fujunfuren · 2 years
I have so many things I wanna gif from little women ep 8 but that has to wait till I’m back from work and if I have leftover energy adksadfjll /old/
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icharchivist · 1 year
Who is Manamel and do you think she'd marry me?
Only one way to find out: throw your shot!
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Manamel is the self proclaimed "queen of cute". She's looking for her older sister, who left when she was very young, and she barely remembers her.
She is super dependent on her sentient dagger, Vegalta, which literally does everything for her, down to her make up and helping her stand up. She refused to join us at first until Vegalta basically shut down and stopped working and is now just a regular dagger, which freaks her out because she can't do anything without it. And like. actually anything. She's genuinely unable to do anything on her own, from dressing herself to drinking her tea without spilling it, without her dagger assistance.
The Kicker? Vegalta is a Vintage Weapon, or, as we've learnt in Marionette Stars, also called an Horoscope. Those are some of the most powerful weapons in the game who will choose their guardians (called Accordants), and they will resonate with them and evolve alongside them. And Marionette Stars set up that there is a conspiracy from a secret organization called Navis in order to discover all of the Accordants and use them for a grim goal.
She loves to be cute, and will spend a lot of time taking care of her appearance, but it's not to be complimented, it's literally only to cheer up kids. So it means also that she doesn't care if you call her shallow or anything like that. (she also spends her FE giving Kolulu a cute makeover, by making sure Kolulu picks things she herself finds cute, all while defending her from fashionista bullies)
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However she has a Tragic Backstory:tm:
All of her family belonged to an organization, and her sister was the only one taking care of her, while keeping her sheltered inside, forbidding her to go out. Manamel started to "get cute" so she could show it off to her sister when she came back home.
but one day, the organization went under, and her parents rushed back home and killed themselves in front of Manamel. After that, her sister never came back home. Scared about going out again, and unable to find a will to live without her older sister, Manamel ran off thinking about dying, when Vegalta found her, and she took it as meaning her Siister wanted her to move on and find her. At the organization,the only thing she learnt when asking about her sister is that the "Priestess" had moved on. She is now still looking for her sister, and holding on to being cute in order to live on everyday.
And she keeps people at armlength because of the way she's been abandonned all her life.
Once Vegalta recovered, she thought of leaving the crew, but Danchou made sure Manamel knew she had a place to call home with us, and she's opening up more about it now.
.... ok so i was like, kinda speedrunning the FE to answer that properly but i didn't expect this lore bomb so sorry about that.
but therefore, turns out, we get this conversation involving the Priestess Nereus we met in Marionette Stars. And Navis is the reason Manamel ended up joining us.
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Though, while Lavirita is part of Navis and the Priestess is apparently also part of Navis, Lavirita apparently doesn't know The Priestess has been acting with Navis this whole time.
Is Nereus Manamel's precious sister? Is it a red herrings? Who knows!
but clearly it implies Manamel will play a part in the future of Marionette Stars.
And that's what you need to know about Manamel ;D
hope it helps!
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vviciously · 4 years
im starting to love being alive
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oc-magazine1 · 3 years
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OC Interview with Alowishus Abercrombie! 🤩
Created by Gerry
Tell us about yourself:
"My name's Alowishus Abercrombie, Iiii am 43 yearrrs old nooow I think... stannd about... 6'5 annd I like too thinkkk im a pretty coool guy. IIi've beeen around fooor a while sooo I got a lootta liiife experience annd... imm honestly kiiinda shocked I liived soo loong. Iii'm the surviver ooof a traumattic headdd injurry thatt happened iin my mid twentiiies, sooo I talkk funny, kiiinda look funny stilll, got funny wayyys of doin thiiings. Buuut moost immportannntly I'm allive! I'mmm able to do thiiis interview evvven, sooo Iii'm sure thankful fooor that."
