hi, you may have seen my username recently in your notifications, i have gotten reobsessed with the arcana and i love your work.
may i request; the main six with a gn!partner who forgets/puts off taking care of themselves (eating, hygiene, etc.) unless theyre practically dragged off to do it? thank you!!
(A/n: I have and I appreciate all the support!❤)
Word Count: 1,944
Summary: If you won't take care of yourself, your partner will
Warnings: Various forms of self-neglect, Mention of injury/blood in Portia's, Reader's hair is long enough to put into a bun in Julian's
Age Rating: None
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The Main 6 x Self Negligent! Reader
"Who's a good boy?~"
Melchior flops over for belly rubs as you continue to coo at him, his female counter part having gone to lay down in the shade a bit ago.
"You are, you're such a good, handsome boy, aren't cha? Yes, you are! Yes, you are~"
You're in the garden playing with Mercedes and Melchior as you had been most of the day. Opting to enjoy your rare day of relaxation.
After a few more scratches to his kick spot, Melchior abruptly sits up before bolting behind you. Turning, you're met with the one and only, Count Lucio. You knew he'd show up eventually. He always does. Whether it's to bother you, escape the courtiers, or to genuinely spend time with you, the count always has a bit of time with you each day.
"Y/n." Never learned to properly greet, huh?
He strides over to the tree sheltering Mercedes from the blistering sun, plopping down uncountly to lean against it as well.
"Hey, Luci," You're lucky you're his partner or you'd never get away with calling him as such. "What's it today? Come to pester me about distracting the dogs? Or has Valerius been getting on your case again?"
He places a hand dramatically against his chest as he feigns innocence.
"What? I can't just visit you out of the kindness of my heart? I'm wounded, truly, I am."
"Har har. It was Volta, then?-"
"OH! I just can't stand it! How does she put so much away?? And the chewing noises-" He cuts himself off with a shiver. "Ughack."
There it is.
You can't help but laugh. "She really can out eat the best of them, huh?"
"Speaking of- Have you eaten today, darling?"
Uh oh.
"Yeah, totally!" You lie.
"That's good. The chef really knows his way around a duck," Lucio's hand fall to scratch between Merchior's ear as he rests his head in his lap.
You nod in agreement. "He really does," you hum.
"You know what's funny?"
He spares a glance your way before returning his attention to the dogs.
"Lunch was veal, not duck..."
There's a silence before you rush to explain yourself.
"To be fair, I-"
"Uh uh, no excuses." Lucio stands, brushing the dirt off his trousers before offering you a hand up. "Let's go get some food in you, sweet."
There's no arguing with him, so you let out a sigh and let him hoist you up.
"Let's go, then..."
"Hey, Y/n? Have you seen- Oh my god!"
Portia drops the basket she's carrying as she catches sight of your arm.
She rushes to you as you stand frozen in shock. Her outburst and sprint towards you happening a bit fast to process.
You're snapped out of it when she grabs your arm, gently guiding you to a wicker chair.
"What happened?" Her fingers lightly graze over the cut on your arm.
"I, uh, had a slip up with one of the garden tools."
She looks up at you as she asks, "When did it happen? Some of the blood's dry..."
"I don't know..." You look at you lap, "Maybe 1 or 2 hours ago?"
Her grip tightens. "Why haven't you bandaged it up?? I swear, you remind me too much of Ilya sometimes."
"I had a lot to do, so I figured it could wait." The branches above cast Portia's face in a scary light as she glares at you.
"You put off fixing your sliced open arm because you had work to do!?" Well, when she puts it like that...
"I'm sorry," you whisper, gaze still on your lap.
Her look softens. "Sweetie... I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just-"
She lets out a breath, "I know you forget to take care of yourself and I worry that one day, you'll get seriously ill or hurt and I won't be there to-" She cuts herself off and you don't say anything.
"C'mon," Portia pulls you up with her. "Let's get you patch up, hmm?"
As if she can sense your oncoming argument, she says, "You can finish your work after."
You wince as your hair is tugged once more.
"Sorry! Sorry, love. I can't seem to get this hair tie out; it's got some hair tangled around it..." Julian says as he tries to pry the band out.
"It's fine. You don't have to do this you know. I should have stayed on top of it and not just thrown it into a bun."
"I know I don't HAVE to but I WANT to. I like taking care of you, which helps since someone-" he reaches around to bop your nose, "-forgets to do it themself."
"Got it!" With one final tug, the hair tie comes free of your tangled strands. "Do you still have the brush?"
You pass it back to him and make yourself comfortable against his legs. You already know it's going to take a while to get all the knots out.
Julain takes the brush in one hand and the best version of a section that he could separate and gets to work. A calm silence settles over the both of you as he works. He starts from the bottom, lightly dragging the brush through the tangles, his movements rhythmic as he moves the brush up bit by bit.
Once the section is done, he runs the brush from root to tip to ensure it's done.
Section through section, Julian combs through your hair, successfully detangling the week's worth of knots. By the time he's finished, you're practically asleep against him.
Brushing through your whole head once more, he finally speaks.
"We're finished, dear," He gently sits you up, laughing when you groan in protest.
"What do you mean they haven't eaten in two days!?"
Oh no. Here it comes.
You know she's not going to accept your reasoning, but you really wanted to get this done. So what if you were a bit hungry, you were on a roll and would lose your creativity if you stopped now. You're almost done anyway.
The door to your room opens and Nadia comes storming in.
"Mind explaining to me why the kitchen staff just told me you haven't even touched the food they've been bringing you the last two days?" She stands with her hands on her hips as she waits for your response.
"Um..." You know she knows. she just wants you to say it out loud.
Yielding, you finally say it. "I was working on something... It's for your birthday so I wanted to get it done."
She pinches the bridge of her nose. "As much as that is incredibly endearing, you shouldn't put yourself in dangerous situations for a gift."
You balk. "It's not a dangerous situation though. If I keep working, I'll have it done by tonight!"
"That would make it three days with no food, and I'm guessing no water if we stay on theme." You don't like how she read you so well...
Before you can't respond, Nadia continues. "What if it didn't get done today, or tomorrow, or the next day? How far would you push yourself to get this done? I know how passionate you get about things and that's why I'm so stern about it. You're willing to go 36 hours without food or water for a present; what if it was something bigger? You could, in all honestly, die because of your passion."
She's right. You hate that she's right, but she is nonetheless.
"That's not happening on my watch, petal. Let's get some food in you and then you can go back to work."
Yes! You thought she was going to ban you for the rest of the day.
"Only until dinner, then you're done for the day."
Damn it.
"I'm going to start a bath, would you like to join me, Y/n?" Asra calls from the other side of the door.
You had been working on perfecting a spell for the last few days. You locked yourself in your old room-turned-study just in case something went wrong; only opening the door to grab the tray of food the magician would set out for you or to use the bathroom.
Unintentionally, you'd put off cleaning yourself, which is probably why Asra was asking.
A bath honestly sounded like pure heaven, but you were so close to getting the spell right.
Another knock sounds out and you sigh. You really should take them up on their offer, but what if you forget how you did it last time?
'That's why you've been logging every attempt,' you remind yourself.
'But what if-' 'No, you need to bathe.' You quickly scan your notes to make sure everything's in order.
Once you've concluded that every thing is as it should be, you call out a 'Coming' to your partner. You know he's still outside the door so you quickly put your things back in place and head to the door.
"Fucking hell..." You sigh as you sink into the hot water, leaning back to rest against Asra. The heat doing wonders for your sore back.
"Spending days hunched over a desk doesn't do much good for you, huh?" They tease you.
You simply hum in response as he grabs your favorite soap, lathering it up before massaging it into your tense shoulders.
"Relax, I've got you..." They rub over a particular spot that causes you to go lax. "Would you like me to help with your spell? I think I have some ingredients that might make it easier for it to do what you need."
"At this point, that's all I want," you chuckle.
"Thank you." you turn your head to press a kiss to his jaw.
"Anything for you, love."
"Y/n?" Muriel asks as he enters your shared room.
"Yeah?" You respond.
Have you ate or drank anything today? I don't think I've you leave the room today..."
"I haven't, but I'm plan to in a bit, I just want to finish this book first."
"Oh, okay." He turns to leave but pauses, turning back to you. "How much is left?"
"Uh..." you flip to the last chapter to do the math.
"Like, 16? Maybe 18. Why?"
Muriel stares at you for a moment before striding towards you. Once by your side, he gently grabs your book, marking your page and setting it to the side.
"Hey- What are you doing?"
He takes your hands as he answers, hauling you to your feet. "It's getting late, you need to get something into your system."
You're slightly taken aback, you have to admit. Muriel is rarely assertive; always mumbling or trailing off his sentences and just generally lacking confidence in himself. So for him to take the initiative to pull you from your reading with out so much as a stutter is a bit shocking.
"I know, but I already said that I'll do it once I finish my book." You lightly protest as you follow him through the hut.
"...You're not- You're not going to be able to finish it today, though..." Just like that any assertiveness is gone.
It makes you break, allowing him to sit you down and place a bowl of soup and a roll in front of you.
"Eat with me?" you request, taking a bite of the roll.
God, this man can cook. You don't know where he learned it, but he makes some of the best bread you've ever had -it practically melts in your mouth.
He nods, moving to grab his own food, sitting down across from you as you both talk about anything that comes to mind.
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star-strand · 1 year
speedrunning all of apprenticember in one post even though it's january
it's called showing up fashionably late (thanks ghoulfriendfangs for all the fun questions) (also i'm reposting this because the first time i tried it didn't show up in any tags)
Introduce your apprentice! Just their name, personality, appearance, and likes/dislikes for now! If you have pictures of them, post them today!
i've made an introduction post for my mc, gale! it's my pinned post, you can also find it in the galeposting tag on this blog
2. Who is their LI? What’s their relationship like?
his main li is julian! things with the two of them get chaotic, but they've got a lot of love for each other. the main reason i'm not saying much here is because i'll probably post about them way too much in the future if given an opportunity
3. Give a short summary of their relationship to the other main characters!
asra: best friend! though neither of them have romantic feelings for the other anymore by the main game, they're still very close
nadia: he decided to befriend her during his stay at the palace; they both respect each other a ton
muriel: pre-death they were friends, post-resurrection is more complicated. in the three years between his resurrection and the start of the game, asra sent him to check on gale while he was busy traveling, and eventually muriel gave him some myrrh to avoid the whole "what the fuck are you doing in my house" song and dance each time he came over
portia: similar to nadia, they became fast friends when he came to the palace. they like to exchange gardening tips
lucio: he'd rather not be around him after everything
4. What about the courtiers? Have they met them? What do they think of them?
when he meets them in the prologue, they give him the creeps. that feeling mostly stays the same. he's alright with volta, and he tolerates valerius to an extent
5. Do they have any other friends outside of canon? What about the minor characters?
not really. gale's not really good at putting himself out there, so it's hard for him to meet people. he's friends with selasi though
6. Now, do they have any rivals? Maybe even a WORST ENEMY!? Spill the deets now!
nah, he generally tries to avoid making enemies. doesn't mean he can't get angry at people or hold the occasional petty grudge, though
7. Let’s go back to their physical description, but go even deeper! Do they have tattoos, piercings, scars, etc? What sort of clothes do they like?
he's got a few scars, the most noticeable of which being his top surgery scars. he usually hides his other scars with magic. despite not remembering how he got them, they make him uncomfortable (his top surgery scars being an exception)
with clothing, he generally prefers stuff that's simple and comfortable
8. Now let’s give their familiar the spotlight! Tell us all about them!
gale's familiar is a chameleon named nymph. he found him before his death, and though nymph died during the plague era, he came back along with gale
9. Do they have a patron arcana? Who is it? What’s their relationship like?
pre-death, he had a strong connection to the empress. she occasionally visited him in dreams, and took on a very nurturing, motherly role towards him. since his resurrection, he's been mostly connected to the fool for... obvious reasons
10. What is their relationship to the other arcana like?
he doesn't communicate with them much outside of tarot readings. of the ones he interacts with along the route, he finds them somewhat frustrating
11. Do they have a gateway? What does it look like?
he does! it's a loosely packed forest in a constant state of early evening, with plenty of fireflies hanging around
12. What does their home look like? Their room?
gale keeps a sort of organized chaos in his living space. it’s a bit cluttered and messy, but it’s part of his system. he also keeps a ton of houseplants
same goes for his room. he likes to keep things in there cozy, lots of blankets and cushions. there’s a desk for writing, as well as a bookshelf (and a stack of books he’s been meaning to read next to the bed)
13. Can they cook? What’s their favorite meal?
he’s an alright cook. simple meals, nothing super fancy
his favorite food is babka, a sweet braided bread with some sort of filling (he likes chocolate and cinnamon fillings!)
