#Human Willbender
mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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Artist: Svetlin Velinov TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ohpollenpowder · 8 months
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This is just an overall shot of the VS party from the beginning of this month.
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Here next to Veltan we have Lærling [Star] as well as Captaín Hemlock and The Dullahan in the background.
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Small gathering of Blue!!! Artificer Lucasta, Explorer Kippa [OOPS], Blarq [BUTT], Gae Myr [FAE], Cyromancer Visi [LEG], Valendraxis [BUTT], Mourynn [Star], and Brawlotronist Junno [BLEH].
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From where I had been standing Harrower Aizzik looked like Majora's Mask.
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And Líífa [UWU] with Jinx Ruinbound [FOOL]
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wyldblunt · 9 months
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heres tentative design im 99% sure their hair is going to be red. GO
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the-desert-beast · 9 months
I want to just go insane about my sylvari and their shapeshifter stuff, okay so- The twilight tree is an elonian sylvari tree.
All 9 Firstborn after the death of Primordus gain the ability to shapeshift after completing "in-universe collection acheivs"- basically, their mom has to teach them about what The Fuck Just Happened. Maelgwyn is so so so out of it for like three weeks. The rest of the Firstborn are recovering from the absolute SHOCK of the [ORDEAL] (I have to eleborate another time i dont wanna get distracted also its like a whole thing anyway-) They start with this "collection acheivs" thing and it's just. Long. not difficult or anything. Also I will detail the collection acheivs thing eventually instead of just referring to it like that LMAO The actual shapeshifting is something "adult" twilight tree sylvari have full control over;
they have their humanoid form which is a basic twilight tree sylvari form.
They have the "second form" which is a sort of demi-human design (this is just digigrade peets and a tail)
the third form is also demi-human but it's much MUCH more creature; "horns" more "scales" almost-snouts, digigrade peets, tail etc last and final form is beastie-mode; four legged cryptid cat creature. Full on Monster.
I'm describing these like "tiers" but honestly it's more spectrum-like it's just that it's easier to explain like this.
The common trait of the beastiemode is that they are all ambush predators. cat-like. cryptid. monsters. absolute monsters. Beastie-mode is just a tad shorter than the large cat-like creatures the firstborn use as mounts (more on that another time teehee :3) Each of the firstborn has a unique beastie-mode that goes off their normal Motifs, builds, fighting styles, choice of combat, etc.
Maelgwyn is bulky but agile; he can overpower others with ease. His design is primal, it's like, bestial. It's spiked, his scars are still visible, he LOOKS like a BEAST, a monster.
Kynwyl is much like Maelgwyn but less bulky- still lithe and agile. His design has a dual-blades motif. He's very fast, and tends to overwhelm his opponents; Maelgwyn does this as a humanoid but doesn't really Need to as a beastie. Kynwyl's design keeps his sleek vibes. Keeps his markings. He stays calm he stays focused, he's VERY formidable in beastie mode and a very hard target to pin down. (Also retains his willbender shadowstep abilities. because I say so. <3)
Rhosyn is a monster, absolute beast; muscular and STRONG. Just, barrels into enemies and they all die. (/joking) But she's so goddamn strong and vicious. She can turn FAST and while she's extremely dangerous, she is still Rhosyn. (Berserker-brained, himbo, easily distracted/fucked with in battle.) Her design is very, firey, very berserker-esque.
Faeryl is smaller, FAST, sneaky, retains her mesmer powers in beastie mode (I.E can fucking teleport and just PELT you with a series of smaller attacks very quickly.) She keeps her little, "royal fae" vibes within her design.
Llacheu is, right between Fae & Kynwyl for fighting style. Sleek, fast, hard to pin down, sneak attacks a lot. Very very difficult to account for in group fights. Bastard. Continues to be Bastard in beastiemode. extremely annoying to fight but exceptionally easy to piss off so you can gain the upper-hand.
Evnyssyen's form is SO sleek and clean, colorful, made to escape and to run. He can get herself into SO many little spots and ledges and just. Leave. He's still not to be fucked with when cornered. His magic is kept around even in beastiemode aswell, though it's more like, enchanted claws for an attack bonus. Being an elementalist and all. She keeps her DECORATED eleborate and regal design. So many colors all over her.
