#I Absolutely Knew That I was Six Steps In When I Fell Into You (Vox ♡ Angel Dust)
e-m-p-error · 1 year
[ @a-hazbin-spider || Continued From Here ]
[ Vick ]
Every single time he was able to get Angel alone, he wanted to pretend. When Dove left a smattering of kisses on his shoulder, he could sink into the fantasy that he was loved for once. His hand moved to the other's cock, stroking him through his orgasm as he forced himself up onto his other hand, not wanting to crush the other too much.
As he came down, his chest heaving with each breath, his face slowly swam back into place and he blinked his eyes open.
"H-how are you doing, Schnuckiputzi?" He asked, his voice a gentle crackle over his speakers, "Sore...? Need me to move...?" He was certain he didn't have long before he'd need to roll them over. Angel barely weighed anything at all, and he was a large man.
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kaylopolis · 4 months
Alastor's Shadow (18+) Chapter Five
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Alastor x F!Reader, Alias: Thestral
Synopsis: There’s a new Overlord in town and it isn’t the Radio Demon. Six years after you fell into Hell, you have finally earned your seat at the table as Pentagram City’s newest and baddest and with the Extermination coming six months sooner than planned, it is now time to implement your ultimate endgame. Afterall, who doesn’t love a bit of power and chaos? Your plans brings you to the doorstep of the Hazbin Hotel as Charlie’s newest Redeemer, but who you find waiting for you will not only turn your entire plan upside down, but also challenge your grab for power… 
Tag List: Slow burn, rivals to lovers, eventual smut
Masterlist Link: Masterlist
Author note: Dear Hoteliers, This was my first attempt at smut (I giggled posting this, I am so excited!). I am new, but any advice is welcome! I tried something different with formatting (you'll see when you get there). I didn't want anything to be spoiled while ya'll rode the emotional rollercoaster that is this chapter. Let me know if it was weird and didn't work (or if it did that would be great!). I also added a link to the music found in a later part of this chapter in case you wanted to listen while you read.
<3 Stay smutty
Chapter Five - Night's Mistress
Content Warning: Blood, Blood Play, Murder, Choking, Graphic Sexual Scenes Involving Violence, Smut, MINORS DNI! (let me know if I missed anything else!)
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The pull behind your navel felt foreign. 
It didn’t come with the taste of honey or the scent of daffodils like Rosie’s summons normally did. It didn’t come with a hint of sass or flood your mouth with spice like Carmilla’s. Crimson’s tasted of red pepper flakes and copper - a disgusting combination - but he was no longer an issue. 
This pull, however, was new and terribly, terribly… boring. 
Has one of your cards fallen to a rogue with sticky fingers? Has one of your holders died and a new holder taken their place? 
Whomever it was, the pull made you pause atop your perch overlooking V Tower. With Vox’s new Angelic Security soon to be released, you didn’t know how close you could get to the media demon’s headquarters. So you sat a few buildings away, scanning the horizon for any newfound technology that might impede your nighttime endeavors. 
There was another tug. 
Jesus, impatient much? 
You stood, stretching the stiffness from your legs. It was late, you’ve been out here for hours watching absolutely nothing happen. All the Vees like to do is sit, drink, and talk shit. Seriously what did they get out of their friendship? Was it friendship? Or were they all fucking? Ugh, you did not want that picture in your head.
Okay, time to go. 
You jumped, allowing the smoke to envelop your form. Feeling the pull, you headed toward the inner part of the city. Circling Heaven’s Clocktower, you broke off back toward the Magne District - the district that held the Hotel. Except you weren’t headed for your new home. The pull brought you left, almost to the border town but not quite, to an old tower.
In a plume of smoke, you landed on a balcony, the black swirls twirling about the landing before pooling over the sides. You were probably twenty stories up, the tallest building around. Not nearly as tall as V Tower - which the balcony gave you a great view of - but still, Pentagram City was striking. 
The balcony was connected to an apartment, reachable to the world only by an elevator at its center. Behind you was a wall of glass, heavy curtains preventing you from peering inside. On the balcony sat a small table, framed by two iron chairs. The setup was empty, except for your card which sat atop the table, a single drop of blood at its center. 
You took a step, your feet finding a puddle of red before you finally noticed the body. It was face down, scarlett flooding from a wound which wasn’t visible to you. It didn’t appear to be anyone you knew. Definitely a Human Sinner, but not one particularly interesting. 
So who in Hell summoned you? 
As if on cue, a zip of static runs across the back of your neck. 
“Ah, there you are,” Alastor emerges from the darkened apartment, shutting the door behind him with a kick of his heel, a smooth jazz playing on his radio.
Your heart skips a beat as his eyes find yours. Half-lidded, he smirks, a bottle of wine in one hand and a pair of glasses in another. 
Your eyes flit between the dead Sinner on the floor and the red demon before you. “You did not use your own blood?" This was a first. Cardholders always used their own blood. Although not directly stated, it was implied. 
“Heavens, no!” The demon places the glasses on the table, next to the obsidian calling card, as he uncorks the bottle using the tip of his claw. “We barely know each other. That would be too…” His eyes slid to yours. You feel his gaze rake over your form eliciting a blush beneath your cloak. “Intimate.” 
You stifle a sharp intake of breath. 
Get your shit together. You’re a fucking Overlord for Christ’s sake. 
You drop his gaze, eyeing the half-dead pile of blood beneath your feet. 
“Ah, apologies for the mess,” Alastor snaps and the Sinner, along with the blood, disappears. “Wine?” The red demon holds a glass out to you, liquid sloshing in its basin. 
You look at your boots before moving, noticing he even wiped the blood from their leather. How thoughtful. 
Goblet in hand, you finally join the Radio Demon in the chair adjacent to his, and gaze out to the City. 
