#Hunter Wulfen
hunter, how do you feel about belly rubs
"... I- Really?"
>You stare at the anon for a moment too long in your disbelief and weary exasperation, then you shake your head and sigh.
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ariesgamesandminis · 21 days
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Just in time for Payday! Iron Wind Metals restocks are up for BattleTech!
20-206 Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank "Huey" (Standard) 20-267 Sentry SNT-04 20-318 Pilum Wheeled Tank 20-398 Shrike SHK-VP-A 20-458 Cattlemaster RA-4 Hunter / Herder 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5167 Raven II RVN-5X 20-5174 Ursus II (Standard) 20-5185 Commando COM-2D 20-5194 Sojourner Prime 20-5200 Carrion Crow Prime 20-610 Black Hawk "Nova" Prime (Old Sculpt) 20-634 Epona Pursuit Tank Prime (2) 20-642 Berserker BRZ-A3 20-648 Venom SDR-9K 20-674 Falconer FLC-8R 20-722 Anhur Transport 20-757 Strider SR1-O Prime 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-904 O-Bakemono OBK-M10 20-958 Vanquisher VQR-2A 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 BT-001 Orc Protomech BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-023 Overlord BT-026 Union (2708) BT-027 Union C BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor BT-035 Overlord C BT-057 Gazelle BT-058 Fury BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-087 Scout / Quetzalcoatl Jumpship BT-169 Behemoth Micro Dropship BT-170 Buccaneer BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-183 Aurora Micro Dropship BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-189 Kobold Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-226 Fast Recon BT-232 Warg Battle Armor BT-260 Sprint Scout VTOL BT-284 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech 2 BT-285 Sprite Ultra Protomech BT-287 Zephyros Infantry Support Vehicle BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-316 Chimera CMA-2K BT-353 Mad Cat MK II 4 BT-373 Centaur Protomech BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-404 Wusun Prime Micro Fighter BT-405 Ostrogoth Prime Micro Fighter BT-430 Wulfen H BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor FT-019 Kirghiz Mech Scale Fighter FT-022 Xerxes Mech Scale Fighter FT-024 Shiva Mech Scale Fighter FT-035 Tatsu Mech Scale Fighter FT-036 Defiance Mech Scale Fighter OP-013 Thor E ATM Pod OP-021 Loki A LRM 20 (from 20-603R)
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mylittlemenandme · 5 months
With the new Dark Angels codex supplement on the horizon, what better way to celebrate the lovely new book and models than to wildly theorise how this could shape the Space Wolves release when it finally (no earlier than autumn this year, sadly) arrives?
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Time to cast the runes…
New Rules
The Dark Angels supplement rocks in with a choice of three detachments - the general one from the index and one each for the Deathwing and Ravenwing - plus Crusade rules set around hunting for the Fallen. Three detachments sounds about right considering they'll also have access to the seven from the main Space Marine codex, and I think most new codexes have retained the one from the initial index release. The two others being based around the two formations that set the Dark Angels apart was to be expected, even if the Ravenwing perhaps share a bit of overlap with the Stormlance detachment from the main codex, kind of like a Stormlance+.
In this case, I'd expect the Champions of Russ detachment to be retained in the Space Wolves codex, maybe tweaked a little bit (like it has been in yesterday's Balance Dataslate, perhaps…). With the two other detachments likely leaning into what makes the chapter unique, I'm expecting one of them to be something along the lines of Wolfkin. Another Stormlance+ detachment, I can picture it based around the Thunderwolf Cavalry and Fenrisian Wolves, and maybe the Wulfen as well. I'm thinking this is where the classic Wulfen Stone relic from the past would pop up again as an Enhancement.
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If the wolves and Wulfen are indeed clumped together like this, it then becomes difficult to tell what the second detachment could be. The Great Companies already operate as archetypes well served by the other main detachments - Morkai's vanguard, Dragongaze's veterans, Ironwolves' vehicles, etc. - so it depends what aspect of the chapter they want to lean into. There are the dreadnoughts, the walking ancients with Bjorn et al. They could do a "savage" one, all Blood Claws and assault troops. Or there's the vicious hunters, based on Reivers and the Hounds of Morkai. I'm leaning more towards the latter but looking at the number of Reivers I own that's definitely wishlisting.
The Dark Angels Crusade rules are pretty much ported straight over from the previous edition so I can see the deed names and the boastful agendas doing the same for the Space Wolves, If they want to tie it into the new Space Marine Oathsworn campaigns, I think we could see them introducing the idea of Great Hunts from the lore. Setting out on a search for Leman Russ and recovering relics on the way, it'd be perfect for Crusade.
New Models
So this is the bit everyone is looking forward to.
The Dark Angels got a whole suite of new models. New Deathwing Knights and a new Belial model made sense after the new, bigger Terminator models were introduced. There's a new Asmodai as well, so along with Belial they are clearly replacing the old Finecast or metal characters. No news on Ezekial or Sammael as yet, but surely they'll see new models too. Then there's a new upgrade sprue with Ravenwing and Deathwing bits on, and on top of that a whole new unit: the Inner Circle Companions.
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New models getting introduced is a part of the reason why I think the new Space Wolves codex is a way off. There are a large number of characters in Finecast. There are Terminators and Terminator-armoured characters. What to do with the non-Primaris marines? Let's go through the datasheets from the index and see if we can work out what's likely to happen.
Reborn, Reforged
Arjac Rockfist and Njal Stormcaller - Finecast characters, in Terminator armour, I think these are locked in to get smart new models. A new Njal model will be superb.
Wolf Guard Terminators - Speaking of Terminators, I'm fully expecting a full new kit for the Wolf Guard in the same vein as the Deathwing Knights, rather than just being upgrade bits for the standard kit. A mix of assault weapons, shields, fists, combi-weapons, etc. this could also be used to build up Terminator pack leaders and battle leaders (assuming they make it into the codex).
Upgrade Sprue - Lots of Space Wolf heads, runic weapons and armour, pelts - I can see this looking similar to the existing Grey Hunter/Blood Claw sprue.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed/Murderfang/Venerable Dreadnought - Even though the smaller dreadnoughts have drifted away, I think this kit will continue. The Bjorn version in particular is very fancy.
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Ragnar Blackmane, Hounds of Morkai - New(ish) Primaris kits (or upgrades to kits), no change here.
Fenrisian Wolves - I think this kit still holds up, can't see why they'd want to change it (apart from the reason given further down).
Stormfang Gunship/Stormwolf - Again, no reason to remove this dual-purpose flyer kit.
Ulrik the Slayer - Blessed with a fairly new (2016), and excellent, model, I think you could put a note in the lore about him not wanting to put himself through the Primaris process or suchlike to justify not needing replacing.
Wulfen - Another kit with no reason to need updating, these will stay.
