absolutebl · 2 years
This is an industry related ask. I saw a meme that got me thinking about how people view the BL industry in entertainment. The post goes like this:
GMMTV has a system where they hire actors to work on BLs as a pairing and they ensure the actors gain a strong following before casting them in a het drama and they never work on a BL again despite still reaping the benefits of the fandom they acquired from BL.
When I first saw the post I laughed because I have always joked that a lot of these actors see BL as doing dirty work that allows you to get to higher levels, but when I began to think of it I ended up feeling sad. The GMMTV pairing I thought of when I saw this was BrightWin, I have never watched their series so I don't even know much about their chemistry together but from social media I have seen that they still do promotion and sponsorship using their ship despite the fact that they probably will never be in a BL together again.
Now I don't think any actor should take a project they don't want but the thought kept ringing in my head that they see BL as something dirty which in turn make me feel dirty. This is more of a me problem as I often struggle with internalized homophobia. I am christian and I come from a place where hating gays is normal as queer people are the equivalent to demons. It took me years but over time I have come to realize that queer people are people and even if I can't completely understand them I don't want to pour energy into hate. Most people think I am strange when I defend queer people because they are so strange here. In fact, I didn't want to start watching BLs at first because I considered them as not queer enough and fetishized depictions. Over time I have come to realize that there are good stuff as well as bad ones.
My main point is that thinking of how the rest of entertainment must view BLs just brings all those feelings forward. What is your opinion on how BLs are viewed in entertainment? Do you think my thoughts are merely clouded by my own prejudice?
I have a short answer for this:
In Hollywood right now no one thinks of, cares about, or even knowns, BL.
Leaving that aside. I have a long answer too.
The "rest of entertainment" specifically Asian countries probably regards BL much in the same way the publishing industry regards romance and for much the same reasons and I talk about that in this post. It's a marketing, queer, and feminist issue. And I talk about that, and it's dirtiness specifically around dubcon and being a queer person who likes BL here.
I hope they help make you feel a bit better.
I will add, since you mentioned christianity that for you shame is likely also in play. Shame for liking soemthing deviant, shame for being a fan of anything at all (that's not sports or god).
Many fans have existed for a very long time under various cones of shame. Those who like fantasy and sci-fi, video games, RPG, LARPing, fanfic, erotic art, anime, yaoi, even kpop. To be a fan of something means at some point you will probably be shamed for it. Unfortunately, enthusiasm and love are often perceived as exploitable weaknesses by those who do not possess a similar capacity for immersive joy. Such people are pitiable, in the end, for they will never know true passion for shared ridiculousness.
I'm one of those who got stubborn about it and decided to mount a defense (which for me meant advanced degrees). But it's a battleground to make it clear that just because a thing is popular, romantic, charming, cute, appealing, sweet, or fun doesn't make in unimportant.
Finally, all industries that produce pop culture are inherently (or grow to be) corrupted and polluted in some way. Film, music, art, publishing, you name it. Any industry that makes money off talent and image is going to end up with gate keepers and middleman whose sole function is exploitative. Because that's how entertainment makes money.
It is possible to still love a thing while knowing its inception is flawed. That is not weakness, that is survival. Without the uplift that enjoyment gives us, without shared bits of pop culture and entertainment, without art (in whatever ridiculous form you need to consume it) there is no change, or growth, or connection within culture (or across cultures). There is no exploration of boundaries, there is no challenge to the social norm. There is no entertainment and distraction. And there is no escape from reality and the mundanity of everyday life.
If you need it, it's there for you, as flawed as it may be. Like a chipped glass, it still holds the water you need to drink to stay hydrated.
And I won't look at the smudges if you won't.
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echo · 1 year
whattt a tumblr tag post game??? amazing!!
Tagged by: @theromaboo
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to know better! (eds note: rules are only guidelines unless enforced by violence, you do you)
Relationship Status: putting sexual/romantic relationships in a separate category from my other relations is against my ethos as a relationship anarchist and is a capitalist colonialist tool of oppression (AKA it's complicated)
Favorite Color: the void between the stars
Song Stuck in Head: well it's only #7 for the past month's spotify stats but Reunion by Linea Aspera fuckin' bops
Last Song I Listened To: Love is God by Minuit Machine bc french dark wave is great tho tbh i'd recc DRGS more if you don't know them
Three Favorite Foods: sushi ofc, fried chicken, chocolate. tho tbh i'm the kind of person who has less of a fave and more wants to try new things endlessly?? i'd prefer this question was more three strangest foods altho the cultural perspectives of "strange" would have complications hrmmmm
Last Thing I Googled: ethylene glycol bc a science fiction series i'm reading mentioned using it as a replacement for gunpowder and i went what??? and looked into it and it doesn't seem feasible but also my chemistry knowledge is limited to Nile Red putting things in his mouth
Dream Trip: alpha centauri. but i'd settle for new zealand?
Anything I Want Right Now: an end to capitalism, but mostly maia crimew to be CEO of tumblr for at least a week
Tagging: @cyle, @jv, @defiledcinephile bc anyone who is a Fern fan is good in my book, @ex bc all my cool coworkers use two character blog names apparently, @moonriot, @non-threatening-feminist-boy as that blog name is majestic, @maveriquemagpie, @rockemsockemrocket, @blowery, and @kat
optional extra credit questions i'm making up bc those are boring:
Pets: two tinyyyy kitties, Missy and Molly! they are the size of ~6mo kittens but are 5 and 4 yo respectively. pics available on request.
Favorite hobby (current or desired): wellll i run queer parties and that's a ton of fun but exhausting, but i guess that's a hobby bc i don't like profit or anything. but also that's kinda work- i also do larps around the world, so far i think it's been six countries and counting! my favorite was the one i played a courtesan in a game that was a Marxist reading of Hamlet i think.
Best article of clothing: i have a leather harness that looks like a ribcage with giant spikes in the spine! it's made with rainbow black patent leather (like an oilslick) and gold rivets w/ little stars. it's custom made and sexy af
What do you want your funeral to be: i want my friends to have a secret magical ritual and commit gay crimes by hiding my ashes in construction sites around nyc so my bones are integrated in this city and my ghost can dwell here till there is no city left
i spent way too long on this post but its technically work bc i am on tumblr right? ....right??
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sumrallmind · 3 years
I’m having trouble sleeping so Ima put some of my life is strange true colors thoughts under the cut. Spoilers of course, up to end of chapter 3.
These are without refreshing myself on what happened so whatever i might have some details wrong
Chapter 1 was a good introduction to the world, the powers, and the characters. Decknine did great is making you care about Gabe which makes the ending of the chapter that much more tragic. The little time we got with each inhabitant in Haven was enough to get your interested in their personal stories.
I enjoyed the detective work using the comic to help find ethan’s location, that was a nice touch. And I really liked how they showed Ethan’s fear. it was a subtle but important push for Alex to go from being overwhelmed by emotion to experiencing it with someone.
Because of the shock of the ending you dont have time to really think about what happened with the rockslide, but right at the start of Chapter 2, hooboy.
Oh shit almost forgot the moment where alex sings creep is so damn emotional!
Chapter 2 i also liked. Jed is fantastic and a delight to be around and its good to see someone that caring. And also humble, if we recall that he doesn’t like to tlak about how he saved all those miners.
I only found one memory, i think. the button in the rooftop garden. it was a passing mention but i appreciated that steph’s bandmate was trans. nice little touch.
A great scene was helping Steph through her pain. This was a good moment for Alex to use her powers in a calm setting, to be somewhat proactive in trying to help. Plus, I like how she doesnt fall into the mind-reading trope of blurting out exactly what she reads. Alex is smart. She uses the knowledge in a way that suggests insight without knowledge, if that makes sense.
Then, we have hanging around town, visting people and trying to find Mac. I like how open it feels and thats refelcted in the choice breakdown at the end. There feel like a lot you could miss.
Also dammnit the game made me feel bad for Mac. Yeah dudes an ass but he got put into a terrible position, being told not to tell the truth.
antoehr great moment? Alex realizing she could feel positive emotions from people. Ugh the game does so good in setting up the romances. You really feel the connection between alex and steph and ryan.
Chapter 3 might be my fav so far. You got the sexy distraction. You got diane’s gay awakening. You got ryan as wolfserpenttroll roleplaying on mybook. you got Steph’s Lesbian panic at the “i’ll trade ya for my hand in marrage which includes all the marriage bonus wink wink”. most of the town joining in on the fun. AND THE FINAL FANTASY SEQUENCE WITH ACCURATE SOUNDS! LOVE! IT!
I felt so much emotion for everyone durning the larp. it was the release everyone needed. but then we go into ethan’s ptsd? charlotte’s eomtions? then the phone calls and the emails and the files? whiplash, yo. whiplash.
When i finsih the next chapter i’ll try to get my thought out during or right after so its not as ramshackle and rambly.
couple of quickfire notes to wrap this up
Alex is great, big bi energy, omg two whales shirt yis. She and chloe would get along. Also she and max, now that i think aobut it.
little acts of kindness using power, love it. you go girl, pump up that joggers self esteem! help that birdwatcher find that hawk! help those two young dumb idiots in love get... wait, alex decided not to deal with that mess. fair play.
