vimbry · 4 months
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returning to my little project of making a fake neopet out of my fursona for the Third time, because I keep changing their design before I can finish it.
on the second attempt, I decided to stop being lazy and actually make larger vectors instead of drawing directly on a 150x150 canvas - which, surprise, is a hell of a lot easier. this time around, I'm also using the flash colour palette to make everything a bit more authentic. and I made one of those pet info pages you could see by going to the species list.
I've almost completed the basic recolour/minor lineart adjustment paintbrush colours. gonna post a bigger collection of them later when they're all finished, then move on to the unique poses, but these are my favourites so far. I was actually keeping so rigid to the official styles for a few of them (proportions & anatomy, consistent colours & shading, etc.), before straying away enough from desert to realise, wait, I can just have fun w/ it lol.
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the-unforgotten · 1 year
finally got around to reading the unwanted guest. man I love the locked tomb so much
such wonderful character building like pal with the voice and the slow revelation of who that was. chefs kiss. ianthe doing settings dressing up just interacting with someone sooo different wonderful.
then the discussions and the impact they have on the greater world lore.
its a river so theres shores on both sides amazing
souls being permeable as an in character debate being solved by smoking wonderful
oh and that yes and the agonies line absolutely heart destroying
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othercrossee · 1 year
Let's gooo
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badstitched · 9 months
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. . * . ⭐︎ . * . ⭐︎ * .. . * . ⭐︎ . * . ⭐︎ * . It's nearly Capricorn Season!! . ☾ * . ☄︎ * . ⭐︎ * .. ☾ * . ☄︎ * . ⭐︎ * .
Here are some famous Capricorns: Michelle Obama Betty White Nicolas Cage Dolly Parton David Bowie Greta Thunberg J.R.R. Tolkien
I had fun with this design! It’s the seagoat representing your favorite Capricorn, also a Greek Mythological feature, so it’s 2 funs in one. Find the pattern here: https://badstitched.etsy.com/.../capricorn-cross-stitch... Find all my other cool stuff, like Patreon, freebies, newsletter, etc. here: https://www.linktr.ee/badstitch
I hope you check me out!
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authorchia · 8 months
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚ 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚢, 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚕𝚢. ⋆。𖦹 °
𝚅𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗
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AHA! I knew I would make a dedicated post for my personal r1999 crack ship! If you see this post you're in for a ride because I will make you interested in this ship~
As you may know from the title, I ship Shamane x Eternity, or I also like to call it SeaGoat/Capricorn. I already have a few reasons and headcanons for this couple, so heads up! Long post incoming below!
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💙 Ship name origin
It was a usual day in the r1999 discord server, and at that time they were talking about ships and stuff. I playfully asked if there's a good name for my ShamaNity ship. Then I got a revelation that I can call them SeaGoat because of Shamane's udimo and Eternity's sea/ocean theme! And one of the members said "...Capricorn". At first I was confused so I googled it AND I FOUND OUT CAPRICORN IS A SEA GOAT! "THIS IS GENIUS" I said, so that's how I adopt the ship name! Though I know it doesn't really fit with one of Eternity's voiceline. But if I name it OceanGoat... it's- uh- you get the point.
💙 Their dynamics
Good lord, they give off so many dynamics... But looking at their voicelines and in-game lore:
1. I can pretty much tell they're both yappers (in a good way). Eternity talks about mostly about seafood and about her experience as an immortal, while Shamane talks all about his journey being a shaman and some giving food to us (Vertin). I can see them talk back and forth about their experiences from their respective lives. They could know how each sees the world through the eyes of a mortal and an immortal. I like to think the suitcase feels lively as the both of them always talk to each other, no matter the time or circumstances (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾
2. THEY'RE BOTH OLD. In the current global roster, Shamane is the oldest of all the male characters (being 45 y/o) while Eternity is the oldest of all the female characters (being over a century old because she's a vampire). They definitely act like an old married couple. They'll be the suitcase crew's parents like isn't that just the sweetest thing?
3. Their Ultimate animation Just look at these!!!
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Shamane represents the sky while Eternity represents the sea/ocean, and it really tickles my neurons thinking about it. NOT TO MENTION Shamane's ultimate also has what it looks like some sort of lake? The point is that they both have something to do with water on it!
4. They both can fill their loneliness This more just me doing some headcanon, but from Eternity's voicelines, I can tell she's pretty lonely. Being an immortal has its advantages but also comes with a price. I haven't seen Shamane's full backstory, but judging from the trailer, he definitely went through a lot on his journey to become a shaman. As the two gets closer, Eternity would find him amusing yet inspiring for he's still alive after going through so much as a mortal and Shamane would find her intriguing and would be curious about the immortal's life. They slowly find solace with each other, the shaman receiving simple yet genuine love and care while the vampire gets to have someone who can have fun and relax together. Though Eternity knows they won't last forever, for Shamane's life is nothing but temporary in her eyes. She will be lonely in the end, like she always have, but at least she got to experience something new...
💙 Last words
Aaaaaand that's the end of why I ship them! If you made it this far, WOW! You certainly are a reader, my friend! Have a cookie for compensation~ 🍪
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
can you tell me more about draco and the northern oracle 🙏 i wanted to dive more into this when i saw your post about heavenly oracles but all that came up when i searched for the dragon was ladon
Ah yes, I know why that is.
Multiple myths can correlate to the same constellation. Capricorn, for instance, could be this one legendary seagoat who was memorialized for his bravery as a constellation OR it could be a representation of Pan's escape from Typhon as a seagoat.
The Draco constellation is like this - most will say it's to symbolize Ladon, the dragon who guards Hera's golden apples, while others will say the constellation itself is the earth-dragon of Koios's oracle.
