#How to Make the Most of a Day Trip to Hana
caramel-maveeato · 1 year
ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜ ♡˚₊。。。
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❧❤ SYNOPSIS: you “accidentally” drink too much, your boyfriend comes to the rescue... ♡ Pairings/Love interest: So Mun x GN!reader ♡ Genre: fluff, reader is also a counter ♡ TW: mentions of alcohol, slight cursing ♡ Word count: 1.6k
Note: All characters originated from “The Uncanny Counter/Amazing Rumor” except for Y/n.
English is not my first language!!! Sorry in advance if I make any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
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You had no idea how this happened. It was supposed to be a silly (stupid) decision to try all the soju flavors you could find in your local store and see which one tastes the best.
And here you were, passing out cold on your table for god knows how long and looking like you were in the middle of some demonic ritual, except replacing candles with a bunch of half-done bottles of soju. 
Reaching out for your phone, your vision was blurry and your head was spinning from consuming too much alcohol, but you still managed to comprehend whatever appeared on the screen. More than 10 missed calls from Ms. Chu, several from Hana and Motak, and even a few from your new teammate Jeokbong, all bombarding your poor phone with continuous notifications of unanswered calls and texts. 
And the most impressive number was 22 missed calls from So Mun.
Holy shit.
What the fork happened while you were blacked out? Why did everyone blow your phone up? Once again, you had no idea. 
You took a quick glance at some of the texts from Hana, it turned out that the team was alerted by a level 2 evil spirit, but you were nowhere in sight or in contact. 
Cursing quietly under your breath for recklessly giving in to your impulsive decision, you held your pounding head with one hand, wincing in discomfort as you tried to get up from your seat. 
Your legs trembled from the horrendous migraine. You could barely walk, the ground seemed to sink and dig a hole underneath your foot every time you took a step, yet you were still confident enough to think you would make it to Eonni’s noodle in this half-drunk condition. 
You placed your other hand on the wall, trying to support your now-useless legs while you struggled to reach your front door. The hallway in your house has never been this long before, it was almost like you were walking on a treadmill while being hung upside down. 
Yet, things couldn’t even get worse. You, for some reason, tripped on pure air, staggering on your feet and ready to descend. 
You couldn’t hear your front door making a click sound as it flung open, but you for sure noticed that the ground wasn’t as hard as it looked, perhaps it wasn’t the ground. A familiar scent filled your nostrils, your eyes shut tight and you dropped into a familiar warmth. Even the way that pair of arms instantly wrapped around your figure was also too familiar. 
Your ears ring with the sound of silent nonsense, humming like different noises blending together chaotically after the sudden fall. But you were quick to come back to your senses again upon hearing the voice you secretly would be dying to hear every day. 
“Y/n! Hey, Y/n, are you alright?!”
Instead of answering, you clung onto him like a koala on a tree and pressed your face against his chest, taking in his pleasant scent to ease up the nose-aching smell of alcohol flowing in your living room. 
Your boyfriend hugged you back just as tightly. His chest rose and fell urgently against yours, even the sound of his heartbeat was so loud that it was as if he just ran a whole mile, which he pretty much did: “Y/n… you scared me to death, you know that?”
Your voice was muffled against his skin, murmuring exhaustedly: “Sorry, I was…um, sleeping.”
So Mun let out a sigh, both relieved and somewhat frustrated. But you both knew very well that he could never stay mad at you for so long. He gently pulled you out of his chest to look you in the eye, which you weakly protested and glued yourself back into his arms: “Did you drink?”
Knowing there were no other excuses you could make, you didn’t have a choice but to nod your head in confirmation, making him sigh again with concern shown clearly in his voice: “Why? You were never one to black out drunk before, did something happen?”
You had to explain to him, in detail, the real reason so he wouldn’t get so worried, hiccupping between your breaths as you talked. You noticed So Mun’s eyebrows raised slightly the more you spoke, seeming to be very amused at you while he pinches your nose gently, helping you hold your breath to stop the hiccup and trying to suppress his smile.
After you were done talking and hiccupping, he cupped your cheeks and lifted your face up, examining your face to see if you were truthfully doing fine and if there was no uncomfortable secret you hid from him. Then, he planted a peck on your lips, not caring if the taste of fruit-flavored soju started lingering on his lips as well: “Are you able to walk?”
You nodded lightheartedly, trying to stand up although your legs didn’t even waste a second to betray you again. 
He chuckled, running his hand on your flushed cheek to feel how your temperature had raised under the influence of alcohol, his eyes softly and attentively at yours before he turned around to face you with his back: “C’mon, everyone is waiting for us.”
If your face wasn’t already reddened, his action right now definitely made an impact on making your skin bloom with heat. You climbed onto his back, grinning quietly as you made sure to wrap your arms around his neck firmly. His strong body picked you up with zero effort, handling you with so much care like you’re his most precious treasure. 
You could only realize how worn out you were when you finally relaxed against his back, letting him escort you out of your house with one of his hands holding your shoes. 
His hair tickled your skin when you buried your face in his nape. You couldn’t help but want to mess with him a bit despite how shitty your body was feeling at the moment: “Dear, I think I want to puke.”
So Mun’s footsteps stopped in their tracks at the announcement, not knowing whether he should laugh or panic. His head tilted to your face slightly even when he couldn’t really see how hard you were trying to hold your giggle: “As much as I love you, don’t you dare throw up on me, Y/n-ah.”
You burst out laughing. However, you soon toned down since your throat and stomach were honestly acting up lightly from the burning of liquor: “Just kidding, you’re too good-looking for me to do such a thing.”
“Oh, you little...”
“I know, I know. I love you too, So Munie.”
He smiles, his ears turning pink at your remarks, squeezing his hold on your thighs affectionately: “I love you too, sweetheart.”
The night breeze sighed through your hair, supplying a fresh source of air to your aching lungs. You can’t help but wish you could stay like this forever, on his back and savoring his warmth. 
“So… you basically freaked everyone out just because of those flavored sojus?”
Despite So Mun’s words sounding somewhat like he was investigating you, his tone felt more nonchalant and playful, obviously he was only intending to annoy you. This made you roll your eyes, though you actually felt a wave of guilt for accidentally scaring your entire fam shitless:
“At least I came to the conclusion that peach is the best, and green grape is overrated.”
“Yeah yeah, and prepare yourself for what comes next. Ms. Chu and Hana-noona are probably holding spatulas waiting for you to be back.”
You whined quietly, your throat still burning fairly and your head sore just from the image of getting scolded by the mommies of the group: “As my amazing and caring boyfriend, I think you should help me out of that.”
“Maybe you deserve to be taught a lesson.” So Mun chuckles. From this angle, you couldn’t see that there was a glint blazing in his dark chocolate irises, his voice softening almost as tender as a whisper, so hazy that you nearly mistaken his voice for a whistle of the night wind:
“All jokes aside, you really did scare me so bad, baby.”
It’s only logical that they were freaking out when you suddenly disappeared, especially in the middle of chaos where things escalated badly not long ago—they’ve come face-to-face with one of the evil spirits who wiped out the entire Chinese counter team. Hearing nothing from you at such wrong-timing times only drove them to assume the worst.
“I can’t even stand the mere thought of something happening to you… You’re gonna give me a heart attack one day if you keep this up.”
Hearing this made you secretly go in awe. You nuzzled your face into his hair, feeling his soft curls scratch against your skin. Your arms tightened around his neck as you whispered: “I’m sorry… this will never happen again, I promise.”
So Mun nuzzled his head back against your face in returning to your loving gesture, lifting you up slightly so that you were even more pressed against him: “It’s alright, as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters."
He sent you one of his signature soft smiles, one that almost always beamed on his face whenever he caught a glimpse of you. While he carried you through the night, the streetlights on top of your heads glowing like stars: “The next time you plan on drinking, at least call me over so we can pass out drunk together.”
“And then get smacked on the head by the adults, hooray.”
“We’re also adults, Y/n…”
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cascader · 1 year
Hana writing YES!!! I want to ask for so many but I will GLADLY take 6- tipsy kiss for Jily!
kelsey!!! <3 thank you for inspiring me to write the most I have in six months (!!!) have some canon-compliant, tipsy, pre-relationship jily <3
“Oh. Oops.” James weakly tries to right the suit of armor he’s just slammed against the wall. Lily winces at the sound of creaking metal as James fumbles it once, twice. 
She mutters a quick Silencio on James and the armor, which may or may not work, and grabs it from him. 
She leans the figure back onto its own two feet handily and surveys the corridor again quickly before casting him a side-long look. “I didn’t realize you were that drunk.”
He scowls. “I’m not. My hand-eye coordination is always the first to go.” 
“That’s… ironic.”
James narrows his eyes at her. They’re warm in the low light. Ever so slightly unfocused, but firmly on her.  “I didn’t realize you were this sober. What, were you tossing out your drinks?”
Before Lily can think: “Out of bed at this hour? I can hear you!”
Lily swears again as Filch’s voice seems to echo down the corridor. “Guess I’m not that sober. Come on, come on.” 
Lily hustles down the corridor, then breaks into a jog, only looking back for James as she turns the corner. He catches up to her easily. 
“We’re on the third floor, right?” James hisses. “He sounded a bit far away — we could probably make it to…”
“I’m thinking!”
“Merlin, Potter, isn’t this your day job?”
“No one asked you to follow me out here. You were being nosy,” he accuses. 
“I was being helpful,” Lily huffs, cutting herself off to take a breath. She casts a glance to James, who’s smirking. “You were trying to break into the Hufflepuff common room drunk—”
“I’m not drunk — I’m not that much of a lightweight!”
“That’s what you object to? You’re not going to defend breaking and entering?”
“I need to know how they beat us! Their defense is bloody awful! It makes no sense.”
“Oh, bloody—” Lily jolts to stop as she rounds a corner and nearly tramples Mrs. Norris. 
The cat blinks at her, then yowls loudly. 
Lily hears a triumphant, responding shout from Filch, sounding somewhere nearby. 
“Okay, where now?” Lily whispers frantically. She holds a hand out like that will placate Mrs. Norris and backs up around the corner again. 
She turns to look up at James, who appears to be thinking more deeply than she’s ever seen him. 
He hesitates, then winces, then closes his eyes. “Where… are we?”
Lily blinks. She surveys the corridor around her. “I…”
“Where are you, my dear?!” Filch sounds far closer. 
“Fuck, he’s fast. I saw a… just come on,” James hisses, grabbing her wrist loosely and taking off back the way they came. Lily nearly trips to catch up with him and he rights her with a clumsy hand.
They round one corner, two — Lily can hear footsteps now, and she and James simultaneously break into a full sprint — before James lets out a little “aha!” and brings her careening to a stop by the shoulder. She feels the heat of his palm through her sleeve and it jerks feeling back into her body in one rush of a second — her legs are tired, her chest is tight, her cheeks are flushed. The air is cold, James is warm.
He jabs his wand against a door she now notices they’ve stopped in front of and grabs her by the hand to push her inside, ahead of him. 
Lily half stumbles into the broom closet he’s found, feels James press in behind her, and hears the door click shut — actually rather slowly, rather quietly. 
Her hip brushes James’s legs as she turns around to face him. Even he’s a little out of breath. His eyes are closed behind his glasses, and he’s leaning his head back against the closed door. 
Suddenly his eyes blink open. They’re quite dark now. He’s quite close. 
“Thank—” he starts.
“Sh!” Lily clamps a hand over his mouth, and mutters out a more focused Silencio. She feels its magic settle over them. 
James watches her, perfectly still. Lily hears movement outside — heavy footfall. Fast, and then slowing to a stop. 
Lily instinctively leans closer to James. She closes her eyes, tilts to the side, and hooks her chin over James’s shoulder. She turns her face toward him so her cheek and ear press into the wood, searching for what’s on the other side. The closet isn’t big enough for her to listen any other way.
“—bloody rats. Next time, next time…” is what she thinks she hears. One second, two seconds. Three. More footsteps, this time getting softer. A faint meow. She counts to twenty. 
“Gone?” James says on an exhale, still against her hand, so quietly she wouldn’t hear it if she weren’t inches from him. His lips feel... soft.
His breath filters through her fingers and fans over her ear, warm but still raising goosebumps along her forearms, and, once more, Lily’s brought back into her body. She realizes James has turned his head toward her, also listening against the door. His chin slots neatly above the top of her head. 
She realizes his right hand hovers over her hip, not touching her. She feels like the moment is coming to her in flashes, in stop motion. 
She looks down to where their chests and hips and legs don’t touch — Lily’s leaning forward, straining. 
She takes the last half-step toward him and removes her hand from his mouth. She hears his sharp inhale. He’s half-hard already. They’re almost hugging, in a weird sort of way. His hand finally settles on her hip. He’s so warm, everywhere. 
She moves her face away from the door, tilts it up to look at him. His expression is inscrutable. His eyes are rather not. 
“Lily, I—”
She presses onto her toes, and she silences him again.
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moss-bride · 1 year
The lie of human kindness
Ren Hana x fem artist reader
1/3 chapters
She's covered in paint and hates the crusted splashes it left on her skin.
The garage her neighbors so kindly allowed her to use is a bit tight but she can't complain. This is the first time she's had a space outside her bedroom.
No. Not when there are so many artists out there that empty the living room of their dingy apartments to make their works.
She needs to make a trip to the hardware store to buy paint thinner and rounded tip brushes. She writes down her supplies on a notepad when her phone rings, the screen flashes to that familiar name. It causes a burst of nervous enthusiasm
to her most constant buyer.
She answers. "Mr Fox! What did you think of the photos I emailed you? Would you like to change anything? I'm finished with the base so by this Thursday will be your last chance to make edits." she's babbling. Something that happens often in their conversations
"No, it's coming out perfectly! " the smooth voice replies. He continually has nothing but compliments for her work. It makes her a little worried he's too afraid to give her criticism. 
Which is silly because a person wouldn't spend as much as he did on a work that isn't perfect. Right? 
In her doubt, she almost doesn't hear his next words. "I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to a gala."
"Me?" she's speechless for a moment. Unsure of what to say. "I…" The schedule in her notepad is empty as it's been since first started. Between work and … Work, time for clubbing is rare and she finds she hates the loud noise of clubs unlike some women her age.
She doesn't have to flip the page to know her time slot is open. Yet she hesitates. Having one on one time with Mr. Fox as his partner at a party with people she doesn't know is a daunting thing to consider.
"I'd love to go, Mr Fox but I don't exactly have proper clothes for a fancy party."
"I'll send you some!" he chirps. Ever the supportive fan. There goes her one reason. He often reminded her of a favorite uncle
She's honored that he would consider her so promising at her craft that he would show her off to acquaintances. Reminds herself that these are rich friends that could potentially commission and buy. 
