Can Technology End Company Directors?
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Does the ever-increasing use of technology at work have anything to do with the future of Company Directors? With more workers in our high-tech age of computers, telephones, cell phones, emails and everything else connected to the Internet, has that put a damper on the boardroom? In the past, directors were able to maintain their anonymity. That's all but gone. This does not mean they are now collaborating with their employees about the company. They may still maintain an office at times, but it would be up to the directors on how to manage these emails, what kind of information is sent, who is allowed to access it, when to look at it, etc. This type of freedom and flexibility is not the norm anymore. As long as a director is appointed by a shareholder or some other board member to act on their behalf, then this is okay. The question is, why have they been appointed in the first place? It seems a process where the directors are just "appointees" to someone else's agenda. At some point, one would think that by virtue of being appointed, one would be held accountable for whatever actions one took or did not take, however remote or far-fetched. Why else would a shareholder want his or her only representative on the board to run the company and oversee it? Perhaps they will want a director who will approve some actions but not others. It might be someone who wants to appoint one of their own number on the board. No matter how the board itself is constructed, having a secret, uncensored list of people may not be an ideal solution. One company director I know said, "I don't want my bosses or HR to see any of my work email, I just want to know that it isn't mine". These are a couple of different scenarios that could go into play here. Of course, sometimes an employee might also want to be excluded from the Board, even if one of their own numbers are on the board. I've seen one director says that he would also prefer to do the job from home so he can write his emails, keep in touch with his coworkers and not be sitting around, waiting for someone to email him. That's the real problem and the reason why a lot of Boards end up hiring staff in the first place, to keep their personal emails out of sight. This has been termed "staying power", so, rather than wait around for a decision to be made, they often choose to "make" the decision. But at what cost? If a company has a simple communication network, a few employees can create a precedent of what they believe is acceptable and what is not. Unless there is a very clear line drawn for every employee to follow, those two extremes, can exist and work against the good of the company. As more staff members work online, it is hard to know what information should be allowed to be kept out of view. Without clear guidelines, some employees can do what they want while others, who only communicate through mail or electronic means, think twice before sending an email that the Director has not authorized. Just because we have a digital business world, does not mean the expectations of company directors are no longer relevant. Technology continues to change and so must our expectations of what it means to lead.
Will Technology End Company Directors?
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Some of the companies that were founded during the early years of World War II had one thing in common, which was that the majority of their directors were company presidents or company officers. The CEO was the only man-made entity that controlled a company, and the company's board was a crucial part of the company's operations. The CEO was the leader of the board, and the CEO is still king of that board. Will technology end with this structure? What is the future of the board? The future of the board is looking very bright. However, when you examine what happens to company directors in a CEO-less environment, you realize that it can get really strange. Consider this scenario: a director for a company proposes a term limit amendment, which would limit the time a director could serve on the board from five to four years. After that, the amendment may also restrict the number of executive directors of a company can have from four to three. Four would obviously make the board a bit smaller, but it would also mean that every director now who served four years as a director on the board would only have served for two years as an executive. In other words, it would basically become a three-year board. This amendment would basically create a system where the board was dominated by executives, and these executives now have all the power. The board now has a much smaller number of members, and the executive officers would be the directors. This would create a conflict of interest situation where the board's control over the company would be greatly diminished. How will the shareholders choose those who are on the board? Can the members, who have only served two years as board members, actually be considered to be members? What about the board'current executive officers? How will a board with no president even recognize the board's constitution? How would a business, which is run through an executive hierarchy, operate? How will board members be rewarded if they are forced to accept the way of things? How will the board be able to continue to function? Indeed, let's talk about this for a minute. One person at a time, in four-year increments, can run away with the board, and an executive, even if he's an absolute monster, is not going to be able to stop him. Will technology end with such a non-resident control of a board? Does the company actually survive? Let's look at the next generation of business. We are in the New Media Age, where people do business in so many ways that we don't even know where to begin. Consider the company I'm working with right now, Amazon.com. This company has developed a product called Kindle. It's an e-reader that basically comes with thousands of books stored in the device itself, making it almost impossible to lose the book.
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Can Technology End Authors?
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Is it possible to write a book that is so technically precise that it will not be readable by the general public? This could be a step in the right direction for writers and authors, but I have some reservations about this approach. The thing is, I think all authors would love to know that their work is so widely read that it was translated into Russian or Chinese or Portuguese in the future. In fact, it's far easier for me to sell books online if they have a high page rank, or a Google or Yahoo! advertisement attached to them. The way I see it, if I write a book that's good enough to be translated and distributed, my goal of earning more money would have been accomplished. That's great, and it makes me feel a little better about my writing ability. But when I'm writing science fiction books, there's a pretty high chance that readers will eventually view my work in the same light as those science fiction books, which are known for being "translated" from their original languages. You know, I'd like to think that I'm the next Isaac Asimov. So what do you do when your work is translated into French, Italian, or Spanish or whatever? Do you just cut out the part about your name and place it somewhere else? What if you have to leave your name out entirely? What if you have to change the names of your characters to be more appropriate with their new country of residence? Or do you rewrite the entire manuscript, but leave the original text intact? You know, just to be safe? If you have a bottom line, a business plan and a few other details set down before you start the project, you should be able to answer the question, "Can Technology End Authors?" with a "yes." However, if you are running into a "no," perhaps you need to think about other options. I've always liked the words of Victor Hugo, who said, "I try to make fiction and truth work together like the two wings of a butterfly in flight." Well, it would appear to me that technology has made the very air we breathe a butterfly. For all we know, they may have wings already. Indeed, if this were so, the writers and authors of the future may indeed be living to see the day when their work could someday be called "translated." After all, even today, many authors don't want their work translated because they would rather be known for what they did and how they did it. But these technological advances are only going to speed up. Eventually, people will look at a novel written twenty years ago as antiquated, but only in comparison to today's best works of fiction and nonfiction. So the answer to the question, "Can Technology End Authors?" will probably have to be, "We'll see."