Morven is fucking huge. I mean it's already nine feet tall in humanoid form; imagine it in beastiemode. nightmare. fucking huge. It's style of combat in beastiemode is to. Intimidate and scare the shit out of you with it's beloved little companions and it's larger cat-like companion. If you see it's eyes; it's too late for you. Scary and nightmare fuel and just. yeah, terrifying. Morven's design is, shadows. You cannot spot it. it's just. MAXIMUM cryptid.
Cerwyn is. Gigantic. and to paraphrase in a jokey way; his fighting style is "good fucking luck." cerwyn doesnt have a solidified design or motifs yet. and last but not least-
Lynette, who is also, fast, agile, hard to hit, but CLEVER. Pinning her down is extremely difficult, you can barely succeed if ever. Her fighting style includes condition damage; in beastiemode she is venomous, just so fast and violent as well.
Each of them also has their own personal realtionship to the shapeshifting thing.
Maelgwyn fucking despises it he has SO MUCH baggage attached to shapeshifting that he just never addressed.
Cerwyn absolutely loves beastiemode and basically lives in it once the twilight sylvari gain the ability to transform.
Kynwyl enjoys beastiemode and shapeshifting in general a normal amount. It's not anything he's super attached to but it IS fun. and he does feel freer with it as an option. He'd feel like he lost a part of himself if he couldn't shapeshift. (he's also not against using it for nsfw reasons. why tf not honestly. he has the same attitude with his guardian magic tbf. also it is hot to him too. anyway.) The rest of them basically just feel normal about it like it's just a facet of their being and they enjoy using it. Rhosyn & Faeryl really think it's fucking awesome to just. be Creature for awhile. some of them just chill out in a demi-human shapeshifted state. some of them prefer beastiemode. and some like Kynwyl or Maelgwyn prefer daily life be just humanoid mode no shapeshifting. Saplings of the twilight tree are banned from shapeshifting before they can handle the magic-management related to shapeshifting. The ones who break that rule and try to shapeshift anyway have a bit of a moment, go a little bit feral, kind of overstimulated-cat mode. in this state they have to rely on a mentor (kynwyl or cerwyn) to help them calm down and ease out of it. most saplings don't try to shapeshift again for a while. Twilight tree sylvari generally have a favorite shapeshifted state and for most it is humanoid or demi-human but it's not too uncommon to see some of them chilling out at home around their tree in beastiemode.
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now that the weapons beta is over, here's just a few more fancy shots of temp characters left over from the event.
Pact Admiral Trin (Human Daredevil) Eimear the Sharp (Sylvari Mirage) Protector Glonn (Asura Willbender)
and under the cut, all the betas on the character select screen:
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magicjudge · 1 year
If i cast ride the dilu horse targeting a 2/2 morph, and the next turn i flip it, will the face up creature get +2/+2 and have horsemanship?
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Your Willbender -- it's always Willbender -- will go from being a face-down 4/4 colorless creature with horsemanship and no name or subtypes to being a 3/4 blue Human Wizard creature with Horsemanship and its morph ability and trigger.
Turning a face-down creature face-up for its morph cost doesn't make it into a new permanent or make it leave or enter the battlefield, so any effects like counters, auras, equipment, or the benefits of Riding the Dilu Horse will still be affecting the same permanent.
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leafofkudzu · 10 months
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Character Masterpost
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I suppose it's a good problem to have, but I have a million characters across a handful of alt accounts that I'm constantly attempting to wrangle into lists. This one groups them by account/server, but most of the time I mix them all together and use their overall creation date as the order, so if they appear in a different order in other lists, that's why!
