#Hybrid Denture
fitdentallab · 11 months
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aleena-blogs · 1 year
What is a hybrid denture, and why has it become a popular choice for tooth replacement?
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A hybrid denture, also known as a hybrid prosthesis or fixed-detachable denture, is a type of dental restoration that combines the benefits of dental implants and a removable denture. It is designed to provide a more stable and secure solution for patients who have lost most or all of their natural teeth.
Visit to know more about Hybrid Denture in detail.
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Hybrid Dentures in Woodbridge
Our hybrid denture system allows us to preserve more of your natural tooth structure. We offer same-day appointments and a welcoming environment.
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adldentallabchina · 2 years
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Implant Hybrid Denture | China Dental Lab
A hybrid denture is a type of implanted denture designed to improve the support and strength of your dentures. Like removable dentures, hybrids sit on top of the teeth and gums. Contact for implant hybrid denture. We have been specialized in dental R&D, high quality producing and processing business. Contact us at +86 18680311307.
For more visit: https://www.adldentalab.com/Implant_Hybrid_Denture.php
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vladdyissues · 14 days
Thinking about Vlad and Danny’s human bodies aging while their ghosts remain the same age at the time of their respective accidents. Forever twenty-something and fourteen in spirit, their human forms getting soft, saggy. Wrinkles, aches, arthritis, youth dissolving with each passing holiday, anniversary, birthday.
Eventually mortal tissue becomes a poor conductor of spectral energy, and Vlad and Danny can no longer use their ghost powers while in human form. Going invisible or intangible causes pain and prolonged weakness. Flight is out of the question. So is overshadowing. The ease with which they enjoyed the mixed use of their skills diminishes rapidly after age sixty. Soon the only vestige of their hybrid abilities remains in the occasional red or green glow of their eyes, but even that is on the decline.
Yet while their human bodies weaken with time, their ghost halves—like all spectral entities—grow stronger. They know the day is coming when all metabolic functions will cease and their flesh will die, at which point they will become entirely ghost, no longer trapped between worlds.
Will they level up, shaking off the mortal raiment that has been trapping them for most of their lives? Or will it be a downgrade, losing the part of them that made them so special? Perhaps the most important question is what to do when the time comes.
“Do you want to pass together?” Vlad asks, his voice dry and crackly with age as he strokes the back of Danny’s hand with a wrinkled thumb. “Or shall we let nature take its course?”
“I don’t know,” Danny answers. His forehead is marked with deep horizontal creases; sixty-two years’ worth of cares and joys. “On one hand I like the idea of going out at the same time, but…”
Vlad nods, almost reading his mind. After so many years together, he practically can. “Yes. You still have a few more decades of life to live.”
“Not sure how good they’d be without you, though.”
Vlad grins. He still has most of his teeth, though they’ve darkened over the decades to a dusky ivory. He has a set of dentures for what few public appearances he still makes, but they’re deliberately imperfect. At some point, blazing-white chiclets on a man nearly a century old looks absurd.
“It’s not as if you won’t be able to see me every day, Daniel.”
“I know. But still. Vlad Masters will be dead and only Vlad Plasmius will exist. It’s gonna be hard knowing I’ll never see that man again.” Danny raises his head. “Whichever one of us dies first ought to make a promise to haunt the survivor until he dies.”
“Hm. You can count on it, little badger.” Vlad squeezes Danny’s hand. They share a chuckle, two old men sitting close together on a park bench, one in Italian trousers and a vicuña cardigan with a gold-handled cane balanced between his knees, the other dressed in jeans and a Cornell University sweatshirt, his alma mater. By all appearances, as opposite as night and day. Around them, autumn leaves tumble down from overhanging tree branches in a gold and orange snowfall.
“I’m gonna miss this world,” Danny says with a wistful sigh.
“Well, then”—Vlad leans back with a sigh of his own and a wag of his bushy white eyebrows—“I suppose you’ll just have to leave the door open when you leave, won’t you?”
