thedemoninme141 · 15 days
Her Heartbeat, Chapter 1: Her Anger.
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Summary: Wednesday's anger got her into trouble, Where do you come along?
Warnings: There isn't really any warning but I guess WednesdayBeatingPeople???? FLUFF!!!! No angst in this chapter, but who knows what happens in the future...
Wednesday sat there, in her dorm, right in front of the half-colored half-dead window.Your diary in her hand. And for the first time in her life, Wednesday felt anger. Anger was for people who lost control, who let their emotions drive their actions, who lashed out in fits of rage. Wednesday was never angry. She was annoyed most of the time, but angry? Never. At least that's what she kept telling herself. But inside, her blood simmered with a quiet rage, an anger that she had never considered a flaw but rather a necessary tool for survival. It was not an issue—it was a tolerance bar. And God help whoever crosses it.
So when those boys at Weathervane decided to mock Enid, they unknowingly signed their own fate. The day was already going bad and Wednesday's tolerance bar had reached its limit, and she had done what she deemed appropriate. Enid had tried to stop her, of course, pulling on her arm. She was still in control, right?
Okay fine! She broke a few bones, dislocated a jaw or two, and made sure they would remember to keep Enid’s name out of their mouths for as long as they lived.
When the cops came to the scene, Wednesday was still standing over the boys, wiping her knuckles with a napkin. She was arrested for the third time in her life. Or was it fourth time? Those boys were arrested too, but somehow it was only Wednesday who ended up with a mandatory sentence: Anger Management Therapy sessions. How utterly ridiculous. What could possibly be wrong with expressing herself in a way that ensured she was heard, understood, and remembered?
"You cannot say no, Wednesday, if you do not attend and pass this therapy session, I will have no choice but to expel you."
Ugh, why did Weems even survive Thornhill's poison?
And that’s how Wednesday found herself stuck in this new circle of hell. It was infuriating. It was unjust. And it was a complete waste of time.
The sessions were held in a nondescript building just off the main street in Jericho, where people who had done things they "shouldn't" were supposed to fix themselves. They were meant to "reflect," "heal," and "improve." Wednesday didn't need improvement. She was perfect as she was, she was everything they could never be: self-sufficient, rational, and unapologetic.
The group leader, David, was an insufferable man in his mid-thirties. And much to Wednesday's dismay, he was the male version of Enid. He was incessantly cheerful, overly intrusive, and sickeningly optimistic about everyone’s potential for change. Wednesday found him exhausting.
David had made it his mission to get Wednesday to "open up," constantly encouraging her to share her feelings, recount her past, and dig deep into the source of her "anger." But Wednesday refused to play his game. She sat through the sessions in stony silence, expressing her disinterest as the other participants spoke of their mistakes and regrets. The only sound she made was the tap of her boots. Maybe she can annoy David enough to get kicked out of this nonsense.
She showed up late, ignored his questions, and rolled her eyes whenever he tried to address her. But David was unflappable. He would only chuckle softly, as if she were some mischievous child whose antics were endearing rather than infuriating. Every time she pushed, he merely pushed back with more patience, more persistence, and an infuriatingly steady resolve. After a while, she realized he would not break, and she would only be prolonging her sentence by continuing to fight him.
She attended every session and waited silently while the others poured their hearts out. She refused to say a word, they didn't deserve to know a thing about her. Maybe things aren't exactly too bad. She can just go through alone without causing any trouble so David can finally give some positive feedback on her report and let her be free.
But he had thrown a new wrench into her already miserable routine. He announced, with that obnoxious grin plastered on his face, that they were now required to bring a "partner" to the sessions. Someone who can vouch for them, that they are making progress outside of the therapy session too. Someone who could act as their support system, their "anchor" in times of distress. As if she needed an anchor.
The mere thought of dragging someone else into this circus wasn't exactly unpleasing. At least she could pass her time watching them suffer.
But the problem was she didn't have a line of volunteers waiting to join her in group therapy
Enid, unsurprisingly, had refused immediately, citing her “makeup sessions” with Yoko as an excuse. Wednesday could see right through her, though. Enid’s answer wasn’t about makeup; it was about not wanting to spend her Fridays and Saturdays in a gloomy room with a bunch of disgruntled teenagers and their annoying leader. And honestly, can Wednesday blame her?
Eugene was a possibility, but he was too innocent, too eager to please. He would end up making her look ridiculous in front of the group.
Xavier would have jumped at the opportunity if he hadn’t transferred out last month, much to Wednesday’s relief. Wednesday needed someone but Xavier? Ew, Wednesday wasn't that desperate.
However, she was desperate enough to ask Bianca, who, getting the chance, mocked her before refusing her, “You got yourself in this mess, Wednesday. Surely you can get yourself out,”
That left no one. Not a single person who would willingly subject themselves to the torture of these sessions, and certainly not for her sake. But David had made it clear: no partner, no progress. And no progress meant more sessions, dragging on into the foreseeable future until she complied.
Fine. Screw Bianca. Screw this whole place, this entire ridiculous therapy group, and all its pointless exercises. There wasn’t even a single murder to investigate, no mysteries to solve, nothing to occupy her mind except these meaningless tasks assigned by the so-called professionals who think they can ‘fix’ her. Wednesday was done. Maybe she should run away again. Yes, she could slip out, make her way to Weathervane, and catch a bus to anywhere but here. No one would miss her, and she wouldn’t miss them.
Wednesday was so engrossed in her thoughts of escape that she didn’t even notice when someone approached her. It wasn’t until she heard an exasperated voice that she snapped out of it.
“Hey! Are you even listening?”
She blinked, her gaze shifting to the source of the interruption. A girl stood in front of her, arms crossed, looking more annoyed than intimidated. Wednesday’s eyebrows knit together.
“Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Y/n.”
Wednesday raised an eyebrow, completely unimpressed. “Congratulations. So what am I supposed to do with that information?”
"Ugh" you groaned “Well, I need your help,” you stated, trying to sound confident but there was an edge of uncertainty in your voice.
“No.” Wednesday didn’t even bother to ask what you needed.
“Oh, come on!” you shot back, clearly annoyed by her immediate dismissal. “At least ask what I need help with! I heard you’re quite good with these kinds of things.”
Wednesday’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What things? If you’re talking about murdering someone, then sure.”
“No, not murdering someone!” You glanced around nervously, almost mumbling. “It’s… umm… kind of like that, but not really… how do I say it…”
Wednesday cut you off with a sharp glare. “Waste my time, and you'll be the one getting murdered.”
“Okay, Jesus, calm down,” you muttered. “I need your help kidnapping someone.”
Wednesday blinked, taken aback. Her expression flickered with surprise, but it was quickly masked by her usual indifference.
"Why would you even think I’d help you? Wait, first of all why would you even think I’m qualified for this job?"
"Because you’re bored," you said plainly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You see, I missed the last few months of last year, so I missed your grand entrance and your Hyde case, but I’ve heard about your reputation. How you took down Crackstone and how you saved the school. But I know you didn’t do it for the school—you did it for the thrill. For the challenge. You like going against the system."
She hated how accurate that was. It made her uneasy, like you could see right through her. Still, she wasn’t about to admit that you were right. Instead, she said, “No,” once more and got up, ready to walk away.
“Wait, I can give you money.” you blurted out.
The audacity... Wednesday stopped in her tracks, turning to glare at you. “What on earth is wrong with you? Do you really think I’m some kind of hired goon? Someone you can just pay off?”
Your face flushed, and you quickly shook your head.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. It just… slipped out. Please, I really need your help. Just tell me what I have to do.”
Wednesday should have turned around and left. She should have put as much distance between herself and this ridiculous request as possible. And yet… there was something in your audacity that intrigued her. Besides, she did need a partner for her therapy sessions, and making someone else suffer through them could be mildly entertaining.
"Fine," Wednesday said, her voice low and measured. "I’ll help you, but in return—"
You didn’t even let her finish. "Okay, done, agreed."
