#No need to worry
notetaeker · 1 year
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May 6th, 2023 - Saturday
Classes are finally over 🤧 I’m debating signing up for summer classes lol you would think I would have learned my lesson trying to do a billion things at once but we’ll see. Everything ends soon though … the school semester and my internship both end in June. I will once again be at a crossroads when that time comes… I wonder what I will choose.
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whump-galaxy · 1 month
“You’re not gonna…attack me?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Well, you’re covered in blood that doesn’t look like your own.”
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worms-in-the-brain · 2 months
I’m sure Colin’s fine.
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autismswagsummit · 1 year
Notice: On account of the mod being very busy in their personal life, the second round of the tournament is going to be postponed until this Saturday. Sorry for the delays, I hope you all understand
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shittyutmv · 11 months
Hey guys happy hallowed ween, the spookiest night of the year, notorious for its unpredictable and curse-d nature. business will go on as usual unless something strange and haunted happens to me
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boyjumps · 2 years
No need to try to overcome death.
You were just born by chance. There is no need to seek 'meaning' or 'value' in life. Life is like crossing a river in a boat called 'self'. It is only a tool for the duration of the crossing.
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'Self' is like a boat that we must tentatively use in order to exist in the world. As long as we are in this world, we must ride. That is the boat called "I". Even if you don’t want to, you cannot live without getting into that boat.
Many people believe that the boat itself is also valuable. However, the boat is valuable because it can cross the river, not because the 'boat itself' is valuable. If the tool is no longer useful, it is acceptable to throw it away. The boat is also disposable. If it is no longer worth it, it should not be at all regrettable to abandon the boat. So when you get across the river and life comes to an end, there is no need to be afraid or sad. You can quickly descend to the other side of the river without any unresolved feelings. It is said to be "an irreplaceable life", but in the end it's all in our own minds.
What is the greatest task in life is to die. The reason why it is such a big task is that no one knows what "death" is. If you know what death is, you can do something about it. But we don't know what the big task is at all, and as long as we are alive, there is no way of knowing.
The most popular image of death is that of going somewhere other than this world. The story goes that those who do good go to heaven and those who do bad are sent to hell. Because you are 'you' from birth, even after your body is gone, your 'you' continues somewhere other than here, and a transformed you remains. We all have that illusion.
The Buddha maintains an attitude of the “unanswerable questions” regarding the afterlife.'We don't know if there is an afterlife. We don't even know what will happen" is the only answer of Buddha. At this point, however, one thing is clear. There is no doubt that everything becomes meaningless there.
No need to worry. We can all 'die' without doing anything special. So you don't have to try to overcome death. Nor is there any need to seek 'meaning' or 'value' in the end of a life that was just born by chance.
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What do you enjoy doing in your spare time when you’re alone? Any unusual or creative hobbies?
Oh? A personal ask? How interesting….
To answer your question, I quite like reading, studying different dimensions and what makes them tick in a sense…. well, if you could consider dark matter and watching it corrupt places via simulations as “ticking” .
As for anything creative or unusual that I can think of;
I would say the fact that I quite enjoy writing code, checking it over, seeing the numbers fly by the screen, it feels like an art in its own way.
Did those answers satisfy you? I hope they did, have a nice day or evening
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salcommitsarson · 1 year
I binged @somerandomdudelmao 's Cass Apocalyptic Series today, and was struck with inspiration, soooo here! A Thing!
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This line has been swirling around my head. Uncle Tello is a bit frazzled currently =P
Also, this is my second time ever drawing Donnie, and third drawing any turtle (the other one was Mikey)!
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angelpuns · 1 year
Watching everyone in the tags of the birthday special freak out is admittedly a little funny :)
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jabesa0 · 7 months
Sorry but, the password for your 18+ art doesn’t seem to work?
Hello! So for my poipiku the password question is are you 18+ and to get access you would need to put “yes”! It’s case sensitive so if you tried it before with upper case, try lower case!
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a-s-levynn · 9 months
I just wanted to say, i'm not ingoring any of you hopping into my askbox. I'm just not there mentally to answer yet.
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elephantbitterhead · 1 year
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A very long & tedious play in five acts: gross, uneven slab concealed under horrible carpet is then levelled, epoxy sealed, and covered with a vastly preferable wood floor. Final coat of hard wax oil will be done tomorrow & then we can stop living with our sofa on end in the main hallway. The floor is now flat & my lip balm will never roll off the end of the coffee table again.
Next up: built-in bookcases to cover that mess in the back corner! Then we can trim out the hearth & get some baseboards in there. This winter I will be sitting smugly in my lovely new room, enjoying my little fire & congratulating myself about how much nicer things are now.
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cuspidgoddess · 5 months
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thixcy · 3 months
Good Moaning 🌞 & Happy Sunday 💚
Source: iamajnasurah via instagram
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cirquedesolaire · 3 months
Do you ever just almost post a rant and then go back on it when you realize that literally every person you were about to talk about has tumblr-
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eversea143 · 1 year
The thing about being a writer who likes to write villains, the kind of villains who have zero morals and zero care, is that you have to place your own headset into theirs in order to write them properly.
I can tell you with a quiet confidence when poison would work and when it wouldn't. I can tell you with certainty how one might rationalize child murder. I can tell you how one sneers down at those seen as lesser and why this can give someone satisfaction. I can tell you - and offer real-life proof - how mass-murder has down- and upsides. I can tell you how an evil mind plots the death of innocent people and not feel an ounce of remorse.
Sometimes I feel genuinely unsettled after writing my villains, not just because the stuff I write is a horror-addict's best dream, but because this is a mindset I am capable of imagining.
You can't imagine a mind that wouldn't functionally work. That's also why characters who act without a baseline seem so flat and fake. Everything has a reason, we rationalize even the irrational to justify something we've said or done.
"He deserves it" "She's mad" "I don't care" we always have a reason.
Even those who are evil down to the core justify their evil deeds; for most it's simply the satisfaction of being evil and doing whatever you want. Even when someone knows intimately that they're a bad person, the mind will conjur up a reason, an explanation, a cause to keep the mindset going. As long as their own emotions don't counteract how they think, things like guilt and remorse don't come into play. A person can perfectly kill someone and feel happy or even excited at their actions.
Humans aren't inherintly good or evil. But we are perfectly capable of being solely one or the other. The gray side exists and is best suited for a grand majority of the human population, but just as we believe children are the epitome of innocence, there exist people so full of nothing but hatred and rage that there's no chance - truly no viable path - of redemption. They're the kind of people you would gladly lock up, for whom even death may seem like a mercy.
I write characters like this. I delve into their twisted minds and figure out what rational they function with to do their horrid deeds. I do this by my own choice and the only thing that I can think after I'm done is "Thank god I'm not like this."
(At what point is my own reason any different from theirs?)
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