mintytealfox 7 months
Here's another AU for your AliceNort obsession.
Imagine: The manor may not be a thing in this AU, but imagine Norton got cursed when he detonated explosives in Golden Cave and now he's stuck in Hunter form. Alice discovers him while she's investigating the mining disaster, and she agrees to help him break the curse? They end up falling in love along the way?
Bonus points: it's an urban fantasy AU and Norton has to be kept away from stuff like credit cards and tvs because magnets will mess those up.
LOL 'Obsession' 馃ぃ馃槶馃槶 who ME?? surely not me -guilty guilty guilty, has been perceived and put on blast-
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Alice spotting a creeping looming figure in the shadows and chasing after it cause she wild like that 馃ぃ Norton originally able to scare people away so he wouldn't be found but nothing is working on this chick lol Finally relenting and responding to her questions here and there but still hiding in the shadows, keeping away. Keeping this up for like weeks, where Alice would leave and comeback the next night, rinse and repeat. Until she turns off her flashlight and wanders into the darkness towards his voice, him kneeling down and hovering his face near where her hand is reached out and finally first contact 馃憖 Opening his glowing eye and now she gets the picture that this individual is huge just by the size of this eye. 馃馃馃
Then having to work together to figure this curse thing OUT! having to relocated him when no one is around and hide him in her small apartment 馃ぃ The whole complex complaining that they are having trouble with their tvs and silverware going zero gravity-ish out of nowhere HAHA LOL LOL Friggin AWESOME 馃ぃ馃ぃ
Then get the doki dokis 馃槒 after a while heh "I know youre made of rocks but, sheesh like the statue of david rn" LOOOOOL
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davy-zeppeli 1 year
Hey! I am going through your fic (slowly) and um chapter 5 and chapter 7 <3333 I love seeing Mike have a good time <3333
Awwhh thank you!!! I'm so happy people are reading it, it makes me really happy!!!! 馃ズ馃ズ
I'm glad you like to see Mike happy!! Sorry in advance!!!! I swear I do love him, honest.
(Genuinely, thank you so much!!!! 馃槩)
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skipppppy 16 days
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Megan Thee Stallion I love you SO MUUCCCHHHHH
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you really did a good job on chappie 69 bud
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that was a HELL of a ride to write (and post. oh my god the D R A M A of posting that. was unreal. WHEW BUT JESUS CHRIST I DID IT!!! and if you saw the first version no you didn't but also congrats that u did <3 >:3c!) and SOOO mcuh fun to post it on 6/9 LOL. HAHAHA. TWISTING MUSTACHE
thank you anon, i'm SOOO, SOOOOO happy that you (AND OTHERS AAAA) feel very good about it!!!
this scene was a LOOONG time coming and i know i've mentioned it before but i'd actually written the scene (aka, what actually became the whole entire fucking chapter) EONS ago, and it actually had a totally different starter LOL but i digress. i'm SO glad i got to finally use it. it's a BIIIIIIG monumental occasion to be sure lmao i'm so proud of them (and me. cuz you will not guess how many fucking rewrites this got lmfao). (it had two - TWO!!!! - rejects files. TWO. i don't even think a library arc chapter had TWO REJECTS FILES LMAO GODDAMN)
BUT ANYWAY THANK YOU SO MUCH AAAAAA ;__; we got Big Things A'Comin', i promise - as well as some answers being solved. and a door or two to open. maybe literally. hahaha. ;) stay tuned~
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nuinuiiii 3 years
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long time no see and im here returning w zhonglumi
pls perceive them
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since /we're/ already platonically dating we 'll def would go to any museums you want to go. We'll go have a picnic under the stars and talk and point to consultations and stars and make up stories about them on how they were made and what they're up to. We'll take hikes to new favorite spots and just relax in each other's company 馃挏
Yesssssss museums and picnics are so great, Dewdrop!!! Very relaxing and so good and gah so wonderful! :D
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badcountryofficial 4 years
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added freckles but uh? i really fucking love them so muuccchhhhh
edit: i should draw. Red.
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softichill 4 years
sorry for so much tbhk/jshk aaaa I just love this anime/manga so muuccchhhhh
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