It was quiet, the hustle of Pentagram City’s nightlife drowned out by his jazz. Funny, you thought it almost peaceful. Could Hell be peaceful? No. That would be an oxymoron. Hell was designed not to be peaceful by definition. Yet all the way up here, tucked far back from the rest of the chaos, you could pretend it was. 
The demon sits back in his chair, crossing his legs at his knees. You hadn’t noticed it before, but his shoes have a print on the bottom - a deer’s hoof. How fitting. 
The obsidian calling card sits between you, a drop of scarlet crusting on its surface. Letters in white slowly fade from the card’s edge, signifying the death of the card owner. Whoever the Hell Stanley Jenkins was, Alastor had killed him and used his blood instead. Smart actually, for the card comes with its own parameters…
And to the Sinners without a card? That was a bit trickier. Only a handful of obsidian calling cards were in circulation, and only cardholders could summon you at will. To the lower rung demons without the honor, they had to go through back channels. That’s what you used Rosie for. The Cannibal Queen knew all the best gossip in town, her network of information reached every edge of the Pentagram. She was your starting point for potential hits - you took care of the rest. 
“A toast,” Alastor holds his glass out to you. “To power and chaos.” 
You freeze.
The demon clinks his glass with yours.
You had not heard that phrase in a very long time. 
You look to the Radio Demon and watch as he sips his wine, the red liquid kissing his lips as he drinks.  
More importantly, where had he heard that phrase? 
And then it clicks. 
Lilith. You last heard that from Lilith. 
“It isn’t poisoned. I assure you,” Alastor purrs, bringing your thoughts back to the wine. “If I wanted you dead, you’d already be dead.” The demon chuckles.
You shudder at the sudden static vibrating through your bones. 
You put a pin in this conversation - a mental note. You had more homework to do. 
You swirl the red around the glass, noting the alcohol crystals sticking to the sides. It was an older wine, a heavier red by the color. The liquid wooed you in scents of dark berry, cloves, and cedar. You could taste the tannins on your tongue before the liquid even hit your teeth. God, was it a thick red, so dry it left your mouth parched for more. Alastor couldn’t see your face beneath the hood, but if he could, he would see the moan you stifled behind closed lips. 
God, it was almost Heavenly. 
“One of my more everyday favorites,” Alastor smiled at the world below, his eyes sparkling with the reflection of City lights. “Although, I have far better in my cellar.” 
In my cellar. Your ears perked up at that, although you tried to hide it, the twitch of Alastor’s lips told you he had noticed. The Radio Demon knew something about you now: you liked wine. 
Was that what this meeting was all about? He wanted to gather more information on the Shadow? The way he made it seem at Carmilla’s was that there was a deal to be made. He thought you two could benefit from some sort of… partnership. Yet, you sit here and drink. 
This wasn’t how your deals often went. Usually, you showed up, and Sinners demanded action straight away. They practically begged you for your help, all too eager to make a deal. Lesser demons were pathetic, demons thinking themselves anything more attempted to look strong or intimidating, but the second they saw your eyes, they cowered. You’d like to think it the same as Zestial’s situation but you didn’t dare compare yourself to someone as great as him. 
Alastor, however, sat before you as an entertainer, a flatterer, a narcissist obsessed with his image. He didn’t just want to make a deal with you - if he did at all - he wanted to put on a show. Offering you a drink and a lovely view of the City communicated to you that he didn’t see you as a threat, but you already knew that. The question then was, did he respect you, and why did it bother you so much not to know? 
You turned the bottle to read the label: Stag’s Leap. How fitting. 
“Have you read the Allegory of the Cave*?” Alastor posits. 
You nod. Of course, who hasn’t read Plato? 
“When the man leaves the cave and makes it to the surface and is finally disenchanted with the shadows below, why do you suppose he returns?” Alastor takes another sip, waiting for you to answer, because he genuinely cares as to what you have to say. 
“To free the two he left behind,” your voice growls. 
“Hmm,” he ponders. “I supposed that as well, but never understood. To have the power of knowledge and to then share it… To not take advantage when it benefited him so. I see it as a tragedy.”
“Perhaps it is the Humanity in all of us.”
Alastor’s eyes flashed. “And if there is no Humanity left?” 
“Return…” Your lips curled, “and kill the other two.” 
Alastor tipped his head back and laughed, a deep chuckle from his chest. No laugh track followed. Was that genuine? A real laugh from Alastor and not the façade of the Radio Demon. Your heart skipped a beat in your chest at the thought. 
“Alastor, why have you summoned me?” 
The Radio Demon’s lips faltered ever so slightly, his cheery attitude hardening. He thought a long moment before answering. “It seems we have found ourselves in quite the predicament.” He places the glass on the table and folds his fingers in his lap, his attention on the City below. Your eyes follow his, all the way to V Tower. 
Ah, yes Velvette and Vox. 
“Velvette can be quite the troublemaker.” 
“And Vox can be quite the thorn.” You counter, taking another sip. 
God, the wine was so good. 
“I have… information worth your while.” His teeth shined. 
“And in return?” 
“A quid-pro-quo. I have been gone a long time, but my relationships with those I am… close with have held strong. That is the perk of being as old as I am. I am tried and true. You are new blood, officially worth a seat at the table. That seat will be tested.” There was an edge to his words now. “Do not take Velvette’s silence for inaction.”
You did not. 
Yet, what could Alastor know that you have not yet uncovered yourself? After all, you have been watching them these past few days. Surely something would have come up by now. 
You scoffed, finding the underlying meaning in his words. “Is that what happened with Vox?” 
The Radio Demon stiffened. There it was, a hint of that barely contained anger. Oh, how you would love to see it unleashed.
