#the shots in sg was so nice
fujunfuren · 2 years
I have so many things I wanna gif from little women ep 8 but that has to wait till I’m back from work and if I have leftover energy adksadfjll /old/
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
SG! Unicron Trilogy is an interesting thought.
I mainly know Armada, i'd be very interested if Starscream acts more like his evil counterparts. But, instead of being impulsive, i'd say he's rational & calculates. But, he still says too much of whats on his mind.
Megatron more softer & mature compared to his small man-child tendencies. Actually treating the minicons nice but they're the ones trying to control them.
Optimus would be more ruthless, impatient. He'd be a manipulative & cold father-esque figure to Hot Shot. I imagine the focus turns into slaughtering the minicons so they can't have control.
In the original for backstories, we don't have much info otherthan Megatron & Orion were captains I believe in a academy. Starscream (& Skywarp I believe) was mentored by Thundercracker. I'd be curious where this differs in their dynamics since there is a lot to explore in that potential, whether you have seen the series or not.
That makes sense for SG Starscream, and I feel like this would make an interesting "he's with the SG autobots for a short while" episode
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
John Sheppard Whump - SG: Atlantis
1x01 Rising - Almost shot out of the sky, angry, scared/confused 1x02 Hide and Seek - Tazed, choked 1x04 38 Minutes - (Wraith bug attached to him) knocked unconscious/jolted, intense pain from multiple attempts to remove it, heart stops 1x08 Underground - Kidnapped by Chief O'brien (🤓) 1x10 The Storm - Alone, worries for friends 1x12 Defiant One - Stuck with McKay + nerd, shot, runs into forcefield (knocked down forcefully) 1x13 Hot Zone - Sacrifices self, caught in explosion 1x14 Sanctuary - Held psychologically captive, angry 1x19 The Siege pt. 2 - Shocked unconscious, almost killed by wraith, passes out, sacrificing himself ---------------------------------------------
2x01 The Siege - Fails to save a friend, guilted 2x02 the intruder - Piloting ship taken over by wraith virus, guilt/depressed about Ford 2x03 Runner - Shot/captured by Ronon, shot in the hand, increased guilt about Ford 2x05 Condemned - Jumper shot down, captured, hurts his knee (by being dumb) 2x08 Conversion - Infected with wraith retro-virus, slowly turns into a bug, shot by Ronon 2x09 Aurora - "Captured," shocked by force field multiple times 2x10 The Lost Boys - Kidnapped/stunned unconscious, threatened by the Lost Boys, poisoned, knocked down by an aggressive-drugged Ronon, guilted, Kidnapped/stunned unconscious AGAIN, weak/sore, taken by the Wraith and painfully 'willed'/torture 2x11 The Hive - Stunned unconscious, painfully willed by the queen, guilted 2x12 Epiphany - Stuck in a place where time moves faster/ages quicker/alone (6 months), evolves into bearded John, seriously injured by monster (unconscious + seriously bleeding) multiple times 2x16 Long Goodbye - Possessed by a bitter old man, shot in the shoulder, shocked unconscious and captured, painful convulsions, weak 2x17 Coup D'etat - Genii trap, collapses, captured/tied up ---------------------------------------------
3x01 No Mans Land - Captured, tired 3x03 Irresistible - The only one who isn't in love with Lucius, shot unconscious (sleeping so peacefully wtf), imprisoned 3x04 Sateda - Tranquillized unconscious, captured (+ nice talk with Tayla :)) 3x05 Progeny - Fingers in the brain torture 3x06 Real World - Angst for Weir 3x07 Common Ground - Captured by Kolya, life sucked out of him, exhausted 3x09 Phantoms - Trapped on a planet, Afghanistan PTSD, guilt about the death of another friend, apologizes a million times for literally shooting everybody 3x12 Echoes - Ears bleeding, tortured/hospitalized with equally deaf McKay 3x13 Irresponsible - Western duel against Kolya (gigachad) 3x16 Ark - Almost sucked out into space, collapses from lack O2, sacrifices himself, crashes the ship, exhausted 3x17 Sunday - Beat up by Ronon during training 3x18 Submersion - Freaked out, painfully controlled/willed by wraith lady, exhausted/sore 3x19 Vengeance - Gets in a banter fight with Michael face to face, gets smacked around by a huge bug ---------------------------------------------
4x01 Adrift pt.2 - Emotional about Weir 4x04 Doppleganger - Infected and knocked down by crystal, exhausted, in everybody's nightmares (effects relationships), really beaten up/thrown by himself, dangerously high heart rate 4x05 Travelers - Captured, beaten, threatened, shocked unconscious 4x06 Tabula Rasa - Infected, loss of memory/clueless, shocked unconscious & tied up, exhausted 4x10 This Mortal Coil - Bleeding, Ronon caused injury, captured, acts dead 4x11 Be All My Sins Remember'd - Shocked unconscious, captured 4x12 Spoils of War - Shocked unconscious, painfully willed by Wraith queen (another nice talk with Teyla) 4x15 Outcast - Dad died, emotional, choked unconscious, weak 4x20 The Last Man - Trapped in the future, walking through a rough sandstorm, collapse, weak, trapped in a building collapse ---------------------------------------------
5x01 Search and Rescue - Trapped under rubble, chunk of concrete stabbed in the abdomen, denies surgery, in pain the whole episode 5x02 Seed - Injected with experimental drug with high risk, convulsing, in serious pain, flatlines, crashes into the city, stabbed in the stomach by tentacles 5x03 Broken Ties - Punched unconscious by Ronon, captured, 5x05 Ghost in the Machine - Thrown across the room and wall, weak 5x06 The Shrine - Emotional about McKay 5x08 The Queen - Captured 5x10 First Contact - Stargate explosion 5x11 The Lost Tribe - Caught in Stargate explosion, weak, glass shards in the back 5x13 Inquisition - Knocked out 5x14 The Prodigal - Hanging off a building, badly beaten up by Michael 5x15 Remnants - Abducted, knocked unconscious, beaten, arm chopped off 5x19 Vegas - Dies (Alternate reality)
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For the writers asks :)
4, 5, 8, 19, 30 & 38!
Hi, thank you!!! 😊
4. Post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments
This is mean. :( So many of them are from you, @truedairship, @theleotorrio, and @tinknevertalks . I also have 1000 things in my inbox (literally, so going through all that and which ones pertain to my stories is...ugh. But anyway, I'm doing two).
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Hehe, I just love the enthusiasm of these two.
5. Quote one of your fics out of context
The young man, dressed in a very fine suit and carrying a pewter wine glass instead of one of the pewter or wooden tankards more common in the pubs, looked surprised by her reaction. "It's all right, crvena lisica," he said, laughing in a way that Helen didn't like. She also had no clue what he called her. "I only want to buy you a drink. There's no need to look so frightened." The laugh made Helen angry and ashamed at the same time. She was trying to keep herself together and it was so very obvious to other people. And this young man was a rather good looking specimen. He had brown hair combed back from his face, blue eyes, and was rather old, probably near his mid twenties. He was handsome and better dressed than any of the men in the town, though the mustache he was growing was not something she thought looked nice on him. Helen was both flattered and intimidated that he had singled her out, but reminded herself it was probably due to the color of her dress. It was eye-catching and unconventional.
