#best bcg kid
gloriasato · 1 year
hello tumblr take this doodle dump and do what you will✌️
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chrishoughton · 2 months
I have 2 questions.
1. Was there any other concepts for BCG:The Movie rather than the one we got?
2. What caused Bucket to be changed to Cricket?
1. Yes and one of them I still really like! Could make for another BCG movie...
2. The show "Kirby Buckets." One day back in 2014, we were preparing for a big pitch to Disney Channel. The night before the pitch, we received a call from our manager: "it wouldn't be smart to pitch a character named 'Bucket' when the network already has a character with the same name."
Whether the name would ultimately be a deal breaker or not, we didn't think it was worth risking. So we quickly brainstormed a long list of names. One in particular stuck out to me.
When I was in 5th grade, I remember going on vacation and meeting a kid named Chris who went by "Cricket." I thought the name was super cool and unique. When the fall semester started up that year, I unsuccessfully tried to get my classmates to call me Cricket. Turns out it's difficult to give yourself a nickname. Only my best friend obliged (as long as I called him by his newly desired nickname, "Beanyo"). Bucket became Cricket and we never looked back.
The next day, we pitched our show "Country Club" feeling confident that all necessary name changes were behind us!
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fanfic-inator795 · 3 months
Thinking about Spacecation again, and while I can see some fans being a bit annoyed with how they 'both-sides' the conflict given that what Cricket did was objectively far worse than what Bill did, I personally feel like the movie did a good job with the conflict's climax and ultimate resolution, making the perspective of both characters clear as well as making both their arcs pretty satisfying imo.
For one, I like how clear it is that Cricket really is doing what he's doing for his family's sake, not just for his own, as right before he goes to Gwendolyn, he sees the ad for the Space Hotel and specifically focuses on the father and son in the ad having fun. That right there just tells me that, for as wrong as Cricket was with his approach, he really was genuine in all his intentions.
Furthermore, given all the crazy stuff that the Greens have faced, I can't really blame Cricket - a ten-year old boy, mind you - for fully believing that his family can handle anything and that space won't be as dangerous as everyone says. It's that little kid mindset of feeling like you're invincible and not really thinking about - hell, not being able to even fully imagine - the worst case scenario until it's staring you in the face.
That's why we see him fully accept without any sort of hesitation that he was in the wrong after the final silo explodes and his family is separated - the impossible just happened, and all the warnings people were trying to give him have finally come to fruition. This is also why we see Cricket be the first to apologize, and be the first one to step up and risk his own life for everyone else's, inspiring Bill to do the same.
Speaking of Bill's side of things, while his choice to do a 'safe and boring' roadtrip wasn't necessarily the worst, his failure came with not trying to compromise their plans any and not bothering to explain to Cricket WHY he felt all Cricket's plans were irresponsible and dangerous. Bill, for as much as I love the guy, was indeed being very dismissive and, even if he didn't want to compromise any on the trip plans themselves (which, yeah, is his right as the parent, even if it's still not the best approach), he still should have had an actual talk with Cricket instead of simply saying "no, these are bad ideas, we're not doing them".
I feel like this was a good lesson for Bill - and any parent, really - to learn, as kids are not mind readers. If they don't fully understand why you're saying no to something, ultimately they're just going to assume that you're only saying no because they're the ones suggesting it - as we see with Cricket when he accuses Bill of not just liking his ideas but not liking him. And yeah, given that in the show Bill can occasionally play favorites without realizing it and even assumes the worst out of Cricket at times, Cricket's accusation doesn't just come out of nowhere.
But of course, that makes Bill's willingness to fully acknowledge what he did wrong all the more heartwarming, as just like with Cricket, the moment he fully realizes what his actions caused, he regrets them fully. Bill loves his boy, and it makes sense that this love would push him into being more flexible and 'reckless' as his prime motivation is to protect his family, no matter what. It kind of reminds me of Chipocalypse Now, where for as much as Bill naturally tends to flee and hide, it's ultimately his kids who motivate him to actually take a risk and fight back. (note how he tells Cricket not to throw himself at things at the start of the film, yet Bill's the one who throws himself into the trash-teroid debris when he has to protect Cricket).
Sorry this got so long and rambly, but while Spacecation maybe isn't the BEST thing that BCGs has ever done (personally I rank it A-tier while stuff like Chipocalypse Now and the two Christmas specials are S-tier), I really admire how it and the conflict within it were ultimately handled, as it really does feel like a natural conclusion to a lot of things the series was building up to as well as an incredibly solid standalone story in its own right.
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mibeau · 1 year
[Book Review] Johnny Swanson by Eleanor Updale
🧮 Score: 5.0/5.0
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■ This is one of the best historical fiction books I’ve ever read! There’s no chapter that I do not adore! The plot was unravelled beautifully and in place. Reading this book as an adult, it is light yet the storyline is very complex, so many elements, I’m impressed! Of course, as you read on, you kind of can guess what’s going to happen. But, the narrative keeps you wanting to know what else Johnny will do, meet or encounter.
■ Johnny Swanson is a small kid who lived in England back in 1929 when the BCG vaccine is still not approved by the government and there was a TB outbreak. He came from a poor, single-mother household, and is bullied at school. So, of course, he has a part-time job. It is very interesting how he navigates his life.
■ He learn lessons from his mistakes and improved himself. Initially, I thought he would be a timid boy, but he strives and goes for what he believes in, amazing. SPOILER ALERT! He got scammed and become a scammer himself. After quite some time, his mom becomes a murder suspect, and how he deals with the situation is also quite an adventure.
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■ The adventure is similar to Enid Blyton and Nancy Drew. It's amusing to see all the typical grumpy characters usually in English books here. The messages in this book are quite deep, too. How society is formed and behaved. How dangerous gossips and false assumptions are. And many more!
■ This is a decent children's book. I love it as an adult, imagine if I read this book back when I was a kid. Highly recommended!
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● Buy a preloved copy here:
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sanjayrithik · 2 years
Now Is The Perfect Time To Vaccinate Your Children To Protect Them!…
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“Protect Your Cute Babies Without Any Disease Affecting” — Sanjay Rithik Hospital. It is one of the best baby care and skin, laser, cosmetology, and best vaccination centre in karur.
Children are a known treasure for every parent. Today many parents are going to many hospitals just to get that baby blessed. But many of us do not take proper care of our children. It is very important that we take proper care of the children in our home and do the right thing for them at the right age. That’s one important thing that many parents today fail to do.
This blog has some important information for parents who have children and expectant mothers. Here to know about the important thing you need to protect your kids.
Why is it important to get vaccinated at the best vaccination centre in karur?
We must ensure that children from birth to 16 years of age receive the essential vaccines they need at the right time at the best vaccination centre in karur. This is an important medical necessity for a better and healthier future for your baby.
If the immune system of children is low, they will be easily affected by any disease. Vaccines are one of the most important tools in preventing and fighting these diseases. They are safe and effective and help protect children from various diseases. Read below to find out how you can get your child’s age-appropriate vaccinations now.
For Pregnant Women
TT-1 Early in pregnancy
TT-2 4 weeks after TT-1*
TT- Booster If taken twice during a pregnancy
For Infants
BCG At birth or as early as possible till one year of age
Birth dosage for hepatitis B as possible within 24 hours of birth
OPV-0 At birth or as early as possible within the first 15 days
OPV 1, 2 & 3 at six, ten, and fourteen weeks (OPV can be given till 5 years of age)
Pentavalent1, 2 & 3 At 6 weeks, 10 weeks & 14 weeks (can be given till one year of age)
Rotavirus at six, ten, and fourteen weeks (can be given till one year of age)
Measles /MR 1st Dose$ 9 completed months-12 months. (Can be given up until age 5)
JE — 1** 9 completed months-12 months.
At nine months after being diagnosed with measles, take vitamin A. Rubella
For Children
DPT booster-1 16–24 months
Measles/ MR 2nd dose $ 16–24 months
OPV Booster 16–24 months
JE-2 16–24 months
Vitamin A***(2nd to 9th dose) 16–18 months. Then one dose every 6 months up to the age of 5 years.
DPT Booster-2 5–6 years
TT 10 years & 16 years
How can I take care of my child after they get vaccinated at the best vaccination centre in karur?
It is crucial to look after your child after vaccination at the best vaccination centre in karur and keep an eye out for any negative side effects. However, they can occasionally be more serious. Here are some key points for protect and care your baby:
Symptoms and post-vaccination care
Standard post-vaccination symptoms and care
If the injection site is sore, red, or swollen, give the child the following care:
Reassure your child.
Apply a cool cloth to the area.
Move the arm or leg where the injection will be given.
Maintain their warmth and comfort.
Pain relievers can be given to children if advised by the best pediatrician in karur.
Additional post-vaccination symptoms and care
If you have flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, headache, low-grade fever after vaccination, abdominal pain, muscle disturbances, or swollen lymph nodes, the best pediatrician’s advice should be followed:
Avoid covering them with too much clothing.