Tell us about your love life
"iii've had... prettty iiinterestinnn looove liiife. Iiii starteddd dattin' back whenn I was inn highschool, hhhad a giiirlfriiiend whoo was my besst friennd's siister until we broooke up 'cause wee boooth realiiized weee were gay. Backkk then annnd especially dooown sooouth isn't exxactly the mosttt open-miinded about themm kinda thiiings, so we kiiinda couldn't giiive our friennds and fammilies exact reassons as to why wee split. Weee of course stayyyed friends annnd all, annnd I thank herr fooor helpin' me discovvver certain thiings 'bout myyyself." "lllater ooon as I gooot olderrr IIi kinda diiiscovered moore and more thiiings I liikked "dating-wiiise" at leasst, Iii may not liiike wommenn, buuut I alllso found out Iii didn't liiike a lootta human-bein's eiiitherrr. Now, beeefore youuu say thatt soounds wrooong, whhhere I'm fromm wee have humanoooid-... human-bug hyyybriiids annnd theyyy are pretty neattt. Iii mett my cuurennt parrtnerr, Leslie, back when wee both woorked for my broother. Theyyy're basically a human-flyy annnd I allwayys found themm realll attractive, theyyy were always niice tooo me, they weere like the only pperson whoo wass even- annnd we wennt out a lot and haddd some pretttty good timess togethher, annnd it'sss been that wayyy for yearrrs. Lesslie always wasss supportive ooof me annnd cared a looot even affter I gottt all dumb whenn I was iinjured, annd they helllped me get backk inn shappe sooo I can live properlly again. Iii don't regrett the timme I spennt with them, weee live together annnd still are toogether tooo this day, annnd we haveee our son as welll, whooo I alsooo greatly careee about annd I'mm happy to have him 'roundd." "iii don't need anyyyone elllse, Leslie hass my backk pretty welll."
Where would you take a date?
"Iiii'm a pretty simple mannn, I don't need nooo fancyyy stuff, expensiive restaurants, spenndin a lootta money Iii don't haveee. I'm defiinitely veryy muuuch someone whooo enjoyys doinn simple things foor dateees. Me annnd my partnerrr uuused to just gooo off into the fieldsss my family oowned annnd we'd look at the floowers annd biiirds, annnd we've gooone on a good few datesss off onn the lake fiishin'. Iiii just ennjoy bein' arround nature annnd usually Iiii enjoy the peace annnd quiet sooo me annn' my date cannn talk prettyy in debt annd get to know each ooother very well!"
What is your idea of paradise?
"iiii don't wanna be anywhere elllse ooother than ooon my booat with my fammily catchinnn some fiiish. Juuus' somethiiin super simple, funn, ooonce again iiin nature, wiiith peopple I careee abooout. Thatt's whattt I consiiider paradiiise."
What do you love about yourself?
"Thhhere's not a lottta things Iiii loove about myyself, buuut Iiif I had too chooose onne, I woould probably sayyy I enjoy my creativity ooor myy verrry specifiiic sets of skiiills thatt are onnly useful iiin certain siiituations. Iiii used tooo draw a looot, looots of horror annnd comic-liiike artt, Iii likkked to wriiite musiiic too, wasss in a bannnd with my siiister... sheee played violin annnd I had a banjo! Currentlly Iiii am very goood at fiiishing annnd Iiii love tooo driiive boats whennevver I can, iiiii alllso loove animalls annd cariiin foor them, Iii love fiiish annnd catts annnd all that... I thiiink I'm gettin ooof topppic? Buuut yyea!"
What are your bad habits?
"Iiii have... a LOT... liiike a TON... Sooo like- everr siiince I was yoounger I kinda hhhad iiisues wiiith drugs, liiike I diiid some HARD shiiit, iiim stilll tryin too gettt ooover that... I'm alllso kinda a allcoholic whiiich im not oooverly proooud of, buuut it's annnother thiiing I'm wooorkin ooon. Iii gotta gett over smokinnn, the druuugs, the allcohol- luuuckily my fammily iiis good with mee annnd helps me get through it. Iiii also piiick at my skinn a looot so... I gotta lootta scarrin. I have illnesses that cauuuse rashes sooo I scratch and pick at thooose when I shouldn't hehh..."
Do you have a phrase that you say a lot?
"Hmmm, I alllways says "Women want me, fish fear me" asss a joooke- cuuuz I think it's funny and fitting! Doooes that coount?"