This is from Tesla's Moving Castle (crvena lisica is Serbian for red fox)
8. Share the last line that you wrote
"We need to discuss this. Unless you don't want to be included." Nikola looked wounded and Helen regretted saying it. But if he wasn't going to face this situation with her properly, she was going to have to deal with it herself. Which she didn't want to do if she didn't have to. "What else do you suggest we do, Nikola? Everyone deserves to be happy and feel safe in their own home. I'll wager your flock isn't feeling as happy as you'd like them to.
This is from the third installment of 'The Pigeon Keeper Chronicles'.
19. What headcanon do you always include in your stories?
Uhh...I'm not sure how many it's actually made it into because it doesn't always come up, but I make sure I include my headcanon that Ashley was born in London and James took care of Helen during her pregnancy there, when I can. It just has lovely vibes to me and no one can take it away from me.
30. Which fic would you most like to have its own fanfic written for?
Oof, that's so hard! I don't know, really. I don't know how many of my fics are good enough to deserve someone putting that sort of effort and dedication into something like that.
Enigmatic Confections, maybe? Right now I'm saying that because I just realized how many one-shots I've written and I'm not really vibing with Stargate SG-1 right now. Confections is also my longest fic, so there's plenty of material there.
38. Pick three of your fics and share a song to go with each
Now this is more my speed.
Enigmatic Confections 's song is: It's Alright by Mother Mother (I used this song for Helen's confessions and Nikola's reactions to them and I'm going to use it again because it's a gentle song for the story)
Akhkharu 's song is: Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths (I felt this really suited Helen's mentality of becoming a vampire by force and Nikola and Will trying to convince her she'll be the same)
Bleeding Through the Blue 's song is: Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez (I feel this really suits the dreamworld and Helen's mentality in the story, considering there is no real way to tell what's real and what's not)
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Oh oh oh, what about a stargate fic where the reader is given like a truth serum off world and they end up blurting their feelings for Daniel? But like as well as really random stuff they would never say out loud (idk like 'teal'c you have really good arms' 'Carter, you always smell amazing', 'Jack I know I roll my eyes at your jokes but they're actually hilarious' - im really sorry these were the first things that popped into my head)?
a/n: no don’t apologize, i love this and those quotes so much! I hope you enjoy this <3
word count: 1.3k
warning(s): …none? fluff levels that could be dangerous however (title in no way indicates this will have angst, i just love lizzo)
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In hindsight, taking the cup from the Ancestral Leader in a world that valued truth wasn’t your brightest moment. You hesitantly took a sip of the swirling purple liquid that was shining in a way which should’ve made you nervous. The flavor burst on your tongue and your eyes widened, quickly gulping down half of the glass. You felt strangely relaxed, leaning back on one hand while the other swirled the cup in a fancy fashion. You and the rest of SG-1, along with the elders of this planet, were sitting around a low table, cushions lining the floor for comfort. A slight haze filled the outskirts of your vision but you brushed it off. 
“Young Y/N, how does our totuus fare on your Terran tongue?” The name of the drink sparked something in Daniel, the archeologist sitting up straight with a cautionary expression on his face. Smiling, you laughed slightly.
“It’s absolutely delicious, Elder Myrsky, I express my thanks,” something bubbled in your mind and you found yourself blurting it out, “It’s almost as amazing as your fashion taste.” 
The table went quiet, the Elder flushing slightly as he brushed his deep crimson robes with his hands. Teal’c looked at you inquisitively, his stoic face showing slight signs of concern. Sam smiled into her cup, Jack cleared his throat, and Daniel looked as if he had figured something out. 
“Thank you, Young Y/N, your compliment brings me much joy,” The Elder smiled at you before waving for food to be served. Daniel looked in his cup before poking the food on his plate with the utensils given. He looked at you then looked at the Elder. 
“Elder Myrsky, what exactly did you serve Y/N?”
The Elder paused his conversation with another Leader, looking at Daniel with confusion in his eyes. Jack paused from taking his drink, looking at his friend before sniffing his cups content. 
“I thought I already named it? Totuus is our drink of truth, do you not have the equivalent in your world?”
“Not..exactly,” Daniel murmured before taking his glasses off to squeeze the bridge of his nose and then putting them back on, “You gave Y/N a truth serum?” 
The words shot through you, making you choke on the totuus you were about to gulp down. Oh no, oh-
“Shit.” You exclaimed, before slapping a hand over your mouth and looking apologetically at Jack, who just waved you off, stuffing his face with food before hesitating. He swallowed and pointed at the food on his plate. 
“Will this…?” 
Myrsky seemed to understand his question, smiling at the Colonel. 
“No, the totuus is only given to one who hides the most.” 
Your team all simultaneously turned their heads to look at you. You turned your attention to your plate, pushing your food in an attempt to ignore their stares. Finally, after a few minutes, you sighed and laughed nervously, looking up.
“Oh come on, I don’t have anything to hide,” you scratched the back of your neck, “It’s not like I love Daniel or anything or think that I would 100% let Teal’c crush me with his thighs?” 
You felt your face heat up as you registered what you just said. Blinking once, you groaned, covering your face with your hands. You felt Daniel’s eyes boring into you and you heard Sam’s snicker. 
“Can you..repeat that please?” Came Jack’s totally innocent tone. 
“What, Teal’c has nice thighs. And arms. He has really nice arms.” You whispered the last part, despite the voice in your head screaming at you to shut the hell up. Jack snorted and you parted your fingers to peer through them, watching as Teal’c sent a smug look at Daniel before once more steeling his expression, bringing an arm to lean on the table, muscle bulging. 
“That’s nice to know, and I agree, but let’s rewind that to what you said first.” 
“...I love Daniel…” You whispered. The Elder nodded his head, saying something about how the drink's effect would wear off now that you had admitted it. Sam let out a cheer, making you look up at her. 
“General Hammond owes me fifty bucks,” she said triumphantly, before looking at you with an expression that worried you, “So, Y/N, anything you want to say about the Colonel or me? To get it out of your system before the drink closes us off from your wonderful thoughts?” 
Jack nodded, snapping and pointing at you expectantly. 
“Guys, come on, stop it-” Daniel started but you interrupted him.
“Carter you always smell amazing which is weird because most of the time we’re running for our life, how do you find the time to smell like freshly picked mint? It’s not fair. But remember that one time I was in the med wing and you brought me cookies? I couldn’t eat them, it was like chomping on concrete but I crumbled them up and fed them to the nonexistent fish in Jack’s pond and never told you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings because you were so happy to give me baked goods.” 
Sam raised her eyebrows before shaking her head, chuckling slightly. You turned your attention to Jack.
“About that pond, we all know there’s no fish in there Jack but I still say yes everytime you offer because you always look so relaxed sitting in the really rusty lawn chair that you really need to fix before you injure yourself and it’s really nice. Also, you can’t sing. At all. Please stop trying to become the next Madonna because it’s never going to happen.” 
Jack looked appreciative before changing to a faux insulted expression. 
The rest of the dinner went smoothly, well as smoothly as a meal can get with you blurting out random thoughts every few minutes. After securing a scientific and military alliance with the Karelian people, your team crossed through the Stargate. Once you crossed the horizon, you felt a gentle grip on your elbow, leading you towards the med bay. Daniel had a determined expression on his face, his brow furrowed and blue eyes set in front of him. 
“Whoa, whoa,” you said, halting in the hallway once your mind caught up to your movement, “you just sped past the General! And I’m fine, Daniel, Dr. Frasier doesn’t need to see me immediately.” 
Daniel paused to stand in front of you, bringing his hand up to count on his fingers. 
