chisaikore · 2 years
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soft--dragon · 4 years
Home Again
Five is still figuring out how to adjust to his new body and new life, surrounded by real people who cared
In which the Umbrella fam is worried about Five, and Five gets the damn hug he needs
Cursing (I wish I could say it was minor, but this is Five and his chaotic siblings were talking about here)
Don’t really know where this is set, sometime during season 1, I had an idea so I just wrote it (Vanya isn’t in this though she’s every bit deserving to be in the Umbrella Family as the rest of them)
Five knew it wasn’t going to be a good day.
It was a feeling that settled in his gut the longer the day dragged on. He jumped from his room to the kitchen, startling Klaus, and probably Ben who Five assumed was close by.
Klaus quickly got over his momentary shock, blinking a few times, taking in the bags under Five’s eyes and slump in his posture.
“You look like shit dude.”
It was a blunt statement from Klaus, one that deserved an equally blunt retort from Five. “Fuck off.”
The smallest of the Umbrella Academy dumped the contents of the coffee pot into a mug, taking a large gulp of the dark, rich liquid. He sighed at the familiar taste, swirling the half of the remainder before downing that too. Klaus visibly recoiled, eyebrows shooting to his hairline.
“Five, you might want to take it easy on the coffee, you’re in a body that isn’t built to hold that much caffeine.”
“That’s rich coming from the guy that’s killing himself with drugs and alcohol” Five bit back, eyes narrowing at his brother.
Klaus quickly raised his hands in surrender, hoping it might relax the riled boy in front of him. “Calm down Five, I was just-”
Five jumped before he could finish the sentence, taking what remained in the coffee pot with him.
“....That...could’ve gone better” Ben said from where he was sitting on the dining table, a contemplative look on his face.
“Yeah no shit genius” Klaus grumbled, crossing his arms firmly. “But at least he didn’t stab me.”
“Diego’s more likely to do that than Five, Klaus.”
“Fair point.”
Ben turned to look at where Five had disappeared, anxiety prickled at his skin. Something wasn’t right with his baby brother.
Allison wasn’t phased when she heard a loud thump close to her room. In this household, random noises were entirely normal. This was a mansion with six supernatural people, plus a mom robot and a advanced chimpanzee.
But what sounded like glass breaking and a hissed curse made Allison stand and move to the door. What she found, wasn’t what she expected.
Five was kneeling on the floor, rubbing his head and glaring daggers at the shards of glass surrounding him. The carpet was stained with what smelled like coffee.
The boy’s glare snapped up to Allison who had the sense to not react lest she agitate him further. Five was like a feral cat sometimes, had to be slow and unthreatening for him to give you the slightest sign of trust.
She leaned against the doorway, trying to appear casual. “You alright?”
“Fine.” The reply was curt and rough, like Five was trying not to let too much emotion slip out.
“Need a hand cleaning that up?”
“No, I’m more than capable Allison.”
“I know you are, I was just offering to help-”
Five hissed another curse and with a blink of light, he was gone again. Leaving Allison confused and a little hurt in his wake.
It wasn’t a smooth jump.
Five stumbled over his feet, similar to outside Allison’s room where he dropped the coffee pot. He almost face planted, but managed to catch himself on a nearby desk.
“Jesus Christ Five!”
The shout made him start, leaping into a defensive stance, almost snarling like an animal. His gaze fell on Diego lying on his bed. He was clutching his chest and a knife tightly, breathing rapidly. Probably coming down from the momentary adrenaline rush of fright.
“Why the hell are you in my room!?” Diego asked, but there was no real heat behind his words, mostly confusion.
Five didn’t pick up on the lack of venom, instead challenging the question with his own spiteful words.. “I didn’t do it on purpose asshole!” He snapped, gripping the desk tighter when he felt himself tether on his feet.
Diego must’ve seen it cause he sat up, putting the knife down. His usual glare being replaced by raised eyebrows and worried eyes. “Five, you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine! Why does everyone keep asking me that?!”
Diego’s worry disappeared in a split second at the sharp retort. He glared back in response, feeling his anger rise like a wild fire. “Because we care? Don’t know why we bother though, seeing as you piss on every attempt of basic emotion we give you.”
Five flinched back, gritting his teeth to ignore the pain that sentence gave him, but good god did it sting. He blinked away before Diego saw how much that statement hurt. He refused to show weakness.
But Deigo had seen it. Guilt and regret pooled into his stomach, staring at the spot where Five has just been. “Damn it” he hissed to himself, pinching the skin between his eyes.