The expression and eye movement, yes. The people feel so much like people. It adds so much depth to the performances.
steph, stable lesbian who is also a disaster. Ryan, pretty sure that dude is super bi. Jed, nice old man duckie, i wanna drink with this dude and hear the stories eleanor, sad face riley, might have a lil crush on Alex
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savrenim · 3 years
omg i can't believe you replied-- i'm so starstruck right now! and wow, your reply is so long, like i said i would have been perfectly happy if you'd just said: "no" but you actually put in the effort to write such a long reply?? so thank you. alright now: i had no idea about ur original book, and I am so excited to read Opus I will buy it as soon as I can. 'm really excited for it now too, lol! will recommend it to all of my friends. running out space will add more on another ask
ok its me again. hi! i want to read honestly everything you said you'll write in your list of projects, but mostly Opus and witch-queen! actually sounds amazing! i will definitly try out ur book, esp if it's free-- and i have NO doubts that lots of other people will too! i'd buy it. and thank you-- for being so nice to your readers and writing projects that have literally make all the difference in people's lives and still carrying on even though there's not a lot of response. --carried on--
thank you for offering a bit of closure for itfmlam and all in all just being an amazing person. thank you thank you thank you! i... don't know what to say anymore, i'm not very good with words but, yeah. thank you. (and i expect that i WILL love opus-- gay and ploitics and Seers - yes! - all sound like they make a wonderful novel!)
yeah the tumblr ask system is ridiculous but also it is very fun to receive a bunch of asks in a row because The Ask System Is Ridiculous, it's almost a big "DnD joke sending Sending and running out of the 25 words because you don't plan your message ahead of time and keep babbling so keep re-casting the spell" sort of mood and I love it
I am really really glad that there is Someone out there who will give Opus a try which if you've read a beating heart of stone you've already met Saes and Luka which abhos is already so funny because, like. they're both in character for their circumstances but Saes will appear so different in the novel bc her circumstances are that different in the novel but I am. so, so excited about it. there are just so many tiny things that I love. it has The Gay. it has Enemies To Ride Or Die BFFs Speedrun. it has both Actual Intricate Fun Backroom Deals Backstabbing Politics and also Dramatic Duels To Settle Things a la “You know, I can hear you thinking that our government is fucked up and archaic. You can say it to my face.” “I was trying to be polite.” “You are forgetting one very very important detail. We have the defense of ‘we will beat you in a fistfight, therefore we are right and you are wrong.’” “Your government is incredibly convenient to me in particular and also fucked up and archaic.” it has 'so many of these characters are sassy little shits' as evidenced by the previous dialogue. it has 'if I've done this right it will start out feeling like okay fast-paced fun action and then you get like ten chapters in and PSYCHE there are Feelings shit just got Real'. it has such a weird fun civilization and culture that I made from scratch with a conlang where pronouns are not gendered but instead assigned by the speaker to the person that they're talking about based on the amount of respect the speaker has for that person and New Fun Verb Moods like not you've heard of the indicative but consider: the aggressive-indicative. it has the red/blue/gold system. it has an actual really cool looking cover that I commissioned from a friend bc they do that, they do the art thing professionally, so even though this is a self-published and ebook-free-I'll-probably-set-up-a-paperback-on-lulu-or-something-which-obvi-isn't-free-but'll-be-the-cheapest-it-can sort of deal it looks really cool and looks real and makes me feel like a real writer. and you just. aaaaah. have no idea how excited it makes me to hear that There Is An Audience Outside My Friends Who Have Had To Live With Me Ranting About This Nonstop For Four Years That Is Willing To Read This.
(also thrilled that someone will give witch-queen a try, it's weird and so few people like 2nd person writing but it is definitely a project that I am very excited about. given that it's probably going to be under 20k words it is also the sort of thing that will be finished very quickly the moment that I sit down to actually write it. the premise is intensely funny to me bc it is 1000% my reaction to watching an old B-list movie again that was a fave as a kid that I will probably admit to what said movie was on my patreon eventually but not out here in public and then finding in Wikipedia that it had a whole knock-off franchise except they totally in between movies 1 and 2 fridged the main love interest off-screen not even for angst just to I guess replace her with a new love interest and I was like. okay. what if. what if I write a revenge piece of fiction. where you have someone in her exact setup except then instead of being fridged offscreen through sheer spite and genre-savviness you have this queen who is just. aggressively avoiding the attempts of the narrative to assassinate her via refusing to participate in tropes that would end up with her dead and actually being scarily competent and it's weird but I also love it as a concept and do somewhat miss writing in 2nd person, I used to do it all the time when I worked at gay theater camp and wrote hundreds of thousands of words of character sheets for larps and anyways I'm ranting but witch-queen is fun and I'm ridiculous and self-indulgent enough and stubborn enough to bring it into the world)
and!! yeah!! very glad to have been able to answer!! I try to answer all of my asks, especially because they are currently at a Very Reasonable Volume, I am super grateful to receive them and so long as I have time I try to answer!!
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I love having characters discuss media they like / characterization-through-fandom so maybe have A Boy of choice discuss their favorite movie and everyone else reacts?
Okay so this isn’t very good, but I guess I like how I wrote Eduardo. Basically teenage Eduardo, Jon and Mark lowkey larp as their old west ancestors, Eduardo Juan and Marco, while waiting at a park for Edd Tom and Matt to come larping as their respective ancestors, Edward Thompson and Matthew.
Critique is welcomed but idk why you’d wanna do that with this piece lmao.
Word count: roughly 1,400. 
“Barbie and the Diamond Castle,” Juan said, biting into his very authentically old west McDonald’s Mcdouble. 
Eduardo’s laughs quickly turned to wheezing coughs. “God, Jon, what’re you, my niece?” 
“Who?” Juan looked at him expectedly.
“Fine, Juan.” Eduardo said, “why’d you choose the most feminine movie out there? Not enough reasons to not have sex with you yet?”
“I just really like it, okay?” Juan said, “the animation’s really cute, the songs are nice, and I watched it at least once a month until I was seven.” 
“Jesus you’re gayer than me.” Marco said.
“Haha, I think my parents are still waiting for me to come out,” Juan laughed.
“What’s your favorite scene from the movie?”
“I’m sorry are we seriously talking about fucking Barbie movies now?” Eduardo said, “this is supposed to be a stake out.”
“We had to listen to you play Mindless Self Indulgence the entire car ride here, so shut your mouth.” 
“What are you talking about? I had my earbuds in.”
“You were blasting it.”
“Oh, that’s why your mother kept looking at me weird through the front view mirror.” Eduardo said, “that sucks.”
“It’s okay, I think she’s come to terms with the fact that I’m friends with exclusively delinquents.”
“Just kidding, just kidding.”
“That’s mean, Mark. O. M-Marco.”
“Hypocrite.” Eduardo said.
“Anyways,” Marco rolled his eyes, “what about Barbie and her castle and your obsession with them both?”
“I don’t like it anymore! Just when I was a kid,” Juan said. “And it wasn’t her castle, they were actually really poor, they just had to travel to the castle to save a girl trapped in a mirror and the concept of music.” 
“...Huh?” Eduardo said.
“I don’t remember the plot very well, but I think that’s about it.”
“Huh. Sounds like something my niece would actually like.” Eduardo said, “they wear dresses in those movies, right?”
“Yeah of course, it’s Disney.”
“Can you text me a picture of the main girl? I’ll draw her in the dress and give it to her on her birthday.” 
“Aw, how sweet! Sure.” Juan, the infamous old west bandit, got out his phone and texted Eduardo the main girls.
“When are Edd, Tom and Matt supposed to come, anyways?” Marco asked, “my mom’s picking us up in a couple of hours.”
“Shut up Mark, they’ll be here,” Eduardo said, looking out across the grass and duck pond. 
“How do you know?” Juan asked, collecting the group's trash to throw away. “You said Edd has bad handwriting, maybe you read it wrong.”
“I didn’t read it wrong! Trust me, they’ll be here. They’re fuckin’ nerds and their ancestors were these cool action hero guys, of course they’ll wanna larp as them!”
“I thought you said they weren’t cool at all?” Juan asked, “and that their ancestors were gay or something?” 
“Of course they’re not actually cool!” Eduardo said, “but they sure thought they were, so I’m just explaining their train of thought.”
“Couldn’t we just larp as our ancestors?” Juan asked, “it would be fun, and a lot less stressful.”
“I thought that’s what we were doing?” Marco asked, tugging at his cheap brown bandanna Juan had found at Walmart the day before.
“I mean, I guess, but it’s not really authentic if we keep talking about Barbie and cars.”
“Then stop talking about fucking Barbie, problem solved,” Eduardo said. “Now make use of that second pair of binoculars, I think I see their car.” 
“...I wonder if Marco was gay.” Marco said, watching the ducks sleep.
“What d'ya mean?” Eduardo asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Obviously I know there were quite a few gay people in the old west, it’s just funny to think about. How different of a life he would’ve led.”
“I found a photo of him kissing a guy on google.” Juan said, getting out his phone to find it again.
“Really?” Eduardo turned to face him, the car having driven past the parking lot. “How?”
“I remember hearing Edd talk about how that detective’s diary was really gay and thought about if that made Marco’s ancestor gay, to.” 