Will Technology End Authors?
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Will Technology End Authors? The answer is probably no, because there are always new authors and their books will always be available. And if you're just now thinking about starting a blog or website then there are ways to get it started quickly, cheaply and without much effort. It's not a good idea to start off with a blog that you can't monetize. This is very expensive and if you're going to do this you need to have a large subscriber base, which I'm not suggesting you do if you want to keep your profit margin high. If you're able to make some money on the first few months, you'll then be ready to move on to other things. Blogs can only be monetized if you have a lot of traffic, which you don't. A blog is useless if no one comes to visit it, and that's where your traffic will come from. Your readers will most likely click on your link if they like what you have to say, or if they've found something they like. If you set up a website then there's an even better idea to make it an author site. People who browse the web regularly will be attracted to your products or services, and will visit your site and buy your products. The best part of this is that they won't know that you're an author at all. They just think you're some good guy who wants to sell some stuff to them. You can put up a very simple and inexpensive blog to promote your product or services and use it as a niche site. You can do this all on your own. Then you can sell the products and services and generate the revenue that you need. You just don't have to use your own product, since the software is available. My suggestion is to start using something called Blogger, which has been used successfully by many authors. It's a free service that you pay for to be able to use it for a few years. I started using it and I loved it, so I recommended it to my own website and I recommend it to yours. It's a great way to advertise your blog and the products you offer and can help build your mailing list, which you'll need to get your products or services out there. For example, if you're running a book promotion or other eBook site then you need to have a mailing list to promote your products and make money. You can create a blog, which looks like a sales page for your products, and include your company name and contact details. You can include a link to your product, or the item you're promoting. These are usually called Amazon Affiliate links and are found on your sales page. Once you've got a few products or services listed in your blog, you'll probably get a lot of sales, since you're going to get the link to your site. That will attract your reader and get them to your products. They may just buy the product right then and there and see your blog as their gateway to your products. When you get a lot of new visitors your income will grow. Then you'll have the cash you need to buy a domain name, set up your blog and start making some income. Starting a blog or website with little money is a good idea for any beginner. Start up costs can be kept to a minimum, and you can start with your own site. There's no time like the present to start up your own website or blog, and before you know it you'll be making money from it.
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Can Technology End Architects?
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If architecture is the study of structures and buildings, can technology end architects? What is this technological evolution that we are moving towards and what are its implications for us? We can look to the world of entertainment, sports, finance, science and medicine, in which digital elements are inherent. On the surface, technology may appear merely a functional tool to help us accomplish a specific task, but it's much more than that. As an architect, you are a "technician" - something that has been traditionally regarded as a person who merely cuts down a building in order to construct a new one. There is something else that you do as well. You act as a mediator. Technology has made our lives simpler in many ways. We no longer have to dig holes or work with heavy machinery, but we do have to build our homes and offices around technology and software. We have automated processes to automate us, allowing us to enter data without human intervention, and allow us to develop software programs and systems that can run on a computer network. Engineers have also become more important. In other words, there is much more of a dependence on the expert in the field. Even in the arts, those who seek to develop their craft, even art critics have become more involved in technology. Even those who perform in the performing arts have begun to analyze the evolution of technology. Technologists play a crucial role in the development of society and in the way we perceive the world. Technology and science have revolutionized the way we think, and in many cases how we interact with one another. Computers and their applications in medicine are in effect catalysts for innovation, for change, for new ways of thinking, new ways of feeling and new ways of living. We live more intensely and almost often prefer to immerse ourselves into a system or environment where we are constantly exposed to new ways of thinking and acting. Education is just one facet of this transformation. In fact, the online education programs we have today have not only changed the way we study, but the way we learn and are now often less dependent on the traditional classroom environment. Moreover, we often find that technology-based education helps us to be more creative and innovative. Today, it is easier to achieve higher standards of learning through the medium education. So, the needs of schools, and the demands of the market, have forced some of our best architects to go into the realm of online education. For example, design and architecture students at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, use the Adobe Suite program in combination with hypertext and image documents to create a virtual online environment to impart the best learning experience possible. Further, what we see in this world today is an emphasis on practicality and realism through virtual life simulation programs that are accompanied by very real graphics and sound. There is a clear emphasis on hands-on learning with instruction using the keyboard, mouse and other familiar peripherals. Architecture and design are used as an inspirational medium to illustrate principles of relationships in nature and in human-technology interaction. This is not a new concept, but recent developments have led to greater use of technology in architecture to achieve and ultimately promote, improved knowledge and a more successful world. Architects and designers, both, will have to remain concerned with the changing environment. The world of architects will have to become aware of how technology may change our interactions with one another and with the environment. And architects must understand that technology is an essential part of our lives - from televisions and video conferencing to computers and database systems.
Will Technology End Architects?