You sniffed, searching for the scent of rage, of jasmine green tea - the main reason why you loved the drink. Yet there was nothing. Irritation prickled your skin. You have never been able to not read someone before. What made this Sinner so special? 
“That is what you want from this… partnership, is it not?” You prod, hoping he will give away something, anything that might clue you in as to why you are here. 
The demon returned to his wine, a muscle in his jaw flickering with agitation. He didn’t like appearing weak. 
“The plans I have in mind are far bigger than that poor excuse for an entertainment system.” 
You snorted. 
Alastor’s strained smile softened. 
Hmm, a quid-pro-quo, huh? Still, he hasn’t said what he wants out of this deal. 
You took another sip to think, noting your glass was already empty. 
The Radio Demon cleared his throat, wine bottle in hand, gesturing for your cup. His fingers brushed yours as you handed him the glass, sending a wave of static through to your core. You pulled back too fast, bringing your arm to your chest. The demon’s eyes gleamed in amusement. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! You are not afraid of the Radio Demon, so why were you acting like an idiot? Never let your weaknesses show and you just gave him a clear indication that he intimidated you. You are a FUCKING OVERLORD. 
Why was this not easier with a mask on??? At the Hotel, you didn’t back down, but still, you let him think less of you. Not here. Here you are the fucking Shadow, you didn’t have to pretend. You had no reason to be so nervous. 
So why was the smile on his face and the look in his half-lidded eyes making your heart do backflips in your chest? Why was it when he handed the glass back you were conscious to not let your fingers touch his? Why were you so grateful for the space between you two yet also so, so irritated by it? 
“You still have not told me what you seek to gain.” You prayed your voice didn't sound as unnerved as you felt. 
His smile went cockeyed. “A mutual agreement. We stay out of each other’s way, yet seek out the other when we can benefit equally.” 
That didn’t sound like a partnership. That sounded like an alliance. Is this the same type of deal he had with Rosie? Interestingly, they seemed more like friends than something so surface-level as an alliance. Perhaps it started out that way and blossomed into one? 
The butterflies in your stomach kicked up in a flurry. The Radio Demon thought you were worth his time. Your cheeks heated. He thought you could help him - in some sort of capacity. God, why did that make you wanna squeal like a small child? 
“I will not be signing a contract,” you warned. 
Rosie informed you of Alastor’s contract crafting abilities. The demon was meticulous, bordering on obsessive when it came to exacting details. Line-by-line he would work and when it was finally done, the deal would appear flattering in what it would have to offer. Somehow, Alastor always made it seem like it was you who was the one to benefit. Yet, that was never the case. It was a trap, a beautifully disguised ploy which demoted you to a creature privy to his whim. Alastor was a master and the signee his pet - he would have it no other way. 
You’d die before you signed anything he authored. 
The demon laughed. Yet, underneath, there was a hint of irritation. “Oh, no. I did not expect that, I assure you. Ours will be one of a verbal agreement.” 
You let that marinate. He won’t be getting your name, but an agreement will still be made, and in Hell, that was a very powerful thing indeed. You’ve made plenty of verbal agreements before. Fuck, every hit you contracted was a verbal agreement - silence and the contractee’s soul in exchange for murder. The terms you set were quite simple, actually, yet strong enough to have kept any hint, any suspicion of who you are and how to find you, out of the mouths of Pentagram City’s most powerful. Yes, the media did try to track you down, even attempted to hunt you at one point, but they haven’t gotten very far. And they never will if you had anything to do with it…
You took a sip, letting the flavors melt off your tongue one final time, before standing and offering a hand. 
The demon’s eyes lit up with a crimson fire, his lips curling at the edges. He looked far too eager for this deal and that made you hesitate. 
Dealing with Alastor was like dancing - a dance you both pretended not to be leading but also refused to be the follower in. It was a game of power, you see. Yes, dancing had its steps and rules - a waltz is a waltz after all - but the direction it was going, the added flare to the spins, the story the choreography told - that was where you battled. Thus, you needed to be a half-step ahead of Alastor at all times - without him knowing, of course - until either the dance ended or you found a way to end him. 
The Radio Demon took your hand, and as you gazed into his eyes, you watched his pupils dilate. The glow of your yellow irises reflected in their dark center, an aura of red encircling your hooded form. A river of blue and green exploded from where your hands touched, twirling about you like the eye of a beautifully destructive hurricane.
The wind whipped Alastor’s hair about his face, his smile never faltering, his eyes never leaving yours as a connection snapped between the two of you. Like a thin string bridging your souls, you could, for a moment, feel Alastor on the other end, feel his static radiating from his core before the connection faded entirely.  
It was done. 
“A pleasure,” he purred. 
You attempted to step back and break away from his grasp, but the demon responded by clamping down and pulling you to him. You stumbled, your other hand coming to his chest to prevent your fall. The hood atop your head shifted back ever so slightly, but not enough to reveal your face or to give away anything underneath. 
The shadows engulfing your feet twirled and twirled about you, yet you remained frozen. Alastor was a solid wall of muscle beneath his suit; even with gloves on, you could feel the marble from which his chest was sculpted. You took a breath before you pulled your hand away before your brain finally caught up with the rest of you.
“Beautiful,” Alastor’s voice deepened. 
You dared a glance from beneath your hood and found the demon’s eyes locked on the silver embroidery of your cloak. With his other hand, he ghosted over the trim, his fingers tracing the hard edges of the stitching. Yet, at no point did he actually touch the black fabric. If he did, his fingers would phase through it, just as Velvette’s had at the meeting. 
Without saying anything, he dropped the grip on your fist, freeing you from his clutches. You stumbled backward, grasping your hood and pulling it forward to ensure it stayed in place. Alastor couldn’t remove it, but that little stunt he pulled almost ruined everything you had worked for. 