Obviously, I think we all know which one I prefer lol
and!!! um!!! maybe I can tell you more, we'll see XD
So. I am of the mind that Draco and Python both coexisted with their respective Titan counterparts - Koios and Phoebe. They both witnessed the Titan War, and while Draco retreated inside Koios's oracle and kinda shut it down to a degree to keep it from falling into the gods' hands (because remember - Draco is on Koios's side here. He would do everything he could to keep it from Olympus.), Python remained neutral with Phoebe.
That is. Until he grew greedy. And wanted Delphi's power for himself. And then got slammed by her grandson lmao
I imagine Draco to be kinda an icy-blue and white dragon, resembling the north but also the sky, because that's where he and Koios get their prophecies from (and I see Python as purple & green hence the Earth and all that hehe. Colors!!!).
so context: Koios's oracle is to the North, but not like. the North Pole. The Ancient Greeks weren't aware of such a thing - sure, they believe Koios was the Northern pillar, but not like the North Pole.
This is important to know because Hyperborea, Apollo's eternal spring vacation suit, is located just below where Koios's oracle is!
SO IF WE TAKE OUT MY MAP HERE (yes I have a map for this. i have ADHD what do you expect?)
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The Underworld River Eridanos runs through Hyperborea, as seen by the 34 Gray marker on the map^
Gray marker 32 is the location of the Rhipaion Mountains, where Boreas lives. This is the southernmost border of Hyperborea!
Originally I thought Eridanos was like. the Northern border - but no! Sources say that it's the River Oceanus instead.
But the thing is. For this river to be the northern border, then that means Hyperborea takes up like. Bulgaria to Poland. Lithuania. Till it hits the Baltic Sea, at least.
(Wait. oh my gosh...that's how Freypollo happens...ohmygosh EVERYONE I'VE FIGURED IT OUT!
ahem. saves for later <-ask me about it. please.)
Apollo really just went "See this? It's all mine now." lmaooo XD
that or Boreas was a really good boyfriend <-headcanon i could share too if anybody's curious hehe
Delphi is the center of the world to the Ancient Greeks, so if we go North, Koios's would be right about...
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Koios has friends in the Norse pantheon confirmed?
guys I'm just spitballing right now. but it makes sense too.
Ancient Greece was aware of the Norse, btw! and, funnily enough, they could have mythologicalized them as...the Hyperboreans.
Freypollo happened y'all it's all right here
And I'm not making that up! It's historically agreed upon that the Hyperboreans in mythology were probably mythological avatars of the Norse! Greece rarely interacted with them, but they still knew of the other's existence. In fact, they were in a bit of awe of the Norse if memory serves correctly lol
Fascinating. Amazing how it all fits together.
Of course, remember this is just me making a crack theory about this Really Obscure Thing so there may be something out there that doesn't add up with this and if there is I Will make it Work with this but all in all, I think it does make sense?
Like seriously I just pulled this out of my head. Only the part above the cut was prewritten but the rest was pure crack theory slammed down.
As for where I think Hyperborea and Koios's Oracle are in the RRverse...
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Greenland be covered in snow, yes. But remember Hyperborea is a land of Eternal Spring and would not be deterred by that lol
Plus it'll be typical RRverse shenanigans for Eternal Spring to be in a Very Snowy place lmao
I was tempted to put Koios's Oracle at The North Pole but then I was like ehhh not very accessible, is it?
I can officially say this is my second theory lol hope you enjoyed the rabbit hole :3
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liberifatalis · 1 year
sephiroth's natal chart
disclaimer: EXTREMELY long post ahead containing mostly rambling and little explanations of basic astrology
i used to be really into astrology but it's been years and i'm very rusty so please just take this with a grain of salt. it's mostly ramblings anyway. as always, this is just my personal headcanons and it's not fact at all! this is just for fun. this is also western astrology, not vedic or chinese astrology (though i do mention chinese astrology once here).
i'm not really adding anything new, just expanding on his character which everyone pretty much agrees on in fanon, except from a very basic astrological perspective.
sephiroth's basic natal chart tldr sun: scorpio moon: capricorn rising: capricorn mercury: scorpio mars: scorpio venus: scorpio
so the two signs i am drawn to the most when it comes to sephiroth is scorpio and capricorn. the symbolism to me and the themes of scorpio and capricorn fit extremely well with sephiroth in my opinion. scorpio is represented by the scorpion, symbolic of death, rebirth, transformation, solitude, and power. capricorn is represented by the seagoat, which symbolises plunging to the depths or climbing to great heights, navigating the material and internal realms. when i think of capricorn or the seagoat, i think of unrelenting determination. the seagoat is also in many cultures and mythology, often associated with the tree of life, a rebirth wheel, so on so forth. quite fitting in my opinion. when i think of the scorpion, i think of a desire for power, the eerie calm before an expected storm (the scorpion will wait until it strikes, but it strikes only when threatened), death, rebirth, and change. apparently, in ancient cultures, the scorpion was believed to created a change in consciousness. very, very fitting for sephiroth, looking back at all the events that happened in his life.
i think both the themes of scorpio and capricorn are reflective of sephiroth's life and psyche, and i think they can be at times harmonious, and other times conflicting. scorpio and capricorn's symbolism can point to a life of growth and success, but also destruction if not handled with care.