Links for each will take you to their tag, which may or may not have things in them. There's also a WIP carrd where I'm adding in expanded bios, but there's so darn many of them that it lags out the entire editor just to change a single element, so work is slow going. @.@
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Main Account: Devona's Rest (NA)
Veska Bonefang | Charr Reaper | She/They
Teekzi | Asura Omni-Ranger | She/Her | Pact Commander
Kirslyn | Sylvari Chronomancer | She/Her
Freja Owlsong | Norn Dragonhunter/Firebrand | She/Her
Naveen Sen | Human Tempest | She/Her
Veyoc | Sylvari Daredevil | He/Him
Rettek | Asura Holosmith | He/They
Serrus Blazeforge | Charr Berserker | He/Him
Beldahvia | Sylvari Mordrem Sylvari Harbinger | She/Her
Zhalsi | Asura Virtuoso | She/Her
Anaya Lockwood | Human Deadeye | She/Her
Darran Braxton | Human Dragonhunter/Willbender | He/Him
Sigrun the Stalwart | Norn Spellbreaker | She/Her
Venoo | Asura Herald | She/Her
Kaerkis | Mordrem(?) Revenant | It/They
Talla Proudsoul | Charr Scrapper | She/Her
Halvar Torsson | Norn Tempest | He/Him
Yui Kaiho | Human Renegade/Vindicator | Any/All
Sterasa | Mordrem Soulbeast | She/Her
The Many Walker | Human Norn Mirage | She/Her
Inquisitor Matthias | Human Tempest | He/Him
Iggy Astralaria | Human Soulbeast | She/Her
Mheura | Sylvari Dragonhunter | She/Her
Militologist Pipa | Asura Berserker | She/Her
Valdis Kogrunner | Norn Scrapper | She/Her
Shrouded Horror | Asura Scourge | He/Him
Elsmyra Mistfable | Charr Renegade | She/Her
Khina al' Amiri | Largos Daredevil | She/Her
Yrsa Finvidr | Norn Druid | She/Her
Vaporwave Nightmare | Human Mirage | She/Her
Taliyah Markos | Human Scourge | She/Her
Archivist Yashu | Asura Firebrand | She/Her
Malina Shadeheart | Norn Specter | She/Her
Brasyck | Sylvari Mechanist | He/Him
Taerythe | Sylvari Bladesworn | She/Her
Lorn Dustpaw | Charr Catalyst | She/Her
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Sylvari-Only Account: Yak's Bend (NA)
Taffila | Sylvari Mesmer | She/Her
Aethirn | Sylvari Guardian | She/Her
Bataea | Sylvari Druid | She/Her
Yuwael | Sylvari Reaper | She/Her
Reigahl | Sylvari Warrior | He/Him
Moriyel | Sylvari Mirage | She/Her
Olaryn | Sylvari Elementalist | He/Him
Ervinct | Sylvari Engineer | He/Him
Iosca | Sylvari Thief | She/They
Llaryen | Sylvari Revenant | He/Him
Carmiana | Sylvari Elementalist | She/Her
Jhaelith | Sylvari Ranger | They/Them
Magical Girl Meka | Sylvari Elementalist | She/Her
Rhenwyr | Sylvari Soulbeast | She/Her
Callivera | Sylvari Omni-Revenant | She/Her
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Asura-Only Account: Northern Shiverpeaks (NA)
Orrva | Asura Guardian | She/Her
Riegg | Asura Elementalist | He/Him
Eizee | Asura Mesmer | She/Her
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EU Account: Piken Square (EU)
Aemryn of Dusk | Sylvari Druid | She/Her
Stormcaller Nell | Charr Tempest | She/Her
Ashelin Falstaff | Human Dragonhunter | She/Her
Runa Gravemourn | Norn Reaper | She/Her
Toxicologist Mosse | Asura Daredevil | She/Her
Paranomalous Plexxi | Asura Vindicator | She/Her
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rag-gw2 · 1 year
Should prob make a pinned post how huh
Anyways, hello! I am Grif (though Red also works fine :3), I use She/They pronouns, I am over 18, and I really like making Sylvari lmaooooo
Anyways, characters below sorted by race (also under a readmore lol):
Asura: Fortiissia (Engineer, Scrapper) Genobiologist Trozz (Thief, eventual Daredevil) Virologist Praxx (Engineer, dunno what I’ll do with him) Unnamed Asura 1 (Guardian, Dragonhunter) Unnamed Asura 2 (Mesmer, Chronomancer)
Human: Gordana Freeman (Ranger, bounces between specs when needed) Polaris Pinewood (Elementalist, Weaver) Khada Jhin (Thief, Deadeye/Daredevil) Shiro Revived (Revenant, Vindicator) Laria Marshalli (Necromancer, eventual Harbinger) Sukaina Shafi (Revenant, eventual Herald) Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (Guardian, Firebrand) Ulrich Durheim (Ranger, eventual Soulbeast) Eventual Margonite (It’s A Mystery) Kiyomi Yasuda (Elementalist, Catalyst) Taaj (Revenant, eventual Renegade) Turi Waveheart (It’s a Mystery)
