backroombuzz · 5 years
Despite His Surrender, Twitter Mob Pours Gasoline On Joe Biden's Dumpster Fire
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Democrat front runner Joe Biden is wearing out the Democrats "I was for it, before I was against it," Idiocy... Hold on... Joe Biden now claims... He's for it again... No, wait...
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wwtweets · 3 years
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Biden Omits Hyde Amendment From Budget, Keeping Promise To Defend Abortion Rights President Joe Biden’s pledge to support ... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/biden-omits-hyde-amendment-from-budget-keeping-promise-to-defend-abortion-rights/?feed_id=21502&_unique_id=60b18e65e21c9 #abortion #helmsamendment #hydeamendment #JoeBiden #politics #reproductiverights
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franklong12 · 3 years
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Biden Omits Hyde Amendment From Budget, Keeping Promise To Defend Abortion Rights President Joe Biden’s pledge to support ... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/biden-omits-hyde-amendment-from-budget-keeping-promise-to-defend-abortion-rights/?feed_id=21501&_unique_id=60b18e655d909 #abortion #helmsamendment #hydeamendment #JoeBiden #politics #reproductiverights
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   The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of  federal funds to pay for an abortion except to save the life of the woman or if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.
 Passed in 1976,  the Hyde Amendment was pronounced a success by the pro-life movement as millions of women struggled to pay for their abortion. This was intended. 
   Today, the Hyde Amendment is still in full effect. Medicare, Medicade, and most insurance does not cover abortion procedures. Keep in mind, an abortion can cost up to $3,300. Families on medicare, medicaide, low-income families, women with existing health issues, immigrant women, Native American women, Women of color are effected the most by this law. But we are all at risk. Please stand with women, families, and help reserve the right for abortion care to EVEREYONE.
-Lots of medical procedures are covered by Medicare and Medicaide, so why can’t abortion be one of them?  -
  Sign this petition if you think everyone deserves the right to reproductive health and abortion care!!!!
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smythradio · 5 years
SmythTV! 6/5/19 #WednesdayWisdom #DDay75 - Still Fighting Socialism @DNC
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January 26 2017 - by Jessica Valenti If you’ve ever wondered what the oft-used and much maligned word “#patriarchy” looks like, you need look no further than a picture of Donald Trump, surrounded by white men, reinstating the global gag rule. The policy, which bans funding any international organization that dares to even talk about #abortion, has contributed to thousands of women’s deaths across the globe. The executive order was just the beginning. In the short time Trump has been president, his administration has set a disastrous course for #womenshealth and #womensrights. On Tuesday, days after historic marches that put millions of women on the street globally, Republican congressmen introduced the first ever federal ‘#heartbeatbill’ - a policy that would ban abortions after six weeks, well before most women even know they’re #pregnant. That same day, the House passed a bill that would make the dangerous and discriminatory #HydeAmendment – which prevents federal funds from covering abortion, even in cases of fetal abnormalities and maternal health issues – permanent. The bill, which targets poor women, would also impact abortion coverage for women with private insurance. Congressional republicans have even introduced a federal ‘personhood’ bill that would define life as beginning at conception. While the bills will not likely get far, the new administration is sending a clear message – they’re keeping Trump’s promise to punish women who have abortions, and rolling back hard-won rights. These are far-reaching and radical policies that quite literally kill women. There is no overstating just how harmful they are. So you’ll excuse me for laughing off recent suggestions that feminists embrace “pro-life” (#antichoice) women in the name of inclusivity. You don’t get to feel bad about being banned from the treehouse when you’re in the middle of setting the trunk on fire. #feminism#reproductiverights#notmypresident#maleentitlement#sexed#sexism
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awriter314 · 5 years
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backroombuzz · 5 years
Hypocrite Ocasio-Cortez Ripped Biden But AOC Also Voted To Restrict Abortion Rights
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who just criticized Joe Biden for waffling on abortion rights — has herself voted for legislation that restricts government funding of abortions.
Read the full article
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wwtweets · 4 years
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U.S. Could Prevent 19 Million Unsafe Abortions Abroad If Helms Amendment Is Repealed Congress might avoid 19 million hazardou......Read the rest by clicking the link below! https://worldwidetweets.com/u-s-could-prevent-19-million-unsafe-abortions-abroad-if-helms-amendment-is-repealed/?feed_id=14288&_unique_id=603651c6480a8
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franklong12 · 4 years
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U.S. Could Prevent 19 Million Unsafe Abortions Abroad If Helms Amendment Is Repealed Congress might avoid 19 million hazardou......Read the rest by clicking the link below! https://worldwidetweets.com/u-s-could-prevent-19-million-unsafe-abortions-abroad-if-helms-amendment-is-repealed/?feed_id=14287&_unique_id=603651c52043e
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moviesmusictvplus · 5 years
Does ABC's The View Need Meghan McCain This Badly?