Wednesday blinked, momentarily thrown off by your eagerness. She hadn’t even told you what you would need to do, but you didn’t seem to care. You grabbed her hand, pulling her along with you as you headed towards the main gate.
"We don’t have much time," you said hurriedly. "We need to kidnap her right now."
Wednesday stumbled slightly as you dragged her along. Why wasn't she yanking her hand back? Her brows furrowed in confusion.
"Right now? Without any plan or any information?"
"Yeah, yeah," you said dismissively, waving your hand as if that was a minor detail. "I’ll tell you that on the way to the asylum."
“The what?” Wednesday’s voice rose slightly.
You just kept walking, your grip on her hand firm, and for once, Wednesday found herself caught up in someone else’s madness instead of her own.
CHAPTER 2 : Her Touch
[Author's note: Celine pretty much wrote the chapter 1, I just made some changes here and there, lol it took more time for me to create the art for this project than writing this, good news is Chapter 2 and 3 are almost ready.]
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imthepunchlord · 5 months
Need Some Help with Miraculous Rewrite
Ok, so, spoilers for the future Miraculous rewrite, though probably not that surprising giving my preference and what I've talked about before. And I don't think it's going to spoil that much of the rewrite, so I think it's going to be ok for me to roll out this post and get some help.
Thinking on the Miraculous Rewrite, working on the timeline and future ideas, one thing I am torn on is on the secondary lead.
Probably unsurprisingly, it's going to be kwami swaps. There will be a few canon matches that do happen, either as they work or narrative wise need to stay, but a majority will be Miraculous with different people.
Marinette for sure will have the Cat. Partly because her and Plagg are going to be so fun to write, and it's one of my favorite kwami swaps for her; but mostly I do think it's going to offer her the most growth and it's going to be different to explore the different guidance Plagg can offer Marinette and how they work off each other. Even more so as, Plagg is THE foil to Marinette in terms of who he is, and both can play a part in how either grow.
Now the issue I've been struggling with is who is the Ladybug going to go to.
For this, working off Emilie and Amelie, Felix and Adrien are twin brothers, with Felix being older of the two, and is going to primarily work off his PV self (and how I perceived him). Adrien in turn will primarily work off his s1 characterization (that want for friends and being a little more sociable, a willingness to openly rebel and resist against his father, and being torn between what's right vs what he wants). Also neither of them (or Kagami) are sentimonsters. There are no feather babies here.
Now, my struggle is which Agreste should get the Ladybug, as both have their own pros and cons.
Felix would work off his old PV set up, from reluctant to be a hero to coming to embrace the role. And you got someone who's skeptical and pessimistic paired with a kwami who is optimistic and bubbly. Which can set up Tikki to be Felix's primary foil, and both can grow in how they work off each other. Potential cons, it would be a more clashing pair, which can have some comedic potential, but I can also see a lot of tension. And hero partnership wise, it won't be an immediate, easy click. It will become a solid partnership and an effective team, it's just going to have a rougher start with Felix's reluctance to be there, and Marinette will pick up on that quiet frustration even if he hides it. I also will say, I am going to explore that bad luck curse concept, only it's from Tikki forcing a spiteful Felix to get out there. So this is going to be a tenser start with a more flawed lead.
Adrien I would work off what I thought his initial arc and set up was going to be, with Adrien starting out treating the Miraculous for freedom and fun, but gradually getting more serious as a hero. In contrast to Felix, it'd be a more pleasant start over all, Adrien easily clicks with his partner and they become fast friends and work off each other well, and he clicks with Tikki quickly and easily. Even more so as Tikki fills the void his mom left, being affectionate and supportive of Adrien, though she does push for his growth and change in character (take initiative to help others, be more considerate, stand up to his father and have an actual conversation with him). The cons are more of a reverse of Felix, where despite the pleasant start, I would explore a sour path later, working off the fact that Adrien struggles with pressure and exclusion and has a tendency to quit. And Tikki will be another who adds pressure and expectation to his life. It will be an exploration of how much does Adrien genuinely want to be a hero, and at this time, I cannot promise that he would stay as one. That end is up in the air.
If it helps in the choice making, both are planned to get a Miraculous either way, it's just one will be a more major lead character and will get a Miraculous sooner. The other has to wait for "S2" at the earliest. To add to it, there is a potential plot bunny I have of the other twin discovering their brother is the hero, and the shenanigans of that discovery which will lead to their future Miraculous involvement. And depending on who's the civilian, that can have some polarizing responses (Adrien would be over the moon while Felix instead would be stressing about it), so this can be a factor to consider too.
I also need to stress, Adrienette will not be endgame in this Miraculous Rewrite. There may be initial crushes, but that's it. They will just be good friends. Picking Adrien thinking Adrienette will happen will not happen. This is more about the characters and how they will grow and work off each other than the ships. At this time, I'd say romance would just really take a back seat, I want it to be more friendship focused initially.
As I see the potential in both options as leads, working off Tikki, and as a potential partner for Marinette, and it needs to be decided before I can take things further, it'd be a big help to get others opinion/preference on the other major lead to follow.
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random-and-average · 1 year
Yandere Maruki Takuto Headcanons
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Author's Note: What can I say? I simp for the clumsy man with the messiah complex. (Actually, I just simp for a good amount of the Confidant cast because you cannot tell me that Ryuji, Akechi, Haru, Joker, Yusuke, and Iwai wouldn't treat their loved one right. Do I have a problem? Maybe.)
Content Warning(s): Mentions of psychological manipulation, possible OOC Maruki
Regardless of how you met him, Maruki will always cherish you
Rain or shine, you can guarantee that he will do everything in his power to make you as happy as you make him—which is an amount that cannot possibly be quantified due to the fact that you make him so extraordinarily and immensely joyous
(And when I mean everything in his power, I truly mean everything in his power, but I’ll address that point later)
Even if the two of you are polar opposites, he will try his best to make you smile in his own way
I’d like to imagine that he’s a hopeless romantic too
While his career field usually makes one more practical and pragmatic, Dr. Maruki still holds onto the dream of being able to share an idealized romance with someone
Because of this, he’ll often write letters and poems professing his love for you, even though you two might already be in a relationship
Romantic dinners are a frequent occurrence, and they’ll either be at a place that is very expensive, significant to the two of you, or well-known for serving your favorite type of food
Just imagine that you want fried chicken, and he takes you out for some gourmet place that serves the best fried chicken you ever had in your life
Obviously, he always pays the bill
In fact, you never get to see the final price of the meal because he refuses to let you see the bill in the first place
Don’t worry though! He doesn’t mind the price
Seeing your face light up in delight makes the cost of the food completely worth it
There’s only one problem: he likes keeping all of this a secret from you in order to surprise you, but his clumsy disposition often results in you finding out anyway
In a perfect world, you would wake up to an eloquent letter—filled with nothing but compliments and thanks—right beside your pillow; though in actuality, Maruki trips on air and faceplants onto the ground with his letter in hand, waking you up immediately and spoiling the surprise
(In that situation, he prepares an amazing breakfast as an apology despite any protests from you that he doesn’t have to apologize)
When it comes to comforting you (and, if needed, providing advice), Maruki never fails to make to feel better as he’ll go out of his way to make the space comfortable for you before sitting next to you and listening to whatever is troubling you
If you prefer him to comfort you physically, he’ll give you all the hugs and cuddles you want until you feel better
Unless he has to deal with something extremely important, his time will be entirely dedicated to you and reducing your sorrow
(Although, it’d be important to note that advice he will provide might be a bit biased)
On another note, you can bet that he will always have your favorite snacks and candy on hand
But, don't think that Maruki is a complete softie
However, I can't blame you if you do think that way since he only shows you his more vulnerable and affectionate side
For all of the man's clumsiness, he is still capable of perfectly executing a malicious scheme
This is mainly done through psychological and emotional manipulation
(As one, the doctor literally studied the mind, and two, he is aware that he doesn't pose that much of a physical threat)
Any potential romantic rivals are driven away, believing that their flaws make them worthless individuals that burdens others
Your friends/family that don't like him become ostracized as he makes them out to be overly critical people who has it out for him for no apparent reason
And after all of this manipulation, he is still seen as the perfect boyfriend, or husband (。ᐤヮᐤ 。), that is head over heels in love with you
(Okay, so the last part is true, but not the first part)
Unless he wants you to know of his schemes, you are most likely none the wiser to his wicked ways!