Administer the medication as prescribed by the best pediatrician in karur.
Let them drink plenty of water.
Allow the teenager to rest completely.
If they are in pain, give them medicine to ease it.
If the temperature is too high, reduce them with a sponge in cold water.
Severe post-vaccination symptoms and care
After vaccination, serious responses are often rare. However, if you notice the following, consult a doctor immediately for advice on the child’s best vaccination centre in karur and medication.
A red rash or pimples on the body.
Severe fever
Allergic reactions
Seizures / Convulsions
Edema occurs on the face.
Joint stiffness and discomfort.
Throat discomfort or shortness of breath.
Bottom Line
Vaccination is one of the most important things children need. Parents who are concerned about protecting their children visit the best vaccination center in karur to get their children age-appropriate vaccination.
If you need the best vaccination center in karur, find us inside Sanjay Rithik Hospital at 77A, Sengunthapuram road, Karur 639002, or call us at +917305203958 you’ll browse our https://sanjayrithikhospital.com/ for details.
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 4 years
Do you think Big City Greens did a better job showing Bill and Nancy coparenting than Ducktales did with Donald and Della? I ask cause Bill and Nancy are kinda similar to Donald and Della with Bill being cautious, hard working, and stubborn raising kids alone for a while like Donald while Nancy's reckless missing mom learning to be more responsible like Della. I like Della better as a character than Nancy but BCG is better at the coparenting thing.
Hey there anon, my short answer to your question is Yes. You might have seen me make a similar comment on someone else's post where I did compare BCG to Ducktales in terms of co parenting. Both shows are really good don't get me wrong, this isn't to put either down. I just agree and feel that BCG did show co parenting better for what little we've had.
Bill and Nancy are clearly opposites much like Donald and Della. Both Donald and Bill are reserved and careful and have been the kids' primary care taker for years. Nancy and Della are both the more carefree and were missing from their kids lives because of something they did wrong and then the circumstances went beyond their control.
Yet between the two families, BCG is the one where we've seen the two parents actually have to talk about the differences in parenting and needing to be on each other's side and agree on certain things. Season 2, Episode 8, Shark Objects is probably the best example of this. Bill doesn't want Cricket to take the shark fin into the water to prank people. Nancy struggles to be a responsible parent saying she's the fun parent, she let's Cricket take the fin anyway and he nearly gets....harpooned by the lifeguard 😂 Okay the show is definitely silly but it's got a huge point in just this episode alone about parents needing to work together for their kids' health and safety. Nancy thankfully realizes by the end she put Cricket in needless danger by not stepping up to be a parent. I think Della tried to do this same thing with Timephoon and Glomtales but personally I don't agree with how far she took it. Grounding him? Not terrible. Leaving him home alone with a robot that may or may not turn evil while the rest of the family went somewhere really fun and telling him if he wants to be part of the family he has to earn it? (Might be misremembering that exact quote but it was definitely something like that) That...that feels a little too much for me personally.
That whole situation was an excellent opportunity to potentially show co parenting but nooooo Donald just had to be launched into space. :/ Rude.
Long winded answer cut short anon, you're right and I agree with you on that. Both shows are great but it's honestly really surprising that now that Ducktales has ended and yet we didn't once get an actual good co parenting moment and conversations between Della and Donald? Bummer deal.
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So, given you're a huge BCG fan, which episode would you say each of the main seven (Cricket, Tilly, Bill, Gramma, Remy, Nancy, and Gloria) players shined the best individually and why?
Cricket: Chipocalypse Now/Phoenix Rises/Quiet Please
Great example that Cricket cares for other members of his family and worries about his neighboors despite him driving them crazy and that his family takes care of his potential ADH that was showcased on the episode.
Tilly Green: Dolled Up/Broken Karaoke/Cousin Jilly
Showcases that Tilly is a person who prefers to be herself and dosn't care what other people think and that she worries for her brother and loves being herself basically she likes to do "it's own thing" ;)
Bill Green: Night Bill/Level Up/Fill Bill
Showcases that Bill is a sweetheart of dad that cares for his family but he still has to learn so much beacuse losing the farm and adjusting to Big City is still new to him
Alice Green: Gramma's License/Family Legacy/Suite Retreat/Green Acres/Garage TalesShowcases that Alice has a softer side and she is scared of getting old and showcases that she loves her family beacuse this woman has suffered the loss of her beloved country,farm and husband and despite coming off as cranky, she loves that her family is living with her on potentially her final years.
Nancy Green: Uncaged/Axin' Saxon/Shark Objects/Tilly Style
Showcases that she is still a rebel on cause but still wants to be a better mother figure, she showcases how adjusting to city life post-prision is hard and still supporting her kids with a good relationship with her ex-husband.
Remy Remington: Remy Rescue/Cyberbullies/Dinner Party/Bad Influencer/Time Crisis/ Ding Dongers
I like that he wasn't written as sterotypical rich kid and this episodes showcase that he needs to be more open to new places and that people shouldn't avantage of him beacuse he has money and that the future will never come, the present is what matters.
Gloria Sato: Paint Misbehavin/Coffee Quest/Elevator Action/Rent Control/Gloria's Cafe
Showcases the message of the show that found family can be found anywhere and your dreams can come true with support of the people who love you and support your goals beacuse getting those dreams are hard to get.
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chaedillo · 3 years
1.Executive Summary
Burger King Corporation was founded by James McLamore and David Edgerton in Miami, Florida (USA) in 1954. Just like any other businesses, it only started with a few chains until it expanded and continued to cater its consumers up until today. As time goes by, it has expanded their menu but still managed to maintain their low costs but the quality menu. For as low as PHP 64.00 you can already get to taste Buger King’s flame-Grilled burger and with PhP 59.00, you can already enjoy having their rice meal. Up until this day, Burger King is one of the most popular, top-grossing, and flavorful fast-food chains not just locally but also internationally.
We all know that the fast-food chain industry is one of the reasons why the hospitality industry continues to arise and operational due to its high demand. People love it because it offers convenience, affordability and time-saving. Fast-food chains such as KFC, McDonald's, Jack in the Box, Wendy's and Popeyes are the top 5 competitors of Burger King. Its wide variety, effective strategy, strong franchising model, delicious taste, and etc. is what makes it keep up in competing its rivalries. Whopper, Chicken Sandwiches, Cheeseburgers are some of its product offerings and that is why Burger King is dubbed as "Home of the Whopper". In year 2018, Burger King has a total revenue of 388.74 crore in which it was the least revenue they got between the year 2018-2021. In 2019, they got 644.13 crore while in 2020, they have accumulated the highest revenue they have so far that has a total of 846.83 crore amidst the global pandemic that is happening. Today, year 2021, during the first quarter of the year, they have earned a total of 151.65 crore revenue.
This paper discussed Burger King's internal assessment wherein it states the company's corporate profile, mission and vision, product line, and its internal factor evaluation matrix. Next, external assessment has porter's model analysis, external factor evaluation matrix, competitive profile matrix and the key external factor. Moreover, it also discussed the strategy formulation wherein it has BCG matrix, SPACE matrix, GS matrix, IE matrix, and the SWOT analysis. Additionally, the researchers also provided the strategy recommendation, action plan, as well as its financial projection.
It analyzed how Burger King Corporation operates on how it managed to make it to the top and how it maintained the quality of their products. Each part of this paper is a helpful tool and contributes to the success of this paper itself. Also, it is where we will recognise how significant each role is to discuss the outcome of the paper. With that, this paper aims to elaborate, explain, and discuss the story behind the fast-food chain named Burger King.
2. Internal Assessment
2.1. Corporate Profile
5505 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami, Florida 33126
According to Trefis Team (2019), Burger King is the second largest fast-food chain in the United States and Routley (2019) also states that Burger King was ranked fourth as one of the biggest fast-food chains in America. It has over 10,400 business franchised restaurant. 50 states and 56 countries, Burger King has 1000 chains of stores that totaled for more than 11,455. The company has served almost 16 million customers a day and 2.4 billion Burger King’s hamburgers are sold annually across the world.
In 1954, Burger King Corporation was founded by the two entrepreneurs James McLamore and David Edgerton. It is originally owned by Keith Kramers and his wife’s uncle Mathew Burns. Burger King was inspired by McDonald’s and formerly named as Insta-Burger King during 1953. Even with the rapid success of the Insta-Burger it experienced financial trouble that led James McLamore and David Edgerton to buy the entire company from Keith Krammers and Mathew Burns. McLamore and Edgerton decided to widen their menu in 1957 with Whopper, a burger for big appetites, but still a lower price and they took the power of the popular medium which is television. The first T.V commercial of Burger King was aired in 1958 on Miami’s V.H.F Station and after 5 years by 1959, Burger King was able to expand their outlets outside Florida by establishing its franchise system. The system worked allowing Burger King to increase quickly. Burger King Company was also pursuing to reach out children and establish Kids Club but then by 2015 Burger King had no longer focused on this area.
