blacklampshade · 9 months
Y'all actually think Saiki Hates Himself?
I've seen some stuff on the interwebs talking about how saiki believes he is a bad person because he doesn't go and, idk, solve climate change or use his immense power to stop wars or something. I mean, I get where the interpretation comes from. Yk, He does nice things all the time but he is all like "I'm only doing this because I don't like to be in people's debt" or something to justify his behavior. I mean, I guess I'm just a more metanarratively jaded person bc I believe it's the result of a narrative conflict yk. If saiki existed, he would be a bad person because he isn't off trying to make world peace or something, she's just dicking around in some random ass highschool somewhere. But, Saiki doesn't exist, so they don't obey the same moral standards as we do. Saiki is a good person in universe because he acts good in the minuscule sliver of the universe that we observe. Well, this kinda amounts to a question. If a character trait is a result of a meta conflict such as the creator wanting two opposing ideas simultaneously and being force to resolve that (i.e: someone being only marginally short of god not using their power for god scale levels of good, being a good person) is it a trait of the character that should be considered? I mean to paraphrase Jesus Christ Our Lord; "The answer is I didn't think of that and neither should you." If the author as two axioms their work must abides by and they come into conflict, is the emergent property of this a decision itself? When I tell you about about the 9 axioms of mathematics, is this statement considered equivalent to telling you every single possible thing in mathematics? A false equivalence perhaps, but you get the picture.
Perhaps we can say that Saiki has deeply rooted self hatred because the authors attempt to resolve this logical inconsistency is enough of their direct action to be judged. I suppose this comes back to if you read a piece with authorial intent. If a completely culturally unaware machine made this show, I'd be more inclined to consider the character trait of his self hatred with more weight because by virtue of there being no context that that the machine would use to build a story with specific contradictory perimeters that give it a specific texture and identity. Like the reason it did suddenly become about making an ethnostate or eating the rich (Some moral action, I don't care what you consider that to be for the sake of this argument) is because the creators didn't want it to be about that. If it was made by something that couldn't want, it'd be interesting it didn't become about that. TL;DR: I put any value on the fact he hates himself as it is a metanarrative necessity rather that like, a capital "P" and "T" Personality Trait(tm)
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softpng · 2 years
sometimes I think about that guy on amazon who reviewed pride and prejudice and did an entire angry, weirdly math focused rant about how awful darcy is and then ends it all with "I could carve a better man out of a banana"
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completelyalien · 5 months
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So I actually love swing music and decided to draw some Broppy!
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toydrill · 7 months
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my scemo angel
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yaoimafias · 3 months
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i love my little girl more than you do i dare you i dare you
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macbethz · 2 years
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little self indulgent mixed media comic about love and communication styles. oh yeah theoretical frameworks also i guess
i think postmodernism, as a cultural movement, is deeply in love with modernism. Of course, its version of love is pulling modernism apart and building a monument to its image out of its bones, which just kills it faster
To postmodernism, the star wars reference is a declaration of love. To modernism, its an admission of guilt.
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woashi · 5 days
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“Look, Tell me
Why you
Turn into something you’re not.”
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itlearns · 2 months
I get so paralyzed by loneliness it makes me absolutely dysfunctional for Days. It's just the ache for the lack of a vague concept and I can't do anything about it except for wait until it gets quiet.
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aforgotto · 3 months
YiiK Nameless Psychosis dropped and apparently it's a demo of sorts for I.V Drip. it's free. I tried playing it and I think it's significantly worse than the original, but people seem to be liking it. That's nice at least
I feel like I'm just not the target audience for YiiK. Which is so confusing because it has a lot of stuff I like.
Anyway I enjoyed playing as girl I thought that was really cool.
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craftlands · 5 months
i need everyone to know that while the chance of Horropedia having read House of Leaves is incredibly low, it is not zero if he's from Los Angeles specifically -- while the book was first published in March of 2000, there were print copies of the rough draft circulating around tattoo parlors and similar in the late 1990s, and also allegedly a website hosting PDF versions of at least part of those rough drafts
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tiriansjewel · 1 month
it’s been years since my last true fixation on a musical but I regret to inform you all that I just watched the 2014 Swedish Jesus Christ superstar and I feel I will never be the same again.
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thisseethingcoast · 1 year
Can't believe it took me this long to realize Utena was referencing Faulkner
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thetremblingroofbeam · 6 months
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technoturian · 27 days
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sol-flo · 1 month
you know it, narrative dream again. a time loop game that 'punishes' you for cheating and save scumming by sending you to some sort of shadow realm to atone (?) before you can go back to the regular loops (and meaning you have to cheat to 100% the game). poor recollection of it all because i overslept severely today (it's almost two in the afternoon).
but it's a curious mechanic. cheating here iirc meant knowing / acting on info you haven't yet learned in your playthrough. implementation troubles aside (perhaps it flagged things that could be cheating and once the number was high enough you got shadow realmed), it'd make subsequent playthroughs a pain in the ass. what would speedruns look like? choosing when to cheat and when to play dumb so you can control your shadow realm likelihood, or getting to that as far as possible and completing the game some other way?
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raedear · 4 months
The x files has many issues but the most egregious I think is it has two very cute episodes the narrative crutch of which is serial rapist but make it a comedy.
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