Once his Persona fully awakens and he takes control of reality, Maruki will make the world your paradise, even if it's at the expense of other people
(I did say he'd do everything in his power to make you happy)
You wish that you didn't have to work a day in your life? Suddenly, you are a billionaire as some mysterious benefactor chose you as the lucky person to receive all of his money!
You really miss a deceased loved one or a pet? They never passed away, silly!
You want someone gone? Who are you talking about? No one even remembers they existed in the first place.
(He decided that simply removing them from reality was the best possible method of getting rid of them without causing emotional suffering onto those who don't deserve it)
"I love you so, so, so much, sweetheart. You're my entire world, just as I am yours."
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I Have Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds
(Spoilers for Oppenheimer)
The original 1954 Godzilla can best be described as an anti-nuclear war film...that just happens to have a giant monster in it.
When you get right down to it, Godzilla himself was originally a big metaphor for the atom or hydrogen bomb. A big, unstoppable harbinger of death that once unleashed, it's only a matter of time before destruction follows. And you have to remember, it was made by victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings not even a decade after. So any allusions to those attacks are pretty deliberate on their choice. You cannot simply separate Godzilla from the fires that birthed him.
Just like how you can't simply separate J. Robert Oppenheimer from the atrocities his weapons wrecked.
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It's become kind of a trend with movie goers to frame Oppenheimer as a pseudo prequel to the Godzilla series. Particularly with the announcement by Toho of Godzilla Minus Zero later this year which deals with the immediate aftermath of the bombings which sounds like a natural continuation of the events of Oppenheimer. Course there's the obvious difference between a biopic and a sci-fi monster movie.
But remember how I mentioned that the original Godzilla was an anti-nuclear war film that happened to have a giant monster? Cause in many ways, that logic does apply here. And as a result, both films do carry a lot of the same themes and tone despite being released over 50 years apart.
For one, there's a sense of dread with both films in regards to the bombings. With Oppenheimer, it's a feeling of unease as the USA pushes for the continuation of the Manhattan Project despite the surrendering of the Nazis. It was always there, but it increases the closer we get to the bombing, such as when Oppenheimer and his staff grow increasingly nervous to the testing, the patriotic fervor that takes over when it goes well, and the shot of the Fat Man and Little Boy being carted of with Oppenheimer and Teller contemplating whether the bombing will truly bring world peace.
Same thing with Godzilla. We have an overpowering sense of dread as the existence of a huge, unstoppable monster begins to dawn on everyone. How nothing seems to work against it and the creeping horror of it coming closer and closer to Japan without any viable solution being found. With Oppenheimer, we know the end story even if the characters don't, and the anticipation comes from the knowledge of the carnage that their actions will bring being at contrast with what's seen on screen. In Godzilla, the dread comes from being the recipient of that horror, and the characters scrambling to find any sort of solution in the face of unrelenting fury.
It comes to a head with the final scenes of the film, with Oppenheimer and Einstein grimly wondering if the invention of the atom bomb might've just spelled the doom for the entire planet, while Dr. Yamane monologuing about how chances are there's another Godzilla out waiting to be awakened by more nuclear testing. It's that sort of apocalyptic dread which binds the two films together, with the different perspectives allowing two different approaches to the same anti-nuclear warfare conclusion. Both from the people who made the bomb, and the people who were bombed.
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And the similarities don't end there. We do get a parallel with Oppenheimer and the fictional character of Dr. Serizawa, which perfectly demonstrates the sort of differential approaches both films take. Both view their respective forces (the atom bomb or the Oxygen Destroyer) as having the potential to do so much good, not necessarily for warfare but more as an energy source for the betterment of mankind.
The difference is how both are exposed to World War II. Oppenheimer is distant, never being on the frontlines and only hearing about Hitler's death via the news. As a result (and part of an overarching character flaw), he never really considers the ramifications of building an atomic bomb. He's uneasy with it, but he'll try to justify himself by saying it saved the US a costly invasion and the bombing scaring the rest of the world off from even attempting to replicate his invention (it didn't, much to his horror). Serizawa was a soldier for the Japanese army before becoming a scientist. He's absolutely horrified by his creation, knowing for a damn fact that people will use it for a weapon, that it could possibly cause a devastating arms race, and is determined to keep it under wraps until he can find a nondestructive use for it. He only uses it to destroy Godzilla when the threat of the latter is undeniable, but even then takes his own life lest he risk his knowledge being used to create another one.
Both characters came to the same conclusion: Oppenheimer realizing he may have just doomed the world far too late and Serizawa being wracked with fear of what would happen if the Oxygen Destroyer was deployed too liberally. Again, it's the difference between the two that highlights how each film handles the same message. One only realizes what he's created until it's far too late, the other is filled with dread by the inevitability of that creation being used for lethal purposes.
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So in many ways...yeah. Oppenheimer can be seen as a prequel to Godzilla, and both can be viewed as companion pieces towards one another. Of course, one ultimately still is a giant monster film, the other a historical biopic. But when the tones are so similar and themes so consistent, it's quite telling that you can easily see the two as being two sides of the same coin.
After all, the original Godzilla was an anti-nuclear war film that features a giant monster. Oppenheimer is that same premise but without the monster and from the opposite perspective. Yet both share the same apocalyptic message.
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natequarter · 8 months
potential flaws of an english spelling reform:
the biggest problem is dialects. not only does english have a shit ton of dialects, it has multiple prestige dialects. this isn't necessarily a problem for reforming inconsistent consonants, but rather for those goddamn vowels
think about all those splits and mergers! mary-marry-merry. trap-bath. strut-foot. etc. you fundamentally cannot reform english without making it either a) dialectical b) wrong for 90%+ of speakers or c) a dysfunctional mess, which is pointless because english is already that
specific sound changes like yod coalescence and rhotic (or tapped) r can pose a big problem as well. even though we don't pronounce r in all dialects, we generally note it down: warm, car, etc. how do you reform spelling for both rhotic and non-rhotic accents? and yod coalescence. nobody ever brings this up, because rhotic r affects american english (and some british accents, though some have different r sounds entirely) and yod coalescence affects british english, and most youtubers making spelling reforms are american in my experience, but many english people don't pronounce, say, due/new/tune like americans do: /j/ comes in so that due is a homophone of jew in british english, which it may not be in american english. if you reform new to be spelt as noo, then that fails to reflect the pronunciation of new as /njuː/. but i digress
frankly, a lot of spelling reforms are just ugly. please stop
some parts of english do currently reflect the etymology of words. it's a lot harder to see the relationship between oblige and obligation if one is spelt eblàij and the other is spelt obligàshen
people really like getting rid of the letter c and using k/q instead. why? what do k and q do that c can't? get rid of the digraph qu, get rid of k, use c to represent /k/ and use s for /s/ and z for /z/. k and q are rubbish letters
bringing back or finding new letters isn't necessarily useful. yeah, sure, you can revive þ, but is there a need? we already have p/b/d, which all look very similar. adding the thorn in is just confusing, and the digraph th doesn't need a reform. it would be cool to differentiate voiceless and voiced dental fricatives, but a) ð is the superior letter, and b) th literally works fine. nobody is complaining about this except conlangers! th, ch, and sh are all valid digraphs; all you need to do to fix them is eliminate tch, make th/ch/sh have consistent sound values (e.g. spell chandelier as shandelier), and the problem is solved
overall, there is often a desire to eliminate or introduce letters perceived as 'useful' or 'useless,' but the letters people want to introduce might be confusing to people who are dyslexic or don't recognise it, or the letter people want to remove is... literally fine, and could easily be solved with an accent or two
nobody ever accounts for stress patterns. english has very inconsistent stress patterns, but we could fix this by sticking an accent over stressed letters like in spanish. let's say circumflexes, because circumflexes are cool. attâck. rêquisite. insîstent. ôrange. refûte. obviously these are random examples, but you can easily clear up the issue of stress in this way
some spellings reflect grammar, not pronunciation. this is a bit like the problem of etymology: we spell the endings -ing and -ed to make them regular. -ed isn't necessarily pronounced as it's spelt; it usually ends up sounding more like a /t/ or a /d/. but we spell it like that to make constructing the past tense easier. of course, you could always reform it to -t or -d. then you could have words like laughd, or screamd. but people don't tend to think about that
people need to be able to learn your system! any orthography which becomes transformed or, god forbid, a different script, is going to be impossible to implement. we have too much literature in our current spelling. it would be expensive and unpopular. any change must be something within our limits
ultimately, i think the only plausible spelling reforms are of english's consonants/stress patterns. vowels are just too variable, but we could probably standardise some of those godforsaken silent consonants, irregular stress patterns, or inconsistently spelt consonants without fracturing england as we know it or just scaring the shit out of our audience. reform isn't impossible. it just isn't operable in the way many people want.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Dear AAs,
Due to observed behaviors, I wanted to take the time and write a message for you.