14. What does their magic look/feel like?
he primarily uses green magic, so a lot of plants and plant-themed magic! he’s attuned to flora and the life energy of plants. one ability he has is transferring that energy between plants and other living beings. using plants whose meanings/symbolism correspond to whatever spell he’s using amplifies the spell’s power
his magic can respond to his emotions— if he gets into a particularly heightened emotional state, you might see tiny vines and flowers popping up out of nowhere
he has minor healing abilities, but unfortunately, they don’t work on himself
15. What are they proudest of?
he’s proud of his houseplants. it’s not much, but he’s keeping something alive. that’s something to be proud of
16. What’s their deepest insecurity?
gale, deep down, worries that he is an unloveable person, or at least that he’s hard to love. that he’s unimportant, uninteresting, annoying, and an overall difficult person to care about/be around
17. Do they have any family, living or non living? List their family tree!
mother: shoshana blumen. she was controlling. her and gale had a messy relationship, with her often being angry at him and saying hurtful things to him. she was like the captain of the house, and nobody stood up to her. she had expectations for gale that he just couldn’t live up to
father: ansel blumen. he wasn’t like shoshana, but he wasn’t supportive either
older brother: natan blumen. gale found some support in him, and they were close. natan left to study technology when gale was young, but he visited from time to time
when he was around 16/17, the pressure of his home and parents got to be too much. he cut his hair, ran away, stowed away on a ship, and ended up in vesuvia. there, he met his adoptive aunt, joyce, who became sort of a mother figure to him. she took him in, taught him magic, and eventually he and asra took over her shop. when they did, she left to go on some travels. unfortunately, she decided to come back and visit as the plague began to ravage the city, and ended up on the lazaret
he hasn’t contacted his biological family since he ran away. even if he had his memories back, he wouldn’t be interested in talking to his parents. maybe he’d like to see natan, though, if he managed to track him down
18. What were they like as a child?
because of the situation with his mother and his own tendency to be alone, he was often withdrawn. he did a lot of reading and daydreaming. he was the kind of kid who waited to be adopted by a friend group instead of approaching people
he was a pretty bright kid— started learning to read very early on, loved (and still loves tbh) picking up random fun facts. though his mother wasn’t very keen on him learning magic, he had a natural aptitude for it
19. If your mc fights, what is their fighting style? If they don’t, why not?
gale doesn’t mean to get into fights, but it happens sometimes. because of his lack of any actual knowledge or training on combat, his fighting is not always effective. but he tries to take advantage of his small size and magical abilities to make up for his lack of physical strength
20. Remember the Valentines Day event where you could pick between 3 gifts to give the LI? What 3 gifts would you write for your mc?
-a thrilling mystery novel
-a decorated flowerpot
-a jigsaw puzzle
21. Now what kind of gifts are they most likely to give?
he likes giving people small gifts when there’s no special occasion. “here’s a cool rock/flower/seashell/etc that reminded me of you” kind of thing
for holidays and special occasions, it depends on the person he’s giving to! probably related to one of their hobbies or interests
22. What does your mc do to show their love?
it’s surprising how much he opens up to people he loves. he gets physically affectionate, and he feels more comfortable receiving touch. he also talks more! a big sign of him being comfortable around someone is freely infodumping to them
also, the small gifts from the last question! he’s a lot like a crow in that way. if he’s taken a liking to you, expect an ever-growing collection of trinkets
23. What parts of Vesuvia is your mc most likely to be at?
if he’s not at the shop, he’s probably in the woods doing some foraging or just taking a walk
24. Does your mc like parties, festivals, and masquerades? What do they do at them?
gale, like myself, is autistic and has adhd. which means that parties can be a bad time for him. not only are they full of social conventions, they're usually overstimulating. he prefers small gatherings with people he already knows
if he does go to a party/festival, he's likely to stick to the less populated areas or find a friend to follow around
25. What’s your favorite thing about your mc?
i made him very similar to me, so i find a lot of comfort and catharsis in writing about him (or, more often, just creating little scenarios about him in my head)
26. How has your mc changed since you first made them?
relating to the last question: originally, he wasn't supposed to be like me, and then it kinda happened. and pretty soon i started intentionally leaning into it. i've also tweaked his outfit a bit, but that new outfit exists only in my brain because i've been in such a slump when it comes to art
27. Has your mc ever KILLED anybody? What are their thoughts on MURDER?
depends on how you define kill. but that's a part of his backstory i'll get to later :)
he thinks murder is generally bad, but he doesn't think murder automatically makes someone a bad person. things are complicated. sometimes there are good reasons, sometimes people get forced into awful situations
28. Are they afraid to die?
less than most. he's learned to accept death as a natural part of life
29. What is a fact about your mc others would never guess?
you’d probably guess that julian would be the one who gets injured more often. it ends up being the other way around. gale is incredibly accident prone. murphy’s law said fuck this guy in particular
30. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
fun fact i first made him in 2019. holy shit he's been around for a while
31. Name another mc you read about and enjoyed! Shout out your favorite mc!
i'm not super familiar with everyone's mcs since i'm kinda reintroducing myself to the fandom. haven't really been active in a while, and even then i stuck to instagram. but here's a few i've seen and enjoyed while scouring arcana-related tags!
-khailan (made-me-deep-blue)
-alnair (lonely--shine)
-alastor (nabesthetics)
-velle (rainyfey)
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justatadmystic · 5 years
Holy shit it’s finally time to reveal it, isn’t it?! I can’t believe it! I actually had this mostly finished like a month ago when I first got the assignment but I’m so happy to share this!
To the lovely @official-volta, I present you your gift for tagss2018! I hope I did your prompt well!
Oh, and perhaps for an easier reading experience, I will be posting this on AO3 under the same title! Not posting a link cause of the obvious issue.
Of Charred Bones
All that remains now is the gnawing hunger, and the dirty white of bone splinters. Regardless of her prayers, her gods cannot pass into the claimed territory she calls a home. Only the Devil and his demons remain here, awaiting their prey to drop dead.
The shallow tally marks on the headstone marked the 77th day Volta had called the abandoned, overfilled graveyard her new home, at least that was the last time she counted. Attempting to count backwards, it would be… a lot of days since she was taken from her family and village, deposited in a burned down husk of a village far, far away from home. She had been deemed useless by the raiders, and tossed aside like garbage. She sits down beside the headstone she had used to mark any semblance of time passing besides the sun, thinking back as best she could.
They left her with only the dirtied dress on her back, her leather boots, the smallest parcel of food she had even seen, and a knife. They rode off, leaving her abandoned in the smoked out tomb of her people, with no hope of escape.
She scoured the buildings for any hope, for any scrap of food or drink, of reliable shelter. She found very little, and in the end she couldn’t even call the husk-like buildings a definite home. She wrapped herself in the smoky-smelling blanket she scavenged, collected her tiny supplies, and sought out shelter.
She found the cemetery quickly, just a few minutes walk from the smoking town. On the grounds was a small building, most likely used to prepare the dead for their burials. The town’s water supply luckily flowed into it, and it was still fresh and untouched by the fires, or perhaps luckily kept it clean for her. She drank happily from it, thankful that at least one thing was secure in her exile.
There was at least a bit of shelter in the graveyard, but it was a terrifying place and she didn’t know if it were any safer then the burnt out village. She returned to the remnants of the village, and just tried to find somewhere that would guard her, at least partially, from passersby and the weather if it got rough.
Settling down in what had to be an old seamstress shop, she picked carefully at the few bits of food she had, and tried to think. Her mother had told her that keeping her mind straight in times of terror would be the way she would survive, that pushing away confusion and delirium would allow her to live through the horrors of their day-to-day.
She stretched her food out for a week. Her blanket kept her warm in the partly chilly nights. The sounds of raiders in the far off forests and towns scared her, but she held firm. During the late afternoons of the day, she foraged for anything and everything nearby. Much of the berry bushes were burned away, but there was just enough for her to get by.
On the two week mark, raiders came back. She had been getting a drink from the waters flowing through the undertaker’s building when she heard them, and smelled fire. Looking through the dusty window, she watched the raiders burn the little that remained of the village.
She was grateful she had grabbed her blanket, and that she had carried her few little berries back to her, as sour as they were. That night, she sat on the steps of the building, and watched the buildings of the village burn into piles of ash, now only left with the cemetary to call a home.
From that day on, her life spiraled into a living hell.
She had water, but food was quickly disappearing. Berries wouldn’t sustain her, and the rats that occasionally weaved through the tombstones soon became too fast for her to catch. She was terrified of taking a further step with the bodies around her, and promised herself to never go so far. She continued to try and forage and hunt anything, but soon all of her prospects dried up. She cut down heavily on her water to avoid the pains that had already begun.
Her shoes were first. Leather was far from edible, but starvation was slowly twisting her mind around in confusing and debilitating circles. Whatever could fill the void in her stomach was better then letting it grow. Raiders moved in once more, ignoring her graveyard pointedly, perhaps fearing the consequences of stirring the dead like many would. She dug into the shallowest graves, her fractured and hungry thoughts breaking her promise. She gnawed on the bones of a person buried, sucking out whatever she could out of the coarse and dirty things.
A braver band of raiders came to her home. She only had a knife to defend herself, but at this point, she was practically rags and bones. A cruel man maimed her, blinding her in her right eye. Blood was spilled, and they left her behind screaming pathetically. Now without her right eye, her knife broken, and hunger still tearing her up from the inside-out, she was left with little hope of survival.
She ripped up parts of her dress to cover her wounds. She stared into the reflection of the water at her eye, her eyelid hiding the worst of the damage to the eye. They had torn and popped her eye open, leaving it a mess of whites and her original brown irises. Time moved on, and she stopped counting the days in the graveyard. Her wounded eye soon faded from brown to a white-brown mess. What will she had to try and have her eye work left as quick as her hope for salvation.
Her memory-searching is broken with the painful growl of her stomach, still trying to get anything to fill it. The words of her mother were but muffled whispers in a storm, meaning nothing in the tempest. She stood up slowly, clutching the dress that barely hung on her shoulders. It was deep into the night, she realized.
She dug on her hands and knees until she hit her target at the foot of the headstone, pulling out a small, shattered bone from the dirt. She sucked at the ends for the marrow, and gnawed on it to get anything else. Shards of the bone stuck into her throat, but the pain barely rivaled the horrific sickness of starvation. She threw it away when there was nothing left, and didn’t bother to settle the grave. She shuffled to the door of the undertaker’s building, still standing somehow despite everything.
Resting her foggy head on the crumbling steps, and pulling her fraying blanket over her shoulders, she tried to find the will to sleep, and to wake once the sun was up again. Her eyes shut quickly, too heavy from exhaustion.
“Such a poor, pathetic thing…”
The words were unfamiliar, the voice deep and terrifying down to her own brittle bones. The voice came out of the darkness of her slumber, a rumble not unlike horses approaching.
“You must be so hungry.”
I am, she whispers into nothing around her, I really am.
“Such a strong girl, to survive so long without real food.”
I want to eat!, she finds herself sobbing, her starvation inescapable even in her own dreams (or perhaps now it was her nightmares), I miss eating, I miss being full, It hurts so much!
“What if I told you, starving girl, that I could give you that which you wish for?”
The blackness opened up into a grey field, a grassy plain left in greyscale. Color didn’t exist here, leaving it feeling empty. It was a hollow, unsettling feeling, but not even it could best her overwhelming hunger. Before her stood a tall being, with fur and claws, and horns upon his head. Staring into the eyes of a goat-headed man, her hunger-muddled mind told her it was reality. The weak rationality she clung to spoke in terror of the being.
“Y-you could?”
Red eyes bore down on her, evaluating her pathetic, bony, and dilapidated body. Desperate for a miracle, she didn’t shield herself from the gaze of the being. They rounded her like a predator eying its dinner. She mindlessly thought that there had been vultures circling the graveyard earlier that day. In the distance of the dream, the cries of the vultures echoed, the reminder of what would become of her soon.
“...could you really do it?”
The being smiled at her, a toothy grin. He reached out and gently patted her head, smoothing down the wild and ratty strands of her hair. With the tip of a claw, he parted a more stubborn strand out of the way of her dead eye.
“I can feed you. In return, you will do something for me.”
It was crippling, the overwhelming feeling of happiness at the thought of eating once again. She could eat food again! She could finally feel full, and content, and not have to gnaw on bones and leather and bugs to survive any longer.
“I could eat again… what would I have to do?”
“Help me. While you help me, I will ensure you can eat anything you desire.”
“I would just… help you? And I could eat?”
“Help me with some of my endeavors, and in exchange you will be fed. That is all I ask. Do we have a deal, Volta?”
Her name on his lips didn’t scare her, though it should have if she had been in her right mind. It was perfect, the only escape she had from her hell in the graveyard. The being offered his hand to her, and she… hesitated. Claws and fur awaited her consent, her final agreement.
Her eyes snapped open at the sound of the forest around rustling. Blinking her eye quickly, she lessen the amount of sunlight crossing her face. She sat up slowly, looking to the rising sun not yet peeking completely over the trees. Her dress slumped forward, baring her chest with little care for decorum. What was once covered in muscle and a little fat was skeleton, her body eating away at her own flesh to try and keep moving. She shrugged it back up what was left of her shoulders, and watched the sun.
