#fI know I owe you a ton lol
e-m-p-error · 1 year
[ @a-hazbin-spider || Continued From Here ]
[ Valentino + Vick ]
Vick had a well of patience that ran all the way to rock bottom in the Sloth ring, and it always came in handy when dealing with Val and his neediness. The moth was manipulative when he was like this--and also just because he could be most of the time--but he seemed to be playing nice, for now.
Said moth tugged Angel in between his thighs, sliding his tongue over the seam of the other's lips tenderly. It left behind a tingly sensation, his venom-laced saliva leaving behind the desire for more. After all, he had yet to meet someone that wasn't affected by it. He knew he could get Lucifer, and he knew Lucifer had the antidote.
With a little smack of his lips, Val pulled back enough to scooch Angel a little closer, manhandling him until he was haphazardly on his lap. Well, a little bit of adjusting never hurt anybody.
It was Vick who reached over to stabilize Angel in Val's embrace, and he took a moment to lean over and kiss the spider's upper left shoulder. He shifted onto his knees and leaned over, eager to be involved. After all, he had more than fallen in love with both of these men, and he wanted their attention just as much as Val did.
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galadrieljones · 9 months
Author Interview
Thanks for the tag, @littlelindentree ^_^ Happy New Year!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I have written for Dragon Age: Inquisition, Red Dead Redemption 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, and The Walking Dead
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Lily Farm (Arthur Morgan x Mary Beth Gaskill, RDR2)
That he may hold me by the hand (Arthur Morgan x Albert Mason, RDR2)
The Dead Season (Solavellan, DAI)
Magnolia (Bethyl, TWD)
Yours, Sadie Adler. (Sadithur, RDR2)
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes, as often as I can. Sometimes, I forget on older fics. I'm sorry about that. If someone is rude to me in the comments though, I will respond rudely!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Teen Wolf. It's a story collection so the ending isn't really "true," but it's the end of Solas and Ghilan'nain's love story, in my mind. It's sad and bittersweet, as in the story, they are talking about building a house on the back acreage of Solas's mother's property, but I envision the very next day as being the day that Andruil invades the Weathers, kidnapping both Ghilan'nain and Solas's mother Leanathy, and beginning the Great War. In the ensuing days, Andruil's men leave Solas for dead, and when he wakes up, he goes to Mythal and begs her to free his mother in exchange for his loyalty. She accepts, rescuing and protecting Leanathy in her Blue Palace, and Solas becomes her Bodyguard. Eventually, he is elevated to her General, then he becomes her lover. During the war, after Ghilan'nain's betrayal, the Evanuris murder Mythal, and Solas, out of vengeance and grief, builds the veil and imprisons them all, including Mythal's soul, which would, over time, resurrect into her body, using special magic taught to her by Solas's mother many thousands of years before.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, most of my long fics are unfinished. I'm sorry about that. I think that The Dead Season has a happy ending. So does Yours, Sadie Adler., thought it is bittersweet.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not tons at all. I have gotten a few rude commenters over the years, mainly people being weirdly critical of my writing style in ways that are, frankly, moronic, and also some people who just want me to write more smut. But I don't write much smut anymore, and I don't think fics need smut to be worthy or interesting. If you only want a smut fic, you probably won't like my writing. Remember that tags exist so that you can see what you're getting into before you crack the first chapter!!!!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Lol. Speaking of. I used to write much more. It was never the overly explicit kind and I didn't have any specific kinks I liked to explore, but I wrote a lot of it for DAI and RDR2. I still write sex scenes for sure, it's just that they tend to be character driven.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
I have never written a real crossover; however, I do have some crossover characters in The Lily Farm. In the later chapters, I have two main characters who are taken from other texts: Woodrow Call from Lonesome Dove and LaBoeuf from True Grit. Both are Texas Rangers, and in my fic, they owe Dutch a few rather large favors. They help Arthur and Mary Beth on the river boat job, which goes terribly wrong. They also help break John out of federal prison. They are two of my favorite characters in the fic.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I've had plenty of art stolen over the years and I don't even keep track anymore. Mainly it just gets reposted without credit on like, Pinterest. Oh well!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of! But I am amenable.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think so!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