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Will Architects and Engineers not only continue to exist in the future but will also become more computer savvy? To answer this question let's take a look at the nature of the job of an Architect and Engineer. The job description of the architect is quite simple, as they work to make the buildings that we are familiar with to meet our requirements for safety, comfort, and protection. Architects and Engineers do not design buildings; their job is to design solutions for solving problems. For example, in a home, an architect will design the building with the highest levels of insulation, sound proofing, fire proofing, and security for protecting the residents. Once the design has been completed the architects and engineers sit back and wait for a client. Then the process starts all over again to get the client signed up for the project. Engineers will be responsible for installing the systems needed to bring all the various components of the building up to spec and start up. This is done by providing the client with designs that include the features that the client wants. While waiting for the client to sign up, the engineers and architects are up against many challenges including contractors and buyers. As we age, we'll see the trend towards more responsibility being placed on the shoulders of the engineer, and the position of Architect becoming less important. However, technology will evolve beyond the capabilities of both the engineer and the architect. As we progress into the 21st century, we will have computers will control everything from factories to homes. In order to have a well functioning company, one must get the product right. Engineers will continue to be responsible for designing the buildings that we live in, however, with the advancement of computer science, the engineer will not have the skills needed to design and build. Therefore, it becomes an engineering problem for a client to hire an engineer to design the building. After the project is installed, the engineer will often need to go through a remodeling phase to re-enforce the building. This is another engineering problem for the engineer to solve. In the end, we will see the role of the engineer as not only a design expert, but one who has developed skills in information technology and operations management to manage a construction project. Architecture and Engineering will continue to exist within this century, however, the roles of the two disciplines will differ. As we evolve into the next century, architects will become more computer savvy, while engineers will learn new areas of computer technology. Within a decade or so, the concept of the architect and engineer will become a redundant concept. It will also become very interesting to see the transition from the architect and engineer creating a building, then transferring it to the design stage of the project, to the architect and engineers designing the building from the ground up. We will see the architects and engineers responsible for the designing of the building at the very beginning. However, over time as computers start taking on more of the job of the architect and engineer, it will become unnecessary for the architect and engineer to be in control of the design and construction. Even so, the architect and engineer will be required to continue as architects, and engineers for a variety of situations. For example, the engineer will be responsible for helping design the building's environmental controls, to ensure that there are no air pollution issues when the building is operating. The architect will continue to be the engineer, as they will create the mechanical components of the building, including the roof, floor, plumbing, lighting, and the electrical systems. In the end of the design process, the architect will make suggestions to the engineer to ensure that the building meets the specifications of the client. Architects and Engineers will continue to exist in the future, but the roles will change. The relationship between the engineer and architect will evolve into a consulting relationship, instead of an engineering project. It will be an engineering project that involve the engineer from start to finish of the project, and a construction project that allow the engineer to consult with the architect as to ensure that the building meets the specifications. Will architects and Engineers continue to exist in the future? The answer will only become apparent when we start looking back into history. the history of architectural design.
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Can Technology End Animators?
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Technology is always a force to be reckoned with and to hear the Disney Corporation talk about the technological advances of its latest blockbuster film, Frozen, you'd think it was an inevitable thing. "Technology is the new age", said Bob Iger, Chief Executive of the Walt Disney Company. But when did technology make its way into the workplace of an animator? Before we explore what is to come in the animation industry, let's take a look at the past and where animation was born. Think of the early pioneers of animation such as William Disney, who created Mickey Mouse in his mind. William Disney was no doubt a visionary and innovator when it came to animation, but what makes it so special? The unique skill of animating a character takes years of study. You need to create a drawing that reflects the character, its personality, mood, voice, movement, the entire atmosphere of the character, and a whole lot more. It's all about how the character moves through space and time. An animator can create a fantasy film like Tarzan, just by pointing his head, or find a character's shadow and paint it onto a canvas. When you look at a child's drawing, they may be just looking for inspiration, and in turn, the artist draws something that they like, but it's the creative process that will make their child become an artist. In today's world of digital artwork, this is a very different world. We all use computers now. Everyone has a computer in their home and can download a digital painting into their computer without having to print or cut out the picture, just by sitting at their desk. Even though everyone has the right tools, an animator must learn and practice with hands on experience, before they get to the point where they can do it all themselves. An animator works with the computer to animate the character, and then has to work with paper and paperclips to get the look of the character just right. This is where technology has made the difference between being an animator and becoming an animation technician. If you had to sum up what is animation, you would have to say it's the world's most creative art form. An animator needs the knowledge and the ability to create a motion-capture session with live actors. Once they have captured a great performance, he can then manipulate the animation to get exactly what he wanted. A simple idea can change an entire film. To an animator, animation has no boundaries; it can be an abstract expressionistic piece, a low budget horror film, a cartoon series, or a full length feature film. In fact, there are artists who specialize in just one type of animation, such as Eisner Award winning cartoonist Jim Lee. Animation is part of our everyday lives and in the near future, it will continue to grow. We all have seen the incredible strides being made with technology in every industry. Why should it be any different for animation? Animation was once considered to be just another niche industry. Now, thanks to today's technology, it is part of our world. Technology does not have to mean just for the movies and television shows, and it's definitely not a barrier that stops us from growing as an industry. In the last year, the animation industry's peak has shifted from cartoons to CG animation. This is technology's new frontier, and as we move further into the future, technology will continue to advance. Animation is an exceptional industry and continues to grow every day. It's only a matter of time before the dream of a Disney film will be realized. And, who knows, in the future, animation could even outgrow the traditional forms of animation.
Will Technology End Animators?