Five hadn’t had proper company throughout his years in the apocalypse. He was relearning the ropes of socialising with his family. And adjusting to life in general.
Deigo sagged onto his bed, gripping his knife like a life line.
Why did he never think before speaking?
Luther was probably the very last person Five wanted to see right now. And to make matters worse, he was accompanied by Pogo and Grace.
The universe seemed to love kicking him when he was down.
The trio looked over when Five blinked into existence, close to falling down again due to his exhaustion of late nights and constant jumping.
“Oh hello sweetie” Grace smiled pleasantly, though concern shone through her robotic features at Five’s state. “Are you al-?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine” Five cut her off, waving a hand in their general direction. He needed to jump again. Away from people for awhile.
“Master Five” Pogo spoke up. “You seem exhausted?”
“Late night Pogo” Five replied shortly, hoping he’d be satisfied with the answer and leave him alone. He went to leave the room when a strong, yet gentle grip caught his upper arm.
It didn’t matter to Five that it was gentle. The fact was, it was still a grip.
He swung round in barely contained panic, throwing a fist. It slammed against Luther’s jaw. Though it barely making the bulkier man shift, the look on his face said everything Five knew Luther was feeling.
Shock, concern, anger, maybe even fear.
He jumped for a fourth time, leaving Luther, Pogo and Grace behind in varying levels of distress.
Five hit the ground again, almost screaming every foul word he knew right then and there in frustration. He wasn’t trying to be a dick. Honest to god he wasn’t. But his siblings were just so- so....caring. He wasn’t used to it, he wasn’t used to having others around, except Dolores.
They all wanted to help him. He suspected it was because of his form, he looked so vulnerable that they felt a need to protect and help him any way they could. It was kinda sweet really, but so incredibly forgein to him. He reacted the only way he knew how. With anger.
It was the only emotion he had been feeling these days. Anger at himself for screwing up the equation that got him stuck like this. Anger that he wasn’t able to save his family from the apocalypse. Anger because he wasn’t damn smart enough to figure out how to save the world.
Horror swirled in Five’s gut when his vision became blurred, the tears slipping from his eyes and onto the carpet. He swiped a furious arm across his eyes but it did nothing to stem the flow. He scrambled to his feet, running down the hall. He had to get to his room. If he got there, he could hide, and the others would never know he was crying.
Why couldn’t he jump? His mind was muddled. He couldn’t see. He could barely breathe.
He slammed into something solid. He would’ve fallen to the ground if a tender hold to his arms didn’t stop him. He could hear someone talking, but he couldn’t place them. It was all too much right now. All he could see was ash, taste it on his tongue, feel it on his skin.
He screamed, not knowing what else to do, tears streaming down his face. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, everyhing was too damn loud.
But then he felt...warm? It was like a heavy blanket had been put around his shoulders. He clung into the source of the warmth, desperately to not let it go. To not back to the freak show he’d been forced to live with for 45 years.
“...ive! Five you’re okay, please just breathe for me, breathe you can do it.”
He knew that voice, he knew it. It wasn’t Dolores, it couldn’t have been Reginald he was dead-
“Five please, please just breathe.”
Five complied, trying to draw in air but coughing when he couldn’t get in a full breath.
“That’s it buddy, you’re doing so good, come on, in and out.”
Five tried again, fingers digging into a soft material.
“You’ve got it, you’re doing great Five.”
Five drew in another breath, feeling his head clear. He pitched forward heavily, being caught by a sturdy figure.
“Good job Five” a soft voice murmured praisingly. “I’m proud of you.”
Five blinked a few times, the tears in his eyes not fully receding. Above him was black hair, kind eyes and a soft smile.
The ghost smiled wider, gently squeezing Five’s arms in confirmation. “Yeah, feel better now bud? Got it out of your system?”
Five’s hesitated then his head fell against his brother’s collarbone, sniffing. “Yeah...”
“You wanna tell me what triggered it?”
Five’s fist clenched Ben’s jacket tighter. “Memories” he mumbled.
Ben nodded his understanding. They stayed like that for awhile, Ben holding his little brother tightly to his chest, rubbing his back comfortingly. It felt nice, but Five’s anxiety wouldn’t stop spiking.
“I’m scared Ben...”
The small, unsure voice that spoke broke Ben’s heart. He squeezed Five tighter to him. Wishing he could take away all the pain and fear Five had to deal with during his time in the apocalypse. Take that away and give him his childhood back. See the boy laugh with a sparkle in his eye like he used to when they were all young. He dropped a kiss into Five’s hair, resting his head atop his smaller brother’s.
