#Howland Reed
greywoe · 8 months
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"The she-wolf laid into the squires with a tourney sword, scattering them all. The crannogman was bruised and bloodied, so she took him back to her lair to clean his cuts and bind them up with linen."
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Rating asoiaf characters based on how likely they are to use pocket sand:
Jon Snow - my hot take is that people are very delusional and wrong about Jon. It’s not that he’s too “honorable” or “good” to use pocket sand in a fight coz he’s definitely not above using dirty tricks. But you gotta ask, which Jon is it? Agot-acok!Jon is def not using pocket sand because he thinks it’s dishonorable and a coward’s weapon. Asos!Jon is 8/10 gonna use pocket sand because fuq honor. Adwd and beyond!Jon is 0/10….he’s got something far more devious in his pockets - broken shards of glass.
Dany - yeah she’s using it, 7/10. She’s a smart girl. Like her actions in Astapor and Meereen show that she’s not above using dirty tricks to get ahead. Now how much pocket sand is she willing to use and against who? That’s the question…I can see her hesitating if her opponent is a small child.
Arya - for sure using pocket sand 10/10. There’s no denying it. She’s actually studied which types of sand are the best suited for different situations. But she’s quick enough that people don’t know what happened until she’s far away.
Bran - he doesn’t even know what pocket sand is so 0/10
Sansa - she knows what pocket sand is but she’s usually not willing to use it because it gets her clothes and hands dirty. If she’s really pushed…maybe? 2/10 but she’d gladly watch someone else do it
Robb - oh 20/10 using it no doubt. He’s been pushing Jon to get on the pocket sand trend for years to no avail
Theon - went with Robb to the pocket sand factory for a boys’ date out. 20/10 using it and with RELISH
Ned Stark - knows what pocket sand is, is unwilling to use it himself, but will turn the other way when he sees his buddy whip it out 0/10
Cat - yeah she’s using it, I’m not willing to debate over this 10/10
Davos - um yeah 10/10 using it….look sometimes you have to use all the tools available to you to survive
Jaime - trick question because which Jaime? Pre-hand chop Jaime? Won’t use it on principle. It’s cowardly and stupid. Post-hand chop Jaime? Yeah….he’s using it because he has to so 8/10
Brienne - look she doesn’t want to use it, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do 6/10
Pod - *confused* “why would anyone carry sand in their pockets to a fight?” 0/10
Howland Reed - was actually the one who invented the best sand for it and is mass producing it. Probably used it to defeat Arthur Dayne 100/10
Meera - come on, she’s swamp person and howland’s kid so 20/10 using pocket sand
Bronn - involved in an MLM to sell pocket sand 100/10
Tyrion - the one who founded the MLM and recruited Bronn so 200/10
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barelyanartblog · 4 months
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"The finest knight I ever saw was Ser Arthur Dayne, who fought with a blade called Dawn, forged from the heart of a fallen star. They called him the Sword of the Morning, and he would have killed me but for Howland Reed and his shotgun. Howland put two rounds of buckshot into that motherfucker's back and saved my ass." Father had gotten sad then, and he would say no more. Bran wished he had asked him what he meant.
— ACOK, Bran III
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robynnnn311 · 2 months
sitting awake at night on the edge of my bed head in hands elbows on knees thinking about howland reed
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catofoldstones · 8 months
I want to be on a level of Howland Reed unbothered. His bestie Ned Stark has been killed by the crown, Ned’s young son is committing a whole war, soon the whole of house stark dies, his children go missing, the magic child he saved that he’s the only one who knows is not Ned’s son but his nephew is about to be resurrected and Howland is busy drinking hot cocoa from his fav mug wrapped in a blanket in his swamp castle. Unbothered, moisturised, staying in his lane etc etc
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amber-laughs · 1 year
personally love believing ashara knows people think she’s jon’s mother and has a sort of a bond to him for it like “hmmm i wonder how my fictional son is doing today?” and i like to think those letters bran said ned and howland send back and forth talk about jon every now and then like i know ned can’t just write “my sonphew still has no idea lol he’s just like his mom miss her so much” but maybe a little “my natural son is a natural with a sword” or maybe get really risky with a “hullen says my bastard is the best horseman of the kids, reminds me of my sister sometimes” idk if i were howland i’d want updates on the kid we killed like 6 people to save
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dr3adlady · 7 months
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February 2024 Romance Drawing Challenge
Day 13: Howland Reed and Ashara Dayne
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emprcaesar · 8 months
"Some people will always need help. That doesn't mean they're not worth helping."