This is an amazing opportunity to network. She shouldn't be so wary! nonetheless, her heart frets in her chest. She chews her lip. "I don't know if I'm comfortable being in your debt like that."
"Don't sweat it. Consider it an investment for how big a splash I envision you'll make for the scene." 
The easy grin of his is palpable through the phone.
he's always talking about culture, movements, and postmodernism. "Just knowing I'll be part of fostering such an artist is enough." she knew he would say something like that.
She doesn't know how to respond. Another thing that happens frequently between the two of them. Her eyes stare out the garage window. "I-"
Mr. Fox refuses to take the beginning of her stuttered refusal. "Perfect! I'll send someone to pick you up. Bye-bye." The tone rings and she's staring at the ended phone call in shock.
She shouldn't be upset with Mr. Fox,  oftentimes he was the lone benefactor to her works and he's a kind man. There's no malice to his intentions, in fact, he's looking out for her by doing this.
Yes, there are skeevy men, people in general, in the art world that take advantage of others. She has heard of their predatory moves from forums and community posts. 
But Mr. Fox was not one of them. She is fortunate to have met him so early in her career. An enthusiastic client is hard to come by.
On the day of the gala, a black expensive model car is sent to wait for her on the street, while she is climbing down the stairs, embarrassed to sit on the spotless leather seats inside. Neighbors gawk as she climbs in with her plain day clothes. Some wave as she leaves.
The ride to Mr. Fox's home is long. Perfect to recite her manners.
She printed out business cards and brought her satchel, a big green bag full of 'sketches' (finished works made to seem effortless), and her necessities. Keys, wallet, wipes for her glasses, and chapstick. She rustles through the items to make sure she has everything before the car starts driving.
Slowly she watches the apartments become brighter, luxury apartments, then comes a bit of suburbia, then the gated ones, the big mansions with obnoxious features and long driveways. 
These people love their privacy.
When they arrive she's almost asleep, forehead pressed against the window. The driver wakes her. 
The front of his home is as beautiful as she imagined. Not the ugly McMansions that she saw on the way but an elegant building with manicured trees and a welcoming structure. Not too showy and with the right amount of architecture to give taste. 
Clutching her bag protectively over herself she gathers her courage and follows the butler.
There are people in uniform doing chores around the place. Maids and servers that work for him. Gosh, even their professional uniforms make her feel underdressed. They scurry to put together any final preparations for the party. White tablecloths are set
No one's here yet. She might be a little earlier than expected.
When Mr Fox emerges from the upper doorway she breathes a sigh of relief and allows her shoulders to lax. He calls her name and warmly greets her. A smile displaying his sharp canine. "Ready for the big day?"
She gives a shaky confirmation in an attempt to appear confident but he sees through it and chuckles. Clasping a hand on her shoulder as they walk into one of the wings.
"You can get dressed here."
She looks around the well-furnished room. There's a bathroom connected to the far side. A spacious bed and draped on top, wrapped in plastic must be her dress.
"I'll be out in a minute."
He makes no motion to leave, she thinks that he is scanning her body from top to bottom. It makes her face heat.
She laughs. "I'm fine Mr Fox, you can go now."
He stands there for a moment then clears his throat and adjusts his tie. "Of course!"
He's about to shut the door when he pauses and motions her close. "Before I leave…." He snatched the lenses off her face. "You won't be needing these."
"My glasses?" she's unsure about him taking them. Everything is blurry, her eyesight is poor, barely above the legal limit to be considered blind.
He sighs. "There. Much better."
"I don't have contacts on…" but he already shut the door. A small click sounds. She should call him back and ask for them more firmly…. 
Instead, she lets the issue go. Later she'll explain how important they are and ask for them back.
The dress that Mr. Fox had handed her feels airy. Light as a feather and lacking the weight of material. She takes a bit of it in her hand and squints to her best ability trying to test if it's see-through. But that's just her right? It must be the draft. It is a bit cold.
Oh gosh. He really considered everything for this night. Mr Fox is nothing if not thorough but She doesn't need it. Her own underwear will be fine. And this level of planning is a bit unsettling.
she notices how delicate the garments are. Expensive. Did he put a lot of thought into her underwear?! She shakes that thought away. Feeling ashamed for associating it as creepy.
Slipping the dress over her head she struggles for it to settle around her chest.
The dress doesn't fit with the padding of her bra. She should have worn a strapless adhesive for tonight instead of a pushup. 
With much consideration she forgoes the bra since the gown is long and flowing, It should cover everything. There's a shawl to go along with the outfit and she's insanely grateful.
Next, she turns to the vanity. Huffing an exasperated breath at her smudged image. 
Everything's so smeared. Edges bleed into each other. 
On the desk, there are blobs of what must be a hairbrush and makeup. All new and unused. She does her best in thirty minutes and is blind as a bat. Utilizing muscle memory to do most of the work. She chooses to leave her hair down instead of clipped back from her face as it usually is when working. 
With that the effect is nerve-wracking. She feels like an entirely different person. A real Cinderella moment.
A knock sounds and they announce that people have begun to arrive.
"I'll be out in a minute!" she can't see the result. She'll trust Mr. Fox to inform her if her makeup is uneven.
Deep breaths. The lightness of the material makes her anxious again. However, they are waiting for her outside. She can't disappoint.
She slides into the heels and opens the door. Peeking out the hall. "Mr. Fox?"
No sign of the slight redhead. Instead, his bodyguards stand outside. Two of them as a unit. One is a big bald man to the left and a shorter, blond to the right. Hard lines of straight shoulders with no-nonsense
She smiles at them. "Nice to meet you."
They offer polite greetings but little else. She learns their names are Rhino and Roo. They sound like fake names, silly nicknames likely, but she doesn't want to make them uncomfortable by asking for real names. 
They have been so nice in guiding her.
The cool wind brushes her legs as she walks down the stairs, sliding her hand on the wood railing. It's like a scene from a movie!
She hears him before she can see him. At the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to descend.
His words make her feel naked. There's an underlying heat to them. "You look ravishing." her heart hammers at the thought of what his expression looks like now. Maybe it's a good thing she can't see because his face would leave her a stuttering mess.
"It's a beautiful dress." she bashfully gazes at a corner. The heels add height to her, making him four inches shorter but she never minded being taller. She stays at his side, enjoying the smell of his cologne. He's so warm. "You're very handsome yourself ." His suit is a deep burgundy with black accents. Lapels clean cut and hugging the waist.
Fox's voice resonates with a playfulness she hasn't had the pleasure of noticing before. "Are you flirting with me?"
She rears her head back and says, embarrassed. "Of course not. I don't mix business with pleasure." He chuckles at that.
He wants to be the exception.
A guest comes up to them with a steady tap of no doubt expensive shoes. "Fox, who is this gorgeous lady you are keeping to yourself?"
Mr. Fox introduces them. " She's the creator of paintings you see on my walls."
This man is blond with deeply tanned skin. If she had to guess he's a corporate type. "Fox here talks quite a bit about your talents."
The older man grins over the rim of a glass as she shoots him a look. He's all 'I told you so.' 
Her art unnerved most people and to discuss it so openly 
Human suffering plain to the eye. They only see that pain. Not the beauty in their panicked stares. White straining, turning pink with shocks of red worms until they become bloodshot. 
She paints that freedom. A study of human anatomy to remind everyone what they are. What will come.
Death is her inspiration, there is beauty in the midst of suffering angelic or from hell.
"Deserved flattery. Your images are visceral. Gut-wrenching." god the flattened is too much, she could get used to being complimented. "I did not expect such a sweet lady would be behind this gruesome work."
She laughed. "Never judge a book by its cover."
Talks and talks about a variety of things that go on in her life, and acts amazed at the news of his vacation to Jamaica. Then other guests join their conversation. Mr Fox is marching her from one acquaintance to the next and she knows she should be writing down names and information. Telling when she's open to commissions. Yet, all she could register is Mr. Fox beside her and his chuckling puffs when she says something funny.
She tries her best to be funny to hear it again and again.
An endless stream of beautiful guests that are interested in her work and admire it is refreshing to be around. The shame and secrecy of having to skip around the subject of her art gets tiring 
Hiding her muse is tiring, Death and the human form is the subject of her imagining and here they are celebrated.
When the evening is getting late he walks her to a patio, brushing past breezy curtains of red. The cool wind is a godsend on her hair.
He hands her a glass of wine and cups his own elegantly. He's so at home among the fortune and excess. She wishes at that moment for her phone, the way he looks is a divine masculine aura. He could be on the cover of a men's magazine.
"To our partnership."
She takes the offered cup and sips. Smiling softly at him as the burst of flavorful red wine spreads on her tongue.
He's gazing at her in the dark, illuminated by the orange glow of the light from one side and the soft pale of the moon on the other. "What is it?" 
His eyes must be keener than hers to see in the shadowy night. Does he notice her flushed shoulders and nervous tick? She's woozy from the drink already.
"I'm lucky to have met you, Mr. Fox." She tucks a strand behind her ear and is about to do the same to her other ear when she feels the warm pad of his thumb tuck it for her.
A polished claw gently scrapes her scalp.
Even with her blurry vision, the flaming orange flicker to his eyes catches her own. She tilts her head into the touch.
"My family and friends think what I draw is terrible. Satanic and devil worshiping, even." she gives a sardonic laugh. "I couldn't ever show them my sketchbook. No one wants to order family portraits from a gore artist. I didn't have anyone. But you…and the people here …understand."
Her admission gets her a sharp glimpse of teeth. A pearly fang. "Horror and shock are things to be celebrated, people scare easily on such subjects."
She's breathless as his nail slides against her brow. 'Exactly." 
She tries to take a step to him and she stumbles in the heels. Falling forward. His grip tightens on her arm. Without it, she would have face-planted. She laughs. "I don't feel very stable." without another thought she shucks them off, her bare feet flat on the floor.
"It's alright." he supports her with a surprising amount of strength. She wraps her arms around his waist and buries her face into his neck. Without her heels, she's back to being two inches taller than him. Chest to chest. 
She doesn't know she is being drugged. He can feel her pebbled breasts
"What happened to not mixing business with pleasure?" it's a husky whisper
She leans into his palm and closes her eyes. "You're not business. You're my friend." her only friend in this city. Her arms pull him closer for a hug. She pours her gratitude into her grasping arms, squeezing hard. Her friend…Who supports her and makes her feel appreciated.
It's easy to kiss him. She's intoxicated and forgetful of how intimidating his aura can be. The pit of nervous butterflies that she gets at meeting his eyes is gone, replaced by her need to share how much she feels for him. Laying three pecks on his lips after. The tenderness of each peck overwhelms him.
He's unresponsive. Horrified, she attempts to step away, about to utter an apology. Yet his hands refuse to let her go.
"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable," she says in a sudden moment of shame.
"Shh. Let's get you home." he tightens his jacket at her neck. It's laughable really, her shoulders are a bit ticker and it fits over almost like a shawl. 
"I want to stay with you," she mumbles against his skin. She kisses him again and this time he opens his mouth. With the first touch of tongues, she made a sound filled with need.
His breath is ragged and hot on her bruised lips.
"That's not a good idea…"
He's struggling with a decision she's not privy to. Muttering silent words in displeasure, smoothing his hair down with a right hand. She tries to hear what he's saying but her wine-drunk brain can't zero in on his meaning. Is he alright?
"Please, Fox." She both does and doesn't know what she's asking for
He pushes her away and she tumbles into the arms of Roo. For a slight figure, he has surprising strength.
She wants to dive back into his arms but the blond holds her still. Mr. Fox turns away. A growl threatened his words. "Go home."
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ovwechoes · 1 month
hope ur having a nide day so far!!
could u do tokkitsune hcs? sfw or nsfw i dont mind :D
i main kiri and i tweak out when theres a dva but it feels like nobody cares about tokkitsune anymore :(
TokKitsune / D.Va x Kiriko Headcanons (SFW) I never see anything for them anymore so I'm happy to write some (as a D.Va main)! I'll keep them SFW and if you'd like some NSFW ones send another ask through! Thank you for the request and they're under the cut - enjoy!
Who confessed? How did it go? Kiriko did imo - she's more open to the possibility of embarrassing herself with the confession, and would rather get the whole ordeal through and done with so that if she's rejected, the blow will be softer than if she waited too long. It caught Hana off guard, and at first I think that they had sort of a situationship, not putting a label on what they were with each other before actually asking each other if they wanted to be together officially. It was a sweet confession though, and Hana teases Kiriko all the time about how nervous she clearly was, with Kiriko doing the same back for when Hana explained she felt the same way.
Do they live together or want to? I like to imagine that they want to live together, and kind of already do with them both working for Overwatch now. In the beginning, they wanted to take things slow so they avoided the conversation of living together as much as they could, but they realised overtime how much they liked the close proximity they had in the OVW HQ. It made them realise that living together fully, in an apartment or home, wouldn't be any different besides from how many people lived with them. It's something they've decided they want, and they like the idea of having their own privacy and space away from prying eyes. Hana would've been the one to initiate it, asking what Kiriko felt about it and wanting to understand her perspective fully before asking if she wanted to start saving up with her to move out the HQ.
What is their relationship dynamic like? They're definitely the to be ‘opposites attract’ - Hana's the type of person who's introverted but still friendly, and enjoys her friendships even though her social batteries are worn down and barely functioning. She enjoys being able to do simple things with Kiriko, and often finds that Kiriko recharges her energy, bringing new motivation to her life that she hasn't found elsewhere. On the other hand, Kiriko's more extroverted and has practically a brand new social battery; she's not afraid to call people out or jeopardise her friendships with others because they go against her own moral code, and she often finds it hard to forgive and forget. With Hana, she's found herself learning how to forgive, and how to move on from her grudges. Kiriko still struggles with calling people out in an abrupt, brutally honest way, but Hana's shown her that she can do that and stand for her morals without letting her emotions overshadow her intentions. Kiriko likes that they have opposite approaches to things, and enjoys being with someone who's different from her and can show her things that she might not have considered in the past.
What are some places that are memorable for them, and hold importance in their relationship? One of the most memorable would be Kanezaka - when Hana surprised Kiriko with a trip there to celebrate their anniversary, it made her heart soar to know someone remembered that important place to her. Hana was curious about all the things that Kiriko told her about in the past, and wanted to see them for herself finally, so it was a trip that made them bond even more. It was a trip down memory lane, and they both enjoyed exploring Kiriko's past and seeing things that they might've forgotten about or were fixated on in previous conversations. It helped them bond too, and now they make an effort to explore Kanezaka together for their anniversaries, making a promise to do something new and exciting each time. Another general place that's memorable and important for them and their relationship is karaoke bars - their first date was at one, and they enjoyed every minute of embarrassing themselves to each other over bottles upon bottles of soju. It was the first time that they kissed, too, and so whenever they see one it brings up small, funny memories that they tease each other with. It's sweet, and they can't help but give into the temptation of spending the evening at whichever one they saw first, re-enacting their first date but with much more confidence, trust and love for one another.