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mental7anguish · 10 months
Could make Caine a snake , maybe a garden snack? Orrrr, maybe a weasel? Tiger, some type of animal that's associated with circuses probably
I think a type of snake would fit him, like a garden snake, could have him be a white tiger tho to, or a hybrid of some kind
I‘ve gotten some suggestions that were all good ideas, so I went and drew them all on one page to see what I liked most. The bear and tiger were both good ideas for the circus theme, but in the end lizards just fit best to Caine. A different person suggested a frilled lizard, but it sadly didn’t work out, I even tried a hybrid, but no. Maybe I just can’t draw them lol
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Garden snakes ended up winning! Found one that red spots and it just clicked. Obviously no one can forget Caine‘s beautiful chompers, so I gave him dentures. Thank you again to everyone who suggested species for him, they were all really cool ideas!
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1800duckhotline · 9 days
for your vtmb ocs, has vampirism affected them in other ways besides the traits given to them in-game? (for example a headcanon where them being undead gives them a foul odor, etc)
oooh this is such a good question... I actually have a couple of said headcanons which I will definitely expand upon the more I think about my OCs...
For her (and in general, Gangrels) I had the idea that despite the technically 'dead' condition of her body, she actually grew more body hair as a result of her affinity with canines specifically. As a result is fluffier than she used to be before, even if not by too much. That said, she doesn't care about shaving body hair in her new unlife, which means for her it's not that big of a deal.
Her nails also grow much faster than the average vampire's, and often grow sharp as talons, which means she needs to clip them very often if she's ought to handle business that requires her not to utterly shred something apart. (For example, this is not a thing Madonna has to deal with)
Instead of having just vampiric canines, Temerice's denture has shifted to be more similar to a hybrid between mammal and canine dental structure. This is something I think applies to all Gangrel that have higher affinity with canines and/or felines or literally most animals that are provided with different teeth. As a result, her feeding sessions tend to be messier than a regular vampire's, which is not an issue for her since she prefers drinking from blood bags...
Aligned with her more canine features, Temerice also has a much finer hearing, which means she can also sometimes hear sounds other kindred cannot. She also can hear heartbeats, and is quick to tell when someone's nervously lying.
Shifting to her protean war form for a while (she can sustain it for an hour max as a fledgling) may cause her to retain some traits of it when turning back in her human form. This means an uncanny anatomical facial structure, bigger hands than normal, bigger bat-like ears and body hair that looks more like fur in patches as well as retaining some kind of canine traits in her visage. Whenever this happens she tends to ride it out by relaxing in her haven, since she is kind of self-conscious of it... less for the appearance and more because she doesn't want to risk Masquerade violations.
Madonna tends to wear cologne often because turning into a Tremere has given her a permanent, lingering metallic odor. As Tremere practice blood magic, I would imagine them smelling like blood is par-of-the-course, but she isn't a fan of it, and thus she tries to cover it up. It's not a pungent scent by any means, but people with very sensitive noses might catch a whiff of it and wonder a thing or two.
Madonna has more or less developed a quasi-permanent pink-tinted vision. While she still sees colors and shadows just fine, everything is just a little bit redder. I would imagine this is not at all Tremere standard, but she could've inherited it from her sire, Desmond. Nothing incapacitating but it is why she tends to wear red-tinted glasses almost exclusively nowdays.
Her hearing has heightened similarly to Temerice as well, though it's less of a general finer sense of hearing and more specified on human anatomy. She obviously can't hear the smaller machinations of mammal biology but from time to time she's still getting used to hearing heartbeats, gulps, and decompressing muscles from breathing that are not her own. She figures it's part of a strange attuning with blood that Tremere have.
I think i'll figure out more as I go for my other girls as well... but these are the ones I thought of for now!! what a fun question I need to ponder further
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aren't there like fang implants or prothetics or replacements or fucking dentures for poor one-fanged baby boy? also why can he not feed from actual people. who made that rule. who do i have to fight.