Your body grew cold as you backtracked to the railing, your little meeting coming to an end. You watched as Alastor’s grin turned into a lopsided smirk as he shoved his hands in his pockets, nonchalantly watching you flee.
Your instincts were screaming again, but this time, they were telling you not to let the demon out of your sight. 
Passing by the table, you noted the obsidian calling card. He would use it to summon you from here on out, but he would never be using his own blood. His real name would be made to you then, and he would never risk that. 
Take advantage of the power given, was what he recollected from Plato, and use it to slaughter others. 
“Velvette is using a third party to buy weapons from Carmilla Carmine,” the demon finally spoke, breaking the tension. He turned to the skyline, absentmindedly analyzing V Tower as he talked. “The female Vee, however, is not the fighter of the group, she leaves that to Vox and Valentino. Velvette destroys by reputation. She is not much to fear if armed, but if privy to certain information, she will use that to destroy her enemies.”
A.K.A do not let her find out who you are. 
You paused as your back hit the railing. You let your shadows build beneath your feet before you jumped in order to conceal your form as you flew. “Vox’s Angelic Security is in place but not online. It expands two blocks from V Tower. If anyone were to make a move, he would see it coming.” 
The Radio Demon nods. He pauses a moment before adding, “Carmilla killed the Angel.” 
You freeze, your heart skipping a beat. How the Hell did he know that? 
“Carmilla is monitoring the Vees,” The words tumbled out of your mouth as you grabbed hold of the railing. “She doesn’t want them making a move against Heaven.” You needed to get away. This meeting was getting dangerous. Losing your cool and almost losing your hood in the span of minutes? You were never this sloppy. Alastor made you sloppy. 
“Interesting,” his voice stopped you again. 
You spun, raising an eyebrow in question. His lopsided smirk only grew. “You didn’t ask me how Carmilla killed the Angel.” 
Fuck. He knew. He knew you already knew. He didn’t have to look at you to see the surprise in your eyes, he had figured it out by your response alone. 
“Goodnight, Alastor,” you gave a shallow head bow before jumping off into the night, Alastor’s fucking grin following you into the sky. 
It was late when you returned. You took a few extra spins about Pentagram City before heading back, trying to collect your thoughts on everything that had just happened. 
You had surmised two important things: One, Alastor’s absence wasn’t just about Lilith. The demon somehow knew Lilith. Perhaps it was because of her that he left in the first place. Which you already somewhat suspected, but this confirmed it. Two, Alastor wanted the Vees dealt with, but he knew he couldn’t do it alone. 
A quid-pro-quo in taking out the Vees. Now, things were getting interesting. This didn’t derail your plans, however, little Ms. Morningstar was still heading in the direction you needed her to go for everything to work. You didn’t need the Vees for the endgame - you had other powers in your back pocket with far more influence than the three of them. Plus, the connections you were making at the Hotel were going swimmingly. Soon, not yet, but soon, you’d implement the next phase. 
Oh, if only Father could see you now - wherever the Hell he was. Did he fall to Hell or was he somehow topside? No. You’d know if he was down here with you. You’d feel it in your bones. Wherever he ended up, you were going to find him and you were going to make him suffer for everything he put you through. 
You weren’t just going to kill him - oh, no. He didn’t deserve a quick and clean death. It was going to be slow and torturous. You were going to make him feel every ounce of the pain he put you through and more. You’d take your time, after all; why rush? Hours, days, months, years; what use was putting a timeline to his punishment when it would never make up for what he did? No. You’d take your time pushing him to the edge, and when he was on the cusp of eternal darkness, you’d heal him and start all over again.   
Perhaps you did have a flair for murder like the Radio Demon. Your creative outlets were just significantly more specific - lying in wait for the perfect muse. 
Wrapping your fingers around the edge of the window pane, you quietly slipped inside. With a snap, your leather gear and cloak slipped into the Void, replaced with a silk pajama set: a tank top and shorts bordering on just too short. Scandalous, but you enjoyed burying yourself beneath layers of blankets while you slept. Any more clothing and you’d wake up sweating. 
Going for the bathroom, you turned on the light and paused. In the reflection of your mirror, you saw it: a red box wrapped in black ribbon. Your heart skipped a beat. 
Someone had been in your room. 
Hesitantly, you made your way before the coffee table and found a card perched atop the neatly wrapped bow. 
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You leaned in and sniffed the package - Nifty. You were going to have to touch base with the Hotel cleaning lady after breakfast. From day one, you had made it quite clear - to her great disappointment - not to clean your room, let alone enter it. Perhaps you weren’t clear enough, for she felt it acceptable to leave this here as opposed to outside your door.
Doing a circle about the space, you inspected the sealing runes which kept certain individuals out, eyeing the shadows just in case. You had hidden the ancient magic in concealed places, even buying a rug to cover the one at the base of your door, and kept your most important things in your Void. It wasn’t the best place to store your leather and cloak - especially after the moth infestation a few years back - but it was a necessity at the moment. 
Then you went for the present. Pulling the black ribbon atop, you jumped back as the box split into fours, revealing a small radio. It was of a classic design and cathedral in shape, carved from mahogany and detailed in yellow and red. The device was simple, with only two buttons: an on-and-off switch and a volume dial. No tuning dial to change the channel? No chord to plug it in?
Fuck. How did he know? You racked your brain trying to figure out when and to whom you talked to regarding your sleepless nights. Rosie knew, but you hadn’t specifically discussed it with her lately. Did you say something to Husk in passing? To Angel while you were bitching at breakfast? 
Hesitantly, you turned on the device. A pleasant, smooth jazz echoed through the speaker: Paul Whiteman’s “Sleepy Time Down South.” Hilarious… The Radio Demon has a sense of humor. At least it wasn’t the screams of blood-curdling murder. 