What are some things they find challenging with each other? How do they work through it? Kiriko finds that she struggles the most with Hana's stubbornness, especially when it comes to accepting help. She finds it hard to watch Hana asleep at her desk, with alarms set for 30 mins from when she fell asleep so that she can continue her work without letting exhaustion get to the best of her. Hana refuses to accept Kiriko's help out of fear of being seen as too reliant, and it's something that Kiriko finds frustrating with her. All she wants to do is lend a hand, or an ear, or anything like that, and she feels helpless knowing that Hana wont accept it. It's something they've talked about, Hana feeling as though that it's not a valid argument and reassuring Kiriko that she truly genuinely doesn't need the help, but appreciates the offers always. It's led to Kiriko teaching herself how to cope with the refusals, and processing the fact that it's not personal and that if Hana wants help, she'll come to her (which she has in the past a couple times). It was hard for her, but she's willing to look past it because the positives of the relationship make this all the more worthwhile, and she isn't going to ruin a good thing because of an issue like this. Hana finds that she struggles the most with Kiriko's recklessness. She understands that Kiriko has a strong desire to show she can protect her loved ones and prove to them that she's someone they can trust, but it breaks Hana's heart when Kiriko comes back from missions with injuries that could've been prevented if this wasn't the case. The amount of pep talks and lectures Hana's given Kiriko about being safer, not to underestimate her enemy's abilities, and to consider her safety more often is insane. Hana worries about Kiriko a lot, and she's learned that as long as she's available to protect her when needed, and help her back up when she's injured, then she's doing something good for her. She wouldn't tell Kiriko how it makes her feel, though, and would instead try and give her ways to protect herself, or talk to others on the same missions as her about keeping an eye out on her.
How often do they go on dates, and what are some they enjoy the most? With their busy schedules, they only tend to go on dates when they're off work, and even then that entirely depends on how much energy Hana has left to spare for the day. Kiriko doesn't mind it, of course, and loves to be able to spend time with her partner no matter what they're doing together. One of the most common would be karaoke dates, or dinner dates at restaurants they've frequented so often to that they have their own table that the staff always escort them to. On the other hand, they'll sometimes enjoy movie nights in, picnic dates at night, or simply spa dates where they do all the high-maintenance things they've been putting off together like waxing, skin care, lash perms, the lot. If they're on the low end of their budget, they'll usually go to the store and buy new skincare they want to try, and spend the night in their robes helping each other with them while they watch reality tv shows with some takeout. It's their way of relaxing, often finding it more rewarding that spending more money doing something they might hate in the end. Though, they're not fussy and they love to spend time with each other in any way possible.
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yashiro-arisugawa · 2 months
Amanatsu is a Visual Novel that is centered around the male protagonist Haruto who leaves his colourless city life and moves to the countryside, seeking enriching life experiences. The VN has 3 main female leads, namely Kazuha, Kogane and Yashiro, with one route for each of them.
(Spoiler text / CG so pls beware)
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Most databases say that it has an average length of 20ish hours but the time taken of course increases or decreases depending on one's reading speed, owing to one's relative mental freshness or fatigue.
Day 1:
It's been off to a great start and lives up to the summer-y vibe that it promises to its audience. The characters are generally very warm and welcoming, given it's a rural setting where people are much closer to each other, with no digital walls separating them.
I was not expecting Haruto to be living with Kazuha though, so that came as a surprise. It obviously seems to gives Kazuha an advantage over the other two heroines, but her outright disinterest in romance somewhat makes up for it.
Kogane is the typical clingy imouto type and I don't really want to label her as ‘annoying’ s such, but she certainly is the high energy puppy type character. She speaks incredibly fast though, so hats off to her seiyuu Akino Hana. Sometimes I take a bit longer to read Kogane’s lines because she speaks so fast and my brain can't decide whether to focus my comprehension on the jp dialogues (contextually the most accurate) or the English text ( easier on the brain) 🤣.
Yashiro is the cool beauty and soft spoken type of heroine. Soft spoken usually evokes an association with timidness but she's far from that. She loves to joke and they're almost always ridiculous which is what I love about it. She doesn't try to force the jokes and they're just whack most of the time but Haruto's reactions to them is what fuels the comedy.
Another thing I really like so far is how natural the interactions feel. Especially so, with Hanayo san (Kazuha’s mother). Most teenage romance fiction tends to keep the parental interactions at bay, leaving the teenagers to their own devices. I wouldn't say it's necessarily a bad thing. In fact, even when there IS parental interaction, it is usually limited to the mother cooking when the protagonist leaves home in the morning for school or when he or she is back in the evening. In such scenarios, more often than not, after returning home from club or classes, the protagonist pretty much just goes up to their room and stays there except for dinner or some other minor interactions. More so for male protagonists/ characters.
However, in Amanatsu the interaction between Hanyo san and Haruto feels pretty natural. It makes it extra appealing for me because most of it is light hearted banter while Hanayo san also comes across as a kind caretaking adult who is actually involved, contrary to Haruto’s experiences with his biological parents back home.
Day 2:
(rip, the draft got deleted 💀)
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The second day was pretty fun as well, there's an overnight camping trip with the cast. Pretty much basic activites for camping, there's barbeque and curry making, tent setting up and everyone just generally fooling around and enjoying each others' company. I'm upset they cut out Iorin's face out of the art tho, like why would you 😭
I'm doing Kogane's route first so her route pretty much started already.
Nah man this shit is funny af
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Yep def on Kogane route. Finished all the choices now we just go with the flow. Like I said earlier, I don't want to call her annoying because she's really sweet, loving and genuine in her love and sunshine energy towards Haruto. We figure out that she's loney from within and is confused about how to handle her own feelings which scare her, because of the relationship between her parents who divorced 'amicably'.
Day 3:
It's a good route tho it feels a little long to me. To be honest whichever route I choose first in any VN so far has felt long just because I'm slightly fatigued by all the interactions in the common route. The others might not feel so long later because either I can skip the common routes or just start from the first choice save incase there won't be any new/ changed lines after I finished Kogane's route.
(for anyone reading this before they start playing Amanatsu- it will have some h scenes so please be prepared with earphones and whatnot. I anyways force skip all the h scenes in the vns I read because sometimes the all ages versions arent out/ available. Still gotta be careful of the CGs tho)
Day 4:
Did not even open Amanatsu or my VN folder because I was binge drawing a fem version of Zayne 😭😭 Hoping I'll finish at least Kogane route tmrw.
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canonsinthehead · 1 year
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement General Headcanon
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Kiryu: - He is a certified mama’s boy. Older woman love him. - if he could would casually dresses like he is from a 90’s sitcom. Can’t understand fashion especially whatever clown outfits people are wearing these days (THAT HE BETTER NOT SEE HARUKA PUT ON) - retired ddr/stepmania king, he was playing tournaments of with Nishiki and was killing it, ahh the good days -lowkey/deep down is an otaku - almost fainted when Haruka first had her periods even Akiyama had to explain how they works. - after Haruka, Izumi is the most attached to him.
Akiyama: - if he could, he would Wears Kimono 80% of the time at home and when he doesn’t have to wear suit for formal reasons, like wearing sandals and a regular kimono at the grocery store - love to karaoke with Kiryu. They sing Japanese 80s classics. Haruka: - is secretly shipping her favorite uncles behind their backs with her friends. She likes when Kiryu spends time with Nishiki (her favorite ship)
Nishiki: - for some reason keep attracting rich old men asking for his number - is very uncomfortable around older women (they seem to like him a lot) - likes bowling
Daigo: - was probably the most hardcore Kanye West fan during his rebellious phase but wants nobody to know about it, especially Majima. Daigo, himself cringe thinking of himself singing the lyrics by heart and dancing by himself. Majima: - love to do goofy workout videos with his kyodai. Even his back almost broke more times than he would like to admit, contrary to his kyodai who can do everything from start to finish. - loves to come to the orphanage and help out. His favorite activity is to organize birthdays. He always come up with a theme and a whole scenario/activities for the day based on what the person likes. One time on a princess theme birth day for Eri, he dress Kiryu as a prince and majima played his part with passion. Since he is a little better at understanding ‘’the younger generations language’’ and what they like, he successfully convinced Kiryu (and all the other uncles) to dress up as a kpop boy band for Haruka’s 20th birthday (her friends looooove it)
Saejima: - likes to dance and keeps it between him and majima - Is (kinda) into survivalism and camping. Majima kinda clowns him saying “the world is gonna end soon and we’re gonna die anyway” but never refuses a camping trip (summer or winter) with his kyoudai. Also while Majima loves calling him a “conspiracy theorist” he be the first to dig in his sworn brother’s stockpile when the power goes out.
Ryuji: - he was in coma, but now is in America with kaoru. - is fluent in English but has a tendency to roll his R’s (his English is better than his Korean no matter how many times joongi tries) - is a dedicated TWICE fan. He likes to mock Kiryu since he loves them just as much as him but will never admit it. Kiryu says there’s no better idol than Haruka, even though he sings all their songs with her at the karaoke. On the other hand, ryuji’s excitement for the group makes han joongi cringe, he doesn’t understand the hype about these idols. Why not like him instead? - he’s best friend with han joongi.   - his female best friend is Hana.
Yuya: - laughs really loud - kazuki simp (lowkey crushes on him) - my boy is handsome got heart and is handsome. kazuki: - Korean born in japan
Hana: - for some reason, get along so well with Ryuji.
Nishitani: - is proud about the fact that he never get brain freeze (so bites in popsicles/ice scream with his teeth raw and inhales slush like water) - like whiskey more precisely hibiki.
Mine: - ok the boy is bougee but sometime (especially in relation to others people #superioty complex) acts like he have never touch a bottle of Gatorade (that’s like his favorite drink) - doesn’t drink alcohol at all, since he vow himself to be daigo’s designated driver (to the occasional whisky by himself and few rounds with his boss) - hold his liquor contrary to daigo who is a mess after few glasses -pay attention and really cares about how his hands looks.
Baba: - kinda suck with women (incel/red pill/female hater in training), he goes after/desires girls out of his league and get crushed everytime, you know the female ryuji or the yumeno of the world (saejima would have no issues getting on them). Regardless how much saejima tells him to review his choice of women (basically to review his dating game), he ignores him and is keep getting rejected and is obviously growing bitter. - pairs himself with Yasuko (in its head to avoid getting beat up by saejima)
Makoto: - I don’t want to call her a feminist, BUT SHE IS SURE TAKING NO SHIT FROM NO MAN - low key likes bad boys, she would like to date a man built like Lee-san. Hence why she kinda has a crush on saejima
Sagawa: - (idk why) but deepdown he has a thing for transgenders and crossdressers but will never tell nobody about it, hence he was so eagered for majima to keep his long hair and even put him in drag to humiliate him.
Shimano: - looks like someone with a foot fetish idk…
Mirei: - dancing mom type, since she wanted to be a fresh kpop star herself, she is kind off projecting with Haruka and using to live her dream trough her - really believes majima and saejima are gay.
Minami: - HE IS THE HOMIE OF ICHIBAN, YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND - thinks he is more attractive than what he really is - is a certified dancer. He really loves dancing, he would probably be a choreographer if he was not a yakuza, actually creating choreographies is one of his favorite hobbies - has a (huge) crush on ITZY’s Yeji.
Kashiwagi: - listen to jazz music
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Ichiban: - the leader of dance crew - let’s crash at your place to watch the NBA finales, I bring beer and chips. - knows how to play the entire wind instrument family - regardless climbing out of homelessness, he still lives in less fortunate neighborhoods. Honestly he feels more comfortable there contrary to high class suburb where masato lives. He is close with his neighbors, he loves to help out the old woman next door. Since she lives by herself at her age, he is constantly worried for her and even spends entire days chatting, cooking, cleaning with her. They both love to share to each other life experiences. He loves stories and is impress since he spend so much time in jail, not knowing much about the outside world. Also a lot of kids on his block, look at him like a big bro. - for some reason, his favorite animal are bees. He goes hard for them.
Eri: - is a secret freak and adores the bad boys - she will learn anything if it means to impress someone she likes. She practices dance (and other things) to impress ichiban
Adachi: - is lowkey scared of really assertive women, especially if they are older. - regardless his nonexistent romantic life, Is always trying to give nanba, joongi and kashiwagi dating advices
Nanba: - cant stand strong colognes
Han Joongi (Y7) - likes flowers especially for their smell. Hang Joongi (Y6) - cant keep a shirt on - thinks he can pull any girl based on the fact that he is ‘’Hot & Korean’’ alone, when corner or rejected he will resort to singing (play super junior – no other. yep, that song) or ‘’Do you know BTS?’’. His egc’n'tnt take rejection, he will squeeze till the end - Almost fought Zhao due to a misunderstanding, (I think he said he didn’t like kpop or something idk) - under his ‘’I get all the hoes’’ personality, he is the most single dude in the world
Zhao: - is a nicki minaj, doja cat & jolin tsai fan - had a phase when mabachi couldn’t come in town anymore where he would sleep with all types of dudes - the type of person who cant stand it when you pull up old pictures of them especially from high school or middle school when he was going trough his hardcore anime phase. - It may sound weird but, he (along with mabuchi) have a hard time getting along with Tachibana. Regardless how kind he is they still see him as an outsider. Even ichiban scratch his head at the pungent awkwardness when tachibana and zhao are in the same room. Even tesso is trying to to do something about it since he has no negative feelings towards Tachibana but can see that zhao is resisting,
Mabuchi: - doesn’t look like it but is an electronic expert - big dick period masato Arakawa: - for some reason really wants jo and masato to join him and ichiban so they can all live in the same house
Jo sawashiro: - though at first ichiban was Mexican (latino or haifu) and attached with it all types of negative stereotypes - treats masato with the same overprotective-ness Kiryu would have for haruka - presumes ichiban doesn’t know he slept with his dad in his younger years
Hajime ogasawara : - tried to date masato but got rejected. Fake smiles and fake friendship in public and keep their connections in the political world.