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When it comes to animation, will technology make it easier for animators to be able to continue to provide their works to those who enjoy watching them? Let's see how technology can help you get better at animating. Today, there are two main jobs that an animator has: working with live action, or using animation software, which makes up a computer. It is the second that is the most difficult and that animators are still focusing on. The easier job is still there, just takes longer. For now, we're not quite in the high tech revolution yet, but, let's talk about some ways you can learn to be better at this craft. There are tons of resources available to animators today. These are only going to get better, as you'll continue to do research on the subject. If you find yourself struggling, then maybe you need to spend more time online. On the internet, you can see tons of studies on animation, as well as sites offering tips and tutorials. Animation is a fun craft. This is a subject that most people have an interest in. Take advantage of that by learning as much as you can. So, will technology end animators? In one way, yes. Animation is the best use of computers, because it allows you to change things in real time. You can experiment. By making things appear out of the ordinary, you can see what the audience thinks of something, as it happens. That's a powerful skill, isn't it? Everyone wants a piece of that. You can't just get good at the art, though. You have to get good at teaching it. Practical thing, though, isn't always the best thing. At least, not in the long run. If you stick with traditional methods, you'll never reach your full potential. Instead, you might be bored and frustrated with what you've learned. And of course, technology can also help you out. For example, Animoto for PC is great, and while Animoto isn't on the cutting edge, it provides a great base for people to learn from. It's simple, easy to use, and it allows you to experiment and experiment. Technology can be used to your advantage if you want to learn animation, and the easier it is, the better it is. For now, let's focus on software and what it can help you learn. It's great for those who want to experiment and do all the experimenting themselves. It's good for traditionalists, too, because they have a lot of the tools to work with, so they can still create amazing works. Technology isn't going to make it easier for animators to become great, though. It may, however, allow you to do things differently. It's all about experimenting, looking for different approaches and styles. Then, it's about using what you've learned to help you learn what you need to. Animation is a wonderful craft, and the better you are at it, the more you'll be respected. As you can see, it's all about enjoying what you do and not settling for anything less than greatness.
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Can Technology End Actors?
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With all the movies and TV shows we see on the tube these days, I'm sure you have seen plenty of people that are always playing the part of 'actor'. A little bit of a joke, but true. Are there actors out there that don't really want to be an actor, but act? It is probably not too far fetched to think that acting is one of the more difficult fields of study that will ever become available to someone that has a talent for it. To be honest, unless you have a natural ability for it, and the desire to pursue it, you won't be able to succeed in acting. I know this first hand, as I used to have a very specific talent, as I was going by the name in a wide variety of competitive fields. Now I am an actor/television personality, a business entrepreneur, an executive coach, and a private acting coach. All three jobs required me to work hard to keep in touch with what was happening in the business world and practice my skills. It isn't until I decided to branch out into acting, that I discovered that I had an incredible talent for it. People wonder why people want to be actors, and some of them don't even realize that acting is a form of art. But this doesn't change the fact that acting is a very unique career, and it takes a lot of work. I can't blame them for being worried about their future in this industry, but don't let it stop you from achieving your dreams! If you ask me, I think the best way to rid ourselves of those questions is to look at the future and ask ourselves what kind of technology will allow us to perform in public in this era? Will it be technology that ends our careers? Is there anything left that the average Joe will need to do to support themselves? Maybe instead of fighting for our jobs, we should focus on getting more money from our small family business. There is definitely a place for a playwright, a painter, a crafter, a manager, a mechanic, and many other professionals who focus on fulfilling their own needs. However, these jobs may not be as secure as they once were. We are creating a society where no one is safe from being replaced, and being "left behind" is an extremely depressing thought. Having a strong and important role in society and having to prove yourself every day is the life of most people these days. In our society, these jobs are very often forgotten about, and the only thing most people consider is having a good time, partying, going out, buying more material goods, and living their lives of leisure. Why not realize what you truly want to do, and dedicate yourself to this, rather than just seeking some job or another to come along with it? Keep in mind that everyone will have a career in this world, and as a human being, I would not recommend being a slave to anything, especially if it isn't something you really want to do. I'm sure you can think of many things you don't like, but really how can we tell if they are worth it? The answer is, of course, you can't. I believe that the power to choose your profession in the future is already in existence. The question is how can we use this and find what we want out of life, rather than chasing money, fame, and instant gratification. Is it going to be technology that ends our careers, or are we going to have to find something else to concentrate on? For me, I think that the most important thing is to focus on what is truly important and let the things that aren't important fall by the wayside. There are millions of people out there that I admire for making all of the wrong decisions, so for me, the truth is not what makes people successful, but their drive. the lack of it is what will kill them.
Will Technology End Actors?
It's been a long time since we last had an author who really understood the psyche of actors and could write a book about acting. Robert Shaw put it well when he said "If you ask me if acting is art, I would reply that it is just another phase in the evolution of human beings, like saying that music is a form of expression or that painting is a form of expression." You can find such words from authors who are familiar with actors. Unfortunately, most actors think that they are the only ones who can talk about acting. They tend to write books about what other people say they should write books about. I've been in the business of acting for forty years, and I know first-hand that actors must look into technology in order to move the story along. We don't have to wait until Actors are on stage to let them interact with each other. Many directors tell actors to be involved in the creation of their characters as early as possible. If you work with actors who are not involved in the story line and story design, you might find yourself with a story line that isn't what it needs to be. Even if you find an actor who is interested in using computers to write a screenplay, that doesn't mean that the actor can't do this without technology. Actors, being actors, don't get over on people. They can use tools to help with dialogue, or they can use color to help show emotions. But they can only do so much with technology. As an example, when actors discuss lighting in a scene, or when the writer discusses how the actors portrayed a character, they usually talk about the equipment and the screen. But the truth is that most actors don't use technology that much in the story design. Actors use an enormous amount of technology in their everyday lives. Funny actors talk about makeup and hair when describing scenes. But they seldom talk about technology. I think most actors, in fact most writers, don't even know what they can and cannot do. The reason is that the two are so different. Theatre is not limited by what technology can do. Acting is very much based on technology and is best done with technology. In this way, a film can be made with technological problems at the front end, but also has an emotional and narrative complexity as it makes its way through the theatrical release. The same can be said of an opera. There is a story, and there is an element of the past, and it's executed through technology and architecture. The challenge for the director, in making a film, is that not all the players can communicate their roles with technology. It's the same in theatre. With the development of technology in the world, we no longer have a monopoly on the stage, nor on the screen. Most theatre takes place in the present, and it requires an audience to understand the kinds of complexities that actors operate within. Not all new techniques will work in theatre, but some will, and for those, we have to develop them. We need a certain amount of technology for new techniques to be effective, but many of us feel that this is no longer enough. If we could write novels with television, actors could literally write an entire play on the screen.