After inspecting the radio three times over, you deemed it not a threat - although you kept it far away from your bed as you crawled beneath the sheets. With a snap of your fingers, the bathroom light turned off, plunging you into a cocoon of darkness, enveloped by the lullaby of sweet jazz…
At some point in the night, you awoke, your mouth parched and throat dry.  
🎶 It’s not the pale moon that excites me 🎶
Alastor’s radio switches over to a new song, the music seeming to follow you as you make your way to the kitchen. The hallways were silent, the Hotel Natives snoozing away in the late hours of the night. 
🎶 That thrills and delights me 🎶
You pass by the library as a zip of static runs its way down your spine, stopping you in your tracks. Alastor stood before the fireplace, flames roaring in its hearth, casting an eerie glow throughout the room. The demon faces the fire, his attention on the crackle of the logs as they whittled away into ash. He was still dressed in his three piece suit you saw him in only hours ago, his ears pressed flat against his head in irritation. Something was bothering him. 
🎶 Oh, no. It’s just the nearness of you 🎶
He pretended not to notice you standing there staring at him from the hallway, but his shadow didn't. It zipped around your feet, twirling about your ankles in greeting, before practically dragging you inside the room. And when it had you well within the confines of the space, it flew to the doors.
🎶 It isn’t your sweet conversation 🎶
The shadow slammed them shut. CLICK! Then locked them. 
You were trapped. 
🎶 That brings this sensation 🎶
Alastor tilts his head over his shoulder, his half-lidded eyes landing on you. The demon looked royally pissed. 
This was it, this was the moment.
Alastor had figured out who you are. Your hood had fallen farther than you thought and he had seen your face and put the pieces together. He knew you were the Shadow, the mysterious new Overlord, here to challenge his grab for Princess Morningstar’s power. 
And he was going to kill you for it. 
🎶 Oh, no. It’s just the nearness of you 🎶
You didn’t hesitate to summon your blue flames, preparing for a fight, yet he moved faster than your mind could comprehend. Between one blink and the next, Alastor appears before you, his hand wrapping around your throat so tight you choke on the lack of air. Grasping at his arm, you dig your claws into his skin, your demon form summoning, as you melt the red fabric with your flame. But he is unphased by the heat, pulling back and slamming you so hard into the wall that spiderwebs crack across the plaster. 
🎶 When you’re in my arms 🎶
You try to summon more flame to burn him down to the very core of his soul like you had done to thousands of Sinners before, but the blue fire does nothing to his skin. It singes the red fabric, turning it black, but his skin beneath is unharmed. 
🎶 And I feel you so close to me 🎶
The demon leans in, a low growl emanating from his chest, his teeth glinting in the firelight as his eyes hone in on your neck. As the blood pumped through your jugular, you watched his pupils dilate and fixate on the vein. He was a Cannibal, a predator, a killer whittled down to pure instinct. Everything within him was screaming kill, kill, kill.
🎶 All my wildest dreams came true…🎶
Your lungs screamed as you choked out, “Alastor.” It was weak, barely a whisper, but it was enough to draw his gaze from your neck to your eyes. In his pupils, you saw yourself desperate and bordering on losing yourself to the darkness threatening to close in. Despite the fight you felt in your bones you looked terrified.
🎶 I need no soft lights to enchant me 🎶
His name slipping from your mouth, the quiver he saw in your lips, had cracked something within him.
🎶 If you would only grant me 🎶
His grip disappeared, allowing you a breath of air. 
🎶 The right to hold you ever so tight 🎶
You bent over, coughing onto the floor, sucking down breaths in gasps that make your eyes water. 
🎶And to feel in the night🎶
Standing, you held onto the broken wall, forcing yourself to stay on your feet, despite your knees threatening to collapse beneath you.
“Alastor, what the fuck…” And before you had a chance to finish your question, the demon wraps his claws around your chin and forcefully slams his lips into yours. 
🎶The nearness of you🎶
The kiss was anything but soft, anything but patient. The demon was hungry and starving, and only you could satiate his appetite.
His other hand presses your hip back against the wall as he kicks your legs apart, drawing a gasp from your lips. Alastor takes the opportunity to run his tongue across your bottom lip before snaking it into your mouth. His tongue finds yours, prodding, testing, tasting.  
He pushes you flush against the wall, his knee pressing higher and higher until it finds the pocket between your thighs, eliciting a gasp that turns into a moan as he pulls you onto him, forcing your clit in line with his leg. 
The demon smiles against your lips, finally releasing your chin to grab your waist, his fingers bunching in the thin material of your pajama bottoms. You take the opportunity to find the lapels of his jacket to give you something to grab onto as you arch into him, pulling him closer as you press your breasts into his chest. The demon growls, a deep rumble emanating from within as he bites down on your bottom lip. 
Copper floods your mouth, turning the kiss sweet, but for Alastor, it’s a frenzy. He was no longer satisfied with just tasting you. He had to devour you.  
The silky material of your pajamas was oh-so thin. No underwear or bra beneath them, you were practically naked as the tips of his claws sank into the meat of your hips, beads of red pebbling on your skin. 
God and the pain only added to the pleasure building between your legs, only made your head swim as his lips slid over yours, capturing every drop of scarlet flooding your mouth. 
The demon helps guide your hips as you ground your clit into his thigh, wetness seeping into the silky material before pooling onto his pants. The room flooded with the scent of warm vanilla.
This man had you soaked, had your lips dripping as you ground into him faster and faster, your pleasure building with each roll. Alastor finally released your mouth, his teeth finding your neck, but he didn’t bite. Instead, he teased. He ran his tongue along the dip of your collarbone, tracing it to the spot where your shoulder met your neck, before finally running it up to your ear.