Uncertain Wyrd
Blood Claws/Grey Hunters/Long Fangs - Along with the Wolf Guard, the core identity of the Space Wolves for the past 30 years. With the introduction of Primaris marines, and the idea of "Claw Packs", "Hunter Packs" and "Fang Packs" in the recent codex to cover their integration into the chapter structure, could it be the end for these key units? The Tactical and Devastator squads managed to survive the chop from the last edition, could these do the same?
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The current kit can create Grey Hunters, Blood Claws and Wolf Guard out of the box, with upgrade bits for the previous scout kit in order to make Wolf Scouts. Long Fangs don't really have their own kit, more of an amalgam of bits from the Space Wolves box combined with the Devastator sprues.
An updated version of this kit that allows the same (with the Long Fangs served from the refreshed upgrade sprue) is entirely conceivable. As is the idea I had that I can't currently get away from - Blood Claws just become Assault Intercessors, Long Fangs fade away, and a new "Hunter Pack" unit is introduced which is essentially an Intercessor squad with carbines and chainswords, a midway between standard Intercessors and their Assault variant. Very much up in the air for these units.
Harald Deathwolf, Canis Wolfborn and the Thunderwolf Cavalry - The futures of these models are surely intertwined. Two Finecast character models - if they get replaced in plastic then you would think that the cavalry kit will be replaced and upgraded to match. I can see there potentially being new cavalry kits and, if I had my way, Harald would become a dual kit so you can make either the Wolf Lord himself, or a more general leader model on wolfback.
Krom Dragongaze - In the Dawn of Fire book The Wolftime, it's Krom who is the first to see the potential of the new Primaris marines and integrate them into his Great Company. It's easy to think therefore that he could get a new Primaris-ised version, but I could just as easily see his model quietly retired and replaced by having to add upgrade bits to the standard Primaris Captain kit.
Logan Grimnar - Another decision to make. Logan is another character in Terminator armour, so surely he'd get a new model to match the scale of the other new Terminator-armoured characters? In which case, what happens to the much-maligned, butt-of-many-jokes, Stormrider Chariot model? It's either back down or double down I feel, a new Logan Grimnar on his own or a brand new, even larger, wolf-pulled anti-grav chariot-sled to taxi him around.
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Cut Threads?
Cyberwolf - A Finecast model, it doesn't serve a grand purpose in the army currently, and I just can't see this being part of the new codex, unless they drastically update the Fenrisian Wolves kit and include this as an optional build.
Iron Priest - This is a lovely kit, but I can certainly see it being phased out and just being replaced with a standard Techmarine.
Wolf Scouts - It could well be they include head and arm options in a new upgrade sprue, but the existing scout datasheet works just as well for these (just without the nod in the lore to these being veterans in the Space Wolves, rather than initiates in other chapters).
Wolf Guard - If there isn't a new Grey Hunter/Blood Claw kit to allow for mixed equipment, these can pretty much be replaced with Sternguard/Vanguard/Bladeguard units, maybe given a Wolf Guard keyword that works in one of the new detachments.
Skyclaws - I do wonder if these will just become Jump Pack Intercessors going forward, like the old Assault Marines did.
Lukas the Trickster - I feel like he will be a Finecast character too far, but happy to be proved wrong.
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Whatever the future holds for some of these, it's looking like it'll need to be quite an overhaul of the range regardless. Better start saving up.
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outofcontrolrps · 5 years
Fantroll Bio: Hunter Wulfen
Due to being unable to make bio pages on mobile settings, I'll be slapping this bio down in a text post.
⇒Be The Wulfenite Shifter
Name: Hunter Wulfen
Age: 10 Sweeps
Sign/Symbol: Canes Venatici
Caste: Wulfenite (Orange)
Lusus: Wolf/Werewolf
SGRUB Title: N/A
Trolltag: N/A
Personality: Thanks to his life as a street urchin looking out for his pack, Hunter is highly distrustful of other trolls, especially adults, and often treats outsiders (ie those not of his familial group/pack, Twin Moons) with a warning level of hostility, which may escalate or dissipate depending on whether he perceives the newcomer as an official threat, which will often be determined on a personal level due to his status as an empath. As his pack is considered the only family he's had since he and his lusus were attacked by members of their community, which resulted in the latter’s culling and Hunter’s forced escape from Silvervale to Bronzefell, Hunter is extremely protective of his pack members to a fault, even willing to put his life on the line to defend them. He is often temperamentally short, defensive, and quiet until he becomes accustomed to someone, and even then, his trust and loyalty are almost impossible to earn. His most dangerous mutation, the ability to shapeshift into a lycanthrope, is usually at will, but it was often involuntary in his youth as a result of emotions running high. As he grew older, he learned to be more conscious of his thoughts and feelings to prevent a more feral shift.
Appearance: Though not the tallest troll, Hunter has a strong, muscular build, which is often undermined by the oversized fur coat that he wears. Hunter also wears blue jeans and white sneakers, all of which are unmistakably worn. His hair is short, on the untamed end, and he has two horns that stand up before pointing like the ears of a partially lop-eared dog. Despite being a lowblood, all of his teeth are quite sharp, and two of his canines poke out over his bottom lip. In his bestial form, he has been mentioned on several eyewitness accounts to typically stand at ten feet tall on two legs, but some accounts have implied that he can achieve a height of fifty feet, but the circumstances as to why this size difference occurs are unknown. He has well-developed limbs, which render him capable of both bipedal and quadrupedal movement. While transformed, he keeps his horns. Hunter’s wolf form has extremely thick fur over much of his body, especially covering his neck and chest, into which his Moirail, Assyla, loves to ride and immerse herself, often completely hiding herself from view for safety or comfort.
Quirk: N/A
Likes: Twin Moons, hunting, fighting, spending quality time with the pack
Matesprit: Deedro Birbel
Moirail: Assyla Everis
Dancestor: N/A
Ancestor: N/A
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msmoonlighter · 5 years
Meet: Artemis the Huntress
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Artemis is Ro’s half werewolf (wulfen in the world of my book) cousin, and the hunter in her story.  - Despite being half wulfen, she despises werewolves, mostly for the things the local packs have done to her town and her family across the river. - She and Ro were close in their early teens, but split apart when Artemis’s father was died and Artemis, as the eldest of her siblings, was forced to take on the roll of the breadwinner. No longer having time for Ro, Artemis focused solely on hunting, fishing, trapping, and taking care of her family. In the end they didn’t seem to care. - Her stepmother, loathing the fact that she was associated with the half-werewolf girl, picked up and moved out with all her kids, even going as far as to take the valuables, leaving Artemis with no one, no money, and no rules.  - Quickly she made a name for herself as the best hunter in the region, bringing in hauls that could feed families for days, even weeks. She also became a protector of her forest. - If you were poaching, treating the wildlife unfairly, or harming the environment in any way, she’d hear about it, and she’d find you, threaten you with a knife, and make you either right your wrong, or swear never to do it again. And you’d listen, because homegirl is scary as all hell.  - She was especially harsh with hunters and poachers who killed juvenile and baby animals. That she absolutely does not tolerate.  - She’s a badass bitch and she could and would fuck you up. And you’d thank her.  -Really flirty. Like wow homegirl could make satan blush.  - Kind of a dark character but is sarcastic and witty enough to bring some humor to her story - Debating whether or not she can speak with animals. I’m kinda thinking why not?