Hamako: - she is a lesbian
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Yagami: - ddr king, his foot game in unmatched
Kaito: - dancing king better than yagami (like hip/body roll, dance on beat better) - RNB guy (like early 2000s hip hop and rnb) along with akutsu. - regardless ‘’dumb as brick’’ impression many have of him, sit is actually a really romantic guy even Yagami was surprised when he saw it
tsukumo: - looks cute/funny when he eats spicy food (poor thing) - had yagami track down and beat up ps5 bots and reseller - likes Perfume. (period) - likes to repair broken or old electronics and figurines - otaku - everyone was surprised to see that a lot girls crush on him, especially when the crew (yagami, sugiura, higashi, hoshino and kaito) went to a hostess club to see many cute big boobs hostesses all over him liking the fact that he is shy (they say that makes him more cute *pinches tsukumo’s cheek*)
Higashi: - likes to cook for kids and Kaito. He doesn’t talk about this hobby in front of others to not be ridiculed (chicken will fall from the sky before he tells Yagami about it but off course Kaito can keep his mouth shut), add more meat in his meals for kaito only - I always picture him as someone who would take care of kids on its own.
mafuyu: - would literally have kaito as a side piece or have a threesome with both yagami and kaito if they allow it Tesso: -had to dress in drag after losing a bet against zhao, he proudly dances and won the challenge. He sees as a way that you cant humiliate or even in in bad situations he delivers and is undefeatable (in a way)
-sometimes watches Chinese tv with yagami, and I currently teaching him the language
Hoshino: - plays guitar and sing decently, he tried to empress saori-san with it one time (with everyone encouragement). In typical saori fashion, she embarrassed him by criticizing his skills (her way tell him she enjoyed his effort)
kengo:  - listens to Korean hip hop (ex: PENOMECO, Zico, the show me the money type stuff if you catch my drift) - Sawa-sensei - kinda crushes on kaito (but will never admit it)
Tashiro: -cant dance or sing to save his life.
sugiura: - sometimes wishes, he could spend more time with yagami without kaito around - will never admit it but thinks kaito and higashi is not really that attractive in the face
Kazuki Soma: - he is top echelon manipulator and can cry on demand. - drink tea with no sugar and hella lemon, cant stand sweets - likes to hide that he is dominant over Akutsu - cant stand akutsu’s entourage and friends - slept with all his higher officiers (or forced them)
Akutsu Daimu: - laughs REALLLY loud. Like clapping hands, stumping feet loud. - almost destroyed a whole room after an argument with Ryuji over Uno game rules - Sneaker head - get along well Kirara (like that’s my girl). Soma tries to put himself in the middle of it, to play mr. manipulator.
Kyoko: - wants to acts like she doesn’t but writes fan fictions and uses them express her creativity or document the cases she has solved.
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loovesicks · 2 years
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♡     ◞       jennie kim.   twenty-five.   cis woman.   she/her.⠀⠀⠀—        hold your f*** horses !  lorelai “rory” hyun   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being a   bedroom pop singer & songwriter   and have been signed with the label for   two months.   they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @literory.  fans know them for being   melodramatic   but swear they’ve got a   gregarious   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   the feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach, bookmarks peeking out of stacks of literature, too many unopened social media notifications.   stan twitter even voted them most likely to   write an entire album about their celebrity crush.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
♡     ◞        statistics.
full  name:  lorelai hyun. nickname:  both personally and professionally goes by rory, addressing her by lorelai will possibly get you some strange looks. date  of  birth:  june 7th, 1997 (25 yrs). zodiac  sign:  gemini. place  of  birth:  tacoma, washington. current  location:  new york city, new york. gender:  cis woman, uses she / her pronouns. sexuality:  bisexual. languages:  english (native), korean (native).
♡     ◞        bits and bops.
character  tropes:  the quixotic, the hopeless romantic, the paracosmist. traits:  gregarious, melodramatic, idealistic, sensitive, chaotic. habits:  endlessly daydreaming, being just a couple minutes late to everything, living deadline to deadline, always talking just a little too much, reading five books at the same time, sticking her tongue out a little when she’s deep in thought. likes:  valentine’s day, romantic comedies, the colour pink, scented candles, reading, thrifting clothes, vanilla flavoured things, sticky notes, public displays of affection, handwritten cards, snow, roses and peonies, shiny lipgloss, snow globes, coffee, her own book collection. dislikes:  heat and humidity, awkward silences, people making dog ears in their books, heartbreak, being alone, long queues, cooking, spoiling the endings of books, heights. notable  skills:  knowing the opening lines of books by heart, sewing her own clothes, matchmaking, can copy people’s handwriting perfectly.
♡     ◞        background.
lorelai hyun was born to philip  &  hana hyun, respectively an avid outdoor enthousiast who worked as a carpenter, and a workaholic news reporter for the local tv station. she was born and raised in tacoma, washington  &  early childhood memories are filled to the brim with fond memories of family trips to mount rainier national park and the whole family building snowmen in their front yard during icy winters and yelling at her father to push faster on the swings at their nearest playground. likely because she would rather let those memories overshadow the deafening fights she would overheard late at night   —   yelled accusations thrown back and forth, even audible over the sheets she would pull over her face to hide underneath. or perhaps the countless of cancelled family activities because her mom needed to work late to finish another last minute deadline, to which her father would curse under his breath and send her to bed hours early, setting aside a plate of homemade dinner in the fridge. her parents divorced when she was around seven years old. consider it the inevitable result of two people falling out of love and being absolutely  unable  to keep up the facade any longer. god knows they couldn’t even fool a seven year old. the two of them agreed to share custody  &  stayed on rather friendly terms, though rory stayed with her mom for the majority of the school year. after all, hana planned on staying in tacoma for her job whereas philip considered the divorce his prime time to spread his wings and hop between cities all throughout the west coast in search of   —   well, rory never really knew what he was looking for, only that he seemed happier. it wasn’t much longer than two years after the divorce that both of her parents seemed to have found love again  &  each entered a whole new honeymoon phase. philip met a travel agent from san francisco while staying in the area  &  meeting daniel westbrook caused a change of heart regarding that job hopping and moving city to city. he settled down with him in his apartment in the city, where he seemed quite willing to stay for the foreseeable future. the two of them chose to have no kids together, seizing the opportunity to travel together for most of the year. but the two of them never once forgot to send a postcard for rory all the way to washington from wherever it was they visited. hana fell head over heels in love with cole massey, a big shot commercial lawyer from seattle, with the wish to settle down and have his own family to come home to every night. it seemed hana sought similar warmth as she didn’t waste a minute having her second shot at the  picture perfect  family life. packing both their bags, mom  &  rory left their two bedroom apartment in the city centre of tacoma towards a a four bedroom home in the outskirts of seattle. although those two empty bedrooms wouldn’t stay empty for particularly long. hana got pregnant only months after the two started dating  &  the revelation sped up the process of marriage and becoming a family even more so. the once workaholic quit her job as a news reporter, allowing her to be a stay at home mother to the pair of twins   —   lainey  &  logan. the two new borns were the new subject of her affection, two adorable chubby babies to coo at and take care of in her new found spare time. entirely caught up in the world of adorable baby clothes, becoming one of the most active mommy volunteers at primary school and planning play dates with the other moms in the neighbourhood. she no longer needed rory to fulfill her desires of being a mother, no longer depended on her to do chores around the house and no longer was she the only person she could turn to for some family downtime. and rory no longer needed her. at least, technically she didn’t. she was supposed to be able to take care of herself  &  that simple fact seemed enough for both parents to divert most of their attention towards the two dependable little ones. as much as she needed them, she didn’t complain. how does one compete for attention with two little kids, anyway? the situation at home in seattle made her all the more appreciative of the holidays spent in company of her father  &  his new boyfriend. southern california seemed to be a dream, summer holidays spent reading her favourite books from the window sill looking out over the city  &  catching endless rays of sunshine while dipping her toes in the sand, or driving towards yosemite national park for camping trips. those being some of her happiest memories must’ve contributed to her choice to accept the offer she received from stanford, where she majored in english  &  focused on a mix of literature and creative writing. although she diligently spent her freshman year with her nose in the books, hardcore study nights in her dorm quickly turned into giving into her whims  &  wasting away too many hours staring at the social media applications on her phone screen. although she was always fairly present on most platforms, during college she began dipping into the art of writing small snippets of songs  &  posting them to her tiktok account. one video turned into ten, and ten might’ve turned into hundreds of joke songs, songs about her class materials, songs about prompts her followers sent her, love songs about her celebrity crushes and whatever else was burning inside her mind. it was one single viral video on tiktok that caught the attention of revolution records in her senior year  &  after tossing her cap into the air at graduation, she packed her bags and flew to new york city to sign the contract she was offered. she wasn’t entirely sure what they saw in her, and to be quite frank, she still doesn’t. but with songwriting having turned into such a huge part of her life  &  such potential to dip into, she can’t help wanting to give it a shot.
♡     ◞        personality.
absolute biggest  hopeless romantic  you’ve ever seen   —   falls in love at least five times a day. will fall in love with you if you were nice to her in a dream once. will want to kiss you if you hold open the door for her. you would think your parents getting divorced would really change someone, but she got to see them in love not just once but twice. seeing both her parents go through the honeymoon phase with their respective partners as a kid, she has been daydreaming about a high school sweetheart, promposals and even her wedding dress since she was eight years old. the most  book smart  person you’ll meet but cannot be trusted with her own life. will easily write you a four thousand word essay, doing an intersectional analysis of americanah but don’t ask her to use the stove without burning spaghetti and don’t ask her to file her taxes or make a doctor’s appointment. she gets quite easily overwhelmed with reality sometimes. huge  social butterfly  and gets super energized having people around. unluckily for everyone else, rory doesn’t know when to shut her mouth  &  isn’t the best at reading social cues. she will run her mouth for half an hour only to look at your face and stop in her tracks to ask you if you find her annoying. and then continue to ramble on and on about how she’s sorry. she feels fiercely, has so many emotions to deal with in her tiny body and only has  unhealthy coping mechanisms.  living under extreme stress because of work deadlines? sounds like you’ll be living off coffee until the caffeine makes your soul dissociate from your body. found out someone you fell in love with overnight doesn’t even know your name? sounds like a grand time to get drunk with your girlfriends and fall in love with the first pretty person that talks to you at the bar instead. someone not responding to your text for like five minutes? time for a mental breakdown and convincing yourself they find you a pain and don’t want to talk to you anymore. minor problems just easily turn into unsolvable disasters. this girl absolutely craves  validation.  maybe because she couldn’t ever really find it with her mother, she started looking for it elsewhere. all of her friends, the neighbours, the grocery store cashier who threw her a thankful smile for having the spare change ready to pay for her $2,45 purchase. her favourite drug was her english professors praising her writing, and she is chasing that high ever since   —   renee carlisle giving her any attention is the next drug on her list. literal definition of a  book worm.  eats through books like a maniac. reading felt like the escape from the chaos of her home  &  the whining cries of her younger siblings. she got so caught up in fantasy worlds and brave female characters and overly romanticized men. even now, rory is likely reading at least five books at the same time at any point in her life. she has needed to buy more bookcases to find room for them and that really gets cramped in her new york city apartment. equally a bit of an  amateur writer.  she took quite some creative writing classes  &  definitely spends her spare time writing whatever universes continue to live in her head. as a teenager, she started out writing fiction  &  i definitely imagine she had a soft spot for awful romance books. where she fell in love with the fictional characters in her head at least once or twice. little bit like jane the virgin? would probably settle to write one of those romancey smut books you buy at the gas station for $10 because she would be great at it. but i am thinking she dabbled more into songwriting during college. she knows how to play the piano just a bit  &  she would’ve had a keyboard there to kinda continue learning and she would dabble more and more into writing to music. which eventually, as you read, turned into her big break. i imagine her videos are very similar to  jax writes songs  on tiktok, but she also does some other stuff. would ask her followers for prompts to write music to all the time. i am even imagining she did this little series where followers could send her a story about their crush and she would write  &  sing a little song about them to kinda help these people tell their crush they liked them, all very very cute. but also joke videos, like i am imagining she would’ve written whole ass love songs only to pan the video towards her laptop screen where she’s playing the sims and it ends on one of those  and it was all a simulation  plot twists. like just loads of very casual but funny music videos. that she’s definitely not stopping now.
♡     ◞        plots.  
i actually made a blog for wanted connections  &  you can find it at  @literory.  definitely check that out first  &  foremost, because that’ll include a lot of ideas i have and they’ll be heavily based on those dskjdfks. just tons of little thoughts. but down below there’s also a few other ideas ! roommates  ( rory lives in new york city now, but she literally makes jack shit with music as she’s just been signed, so it would be adorable to live with someone else for the time being ), all of her unrequited loves, that one  ( 1 )  person she can’t get out of her mind and who she may have written countless of songs about, pen pals who met as kids and stayed in touch through handwritten postcards, book club please for the love of god, that one ( 1 )  person she has friendzoned and have to watch her fall in love with all these people who are bad for her while they swear maybe the two of them could be something good, frenemies, major celebrity crush she can’t hide while they bump into each other in headquarters, someone to be the mom / dad friend she didn’t know she needed, mentor figure in the music industry, fake dating pr stunt  ( perhaps to help both their lovey dovey or breakup albums sell better ), online celebrity feuds, exes who run into each other again after a long time, and honestly many more ideas that’ll come up during brainstorming  <3
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The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana
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I’m on a roll these days! Here I give you the first part of the two parts of Episode 3 Journey to the Duelist Kingdom. I made I cover for it.
Here is the base I used: https://www.deviantart.com/yummehcrayons/art/FPD-Bags-n-babes-base-259082967
And here is my finished piece: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Off-to-Duelist-Kingdom-932075230
You can go to my Tumblr or DeviantArt Account to see them if you can’t. :D
Now happy reading and if I get a lot of comments, I will get the second part out as fast as possible. Comments fill me with the energy to write for this dear story of my so, so the more you comment, the more motivated I become and the faster I produce a new chapter.
So don’t be shy, even just a thumbs-up emoji will fill me with joy.
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Chapter 4: Off to Duelist Kingdom! Part I
Redone 29/08/24
Heartbroken Sehrazat looked at her sleeping mother on the hospital bed, holding with both hands one of hers tight.
It was three days after Pegasus had taken the soul of her mama and been out of options, they brought the soulless body to the hospital, where it was treated like she was in a coma.
Only, she, Kihana's family, and Maja know that Amira wouldn’t and couldn’t wake up without her soul.
“I will go to Pegasus Island and get you back, Mama.”, Sehrazat promised, kissing her cheek. “Please just hold on.”
With one last squeeze, Sehrazat leaves the hospital room.
Outside Aunty Rahila with Kihana, Sadiye and Maja are waiting for her. Kihana has their luggage for their trip beside her.
Aunty Rahila opens her arms and Sehrazat lets herself be hugged.
“I wish there was another way to save your mother, but this is a journey you and Kihana, have to make alone, I’m afraid.”, says Rahila, stroking her blue hair.
Sadiye, who stands beside Maja, puts her hands on her little waist and huffs: “Why can’t we all go, mommy?! That’s so unfair. Anybody of us is a good duellist; we would have a higher chance at getting Aunty Amira back!”
