carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
In Another Lifetime
Inspiration: ♥
Title: Legacy of the Low Class
♫ indomitable warrior - SCIII OST • warriors - 2WEI
mini fic, au: love child, planet vegeta au, implied character x reader, canon-typical violence / mentions of blood, training, storge / familial interactions, sibling rivalry, implied half-siblings ( Raditz - 29, Kakarot - 22 )
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Parsna - Paras - Gomitsu - Shige - Kolabi - Kome & Katsu
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Parsna (parsnip) Age: 15 Location: Planet Vegeta
"Haven't you had enough yet, little girl?" An annoyed Raditz sneered across the debris of the training grounds.
"...No, have you?" The younger saiyan coughed, short of her breath with a hand to her stomach to nurse the ache from the attack. A smirk grew on her lips as she caught her breath and lifted her head towards her eldest brother with a confident smirk, getting back up on her feet. Parsna brushed the dirt from her chestplate, "'Cause I remember that one used to hurt." Raditz grimaced, further irritated. That arrogant act never failed to find a way to get under his skin, taking less effort to do so at every “reunion”. Then he grinned mischievously in return.
The old tricks don't work to keep her down anymore, implying there was no longer a reason to keep holding back. There were far many better things he could be doing with his downtime, but reminding a bratty nuisance of her place tended to find its way into his schedule. A small change in a power level—  when compared to the far more impressive level of his own— didn't strike any chords of amusement to him, but Bardock certainly saw it differently. 
This was, however, still one of the rare occasions their father chose to gather them all up. A habit born of a small child who only wanted to know her elusive working brothers, now some adopted traditional gathering every time she makes some milestone. Showing off a little was just part of the buzz of catching up now. It’s strange enough that the old man campaigns for this in favor of her. It’s obvious to both Raditz and Kakarot that these little exhibitions aren’t to praise their labors, one who became an elite soldier working directly with Prince Vegeta IV and the other who introduced the saiyan race ( and by extension, The Frieza Force ) to the concept of wish-granting dragon balls. The rest of their race recognized them more than their father in their youth, and even then they were unable to outgrow the shadow cast upon them by “The Great Bardock”. Their reputation was reduced to “expecting nothing less of Bardock’s boys” and luck. 
But that was before Parsna. 
Bardock wasn’t a terrible father to have by any means in his prime, he was simply a saiyan. There was no other way to describe it. Something happened around the time you became an interest to him, and eventually gave birth to his youngest child that the norm of his approach to his children improved beyond the typical low-class saiyan standard. Bardock still prioritized his job for a while after Parsna’s birth, but it gradually became easier to find him on Planet Vegeta with you and sometimes his crew. Most of all, he could be found often with his youngest, who no longer needed to be in her nursery pod, perched on his shoulders.
To a teenage Raditz and young Kakarot, it was strange to see their father who had gotten so strong over the course of their childhood become so pacified with remaining on Vegeta for a toddler. The strength he’d gain in his power from tougher missions could easily classify him as an elite soldier too, but he chooses to stay in his ranking. For his crew? For you? Neither son could say. But it looked like it was to parade his youngest around the planet for just existing. 
Parsna did nothing to gain that attention from him other than be born of his seed and your womb. Her power was just as low-leveled as Kakarot’s at birth.
 It couldn’t make sense to them to see this attentive side of Bardock, so much of all he has been and something completely different. A man who only gave his young boys a small congratulations for their achievements before he would disappear with no tell of when or if he would return again. Now he engages the two for their updates when he catches word of their return home, pries for the details of their battles, build up an enormous tab at mess hall with them as they catch up, takes interest in their training, and he does it all with Parsna in mind or at his side.
That simple fact strained the siblings' relationship with their half-sister. They wouldn’t outright say Bardock has gone soft in his age because of her, he could still exhibit the beast of a conqueror he is and not break a sweat doing so. But neither Raditz nor Kakarot bares any affinity for their little sister. They’ve never had to do anything for her until these little spars came into place and they were reminded to go easy on her. Until one day Bardock simply told them otherwise.
Overlooking the rough spar between Raditz and Parsna was Bardock with Kakarot on standby to watch the inevitable victory from the elite. Driven by their frisson for battle, Parsna tightened her tail around her waist and made another charge forward where she was easily dodged and in her frustration grew predictable to counter. Raditz knocked her off balance and swiftly dropped his heel in her back, trapping her smaller body under his foot when she collided with the ground.
"Why do you keep letting her fight him? It's just a lot more of the same, you know she's going to get beat." Kakarot voices to his father, clearly exhausted of the same old song and dance whenever she’s put up against one of them. Even if it’s been a while since they’ve gotten together to spar, why even bother fighting Raditz when she couldn’t even beat him?
"The same reason Raditz keeps accepting the challenge," Bardock answers with a focus on the battle. "She's got the spunk to stand up to an elite, she may as well show off what she's learned."
"Yeah. But she won't win."