- Age: 22 - Hair: Red - Eyes: Grey - Weapon(s): Primarily a bow and arrows, but also can work with knives, and the occasional short sword and axe - Story: Little Red Riding Hood 
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not my space wolves :,c
(Like I said, I really doubt GW would replace all the space wolves squads with Primaris, here is a list of units they need to redo if they actually did it.)
Iron Priest
Wolf Guard (there is like 17 different Wolf Guard entries)
Wolf Priest
Blood Claws
Grey Hunters
Wolf Scouts
Long Fang
All vehicle options
Now they might give some of the special characters the primaris treatment like Calgar had... but there is 9 Space wolf named characters.
So I feel pretty safe saying that at least for the Wolves of Fenris, the old style marines are here to stay.
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
EOX Ponderings
Ok so since I'm still ecstatic that I can have all my boys in one place I'm now pondering about what I should class them as. It's fairly obvious that their class skills won't be an option so the DLC is just the pretty pictures of them. So it's time to reclass them. For the sake of the obligatory novel (or at least a series of oneshots with them interacting cutely) I'll keep them as their original classes.
But for the game itself they'll have new classes. This should be interesting.
Since ALL portraits are optional, every single one of my boys will be added to this list. Yes including EO1 and 3. All. Of. Them. Let's see how many boys I'll be messing with...
To make things easier those in ( ) will be their original class. After that is what I’ll reclass them as. Probably. Though tempting to make them all imperial for the lolz of it all :3
EO1: (Using EO1 Portraits)
Remedy - (Medic) Medic obviously, though subclassed as gunner Zircon - (Eo1/2 Landsknecht) Either hero or landsknecht Lazuli - (Alchemist) so probably zodiac for the elemental attacks Nzuri - (Ronin) Ronin Obsidian  - (Hexer) Arcanist       Onyx - (Dark hunter) Maybe harbinger or ninja    Quattro - (Protector) Protector Celesto - (Troubadour) Probably prince Sardonyx - (alcheist) Zodiac Sulfur - (Dark hunter) Nightseeker probably Wulfen - (Survivalist) Survivalist Sheldon - (Protector) Protector Andean - (Medic) Medic Chryso - (Survivalist) Survivalist Brody - (EO1/2 Landskencht) Probably landsknecht again Lyric - (Troubadour) Gonna have to go with prince again
EO2: (Eo2 Portraits)
Avith - (Dark hunter) Either nightseeker or harbinger        Axel - (Landsknecht) Hero and Imperial. Not sure which is the subclass yet Cedric - (Troubadour) Probably farmer and then prince Chi-hung - (Beast) Dunno...pugilist?   Farley - (Beast) Yeah turn him into a pugilist too XD         Lirit - (Troubadour) Prince again because of supportive skills (and orders can be musical right?)       Magnus - (Alchemist) Definitely zodiac       Rahas - (Dark hunter) Ahh...harbinger probably. Though making him a pugilist would be interesting :3       Sardon - (Alchemist) Zodiac but gunner is also an option       Simmons - (Landsknecht) Probably make him an imperial as well but highlander would be fun Zalaph - (Hexer) Arcanist probably but war magus as a subclass      
Bahari - (Buccaneer) Gunner or pugilist since he's the brawler of the group         Devonta - (Hoplite) Protector and highlander as subclass      Garreth - (Gladiator) Tempting to make all sword-bearers imperials at this point but maybe landsknecht too Jaeger - (Arbalist) Gunner or survivalist Jaxen - (Buccaneer) Prince and gunner Jiri - (Wildling) Pugilist probably or survivalist Kardos - (Gladiator) Landsknecht probably but once again imperial is just so tempting. Maybe ronin         Owyn - (Monk) Pugilist and either medic or war magus       Razak - (Hoplite) Protector with shogun subclass       Sauh - (Wilding) Pugilist too probably with medic subclass Shobek - (Yggdroid) Ahhh...probably imperial.       Ziba - (Arbalist) Gunner or imperial because he gets to blow shit up      
Ayjay - (Dancer) Probably harbinger Biast - (Bushi) Ronin or shogun Clester - (Fortress) Protector Falkner - (Sniper) Survivalist, though gunner is an interesting choice Fletcher - (Sniper) Survivalist and subclass farmer Isiah - (EO4 medic) Medic with imperial subclass for the option of a driveblade :3 Mahalah - (Dancer) Prince for supportive skills Nitish - (Runemaster) Zodiac with medic subclass Roxbury - (Fortress) Protector and imperial subclass Miach - (EO4 Medic) Medic with harbinger subclass because that vacant stare and a sycthe would be chilling Kalan - (Runemaster) Zodiac and imperial, though harbinger again would be interesting Durriken - (Runemaster) Zodiac
Ashton - (Pugilist) Pugilist Blayke - (Fencer) Landsknecht or ronin Caelem - (Masurao) Ronin or shogun Chandra - (Shaman) Arcanist or war magus Drayce - (Dragoon) Protector and gunner Faelen - (Rover) Survivalist Fiorello - (Botanist) Medic or war magus Japhia - (Shaman) Arcanist or harbinger Kamali - (Warlock) Zodiac Kolya - (Masurao) Ronin or shogun Kyrell - (Necromancer) Arcanist or harbinger Liam - (Fencer) Landsknecht Lukas - (Warlock) Zodiac or gunner Palash - (Botanist) Medic Rhain - (Dragoon) War magus, focusing more on healing Sarkis - (Rover) Survivalist Shashi - (Warlock) Zodiac Tokala - (Pugilist) Pugilist Zohar - (Necromancer) Ahh let's make him an imperial. That's fun, right?
Whew I think that’s all of them *^*
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petepaintswarhammer · 6 years
Thoughs on upcoming Space Wolves codex?
Short answer. Pleaselet it be good…
Long answer. Ihave so many hopes and wishes for that book. From models, to lore and even downto stratagems.
Models… I mean there is the obvious hope andwish and that’s for Russ to come back and not as some mutated abomination. Ifeel that if that happens I’ll just feel so let down. To me Russ is just anoble warrior, able to keep his beast at bay, focus that rage, channel it intomartial prowess. The beast is there but it’s locked away behind his eyes, geton his bad side and you will see it there. To have him fully werewolf out justcheapens that for me. It would be like bringing Sanguinius back as some debasedvampire. I quite like the new Wulfen models, I’m in the minority that I thinkthey look better than the old wulfen models. That said, it’s my most ferventwish that Space Wolves slowly/rapidly move away from the bestialWolfyMcWolfWolf motif and leans more towards their Nordic warrior heritage. Theother thing I’d like to see is more hellfrost. Let our longfangs take cannons,let me use the spare parts from the Stormwolf and put those hellfrost guns on myRazorbacks.