Despite having trouble times, Burger King still became a well-known fast-food hamburger chain. Through the years, Burger King grew as they use different strategies and form a different and unique characteristics from their competitors.
2.2. Company Vision and Mission
Burger King’s vision statement is “to be the most profitable QSR business, through a strong franchise system and great people, serving the best burgers in the world.”
Burger King’s mission statement is to “offer reasonably priced quality food, served quickly, in attractive, clean surroundings.”
2.3. Corporate Officers
Daniel S. Schwartz
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Information Performance & People Officer
President of Burger King North America
President of Burger King Europe
President of Burger King Latin America & Global Development VP
President of Burger King Asia Pacific
Global Operations
Secretary & General Counsel
Chief Accounting Officer & Controller
2.4. Product Line
Burger King operates as a quick service restaurant business focusing on burgers as its main product.
•Salad & veggies
•Chicken & fish
Burger King is a family of different kinds of hamburgers consisting of patties, bacon, king sauce and their american cheese. Their burgers have lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles and it is the main product of their store because of its taste, quality, as well as affordability.
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Burger King salad is totally vegetarian and comes with tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, and croutons. They have different types of salad so that the customers can pick which one is their preferred salad for their side dish. The vegetable used in Burger King salads are always served fresh.
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Burger king offers frings which is the combination of onion rings and their french fries.
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Burger King’s chicken & fish sandwiches are pure white alaskan pollock and it also comes with lettuce.
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Burger King’s fruit smoothies are freshly made with low fat yogurt, real fruits and juices were blended to create tropical mango, raspberry, and strawberry banana. The coffee frappes are also made with real arabica bean coffee and blended until it’s smooth and creamy.
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2.5. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix
As you can see from the table, the strong point of Burger King is the strong brand image that they have which is equivalent to 15% in weight, 4 in rating and has a total of .60 in the weighted score; while their weak point is the market concentration which is at 5% in weight and 1 in rating that got a total of .5 in weighted score. In conclusion, Burger King’s weighted score is at 3.02 shows that Burger King internally performs well.
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3.External Assessment
3.1. Porter’s Model Analysis
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In the rivalry among competing firms, you can see that Burger King competes with major firms like McDonald’s, Wendys, and Taco Bell. In the potential development of substitute products, Burger King’s customers can transfer to another dining because they will have the choice to go to fine dining or prefer to just cook at home. Next, the factors such as the high number of supplies, high overall supply and low forward integration are what makes the bargaining power of supplies. Additionally, the potential of new competitors and new entrants are what Burger King should look after because that’s where they should perform low costs since they should be competing in the market. Lastly, in the bargaining power of customers, it is where high substitute availability, moderate presence of consumer organization, and etc. takes place.
3.2 External Factor Evaluation Matrix
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External Analysis
As we can see in the opportunities, market share has the highest weight compare to the others and the lowest for the weighted is New supplier and Increased demand for products. The rating of Internal Expansion, Developing Health-conscious & Market share got the highest rating, “while Increased demand for products got the lowest rating." The average of opportunities only indicate the total weighted score of opportunities.
In the table of threats, we can see that New Competitors have the highest threat in Burger King while the lowest threats are Expiring of contract. As for the rating of the threats, Predicted natural disaster and Legislation for unhealthy fast food got the lowest rate while the highest are New Competitors, New Law & Expiring contract. Total threats only indicate the average of weighted score of threats.
According to the EFE Matrix of Burger King, the total weighted score of the opportunities and threats is 2.92, which indicates the organization is responding in an above-average way to existing opportunities and threats in the industry.
3.3 Competitive Profile Matrix
 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
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Competitor’s Analysis
As seen in the CPM analysis, McDonald's is the most competitive in the industry with a total score of 3.07, leading in the critical factors market share, market penetration, innovation, financial profit, brand name, and advertising. Burger King, having a total of 2.75, has a relative strength in store location, Research & Development (R&D), product quality, and price competitiveness, tied with Wendy's. With the equal score of 0.12, all food chains in the matrix need to value their employees more as their employee's dedication is low in rating. Burger King should maximize their strengths and improve in market share, market penetration, innovation, and advertising because these are the factors where Burger King has the lowest rating. Financial profit has the greatest value of weight as it can really drive the business to followed by product quality and customer service, both are crucial in the fast-food chain industry.
3.4. Key External Factor
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According to the chart above, External Factors are divided into six (6) forces that influence and affect Burger King externally. Both opportunities and threats are equally dividing, which shows that Burger King has balanced forces externally which means they could still be able to control and identify what forces are in need of improvements, solutions or changes in a way that would not have a bad effect to the company or negative forces that they might face in the future but still be able to strategize a plan. This PESTEL ANALYSIS would help Burger King to have a good global performance that would have long-term effectiveness to the business for future decision making.
4. Strategy Formulation
4.1. Boston Consulting Group Matrix
Boston Consulting Group Matrix of Burger king
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Figure 2. BCG Matrix of Burger King
● Star: Whopper Products, franchise owned outlet business
● Cash Cows: Supplier Management Service, International food strategic business unit
● Question Mark: Local Foods, confectionery market
● Dog: Ineffective market, Plastic bags, Synthetic fiber products, artificially flavored products strategic business units
In this figure, a strategic management tool will be used by Burger King to analyze the position of their strategic business unit and its market potential to offer their target markets. This BCG matrix would be helpful in a way that it will have a significant presence on deciding whether what kind of strategies can be implemented for Burger King to grow more, invest to their strengths and most especially is to consider the things that hinder their growth and success in the market.
● Star (High Growth, High Market Share)
In this aspect, it has a relatively high growth rate and high market share. The Burger King products, especially their Original Whopper Burgers have rapid growth and dominant market share. It also has 13,000 franchise-owned outlet businesses around the world and its presence in every country makes it a strong brand that is why it earned a lot of significant revenue from that strategy. However, to support their high growth and high market share, careful consideration should be given especially to their product development strategy to develop innovation in this intensive competition of the fast-food restaurants and tap the untapped areas to increase the sales or else, it will become a cash cow.
● Cash Cows: (Low Growth, High Market Share)
In this aspect, it has a relatively high market share but low growth. It is said to be high in market share, but the growth rate is declining and their competitive advantage because they manage their supplier with their own rather than outsourcing it. For them not to go beyond the decline stage, it must be taken into careful consideration of the innovation of their products, investing in research and development to be able to turn this cash cow into a star again. It will surely benefit the sales of the Burger King. In addition to this, the international food strategic business unit is a cash cow of Burger King. Within its category, it has a high market share of 30%. However, the target markets are now shifting their taste and now inclined less to the foods internationally that is why it affected the growth rate of Burger King. They must invest thoroughly to stabilize it, and if it no longer works, this strategy will now be divesting.
● Question Mark: (High Growth, Low Market Share)
In this aspect, it is relatively high growth but low in market share. Some products of Burger King are immensely consumed. However with the strong competition in the market, some customers are like the other restaurants that sells burgers as well. In this way, it is difficult to know if some of the Burger King will prosper and become a star of the brand. And most likely, it requires a significant amount of investment, especially in marketing and maintaining its market share. In line with this, the local foods strategic business unit of Burger King is considered a question mark because consumers are now inclined toward local foods. And burger king is having a low market share in this aspect. In this case, Burger King is most likely to consider and invest in this strategy in order to bring a high market share. Another thing is that Burger King is poor in reaching some areas, the confectionery market is growing for some years now. With that, Burger King needs to penetrate the market because not everybody is being targeted by their current strategy. If they include the confectionery market, surely, it will increase their sales and make it into a cash cow.
● Dog: (Low Growth, Low Market Share)
In this aspect, it has relatively low growth rate and market share. Many of their products have gone through their declining stage due to their marketing strategies and its rivals. Over the years, Burger King incurred losses and one of the reasons is the use of plastic bags. In this era where environmental concerns are being considered. They should divest this and move into an eco-friendly way. Another thing that made them in the dog category is their synthetic fiber products. It resulted from low market share and with that, it must be divested to not incur more losses. And last but not the least, is their use of artificial flavors in their products. Having to innovate products with artificial flavorings does not grow as expected because people nowadays are more health-conscious and as a result, their growth rate and market share dropped. With this, it must call back this product and free it from artificial flavorings.
4.2. Strategic Position and Action Evaluation Matrix
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4.3. Grand Strategy Matrix
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Burger King is internationally known and because of that, it is acknowledged as the 2nd largest Food chain in the industry, and that is how Burger Kind gained their competitive position. Burger King's strategy shows us how they gain their competitive advantage and the growth of its organization by producing and developing their products and resources. It indicates that Burger King is placed in quadrant I and reveals the Strong Competitive Position in the industry and their Rapid Market Growth. Burger King will grow and aim to continue growing their market environment and developing their products and markets to the industry and applying the integration strategies to have a great opportunity and to make the organization more successful in the industry.