Oh the "no feeding on living people" part of the terms for receiving protection, he can't risk "exposing the vampire species" by feeding on others.
The bags are basically donated to the organization from hospitals because they're old and unable to be used in human donors, so Val is basically stuck drinking the vampire equivalent of Thick Water. So he's pretty justified in being pissed.
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He calls the organization "Vampire Mafia" but they're more just a hybrid human/vampire coalition where vampires are trying to work with the humans so they don't get hunted down. Peace between species or whatever.
And I'm certain there are fake teeth he can use, but again it's primarily his pride (and my want for him to have funky teeth) that keeps him from getting them. He's not the type to ask for help, ESPECIALLY now.
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tsunflowers · 5 months
"so what needs to remain consistent is the relationship between carnivores and herbivores. you can do some stuff where herbivores leverage their victimhood but there’s a point where it gets too messy. you need to maintain a majority and minority status for the metaphors to make sense"
That is a line of thinking that seems to be at odds with Beastars as a whole. I find it very hard to believe that we are supposed to view herbivores as the overall minority in general when I think about stuff like that Lion mayor that removed his teeth, got fang-less dentures and and underwent heavy plastic surgery to his face to look less threatening to herbivores. Or the fact that Legoshi's mom went through so much due to being a hybrid, even though both her parents were carnivores. And you yourself brought up the "herbivores killing carnivores to grind their bones into remedies". It seems more likely that "ItaParu did not intend for Carnivores & Herbivores to map exactly to Majority & Minority" than "ItaParu regularly messed up the intended Majority & Minority statuses of Carnivores & Herbivores".
hm... I see what you're saying but I still think it's hard to argue that herbivores don't constitute an oppressed minority class when they are all living in danger of being killed and eaten by carnivores. I see any privilege they enjoy as being more like whatever it's called when people are like "we have to protect women <3 bc they're fragile and weak and worse than men"
there's a lot of stuff in beastars that only exists in that society and is hard to map to any kind of real life oppression, like legosi's mom being a hybrid of two carnivore parents. that's fine, it doesn't have to be neatly this or that. but herbivores grinding up carnivore bones doesn't land for me bc it feels internally inconsistent. I like how yafya kills people and uses their bodies as fertilizer for his carrots bc it's like, that's an herbivore way to consume someone's power. if you're just straight up eating part of someone's body then that's what the carnivores do
I don't think she messes up her own dynamics as much as she just has a lot of ideas and throws them out there and some of them are gonna click with readers while others arent
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alexei903 · 27 days
Orthognathic Surgery
Peninsula Oral and Facial Surgery is the premier center for All on 4 dental implants in San Mateo and the Peninsula. Our surgeons are highly experienced and extensively trained to provide hybrid implant dentures that treat extensive tooth loss on the top or bottom arch or the entire mouth.
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shelar123 · 1 month
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fitdentallab · 11 months
Fit Dental Lab Flexible Partials Improve Smile
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Are missing teeth hindering smiles? Don’t worry, there are new solutions to improve your smile and confidence. Fit Dental Lab Flexible Partials improve oral health with comfort, beauty, and function.
What's partial flexibility?
Flexible partials (dentures) replace missing teeth and are removable. Flexible partial dentures are popular with people who prefer a more comfortable and inconspicuous alternative to metal or acrylic partials.
Flexible partials have several advantages.
Flexible partials are comfy. Flexible and lightweight, these dentures suit your mouth well. Flexible partials rarely irritate or hurt.
Beauty: Flexible partials blend in with your natural teeth, making them almost undetectable when you smile or speak. These tooth-colored, translucent dentures will blend nicely with your genuine teeth for a beautiful grin.
Durability: Flexible partials are daily-useable. Implant-supported partial dentures are durable and affordable since they break less easily.