You moaned when he took your lobe into his mouth, nipping at it with his teeth. Alastor instinctively rolled his hips, his cock tenting his pants, grinding on nothing but air. 
Suddenly, it wasn’t enough. The friction wasn’t enough. You needed more. Needed more of him to push yourself over the edge. 
“Al…” You breathed into his ear between moans, your fingers trailing down to the twitch in his pants, but stopping when you hit his belt. “Please…” You tugged.
The demon laughed, capturing your groans with his mouth before answering, “No.” 
You blinked. “No?”
The demon puts a hard stop to your hips, pausing your grinding and the build in your pleasure. He grabs your hand on his belt and captures two of your fingers in his mouth. Sucking with his lips, he circles your fingertips with his tongue, wetting them before guiding your hand back down to your clit. 
“I want to watch,” he smiles against your cheek before he wraps a finger under your chin and brings your face up to his. “Fuck yourself,” he commands. 
And you obeyed.   
Your two fingers find the apex of your pleasure beneath your shorts, and you moan, wetting your clit with his spit as you circle the bud.
You barely have to touch yourself, you’re already so close. 
Alastor does nothing to help, save for his gaze, save for his breath which matched yours. The demon’s eyes glittered with heat and desire as they bore into you. He could feel the pleasure radiating off of you, could feel it as real as you could feel his static on the other side of the bond you formed today. 
“Good girl,” he growled, his cock twitching in his pants with each moan that escaped your lips. 
“I’m close,” you whined, twirling your fingers faster and faster, feeling the pressure build between your legs. 
Alastor dug his claws into your skin, his gaze soaking up every look of pleasure on your face, his ears absorbing every moan, his cock hardening with every swipe of your fingers against yourself.
“Cum for me, darling.” The demon’s lips curled as he swiped the hair from your eyes, sticky with sweat. He wanted to watch as you sent yourself over the edge. He wanted to miss nothing.
And just as you reached your climax...
(Keep scrolling)
...you wake up in bed, your screams of pleasure drawing you from sleep. 
Your orgasm spasmed through your body, your legs twitching as you rode the wave, your pussy clenching on nothing but air…
Fuck, it was the best orgasm you had ever had, nevermind that it was your first.
And when it was over and your mind sobered, you realized it was all a dream.
You never woke up for a glass of water.
You never found Alastor in the library. 
Grabbing a pillow, you launched it at the radio on the coffee table but missed by a mile. Burying your face in the sheets, you screamed. You screamed until your lungs burned because anything was better than acknowledging the truth.
Anything was better than acknowledging that you just had your very first wet dream, and it was of Alastor, the Radio Demon.
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Muahahahaha! Remember it's a slow burn ;)
-> Chapter Six
Masterlist Link: Masterlist
*Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Tag List (Let me know if you want to be added):
@sirens-and-moonflowers @wonderlandangelsposts @saccharine-nectarine @goyablogsstuff
180 notes · View notes
e-m-p-error · 1 year
@a-hazbin-spider ( dealer’s choice >:3c)
For every ’(´∆`*)’ I get, my muse will orgasm.
[ Vick ]
Another pulse of electricity crackled over his claws as he shoved one hand into the thick fur on Angel Dust's chest. It only fluffed up more, and he moaned again, quiet and crackling over his speakers as his face swam on the monitor. There was just something about the fluff, even Vick didn't understand what his deal with it was.
But it hardly mattered.
With his free hand sliding along the curve of Angel's back, he bucked his hips up a couple of times before he couldn't take anymore. Suddenly rolling them over, he pinned the other down with his body, giving in to his urge to finish. The warning beeps began as the screen swam again, and his face disappeared behind the SMPTE bars.
He'd already come once, and he was sure every time he did he gave his partners a heart attack, but he couldn't stop it. The loud weather alert tone blasted from his speakers and he tried to tip his head up to keep from blasting Angel with it.
Keeping his hips moving as much as he could, his thrusts became rougher but shorter, more like firm rolls of his hips than anything. Hopefully, Angel would be right behind him.
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
😘 😘 😘
@a-hazbin-spider (some kissy for bois <: )
It’s international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse.
[ Valentino + Vick ]
"Heeeeey, Angelote~" Valentino giggles as he leans into Angel's kisses, tasting like chocolate and booze. He must have been drinking, but he was at work at the club. It went without saying that he'd probably been pounding drinks while he was supposed to be actually running the joint.
Vick blinked when it was his turn for a kiss, glancing at Val's pout before he leaned back into it. Oh, he could spend years just kissing the people he liked. After a second, he was yanked aside, and Val's mouth formed to his, sloppy as it was. He let the drunk moth kiss him for a few seconds before he was abandoned for another kiss from Angel Dust.
Apparently the moth was just going to be needy tonight.
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
“Vox n’ Cisco get a nine- or maybe ten from me. It’s hard to be that gojus~.”
@a-hazbin-spider (he’s not grossly in love with anyone- nope hhsgsj)
How Hot Is My Muse?
[ Vick + Cisco ]
Cisco grinned brightly, winking as he tugged Dove close with his upper hands, guiding him into his arms. He stood between Vick's spread knees, easing down to sit on one thigh and guiding Dove down on the other one. Both of the Overlord's hands reached out for their fluffy waists.
"Tha's so sweet of ya ta say, D," Cisco laughed jovially, leaning in to kiss beneath his left eye.
"You-- You mean that?" Vick sounded a little dumbfounded, but he wasn't going to fight it. If Dove really felt that way, he was honored. And for him to do better than Valentino?
Val was going to be pissed, sure, but it was kind of worth it. He felt so... Good right now.