Lore wise I’d like to see the Space Wolves charactersbe among the first to go through the Primaris upgrade process. This mostlycomes from wanting new models for Ragnar and the like. Tell us how the Primarismarines fit among the non-codex structure of the Space Wolves. Do AggressorsFall under Wolf Guard or Long Fangs? Are Inceptors more akin to Sky Claws orare they again more like Wolfguard with jump packs? Rievers, are they BloodClaws, Grey Hunters or an extension of our Wolf Scouts? What are the temperamentof these new warriors?
Let the fact that Prospero is back in realspace be a thing that is talked about. Are you telling me that Logan wouldn’tgather every single remaining Great Company and take all the Primaris successorchapters Cawl has founded and lead an almighty Crusade to burn that planet tothe ground. I’m an acknowledged 30k Magnus apologist, to a point, but for meand my interpretation of the Space Wolves, having Prospers back in real spacewould be such an gnawing insult. A hackle at the back of every throat, raisedhairs on the back of the neck, omnipresent constant reminder that they shouldbe there destroying Magnus and all he stands for in the name of Russ and theAllfather.
Stratagems. I’d like to see stratagems that playinto the hunting, harrying aspect of the Wolves on the hunt. Being able tochase down and wear down our enemy with constant attacks from every quarter. I’dlike to see drop pods be more of a thing in our codex. As it stands I struggleto find the points to include drop pods in my 8th edition listswhile they were all but ubiquitous in my 7th edition lists.
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nebularpg · 5 years
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—  KNOWN NAME : AIDEN VALVERDE —  SPECIES : HUMAN                                                                                              [ 26 ] —  JOB : UTP —  PRESENT LOCATION : NEBULA STATION —  LOYALTY : THE NIGHTINGALES
AIDEN VALVERDE did not have a fortunate upbringing; in fact, his upbringing was so poor that, as a teenager, he ended up in a lifestyle of drugs, violence and poverty. When he was bitten by a wulf, he thought his life might have the potential for change... but Aiden should’ve known that sewers don’t raise kings. The wulf that bit him brought him into a pack which treated Aiden as a punching bag, a mule to pin the blame on when times got tough. Eventually, with nothing else to lose, Aiden couldn’t pass up the opportunity that a bigger, badder wulf offered him: he could join the big bad’s pack if he simply killed the members of his existing one.
It was easier than he’d like to admit. He spent years being trained by the leader, learning the best ways to kill and the easiest ways not to get caught. He found a family in the pack of murderers and strays, and finally, they settled in a small California town, one already inhabited by a pack. Their mission? To provoke. To destroy. Aiden did this willingly. Who did he owe his life to if not to his leader?
One thing he did not count on was developing feelings for somebody, and least of all feelings for the leader’s daughter. She is better than both Aiden and his leader combined, there’s no doubt about that, and Aiden thought he might even follow her into battle if she decided for that to be his fate. But things with the pack go sour: against all odds, good prevails. Against all odds, the family Aiden found was torn apart. Aiden and the remaining members of his pack were given a choice: remain in town and join our pack, or flee with your life.
Aiden wasn’t going to live a life alone. That meant certain death—if not at the hands of other wulfen, then certainly by the hands of hunters. He and the leader’s daughter stay in town and make a life for themselves, and eventually, relationships begin to heal. For the first time, Aiden is truly happy. And then it all goes wrong.
Of course, as soon as Aiden found himself with the ability to prove to the inhabitants of that small California town that he had the potential to be good, the opportunity would be taken from him. Or would it? He died protecting the citizens of that small town, and in some ways, he proved to them his true loyalties. But Aiden shouldn’t have had to die to do it... and dying was never on his bucket list.
But now, something is different. Now, he’s reborn... and the woman hovering above him looks a lot like the leader’s daughter he once knew.
Aiden is a man out of time. He has yet to understand just what this galaxy can offer him, and at the same time, he has yet to understand just how he feels about being here. Can Aiden make the most of what this new galaxy offers him, or will he find himself longing for parts of his culture that are long passed? He needs time to understand this new body, this new... him, what his limitations are and are not. Being human again is different to how he felt as a wulf, but truthfully, these days Aiden wonders if this is all just a dream.
That, or this is the afterlife. Either way, he has to figure it out... and hopefully not die in the process this time.
—  THE RULER. Aiden and the ruler go way back; over a hundred years back, in fact, with their relationship starting in that small California town. She’s come a long way from when she was the leader’s daughter. Now, he supposes she’s his... creator? He isn’t sure what the word for it is, but he still loves the ruler just as much as he loved her all those years ago. She’s still unavailable now, though, just as she was before. Yes, he loves her as a sister, but he also loves her as more—and he thinks he always might. He’s at least grateful to have her in his life; truthfully, when it comes to the ruler, she is the one person he can be optimistic around. She does that to him... or did. He hopes she hasn’t changed too much while he’s been gone, and he has yet to figure out just how he feels at being alive... again.
Aiden’s face claim is JOHN BOYEGA and he is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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lucky13-452 · 7 years
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In Strange Angels, Dru Anderson has what her grandmother called “the touch.” (Comes in handy when you’re traveling from town to town with your dad, hunting ghosts, suckers, wulfen, and the occasional zombie.) Then her dad turns up dead—but still walking—and Dru knows she’s next. Even worse, she’s got two guys hungry for her affections, and they’re not about to let the fiercely independent Dru go it alone. Will Dru discover just how special she really is before coming face-to-fang with whatever—or whoever— is hunting her?
Strange Angels is the first book in the series by author Lili St. Crow. I read Lili's other series, Tales of Beauty & Madness and I absolutely loved them. The world building, the writing and the characters (go Cami and Ruby), so I knew I was willing to give her other books a try.
Strange Angels.... this book was, wow. First off, this is the young adult version of the television series Supernatural. Dru and her dad travel all over the US hunting down the things that quite literally go bump in the night, they are hunters. They go to shifty bars to get info from other hunters, they visit occult shops and get some hoodoo. There is a very to supernatural creatures mentioned and hinted to. There are spells/wards to protect the house and so much more.
However things go real bad real fast, basically it was a shit-show. Dru's father is killed and turned into a damned zombie she is left all alone and things go down hill from there. Dru has to figure out what to do when the things she has hunted starts hunting her. She meets people along the way that help her sort through what is left of her life and some family secrets come to light, like Dru realizing she isn't what she think she is.