Her dreams lingered, and for a moment they chased the chasm of her hunger away. Her body had chased away her chance, though it felt bone-deep that it would return to her. Shadows behind her stirred and shook, the sun dispelling them from their hold on the world. She stood up quietly, slowly folding up her blanket and stowing it inside the undertaker’s building. The shadows were more pronounced in the building, the few windows only allow a little into the still air.
It had been home for her for… who knows how long now. The village was burnt to ash just as long. Her separation and isolation was in a time she had long forgotten, her happy life just as easily lost and replaced by red and anger and hunger.
The being’s offer. He could feed her, in exchange for helping him. Her muddled thoughts ignored the obvious ‘how longs’ and ‘what kind of help’ questions, focusing on what she earned and gained.
Food. Feeling full again.
Whispers chased her as she wandered during the day, aimlessly moving just to avoid her limbs from locking up. She ventured through the empty grounds of the village. She ventured into the forests, ignoring the pain in her soles as she stepped onto stones and branches, watching life move on as it should. The cry of a vulture sounded. She returned to the graveyard as the sun begun to dip back behind the trees. She dug down further into an already desecrated grave, looking for the longer bones that had to be there.
She didn’t have the strength to continue digging, her brittle and broken nails unable to dig enough to get the bones she needed. In the end, she had dug only a little further down, and was left with nothing. If she wanted bones, she would need to dig for hours… hours she didn’t have now that the sunset was upon her.
She lay herself on the grave she defiled, ignoring the chittering of the woods, and the ever approaching vultures above.
Staring into the melting sky, reds and purples and yellows spreading over the blue, Volta wondered for the first time since she was dumped there what had become of her family.
“Are you ready?”
Pulling herself up to sit up was painful, her skin and bones aching alongside her stomach. She looked up at the being, who offered his hand to her once again. Reality bleeds away with the sky as it splatters across the ground in grotesque fashion, burning the green of the grass into brown and black.
“Can I know your name?”
The question seemed to phase the being for a moment, before he smiled to her again. The undertaker’s building shatters soundlessly, dissolving into the empty sky.
“The Devil. Now, Volta… will you take my deal?”
Knelt in the dirt of another’s grave, stomach eating away at what little remained, she reaches out for the Devil’s hand. The world around her gives away to a roar of beasts, and an overwhelming red. She grasps his hand tightly, and he squeezes it back. His smile turns wicked as he lifts her to her feet.
The world turns upside down, and she’s left staring into the red-black of the Devil’s eyes. Chains fill her vision, wrapping around her gently. They encircle her, wrapping around her limbs as light as a feather. She watches them curiously, too focused on the hollow hole her stomach was. They fade once one of the chains has wrapped around her stomach, leaving her curious about what they were.
The Devil beckons her with a gentle call of her name as an apple appears in his hand. Red and shined, it was the first real piece of food she had seen in many days. She pounces for it, snatching it out of the Devil’s hands, clutching it in her own. In the grey world she ignored, the red apple was a thing of beauty.
She realized her mistake quickly, looking sheepishly up at the Devil. She had rudely taken it, ignoring the being who so graciously fed her. The Devil didn’t look mad at her, instead giving a soft huff, and patting her head.
“I promised to feed you. Now, eat.”
She doesn’t need anymore approval. She takes a bite of the apple, crying as she tastes the flesh of the apple, the juice dribbling down her chin.
She doesn’t notice the blood dripping out of the apple she feasted on, nor the Devil’s accomplished grin as she seals her deal for life.
“There will be more to eat. Now… you’ll help me with a problem of mine.”
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
Hi, I hope you are having a nice day.
Can I request The Arcana main 6 comforting a S/O that has social anxiety?
I completely understand if you don't want to because it's a complicated matter or you simply don't want to. So don't even worry about it ♡.
 thanks for requesting! :)
I'll try to write this as best I can, If i get anything wrong please tell me and I'll fix it as soon as possible !! (I got a little stuck on some of the scenarios so I might come back and fix them later on but i hope you like them anyways <3)
M6 With and s/o that has social anxiety
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he understands, 
they might not experience it himself but they try to listen to anything you say about it
you end up coming up with a tiny solution, more of a distraction
if you have to do something in public and your social anxiety’s being a pain, He’ll let you mess with their hands, or Faust will make you hold her. 
He knows that there’s no way to fully “cure” your social anxiety so they’ll try to help in any way possible.
They try not to let you suffer it alone, he’s always there for you.
At least the shop isn’t the most famous place in town?
You start to feel the pit in your stomach, the nervousness. Before you can even try to overthink anything, Faust is slithering across your hands. “Friend! Calm?” You let a small smile slip. “It’s helping, Thank you Faust.” You drag a finger down her scales and she lets a shiver run through her. Asra is watching, smiling in awe at his familiar and favorite person. Yeah, he definitely got lucky.
you don't even have to tell him fully
his medical school background included mental illnesses,
while he knows you probably have your own ways of helping yourself, he wants to be able to help as well.
even if helping means just sitting in silence or cuddling at the end of the day
please tell him if he's attracting too much attention to the both of you
it's his natural environment to be in the spotlight, but he'll keep you out of it if you'd prefer
(let's be honest you obviously prefer it that way)
You groaned as you came home. Today sucked. You had to put yourself way out of your comfort zone, which resulted in that awful feeling in your chest and stomach. You had been nervous the entire day. Julian looked up from his stack of papers as you closed the door. He gave a sympathetic look, and opened his arms for a hug. "Let's go get ready for bed my dear." When you finally hit the bed, Julian basically turns you into a burrito. But it’s comforting, and he knows it. let’s hope you don’t mind being stuck with him bc ur kinda stuck in those blankets.
She apologizes in advance
unfortunately for the both of you, being the countess and her lover puts you both in the spotlight.
she tries to keep you out of situations if she can but sometimes she either needs you or the situation requires both of your attention
when she does need you to address and issue with her she'll hold your hand, and chandra will be picking at your hair from time to time
please ignore the courtiers, all of them are kind of a pain besides volta
Nadia will give you ways to escape if she can tho <3
You tried to ignore the nausea that hit you as the courtiers all turned their eyes toward you. It was bad enough they were foul in court, but it felt like they were all laughing at you. Nadia placed a hand on your waist for support. “Ah, My apologies. It seems that there’s something we need to tend to. Excuse us,” There wasn’t really anything to tend to. Maybe a relaxing bath but who are you to complain?
social anxiety bffs
no fr you both just cling to each other in social gatherings, Asra thinks it’s absolutely adorable
Muriel does know how bad it can be, so he helps in ways he thinks might work for you
Maybe it’s convincing Inanna into making your lap her chair for the day, or letting you hide behind him if you need to.
he’s so sweet about it, but truth be told you both try to avoid the big social settings
If you can’t avoid it you’re either together or complain afterwards
You planted yourself on the bed with a grunt. You’d had to go out and you got separated from muriel. That made today hell for the both of you, especially you. You’d been in the palace at a certain point, having to deal with some problems with Nadia. The palace is the exact opposite of where you want to be. A creak of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts. Muriel walked through the door, walking over to join you on the bed (as best as he could). Inanna laid herself beside the two of you. Even she felt exhausted. You snuggled your way in Muriels arms, finding a way to let Inanna in on the cuddle pile. “I’m never doing that again” “..me neither..”
oh you poor thing </3
she’s very adventurous, which can sometimes mean trouble, or even confrontation
if she sees that there’s confrontation coming she absolutely hides you somewhere and takes the blame lmao
does not let your social anxiety change her view of you at all, she still bugs you just as much to go out on adventures
pepi is your designated anxiety reliever
she’ll purr and lay in your lap to give you the perfect excuse to not move or go somewhere
Portia giggled at you, looking at the little ball of fluff on your lap. Pepi turned to be on her back. "Look at you two!" She placed a kiss on your cheek, giving pepi a little belly rub. "Pepi's been helping you unwind huh? guess I taught her well!" You let out a little giggle, pulling Portia into the chair beside you. You both spend the rest of your evening babying your favorite kitty and relaxing to the best of your abilities.
I apologize for him
he's always gonna be attracting attention and i don't think you'd ever want to be in public with him
but he really does try to keep himself quiet for you!
since he's no good at that he tries to give you times to be alone with him and not bring spotlight to the both of you,
you really try to be near him but it doesn't really work out
the dogs will bark at him if he puts you in an uncomfortable situation, you can bet your life on it
Lucio knew parties weren’t your thing. That’s why you stayed up in his wing, away from where everyone was drinking and cheering. As much as he loves a party, he knows you’re more important. With Mercedes pulling on his suit he’s practically running through the halls to not fall over. She only lets go when you’re all in the same room. Melchior gives his sister a proud huff as you both decide it’s (absolutely) time for the party to end if Lucio wants you to survive in this castle. At least when everyone leaves you and the puppies get to give Lucio a piece of your minds :)
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nicadilly · 3 years
what are your opinions on the other courtiers? (esp volta)
Omg thank you for the ask, ill do my best nons. Some of these come easier than others, and im fully aware my takes might be weird/unpopular but as long as im having a blast i think its fine. And im just riffing btw, not following any specific format:
She celebrates not getting kicked or pushed by anyone... I feel like that's pretty telling of her being a very punished/tragic character. But she also disrespects Vulgora and fights them back, so she can’t be completely helpless. I personally adore the idea of Volta being like a mongoose - will destroy you given the chance (literally. Super potent digestive juices? corrosive saliva? Teeth that never seem to end when you look into her mouth? All checked in my book. I'm thinking Pennywise's mouth from “IT” remakes or a sea turtle's mouth)
And YEAH she could mess up Valdemar, controversial opinion ik. They just get sucked in like spaghetti and DIE knowing the “weakest” of the demons was a herald of their demise >:)
Basically always snooty and prone to blaming others for everything wrong in his life. Even when he’s hyping about the study of invertebrates, he manages to shade you and be patronizing... At the same time though, he is very zesty. Fun conversation partner and the best associate if you manage to get in his good graces. I also hc him to have ambiguous genitalia, and YES if you cut him in half there will be two Vlastomils :) just like earthworms. Overall a lot of cool wormy features that people pick up on overtime. I feel like some will disagree but I always saw him as a “chaotic neutral” kind of char. Should be evil, yes. But he’s just too fun and lovable imo. Like a snarky professor you weirdly like and respect. He’s also a bottom on a mission. Get it peepaw.
DEVS. DID. VULGORA. DIRTY. And I, for one, love it. No matter how you look at their patron arcana - Vulgora is fucked. If it was always their patron, I don't blame them for making a pact with the devil. Trying to avoid great pain, upheaval and loss seems natural. They are the courtier I would want to get lore on THE MOST. I want to know how their life was before “the demoning” sooo bad. As for their disposition - fun. Frenemies with Lucio, threatens Valdemar, doesn't realize they’re always screaming... just a fun little dude (gnc). I mentioned before that I defo see them doing public beheadings, ancient rome style (they’re the leader of the guard, a high ranking noble... they probably are doing it and its legal). As I said. Fun.
Also they hold the highest score in the game of “push Volta off the stairs”. Valdemar comes in 2nd.
I honestly don't feel like I can do Val justice. That's all on @c0nsul-valerius. I will try tho! He’s always been torn between actually wanting to do good and upholding his own reputation/pride no matter the cost. The moment his rep is on the line, everything gets sidelined; relationships, acquaintances, morals. It’s delicious how he’s fleshed out in Nadia's route, just that one encounter, seeing how warped and disgusting he became, how ashamed of it all he is - i really want to see that vulnerability again, get to “crack him open” in a way and see how he would be when there's no obligations, work, or masks being put on for the public.
I have... too many hc’s and theories. I would love to overshare in the future! For this post though I'll try to keep it brief. I think people give Valdemar TOO MUCH CREDIT. An amnesiac apprentice, fresh out of the nest manages to kick their pathetic concave ass time and again. And while the apprentice is made to be OP in game, one would think an ancient demon, capable of raising cities, fallen armies and planning to challenge the devil would easily handle an inexperienced magician (and a redhead armed with a chair) but instead they always abscond. Sure, it could be them just going “LOL” and running off to irk people, but Lucio and Julian routes show them to be rattled by getting SLIGHTLY CHAFED. WIMPDEMAR REAL, DESERVES TO BE JOSTLED. They are on the spectrum and mask it so-so, loves a good stimmy. ALSO - MASSIVE HYPOCHONDRIAC, even tho they cant really get sick anymore. Obsessed with disinfecting everything and everyone.
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empressapprentice · 3 years
So I just played Julian’s new tale, and while I did enjoy it, I was left kind of disappointed. It was super cute and super fluffy, and there’s nothing wrong with that! I just feel like the lore and world of the Arcana has so much potential and while I was happy to explore Nevivon, I’m not sure that the tale added anything new to the story. I should mention that Julian is my favorite LI of the main six (although Nadia’s route is my favorite plot-wise!) so don’t get me wrong about being happy to see more of him. This really was a continuation of his actual route, but I was hoping for a little something...more. I wanted to see how our relationship with Julian has changed, or I wanted more adventure, but since it took place immediately after his upright ending, there was no additional development. I may have more thoughts and specific critiques after I let it sit with me a bit but mostly I didn’t feel like this really added anything productive to the story.