(and a bit off topic, another symbol that comes to my mind whenever i think of sephiroth is the ouroboros symbol, which is an ancient symbol depicting a snake or dragon eating it's own tail. it symbolises death and rebirth and, you guessed it, the cycle of life. sephiroth is canonically born anywhere between 1977-1980, i always liked to believe he was 30 in the og game, meaning he was born in 77. recently there was a 'history of shinra' stream that suggested sephiroth is indeed 30 in the og game, making him born in 1977. and (diverging from western astrology) in chinese astrology, what animal symbolises the year of 1977? the snake).
so let's start with the sun.
his scorpio sun would be in the 8th house or 1st house. the sun represents the ego, the identity, who/what we strive to be, and the 1st house focuses on identity as well and these themes. the question many of those with the sun in 1st house would face is: who am i? what is my purpose? the sun in the 1st house can be considered a harmonious placement, "where it should be". analysing your identity and introspection can be tenfold with the sun in the 1st. and, as we know, facing the reality of that question is what came directly before sephiroth's descent into insanity. scorpio suns and scorpio placements are people of extremes. they are black and white. absolute. one or the other.
scorpio's symbolism is transformation, rebirth, regeneration and renewal, and death. not only does the scorpion represent scorpio but so does the phoenix (and also the snake). sephiroth undergoes plenty of transformations as we've seen, especially in his psyche, so it's fitting. and his 'rebirth', his transformation and death, happens due to his discovery of his identity.
now onto the moon.
anything cancer or scorpio moon can point to mommy issues. but cancer moon? nah. he's not that. scoprio moon? maybe....but i personally believe he's a capricorn moon.
(quick little explanation on astrological dignities: every planet has signs they favour and signs they don't favour. in astrology, certain planets rule each sign. for example, the sun rules leo. if you have a leo sun, that is a domicile placement. basically, leo is showing up exactly how you'd expect it to. it is dignified. but, the opposite of domicile is detriment. detriment is a sign where the planet really struggles to express itself. so, the opposite of leo is aquarius. if you are an aquarius sun, this means this placement is in detriment. it is not a bad or evil placement - but, with the context of themes of the sun, it can cause struggle and complications).
the moon represents our depths, the unconscious, the internal, our emotions. the moon is associated with the mother and the inner child, too. capricorn moon is in detriment. "thoughts that lie too deep for tears are ideally the thoughts which are brought to mind by tragedy." that is how i see capricorn moon for sephiroth.
the moon is not too happy being in capricorn. capricorn is seen as pragmatic, and capricorns are, but having a capricorn moon can create many internal hardships. the moon doesn't know how to embrace the internal depths in capricorn as it does in cancer. instead, it chooses to drown them, hiding them under the surface. sephiroth often keeps a calm and aloof demeanour - you wouldn't be able to tell he was going through any tribulations unless you knew him very well. and this can be a good thing at certain times, being able to maintan professionalism and rationality; but it is often overused by capricorn moons, to the point where it ends up as a hindrance. capricorn moons need a stable environment, they need stability, and they need to feel like they "fit". if they don't have that, it can cause great turmoils.
his capricorn moon would either be in his 8th house or 12th house. moon in the 8th house has a need for emotional security (capricorn would heighten that), and if the moon in the 8th house doesn't have that, it can be pushed to the limit or even beyond. moon in 8th house is internal reinvention. envy and possessiveness (which, at its core, is the fear of loss) is a struggle for those with the moon in the 8th house. those with their moon in the 8th house will often close themselves off, and their desires are 'all or nothing' - the 8th house's ruler is scorpio, so like i mentioned before, scorpio is the extreme, the black and white. any placement in the 8th house will shadow these themes.
moon in the 12th house might be more fitting for sephiroth, though. the moon in the 12th house is extra sensitive, and it can be destructive (and also beautiful). those with their moon in the 12th house often favour solitude, and yet it can cause a deep loneliness. moon in the 12th house can be extreme for those who don't know how to navigate it, and capricorn moon in the 12th would make it difficult. capricorn moon in the 12th house can often be flooded and overwhelmed with emotions and internal thoughts they don't even understand, so they'll just shut them out even more, causing more of a strain. due to this, capricorn moon in the 12th house will often withdraw, unable to express what they feel/what they want, and even all of that can be an enigma to them. it can create a feeling of being an outcast. the solitude and withdrawing can be healing, but once it is overused and is turned to more than being open and honest, it can be destructive and harmful.
the rising/ascendant.
the rising is like the first impression and the "outer". it is other's expectations of us and our own expectations of us, the mechanisms we use to cope and adapt, our appearance, our body.
i was contemplating between scorpio and capricorn rising but i felt capricorn rising suited him more.
capricorn risings appear to be calm and collected, they appear competent. they are known to be successful, and to everyone else it looks like it comes easy, but capricorn risings are very hardworking! i feel like many people would view sephiroth as shinra's golden child, as if he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and that since he's a first class SOLDIER, that everything easy to him. and eventually, yeah, things get easy - he's skilled at combat and it's easy for him. but they don't know the years and years of abuse he went through, the neglected childhood, and actually, the complete lack of a childhood that made him the SOLDIER he turned out to be. he is the 'hero', but it cost him everything.
capricorn risings also have a deadpan, dry humour which is exactly the type of humour we see sephiroth has in canon.
capricorn rising's actually have a strong desire and love for family. and this just makes it so depressing in sephiroth's case. capricorn in general have a need for structure and stability as i mentioned before, so capricorn risings need an environment around them that's nourishing and supportive. a lack of that will cause them to rely on themselves, or even rely on people that aren't good for them, as long as those people are there. it explains why sephiroth stuck with shinra as long as he did. they abused him, treated him as nothing but an object and weapon, and he hated it - but they were all he had. then he had genesis and angeal, but we all know that didn't last.
capricorn risings were often the 'responsible and capable kids'. they can often not speak up and will just do what their told/complete tasks, even if it's detrimental to themselves. they try their hardest to maintan a 'cool' exterior from childhood up until adulthood, and if they don't have genuine support, it can be very destructive and detrimental to their mental health. sephiroth has carried a lot from his childhood onto adulthood, and the rising sign can be indicative of this - the rising sign can represent the persona that was enforced via family/peer conditioning. sephiroth has carried a lot of what he was forced to believe from shinra and hojo right up to his adulthood, and while it is a source of internal conflict, it is something he can at least hold on to for stability, albeit momentarily.
capricorn risings are also big worriers. constantly worrying about if they're on the right path, doing the right thing, if they deserve things, etc etc.