Flexible partials are easy to maintain. Regular dental hygiene makes maintaining natural teeth easier.
Flexible Partial Process concept
Flexible partials from Fit Dental Lab are easy to receive in short steps:
Your dentist will evaluate your dental health and discuss your options. Dentists take mouth impressions for flexible partials.
The Dental Lab's trained technicians will make unique flexible partials from your impressions. Comfort and naturalness are goals.
Fitting: Your dentist will carefully adjust your Flexible Partials for comfort and natural appearance.
Cleaning and Maintenance: Your dentist will explain flexible partial care. You can keep your items beautiful and durable by following these steps.
Why choose Fit Dental Lab flexible partials?
Fit Dental Lab provides excellent dental care to improve your smile and oral health. We provide flexible partials:
Dental appliance craftsmanship: Our experts are skilled. We use high-quality and safe materials to succeed.
Our lab respects patient needs. We adapt our services to meet your needs.
Our lab values comfort and smiles. We make flexible partials for comfort and naturalness.
Durable dental products are our goal. We make daily-use adaptable partials.
In conclusion
Fit Dental Lab focus on flexible partials for many years,we are highly trained,experienced,and achieved a lot of succefull case and approuse from our partner.making a comfy,durable and beautiful flexible partial for you is our pursuit.
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ooraleadentalcare1 · 2 months
Missing Multiple Teeth? Full Mouth Rehabilitation: Restore Your Smile & Your Life
Full, Partial Dental Implants Ooralea, Mackay - Teeth, Tooth Implants Dentist
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Want a long-lasting solution to missing teeth? Want to be able to chew properly and enjoy the normal things in life again? Dental Implants can help.
Ooralea Dental Implants
There’s never been a better way to replace your missing teeth. Our Ooralea dental implants can help you restore your smile back to its natural function following tooth loss due to accidents or disease. Implant predictability makes them a go-to solution for adults of all ages.
What are Dental Implants?
Traditional dental implants are biocompatible restorations we set into your bone, mimicking a natural tooth root. Once fully integrated, the implant can support a crown, bridge, or even a full-arch hybrid denture. Implant’s ability to integrate with your bone allow them to become a permanent fixture that lasts for decades to come.
Who Can Benefit?
Designed to last a lifetime
Mimic the function of natural teeth
Stronger than healthy tooth structure
Non-invasive to adjacent teeth
Ideal for single to multiple tooth replacement
Support your facial contour and shape
Easy to care for (just brush and floss!)
Alternative to fixed bridges or removable partial dentures
Why Should I Replace My Missing Teeth?
Any time a tooth goes missing, the extra space can lead to shifting in your surrounding bite. Teeth tilt inward, misalignment spreads throughout your smile, and bone shrinks, weakening your jaw. The sooner you replace a missing tooth, the better you can avoid these complications as well as others.
Implant Dentist in Ooralea
Ooralea Dental Care provides comprehensive dental implant therapy right here in our practice. As your provider, we put your oral health needs above everything that we do. We’re committed to treating you like family, from the way your care is administered to the investments we’ve made in the technology that we use.
If you’re considering dental implants to replace your missing teeth, request a consultation to find out if you qualify. Our Ooralea dentists are happy to assist you!
We Care About Making A Difference To Your Smile
At Ooralea Dental Care, our team is constantly training and refining our skills so we can provide the greatest care possible to our patients.
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Hybrid Dentures in Woodbridge
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What are Hybrid Dentures?
Also known as fixed-detachable dentures, hybrid dentures are very natural looking. Hybrid dentures are a great way to replace missing teeth and gum tissue with a prosthesis attached to dental implants. A hybrid denture is a type of denture which sits on top of the gums and is secured with screws to the dental implant. They can only be removed by your dentist. Four to six dental implants are placed in your mouth to create a solid base to which it is attached. If you have teeth that you do not want to have removed but you have significant bone loss, this hybrid between a removable denture and dental implants may be the fix you are looking for.