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
[ @a-hazbin-spider || Continued From Here ]
[ Valentino + Vick ]
Vick had a well of patience that ran all the way to rock bottom in the Sloth ring, and it always came in handy when dealing with Val and his neediness. The moth was manipulative when he was like this--and also just because he could be most of the time--but he seemed to be playing nice, for now.
Said moth tugged Angel in between his thighs, sliding his tongue over the seam of the other's lips tenderly. It left behind a tingly sensation, his venom-laced saliva leaving behind the desire for more. After all, he had yet to meet someone that wasn't affected by it. He knew he could get Lucifer, and he knew Lucifer had the antidote.
With a little smack of his lips, Val pulled back enough to scooch Angel a little closer, manhandling him until he was haphazardly on his lap. Well, a little bit of adjusting never hurt anybody.
It was Vick who reached over to stabilize Angel in Val's embrace, and he took a moment to lean over and kiss the spider's upper left shoulder. He shifted onto his knees and leaned over, eager to be involved. After all, he had more than fallen in love with both of these men, and he wanted their attention just as much as Val did.
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
☎️ @a-hazbin-spider (:<
Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You:
[ @a-hazbin-spider ]
[ Valentino ]
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info: ♥️Angel Cakes♥️
What Their Ringtone Is: Slush Puppy Feat. Royal & The Serpent - Eat Spit!
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: Cum ooooon You cant b e that mad don't be a bitch Angie ANSWER ME
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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[ Vox ]
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info: Angel Dust ♥️
What Their Ringtone Is: Good Charlotte - Riot Girl
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: He's not here but he might show up later. Don't come over, just in case.
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
Shipping Tags (Specific)
Ship Tags With @strangeandun-muse-ual -
My Body Is Shaking My Soul's For The Taking And You Can Have It All (Adam ♡ Lucifer)
I Need A Ride Or Die Type Of Guy Who Likes To Come In Hot (Chazz ♡ Azzy)
He Tells Me What He Wants I Give Him All I Got (Chazz ♡ Izzy)
But I'll Walk With You My Love Any Way The Wind Blows (Darío ♡ Missy)
Sheep Go To Heaven Goats Go To Hell (Erasmo ♡ Missy)
Don't Wanna Take It Slow I Wanna Take You Home (Erasmo ♡ Trenton)
If It’s Stubborn As Can Be Mean And Ornery It’s A Man (Nifty ♡ Husker)
You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me (Ostello ♡ Vox)
And When His Edges Soften His Body Is My Coffin (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Let Me Stay In Your Arms I'm Addicted To Your Charms (Valentino ♡ Ostello ♡ Vox)
Come Home With Me You're My Temporary Plan B (Velvette ♡ Chaz)
Lay Your Heart Into My Perfect Machine (Velvette ♡ Vox)
Baby Why Should I Resist When I Already Know I've Got You Under My Skin? (Vick ♡ Azzy)
We'll Never Stop 'Cause We're Only Getting Better (Vick ♡ Magpie ♡ Azzy)
Jeez Louise I'm Weak In The Knees (Vick ♡ Barbie ♡ Chazz ♡ Izzy ♡ Azzy)
All We Are Waiting For Is Something Worth Waiting For (Vick ♡ Vox)
My Daddy Will Fuck Your Daddy Up (Valentino ♡ Velvette ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons
I Rule With The Velvet Tongue And My Dress Undone (Lilith ♡ Lucifer)
This Is A Force That Not Even God Can Stop (Valentino ♡ Lucifer)
Ship Tags With @a-hazbin-spider
Sometimes I Wonder Why I Need You At All (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
I Absolutely Knew That I was Six Steps In When I Fell Into You (Vick ♡ Dove)
Ship Tags With @voxiiferous -
I've Got You Under My Skin I've Got You Deep In The Heart Of Me (Ostello ♡ Vox)
I Said To Myself This Affair Never Will Go So Well But Why Should I Try To Resist? (Ostello ♡ Valentino ♡ Vox)
Catch Me If You Can With A Cigarette In Hand And It's Love It's Heavy And It Hurts And It's Love (Valentino ♡ Vox)
It's Killing Me I Just Want You To Be My Next Mistake That I'm Gonna Make (Velvette ♡ Jayden)
Ship Tags With @infernal-feminae
This Lady Of The Flowers And Her Chaotic Haze (Crimson ♡ Scarlet)
She's Precocious And She Knows Just What It Takes To Make A Pro Blush (Ozzie ♡ Beelzebub)
Hasta La Vida Loca Loca Loca Loca Te Encanta La Música Te Toca Toca Toca (Valentino ♡ Beelza)
So Rough And Tough Don't Care 'Bout Anything But Me Yes I Love Her 'Cause She's So Crazy Just Crazy About Me (Valentino ♡ Nifty)
Can't Get The Paw Prints Out Of The Hen House Now (Valentino ♡ Summer)
Ship Tag With @nebula-gaster - She Comes On Like A Saint But That's Exactly What She Ain't (Velvette ♡ Flora)
Ship Tags With @hannah-the-small
You Look So Cute Flashing Lights Red And Blue (Valentino ♡ Gritt)
I Don't Care If I'm A Guilty Pleasure For You (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @hellsmayflower
And If You Try To Talk To Someone Well Then Someone Has To Die (Crimson ♡ Mayleene)
I'm Just A Holy Fool And Baby He's So Cruel (Valentino ♡ Mayleene)
Ship Tags With @deepspacevivarium
All My Dirty Thoughts Lead Me To You (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @big-daddy-moth
I Can Buy Myself Flowers I Can Love Me Better Than You Can (Asmo ♡ Phillipe)
The Successful Removal Of You Would Probably Kill Me Too (Vick ♡ Valentino)
Ship Tags With @the-one-who-killed-the-radio