“Well not everyone in my ancestral line was gay, you know.”
“Yeah but the detective looked a lot like Edd, and Marco looked a lot like you, so I figured it only made sense to check. Here.” Juan handed Marco his phone. “It doesn’t say who the guy is.”
“Wait, so are you saying you think Edd’s gay?” Eduardo lit up and put his fingers together like a pyramid, “oh that’s interesting.” 
“What, are you planning on outing him to the school or something?” Marco asked. 
“No, of course not!” Eduardo said, “I just think it’d be something to bring up.”
“What does that even mean?” 
“Come on, he’s bullied you for being gay before!”
“That was a year ago, and that doesn’t mean he deserves the same treatment!”
“-Mark,” he glared at Juan, “just drop it, okay? If they don’t show up we won’t be able to catch them being idiots, so we’ll have to find some other way to do it!”
“Why do we need to? Have you ever considered that maybe if you stopped picking fights with them they’d leave us alone?” 
“Me?! They’re the ones that pick fights with us!” Eduardo slammed his fist down on the table, making the old wood wobble, “don’t you remember when we were in English and they told the teachers we were the ones that started that knife fight, when really it was them? Or when they were throwing knives at each other, and then stashed them in my locker when they heard a teacher coming? Or when that girl got stabbed-”
“Look, I get it, they suck, but at some point we become just as bad as them.” Marco reasoned. 
An alarm went off in Marco’s pocket.
“Hey, it’s almost 7. We should be packing up.” 
Eduardo sighed, “...fine.”
Juan threw away their trash as they were walking back to the parking lot. Marco took his bandanna off and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Are you able to eat dinner at my place?” Mark asked.
“You sure your parents would want me over again?”
“What are you talking about? Of course. Why not?”
“I don’t know, I just got the impression I annoyed them last time.”
“You didn’t. So, can you come?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t think to ask my parents.”
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah sure.” Eduardo got out his phone and texted his mom. 
“I won’t be able to come, my grandma’s over and dad’s making stew.” Juan said.
“Oh, nice.”
“Yeah, it is.”
The ducks walked out of their way as they passed.
 {i really am just writing the most boring shit rn, huh? I mean i guess its realistic.}
 “Okay I can go, she said to be home by 10.” Eduardo put his phone away.
“Your dad isn’t gonna gril me about colleges again, is he?”
“Hey, if I have to deal with it then so do you.” Mark smirked. 
“It’s just annoying to hear him talk about all these engineering colleges.” He rolled his eyes, “as if I want to drive myself insane with those classes.”
“He’s only doing it because he wants you to have a nice job.”
“...I can have a nice job as a painter too.” Eduardo said, but the bite was gone.
 {my moms getting mcdonalds i cant wait im so hungry its literally 10pm} {its 1230 now and btw i loved it}
 “It’s your choice.”
“Have you decided what college you want to attend yet, Marco-Mark?” Jon asked.
Eduardo chuckled.
“I’m not sure yet. I might become an english teacher, or a librarian.”
“Huh. Nice.” Jon said. “I kinda wanna be a photographer, but I know there isn’t a lot of 
{and then I gave up}
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more Vamp Glimmer and Supposedly-werewolf-actually-just-a-furry Adora
- Not-sure-if-dating-vampire-or-cosplayer Adora chatting with any bats she sees in case they are girlfriend
- putting out a welcome mat so possible vamp gf won't ever be stuck outside her apartment 
- (it doesn’t quite work like that but adora leaves the mat out anyway) (just in case)
- watching Glimmer determinedly eat pizza while Bow facepalms and looking out for her when she gets violently sick later and being like ? Lactose intolerant?? OR deadly vampiric garlic allergy??? 
- its both
- and worth it
- Vampire glimmer remembering seeing her gf fight off a werewolf and screams internally bc adora is human she could have DIED 
- also how strong is she to fight off a werewolf while wearing a full body realistic furstuit??? 
- hooman gorlfriend STRONK!! 
-Question: how did human adora fight off actual werewolf? 
-Answer: she read somewhere that werewolf bite could one hit K.O. vampires. Pure protective girlfriend panic did the rest 
- this gets swapped once glimmer realizes her gf is 100% human, and very mortal, and won't actually regenerate or heal in moonlight, and could potentially be cursed for all eternity or eaten
- anything supernatural and not friendly within 100 yards of Adora can and will be mobbed by a cauldron of killer bats
- Adora think this is Very Cool
- but she also still wants to Fight too 
- Bow face palms even though he isn’t even there to see it he can just sense them being reckless gay idiots by now he can just TELL  
- Bow’s not a vampire YET but he’s been thinking about it for years bc his best friend is an immortal undead being of the night and he never wants her to be lonely 
- Glimmer was actually a dhampire originally but uh a thing happened- Bow got mistaken for an actual vampire and she jumped in to protect and.... turns out that dhampires come back as vampires when they ‘die’. Who knew?
- (glimmer’s just grateful she got done with high school before she changed. collage would have made her a nocturnal shut in anyway so no biggie) 
- Glimmer’s mom (also Vampire) was a lot more freaked out over it
- it made her a lot less pleased with the idea of Glimmer dating a werewolf aka a thing that hunts vampires on instinct once a month and is one of the few creatures capable of killing them fairly easily 
- she made a lot of very thinly veiled threats to Adora
- Adora was Confused 
- Adora spent a whole year thinking Glimmer’s goth dad had been killed by a furry and they even had a talk about how Glimmer felt dating Adora and how she didn’t want Adora to trying being someone else bc she was already nothing like the people who attacked her dad and SOMEHOW they still didn’t figure things out. Amazing 
- Micah isn’t dead he was a human who got attacked by werewolves for being around Vampire Angella and she turned him to save him but he has to spend a few decades in underground recuperating before he can wake up again :(
- Glimmer, back when she was a living dhampire, was really scared he’d sleep for centuries and she’d never get to talk to him again
- another reason she’s cool with being a 100% vampire now 
- Vampire Glimmer leans into her vampireness with glee- smokey eyeshadow, glitter, metal studs, corsets and fancy skirts, black lace fingerless gloves, lots of moon themed pendents, earrings that look like drops of blood, etc 
- She calls her fashion TRAS-ylvanian Vamp-bi-er because she also uses the trans and bi pride flag colors just like, constantly
- Vampire Glimmer: Things I need to survive. One, clothes themed pink-purple-blue, and Two, clothes themed Blue-Pink-White
Bow: What about blood?
Vampire Glimmer: Oh, yeah. That too I guess 
- Vampire glimmer can sprout smol bat wings 
- she is very pissed. her mom’s wings are HUGE and she cannot WAIT to have wings big enough to use as her own ultimate vampire cape
- after finding out Adora is actually a human Angella gets worried for Glimmer in a whole new way
- by then she’d actually warmed up to ‘werewolf’ Adora and trusted her and was actually glad Glimmer’s girlfriend had some supernatural powers to protect her, but now Glimmer is with a human just like Angella was, and she’ll either lose Adora like Angella almost lost Micah or have to make the choice to change her and possibly be left with the guilt of that for the rest of her eternal life
- (Angella’s a little terrified of Micah waking up. What if he doesn’t like being a vampire? What if he pretends he’s fine with it but secretly isn’t and is lonely and miserable forever??)
- she talks with glimmer about it all and they share many hugs. Yay undead mother-daughter bonding! 
- but this also makes glimmer worry bc she used to think her turning Adora a non-issue bc werewolf but now it’s a thing they have to think about and UGH her head hurts blegh whatever 
- not long after Glimmer catches Adora very seriously trying on some cheap fake party fangs and taking notes on how they feel
- Glimmer laughs so hard she cries 
- then she almost dies when Adora asks her “Vat’s vrong?”
- back to the I Am A Furry reveal, Adora sits down with Glimmer and explains that sometimes a furry is just a person who has a fursona and like dressing up as it if they can afford to and that’s literally all there is to it 
- glimmer does some research and comes back with even more questions 
Vampire Glimmer: If your fersona is bipedal werewolf but your fursuit is hyper-realistic to point where i thought it was a REAL wolf, then does that make you a Feral or just a detailed Anthro?
Adora: how do you KNOW about all this??
Vampire Glimmer: google exists. now answer the question so I know which terrible pun to send in Bow’s good morning text 
-For the next few months after finding out The Truth glimmer suffers like, two more Truths per day 
- Vampire Glimmer, texting from inside her coffin: Wait, if you’re not a werewolf then why do you eat your meat so raw?
Adora: .... i can’t cook...
Vampire Glimmer: .......... fair enough
- half an hour later -
Vampire Glimmer, texting again: WAIT if you’re not a werewolf then how come you get all moody and grumpy and run off into the woods every full moon??
Adora: LARPing is fun but also stressful and brings on my period AND you can’t fully appreciate a good werewolf fursuit without both the right backdrop and bright moonlight 
Vampire Glimmer: Oh. huh
- half an hour later -
Vampire Glimmer, calling adora from inside coffin: Why do you always smell like dog
Adora, sobbing harder: I JUST REALLY LOVE TALKING TO YOU!!!