If you had $1 million, what would you do with the cash?
"iii'd probably get myself out ooof pooverty, I'm cooonsidered to be poor I would sayy, I don't have a jooob and cannnt work sooo I reallly need the money. Iii'd probably get a niice place to liive that hasss lots of rooom for my family, Iii miight work towards gettin a therappist annnd save sommme money fooor thiiings iii would really need liiike foood and cloothing fooor not just mee buut my whooole entire family annd some friends tooo. Iiii jus wanna liiive easily ya know? Struuuglin' is nevvver fun annd Iii dont really have soomeone whoo does thatt kinda thiing for me sooo I know hoow it feeels to struggle, I juuus wanna help. IIii'm gon totttally save stuuff up tooo, sooo I can have funn annnd makkke suuure my family iiis havin' fun too. I wannna get like, a new booat!"
Do you have any enemies? If yes, please share why.
"Ohhh... I have ppplenty. Thhhere was a man nammed Renegade, whoo used tooo be my friennnd wayy back when. Iiii met him back iiin schoool annnd we got alllong pretty welll unnntil another friennnd of ours diiied annnd he gooone insane fromm it, Iiii'd assume. Heee's the one who cauuused my headdd injuuryy, annnd I'd nevver ever forgive himm for that because he's basiiically the reason I liiive in pain daily. Hhhe useddd to cling ontooo mee liike I was hiis motherrr, annnd let's juus say heee used to take addvantage of me annnd my noot-so-stablle miiind at that certain pppoint in time. Hee uuused tooo give me druuugs or alcohol tooo make mee spacee ouut annnd he'd allways gett his wayy wiith me. Iii toook care ooof him tho, hhhe pushed mee too farr sooo I snapped annnd took the guy oout oone niiight. Hee's dead noow, annnd I did my tiiime for it cuuz nobody believed me! Buuut... I dunno, I kiiinda regrett killin' the guuuy cuz I knooows he had problems... but attt the samme time, wiiith what he did tooo me? Iii don't regret iiit one bit." "Maybbe I should've juuus left Renegade and stopped beiiin his friend... but he wasss my ONLY friiiend for a whiiile and I guess I kept hopin he'd channnge... hee never seemed to, ooor died before he could..." "But once aggain- he's deaddd. Myy onllly livin ennemy is my brothher, Bodacious. Iiii... cooonsider hiiim a fat annnd nasty piiig, to put ittt nicely evven. Heee always had ooour parenttt's attention, annnd me and my siiister greww up inn his shadow. Duuude's a psychopath... he slauughters animals foor a livin' annd enjoys it. Me annnd my sister thiinks he kills people too... annnd eats them! Hahhh... hopefully thattt's jus a rumor, buuut he's nasty to me sooo either wwayyy I wouldn't liiike him. Plus... he stabbed me ooonce... sooo that guy suuucks."
If you could appear in any popular movie or book, which one would you choose and why?
"iii wannna be... I dunno, dooon't read many boooks or watchh many moovies. Doooes a TV shoow couuunt? Iiif I sayy I wannna be in annn episooode of South Park, doooes that couuunt? Cuuuz that's what I'd wannnt!"
What’s your relationship with your creator?
"...liiike a God? Iiii don't thiiink one exiiists... Iii grown up wiiith all that reliiigious stuff fooorced on me by my pareents annnd I never actually believedd in any of ittt. Iiifff there iiis a God, Iiii'd have to throw hannnds with him fooor all the shiiit he apparently ppput me through. Cuuuz day-um... I've been throoough a lotta shiiit."
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kv-muskwa · 4 years
Lemme unpack something real quick
I raised in a toxic environment. Parties almost every day, mopping up my moms puke in the hallway, knowing how to lock the door with a butter knife, staying up all night to make sure no one came into me and my sisters room, cooking for my sisters, getting beat up by my mom, my sisters hating me because my mom made me the family scapegoat(this took fucking YEARS for me to accept because for a long time I thought I was overreacting but no, my sisters all talked about how it was just so much easier to blame and hate me when my mom did the same), dealing with hypersexuality at a young age, being neglected, watching my older sister become an alcoholic and addict, stealing energy drinks to sell to other kids for 5 bucks to buy food, stealing food and clothes for my sisters, starting to smoke at 12 and a year later becoming an alcoholic, being raped, being kicked out between both my parents.... like yeah I had a horrible childhood. Whatever. I'm getting help.