Bardock’s eyes narrow slightly and he peers out the corner of his eye at his youngest son before turning to face him. "Is winning all that matters to you, Kakarot?” The look he is given catches him by surprise. Being asked directly like that, Kakarot was uncertain if whatever answer he gave was going to be the right one. Bardock answers his silence with a light smirk instead.  “You don’t see it, do you? Relying too much on that scouter to get the bigger picture. The simple fact she's able to keep up with Raditz at her age is enough to see her power is growing, much like your own.” He explains turning back to the fight, or rather what’s left of it. “I take it she just wants to catch up to you two, all the praise she’s always going on and on about being as tough a warrior as you and Raditz.” He adds. "Ya ain’t that different… Besides, have you defeated Raditz yet?" Bardock cuts his eyes at Kakarot again with a knowing grin. The averted eyes and embarrassed tinge of pink in his son’s face give him away. "I wouldn't count her out just yet if I were you."
Parsna, still bound under Raditz’s foot, felt her muscles at their limit trying to push herself up and get free. Though the deeper she dug inside herself for her strength, the more force pushed on her back to hold her down.
"Using me again to try and show off for the old man. Give it up already, brat!" Raditz sneered mockingly, muscles in his legs flexing to bare more weight down on her. He let out a laugh when her arms started to bend under his power, lowering her back into the dirt gasping for air. "At least make me try.” Satisfied with himself, he looked up towards his spectating father and brother and gestured with his hand for the match to be called. From his perspective, there was no need to continue this any longer. But Bardock didn’t call it off yet. Raditz sucked his teeth, annoyed. “Tch, I don’t know what you’re trying to prove but you may as well be-” His scouter started to read off a growing number below him. “-Worthless?” 
Parsna’s trembling arms managed to tense and, the ground beneath her hands abruptly concave under her pressure. Sweat dripping down her face and struggling, she was able to straighten out her arms and get her chest off the ground, slowly making her way to her knees. It earned a surprising gape from both Kakarot and Raditz while their father watched intensely. Raditz indeed found himself actually trying to hold her down with his foot now, dumbfounded by the level of power she was exhibiting unlike any she had before. Had his scouter not read it before his very eyes he would never believe this power was coming from her.
“I-Impossible!” Raditz growled. “When did you get this strong?”
“I-I’m…not-t...giving..up…!” Parsna strained, her will unrelenting. She knew she didn’t have to win, but she won’t accept defeat this time until she’s truly given it her all and shown what she was really capable of. They had all done so much before they were her age and she’s never even left the planet. More than anything, she wants to live up to the pride of her people by doing the same and this is was her chance to prove she could handle it.
Rather than accept this “humiliation”, Raditz was prepared to break the rules of the exhibition and readied his hand to blast her with a wave of ki. But then Kakarot landed before them taking his attention. He looked down at Parsna who managed to lift her head towards him at the sight of his feet before her. Kakarot greets her with a devious grin and raises his own foot.
"No one's giving you a fair fight out there. Better get used to this!" He swiftly brings his foot down on her head, colliding her face with the ground as she completely collapsed under both of them. Freed only when she became motionless. Kakarot folds his arms against his armored chest with a pleased glare, another one not looking to be shown up by the efforts of some little girl.
While Raditz pulls Parsna out of the ground by the back of her neck, Bardock folds his own arms still watching. He can’t get behind sneaky tactics like that, but his youngest son was right. No one is going to play safe fighting a saiyan when backed into a corner. It was going to be a lesson to learn sooner or later. The older saiyan opened his mouth to finally call it off when he noticed the light twitch of Parsna’s fingers.
She appeared unconscious and dangling in her older brother’s grasp as he berated Kakarot for unnecessarily jumping in without being asked, the other playfully arguing that he couldn’t resist the urge to involve himself when his brother’s struggling to finish the fight. That’s when Parsna’s eyes snapped back open with a sharp glare and gave a mighty swing of her foot up into Kakarot’s chin making him bite his tongue. She then quickly jerks her elbow back catching Raditz in the nose and knocking the scouter from her face. Dropped, she landed on her feet and gave a mischievous smirk, proceeding to wipe the dirt and blood from her own nose and lip.
“You insolent little brat!” Raditz shouted through the hollows of his cupped hands as he held his nose while Kakarot fanned at his bleeding tongue. "Father couldn't have taught you that!" Parsna turned to snicker at them both, proud of her own quick wit. She went to brush her sweaty bangs from her forehead and checked herself when she noticed an earring missing from her ear. With a gasp, she quickly searched the little area around the three of them before glaring at Raditz. 
"You knocked out my earring, you jerk!" Parsna snapped at him, a fist raised threatening him. "That was a gift!"
"Me?! You're the one always looking to roughhouse! Learn to take some responsibility for your own actions!" Raditz snapped back with the back of his hand now pressed up to his nose to try and keep the blood out from his mouth. Naturally, the younger saiyan wouldn’t back down from him.
"If Aunt Fasha can't replace these for me, I'm telling my mom!" 
"Is that supposed to scare me?"
"You're still such a crybaby." Kakarot grimaced at her, speaking carefully so as not to brush his throbbing tongue against his teeth.