In this weird supernatural tale Dru seems very realistic. She complains about her hair and a zit she woke-up with, she is a sarcastic smart-ass who is grumpy most of the time (I mean with the events in this book who wouldn't be) and she is not very trusting. Dru is not your typical character, she complains, she has to pee at the wrong moments, she ask herself throughout this book "Where in the hell are the adults", she turns tail and run when it is called for and she has a mouth that could at times put sailors to same.
The other characters were decent and the plot wasn't something I expected. There were a few twists through-in, at times I couldn't tell who to trust and now I have a whole lot of questions I want answered.
Stranger Angels has, monster-uglies and beautiful monsters, family secrets, betrayal, plot twist, mysteries, a whole lot of action and a teenage sporting a .22. I am looking forward to the next book Betrayals, because what else can go wrong.
Overall 4 stars
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whispertrolls-archive · 7 months
Characters: Hunter Wulfen x Skylah Aviana (Wolf Quest)
Mentions: Selene Monark, Vrayan Fennix- @contrastparadoxx and PR0T0TYPE- @sunnetrolls
Synopsis: With their lives so wholly upended, Hunter and Skylah find themselves having to come to terms with old feelings and new beginnings.
Inspo: Anchor- Skillet & Anchor (Reimagined)
Doc for easier reading
The night was quiet. In fact, it was too quiet, Skylah felt, for the thunder in both of their hearts. Their old life, and their old pack, was long gone. It had never really been spoken by the trolls with whom they now aligned, but of course, Skylah knew that they weren’t, by any technicality, alone. It was much worse than that. They were lonely in their new friends' company.
Though both of them had been displaced in every feasible way, Skylah would willingly admit that the loss seemed to hit Hunter harder. She, at the very least, still had her aviary, her birds, and Kyurie. What did Hunter have to hold on to? Just her, and just his adopted son. She was sure that it killed him to leave, but Shadow wasn't safe with the turmoil of the pack building to a head. She was also sure of another, more haunting revelation that plagued her days: Hunter knew what she had done. He knew that her hands were a catalyst in the increased instability, and he knew her reasons.
She believed that that was the only reason that when he lashed out in fury of her betrayal, his jaws clamped down before they reached her throat. She was sure that he would abandon her, shun her as the rest had, but he was the only one who was still here. Perhaps, she inferred inwardly, he had spared her because he had made up his mind that night. His fury was narrowly tamped by his ugly, writhing, deep-seated fear that he would lose the last piece of his past that he had left.
Her own desperation and obsession with atoning for her sins had cost them their lives instead of restoring what she had once taken. Her guilt kept her awake for most of her days, and in many of those, she kept it to herself just how much she wished that his fangs hadn't missed. No, that would've been too easy. She would have to make do with continuing to live, but at least she had him to stay with her. She had his body heat, the gruffness of his voice, and the hardness betrayed by sadness in his orange eyes. He was always one to hide his true emotions, but sometimes, and especially recently, they had shone through and brought truth to the old saying of eyes being windows to the soul. Her heart ached at the idea of him holding so much pain, and Skylah softly sighed as she leaned against his side.
Hunter had been staring off into space. Normally, he preoccupied himself watching the land and the skies above for any signs of movement or life, but since the loss of the pack, he hardly looked for anything. He simply kept to himself unless he was tending to Selene or Shadow, or he was being met by Nyctea, PR0T0TYPE, or Vrayan. He took his orders without question and moved on autopilot, as if he was little more than a shell of a man. He was still an efficient killer, an awkward, struggling and confused lusus, and a steady escort, but he had grown quiet beyond the occasional sardonic quip.
Luckily for him, few had attempted to prod him on the matter; however, Skylah had been spending more and more time by his side. She almost seemed stuck to him, and even in his times where he wanted to be alone, he failed to turn her away. What if she left one night, and he was to never see her again? What if a final snap left him with nothing? He couldn't chance it. Even knowing her part in the pack's destruction, he would've rather died than lost her, too. In his own desperation to have someone to call home, he would try to forgive, but never forget.
His stomach panged. He had scarcely eaten, forgetting and forgetting and forgetting again until one of his more persistent companions all but forced food upon him. He had been sleeping, instead, to fill the voids left within himself. He hadn't even said goodbye. He had simply grasped his pup in his lupine jaws and fled, hiding his tears and the sobs that wracked his body and soul to the best of his ability. It wasn't until some time had passed that he had slowly re-emerged, soon to find himself face-to-face with an all-too-familiar white borzoi, a downtrodden beast with matching telltale streaks emanating from his eyes.
In the wake of the chaos that had befallen them, he had followed Selene, paying little mind to where he was going while Shadow trekked behind, and Hunter wondered if the young shifter understood any of what had transpired. It all felt like it had just happened, and yet, like it had happened so long ago.
Hunter glanced towards Skylah as he felt her touch, but neither of them spoke a word. He was silent, and he briefly stiffened before wordlessly leaning against her. He accepted her touch, but he didn't relax. If he relaxed, he didn't dare to consider what he would be inviting.
He felt unsteady. He knew they both did, but he found it difficult to focus on much more than his own pain. He was drifting in a sea of darkness that roiled him about in its unrelenting waves, leaving him feeling dazed and ill. The Wulfeniteblood twitched an ear at the murmur of his name, but he held his tongue as he straightened up, though a world-weary slump melted into his shoulders immediately after as he looked her way.
“I’m sorry.” He had to fight the urge to bear his fangs in a snarl. After all of this, she was ‘sorry’? After betraying the pack, splitting them up, and causing the highest mark to commit an irredeemable sin, that was all that she had to say? He felt his anger ice his veins, and a low growl escaped him. He watched as Skylah flinched away, her eyes wide and fearful before she shifted away from him, putting the space back between them. Hunter immediately felt a pang of regret as she separated herself from him.
“...I don’t care how sorry you are. What I care about is what we lost, because of you.” He set his jaw as cornflower eyes locked with his own, and he met the gesture with a scoff and another flash of agony in his gaze. He’d heard her story. He could understand why she did it, but in the light of those dying embers of that fateful night, he almost wished she would’ve simply allowed Keonin to die.  His healing physical wounds, which Selene had refused to leave unattended even in his own turmoil, panged as if to agree.
Skylah inhaled a labored sigh as she lowered her gaze to her hands, which she had placed in her lap. He wasn’t obligated to care. She didn’t even expect him to care. She also knew for herself that he was right. That which they thought had been impossible had been achieved, but the consequences hit hard. She had done what she had set out to do, but in exchange for saving one life, she had endangered many others.
Skylah’s fingertips dug into her thighs as tears filled her eyes. They had been her family, too. She had destroyed them, wronging them twice in an ill-fated bid to make things right. Her expression faltered as she bowed her head. Sky dug her nails in until it hurt, holding that position as she steeled herself. Out of anyone, she was the least of all who had any right to cry.