4.4. Internal - External Matrix
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The score of Burger King’s Internal Factor Evaluation has a total weighted score of 3.02 and placed in a cell I which reveals that Burger King’s internal environment has a strong IFE outcome of strength and weakness that represents the internal firm. While External Factor Evaluation has a total weighted score of 2.92 that place in cell IV which reveals that the external environment of Burger King identified as a medium outcome score in EFE when it comes to the external opportunities and threats.
The results of IFE and EFE weighted scores are placed under cell I and cell IV, which is the Grow and Build strategies. This segment has a division of Market penetration, Product Development, and Related Diversifications and from the other point of view, backward integration, forward integration, and horizontal integration are also strategies that can be considered and reasonable on this division.
4.5. Strength - Weaknesses- Opportunities - Threats Analysis
1. Strong brand image
Burger King takes advantage of its well-known brand. Since 1969, the logo has hardly changed. The famous terms "Burger King," squashed between two drawn hamburger buns, can still be recognized.
2. Moderate market penetration
Market penetration is Burger King's primary expansion strategy. The objective of this comprehensive approach is to increase sales from current customers or markets in which the company already operates.
3. Moderate differentiation of products
Burger King was among the most well-known brands in the business. The company would be able to open new restaurants and introduce new products more easily. Because of the large number of Burger King restaurants around the world, higher market penetration is a strength. Burger King's mild differentiation is also an asset, allowing the company to ensure that some of its products are unique.
4. Greater franchise mix
With over 18 thousand franchised restaurants, the business has almost exclusively become a franchised chain in recent years. Just 52 units are still owned by the company. Even though Burger King has decreased the number of company-owned franchises, the total number of locations has increased every year over the last decade.
5. Strong market position
Market positioning is the method of presenting a brand to potential customers in such a way that they can easily see how it compares to competing products. Burger King targeted the young adult market, especially young males, and positioned itself as a provider of high-quality, great-tasting, and affordable food.
6. Robust financial performance
Burger King's income statement has been strong in recent years, increasing year after year, making them very competitive in their industry as compared to other fast-food restaurants.
1. Easily imitable business
Some fast-food restaurants that also has Burger on their menu can easily imitate the Burger King’s best-seller which is the “grilled burger”. They can produce similar products and lower their price because they are the one of the most saleable products in the market when it comes to burgers.
2. Limited product mix
Burger King maintains a limited approach which is shown in its limited product portfolio. Nonetheless, by economies of scale from large-scale sales of a limited range of product lines, this product mix helps Burger King's generic strategy.
3. Low control on franchise model
Acquiring a franchise entails entering a legally binding arrangement with the franchisor. Since franchise agreements determine how you run your company, you will have a little control over the franchise model, leaving little space for innovation. There are usually limitations on where you can operate, what items you can sell, and who you can work with. You would also have a lack of privacy in addition to these issues.
4. Market concentration
This can be a flaw because high concentration means that the top companies have a lot of influence over the market's products and services. It will result in higher prices and lower consumer security because just like Burger King, which is owned by Jollibee. The top firm Jollibee can set price rules and set certain services that can affect small firms.
5. Negative earnings
Full-service restaurants dominate the Philippines fast food industry, with a 31.8 percent market share in 2017. The 100 percent home service delivery sub-segment is the fastest-growing segment, followed by street stalls/kiosks, during the forecast period.
6. Scattered marketing campaign
The scattered marketing used by Burger King can affect current and potential customers. This could result in a low return on marketing campaign investment
and the loss of existing consumers, who would turn to brands with clear and insightful messaging.
1. Internal expansion developing
Burger King's intensive approach has a strategic goal of targeting new consumers in new markets by offering low prices. This intensive strategy entails entering new markets or targeting new consumer segments to support business growth.
2. Health conscious
Consumers are increasingly turning away from unhealthy foods high in fat and calories, therefore introducing healthy options is a smart strategic move. Burger King Worldwide believes that by combining culinary creativity with improved operations, guest satisfaction will be enhanced, as well as the company's profitability.
3. Market shares
Full-service restaurants dominate the Philippines fast food industry, with a 31.8 percent market share in 2017. The 100 percent home service delivery sub-
segment is the fastest-growing segment, followed by street stalls/kiosks, during the forecast period.
4. New supplier
Because of expansion they will seek new supplier with lesser delivery price and product cause
5. Increased demand for products
When the price of meat and vegetables decreases, the price of the meal tends to fall as well, which increases the demand for burgers. A satisfied customer is higher, which is a major factor in the rise in demand.
6. Service quality improvement
Burger King's service quality, the use of quality dimensions such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy is used to effectively and assess the quality service of the restaurant.
1. Expiring contract
If there was a contract it is short term only for the employees, it not a lifetime work because it is a contractual basis.
2. Predicted natural disaster
Climate and its effects around the globe can impact negatively on companies' bottom lines in several ways. Extreme weather, both in the Philippines abroad, can damage factories, supply chain operations, and other infrastructure, as well as disrupt transportation.
3. New Competitors
A company's competitive advantage is compromised when new companies enter an industry offering the same services or goods. As a result, the threat of new entrants applies to a company's ability to enter a market.
4. New Law
Implementation of tax increase because Tax cuts can boost business demand by increasing firms' after-tax cash flow, which can be used to pay dividends and expand activity, and by making hiring and investing more attractive.
5. Legislation for unhealthy fast food
If there is regulation restricting the production of unhealthy foods, the cost of food will increase so there will be an increase in nutritional value, leading to increased cost to the company.
6. Imitation
Product imitation has a significant impact on the financial results, lagged asset return, and having a good marketing campaign will significantly influence market share for the sins that people can prioritize imitation with nearly the same quality as the original product with glass market value does the aim for the great return of us it slow.
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Two strategies were formulated from the TOWS Matrix: Market penetration and Production Development. Burger King needs to advertise or promote their business to stay competitive with other companies, they must improve their production and adapt to new trends in the industry.
4.6 Quantitative Strategy Planning (QSP) Matrix
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The findings revealed that production development is preferable over market penetration. The two methods have similar ratings, indicating that they can both be applied by the company.
5. Strategy Recommendation
New strategy recommendations are vital for a company, especially when they are aiming for more success. These are the strategies that Burger King can use, and this includes Market Penetration, Market Development, and Product Development.
Strategy 1- Market Penetration
It is said that Burger King’s weaknesses are Market Concentration and Scattered Marketing Campaign, so the strategy of market penetration will be able to help with these weaknesses. Market Penetration will help when it comes to Burger King’s presence, and it will also help in improving their influence. Market Penetration focuses on the brand’s image like partnering with other brands, companies or even with people who have a very great image. It will help in having better marketing or branding strategies and it can also result in the company’s opportunities in the future. Market Penetration will also improve the company’s sales and it will be more recognized by more potential customers since they also need to improve their advertisement skills. Market penetration also helps when it comes to improving the company’s pricing.
Strategy 2- Market Development
Market Development is a strategy that is helpful when it comes to introducing a company’s products to new locations. Market Development will help in developing the business or market through expansions. This is a great strategy since we can see that Burger King is already very successful in their field so opening in more locations will not be that complicated for their company. Market Development is a strategy that can help Burger King in gaining more competitive advantage and it makes the business to be locally, and internationally known. The market development will help burger king to be known in every area in our country and all around the world. This can also help when it comes to improving Burger King’s Marketing Skills and Location development. If the company also focuses on opening more branches in different locations, they will have more control and it can lessen the issue that is related to their franchise models. Having more locations can also lead to the company’s increased earnings and it is a great way to compete with their major competitors which are also opening more branches in every location that is possible.
Strategy 3- Product Development
Product Development is a strategy that involves the development of the existing products, and it may also be used to develop new products that Burger King can release. This can give a new life to the company’s existing products, and this can also help with their new marketing skills that their customers will be curious about. Product development is a strategy that can provide satisfaction to the customers, improve the company’s reputation, improve competitiveness, and improve their quality and performance. Product Development is also one of the best strategies when it comes to improving burger king’s weakness which is having a limited product mix.
6. Action Plan
The action plan includes the steps or suggestions that the company can do to be successful. The action plan will help when it comes to the steps that the company needs to consider so that it can lead to the business’ improvements.
Action Plan 1- Market Penetration
This plan will involve better Marketing and Pricing Skills that Burger King should implement. It is said that Burger King’s market concentration can be seen as a flaw to the business so the best thing to do is to adjust their price range. They also have a scattered marketing campaign which can lead to losing existing and potential customers. Burger King can make their products more known or recognized, and they can compete with other companies by lowering the prices of their products and at the same time it still has a great quality. They can also partner or collaborate with famous influencers so that their sales would increase, their marketing and advertising skills will improve, and their business will be more known so it can result in higher consumer security. Burger King can also improve their location to be more known by the customers and in the market field.