Norn: Lillianja Witboon (Revenant, Renegade) Lisbet Ravenwing (Mesmer, Mirage) Tryggvi Frostshout (Ranger, Untamed)
Charr: Nia Steelveins (Necromancer, Scourge) Veebus Scorchblade (Engineer, eventual Holosmith)
Sylvari: Morriganiais (Warrior, Berserker) Cinnéididh (Thief, eventual Specter) Ceinwenrhian (Necromancer, Reaper) Firstborn Treehorn (Necromancer, Reaper) Rónait (Warrior, eventual Bladesworn) Meurigian (Mesmer, bounces between specs when needed) Fínneachta (Guardian, eventual Willbender) Babby Canach (Warrior, really just a cosplay toon lmao) Cúachnait (Elementalist, eventual Tempest) Ravus Nox Fleuret (Elementalist, eventual Weaver) Muadhán (Engineer, eventual Mechanist) Unnamed Sylvari 1 (Warrior, Spellbreaker) Unnamed Sylvari 2 (???) aaand GW1 peeps incase anyone sees this lol: Laria Marshalli (Necro/Mesmer) Noritada Nakajima (Assassin/Ranger) Sukaina Shafi (Dervish/Warrior) Saafiyya Saladin (Monk/Paragon) Kiyomi Yasuda (Ele/Ritualist) Ayda Nazmi (Paragon/Warrior) Leandra Markos (Mesmer/Necro) Analiese Durheim (Ritualist/Necro) Unnamed Warrior (/Mesmer?) Unnamed Ranger (/Dervish?)
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guildwarsgirl · 2 years
So a while back, I made it canon that the offspring of some of my GW2 characters and their spouses (NPC or otherwise) would form a guild of their own. Since Rytlock hated the name Fate's Razor, I've decided to put it to good use.
So, here are the members, with each race, Elite specialization and parent listed in parentheses:
Miracle Thackeray (Human, Guild leader, Untamed, daughter of Logan Thackeray and my thief Vanessa Darkstar Thackeray)
Dylan Thackeray II (Human, Willbender, Son of Logan and Vanessa)
Miracle's pet bear, Trinket (a direct nod to Campaign 1 of Critical Role)
Grexx (Asura, Harbinger, Son of my Asura, Zmikku and Engineer Riaz)
Edward Langston (Human, Weaver, son of Lord Faren and my elementalist, Elizabeth Langston)
Cyrica Rageseeker (Charr, Scrapper, Daughter of Smodur the Unflinching and my charr, Serafina Rageclaw)
Taliesin Nightwing (Sylvari, Chronomancer, Son of Trahearne and my Necro Emilie Nightwing)
Lynette Nightwing (Sylvari, Specter, Daughter of Trahearne and Emilie Nightwing)
Erika Brahamsdottir (Human/Norn hybrid, Dragonhunter, Daughter of Braham Eirsson and my revenant Hien Tagachi)
Borje Brahamsson (Human/Norn hybrid, Berserker, Son of Braham and Hien)
Einar Brahamsson (Human/Norn hybrid, Herald, son of Braham and Hien)
Only Miracle, Dylan, Erika and Cyrica exist in game so far. Will I make the others? I doubt it. I will post their looks later.
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daekie-gw2 · 1 year
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having the craving to make a new toon once again......... thinking one of these. asura is a new guy. i dont know anything abt them besides ‘cheery and upbeat but has something distinctly wrong with them’. vrize? reisk? ppprobably light armor. or a specter. i love light armor but my options on what im missing here are weaver (No.), mirage (theyre too green for it), & harbinger (commander picked up a gun & made a support harb build for fun last week so its basically already in use). for reference i try not to double up on elite specs, helps me vary things up
the norn is... porrima? peony? one of those names. port of another oc. peony crystalheart. probably heavy armor, probably a willbender . girl who fell in the mists like 20 years ago in another universe and came out Different. shes got amnesia and also shes got rocks in her (those are not tattoos. shes got rocks in her). immensely powerful magic
realistically i could also make her as a human but norns are the closest gw2 gets to a fat option so.
i could also do azriel spireshine (charr) but i still dont know what the closest analogy to melee blood hunter is in gw2. 
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bladesongs · 1 year
I made a new human guardian yesterday named Primm Valenti. I have yet to try willbender but I'm excited to once I hit 80. If I hate it I'm going back to my ranger and playing untamed. I love my elementalist but I just want to play something other than elementalist and mesmer for once.