But the thing that fucks me up?
I cant even blame my parents. My Dad went to residential school, my mom was raised by a traditional medicine man and a residential school survivor. They didnt know how to be parents and she talks often enough about how much worse it was.
I understand.
And that's what fucjing sucks.
My mom dealt with a lot of shit and when her parents passed, she just gave up. My dad didn't want to be a parent and still stands by calling abuse punishment. Like, I cant even fuckijg blame them because all they are, is fucking suffering from generational trauma.
But it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever my siisters gets mad at me that I shut my parents out.
I understand why they were the way they were. But got dammnit. I was just a fucking kid and my mom still doesnt give a shit about me unless if it comes to my daughter. And honestly, that's what I want.
She cant be a mom to me, fine. As long as she can be a great grandma for my daughter, that's all I ask.
My Dad puts in the minimum effort and honestly I dont really. I dont really care. It wont take away the fact that he just brushed off my meltdown where I threw myself out of a loving car at 15. It wont change the fact that I was homeless as a teenager because of him and my mom kicking me out when my depression got bad.
But if he can at least be a part of my daughters life, okay.
I don't forgive them. But I do understand. And more than anything, I fuckjng hate it some days. It would be so much more easier to just hate them, to just be mad. But it's not like it's their fault for all the shit they saw and how it changed them
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seabreezc · 5 years
ღ ϟ
ღ for an affectionate text 
[ text: ]  i know i don’t tell you this enough but i swear when you walked into the villa i was so, so happy. you’re such a good friend and you did everything to make me feel comfortable when i moved to london... and you helped make it feel like an actual home..... and i really do love you for it, mate. i really hope you find what you’re looking for in here and i’m absolutely SURE you will! ❤️ 
ϟ for a drunk text
[ text: ] rightt sO i need thsomeone to tell me fi this is ag good ideas or NOT............. [text: ] my siister alreadyg saidn non but shee’s just one pemrnson you know? SO anyways i was thingjing about gettiign a freind fro pooh on my other buytt cheekn maybe lkee piglet or tigeger or the donkey from shrek [ text: ] what do toy think? but lmk askp bc IM WANAN DO THIS TONHIGHT!!11 
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jcamilov06 · 5 years
I was tagged by @ohneweiterebedeutung, thank you so much!! :D Rules: Choose 5 songs that are nostalgic to you and tag 10 people to take part
30 Seconds to Mars - Attack
Sabrepulse - The Manhattan Transfer
The Libertines - Time For Heroes
Buckethead - Soothsayer
New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle
I’ll tag @hopelesscrawl, @flaneuriste, @atrperro, @pepgabbyiola, @shakespeares-siister, @a--maverick, @whitefaglikesblackflag, @psykiskt-instabil, @agent-ches and @lacaszette
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calliecat93 · 6 years
Break down Oscar! (For ask meme)
Can do!
How I feel about this character: I adore him. It took me a while, in V4 I had zero idea what to think of him. But V5 and 6 really helped show his character as a good-hearted, but understandably scared kid who is still trying. He is my son and I love him~All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mmm... kinda sorta Ruby, and so far that’s itMy non-romantic OTP for this character: I kinda like Nora being his surrogate big siister XDMy unpopular opinion about this character: IDT Ozpin si going to overrun him. I get hwy he’s scared of that, but now that he’s starting to accept things more and going off what V6 showed, he’ll be fine.One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want him to unlock his Semblance.
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one-of-our-own-blog · 7 years
got tagged by @shakespeares-siister
Age: 21
Biggest fear: the expanse of the universe and black holes
Current time: 22:39
Drink you last had: tea
Everyday starts with: not wanting the day to start
Favourite song: The Boy with the Thorn in his Side and every other The Smiths or Morrissey song
Ghosts, are they real?: Yes, of course?