“One, I’m not in the military, legally Hammond can’t do anything to me. Two, you are not fine, you just had an equivalent of a neurotoxin in your system and three, that’s breaking protocol so yes, she does have to see you immediately.” He turned around and started walking, thinking you would follow him. But you stood still, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. He once more stopped and turned to face you a few feet ahead. There was tension until he sighed, running his hand through his hair, returning to stand right in front of you. When he made eye contact, you saw the vulnerability shining. 
“Do you really love me?”
You smiled, stepping closer to him, reaching out to hold his hand. 
“You think I would admit my appreciation for Teal’c thighs if I wasn’t forced to tell the absolute truth?” 
Daniel snorted, a smile growing on his face. Normally, you avoided complete eye contact, but when his eyes met yours, you found yourself unable to look away. 
“I love you Daniel, not just as a friend, and I completely understand if you don’t-”
“I love you too!” 
The archeologist blurted out, his face turning red. You, in turn, felt heat rise on your face as you stuttered out a response. 
“That’s nice, thanks. I mean-”
You heard a bellowing laugh behind you and turned to see Teal’c clutching his stomach next to Jack and Sam, who looked amused by your words and shocked at Teal’c reaction. Jack wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“Can you two just kiss already? We need to debrief.” Came the exasperated voice of General Hammond, who was standing behind Sam, Jack, and Teal’c, arms crossed over his chest with an amused expression. 
Who were you to go against orders? 
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this and that it was okay!!
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argentumcor · 2 months
@paranorahjones tagged me in this. I'm not usually one for this sort of thing but I've been looking at writing-qua-writing to get some stuff in order so I figured I'd do a little navel-gazing (procrastinating).
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Oh goodness. I think my first fanfic was for KotOR back in…before 2008, before I graduated high school. It’s lost to LiveJournal I believe, or FF.net. Several things are. They were fine, as I recall. Written when I was a lot younger for sure. I had to write them, though.
How many fandoms have you written in?
To go by AO3, 30 that I would consider actual separate fandoms. Many of those are one-shots, sometimes just odd ideas I had about something I watched or read or played, things I needed to get out of my head.
How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Must be around 16, though there were several years-long breaks in there. I am a dried-up old woman. You'll never be actually cool until you're over 30, kids, and then you won't even really care, get over it.
Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Frankly, read. I read very fast, I write not as fast, no one writes as fast as I read. For whatever fandom I’m working in, with exceptions, I will read new things and things I liked to help keep me motivated and inspired. As you can see from how many fandoms I’ve written for, I devour new fiction by nature. Verily, I hunger for it.
What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Pacing, pacing, pacing. I write my own stuff under my real name- I will not dox myself, partly paranoia and partly a sense of personal artistic ethics- and fanfiction has been my training wheels especially with pacing. It is the hardest part of fiction to me, something intuitive you have to have a go at until you find the right sense of it.
What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hmm. I’m not a great barometer for weird. In recent memory, I spent a lot of time walking around every stupid alleyway and cranny of Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. I spend a lot of time feeling around in the guts of the fandoms I write- sometimes that’s really what it feels like you are doing.
What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Hard to pick. It’s really nice when someone gets what you’re doing with structure and theme for longer works, but the people who are just struck plan by something I wrote are very special to me. All my commenters are, really. You guys rock. You know what though? The ones who say things like “oh thank God I found this, it feels like it was written by an adult who cares about the characters as people and not some teenager trying to get off”, I like those ones best because I totally understand.
What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Hmm. It’s a hard life, being a neo-paleo-counter-reformationist, but somebody’s gotta do it (rosary fics).
What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Crossovers most of the time. I have an X-files/SG-1 crossover I may never come back to because it required me to hold this kind of early aughts sci-fi mentality in my mind for two shows that both sync and do not sync and also isn’t where I, emotionally, am at these days. I don’t like to write crossovers generally because of that kind of thing and, even with reading, most of them are like a food combo only explainable by pregnancy hormones.
What is the easiest type?
Brief character studies where you’re looking at a character’s mindset during events. It’s simple and focused.
What is something that you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I started many moons ago, but never got around to reviving or really doing anything with, a Halo/Firefly crossover based on the end of Halo 3 that would have replaced Serenity. The crew finds some weird, old salvage adrift in the black…also my Firefly continuation since we’re on the subject, another ‘this is where the story is going’. I wonder if those notes are anywhere. No, no, wait, stop…
What made you choose your username?
I liked the sound of it. I’m Silverheart most places and argentumcor on Tumblr because Silverheart was taken so I just put it into Latin because neo-paleo-counter-reformationist and also, importantly, I am lazy.
Huh, I broke the formatting a bit? So it goes. I'll tag @womaninwinter because now she is double-tagged and this amuses me.
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x20 Politics
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We pick up right where the last episode left off, Daniel getting his shoulder wound treated and trying to explain the alternate reality to his sceptical team.
It’s funny to see the team not really believing Daniel because it’s still early in the run, whereas later on any of them could say the weirdest shit happened and the rest of them would just roll with it no questions asked.
Jack: “And you were there, and you were there, and there’s no place like home.” Daniel: “As a matter of fact, you were there.” Heh. Is Daniel just frustrated or did he not get the Wizard of Oz reference? Works either way.
I’m curious how the team thinks Daniel got shot by a staff weapon if it was all a dream though.
“Yes but the defining event, the death of Ra, took place in both worlds.” A bit of a logic leap by Daniel but hey, it’s what he does.
This is a clip show. I give SG-1 a lot of credit for actually making an effort with their clip shows, always building them around an in-universe plot to give context and cause. They’re still annoying to watch in these days of binging, but they’re as successful as they can be.
Written by Brad Wright (not including excerpts) and directed by Martin Wood.
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“How’s our boy?” I find this very cute? Hammond really is the mama duck to SG-1’s ducklings, the epitome of restrained affection.
His absolute and obvious disdain for Samuels is also a real treat. He rolls his eyes!
Samuels is played by Robert Wisden, who was also briefly in Smallville as Chloe's father Gabe. Both shows were based in Vancouver, and both ran for ten seasons, so there's quite the guest star crossover.
In a private meeting with Jack, Hammond goes from “this is what I look like when I’m not laughing, Colonel” to almost laughing when Jack cracks another joke. I love Hammond so much.
I think Ronny Cox as Kinsey is actually the longest running villain in the entire show? Apophis finally bites it in season 5, but Kinsey makes it all the way to season 8.
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“And this must be the drain through which the money flows” is such a great line for a pontificating blowhard politician, as is his hypocritical speech. You immediately know who Kinsey is, and you hate him even though he’s actually right about a lot of stuff.
“Oh you’re right, we’ll just upload a computer virus into the mothership.” lol, the shade at Devlin/Emmerich here.
We get a date for the Chulak mission - 10 February (presumably) 1997. The computer in the previous episode indicated it was December 1997 so assuming time was the same in the alternate universe, it's been approximately 11 months since the pilot which seems about right.
The purpose of the mission is described as “to rescue both Dr Jackson’s wife and her brother, and determine the Goa’uld threat” which is the first mention we’ve had of Sha’re and Skaara in a while.
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lol, Jack looking to Sam to give the correct pronunciation of Goa’uld because he doesn’t want to.
Lt Colonel “secondary objective” Samuels being the one to read from Jack’s report about Skaara being chosen really twists the knife.
“Because what is right cannot be measured by strength.” Great Teal’c line.