I have several though Bethyl and Solavellan are probably tied for first.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Lily Farm. In truth there's not a ton left to write. But it's been 84 years like I don't even remember the geography of the game. I would have to replay RDR2, at least through chapter 4. I also wish I could finish Zero, my Niloy fic for HZD. I still think about them, and I still occasionally get really really nice comments on that fic. I honestly wish I could finish all my old fics. Like That he may hold, which also has maybe one closing chapter left to write. I wish I could finish As You Were, too, my TLOU fic, just so that I can save Joel's life, and as a big fuck you to Neil Druckmann.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure. Pacing has probably always been my greatest strength.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Overwriting, getting bored. My issue is often that I start a fic with modest goals but then those goals get bigger and bigger as I go, and I can't help myself. Then, I eventually get bored and I don't finish. I view fanfic as a way for authors to express themselves and their hyperfixations in the moment. I think that the quality of being "unfinished" is, in an of itself, conventional to fanfiction; however, I still view my general lack of focus as a weakness.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Don't translate it. Just put it there. If your reader cares enough and doesn't know the translation, they'll look it up. If they don't care enough to do this, then they're not your target audience. The internet makes this sort of thing very easy.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Technically it's the boyband fandom (*NSync and Backstreet Boys, mainly) in like 1998, but in actuality, it's Dragon Age: Inquisition in 2016.
20. favourite fic you've written?
Probably Yours, Sadie Adler. It feels the most complete, and I still don't know how I managed to write that fic so quickly, when I was like three weeks postpartum with my second baby, and with very little revision. It just flowed out of me, like it was already written in my mind, and all I had to do was type it out. I have received some really lovely comments on it over the years. It seems to affect people deeply, which makes me very happy, because it came from a very raw place in my heart.
I will tag @thevikingwoman @bearlytolerant @roguelioness @gneebee @shallow-gravy @a-shakespearean-in-paris @pipergirl17 @sasusc and @im-immortal <3
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majormeilani · 3 years
okay so for moon metro au (unless i decide to change the name):
i figured out how empress accidentally lands on the moon LMAO.
okay so, empress is on the run from police one time and seeing a once in a lifetime opportunity to get away, she runs into one of the metro trains that is about to depart. and to her luck she's able to get in before the train leaves but the police do not get there in time so empress gets away (for now)
but she soon realizes it's a train on route to the moon, the one train in the metro she doesn't know the route of (i think she knows all the routes in the metro except that one bc she has no reason to go to the moon on her own lol) and by the time she realizes, the train cat brings the passengers to space. and they land in the metro station in the moon city. empress, having not brought anything with her, doesn't have the means to make it back to the metro (and refuses to sell her jewelry) + she's still probably gotta lay low anyway since the police were on her so she searches around for some way to get money while on the moon.
she ends up running into dj grooves, who she's heard about a few times but never really looked into. but he seems intrigued by her and gets inspired by her since she has very unique eyes that gives him an idea for a movie. he also asks her if she'd like to be an actor in his movie, and invites her to act in his movie. at first she's like no. but then reconsiders, her finding it to be a means to make a ton of money and also kinda stay away from the metro for a while, she agrees to help him if he helps her in return. tho she doesn't tell him what he's to do for her.
and at first, she doesn't give a shit about grooves and she's just using him really tbh but then as they work together they become very close friends. and empress helps him to make the movie, which i was thinking would be some like. masquerade but sci-fi musical kinda thing. (i say maybe masquerade it's symbolic for many reasons) basically some kind of plot where empress has to wear a mask for most of the film except you can see her eyes LOL. that way her identity is mostly concealed which kinda let's grooves get away with the fraud thing and empress doesn't get found out. (tho i think ppl might catch on when they see her eyes)
and like the movie ends up being a smash hit bc everyone was intrigued by the mysterious woman in the movie (which was empress) and it wins grooves his first first place trophy and makes tons of money. empress starting to get greedy again, urges her and grooves to make another movie together. and unfortunately the second movie they make bombs (it's like a case of the second movie curse kinda thing where sometimes second movies are. Worse) and conductor ends up winning instead, much to grooves chagrin.
grooves is upset to have failed again but empress is now really angry at him for it. she blames him for the second movie failing and then they kinda have a fight and empress leaves back to the metro again after stealing some of grooves money and stuff. grooves never really figures out what favor he owed her but he's really hurt by her essentially betraying him like that.
that's like a vague overview of it but that's what came to me building off what i had before. lmao...