“Sadie.”, responds her sister, petting her head. “Without an invitation, it is pointless. Me, Sehrazat, and Afya will manage, believe in us.”
It is clear that the youngest wants to say more, but Maja puts a hand on her shoulder, shaking her head.
“No, Sadie-Chan, Hana-Chan is right. We can’t do anything.”
The little black-haired girl wants to protest when she sees how secretly Maja winks at her. She blinks, till she gets what the older meant.
It’s then that Sehrazat lets go of Rahila and takes her luggage from Kihana.
“Let’s go. We are wasting time.”
“Are you really all right with bringing Sadiye home and waiting for my return from driving Kihana and Sehrazat to the port, Maja?”, asks Rahila.
Besides Sadiye, no one seems to see the mischief glint in Maja’s eyes. She has to control herself not to laugh.
“Don’t worry Schariq-San, Sadie-Chan is in good hands with me.”, promises Maja.
“All right.”
“I don’t wish you good luck, Sehra-Chan and Hana-Chan, just kick Pegasus butt!”
“Big time!”, adds Sadiye.
Kihana and Sehrazat give them a big thumbs-up.
With that, the three, who are going to the port, leave.
Maja and Sadiye wait for a few seconds.
“Are we now going to run to the bus station before boarding the ship illegally, Maja-Nee?”
“Let us wait for a few seconds more, then we run like the wind.”
Pegasus really had a lot of money to spend if he could book an entire luxury cruiser to bring all these duellists to the Duelist Kingdom. Or it was his.
Sehrazat admitted she was a bit overwhelmed.
All this because he wanted her Millennium Fragment? And nobody had a clue.
“I’m sorry.”, she heard the voice of her dear partner.
Afya, the spirit of the Millennium Fragment, materialized by her side.
The once queen of all Egypt looked sorrowful with the same orange eyes as Sehrazat and…her mother at her.
Sehrazat was still surprised how both could be twins, only Afya was taller, had longer hair and her face looked more mature and beautiful.
“If only I had beaten Pegasus in his twisted game, then you didn’t need to make this journey to save Amira’s soul.”, said the spirit sadly and ashamed of herself.
“Afya, I don’t give you the fault her.”, Sehrazat reminded her darker half. “Only Pegasus and his freaky eye! We will get Mama back! If we have to beat Pegasus at a children’s card game, then so be it. He won’t use the same trick on us again twice!”
Afya nodded determinedly at her partner and descendant.
“True words you speak child of mine. And if this didn’t work we can always beat Pegasus up. I would prefer this more.”
Now Sehrazat had to laugh, which earned her strange looks from the other duellists in the line for the boarding and a raised eyebrow from Kihana beside her.
She pointed at the air beside her mouthing the name she had given her ancestor. Kihana understood and let them be.
“I love how you are always ready to beat people up, Gran-Gran.”, she told full of affection Afya.
Her “Gran-Gran” puffed her cheeks up.
“I’m a warrior, no damsel in distress. I may not remember my life as queen, but I know I was born to fight not to play children’s card games!”
“And yet you are so good at it Gran-Gran!”
Sehrazat didn’t get a response, because it was now her turn to show Pegasus Lackey her dueling clove to prove she could board the ship.
Afya took this chance retiring back into the Millenium Item.
Probably to go into her soul room and train with her outstanding collection of swords. Yes, Sehrazat knew that it was all mental, but still, holy Ra Afya had a lot of weapons in her soul room and could use anyone masterly.
It does make her feel humble.
After Kihana got the okay to board, the two best friends gripped each other hands and decide to look around the ship.
One of the attendants informed them that as former Europa Champion and second in the rankings, they would have a double bedroom to themselves.
They left their luggage there so that they could move around freely.
They wanted to check on their competitors.
They needed to.
Knowing whom they were going against would help them greatly to win the tournament and get Amira’s soul back from Pegasus.
That’s how the stubble upon an interesting scene.
There was Mai Kujaku, an old acquaintance of the girls, in a conversation with two unknown boys.
One was a tall blond with a green jacket and the other was a short boy with the wildest hair they ever had seen. Tri-coloured and starfish-shaped.
Suddenly Sehrazat heard Afya hiss.
“What’s wrong, Gran-Gran?!”, she asked worried her Yami.
“Look at what the little one is wearing!”
Sehrazat did it and had to control the gasp that left her mouth.
She nudged Kihana to get her attention.
The taller girl let out a silent curse: “What in the name of freaking Isis?!”
Right in front of them was another Millennium Item.
And not any ordinary, not that any of them were ordinary, it was the Millenium Puzzle!
The one who belonged once to the Nameless Pharaoh and Afya’s husband, as Sehrazat’s grandmother, told them in her stories.
No wonder, Afya was freacking out.
Both best friends had turned into statues.
What should they do now?
Afya was no help since she had to calm herself down.
Kihana and Sehrazat looked at each other.
“We need to talk to the boy.”, suggests Kihana. “We need to know if the pharaoh is with him.”
“How are we going to do that?! Just straight up walking over to him and asking him if he has a spirit in his puzzle who possesses him sometimes? We would sound crazy, Hana!”, argued Sehrazat back.
“Do you have a better idea, Sehra?”
“…Not really.”
However, they didn’t need to walk up to the boys, since Mai turned around to walk away from them and saw them.
The older girl blinked for a second, not believing whom she saw before she smirked.
“Well, well, if this isn’t a surprise.”, she said so loud that everybody, including Yugi and Jounouchi, looked in her direction. “If this is not Sehrazat, the Amazon Princess of the Nile, and Kihana, the Lady of the Dragons. What are you girls doing here? I thought your titles as number one and number two in Europa were made invalid since you live now in Japan.”
Under all the looks of the people, Sehrazat got shy and hid a bit behind Kihana, gripping her hand tight, while her best friend deadpanned at Mai.
“Hello to you too Mai, Mistress of the Harpies. Long time no see. How are you?”
Mai couldn’t answer since abruptly a lot of Duelists talked out loud.
“Oh my god, that’s really Sehrazat Faizan, the Amazon Princess of the Nile!”
“The Ex-Europa Champion?”
“The one whom anybody bet that at the world championships would beat Seto Kaiba?”
“Her or Kihana Schariq, the Lady of the Dragons. These girls are already legends!”
“Are they that good at Duel Monsters?”
“They are both incredible! You should have seen their Duel at the Europa Championships! It was brutal!”
Sehrazat got even shyer and looked at the ground, while Kihana rubbed bashful with her free hand her neck.
Of course, after Jounouchi stared at the two pretty girls to see if he was familiar with them, if they were such big names in the Dueling world, he turned to his best pal.
“Are these pretty girls, really such huge numbers, Yug?”, he asked.
Yugi nodded.
“Yes, Sehrazat Faizan and Kihana Schariq were incredible at the Europa Championship. Their duel against each other was even transmitted in Japan. Sehrazat with her all-female monster-themed deck and her amazons only won by a hair against Kihana’s dragons. It was from start to finish nervewracking.”
Jounouchi let out a whistle, damn that sounded badass, while Yuugi looked at the girls.
He remembered how he had watched their duel.
As he had first seen Sehrazat on the TV something deep in him had reacted to her.
The boy still couldn’t figure out what.
She was a beautiful girl, no question, and even a bit shorter than him, but something in him felt like he had known her, which was impossible of course.
Yet, seeing her in blood and flesh now, made the feeling tenfold.
It was then that Sehrazat looked up from the ground and their eyes met.
Violette met Orange.
And both felt like lightning struck them.
Unknown to them even their Yami’s felt it.
Yugi felt a blush forming on his cheeks.
Sehrazat was so beautiful.
And these eyes of hers…so brilliant and unique…he had never seen orange eyes…like topas...nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand times…like he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had similar thoughts crossing her mind.
Yugi was a short guy, but taller than her…and his eyes reminded her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she knew…even if it was impossible…it was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Mai’s voice broke the two out of their staring contest.
“What’s up with you Sehrazat, you aren’t normally this shy?”, said the older girl to her and raised an elegant eyebrow. “Not even a hello to an old opponent?”
She could practically feel how Kihana gave her a look too.
Damn it, this was embarrassing!
She licked her lips and smiled a bit wobbly at Mai.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mai. So you are in this tournament too, heh?”
Yugi felt a shiver down his back as he heard her voice in person. She had a pretty melodious voice.
It was like he knew that she would have such a voice.
But how?
He didn’t know that his darker half was freacking out at seeing the young girl too. It was so weird, the spirit knew he didn’t remember things, but he had a feeling he knew this girl and he could sense a familiar presence off her.
How could be this possible?
“You both may have defeated me the last time we saw each other.”, told Mai Kihana and Sehrazat. “But this time I will be victorious. See you at the island, ladies.”
With that Mai walked away and left behind a Kihana, who shook her head at her, and a Sehrazat, who mumbled: “Can’t we be just friends?”
Now, a lot of people didn’t think that Jounouchi was an observant person and it was mostly true, however, he had seen how his best pal Yuugi stared at this Sehrazat girl like she was some kind of goddess, not that he could fault him.
The tiny girl was pretty, he just found her white-haired and taller friend hotter.
Anyway like a good best friend, he needed to help Yuugi.
His pal would never talk to that girl alone, never mind asking her out or something, so he would play wingman for him.
With a grin, he gripped Yugi by his shoulder and nearly pushed him to the girls. Yugi looked wide-eyed at him and mouthed what-are-you-doing.
Jounouchi ignored him.
It was for Yugi’s own sake…and also he really wanted to speak with the white-haired girl.
She was a bomb!
Kihana raised an eyebrow at them and Sehrazat hid behind her again.
She caressed the hand of her best friend to calm her down.
Whatever happened, her Sehra seemed already crushing on the tri-coloured-haired teen, if she acted this way.
Was this some kind of love at first sight?
How adorable!
“Hey, ladies.”, greeted them Jounouchi. “I’m Katsuya Jounouchi, you can call me Joey and that’s my pal Yugi Muto. I heard from him you both are number one and two in duelling from Europe! That’s really cool.”
Not only Kihana and Sehrazat were shocked, even Afya looked at this tiny boy and couldn’t believe it.
“You are the one who bet Seto Kaiba, wow, it’s an honour!”, said Kihana to them.
Sehrazat nodded rapidly.
Afya facepalmed at her descendant.
“O-Oh, thank you.”, mumbled Yugi shyly.
The blue-haired girl took all her courage and stopped hiding behind Kihana.
She wanted and needed to talk to Yugi.
Afya even gave her an encouraging nod.
“You were incredible.”, complimented Sehrazat Yugi, who blushed more at her words. “You were the first one even to summon Exodia! It was a spectacular duel. I don’t think I could have handled Kaiba as you did.”
“I reset that.”, hissed Afya in their minds. “The boy with the Blue Eyes White Dragon fetish would have gone down hard and fast if we duel him!”
Sehrazat ignored her Yami/Ancestor.
“N-No, I saw how you duel at the European Championship. You truly earned your first place. I bet you can defeat Kaiba too, Faizan-San.”, complimented Yugi back to her.
He was burning like a house on fire, yet he needed to say this.
Shy Sehrazat batted her long eyelashes and Yuugi thought he would die. If he did it would be a great death, with one last look at the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“Please you can call me Sehrazat or Sehra.”
“Then please call me Y-Yugi!”
“Yeah, and Jounouchi or Joey to me.”, said Joey with a huge grin.
Damn, these two were adorable.
Kihana seemed to agree with him since she grinned at him and pointed her head at the two smaller teens.
“And I’m Kihana or just Hana. So Yuugi, you are wearing interesting jewellery. It looks like the one Sehrazat is wearing.”, directed Kihana their conversation to the question they needed the answers to.
However cute Sehrazat and Yugi were with each other, needed to wait for this.
That’s when both Joey and Yugi noticed the teardrop-formed golden amulet with an eye that hung from Sehrazat’s neck.
“It looks really like yours, Yug!”, shouted Joey.
“Another Millennium Item!”, gasped Yugi surprised.
“What? You sure, men?”
It was Sehrazat who answered him: “Yes, my amulet is a Millennium Item. The legends say there are eight of them.”
“Is yours one too, Yuugi?”, asked Kihana.
He nodded, still floored. Never would he have thought to meet after Pegasus eye another Millenium Item.
“Yeah, it’s the Millennium Puzzle.”
Of that answer, Afya had the strongest reaction.
Sehrazat had to keep her face under control, which was hard since her Yami literally screamed in their shared mind.
“I can’t believe it! It is the puzzle! Is there my supposed husband’s soul bond, as your grandmother told us, Sehrazat? I mean I kinda feel something of another presence with little Yugi, but whatever that is doesn’t want to talk and show themselves. How rude!”
Thankful the ship horn sounded, which meant that it was time to retire to their cabin. Sehrazat was thankful. One part of her didn’t want to leave Yugi, no it wanted to talk more to him, but she, Kihana, and Afya needed to talk.
Thank the gods, that Kihana was with her.
She gripped her hand and gave the two boys her best brilliant smile. Joey and Yuugi turned both red under Kihana’s beauty.
“Look at the time. We need to go, but we should totally meet up later guys.”
With a wave, she dragged Sehrazat in the direction of their shared cabin.
Meanwhile, in a super hidey spot at the ship, three teenagers and one child were discussing with each other what they had seen.
“What's up with that? We're here because we were worried but they were both flirting!”, said Anzu with her nose turned up.
“Shhhh! You're too loud!”, reminded her Honda.
“This is why men suck.”
"Preach it!", agreed their new friends.
Honda sweatdropped at Maja and Sadiye.
Better change the subject before the three girls start to rumble on why men suck.
“Are Sehrazat and Kihana really number 1 and 2 in Dueling from Europa?”, mumbled Honda and sweatdropped under Anzu's fiery look.
Little Sadiye nodded rapidly.
“Sehrazat and my Nee-San are the best. Yugi and Joey should be careful around them.”, she told them proudly.
“Sehrazat is merciless and Kihana is cunning. Dueling against them is quite the challenge.”, added Maja.
Honda nodded and Anzu crossed her arms.
“Well, you haven’t seen Yuugi duel, he beat Kaiba and he was the World Champion.”, she huffed.
The brunette boy gave her a look.
“You seem angry.”
“I bet because she is jealous of Sehrazat.”, answered Maja with a cheeky grin. “Yugi and her seem to like-like each other already!”
At Anzu’s outraged gasp, Honda had to stifle a laugh. Anyone besides Yugi and Anzu themselves knew that both had a crush on each other, yet it seemed Yuugi had totally forgotten it after meeting the Egyptian beauty.
Not that Honda could blame him, Sehrazat was short, but hot and had a really big breast size for someone so small.