“I know” he murmured, “and I’m sorry you had to be alone for so long. I’m so sorry Five.”
The pair stood, arms wrapped around each other for a long time. Ben lost track of the minutes that went by. Though he did notice Five was getting steadily heavier in his arms. When he looked down, the boy was out.
Ben shook his head fondly, lifting Five into his arms. He paused for a moment. Had he always been this light? Ben couldn’t remember Five ever feeling so...small.
He shook off the surprise, carrying his sibling to Five’s room, gently easing him onto the bed. He sat on the edge, watching Five sleep, taking in how young he looked, but aware of how old he was. Having seen death and destruction at every turn. Years spent in solitude, forced to survive in a barren wasteland for years. It was horrid of think about.
Ben’s hand phased out of reality for a moment as he brushed it through his brother’s hair. Five nuzzled into the touch, eyebrows finally relaxing and giving him a look of peace.
“Sleep well Five” Ben murmured. “Your family will be here when you wake up, I promise.”
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kang-juunnn · 4 years
“I told sunset about you”: a reflexion
I had a day off yesterday. Four consicutive days without work, and absolutly nothing, or no one, to do. So I try to caught up to the series that everyone talk about, I told sunset about you. You can find it on LINE TV, just search it and it will pop up before you finish writing the tittle in the search bar.
The story is about a young high school boys who strugle to go to univeristy admission. The lead character, Teh and Oh-Aew is a childhood friend who sparated because of something childish in the past. They meet again in a tutor class who they both attend in order to pass the bare minimum to pass the admission test.
There were two ways to pass the admission, the first it through talent screening, which dont require you to take the admission test, and the latter is with written test which everyone hates. They both, Teh and Oh, is rolling for the talent screening test. Teh pass, but Oh didn't.
They were a best friend before, but now they are not. Teh who see Oh as a rival, always eyeing him everytime he had the chance. But because they have history, sweet history, the rivaly change became pitty as Teh see Oh's pretest result, they both had in a tutor class, who absolutely far from good. Teh is worried Oh could never pass the exam do to bad score. Teh decided to help Oh with the subject. Teh and Oh trying to patch the thing behind them, working to make a better and mature relationship between them. They have sweet memory together, thogh. Oh is the first one who encourage Teh in acting, which turn out Oh is better than him and this fact makes Teh upset and lost contact with Oh until they meeting in that tutor class.
Anyway, the pitty turn into love, and the strugle Teh faces because he is in agony to choose between his current lover, Tarn, and the new love he found, Oh. It not that simple, Tharn is a sweet girl, persuing architecture which require her to practice drawing everyday in order to pass the exam. Before meeting Oh, Teh is really had it with Tarn, but they both hold themselves together, and chose to focus on the exam only and will deal with their feeling after it. That was the plan, before Teh was swayed by Oh and everything change into chaos. Oh, in the other hand, is so soft and fragile. Teh seeing Oh as his childhood friend who he knows longer that Tharn. The past one month he spent with Oh just makes Teh fall for Oh in a romantic way. But the thing is, Teh cant just turn his way from Tharn to Oh because of the major problem between them. Tharn is a girl, and Oh is a boy. That was really hard choice he have to choose.
I only watched until the forth episode, because the story that relate to me and make me in a great despair because of the resemblance with me and Teh. Not in the romantic way, I dont have a crush with boy and girl in the same time like Teh did, but rather in the education matter. In the forth episode, Teh is supposed to report himself to the faculty in order to finish his admission and officialy became an univeristy student in his dream major. But Teh drop it and give it to Oh instead. It was reckless and crazy. Not romantic at all, but rather stupid and moronic.
I did the same with my application on university myself. I was supposed to report myself in a major that I like in the university I like in the city I like. Everything was good, everything I like. Unless for my parents. They was againts it so hard, like trying to sabotage it in the way they could. And they did, gracefully. Until this day, I never see them regreting it at all despite the fact that I've became a puddle of depressive shit that everyone hates because of what they did.
I turn off my application becase of my parents, I thought it was for a greater thing. I gave up my dream in the name of love for my parents, and see what I got from doing that? A long live regret and mental healt issues. To see something like that in a series and somehow makes it so romantic and inspiring is really pissed me off. It's not romantic, it's foolish, imature and just plain stupid. I couldnt bear myself to continue wathing the series, despite the cute actors and the fine production quality.
