tabrisangel · 2 months
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i loave childhood pruhun so much
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Gilbert and Erzsé.... they're one word in two fonts. Soldier and warrior. Dragoon and hussar. Monk and priestess. He lashed himself to Ludwig, to make a nation where Prussia could not possibly be dominant on its own. She wed herself to Roderich, because exchanging her sword for the crown of an empress was better than losing everything. These parallel paths, only intersecting when there is a boy to teach to ride and to fight and to read and sing. Or when corsets finally unhook and a chemise can be pulled down and a mouth can lavish attention from her throat to her thighs....
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spicyqueen12 · 1 year
Just had the thought and wondered what y'all would think
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doomspiral · 2 months
HunPru yuri save me......
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goldammerchen · 2 days
okay okay okay i do like bottom!pru with with some actual characters instead of random ass humans or monsters, sometimes. frapru hatesex, scotpru (:D), spapru, auspru (the idea of rod getting rode [LMAO] and him getting his dick metaphorically destroyed in the process is fun, but also is about sex and some kind of disability, whether he tops or bottoms), polpru (let pol top!), hunpru (but i'm bored of the same jokes sorry) and uhhhh. ah yeah, gerpru, that dude is or can be a creep about his older brother, who tbh is/was also a creep, in other ways.
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Prussia: So, yeah, but it's not like I'm obsessed or anything.
Hungary: You've been going on about bird watching for over two hours now.
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aphdumbass · 3 years
Prussia: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Hungary: Prussia, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
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queenofcringe · 5 years
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Hungary or Russia as The Nutcracker
Prussia as Clara 
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Hungary: You don’t “take a run” at a woman. You woo her. You make her feel special.
Prussia: Hey, hon, take a look at this. It’s a picture of my butt.
Hungary: ... And then when you get her, you can tell her whatever you want.
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khloethebrain · 4 years
I’m gonna start a Tumblr blog series about my videos, starting from my very first upload: So, to explain... The Prussian Academy of Arts was a state arts academy first established in Berlin, in the 1690s. The academy had a decisive influence on art in the German-speaking world (including Austria). Based on the same model, the Vienna Conservatory was founded in 1817, but it wasn’t until 1909 that the conservatory became the Austrian state arts academy known as Imperial Academy of Music and the Performing Arts. And thus, it can be concluded that, in Historical Hetalia, Prussia taught Austria music. You'll notice, then, that Austria is Christine in the sense that he was the one who learned music from Prussia, but Hungary is also Christine because Prussia has intense feelings for her in the video. Nothing against AusPrus, it's just an artistic choice I made. 
The editing is a little rough around the edges, since this was my very first upload, but please enjoy! 
Song: All I Ask of You and All I Ask of You Reprise from the 25th Anniversary performance of The Phantom of the Opera. Ramin Karimloo as The Phantom Sierra Boggess as Christine Daaé Hadley Fraser as Raoul
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hetaliaes-blog · 7 years
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Flags - PruHun / HunPru - Hungary x Prussia requested by @sand-rose
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10 with Prussia and Hungary
Dialogue Prompt No. 10. "so... do you come here often?" Pruhun, slightly NSFW.
21st Century, Berlin.
"So... Come here often?" A young man asked, tugging his coat tighter around him, German tinged with something Gilbert couldn't quite recognize. The stranger was a pleasant fellow, standing in line just ahead of them of the walk up line for the Currywurst counter, smiling in that way that chatty Americans did like they wanted to befriend all the world. Gilbert glanced at Erzsé, and died inside. She'd gotten that mischievous look. Her braid dropped over her shoulder and her hand entered his coat pocket, reaching low.
"Only on special occasions." She said, squeezing. His toes curled in his boots. He stared at the iron-ingot grey sky, threatening rain. Carl von Clauswitz had once said to him, in their pursuit of the retreating French. Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination. One decisive aim was not copping a boner twenty meters from a public park. Fucking her senseless with half a bottle of pálinka in their bellies in the Mauerpark on their anniversary at three was one thing. But this? Shit. Fuck. She smiled. The pleasant young stranger was still talking. What was he saying? Gilbert had forgotten any language he might have ever known. He dragger her from the line, their vague hunger forgotten as his cock got hard. She was kissing him as she hailed a cab.
"Come here often, eh?" He asked, laughing, giving up and in.
"Only on special occasions." She repeated. "Want to go home and break the mattress?"
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PruHun/ HunPru
Love it, absolutely beautiful ship. Sure it's sort of like a love-hate thing, but they've been "friends" for years. And supposedly Prussia had a crush on Hungary, so you know.
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jackce · 5 years
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Nyo!Prussia & Nyo!Hungary for 0_dessydoodle_0 on instagram <3 I have a question, normally I would call this Nyo! PruHun (or well Nyo! HunPru) but what if only one of them is nyo an the other one not? like is Nyo Prussia with normal Hungary will be Nyo!PruHun? BUT IS THE SAME? (????) then should I call this NyoPruNyoHun? (???????) HAHAHHA okay I’m going to sleep now (?)