- glimmer texts bow and has him make an emergency coffee run to Adora’s so she be kinda sorta functional. This becomes a ritual and Bow joking complains about having to do their ‘dark bidding’ (adora drinks her coffee black) (Glimmer hates that Bow managed to make a both a vampire AND a coffee pun)
- by far the most horrifying thing of all is the fact that Adora has no canine allergy to chocolate. She just doesn’t like it
- vampire! Glimmer lies awake for several days trying to process this
- in the end they both just really love each other <3 
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theshortwavemystery · 4 years
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1. Riverdale is a bizarre town that seems cut off from everywhere else, temporally straddled between an eternal 1950’s—more accurately a 1950’s stuck in an endless repetitive loop. But it takes place in the late 2010’s. Even so, the decor in the town is vintage, and the characters recognize this. The activities of the kids are vintage. the internet and cell phones exists, millennials are named, but it doesn’t seem to matter. something is very weird here, as if all these people are ghosts. all the stock scenarios and characters are here, which is to be expected for a teen drama, but there’s an exactness, a literalism, that is too perfect to be unintentional. 2. what is this world? it seems to be a staging of a certain inertia in american culture, which changes in superficial ways—technology, new TV shows, music new taboos—but all if this somehow serves to reinforce, or justify a return to the “leave it to beaver” universe. 3. any reminder that these are modern kids—their frequent references to contemporary TV shows like Mad Men for instance—only serve to increase the spooky vibe. everyone in this town seems to be low key crazy, making the show feel like twin peaks but written by what’s left of your local shopping mall. 4. the show’s script is constantly making fun of itself to the point that we seem directed by it to avoid taking the drama seriously—it is perhaps a smoke screen, like the haze of the presumably northwestern woods that seem to surround the town (it is filmed in Vancouver). the gay best friend is named as the gay best friend, establishing him as a living archaism—i felt bad for him after this. 5. plot points are shown to be cliche—the fake lesbian kiss, once scandalous in the 2000’s, is brushed off as false and an erasure of real lesbians. the script fools us, indicating it means to aim for more intelligent territory. and yet, veronica’s confrontation with cheryl, her tough girl speech, where she reveals her vulnerability as a rich girl fallen from grace but also stands up for betty—this goes without an ironic comment, even thought it is also a cliche, but a more contemporary oneq—the “mic drop” moment. so we see how the naming of particular cliches, employed ironically, serves to hide others the show is earnestly employing. 6. veronica says she needs to be redeemed for her father’s crimes, how is that fair. 7. archie’s desire to make music seems like a stand-in for a recognition that he’s gay. they cover this up by making his character straight but i don’t buy it. because his music itself clearly doesn’t matter. this is similar to the dead poets society where the kid kills himself obviously because he’s gay and he’s afraid his dad will disown him. why? nobody kills themselves merely because their dad shames them for doing theater. the reason is simple: theater is already such a humiliating and abject thing to love that you have to be totally shameless to even start doing it. once you become a theater kid your dad has lost you. in the second episode, the gay friend of betty reveals that he agrees with me here. 8. archie is the decentered center of the show, not a particularly interesting character so much as a holding container for female desire/fantasy. he’s dumb, cute boy who’s kind of artistic and kind of jockish, but the complex psychology belongs to betty, veronica, cheryl so far—all plotting, calculating characters, whereas archie just wants to enjoy himself and be liked—and to be fair, these shallow needs get him in plenty of trouble, but they’re simple needs. but this is always what archie was, even as a comic book character. he’s kicked around like a football like a more jocular charlie brown. 9. archie’s problem is identiied as the problem of "all millenial men", who need to be told what they want—but this is really everyone’s problem. what makes the girls/women different is that they don’t care that they don’t know what they want—they just act on feelings, and try to make the world match up with the feelings. archie thinks he ought to know what he wants, and then do it. but the women, whose desires as women are not even encouraged from day one, are free from this tedious problem. this is why archie is the one who has to be the moral authority regarding his mutual witness to the murder with the hot teacher, while the hot teacher is only afraid people will find out she fucked a student. veronica brushes off archie’s identity crisis as a false dilemma, critiqueing the categories of “jock” and “artist” and insisting he can be both, and anyway who gives a fuck? but this whimsy and indifference toward boundaries can get devious with veronica, who is betty’s friend one second and hooking up with archie the next. 10. although women are still often denied full subjectivity in literature, in real life it’s always been the opposite—men tend to forego personality development in favor of power or the illusion of power, and end up more shallow, rigid and fragile, more prone to the whims of their entourage. they never really have to become anything in particular--masculinity functions like a hive mind. if male relationships superficially appear to have less friction, it is only because men are brutally conformist and end up with little personal to argue about, usually coalescing around some common interest and not prone to discussing their respective inner lives--except, occasionally to defensively deny their existence. so-called "sensitive" men only do this in more devious ways--it's obvious that jughead is the most devious character we've met so far. women, in contrast, are each a hive mind unto themselves, compelled to construct an array of selves, carefully deploying them to get by in a world structured by the male gaze and booby-trapped by the machinations of other women. this complexity is of course terrifying to men who either submit to it as a fetish or suppress it— and one way of accomplishing that suppression in literature is to create stories where the men are supposedly complex and the women supposedly shallow and dependent wholly on men--the typical gaslight job of the mediocre male writer. this is clearly a show that, whatever its other blindnesses, is not going to let that happen. 11. we are told through veronica that archie is more dangerous than he looks. why doesn’t the show want us to figure this out ourselves? this feels ironic on the writers' parts, another winking use of cliche. 12. everyone’s problem is a cliche—archie’s father pressures him to do sports to get into college, he wants to do something else. betty’s mom is controlling and betty is a people pleaser who already in the first episode explodes about how perfect she has to be all the time and can’t she just do something for herself for once? 13. the music is annoying and cloying but it also grounds the contemporary nature of the show, because of its peculiar sense of melodrama, which is endemic to this time period, and the neoliberal overvaluing of the self. 14. the video on this show seems filtered into oblivion, or photoshopped or otherwise conspicuously treated. just like the self-awareness of the script, it contributes to the sense of unreality. 15. more self-aware cliches: archie and betty grew up next door to each other—they’re stuck in a feedback loop of being the ____ next door. cheryl describes herself as the queen on stage at the dance. 16. classic literature is referenced oddly—betty loves toni morrison, even though by the end of the episode, we have been introduced to zero black main characters. is this self-aware critique of white fetishization of blackness? and there's also thornton wilder’s “our town”… veronica suggests that the high school is part of the lost epilogue from “our town”—wilder also presented a transparently fake and timeless town to stage his existentialist story in, one in which horrifyingly, dead people remain in a liminal space between death and life, vainly trying to communicate with the living they can still see. 17. every celebrity/media reference is bizarre. a thin veneer draped over an unchanging reality. "Riverdale" seems not so much about the dark underbelly of suburbia, but about the idea of suburbia is the dark underbelly itself. a murder has to happen because someone has to bring death here, lest everyone become paralyzed by their immortality. 18. archie’s “making a deal” with the hot teacher is way more erotic than anything he’ll do with b or v… why is this happening at the Dance lol, unless we are to read it this way? they have shared the most precious thing in this town, death... why does archie love the teacher and toy with his peers? because they can't give him death. clearly archie is blackmailing the hot teacher into continuing the relationship, but he does so seemingly unaware of his own motives. he lives in the age of youtube tutorials, he doesn't need music instruction. and here is another paradox of the modern gender binary--men think they don't know what they want, but unconsciously they know what they want--they receive their instructions from the Borg Queen of masculinity and pursue it ruthlessly, whereas women end up thinking they know exactly what they want, but unconsciously they don't, because it's fractured amongst their afformentioned hive of selves. This is why both traditonally-socialized genders are completely right in saying the other is full of shit. 19. “we have no past” goes the song josie sings—and maybe this is america’s problem—the past is empty, the past of ordinary suburbia, interrupted only occasionally by wars perhaps but untouched by cultural progress—and because we have no past we can have no present, only an empty recycling of the same void, the same problems, the same catharses—new episodes of the same show. we live forever at the cost of never changing. is riverdale a socially critical prestige drama LARPing in the ironic costume of a CW teen soap??? 20. all the characters are trapped in a carnival haunted house ride. the theme: adolescence. 21. cheryl’s party—brett kavanaugh could have been at this party 22. jughead is the narrator, and i like the idea that this is all in jughead’s head, which is why it’s so unstuck in time aesthetically, so stylized and knowing. and it's no wonder he's the most popular character, because he represents the writers themselves, and fandom is to have an illusion of a privileged relationship not so much with the characters, but with the property's creators--and to be hyperinvested and, if necessary, hypercritical of their choices. 23. the gay hookup is interrupted by the presence of a corpse—a classic trope in teen horror but it’s interesting to see it with a gay pair. it’s as if in the clash between the perpetual 1950’s aura and the contemporary references and morality, a gruesome surplus appears, the specter of homophobia. which, incidentally is a corpse of a man guilty of a sexual act that is still considered taboo—incest. a corpse symbolizes the death of innocence for a hetero couple, but for a queer couple it can’t just be that—it also must evoke the threat of actual murder. which makes this a very different moment. 24. jughead says riverdale has changed—but it has only been revealed to be what it always was—"full of shadows and secrets", as jughead puts it. he must be putting us on—this place is way creepier than Sunnydale, and that place had actual demons… but this is often what a change amounts to—not the addition of a new trait, but the acceptance of one that was already there. 25. jason blossom is a ginger like archie and he therefore seems tied to archie in a unique way. he dies on july 4th, given some fuel to my reading as a show with something to say about america’s self-image. 26. all the parents are single parents or in strained, unhappy marriages in this town. this us realistic, but that should tip us off: what in the show has been realistic so far? debuting in january 2017, "Riverdale" seems retrospectively shaped by the trump era-a teen drama not about the undead, as buffy was, but a teen drama which is itself undead, fitting for a president who also wished to raise the dead, and also what had never lived. riverdale’s preservation of the old “great” america is superficial—indoors, a very contemporary isolation and alienation reign, in contrast even to the desperation of actual 50’s suburbia. 27. is everyone dead already in this show? is riverdale purgatory? is that what explains its being unstuck in time and drenched in fog? but i’ve been to small towns in the northwest that look like riverdale—nothing has been updated since 1954. in order to seem fake, riverdale has to be even faker that real life, even more uncanny—and that’s a tall order.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 6
Last Time on Grand Theft Auto:
Tsubasa recovers from the world’s gayest coma as Hibiki trains her mind while putting aside such silly concepts as “the love of my life” and “literally being with my girlfriend.” After cooling Miku’s paranoia with her brand new washboard abs, Genjuro prepares the team for a pizza run across the city to deliver a dangerously hot pizza pie named Durandal. Chaos emerges as the delivery is intercepted by a rival pizza gang, lead by the nefarious Gremlin known as Yukine Chris. But, before the pizza could be claimed, dedicated pizza deliverywoman Hibiki not only steals it back, but eats it, harnessing the power of the pizza and unleashing cheesy pasta based chaos around the location.