Hometown: Duisburg (Germany)
In love with: Morrissey
Jealous of: Morrissey’s cats
Killed someone: Not yet
Last time you cried: I lost the ability to cry
Middle name: Karin :(
Number of siblings: one sister, and one half brother to be correct, but I never met him
One wish: I wish I could understand people
Person you last called/texted: @sherlocklikeshats
Question you’re always asked: Could you speak up a little?
Reason to smile: the fact that Morrissey was asked to run for Mayor of London
Song you last sang: Female of the Species by Space
Time you woke up: 5 am
Underwear color: pink
Vacation destination: Norway or Sweden
Worst habit: Not wanting to leave the house or talk to people
X-ray you had: Leg and teeth
Your favourite food: Gnocchi
Zodiac sign: Pisces
I’m tagging @my-man-syd
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ladyofsorrows · 7 years
hey my dash is always dead and i really like your blog so i was wondering if you'd be so nice as to recommend me people to follow! thank i so much if you do and i totally understand if you can't find the time or emotional strength. much love x
Hey sorry this took a bit but!! Some of my favorite blogs are @gothclaudiagerardway @ladyofsorrows @softfrnk @bo0zey @heterophobickobrakid @idiotxque @witchboyiero @bl00dspells @mylittleghoulscout @slimetony @jackoffpill @7-11girlz @undrjoyed @starrylynz @siister-to-sleep @notgerardway @mermaid-merrick @bbloodflowrs @maygerardneverstopyou @ballato @z0mblecat !!!
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hopelesscrawl · 7 years
got tagged by @shakespeares-siister (thanks for tagging me! :) )
Age: 19
Biggest fear: being abandoned, meeting the person I’m most afraid of again, living a life I don’t like, some bugs, ...
Current time: 2:59 am
Drink you had last: water 
Everyday starts with: daydreaming, coffee, and tumblr
Favorite song: at the moment I love “there is a light that never goes out” and “i know it’s over” by the smiths
Ghosts, are they real?: I’m not sure but I hope not
Hometown: I don’t have a town where I feel at “home”, but I was born and I still live in Tyrol, Austria
In love with: music, coffee, cats, …
Jealous of: “people who are extrovert and know how to talk to people and make friends” – same here, and people who have a stable relationship with their parents and have the opportunity to enjoy their life
Killed someone: in reality no but in my mind several times (I kinda feel stupid for this answer, sorry)
Last time you cried: I guess it was yesterday? not sure
Middle name: don’t have one
Number of siblings: I have two younger sisters and one older brother
One wish: hmm, money I guess? then I could move out from here
Person you last called/texted: my sister
Question you’re always asked: “why are you looking so tired?” mostly
Reason to smile: music, some people, watching the sunrise/sunset, the nature in general, animals, especially cats, watching a good movie or series, …
Song you last sang: there is a light that never goes out by the smiths
Time you woke up: I had no sleep but I took a nap at 3 pm to 8 pm
Underwear color: black
Vacation destination: I don’t know, maybe Iceland or Germany to my friends
Worst habit: playing with my hair, shaking my leg, to grind with my teeth, daydreaming where I actually should study
X-ray you had: never had one
Your favorite food: hm, I love everything with rice/noodles and vegetables on it, pizza, lasagna with vegetables, sushi, …
Zodiac sign: pisces
I’m tagging, (also only if they want):
None, if you want, feel free to do it, haha.