Argos gets discussed and it’s mentioned that SG-2 made recent contact with them - a nice little background aspect of the show that they do check in on the worlds they’ve visited from time to time.
Much is made of the lack of benefit to the Stargate program - guess that wonder drug from Emancipation didn’t pan out? Or maybe everyone just wants to forget that episode happened.
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Sidebar - with all the clips it’s obvious that Daniel’s hair has been getting longer throughout the season - irl because Michael Shanks’ hair was shorter and was growing it out as filming progressed to get that Daniel look, but my headcanon in universe is that Sha’re used to trim it for him on Abydos, and since her abduction he can’t bring himself to get it cut
There’s an ongoing metaphor by Kinsey for the Stargate being a Pandora’s Box that’s kind of apt, the box (jar) being a gift from the gods intended to punish mankind after Prometheus gifted them fire, with humanity as Pandora, eternally curious and unable to resist peeking inside.
The show never had a Goa’uld character who took on the persona of Prometheus, Epimetheus, or even Pandora, which was kind of a missed opportunity.
Samuels the slimeball is “sorry it had to end like this” and Hammond rightly tells him to gtfo.
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Nice crossfade, Mr Wood.
The Stargate shut down, the threat of an imminent attack - all in all, a good setup going into the season finale!
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dramioneasks · 8 months
Hey !! I am looking for some new fics to read so, Please recommend some fics similar to: Simply Irresistible: [Ron breaks up with hermione a week b4 the wedding and mingles with draco's gf then and then draco comes to the rescue giving her a whole new makeover. I particularly liked the ron bashing, dramione bonding and sweet fluff. It also had dramione Hogwarts bonding.] Slow grenade: Over the years bonding of dramione, with secretive meet ups. Tooth rotting fluff is what I loved with a bit of action. Would be preferable if they are on wattpad. Thanks!! I am sorry if I am not clear with my request. (dramione = draco and hermione for short)
Next time send this in as two different asks please:
SI: dramioneasks (tumblr.com)
my brother’s best friend - mrsren - E, 5 chapters - Hermione’s plan to lose her virginity starts with a list of potential men to get the job done. At the top of an already very short list rests Draco Malfoy, but he’s her brother’s best friend. The pinch: Draco finds the list, and she is woefully unprepared for the fallout.
The Healer’s Guide To Transfiguration - malpal132 - E, one-shot - It happens like this: Hermione is hunched over her desk like some kind of Tolkien goblin, essentially deep-throating three Sambal fish tacos from Del Seoul in a desperate bid to finish a late lunch before her next appointment (she’d rather choke to death than be late) when a light knock on the open door makes her head snap up. “Dr. Granger?” Holy shit. Holy shit. Her previous nonchalance about choking to death vanishes when she sees who’s standing in her door and a piece of fish hunkers down for a long winter in her esophagus. “Are you–shall I perform the Heimlich?” He asks, face familiar and concerned as he moves a step closer. “I don’t think your face should be that shade of purp–” She cuts him off by vomiting into the trash can. Airway finally clear, she gulps a few greedy breaths. Her lungs expand and her face burns, and Hermione genuinely wonders if she’s hallucinating. She’s not prone to fantastical thinking even though she’s well acquainted with the fantastic, but…why else would Draco Malfoy be standing in front of her? Malfoy, on crutches. Malfoy, handing her a tissue? Malfoy, but…not. It’s complicated.
Project Ghost by youhavemyswordandmybow - M, 19 chapters - Granger is the Head Analyst working at the DMLE wondering what the hell is going on with the spike of dark magic - and why an unknown wizard vigilante is running around like Jason flipping Bourne. Malfoy, may or may not be that vigilante - but he’s certainly not telling Granger, with her exceptionally nice arse and cute freckles. As Head Auror, (Hermione’s former and Draco’s current) best friend Harry has answers - and as strained as their friendship is, Hermione is going to get them. *** Beta’d by loads of different people but mainly Peb, MagicalIndigoSunrise and Ardeleanca - with huge thanks to them! And if there are mistakes - masses of apologies. If you like it, gimme some kudos or pls write a comment :) Thanks for reading!
Other Halves by westxnorthwest - E, 37 chapters, Words: 155,362 - Hermione is returning to Hogwarts, this time as a professor of Muggle Studies. It had been four years since the Battle of Hogwarts and she was more than ready to reclaim her life as her own, rather than living under the pressures of being part of the Golden Trio. Her personal life might be somewhat in shambles, but she’s willing to forge her own future and put herself first, for the first time in her life. Little does she know, Draco Malfoy is beginning his tenure as a professor this year too. Her complicated feelings as they pertain to the Malfoy heir resurface as she tries to navigate them, her failing relationship with Ron, and the infancy of her career. *** COMPLETED WORK | Author’s Note: This is, first and foremost, a love story. Mind the tags, but this is not a dark tale, just a few…less sunny moments. You’ll have some fluff, some angst, some (hopefully) really good smut, and, of course, some plot to carry us along. Tags have been updated to reference important themes, even if they only feature briefly, and chapters will contain relevant content warnings. If I’ve missed one, please let me know! This story developed into its own as I wrote and posted.
Baby, Any Time You’re Ready, I’m Waiting by Zeebee3 - E, 11 chapters - “Alright,” said Pansy. “Then we’re still stuck. How do we divide three rooms between three girls and three boys?” “You share with Ginny. Blaise shares with Ron. And then Draco and I can share,” said Hermione easily, scrolling through the phone at the rest of the property images. Pansy’s attention snapped to Draco so fast, he almost jolted at the impact of it. “Oh?” She said with pointed interest. Draco shook his head minutely at her and her brows shot up. She turned back to Hermione. “Why you and Draco, Hermione?” “Well it’s such a lovely house, it’d be a shame to pass it up just because of sleeping arrangements.” She glanced up, perhaps sensing the underlying emphasis in Pansy’s question, and met his eyes. “You don’t mind, do you Draco? Or I could share with Ron if you’d rather be with Blaise?” “Don’t mind a bit.” He sipped his tea, the picture of nonchalance. —— Or where Hermione thinks she and Draco are “just good friends” but he’s secretly in love.
Big Dick Energy by louiseob - E, 9 chapters - After months of successfully keeping Ginny Weasley away from happy hours with her coworkers, Hermione finally relents and allows her to tag along. Unfortunately, her crassest friend wants nothing more than to embarrass Hermione and (hopefully) get her and Draco sodding Malfoy into bed together one and for all.
Fifty Shades of Granger - winterwells - E, 7 chapters - Draco Malfoy finds himself reentering society after having been on house arrest for the past five years. The Wizengamot has *graciously* given him the opportunity to leave the manor provided he gets a job at the Ministry. What could go wrong? Dramione, post-war AU
(PS: yes we know what dramione means....)
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ukfrislandembassy · 10 months
Lexember 1 - New man, new conlang
So I've decided I'm actually in with a shot of doing a full Lexember this year, so I'm taking this as an excuse to start a new conlang! Frislandic's nice and all and it's not going anywhere, but 2 years into a PhD at the Surrey Morphology Group has made me want to try out some of the really funky morphological that make up our bread and butter (morphomes, stem alternations, inflection classes, syncretism, defectiveness, overabundance etc.). So I'm taking the opportunity of Lexember to try and fashion a conlang that does more of that stuff that I've been able to add into Frislandic so far. Name tbd; orthography is IPA so phonology should be evident.