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inquest-intern · 1 year
⟐ Character List ⟐
Hvitti • he/him • Herald Tvekks • he/him • Chronomancer Neljje • he/him • Reaper Khivvi • she/her • Untamed Lahpp • he/him • Deadeye Phlish • he/him • Holosmith Petthri • he/him • Catalyst Qissh • he/him • Willbender Luqqah • she/her • Berserker
Iekko • he/him • Druid Ylkki • he/him • Dragonhunter Veiju • he/him • Bladesworn Finnéacht • he/him • Harbinger Piinu • she/they • Mirage Njálur • he/him • Tempest Âti • he/him • Daredevil Ihdelyn • he/him • Mechanist
Reydur • she/her • Ranger Tahvo (†) • he/him Maleko • they/them • Renegade Ryto • they/them • Scourge Leto • he/him • Scrapper Glenn • he/him • Weaver Teva • ??? • Specter
Liggja • she/her • Thief Naoise • he/him • Spellbreaker Gwyn • he/him • Virtuoso Ilias • he/him • Vindicator
Fjadrar • she/her • Engineer Hjartvar • he/him • Soulbeast Sjalfi • they/he • Firebrand
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ohpollenpowder · 2 years
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lol Logged onto Veltan to get a shot for a meme (I'm preparing because this week is gonna be rough.) and found it was her birthday today! So here's the birthday girl! Granted with her first incarnation as a revenant. Which...actually, I dunno how that happened time wise. But oh well! 26 hours and 32 minutes.
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yammering-salad · 2 years
Character Masterpost!
I’ll have to edit this as I go along but in any case here are my characters! They all have specific tags as well that will be listed in well, the tags! I’ll get better screenshots at some point too dw (either that or I’m just gonna straight-up draw them). Putting these guys under the cut cuz i have a TON of characters and nobody wants to scroll through all that lmao
The Commanders
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Commander Lysander Ciaran
He/they | Unlabeled Gender/Sexuality | 12 | 5′3″ | Willbender/Dragonhunter
Despite his small stature, Lysander packs one hell of a punch, both in personality and combat skills. He’s been fighting his whole life, even before he was truly “born” and he doesn’t really know anything else. Unlike the other Commanders they’re always off doing something. The mere idea of sitting around and doing nothing makes them antsy. Despite this, they have a love for luxury and will use their charm and flirtatious ways to get out of anything. Their former allegiance to the Order of Whispers helped with that.
Originally, he dated Trahearne, and the two were inseparable until well, you know. Trahearne asked Lysander to be the one to kill him, but they couldn’t bring themselves to do it. Their fellow Commander Xeta took up the mantle instead. Since then it’s taken a while for him to readjust to well, everything. He wielded Broken Caladbolg around like a glorified club before Sol reforged the sword for him. 
Overall, his story follows the canon Sylvari story (green knight, malyck) the closest. He’s also fiercely protective of Taimi.
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Commander Xeta Lionheart
They/she | Nonbinary | Lesbian | 25-35 | 6′3″ | Virtuoso/Chronomancer
Xeta has grown up actively defying expectations. They became a mesmer after witnessing a human traveling performer as a cub. Later on, they left their warband to join the Priory, finding field research and planning from afar to be far more up their alley. 
Later on she befriended Lysander and Aralynn, the three of them becoming Commanders of the Pact and Trahearne’s closest confidants. Xeta didn’t exactly want to be in a position of power again, but her tactician skills she learned in Ash Legion and unorthodox combat abilities made her an integral part of the team. 
They have a not-so-secret love of Quaggans, and she was gifted a backpack as a gag gift from Trahearne. After his death she never takes it off.
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Commander Aralynn Song
She/her | Trans woman | Aro/ace | 20-30 | 3′ | Soulbeast/Untamed
Aralynn never got along with her peers. From the get-go she was ostracized for being “less intelligent” than other Asura her age. In truth, her intellect was better suited for more practical purposes such as survival skills and outdoorsmanship. At the first chance she got, she dropped out of the College of Dynamics and migrated east to Caledon Forest. 
She had heard things about the Sylvari, and where her peers saw creatures to study, she saw a culture to learn everything about. In Caledon she befriended many people and finally felt at home. The Sylvari’s carefree and genuine nature opened her mind to a lot of things, including her own identity. She changed her name to something more befitting of a Caledon local and never looked back. Later on she joined the Order of Whispers after getting caught up in some Asuran affairs with Zojja, using the Order has her escape route after being immediately reminded of why she hated Metrica and Rata Sum. There, she met Lysander and the two became fast friends. The rest is history.