Ryoko is so into it that she taps into her superpowers and protects Hibiki after she passes out. The delivery is considered a failure, and no tip is given.
And so, the journey continues...
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Meanwhile, in this weird, tricked out mansion...
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Chris meditates on some water metaphors of her own.
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“that pacman colored freak took only touching it to activate a cheap ass french sword that gave her weird demon powers and its taken me YEARS to use this dumb stripper outfit and the funny cane that goes with it, what the FUCK man, what even is my life”
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“maybe... maybe honeybaked hams ARE that powerful...”
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“NO! turkey is the superior meat! it’s healthier, lower in fat, and way more tasty! fuck you! i’ll get my goddamned revenge!”
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Chris begins musing about Fine’s motivations to capture Hibiki; during these, we’re treated to some brief image flashbacks of Chris’s life.
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Suddenly, those jokes about food are a lot less funny.
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It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together as to why this young woman is helping a strange nudist dominatrix spread alien terror across the city of mumblednoises, Japan. She doesn’t really have many an option on the table. It’s either help the weird kinkster with her plans, or die.
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Despite everything, she has a high opinion of Fine, for the same reasons someone might have a high opinion of a television show if it were the only show they were ever exposed to. She is deeply afraid of being alone again, because she has lived through such misery that the very thought of existing out in the cold again terrifies the shit out of her.
The Sun rises casually amidst Chris’s thoughts.
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“ah shit. it just hit me. i literally have spent the entire night standing here instead of actually going the fuck to sleep. goddamnit.”
On such a devious metaphorical twist, Fine stands behind her as the Sun rises.
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“yeah, jokes on you. i couldnt sleep for shit either. turns out, all nude, no blankets? in japan? real bad idea.”
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“thats why i decided to GO GOTH, babey! whattaya think? do i give those witchy vibes, huh? real ‘black magic woman’ santana hours? feeling cute, gonna head out with the girls and summon satan in the woods kinda aesthetic looking shit? come on, be real with me. does this not look baller?”
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“you look like morticia decided to go to the grocery store to buy some wonder bread, but other than that, its a step up from your usual pussy out attitude, so sure”
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“you know i decided to get some brain cells on loan from Brain Cells R Us, and ive been thinking this solomon cane stuff is solomon lame. i dont need this dumb oversized harry potter cosplay prop to get shit done. also, murder is... sorta bad? im still trying to get the brain cell stuff down.”
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“i can punch just as good as goody two shoes if not better.”
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“lol go do it then champ, im gonna go cut down a forest of trees now”
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And so, they both just kinda... stand there.
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Meanwhile, Tsubasa is rapidly trying to rehabilitate herself from her wounds like walking like a madman, her IV drip presumably filled with Taco Bell brand Doritos Locos Tacos super spicy nacho cheese. Taco Bell: Live Mas.
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“im gonna clear every fucking taco bell in your goddamned memory, kanade”
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“think outside the bun! wait, what? that was a taco bell slogan? ah fuck it, im dead. what nerd’s gonna try and correct me?”
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“i would, kanade. i am that nerd.”
Tsubasa is hell bent to try and understand Kanade’s simple philosophy of helping others selflessly. Unfortunately, when Kanade died, she took all the brain cells between them in the process, so coming to this epiphany is a work in progress.
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“listen its a fucking miracle you are 1. alive and 2. able to have your blood run on the garbage melted plastic taco bell tries to dupe people into believing is cheese so why dont you just lie down and think of better franchises to eat from”
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“no! you dont understand! taco bell is a franchise of the PEOPLE! their meals are cheap and filling and- and the chicken quesadillas are of good quality for their price! i promised kanade- my vow to the death. taco bell... ergh... now and forever... i-”
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“wait. my gay senses are tingling.”
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It’s Hibiki, probably running track with Miku.
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“oh yeah... her... i should probably apologize to her. about trying to kill her. and then letting her almost be kidnapped. and just giving her a general hard time about something that wasn’t explained to her in the slightest for months. she’s a good bean.”
Tsubasa proceeds to never canonically apologize to Hibiki throughout the entirety of all 4 seasons of Symphogear.
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Look at em run. See, it’s a metaphor, because they haven’t communicated yet and they’re running from their problems! But they’re running towards Tsubasa, who is part of the representative problem these two share! Clearly literary genius.
It’s like someone went halfway into writing an NTR plotline and went “maybe this isn’t a good idea to market our songs on.”
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Hibiki is still thinking about her Hellshake Yano moment with Durandal. Mainly how she nearly killed someone with it. Hibiki is very starkly in the “killing is bad, and wrong” camp of morality, a trait currently unique to her that she’ll wind up teaching literally everyone else she meets one way or another.
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Some could argue the L stands for Lydian, and they’re wrong. It stands for Lesbian.
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“that was one hell of a run, hibiki! im pooped! why dont we go to the locker room and call it a day, have a nice shower and just get some dinn-”
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“this is the last straw.
i clean your plates. i cook your food. we eat, shit, shower, and sleep in the same FUCKING area, and this is how you repay me? huh? you think being your wife is easy shit, hibiki? half the damn time you’re running off like clark kent having food poisoning and the other half ive gotta babysit you, the emotional equivalent of a preteen clown, to make sure your life doesn’t self destruct harder than Atlantis sinking into the ocean. im done! i am DONE. im reopening my tinder, im slamming my ass BACK into okcupid, and im gonna date some CUTE ACADEMY GIRLS that treat me BETTER than this ABSOLUTE BETRAYAL OF HEART AND IM NOT CRYING I SWEAR ITS JUST THE SWEAT IN MY EYES AND HIBIKI HOW COULD YOU-”
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“oh yeah, sure! hey, lemme just do a few more laps, ive just been feeling judgmental about myself and my figure, you know? gotta push myself further...”
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“o-oh yeah, sure. no worries, ill wait for you. love you too, hibiki...”
The girls bathe together, as good friends typically do.
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“hey you ever notice the showers here have like, weird psuedo-luxurious minipools to bathe in? like, how rich is this school?”
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“whoever made this place is either rich or a pervert. or both, probably!”
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Miku remarks that Hibiki has changed since she’s entered Lydian, in a manner most unheterosexual.
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“oh FUCK you really DO have washboard abs now! ohhh my god.”
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“damn, those abs were heavenly. let’s get pancakes later.”
I won’t screenshot it but something to note is that they actually wear each other’s corresponding underwear colors (or even, if you want to examine more closely, each other’s underwear). Here’s an equivalent scene to give you the mental image.
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This is the face of someone who knows what they want and already have it. Such is the power of Kohinata Miku.
Meanwhile, Genjuro comes back from the funeral of the guy the Americans filled violently and with impunity.
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“yo that all black look looks baller. i should borrow that look... id look pretty gothy in it.”
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“ryoko i sympathize with your sharp, fashionista eye but this was for a funeral, i was paying my respects to the dead. thats the usual dress code.”
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“didnt know they updated that. i remember back in my day, we just went in white garments and chanted in latin!”
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“shit was fire. literally. lots of funeral pyres.”
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“lmao ryoko buddy your larping sessions arent actual history”
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“hey dont shit on larping around me. i used to be a professional larper while i was majoring in acting. helped really sell my career when i had to pretend to slay the Dark Lord Jyarloen atop the mountain of skulls in Hargobor after my family was killed by the Dark Army. asshole.”
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“haha yeah, larping, thats cool yeah, i do that
i larp.”
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“oh yeah? you wanna join my larping session sometime then? we’re gonna do an ancient babylon plot thats inspired by some anime, itll be fun”
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“.....................................im super into realism.”