What Was It That We Believe To Be Love As I Clung To You With Fierce Desperation (Alastor ♡ Vox)
We Drive Each Other Mad It Might Be Kinda Sad But I Think That's What Makes Us Good In Bed (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @angel-dust-bitch
Your Mouth So Hot Your Web I'm Caught (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Never Thought I'd Make You Perspire Never Thought You'd Do Me The Same (Vick ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @moxxie-roxx-it
You've Got A Piece Of Me And Honestly My Life Would Suck Without You (Chazz ♡ Moxxie)
Ship Tags With @strikers-saloon
I Don't Want What I Can Get I Want A Man With Secrets (Andrealphus ♡ Striker)
Do You Have Any Love Left For Me? I'm Small That's A Start (Nifty ♡ Striker)
Ship Tags With @theoriginalfizzarolli
A Lifetime Of Laughter At The Expense Of The Death Of A Bachelor (Ozzie ♡ Fizzarolli)
Ship Tags With @onehelluvacircus
I Don't Do The Walk Of Shame I Strut (Andrealphus ♡ Robo Fizz)
Ship Tags With @ghostlyhosty
I'm So Full Of Love I Could Barely Eat (Ostello ♡ Barnaby)
They Cannot Steal The Light That Shines From Who You Once Were (Paimon ♡ Barnaby)
What's Left Of My Heart's Still Made Of Gold (Vick ♡ Barnaby)
Ship Tags With @sinnerxroulette
And He Knows He Knows He Knows He Knows That I Can't Resist His Ways (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @remnantsouls
As Long As It's Okay With You I Think I'll Stay Right Here (Chazz ♡ Cinnibar)
Ship Tags With @helluvaxhazbin
Sparks Are Flying On The Kitchen Floor In My Mind I'm Already Inside You (Chazz ♡ Moxxie)
You're Such A Gorgeous Nightmare Old Habits Never Seem To Go Away (Valentino ♡ Velvette)
Ship Tags With @radicheart
I Have Your Face So Love Me (Aldric ♡ Cal)
Video Charmed The Radio Star (Vick ♡ Alastor)
Don't Wanna Leave This Play Date With You (Velvette ♡ Alastor)
I Feel Like I'm Glued On Tight To This Carousel (Valentino ♡ Alastor)
Ship Tags With @seven-circlllxs
I Can't Even Call You Let Alone Call You Mine (Adam ♡ Lucifer)
(Angel Dust ♡ Fizzarolli ♡ Ozzie)
You Remain My Power My Pleasure My Pain Baby (Fizzarolli ♡ Ozzie)
If You Feel It Then I Feel It Too If You Need Me All I Need Is You (Lilith ♡ Lucifer)
Drink My Tears I'm At Your Mercy I Love You Most But I'm Not Worthy (Paimon ♡ Lucifer)
You Say The Sweetest Things Like Material Stuff Don't Mean A Thing But You Take Care Of Me (Angel Dust ♡ Travis)
Baby You're The Highlight Of My Lowlife (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @hclluvahctel
Even When I'm Crazy I'm Still Your Baby And You're The King Of Loving Me And I'm Your Drama Queen (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @shadowofthehost
You Can Bathe In The Pixels You Crave (Vick ♡ Astor)
Ship Tags With @ladiesofhell
I'm A Lady Killer And You're A Pretty Lady And That Means I'm Gonna Kill You (Crimson ♡ Daisy)
Ship Tags With @hisslord
Bite Me Baby I Wanna Be Yours Forever (Alastor ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @overangeled
Cover Me In Your Sin Take Me In The Night Kissing My Sweetest Prince (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @depressedxboyfriendxbyron
It's My Heart That You Are Stealing (Chazz ♡ Byron)
Ship Tags With @arachn0philia
I Can Get You Dressed Wrap Your Body In Excess (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @helluvahell
You Are The One I Choose Folks Would Kill To Fill Your Shoes (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @hotelbitches
They Know You Walk Like You're A God They Can't Believe I Made You Weak (Valentino ♡ Velvette)
Ship Tags With @hellfrczencver
I Spread My Legs And Dumped The Lord And Now I Know For Sure (Valentino ♡ Frosty)
Ship Tags With @voxtekoverlord
So Go And Pitch Your Fit No One Gives A Shit! Better Off If You Just Get Over It (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @xxx-chazwickthurman-xxx
Bite Into Me Harder Sink Your Teeth Into My Flesh (Valentino ♡ Chaz)
Ship Tags With @defiedfate
Save Me Even As You Break Me (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @addicted-to-poison
I Really Want Your Poison Love (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @dangert1ts
Your Lipstick Tastes Like Murder Our Hands Are Sewn Together We'll Come To One Another (Adam ♡ Lute)
Ship Tags With @arachniangel
I Need Your Poison Got My Fix 'Til Morning Comes (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @tangledfate
It Was Love That Caught Me Now It's Fear That Keeps Me With You (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @questionablemuses
I've Got Your Picture On My Wall I Dream About You When I Sleep (Travis ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @voxtech-industries
You Should Be Kinder And I Could Be Tender (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @infernalight
You're Poison Running Through My Veins You're Poison I Don't Want To Break These Chains (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @rocxyoulikeahurricane
You Must Like Being The Victim You've Done Nothing To Get Out (Valentino ♡ Adam)
Ship Tags With @manubia-summanus
This Kind Of Love Will Only Make You Mad Honey (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @videokilled
At Least Your Napalm Will Keep Me Warm (Valentino ♡ Vox)
Ship Tags With @poisonedspider
We Don't Know How To Talk But Boy Do We Know How To Fuck (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Ship Tags With @voxxcd
You'll Forgive Me If I Promise And Do Nothing But The Same (Valentino ♡ Vox)
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