I have to say, it is hard to find that fine quality in a series with this genre. The storyline, the resembles to reality, the scenes, beautiful landscape, and everyhing is really fine. It just that particular thing that stop me from continuing to watch. I always get angry if something like that is to occure in anything. I still had grudge for that particular reason. I still angry for my parents if I had to recall that painfull memory. The angry, the lies my parents told me, the sadness, the long sleepless and lonenly nights. The suicide thoughts. I just hate it in everyway I can. My foolish 18 years old is fooled by his parent. I just hate it in everyway I can.
If someone is to read this and strugling with their application because of anything, I'd say do everything you can to get it. Do not do anything to harm that or you regret this for a live long. Love is important, but so is your dream and future.
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iamparadoxic99 · 5 years
hey i want to know more abt ur ocs! if u dont mind it wld be cool if u could like. tell a little abt them
oh fuck, where do i begin. how about i start with the various random one i just have as a concept and nothing really more. like i got this living ragdoll that just sorta exists to make people happy and enjoys wearing various dresses cause dresses are fucking cute.than i’ve got this vague feral slime that like fuck society and all i just want to consume. and various other i’m forgetting at the mo
then i’ve got this one completly unique and original character that i’ve tried to write something of a story for, but never really posted any sort of finale version. And they’re Jinx teach, a nb writer that had dropped out of college due to agoraphobia that was caused by the high stress envoment of college. And when they woke up on their 21st birthday, june 13th, 2018. meaning they were born on a friday the 13th in june, 1997. Anyways, they wake up and remember their past life as this a Great Evil that once tried to destroy the world. but they’re not motivated to do that anymore cause they like the world they’re living in, even tho it’s just their small apartment they really refuse to go outside of, due to the above mentioned agoraphobia. but yeah they’re like 5′1, got grey eyes, messy mid back at least brown hear. and enjoy wearing large slightly oversized sweater
and i’ve got two other competetly orginal characters, that are dating, whom i have a series of various short stories writen about. One is Melody, an ace succubus, whom more of a huggubus, , and her girlfriend, Sapphire. whom i just realized in the latest piece of writting i’ve realsed for them is half vampire, half something or other. might be dullahan, might be somethign else i don’t know.anyways, there is just system in the world where succubi, whom live in a netherworld sorta of place, make deals with individuals that reside in the mortal plane, as well as some that don’t, to do things for them. usually these things are those that bring the individuals some of pleasure, in exchage for something the succubus believe to be of equal value to what they did. and usually it’s some sort of sex thing, which is reason in this world for why succubi are known as sex demons, but it doesn’t always have to be a sex thing. And that’s what Melody is all about, a succubus only does those non-sexual jobs and such. Which is how she met Sapphire, whom she basically worked as a cosplay model for, so Sapphire could make sure that the cosplays that she was making were good and nothing was off with them. And eventually the two of them started dating and living together. and they’re so in love with each other and i try and do a good job of making everyhing all cute and and some shade of wholesome. yeah, i’ve got some drawing as references to them on here.
let me move onto like my danganronpa oc, i’ve got this main one i’ve got fleash out but never done anything with. The Ultimate seamstress, she basically make all her own clothes and such. her name is Naomi Maki. And basically she started making clothes basically out of a sort of jealousy, cause she has i’m not sure if it was a twin sister or an younger sister that kept having growth spurts causing their parents to spend more money and attention on her sister than her. So in a childish, but also sad, way thought that hey, if i make some new clothes for her out of her old clothes, than our parents don’t have to buy her new clothes and they can start paying attention to me again. it was of course terrible, but her sister was basically enamored with her so she loved it. and that basically what set her down the path of being the ultimate seamstress. of course her talent isn’t limited to just sewing clothe together, she can knit, crochet, and do embroidery. She usually wears a sweatshirt dress. but underneath it is a tank top and short. She wears glasses as well.
and now my homestuck ones. all fantrolls. And i’ve basically got all the ones i’ve got fleashed out a bit, enough to even talk about, in a fansession i’m currently writing, so you can find out mroe about all of them by reading that. and i’ve also talked about them quite a bit already on here so i can go in a bit less detail about them all.so first is talbot, he is my tired son with a poor concept of self care due to her horendious sleeping habbits he’s an olive knight of void and has a crow lususi have caecam, she is my more free daughter, a teal witch of rage, with a bat lusus. she’s blind, but gets by with text to speach and echolocation. she’s really hard to descrine cause i actually don’t know what she’s about really either, she’s just really fleashed out and i get in this mind space for her.i’ve got algaea, my jade maid of blood. she’s somehow a functional disaster of a gay. she does martial arts cause she originated from a dnd 5e homestuck homebrew., so i just kept that in as a part of her whole character. she has also picked up several different hobbies and such cause she has overheard cute girls how pretty they think girls who do those sort of thing are.also somehow i’ve ended up shipping all three of them together paleways, in a threeways moirialship.