It seems like a whole lot of you are wasting your precious youth, resources and potential on obsessing over Jensen so much you lose track of who you are and what you are on this earth to fulfill.
Your infatuation is so high it blinds you and strips you of your values and dreams. You put Jensen and Danneel on a pedestal and feel like less of a human for not being them. You are creating limitations in your own life over a bunch of semi-celebrities who aren't even educated compared to you.
While appreciating or admiring something is a beautiful experience, it should never get to the point where your intelligence becomes overshadowed by your unrealistic expectations and views of two people.
Strive to be YOU, to live YOU and what you most love. Before it''s too late for all of your dreams. You are so caught up in false idols you cannot see how toxic worshiping them is to your own life trajectory.
You project unrealistic view unto Jensen and Danneel because you are afraid to go out there and build your legend, live your uniqueness.
I am serious, I see a lot of underage girls even or way too young lusting after Jensen so much they completely forego their goals and most especially their personalities. They become an empty shell.
If meeting and marrying a highly attractive man is your dream then focus on that and work on developing the life you want, being the person you dream of being, living that true love, being it. That takes work but it's worth it, you are worth it. When you give all your power away to clueless celebrities all you are doing is telling your subconscious mind you don't feel worthy of your dreams, you are not the leading character of your life. Guess what? Your reticular activating system (RAS) then filters life accordingly and you miss out on opportunities and key moments.
It's healthy to have role models, if they match your life trajectory, but ensure you balance out your perceptions and realize they are human, just like you. Just as you appreciate them, you should be appreciation yourself and if you are not already doing that then there is a huge imbalance in your life and, most likely, you energy will end up being sapped by false idols instead of inspired by healthy, realistic, measurable goals and pursuits.
You weren't put on this Earth to be an echo of Jensen and Danneel. You are uniquely you so show up for yourself and your desired life way more than you obsess over J/D. They can steal away time from your life and guess what? Life progresses pretty fast and before you know it you will have a mountain of regrets instead of a heart full of fulfilling memories and tangible results in your life. You will look back and suffer and realize how silly it was to get caught up in mindless infatuation.
I hope you do me a favor. Grab a piece of paper, list every aspect you love about Jensen or Danneel or whoever it is you obsessively stan. Then go through that list and ask yourself: "Where in my life have I displayed these traits?" Don't stop until you answer it for each quality.
If you want to balance your perceptions even more, do the same for their perceived flaws and quirks. This will allow you to see them as human like you and to appreciate them in a balanced way in full awareness of both their negative and positive traits.
If you do me this favor, you will release yourself from your manic perceptions about them and you will be in control of your emotions and your direction.
A second favor would be: Create a vision board of what you want in your life, then grab a notebook and write a scenario of how each of those experiences would feel. Once you are in touch with those feelings, begin breaking down your goals into small, realistic, measurable steps and commit to taking a priority action each day to reach those milestones. Whenever you need to re-energize, go back to the vision you created and live it fully inside, remember your WHY and keep recommitting day by day. If you do this, rather than consume yourself with obsessing over Jensen and Danneel, just imagine where your life will be months from now, years from now. You will reach a new bliss and it will be thanks to your self-care, dedication and focus.
May all of your dreams become your reality and they will, if you chose to believe in yourself rather than giving power away to false idols and escapism.
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doodle-list · 1 year
I'm genuinely So sad about the path Mando is taking like. I enjoyed some moments of course, but the way they're completely taking the spot light from Din's and Grogu's relationship (which is the literal premise of the show and what got me into it in the first place) to focus on another character we had little to no connection with in the previous seasons, and also make her completely let go of her past goals for what? To become an ambassador of something she wasn't even apart of??? Also completely ignoring her past and turning her into this shallow innocent princess. Sorry for the rant, I'm just really sad about the new season
No dont be! You’re so valid for that and I agree completely :/
A lot of people have already put it into words better but season 3 baring all shitty writing just doesnt feel like The Mandalorian anymore
The main part of the show of din and grogus relationship is just not there anymore, and the fact that we spent two seasons building up these really lovable characters that had so much more potential and places to go and just dulled them into a purely merchandising object and a cardboard cutout yes man is so disappointing
I got into the mandalorian for the characters because I love character driven stories. I can’t care less about bigger plots on their own and the new season being this wide galaxy thing insgead of a funky show where we get to see this guy politely fail to decline every side quest ever and try and take care of his son, I just. Dont care anymore
Like nothing about season 3 feels character focused. Sure bo katan is There but all her flaws and faults that make her an interesting character get brushed under the rug and completely ignored in favor of propping her up to be this sympathetic hero, even though we canonically have evidence of the complete opposite. There is no attempt to even give her character development so when she gets the sabre handed to her Again, the expectation that her rule is going to work this time is just poor writing
Its basically that phrase “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
I just feel like the writers this season somehow are completely unaware of their characters and how they would act in situations. It feels like they created the plot first are forcing the characters to complete their checklist of wants with complete disregard of whether it makes sense for them to do it at all
Season 2 gave us really wholesome moments between Din and Grogu and I dont think I’m wrong for saying that we all expected the latter to increase as seasons and episodes went by
They clearly understand that we all love Din since they baited us in the promotional material so I literally cannot fathom why they decided to nix the direction they were going to for practically a completely different story
The story of a man who’s trying to find his place in the world and learns to become a father is just not there anymore. And that just… sucks
And well, this probably sounds really nit picky to some or like “why are you so focused on this shlt just enjoy the show and have fun” but when you love the show for two reasons only (din and din and grogus relationship) its very very hard to like something that has so blatantly carelessly pushed that aspect aside. And when you’re not interested in whats happening because the reason you love the show isnt treated well, you kinda start to see all the flaws behind the curtains
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littlemisstfc · 2 years
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Hello boyos, gorls, and nonbinary pals. It’s been a while since I’ve written a huge writing on this silly platform, huh? Lol.
Anyways, quick updates: I’m releasing a new video sometime this month, which is me ranting about the misogyny of the Bayverse. Fun times. Fun times. :D Also, I’ll be at TFCon LA 2023 next week for Saturday and Sunday. Feel free to come by and say hi to me. :)
Back to the review…so….the 2010s to early 2020s has been a very weird decade for Transformers. Not only for the Bayverse movies (my beloathed), but for the tv shows. While Age of Extinction is my guilty pleasure and Dark of The Moon is legitimately good, the movies are declining in popularity and quality, thus resulting in a huge reboot to fix up Bay’s mess. That resulted in Bumblebee (2018), a gem that was the light at the end of a very frustrating tunnel. Transformers Prime started strong, but then turned into a mish mash of wasted potential and became a frustrating chore to watch by the end. RID 2015 is a show that exists. Rescue Bots is great, and Academy is fine for what it is. If you read my review of BotBots before the accidental deletion, that show is pretty good. However, it’s a show where someone might gotta have to take it or leave it. In the middle of the downward spiral of the Aligned continuity and the movie universe rebuilding itself from Bayverse’s mess, Transformers Cyberverse is the true outlier. It’s so great I made an entire video about it that you can check it out in the link below. 🤭
Now, I wanted to bring this up when talking about Earthspark because ngl, I was worried about the potential likelihood of the show falling into the pittraps of the Aligned continuity in the first round. Now that I’ve watched the show, I can confidently tell you that IT’S EVEN BETTER THAN I EXPECTED. WE HAVE A FUCKING MIRACLE AT THE END OF A TURBULENT DECADE.