Action Plan 2- Market Development
Market Development will help in maximizing Burger King’s full potential in the business industry. They already have a lot of locations that are operating but they still have a lot of potentials when it comes to opening more branches in different locations so that it will be more known, and it can also lead to their control over their products and service. Burger King can search for more great locations for their business since this will be a great advantage to be able to compete with their major competitors which has a lot of branches in different locations. Unlike their other competitors in the country, Burger King does not have a lot of branches when it comes to provincial areas so having more expanding their business in more locations will be beneficial. When they already have more locations, then they will also have more target markets who are their new potential customers. Market Development can also help when it comes to improving their weakness that is related with negative earnings since when a business is already well known and successful, then there is a high possibility that this will lead to an improvement with the company’s sales and earnings.
Action Plan 3- Product Development
Product Development will be helpful since we can also see in this paper that one of Burger King’s weaknesses is that they have a limited product mix. They have a limited range of product lines like burgers or rice meals. The action that Burger King should consider is to provide new packaging for their products and this also works for other brands. They can provide limited edition products with great packaging and when this becomes successful, they can keep this new product on their portfolio or menu. They can also release more rice meals, drinks, desserts, and new flavors of their famous burgers which they are famous for. Adding healthier options can also be a great improvement for their business because this will be perfect for the customers who are into the healthy lifestyle trends. Through product development, they can also improve the demands, and quality of their products which can result in more customers who will be loyal with their brand.
7. Conclusion
To summarize everything that has been stated so far, we therefore, conclude that Burger King Corporation is performing above the average. Meaning, this food chain is very well operating and competing with its competitors. As the years go by, it is constantly keeping up to cater its market, to meet the needs of its customers, and to be one of the top food chains in the industry.
As you have seen, the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix shows that the Burger King Corporation has a total of 3.02 weighted score which means that it is internally strong. Also, the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix proves that the total weighted score of opportunities and threats are equal to 2.92 which indicates that Burger King Corporation is an above-average level. Moving on, Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) stated that Burger King is only on the second spot in competing with McDonald's which has a total score of 3.17 while Burger King Corporation has only 2.75, and lastly, the Wendy's at the third spot having a 2.30 total score.
Moreover, in the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, you have seen that what makes that Burger King have high growth and high market at the same time is their whopper products and franchise-owned outlet business. Also, the reason why Burger King Corporation falls to this quadrant is that they have rapid growth, dominant market shares as well as 13, 000 franchises around the world. Furthermore, the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix of this food chain shows that Burger King falls in the "aggressive" quadrant since it has a total of 0.50 in Financial Position (FP) and Stability Position (SP) while a total of 1.00 in Industry Position (IP) and Competitive Position (CP). Additionally, the Grand Strategy (GS) Matrix proved that Burger King Corporation has a strong competitive position in which strategies such as product development as well as integration strategies will best suit this food industry. To add up, the Internal-External (IE) Matrix shows that the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) falls in cell I which has 3.02 and the External Factor Evaluation (IFE) falls under cell II because it has a total weighted score of 2.92.
As you have seen, the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix shows that the Burger King Corporation has a total of 3.02 weighted score which means that it is internally strong. Also, the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix proves that the total weighted score of opportunities and threats are equal to 2.92 which indicates that Burger King Corporation is an above-average level. Moving on, Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) stated that Burger King is only on the second spot in competing with McDonald's which has a total score of 3.17 while Burger King Corporation has only 2.75, and lastly, the Wendy's at the third spot having a 2.30 total score.
Moreover, in the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, you have seen that what makes that Burger King have high growth and high market at the same time is their whopper products and franchise-owned outlet business. Also, the reason why Burger King Corporation falls to this quadrant is that they have rapid growth, dominant market shares as well as 13, 000 franchises around the world. Furthermore, the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix of this food chain shows that Burger King falls in the "aggressive" quadrant since it has a total of 0.50 in Financial Position (FP) and Stability Position (SP) while a total of 1.00 in Industry Position (IP) and Competitive Position (CP). Additionally, the Grand Strategy (GS) Matrix proved that Burger King Corporation has a strong competitive position in which strategies such as product development as well as integration strategies will best suit this food industry. To add up, the Internal-External (IE) Matrix shows that the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) falls in cell I which has 3.02 and the External Factor Evaluation (IFE) falls under cell II because it has a total weighted score of 2.92.
Besides these matrices, we therefore, conclude that the Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) also come up to consider the strategies Market Penetration and Product Development to remain competitive as well as to adopt new concepts that will surely fit the trends in the industry. That is why in the (QSPM) Matrix, the methods or strategies Market Penetration and Product Development can be applied to Burger King Corporation for the food chain company to keep in the right track. To successfully achieve these goals the strategy recommendation comes up with an action plan on how these strategies will work and will help the company to be competitive as well as to perform better than usual. And so, this is the findings that this paper found.
8. Financial Projection
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As shown in the chart Burger King’s revenue has a huge step up from the year 2018 which only shows that it is the best year of Burger King because their income has drastically risen and it continues to grow up until 2020 despite the current pandemic crisis situation, it somehow shows that Burger King wasn’t that much affected by the Crisis.
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disneytva · 4 years
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Big City Greens is a great show, it has a small fanbase againts Amphibia and The Owl House? yes but BCG is a hit with kids mostly since the series premiere the show has been having like over 600+ ratings on Disney Channel and who knows how many on Disney XD mostly since the show has moved to primetime for reruns something that no other Disney Channel show has done since Wander Over Yonder in 2013
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A great guy who runs a Phineas And Ferb site explained this better when a popular cartoon page posted about the show being DC’s best hit since P&F
I will explain what it is about. Of all the series you mentioned, only Gravity Falls had a large audience on television, it happens that at the time it was somewhat covered by the success that Phineas and Ferb still had, and when this ended GF did not have much left, in addition to both they had lost a lot of audience when they moved them from Disney Channel to Disney XD. Star, Vs, Ducktales, and Amphibia never had PnF or Gravity ratings; their success is on the internet with their fandoms (if even Milo a series with very little fandom- had a higher rating than Star Vs in their last season ...). Today, Ducktales no longer has the audience it had before since it was sent to Disney XD in the Saturday Mornings and Amphibia has no released new episodes for almost a year, so nothing can be said for the latter.
The Greens are still broadcast on the Disney Channel at the same time they had from the beginning (2018), which gives them many more viewers and more regularity in their numbers. Even in the streaming era, they continue to publicize the channel. So it is the favorite.
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worldallnews247 · 4 years
Necessity of Online Education
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The hole between those with great web associations and those without—the advanced separation—has been an issue in the U.S. for quite a long time. Yet, with the effect of the pandemic on work, school and recreation time, the significance of network has gotten clear to everybody. Insightful voices have since quite a while ago denounced what they called the schoolwork hole, the trouble numerous understudies in lower-salary families have in finishing schoolwork tasks since they come up short on a decent web association at home. This unsafe financial divergence can't be permitted to proceed.
The pandemic has required numerous understudies to go to class internet, featuring the significance of the schoolwork hole. An investigation delivered in June by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Common Sense Media gives verifiable proof this is a significant issue.
Indeed, even before the pandemic, the information was unsettling. The same number of as 30% of all K-12 government funded school understudies lived in families that either had no web association or, if there was some network, needed admittance to a gadget sufficient for gaining from home. That adds up to 15 million to 16 million children from one side of the country to the other.
The computerized isolate is a public issue that excessively harms more unfortunate understudies — frequently in provincial networks where availability can be patchy — just as minority understudies: While 18% of white families need home broadband, the issue distresses 26% of Hispanic family units, 30% of Black family units and 35% of Native American families.
How quick is sufficiently quick?
As the BCG/Common Sense report notes: "Fast web association at home isn't an extravagance. It is as fundamental as power and running water." Furthermore, the investigation shows that as more guidance is done on the web, the more urgent broadband web becomes. For instance, with a low-speed association, it may take 30 minutes to watch a two-minute video exercise in light of the fact that the streaming cradles or freezes regularly while the video is stacking.
Most Americans approach some network access, however not everything administrations can uphold the broadband velocities required for separation learning. The BCG/Common Sense report says that for a solitary client, 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps transfer are the base velocities required.
Numerous conversations are occurring about how to connect the advanced partition in the U.S. as far off learning shapes the eventual fate of instruction. So what requirements to occur straightaway?
Officials ought to assign the fundamental assets. In a mission called #ConnectAllStudents, Common Sense Media fights Congress ought to give school areas $6 billion to $11 billion in direct crisis financing to guarantee that understudies who need network access and gadgets at home can have them. The report approaches administrators to take longer-term, deliberate activity with state governments and the private segment to deliberately put to close the availability holes in America's broadband framework and address the issues of the unserved and underserved. The ICT business ought to distinguish and advocate for specialized and subsidizing necessities.