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Happy National Siblings Day Sis! Everyone, this is my lil siister. Growing up we've definitely have had our highs and lows in life together. When we were young, we often fought and she'd annoy me to the point where I sometimes didn't take any of her shit and just squared up and was a total ass to her! But, as the years went by we'd slowly stop fighting as much and it got to the point where we didn't really talk to each other at all, we were distant and didn't really have a good sibling connection about the time I hit 8th grade or freshman year, we were almost total strangers..but again, as we grew older and I got busy with work, sports and school, we went from seeing each other at school and at home to hardly seeing me home at all, and whenever I was home, I'd offer to take ya to Dutch or to just hang out and you almost always said "sure!" And so we went. We went from being distant and not really knowing each other to becoming best friends and always staying in touch. We went on countless adventures to Dutch and the mall and wherever else I took ya, sometimes I never had a set destination in mind, all I knew was that wherever we went I had you sitting shotgun and that's all that mattered to me, I had my lil sis with me and we were gonna have a good time wherever we went. I love ya sis, I know I don't say it often and sometimes I have a hard time showing it, but I wouldn't trade ya for anyone else to be my lil sis, and like your caption on one of your posts said, "you might've known him part of your life, but I've known him my whole life" it's the same for you, some of y'all might've known my sister part of your life, but I've known her my whole life ❤️ #nationalsiblingday #lilsister #weballin #missya #welookingfly #illbehomesoon (at Marine Corps Base Hawaii)
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jcamilov06 · 5 years
20 songs tag
Tagged by @psykiskt-instabil, thank you (:
1) A song you like with a color in the title:
Red Light Pledge - Silverstein White Out - Warpaint
2) A song you like with a number in the title:
2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm) - Radiohead 5:15 - The Who
3) A song that reminds you of summer time:
Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks In The Heat Of The Morning - David Bowie
4) A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget about:
The Meeting Place - The Last Shadow Puppets
5) A song that needs to be played LOUD:
En La Ciudad de La Furia - Soda Stereo
6) A song that makes you wanna dance:
I Am The Resurrection - The Stone Roses Skeleton Boy - Friendly Fires
7) A song that makes you happy:
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations Love Lost - The Temper Trap Mariposa Tecknicolor - Fito Páez
8) A song that you never get tired of:
Play For Today - The Cure
9) A song you want to be played at your wedding:
Dark Side Of The Gym -The National (if there’s a wedding at all)
10) A song that is a cover from another artist:
Long Tall Sally - The Beatles
11) A song that you would sing as a duet at karaoke:
The Passenger - Iggy Pop & David Bowie
12) A song that makes you think about life:
What Became of the Likely Lads - The Libertines
13) A song with a person's name in the title:
Jeremy’s Storm - Tame Impala
14) A song everyone should listen to:
Barro Tal Vez - Luis Alberto Spinetta
15) A song that makes you want to fall in love:
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
16) A song that breaks your heart:
Girl From The North Country - Bob Dylan
17) A song by a band you wish were still together:
Figures - The Whitest Boy Alive
18) A song by a artist no longer living:
Here I Go - Syd Barrett Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
19) A song you remember from your childhood:
Faint - Linkin Park La Estrategia Perdida - Panda
20) A song that reminds you of yourself:
Disorder - Joy Division Radiate - Enter Shikari Under Cover of Darkness - The Strokes
Now I want to tag (if you want) @shakespeares-siister, @silvanhefti, @ohneweiterebedeutung, @hopelesscrawl, @eafay70, @ajaxtuallylovenoussair, @a--maverick, @daring-diogo-dalot, @pepgabbyiola & @atrperro 
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jcamilov06 · 6 years
We're snooping your playlist
Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs. Then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @daring-diogo-dalot , thank you! :D
The Architect - Desnudos en Coma
Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
The Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd
Backdrifts (Honeymoon is Over) - Radiohead
Dance Little Liar - Arctic Monkeys
New Dawn Fades - Joy Division
The Meeting Place - The Last Shadow Puppets
One More Love Song - Mac DeMarco
Morph - Twenty One Pilots
Nobody Else Will Be There - The National
I'm tagging (if you want to) @pepgabbyiola, @onewheelwonders, @hopelesscrawl, @shakespeares-siister, @im-just-sofie, @eafay70, @xanw-meres, @productovhate, @daezd and @ohneweiterebedeutung (:
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jcamilov06 · 6 years
Rules: Write the first 10 songs that come up on shuffle and quote your favorite lyrics from each. Then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @buddyhollyscurls thank you!!! :)))
1. Dead Souls by Joy Division - “Someone take these dreams away that point me to another day... a duel of personalities that stretch all true realities”.
2. My Iron Lung by Radiohead - “ My brain says I'm receiving pain, a lack of oxygen from my life support, my iron lung”.
3. She Said She Said by The Beatles - “ She said, "I know what it's like to be dead, I know what it is to be sad.", and she's making me feel like I've never been born”.