So the first word that I'm going to talk about will be a pretty basic one: sok 'man, person'. Simple, right?
Except no, of course not. Firstly, let's have a quick note about the actual inflectional paradigm. The good news; there's only four grammatical cases (let's call them nominative, oblique, ablative and locative for now) and a two-way contrast of number. What's more, these two categories aren't mixed to any great degree. In fact, the ablative/instrumental and locative/allative are pretty consistenly marked with a final -m and -tʃ respectively.
The bad news is everything else. Firstly, there are a series of stems to learn. In the singular this consists of a nominative stem and an oblique stem, the latter serving as the basis for the oher cases, while the plural usually just has the one (separate) stem. However, in this instance we have an additional wrinkle of the plural being suppletive, and furthermore, since this suppletive form arose from what was presumably a collective noun, it exhibits an additional nominative-oblique stem alternation not otherwise found in the language (we'll get to more regular plural stem formation another time, maybe even tomorrow!).
And what are these stems for sok? Well, to make sense of them we need a little bit of history. In the proto-language, the nominative had the shape *sog with a final voiced stop. Normally this consonant would have given a reflex ɣ, but as it came word-finally in this form it was instead devoiced, giving the current shape. However, the oblique stem, like many nouns of this shape, added an echo vowel with stress shift: *soˈgo. Subsequent vowel reduction and syncope gives the current shape sɣo.
A similar story holds for the plural. This was originally *ˈlin(i) in the nominative but *liˈni in the oblique, giving the modern stems ɬinʲ and ɬnʲi respectively (palatalisation in the nominative is inconsistent for some speakers so might be analogical). Use of the nomintive stem is optional: the nominative-oblique contrast is otherwise generally collapsed in the plural, so nobody will get angry at you if you generalise, however the nominative plural here is frequent enough that it's not likely to disappear in the near future.
Putting this all together gives us the following paradigm (Tumblr please give us the ability to make tables natively).
SG PL N sok ɬinʲ~ɬnʲi O sɣo ɬnʲi A sɣotʃ ɬnʲitʃ L sɣom ɬnʲim
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delicatelie89 · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by the lovely @starrybouquet 💜
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? twenty-three (counting the tiny ones)
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? i almost never look at the stats page. it says 101,051. there's more on my gdrive... definitely more... there has to be.
3. what fandoms do you write for? stargate sg1 sam/jack ... and some unpublish rpf that we won't get into... 👀
4. what are your top five fics by kudos? they're all pretty close tbh.
Losing Touch WIP (M, Stargate, S/J, 35k) 690 kudos
Closing the Distance (E, Stargate, S/J, 4k) 568 kudos
Better or Right (E, Stargate, S/J, 20k) - 567 kudos
Setting the Mood (E, Stargate, S/J, 6k) - 432 kudos
Desire (E, Stargate, S/J, 4k) - 407 kudos (which beats out Perfectly Explainable by a whole 2 kudos 😆)
5. do you respond to comments? yes, eventually i do! they always make me smile. of course if you're enough of a dickhead with a bad attitude you might even get a particularly snarky reply if you catch me on an unforgiving day. 🙃
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? that's got to be Grief and Loss/Loss and Regret (E, Stargate, S/J, 4k) which has ALL the feels bad content. 😬
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i think most of them have a happy ending... (that's what she said). maybe Better or Right or Better Than Ice Cream.
8. Do you get hate on fics? no, most people are pretty nice and reasonable. there's maybe a handful of entitled "update!" comments that have rubbed me the wrong way.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? lol. yes. LISTEN. if AT says "i called him sir... i think he liked it" then in that train of thought is practically cannon amirite? 😅
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? no, but if i did it would be in the same cannon of the show (sg atlantis or sg universe).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? no. i don't think so. sounds awful.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not that i know of... 🤷‍♀️
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope. i think the closest to that would be a group trope challenge.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? sam/jack stargate sg1 is my opt forever and always.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? um how even dare you. the level of sheer audacit--losing touch. sigh. it's just so long is this thing. and so sad too. i don't have it in me to put my brain into that level of sadness for so long. also i feel grossly incapable of long form fics, they are just such a marathon. i am a one shot girl through and through. but I do hope i finish it! that's still the goal. 🤞
16. What are your writing strengths? funny. or funny-sexy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? ... longform fics. or action. action sequences are HARD.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i'd be so impressed with myself if i pulled that off.
19. First fandom you wrote for? stargate sg1 sam/jack.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? that's hard. losing touch has chapters and parts that i really love. although Perfectly Explainable still makes me laugh. i might have smiled the most writing that one.
I am so very out of touch with tumblr fandom, sorry fam, so i'll tag @sharim28 and @formerdetective and literally anyone who finds this across their dash. thanks for thinking of me @starrybouquet!
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greedyapron · 8 months
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25/12/2023 - Dinner
Part 2: Appetizer, Mains and Dessert
🇪🇸 Roostiq, Madrid
🐷 Torreznos Roostiq (€ 16, $23.36)
It's SOO CRISPY and very tasty. Good amount of salty and tasty. 100% recommend.
🍃🍕 Roostiq Pizza with Iberian Ham, Burrata, Basil and Truffle (€ 29, $42.33)
Probably not worth the price but it's darn good pizza. The crust was light and fluffy. CVan't get enough. Could do without the truffle though, didn't add much to it.
🐮🥩 "Picanha" Steak (250g) (€ 24, $35.03)
Didn't have much steak here but this was really tender. It's a good cut with enough beefy taste and fats.
🌶 Confit Sweet Red Peppers "Piquillo" (€ 8, $11.68)
As an add on with the steak. It's so good! Sweet, meaty and really tasty.
🧀🍰 Tarta de Queso (€ 9, $13.14)
Cheesecake looks really solid but it's light and creamy. It's the right amount of creaminess - heavier than the Japanese cow cheesecakes but lighter than the usual cheescakes. It's such a treat! Comes with whipped cream and a nice shot of amaretto.
🍫🍰 Brownie Black and White ((€ 9, $13.14)
So chocolatey and melty in the middle. Would really recommend this. It's like a lava cake rather than the chewy brownie type. Comes with great ice cream.
Would highly recommend this place despite the steep price point for some things. The desserts are actually quite affordable! It's one of the pricier places we went in Madrid but the steak is about the same price as a nicer place in SG. Remember to make a reservation!
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megthetrain · 7 months
SG = James
At shooting guard, a modified L&YR Class 28, designed by George Hughes, we have the North Western Railway's Number 5, James.
Honestly, this was an easy pick. James thinks very highly of himself and is a perfect fit for this role. James is solid on the offensive end since he has mastered the three-point shot perfectly. He is a strong catch-and-shoot player. Although, James has some weaknesses. Despite his size, he is not a great defender, due to his fear of messing himself up due to contact. Likewise, this also applies to the offensive end of the court, as James rarely drives or takes mid-range shots. Also, he tends to be a ball-hog, so his teammates have to be careful when setting James up for plays. James thinks too highly of himself and rarely acknowledges these weaknesses. But he has been known to drive to the basket in late-quarter matchups occasionally.