Not amazingly, @MeghanMcCain has now decided to use @TheView to talk directly @JoeBiden who she says "really wants her vote". Her efforts to instruct the man and all Democratic politicians on what to do to get her (and other) consistently @gop vote is short-sighted, self-absorbingly annoying. Today she has decided Biden is the only candidate She attempted to stop @ananavarro from explaining his change on #HydeAmendment to viewers by rudely interrupting her with, "They just saw it". Then tells Ana ,"Democrats already have your vote." and proceeds to discuss why people like her are important. Argiung into the first break. Upon returning, the discussion on anti-abortion state laws begins Whoopi gets the signal for break, MMC attempts to chime in after all she already said in the previous segment. After @WhoopiGoldberg expreses her view asking,"So I don't get to talk?" Whoopi then has to explain her role as moderator (on the DL) and offers her the option to discuss upon return from commercial, childishly, she declines How is this acceptable to @Disney @ABC or the show producers? As a viewer its distracting and entirel too tense for daytime TV.
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ltlredx · 5 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/LiberalFenix
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Heres Where The Major 2020 Candidates Stand On Federally Funding Abortion Care
By Christianna Silva
On Wednesday, June 6, former vice president and current Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden confirmed that he still supports the Hyde Amendment, a measure that prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion, despite the procedure being legal across the country.
Biden immediately faced backlash from the Democratic Party, and particularly progressive members, given how the amendment disproportionately and negatively affects poor people and people of color, who may see cost as a barrier from safely receiving an abortion procedure.
What is the Hyde Amendment?
Simply put, the Hyde Amendment bans federal funds for abortions. The amendment passed in 1976, just three years after the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that abortion is a legal right; it has since been voted on every single year as a part of the annual Health and Human Services appropriations bill for the past four decades, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. (Appropriations bills are passed to fund various governmental programs, and must be passed annually.)
There have been a few different variations of the amendment over the past 42 years, but the current version includes exceptions that allow Medicaid funds to be used for abortions in cases of rape, incest, or the health of the pregnant person, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. All other federal funding of abortion is currently banned.
The amendment was named after one of its biggest anti-choice advocates, the late Republican congressman Henry Hyde from Illinois. But from the outset, pro-choice groups like the Reproductive Freedom Project, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Planned Parenthood said that the amendment unfairly affected poor women. They took the amendment to the Supreme Court, where, in 1980, SCOTUS ruled it to be constitutional.
According to a 2009 report from NPR, during the three years after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion and before the Hyde Amendment banned federal funding for the procedure, tax dollars funded about 300,000 abortions annually — roughly 25 percent of the abortions performed legally during that time. After the Hyde Amendment went into effect, abortions financed by the federal government dropped to a few thousand a year, though the actual number of abortions being performed has not declined as steeply. (For that, however, Planned Parenthood has credited better access to contraception and comprehensive sex education, not legislation, given that the birth rate hasn’t increased, either.)
Why does it matter?
The ACLU argues that the Hyde Amendment is pretty blatantly sexist, saying “for no covered medical service that men need does the federal Medicaid program restrict the standard for reimbursement as it does for abortions.”
Moreover, the union argues that in practice, putting restrictions on public funding for the procedure effectively takes away the right to an abortion from poor people, and especially poor people of color, who are pregnant. However, people with higher incomes can afford to travel to have the procedure or pay for their abortions out-of-pocket.
“The problem is, the Hyde Amendment affects poor women, women of color, black women, Hispanic women,” Patti Solis Doyle, who served as Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign manager in 2008 and has also worked for Biden, told the New York Times on Wednesday. “And women of color will elect the next president of the United States.”
Where do the candidates stand on it?
The Hyde Amendment originally had bipartisan support in Congress, and maintained that support for some time, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. Since it is part of the annual appropriations process, nearly every sitting member of Congress has voted on it as part of the HHS appropriations bill.
One of the first presidents to campaign against it was then-President Bill Clinton in 1992. He urged Congress to overturn it, but, after politics got in the way, compromised to amend the act and allow federal reimbursement for abortions in cases of rape or incest, according to the library at the Eternal Word Television Network. President Barack Obama didn’t make his opinion on the amendment clear, but he did include similar protections in the Affordable Care Act, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, banning federal funds for abortion services except in the cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the pregnant person is in danger.
The amendment is quite popular among constituents, according to polls reviewed by Vox, so Democratic candidates typically steered clear of the legislation. But after grassroots activism made the Hyde Amendment a topic of discussion again, arguing that abortion needs to be not just legal but also affordable, most Democratic presidential candidates have pivoted to supporting the repeal of the amendment.
In fact, the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH Woman) Act is a bill in Congress right now that would effectively repeal the Hyde Amendment. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Eric Swalwell and Seth Moulton — all of whom are running for the Democratic nomination – are all co-sponsors. The only sitting members of Congress who aren’t co-sponsoring the bill are Michael Bennet, Tulsi Gabbard, and Tim Ryan.
Democrats have been asking President Donald Trump to repeal the amendment since 2016; his entire track record suggests that won’t happen under his watch. Here’s where all of the Democratic presidential candidates stand on the Hyde Amendment:
Michael Bennet supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “Defenders of women and their health care rights have agreed for decades: the Hyde Amendment is federally sanctioned discrimination. It is wrong and should be overturned immediately.”