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Can Technology End Accountants?
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Do you believe that accountants and bookkeepers can be done away with in the future? Many people think so but is it possible for accountants to be eliminated from the accounting world in the near future? I am not a mathematician or computer genius but I have heard enough talk about this profession to tell you that I am not sure if accountants are really needed anymore. Some people are afraid of going to a store to buy a new car but people need to learn how to use these accounting software programs before they could eliminate accountants. For me, it seems like accountants are there to fill in the blanks. But, what is the difference between a computer and new technology? I understand that the computer is better but with computers, we are no longer there to get things done the way we used to. So, what is going to happen to accountants? Some of the people in the accounting field do not believe accountants. Most accountants believe that accountants can be done away with because in today's economy, you need someone else to get things done and if you don't have one, you will need to outsource everything. It is nice to have people around you to get things done but there are days when you are just not as busy as you once were. Are accountants going to be eliminated from the accounting world? I have had a little job but that is not a long-term job. I really can only do it a few hours per week. My favorite part of doing my job is the bookkeeping part of it and the bookkeeping is not something that I can do by myself. I think accountants are necessary. The question is what kind of accountants do you need? Do you need an auditor or an accountant? Do you need a bookkeeper? Do you need someone who is constantly on the go and has a job so that they can pay the bills? What about people who need to work part-time jobs to make ends meet? Who do you want around you and what is your definition of what accounting is? If you do not have a definition then I would encourage you to find one today. What you need to look at is what it is that you have in your life right now. Is accounting something that you need or is it something that you are not looking for right now? What about this important factor: Do you see yourself having to do this accountancy for the rest of your life? If you say yes to this question, you need to find an independent tax accountant or even a CPA. They will probably charge you more than a bookkeeper but you will definitely get a more accurate and comprehensive accounting report than you will at a store or outsource. However, if you are looking for a good company to hire to do your accounting then you need to consider a few things. Don't just hire the first one you come across. First, do you know anything about the company? The best thing to do is to read all the reviews of the company and do some research. Go online and do a search of "independent tax accountant reviews". You will find one company after another. When you find the right type of company for you, you need to meet with them and let them know what you need and what you do not need. Don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion, even if it is from someone who is not involved in your business. Once you find the right independent accounting firm, it will not matter what they charge you for your services.
Will Technology End Accountants?
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We can all agree that we have been through a large number of changes with technology that will ultimately result in something that we can not easily believe will be the end of accountants. You know, the good old days of written reports and bookkeeping systems to record who had paid what. But it is never over until someone says it is.
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There are always going to be challenges in managing accounts, and as an accountant, you want to make sure that your work does not get adversely affected by the advancements made in technology. When we were in school, we were taught that in order to understand a concept, we needed to study, write, and understand. Today, even basic accounting knowledge is difficult to come by. With a little patience, you can learn all of the aspects of accounting, but be prepared for the time when you will need help. When you start out in business, it is important to ensure that you have adequate preparation so that you are able to handle all of the changes that are going to take place, including the proper accountant training. It is not difficult to obtain, but you want to make sure that you keep yourself current with the latest developments. Keeping up with the changes can help to reduce the impact that technology will have on the entire accounting industry. As the technology progresses, there will be an increase in the number of jobs for a good accountant. Having your self-motivated and with enough time on your hands will help you maintain a solid standing in the field. As new capabilities are added, the accounting industry will need to adjust as well. This means that some people are going to need to change jobs, or leave the industry entirely. Some people are making more money than they ever did, while others find themselves on the outside lookingin. This is certainly a realistic expectation, given that there are now businesses who do not require a secretary. Nowadays, any business that can afford it, can hire an accountant. Some people will never enjoy this lifestyle, but will keep at it because they will need to. Others will discover the job as a passion, because it will provide them with the opportunity to improve their skills. What is the most important thing to remember about the changes we are seeing in our world today? That it will affect everyone from start to finish. There are a lot of changes that are coming, and some people will not be able to adapt as quickly as others. The best thing to do is to study up, and be prepared for the changes that are coming. One thing that many people will not want to hear is that technology is not the only reason why accounting professionals have lost their jobs. They will instead be relieved to hear that technology has helped to bring jobs back into the field. People are now able to grow their businesses as well as personal finances. As a result, many are jumping on the bandwagon that it is not going to be long before accounting jobs are once again a hot commodity.
siness is running smoothly.
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Can Technology End Creative Careers?
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The technology that allows medical imaging to be performed has brought about a paradigm shift in the study of health care. It is no longer seen as a "quaint" activity where basic knowledge about body structure and function is taken for granted. This age of technological advancement has brought about a revolution in the field of medicine. In its light, technology has changed the landscape of health care. From one-size-fits-all paradigm to one that takes into account specific health needs, it is no longer a question of using one form of technology for all diseases and illnesses. Medical imaging has expanded beyond normal wear-and-tear into something that is considered a medium of advanced diagnostics, research and treatment. Not only is it now more affordable but it also involves a longer shelf life compared to radiologic or computed tomography. Common sense dictates that the sooner that physicians are able to carry out "in the field" diagnostic procedures, the sooner that patients can get better. The younger they are when they begin to be treated with technology, the better the likelihood that they will receive better care in the future. Despite the current economic problems, many areas of medicine have continued to use the innovative technology offered by the latest versions of imaging equipment such as CT, MRI and ultrasounds, although many still employ conventional x-ray machines. Increasingly, "image labs" are taking over areas of medicine where normal practice is restricted, and the demand for experienced medical imaging technicians is always on the rise. Because of the industry's popularity, many students have gone on to pursue a degree in imaging. These students could become an alternative health care specialist, consulting to people who seek medical advice, who would like to obtain a more detailed view of a medical condition. Insome cases, imaging is used as part of a whole person health plan. Research and science innovation has brought about new developments in imaging technology. The most obvious, which has already taken off commercially, is the X-rays. The body's natural defense against injury is viewed more in a contemporary light as a tool that the human body uses to protect itself. Along with this, there is also the radiation exposure, which is beneficial for the body's self-defense but can also be detrimental for the body. A scan can show the entire body in a variety of different views, which can help a person decide if the radiation exposure is right for their body. There is also the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which has increased in popularity because of its ability to create images that can show internal structures and organs. This technique enables a physician to know if a certain organ is working as it should, and if it isn't, it can show other areas of concern. There are other types of imaging that are more focused on certain things than others. CT scans are geared toward finding tumors and other malignant conditions, whereas MRI scans use magnetic fields to provide a view of how well the body is functioning at a cellular level. Advancements in technology have made medical careers more interesting and interactive than ever before. As a result, those in the medical field have no need to worry about being replaced with the next generation of technology.