James is actually quite popular with the media, because of his antics and fashion sense. James is very active with the media and has been known to argue online about his play style. James has signed on to a rather popular fashion label, and the majority of his posts online are just him wearing nice clothes. Fans have tried to emulate his fashion sense. James also makes a commitment to interact with his fans after every game and can be seen signing many things. He rarely sits out games, just to give everyone a show.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e23 sacrifice (w. jeremy carver)
are we gonna make nic cry (it's a low bar but s7 finale managed to not make it)
JODY It's not a date till I've cried.
we're definitely leaning into full on bad guy crowley this season. i liked when he was more ambiguous. maybe he'll help, maybe he'll fuck everyone over. dragging jody into it, now. all right
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not me feeling more emotional about bobby's scrapyard than i did about seeing actual-bobby again
CROWLEY Nice try, squirrel. Moose is doing these trials. Moose signs. DEAN No, no. He's not signing anything until I read the fine print. [SAM yanks the pen from DEAN] SAM I can read it. DEAN Hey, you wanted me here. I'm here. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him screw us even more. CROWLEY What's this? Trouble in paradise, boys?
crowley's turning into a bit of a caricature. too much of a good thing maybe
DEAN I can do this all day, 'cause you know what? Damn, it feels good! But sooner or later, you're gonna have to face it -- you're ours. Which means that your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick. CROWLEY [to SAM] What's he mouthing on about? SAM You're the third trial, Crowley.
a) ignoring any bitch implications b) you know i really dislike torture but even i got a little vicarious satisfaction from dean punching him c) i've got a hodgepodge of demon dean/mark of cain nebulous plot awareness that's on the horizon but no idea how they come to pass, so my mind keeps wandering wondering if this or that is related. focus!
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CASTIEL Yes. Would you say that you're looking for, uh, a partner in crime... ...or, uh, someone who's into nurse role-play and light domination? DWIGHT Brother, it's 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday.
sir, this is a wendy's
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lovely shot but it feels like the shiny happy people version of s1 true detective which is on the brain because of this video of a deleted scene i posted a bit ago which is just (gorgeous) extended moody atmospheric location shots of coastal louisiana set to appropriate music
SAM Honestly, for the first time in a long time, it feels like we're gonna win. I'm good.
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dean's just trying to help!
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the sick damp puppy look is just too precious for words. dean, give him a hug and some soup
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lovely lovely. even more true detective s1 vibes (that season of that show was one of the most beautiful things... southern gothic atmospherics off the charts. ugh. i made an edit with it and hannibal because the rust cohle is will graham is rust cohle of it all)
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true detective s1e2 seeing things
DEAN Anything? You've been gone long enough. CASTIEL No. There was one female, but... DEAN What? CASTIEL ...I don't think she was female
heavy sigh. transphobic jokes are evergreen
followed up by dean being flabbergasted for .. 10 seconds? that the cupid love match thing was two men. fuck you, show. i know, it's nothing new. but back to back, i'm exponentially annoyed
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and i'm so disinterested in this heaven business i'd never looked up naomi's actress. she was sam carter on sg1! totally did not recognize her without the blonde hair. i didn't watch a ton of sg1 but enough to be quite familiar with the mains
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stargate sg-1 amanda tapping as samantha carter
anyway. back to sam being half dead and abaddon smoking out (was it red? they did this with crowley too and i wasn't sure it wasn't just the lighting on the black smoke)
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again the twilight/zombie looks good on him
this crowley thing.. this whole girls (tv series) speech his voice is higher pitched and the accent changed? what is going on
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and are we supposed to be feeling something about crowley crying and wanting help from sam with asking for forgiveness? the time given his speech and music says yes, but my brain says excuse me what now. offering his neck up like bella, mushy music swells
DEAN Metatron lied. You finish this trial, you're dead, Sam. SAM So?
glad i knew that was coming
okay so i've watched this whole church scene several times now trying to figure out why it's not hitting any emotional buttons. padalecki is working his ass off and doing amazing and i'm getting nothing from jackles, subsequently i'm feeling not much of anything. did they break my emotions? which is extra weird because the text of this conversation is like.. romantic catnip? should be breaking and remaking my heart and yet...? just for a hint at the end the music reminded me of the expanse and THAT made me feeling a little something. so, like a broken record, i'm blaming this partially on the musical score.
SAM Look at him. Look at him! Look how close we are! Other people will die if I don't finish this! DEAN Think about it. Think about what we know, huh? Pulling souls from hell, curing demons, hell, ganking a Hellhound! We have enough knowledge on our side to turn the tide here. But I can't do it without you. SAM You can barely do it with me. I mean, you think I screw up everything I try. You think I need a chaperone, remember? DEAN Come on, man. That's not what I meant. SAM No, it's exactly what you meant. You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can't do that again. DEAN Sam -- SAM [beginning to cry] What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again? I mean, who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another angel, another -- another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother just –
like this really should be stabbing me in the gut and it's just not and it is such a shame because really, padalecki is doing so good with it. damnit, show, what did you do
DEAN Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you.
"don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you" like hello, feelings, this is insane, where are you
the only part that worked for me is the little handfasting moment
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do not to get to see this soft smile very often
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DEAN Just let it go. SAM I can't. It's in me, Dean. You don't know what this feels like. [DEAN wraps a bandanna around Sam’s cut.] DEAN Hey, listen,we will figure it out, okay, just like we always do. Come on. DEAN Come on. Let it go, okay? Let it go, brother. SAM Hey, Dean. DEAN See? [ SAM Breathing shakily then Sam doubles over in pain. DEAN brings SAM outside the church. ] DEAN Sam? I got you, little brother. You're gonna be just fine.
calling him brother and little brother in one go
apparently i've forgotten already how cas and megatron left things in the time i spent trying to wrap my head around my (lack of) emotional reaction to the church thing. ah right, it was a spell, needed castiel's grace. that's why it's raining angels
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the music, the effects.. this all hit the right notes at least. reminded me a smidge of stranger things with the music and rain and the car and ominous things happening in the sky.
see, imagine this show, but with the music of stranger things. like, really well done music cues, not just bad generic weird fake rock blues whatever and classic rock because we have one character note about his musical preferences and we're gonna ride it into the ground. i'm so bitter about the music in this show letting it down! lol
so why did fandom glom on to the spelling of cas? since it's pronounced cass. and is cass in the captions and scripts. having never heard it but seen it a bunch, i assumed it was going to be pronounced caz. cass too feminine?
(for the record one tear came from the expanse-like musical cue and i don't think spn gets the credit for it. i'm stunned, honestly)
so sometimes, i will admit, i have a kneejerk dislike - or anger, of something that seems irrational considering my shipping preferences. like, in 2x11 playthings and sam honestly looks like he's about to kiss dean, i was mad. i felt like they were baiting this thing that would never go anywhere, i was pissy about the gay jokes in the scenes prior at the front desk. now with separation and seeing 6 more seasons, i see how they actually have often stuck to this plausible deniability romance dynamic between them and made it more textual without making the impossible full commit to gay incest on the CW.
i don't think that's what's going on with me and the church thing because i'm not like freaked out->upset->pissy, i'm just... not feeling it. super weird
trying to keep a list of the horrifying results of castiel's attempts to do the right thing.... there's just so many 🤪
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austraz-randbats · 9 months
Swindling a worse position with Falinks
austraz (2106) vs. thethirstysimp (2255)
Guts Heracross
SG Tera Ground Revavroom (useful defensively)
SD Leavanny (no webs—sad!)
Specs Golduck
CB Baxcalibur
LO No Retreat Falinks
I was sure this was losing. LO is bad on lastmons and I think I was imprecise in the early game. But it's better to be lucky in the late game.
