#Humorless sjw
hyenabeanz · 1 year
There's a thing that always makes me surefire cringe and I can't quite explain why, and I'm not even sure it's fair of me but it does.
I really just feel a deep annoyance when cishet or otherwise non-queer people chime in on queer people joking, or making our jokes. I'm not talking about laughing along here, that's fine, but like... a group of queer people are joking on a post and a Straighty McsStraight pants comes into the comments and starts responding as part of the conversation, usually trying to add to the joke in some way. It makes me uncomfortable and I can't quite put my finger on why.
I think some of it is many of the jokes, like the gal pal jokes for example, are a response to finding ways to not fall into despair about our marginalization. We laugh so we don't scream and cry as the world denigrates and erases us.
So what are the jokes then to someone who doesn't face that marginalization?
The uncharitable side of me says it's to take up space somewhere they don't belong cuz that's what people with privilege do by default, or because they want to show how wow ally they are, or because they like feeling smarter/better than whoever did the marginalizing or they like making fun of other people, and donning the guise of social justice lets folks get away with it in some places and circles without them being called an asshole or bully.
The kinder, more patient part says it's because they can also see the absurdity of the situation and it also makes them mad enough to want to speak up, which I guess is parts of good allyship. Though we're not the ones you need to be talking to.
(I'm uncomfortable watching white people do this too when I see similar interactions online with BIPOC. Like y'all, distancing yourself by calling slightly more ignorant white people mayosapiens or whatever ain't it. I'm not sure those are our jokes to make? Yeah watching a racist twat get WWE'd with a folding chair is super duper satisfying, but maybe our voices don't need to be the ones most loudly reacting?)
Am I alone in this? Do I just HATE FUN?
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bogunicorn · 4 months
I think it says a lot about the shitty way queer people are treated that my reaction to the extremely obvious Cressida/Eloise chemistry this season is paranoia and suspicion rather than just seeing something with my eyes and trusting that that is, in fact, what I am seeing.
Cressida is obviously being set up to marry Debling to avoid being forced into a marriage set by her father, and characters won't stop reminding the audience that Debling is going to immediately disappear for years after the season and leave his wife to run his estate and live whatever life she wants while he's away. Violet has consciously given up trying to encourage Eloise to find a husband, and instead their conversations are about how Eloise needs a friend other than Cressida. They use the same language that the hetero couples use (Cressida calling Eloise not wanting her friendship earlier as "rejecting my suit," Eloise calling on Cressida the way a male suitor would, seeking each other out anytime they're at a shared function), and Cressida's father warning her to stay away from Eloise is straight out of the coming-of-age queer romances I read as a teenager. It's shot like a romance. If they went full Tipping the Velvet in ep 5, I wouldn't be at all surprised. The showrunner is also a gay man whom I would hope isn't stupid enough to be writing them like this "by accident."
It's also really clear this season that the writers have been listening to the show's reception and answering critiques in-universe. It can be a little obvious, but I don't think any of it is mockery or pandering. Violet is genuinely more helpful instead of pushing her kids into situations, Danbury and Charlotte talked about how the "season diamond" thing is Whistledown's terminology rather than the actual title of the role, Kanthony gets ep 1 spotlight and an actual explanation for why they're not around unlike Daphne and Simon, Eloise has been allowed to grow instead of being pigeonholed as the humorless obnoxious SJW. It would make sense to me that they would have also paid attention to the conversation about Benedict possibly being bisexual and realized that viewers would be accepting of and even enjoy Eloise being bisexual in the main text.
I'm getting into pure speculation here, but I also don't think thos production team expects to get the full 8 seasons. Netflix just doesn't produce dramas that go that long. My speculation is that they more or less have the greenlight for season 4 and MAYBE season 5. 4 is obviously going to be Benedict and Sophie, and my suspicion is that they have 5 earmarked for Francesca, since IIRC in her book she's a widow and s3 has her meeting her husband. They've done basically nothing with Sir Phillip and seemed to have put a bow on Marina's storyline in a way that I think would make it jarring to have them circle back to her and be like "she's dead now and this nothingburger husband is going to hook up with Eloise." They had chances, limited as they were, to have Philip make a memorable impression or have some foreshadowing between him and Eloise for the future and didn't even bother with lip service. I don't think THEY think they'll even get to Eloise's season.
Again, that's entirely speculation based on my gut feeling. But my point is that the show has put itself into a position where I think only the most diehard book fans would complain if Eloise's big love interest is a woman, and the show obviously gave up on catering to book accuracy ages ago.
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radio-charlie · 2 years
Tolerating slurs, tolerating ‘fucked up jokes’ - yes, all essential for outreach. where i’ve been the most successful is where i’ve established myself as ‘not like one of those humorless SJWs’ because as soon as ppl label u as that they are not going to listen to shit u say no matter how nice and armed with evidence u are lol. and frankly idk la maybe this is due to my own unexamined biases, not ruling that out. but some of the shit ppl get sniffy abt does seem like fucking snowflake shit sorry
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thinkpiecebot · 5 years
SJWs Need To Stop Being Humorless: an Able-Bodied Company President's Thoughts
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I feel that you've become less sympathetic to non alt-right conservatives. I've followed you for a while and before you were relatively understanding of right wing individuals even if you disagreed with them on principle (IE: defending that not all Republicans we're misogynist racists). Now you seem less so (IE: Implying that ALL conservatives in the anti-SJW movement are bad and not just the alt-right). I am not being accusatory or snarky I am just curious as to what changed and why.