This show is thankfully so much amazing and cool and wholesome, JUST LIKE IT HAS NO RIGHT IN BEING THIS GOOD. True, like I always say, there is no such thing as a perfect show. This show definitely have flaws, but they’re not detriment to the show’s quality. It’s basically everything I ever want from a Transformers show, including even subversions of the Transformers formula like Cyberverse.
Let’s go on this little journey together on everything I like and dislike about the show. Spoiler warning here since this show is best experienced blind and I’m not like some people who decided it’s a good idea to not put spoilers behind a tag or filter. Don’t be like these people. Don’t spoil the show for those who cannot access it. Don’t do it. 🙂
Anyways. 3, 2, 1, Pingu.
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The Good, The Bad, The Skullcruncher:
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Let’s get the elephant in the room clear: the art style is…an art style that exists. It’s not for everyone and it did take me a while to warm up to it. However, over time, I’ve gotten used to it since the amazing animation and fight choreography are great enough to make up for the art style.
The school episode is meh. It’s nothing interesting of note except the Terran parts and frankly, I find the two bullies pretty annoying. However, it does deserve points for having the amazing Daran Norris back in a Transformers show. At least it is not boring, but it’s not worth noting.
The humor sometimes doesn’t land, especially since modern humor such as the iPad environment we’re in is a delicate line these days. The humor is Yeessss tier most of the time though.
I’m glad that Hashtag didn’t keep her weird accent when she first appeared. That’s a plus. 👍🏽
Bee did come across as a bit of an asshole at first, which was admittingly something I wasn’t vibing with. However, thanks to the power of good character development, I warmed up to him. However, a counterpoint is that it’s a unique subversion of how Bee is introduced from other Transformers media.
I have no idea how to feel about Mandroid. It feels like he really doesn’t have much of a significant impact on the story, since GHOST are the main antagonist and the Decepticons being more of a morally gray chaotic neutral type characters. After the end of the first part, I only have questions of where the hell is he. It’s such a shame, since he has a lot of interesting potential and he has a banger voice actor behind him. At least he came back in the finale episode for reasons I’ll get to in the positives section of this review.
Anyways…yeah, that’s all I have to talk about in terms of critiques. Let’s move onto the good stuff: EVERYTHING ELSE. 🥳
A Night of a Thousand Bumblebees:
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This show gets points for referencing the Optimist Prime and Negatron meme.
The main characters are just so charming and lovable, I WILL PROTECT THEM WITH MY LIFE. The Malto family is the main human characters done right. Dot is such a badass with such an enduring friendship with Megatron, along with being a loving mom and best wife to Alex. She’s also really great disability representation, showing that even with the prosthetic leg, she’s still a badass. Speaking of Alex…this man has no right in being such a lovable dork who loves his family and having so much swag. I want that Bumblebee suit. Mo and Robbie are very likable and adorable, especially regarding to their relationship with their Terran siblings. Speaking of the Terrans, they’re just utter darlings and a joy to watch. Twitch is hyperactive and cute, Thrash has a lot of funny moments and a likable personality, Hashtag is surprisingly enjoyable considering her powers of the Internet, I would die for Jawbreaker, AND NIGHTSHADE IS THE AUTISM CREATURE. I fucking love them, not only for being already being great nonbinary representation but also has a lot of relatable quirks such as their mechanic hyperfixation and their difficulty in having social interactions with other people. And…THE SCENE WHERE THEY SAY THEY ARE THEY/THEM HAD ME SOBBING SO HARD. It’s just amazing to see the franchise that helped me out so much throughout my life validate my existence and the existence of so many others like me. ✨😭✨
Bumblebee took a while for me to warmed up to him, but he eventually becomes the Bubblewrap we all know and love. Also, his relationship with Breakdown, although brief, is so wholesome. 🥺
Other things I love is the voice acting, including the welcomed returns of Transformers alumni such as Steven Blum and Roger Craig Smith, the animation is beautiful, the fight scenes are bonkers and well choreographed, the humor is yeesss tier, and overall, the messages such as having a good relationship with your family and good teamwork. Delicious food. ✨
I really love what this show is doing with Megatron and Optimus. Their relationship is perhaps my favorite part of the show. You can definitely feel not only how close they are as fwiends, but you can see both sides of the idea they represent: what if every bot deserve second chances? I appreciate the nuance to the Autobot vs Decepticon conflict, something that is definitely built up from Cyberverse. Here, it explores in depth about the more gray and complex areas of the conflict, where neither side is right nor wrong. However, it’s a reasonable two sides of a coin story that is explained well enough to appeal to both kids and adults. I also like how Megatron and Optimus are willing to hear each other out even through their disagreements. Optimus is also very likable and adorable, being a big ol dork you cannot help but be charmed by. Now…let’s focus on Megatron now.
I thought “Decay” was my favorite episode for exploring Optimus’ and Megatron’s relationship in depth, and bitter divorce ex Soundwave…until “Warzone” came out. This Megatron manages to fix the main issue of Autobot Megatron: it makes sure that he has to work hard to earn trust in his journey of redemption. He is someone with a lot of regrets over how much destruction and devastation done to Cybertron, because of his actions. It doesn’t sugarcoat the realities of his redemption: there are people who are not gonna accept that he wants to end the war nor understand how much the war costed the Cybertronian people everything. The cherry on top of his lessons to the baby boo boos about not repeating the same mistakes the Transformers did is the presence of the flowers from the IDW. Quick summary: they represent how much lives are lost in a conflict. Just…the way it fell from the monument at the Spacebridge Memorial to Megatron gently picking it up and putting it back on it, symbolizing how much he truly changed for the better. After the fight with Shockwave, including all the heartbreaking LAYERS of the gravity of Megatron’s redemption, it concludes on a beautiful message that many people came learn from, especially in these current times. you cannot change the past, but if we learn about it, we will be able to not make those same mistakes ever again. Thus, “Warzone” is my favorite episode in the entire season. In fact, I want to dedicate an entire essay to how this series portrayed Megatron once everything is done and finished. We’ll come back to the topic soon, lads.
Also, I really love how the show is exploring the not so bright side of having bots on planet Earth. The finale episode is perhaps the episode that rivals “Warzone” for not only bringing more amazing nonbinary representation in the form of Sam (looking forward to seeing her and their relationship with Nightshade in future episodes), but for managing to tell a story of how to deal with racism (through the Terrans being treated as outsiders in the big city) without sugarcoating it and telling it in a way that kids can understand. Hashtag feels the most pain in being treated as an outsider, even with her family there to tell her that everything will be okay. Then…perhaps one of the darkest scenes of Transformers as a whole is when Mandroid took over her as an attempt to get rid of the baby boo bops and try to get Bumblebee’s parts, and feeds into her insecurities over whether or not she has the right to live on Earth. Through the use of mind tricks, he is a representation of all the disgusting ignorance and stupidity plaguing our real world right now, trying to “prove” that marginalized people, who are represented by the Terrans here, have no right to exist. However…then the Malto kids used the power of the Green Prime to reach out to Hashtag and let her know that everything will be okay. True, not everybody is going to be compassionate and understanding of people who are different from them. There are genuinely evil and hateful people who will never be negotiated with and will never understand the concept of being a decent human being. However…it doesn’t mean that you should let them get to you. You deserve the right to be yourself and live your life the way you want to live it. You are surrounded by people who love you and understand what you’re going through. You are not alone. You are good enough. In a time where we experience such amount of racism, misogyny, and homophobia in places in and out of the Transformers fandom…we need this message more than ever. We should not follow Mandroid’s hateful ideology. Instead, we should be the Maltos. Love will triumph over hate, and no matter how much the world tries to crush you, you are more than meets the eye in beautiful ways.