now i’ve also got athoos and paagal two halves of the same troll, but really, they’re not just halves, they’re two full trolls that just happen to inhabit the same body and used to be the same troll, but shhh… i haven’t really revieled that in the fansession yet, i’m getting to that. ones a bronze female heir of heart and the other is a nb page of mind.
i have ocyete whom i created recently for my fansession, is a nb purple seer of time, otaku whom just enjoys liing life slowly. and just always have a good idea of what is going on and what will happened.avsati, indigo prince of space who is all about the details of stuff. and can get a bit too wrapped up in it all. and yeah he can be a bit much, he he usually means wellfinally althaf, a curelean rouge of life that loves excerising and such. and while is he is a bit of a hot head and such. he never stays angry or mad long when he loese his temper, and always sincerely appologizes for his rude behavior
and that’s really all of my big major ocs that i can think of right now. and i spent like an hour on this wow
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coltwashere · 4 years
Snip Snip, Bitch [March 8, 2019]
Amara moves to pour herself a tall glass of wine, slowly sipping the edge of her glass before topping it off once again, leaning onto the counter as she watches Colt walk into the kitchen, intently focused on his round, juicy, baby phat badonk as he moves to fill the dog food bowl, subtly sliding a few pieces of mail off the counter, savoring the moment as Colt moves to bend to pick them up. "Mmmmmnnnnnhhh!" She hums appreciatively, wrapping an arm around him as he moves past, her hand moving to give his ass a nice honking squeeze, keeping it securely locked. "Damn, you sexy thang. You opening a bakery with all these cakecakecakecakesssss." She purrs, moving to playfully gyrate onto him, giving him a slap with each utterance of the word, a laugh falling from her lips as she hears his own, taking another drink of wine, as she hops onto the counter. "Noooo, seriously though, weirdo. I lovelovelovelovelove you and the lil spawns we've bioengineered together, buuuuut I think it's time we had the Talk." She begins, meeting his gaze, miming a pair of scissors in between sips.
Colt makes his way into the kitchen after sorting through a few e-mails from work, playfully raising his eyebrow as he knows what Amara was doing, putting a bit of extra flair into his downward descent to pick up the mail, before slowly rising up as he sifts though a few pieces of the mail, looking at a flyer from In-N-Out a bit hungrily. A subtle playful smile crosses his usual Resting Bitch Face as he hears Amara's words, moving to take a beer of his own out of the fridge as he cracks it open, taking in what his wife had to say. "But I have so many more video game names, dork, like Zelda, Clementine, Bigby..." He goes on, continuing to rattle off video game characters from some classic titles, along with some indie ones, going on for a bit for extra effect.
Amara gives a nod of her head as she takes in each name, a flit flashing across her lips at some of the more obscure ones in the list, draping her arm over Colt's shoulder. "Right, Right. So, you're coming out of your pocket and dropping the coin on some Kim K esque surrogate then? Because no more of your big headed kids are sliding out of here, okaaaaaaer?" Amara declares, giving a snap of her fingers to enforce her words, "Orrr, I'd be down to see you try sims alien style? We can have as mannnny as you want in that case, bayyyybay. What do you say?"  She offers, playfully bucking her hips forward into him.
A flit of a smile crosses through onto Colt's lips as he hears the mention of the Sims as he draws Amara closer to him. "Just means we need to have more barbecues at ass o clock in our randomly generated swimwear the game assigns us," he offers playfully back. "Though if it's Sims...might as well just autogenerate, save us both the time so we can have more cheese fries and that damn banana bread?" Colt posits back.
"Omigod. Damn. You RIGHT!" Amara shouts out, before thinking it through a flash of excitement rising from her salivating tastebuds, pausing and silently listening out for any rogue baby cries for a few beats, before relaxing back, sliding down off the counter and looking through Postmates to see if they had put her fave bbq spot on yet, giving a sharp arm motion of victory as she takes it in, swiftly moving to order the feast of the lifetime.
"Bless the sims algorithm, right? Makes everyhing so much easier?" He muses with a bit of lightness, peering down at Amara's order. "Get some extra cheese fries for good measure, courtesy of Autogenerate," he reminds, all the shit on there looking really good, it starting to make him hungry, "and extra mac, too."
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