And my disappointment in this new tale is less based on the content of this tale specifically and more in the general direction I’ve seen the game heading. I thought that the endings of the side characters were rushed and lacked the same development as the main three--Muriel’s specifically wasn’t very good IMO although I only played his upright. I’ve also seen several of my followers who really want to see courtier content. While I am not personally interested in romancing any of the courtiers other than Valerius (I want to be Volta’s best friend though!) I really would like to see some tales with them. What drew me to play the Arcana was the art and style, but what kept me interested was how detailed the story is, how much care went into being faithful to the Tarot and the world-building. I feel like some sort of content from the perspective of the courtiers would be a way to explore some of the past events without the MC, something that I am personally really interested in. And frankly, with Valerius’ character design and journey, I’m shocked he hasn’t been romanceable at all. Like I love Nahara and was thrilled to play her tale, but why they chose her instead of Valerius doesn’t make sense to me. I swear I see more Valerius content than Nadia in the fandom sometimes.
I completely understand why the devs and whoever’s pulling the strings at Nix Hydra are hesitant about courtier content because the characters are designed to not be likeable. But I do think there are ways to use the courtiers to develop the story and gauge interest and I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of “likeable.” The courtiers have a fan following because they’re complex characters--they’re likeable from a plot/character study point of view but might not be everyone’s cup of tea romantically. I’m interested in picking them apart and learning their motivations, much like how I enjoyed figuring out the main six’s fatal flaws and guiding them to the upright ending. I also think the devs might be pleasantly surprised by the response, since I personally have a “don’t knock it until you try it” mentality and am willing to try a tale even if I don’t think I’ll like it (except for Vlastomil, sorry but if there were ever the option to romance him it’d be a hard pass from me.....i just really hate worms lmao). Anyway, this ended up being more negative than I intended, but I really do love this game and I want to see the amount of care that I think it deserves being put into it. I liked this game because of its depth and I don’t see them maintaining that at this point.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
So I’m writing a fic with some nice, wholesome Julian head scratchings in it because I reckon he would enjoy having his head scratched and I will make that man feel treasured whether he likes it or not. Got me thinking, I bet Volta would also love affectionate head scratches because she is a very good girl, yes she is. Anywho, what are your thoughts on the main 6 (+ courtiers, Morga, anyone you fancy) and how they feel about head scratches/ head rubs (from someone they’re comfortable with)?
Head scratches you say 👀👀👀👀. I don’t write for any of the courtiers or Morga, but I hope you like this very soft domestic main six!! But I agree Volta is very good. 10/10.
I have to admit I was rather relaxed writing these, head scratches are the best
And yes I am jealous again, scratches are the bomb.com.
Hope you enjoy!!
Main six x MC head scratches/head rubs
Ah! You’re relaxing on your shared bed, just reading when he crawls into your lap
He’s tired from working too hard for too long without sleep poor poor doctor Devorak 
Head scratches and pats only happen when he’s like this, tired and almost asleep
He’s not quite used to them but he does love them
Just doesn’t know how to ask
While reading you run your hand through his hair, making him sigh
Once you bring fingernails into the equation he is putty in your hands, leaning into your touch
Hearing his little sighs and thinking he’s asleep you stop
He cracks one eye open, a little miffed
“Don’t stop now my love. Keep going please.” (Voice rough with sleep imagine it)
Teasing him a little you oblige
He loves head scratches. When you pull on his hair gently mmm the good stuff right there
Scratch his scalp, tug his hair lightly, untangle his curls 
If he’s not already asleep he’ll sing to you. Just softly, voice thick with the promise of sleep
He’ll fall asleep and be out for a long time, just resting in your lap while you run your hands through his hair 
It’s very domestic, and it’s one of is favourite things in the whole world
It’s calming and some of the best sleep he ever gets 
He’ll kiss your finger tips and sometimes if you are in his lap he’ll run his hands through your hair too
He lives for head scratches 
Especially from you, he trusts you wholeheartedly not to hurt him
He’ll straight up just ask you for head scratches, he loves them so much
He’ll lie down in your lap, you both resting on pillows and plush blankets
He’s very warm too, hair all fluffy and curly
Faust will curl up and sleep on his chest while you run your hands through his hair
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Please use your nails, rub circles on his scalp, detangle his hair with a touch, just scratch gently at his scalp
His hair is so freaking fluffy it’s like running your hands through a soft stuffed animal’s fur
He will fall asleep with you scratching his head (most of the main six will, it’s quite relaxing)
He’ll spark little magic shows for you, just little shows of light and smells
Sometimes after having a rough day he just wants to lay in your lap and talk to you while you run his head
Fluff his hair up more. Please
He might even make a noise that sounds strangely like purring 
He’ll deny it but you know what you heard
He’ll tell you stories from his trip while slowly...falling...asleep...
He can’t help it he’s never been more relaxed then he is here like this with you
He’ll yawn every few seconds while talking before snuggling into your thighs
He snores softly, but don’t stop the head scratches
Stop when his hair is all mused and soft and detangled
You’ll probably fall asleep, you, Asra and Faust all snuggled together 
It’s the best sleep you’ll ever get, fully relaxed 
He’ll return the favour eventually, don’t worry.
Her head aches from her hair being pulled up for so long 
Take her hair out of the ponytail and slowly run your hands through it
If she’s talking to you she’ll stop mid sentence to let out a little sigh as you run your hands through her hair and scratch her scalp gently
She probably had a long day of countessing 
She’ll wrap blankets around the two of you as you work your magic 
Warm your hands a little bit as you scratch her scalp
She’ll be out like a light if you two aren’t talking 
Her hair is very soft and silky
And it’s long too, making your job both harder and longer 
You don’t mind though, getting her as relaxed as she is is a tough feat
Please please please tease her hair 
Fluff it up, make she she wakes up with hair that seems to poof off her scalp
It’ll make her laugh
She’ll love it
Please don’t forget the bottom half of her hair though
Tug on the tips lightly to make her arch her head into the touch
She’ll tell you little stories from her old home and about her sisters
Oh the back of her head is a golden spot 
You might need to maneuver to get it but don’t worry 
The results are worth it
She’ll let out a little gasp, sinking into your touch
Run your hands up and down, dragging your nails gently along her scalp
Has she mentioned how much she loves you?
Because prepare yourself, she’s gonna say it a lot
This man has never had a head scratch in his entire life and that is a travesty 
Lie him down, shoulders and head agains your stomach and thighs
Just enough that he’s on your lap but he’s not too on your lap to worry himself about crushing you
His hair is very smooth but super soft
After you’re done with it though, it will be just as soft and fluffy as Asra’s
Inanna will lie down on Muriel’s legs, her tail beating against the ground as she watched Muriel relax into your touch
Gently scratch his scalp, use your fingertips more than your nails
He’ll let out small content grunts and sighs as you work
He likes his hairline scratched the most
That way he can see you a bit better, and you can pull his hair back from his face with gentle caresses 
Tug gently on the hair that normally covers his face
Detangle it with your fingers too, running them up and down through his hair
Don’t forget the top of his head though 
Massage your hands through his scalp, rubbing circles with your fingertips
Scratch the back of his head and tug lightly at the hair there, make sure to untangle those rough knots
He’ll fall asleep soon unless you’re talking 
But he’s so relaxed he’ll start up a conversation 
Maybe talking about what the girls got into and their adventures 
Inanna is now asleep on his legs, him running a hand through her fur
You all are just this nice little family, relaxing in the quietness of his hut
This is the most loved he’s ever felt
Portia is also a very busy baby who doesn’t spend too much time on herself or poor hair
By the end of the week her hair is so knotted and rough it’ll take hours to brush it all out
Luckily she has a very cute and kind apprentice helping her out 
She’s very talkative, ask her about her day while the two of you relax on her pillow mound with her in you lap
Start at the base of her hair and work your way up 
It’s very knotted and if you start at her scalp it will hurt a lot 
Slowly brush your fingers through her hair, tug lightly and pull apart as needed 
Once you reach her scalp, all conversation will be cut short 
Wow you’re very good with your hands
Like really good wow
Lift up her hair a bit while you scratch at the bat of her scalp, working your way up 
She will melt into your touch with a little sigh
“MC those hands of yours are magic.”
Pull on her bangs gently while you rub at her hairline 
Take your nail and lightly run circles around her scalp
Her hair will slowly decurl while you work, each tangle you get rid of map going to make her hair so much softer 
She’s very soft and smooth hair, and once her tangles are gone you get to bask in how soft her hair is 
She love love loves headscratches and she’ll do the same to you if you ever ask
Okay so Lucio isn’t really the type to get so close to someone in an intimate setting like this
He’s always worried he’s going to do something to mess this up or maybe it’s a plot to kill him 
Hey it happened once you never know
If he’s very comfortable with you he’ll let you take his golden arm off, I know this is about head scratch’s but make sure to rub his arm gently too once you take the golden arm off
His hair is not soft at all
So much hair products and gel
Start at his hairline, brushing his bangs down over his eyes
He’ll be running that mouth of his you know he will
He’ll be talking about his day, asking about yours, telling stories all sorts of things
He’ll let out a very rough sigh when you scratch his scalp and the back of his head
Keep that up. Keep doing that yes
He doesn’t let anyone get close to his head
But now he has that tinge of regret because he loves head scratches so freaking much wow
Fluff up his hair
Your hands are going to smell like hair products after this 
They are gonna smell terrible but you don’t mind 
Seeing Lucio this relaxed and sleepy is totally worth it
He’ll babble on but his words will slowly...become...slurred...as...he grows...sleepy 
He snores
He denies it but he snores 
But you’re glad he fell asleep, it means he trusts you. Trusts you to take his arm off, trusts you with his hair and head, and trusts you enough to fall asleep
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yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
Yandere Arcana
Ayo so um.. with 723 followers I really be expecting people for more input on things I should write (requests, ideas, convos, etc) but um.. I guess not? Lol. Anyway since I’m basically writing for like a couple people (people who actually respond to my work cause I like that. If you just like and reblog that’s fine but I still like hearing what people have to say about my work. If your shy don’t be.. I literally don’t judge..) I’ll go ahead and write scenarios for Yandere Arcana. If y’all want more of this just tell me. I was almost tempted to do nsfw lol!
I wanna say that I haven’t played the game enough to finish anyone’s route and while I want to, ya girl broke so picking choices is something I have to wait a while for as well. (The cost on those coins and I can’t even get a Valdemar route??? What type of shit-)
If any of the characters seem ooc I apologize I just really wanted to write this so um.. yeah.
I guess I’ll take the time to part a warning right here: If you don’t like yanderes or anything of the sort I suggest you don’t read this! I would do the ‘below the cut’ thing but I’m all honestly I don’t know how to.. so here ya go!
You have been warned!
Asra is a tricky yandere. He knows you well enough to get into your head.
He may take times to keep a distance from you but whenever he messages you or comes back he always makes sure to show you so much affection just so you hopefully don’t question anything.
He’ll act like something to you matters to him, and usually they do matter but if you’re talking about a love interest or something he’ll act supportive but will really be a bit annoyed on the inside.
Depending on your love interest he may get upset or simply will smile and try to ‘help you get them’. Don’t let it be Lucio or Julian.. he’ll be furious.
If he acts like he’s happy to help and your LI disappears then he probably did or didn’t send them somewhere where neither of you two can meet again. Like a portal to a dark cold place or something.
He’s like a snake.. or even a fox. He’s the magician for a reason.
Nadia probably won’t even hide how much of a yandere she is.. okay maybe just a little.
She’s the countess, what does she need to hide? She’s also meant to be with you and you’re supposed to love her no matter what. Nadia seems to be a bit of an oblivious yandere. Not aware that what she does for you is rather scary at times.
She showers you in gifts. Some of the cutest clothes just to basically play dress up with you like your some little doll. She doesn’t like it when you turn down a gift and while there’s a couple times she’ll get frustrated in the end she’ll send the gift to you late at night with a sweet not hoping you take it.
While she usually ask for your input against other’s, when it comes to someone who isn’t much use to the palace or her especially sniffing up on you she’ll usually deal with them.. whether banishing them and having them get hunted down throughout the forest like some sort of game.
She can be ruthless, and when she’s really in a bad mood it’s hard for her to listen to anyone. Don’t beg for her not to kill off someone because she most likely will act you didn’t say anything, kiss your forehead, and will proceed with the execution.
Also gets really touchy with you when her sisters are around..
Portia is usually a very carefree chick but while she can be easygoing she can be rather on guard about you.
It’s not often with you, because she doesn’t want you to know the bad things she’d do for you, but every once in a while she’ll ‘joke’ about killing for you. She’s caring and always makes sure you’re safe so you don’t question it until she actually does it when you have a suspicion that she did it..
Will cry and manipulate you into believing she’s innocent because seeing fear on your face towards her makes her scared. She was just doing what was ‘right’, of course her terminology of right is different from yours tho.. that’s why she lies about not doing it.
You’ll trust her and while you’re still a bit nervous she’ll work on that making sure to check up on you often. Once she gains your trusts back again she grows to be a lot more sneaky.