-meera reed, season 3 game of thrones
top 3 game of thrones quote and it’s not 2 or 3. meera continues to be one of my favorite characters in the show and book. she’s strong and kind but also scared and understands asking for help and helping others doesn’t make you weak. she doesn’t see jojen or bran or hodor as any less because of their disability and she helps them without thinking twice. i love the simplicity of the love meera has for her traveling companions. all the reeds have my heart!
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it was really fun to design them
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Within Westeros people know Lyanna Stark was "abducted" and held at the Tower of Joy where she died, but from what? What do people think she died from? Also for R+L=J did Rhaegar not send at least one maester for the delivery since I thought only Ned and Howland Reed survived the seizing of the tower?
Your first question is answered here, but to sum up, most likely a fever. (People die from fevers and "chills" in ASOIAF all the time, they don't have modern medicine.) Because, well, Lyanna did die from a fever. And you don't have to tell people it was specifically childbed fever when all you're bringing home is bones.
For your second question, note that only Ned and Howland survived the battle for the tower. "They had been seven against three, yet only two had lived to ride away." This doesn't mention any non-combatants who might have been in the tower -- and note that Ned's thoughts about Lyanna's death actually do mention someone else:
Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister's eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black. After that he remembered nothing. They had found him still holding her body, silent with grief. The little crannogman, Howland Reed, had taken her hand from his. Ned could recall none of it. —AGOT, Eddard I
Bolding mine-- "they", there was at least one other person besides Howland who found Ned holding his dead sister. Many people suspect that person to be Wylla, who as a wet nurse was also very likely to be a midwife. Whether there was a maester there too, who knows? Maesters can't fix everything, and heck, we've learned from F&B that they seem to be especially bad at saving women from childbed fever and other complications of pregnancy.
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toadpeee · 1 year
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I did a Ko-fi promo on Twitter & the prompt was
ASOIAF character + emoji + adjective
So far we have:
- Helaena dreams of Aemond getting attacked by butterflies
- Tywin is a clown at his job
- Howland Reed found a frog
- Asha Greyjoy wins at cards against humanity
- helamond dressed up for Halloween
- Olenna on roller skates
- Robb & Jon when Ned isn’t home
- Bran goes for a ride
- Jon & Addam Valeryon build a snowman
- Hi I’m Rhaegar Targaryen & this is jackass
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florisbaratheons · 1 year
Suddenly having a fit over the fact that when Howland Reed was being jumped by those three asshole squires at the tourney at Harrenhal, he was rescued by Lyanna and she introduced him to her brothers, who became his dear friends and he was so loyal to them, especially Ned. He fought alongside Ned in the rebellion, he and Ned were the only survivors at the Tower of Joy, and then he had to pry Ned off of Lyanna's dead body???
How am I supposed to be okay after reading that? How?
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lycorim · 1 year
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[Howland Reed, suggested by @grandkhan221b a while ago. Sorry for the wait!]
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direwolfrules · 2 months
The Weirwood Queen Memes, Part X: Because I feel like using Roman numerals today
Link to master post
As always, spoilers for The Weirwood Queen series by @redwolf17. Y’all should check it out. Seriously, you should. Please, I made 10 meme posts for this fic, if that’s not a ringing endorsement I don’t know what is.
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miss-nymphetamine · 3 months
Howland Reed could solve this, Howland Reed could do that, Howland Reed could tell us all the truth, Howland Reed could have avoided wars...
Howland Reed left his bog once to have some fun at a tourney and ended up killing the most skilled warrior of his time in the middle of a desert, just to return to said bog right after and not bother anyone for 16 years.
Do you really want to make him abandon his swamp again? Leave that man in peace with his blanket and his hot tea and his frogs and his weird-ass children in his Lego floating castle.
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toooticki · 2 years
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You will carry what happened here with you for the rest of your life 
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