Bill de Blasio supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “The Hyde Amendment only hurts low income women, especially women of color. If you don’t support repeal, you shouldn’t be the Democratic nominee.”
Cory Booker supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “The Hyde Amendment is a threat to reproductive rights that punishes women and families who already struggle with access to adequate health care services.”
Steve Bullock supports repealing the amendment. In late May, he told a #RightsForAll ACLU volunteer that he would lift the Hyde Amendment if he was elected president.
Pete Buttigieg supports repealing the amendment, according to his website.
Julián Castro supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “All women should have access to reproductive care, regardless of their income or the state they live in. Abortion care is health care—it’s time to repeal the #HydeAmendment.”
John Delaney hasn’t made any public comments about the Hyde Amendment, but he told ThinkProgress in late April that he supports federal funding for abortion.
Tulsi Gabbard hasn’t made any public comments about the Hyde Amendment, but she told ThinkProgress in late April that she supports federal funding for abortion.
Kirsten Gillibrand supports repealing the act. “Repealing the Hyde Amendment is critical so that low-income women in particular can have access to the reproductive care they need and deserve,” she tweeted. “Reproductive rights are human rights, period. They should be non-negotiable for all Democrats.”
Mike Gravel supports repealing the act. In a statement made to MTV News, his spokesperson said he “supports the immediate repeal of the Hyde Amendment and believes that Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself for supporting such a monstrous provision.”
Kamala Harris supports repealing the amendment. She tweeted: “No woman’s access to reproductive health care should be based on how much money she has. We must repeal the Hyde Amendment.”
John Hickenlooper supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “At a time when women’s rights are under attack, we need to stand tall for our values. The #HydeAmendent actively harms women by limiting access and choice. It needs to be repealed.”
Jay Inslee supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “I voted against the Hyde Amendment in 1993. It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Reproductive health care is health care. Period.”
Amy Klobuchar hasn’t said anything publicly about repealing it, but is a co-sponsor of the EACH Woman Act, a bill that would repeal the amendment.
Wayne Messam hasn’t made any public comments about the Hyde Amendment, but he told ThinkProgress in late April that he supports federal funding for abortion.
Seth Moulton hasn’t said anything publicly about repealing it, but is a co-sponsor of the EACH Woman Act, a bill that would repeal the amendment.
Beto O’Rourke supports repealing the amendment. In May, he tweeted “Repeal the Hyde Amendment” along with a video of a speech calling for more funding for family planning centers like Planned Parenthood.
Tim Ryan supports repealing the amendment. He told MSNBC in May, “we’ve got to get rid of the Hyde Amendment.”
Bernie Sanders supports repealing the amendment. “There is #NoMiddleGround on women’s rights,” he tweeted. “Abortion is a constitutional right. Under my Medicare for All plan, we will repeal the Hyde Amendment.”
Eric Swalwell supports repealing the amendment. He tweeted: “We can’t live in the past when it comes to women’s health. The next president must appoint judges who #ProtectRoe BUT also MUST fight to #RepealHyde.” He also tagged Planned Parenthood, as well as NARAL, and its president, Ilyse Hogue.
Elizabeth Warren supports repealing the amendment. She told reporters after a rally in Indiana, “This isn’t about politics, this is about what’s right. The Hyde Amendment should not be American law.”
Marianne Williamson hasn’t made any public comments about the Hyde Amendment, but she told ThinkProgress in late April that she supports the Women’s Health Protection Act and the EACH Woman Act, which would provide federal funding for abortion.
Andrew Yang has not said anything public about the Hyde Amendment and did not immediately respond to a request for comment from MTV News.
The post Heres Where The Major 2020 Candidates Stand On Federally Funding Abortion Care appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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laprogressive · 6 years
RT Thom_Hartmann "Will Roe vs Wade be overturned? watch https://t.co/5ief7SrXPS #RoevWade #Abortion #HydeAmendment #FightForRoe https://t.co/nsSv8upJao"
RT Thom_Hartmann "Will Roe vs Wade be overturned? watch https://t.co/5ief7SrXPS#RoevWade #Abortion #HydeAmendment #FightForRoe pic.twitter.com/nsSv8upJao"
— Sharon Kyle (@SharonKyle00) February 1, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/SharonKyle00 February 01, 2019 at 12:07AM
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abortionfunds · 7 years
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REMINDER to register for today's public press call with @wetestify storytellers: "How Hyde Hurts: The State of the Hyde Amendment & Abortion Access" Tu, Sep 26 at 1PM ET: bit.ly/HowHydeHurts #beboldendhyde #HydeAmendment #abortionstories #abortionaccess — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2fvusE2
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civilrightsadvocacy · 8 years
US House Attempting to Make the Hyde Amendment Permanent
#USHouse set to vote on #HR7 to make #HydeAmendment permanent. Oppose this bill. Call Rep. RT
The US House of Representative is expected to vote on the ” No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” aka known as HR 7 of 2017. This is a bill that attempts to block all women from accessing health insurance that covers abortion care.
The Feminist Majority posted information about this bill at 11:50 am ET this morning giving background to what this bill does and how it threatens women’s lives. I’m…
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