Will Technology End Creative Careers?
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When will technology overtake creative care professions? Is it all because of today's technological advances, or is there some hidden barrier that may not be obvious to people? We see creative careers as special and unique. There are not many professions that specialize in everything. That would include everything from music to photography. Maybe one day one of these "specialties" will even merge with others into a whole new category. Having said that, a creative career is an art form. It is not merely an impersonal "job." Often we will go into a class or workshop and ask the teachers questions about what they teach. They might look at us and say "Well we teach all sorts of things and that is what you should learn. The answer is no, if we don't like it we can stop it. There is no stopping it. So it is safe to say that every creative career will be touched by technological advancement. Many creative professions already do not survive without the use of computers, video games, and internet. Computer jobs will never be done by hand. Even if you choose to do everything manually, there will always be new computer programs that allow for better automation. Even if we become self-aware, we are far from that. In fact it seems that technology advances are going to get much faster. There are two different ways in which you can create new things. You can learn a new software program and try to create new jobs or get creative and write a book about it. Either way you will lose money. Every new program that comes out is more expensive and more difficult to use. If you make something that requires so much computer skills or your own creativity, you will be the only one who will use it. You have to learn a new way of writing or speaking as a powerful language. It also takes practice. Even if you are using the most powerful language available right now the words will be different. When computers took over reading was easier because of words. With computers it is a different language altogether. Do you think all creative professionals are creative by nature? Many are just naturally artistic. Many have a strong natural talent. Then again, many are not creative at all. This is part of our reality. Will technology end all of our careers? Probably not. Technology will allow us to do more things and to do them much faster than before. Those of us who learn how to do more will probably end up making much more money than those who learn just the basic skills. Of course there will always be those who want to learn all they can and do more work. However, most people will not want to learn everything. They will choose the ones that interest them and give them a chance to expand. Technology is advancing every year. It seems to be more important now than ever. How important is it for our future? The only thing we can do is keep an open mind and look for new ways to use our technology. It is never too late to learn.
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Can Technology End Creative Careers?
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The technology that allows medical imaging to be performed has brought about a paradigm shift in the study of health care. It is no longer seen as a "quaint" activity where basic knowledge about body structure and function is taken for granted. This age of technological advancement has brought about a revolution in the field of medicine. In its light, technology has changed the landscape of health care. From one-size-fits-all paradigm to one that takes into account specific health needs, it is no longer a question of using one form of technology for all diseases and illnesses. Medical imaging has expanded beyond normal wear-and-tear into something that is considered a medium of advanced diagnostics, research and treatment. Not only is it now more affordable but it also involves a longer shelf life compared to radiologic or computed tomography. Common sense dictates that the sooner that physicians are able to carry out "in the field" diagnostic procedures, the sooner that patients can get better. The younger they are when they begin to be treated with technology, the better the likelihood that they will receive better care in the future. Despite the current economic problems, many areas of medicine have continued to use the innovative technology offered by the latest versions of imaging equipment such as CT, MRI and ultrasounds, although many still employ conventional x-ray machines. Increasingly, "image labs" are taking over areas of medicine where normal practice is restricted, and the demand for experienced medical imaging technicians is always on the rise. Because of the industry's popularity, many students have gone on to pursue a degree in imaging. These students could become an alternative health care specialist, consulting to people who seek medical advice, who would like to obtain a more detailed view of a medical condition. Insome cases, imaging is used as part of a whole person health plan. Research and science innovation has brought about new developments in imaging technology. The most obvious, which has already taken off commercially, is the X-rays. The body's natural defense against injury is viewed more in a contemporary light as a tool that the human body uses to protect itself. Along with this, there is also the radiation exposure, which is beneficial for the body's self-defense but can also be detrimental for the body. A scan can show the entire body in a variety of different views, which can help a person decide if the radiation exposure is right for their body. There is also the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which has increased in popularity because of its ability to create images that can show internal structures and organs. This technique enables a physician to know if a certain organ is working as it should, and if it isn't, it can show other areas of concern. There are other types of imaging that are more focused on certain things than others. CT scans are geared toward finding tumors and other malignant conditions, whereas MRI scans use magnetic fields to provide a view of how well the body is functioning at a cellular level. Advancements in technology have made medical careers more interesting and interactive than ever before. As a result, those in the medical field have no need to worry about being replaced with the next generation of technology.
Will Technology End Creative Careers?