“I… I know,” she answered around a lump in her throat. There wasn’t much else to say. There were no excuses for what she had done- only motives. She wasn’t alone in grieving how Keonin had only become sicker and sicker since her shifter genes had laid to rest, but she and Lupini were the only ones who dared to take such a monumental risk. Gene therapy was far from a new practice, but the chances of failure were high. Just as she had known that Keonin would refuse it had she been aware, Lupini had also been aware, and their plotting to alter her DNA had begun, discreetly infused within the medications that had, until recently, been keeping her head above water. It had worked so well, but it had ended so horribly that Sky didn’t dare to deem it a failure. If anything, it was a pyrrhic victory.
“I’m so mad at you. I don’t even have words,” she heard him remark, and she could only nod in understanding. She could think of plenty of words that might describe his feelings, but she wasn’t about to speak for him when she could barely speak for herself.
“I know,” she repeated as her fingers unclenched. She almost felt numb, waiting for the other shoe to drop and waiting for her own blood to coat the ground. Even with that expectation, she failed to suppress a scream as he suddenly fell upon her, pinning her against the wall with a near-roar of rage.
The lycanthrope growled deeply once more as he trapped his smaller companion between his arms, watching her shrink down beneath him like a frightened prey animal. It would’ve been easy. It would’ve taken just a single strike to end her, maybe two, and no one in the nearby cavern would’ve faulted him for it. The killing part would’ve been easy, he was sure, but there was one thing that stopped him.
Well, two things.
“Don’t. Say it,” Hunter snarled between gritted teeth as he leaned in, almost nose-to-nose with Sky as his gaze burned through her. “I don’t. Want. To hear about what you know. I’m not stupid, and you’ve at least got the booksmarts if nothing else to know your place.” She didn’t answer him, but he watched her lay herself low in an act of submission. At least she had the sense not to fight when she knew she was wrong, but in the same thought, he felt vexed by the idea that she had resigned herself so easily.
Both of them stilled, their breaths heavy and chests heaving before he clenched his fists. “You know what makes it hard, Sky? She trusted you. We all trusted you,” his voice cracked as he deeply huffed through his nose. “I don’t know why you didn’t just talk to us. We could’ve helped. We could’ve come to a compromise where we could all be happy! We could’ve…” He trailed off as a familiar sensation hiccuped in his chest.  His ears lowered, and his shoulders followed suit as he leaned further forward, moreso supporting himself on the wall as the strength of his fury ebbed from his neglected body.
It didn’t matter what they could’ve done. No amount of possibilities could change the past. Nothing that they talked about now could take away what had already been set in stone. His burning gaze fell, and Skylah was sure that she had witnessed a final structural collapse into ground zero in his eyes.
“The worst part,” he continued after a moment of silence had fallen between them. “Do you know what the worst part is,” he queried as the volume of his voice fell. He was a broken man, so broken that he wasn’t sure anything could ever fix him, and he hated above all else how obvious it was in his voice.
“The worst part is that I can’t even… I can’t even blame you for it. And what sucks even more is that I’ve never been so angry, but the only one who’s gotten me here was you.” He couldn’t even bring a growl to rumble forth, and his legs threatened to buckle beneath him, threatening to collapse him upon his cornflower companion. Well, perhaps it was a strong term.
“I still hate that I…” He swallowed, setting his jaw. His thoughts pained him as much as pulling teeth, but he was sure that it was going to eat away at him if he didn’t voice them. “I hate that… even after all of this, I still love you too much to lose you.”
Skylah sat frozen beneath him. Her gaze fell from his eyes to his fangs and back again. She followed every movement that he made. It hurt to see him in so much pain, but that paled in comparison to knowing that she was the cause of it. It was almost dizzying, and her head ached as her blood roared in her ears. It was deafening, but not enough to drown out the words that she wished she hadn’t heard. This was a kindness of his heart, she knew that well. It was a grace that he rarely gave, but one that she was so undeserving of that she could have spoken in certainty that he wouldn’t have given it if it didn’t leave him alone. Why did he have to love her?
Why did she have to love him?
“...You’re not gonna lose me,” she assured him in a wispy, softened tone as her eyes fell to his lips. She didn’t dare to meet his eyes, but she saw how his body trembled, and she felt no need to look any higher. “Not unless you send me away.” Skylah swallowed again. That lump didn’t seem to want to leave.
“I don’t think it justifies anything, but she was like a lusus to me, too. I just… knew that she missed it, and that her health was getting worse, so I… I did what I knew to do.” She couldn’t even be certain that it had saved her life. She could only theorize that if Keonin had been able to change, then her body could start to potentially heal itself.
“But that’s all said and done. I can’t do anything about it, now,” Sky sighed, looking away from him entirely. “...I wish you didn’t still love me, Hunter… and I wish I didn’t still feel the same way about you.” But they both did, and despite her regret, Skylah was equally guilty and bitterly relieved to hear it.
“...I think you deserve someone better than me, Hunter,” she admitted, frowning slightly as he grunted in reply. “Like… someone who can’t hurt you like me. You just… need someone who can do for you what you do for everyone else.” Her voice rose, and Skylah shifted her glasses aside to rub her eyes. “You’re too busy looking after everyone else. You’re just- you-” the raven sputtered, trying to recall her thoughts as she felt her face and chest starting to tingle. “You are the one who’s always being the rock. You’re the one who’s supporting everyone else, you’re the one who can’t fall or show any cracks, but you don’t- y- ngh!!”
“Shut up,” Hunter hissed in reply. He had heard the strain in her breaths. He hadn’t heard her struggle to breathe like that in so long, and he had immediately silenced her with a firm palm pressed to her chest. It caught her off guard, and it hurt enough to ground her from her growing fit. They didn’t need this on top of everything else. Her breathing had slowed, but he could still see her muscles threatening to spasm. He could feel the pain running from the base of his skull down his spine and shoulders, permeating through his back, but he knew that it was no pain of his own.
“Here’s the problem, Sky: You are my rock. You’re my fucking anchor, whether either of us likes it or not, and if you’re going to be selfish, then so will I.” He studied her face, watching her expression twitch, and he felt her body quiver beneath him. It was dangerously close, and he tried not to stare for too long as he halfway closed his eyes. “...It’ll kill me if I lose you, too. You already took our lives away from us, don’t leave me in the dark on top of it.”
Skylah felt that numbness slowly crawling, even seeming to radiate tingling in her teeth. His hand on her chest steadied her breathing, but her headache persisted as she trembled. She tried to clench her fists, but it was as if her hands didn’t want to listen to her. She watched Hunter, mentally clinging to his presence. He was her anchor, too. He was everything to her, and now, he was nearly all that she had left. She felt dizzy as her muscles locked painfully tight, and her chest felt constricted. She was stirring in a way that had scarcely ended well, and the Cornflower troll whimpered quietly as a sudden wave of pain tore through her body.
She wished that she could reply, but her voice failed her as even her throat fell victim to that crawling sensation. All that she could do was meet his eyes and hope that he understood.