School areas ought to guarantee that their innovation limit addresses the issues of understudies and instructors, including distinguishing which family units have the best needs. Instructors will require proficient advancement to improve the nature of the online guidance experience. Schools will require protection and security instruments to ensure understudies and educators. Schools and network and guardians gatherings should work cooperatively to advocate for overhauling foundation to accomplish sufficient web speeds for the underserved in provincial territories and metropolitan networks with less transfer speed. This will profit understudies as well as instructors also. Generally 10% of all K-12 instructors in the United States (300,000 to 400,000 individuals) need satisfactory availability at home.
Private segment organizations have a vital task to carry out. Telecom administrators and gadget producers must charge moderate costs across school locale, organizing K-12 training support in their gracefully ties and client care to the degree this is financially attainable. Additionally, organizations in each industry need to venture up to help close the computerized separate. They can give gear, for example, workstations, tablets or remote switches to schools, and they can give cash, administrations or both to instructive philanthropies. Organizations can likewise utilize their impact to advocate for strategy changes that will help guarantee each understudy approaches solid network and the instructive apparatuses they have to succeed. The ICT business can likewise help by associating separation learning suppliers with the underserved.
Training associations and philanthropies need to encourage participation among school areas to help guarantee that more unfortunate networks get the assets they need from nearby governments. On the off chance that school locale essentially vie for limited assets, more unfortunate regions will probably get quick work. Moreover, joint effort in innovation acquisition can expand schools' aggregate bartering power when managing innovation providers. For instance, North Carolina utilizes one agreement for school programming all through the state. This diminishes the probability that schools will pay a premium for items and administrations, as they do in Connecticut where there are 170 diverse programming contracts. Philanthropies can likewise help guarantee quality information assortment about moderate access, which can empower spotting and amending disparities.
In an ongoing commentary piece, Sal Khan, the originator of the famous web based learning stage Khan Academy, stated: "If teachers and families aren't engaged with the correct help and devices, [the current situation] will develop from training emergency to instruction calamity."
Forestalling such a calamity will require administrative, state and neighborhood governments to work with organizations to guarantee that all understudies—and educators—have the availability they requirement for internet getting the hang of during, just as after, the pandemic.
On the off chance that we don't act quickly and proactively, an age of kids could endure material training deficiency.
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vanessawren69 · 4 years
How Can Parents Help During Children Treatment
Like most parents, we welcomed our first brand new born with all excitement and enthusiasm. We did the regular things parents-to-be do - getting all set a nursery with decorations, furniture, toys and clothing. We read novels and moved to classes about the best way to raise the boy at his first calendar year. Very little did people know none of the would educate us to manage exactly what lay ahead. Vincent was born without problems in the US full-time. We attracted him back to Singapore if he was 10 weeks old. Our purpose was to bring him up in a multi ethnic and multi lingual environment.However, when he had been three months' old, Vincent turned into a normal guest into the doctor's clinic. He was diagnosed with spleen and liver enlargements that required per week, monthly then half a lever work blood evaluations. His receptor was 800+ as the kid ought to be below 50. His receptor level stabilized once he switched three.At 14 weeks', he got an infection from a make-up BCG injection. This required fundamental anesthetization and operation to both remove the pustule. At two, a doctor discovered that Vincent had a heart murmur. Thankfully, it was a benign murmur. Initially, Vincent dropped over a roadside curve which required a few stitches above his right eye brow. In the beginning, he'd high fever for two successive times and must be admitted into hospital. In between, there clearly were the common influenza and colds.I visualize many parents have gone through similar scenarios. However, these are not the challenges that confronted our faith, analyzed our strength, and improved the course of their lives. Until eventually we observed that he had been different at a year and half an hour, Vincent'd met all milestones. He'd no language. This meant he did not complete a single comprehensible word. He'd not call Mum or Dad. The doctor advised us not to worry as boys develop language skills after. We became very stressed if he did not have any vocabulary at a couple of yearsold. This began another flow of consultation with all specialists in ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), neurology, psychology, and psychiatry. It took us to search, timetable and complete the evaluation. Vincent's hearing was tested. Even the neurologist couldn't get anything strange in your visual test and also called us into some psychologist.The session with all the psychologist has been disastrous. She had been than one hour for its consultation. Vincent lost patience wet and waiting his trousers during the evaluation, nevertheless he'd been toilet trained. The psychologist prescribed him having a"conduct Illness". This brought disbelief and confusion to people. The only positive outcome was a summary of recommended colleges which could accept kids like Vincent.We then sought advice out of a renowned psychiatrist. I still vividly remember the assembly in excess of Vincent's identification: Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (PDD NOS). The health care provider couldn't pin point the cause although in ayman's term, Vincent was delayed in development. The psychiatrist's response that Vincent may well not ever be able to live a completely unaffiliated life throw a dark shadow across the family.In among your many tests, we managed to register Vincent into an exclusive faculty using a special training program starting at age three. This marked the beginning of lasting therapeutic and learning programs for Vincent. To augment the training of language, Vincent has been introduced to sign language and so were that the parents. This had been one among the happiest occasions to hear Vincent telephone out'Mum' and'father' at age of 4 weeks and three years. However his language progressed from one word level at comparative time, the speed of education . The speech pathologist advised he wanted to improve his gross and fine motor skills before language learning could accelerate.At the robust recommendation of their teachers and specialists, we proceeded straight back to US if Vincent was five. This began a brand new chapter of lifetime for both Vincent and the family. Throughout testimonials, we were blessed to come across a pediatrician who specialised in children like Vincent. She'd an exhaustive test of Vincent and recognized him being a kid with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that usually appears in childhood. Vincent was with minimal imagination and common sense, also was stiff to change. He'd no eye could not examine social cues, had Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), demonstrated severe delay in communication, and had gross sensory and motor dysfunction. He exhibited symptoms of a typical unborn child, except he was not hiding in a large part. On the other hand, he had been very sociable. We commenced a series of treatments. He also attended address and occupational therapy for per year prior to the faculty might effectively manage his requirements. He chose herapeutic horseback-riding once a week and swimming two times a week. Riding served calm down him and regulate his mind while swimming improved motor abilities. He did activities for at least five years.During these five decades, we conducted Patricia Wilbarger brushing at two-hour periods to lessen sensory dysfunction, even if we were outside. At an identical moment he had been put below Auditory built-in Therapy (AIT). He paid attention with filtered tune that has been to stimulate brain function in routine audio to Mozart. Later on he had creativity to inspire. He also attended 15 interactive metronome periods to boost attention length. By the conclusion of three weeks' remedy, he could clap 1,500 occasions nonstop as well as always. We also participated a engine pro to improve his design. Even the US law welcomes public colleges to provide aid for kids with special demands. Vincent was incorporated straight into main-stream kindergarten.With restricted language, conventional kindergarten was exceptionally challenging for Vincent. He had been so disruptive and distracted that he had to be brought out of the classroom. Walking at the school hallways or frequent breaks were a daily occurrence. We had to cross our fingers beg and every day he had a superior school afternoon minus incidences. With medication and reliable support, Vincent figured out the routines and commenced choosing up language. Throughout the First Grade language test, '' he performed at 1 percent. That meant in a hundred children , '' he had been the last in language proficiency. At home we functioned with flash cards on cognitive abilities, spatial and basic theories, functions and characteristics, and also a regular follow from the teaching of their school. We also instructed him phonicstime, numbers, size, income, etc.. It had been daunting to teach him 10 cents have greater significance than 5 cents when the 10 pennies coin is significantly smaller compared to five cents. Vincent's language improved to 25 percent by Grade. He progressed it to around 50 percent from the end of 4th Grade, properly beyond some other pro's expectations.Once Vincent picked up languageshe participated in school activity with much significantly less and not as much the help of the distinctive education instructor and the education aide.The target for IEP has shifted to social interaction and communication. Socially we have been through situations compared to speech instruction. During kindergarten, neighbor's children named him idiotic and mad. Since they could not be understood by Vincent, fortunately, the name calling was only hard for us . He was invited into a birthday party by kindergarten to fourth grade. The school address therapist hailed programs for Vincent and returned together with him to coach him. We study books and also wrote Carol Gray's social stories to demonstrate that the broad social policies of behaviour for each occasion and receiving alongside. To get additional details on this please find this. He joined social-skills training in a hospital and also in the summer camp. Nothing came simple to Vincent. Everything had to be educated. He needed - and - needs - published rules and demonstrations to direct him. It had been expected that he could be in a position to implement once he gained broad base foundations. Every one of the clinics and also training dropped off when Vincent lastly produced three friends at Fifth Grade.He was invited to their birthday functions. He encouraged them back over. He made a couple more friends at sixthgrade. He claimed two of them since his friends with whom he spoke during