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When will technology overtake creative care professions? Is it all because of today's technological advances, or is there some hidden barrier that may not be obvious to people? We see creative careers as special and unique. There are not many professions that specialize in everything. That would include everything from music to photography. Maybe one day one of these "specialties" will even merge with others into a whole new category. Having said that, a creative career is an art form. It is not merely an impersonal "job." Often we will go into a class or workshop and ask the teachers questions about what they teach. They might look at us and say "Well we teach all sorts of things and that is what you should learn. The answer is no, if we don't like it we can stop it. There is no stopping it. So it is safe to say that every creative career will be touched by technological advancement. Many creative professions already do not survive without the use of computers, video games, and internet. Computer jobs will never be done by hand. Even if you choose to do everything manually, there will always be new computer programs that allow for better automation. Even if we become self-aware, we are far from that. In fact it seems that technology advances are going to get much faster. There are two different ways in which you can create new things. You can learn a new software program and try to create new jobs or get creative and write a book about it. Either way you will lose money. Every new program that comes out is more expensive and more difficult to use. If you make something that requires so much computer skills or your own creativity, you will be the only one who will use it. You have to learn a new way of writing or speaking as a powerful language. It also takes practice. Even if you are using the most powerful language available right now the words will be different. When computers took over reading was easier because of words. With computers it is a different language altogether. Do you think all creative professionals are creative by nature? Many are just naturally artistic. Many have a strong natural talent. Then again, many are not creative at all. This is part of our reality. Will technology end all of our careers? Probably not. Technology will allow us to do more things and to do them much faster than before. Those of us who learn how to do more will probably end up making much more money than those who learn just the basic skills. Of course there will always be those who want to learn all they can and do more work. However, most people will not want to learn everything. They will choose the ones that interest them and give them a chance to expand. Technology is advancing every year. It seems to be more important now than ever. How important is it for our future? The only thing we can do is keep an open mind and look for new ways to use our technology. It is never too late to learn.
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Can Technology End Us?
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What if technology ends us? It may seem far-fetched, but we need to think about the future for a moment. What is the point of living in this world if our children will never get to know our parents or grandparents? Many people have warned that this is already the technological society we live in. The world is becoming smaller and more isolating. There are so many people in the world that it is difficult to get to know them, even if you did try to interact with them. If a technology comes along that is intended to eliminate humans from the equation, would it be too much to ask for people to understand what that technology was all about? The common belief is that personal computers would eliminate our need for transportation. One could simply access the Internet from the comfort of his home and take advantage of the fact that he has the same number of possessions as the one who made the purchase. That person could control his computer and its actions from the comfort of his own home. The electronic lock on the door would make it impossible for someone to open the door while the other was away from home. This would eliminate the lock pick exercise that so many people find so thrilling. A person could now sit back and enjoy his freedom, without being bothered by others. The same technology, in the form of the internet, would also eliminate the need for such activities as surfing the net. Since every person can look up information about anything they desire to know aboutwhat the big deal is it to have access to this information? Think about it for a moment. When you do find something you want to know, you can simply log onto the web and you are done. The personal computer was touted as the wave of the future. We live in a society where new technology can come along at any time, and the possibilities for change are endless. In spite of this, we seem to be losing our innocence and the ability to apply this technology to our lives in a beneficial way. We can not seem to see what we are losing when we lose the ability to surf the web, to do research, and to make purchases at the store, etc. I found an interesting article in the June issue of the magazine CQ Roll Call. It is titled "The Abduction of the Digital World." This article talks about the possibility of technology eliminating us from the equation, completely. While no one seems to be sure exactly what this will mean for the future, some possibilities include: There are computer scientists who will agree with this description. They say that there is no turning back to the old days, but they believe that the age of computers is at an end. They argue that information will no longer flow in and out of us the way it used to. They say that it will simply be all there is, with computers trying to predict what we will want to know and serve us. Others say that this is no different than the decline of other technologies such as televisions and radio use. They argue that the more that we rely on these technologies, the less we use them, and the fewer of us there will be who really get to experience the benefits of using them. I would think, however, that some people will continue to enjoy their television viewing, because of the convenience that they offer, as well as the fact that it allows you to see an array of programs that otherwise might not be available to you. Computer uses and computer programming are used daily. There will surely be others that use it more, as people get older. I am not sure who will prevail, but either way, it seems that if this turns out to be true, it could spell a drastic change for the majority of us.
Will Technology End Us?
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The global challenges posed by rapid change will only grow more profound in the future, as the technology advancements that will enable these technological advances, many with unforeseen consequences, will continue to develop. Will the rapid evolution of new technologies, together with the resulting disruptions to society and employment, reverse the progress of recent years, or will we endure the consequences of the latest technologies for several decades into the future? Many will say that there is little doubt about the potential threat that these technologies present, but we will never be able to answer the question definitively. Indeed, what may appear to be an imminent threat to human civilization is actually a product of the forward momentum of development. Just as each of these new technologies is a product of modern scientific discovery, and advances in scientific understanding, so too are all of the other technologies that are being developed by humans. It is impossible to predict what the future will bring, or how things will unfold, but the fact remains that no one can determine the future, either. The recent forward momentum in scientific advancement and technology development, which have created unprecedented advances in many fields of science and technology, has also placed the exploration of the future in our grasp. Yet, there is a very real possibility that many people will find themselves increasingly out of work as a result of our technological advances, as the more rapid improvements in our technology lead to an increased demand for human labor and higher prices for raw materials. There are rising numbers of unemployed people who have not gone through a recession, but rather are struggling because of the continuing inability of the economy to maintain employment. In other words, there are millions of people who are simply left unemployed. As technology continues to advance, it is possible that the future will be radically different from the past, or perhaps will simply be unchanged. What will come to pass, however, is that the advances in technology will continue to evolve in ways that will alter the very nature of society, leaving little hope for the survival of our species. Perhaps the greatest threat to humanity, therefore, is that the rate of technological development that is occurring today, and will continue to occur, are outpacing the ability of our civilization to adapt to it. Much of this is due to the tremendous pace at which the products of our scientific discovery are making their way into the marketplace, but technology also poses a major challenge to the very foundations of our current civilization. For instance, there is a growing concern that the present pace of technological advancement is bringing about the loss of life, by such means as cancer, brain damage, heart disease, and the like. Some of the most intriguing developments in technology have been in the area of biotechnology, with the development of new drugs that are designed to increase life expectancy, combat cancer, decrease the risk of Alzheimer's, and so on. However, it is not yet clear whether or not such new drugs will eventually prove to be safe and effective. This raises the question: will we be able to adapt to our present pace of technological advancement, or will this pace eventually result in a pandemic that wipes out the human race? Will the present pace of technological development eventually result in a pandemic, with new diseases are emerging on an ever-increasing scale, or will humans just be victims of nature's own biological processes? Is the likelihood of a World War, possibly a nuclear World War, overhyped? We do not know the answers to these questions, but, we do know that no matter what the answers are, they will determine the future of mankind. At least we know that there will be plenty of time to consider all of these questions in the future.