his mercury is absolutely in scorpio. oh my god. it's so fitting.
mercury is the messenger, it represents communication and expression. it is ideas, information, thought processes, curiosity. think of mercury as pulling things apart and putting them back together.
mercury in scorpio is like going down a rabbit hole. you're alice in wonderland, pretty much. mercury in scorpio is the absolute insatiable need to know absolutely everything, inside and out. it is the need for control, and control is power, and power comes from knowledge. mercury in scorpio is analysing every little thing - it is wanting to know exactly what something meant in a conversation, why they spoke the way they did, why their hand moved like that. it is wanting to know the depth and intricacies of the universe, the stars, your own body, mind and soul. mercury in scorpio wants to the know the truth, the depth of the truth, whether it's something with a very unimportant context or not. if someone with this placement doesn't know something, it makes them feel like they are in the dark.
can speak very bluntly and often harshly. doesn't mean to, though. if angry, you will be able to hear the rage in their voice. can be quite passionate, also, with words if the other astrological placements allow them to.
can be prone to paranoia or going to the deep end, but this is dependent on the other placements in the chart mostly. in sephiroth's case, you know...the nibelheim incident. when he's in the shinra manor for days without eating or drinking and just absorbing all the information he can get. yeah. that's scorpio mercury for you.
his mercury in scorpio is either in the 8th or 12th house, but personally, i'm leaning towards the 12th. mercury in the 12th would lean more to trust issues, struggling to communicate, being misunderstood, struggling to develop the ability to express yourself, extremely discreet if in an environment they don't trust.
on to mars.
ah, finally, the boy gets a placement that isn't in detriment. mars loves to be in scorpio, as it rules aries and scorpio, and that means it's in domicile! his mars is in scorpio. yay for sephiroth! this means that the energy of mars is expressed naturally, but that doesn't mean there can't be any struggles, and that doesn't mean that others won't find these expressions offputting.
mars is the god of war, so in astrology, it symbolises survival, passion, anger, animalistic instincts, action > reaction, aggression, drive and raw energy. it is also the planet of physical/sexual attraction, whereas venus is romantic attraction, but i won't go into anything sexual as 1) i have those headcanons on my blog already and 2) i want to focus more on the sfw and non-sexual aspects of sephiroth.
mars in scorpio loves a challenge, but they're less brash than their aries counterparts. mars in scorpio is often more of a quiet confidence or arrogance. they lack boastfulness, but they won't back down.
if secure, mars in scorpio could give sephiroth confidence and clear and concise drive and power. but if insecure, it can cause self loathing which will project onto others, resentment, and manipulation. when insecure and hurt, mars in scorpio will want to literally break anything and everything. the whole mindbreaking cloud thing? yeah, that's his insecure and destructive mars in scorpio.
and again, i can't choose whether mars would be in his 8th or 12th house, and i'm actually split between the two.
mars in the 8th would be really beneficial and also destructive, considering scorpio is the ruler of the 8th house, and sephiroth has his mars in scorpio. mars in the 8th house is hard-working and passionate. but, it can take a lot of time to connect to that intuition and drive, and it can also take a long time to overcome feelings of guilt and fear. mars in the 8th can have an impending sense of doom. it is a strong survival instinct, but a person needs more than a survival instinct to keep going; they need community and love. mars in the 8th can be a wildfire that may need to be burnt out. there is a tendency for people with mars in the 8th house to bury their problems and deal with things on their own. mars in the 8th is not stopping until you achieve your goal, and that can end well, or it can burn yourself and/or everyone else. mars in the 8th can be possessive, especially if they have lived a life of lacking.
people with mars in the 12th house can struggle to assert themselves and hone in to their natural energies that mars gives them, especially during childhood. mars in scorpio may feel a little constricted and more 'gloomy' in the 12th house. mars in the 12th can lack confidence and lack the ability to put yourself first - which mars in scorpio naturally craves. mars in the 12th is internally insecure, outwardly aloof and confident. it can often cause a lack of boundaries and cause a growing fear, which leads to distrust and assuming the worst of people. it can be a selfless placement, which is a bit funny for a scorpio mars, one which if insecure, will deny its own desires and needs and put others first to its own detriment. this will cause a growing resentment and hatred, like a boiling kettle, and will lead to self sabotage if it doesn't destroy anything else first.
so yeah. unsure if it's 8th or 12th house. i literally cannot choose.
and lastly, venus.
at first, i couldn't choose between scorpio or capricorn venus. i eventually landed on scorpio.
but sorry sephiroth, you have another placement in detriment. scorpio venus is a detrimental placement, and venus is very uncomfortable here.
venus is the goddess of love. in astrology, it rules sentiments, our values, pleasure and beauty.
venus in scorpio is intense, devoted and committed. i think of a never-ending cave when i think of scorpio venus, one where the bottom can never be reached. venus in scorpio desires a complete knowing, and the need for vulnerability; and yet that is what they fear and distrust the most. scorpio loves control almost to an obsession, and to love and be loved is a lacking of control. it is honesty. authenticity. vulnerability and trust. for scorpio venus to love, it can destroy them, and it will be all-consuming. and they know that very well, which is why they'd prefer to push others away and keep to themselves.
i think there's this stereotype that scorpio venus is like extremely sexy and promiscuous, which is fine, but i think it can be reflected in various ways. and for sephiroth, that would be the longing, the desire of intimacy and vulnerability (whether romantic or platonic), and the simultaneous repulsion of it. taking into consideration his other placements and his childhood, he would be very reserved and keeping to himself out of fear he'll be betrayed or harmed. and if he ever did end up vulnerable or trusting someone, the love is so consuming it could break him. scorpio venus is either rejuvenated by love or destroyed by it. so i think it's very fitting for him, considering everything we know.