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krreader · 5 years
the jeon twins | jk ending version.
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pairing: jeon jeongguk (jk) x reader fandom: bts warnings: language ; twins!au ; non idol!au genre: angst ; hints of fluff previous: x word count: 2.9k+
summary: everything was his fault, everyone knew that.. everything that had happend was because of JK and to his surprise, the only one that wanted to help was the one he hurt so much.. the one that had deserved the world that he was willing to give, even if it messed up his entire life.
a/n: long overdue, but here it finally is, the jk version. the kookie version will be posted tomorrow - hopefully lol ♥ (don’t get me wrong, it’s already done, but idk if I’m happy with it so we’ll see)
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This was all his fault.
Kookie never would have made this decision if it weren't for his twins’ stupid actions.
“But you have so many good job offers here,” his mother tried arguing, “Why.. why does it have to be the US?”
Kookie hated to see his mother so sad and no doubt, he would miss her and his father terribly, but this was the right thing to do.. he needed to leave.
“I need a fresh start, mom,” he said with a sad smile, gently holding her hand.
JK didn't look up once, his shoulders were slumped and he was both embarrassed of himself as well as ashamed. He would have assumed his mother would cry, but instead she was consumed with anger. Anger towards JK. Because she knew he was the reason her baby was leaving.
And then suddenly she was all over him, hitting him over and over again, his father trying to stop her while Kookie just watched with a heavy sigh.
JK didn't try to stop her. If anything, he wanted her to continue.. as if it would make things better.. his actions from before less horrible.
“This is all your fault!” she cried out, “It's all your fucking fault! Get out of this house! I don’t want to see you ever again!”
JK gulped down hard, getting up without arguing about it and quickly brushing away a tear that escaped his eye while doing so. He had no right to argue.. he had lost that when he broke his brother’s heart.
How did this even happen?
He used to be so happy.. popular. He had everything and everyone.
And now he was wandering the streets of Seoul, knowing that there was no one left.. and all because he wanted what his brother could have had.
He had never known love before you. Flings, flirts, sex, but never love.. that he only ever experienced with you.
The first.
The only.
This love carried him to your apartment complex. Not knowingly, though, he didn’t have a place in mind when he started walking..
It's been more than three years, so he doubted you'd still remember him. If you did, then definitely not in a good light.
You were probably telling your friends about the “guy that lied to you all along” or the “bastard that broke your heart”.
That's what he was.. a liar, a backstabber, an asshole, a horrible son and brother.
The longer he stood there, staring at your window and seeing you and him from years ago when you were standing exactly there, happily smiling at each other, the more he drowned in self-pity.
He would have gone to the nearest convenience store, would have bought himself a shit ton of Soju bottles, would have sat down somewhere at the Han river and would have drunk himself until he couldn't stand anymore, hoping the alcohol would make it all go away..
But the moment he wanted to turn away was the moment you arrived.
JK couldn't help but let out a breath he had apparently been holding.
You were looking more or less the same, but.. god, somehow you managed to get more beautiful?
No wonder his twin brother had been so infatuated with you. No wonder he had ended up falling for you.. and no wonder he could never forget you.
You were looking for your keys, rummaging through your bag for about a minute before you let out an annoyed sigh and started looking around..
It was probably just a reaction of you realizing you had left your keys inside your apartment earlier this morning when you had left for work, but you looking around made you spot him.
You didn't think it was creepy given the fact that this was the first time you had seen him in three years. He also didn't seem like he had been waiting for you here for a long time.
Even from this distance you could tell that he was having a bad day, though, his shoulders were slumped, he looked.. tired.
You had often thought about contacting him again.. and about contacting Kookie.