And also Kihana was beautiful like an ancient goddess.
He wouldn’t mind getting to know the white-haired beauty.
“I’m not jealous, why should I?!”, hissed Anzu angrily.
“Well you should.”, came it deadpanned from Sadiye. “Sehra is way prettier than you and has bigger breasts, also she is an A-Rank Duelist. What have you to offer?”
Okay, Honda was officially dead!
He and Maja tried really hard to stifle their laughs at Anzu’s flabbergasted face and Sadiye’s winning smirk with twinkling red eyes.
The little ten-year-old was a firecracker, all right!
The boy admitted that when Maja and Sadiye dragged themselves with them into the container to get board on the ship he didn’t know what to think of them.
A teenager with a child trying to get to the Duelist Kingdom illegally?
It seemed fishy, but after knowing why they did this, to help Sehrazat and Kihana, like Anzu and him, Joey and Yugi, and hearing this sick burn, he liked them all right.
He should be on Anzu’s side since they were friends, but if neither of her and Yugi made soon a move on each other no one should wonder when someone else would do it.
It was good that Sehrazat and Kihana had a double bedroom for themselves, so they could discuss in peace what they should do next, what was even better they had also Room Service!
So they didn’t need to leave the room to find something to eat and interrupt their discussion.
Since both were petty on behalf of Amira and Pegasus would come up for all the food and drink expenses they would have they just order the whole card.
It was the most magnified and delicious sight the girls had ever seen. Also, it tasted even better knowing that Pegasus would pay for all this.
“This carbonara is heavenly!”, mumbled Sehrazat, while eating the pasta dish.
“Try this steak, Sehra!”, said Kihana and put some of it on her plate. “It’s so juicy!”
Afya, who was out of her Millenium Item, just stared at two of her “kids” in disbelief. How they managed to eat nearly all food dishes and still could go on was beyond her.
“Do you have perhaps, black holes as stomaches?”, she wonders.
That would explain a lot.
Sehrazat gulped down the piece of Steak and turned to Afya, while Kihana attacked next a fish dish. Was it lobster?
“Don’t be like that Gran-Gran. The food is gratis and will make a huge hole in Pegasus expanses. You should try some of it too.”
Not even a second later Sehrazat switched with Afya places and the once queen of all Egypt stared confused down at the food dishes around her.
“Your Majesty?”, called Kihana, now eating some Sushi. “Is there something or why did you and Sehra switch places?”
“My Descendants think I should try some of this food.”, she explained to her.
“Oh, all right. You should really try then this Sushi it’s so good.”, informed her Kihana, eating the next roll.
“Isn’t it just uncooked fish?”, asked Afya, frowning a bit.
Uncooked fish didn’t sound tasty to her.
“Yes it is, but trust me, Your Majesty, this is some first-class Sushi!”
Oh well, what did she have to lose?
So Afya used the chopsticks to put a Sushi Roll in her mouth.
Let’s just say Sehrazat had to formally beg her Gran-Gran to give her control again over her body.
She still wanted to eat too!
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The Overseas Highway — Florida. ...
US Route 163 — Arizona and Utah. ...
The Hana Highway — Hawaii. ...
Beartooth Highway — Montana and Wyoming. ...
Cascade Loop — Washington. ...
Kancamagus Highway — New Hampshire. ...
Parke County Drive — Indiana.
More items...•Sep 5, 2020
https://www.buzzfeed.com › sceni...
19 Scenic Roads In The US Everyone Should Drive Down At Least Once
What is the best road trip?
Blue Ridge Parkway – North Carolina. ...
Route 66 - Eastern New Mexico. ...
Black Hills. ...
Utah's National Parks. ...
Cape Cod. ...
Big Sky Country. ...
South Florida. ...
San Francisco to Lake Tahoe to Reno. California and Nevada feature a bevy of breathtaking sights and sounds.
More items...
https://www.aaa.com › article › m...
The 18 Best Road Trips in the U.S. in 2024 - AAA
We used to take driving vacations as a family to florida and back from florida.
Image number 5 through 9. You will see many places to stop at as you're driving to florida or coming back from florida to chicago.... You will also see many places that are free along the route that you can stop at as well..... We went to disney during the summer in july and beginning of august when it was cheapest...
O the Places We Go
https://www.otheplaceswego.com › ...
The Ultimate Road Trip Itinerary from Chicago to Florida
Sep 6, 2018 — Lookout Mountain's legendary attractions – Ruby Falls for the tallest underground waterfall, Rock City's incredible vistas,
If you Look at the top of the link. You will see a button for things that are free. Cheap and other options....
As you will see here, August and September are the cheapest months to go. The Disney World one because August is incredibly hot. In florida hundred degrees hundred percent humidity, but september all the kids go back to school... So because kids are returning the school, disney is slow. Then, after christmas in january is the cheapest as well.... So make a road trip down the Florida. Stop at all the sights and then, when you get the floor dug, go to disney and then check out singer island...
Disney World Ticket Cheapest Seasons
Those low seasons are in January, August, and September, with increases or spikes around major holidays. Historically, ticket prices somewhat follow hotel prices, so these patterns aren't surprising.Feb 27, 2024
https://www.mousehacking.com › ...
When Is The Cheapest Time To Go To Disney World (2024)?
So on the singer island florida, there is amazing amount of things to do, and if you go in august, it is extremely cheap. And you won't have to deal with crowds and you'll have the beach and the pool and everything more to yourselves...
Singer Island worth a visit?
Singer Island is a euphoric peninsula that offers its residents and visiting guests pristine beaches and crystal clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, this peninsula will prove to be a veritable paradise.Oct 30, 2023
https://www.pbcoastal.com › blog
The Best Way to Spend Your Time on Singer Island Florida
Why is it called Singer Island Florida?
Singer Island owes its name to Paris Singer, heir to the sewing machine fortune. In 1920, he visited Palm Beach and met Addison Mizner.
https://www.palmbeachshoresfl.us › ...
Town History Past and Present - Palm Beach Shores
This is where I took my ex. Jennifer Kim rewind, parasailing and scuba diving and hung out by the pool. And then we did things in Palm Beach Cause it's right next door. Then we took a boat tour and they showed us Drew Barrymore's house and many other celebrities... She has a beautiful house right on the water......
https://www.hotels.com › hotels-si...
Top Hotels in Singer Island, FL from $98
The Singer Oceanfront Resort, Curio Collection by Hilton · Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa · Marriott's Ocean Pointe · Fernando Flats · Palm ...
https://www.travelocity.com › Sin...
The Best 10 Singer Island Hotels from $98 - Cheap Hotel Deals
Top cheap Singer Island hotel deals ; The Singer Oceanfront Resort, Curio Collection by Hilton. 3700 N Ocean Dr, Singer Island, FL ; Palm Beach Marriott Singer ...
So for a family of twelve, we did this to make it cheap and affordable.... Yes there was twelve of us..... So yes, i'm used to hanging out in big groups of people..... But usually those groups are my family and my friends 🧡...
So if you look at the link, you'll see more hotel deals for singer ireland florida...
And yes, I saw the movie bad boys last night and they had some beautiful views of miami beach.....
If you see image number ten eleven and twelve and the link below, you will see all the things you can do in singer island florida.....
So other people from Florida can take adventures. In illinois, and people from illinois can take adventures in Florida...... Part of seeing the World is see, the united states....
Here is building your trip with the trip planner, so be prepared.... This way you can max out everything you do....
https://triptile.com › destination
USA Trip Planner | Build Your Own Trip to the United States
Going on a trip to USA? Plan and book your fully custom United States itinerary of any complexity and duration with Triptile™ online trip planner tool
Authentik USA
https://www.authentikusa.com › u...
USA trip planner : Itinerary ideas with map
Create your USA dream trip in a few clicks with Authentik USA, the largest online trip planner in the United States. 1, 2 or 3 weeks Road trips ideas in the ...
Road Trip Planner – Build your itinerary and find the best stops
Plan your next trip, find amazing places, and take fascinating detours with the #1 trip planner. Every trip is a road trip.
Now remember part of seeing the world is seeing all of the united states. And then you can plan other places outside. The united states like go see canada..... I don't think canada advertises enough in the united states about doing adventures in canada....
https://tripapt.com › create
Trip Planner | Plan your multi destination world trip, book flights ...
Use our free world map trip planner to plan your route, find jobs and book flights. Create multiple trips, featuring destinations around the world.
Here's how to plan your next vacation to canada....
How to plan your next Canadian vacation
Every great trip starts with planning.
Explore the outdoors with a light touch.
Discover a taste of tradition: travel respectfully.
Love local and support the community.
Witness the wildlife, protect their future.
Travelling responsibly during COVID-19.
https://travel.destinationcanada.com › ...
How to plan your next Canadian vacation | Destination Canada
So make your way up north instead of going south......
Canada and the united states are each other's largest trading partners.... United states exports more than canada than any other country....
Canada was the largest purchaser of U.S. goods exports in 2022, accounting for 17.3 percent of total U.S. goods exports.
https://ustr.gov › countries-regions
Countries & Regions | United States Trade Representative
Canada is traditionally the top U.S. export market, accounting for 14.2% of all U.S. goods exports in 2022.Nov 3, 2023
https://www.trade.gov › canada-m...
Canada - Market Overview - International Trade Administration
We are each other's largest trade partners with nearly $3.6 billion worth of goods and services crossing the border each day in 2023.May 24, 2024
https://www.international.gc.ca › r...
Canada-United States relations
So go make some friends in Canada. Our largest trading partner.......
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chanoyu-to-wa · 5 months
The Chanoyu Hyaku-shu [茶湯百首], Part I:  Poem 15.
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〽 Yo-so nado ni hana wo okura-ba, sono hana ha           hiraki-sugishi wo yaranu-mono nari
     [餘所などに花を贈らば、其の花は           開き過ぎしを遣らぬ物也].
    “If [you] want to send flowers from a different place (or somewhere like that)¹ [to someone] as a gift:  if [that flower’s] blooming season has already past [in the place where the recipient is living], then it would be better if [that flower] is not sent.”
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     Chanoyu, especially as it developed into a social activity, was intended to be strictly “of the moment.”  So if the utensils and food are supposed to be seasonally appropriate, how much more so the flowers.  But what this poem is hinting at is not just that the flowers be “in season,” but that this seasonality be relative to the place where the tea gathering is going to be held.  And if nothing is available in the locale (as sometimes happens over the course of the year), then it is better to display no flowers at all, than to use something that is out of season.
    And if these are the rules that should be observed by the host, how much more so should another person be sensitive to them, so that they do not inadvertently tempt the host into committing a faux pas by sending flowers to him that the know will no longer be in season in the host’s area.
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    Once again, Katagiri Sekishū seems to have uncovered a variant which is found nowhere else:
〽 yo-so nado [h]e hana wo okuraba, sono hana no          hiraki-ōki ha yaranu-mono nari
    [餘所などへ花を贈らば、その花の          開き多きは遣らぬ物なり].
    “If [you] are going to give flowers to [someone] in another place, or the like, if those flowers are already blooming profusely [in the potential recipient’s place], then there is no need to send [the flowers are].”
    While this is also a validly made argument², the fact that this version of the poem is unattested elsewhere might suggest it is spurious -- that it was added to a collection in order to increase the number to a full 100 verses.
¹Yo-so nado ni [餘所などに]:  yo-so [餘所] means another place, elsewhere; precisely what the addition of nado [など] (which means and so forth, and the like) is supposed to imply, however, is unclear.  Perhaps Jōō just wanted to imply that the source of the flower was a different place from that where the chakai was going to be held; or, perhaps, he just needed an additional two syllables to make the kami-no-ku [上の句] complete.
    The poem is talking about a situation such as where an acquaintance has made a trip to the mountains, and finds flowers just coming into bloom there that have already passed their season in the place where the host lives.  So, hoping to share the pleasure, he picks some with the intention of either bringing them home, or sending them off by a messenger.
    While the possibility that the flowers will be displayed during a chakai is not actually addressed in the poem, this seems to be Jōō’s fear; so he undertakes to discourage the present.
    In fact, the only way to guarantee a strict fidelity to the rule of the blooming season in the place where the gathering will be held is to grow the flowers on the grounds.  And, indeed, a careful study of Rikyū’s several surviving kai-ki suggests that he only displayed a flower during the goza when it was blooming in the corner of his vegetable garden* where he grew some of his favorite flowers for chabana.
    That this idea of growing the flowers oneself contradicts the teachings of most modern schools is not really relevant, since these rules grew up during the Edo period, when chanoyu had become the purview of the moneyed classes who had the leisure (or the staff of underlings) to wander around in the mountains in search of rare and unusual wild flowers for use during their chakai -- which practice actually violates the intended meaning of this poem. ___________ *In Rikyū’s day (and for most of the pre-modern period), there was no real way to store fresh vegetables.  Where possible, they were either bought and used immediately, or, when it was the type of vegetable that could be sold with roots, those not immediately consumed were healed in in a part of the compound that was designated the kitchen garden -- this practice would extend their usefulness for several to many days.
    It was in this area that Rikyū appears to have planted some of his favorite flowers for chabana, so he could avail himself of their flowers in a strictly seasonal way -- seasonal because he would use them when they naturally flowered on the premises (which is what the poem suggests is the ideal).
²If the flowers are already present in abundance in the place where the gathering will be held, the chabana will hardly be something that will attract the eyes of the guests.  So if they are unlikely to take much notice of it, it would be better to simply eschew the display of flowers entirely.
    In the modern world, we have become habituated to a rigid series of rules -- such as that the kakemono must be displayed in the toko during the shoza, with a chabana taking its place during the goza.  But in Jōō’s and Rikyū’s day, these “rules” were, at best, recommendations.  If the host did not have a kakemono (or if his kakemono was, for some reason, not appropriate to the occasion*), then he did not hang a scroll during the shoza; and if he did not have any flowers available (or if the flowers to which he had access were so common in the area that they would be uninteresting to the guests), then he did without flowers.
    Today people tend to take offense when the toko is empty, but in the past, having something displayed there was taken as a sort of bonus attraction.  Since the only reason why a tokonoma was appended to the tea room was because the host possessed a meibutsu kakemono, then, particularly in the West, it might be better to make rooms without toko -- with the kakemono suspended directly on one wall when displaying it was appropriate -- since then the absence of either scroll or flowers will not be missed†. ___________ *In the early days, particularly in the wabi small room, the preferred kakemono was a bokuseki, which was usually a hō-go [法語] (a text advocating for, or explaining, the Buddhist law).  Such scrolls could be hung at any time, and so there were no problems.  But paintings or poetry often have strictly seasonal themes; so unless the host had a specific reason for hanging that subject, it would be better not to do so if it would seem irrelevant to the occasion.