lunchtime and played after faculty. He no longer was a target for bullies or a ranger at school. We're fortunate that Vincent reacted favorably to therapies and interventions. The illness was very delighted about the progress of Vincent. A psychological investigation showed that Vincent continues to function at the average to exceptional selection of brains. He no longer exhibited considerable discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal abilities. The doctor changed Vincent's diagnostic to Asperger Syndrome, the mildest form of this ASD, in the age of nine.After many years of struggles, we began healing Vincent much like a kid. You will find put on television time. He had an allowance to purchase his favorite toys and games. He learned just how to do laundry, use the drier, fold clothing, wash cars and dishes, sweep floors, run the vacuum cleaner, also shift light bulbs, etc.. Recently, he started out preparing his breakfast, cooking minute noodles, skillet and utilizing a knife.He desires these capabilities when he goes to faculty. We expect him to behave appropriately in public and in gatherings. He said was accountable because of his schoolwork so we ceased checking his homework reviewing with him. Maintain his own honor roster and his obligation as a student is to carry out well academically. He's studying voraciously, especially science and nonfiction books. As he isn't athletically likely, he's plumped for fencing as his only form of sport.For many years without changing, his objective is always to become Zoo Veterinarian. He is on course to meeting his fantasy. Soon after processes of rejection, blame, frustration, anger, acceptance and resolution, we have come to terms with his investigation. Even though we search for remedies that best satisfy himwe take, and the majority of the time, that he could be and that which he will eventually become. We've pledged to provide him anything ordinary kids love and we hope to execute no further compared to other children' of the calibre. We know there are more challenges before us and him however we have been convinced he'll direct a lifestyle. Inpatient treatment helps and benefits kids a lot. They've programs that make it possible for children to be dependent together by using their selves. First, the therapist assesses a young child therefore that an appropriate actions or plans will likely probably be given in line with the child's functionality and ultimately, the test made will probably be valid. The overall capability as well as also the wholeness of a kid is aided and improved with a program that is family-approach or baby friendly to make sure the kids are not going to feel nostalgic and only feel comfortable throughout the program.Since occupational treatment revolves across the increase and progress of a young child, therefore each phase is monitored for longer desired consequence. Kiddies who may benefit from occupational therapy are those who have birth injuries or premature, finding out problems or ADHD or developmental/ motor skills handicap, problems with coordination or chronic musculo-skeletal circumstances, any behavioral problems and harms or injuries. Fortunately, occupational treatment does not confine their program to these conditions; nevertheless they extend their own tasks to fine skills, socialization, neural integration, oral or motor skills, harmony , faculty performances and food aversion.Occupational therapy is vital in helping children improve and become independent at all activities they perform. Occupational therapy is not only for adults; nevertheless, it is as well decent for youngsters because they are doing all their daily pursuits and they must have such help make the task simpler to allow them to do independently.This therapy is coping on the little one's activities is it physical or emotional, and even at an simplest action like brushing, talking and eating, they supply this training for much better operation, especially kids who are experiencing trouble doing simple task together by using their very own. Such a therapy is not solely based for house pursuits but at schools because well.After each single task that's assigned to a specific baby, it's then assessed on how they perform on specific endeavor. By way of example, they offer a week to get child to work out to tie his shoe and after one week that the child has to show improvement or also so the therapist may change the approach in order for the child will discover the manner.
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chrishoughton · 2 years
I have to say, for the last 4 years, you and your brother have been my biggest inspiration! I've wanted to go into animation since I was in 5th grade, and now I'm finally on my way to start studying animation in college. I actually just graduated from the same high school you guys went to, and I was a freshman when you came back to visit just after BCG took off. Finding out that there were other people from that small town who were able to make a name for themselves in the industry was a HUGE deal for me, because it meant that it was entirely possible for me to make it one day too. So thank you for sharing your talents with the world, and thank you for coming back to visit us! (Also, I love BCG so much!!! Nancy is my favorite character because she's just so awesome, but I like Bill too because he reminds me a lot of my own dad)
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A fellow hayseed from St. Johns?? Hello friend! Funny, getting this message feels like receiving a message in a bottle. Probably for the same reasons you describe. There's something about seeing someone from similar upbringings that makes you go, "hey, there are others like me!"
Coincidentally enough, I had a similar experience when I was in high school. There was an artist from my hometown who went on to have a great career in animation. Matt Whitlock was a name I heard growing up, because he had grown up in St. Johns, then moved to Florida to work for Disney, then eventually moved to LA for work. Gasp! I was blown away that someone from my lil town could go off and do something like that. I almost felt like I wasn't allowed to move out or that those types of creative jobs were reserved for "other people" (whatever that meant!).
Through my high school art teacher, I connected with Matt and years later, he and I eventually ended up becoming good friends. He actually helped me get my first LA animation gig but more importantly, he showed me that this type of career was possible. All these years later, Matt and I still get together for brunch every couple of months.
So I'm glad you feel similarly. Chase those dreams and see where they take you. You may not land where you originally thought, but I doubt you'll ever regret pursuing what you love. I like to think that good things come to those who are willing to bet on themselves.
Best of luck, and tell everyone in St. Johns I said hi! ...Should only take you a few minutes (just kidding, it's not that small)
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fanfic-inator795 · 3 months
You know how most shows (or at least, the last few Disney shows) do a bit of a flash-forward these days?
What if BCGs does the same for its eventual finale - and, what if grown up!Cricket ends up opening up his own grocery store for his happy ending?
We already know, based on his best moments with both the cafe and the veggie stand, that Cricket does decently well when it comes to retail and salesmanship (just so long as he doesn’t try to pull any get rich quick or get out of work schemes, which I’m sure he’d grow out of by the time he reached adulthood) and would certainly have the drive to make it in the business world if he really wanted to.
And, not only would a grocery store sorta represent the show’s ‘country meets city’ theme, being the best of both worlds, it would also be a great way to keep Cricket connected to the family business without just making him another Green farmer like how Alice, Bill, and practically every other Green were. Going from farms that struggle to survive nearly every generation to a successful grocery store that can just as easily be passed down would be the ultimate win for this family.
BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY, it would fully cement Cricket and Chip as parallel characters - two sides of the same coin, with the key difference being that while Chip only cares about himself and thus brushes aside customers, employees and potential business partners/friends alike, Cricket meanwhile is a true people-person and would likely do what he could to make his grocery store one that was welcoming to everyone, rich or poor.
It’d be a sort of full circle moment in showing how much Cricket has grown and matured while still keep to his true nature - that being a kid who, for as self-centered and reckless as he can be sometimes, ultimately cares about others - especially those he considers to be family or friends.
Idk, does anyone else feel like this would be the perfect ending for the show? Flash-forwards are already pretty solid endings imo, and given how much the Greens have already grown over the course of the series, it only seems fitting to end it with the characters fully growing up with the next generation of Greens on its way.
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muskoxen · 6 years
I left this sitting too long, because I couldn’t find a way to end it.
It’s a bit of a character study on Frank. Because Frank really loved Maria, and he really loved his kids, and he loved being a dad. And that’s gone now, and he doesn’t have anything left from that life. So how does he deal with that, now that Russo’s in the hospital and the major players have met their ends?
Anyway, except below and the story is over on AO3.
Three weeks later, and Frank acknowledges that Pete is a hipster.
It starts off small. Frank doesn’t like hipsters. He thinks about the word “hipster,” and he thinks about spoiled-ass middle class kids eating tofu and talking about how the rest of the world are cretins who listen to MP3s instead of vinyl. He thinks they’re snobby and they dress sloppy and they’re just really fucking white.
Turns out, though, that they’re everywhere.
Turns out, every man with a beard in New York City is a fucking hipster.
It goes like this.
Pete shops at thrift stores, because even though Pete has started apprenticing with Martin Kadar four days a week and is working four nights a week at UPS, he’s got about eight grand in dental bills to take care of and he needs a legit paper trail for the CIA.
So he’s in line for coffee, wearing his boots, a pair of Levi’s he found that fit his thighs, a leather belt he found to hold the gapping waist in, a beanie for the cold, and a wool coat. Everything but the boots he picked up at the Housing Works thrift shop. And the kid behind the counter, he says:
“Hey, man. Nice beard. Do you mind if I ask which beard oil you use?”
And Frank is just abso-fucking-lutely speechless. He grunts at the kid, pays for his coffee, hightails it out of there.
He takes a look around as he heads back to the shop. And he sees the guys around him, the ones not wearing suits and half the ones that are – they all have beards. And boots. And heavy-weight denim, and plain beanies, and wool coats. They all have the same haircut. Their beards are better groomed, yeah. And some of them have stupid-looking glasses that make the military BCGs – Birth Control Glasses – look like Gucci. But they all look alike, even the ones that aren’t white.
Frank puts a pin in the thought when he gets back to the shop, because if you zone out with a table saw running you lose fingers. But that night in the warehouse, he gets to thinking. Thinks about all these white guys who look exactly the same. Thinks about blending in, and how much he hates having his hair touch the back of his neck.