But no matter what JK had tried telling you, you didn't fall in love with Kookie, you fell in love with JK. Because deep down it was always him when he was with you. You realized that months after your break-up, after you had finally accepted what had happened.. and you didn't hate him for it. At first you had, naturally, but then you started to forget, or at least tried to.. and eventually, you were okay again.
And now you saw it from a different perspective, not saying that what he did was right, but you weren’t as affected by it anymore..
JK was surprised when you crossed the street and stood in front of him a moment later.
“I.. I wasn't..-”
“I know,” you said with a small smile, “I'd like to say you look good, but I'd be lying.”
JK managed to let out a genuine laugh, then nodded, his eyes now on the ground, “Yeah, it's not been a good day.”
“I can see that,” you waited a few seconds, then you said, “I left my keys inside the apartment, so I need to wait till my neighbor comes back from work so he can give me his spare key. In the meantime.. do you want to get a drink? Tell me what's wrong?”
JK shook his head, “No, I don't think that's a good idea.”
“Because of your brother?” you sighed, “JK, it's been three years.. and besides, it's only a drink. I feel like you'll drink tonight anyways. I'd feel better if I could keep an eye on you. Whatever happened to you, it makes me worry now that I’ve seen you, I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I’d just let you go.”
“After everything that happened?”
“As I said, it's been three years.. that's a lot of time to get over someone.”
Well.. he was glad to hear that you got over him when he never got over you.
But he still felt guilty when he accepted your offer. He knew that Kookie had long lost interest in you and he knew that that was his fault. So maybe he owed it to his brother to say no.. say no because he took his brother's shot at happiness and swooped it up for himself.
But he was selfish once again tonight when he said yes.
He wanted to talk to you, wanted to spend time with you again.. because right now, you were the only person that mattered that was willing to be by his side..
You ended up going to a Korean barbecue place, with JK drinking almost an entire bottle of Soju himself in the first twenty minutes.
You didn't talk much in that time, mostly small-talk. But you watched him like a hawk, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
And the only thing that came to mind was the reason he ended things between you two.
“Is.. Kookie okay?” maybe he had died..
“Yeah,” JK nodded, “He got a job,” he smiled proudly.
“But that's great news,” you smiled as well, “I'm happy for him.”
“Yeah, me too,” but then the smile faded, “But it's in the US. He's moving in two weeks.”
Ah, so that was it.. his brother was leaving him and..-
“You think it's your fault, don't you?”
Again, despite what he had told you, you felt like you had gotten to know JK, not Kookie, despite him apparently acting like Kookie. But you knew him.. you knew the guilt in him.. because it was the same guilt that he had the day of the break-up.
It was that same look on his face.
Suddenly it was as if no time had passed.
“It is my fault,” he gulped down another shot of Soju, “My mother, my father.. they all know it.. they all know the reason he's leaving is because I betrayed him.”
“JK,” you tried reaching forward, but he immediately pulled back his hand like yours was fire.
“He really loved you, you know..-”
“No, JK, he didn't,” you shook your head, “Listen, I was angry with you for so long and I thought.. I thought about calling Kookie so many times, but at one point I realized that there was no way he could love me like you loved me in the end. Kookie never even talked to me, he didn't know me. You did.. you were there when I had my bad days, you were the one holding me and telling me it would be okay. That was you, JK.”
“But it shouldn't have been me!” he cried out, trying his hardest to keep calm so that nobody around you would realize he was crying, “I shouldn't have pretended to be him, I should have gone up to you and told you that he liked you, I should have given you his number, I should have..-” but then he fully started sobbing.
You could tell that it was both the alcohol, as well as the guilt.
You quickly switched seats so that you were sitting next to him, one hand now rubbing over his back and he let you. He needed the comfort now, he couldn't deny it.
“You can't change the past, JK. And.. maybe.. I don't know, maybe Kookie will meet the love of his life in the US and he will live a lot more happier than he ever could have done here,” you grabbed his chin and made him look at you, “Things happen for a reason, I truly believe that.”
“But this wasn't a coincidence.. this was me knowingly taking something that I shouldn't have. His opportunity.”
The thing is.. you knew he was right.
What he did was horrible, especially because it wasn't just a friend he betrayed, but his twin brother.
But nothing could be changed now..