Rat poison is probably what slipped into the man’s tea after her kept messing with you but who knows?
Julian can be much like his sister but instead of growing emotional to defend himself he grows serious. It’s so different from his usually jokingly self and reminds you of the red plague times so you can’t help but apologize for accusing him.
He may not have killed Lucio but he’s definitely took a couple people out for you. Most unintentionally but still did it anyway. That guy couldn’t swim and Julian simply didn’t hear him crying for help.. it’s okay though cause you did say he had a weird vibe about him anyway, obviously Julian agreed.
He can be clingy, needy, and touchy. If you don’t know about the yandere in him you love it and you loving it just manages to feed it more. If you do know about it and you’re scared he uses his touches to try and calm you down. To have you let your guard down.
He’ll use his self hate against you for many different reasons now. While he does hate himself he found that you usually encourage him or try to make him feel better after he talks about himself too much. He’ll use it on you to stop you from running away from him because your morals are far better than his at this point and he knows you’ll stay to try and help him.
When you find out that he’s been killing people you’re terrified and even though you know you should runaway and leave.. you also can’t help but want to help him.
What if he’s actually innocent like he was with Lucio? (Definitely not.) What if the depression got so bad and he couldn’t help himself? He needed help and only you could help him.
He’ll chuckle sometimes at how cute and silly you are. With how he is he knows you won’t be going anywhere and he’s perfectly fine with that because had you did think of running away he’d just chase you down and use he’s depression against you to make you feel bad for leaving and to bring you back to him.
The coliseum was made for a reason... Lucio likes a good fight and anyone touching you, speaking with you, or even looking at you can make him want to have one.
If it isn’t a physical fight it’s a fight with words (which he isn’t that good at but his smugness makes it pay off)
He’s a hopeless romantic type of yandere and unlike his wife he actually doesn’t recognize or acknowledge the bad sides of himself. He either doesn’t to face them or actually thinks cutting that servants throat for huffing in your presence was justified.
You honestly can’t tell but hey, you’re scared. He’s a Count though... THE Count.. if he’s your yandere it’s going to be hard to get away from him without getting hunted down. He’ll make sure to keep an eye on you. (much like Nadia)
He’ll lock down the whole palace if it means keeping you in place. If you do manage to escape he’ll be highly impressed honestly before he’s goes hunting you down. When he finds you he’ll make sure the palace is locked down a lot tighter then it has been before.
He definitely starts out as a silent stalker type. Muriel isn’t really attracted to anyone before you and even though he is interested in you he makes you come to him.
I believe he’s actually one of the nicer yanderes but he does have his moments of being possessive.
He doesn’t want to hurt anyone unless it’s absolutely needed.. wouldn’t want to kill anyone for something silly.. of course not.
Ok! I’m at the courtiers! Now these ones might be sadder because I have a lot of headcanons for them. Mainly the horsemen and I do believe Valerius doesn’t have much story on him either so yeah.
Volta’s an absolute sweetheart. Tis is all.
Nah I’m fucking with y’all, it’s a yandere post.. anyway while Volta is a sweetheart she can’t help but be a bit possessive over you. Unlike the other courtiers her emotions come out a lot more and with her past she never thought she find someone like you.
Now that she has though it’s hard to separate the two of you..
She clings to you, cry for you when you’re gone for too long, feeds you if she’s really into you..
People don’t really see her as a threat and that’s only until she threatens to eat them.. when she gets like that people make sure to leave you be because the really aren’t sure if Volta will actually do it but with that bright playful but warning look in her eyes they don’t want to put it past her.
Vlastomil kinda has that same oblivious energy in him as Lucio or Nadia however it may seem like he doesn’t know what he’s doing is wrong but he really does.
He’s a demon, he knows how to play with humans but the thing is what he does is just him trying to understand himself better. Before you he only cared about his worm and now you were here.
He pretty much treats you like he treats Wriggler.. you’re very dear to him and let anything happen to you he’ll make sure everyone around knows how he feels. Whether it’s crying, shouting or simply anxiously looking for you.
He fears with other humans you’ll either get taken from him or get hurt but them and neither one of those are things he’s ok with obviously.
He’s a tricky demon, he may trick you into believing his morals verses your own.
“I love you dear! That’s why he has to go.. you don’t want him to hurt you yes?” He’ll manage to make you believe that everything he does is for you. If you have any sort of trauma he might even use that against you so be extra careful.
I can see Valerius being much like Muriel but worse. He likes to stalk and watch you from afar until he can figure what’s the best route to take and going about getting to you.
He’s almost relieved you come to him first. The relationship is rather.. bumpy. At times he’ll be grumpy for no reason and sometimes you can get tired of that but anytime you threaten to leave him he gets you into bed a second faster and distracts you.
I can see him either being a good or bad yandere.. there’s no in between. Either he knows exactly how to keep you to himself or he struggles doing so which only frustrates you. You can say he takes some of that frustration out on you but he tries not to because the last thing he needs in to tell Lucio you ran off and have a bunch of guards chase you down.
Oh that’s right, Lucio helps him when it comes to reeling you in and keeping you their. It’s scary but how are yo to go against the Count and his Consul?
Valerius might say some really cruel things to you to make you stay. He doesn’t want to even think about you leaving him. The second he saw you was the same second he fell for you. He might question his own emotions a lot but after a while of simply stalking or having other people stalk you and report back to him, he can tell it is you that he wants.
Vulgora is one of the bad ones you can get. Their aggressiveness and bluntness can be scary so when you need to escape them not many will be willing to help you. Many might even be on their side out of fear of what the war demon can do.
I feel like Vulgora is one of these two yandere types if not both.
Either the type that uses anger as a way to express themselves even if they don’t want to. Like, they care very deeply about you but they are one of the courtiers who don’t understand these emotions.. it frustrates them to not understand and it makes them angry. They try not to take that anger out on you and usually ends it with taking the life of a mortal.. or a couple considering one isn’t enough.
The other type is the yandere who can’t hold their temper and simply wants you because they can have you. It’s a possessive thing.. no one can have you but them.
They won’t hesitate in killing for you and if you ask or grow scared they would try to say they didn’t do it. They’ll be honest. What are you going to do about it.. fight them? Leave them? Oh darling they believe you’re too smart to do something stupid like either one of those..
They’ll leave their mark on you, usually biting because even if there’s very few beings with teeth like theirs in the palace everyone know the deep marks belong to someone dangerous and usually people put a distance with you.
People might be scared of you for simply being trapped and stuck with them. Poor thing..
Go ahead and just pass away sis, we ain’t making it away from this one..
In all honesty Valdemar might be the worse yandere out of this group. Vulgora following after as well as Lucio, Vlastomil, and maybe Julian..
Now it’s either they don’t care about your feelings at all and well make sure you know it or they care far too much to let you out of their sight. Valdemar might be persistent to test on you and might do it even if you don’t want to but also they might grow worried about your safety if they do do it.
You’re like their precious little specimen and no matter what you do they are always watching. You can’t even escape them after death because they are death. There’s simply no escape.
It’s been centuries since they’ve felt as strongly for someone as they did you and that person didn’t make it to where they are now.. they refuse to let that happen again..
If you try to run from them they’ll have beings chase you, they’ll make you run for your life and when you come crying for help they’ll cackle in your face. They want you to know you can’t live without them and once that’s drilled into your head they’ll never allow you to ever get away.
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bunnydrawsart · 4 years
Hey! Can we get some 🌸 for the Courtiers, please? ❤️
So I hear you want the courtiers.... but kissing? I. I can do that. Also thank you for the request! I’ll try my best 🤗❤️
(Also requests are still open)
🌸 Kissing HC
Ok so for some reason, I think when he kisses, he uses tounge (please forgive me)
But other than that, he likes to kiss behind your ear or on your neck a lot.
Really just likes to hold you, and lay kisses anywhere he can
Her kisses are so sweet
Like she is lowkey such a sweetheart
Kisses you on your cheek and on your nose
Her kisses are always just so gentle, she just wants to be careful with you
Fancy kisses. (Are those even a thing? With him they are!)
Like the most sensual kisses
He kisses your head, especially when he’s busy but still wants to let you know he loves you
But when he isn’t busy... His kisses are slow and meaningful
He wants to convey how much he loves you, without using words
I mean pretty obvious, but expect rough kisses
Anywhere. And everywhere.
Maybe bites sometimes. Doesn’t matter where
Kisses your cheek? Expect a bite to go along with that.
But can also lay soft kisses, when being gentle (but in private)
Lots and lots of kisses. Anywhere. Cheek, nose, head. (Surprisingly not to many on the lips unless in private)
Though I headcanon that they kiss the back of your hand in public. To be polite and make you flustered.
Also surprisingly, with those sharp teeth they don’t use them when kissing you
Unless it’s somewhere where it can be hidden *wink wink*
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consul-valerius · 3 years
I’m shifting into SUPER self indulgent territory but I haven’t really seen anything like this (and if anyone has any content of it pls send it to me lmao) BUT
The Courtiers as a slightly functional polycule ?
Sometimes a relationship can be the four horsemen of the apocalypse and a wine snob
Something that just gradually happens after spending the undetermined amount of time together— Valerius is obviously the latest to join
Volta is the most open about her feelings towards everyone, with Vlastomil coming in a close second. She loves her partners!! She doesn’t want anything bad to happen to them! Valdemar don’t make that face, Volta loves you too!!
Besides Volta, very much a “bullying is my love language, deal with it” sorta situation
HOWEVER Incredibly ride or die sorta deal. While they’re as a unit a bit emotionally constipated, they will go absolutely feral if one of them is being threatened. Vulgora is the most protective of everyone, particularly Volta and Valerius as they’re the weakest in their opinion
“I can make fun of Volta’s frilly clothes, but if you so much as raise your voice at her, your head is mine”— Vulgora probably
The brain cell of the group is owned and managed by Valdemar. Vlastomil gets visitations on the weekends, but that’s about it.
Nadia feels both grossly curious about how it all works, but at the same time, meeEEEH she doesn’t want to know, just don’t fuck with her and please just do your jobs and stop flirting at the meeting
Valerius still vehemently denies he’s even friends with any of them but is embarrassingly smitten with all of them and isn’t low key about it.
“Do you have a crush on me, Valerius? owo” “Choke on me, worm boy” “He’s right; he clearly has a crush on all of us” *SCREAMS*
Lots of sleep overs. Valerius’s estate is the best because he just has a large bed at a default. Him and Volta are clingers. Valdemar sleeps in the corner of the bed while Vlastomil is someone’s big spoon. Vulgora is typically stretched out; their body is covering everyone tbh
Upright ending is them saying “fuck the devil” and breaking their chains and living in a small chateaux together where all their special interests collide. Lots of drunk worms. So much food. Lots of rough housing (with worms ???) Lots of weird science experiments. It’s a blast !!
Reversed ending is them saying “fuck the devil and fuck all of y’all collectively” and bringing about the end times as a unit uwu Still a blast, just with lots of demon forms!!
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drustvar · 2 years
For the little lady...Volta..
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Volta my beloved little woman... I wanna preface by saying that she is cool looking!!! however when you put her design next to like Valdemar and Vulgora she has less of a cool factor and more of a sad victorian orphan vibe
SO I have. MANY thoughts about Volta. Like I've said before I think I like her best when she's the smartest and 2nd most passive aggressive of the court. (We see this a little in Nadia's route? I think? Where she basically tells Vulgora "I wasn't listening and didn't care anyways lol" Like with all the courtiers. Wasted potential!!! Especially with Volta it seems like and especially in Muriel's route she gets boiled down to "the nice one" like...ok we're just gonna forget that she was a part of the food shortages during the plague and its immediate aftermath?? erm okay I guess!
I LOVE Volta's demon design to me its ultimate fucked up handbag dog i wanna carry her around and sneak her french fries and put a little nervous vest on her
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the Courtiers to me are also. A set. Do not separate. Ultimate fucked up polycule. I like her vibes with Vulgora but also Vlastomil which I feel like doesn't get explored as much?? Like c'mon. you can't tell me those two bitches aren't sitting and talking shit about everyone else. And finally to touch on the "Never did anything wrong." She did, she absolutely did by contributing to the food shortages but I think she's the only Courtier who feels bad about anything they've done and possibly the only one (not counting Valerius) whose even capable of feeling remorse anymore.
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evarcana · 4 years
we already know vlastomil has worms, so what kind of pet would the other courtiers have?
The courtiers & their pets
Love love love this question *_* thank you so much for asking!! ❤️❤️❤️
I will try to throw a couple of ideas for each of the courtiers, because there is not such thing as too many pets.
A moody, fiercely independent and unfriendly cat. Chills in dungeons, watches Valdemar’s procedures and experiments, knows everything that’s going on. Maybe massive Maine Coon- like black cat with red eyes or hairless white cat with pale green eyes? Probably a demon too and definitely has higher IQ than most of us.
Some kind of lizard / iguana /miniature crocodile which can live for centuries and is fascinating from the scientific point of view. Reptiles are hygienic, quite and I think Valdemar would vibe with some cold blooded creature which hardly ever blinks. As ancient as Valdemar, has seen it all, does not show the slightest reaction when Valdemar changes to their true form.
