gloriasato · 1 year
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renee-writer · 5 years
Redemption Chapter 68 Honeymoon Cabin
They pull up in front of the esquist little honeymoon cabin an hour later. It is a sweet little brick and wood structure right in the middle of the Smoky Mountains. There is no other buildings for miles in any direction. There is still snow on the ground. It covers the pine trees as well as the cabin.
“It looks lime a Christmas card.” Gabriella says when she first sees it.
“Yes it does.” Eli has set the parking break and comes over to open the door for his wife. She steps out into the cold clear air. She takes a deep breath and smiles.
“It smells so clean.”
“Ah yes. It is all the trees.”
“I love it.”
“I love you, Mrs. Spencer. Would you like to see the inside.”
“Yes please.” He takes her hand and leads her to the front door. He unlocks it and then sweeps her up in his arms and carries her in. “Wow!” said as they step over the threshold. “It is beautiful.”
They had stepped into a large room. It is completely panelled with dark wood and wood floors. There is a living room area that flows into the kitchen. An open stairway in the middle that leads to a loft bedroom above the main room. It is similarly paneled with the same floors.
“Yes it is. The bathroom is on the other side of the kitchen. Do you want to explore the cabin?”
“That can wait. Can we just check out the bedroom?”
“Yes,” He moves towards the stairs without setting her down. The bedroom contains a bed and a dresser, nothing else. But, in Gabby and Eli's eyes, nothing else matters.
“I have a nightgown for tonight.” A suddenly shy Gabby says.
“Do you want me to get your bag?”
“Well, it isn’t night yet. I think it can wait.”
“I agree.” He lays he down on the bed, “Are you nervous?”
“More excited.” She answers him as she kicks off her shoes. “My entire body feels tingly, expectant, like all my nerves are at the surface of my skin. I am hyper aware of my own breathing and heartbeat and yours.” As she talks, she holds his glance. She also pulls her socks off and reaches up to pull her husband’s sweater off. “I am aware of your scent. You smell like cologne, ivory soap, and the outside.” She has removed his sweater and touches his bare chest for the first time.
“I am also hyper aware of you. Of the scent of roses on your skin, of the strawberry scent of your hair.” He hoarsely says as he reaches to pull hers off. He feels her heartbeat speed up under his hands. “I have always been aware of these things but, today, ah today, my sweet wife, I can do something with that awareness.”
He does. They come up for air an hour later.
“Jade was wrong and right.” Gabriella says as she lays curled against her husband’s side, listening to his heartbeat, a slow steady thump, that matches her own.
“Hmm, about what?”
“Well, she was right that we would figure it out.”
“That she was.”
“But she was wrong when she told me not to expect to..”
“To what baby?” he had pulled himself up on his elbows so he can see her face.
“To be, to have, ah..”
“Ah, well I am glad she was wrong about that.”
“Me too.” She says with a contented sigh as she relaxes farther against him.
“Gabby anything that surprised you besides..?”
“Hmm, yes. It didn’t hurt or if it did, not enough to register.”
“That is excellent.” Mike was right.
“Ah, he said it wouldn’t hurt?”
“Kinda, be said if we took our time and got you, ah ready, it would be easier on you.”
“Yes, he was right.”
“We got good advice from our friends.”
“Yes, though I am still shocked that Jade has any to offer.”
“Yes. That was a shock.”
“I pray she finds this. She said her first time was bad.”
“That's sad.” He comments as he draws hearts on her bare back.
“It is. But she didn’t love him. They were in high school and he was selfish.”
“Very sad. And they weren’t married.”
“Also true. This is how God intended it to be.”
“Yes. Do you want to see the rest of the cabin?”
“Yes, I want to see what's in the kitchen?”
“Awe hungry?” he teases.
“Starved.” He laughs and sits up to find their clothes.
“One other thing I regret.” They sit around the breakfast bar that is the cabin's only table.
“What's that?” Eli asks her as he cuts fruit and places it on their plates.
“That Beth couldn’tbe there.” They had both wanted her at the wedding but, with Doug out on bail, it wasn’t safe.
“I feel the same.”
“It is truly a shame. When is his trial? Have you guys heard?” Gabby places sandwich’s beside the fruit.
“The third of March so not long.”
“Here's praying it goes as smooth as Kim's.”
“Amen.” Kim had been sentenced to a lock down facility, for psychiatric patients, a week before the wedding.
“I am glad she is getting the help she needs.” He nods before taking her hand and saying grace.
“I have to call Jade and check on Evie.” She tells him when they are done eating.
“Yes you do.” He knows how hard it is for her to be away from her even for something as wonderful as their wedding. She smiles at the understanding he is showing as she reaches for her phone.
“Jade, how is she?”
“She is fine. How are you? How was it?”
“I am so good. It was,” she stops and looks over at her smiling husband,” indescribable.”
“Wow! That is great. So you?”
“Yes. Several times.” She manages not to blush.” What have you and Evie been doing?”
“Okay. I will let you change the subject for now. I will require details later.
“Okay.” Gabby says with a smile.
“We can home after the wedding and Evie had a quick nap. When she woke up, we sewed for awhile. We then went out to eat. When we came home, she had her bath and went right to bed.”
“Oh, I wanted to talk with her. I should have called earlier.”
“I imagine you were busy. She understands. I will tell her you called as soon as she wakes up.”
“Thanks Jade. I don't know what I would do without you.”
“It is never a problem.”
“I love you Jade. Tell Evie we love and miss her.”
“I will. We love you too.”
“I will call again tomorrow morning.”
“Okay. Enjoy tonight.”
“I will. Goodnight Jade.”