All you could do that night was comfort him as best as you could and the fact that you weren't angry with him anymore helped JK massively.
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“Thank you,” Kookie smiled at the woman in the café and sat down at one of the empty tables, opening up his laptop and answering emails when you joined him.
And boy, did he look shook.
“I know.. this is kind of overdue, isn't it?”
“Three years ago I would have been the happiest man alive,” Kookie said sadly, a small smile on his face.
“Yeah, I heard the whole story. I also heard that you're moving to the US soon. Congrats on that, I heard about the job.”
“Yep,” Kookie nodded, “I felt like I had to get away from here..”
“You mean him,” you said bluntly, taking a sip from your coffee and then staring at the cup for a few moments before continuing, “What your brother did was a backstabbing move and I won't pretend to know what it must have felt like for you, but I was on the other end, Kookie. I've been involved in this situation as well and if I know one thing, it's that your brother never meant to hurt either of us.”
“And you know that how? From what he told me, he pretended to be me all throughout your relationship..”
“Yeah, see, that's the thing.. he tried really hard, but.. he's not that good of an actor. Younger me was naive enough not to see it because she was in love and she just fell in love with the man that cared for her, but me now.. I know.”
Even though he said he wasn't interested in you anymore, you saying you loved JK made him flinch a little.
“Why are you here, (Y/N)?”
“To tell you that your brother regrets what he did.. more than anything in this world. If he could turn back time to change it, he would.”
“But he can't.”
“I know that and nobody knows that better than him,” you leaned forward, your hand on his, “I'm asking you to talk to him one last time. I'm not asking you to forgive him because that is your decision, but I'm asking you to give him a chance to explain himself again. Because if you leave without doing that, it's going to destroy him.”
“How do you know? Did he..- did you two meet up?”
“I found him in front of my apartment building one night. He was ready to drink himself to death.. I later found out why. He's been staying at my place ever since your mother kicked him out, but I rarely see him. I hear him come back in the morning and I can smell the alcohol on him.”
“Why are you letting him stay at your place when he's like this? And especially after everything he put you through?” Kookie’s eyebrows were furrowed, “You should hate him as much as me, if not more.”
“Because I know JK is not a bad guy.. he's just someone who made a stupid decision in his youth. And I feel like I owe you and him one. After all, I'm the reason you're like this..”
Kookie immediately shook his head, “You don't owe us anything..”
“Please.. just.. sit down and talk to him. One last time. If you really cared about me at one point, then do me that favor..”
Kookie tried to tell himself that he hated his twin brother more than anything in this world, but deep down he knew that it was not true. He knew that if he left without saying goodbye or trying to reconcile, he would regret it for the rest of his life. But the hurt.. the hurt was still so bad.. even after all this time.
You wrote down something on the napkin he got with his coffee, then handed it to him.
“This is my address. Please think about it.”
And with that you left him to his own thoughts.
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“Here,” you put a soup in front of JK, “Eat it.”
“I'm not hungry.”
He looked horrible, even worse than a few weeks ago.
He didn't eat anymore, only drank alcohol and only took a shower because you forced him to.
He was falling apart, more and more, every day, and the only one who could stop it from happening any further was his brother.. the brother that would leave for the US tomorrow morning.
You had hoped that your little talk at the café would help, that Kookie would stop by, but.. apparently not.
“Just try it, please..” you said in despair.
“I'm not hungry,” he repeated.
He knew this wasn't fair to you. The only reason he was here was out of the kindness of your heart, but the self-pity in him was destroying him..
You let out a sigh, wanted to eat your own soup and let him and his thoughts be on his own for a moment when your doorbell rang.
“This is probably the delivery guy.”
But it wasn't.
When you opened the door you were greeted with a man you didn't think you'd ever see again.
He looked uncomfortable, unsure of why he was here, but you let him in.
“JK.. there's.. someone here to see you.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, turned around and then immediately stood up when he saw his twin brother.
The two of them stared at each other for a moment and the longer you stood there, the more awkward you felt.
Ultimately, you decided to continue eating in the living room and give the two some space.. they needed to be alone for this.