Bronze or golden colour peacock which lives in the garden of his estate and sometimes is allowed inside. This bird thinks it graces the mere mortals with its beauty. Comes to check on Valerius and keeps him company (the Consul drinks wine, the peacock eats grapes, both busy thinking how fabulous they are), generally dignified and well behaved but sometimes can throw a real tantrum with ugly peacock screeching.
Sable or mink. Pet with the luxurious fur, something worth of keeping for aristocrat. Usually these weasels are hyperactive and restless, but Valerius’s one appreciates all the comforts: best food, plenty of sleep and good grooming. Can run really fast to deliver the message with the latest gossip (for the reward). This creature bites.
Fluffy cute dove (grey or beige?) who is constantly feeding on crumbs left by Volta. Picks up crumbs from her clothes too. No surprise it is a bit chubby. A little shy and totally harmless. Comes only to people who treat Volta nicely. Sometimes hides in her clothes.
A very small dog. Something like Maltese or Shih Tsu. Happy with all the food it can get from the table. Affectionate and friendly, would sit on the lap and make circles around Volta. Not particularly playful or brave, just food orientated and cute. Makes the best puppy eyes but can’t bark.
“The war beast”, not a pet. The animal stayed with them from the battle days.
Honey badger. Definitely Vulgora’s spirit animal, not that big but is one of the most aggressive animals, which is notorious for its strength, ferocity and toughness - can fearlessly attack almost any other creature, and has scary claws. They definitely do play fights.
Wild boar. Don’t tell me Vulgora would not ride a wild boar in the battle. They can be aggressive and are very tough too. The beast looks scary and can definitely fight, but is loyal and makes funny oink-oink noises.
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eveningcatcher · 4 years
Main six + courtiers with a drunk MC
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 After another one of Asra’s many travels, they finally got to go home. As they gently unlocked the doors, they couldn’t help but smell the familiar scent of alcohol in the shops. They brushed the thought off, thinking that MC may have just put it in as some of the spell’s components. Slowly they went upstairs, trying their best not to wake MC up. Much to their surprise, they saw the candle’s faint flame in the bedroom. They opened the door, expecting to see MC who has just forgotten to blow the candle out, only to see their beloved laying in bed, with an empty Nevivon vodka in their hand.
“MC,” Asra gently called out, taking the empty bottle and putting it on the side.
“What,” MC muttered, opening their eyelids just enough to see Asra, “I…”
“Shh,” Asra said, moving a loose strand of MC’s hair to the side, “Let’s just go to bed now.”
As soon as MC saw Asra try to take off their dirty shirt, they punched them as much as their drunk self could, trying to move further away from Asra.
“What are you doing? Stop it! I’m already with someone!”
“Yes…” they said, holding onto the place where MC punched them, ”With me.”
“No, I, I’m with Asra!”
“That’s me,” they said, confused as ever.
“No, no, no. You are not them, you are not,” they protested, trying to get as far away as they could, ”They are kind and loving and, and, generous and that’s not you. They, they are so sweet and kind. They’re always there for me. They did so much for me and I, ”MC started weeping,” I would never be able to repay them.”
“They don’t want you to repay them,” they said, handing them over some tissues.
“I know that! But I want to repay them,” they wiped off their tears,” I want to let them know that they can always rely on me, but it just seems like they never notice!”
“What do you mean?” they frowned, confused.
“It’s always like,“ they started to imitate Asra’s voice the best way they could, ”Don’t worry, I’ll open the shop, I’ll make breakfast, I’ll g to the market. It just feels like they’re overdoing themselves because of me,” more tears formed in their eyes.
“No, no, please don’t cry. I’m sure they don’t mind doing all of that for you.”
“Again, it’s not about what they think, it’s about what I think,” they said, trying their best to calm themselves down. Once they did, they said:
“I have no clue how you got into our shop. Get out! I’ll, I’ll call the, the guards!”
Asra nodded, realizing it would be for the best if they went to sleep downstairs.
 It was another night Julian and MC spent at Rowdy Raven. They had a great time drinking, dancing and singing many songs. Once Julian took a glance at the clock, he realised that it was enough for today. He grabbed MC’s hand and, upon seeing that they are drunk, lead them to his home.
Once they got home, Julian put MC down on a chair, touching the fabric of their shirt, “Isn’t this your favourite shirt?” he asked when he saw a huge stain from beer,” Don’t worry, it will be good as new once it’s washed,” he reassured them as he started to unbutton MC.
“What are you doing?” MC snapped at Julian.
“I’m trying to unbutton the shirt?” he said with clear confusion.
“Well stop it! Don’t you have any respect?!”
He was taken back by MC’s harsh words. “But MC, we’ve seen each other change multiple times.”
“What?” they said as they raised their head, staring at Julian in the eyes,” No, I’ve never seen you before in my entire life! Now get the fuck away from me,” they pushed Julian’s hand away,” I’m already with someone!”
“Ohh…” he said, realizing MC can’t recognize him,” You’re with Julian?”
“Yes,” MC slowly nodded,” Now get away from me!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll leave…” he went outside of the room, closing the door. Three seconds later he opened the doors once again,” Right before you answer a question.”
“Sure,” they said while trying their best to stay awake.
As soon as he had a green light, he started to talk to MC about all of his insecurities he couldn’t mention to them when they were sober, “Why are you with him? I mean, he’s, he’s a mess. Always hurting himself and others around him. He’s useless most of the time-”
MC interrupted them, staring at Julian with rage, “Are you the one who put these thoughts inside his head?”
“Well,” he thought for a moment,” Technically yes-”
“Don’t you fucking dare say that to my precious baby ever again!” they said, giving Julian the strongest backhand slap they could. ”Stay away from him!”
“I-“ he didn’t know what to say. All of his doubts about MC being with him just because they pity him vanished.” Alright. I will.”
 “Oh, would you look at that, the witch arrived,” Valerius said jokingly as he offered MC a glass. They shook their head as they sat across the Consul.
“No, thank you.”
“What? Scared of a glass of alcohol?” he raised his brow with a smirk,” Do witches make some unspoken vow to never drink perhaps? Or,” he gasped dramatically, “Have you never had a glass of wine?”
“Give me that,” instead of taking his glass of wine, MC took the bottle he held in his other hand. After a solid two minutes, the whole bottle was empty. ” See? I can drink!”
“You sure can,” his eyes widened as he stared at the empty bottle. Moments later, Nadia entered the room and Consul realized by the look on her face that now is not the time to explain how MC got into this state.
“MC, what is going on?” she asked as she took a glance at Valerius who quickly left as soon as he saw her, then at MC’s clothes,” Come on now, let’s get you changed.”
Once they were in her room she started to look through some of the clothes, “I’ll have to have a word with the Consul later. Come on now, MC, just,” she said as she showed her one of the expensive outfits she bought for them,” let me put this on for you.”
“Stop it. I’m already with Nadi,” they said as they covered themselves as much as they could.
“I know, but how is that connected to- oh,” she stopped for a moment, realizing what MC was implying.
“Please stop what you’re doing. I’m not interested,” they explained themselves.
“I, I see, I see,” she moved a bit away, trying her best to reassure MC,” It must be nice, being with a Countess.”
“Yes, she is such a dear!”
“I’m curious, what is she like?” she asked, wanting to know what MC thinks about her.
“Oh, she may look a bit strict, but she means well,” they started explaining, seeing how the person in front of them stopped whatever they were trying to do,” I like it how she always protects Volta from the rest of the court. She is always so kind to everyone. Oh,” they changed the topic,” And, have you seen her hair? It’s so majestic!”
“I, why yes,” she nodded, feeling flattered,” It’s beautiful, but do you have anything you dislike about her?”
“Oh, I sure do! She doesn’t want to reveal her secret!” MC said, pouting.
“What secret?” Nadia asked, wanting to find out her secret as well.
“She doesn’t want to give me her skincare routine! I always try my best to see what masks she wears, but I can never see her put on any!”
“Maybe she just doesn’t use anything?” she asked, knowing very well that, apart from a night cream, she doesn’t use anything.
“That’s impossible- well, maybe it is…” they thought about it for a moment.
Seeing how MC doesn’t have anything in particular to say, she wanted to kiss them and leave, but, before she did so, she realized that she may make MC uncomfortable. “I’ll leave now,” she said as she went on to look for Valerius to give him a piece of her mind.
 “Mazelinka always brings the best whiskey, doesn’t she?”Portia said happily as she poured more whiskey in MC’s glass,” MC, hey??? Oh, you’re wasted,” Portia giggled as they lead MC to the bedroom,” Come on, it’s bedtime for you – oops,” she said once she accidentally knocked MC’s glass on them, staining the clothes,” Don’t worry, I’ll help you change.”
Once they got to the bedroom, Portia let MC sit on her wooden chair as they tried to take their pants off. Her attempts have been a failure since MC has been trying to get up, moving her hands away and so on.
“What- Mc, stop…” she said as she tried her best to make MC calm down,” struggling.”
“No, no, stop it, I don’t, I don’t want it.”
“MC as much as I love you I can’t let you sleep in that,” she finally gave up for a moment for her to explain herself,” You’ll ruin my sheets.”
“I’m already with Portia.”
“What…” she stared at them for a moment, wanting to tell them ‘obviously,’ but then, she figured out what was going on in MC’s dizzy head, ” OH… I, I see… you must love her a lot.”
“You don’t need to love someone a lot to not cheat on them…” MC said in a most annoyed tone, ”But yes, I love her a lot.”
“That’s so sweet of you…” Portia stared at MC, feeling like she could tear up for a moment.
“It’s not, really,“ Mc continued talking in the same annoyed tone, ” If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t be with her.”
“Of course,” Portia nodded, getting a bit annoyed at how MC acted like a smartass,” But why do you love her?”
“First, look at her! She’s a fucking angel!”
“Aww,” she commented, feeling happy about MC’s description of her.
“Second, she knows so much…” they trailed off.
“But she’s a maid,” Portia explained, looking confused. She knew very well that she wasn’t the most informed person out there. She only learned how to read a couple of years ago!
“I meant as in cooking, sewing, knitting and so on,” MC counted on their fingers,” She’s so skilled! Isn’t that impressive?” they asked.
“It really is,” she nodded, wanting to drop the topic but MC continued talking.
“And most importantly, she can always make me smile.”
Portia felt her eyes getting glossier, but she didn’t want drunk MC to see her cry. MC was left all alone in Portia’s bedroom. She’ll buy new bedsheets, but now her precious MC needs sleep.
 Muriel has just done feeding the chickens when he entered his tiny hut, immediately noticing wasted MC on the small table.
“I guess my homemade rakija is too strong for you,” he joked as he walked up to MC, gently petting their head. Once he didn’t get any reaction from them, he started to get worried.
“MC… MC are you okay?” he asked as he slowly raised MC, who had an expression of a confused newborn.
“Mhm,” they responded, not having any energy to open their eyes.
“Wait, oh, you’ve spilt a bit of it…” he noted once he took a look at MC’s ruined shirt. He picked them up, putting them on the small bed next to the fire,” I, if it’s alright… I could take your, your clothes off,” he muttered the last part.
“WHAT? NO!” they shouted as they tried to move as far away as they could from Muriel, but to no avail.
“I, I understand, but you can’t wear that…”
“I can wear whatever the fuck I want!” they shouted as they covered themselves up in some blankets.
“Sorry…” he apologized as he moved a bit away from them, embarrassed that he even asked them that.
“You should be! That’s so disrespectful, I already have a boyfriend!”
“You… do?” he said, completely crushed. Of course, MC would have cheated on him,” Well, it’s not a surprise…”
“Yes, Muriel is the biggest sweetheart out there!” they proudly exclaimed, somehow managing to fall despite them sitting on the bed.
“Muriel…” he opened his mouth wide open. MC’s too drunk to even recognize him, ” You mean the scourge?”
“Why does everyone call him that?” MC pouted, trying their best to get out of the bed, but they failed miserably which resulted in Muriel helping them.” He did nothing wrong!”
“He killed many people…” he got more serious,” He could hurt you too, you know?”
”He could punch me and I’d thank him.” MC simply stated it, expecting the conversation to be over.
“W-What? But my,” he corrected himself,” his punches would be-”
“Do you seriously believe he’d hurt me?” they raised they eyebrows and, if they could raise their eyelids just a bit, they’d give Muriel a judging stare.
“Well, he could, accidentally.” He continued to explain.
“Bullshit. Now, leave me alone.”
Muriel didn’t know what to tell them so he left, leaving Inanna to guard MC. As for him, he crashed at Asra’s shop, having a sleepover party that Asra was way too enthusiastic about.
 “Oh my GOD!” Lucio shouted as he flopped on his bed, squealing like a little girl,” The party was just amazing, right MC?” he raised his head above the pillows to see MC ba\rely keeping their balance,” MC??? Don’t tell me you got drunk from champagne?!?” he gasped dramatically as he walked over to them, letting them sit on the bed, ” Oh well, I’ll just take the clothes off for you.”