Out of the three, she has the strongest connection with Aurene. She has some self-worth issues, but is incredibly considerate of other people. While Xeta is a fantastic tactician, Aralynn is always the first to think outside the box.
The Helping Hands
(Basically extra Dragon’s Watch homies)
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Sol Shungite
He/him | Male | Unlabeled | 10-20 | 6′3″ | Holosmith/Mechanist
Sol is the antithesis of a lot of things. Sylvari ideology being one of them, a typical Priory Magister being the other. He joined the Nightmare Court relatively young, initially agreeing with the view that the Pale Tree’s influence was suffocating. While in the Court, he mostly used it as an excuse to do what he wanted, conducting small-scale experiments. He befriended a timid revenant named Naoise, being the only one who was nice to him. Later on, the two broke out, Sol freed the White Stag he was credited with capturing, and killed Gavin, his recruiter. Naoise and Sol went their separate ways, but always had a feeling they’d run into each other again.
The Grove rejected his return, Caithe especially. Bitter, Sol left and joined the Priory, connecting with Sieran. She seemed to be the only Sylvari who never looked at him like he was some evil time-bomb, and she brought out the best in him. This was short-lived, however, as her death caused him to sink back into his ways of pessimism and apathy. He continued to be an asset to the Priory, albeit a very very volatile one. The forming of the Pact led him to the rest of Dragon’s Watch, and he slowly became a strange addition to the group.
He much prefers machinery to nature, and is often seen creating some new crazy addition to his armor. He runs on spite, especially when Caithe is involved, and often does petty things to “get back” at her. He’s quick to anger, frustrating to be around, but nevertheless a devout member of Dragon’s Watch.
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Rashaad Abara
He/him | Male | Pansexual | 18-28 | 6′ | Bladesworn
A noble hailing from Divinity’s Reach with a mix of Elonian and Canthan heritage. His ancestors fled Palawa Joko’s oppressive nature, finally settling in Kryta. The Abara family has a great reputation among the city, and Rashaad always felt like he had some predetermined role to fulfil. When his older sister Thandiwe joined the Seraph, however, his view of the world began to shake. Her subsequent “death” sent a shockwave of grief through the family, but Rashaad was determined to find out what happened to her. 
He ventured out into Kryta with nothing but a greatsword and his noble clothes. He wasn’t amazing with his sword but it came naturally enough. Eventually he did find his sister, alive, and decided to continue on in his escapades of adventure. He joined the Order of Whispers, befriended a rather intimidating charr woman, fell in love, and Oh Gods he’s married to a charr and he didn’t even tell his parents--
He’s a very sweet and sensitive guy, but his ability to manipulate and his battle prowess make him a force to be reckoned with. He has a strong sense of justice and a desire to fight for the greater good, but he can also get overwhelmed very quickly. 
(Rashaad primarily exists in my bf’s whole commander au dealio but he’s also here so meh)
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Diviner Axel
Any Pronouns | Genderqueer | Bisexual | 14-24 | 4′ | Mirage
Axel joined Dragon’s Watch much later than the rest, having gone on his own personal journey for a while. After becoming fascinated with divination, they centered their whole thesis on a theory that there was an actual science behind it. The College of Synergetics was less than forthcoming, but Axel was not deterred. 
They stowed away on a ship to Elona, learning the ways of the Mirage and becoming even more fascinated with sand and divination. Unfortunately her personality makes her a bit hard to get along with. She’s full of herself (calling herself a diviner for instance), loud, has no sense of boundaries, and loves pulling pranks. Nevertheless, xyr tenacity caught the eye of Lysander, who was more than happy to let xem onto the team. The rest of Dragon’s Watch isn’t so sure, though. Deep down Axel is truly grateful for Lysander believing in it, but so far he’s the only one it’s opened up to. Her strange personality is mostly a deflection for the scrutiny she faces.
After tampering with strange magics, Axel’s eyes are an oppressive shade of orange, with swirly shapes embedded into the iris. Their hands glow like fire and are hot to the touch.
The Cinder Warband
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Aidoneus Cinderglow
He/him | Male | Straight, Ace | 48-58 | 6′ | Reaper/Scourge
A former member of the Flame Legion, it took Aidoneus a long time to defect. Mostly because it was all he had known. However, he was unsatisfied with his role, and defected to Blood Legion with mixed success. He wasn’t killed, thank the Khan-Ur, but he was reduced to the lowest of the low in charr society. He spent years trying to prove himself in The Bane with no success. Eventually, he left the Legions altogether. 