Next day, he goes online, reads some reviews, and picks a barber. Makes small talk with the guy, who has a fucking waxed mustache, and listens to him go on and on with recommendations about maintaining the shape of his beard between cuts. There’s trimmers, and beard oil, and combs. He’s never had a beard he wanted to keep – was clean shaven from eighteen to last year, when he grew in his homeless beard. So the information is useful, regardless of how annoying it is to listen to.
But the guy turns Frank around in the chair and he’s looking at the back of his head in the handheld mirror and, shit. He actually looks pretty good. He’s not meeting any uniform standards, for sure, but…It’s clean. Tidy.
Best of all, he blends in.
Martin looks at him the next day, rolls his eyes, and says “Not you, too, Pete.” And Sonny and Nate – Martin’s other guys – they talk big about he’s joined the club and start talking about shaping and trying to make him smell their tins of beard wax.
Frank shows up early to group that day to get it over with and Curtis does a good job keeping a straight face for about thirty seconds. After, at the bar, the waitress tells Frank about the new IPA they have in and Curt loses it again.
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fryegriffith20-blog · 6 years
BCG 10 Pound. Fitness Ball
When William Dunlop informs you he has been working out on a regular basis as well as has actually included mixed fighting styles to his training program, you know he is significant about winning worldwide road races. The only Scot in team GB for the Glasgow 2015 World Gymnastics Championships wants the residence group to help support them to the Rio Olympics. Simone Biles contends in the floor workout during day two of the 2016 P&G Gymnastics Championships at Chafitz Sector on June 26, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri. Motivation Belief And Health and fitness Saved Aaron's Life Poor health left Aaron with hypertension and rest apnea yet petition and hard work helped him lose over 100 extra pounds. Gains usually happen reasonably promptly at the start of a training program after that slow down as the body readjusts. This depends upon a number of elements, including your age, physical fitness level and also goals, as well as type of task. To attain such a figure, athletes carry out considerable resistance training programs monitored by qualified strength and conditioning instructors. When recovery from training at the end of competitors sessions, swimmers need to focus on comparable issues. Picking a 5K - 3.1 miles - as her path back to fitness is wise of Gilbert, workout experts concur. Parents with cars and also the kinds of works where they can own to training twice a week for 5pm. They left Emirates Arena in far better heart after a solid efficiency and also the return of their major marksman Kane, who looked harmful, albeit short of full match physical fitness. Like his remarkable team-mate and also good friend at the South Essex Acrobatics Club, Max Whitlock, he committed his teen years to the aspiration of completing at London 2012: investing countless hours in the fitness center, functioning the rings up until his hands were callused and battering the identical bars till his biceps were black with contusions. With its informal style, this t shirt goes to house both in the health club as well as out on the community. I currently firmly believe that although endurance cardio training is important, it actually has to belong to an extra thorough program that includes brief ruptureds of task at very high strength, embellished for your details fitness degree. http://invaloaredecumparare.com/sliminazer-pret-comentarii-forum-rezultate-compozitia-in-cazul-in-care-pentru-a-cumpara-pe-site-ul-producatorului-sau-de-la-farmacie/ is to make use of stamina training with Sprint 8 high-intensity exercises that will enhance your development hormonal agent as well as aid you cut off fat like a hot blade through butter. Peters was among the nation's top instructors in the 1980s, and also his SCATS health club created numerous nationwide staff member. Resistance training was superior to no intervention at enhancing hip versatility, yet stretch training was no far better than not doing anything. Specify your health and fitness goals and also put your strategy right into activity with physical fitness equipment and also accessories. As kept in mind in a Geek Fitness 2 blog site talking about the qualities of weight training, while your total weight loss in terms of extra pounds may appear slower, you will certainly tend to lose inches much faster. Give your body at least one recovery day between sessions (although some individuals might need more, especially at first). The joint partnership in between the regional sporting activities network and also the radio home of the Doubles supplies followers with the possibility to view even more springtime training games compared to in the past - eleven greater than last season. Hello steppie57, The Rate Health and fitness Magnetic Recumbent Exercise Bike has an optimum weight capacity of 250 pounds. As formerly discussed, it is constantly best to incorporate interval training with core and toughness workouts for optimum advantage and results. Fighting has been widespread across various training camps around the league, most significantly with Jets quarterback Geno Smith maintaining a broken jaw from an Enemkpali sucker punch throughout a storage locker area altercation in Florham Park. Your best option when beginning, the experts state, is individually help from a qualified health and fitness trainer - whether it's an individual trainer you've hired, or a teacher at your fitness center. To obtain the most effective physical fitness tracker for you, get in touch with the physical fitness tracker contrast graph to contrast features throughout tools. Take on new set routes, or sync your workout with your preferred health and fitness app. An efficient exercise program that integrates high-intensity interval training incorporated with intermittent fasting could aid counteract muscle mass aging and also wasting, as well as boost fat-burning. Roy Hodgson wants his Globe Mug squad, that are investing this week at a warm-weather training base in Portugal, to sweat as extensively as they will certainly when they play near to the Brazilian jungle following month. Nicks later on fulfilled the media, though he decreased to use any type of apologies or explanations for his strange lack from the Giants' volunteer" offseason training program the last 3 weeks. The winning team will certainly preserve control and also residence fitness center benefit as the series progresses each week.
I think that while particular brand names could go as well as come, and specific product and services may ebb and flow as customer choices transform, the wider focus on healthy and balanced living - and fitness particularly - is certainly right here to remain long-term. They will proceed their training in Dubai and also play some matches against neighborhood sides to acclimatise to problems and obtain suit fit. Consuming a carbohydrate-rich, protein-containing treat or dish promptly after training may optimise gains in muscular tissue mass by enhancing manufacturing of anabolic hormones, lowering healthy protein breakdown and supplying amino acids for protein synthesis. Vicentin and also I were chatting a few days ago about the opportunity of the Socceroos creating a comparative benefit on the back of modern training technologies and also sporting activities sciences - as well as I believe it is an actual window of chance which we have barely started to discover. No where else on the planet would certainly you suggest that a specialist 'elite' football compensation exists that needs higher degrees of health and fitness (across the full gamer group) etc than does soccer besides here. You can simply use your surrounding setting to pump your physical fitness up a notch. But when your kid's new young puppy removes around the block, you get winded aiming to catch him - and also the young puppy isn't also taking a breath hard. If you can do a peak health and fitness workout two times a week, and follow the nutritional referrals I'll review following, you will certainly enhance your production of development hormone. While having accessibility to a fitness center or workout tools will certainly supply you with a larger variety of alternatives, you don't call for either. Sports beverages could be an excellent liquid selection for netball video games and training sessions. Love all the Only the Browns would certainly be stupid adequate to authorize this person" kind remarks, when every, last among these people leaving these dumb comments understands that VY would certainly be no more compared to training school fodder or 3rd/2nd string at best. I lately posted a superb meeting with Dr. Doug McGuff, M.D, an emergency room doctor as well as an expert in high-intensity period training. Sport-specific shoes are specially created for the roughness of your game, and they're a wonderful method to obtain the support and stability you need for training. If driving to the health club (much less working out in front of God as well as everybody) is a deterrent, Westcott recommends establishing a customized circuit in the house.
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lifeatgraygables · 2 years
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Happy Thursday! I wanted to share some HUMOR for you. I mean... being a Professional Genealogist... I work HARD- but I also GET to be a MOM... I get to KEEP up on my HOUSEWORK... I make Hubs dinner(s) every night before he heads out to work... I GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS! I work out of our home office. It has everything I need (and more) and tons of space for me to SPREAD OUT all the documents I obsessively print! I work WHEN I want... with the only onset being that I am somewhat available to meet with my clients for KickOffs and Follow Up Communication- when necessary. Otherwise... I tend to work in the evenings, after dinner with my kiddos- when they are doing their own unwind after a long day at school... or on the weekends, late at night- because my hubs is usually up. It just works. That leaves most of my days - free to work on the blog, housework, taxi-ing kids here and there... etc. *************** And... you can level up to become a Professional Genealogist too- and live this awesome life! Grab my CERTIFICATE COURSE - From Hobby to Professional Genealogist - before it's gone.... I have a few spots left for this last session! Don't Miss Out. This course provides audio and visual learning techniques to show you HOW to jump-start your PROFESSIONAL GENEALOGY business, taking your beloved HOBBY and turning it into a successful, money-making career. We go over how to properly research (per the BCG, using the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS)); the BIG Benefits of being a Genealogist; Research Resources; What types of services you can offer; What skills and knowledge you need to be a professional genealogist; how to learn from other genealogists, resources; starting your own business, expenses, setting up your Genealogy Fees, Hiring support staff; Setting up Target Markets, Marketing 101, How to sell your services and creating client contracts! You get a Certificate for your portfolio upon completion... and a TON of RESOURCES! All of this in one 6-week self-paces course! Grab it before it's gone.... www.thegenealogyinvestigator.teachable.com/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvHL-0uj9h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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