I haven't changed. The anti-sjws have. They've become just as hypocritical, hysterical, and humorless as the social justice assholes. Not all of the conservative anti-sjws are like that, but the louder voices have ruined the movement.
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ace-pervert · 6 years
Cheap Drama For The Criminally Bored, and the Eternally Annoyed
Something just dawned on me, the drama on this site its not caused by feminists, or sjws, or anti sjws, or any group its in particular its caused by people looking for a fight, looking for distraction, looking for some way to get people to look at them, looking for something. And these people are ruining tumblr with cheap drama, their endless bickering, their humorlessness, their horrible pettiness, their toxic egomania, and their eternal negativity! And to make matters worse i'm of them, or used to be, its a work in progress, but regardless i'm done with it, Ive had it! Fuck drama, fuck endless bickering, fuck everyone ruining this site with their horrible toxic behaivior! From now on i'm going to try to avoid that as much as I can and any issues I have with someone ill deal with by talking to them personally or by just ignoring them. And yeah I know every issue with making one of these posts since i'm basically saying LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME but you know what right now I dont give a flying fuck about that because this post is as much about calling myself out for the way ive behaved as it is about saying something thats bugging me.
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ghiraheeheeheem · 7 years
are people really like discoursing you right now for saying that healthy relationships are built on strong communications?? lol go into the real world kids instead of having all of your relationship experience come from shitty fanfics and other tumblr users. people talk to each other to work out their feelings and problems in a relationship it's not an SJW concept like jesus christ no wonder your relationships are failing you don't know how to talk to other people omg
^^^ Right?? I was like I thought this was kindof a given. They started twisting it to be like the reason they are upset is because they were supposedly joking and I, a humorless sjw zombie, commented on their joke to call it out.
The last couple asks were increasingly outrageous I’m like 98% sure it’s a troll. And the only reason there is 2% leftover is because I’ve seen how fucking wild some people on this hellsite can be.
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lotrfantasy · 7 years
i know i'm a humorless SJW but i can't wait for the triggered meme to die
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lizacstuff · 7 years
I read that a CS blogger thought that Colin was sexist during the panel. I saw the whole panel but I couldn't see it.
What??? NO. I don’t remember anything that could even be twisted that way. But thanks to my trusty camera you don’t have to take my word for it, watch it yourself. Honestly, all weekend I don’t recall him doing or saying anything that even the most sensitive, humorless SJW could take the wrong way.
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SJWs get salty about Seth MacFarlane and family guy.
Local SYABM discovers he’s on blocklist
> Mediocre White Man
How to make SYABM assume the rest of your post is wrong, in just three words.
> but because the motherfucker donated some money to LGBTQIA groups and stumped for Bernie, he’s hailed as a progressive.
Pay no attention to the obvious leftist leanings in the shows you’re complaining about, such as repeatedly skewering conservatives.
> Seth MacFarlane created shows that dealt heavily in anti-black racism, antisemitism, ableism, Ace Ventura-levels of transphobia,
Yes, the idea that straight men might be disgused by the idea they’ve been fantasizing and admiring a trans woman is “transphobic”. 
Also, I don’t think the movie ever makes it clear whether Finkle was trans, or was just that desperate to escape the shame.
Oh, and spoilers for a 1993 movie.
> rampant and vicious misogyny,
Is it “misogyny” or “making fun of gender stereotypes for men AND women”?
>normalized rape culture,
It’s funny you should mention that, considering the show has downplayed F>M rape, which usually isn’t included in “rape culture”.
> pedophilia as a joke,
Also, Prom Night Dumpster Babies.
>and violent Islamophobia.
He’s an athiest who makes fun of Christians, but clearly Islam and Judaism should be exempt from mockery. He also makes jokes about violent Islam.
> He taught generations of young white guys 
Let’s see...Season 1 aired in late Jan 1999, Jan, so I guess someone born on that date would be 18. So it is, technically, generations of men. Two generations.
>that this shit was okay to say and believe because it was “just a joke” – hell, I’ll bet there’s a good Venn diagram between Family Guy fans and Trump supporters –
One of the most popular animated sitcoms in America? Yes, I should think so. Also with Hillary supporters.
> and anyone who criticized him was just some boring, humorless PC police asshole.
Including the people who complained about his “shoehorned atheism”. Because we all know how much religious people tend to be PC.
Also, I love the hypocrisy here; you’re complaining that FG’s critics are stereotyped, while stereotyping the show’s fans.
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The rest of the line is “Or get ‘er done.” A reference to Larry the Cable Guy, who has a lot more than just a catchphrase. Also;
Early on in the special, Birbiglia declares that all jokes are offensive to someone. It’s a sentiment that a lot of people (not just comics) share. He smartly critiques this notion of political correctness without actually getting too political.
Oh wow, it’s almost as if someone took these quotes out of context to support their argument!
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lj-writes · 6 years
@ anon who submitted the droid university posts and incorrect quotes post on Jango/Boba, I don’t think these posts are a good fit for my blog and won’t be posting them. The parts about L3-37 are potentially sensitive and could work better on another blog with a different readership, and the Jango and Boba post seems better for submission to @incorrectstarwarsquotes rather than this blog, which has always supported the Fetts being Mandalorian.
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bombsoverbagdhad · 6 years
I hate so much how that cute post about the lesbian couple having a son devolved into a bunch of dumb assholes (who accuse “SJWs” of being humorless, funny enough) trying to justify their hatred of queer people. It’s fucking disgusting.
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