“What? No, no, no,” they moved his hands away from their clothes,” I’ll keep the clothes on…”
“Well, I mean, yes, you look gorgeous in it,” he said as he traced the expensive material on MC, ”But are you sure you’d be comfortable?”
“I’m sure,” they nodded, feeling sleepy, however, they seemed to ‘get to their senses’ as soon as they felt Lucio trying to take off their pants,” Hey, I said no. You’re disgusting!”
“WHAT?” he shouted, not knowing what to say. MC never minded changing in front of him, but why is it a problem now?
“I’m already with someone,” they whispered as they put their pants back on.
“Wait what?” he frowned, completely lost.
“Stop saying what all the time,” MC frowned as they nearly started crying,” it’s giving me a headache…”
“Who are you with?” he asked as he softened his voice a bit, trying his best to comfort MC.
“Lucio, the count,” they explained as they moved away from him,” Now get away from me before I start screaming.”
“Ohh, why didn’t you say so sooner,” he walked up to them but as soon as they opened their mouth, taking a large gasp, ready to scream, Lucio backed off a bit, ”It must be difficult to bear the count, right?”
“What? No, he’s, he’s,” they didn’t know how to describe his actions. Despite him always calling it oopsies, they knew that those mistakes were more than just an oopsie.” He’s fucked up before, but at the very least he realized what he did and he’s trying, you know?”
“Trying what?” he asked, genuinely wanting to realize what he’s been doing well.
“Well, to fix it,” they didn’t know what else to say as their head became heavier and heavier.
“But he didn’t do anything so far!” he protested as he thought about everything. He did hold some court meetings regarding the flooded district and he did give people some money to help them recover from everything but that’s still-
“You know, it’s much easier to destroy something than to fix it,” they yawned, looking down, ” Give it some time.”
“Well, guess that makes sense.”
“Mhm,” they nodded,” Now get out of here.”
“Now,” they said as they screeched as loud as they could. Some worried staff came right into the room, expecting the worst, but Lucio quickly told them off, explaining that everything is fine. He left MC alone, demanding to have one bedroom prepared for him immediately. How embarrassing, he got kicked out of his room.
 “Oh MC, please, drink as much as you want!” Volta said as she refilled MC’s and her glass of alcohol. Once she was done with it, she noticed that MC isn’t waking up.” MC…” she pushed them a bit, then stopped, waiting for their reaction,” MC! Well,” she took a glance at the clock,” Volta guesses it is time to go to bed…”
With surprisingly lots of strength, Volta carried MC to their room. Once she found some more comfortable clothes, she turned to MC.
“Oh, don’t worry,” she said as she looked at MC who didn’t have a will nor strength to change at that moment,” Volta will help you with changing!”
“Wait, what are you doing???” MC said, worried, as Volta took off MC’s scarf.
“Taking off the clothes for you?” she responded, confused to why MC is reacting the way they are.
“I don’t want to take my clothes off, nor do I want to do such things,” MC explained as they wrapped the scarf around their neck,” I’m already with my precious little baby!”
“Um, you don’t have children?” she said, still just as confused as before.
“What? No!” they shook their head,” I’m with my tiny little Volta!”
“But… that’s me!” she pointed at herself.
“No, my Volta is shorter!” they said, not knowing that, because they are sitting, Volta is appearing shorter in front of them.
“Um…” she genuinely had no clue on what to do, so she just decided to go along with it,” Makes sense. What else can you tell me about Volta?”
“She, she is such a precious little bean!” they said with tears forming in their eyes,” She is so kind! But, but nobody talks about it, only about how she eats a lot,” they burst into tears,” Why are people so cruel?”
“Oh, it’s,” she handed them her handkerchief,” It’s okay, Volta is used to it.”
“That’s exactly why it’s not okay!” they shouted as they wiped off their tears,” She never shouts, nor gossips like other courtiers, she just eats and yet people are still mean!”
“Well, many people are like that,” she started explaining as she handed MC another handkerchief.
“But that doesn’t make it okay. Volta needs to fight more for herself!”
“Maybe you’re right,” she said, knowing that she could save a fortune if Valerius stopped pouring wine on her. She could buy so much food with all of those savings. She left MC alone in their room as she went back to her dining room, imagining how nice it would be to not get shouted on.
 “Oh, MC, you’re late, oh so very late! Wriggler got so tired waiting for you that she fell asleep. MC?” he started shaking them, trying to get out any type of reaction,” MC!!!” it was at that moment that he smelled alcohol,” Oh, I forgot you humans have low tolerance on alcohol. Come, MC, let’s go to bed now.”
“Get your slimy hands off me!” they said once they got into the bedroom, trying their best to cover themselves up.
“They’re not slimy…” he stared at his own hands with a frown,” Why are you so rude to me?”
“Why am I rude? You’re the one who’s trying to… to… “ they forgot the word for it, so they just continued the sentence, ”Even though I am already with someone!”
“I’m trying to-“his frown got even deeper as he tried to decipher MC’s thought,” OH… Well, I wasn’t.”
“And I should take your word for it?” they asked, raising their eyebrow.
“Well, yes.”
“No way.”
“But it’s the truth,” he started explaining,” I just want to take these dirty clothes off-”
“See? You have ill intentions!” they shouted, trying their best to get away.
“I don’t! Let me just- stop struggling!” he said as he started to take off MC’s clothes,” Wait, why are you crying now??? Okay, okay, I’ll stop, just, please don’t cry.”
“This was all a terrible, terrible idea,” they sobbed as they put their clothes back on.
“What idea?”
“I just, I just wanted to see if he would care, even a bit,” they continued sobbing,” He only pays attention to his worms.”
“Is that how you feel?” MC nodded as they wiped off their tears.
“Oh, that’s terrible, terrible!” he hugged them, to which MC surprisingly didn’t punch him,” You shouldn’t feel like that. He loves you!”
“No, he loves his worms,” they looked down,” I’m just going to be around until he gets bored.”
“It’s not like that. He loves you. You’re his favourite human!” he reassured them, trying his best to show them how he feels.
“Even if it’s true that doesn’t mean much when he isn’t showing it in any way,” they sulked as they started to cry even more.
Vlastomil didn’t know what to say. He never thought he was being neglectful to MC. Well, now that he thought about it, he may have spent a lot more attention on his worms lately. Well, that needs to change. Once he was sure MC was sound asleep he went into Wriggler’s room, trying his best to come up with any ideas on how he’ll make MC feel loved again.
 "MC you never told me you can drink this much," Vulgora laughed as they carried drunk MC back to their estate.
For the first time in a while, they were gentle as they walked on their tiptoes, trying their best not to disturb MC. Once they got to Vulgora's bedroom they put MC down on their bed, trying their best not to scratch them with their gauntlets. They were looking through the wardrobe, trying to find some clothes for MC; the ones they wore were dirtied by the alcohol and whatnot.
Once they found one of their red shirts they walked back to the bed, noticing that MC was somewhat awake. Vulgora was happy because of this, believing that it would be easier to change awake MC, however, that soon proved to be false. MC always seemed to wriggle, moving the red bedsheets over Vulgora's head as they tried their best to get away from Vulgora.
"Don't struggle so much!" Vulgora said frustrated as they pulled the bedsheet off their head.
"Get away from me!" MC shoved Vulgora's hand away, trying to get up from the bed, but to no avail.
"Stop it! I'm already with someone!"MC said as they sat back down on the bedsheets, trying to cover themselves as best as they could," They'll beat your ass when they come."
"What?!? Are you CHEATING on me?!?" Vulgora shouted, only seeing red in front of them. Oh, that poor, unfortunate soul. They're done for once Vulgora finds them.
"I've never been with you!" MC frowned, calming down a bit," I'm with a brave warrior... they're also a..."
Vulgora couldn't believe what they were hearing. Did the relationship the two of them had meant so little to MC? Still, they decided to push back the feeling of betrayal. They'll deal with the bastard MC is with first. "Tell me their FUCKING name!"
MC cowered for a moment, but once Vulgora was done shouting, MC continued talking: "V...V..." as much as they tried to remember their lover's name, the letters seemed to evaporate right in front of them. After a moment they gave up. Instead of the name, they wanted to tell them the profession, but it seemed like they couldn't remember even that, so they said the closest thing that they could remember. "They're a pope."
"A pope?!?" Vulgora stared at MC in disbelief. They knew each and every pope and all of them were at least eighty. Most of them had grandchildren for God's sake! 
"No, not a pope..." they shrugged as they waved their hand left and right, trying to remember. It was a higher position than a pope, it's a... "pontifex! They're a pontifex!" They said proudly once they remembered," Wear only red, you can't miss them."
Vulgora was silent for a moment and the only thing that could tell off their emotions was the sparkle in their eyes. MC didn't cheat on them. Wait, did they describe Vulgora as a brave, warrior? Their eyes sparkled even more.
"Oh... could you tell me more about that pontifex?" They leaned forward, wanting to hear more words of praise.
"They're always shouting and challenging people to a battle, you know?"
"And... they are so, so..." MC forgot the word to use, so they tried their best to flex with their nonexistent muscles.
"Strong?" Vulgora asked.
"Mhm. They can beat up anyone!" MC exclaimed happily.
Vulgora puffed their chest with pride. Still, it wasn't enough, "Something more?"
"Well..."MC stopped for a moment to think. After a while, they finally said," I like their laugh. They laugh like... like this!" MC tried to imitate them, but they failed almost immediately. The sound they made was nothing like a laugh, it sounded more like a cry before death as they choked on air, then coughed.
Upon seeing this mess, Vulgora couldn't help but laugh their ass off, not being able to get a breath.
"Yeah, like that!" MC said happily as they still coughed in between words.
Vulgora wanted to ask more, but the odour of alcohol was unbearable. MC desperately needed to change. Vulgora picked up their shirt and wanted to change MC once more, but MC still kept on struggling.
"Get away from me!"
Vulgora rolled their eyes, knowing that they's have to sleep in the guestroom."Ugh... fine..." before they left the room they took all of their weapons off the walls, making sure that MC won't get hurt during the night.
"I always thought a witch would have a better alcohol tolerance than this," Valerius said as he sat in his carriage with MC's head on his lap who was muttering some nonsense.
He gently pats their head when they complained about their headache, praying that they won't throw up on his expensive clothes. Once they got in front of their estate, Valerius waited until a maid opened the doors. He helped her with getting MC out, however, as for the carrying, the duty fell completely on the poor maid.
"Should I change them?" She asked through huffs another servant came to help her.
"Yes," Valerius nodded, letting the servants carry MC to the bedroom. 
As for him, he went to his library, slowly walking to his desk and even though he'd rather not, went to finish some of the work from yesterday. It was at the moment when he finally focused on his work, trying to figure out how did the count succeed to waste so much money on a coat, that he heard MC's faint cries for help.
"Get away! Get away!" There was a short pause, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, "Someone help!"
Confused, Valerius left the library, knocking on the bedroom doors.
"Is there a problem?" He wanted to get in but stopped at the sound of another glass breaking. After a moment, the servant went outside, barely closing the doors after themselves.
"They don't want to get changed," the servant explained.
"Ugh," Valerius rolled his eyes, as he opened the door," Move, I'll do it."
The two of them only nodded, leaving him and MC alone once they took the larger chunks of glass off the floor.
"Stop it," MC shouted, not letting Valerius take their shirt off, "What's with you people?"
Valerius backed off for a moment, looking for wine. He drank it straight from the bottle because MC broke all of the glasses, "I swear, you're impossible to work with," he put the bottle down with a sigh, Let's just get over this."
"Fuck off!" MC shouted as they lazily looked for anything they could throw at Valerius, "I, I'm already with someone!"
"Oh, really? With whom?"
"With Consul!" 
Valerius was silent for a moment. So, MC can't recognise them. Who would have guessed that four glasses of champagne did this to a person? With an evil smirk, he stated at MC. He will use this opportunity well.
"So you're just with him because of the money?" He started talking plainly, waiting for MC's response.
"What? No. Do you think I'm with someone because of that?" MC frowned as they picked up one of the pillows, throwing it straight at Valerius," My shop is not as busy, but I can live off my money just fine."
"I see..." he silently groaned in frustration as he caught the pillow. How can a drunk person have this much strength? Probably one of the witch's abilities. He chuckled at the thought as he continued talking," It's just that he is a bit-"
"Cocky? Always has something to say?"
Even though he didn't want to say it, he still talked through his teeth, "...yes."
"So what? He is all bark and no bite," MC stopped walking away from Valerius for a moment to take a break.
"I... see...” he frowned, salty from the comment,” So then what's the reason you're with him?"
"Let's see...” they started counting on their fingers,” Firstly, even though he acts like a little bitch from time to time he can comfort me when I need it the most, secondly, I enjoy his company,” after a short pause they added,” Also, they are dedicated about their job. I love that part of him."
He blinked twice, surprised by the last statement, "What about the flooded district?"
"What?" they asked lazily.
"What about it? He failed to-"
"Oh shut up! You sound just like him...” they rolled their eyes,” If you truly cared that much about the flooded district, why didn't you do anything about it?"