Lead Heracross vs. Persian. I have to respect Aerial Ace. Reva. Fake Out, so it's Silk Scarf, which is annoying. I greed and SG, which was a mistake. Great Tusk comes out. If it doesn't have Ice Spinner I always go Leavanny. Shuffling brings out Heracross to tank an Avalanche for a free Knock Off but I greed again and CC into a Trevenant reveal. I've thrown Heracross away at this point so I trade it for a Knock Off.
Was this imprecise? I'm not sure. Heracross was high-value, but this team wants to punch holes with Golduck to force a Bax/Falinks endgame. Maybe that'll look like CB Ice Shard to clean up after a No Retreat sweep, or maybe it'll look like trading Bax for damage and tempo, but I'm not sure where Heracross fits into it. Heracross is better, though; maybe I could've brought Falinks in on a switch as an early-game breaker and saved Heracross for a sweep? Falinks has LO, which is terrible lategame - LO lastmons end up 20% short of a win far too often for my liking. (To get to an endgame that's still contested, you need a near-equal position, and near-equal positions are the kinds most likely to be decided by small amounts of damage.) Was it worth it?
If I hadn't greeded on Great Tusk, I'd have gotten about 30% in exchange for LO damage... but if my opponent hadn't had an answer to SG Reva I'd have been winning on turn 2. I'd still have had to switch out, since Tera Ground can't tank EQ: it still does ~53-63%. I don't think 30% for 10% makes that much of a difference.
KO into Trevenant would've been nice but who goes into Trevenant on Heracross? That's a very confident CC predict, Guts is guaranteed to have Knock Off, and Freezai would knock. Here I realized I'd blundered into a worse position.
But worse positions happen. I trade Heracross for Knock Off into Harvest Trevenant. Harvest is strong. It's not something to give up lightly. But what are the options? Chimecho and Trevenant can't come in on Knock Off, Persian, Avalugg, and Cacturne can't come in on CC, and Great Tusk is slower and get two-shot. Giving up Cacturne would be understandable, but then what?
More shuffling. Avalugg recovers to full on a switch—I hope that doesn't matter later. I make a play and bring Golduck in on a switch. I have to break Persian. I Specs Hydro into a Cacturne reveal. Alas!
Chimecho is annoying. It outspeeds Falinks and I don't have Tera Dark. I don't miss any Gunk Shots, but I had to go for the 80%s. A full team reveal is a concession, but overall my position is worse, and a Bax/Falinks endgame looks like the least bad option. I sac Golduck for the 2v4.
It's losing given correct play, but everyone's worse in endgames, myself included. Falinks loses to Persian unless it can set up, so I have to trade it for Bax. I'd have tried harder to avoid the speed tie endgame if not for the threat of Tera Dark.
Turn 32: The speed tie arrives. If I win it, I live a Psychic, set up, break Chimecho with Iron Head, and go for the flinch vs. Sturdy. If I lose it, I lose immediately to Psychic—but my opponent doesn't know that, since I could Tera Dark. It's a 50% and then a 30%, but after the bad start I'm not sure what else I could've done. I think if I'd played Heracross better I'd have been able to break Persian, use it as a breaker, and maybe even save it for the lategame after dealing with Tera Fairy Chimecho.
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Two sad birds singing a song
Part 6 of the Spinoff set in the normal sentient Lost Light au ffrom @cuppajj is finished.
This time, it's just a bonding time between all the Phoenixes and Rodimuses.
Just as a small reminder, I'm calling sg/Rodimus in the spinoff 'Convoy'. (It's one of his aliases whenever he needed a name.)
Phoenix was happily skipping down the halls, some paint buckets in his arms as he tried to figure out what to do with them. There was, of course, always the option of using them to prank Getaway. That self-absorbed mech who reminded Phoenix too much of Second Fiddle sure enough deserved another one. Especially after he tried to convince Snow to do something stupid.
Yea, maybe he will use some of the paints for a prank on Getaway, but most of it he’ll probably give to Snow. His counterpart seemed to also enjoy a few hobbies he also liked, painting being on top of it all. So, maybe the white and blue youngling would love to have some? But before Phoenix could truly make up his mind, Snow was already coming his way. Wings lowered, as he himself was looking like something was bothering him. Walking past Phoenix as if he didn’t see him, before stopping, muttered something very quietly, as if he was afraid someone could hear him, and continued walking after he looked around.
Now, that was something that caught Phoenix’s attention and he quickly stored his paints in his subspace, before following his counterpart. Being extra quiet as he followed him towards his and the other Rodimus’ ship. “Huh… weird…” Muttered Phoenix as he put both of his servos on his hips, while tilting his head. Snow is really a weird mech at times, but that still didn’t stop Phoenix from investigating, as he followed the other into the ship he himself could only describe as a ‘camper’. And in this ‘camper’, he found Snow sitting in front of a painting. One that reminded him of a painting he had in his own room. One he made himself and that depicted his family.
“You know… it’s weird…” Whispered Snow, as he placed a servo over the painting of someone who looks eerily like Lightlost, only darker, and Phoenix got the feeling that this might be his Lightlost’s evil counterpart. “They’re… nice… I… don’t know how to feel about it. It’s nice to have someone again who cares about you genuinely and who isn’t Roddy or anyone else who’s taking care of you. It’s… It’s like with Old Man again. It’s a warm feeling, a good one, a happy one but…” Snow let out a soft sigh, before looking over at Phoenix with teary optics. “There's still the shadow of ‘Their’ memory over me and I can’t… I can’t keep it from overshadowing everything. Sometimes, when I see Lightlost, I don’t see them. I see mine and… and…”
“And you feel sorry for not seeing them, but someone else whenever you look at them.” Finished Phoenix, as he sat down next to Snow. Wrapping an arm around his whimpering counterpart because he knew how he felt. Sometimes, it was hard for him to look at some of his new crew too. Especially Rodimus. Not because of him looking like a mech who hurt him, but rather because of the things he had to go through because of them sharing a resemblance. Things, he still didn’t feel comfortable talking about to anyone. At least with anyone from his new crew that is. Lightlost and Rodimus might know a few things, but Phoenix found out that it was easier talking with Snow about what happened with their past crew, because their experiences were almost the same. Of course, there were differences like Snow having Old Man as the only one who was kind to him, while Phoenix had Fools Shot, but Runningway and Second Fiddle being afts to them seemed to be a universal thing. And them being forced to change their paint to resemble Rodimus more whenever their crew were hunting Autobots also seems to be something the two had to go through. That and the feeling of abandonment when their crew left them behind in a dark place without even caring about what could happen to them, or the beatings for failing their missions, or the feeling of helplessness as they, yet again, tried to hide from their past crew, only to be dragged out of their hiding place, only to receive a ‘punishment’ for having a face they didn’t even want in the first place.
Primus, thinking about how they understood each other despite coming from different universes, caused Phoenix to let out a choked sob as he hugged Snow closer. Almost as if he wanted to protect his counterpart from all those painful memories, because he knew how painful they were. He knew what they can do to one's spark. Phoenix has felt it himself, after all. How the words and actions of his past crew, together with his own memories slowly broke him. Made him into someone who seeks out trouble, because everyone said that it was the only thing he was good at. Be a bother to everyone, because it kept everyone away as long as they didn’t need a punching bag. Something that carried over to his new life on the Lost Light, but only in the form of pranks.