 Hunter felt icy fear grip his chest. It was still coming, but he wasn’t an expert. He didn’t know how to stop it in its tracks. He only knew how to ease the process. She was unstable, like Keonin herself had been, and he knew that her instability could very well kill her. She wasn’t about to die on him. He wouldn’t let her, not after he had just said his piece! 
He looked down, seeing her muscles pulsating and watching as she writhed in stifled agony. He could tell that she was fighting not to give in to it, and the werewolf gripped her upper arms. “Come on, just…”
Before he knew it, he had leaned in fully, pressing his lips to her own. He didn’t have the tools that he needed, but it was a desperate effort to bring her down before it was too late. Even if he couldn’t, even if it came to be the worst… he had at least done something.
“I-I don’t wanna do this alone,” he sobbed against Skylah’s lips as he lowered himself fully to embrace her.
It was the last thing she expected, feeling him in such close contact with her. Her awareness had fallen, but the warmth of his touch and the taste of his lips made time stand still. The numbness and tingling had taken pause, and as her acuity slowly returned, it seemed that they were even beginning to rescind. There he was, anchoring her from the brink of disaster. Even in his grief, he was the one saving her.
Skylah’s muscles suddenly released, and her body slackened and fell limp while the symptoms fell away. They were both breathing heavily again by the time that he broke the kiss and released her. She felt weak, but she flexed her hand and was relieved to feel him grasping it and intertwining his fingers with hers.
“...Thank you,” she breathed as she closed her eyes. Her head was pounding, but she believed herself to be out of the danger zone. She listened to the sounds of their breathing, silently noting how they slowly fell into sync. Neither of them said a word as they waited, apprehensive, in case there was another wave, but another long moment passed before she broke the silence.
“...So… did you feel anything?”
Hunter wiped the tears from his eyes and snorted in response. That was what she was focused on? Maybe it was more accurate to assume that she was choosing to try to swallow the dread that had wracked them both- not that he could blame her when he was trying to do the very same. “Uh…” He trailed off in thought, pausing for a moment before he drew his conclusion. “No.”
“I didn’t, either,” he heard her wearily laugh. He glanced down as Skylah’s hand awkwardly adjusted itself, freeing her of his hand, but his ears perked as he eyed her index and middle fingers separating and extending as she curled the rest of them into a fist. He blinked, then he swallowed as he followed suit, their fingers together forging the four sides of a diamond. “...Uh… yeah?”
“Yeah,” Skylah answered as she opened her eyes and looked at Hunter’s form bearing down upon her. She felt him nod, and she slowly lifted her arms to embrace him.
“...You’re my anchor, too.”
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ariesgamesandminis · 2 years
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
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mylittlemenandme · 5 years
Last Friday I actually managed to get a game of 40k in, outside of one of the big meet-ups!
One of the lovely Roll Models community found themselves in Hull, and we arranged to book a table in a game store five minutes walk from where I work. 1250pts a side, Space Wolves vs. Adepta Sororitas/Astra Militarum. And, most importantly, we worked out the narrative behind the fight, tying it in to the over-arching story built up through the big community meets.
I picked a fairly mixed arms force, although I am kind of stuck with what I have assembled/blu-tacked together. Luckily, I had some Long Fangs and my Predator, because I was lining up against a pair of Leman Russes. We agreed on a custom scenario - he earned points holding objectives, I had to get across the board and burn them - then we set up the board with an impressive selection of terrain from the store, and got rolling.
And I got rolled.
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The fantastic Stormcast -> Canoness conversion, and her soon-to-be slaughtered Sisters. (The wolf in the background is a proxy, not a traitor!)
I set my dreadnought on his command Leman Russ (there were bonus points available if I defeated it in close combat), hid my Predator behind a building so it could survive to tackle the tanks, and the rest of my army moved up. Hiding the Predator proved a good idea as all but one of my Long Fangs got wiped (Lone Wolf no. 1), while my Fenrisian Wolves also got obliterated. All but the Wolf Guard Pack Leader of one Blood Claw pack got flattened by battlecannon fire (Lone Wolf no. 2), while the other Blood Claws died after the Immolator they punched exploded on them. Grey Hunters emerged behind enemy lines to move in on an objective, but found themselves outgunned, I teleported a Terminator Battle Leader in to capture another objective, while a cadre of heroes moved in on a third. This led to Njal, Ulrik, my Battle Leader and my remaining scouts slaying all but one Sister in close combat, and failing to consolidate onto the objective itself. My dreadnought fell to intense Leman Russ firepower, and the now exposed heroes followed them. Game over.
But it was a learning experience! So what did I learn?
Objectives, objectives, objectives - I completely lost sight of what I needed to achieve, pretty much as I was deploying - a hangover from playing line-up-and-smash-into-each-other 2nd edition, maybe? I hung my dreadnought out to dry on the flank, chasing a tank. I set up a bulk of my army to advance on an objective I was always going to capture by teleporting my Battle Leader in on it. The Blood Claws that got Immolated, and the Grey Hunters sneaking in the back were probably my only clever moves. I guess the Predator escaping without a scratch meant that I had positioned it pretty well too.
Stay on target - I had a chance to finish off one of the Leman Russ tanks, but it was tougher to hit after it had used smoke. I dithered over it and spilt the fire of my Predator and lone wolf Long Fang missile launcher between it and some troops on an objective, and naturally left the tank with one wound remaining and didn’t harm any of the troops. Always focus your fire!
What to do with wolves? - They managed to last okay on Vigilus (in Walsall - same thing?), and nearly made contact with enemy lines there. Here, they were wiped by a battlecannon round, turn 1. They aren’t very tough, and I want them to do better than just be fobbed off as a mere screening unit, so I need to be much smarter with how I use them. They would have been better off on my other flank, where there was much more screening scenery. When I was looking at painting them up, I was going to add fancy bits to their bases, but since I seem to be picking them up off the table not long after they get deployed I guess I’ll save myself the bother with that. Every cloud...
Don’t forget what your army can do - Now, there are some positives here. Njal was a monster in the psychic phase, and the Keen Senses stratagem meant my Predator could duck out of cover and shoot through smoke without penalty. But this was also probably the most painful lesson. There were a couple of key moments in the battle. My Grey Hunters made a fantastic long bomb charge into one of the buildings with an objective. If they defeat the unit they charge into, they can consolidate up the building into the unit of Sisters, tying them up in combat where I would have the advantage, and also place them closer to the objective. They did fantastically well in the combat, but they managed to leave one fighter standing, who withdrew from the combat leaving the Grey Hunters exposed to a hail of bolter/flamer/melta fire that they didn’t survive. I completely forgot that my Grey Hunters should have been hitting on 2+ rather than 3+ (the Space Wolves’ whole deal), meaning that I should have had at least two more hits on this survivor, potentially finishing them off. The second moment was my characters piling in to the Sister unit and killing all but one (again!), meaning they couldn’t consolidate towards that objective, and the Canoness. The Sister withdrew, and they were gunned down by the tank that survived my indecision above. This time, I managed to forget that my Battle Leader had the Wulfen Stone relic, meaning he, Ulrik, Njal and my scouts should have had an extra attack each, which would have easily finished that last Sister off. Bad mistakes, but these are the kind of things that don’t happen the more you play, so that is very much a goal for me.
