#Hubert farnsworth
pcholkachai · 2 years
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okay so we all agree that futurama is an isekai but what about an overly long and dumb title?
(clean version under the cut)
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this is gonna be my legacy... i tried being faithful to the Typical Anime Style but got carried away lol
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archituck · 2 months
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new art for a new season (posted fashionably late)
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i-am-trans-gwender · 7 days
I've been watching Futurama lately so whenever I read animal hrt comics I imagine Dr Erian with the voice of Professor Farnsworth. This makes some serious comics accidentally funny to me but it makes the funny ones more funny.
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scootypuffjr · 7 months
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spockvarietyhour · 17 days
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chororine · 5 months
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FUCK this post and happy birthday professor farnsworth!!
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fishout-of-water · 3 months
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Some Professor Farnsworth doodles.
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newesthope · 9 months
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hitchell-mope · 7 days
It’s time for a new poll.
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iguanamarina · 18 days
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noddytheornithopod · 29 days
*spits drink* HUBERT FARNSWORTH IS OVER 180?????
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bunnyyu · 1 year
More futurama ??? More Philip j fry ???? More turanga Leela ?? More proffeser Hubert Farnsworth ???? More Hermes Conrad ????? More bender ????????? More ZOIDBERG ???????????? MORE FRY AND LEELA BNDNNNDNNDNNNNNNDMDMMSM ???????????????????????????
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ooogethexxed · 4 months
i keep having terrible ideas
so basically, a character from Futurama is referred to as Dr. Zoidberg yet his real name is John Zoidberg.
Hubert Farnsworth/The Professor/Professor Farnsworth refers to him as Zoidberg, Dr. Zoidberg, and Johnny
and Hubert is an insane man, so what im saying is that The Mechanisms au where its set in the Futurama universe and Zoidberg is Jonny D'ville
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czech-hunter-reject · 4 months
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scootypuffjr · 9 months
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popculturegenealogy · 2 years
Non-traditional family trees: the case of Futurama
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The Farnsworth family tree that he shows to the crew members of Planet Express in "All the Presidents' Heads"
Some time ago, Mary Koeven wrote an interesting article about family history and adoption (if it is taking a long time to load, please read the archived copy), which she defines as "when a child is raised by someone other than their parents, whether or not their last name was changed or any official adoption process was carried out in the court system," with adoptive parents being either "grandparents, aunt and uncle, other family members, or complete strangers," sometimes referred to as "guardianship or fostering rather than adoption." She also went onto say the important part is establishing a timeline of the child's life, saying that "any information you find on relationships and family events should be recorded on your family tree." The article goes onto outline how to add "adoption info in your Ancestry.com tree," specifically focusing on the Harry Potter series as an example, although looking at how this works for Family Search would also be helpful. In this post, I aim to talk about family trees in Futurama, which I briefly mentioned in a post on one of my sister blogs.
Reprinted from my Genealogy in Popular Culture WordPress blog. Originally published on July 27, 2020.
After reading Koeven's post, I responded on Twitter, wondering whether the family tree in Futurama was "non-traditional," adding that "one of the protagonists is his own grandfather," referring to the Fry family. Koeven responded by remarking that "time travel would rewrite a lot of the fundamental rules of genealogy (death always comes after birth, etc.) and make research MUCH more difficult." Be that as it may, I still feel this article is one worth pursuing. Infosphere, the nerd's guide to the Futurama universe, has a very helpful family tree of the Fry family, which explains a lot:
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Courtesy of Infosphere.
In episode 1 of season 4 (Roswell That Ends Well), Fry and the rest of the Planet Express crew inadvertently travel back in time to 1947. In the process, he kills his own grandfather, Enos, leading to all sorts of distortions:
Fry's time travel means that Yancy, Sr's paternal grandmother is Mrs. Fry, his wife and Fry's mother. And not only did Fry become his own grandfather, he made his father his own grandfather as well. An infinite loop results: Fry is his own grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-great-grandfather and so on. This abnormality is the reason Fry lacks the Delta Brainwave.
This disrupts the fundamental rules of genealogy and would make research more difficult. Besides the crew of the Planet Express ship, who else knew that they traveled back to 1947? Those in 1947 cannot testify to anything except that "aliens came," although those "aliens" were people from the future. Later on, in the series, during the first Futurama direct-to-DVD film, Bender's Big Score, Fry again travels back in time, creating the time-paradox duplicate of Lars Fillmore. Again, if he is a duplicate, what is his real birth date then? We can say for certain what his death date is (Dec 31, 3007) but if he has the same birth date as Fry, then doesn't this create another distortion? Some have been bothered by these distortions, saying it throws other parts of the show into question, like the DNA scanner in episode one.
Fry's family, you would think, is the only one that has this phenomenon of distortion. The Waterfall and Turanga families are free of this distortion. But what about the Farnsworth family, which ties into the Fry family? After all, Prof. Farnsworth went back to 1775 and seemed to kill his ancestor, David Farnsworth. The only way the Prof. could still be alive is because "it's possible that although David Farnsworth was a relative of the Professor, he wasn't one of his direct ancestors" as the Infosphere claims. Still, this would create another distortion, as the crew members did "alter history when they travel[led] back in time to the American Revolution," without a doubt.
You could say that makes the episode, "All the President's Heads," even more relevant to genealogy than "Roswell That Goes Well" because Prof. Farnsworth is trying to spruce up "his family tree, eager to show anyone willing to listen - and plenty who aren't - all the amazing people he's descended from," as noted in an approving review by Alasdair Wilkins in Gizmodo. However, other reviews say that in Roswell That Goes Well, Fry "climbs his family tree." Hmm.
What are your thoughts on this? Are there any family trees from other shows you'd like to share?
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