Conclusion: This is number three on the Transformers ranking list as of the time I am writing this. 💕
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Transformers Earthspark is incredible. It has no right in getting everything so right. It’s a fantastic love letter to the Transformers franchise as a whole. Let the haters talk smack. I am confident in saying that this show is the ever rare Ultra Yesss tier 10/10.
Please check it out if you have accessibility to the show on any platform. I promise that you’ll not regret this fantastic start of a promising new future for Transformers. ❤️
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
ridi if u are still online please look away my love <3 but yes....the jegulus brigade won me over i do in fact ship jegulus xoxo
1. what made u ship it
i read best friend's brother and choices 😐 and i thought hey yeah the angst potential is really here....like sorry but i just love a tangled web and that's what jegulus is to me!! i am but a little fly who got all wrapped up in the horrible sticky strings and now i await my doom
2. favorite things
ok so like. yeah the thing about this ship 2 me is it NEEDS the angst. like my favorite thing abt the ship is how fucked up it is i love that regulus is extremely morally ambiguous and drags james who tries so hard to cling to his moral compass into that. like 2 me it is one of the most interesting ships to explore james's flaws as a character in that his personal loyalty can really blind him to the bigger picture around him. and also the fact that like...he can be a bit of a bully like truly i think when james cares about someone he can be the nicest person in the universe but he also gets these blinders on and just crashes around and smashes into people if he isn't being careful and regulus encourages that!! and of course i love all the opportunity in jegulus fics to explore the fucked-up relationship dynamic between regulus + sirius + the effect that has on both their relationships w james and each other. like my love for jegulus has...less to do with regulus himself i think and more to do with his character as a vehicle for exploring incredibly angsty stories lmao
3. unpopular opinions
buckle up! so i mean looking above OBVIOUSLY i want jegulus to be pretty unhealthy + fucked up in most scenarios like i like the ship bc of the way these two characters highlight each others flaws so i am sorry but i cannot STAND the uwuification of jegulus. i feel like so much of the jegulus fandom is very soft and fluffy because regulus has just become the character that all u kinnies project onto which...well i mean i have already written an essay on why i think that happened so i will not go on lol. but YEAH regulus is kind of evil to me SORRY and james is a bit of a cunt too and i think they make each other a bit worse in many ways. ALSO. timothee chalamet is NOT regulus jesus christ!!!!! jesus h christ!!!! my friends my loves my dears i NEED u to free ur minds from the shackles of these stupid cigarette men who all look like the rat from flushed away PLEASE regulus is. a less attractive version of sirius. sure he's fine to look at but he's nothing special which. honestly timothee chalamet would fit that bill if not for u bitches SALIVATING over him dear god. CEASE AND DESIST!!!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Sophie’s father is a human. It is only logical explanation for many of the things that happen in the series.
We are told time and time again that elves cannot feel guilt or see violence. It causes their minds to shatter and break. This is not a problem in the Elven world because it is very sterilized and uneventful. In the human world though, elves would suffer immensely. The violence on television and the day to day lives that humans live would cause them to feel overwhelming amounts of guilt. This makes me wonder how Sophie, who lived in the human world for twelve plus years, never experienced any type of guilt. She would have seen violence on television and read about it in school (she had skipped grades and would have learned about mature topics that could potentially break the mind of an elf). These types of things can cause extreme emotional reactions in human adults, much less an elf.
For guilt, Sophie would have done plenty of things that made her feel guilty. Taking something she was not meant to take, lying by omission, or just being mean because she was in a bad mood. The books said she was consistently in conflict with Amy. As a human, Amt might have been the one who was always creating problems, but after reading the books and seeing how Sophie treats people at times, I think there were moments where Sophie could have created conflicts too. Amy could have certainly been the aggressor at times, but there were moments where Sophie would have been. Things get even more convoluted when the inflicting scenario is considered. That would most certainly cause her to feel guilt, so that is why Forkle wiped it from her mind. However, once she was reminded, she moved on from it suspiciously quickly.
The only logical explanation for this is that Sophie is not fully human. She can experience small amounts of guilt due to her human heritage but she cannot experience overwhelming amounts of it. That would explain how she was able to live in the human world for a long time then never experience guilt.
The only flaw in my argument is that Sophie has never actually done anything that would make her feel guilty if she was never aware that she was hurting other people. If she chooses to be willfully ignorant of it or does not know the full scope of it, then she would never experience a mind break. In that case, Sophie would be an elf.
The only male human character we are introduced to is Sophie’s human father and the man in London. If he is a human, it is likely the latter.
Interesting! I've talked about this idea slightly before, but never as in depth as you've presented it. I do find the idea compelling, though there are aspects that don't quite mesh for me and I'm on the edge.
One other flaw I find with your argument is that Mr. Forkle did tell Sophie that she was 100% elf in book 2, so if we take him at his word there then she can't be half-human. However, he was in the middle of reassuring her she wasn't half-horse and isn't above lying, so there is that. Figured it was worth measuring.
Aside from that, I do find this theory intriguing. Sophie has felt strangely in the middle of two different worlds, reminding herself she never really belonged in the human world and telling herself the elven one, even as confusing as it can be to her, is where she belongs. Being half-human, she'd have the connection to her childhood that really gives her a place there, and I think it would offer comfort to know she did belong, even if not entirely. And it could also free her from the stressors of trying to find her place, knowing that there's never been anyone like her before so she can make her place, not try and find it, if that makes sense.
I've often wondered about guilt in the elven world, though. Alden's shattering was from a significant situation, breaking a mind and ruining lives when he wasn't sure it was worth it. But even that took over a decade to truly break him. So while Sophie has undoubtedly felt guilt before, given her mental fortitude I doubt instances like lying or being in a bad mood are enough to break her.
I wonder if the attitude towards guilt--"don't think about that!" "don't feel guilty!" "guilt is dangerous!"--makes it seem like guilt is more risky than it is simply because they don't actually know the limits and can't fix it, so they're super cautious about it just in case. Because elves have felt guilt without breaking, that's just how emotions work. So there's some boundary, some amount and some length of time, but they don't know it. So they're careful.
In that case, Sophie wouldn't have to be human or anything non-elf, as she hasn't been exposed to significant, prolonged guilt or violence that would break her. She could be on her way towards a break, but she has a strong mind, so it could be another decade or so before it really sets in. It's only been about two years since things really started getting violent and graphic, so if we use Alden as a measure, there's still time.
I do agree that if it is a human, it's probably Ethan. That would be more impactful than some other random human introduced, even if we aren'y very familiar with him.
Anyway, my point is that this theory is interesting and I wouldn't be upset if this is what turned out to be canon! There's a lot of potential here, though I do think it would need some explanation to make it truly work. Either way, thanks for sharing!
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bigtopveggie · 2 years
Ship Bias mwah
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up ships I have a bias for for my muse 💚
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Midori x Chiaki
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I mean, it's very clear, my ship bias is not subtle at all on this one ... it cannot be, because I love them too much. They are the reason I am so into Enstars. They both caught my eyes, and when I saw their relationship, I was done for.
Obviously, their rapport is very fanservice tease, but there is so much potential and so many things to unpack here. From Chiaki choosing, amongst everyone else, Midori as protégé, no matter how annoying he can be, no matter how cruel the things he says are, and never letting go.
How Chiaki has been called out to be constantly out there to have skinship with Midori even though he is physical with everyone in general. How Midori is the only one Chiaki does very no homo advances to, like wanting to give him CPR because he looks dead ( read : just looking down ) and such. It is just such a common cope out to when you are attracted to someone for real in gay men, it is impossible for me to not have my heart strings tugged at all those scenes sprinkled whenever Ryuseitai shows up in ! .