“The only reason I'm here is because of (Y/N),” Kookie said, “She asked me to come and talk to you again.. because she's worried about you.”
JK's shoulder slumped only more at that, “I'm sorry..-”
“You really don't deserve her, you know?”
“I never did.. that was always you.”
“No,” Kookie shook his head, “Neither of us could deserve someone like her. Not you and not me. But I only realized that when she talked to me.”
“Kookie, I..-”
“No, let me,” Kookie sat down with JK, but there was a lot of space between them.. quite fitting, “You apologized  countless of times and I'm tired of hearing it over and over again. What you did is in the past.. neither of us can change it now, I know that. All we can do is move forward. And (Y/N) was right.. I don't want to leave like this, I don’t want us to be like this forever..”
JK was hopeful, the first time in weeks, “Okay.”
“I talked to mom and dad and told them not to be angry with you anymore.. because I'm trying not to be as well. I'm trying to be the mature one..”
“You've always been the mature one,” that made both brothers chuckle, because they knew it was true.
And for a moment it was like it was all okay again..
..but it would take a lot of effort for things to go back to normal again between them.
“Tell me what I need to do for you to forgive me. I'll do anything,” JK promised.
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The only one you should feel sorry for is (Y/N), after all, she's the one housing you and playing your mom right now when she really shouldn't.”
He nodded, “I'm trying to find my own place right now.. a job.. something, you know?”
“Good. That’s good.”
The two of them talked for about two hours, you ended up falling asleep on the couch at one point when the exhaustion took over.
It was only when Kookie left that the two of them saw you sleeping there.
“You know.. I'm really excited to start my new life in the US,” Kookie said with a genuine smile, “I can't wait to meet someone I'll really fall in love with..”
“You loved her..”
“I thought I did,” Kookie shrugged and buried his hands in his pockets, “But maybe it was never me that was meant to be with her,” and with that and a clap to his shoulder, he left.
But he left with no hate for his brother anymore.. he left with a promise to call as soon as he landed. And that was more than JK ever thought he’d get from him after everything.
And as JK watched him leave and closed the door behind him, he walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch with you, smiling when you shifted so that your head was lying in his lap as if it was the natural thing to do for you.
He pulled the blanket around your body higher and grabbed the piece of bread that was lying on the table, eating for the first time in what felt like forever.
“I'm proud of you,” you whispered, half-asleep.
And JK couldn't help but start crying again, his fingers brushing through your hair.
And only when he was sure you were back asleep did he say, “I never stopped loving you.. and I never will.”
Maybe you were right..
..maybe all things did happen for a reason.
Maybe this was were he was supposed to be all along.. 
..with you.
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yo yo yo
yo whaddup :-) you can call me glitter, im 20 and from the uk (gmt) !! im rly lookin to sink my teeth into some good ol fashioned arpee, perhaps you could be my new bff :9
first things first, i only write original plots!! half the fun for me is designing worlds and characters so i tend to stay away from fandoms, sorry!!
what im really super craving right now are some dark themes; ya know crime, violence & murder, abuse etc etc ho ho ho // plots dont necessarily have to revolve around those things but bonus points if they do i suppose :-) honestly my dream rn is to get to write a character who initially comes off as naive / vulnerable and turns out to be a murderous asshole so if we can make this happen i will owe u my soul tbh,,
in terms of setting, i lOVE high fantasy, especially low magic universes (i.e. game of thrones esque) also into sci fi & modern && historical so thats pretty much everything haha,,
i was also intending for this hypothetical plot to involve romance too ofc!! i love writing m/m and f/f, i can be persuaded to write m/f if u lemme write the gurl lel :9 i also like 2 write smut rather than skip once we get there but building up the tension is the best part so we might not be writing it straight away
as for post length, i write as much as i think is necessary for the scene which can be  anywhere from like 300 words to 1k+, im p relaxed on this so no need to sweat it!! i aim for a post a day too, might be more or less you know how it goes ; v ;
finally,, if we vibe expect a ton of dorky doodles of our beautiful children LOL // 
so yes if you got through all that and dont hate me yet then hit me up!! you can contact me at these places (in order of preference lol)
discord: glittermilk#5684
skype: glittermiilku
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