definitely, absolutely, without a doubt venus in the 12th house for our tragic boy sephiroth. i think at this point it's a 12th house stellium? yikes. big yikes.
venus in the 12th creates someone who is untrusting - it would make someone believe that it is unsafe to show vulnerability, affection and love. constantly causes one to second guess and deeply ponder over things. venus in the 12th causes a person to take a long time to open up, which is increased even more by a scorpio venus. whether it's platonically or romantically, either way it's the same, it takes them a long time to trust someone and open up. even then, there's always a persistent, neurotic sense of 'but are they lying? are they trying to hurt me?'. venus in the 12th can often feel unworthy of a genuine friendship or relationship, and struggles to navigate through one. it needs trust and depth to thrive. but anything in the 12th house can be prone to becoming consuming and destructive, and that causes resistance and fear for anyone with a 12th house venus.
scorpio venus in the 12th house is like a push and pull. being pulled constantly by the temptations and warmth of love, happiness and pleasure, but forcefully pushing yourself away from it in an act of self preservation.
venus in the 12th is also a placement of solitude, and it thrives that way. anything you can do by yourself, is what the venus in the 12th loves. and for friendships or romance, it doesn't enjoy big friendship groups or a lack of privacy. everything needs to be confined, it needs a small group of friends, and one partner it can devote to.
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juliapilecki · 1 year
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I was born on January 15th so I am a Capricorn.
Capricorns are earth signs associated with the colors gray and brown. "Capricorn’s color is brown and grey providing the most practical path to take in life. These strong but neutral colors enhance Capricorn’s solidity, reliability, and traditionalism. " The animal associated with a Capricorn is the seagoat, which is a mythological mix between a goat and a fish. "The Capricorn symbol, consisting of a mountain goat’s head and hoofs and a fish’s tail, represents the pride and drive of this goal-driven sign. While fish are optimized for gliding across the water, this bizarre creature depicts the goat’s ability to also scale stony slopes." I think the seagoat represents the Capricorns drive and perseverance.
The planet associated with Capricorns is Saturn. "Saturn is a disciplinarian, the planet that likes to take us to task." Both Saturn and Capricorns know that success takes effort and value hard work. I believe I am a dedicated hard worker and am good at staying focused on tasks. "Saturn is the planet of rules and responsibilities in astrology, among other things, and it has an authoritative air of seriousness about its cosmic duties. It also governs things like time, patience, and maturity, so Saturnian energy values hard work over shortcuts and experience over luck."
The visuals I added to my artwork were leaves because Capricorns are earth signs. Earth signs are considered the most grounded and down-to-earth of all the signs which I relate to. The leaves are also brown which are one of the Capricorn's power colors.
"Fluorescent colors were a hot new thing in the 1970s, amped-up versions of the bright colors beloved by advertisers and pop stars in the 1960s. In 1972 Crayola introduced a special edition box of eight fluorescent crayons, including the ultra pink and hot magenta colors, all of which glowed brightly under a black light." (pg 128)
In this passage, fluorescent pink is a brand new thing in the 1970s. Crayola even created fluorescent crayons that glow brightly in black light. Personally, I associated neon colors more with the 1980s and did not know that they originated in the 70s. I wonder if it took some time for people to get used to the extremely bright nature of these colors and really began incorporating them into everyday life in the 80s. I rarely find myself leaning towards neon colors such as fluorescent pink so I imagine these colors would be a bit shocking and bold at first. I think nowadays, neon is used more as a novelty than as a staple in clothing. People may have neon themed parties or events but you rarely see people walking around in neon at the grocery store. However, trends are cyclical and I wouldn't be surprised if fluorescent makes a come back in the future.
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angelphilic · 2 years
tagged by @quietthewintrharbor here are 5 of my top songs atm (hard to choose just 5 there are so many songs!! 😭)
i bet on losing dogs by mitski
love will tear us apart again by joy division
bloody mary by lady gaga
track 13 by the wytches
foreigner's god by hozier
tagging @m0tel6mxzzy @seagoat @teal-eaf @volkitschy and anyone else who feels like it
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love-marked · 7 years
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Gaara Week 2018 
Day 1: Capricorn
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Hot take: Gamzee Makara is partially inspired by Porky/Pokey Minch. I have evidence of... Something!
(Please be known that Porky will be used for Mother 2, and Pokey for EarthBound. Same character, different name in translation. For facts that apply to both, the original name will be used.)
((Also, I will be starting with the HomeStuck facts, then EarthBound.))
1. Best Friend of The Protagonist
The first troll we, as readers, control is Karkat Vantas. The EveryMan of Alternia. His best friend, the next troll we control, is Gamzee, and he's very vocal about his relationship with the Troll of the Crab.
As for both Minchs, he is stated to be Ness' best friend through NPC Dialogue, but for obvious reasons, Ness doesn't say it out right. Porky does.
2. Abusive Homelife
All trolls are supposed to be raised by a lusus, developing a symbiotic relationship. Of course, with all parents, not all are stellar. Gamzee's lusus, a seagoat, should be near the hive. He rarely is, though, thus leaving Gamzee neglected, which lead to the Goatfish Troll abusing Soporifics, due to not being guided against eating sopor slime.
Porky, is stuck under a different kind of abuse, depending on the translation. In EarthBound, it's verbal abuse, which both Pokey and his brother Picky live with. However, in Mother 2, Porky and Picky are physically abused, being hit by their dad rather than told off for running off.
3. Connection to The Main Evil of Their Story
Gamzee's one of the most tied-up characters in HS's giant time loop, being a fourth of the big bad of the comic, Lord English, leading to Gamzee's killing of Equius.(Nepeta was probably not in LE's plan)
After Ness finishes up in Onett, he heads off to Twoson, and by extension Happy-Happy Village, finding The Happy-Happiests, led by Mr. Carpainter, and Porky, influenced by The Mani-Mani Statue, the physical representation of Giygas's corruptive power, which follows the boy all the to the end of the game.