He formed the Cinder warband, an unofficial group that takes in people from all walks of life who’ve fallen on hard times. Mostly those who deal in death such as necromancers and revenants, but anyone is welcome to the group. The band occasionally crosses paths with the Pact, and is always willing to lend a helping hand if need be.
He’s scarily humble and down to earth, even though he’s super gruff about it. While he’s nice enough, he’s far from a pushover and is an absolute terror in a fight.
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Khumbo Cinderglory
She/her | Female | Straight | 29-39 | 8′6″ | Harbinger
Tbh I don’t have much information about her yet. She’s a Norn and a member of the Cinder warband, though! Kind of Bayonetta inspired
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Dogwood Cinderstorm
He/they | Trans man | Gay | 15 | 5′10″| Renegade
Dogwood is a super no-nonsense and to-the-point sylvari. Even down to his name. He spends most of his time traveling Tyria alone, taking on bigger and bigger bounties. They usually fight monsters but aren’t opposed to taking out enemy factions either. He’s a sword for hire, and he’s damn good at it.
He channels the spirits of monsters he’s slain, taking on a wild, more animalistic style of fighting. Despite his strange methods he’s incredibly efficient, and pretty well-off as well. He joined the ‘band as a way to get more leads and information for new hunts, and also having some backup is nice. He’s not super used to the company yet, though.
Others of Note
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Suibhne Amaryllis
He/they | Genderfluid | Pansexual | 18 | 5′11″ | Catalyst/Tempest
Suibhne owned a popular Sylvari-owned and operated club and inn in Lion’s Arch. The whole business was super chill and well-known for its gossip. Unfortunately, the building was destroyed during Scarlet’s Invasion, causing Suibhne to go on a pilgrimage to rebuild his business. Now that Lion’s Arch has been rebuilt, he’s merely traveling for fun with Canach.
They’re incredibly theatrical and dramatic, rarely taking anything seriously. He’s loud, opulent, and loose-lipped as hell (made even worse considering he has Whispers connections). Although, he’s very protective of anyone he cares about, and won’t hesitate to pull out his giant hammer to prove that theory. He’ll gladly beat your ass, all with a smile, of course. 
Coriander Wolfsbane
She/it | Demigirl | Pansexual | 15 | 5′6″ | Berserker
I haven’t made her yet woops. It’s a chill goth Warden living in Caledon, she’s a good friend of Dogwood and often keeps him in check, making sure he comes and visits once in a while. Mostly to make sure he’s not dead. 
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Thandiwe Abara
She/her | Female | Straight | 24-34 | 5′7″ | Weaver
Thandiwe somewhat abandoned her noble way of life, finding fighting centaurs far more fulfilling. Her parents were hesitant at first, but eventually she convinced them to let her join the Seraph. Shorty after moving up in the ranks she was kidnapped, thought to be dead, and held prisoner in a bandit camp for the better part of two years. That was until her younger brother Rashaad found her.
She left the Seraph, joining the Vigil instead. She hoped her brother would follow suit so she could keep a better eye on him but he had other plans. While stationed in Elona during the events of Path of Fire she learned the ways of the Weaver, and combined her swordsmanship and newfound elementalist abilities.
She’s very serious, way more than she used to be. Being locked up in a camp...changed her and left her jaded and bitter. Rashaad’s tried to slowly coax her back into the person she used to be, but eventually he’ll have to realize that he’ll never truly have the old Thandiwe back. 
That’s mostly everyone! I have a couple other characters but I’m gonna flesh ‘em out a bit more before I put them on here hehe
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whiskeyworen · 2 years
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Alice Spekt, the incarnated version of the A.I. of the Forsaken Aspect.... has made landfall in Cantha. Frankly, she would have survived that crash physically...but it might have taken a while for her neural circuitry to sort itself out. I’m sure the life support unit, given that it’s magic-based, probably helped with that. Though, I do imagine that her impact on the beach at high speed like that would be more like firing a cannon at it; she probably skipped a few times, plowed through a boulder or two, before finally landing there on the beach. Rama probably didn’t notice the additional environmental damage, when compared to the wrecked airship too. Easily missed. When she wakes up... oh, she’s gonna be mad.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 years
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Artist: Eric Peterson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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