Not a great result, but a very enjoyable game. And, it also happened to fall pretty much on the one year anniversary of the very first RMRO, so it was good to mark that in some small way. A whole year of being back in the playing side of the hobby, it’s been a journey.
0 notes
shenzhenblog · 5 years
Innovation is one big struggle. Not being able to change habits within the organization. Being creative at the wrong moment. Frustrated by budget cuts. Confronted with a lack of entrepreuneurship. Putting pressure on people in operations who resist change. Taking the credits as team leader myself instead of praising the team.
Yes, I made a lot of mistakes as marketer, strategy consultant and innovation facilitator. The good news is that I learned a lot. That’s why I love to share ten lessons how you can be an effective innovator in your organization.
1. Innovate together. As a young marketer I used the word ‘I’ way too much. Being responsible for a product category, I considered myself king of a small universe. You can get wonderful ideas on your own. But in an organization you can only innovate together. You need all the other departments to develop your product, to produce it, service it, sell it and bill it. That’s why innovating in a team is more effective. The chance that a new-to-the-company innovation survives is much higher if it has a lot of fathers and mothers.
2. Choose the right moment. On continuous basis organizations develop and launch variations of present products or services. It’s less risky. Most companies step into new markets or launch disruptive initiatives when they realize that present markets and products can’t generate growth anymore. So be like a hunter. Who only shoots when he knows that one bullet is a sure kill. So for real innovation projects you better wait until the right moment of real urgency.
3. Facilitate. When the company appoints you as ‘innovator’ others have the tendency to sit back, because innovation is now your responsibility. Don’t fall into this trap. Don’t come up with new products, services or business models yourself because it will all stay YOUR initiatives. A much more effective role as central ‘innovator’ is to facilitate innovation. This means you help others in line functions with processes and resources to be more innovative themselves.
4. Discover Needs. Your innovative product or service requires a different behavior from your customer. They will change their behavior and/or internal processes (in BtB) only when your innovation solves a challenge or problem for them. That’s why it’s so important to identify customer dreams, needs and problems in the very early stages of your innovation process.
5. Use the Voice of the Customer. Once you’ve developed an innovative idea or prototype the question remains: is this a good idea or not? In your organization are a lot of persons resisting change. They will say no to anything. In my role as marketer in the food industry I learned to make use of the voice of the customer to get internal support. So test your ideas and prototypes in an early stage at customers. And use the favorable test result and enthusiast testimonials to get internal support.
6. Be innovative. Act Conservative. Your organization is less innovative than you. That’s why you have a game-changing role. Your effectiveness will be dependent on the internal support you can create among the non-innovators. That’s why it’s wise to be innovative and act conservative. Present your innovation not as something really extraordinary but as the normal next thing to do. Your chances to convince the non-innovators will increase.
7. Be naughty. Innovation doesn’t stop at the first no. That’s the moment it really starts for you. You have got to be clever to let your innovation project survive all kinds of dramatic moments like budget cuts. So be prepared to be naughty. When the innovation project is officially stopped due to a budget cut, continue for example your work under another project. Well, you know all the tricks.
8. Connect decision makers. Innovation ist Chefsache”, say the Germans. That’s why you should involve ‘the boss’ from the start. Not in a steering committee on a distance. Invite Top Managers as team members and take them with you on your innovation expedition. In this way the decision makers can get new insights themselves. And when they are part of the process they will support the end result.
9. Do it fast. On average an Innovation project takes 18 months for new services and 36 months for a new product. Be sure to speed it up. You know when there’s a takeover, a strategy change or another crises your innovation project will be at risk. So focus and deliver as fast as you can.
10. Be open. There’s always a lot of secrecy around innovation in a company. In practice with al this secrecy you alienate the rest of the organization with a lot of negative consequences. If you have a clear and structured process and inform everyone on the progress without telling big secrets you maintain support with the people you need later on to implement your innovations. So be open.
I have developed a structured innovation method for the front end of innovation, based on my own lessons learned. Feel free to download the innovation expedition map of the FORTH method.
One more thing. Even with my ten tips, innovation remains a struggle. Don’t fight it. Accept it and you will increase your effectiveness immediately.
  Note : This article was originally published on http://www.gijsvanwulfen.com
  Gijs van Wulfen
  Gijs van Wulfen is a recognised authority and keynote speaker on innovation and Design Thinking. He was chosen as one of the first LinkedIn Influencers and as of 2017, 300.000 people across the globe are following his notably engaging, prolific and insightful posts. In 2016 Gijs came number 2 in the international Top 40 Innovation Bloggers. In 2017 his book ‘The Innovation Maze’ was elected ‘Management Book of the Year’.
  10 GREAT TIPS TO BE AN EFFECTIVE INNOVATOR was originally published on Shenzhen Blog
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Makes notes.
“Space Wolves can now use...”
Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminator Armors 
Contemtor Dreadnoughts 
Land Speeder Storm 
Scout Bikers 
Stormhawk Interceptor 
“and... Wulfen Dreadnoughts, so the Murderfang is no longer a one off.”
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(It can use the big axe!)
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
So I finally got my hands on untold1 and during the character making thing I was wondering about your characters. They were different to the cts crew, weren't they?
Firstly; yay for getting into another game~ Secondly; Yes, that’s right. I have a different set of headcanons/characters for the Untold1 game. I figured that since it has a new story option, I’d go for a new set of characters with different backgrounds. Also an excuse to make more good boys headcanons. But yeah my untold1 crew is different to my CtS crew and really have no connection. And they’re not as well established yet (saved for Remedy), especially not in regards to other guild’s standards, but one day, far off in the future, I would like to write a story with these lovely boys in mind.
Until then, I’ll give the names of my boys~
Guild Cascade:
Orange haired Medic - Remedy (leader, is Quinn’s little brother, and has a gun grimoire~)Red haired Landsknecht - Zirconblond haired Survivalist - WulfenBlack haired Ronin - NzuriBlond haired Alchemist - LazuliBlond haired Protector - QuattroWhite haired Hexer - ObsidianOranged haired Troubadour - CelestoWhite haired Dark Hunter - OnyxRed haired medic - AndeanBlue haired survivalist - ChrysoBlue haired dark hunter - Sulfur Orange haired Protector - RubellBlack haired alchemist - Sardonyx Blue haired landsknecht - BrodySilver haired troubadour - Lyric
HERE is a post with some slightly more detailed profiles :3
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