"But it's his job-" he persisted.
"Just shut up. I'm not in the mood to argue and I know that you are well aware of the state the city was in back then."
"I...” he thought for a moment about everything MC said,” I guess you are right."
"Of course I am. Now get out of my sight before I call the galls!"
"You mean guards?" he irked a brow, smiling at MC.
"Same thing."
 Valdemar was reading some books in their library when they noticed MC falling on the floor in front of them.
“Oh my, what do we have here, MC?” they picked them up, smelling alcohol as they carried them to the bedroom. Once they were sure that MC didn’t get any bruises from the fall, they went looking for spare clothes.
“What would you do without me?” they happily mused as they picked MC up, unbuttoning their shirt.
“Eek! What do you think you’re doing?” they moved their hand away.
“Taking your dirty clothes off,” they said as they continued to unbutton their shirt,” Now, If you’ll excuse me-”
“Stop it! I’m already with someone!” they tried their best to move as far away from Valdemar as they could, ” You’re disgusting!”
“Oh, really now?” they tilted their head, realizing that MC may have drunk more than they should,” And with whom might you be?”
“What a…” they thought for a moment, thinking about all of the questions they could ask,” terrible choice…”
“What did you say?” MC frowned, rage building up inside them.
“It’s just that…” they trailed off, enjoying this interrogation,” Why them of all people?” they asked innocently.
“Why not?”
“They could easily kill you in your sleep,” Valdemar explained something they considered common knowledge.
“If they wanted to, they would have done so already,” MC sat on the bed, not taking their eyes off of Valdemar.
“Well,” they tilted their head as they thought about MC’s statement.” I suppose that makes sense… but what about their…” they tried to think of the way the common folk would describe them,” odd habits?”
“What odd habits? Dissection?”
“Yes,” they nodded.
“Honestly, as long as there’s nothing alive on the dissection table, I don’t mind,” they said, feeling their eyelids get heavy.
Valdemar stared at them for a moment, nodding as they made a note in their head to never, ever let MC into the dungeons.
 “Well, thank you for sharing this valuable information. I’ll leave now,” they said, leaving the room with their footsteps barely audible as they closed the door after themselves.
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arcales · 4 years
heyy, could you write some hcs about how you think it'd be like to be best friends with each of the main six? (maybe add the courtiers? 🥺 if it isn't too much for you)
Of course it's not too much!!
Main six + courtiers as best friends with MC
Like canon, being Asra's best friend would include him thinking about you 24/7
He still disappears sometimes, but he makes sure to connect you with other friends (such as Muriel!) So neither of you are alone!
When spending time together, it can often be spent in silence, doing things on your own, but together
Travelling together!! He'd always find new places to go, and recommend stuff like backpacking
I also imagine you and Asra would make jewelry, so stuff like friendship bracelets and similar would be commonly found around your places. Of course, you'd also give them to others
She's the kind of friend who wants you to succeed
So she will invite you to parties and other networking events
You would try out outfits together! Then you'd also invite the others to have a casual tea party and outfit try-ons
She'd be the ultimate wingwoman. She sees you staring at someone and immediately finds out who they are, and does everything she can to help you "naturally" meet the person
If you have a familiar, Nadia treats them as her own. Always gentle and kind.
Like canonically, if someone was treating you poorly, Nadia wouldn't hesitate to stand up for you
Get ready to spend a lot of time at the Rowdy Raven
Julian's known to drink a lot, but would never force you to do it with him. When/if you drink with him, you always end up at the pumpkin bread stand, eating a lot of bread. When/if you don't drink with him, you might end up on taking care of him duty.
Like canon, can expect him to find random ways to get into your house, and eventually you speak to him without even looking if he's there (because you know he is)
He often tells you about new medical research, theories etc. And you encourage him to do it more.
He's vulnerable with you. Whether it's heartache, a hangover or anything else, he goes to you and little by little opens up more.
He'd also love adventures, so going on day trips is pretty common with Julian!
Like in his romance route, I imagine he'd take a while to get to know
You probably meet him through Asra, who spends a lot of time with you both. Once you and Muriel become best friends, he's often coming to the shop and you're coming to his hut to feed the chickens
You both take care of esch other, make sure neither of you are hungry, lonely etc.
Fun times include going through the forest, picking mushrooms
I imagine he's actually very good at storytelling and even singing, so those become a hobby you both explore
You'd also be the one encouraging him to open up and invite him to social events
Since she spends s lot of time working at the Palace, I imagine you'd meet her there.
You'd quickly become friends through banter and an occasional gossip
Once you're close, you also help Portia out with work, so she can have a bit of a breather
Outside of the Palace, you're always attending festivals, visiting new shops
Nadia, Portia and you would often hang out and Portia would share weird stories about guests/courtiers
I imagine you'd also love to braid her hair makd different hairstyles. She'd pretend to be annoyed at first, but you'd later see her checking herself out in the mirror very excitedly
At first, Lucio doesn't know you're trying to be friends with him so he's not really paying attention to you
Lots of playful flirting, and you call him out when he steps out of line
When he sees you spending time and being friends with the others he gets curious
Once you're friends, he starts being genuine with his emotions, you support him while he's dealing with everything from the past
He loves board games. But hates losing. Every typical saturday goes like this: Lucio: "Hey do you want to play monopoly" MC and the other 5: *glaring at him* They still end up playing, and if Lucio wins, he brags about it the whole day. If he loses, he's sulking and needs dessert to feel better
Going to every. Restaurant. In. Vesuvia.
Making sure they brought along money or it's been taken care of somehow, because you almost went bankrupt once going to lunch with Volta
They're insecure so they often need encouragement
Once you're close with them, you're pretty much the only one they care about except food
They'd tease you or even shout at you at first
Once you get enough, you yell back at them and say you won't be treated poorly
They end up loving your energy and are like "wow nice". You're confused but go along with it
After that, Vulgora is still as hot headed as ever, but at least now they defend you at all times. They definitely got into multiple fights because someone looked at you wrong.
If you drink, you're likely to meet Valerius on Nadia's party while sipping some wine
He recognises the fact that you don't seem "fancy enough", but can still tell a good wine from a bad one
If you don't drink, he's likely to comment how it's a party for adults
Either way, you call him out for being pretentious and put him in his place. Nadia is also near to stop him from bring rude
He gets visibly embarassed, and apologises later in the evening. Then he asks questions about yourself.
Once you're close, he lets you style his hair
Valdemar considers you childish at first
They're a demon who's lived for so long, there's nothing you can show them they haven't seen
Except!! When you show them random acts of kindness.
They eventually keep coming to you to see kindness in the world, even if it's not directed at them
If you don't like worms, Vlastomil gets offended
You might find a common ground if you like gardening, as worms love the dirt
After a while, you end up listening to his rambles about worms
I hope you liked this, it was fun to write!
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nikodoesstuff · 4 years
Courtiers with a MC artist? I'm remember that phrase "draw me like your French girls" xD
Yesss I am back!! Exams do be like that-
Anyway, thanks for the request!
At first he doesn’t care at all
Will definitely roast them
“I bet your art is but a waste of paint and canvas.”
Okay that’s extremely mean
But he will immediately shut up when he sees mc’s works
He’s so amused that he dropped his glass of wine
He’ll instantly regret everything he said
After all those comments he’s too uncomfortable to ask mc for a portrait, which he craves so bad now
But once he does and mc actually agrees, oh boy
Best pose model ever.
He’ll occasionally drink while posing which will make him more comfortable with each sip
To the point when he demands a Renaissance painting of himself with only a transparent robe on
Valerius: I want you to picture me as a great leader in this one.
Mc: I thought you wanted the painting to be as realistic as possible?
He'll pay whatever price mc names for a portrait with Wiggler on his lap, cause apparently other artists were too “terrified” and “uncomfortable” with drawing “big and scary worms”
While posing he’ll burry mc with worm facts and all the juicy gossips
Wiggler will definitely try to escape. Twice. Vlastomil had a small breakdown after that-
When he sees the result, his eyes shine with happiness and admiration
He’ll offer mc to become his personal artist, and will almost beg for more paintings
And he’ll even let mc pet his worm
W i g g l e r   that is-
Also he’ll ask for some private drawing lessons
Vlastomil: *draws a curvy line* MC LOOK I DREW WIGGLER!
Mc: *being their supportive self* This looks so good, Vlastomil, you learn fast!
Vlastomil: *tears of joy*
She’s  f a s c i n a t e d
Totally will ask mc to show her all of their artworks
She is in love with their art
Volta: WOOAAAHH what’s this??
Mc: a naturmort of food from the palace. Do you want to keep it?
Volta: *happy Volta noises*
She’ll take care of every painting mc gives her and will collect as many of them as possible, she’ll even find a separate room for it in her mansion
She took a painting of a single blue triangle once for some reason
It’s just a single. Blue. Triangle. ??
She likes everything mc creates
But she’s too shy to pose, and honestly it’s hard to keep her in one place without giving any snacks during posing
They’re impressed
Mc has no choice but to draw them unless they want a paintbrush up their-
You get the idea of how gory the paintings are
While posing they love sharing old stories about their victorious battles, which are truly fascinating
There’s so much red that after they’re done with the painting mc looks like they murdered someone with their bare hands
Vulgora enjoyed that sigh though-
When they see the final results they cannot help but stare at it for no less than 10 minutes, admiring every small detail on the painting
After that they won’t leave mc alone and will demand more and more portraits, which they will keep forever
Vulgora: HEY
Vulgora: HEY MC
Vulgora: LET ME IN
“Oh, so you’re an artist? How interesting.”
They will test mc’s knowledge about art history
It’s surprising how much they know about art honestly
“So you’re an artist? Name all paintings”
They are sincerely curious about mc’s artworks though
They give constructive criticism on their works as well as some good advice on techniques and coloring
Aside from that, they’re not really interested in posing, but they would not mind if mc asked them to
Perfect model.
They never move an inch
They literally can stand there for hours, in any pose, not flinching at all
They adore the paintings of them that mc drew, and they will keep them in their office
They are also impressed by how anatomically accurate mc’s creations are
Valdemar: only someone who held a heart in their own hands could portray it on a canvas with such accuracy. So tell me, mc…
Tumblr media
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poppyflowercrowns · 4 years
heyo, could you please make some courtier headcannons with a MC who showers them with love and compliments 24/7?? Like,,, they are being really affectionate?? 💫💫 Love your headcannons and thank youuu 💕💕💕
Oh my gosh im 🥺 yes of course i can! Im not the best at the courtiers so im sorry if theyre bad 🥺
When I say baby I mean BABY
She will be SO fuckin happy like-- 🥺 do this more often smh
Every time you compliment her, wether it be her outfit or maybe her hair, she'll give you the shyest smile EVER and hug you to death
She definitely takes it to heart
She LOVES you and will try her hardest to compliment you back...
It'll always come back to food though. What'd you expect from her?
Expect to see that lil blushy smile and giggle whenever you say something nice
She's such a softie smh
"Oh yes, yes! Volta loves you very much!!"
Baby baby baby baby baby
He'll be blushy as well, like.. Cmon man. We need to see happy Vlastomil
He'll give you like this.. Awkward hug, but he means well and you know it
He's trying his hardest man, give him a break
He'll basically demand you compliment his worms too. You better do it.
He fuckin adores you and when you first compliment you or give him a gift he'll reciprocate it, but 10 fold
He loves you even more and he gets all blushy and shy whenever you do something for him
"You didn't have to MC!... But could you do it again?.. 🥺👉👈"
Tsundere at its finest.
They'll 100% deny any compliment you give them...
Either that or try and come up with a better one.
If they try and compete it usually fails miserably.. They're not one for romance and stuff like that.
Either way they'll be thankful, but won't show it.
It'll take some time to get used to you giving them love, since they never really experienced it.
If you give then a gift, they'll treat it with a surprising amount of care. Like... Yeah.
"What the hell-?! You think you're better than me?!?"
They'll probably be REALLY surprised when you randomly complient them at first.
They won't be embarrased, more just shocked that you like them.
... You're dating them. You better like them or else you're next on the vivisection table.
They'd probably spend a good night or two staring themself in the mirror, wondering why you like them like that.
Much luke Vulgora, they won't be sure how to reapond at first.
I mean.. Come on. They have green skin, horns, and sharp ass teeth. Not many have fallen for them.
If it was a gift you gave them, they'll simply ask "why?"
Once you tell them its because you like them.. Expect flustered doctor.
"You... Ahem.. You're strange, but.. I like it. I like you."
You... Huh?
He still can't really get over the initial fact that you like HIM. You couldn't of gone for someone more.. Romantic?
When you compliment him, he'll surprisingly get really flustered.
He'll try to mask it with his hand or by sipping his wine, though. He'll rarely let you see him flustered.
When you give him a gift, he won't be as flustered, but still pretty shy.
Shy babe shy babe shy babe
He'll give you this shy, really awkward hug. The longer you stay in the hug the more comfortable he'll get.. You may even get a small nuzzle.
"Uh... Thank you, MC.."
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙊𝙥𝙚𝙣 💕
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