The coup de grâce is Midori being just ... such a tsundere. Getting the UP! buff when called out that he enjoys Chiaki's company, being told he looks so happy whenever he's with Chiaki just after he relentlessly complained about him.
It is impossible to not read them like they're two guys pining on one another or just an old married couple. Add to this the kouhai/senpai dysfunctional relationship and there is just so much spice to them as they both carry their baggage and crash into one another. They both complement each others' flaws and qualities, for the better and worst. And they are just so endlessly entertaining to me to see together. They take information in such a drastically different way, I always am happy to see them interact.
They are a relationship about moving on and growing together. I love that they have nothing to do with one another's past, that those are just two complete people who have a spark.
A loudmouth who takes the whole space and a meek, soft boy. I am a sucker for those bright characters who take center stage having this tranquil, side character who is their other half which we see less often but is just impactful every time he enters the scene ... that is Midori. Amidst their misunderstandings and the myriad of strong feelings they have for one another, there is just SO MUCH potential for so many heartwrenching and wholesome storylines ... I adore them, I think about them all the time ... !!!
Midori x Hinata
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There's potential to have the two of them be so much more than friendly acquaintances ... they are friends, but I'd say so far in canon interactions, not as close as they could be, mostly due to Hinata keeping an emotional distance from everyone. Hinata is just always a step ahead to Midori, which is to me because he pushed himself to grow up quicker than he should have ... while still having the same immaturity, as you cannot rush growing up entirely.
Hinata always know what to say to distract Midori from dark thoughts without being over the top, their interactions are positive and mundane ... which is actually very rare for Midori : it actually fits much more the energy in which he sees himself being happy : just leading a peaceful life. My guess is that Hinata, just like Midori, is a depressed individual, and tell Midori what he wished someone would tell him. You see this repeat in the same way Tetora grows resentful of Midori : that Midori is a dark mirror to his inner cynicism. However, in Hinata's case, he only sees compassion and even, dare I say, trust. A lot of people see massive flaws in Midori that are caused by his mental disorder, however, Hinata sees pass this and can see how compassionate and thoughtful Midori is despite his struggles.
As for how Midori sees Hinata ... unfortunately, there has not been a lot, because of how caught up he is in his head, how Hinata is so good at masking and how Midori does not like being involved in troublesome business that is not his. This, however, I do believe can change as shown in how in !!, Midori is open about wanting more friends and actually trying to nurture relationships outside his immediate circle. For him to be the one poking at people first and not wait for people to come to him.
There is this peaceful ( dare I say cottagecore ) potential for he and Hinata to become so much closer. Because, despite what it may look like, I do think that Hinata is the one who needs Midori most, someone close to him that is not his brother or someone involved in the drama with his brother. Someone entirely on his side. And Midori is one who, if given the chance, would be eager to support someone like Hinata who's always been there for him - Midori may look like he is entitled, but he actually fully realize when others go out of their way to accommodate him and feel shame and guilt over it, something that stopped him from socializing for so long. He does see how Hinata is kind to him, but his self-loathing makes him too embarrassed to dare ask for more than Hinata already gave him by helping him out all the time.
And past their issues ... Hinata is cheerful and mischievious, all the high energy Midori do need to see some light in his life, but not overbearing. Midori is the calm and stability Hinata needs in the chaos that is his life ... and, honestly, with all the joking around Hinata does about Yuuta being his boyfriend, I sense some yearning to actually have a genuine boyfriend, a wish for romance, and him calling Midori really good-looking ? Yeah. Yeah.
Those two are such a nice chemistry just waiting to be used more *shake HappyEle* !
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thefilmsimps · 2 years
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (dir. Ryan Coogler)
-Jere Pilapil- 8/10 “It’s about grief!” was such a pervasive summary of Wandavision. And in hindsight, that seems like it devalues the idea of a superhero movie grappling with the reality of losing a loved one. The premise of Wandavision was an apt metaphor for how one might process a personal tragedy, but it was, ultimately, a hypothetical. Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is a movie steeped in grief, an attempt to put on a brave face and move forward (as all Marvel franchises must) while still paying tribute to the star of the previous Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman. Black Panther remains my favorite Marvel movie, and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever at times feels like a perfectly fitting sequel. Much like how loss will interrupt life in its most unexpected moments, though, it also feels like a movie that was blindsided by Boseman’s untimely death from cancer. Here, the Black Panther T’Challa dies off-camera due to an unspecified disease (a glaring and jarring vagueness, considering how Marvel/Disney are so insistent of showing us every single detail they can). His mother Ramonda (Angela Bassett, tremendous) takes over ruling Wakanda, which finds itself imperiled by international interference on all sides. This movie is defined by the absence of Boseman, but it’s also one of the best Marvel movies to be centered on the experience of women (and I liked Captain Marvel!). It’s mostly the story of Letitia Wright’s Shuri, T’Challa’s sister, as she navigates the death of her brother and comes into her own. But it makes space for the women who populated the previous movie: Ramonda, of course, but also Lupita Nyong’o’s Nakia and Danai Gurira’s Okoye. It introduces Riri Williams, a teen genius inspired by Tony Stark’s Ironman. They all have their own arcs that do justice to the talents of the actresses behind them, a balancing act that Coogler achieves pretty well. Meanwhile, the main opposition to Wakanda is introduced via Tenoch Huerta Mejia’s Namor, leader of undersea nation Talokan. Wakanda revealing itself and its resources to the world at the end of the previous movie inadvertently risks the secrecy of Talokan, and Namor’s solution is first to retried and kill a MacGuffin (Williams, the young scientist), or, failing that, war. Even after the original Black Panther, it’s refreshing to see a massive blockbuster like this centered on nonwhite characters. The people of Talokan are descended from the Mayans, and the movie takes care to make them sympathetic, even if Namor’s solutions are potentially catastrophic (pausing a second to roll my eyes at how much Marvel does that, but it’s the right choice this time). It’s an incredibly busy movie, to its detriment. It’s one of the moments where the gap between source material and adaptation shows: a comic book could grapple with the death of a character (or pay tribute to a behind-the-scenes loss) with an issue or two, segmenting it off from the rest of a story arc. Comic book movies, though, are more inclined to jumble everything together, jamming so much into 161 minutes that at points that you just want to breathe and take a break, but no, this is a movie theater. And even at home you could pause, but you’d pick right back up with 3 plotlines to follow at all times.
I get the sense that a good chunk of this movie would have happened had Boseman not passed, and that his loss added some extra plot points and shifted some character arcs a bit. It’s a weirdly sobering thing to dwell on, the way these movies are such a capitalist factory product that even the unexpected death of the face of the franchise cannot stop the production. And that sometimes-uneasy grafting isn’t the only flaw for this movie, which, like so much of Marvel’s “Phase 4”, succumbs to needless spinoff setups for the sake of feeding the Disney machines. And, arguably least importantly of all, the action feels a bit more generic and less considered than in the original. Still, despite all that, the emotional core of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is satisying, the worlds explored and characters populating them still worth the time.