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“i know im dressed for a funeral but id like to not part ways with my dignity yet. besides, we’ve got serious shit to talk about. basically, we’re on the verge of getting shitcanned.”
As it turns out, the death of this politician removed the last obstacle of opposition to maintain the 2nd Division, as the average criticism against the 2nd Division is “why are we funding this mystery division when we don’t know what they do”. Of course, the sensible idea for an organization that defeats the Noise is to declassify it, given people of different jobs and positions have physically seen the Symphogear in action, but you know. “Oh no, the other governments will come after us” stick gets shaken.
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“im in a union. i know my rights. you’re not taking my acting job here away from me.”
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“im not going back to be a preschool teacher. its been ten year. the bites on my ankles still havent healed...”
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“yeah man, shit sucks ass. i cant fund my adoption habits if im fired.”
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Look at these cinematic parallels. Symphogear truly is a franchise made by someone living in 3030.
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“worst part is the new minister is super into america. he’s a... westaboo.”
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“a westaboo?”
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“did he just unironically say westaboo”
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“he said westaboo. oh my god. this is the hell timeline.”
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“i mean people kept calling me that for worshipping all these fighting flicks so i guess it fit? i dont see the problem here”
Meanwhile, in Lydian Academy...
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“so it hit me, right? we’re ALL girls. and we ALL sing. now, humor me a moment. what if... what if we’ve all been recruited to potentially be superheroes... through our singing? like, there’s no coincidence that all this shit happens around us, right? and a famous singer LIVES here? i saw the black cars outside! weird shit is happening here- im not even gonna eat the all you can eat bar anymore!”
“kathy there is literally no such thing as superheroes who sing. this place is more likely to be a organ harvesting op than whatever madness you’re saying”
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“what? you need me, a singing superhero, to go stop a problem happening underneath the school, a location meant to recruit young women into potentially becoming fellow crime fighting singers?”
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“yeah im too busy poppin’ caps in asses so go kick ass in my place”
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“.....................................who ya talkin to, hibiki?”
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“the boss! gotta go do a thing again...”
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“hibiki, i dont like the fact that capitalism is tearing us apart.”
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“you’ve gotta join me in the revolution, hibiki. you. me. luxury automated gay space communism. aint it the dream? share my vision, hibiki. its glorious.”
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“n... no...? no gay space communism today? well, what about tomorrow? or the next day? or... maybe the next day? baby steps, you say? but, direction action, hibiki! we’ve gotta strike now!”
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“it’s okay hibiki. when i take over the world and destroy all first world government leaders, and unite the globe in my encompassing reign and love... ill make sure to spare you, and be my bride to be.”
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“thanks miku. im just not ready yet for the globe to burn in an unending ball of fire as the continents fuse into a new utopia composed of our combined wills. also, ive really gotta go, its genuinely an emergency.”
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“for the cause!”
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“yes hibiki... for the cause...”
Admittedly, you can see the stages of grief Miku goes through when she sees Hibiki say she can’t join her for pancakes. It’s sad. This side story sucks.
Meanwhile, as it turns out, the problem Hibiki needed to resolve was checking on Tsubasa to see if she hadn’t dissolved into Taco Bell brand hot n’ spicy Tabasco sauce.
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“god, cant believe taco bell was closed. now i gotta deliver these lame ass flowers”
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“cant wait to get threatened again. wonder what she’ll say. ‘hibiki, i should have killed you when i had the chance.’ or ‘you’re so goddamned weak. i could break your spine with my fingernail’, or some other stuff about metaphors. oh, my stops here”
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“you are already”
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The Destiel Problem: An Overview
So, I have a problem with the Destiel confession scene from the Supernatural episode “Despair,” because it represents literally everything wrong with LGBT+ representation in modern media.
Queerbaiting is when a writer teases a romantic relationship between characters of the same gender with no intentions of ever making it canon. I personally didn’t see much queerbaiting with Cas and Dean after Castiel’s first few episodes because the show places a heavy emphasis on the importance of family and therefore Castiel’s feelings toward Dean were intended to be more brotherly, but there were lines and moments sprinkled through the series that I could definitely see being interpreted as queerbaiting, and I do not blame people for being angry at what Despair did on that front.
Keep it ambiguous
As I touched upon in my previous point, Castiel and Dean’s relationship was made to be very ambiguous. It was never clearly defined at any point what exactly they were to each other. That’s not to say every relationship needs to have a label, but when you give strong implications through the show’s themes that they see each other as brothers but then give Dean moments with Cas that you could never imagine him having with his actual brother Sam (unless you’re a Wincest shipper of course), it makes things messier. By throwing them through the hoops of certain romantic tropes but never outright stating that they’re attracted to each other, you give an out for the heteronormative-obsessed to say “No, no, they’re just really good friends!”
Kill the gays
“The gay character dies” is literally a cliche at this point, and I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s a problem. Y’all this has happened so much in Supernatural that they were able to get away with killing two queer characters the time. Possibly more if you’re like me and consider Jody and Donna to be bi. Charlie was the only character who we knew from the beginning was gay, so it wasn’t enough for the writers to kill her. They felt the need to kill two separate versions of her. The LARPing tech nerd we were first introduced to, and a version of her from an alternate universe.
Oh, but at least she got to become an established gay character before they killed her off. Castiel? Dies immediately after telling Dean he loves him. We don’t get to know Cas as a queer character or see his journey. Fuck, Dean is still processing Castiel’s confession when he’s taken by the Empty.
Last minute canonization
Another fun little thing writers like to do is wait until the last possible second to confirm a main character as not straight. It’s what happened in the Legend of Korra (though that was mostly Nickelodeon’s fault), and it’s what’s happening here. Supernatural has 2 episodes left. Fucking 2. That’s not enough time to address the fallout of Castiel’s confession to Dean, let alone develop a relationship between the two. Let’s not forget, they still have to kill Godmara and bring everyone back. There’s going to be literally no room in two episodes to properly address Cas and Dean’s relationship. Castiel has been part of the narrative since Season fucking 4. They had 11 years to establish this shit, and they opted for queerbaiting.
I really hope that more people start to understand why so much of the LGBT+ community isn’t content with the media representation we’re getting right now, because this kind of shit? Happens all the fucking time. How can we be happy that we’re finally being represented in the media when the representation is shit? Telling us to be happy with this is like going back to the 1930s and telling black people to be happy that they’re being represented in movies via fucking blackface.
I’m just tired. A lot of people are tired. Writers, stop being fucking cowards and actually write characters for marginalized people without spitting in their faces. It’s not that hard. Supernatural has already put its foot in its mouth, but you don’t have to.
0 notes
dreamlordmorpheus · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 for Ary. 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25 for Saiorse and Siobhan. Yes, this is a long list. I thought I'd give you something to keep you occupied :P
(😍😍😍 ur the bestttt)
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC? Ary was a bit of a mishmash to be honest. Mostly I really wanted to wear a Phantom of the Opera mask to blackwatch, so I came up with a whole spiraling backstory to justify it. i also wanted to get to know other people’s characters, so I decided to play someone who was outgoing and humorous, but a bit rough around the edges. 
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention? no fandom, but most of my LARP friends noticed Ary right away. (they’re pretty chatty so it’s hard to miss them) their personality developed from session to session based on what i thought worked and by the end of their arc they were pretty well-liked. 
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time? originally ary was supposed to be a lot less vocal cause I was pretty shy, but i soon found out that they weren’t having that at all. 
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers? Ary works hard, but also jokes around a lot. if they don’t like the job they won’t devote a lot of effort to it, but no matter what they always try to befriend their co-workers. 
10: How do they deal with strangers? Ary is pretty distrustful of strangers at first, but it doesn’t take much to get them to befriend them. although truly earning their trust takes time, they tend to see the best in people and will readily give anyone a chance. 
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place? Ary’s hometown is a dream-city called Skerry, so they like to visit it in their sleep. the alleys of Skerry are filled with all sorts of different characters and people, and they consider it to be home. 
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing? their favorite smell is a type of flower that doesn’t actually exist in the waking world, but was a popular perfume for sex workers in Skerry and worn by their caretaker (mother or sister? its unclear). 
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat? cinnamon cookies! anything cinnamon and sweet, really. they’ve actually tried to survive off cookies alone. it didn’t work. they hate anything minty. 
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button? pretty basic, mostly just people hurting their friends. although ary is pretty easy-going, once you get them truly angry then you’re kinda fucked. 
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears? Ary is terrified of water, to the point where baths have been a problem. they’ve been able to work through this a little bit thanks to a lovely magical hot tub, but still refuse to submerge. 
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon? Ary values honesty and hard work! if you lie to them they’ll pretty much never forgive you. ironically enough, they’re also a bit of a thief and scoff at people’s concepts of traditional virtue. (”how can you be honest if you’re a thief?” people may ask. “m8 i dont lie about stealing shit, its just that nobody really asks.” “have you stolen stuff from me????” “haha totally”) 
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them? pretty girls. they’re completely unashamed about it and full of innuendo. 
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted? massive survivor’s guilt for pretty much everything. their instinctive reaction to a tragedy is to blame themselves. they have a lot of regrets, but are doing their best to move past them. 