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circlique · 7 years
FrUK, FrUS, PruAme, PruHun/HunPru
FrUK: 10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
Ahhh they’re just so nice together. That bickering old couple who claim to hate each other but so obviously care and support one another deep down and would be genuinely distraught if something happened to the other. A+
FrUS: 4 = I could see why others like it, kinda cute I suppose.
Mm, didn’t there used to be a really nice ask blog for this one? I really prefer a more father/son dynamic with them though.
PruAme: 7 = I like it, would read a fanfic with them if it was well written.
There’s gotta be a rev war fic with them, surely? I’d read it.
PruHun: 5 = It’s alright, I ship it a little perhaps…
I’m not super big on either of these characters so I don’t feel super strongly about ships with either of them.
Send me a ship and I’ll rate it.
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“Gilbert, stop!” Elizabeta snapped, squeezing his hand painfully. “You’re being rude!”
Wincing, Gilbert tugged his hand out from her grip, only to quickly slide it down around her waist. Once his hand was rested on her hip, he pressed his nose to her hair so his lips were close to her ear. “Come on, I know you don’t want to be here either,” he whispered. “Let’s just get out of here.”
She turned to press her forehead to his. “We haven’t even said hello to the host. We can leave after that.”
“Exactly, Alfred doesn’t even know we showed up! He can’t get upset if he didn’t even know we came,” Gilbert whined.
“Oh please, he would be more offended if he thought we didn’t come than if he thought we came and didn’t say hello.”
“Hmph!” Withdrawing his arm from her waist, he crossed them across his chest and began to scan the room. With trained eyes, it took him only a moment to pick the bouncy American out from the crowd. “There he is! Come on, let’s go!” Seizing Elizabeta’s hand once again, he made a beeline straight to where their host was standing. Once he reached Alfred, Gilbert swung an exasperated and slightly flustered Elizabeta around in front of him, putting her on the spot.
“Oh, hey you two! Wow, you both look amazing!” Alfred’s eyes were sparkling, his cheerful personality dripping through each word.
It was true. Both Elizabeta and Gilbert had coordinated their outfits carefully. He was wearing a well tailored suit that accentuated the curves in his lean body. His hair was brushed into submission and carefully styled, and he had even done some basic contouring and eyeliner. She was wearing a long, dark blue dress that hugged her bodice and hips, then hung loosely down to her ankles. Her hair was wrapped in a bun that was held in place by several jeweled hairpieces. Gilbert had contoured her face as well, putting more effort into hers than he had his own. Together they made a truly stunning pair.
“Thank you! You’re always so sweet Alfred!” Elizabeta beamed, allowing him to place a gentlemanly kiss on the back of her hand. “Your party is lovely. It must have been a lot of work!”
“Sweet my ass,” Gilbert muttered. “You’ve never seen him when he’s around someone he doesn’t like. He’s really not sweet then.”
Alfred ignored him entirely. “Oh man, you have no idea! But hey, there was no way I was spending New Years alone, so I made it happen! It’s pretty great, don’t ya think?”
“Yeah! It’s-” she cut herself off as Gilbert squeezed her hand. Her dirty look was met with a roguish smirk and a light tug. “It’s very nice Alfred. Gilbert and I are gonna go now- go dance, I mean.”
With an ear-to-ear grin, Alfred waved. “Have fun you two!”
“Oh, we will!” Gilbert said with a smile, waggling is eyebrows. Without waiting another minute, he turned tail and practically ran into the crowd, towing Elizabeta behind him, effectively hiding amongst the mass of people to reach the exit. Once they were outside, he swung her around to lift her into his arms, kissing her cheek as they both laugh breathlessly. “Thanks Liza.”
Tossing an arm around his shoulders, Elizabeta nuzzled her face into his neck. “Mmhm. Why were you so eager to get out anyways?”
“No reason.” His tone was even enough, but the faint pink blush that dusted his cheeks and nose gave him away.
“Everyone was staring at you! I couldn’t stand it!” He refused to look at her, eyes fixed on the ground, face turning redder and redder with each word.
Elizabeta couldn’t hold back her burst of laughter. “Gil, they were looking at both of us! You heard Alfred, we look amazing!”
“Well- still. I don’t like it. You’re mine,” he said before pressing his lips to her forehead.
Her eyebrows raised at the sudden seriousness in his voice. After a moment, she placed a hand on Gilbert’s cheek. “You don’t have to worry about anything. If I wanted to be with anyone else, I would be.”
He smiled down at her sheepishly. “Right. So what do you want to do?” he asked, clearly trying to change the subject.
“Well, it’s a nice night out. Why don’t we go for a walk somewhere?”
“Yeah! There’s a boardwalk, like, 10 minutes from here! Come on!” Gilbert spun around, keeping a hand on her arm so it was slung over his shoulder. Then he stooped down in front of her, just enough for her to climb up onto his back. She had to pull her dress all the way up her thighs to avoid tearing it, and Gilbert wasted no time in sliding his hands around to rest at the upper most part of her bared skin to hold her up. Grinning, she fastened her arms around his neck with her hands splayed across his chest
“Hold on tight!” And with that, he broke out into a run towards the bright city lights.
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