Procedure of Hybrid Dentures
The dentist applies a bridge in your jaw bone followed by a regular denture to replace your missing teeth completely. The bridge is made of acrylic plastic, which is used with the dentures. This structure is a lot more stable and makes it easy to chew food than a regular denture. Further, it is a lot more comfortable than regular dentures.
The Dental Specialist Group Advantage
We at Dental Specialist Group offer top-notch treatment for all dental problems. We are known for our quick and reliable treatment that restores the smile on your face. From bridges to dentures and crowns, we offer treatment options for all your dental problems. To learn more about hybrid dentures and associated treatment options, get in touch with one of our expert dentists at our Woodbridge office today.
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record123 · 6 months
Fixed Hybrid Dentures from Dental Innovation Show on Vimeo.
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myscottsdale · 9 months
Navigating the Options: A Comprehensive Guide to Removable Dental Bridges
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on removable dental bridges, where we embark on a journey to explore the diverse options available for restoring your smile. In addition to this guide, we understand the importance of addressing specific concerns and preferences. Here's a sneak peek into some additional blogs that will delve deeper into various aspects of removable dental bridges:
1. Choosing Aesthetics: The Art of Crafting          Your Smile
We'll take a closer look at the aesthetic considerations when selecting a removable dental bridge. From the colour and shape of replacement teeth to the visibility of clasps, discover how your smile can be a masterpiece tailored to your unique preferences.
2.The Science Behind Stability: Understanding Framework Materials
Dive into the technical aspects of removable dental bridges by exploring the materials used in their frameworks. Whether it's the strength of metal or the flexibility of newer materials, this blog will provide insights into how different frameworks impact the stability and longevity of your dental bridge.
3. Beyond Looks: The Functional Benefits of Removable Bridges
While aesthetics are crucial, functionality is equally important. Explore the functional advantages offered by different types of removable dental bridges. From improved chewing efficiency to speech considerations, this blog will highlight how these bridges go beyond mere cosmetic enhancements.
4. Long-Term Care: Maintaining Your Removable Dental Bridge
Once you've chosen the perfect dental bridge, it's essential to understand how to care for it. This blog will provide practical tips on cleaning, maintenance, and what to expect in terms of longevity. A well-cared-for bridge ensures a lasting, beautiful smile.
5. Navigating Cost: Finding Affordable Solutions for Your Smile
Financial considerations play a significant role in decision-making. This blog will explore the cost factors associated with different types of removable dental bridges, helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your budget while still prioritising quality and effectiveness.
6. Patient Stories: Real Experiences with Removable Bridges
Sometimes, the best insights come from those who have walked a similar path. In this blog, we'll share real-life experiences of individuals who have chosen removable dental bridges. Learn from their journeys, challenges, and triumphs as they share their stories of smile restoration.
7. Combination Metal Framework with Flexible Clasp Partials 
Discover a hybrid solution that combines the esthetics of flexible frameworks with the stability of metal. Learn how this option caters to individuals with high esthetic demands while minimising the common sore spot problems associated with flexible frameworks.
8. Consultation Process
Understand the importance of consulting with dental professionals in the decision-making process. Highlight the role of personalised consultations in determining the most suitable removable partial denture for each individual.
Summarise the key points covered in the guide, emphasising the significance of informed decision-making when it comes to choosing a removable dental bridge. Conclude with a message of hope, assuring readers that a beautiful and functional smile is within reach.
By providing a comprehensive understanding of the options available, this guide aims to empower individuals to make informed choices about their dental health, ultimately leading to confident smiles and improved overall well-being.
As you embark on the journey of exploring removable dental bridges, remember that knowledge is your most powerful tool. Stay tuned for these additional blogs, each offering a more in-depth perspective on specific aspects of the decision-making process. Our goal is to empower you to make choices that align with your individual needs, ensuring a confident and radiant smile that lasts a lifetime.
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