“Goodnight Gabby.”
“Evie okay?” Eli asks when she disconnects.
“Yes. Sleeping after a full day. Jade will tell her I called.”
“I am sorry you missed her.”
“Me too. But, as Jade said, we were busy. She wants details.”
“Hmm, “ he replies leading her into the living room,” how much will you tell her?”
“I really don’t know. I don’t know that I can explain it. How it feels to be one with you. And, I don’t want her feeling bad that she hasn’t had that experience.” He adjusts so she is resting against his chest and he can wrap his arms around her.
“Please, my sweet wife, don't feel guilty about this. It is how God intended it. I do want this for Jade, this type of happiness. I will be praying she also finds her other half, a man that will complete her like you do me.”
“Ah, so you are planning some matchmaking Pastor Spencer?”
“Well they do say newlyweds want everyone to be as happy as they are.”
“Yes, and I surely want Jade to find this. I never dreamed I could be this happy.”
“Me either Mrs. Spencer. God has given me two wonderful gifts, His Son and you.”
“Yes. I feel the same.”
“We will just pray He.gifts Jade with the same.”
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renee-writer · 5 years
Redemption Chapter 47 The Police
There is a frantic pounding on the door. "Go let the police in Gabriella. She won't get Evie." She nods and runs downstairs.
A minute later, the police officers in several EMTs follow Gabriella back upstairs. "We got her now Pastor Spencer," they reassure him as they place cuffs on her frailing arms. He gets up and Gabriella runs into his arms. He holds her close as he and Gabriella explain what happened. Throughout their recitation, Kim bucks against the restraints.
"Can you give her something to calm her?" One of the officers finally asked an EMT.
"Yes. I will give her a shot of Haldol. Are you allergic to anyting ma'am?" He tries to ask her. He gets no reply. She is too busy trying to get to Gabriella held tight and secure in Eli's arms. He shrugs and draws up the medicine, plunging the needle into one of her legs. A minute later she is still.
"Is the angry lady dead?" They hear as Evie joins the group in the hall.
"No Bug. They just gave her some medicine to calm her."
"Good, cuz she was so mad." She comes over and joins Gabby. Eli wraps his arm around her holding bus close to him.
"Okay. We are going to let the EMTs take her to the hospital for a psych evaluation."
"Good idea." Eli responds.
"Hey sweetie. Do you think you can tell us what the angry lady said?" The police officer asked Evie.
"Yes sir. But I didn't understand it all."
"That's okay."
The EMTs remove Kim to the hospital and Eli carries Evie down to the living room with Gabriella so she could answer the police officer's questions.
Gabriella, Eli, and Evie sit on the couch. Evie sits between them half way on each of their laps. One of the police officers sits across from them. The other is checking out the house to see how she got in and to see if she did any damage.
Eli starts by telling him about waking up and seeing the shadow. He tells about realizing who it is and following her up the stairs and hearing Evie.
" I started running then."
"Evie, when did you see the angry woman?"
"When she opened my door?"
"Did she say anything?"
"Uh huh. I asked who it was. She didn't say her name. She just saked where Gabby and Eli where."
"Did you tell her?"
"Not then. I asked why she was here."
"What did she say then?"
"She say to find Gabby and Eli."
"And then what happened."
"She said she knew they were together. That's a weird thing to say."
"Why is that Evie?"
"Because, of course they were together. They love each other."
"Is that what you told her?"
"Uh huh. She got angrier then. She asked,' where is the slut?' All the adults in the room gasp. " I said I didn't know that word."
"You are doing good. Then what happened Evie?"
"She she asked where Gabby was again. I said next door and she shouldn't be here cuz it is night time. We don't have visitors at night time."
"That's right Evie." Gabby says. "Then I came out of the room and saw her. About that time Eli reached her."
"Exactly that time. She had seen Gabriella and was completely distracted. I threw my arms around her and restrained her."
"Is there any doubts and you're mind Pastor Spencer that she would have went after Miss Grant if you didn't restrain her?"
"None. Even as I held her she tried to get to her. Kicked, buckedher body. It took all I had to hold her."
"Okay. Who called 911?"
" I did after Eli got Evie safely to me."
"How did he do that?"
"He told me to go to Gabby. I was scared. I didn't at first. I didn't want to walk passed the angry lady. But then Eli said,' Evie Ruth, go to your sister.'. He sounded like Daddy so I went."
"Good girl."
"When I came out of the room you guys had her." She finishes with a yawn. "I's tired. Do you need me to tell you any more?"
"No. You did really well." She nods and leans all the way against Gabby and Eli and is soon asleep.
" I know how she got in." The other officer enters the room. They all turned to look at him. "She broke out a plane of glass from the back door. Reached in and unlocked it."
"We need to get crime scene out here. They need to go over the back door and her car."
As they are making the arrangements, Eli asks Gabriella if she wants him to move Evie. "Not yet. Thanks. I really need her, well both of you, here where I can feel you."
" I so get that. I was terrified when I realized who it was. I didn't know what she was up to or if I could stop her." As he talks, he physically shudders. Gabriella lifts Evie further up on her lap and moved closer to Eli.
"Okay guys. You're welcome to stay here but, we are going to have people in and out. So if there's any place else you can stay.."
" I will take them to my house." Eli offers.
"Good idea. Miss Grant, we will be holding Miss Taylor for breaking and entering, destruction of property, and stalking with terroristic threats. We found the knife she used to cut your tires in her car. She is in a psych hold now but will be in a lockdown mental health facility or jail. You don't have to worry about her anymore."
"Thank You God."
"Amen." adds Eli.
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