4. Blues from an Airplane by Jefferson Airplane - “Hey hey, come on make me happy like I've never known before, say you have ever known no heart ‘fore me anymore”.
5. In Between Days by The Cure - “ And I know I was wrong when I said it was true, that it couldn't be me and be her in between, without you...”.
6. The Boy with the Thorn in His Side by The Smiths - “ How can they look into my eyes and still they don't believe me? How can they hear me say those words, still they don't believe me?”
7.  El Ritmo de tus Ojos by Soda Stereo - “Muéstrame tu soul y el ritmo de tus ojos, el amor no es tan certero, no como este tiempo hipnótico”. * English translation * - “Show me your soul and the rhythm of your eyes, love is not as accurate, not as this hypnotic time”. 
8. Waiting For The Sun by The Doors - “Can you feel it, now that spring has come... that it's time to live in the scattered sun”.
9. Las Habladurías del Mundo by Pescado Rabioso - “No estoy atado a ningún sueño ya, las habladurías del mundo no pueden atraparnos”. * English translation * - “I'm not tied to any dream anymore, the gossips of the world can’t catch us”.
10. You’ve Got Everything Now by The Smiths - “I've seen you smile but I've never really heard you laugh”.
so I’m tagging: @hopelesscrawl, @shakespeares-siister, @psychedelic-side-of-pink-floyd, @im-just-sofie, @wh0sannie, @flaneuriste, @eafay70, @elishamanning and @pepgabbyiola (no pressure whatsoever)
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jcamilov06 · 6 years
I was tagged by @vanderwerff (sorry for the late reply), thank you! (:
Rules: answer 30 questions. tag blogs you want to get to know better
Nickname(s): JuanCa, Cami (?)
Gender: Male.
Sign: Sagittarius.
Height: 188 cm.
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Fave band(s): There are tons!! D: but The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Joy Division, The Who, The Smiths and Radiohead are on top of the list..
Fave solo artist(s): David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Jack White and Mac DeMarco
Song stuck in my head: Blue Orchid - The White Stripes (that main riff tho).
Last movie i saw: The Last Man on the Moon
Last show i watched: Atlanta. 
When did i create my blog: mid June, 2011 😅
What do i post: Everything I’m passionate about, so like: music, electronics, football (⚽ & 🏈), movies, books and videogames. Sometimes it makes me happy everytime I find mash-ups between them (pink floyd having a football team, electronics diy’s to make music...).
Last thing i googled: Presets for a Big Muff Pi Fuzz guitar pedal (for a song), and how to pronounce FC St. Gallen’s “Kybunpark” (no results though).
Do i have any other blogs: Yes, @eagles-und-der-bvb (Philadelphia Eagles and Borussia Dortmund stuff).
Do i get asks: Yes, although I’d be nice to see more (;
Why did i choose my url: I chose it when I first created my blog, so... just a 2011′s generic user name (at least it’s easy to remember)
Following: 1,381 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Followed by: 289!!! :D
Average hours of sleep: 5.5 hours.
Lucky number: 86 and 66.
Instruments: Guitar, bass, piano, a bit of ukulele and harmonica.
What i am wearing: Black jeans, green t-shirt.
Dream job: When I was a little kid, I loved planets and space, so I wanted to be an astronomer. I still have an admiration for it, but because I love electronics, music and video games, I’d love to work designing either electronic music instruments or video game consoles.
Dream trip: Patagonia, the norwegian fjords and Tashirojima (cat’s island), to name a few...
Fave food: Pasta alla carbonara with Portobello mushrooms
Nationality: Colombian.
Fave song: "I am the Resurrection” by The Stone Roses (it has everything I like in a song).
Last book i read: El capitán Alatriste by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Top 3 fictional universes i wanna join: can’t think of any fictional universe where I could possibly survive, so...
I’m tagging (if you want to): @psychedelic-side-of-pink-floyd, @shakespeares-siister, @reciprocates, @vandercactus, @pepgabbyiola and @flaneuriste (:
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