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse? they’re somewhat of a Jerk With a Heart of Gold and also someone who Really Gets Around. also Have I Mentioned I Am Gay. 
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in. they tried to nab a vampire’s hair ribbon and almost started an all-out fight. it was bad. 
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do? hire a hot female cook to bake them cookies all day every day. and then hoard some it and spend the rest on lavish gifts for their friends. 
wow, i haven’t talked a lot about ary in a while! i miss them and this was super fun. now, onto the twins! 
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC? I basically took some basic character archetypes and designed characters around them. Siobhan’s original moniker was “woodland witch”, while Saoirse’s was “monster hunter”. the focus on both of them was initially how they would interact with campers, and then they sort of ran away from me. 
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone? both parents are dead (passed peacefully a while ago) and they’re not at all on speaking terms. Siobhan considers her animal and creature friends to be family, while Saoirse is closest to her “sisters” at the all-female monster hunting group she used to be a part of. 
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot? Siobhan values kindness and caring, and has many many friends. Saoirse looks for honesty and loyalty, and only has a few people she’s super close to. 
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all? Siobhan isn’t looking, and probably won’t ever be (aro ace). Saoirse isn’t currently looking either, but her past string of lovers tended to be hardened fighters like herself (mostly female but a few men thrown in there as well). 
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers? already answered for Siobhan, but Saoirse is very diligent. she gets along with her co-workers as much as is needed to survive, but doesn’t really make friends on the job. (considering that the job is killing things, this makes sense)
10: How do they deal with strangers? Siobhan loves strangers! Saoirse does not. this is the biggest fundamental difference between them - their reaction to the unknown. 
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place? Siobhan loves the woods, in particular a little brook that runs by her home. if she’s feeling overwhelmed, she’ll go and swim in one of the deep pools there. Saoirse doesn’t currently have a physical place to go to, but she likes to sit in a quiet place and think about her childhood home. her safe place is more mental. 
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing? Siobhan likes the smell of wet leaves on the ground. Saoirse loves the smell of woodsmoke on a cold day. 
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat? Siobhan really likes rare meat and candied flowers. its a fae thing. she won’t eat anything that’s been boiled, as she says boiling “kills the flavor”. in contrast, Saoirse’s favorite food is stew/soup of any kind. she doesnt like anything overly sweet. 
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button? already answered Siobhan’s. Saoirse is actually like her sister in this regard, she doesn’t get angry very often. mostly she gets mad as a defense mechanism when something surprises her. given her cynical nature, this rarely happens. 
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears? Siobhan is terrified of people finding out her true nature and hating her for it. she has nightmares of mobs hunting her down and setting her home on fire. she generally doesn’t like to acknowledge this fear and therefore doesn’t attempt to work through it. Saoirse is scared of monsters. her coping mechanism involves killing them, which isn’t healthy, but it does work. 
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon? Siobhan values kindness above all else. she’s very Neutral Good. Saoirse values physical strength and proficiency. she’s pretty Lawful Good. (it took me a while to figure out her alignment, but i eventually got it down. Saoirse likes to set rules for herself and follow them, and sees the world in very black and white terms. in her eyes, there is Good and there is Evil and there is nothing in between.)
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them? already answered for Siobhan - honey! Saoirse’s is music. she’s pretty shy about it, but she loves listening to people singing and play instruments. she learned how to play piano when she was young, but won’t perform in front of people. 
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted? Siobhan blames herself for her sister’s injury. Saoirse regrets blaming her sister for her injury. 
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it? Siobhan doesn’t really get sick. her response to injury is usually confusion. she takes care of it and functions the best she can. Saoirse would get terrible migraines as a child and doesn’t deal well with injury. she tries to push through the pain, which usually leaves her in worse condition. 
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse? oh man i’m not super familiar with tropes let’s leave that for another day. 
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in. Siobhan once got stuck in a tree trying to rescue a squirrel. she didn’t know that squirrels can climb trees. Saoirse once got startled by a giant cockroach and proceeded to lightning bolt it. that section of the house had to be rebuilt. 
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future? if all goes well, Siobhan is going to work with the Woodland Realm and teach them about earthworms and decomposition! fingers crossed. Saoirse is going to teach skills to various houses and probably hang around with the Blackwatch. if all does not go well, they’ll probably do the same thing but in a diminished capacity. 
(thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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kayawagner · 5 years
Gnome Stew Notables – Caitlynn Belle
Welcome to the next installment of our Gnome Spotlight: Notables series. The notables series is a look at game developers in the gaming industry doing good work. The series will focus on game creators from underrepresented populations primarily, and each entry will be a short bio and interview. We’ve currently got a group of authors and guest authors interviewing game creators and hope to bring you many more entries in the series as it continues on. If you’ve got a suggestion for someone we should be doing a notables article on, send us a note at [email protected]. – Head Gnome John
Meet Caitlynn
Caitlynn Belle is a queer game designer and writer from Savannah, Georgia. You can find her Patreon at where she makes so many weird games about sex and feelings.
@auracait on twitter
Talking With Caitlynn
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your work. 
My name’s Caitlynn Belle, I’m a queer games girl from Savannah, Georgia, and I mostly release small, experimental games through my Patreon (caitlynnbelle.com and at
3) What themes do you like to emphasize in your game work?
Sexuality and identity, I think, are the big ones. I want games that represent me and I want to do my best to put games out that represent others. I want spaces to talk about sex in a safe and healthy way and I want to explore identity and self-expression and what it means to really dig into yourself and figure out who you are, year after year.
4) What mechanics do you like best in games?
I appreciate finding interesting ways to divine outcomes other than dice or cards, anything quirky that ties back into the theme of the game somehow (Jenga towers for tension / fear, for example), and to be honest, I really like just pure narrative storytelling. Games like Fiasco where the structure of the game enables you to just wheel out and say whatever. I don’t like randomizers much in the games I play – my friends and I are used to creating characters and arcs and just driving towards their conclusions with as few speed bumps as possible.
5) How would you describe your game design style?
Sexy and weird. Just like me. But for real, all I’m trying to do is give you interesting things to say and interesting ways to say it. I think if you have that as your foundation, your game stands a much better chance of being awesome. I try to be authentic in voice, so it sounds like me and the image of the game I have in my head is the same image you get in yours, and I try to let my excitement for whatever it is I’m giving you shine through.
6) How does gender/queerness fit into your games?
They’re all tools to tell stories about queer identity. There’s things you feel weird or like an outcast over that you shouldn’t, but there’s no media for you, nowhere to explore people like you, and I want to start normalizing the idea of having cool gay characters do cool gay things. All of these games are coming from a girl who’s still on her own adventures, figuring out gender and love and who she is, and I think those themes are apparent in the text. I know very, very few people who aren’t exploring feelings about themselves in at least some tiny capacity, who they are and how they’ll express themselves, and that’s a real, honest, vulnerable thing, and I really want to see those kinds of characters out there as well.
7) How does the process of making small games influence your design?
It lets me latch on to any tiny idea I get and give it a proper home and just enough space to breathe and be a thing. You get small ideas sometimes and they can’t fill a larger game – just these little inklings of plots or rules – but they fit wonderfully on a three-page game that focuses in on a single experience.
 You get small ideas sometimes and they can’t fill a larger game – just these little inklings of plots or rules – but they fit wonderfully on a three-page game that focuses in on a single experience. 
There’s a lot of things that I couldn’t make into a larger product but I don’t think that makes them less valid. Like, I legitimately feel the 200 word RPG challenge that David Schirduan puts out each year has made some of the best games in our community, and I mean that sincerely. They’re beautiful, wonderful games, powerful and captivating, better than most anything in our collections or up on Kickstarter. But, making smaller projects lets you really focus in on what an idea needs and how you edit, and what you should be editing, and it helps strengthen your writing overall. I try to follow these small ideas to completion each month or every other month and it lets me play around with a lot of strangeness that would otherwise drown in deeper pools.
8) How did you get into games? Who did you try to emulate in your design?
I’ve been roleplaying and playing board games forever, so eventually I took the next logical step and tried to make a game I wanted to play that I hadn’t seen yet. My brother played D&D, and when I was little, I didn’t understand how they were playing a game with no board and why they were talking so much and all the funny dice, so even back then I was trying to pick apart social interactions to form it into a cohesive whole? Which I think sounds a little heavy for a little girl to be doing? But like, I just love taking things apart and seeing why they’re working the way they are, and why people make the choices they do. Once I got an idea of what roleplaying was I just kept doing it forever and ever! As far as who I try to emulate, my secret goal is to make a game that Jason Morningstar really loves. I really like Jason’s work, it’s well-written, thoughtful, and fun. I feel like he’s got a really good handle on how to present a product and how to structure play towards a type of story, and how to do that with as few tools as possible, and that’s something I really admire. I like to picture him as some kind of lich, and only by stealing his phylactery and drinking in his soul will I understand his methods.
9) What one thing would you change in gaming?
How games look. We’ve got this vision of a roleplaying game as a thing with character sheets and dice and rules for doing skills and progression towards conflict and violence. There’s very little space for games that don’t want that – games that have weird formats or physical requirements, or that don’t want to tell stories about conflict and fighting, or games that don’t want to engage in long-form campaign play. They don’t get the same kind of attention and it makes for a drab, textureless playing field. I would really like to see games that just throw everything out the window and tell more personal stories, or find other ways to engage in narrative besides the same tools we’ve been using for decades.
so many games!