4. Still Wanting a Connection with their Friend
The nail in the coffin that ended Murderstuck was stopping Gamzee. In doing so, Karkat stepped in as leader and calmed him down, creating a moiraillegiance between the two trolls.
Once Mr. Carpainter is defeated, all the Happy-Happiests wake up, including Porky. However, his thoughts on it change based on translation. Pokey asks for forgiveness, but it turns out he's lying. Porky however, is perfectly earnest. But, since Ness is a silent protagonist, he doesn't answer. Either way, he runs off.
5. Washed Brain... Big Time
So, once Gamzee comes across Lil' Cal, he stares right into LE'S soul and gets hijacked, continuing the time loop, never being in control of himself for the rest of the comic aside from one panel.
Remember how I said Giygas had a corruptive power? Well, it also affects Porky. He joins The Mani-Mani Statue in venturing to Fourside, manipulating Monotoli into kidnapping Paula again. After Ness and Jeff catch up with him, he steals the helicopter and disappears until the final boss fight, joining Giygas. He even goes from general clothes, to a suit, to the tell-tale sign of a human under Giygas' control; his skin turns blue.
6. Unkillable
Due to the time loop, Gamzee's destiny is to die in the final fight between the human kids and Caliborn. Until then, he can't die. Like, at all. He gets shot, and still lives. He gets kicked off a cliff, and lives. You just can't kill the clown.
Porky, due to being a child, can't die. Due to escaping at the end, and becoming immortal in Mother 3/hiding in the Absolutely Safe Capsule, he will never die.
So, now that I've laid out all my evidence, go ahead and think on it. Perhaps I'll change some minds. And yes, I'm a Gamzee apologist.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
(Words: 972)
It was monday morning and Janus sat nearly slumped over in his seat. The manager was having their biweekly economy rundown. Working at a library was a surprising amount of economics and paperwork.
At least he was sitting by the same table as Logan. He tried to hide how often he glanced over at his crush. The nerd clearly wasn’t focusing on the rundown anyway.
He had a blue marker out and was doodling constellations on his left arm. It looked like a small galaxy at this point. An ursa major was fighting for space next to a big dipper. Small stars filled out the space between them.
Janus couldn’t help but awe at them a bit. He hadn’t thought of Logan to be the drawing type. To be fair he hadn’t thought he would be the type to stand to talk to him for more than 2 seconds either. Truly a man with more surprises than a mongoose.
Logan suddenly looked at him and they met eyes. Janus’ thoughts immediately eroded into an ocean of panic. He was gonna think he was a gross creep for staring at him for so long during the meeting!!!! He might as well get eaten by a whale!!
A calm smile formed on Logan’s lips. He motioned for the drawings before nodding towards him. Janus quickly nodded back and held his thumb up under the table. The nerd pointed at the other man’s hand, he didn’t really know what he was asking but he still nodded.
The smile on his lips grew. He gently took Janus’ hand and moved it so it firmly laid on top of his thigh, his fingers just about touched the inner part. He took his marker and began to draw a constellation on the top of his hand.
To be frank all of Janus’ braincells stopped working all at once. He??? was??? touching??? a guy’s??? thigh??? What the fuck??? What the fuck??? What the fuck???
Logan was at least 6 inches taller than him and a bit on the chubbier side. His thighs were full and warm...and....well....thicc. (Unlike with himself where all of his fat just laid awkwardly everywhere making him look saggy and disgusting) Janus gulped. It felt nice. Stress inducing yes. It was giving him a gay panic yes. But it was still nice.
He forced himself to look up at Logan’s face. His brow was furried since he was concentrating on making the drawing as pretty as possible. His deep blue eyes already looked like small galaxies.
Janus loved him. He loved him so much.
“Done” Logan whispered while letting go of his hand.
He sadly decided to move his hand away to not seem like a creep. The warmth quickly disappeared from his skin leaving a feeling of missing something. He wanted to hold Logan. Hold his hand. Move his body close to his. Brush his lips against his cheek. Anything.
And also he wanted to press his head between his thighs. Not for sexual reasons!!!....Mostly. For cuddle and warmth reasons! He was a very very cold snake.
He’d been too focused on the ehm thighs to even think about looking at the drawing. He looked down at it. It was just like the others, a star constellation. But it was clear he had put more effort into this one. The lines were smoother and there was a whole bunch of stars surronding it.
“Truly charming artwork Log” He said quietly “Which one is it?”
Logan leaned closer. He put his hand on Janus’ knee “It’s Andromeda. It stands for love”
Janus felt like a melting marshmallow “Oh....So I guess you’ve drawn it on Patty many times”
If Logan could facepalm without making it obvious for their manager that he wasn’t listening he would facepalm over and over again for the next hour.
“Indeed. Andromeda and Capricornus are my two favorite constellation”
“Capricornus? The guy who realized the earth revovled the sun?”
“No that’s copernicus” Logan got an incredibly dorky smile on his face “Capricornus is the constellation for a seagoat! A goat in the sea! Fishgoat!” He said it like it was the funniest thing ever.
It got a mild chuckle from Janus. Right in time for the meeting to end. Their coworkers left the room, returning to work. 
Janus gathered some papers and was about to leave “Could you be sweet and stand in the reception alone for a little bit? I will just slither into a cozy corner and finish my book”
“As long as you tell me all about it afterwards. I hope you aware of how much I love to hear it” Logan tried to say it in a flirty tone “And then tonight maybe you can slither to...to....” The words died on his tounge.
He wanted to ask Janus if he would like to come over to his apartement to eat dinner but he was unsure if his friend would even want to. He could tell Jan was too socially anxious to say no so he really didn’t want to accidentally force him to go to a dinner he didn’t want to.
