pain.
Pain was difficult to deal with when it was purely self-inflicted though, when half of him wanted himself to suffer because he knew he fucking deserved it.
If he went into default depression mode and went straight to bed to lay and brood all night once the cleaning was done then that was now his business.
He must have drifted off (cried himself) to sleep pretty quickly as it was only later, when the bed dipped behind him that he realised he wasn’t alone in the apartment anymore.
He rolled over, confused.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” Xichen’s soft voice.
“Are you coming to smother me?” he asked tentatively, and Xichen laughed that sweet, soft laugh of his.
“No, but can I hold you? Will it get me eviscerated?” he reached down to tentatively cup Jiang Cheng’s jawline and brush his cheek with a soft, stroking thumb.
“Not now” Jiang Cheng admitted timidly, nuzzling into the caress like a cat. Then he threw his arms around Xichen's neck and squeezed him tightly. “I promise I’m taking my medication. I can usually deal with it, neutralise it, it just took me by surprise tonight. It’s been a long time”
Xichen gathered him close against his chest and made soothing noises, “Soon can we talk about how best for me to help you if it does happen again? I didn’t know what to do and it was worrying for me”
Jiang Cheng nodded against his chest, “Honestly, just get out of my way. I’ve never yet been violent but I’m verbally nasty. It’s better for you to just go leave me be, take a bath and lock the bathroom, take Snowdrop for a walk”
“Alright, we’ll talk about it more later, just cuddle with me now Sweeting, we can deal with everything else another day”
“I didn’t think you were coming back” Jiang Cheng admitted.
“I did. Today is just the beginning of our lives together. Tomorrow will be too. Lets take the things we need to one day at a time, and plan for the things we can” he felt Xichen’s lips brush his forehead and snuggled closer.
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