†Rikyū’s Mozuno ko-yashiki [百舌鳥野小屋敷], which was the last small room that he erected, approached this notion by having no real toko at all.
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    It did have a 1-shaku 5-sun deep recess on the far side of the room, but since the floor and walls and ceiling were contiguous with those of the rest of the room, its being empty would have had no other effect than to make the room seem a little more spacious (especially when there were three guests sitting in the two-mat room).
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devotekuna · 6 months
Dad!Choso headcanons/drabbles
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♡˗ He is clearly a girl dad despite him probably wanting some boys in his house to relate to, at the start of having a family, he had a baby girl, then a twin boy and daughter. Who were the start of their large family.
☆He most definitely wants more then 2 children, he had 8 siblings, but only 2 being born, being a big brother to them was everything despite failing to protect them.
☆He didn't even think he could get someone pregnant since he was half cursed and half human, but somehow he did, that's how you welcomed a beautiful little girl into the world.
☆His daughter was called Sachi or Hana, she was a little monster compared to his laid back personality. 25% curse and the other 75% being human, she took after choso a lot with the little dots on her face which shaped into a line as she grew older.
☆As she grew up spoiled as she was choso's daughter, making sure she was always happy, even it came at his own expenses and happiness. His wife and kids were his whole world.
☆Having Hana climb his shoulders as he sat down on the floor, gripping his hair as she babbled some random words, using his messy buns as a handle bar, jumping on his already stressed out shoulders.
☆He most definitely let's her do anything as long as it doesn't upset you or hurt with of you, as you were both his main priority, even over his brothers.
☆If you were working late, he would have the kids in bed by 8pm, floor spotless, not dust or cobwebs in sight, toys all in their spot and dinner made but the time you came back home.
☆He'd be a great househusband, even when you were resting, he would take care of the kids, making sure to keep them entertained as you rested, if it maybe sleeping, a spa day or a day vacation/trip.
☆He would frame anything his children have him, no matter how ugly it was, he always had it on the fridge or scattered on the walls around the house. He'd never put up a fuss.
☆Always protecting you, like if you were scared on insects he would either remove them from the area or kill them if you were that paranoid of them.
☆He'd most definitely record or take pictures of every milestone, keeping them in some baby books for the child to look at when they were older.
☆If you had a rather hard pregnancy, he would take time out of his time to make sure you survived and was in the best comfort he could give you, your favourite food every night, any cravings were solved instantly.
☆Despite his bored look, he really did love you and appreciate you for giving him a chance.
☆I think he'd be a great dad, even if he may not want kids at the moment he wouldn't dare abandon you as family was the most important thing to him, sacrificing everything for your happiness.
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curatedglobaltravel · 7 months
Why Hawaii is the Ultimate Spring Break Haven for Adults
If spring is nature's celebration of life, then Hawaii is earth's greatest luau. There are few places on this planet that the four elements — air, fire, water, and earth — are on such spectacular display. Spring is our annual reminder that the natural world always finds the perfect balance, and after the last year, you're likely feeling ready to get back into your element. My recommendation? A well-deserved Hawaiian spring break to make your aloha spirit soar. Travel is for the young at heart, and below are four elemental reasons why you should consider a grown-up spring break escape to Hawaii. This adventure is easier than you may think: simply get in touch with me and get pre-tested before you fly (a requirement of all travelers to Hawaii). You deserve unparalleled travel experiences, and I look forward to helping you travel safely and exceptionally to your island of choice when you're ready.
Hawaii exists for endless exploration, and when you climb aboard a chartered helicopter, your access is granted to go just about anywhere you desire. With spectacular coastlines and amazing green, black, and white sand beaches, stunning valleys, dramatic volcanoes, and so much more — you certainly have options. You won't be disappointed seeing any island from a bird's eye view, but Kauai by helicopter is not to be missed. Your jaw will drop at your first sight of the Garden Isle's Nā Pali Coast and the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" at Waimea. Consider indulging in an exclusive remote landing to treat yourself to a gourmet picnic overlooking lush, tropical valleys and waterfalls. Where to stay on Kauai:  Treat yourself to a 5-star bungalow, cottage or villa at The Lodge at Kukui’ula. Kauai's quarantine requirement is anticipated to lift by early April, meaning now is the perfect time to get in touch to plan your upcoming island adventure.
It's remarkable how climatically diverse The Big Island is — from snow-capped peaks to lush rainforests and staggering sea cliffs — and then there's Kilauea, the world’s most active volcano. This is an island you have to see to believe.  Hawaii has literally emerged from the ocean, and we have millions of years of volcanic activity to thank for its creation. A visit to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is practically a mandatory experience -— and with the current ongoing eruption of Kīlauea Volcano creating a growing lava lake, now is an exhilarating time to visit! One way to get up close (but not too close!) is on a guided hike. You can also experience a private boat tour where you'll marvel as molten lava cascades into the ocean like a fiery waterfall. Where to stay on the Big Island:  Experience aloha at the newly opened Mauna Lani, an Auberge Resort. (Bonus: it's Sharecare VERIFIED™). Receive privileged access to complimentary upgrades, early check-in/late check-out, daily breakfast for two, $100 spa credit, wifi, and more.
Like the tide gently enticing the waves back into the ocean, you won't be able to resist the draw of Maui. With its cobalt blue waters and breathtaking beaches, Maui is picture-perfect, yet photos never seem to do it enough justice.  Spend a leisurely day splitting your time between swimming in the resort's infinity pool and dipping into the warm ocean waters. Snorkel or scuba dive with sea turtles and spinner dolphins amongst gorgeous reefs in the crystal clear waters of nearby Molokini. Spy humpback whales breaching the surface during their annual migration (November - May), or take in the heavenly island views on a ferry trip to Lanai. Drive the winding and super scenic coastal Road to Hana. And don't mind the occasional rain showers — in Maui, it's safe to assume a vibrant rainbow will greet you around every breathtaking bend in the road. Where to stay on Maui:  Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort is situated on Maui's premier southwestern coastline along Mokapu Beach. Private perks include complimentary upgrades, early check-in/late check-out, daily breakfast for two, $100 spa credit, wifi, and more.
Mother Nature puts on quite a show on the secluded Hawaiian island of Lanai. With 90,000 acres of pristine beauty to explore, consider horseback riding along peaceful trails, off-roading to remote beaches, and marveling at the island's otherworldly rock formations. A surprise to many, you're more likely to find pine forests in Lanai than white sand beaches dotted with palm trees. Drier than its neighboring islands, Lanai's landscapes are strikingly beautiful and rooted in mystery. Where to stay on Lanai: Indulge at Sensei Lanai, a Four Seasons Resort. This luxurious wellness enclave is set amongst lush gardens and impeccable sculptural art. The opportunities for reconnection are endless, and you'll be pampered with private perks including complimentary round-trip airfare from Honolulu on Lanai Air, upgrades, early check-in/late check-out, daily breakfast for two, $100 spa credit, wifi, and more.
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imamxdel · 1 year
weekend getaway, without the kids; whether it’s to redo honeymoon or whatever! Go wild! [ Daehyun -> Sorom ]
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Something felt really different this time. Sorom had taken plenty of trips outside the country without the kids, all of them for work, but never as a vacation. Every time she'd travelled for fun, they'd always come with, always laughing and enjoying their destination while Sorom took too many pictures of her adorable family.
Getting woken in the hotel room with the twins jumping on their bed and Daehyun playfully tackling them in to the mattress, eventually the kids falling back asleep tucked in between their parents, Sorom messing with Hana's hair and Minjun tucked protectively against his father even while he slept. It felt a lot emptier that morning when the two of them woke up on their own without an alarm or without jumping toddlers.
Sorom knew she'd miss them, but didn't think it would be this much. She knew they were safe with her parents, and knew that they'd be happy since her parents were probably spoiling them rotten with love and attention. It didn't matter that she'd facetimed with them every night and still managed to read them a story at night from over the phone and watched them fall asleep clutching the plushies Daehyun had gifted them, she still ached to hold them.
Being invited to Paris Fashion Week had been a great honor for Sorom. And still, despite five years of marriage, her husband found new ways to surprise her as he'd failed to mention his fluency until the two of them landed and gotten them a cab to their too luxurious hotel and stunned her in to a near state of shock. Just as she'd failed to mention that she'd secretly listened to him talk on the phone whenever he spoke in English because she just loved hearing him speak in different languages.
Daehyun was the only thing keeping her sane. It was a bit easier to forget how much she missed her children as the days grew a bit busier with work, though as it turned out she was just an invited guest and she was stressing for nothing. He continued to amaze her as he guided most of the conversations with other attendee's since her lack of language skill held most of them back. She'd gotten a little better with english, a bit more japanese, but nothing close to his skill.
Paris really was beautiful. Sorom walked hand in hand alongside her husband and admired the beautiful architecture while pointing out artistic pieces that were too pretty not to talk about. She also caught herself talking about the fashion of nearby bystanders.
"Everyone here dresses so nice," Sorom was saying. "Even though I miss the twins, I'm really happy you decided to come with me. I don't know if I could've done this without you, I'm just getting used to shows back home. It's like you knew I wouldn't have accepted if you weren't here. Thank you."
Smiling, showing that she was actually to be there, and be in love with him, Sorom pushed herself up to kiss him. Her fingers laced through his and squeezed. "And...I think now is right time for us to try again," she said. "I've been thinking about it a lot since we landed, but I really think we should try for another baby. I know I said that I was happy with just the twins, but could you imagine? How good it would be for us to have another baby now that we're in love?" she said, the thought of a sibling for the twins to dote over making her heart melt. "I want to see you as a father again. Properly, this time."
date prompts // @dencesin
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staysproutsol · 2 years
A new beginning
Chapter 3
<- previous : next->
The boat trip went smoothly. Marcel would have thought that having island devils with them would be hard, since they—the good Eldians on Marley—were the ones paying the price.
To Marcel, they seemed to be normal. He didn't always have the best judgement in people (his younger brother was better), but he didn't always judge a book by its cover, as they had been taught. You never know; they could be wolves in sheep's clothing.
He was watching their every move, especially the kids. They may appear cute and adorable, but he will not be fooled! He knows how to be swayed by cute looks. His brother (who thinks he's cute) always managed to get what he wanted from him, knowing he has a soft spot for him and knows how to use it correctly against him.
The adults didn't seem all that threatening to Marcel, if he were honest. He thought of it this way: What are a grandpa and two soldiers who look harmless going to do to him, an obviously trained warrior? And he had Zeke with him, who was ten times stronger than him.
His biggest mistake was to underestimate them. They may look like nothing, but they were still strong.
He was unloading the luggage the island devils had brought with them, and packing everything on such short notice was impressive. Zeke and the blonde solider, Hana, Hanma, he wasn't sure, but they both left him to his own advice to go and follow the trio after the tiny trio ran away from them in excitement. He was sure it was the blonde kid; he did seem like the excited type. And the other soldier didn’t look like he was moving from his place to help Marcel. He didn’t really know where Mr. Arlet was, but he might be with Zeke.
Going back to the ship to pick up the last few cases, he found Mr. Arlet holding them. which caught him off guard because how did this fragile-looking man manage to hold not only one but two!? So, him being the nice gentleman he is, went to pick them up from him, not thinking how heavy they could be. The old man was holding it like it was a piece of paper, so it shouldn't be heavy.
So why can't he hold it? Why is it so heavy? And, most importantly, how did an elderly man manage to hold not one, but two of these cases!?
"It's fine, really, young Galliard. I can hold them just fine," the older man reasoned, but Marcel was unconvinced. It looks like he needs to up his training.
"Please call me Marcel. There's no need for formality," he gasped out, after setting the two heavy cases next to the rest of the luggage.
Kaito smiled and said, "Young Marcel, thank you for your help. Me and the kids will handle things from here."
Marcel didn't understand what the man meant, and before he got the chance to question him, Zeke has already accomplished this.
"Not so fast, Mr. Arlet. I have just finished reporting everything to Commander Magath, and he has an apartment outside of the internment zone ready for you and Armin."
"Please, thank your commander for us then," he said thankfully. "Let's go, you three."
"Zeke! Are you insane!?Living outside of the internment zone? What were you thinking when the commander told you!?"
"Don't think I didn't try? That man is stubborn as a brick!" replied the blonde, just as irritated as the brunette. 
"Wait, Mr. Arlet!" yelled Marcel, making the man stop and face them, "What do you mean outside of the internment zone!? Something like that means death for Eldians, Zeke! And you just let the commander do it!?"
"What makes you think I didn't try to stop him? He said something about new rules, and they will be set to work on both Eldians and Marlyans to protect both populations.
"Rules, my ass!" he barked madly, and a couple of coughs reminded him that there were children present. "They won't survive a day outside of the internment zone, and you know it!" he whisper-shouted, hoping that Mr. Arlet wouldn't hear, which thankfully he didn't. He was distracted by the tiny trio.
"Don't worry, Marcel." he put a hand on his shoulder and said, "I won't let anything happen to them."
"Over my dead body," he assured them.
"They could die! And all of this would be done for nothing!" he whisper-shouted, making sure they still didn't hear him. He was trying to stop Zeke from doing this. He was trying to stop them from having more blood on their hands.
"They are innocent, Zeke! They-"
"Young Zeke, is there something wrong?" The voice of Mr. Arlet cut them off.
"Not at all, Mr. Arlet," he smiled, "Let's go; I will be showing you the way around."
Marcel watched them leave. He watched as they walked away from him with Zeke, who was leading them to death's door.
"Hey Zeke," called Marcel. "Why did you let Eren and Mikasa live with the Arlets?" he questioned curiously.
Zeke had shown them around and made sure they arrived safely at their new apartment. He was hesitant to leave them alone, but Mr. Arlet's firm and strong face made him relax a little.
"It's temporary," answered the blonde curtly, "but I still have to tell my grandparents about it, about them, about the whole situation."
"You still haven't told them?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't understand, unfortunately, why the blonde was taking so long. He thought the blonde would tell them as soon as he finished showing the island devils—er, the Eldians on Paradise—around.
Zeke shook his head. "It's not that easy. My father is a sore topic for them and for all of us. Bringing it up now, after years, might be hard, and what I still need to figure out is how to tell them."
"Right," he said nervously, "Do you have any idea how you'll do it?"
Zeke stayed silent for a moment before answering, "I'll get everything ready first before telling them. I need to get my sh*t together first before doing anything at all."
And now that Marcel has thought about it, family talks were always a no-go topic for Zeke in their group, and even if he did talk about them, it was always in small details just to keep the small talks going. Nothing more, nothing less. Zeke has also gone through so much because of his father, and maybe seeing Eren and Mikasa go through the same thing did something to Zeke as it awakened something within him in the process.