He usually didn’t overthink this much when it came to lovers. But to be fair usually his crushes flirted back...and didn’t literally run away every time he tried to compliment them.
“Slither to where?” Janus asked, tilting his head.
“Slither over to the coffee shop! I could figuratively kill for a good cup of beans right now. I’ll pay you back, don’t worry”
Janus sent him a sweet smile before turning to leave “No need. My treat” 
Logan was left alone in the empty room. He sighed while slumping back in his chair. He was hopeless. If only there were some bodyless voice that could tell him whether inviting Janus over would be a good idea or not. 
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
If only a part of your chains were to be removed, would part of your true form be revealed? Would you look similar to Capricornus? Would Goat Slussy Be Achievable?
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"Slussy. . . ." It's that suffix again! He understands now though!!
However, that means he still needs to figure out the first part.
"Goat. . .sl. . .sl. . . ." Come on, Azazel, you gave all knowledge to humanity. You know words and languages. Use your context clues!
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His eyes flash as though a lightbulb went on behind them.
"Ah, slit-pussy? That does sound sexier than 'cloaca.'"
That sounds about right. You're suggesting he'd have a tail instead of legs, which does lead to the natural progression of thought that his anatomy would change. That or he'd just have a fleshy cock and balls flopped against his tail, which would make it uncomfortable to slither around.
"I've only had my chains broken once before, and I turned back completely when that happened. However they do have a central link," he opens his cassock more to show the O-ring the chain harness crosses into on his chest, "and that was what was cut. I believe this unifies the power in the chains, and thus cutting it deactivates them all.
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"If individual links or the fetters on my ankles were what were cut. . .you may be correct in assuming I would only change partially. I have no frame of reference for it. I imagine it would take less power to return my tail than any of my heads, and I wouldn't change size significantly. I suppose I would look like a seagoat without fins.
"If my anatomy returned to its previous serpentine form in full or partial capacity, I will gladly accept your lustful feelings.
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"For you to be fascinated by and drawn to that form you've likely yet to see. . .I graciously accept this deviant love of yours. I hope I can help you to blossom it some day."
But he doubts he'll be in a situation where he'd be free of them anytime soon. He doesn't want that form to be in the public eye again.
Not yet anyway.
Then again, accidents happen. And he’s willing to show it in private, though he can’t do so at will.
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seagoatapothecary · 4 years
Comfrey - Calendula Salve “Soother”
Comfrey - Calendula Salve “Soother”
*This salve and other botanical products can be found on my etsy shop: The Seagoat Apothecary
Dried Comfrey leaves
Dried Calendula flowers
Organic Almond Oil
Organic African Shea Butter
Organic Beeswax pellets
Slow cooker/crock pot
Kitchen Scale
Cheesecloth & strainer
Clean sealable jars/tins
Labels for tins
Description: “‘Soother’ comforts and saturates you with love in the way that favorite blanket or a warm summer breeze makes you feel when you’re wrapped in its tender embrace. Use this healing salve to help soothe, repair, and rejuvenate dry, itchy skin or relieve inflammation from abrasions. Soother works well for those times you just need a tender, healing touch to your day.”
Botanical Background: Comfrey, or sometimes commonly called ‘Knitbone’, has long been used in traditional medicine practices for (as the common name implies) mending bones. Comfrey is also a general wound herb and can be used in the form of a compress or other means to promote the healing of bruises and sprains, as well as mend fractures or broken bones, and help ligaments and tendons knit back together. It’s other uses include treatment for skin abrasions and lesions, acne, insect bites, fungal infections of the skin, and even boils.
Calendula, or Pot Marigold as it can be called sometimes, is a wonderfully versatile herb. It’s flowers have been used for centuries as a remedy for skin inflammation and irritation as well as an antiseptic for infections and boosting healing and repair factors. Among other things it can also be effective against digestive issues such as peptic ulcers, gastritis and other inflammatory problems; it even can act as a detox for the liver and gallbladder, or useful in reducing mild menstrual pain.
Magickal Uses of the Herbs: Comfrey worn, or carried in some fashion, has been used for protection and safety during travel; the leaves can be tucked into your luggage as well to ensure they are not lost. It can also be used for money or wealth rituals. It’s element is Water and it is associated with the planet Saturn (bones). Calendula has been used for matters of protection as well: garlands can be made to be strung on doorways or posts to stop evil or negative energies from entering the home. It’s believed that if scattered under the bed they protect you while you sleep and whatever you dream that night will come true. Picking these flowers at noon or while the sun is at its hottest will strengthen and comfort a weak heart. Another ritual for calendula includes adding it to bath water to help raise and earn the respect of those around you if you are struggling with making acquaintances. It’s element is Fire and it is (obviously) associated with the Sun.
Directions for Salve: Step 1 - Gather all ingredients and tools, but primarily the crockpot, scale, herbs, African shea butter and oil. Combine the herbs and then the oil and shea butter into the crockpot. If you are using fresh herbs or herbs from your own drying rack, it will help to chop or grind them up to expose the constituents to the oils. Set on the lowest heat setting for 3 to 5 hours, and wait! (I usually put mine on ‘Low Heat’ for shorter cooking time and on ‘Warm’ setting for longer cook time to avoid overcooking/burning the herbs). After herbs have cooked, remove from heat and let cool (let it cool enough for you to touch..so 20-30 minutes maybe). Step 2 - While the herbs are cooling, fill your bottom double boiler pot with about an inch or so of water and bring to a boil. After the herbs have cooled, take your cheesecloth and drape over a bowl or measuring cup (something that is pourable as you will be transferring the oil later on) and carefully empty the saturated herbs onto the cloth. Wrap the herbs and squeeze out what you can of the oil. (Tips: It helps if you have a wine press, less mess and more likely to squeeze all the oil out. Also helps to double up on the cheesecloth if it is thin or not very fine, to ensure you don’t get too many grains or granules of herbs in your salve.) Step 3 - Place the top of the double boiler on the lower part and bring heat to low-medium or around a simmer, and then place the measuring cup or bowl inside the top pot. If this does not work for you, you can pour the oil directly into your double boiler pot (just make sure it’s clean obviously). Now drop in your beeswax pellets and then cover and let sit. Check on the water level occasionally to make sure you do not need to add more as the beeswax melts. Step 4 - Once the beeswax has FULLY melted and incorporated into the oil (make sure you can’t still see little formations of the pellets,give a lil swirl to double check) you will then add drops of Vitamin E oil before transferring immediately to your tins or jars. Allow this to cool completely before lidding and storing. These keep for about 6 months if kept in a cool, dry setting and out of direct sunlight.