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Can Technology End Clerks?
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It seems like a topic that never has to be asked but yet it seems like the question is coming up. Will the technology advance in the future and eliminate clerical jobs from existence. Will the efficiency of modern technology to eliminate many of the current clerks from existing as well. If the jobs can be done by machines why do we need human workers? Well, like many issues today in our modern American society there is no clear cut answer to this question. The real question is will the human element to be a part of the history books like they used to be in the past. Will it change or will it remain a modern day myth of the past. In the past, clerks, secretaries, and sales people were the highest paid jobs in our society. The reason for this was because these jobs helped to create a sense of dignity and self-worth for the person who held them. The person with a job would feel like he/she had made a positive contribution to the development of our country. He/she was in control of his/her life, destiny, and not just the paycheck. But now, in our modern American society with the cost of living rising every year, many people have chosen to give up their jobs to take care of the family or find a way to stay employed. The other factor that has led to more people choosing to quit a job or to reduce their hours is the cost of living. The rise in gas prices is a major factor that has contributed to this trend. Other factors are the lower level of interest rates, the increase in the minimum wage and the lack of unemployment benefits. Will technology end clerks? The answer depends on the type of clerks we want to see in the future. If we want to see the technology take over all clerical work then the answer is yes. As long as there is someone with a computer and an internet connection working that job a computer will always be necessary. Computers have always been essential to the labor force. Will technology end clerks? If we look at the future of computers, many think that they will be the first thing people will use. That means that there will be a need for clerks in areas that needed typists and also clerks that transcribe the messages sent via email and voice mail. These clerical positions will likely require computer literacy. One of the biggest worries for many who hold managerial positions is that you may lose your job because you lack the computer skills necessary to run the business. If you have a computer or know someone that does, there are some great programs out there that teach you how to do everything from filing to scheduling meetings. If you already have those skills then it will be a whole lot easier for you to run the company. With technological advancement there is always going to be an increase in the demand for people with computer literacy. With all the advances in communication you will still need people who can communicate through the telephone, fax machine, or e-mail. Therefore, some of the job titles can become obsolete with the help of newer programs. Of course there will always be areas where people will be needed. Sales people will always need clerks in order to sell goods and services to a customer. Like any other area of life, technology will always expand into all the major areas of our lives. Even though we have traditionally regarded clerical work as a part of the past, the fact is that many clerical jobs still exist today. There will always be an array of positions available. Remember, itis the job needs of each individual. That is why if a position has many benefits to the worker than the job is very attractive. To make the decision regarding whether a job is ideal for the position that needs filling, see if you can ask yourself, "Why is this job better than the others I am looking at?" This is the place to start.
Will Technology End Clerks?
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Do you think the advent of technology will eventually destroy the clerical jobs, like those at K-Mart and J.C. Penney? Will technology eventually end up being a barrier to entry for those in the job market? I have some thoughts on this and you should know that I don't necessarily think so. What most of us are seeing right now is that we're seeing an explosion of new career choices in all sorts of fields. And technology is just one of the things you can choose from. Technology can help with product design, but it's not going to make you an architect or anything else that makes you specialized. Big data analysis and any new trend like it is always considered to be good, so there's plenty of potential for careers to keep evolving. But it is quite possible to be an accountant without a degree in accounting and still get work. It's just that most people who want to do something in the technology field will find that their skills are better suited for their PC. The great thing about these jobs, because it's not just office clerks that are interested in computers, is that the employment opportunities are expanding. Just look at this piece of employment literature about the future of jobs in the future. The other part of this piece of writing (the part I like) mentioned the fact that there are jobs that require no additional education and do not require any type of education to be done. And you'll find that clerical positions, like the ones at J.C. Penney and K-Mart, are now coming back to the job market. In fact, there are more clerical jobs today than ever before. That's not the only part of the piece I like; I also like how it included details on work at home businesses like Amazon and Wikipedia. All of these sites require no college education to work and provide instant work from home jobs for many. Even the online job market is benefiting from technology as we see more companies coming back online. They'll offer web based jobs, but the thing that's really amazing is that many people are already using the Internet for this type of work. And they may even be doing it off line to avoid having to work at a normal job, like K-Mart. So I agree that the knowledge that people have been important for the future, but that's not going to prevent someone from starting a business or starting an online business, like a sales team for your local drug store. And the sooner people learn how to use the Internet for whatever they need, the sooner they'll start to feel the benefits. We'll see the push of more businesses react to this change and work to attract more people to the Internet. And for those people who can use their computer to get what they need, well, it's just a matter of time. And like what was said earlier, if you want to keep working in technology and you still want to keep doing jobs like these, then you'll be fine. There will always be something to do. So if you have a computer in your home and you want to stay in touch with the future needs of the company you're working for, then it makes sense to use the computer. So if you're thinking about becoming a clerk in some office somewhere, it's a good idea to be aware of how much of the job market is changing.
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