Because Marcel just imagined himself getting abandoned by his own parents, and he knew he wouldn’t take it as lightly as they did. He wouldn't just hear it like he was expecting it. He would cry, demand answers, and beg his parents not to leave him. He might not know the whole story, but it's just harsh. Why get kids if you won't care for them? Why give birth to them if you won’t raise them and love them? What’s the point? Marcel may not know, and he's not sure if Zeke, Eren, or Mikasa do, but he'll be there for them. They too deserve to have a family.
Marcel looked towards Zeke, who looked to be lost in thought. He decided to let him be for now, but he'll be sure to be there to help him with anything he needs. He was an older brother himself, and Zeke had their backs so many times on missions and in reports when they messed up. It was time to return the favor!
Zeke was ready.
He had everything ready to properly raise a child in a safe environment. He was able to score an apartment outside of the internment zone, just next to the Arlets, so they were going to be neighbors. He properly protected the apartment from any danger that could injure or harm Eren or Mikasa in any way. He cleaned it and got them new, comfortable beds and sheets for each of their rooms. He prepared himself to help them decorate their rooms to their liking; he was ready to spend money. He learned how to cook a balanced meal to keep a child healthy. He bought them new clothes of better quality than the ones they had back in Paradise.
He even purchased a few books to help him enhance his knowledge of parenting. Books like "Parenting 101," "How to Deal with Traumatized Kids," "How to Parent," and "How to Be a Parent" They have helped for the most part, but they didn’t help with how to reveal the news to someone.
He learned all of that in a matter of a month. all while also visiting his newfound siblings and trying to get to know them better. It was hard trying to balance life between work, preparation, and being there for his siblings, but he managed to get through it.
He was ready with everything. With everything but telling his grandparents. He was sure they would end up loving Eren and Mikasa, but he still had that voice in his head telling him that if he told them, it wouldn't end well, and he had a feeling that voice would end up being right. And no matter how much he read or got ready, nothing had prepared him enough for telling his grandparents. His fear was growing day by day.
He walks into the house and smells his grandmother's delicious cooking. It looks like she went overboard when she learned he was coming over for dinner. It reassured him a little, but he can only hope he will still have his grandparents by the end of the night.
He finds his grandfather already seated at the dining table with the newspaper in hand. He turned the papers down to look at him once he had stepped foot into the dining area.
"You look rough; what happened to you?" asked his grandfather, then he went back to focusing on the news.
"Nothing, just a little extra work," he replied sourly. He hated lying to his grandparents and tried to avoid doing so as much as he could.
"What did I tell you about not overworking yourself, young man?" scolded his grandmother, walking into the dining room with a tray in her hand that held Zeke's favourite food, tofu stir-fry.
"Didn’t I tell you to take it easy?" she had said after setting the tray. She raised her spatula with a dangerous-looking smile, making him shiver.
He loved his grandmother, he really did! But sometimes she can be terrifying.
"I'm not! I just have extra work, that's all."
He always loved the way his grandmother cooked his tofu. No one could ever match her taste, not even top restaurants inside or outside the internment zone.
He took a seat at the table. His grandmother handed him a bole of rice, then turned to her husband with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her wrinkled face.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to read the newspaper while eating? You want me to die of anger, don't you?"
The man ignored her for a while before folding it and setting it aside. "I needed to read that article; calm your horses, and no, no one dies of anger," he replied coolly, being a doctor helps sometimes.
At his grandparents' antiques, the blonde sweat dropped. Sometimes they act like children, but he wouldn't have it any other way, and he was sure Eren and Mikasa would love them—at least he hoped that they would.
"The article said that you had managed to make peace with Paradis. Is it true?" asked his grandfather, making Zeke stiff. 
The article was already out? He thought that Commander Magath said that the news would be out when the new laws are told to the public. Was he lying? What was exactly said in the article? Did they reveal Eren and Mikasa’s existence?
He had paled at the thought, "Yea, Marcel helped too."
If he was going down, he would be sure to drag the brown-haired teenager with him.
His grandfather hummed and started eating, saying, "Good job at stopping those island devils."
and Zeke has flinched at the words. They aren't devils; he knew that much. Eren was so adorable that it was hard for him to stay mad for more than a minute. And, if Armin is correct, it was a record to anyone who wasn't Mikasa or Carla, Eren's mother. 
They had started eating. The entire dinner was mostly silent, but for small talk, his grandparents did know what he was up to. He was lost in thought the entire time unless he was addressed, and his grandmother would give him a worried glance, but he ignored it for the most part. It just made him feel guilty for making her worry about him like that.
"Are you ready to tell us what's been troubling you?" questioned the older male.
Zeke shrank into himself when he heard that. They would, of course, notice that something is wrong. He sighed before taking a deep breath.
"I meet Grisha," he blurted out.
A loud crash came from the kitchen, making Zeke stand up. He didn't get to move as his grandfather grabbed his wrist. He looked shocked by the news, yet there was still a hopeful look in his eyes.
His grandmother came running out of the kitchen with tears running down her face and asked, "Is he okay?"
"For the most part, yeah," replied the blonde curtly. So, after all he did, they still cared. "But that's not what I was coming to say," he added.
"Did something bad happen to him?" she had asked with a fearful tone in her usually soft voice.
"He, he remarried." he started nervously, "and he had two kids, but one of them is adopted. "I don't know the whole story, but both of their mothers were murdered and,"
He took a deep breath.
"And Grisha agreed to let them go. He didn't even say goodbye to them, or tell them to behave, or hug them, or show them any type of farewell! He didn't even care in the slightest that they were leaving!"
"They watched as their father told strangers they had never met in their entire lives, who claimed to be family, to take custody over them just because he couldn't step up as a parent!"
"Those kids are going to have trauma and trust issues because of that! Because he wasn't a man and abandoned his family!"
He was sure he had tears running down his cheeks. He just had all these bottled up feelings, and seeing Eren and Mikasa just be so normal about it hurt. How they acted like it was nothing, like it was an everyday occurrence, worried him to death. They are kids, yet they went through so much already, and they didn’t deserve that.
No one did.
"What nonsense are you spouting!? Grisha would never!" boomed his grandfather, as he stood up in rage.
"Are you saying that I’m lying?" said the blonde, sounding hurt.
"Honey, please calm yourself. I’m sure Zeke wanted to tell us something else, right?"
The blonde stared at his grandparents in disbelief, his jaw open. They believed Grisha over him? The man who ruined their family? The reason that Zeke had to become a warrior was so his grandparents wouldn't die. Did they think he was innocent as well?
"No, I wasn't trying to tell you something else. He didn't only abandon us; he abandoned them too."
"He failed as a father, so don't try to defend him." He spit, scrunched up his face in disgust, and walked away.
He could hear his grandmother calling for him and telling him to come back. But he couldn't face her, not after what happened. He knew mothers were supposed to care for their children, depending on one of the books, but he just couldn't find it in himself to look at her right now. Not when it hurts this much.
Bonus scene:
Hannes was helping them move to their older brother's apartment. He didn't see the point since he was living next door to Armin. They could leave their stuff there and come get it when they need it, but Hannes scolded him and told him to stop complaining.
But that wasn't what Eren was whining about. He didn't want Hannes to leave. He would never admit it out loud, but the blonde man is a sign of comfort to him. Even if he was most of the time drunk, and he even remembered Armin telling him that when someone is drunk, they're the most honest, the same couldn’t be said for their actions.
The man was leaving first thing in the morning, and Eren might not be able to properly say goodbye to him due to his being in school. He tried to convince Zeke about not letting them go, but it went in vain.
He watched from the door as the man packed up the last of his things and got ready to go back to work in the Garrison Regiment.
"So are you gonna keep watching?"
Eren flushed at the sudden attention, but composed himself quickly. "I-I wasn't!"
"Liars get big red noses, Eren," he joked lightheartedly.
"No, they don't!" he yelled as he hid his nose.
Hannes chuckled. "Sometimes you're too cute for your own good."
Eren pouted; he was cute!
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not," he grumbled, and he decided to change the subject. "Read this once you're back inside the walls."
He looked the other way with a slightly reddened face and shoved a small letter in his hands. The man looked at the paper in his hands and smiled softly. Eren is way too cute for his own good.
"I will."
Eren gave him another piece of paper and said, "And give this to Granny Tomoko; we didn't get to tell her goodbye."
Hannes ruffled the brunette's hair, making him whine, but he didn't push his hand away, so the blonde took it as a win.
"I will give it to her, so don't worry."
"I wasn't."
Thank you for reading!
Sorry that took longer than expected. That chapter got erased twice, so I had to write it twice. I know this chapter might not be good so please forgive me for my careless behavior (╥﹏╥)
I also didn't know where to put the scene where Hannes leaves, so I add it as a bonus scene that where supposed to be in two chapters later. (ーー;)
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dipperdesperado · 2 years
Outlining the first act of my romantic political thriller scene by scene
Hi all, long time no see! I've jumped back on the saddle with Project Dangerous Lovers, and I'm gonna try to pick back up with the updates! hope you enjoy ;)
An affluent leader of the government has his world turned upside down when he meets a member of one of the most neglected sects of society. As his empathy for the ‘other’ grows, so too does his love for the woman who showed him this new dimension of the world. How far will he go, to ensure the freedom that she desires? What lines will get crossed in pursuit of her goals?
Will have 40-60 beats
Act One
10ish beats
Opening Image
The President is at the pulpit, giving a speech. Ash watches, somewhat bored. The Presidential Square is located in the center of Juno. It is beautiful.
The Meet Cute
Ash runs into a beautiful security guard. They hit it off, immediately forming a connection. Banter, longing looks, the whole nine.
After the presidential speech, Hana starts to act on her plot to kill the president. She moves in.
Ash decides to follow her after a bit. He ends up seeing that she is trying to do something nefarious.
Hana pops out on stage, Ash on her heels. She tries to take out the president, but he stops her. Before she can get taken out, she takes Ash hostage. She makes an escape, with Ash as her prisoner.
Ash wakes up in a thatched house that is well-made. He has a splitting headache. His perception of Hana becomes marred by her act of terrorism. She comes in, and he’s on guard. He runs at her, and she pulls out her bow, aiming at him, telling him to sit down. He puts his hands up in surrender. When she lets her guard down, he tries to sneak up on her, and she uses something to make him go back to sleep.
Ash wakes up again, his fists clenched. He goes outside and sees Hana sitting on a rock, looking up at the stars. They’re on a small island. So small, this house is the biggest thing. They have a conversation that leads to a big argument… and realize that they have some massive differences. Hana tells Ash to get ready for their trip.
They go to a small pier, and Hana grabs a small boat, powered by the wind. Ash hops on, and they ride the waves.
They approach the Outer Ring, a place that almost looks magical to Ash, someone who’s been in the industrial world of Idyll all his life. The scraps and waste of the industrial world have been made into repurposed tools and landscapes of the Outer Ring. Hana tells him about the impact of what people are doing there in Idyll.
They ride up onto the coast of Circe, Hana’s village, and the heart of the Outer Ring. Hana is greeted by everyone; it’s a hero’s welcome. In the commotion, Ash makes a break for it.
Hana chases Ash, through the village and ends up near the Ringleader.
The leader of the outer ring introduces himself to Ash. After their chat, Ash is put into prison. He’s been there for a long time, with periodic visits from Hana. They have conversations occasionally, but things still feel tense.
Acceptance of the Quest/Giving Relationship a Chance
One day, Hana comes with a sad look in her eyes. She opens the gate, and Ash stumbles out, confused. She beckons him to follow her. They head to the Ringleader.
Through the town, people look at Ash; the smiles that are bestowed upon her fade once they see Ash. They’re watching for him to run. He notices an opening but doesn’t take it.
They go to the Ringleader. He presents Hana and Ash with a mission; to help cripple the government, to weaken them for a decisive attack. The rest of Hana’s team comes in. They discuss roles, responsibilities, and the plan, and they break.
And that's it! Let me know what you think. Going to continue outlining, and while I'm doing that, I'm also going to start the worldbuilding process! Have a good one, and we'll see each other soon! Peace :)
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deputyparrish-blog · 7 years
Advice For Driving The Road To Hana
You will locate many things to do in the road to hana. However few understand the unique culture and island manners involved when visiting this amazing island. Here are a few activities you can do to join to the host civilization and enjoy the people in addition to those places of Maui.
The route to Hana is a must do for anybody vacationing in Hawaii. If you haven't been to Maui before, the route to Hana is an attractive 50 mile drive on a twisting road through a tropical rain forest. This highway, is untouched by today's world. The things you will see are nature in its own splendor, and perhaps several food stands across the way. You may think that you can drive the 50 miles in an hour, however you will need to take all day every day. You're going to be stopping at pools, waterfalls for swimming, beaches, hiking and even see a blow pit. Listed below in the order you can come to these are 5 stops everyone will not want to miss.
Right after making off the turn, on your left, you will observe a pullout letting you stop and capture images. This may be the photo you are able to share with your friends on Facebook because you describe exactly the 620 curves you took over the driving the road to hana! As you keep down the lane, you'll notice the historic church, built in 1860. It is the only building on the peninsula that survived the tsunami in 1946. Proceed onto the lava rock and check out the stunning panoramic views.
Waikani Falls (mile 19.6)- This special waterfall can be called Three Bears Falls. As the water cascades from the hill, in breaks up into three different run offs symbolizing Papa, Mama and Baby Bear. There is limited parking, go beyond the falls and playground then walk back off to view it. Many would wish to just receive a photo from the trail, but those adventurous can swim in the swimming pool below.
There's also camping and picnic areas available. Wainapanapa has so much to do, so you could easily spend an hour or so here.
Wailua Falls (ago Hana at mile 45.3) This can be just another fantastic waterfall viewed from directly off the trail so everyone can love it. It divides 100 feet into a beautiful tropical atmosphere. (As a side note, simply to make things confusing, 1.5 miles beyond Hana, the mile markers start counting down instead of up).
Haleakala National Park and Ohe'o Gulch (past Hana at mile 42)- Though it's is 10 miles beyond Hana, Haleakala is generally considered as the final point to see on the road to Hana. There are two trails in the park, the prevalent one would be the.5 mile loop into Ohe'o Gulch. It's a simple course and takes one to several pools that visitors can drift in. When you have enough time and really feel adventurous, my favorite hike on the trail to Hana is your 4 mile round trip hike to Waimoku Falls which takes one via an great bamboo forest.
These top 5 attractions on the road to Hana will be enjoyable to everyone. Young, youthful, adventurous, non-adventurous, athletic or not, all will soon be able to gain access to all these ceases and all will enjoy these. Once traveling the route to Hana remember, it's the travel and these amazing places in nature you will love on your own drive not Hana itself. So go ahead, enjoy your travels.
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