Application & Warnings: 
As with ANY skin products you should always do a patch test and apply it on a small area like the top of the hand or forearm to ensure no allergic reaction. If the patch test is successful: Rub a small, dime-sized amount on the affected area and gently massage into skin. Useful for skin conditions like minor burns, dry skin, eczema, and skin inflammation from abrasions or wounds. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop use immediately. Do not use on any open or unhealed wounds or injuries. Botanical products should not be used as a substitute for any prescribed medication, without consulting your primary care physician or your local herbalist first.
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authorchia · 8 months
Man I should really draw my r1999 ships I haven't touch my drawing tablet for a long while. Like sure I could write silly fanfics but my artist soul is BEGGING-
Uuughhuhuhhgh what to draw, what to draw...
I did have an idea of SeaGoat pair hugging, but holy shit I need to prepare myself for drawing Shamane HWIAKEAJSJ-
Me rn:
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sleepyfoodtruck · 3 years
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meet Coral!
a protector of the forest, but mostly the lake. more under the cut!
Coral LOVES the surface! not all of it of course, the city’s fine and all but she much prefers the forest. she’s made it a routine to go out for walks “early” in the morning (at noon) and in the evenings; it’s good exercise for her legs and arms, since she usually has to drag Snowhill by the horns.
SILLY MODE: ENGAGED. beware of large pupils
she’s very social, has no problem mingling in with large groups of people and enjoys a good conversation. however, sometimes the surface is too overwhelming; she still wants to be outside but doesn’t feel like talking much,. so, she relies on her friends on these occasions (basically the “excuse me? she asked for no pickles”)
as a water spirit, she’s rather cold to the touch. her old home was very, very deep into sea so it's only natural. now that she's living in the surface, sunbathing and wearing thick sweaters (borrowed/made by her bff of course) are a luxury she indulges in very, very often
since she's a deep-sea Undine, she has VERY sharp teeth and claws. she doesn't have much use fro the anymore, other than for eating and using ridiculous amounts of nail polish. however, she does need to sharpen them often, so she has a few scratch poles scattered around the house; her teeth will fall every so often, kind of like a shark.
She doesn't exactly hybernate, but she is a VERY deep sleeper and HATES being woken up. depending on her mood, she can be cuddly or kill a man just as soon as she opens her eyes. Snowhill learned this lesson the hard way, and always has a steaming cup of tea ready for Coral.
Coral LOVES tea, she considers it humanity's greatest invention. she gets most of it by their garden and, occasionally, going to the city and buying fancy brands once or twice a month.
her powers are very water-based. she can shape big quantities of water into whatever she wants, usually it's just water clones. she also loves making water skateboards, wings, rollerblades, bikes and such; they don't last more than a day. she's more skilled manipulating salt-water, but has been practicing and now that she lives in a lake the domain of "sweet" water comes easier.
Coral also can speak to sea animals. not much, just to get the vague feeling of what they mean; this doesn't stop her from pretending the fishes are telling her all of your deepest secrets. ice is a bit harder to work with but if she focuses enough, she can make icicles and small snowballs.
mostly, she just abuses her powers to use and mix water-based painting products. yep, she's an Art teacher!!!! (no idea what the hell they're called, but if the paint has water then she can use it lol)
On the rare ocassion she has to go on the offensive, she casts huge water bubbles that attach themselves to the target, drowning them. she's also able to take water from a body, dehydrating her target rather quickly. it's a horrible way to die and she hates to use these aspects of her powers, but she's had to give several warnings doing this.
Undine(s) are supossed to become human when meeting their soulmate, but Coral was a special case; as such, she kept most of her mermaid attributes (scales, cold-blood, tail appears if she touches water, sharp claws and teeth).
as the myth goes, Undine(s?) are born without a soul; unless they meet their soulmate, then and only then will they be able to leave the ocean. Coral expected that her soulmate would be her life-partner, a man that would offer her a soul so she could explore the surface and begin to actually live her life. a few flings here and there, nothing happened.
until she met Snowhill (no, they're not dating btw lol).
for educational purposes, Undine(s?) are given a "fake soul" that allows them to stay on the surface for short periods of time. Coral had to switch schools because of...reasons (reasons she refuses to disclose even to this day), and the only school that would accept her wasn't great; she only needed two more years so she didn't really care.
long story short, she tried to prank Snowhill on her very first day and it didn't really work. she was intrigued by, what appeared to be, a seagoat; a rather up-tight seagoat. "ooohhh sis needs to relax, no biggie i can help with that!!"
and thus, their friendship began.
by graduation time, Coral knew she would have to come back and live on the ocean for the rest of her life; she'd pretty much given up on finding a soulmate by this point. on her last day, they waited together on the beach for the spell to wear itself out. and waited. and waited. and waited until it was well into the evening"
Snowhill: wait why are you still breathing? why do you still have legs, what the fuck??
Coral: well this isn't supossed to happen unles i find my soulmaaaaooOOOOOOHHHHHHH
Snowhil: nooooOOOOOOOO NO NO NO
so, the next logical step was to just move in together. can't be too far apart from your soulmate unless you wanna die!
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