And yet, despite their somewhat shared pain, Phoenix found himself jealous of Snow. Jealous, because Snow never got his dreams shattered. He still had the child-like innocence in his optics, while Phoenix wasn’t even sure if he still possessed it. His Rodimus said that it was still there, just very deeply hidden, but still. Phoenix was jealous of how Snow was able to still see the good in the world, while he always worried about the darkness lurking behind every corner. But he couldn’t hate Snow.
No, despite his jealousy, he couldn’t hate Snow. They had the same misfortune. The same pain, and it only made Phoenix more protective over his counterpart. Almost like a brother. Maybe that’s why they were here now. Crying in each other's arms, as they talked about their pain in the hopes of making it better, but it only made it worse.
That’s also how both of the primes found them. After having a lengthy discussion about some topics, and sg/Rodimus insisting on visiting Persecptor and Brainstorm in their workshop to see how far they were with returning them back to their universe, they have been stranded in this universe for more than two months already, both of the speedsters have noticed than none of their brothers have been seen anywhere and or bothered them for hours. By now, Phoenix would have usually set off a small prank that would get Rodimus out of his boring meeting while Snow would be seeking out Convoy for a hug and an escape from talking to the ‘undead crew’.
So, both of them decided to search for their little brothers, only to find them crying in Convoy’s and Snow’s little ship while hugging each other. And the sight alone caused both primes to jump into action. With Rodimus and Convoy trying to carefully separate them, only to find it to be an impossible task. Which left them no other choice to make a group hug, while they tried their best to soothe the upset younglings. With Convoy telling Snow that everything was okay, while Rodimus softly petted Phoenix’s head and held him tightly. And it seemed to help, because the two young sparks slowly let go of each other, only to cling to their respective brothers. Both seeking comfort in their own way,, with Snow burying his head in Convoy’s shoulder and crying, while Phoenix grabbed one of Rodimus’ servos and softly tugged at it before hugging it close to his chest, sobbing quietly. And that’s how they stayed for a while, until both younglings fell asleep from exhaustion. Or, at least it seemed like it.
“… I think this was the first time I have seen Phoenix cry like that.” Whispered Rodimus, as he adjusted the sleeping youngling in his arms while softly cradling his servo to his chest. “He doesn't like crying in front of others, not even me… Lightlost is the only one who sees him cry….” Whispered the prime, as he looked over at his doppelgäner. “Sometimes it makes me feel like I am failing him as a brother.”
Convoy could see in his counterpart's optics how much it was pulling at his spark that his brother didn’t want to see him cry. So, he let out a sigh, before shaking his head. “I think you’re forgetting that, apparently, our brothers seem to be more comfortable with mechs who have a certain… aura… even if it is fake in some cases.” Said the black and purple speedster, as he gazed down at his brother. Wiping away some of his tears, before hugging Snow tightly to his chest. “Unicron, I sound like Drift… But I think that’s the reason why your Phoenix isn’t crying in front of you. It’s either that, or he doesn’t want to bother you. You’re a captain and your whole crew is alive. You have a responsibility that I no longer have.” He sighed, before looking at the black and red youngling. Smiling softly. “Your brother probably doesn’t want to bother you, by putting more onto your shoulders. Even mine sometimes does it. You don’t know how long it took me to find out why he’s avoiding the medical exam after getting better…”
“Still… sometimes I think that I’m failing him. Especially after what happened with Overlord. I mean… look at him. He’s hurting, I can see it, but at the same time I can’t reach out to him. Everytime I try to, it’s as if he’s slowly drifting further away from me.” Rodimus sighed, before letting out a dry chuckle. “I’m sure that he hates me. I mean, I’m sure that things the past crew of your brother did, are the same his did to him. So… He must hate me, right?” The prime asked, but Convoy did not have an answer for him.
But the black and red youngling slowly opening his optics and reaching out to softly pat Rodimus’ cheek had one. And he said his answer with a smile as pure and innocent as that of a child’s. “I don’t hate you… Yes, my crew did bad things… and I was scared of you, but…. you wouldn’t be my brother if I hated you…” Muttered the youngling, before settling back down in Rodimus’ arms and snuggling closer to the primes body and the welcoming warmth it gave off.
And Rodimus could only glare over at his doppelgänger, as Convoy gave him a smug smirk that said ‘Told you so’, before sighing. “Yea, yea, I get it.” Was all he muttered, before the prime stood up with Phoenix in his arms. “We should better tug them in. There’s still work to do. And usually I don’t want to do it, but Ultra Magnus and Megatron will kick my aft if I don’t do it.”
“I know what you mean.” Said Convoy, as he stood up as well. Snow securely held in his arms, before both of the primes made their way out of the ship and towards their brothers rooms.
“Say, do you know about that one amusement park on that one planet with the neutrals?” Asked Convoy, after they tugged in their brothers and made their way towards the brig. “You mean the one with the roller coaster ‘Blitzflügel’? Yea, I do. Always wanted to visit that one, but never had the time.” Answered Rodimus, before he gave his doppelgänger a smirk. “Wait, don’t tell me we’re thinking the same thing right now, just because that planet is close and my crew and our brothers could need a small distraction.”
The darker prime only smirked back. Putting one servo on his hip, while doing a finger gun at Rodimus with the other. “Oh, we are totally thinking the same thing right now.”
“Field Trip!” Said the both of them at the same time.
And somewhere on the brig, Ultra Magnus and Megatron had a bad feeling without even knowing why.
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🐛🪰 + 🐝 or 🦗!
Uh oh, math! I thought at first that this was a request for three fics, caterpillar, fly, and then either bee or grasshopper. Now I'm wondering if it's asking for two fics: a fic that's both caterpillar and fly, and then either bee or grasshopper. Or it could be asking for a fic that's caterpillar, fly, AND bee, with an option to ignore all of that and do a wildcard.
Fuck it, let's go with the option that gives us the most recs. I suck at math anyways.
🐛 Great WIP (go comment)
MCU - What You Owe by @goshdarnitjay Bishova historical AU set in the late 1800s. Major General Kane Bishop needs a wife to look respectable, but is in a peculiar situation that won't allow for regular courting and marriage. So "he" goes to the Red Room of Willing Wives and buys one. Enter Yelena, who killed the last husband she was sold to. There's slow burn pining, there's intrigue, there's healthy respect for boundaries both physical and emotional. The world building is fantastic, everything is so well described, it's very easy to picture what's going on. Updates every Wednesday.
🪰 (Sad/Angst/Hurt-Comfort)
OUaT - Sit With Me Tonight by snarkingturtle (I believe no tumblr) Regina absorbs the death curse meant to kill Cora if she came through the well. Emma decides to check on her later that night, finds her dying on the floor of her bathroom in the mansion, and stays up all night trying to keep her conscious and alive. This one is intense. Not quite as rip-your-heart-out as 'A Thin Veil', but that fic has been deleted (from the internet at least). You got your angst, you got your hurt/comfort, you got your 'only realizing how much someone means to you when you might lose them'. It's a poke in the heart for sure.
🐝 (Symbolism/Themes/Clever)
SG - Broken Hearts Make Broken Worlds by @thornedrose44 Nice little 10k one-shot. Lena flees the Shadowlands ruled by her brother, refusing to ever let anyone else into her heart, and finds Kara living in an oasis. This baby is nothing but symbolism. Heartbreak breaks the world. Literally. It was a fill for the prompt "if breaking hearts can make ditches and crack pavement, tell the story that created the Grand Canyon" and hoo boy does it deliver.
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