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energy-slider · 6 months
Sex is like electricity, and the body is a conductor for electrical energy to flow through. When two bodies connect the energy fields they carry overlap, creating what I would consider to be a magnetic field. I theorize sex has the potential to move electrically charged particles in a particular direction. The magnetic field probably moves in a circular motion, similar to the geometrical shape of a torus. What if, through the torus shape of this magnetic field, an energetic gateway is created? Well, in biology, this is exactly what occurs. In simple biology, sex is a gateway for creation, the creation of a human being. No matter how materialistic we become, we cannot ignore the fact that sex is an entryway for life. If it’s an entryway for life, what else is it an entryway for? Well, go back to the idea that sex is a conductor for electrical energy. Electricity can be used for the detrimental devolution of mankind, or for the conscious expansion of mankind. In the future, one would hope that humanity has utilized electrical energy in a clean way. For now, much of what we use to create electricity, has its flaws, and most importantly, its debris. Sex is an energy source. An energy source can be productive or draining depending on how it is utilized. Mind-numbing, mechanical sex (which is what is often seen in porn), is the practice of conducting energy from a dissociative or self-serving space. Mechanical sex is solely used as a way to hijack the body’s hormonal response system in hopes of getting momentarily high. This version of sex is similar to drug use, where bodies become tools for dissociation rather than tools for connection. When bodies engage in numbed out forms of creation, you have to wonder, what is the gateway, the magnetic field created by two people, ushering in? Is this magnetic field, a space in time that has the potential to create the miracle of life, pulling in love, source-energy? Or, is this magnetic field a doorway to darkness? A channel for ushering in negative thought forms, and potentially parasitic energies? Since our culture has shut itself off from understanding how energy works, people are often careless about the energetic fields they create. Treating sex as a linear, one-dimensional method of releasing endorphins and oxytocin, is taking a quantum energetic potentiality and condensing it into a suppressed form of existence. Realizing that sex is the overlapping of energy fields, the momentary merging of minds, and a potential conductor for the creation of a magnetic field, is understanding that you hold more than just the capacity for the creation of life, but the capacity to create magnetic ripples through space and time. This ripple effect pours into the collective, influencing the world around you and the world within you. Intention and awareness, as to the vulnerable link between sex and the creation of reality could not be more important, especially during this point in time, where many teenagers are being taught to pick out people on the internet, as you would pick out a product at the store, for sexual intimacy. The dissolving of sexual wisdom, where sex is quickly becoming a by-product of an over-indulgent ego, will be a leading factor in the creation of a technocracy. Mechanize sex, and you eventually have a mechanized society. There are also many people waking up to the powerful forces of energetic creation, as consciousness begins to grasp the deeper meanings of intimacy (not just sexual intimacy but emotional intimacy). Like sacred texts that have been buried away and kept from the masses, only to resurface at an auspicious moment in time, the power of sex will emerge to the forefront of consciousness, so long as we remain dedicated to our inner work. The understanding of how energy works, not only regarding sex but through key elements of emotional connection, will be the defining factor in the birth of a conscious new era.~ ~Mary Allison
What most people don't understand is this goes much deeper.
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daisylikesmedia · 11 months
Holiday Special 13: Last Christmas
Heyy everyone, it’s been a hot minute but I’ve got some space between assignments so I wanna get back to writing up some Doccy Who reviews. Luckily enough, this was a draft that had been sat waiting to be finished since January, so it’s time to finish writing this one up. Here’s my opinions on Last Christmas.
Ok let's get this out the way. It’s a Twelve/Clara/Danny story, and our FINAL one. Yeah of course I love how the characters are written here. This story is one that I find to be a super emotional watch, with Clara being ripped away from her dream world with Danny, and then nearly losing her time with the Doctor too. Maybe people will judge me for this, but I think the biggest flaw of this story is that Clara doesn’t leave the TARDIS. Would it be gut wrenching? Yes. Would I be sobbing all over myself seeing her lose the two most important people to her in a one-two punch? Also yes. BUT, I believe it would’ve created some of the most intimate character moments the franchise has ever seen, and I find that the ending feels a little squandered seeing them just get back to business at the end. It’s also a known fact that Moffat originally wrote this script with the aim of Clara leaving the show, but then Jenna decided against it, hence the rewrite and rushed fix at the end of it all. But hey, bar that ending, it’s on point.
Alongside our main three, our side characters are also compelling here. Shona was a possible TARDIS companion according to Moffat, and I agree that I think she definitely has a lot of potential as a character. She’s inquisitive, fun, and thinks outside of the box, which are all lovely character traits for a companion to have. Though hey, if we got Shona, we wouldn’t have got Bill, so maybe I shouldn’t complain too much. She wants to hold on to the dream and her new friends in her final scene, and then her being forced back into the real world and her lonely, messy apartment.. Yea that’s another Last Christmas heartbreaker sdgjkl;. Also Santa (Nick Frost) is fun in this story and like 70% of the jokes land you cannot change my mind on that :3.
Finally, let’s check out our monsters, the dream crabs. Yea they’re cool. I think the dissonance of a fun goofy santa story against these inception-inspired brain eaters works to the story’s advantage, and the way they are used against our characters to target their emotions creates some great moments. I do think they go a bit overboard with the dream crab-ception stuff at the end of the story, and I don’t think the aged Clara scene is particularly justified, but the villains themselves are a good concept that help the story more than they hinder it. And they make a great excuse for us to actually get Santa in a Dr Who story without it getting too silly for its own good.
TL:DR/Overview: Last Christmas is an episode with SO much heart. It reminds us why we care about these characters so much, whilst also teaching us that sometimes we have to move on. The ending does seem to stand fairly in contrast with this message, but I can forgive it for this because with a novel threat, great side-character, a lovely sense of humour AND some amazing character beats, Last Christmas smashes it out of the park regardless. I flip back and forth on whether I prefer this or A Christmas Carol, but today I'm on the side of Last Christmas. Blame recency bias :3
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Source: https://thedoctorwhocompanion.com/2018/08/06/last-christmas-shona-was-claras-replacement-as-the-new-companion/
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thedarkestofmysoul · 1 year
DE #3
Some people in your life are nice and kind to you while some others are mean and nasty. There are even some who ignore you or are indifferent to what you are going through. Do you allow their behavior towards you to affect how you treat yourself?
Right, so normally I do not let people affect the way I feel. My emotions are apart from theirs and their behaviour. However, I have this one flaw. When I see a potential future with people, I let my guard down. I let it down so the kindest part of my heart can shine through. For some reason, I will always be a bit more cold with my guard up to protect my soul. I am extremely resilient because I have been through so much pain already in my life, so my standard is to have this wall no one can get through unless I let them, meaning they can hurt me, otherwise they cannot. With this person, I felt like he was genuine, he was kind, he told me sweet things and I didn't feel like he was capable of hurting me so I let my guard down. Oh, how I was wrong. He did hurt me, badly. So over the past two weeks, I have been surviving instead of living because I am dealing with a constant heartache and bad intuition. I have lost 3 kg now because of it. I have been trying to find ways to build my guard up again. I have not been texting him as much, restricting myself from thinking about him, ... but it's hard. I must realize that he does not care how I feel or what I think. If he did, his actions would match up with his words. For this, I feel stupid in that I believed he would not hurt me even though my intuition told me he was no good news. I must realize I need to distance myself and let the other girl have him. I must realize that I am better. I showed him my gentle soul and he took advantage of it. He took it and broke it into pieces. I must realize and tell myself that my life must not be affected by his behaviour. I must tell myself that there are so many other people just like him because that is the truth. He is not unique. He is just another person, taking advantage of the gentle heart of women who try to be good to him. He is just one of so many. The hardest part of this is believing in myself. My head knows this is true, and knows I deserve so much better because I have so much to give. However, my heart does not want to believe it, my heart wants to give more chances to him. Furthermore, I am pushing my emotions away, I am pushing the sadness and sorrow that I feel away because I don't want that in my life. I have to let myself feel before I can heal. I am going to focus on that today and let every emotion out of my system so I can finally move on. I have to. Life has shown me that it can be abruptly stopped. In just a second everything can be over. So, I have to ask myself, if I die tomorrow, would I regret this yes or no? If I die tomorrow, would I have sorrow or would I be happy? If I die tomorrow, would I be in peace or not? Right now, my answer would be yes, sorrow and no. That is enough for me to have to make a change. A change for the better. I am above this situation, I am above his behaviour, I am above him. My goal in life is not to represent sorrow, sadness and depression. My goal in life is to represent pure love. I want to be pure love as I am a giver. I want to be love in itself because I believe that is the core of every human. Love is what we are born in. Babies do not feel sorrow, hatred, depression or sadness. Babies only feel love, they love to live, they love to breathe, and they love to explore their surroundings. So, let me be love, and love others. But to be pure love, I must be able to let go, I must be able to place myself above everything that hurts me and let it go. I have to stop thinking and tricking myself into living in an abominable reality. Imagination forms reality, so let's try and trick myself into believing I am just love, that I am strong and resilient and that for every loss, something better will come in return. Let's try until I make it.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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