10) What are you working on now?
A million billion things – I’ve got a collection of tiny games about goblins, and they’re all dealing with things like intimacy between friends, processing death, body image and self-esteem, consent and boundary issues, etc. I wanted to take a traditional mindless monster and show them in vulnerable moments. My bigger project though is a game about telling the story of a world left to grow outside of its bounds after society left it: you play as the landscapes and memories instead of people (as it’s an overgrown apocalyptic jungle at this point) and build a narrative about what life used to be. It’s proving really challenging, because I have to consider how one might portray blades of grass or forgotten songs, and what that looks like in play! But I think it’s a sweet game and I hope people will like it!
11) Who/what games are some of your influences?
Jason Morningstar’s stuff for telling stable, structured, fascinating stories out of sparse, thoughtful tools – his larp Juggernaut is absolutely excellent and is easily one of the top ten storytelling games of all time. Ross Cowman, especially Fall of Magic, because Ross’ games capture a sense of wonder and heartbreak that just destroys you. We play Fall of Magic once a year and every time it’s just this fucking experience, this thing that sends chills down your back and keeps you up at night. It’s so good. Everything Ross touches is gold. Meguey Baker’s wonderful seasonal games are just magic, too, just dripping with mischief and wonder and crystalline imagery. Emily Care Boss’ romance trilogy, for taking romance seriously and giving you just really fucking great games to explore them with, Epidiah Ravachol’s Vast & Starlit for just being the most concentrated genius you can fit on a business card, I could write entire essays about that game. Ben Lehman, though I don’t get to play his games as often as I like, he always writes things that make me stop and reconsider what I’m doing and how it could be better, just these great little bits that form a much greater whole. I could really go on and on naming all these people I love. Everyone makes great games. Play every game.
Thanks for joining us for this entry in the notables series.  You can find more in the series here: and please feel free to drop us any suggestions for people we should interview at [email protected].
Gnome Stew Notables – Caitlynn Belle published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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swipestream · 5 years
Gnome Stew Notables – Caitlynn Belle
Welcome to the next installment of our Gnome Spotlight: Notables series. The notables series is a look at game developers in the gaming industry doing good work. The series will focus on game creators from underrepresented populations primarily, and each entry will be a short bio and interview. We’ve currently got a group of authors and guest authors interviewing game creators and hope to bring you many more entries in the series as it continues on. If you’ve got a suggestion for someone we should be doing a notables article on, send us a note at [email protected]. – Head Gnome John
Meet Caitlynn
Caitlynn Belle is a queer game designer and writer from Savannah, Georgia. You can find her Patreon at where she makes so many weird games about sex and feelings.
@auracait on twitter
Talking With Caitlynn
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your work. 
My name’s Caitlynn Belle, I’m a queer games girl from Savannah, Georgia, and I mostly release small, experimental games through my Patreon (caitlynnbelle.com and at
3) What themes do you like to emphasize in your game work?
Sexuality and identity, I think, are the big ones. I want games that represent me and I want to do my best to put games out that represent others. I want spaces to talk about sex in a safe and healthy way and I want to explore identity and self-expression and what it means to really dig into yourself and figure out who you are, year after year.
4) What mechanics do you like best in games?
I appreciate finding interesting ways to divine outcomes other than dice or cards, anything quirky that ties back into the theme of the game somehow (Jenga towers for tension / fear, for example), and to be honest, I really like just pure narrative storytelling. Games like Fiasco where the structure of the game enables you to just wheel out and say whatever. I don’t like randomizers much in the games I play – my friends and I are used to creating characters and arcs and just driving towards their conclusions with as few speed bumps as possible.
5) How would you describe your game design style?
Sexy and weird. Just like me. But for real, all I’m trying to do is give you interesting things to say and interesting ways to say it. I think if you have that as your foundation, your game stands a much better chance of being awesome. I try to be authentic in voice, so it sounds like me and the image of the game I have in my head is the same image you get in yours, and I try to let my excitement for whatever it is I’m giving you shine through.
6) How does gender/queerness fit into your games?
They’re all tools to tell stories about queer identity. There’s things you feel weird or like an outcast over that you shouldn’t, but there’s no media for you, nowhere to explore people like you, and I want to start normalizing the idea of having cool gay characters do cool gay things. All of these games are coming from a girl who’s still on her own adventures, figuring out gender and love and who she is, and I think those themes are apparent in the text. I know very, very few people who aren’t exploring feelings about themselves in at least some tiny capacity, who they are and how they’ll express themselves, and that’s a real, honest, vulnerable thing, and I really want to see those kinds of characters out there as well.
7) How does the process of making small games influence your design?
It lets me latch on to any tiny idea I get and give it a proper home and just enough space to breathe and be a thing. You get small ideas sometimes and they can’t fill a larger game – just these little inklings of plots or rules – but they fit wonderfully on a three-page game that focuses in on a single experience.
 You get small ideas sometimes and they can’t fill a larger game – just these little inklings of plots or rules – but they fit wonderfully on a three-page game that focuses in on a single experience. 
There’s a lot of things that I couldn’t make into a larger product but I don’t think that makes them less valid. Like, I legitimately feel the 200 word RPG challenge that David Schirduan puts out each year has made some of the best games in our community, and I mean that sincerely. They’re beautiful, wonderful games, powerful and captivating, better than most anything in our collections or up on Kickstarter. But, making smaller projects lets you really focus in on what an idea needs and how you edit, and what you should be editing, and it helps strengthen your writing overall. I try to follow these small ideas to completion each month or every other month and it lets me play around with a lot of strangeness that would otherwise drown in deeper pools.
8) How did you get into games? Who did you try to emulate in your design?
I’ve been roleplaying and playing board games forever, so eventually I took the next logical step and tried to make a game I wanted to play that I hadn’t seen yet. My brother played D&D, and when I was little, I didn’t understand how they were playing a game with no board and why they were talking so much and all the funny dice, so even back then I was trying to pick apart social interactions to form it into a cohesive whole? Which I think sounds a little heavy for a little girl to be doing? But like, I just love taking things apart and seeing why they’re working the way they are, and why people make the choices they do. Once I got an idea of what roleplaying was I just kept doing it forever and ever! As far as who I try to emulate, my secret goal is to make a game that Jason Morningstar really loves. I really like Jason’s work, it’s well-written, thoughtful, and fun. I feel like he’s got a really good handle on how to present a product and how to structure play towards a type of story, and how to do that with as few tools as possible, and that’s something I really admire. I like to picture him as some kind of lich, and only by stealing his phylactery and drinking in his soul will I understand his methods.
9) What one thing would you change in gaming?
How games look. We’ve got this vision of a roleplaying game as a thing with character sheets and dice and rules for doing skills and progression towards conflict and violence. There’s very little space for games that don’t want that – games that have weird formats or physical requirements, or that don’t want to tell stories about conflict and fighting, or games that don’t want to engage in long-form campaign play. They don’t get the same kind of attention and it makes for a drab, textureless playing field. I would really like to see games that just throw everything out the window and tell more personal stories, or find other ways to engage in narrative besides the same tools we’ve been using for decades.
so many games!
10) What are you working on now?
A million billion things – I’ve got a collection of tiny games about goblins, and they’re all dealing with things like intimacy between friends, processing death, body image and self-esteem, consent and boundary issues, etc. I wanted to take a traditional mindless monster and show them in vulnerable moments. My bigger project though is a game about telling the story of a world left to grow outside of its bounds after society left it: you play as the landscapes and memories instead of people (as it’s an overgrown apocalyptic jungle at this point) and build a narrative about what life used to be. It’s proving really challenging, because I have to consider how one might portray blades of grass or forgotten songs, and what that looks like in play! But I think it’s a sweet game and I hope people will like it!
11) Who/what games are some of your influences?
Jason Morningstar’s stuff for telling stable, structured, fascinating stories out of sparse, thoughtful tools – his larp Juggernaut is absolutely excellent and is easily one of the top ten storytelling games of all time. Ross Cowman, especially Fall of Magic, because Ross’ games capture a sense of wonder and heartbreak that just destroys you. We play Fall of Magic once a year and every time it’s just this fucking experience, this thing that sends chills down your back and keeps you up at night. It’s so good. Everything Ross touches is gold. Meguey Baker’s wonderful seasonal games are just magic, too, just dripping with mischief and wonder and crystalline imagery. Emily Care Boss’ romance trilogy, for taking romance seriously and giving you just really fucking great games to explore them with, Epidiah Ravachol’s Vast & Starlit for just being the most concentrated genius you can fit on a business card, I could write entire essays about that game. Ben Lehman, though I don’t get to play his games as often as I like, he always writes things that make me stop and reconsider what I’m doing and how it could be better, just these great little bits that form a much greater whole. I could really go on and on naming all these people I love. Everyone makes great games. Play every game.
Thanks for joining us for this entry in the notables series.  You can find more in the series here: and please feel free to drop us any suggestions for people we should interview at [email protected].
Gnome Stew Notables – Caitlynn Belle published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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