Bardock sighed deeply, his intrigue at what he witnessed quickly overshadowed with annoyance. Already exasperated by the petty back and forth between his children while they continued to go at it. He quietly questions where any of them get that mouthiness from and doesn’t see it coming from him. With a thoughtful scratch at his beard, he then raises to his feet, thick brows narrowed into an impatient scowl. "What's with all the damn noise? Knock it off already, all of ya!" He barks out, all three turning to him. "This is a fight, not a screaming match."
"One of them lost my earring!" Parsna whined to him, the older man not giving into her childish pout.
"Suck it up!"
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ravenruu · 8 years
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Goten calling Raditz Mister Raddish omfg. What a cutie
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
Oh no oh geez i’m nervous 3:
I might have liked the DBZ Yandere post of yours more than I expected to. Any uuuh crazy chance I could ask for some headcanons for a Yandere Raditz? 👉🏾👈🏾 🥺
I know he’s not big for a lot of people though so if you’d rather maybe headcanons for a yandere Cell (any form)?
Also thanks sooo much for offering writings for poc readers!! So few people do so i tend to cling to y’all that do 😭
Ohohoho i'd loved to do Raditz- i just love big and mean men unf. Which means- I gotta do Cell too obvi. ALSO!! Never be too nervous to come hang out! I love interacting and getting ideas from other. Y e s poc characters need love too
Lets all heathenize together
Yandere DBZ Crew Original Post
Tags: NSFW 18+ (there was no way I was making this SFW lol.) Yandere themes. Peeping tom Cell. Noncon to dubious. Raditz being reluctantly hot for you. D/s themes.
Raditz- Of course you like him? Why wouldnt you? No he's not gonna admit that he notices you. That's beneath him. And he'd rather you be beneath him. Taking it like a good little human yea? And maybe he's a little overprotective over you. Shutting you out from your family. Isolating you for days on end- he only wants you to see him. There may have been a little torture, but you really really enjoyed. You clenched down on him over and over again in those moments. He may or may not have killed a few of his generals… But how can he not be when sometimes you like to run. He's really been considering a leash and collar for you. Doesn't like that you're completely nonplussed by him, by what he can do. That little giggle as you skip away from him has him growling in annoyance. No, you wont be coming for awhile. No matter how you beg, maybe its time for a gag too. He's been told that he's been too soft with you. And he begrudgingly can admit that. He just gets so hard when you open your mouth unprompted and takes everything he gives. Smiling with glee when he slaps you lightly and tells you to swallow. Wont admit it, but loves how pouty you get when you cant sit warm his cock on the way to another planet. He wont admit that you'd be the reason he doesn't finish that mission. But would rather finish inside of you. You don't seem to mind that he's a bad person. That seems to excite you more. Making sure you're on his lap as soon as he's home, no matter how much blood he has on him. Grinding on his lap and begging him to take what's his. And who is he to deny such a delicious little morsel like you.
Cell- Did NOT think he would have to bother with constant thoughts of you. You, measly human, who he saw on Earth in happenstance. Doesn't think twice about you or your worth, until you bump into him. He wouldn't care- would automatically think "food" had you not touched him and looked him in the eyes to say sorry. He, perfect Cell, would never stand to be touched by someone as low as you, but his mind betrays him, thinking of how good you'd look below him. Apologizing while looking up at him when his cock is too much to bare. He can already feel the slick starting to pull from his length and he has to shove past you because he has a mission. That doesn't stop him from watching you, following you, everyday after his mission is done. He's so angry at himself to be so enamored with you. Fucks his fist fast and hard when he's staring at you through your window. Him only getting slicker when you gasp in fear of seeing him. Your scream makes him come so hard he almost blacks out. You're looking behind your shoulder everyday now, whimpering when you see a glimpse of him. He wants you to make that noise against him, while taking him deep. Its his lucky day when he sees you go into an alley alone. Silly human, he'll make sure you know why that led you to your current fate. He's so much bigger than you, holding you up with ease as he fucks slowly in and out of you. He wants you to feel every inch. Feel the power he has over you. He's breaking your mind as well as your body. Dragging his heated length through your slick walls, groaning and biting into your shoulder. You feel so good he never wants to leave your hole. Your tears have changed over time from fear to pleasure. He can tell and that makes him rut against you just a little harder. So willing to please now. Saying you want more- ah you're so greedy for it. For him. With a little hiccup and moan that makes you tighten around his length, you bring him closer, shoving his face into your shoulder- he knows he cant let you go after this. Knows he has to breed you before anyone else does. No ones allowed to touch what is his.
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dragonballer1 · 3 years
I'd Give You My Lungs So You Could Breathe (wip)
Another piece of the fic I'm writing, when Bardock is convicted of assault and battery and has to say goodbye to his family. I really like how this turned out, so let me know what you think! (TW for prison, brief mention of child abuse.)
*Note: Aba means is a nonformal term for father
“Look at me, son.” Bardock kneeled down to Raditz’s level in the courthouse holding room, staring at him intently as he never did before. Sweat started to perspire on the back of Raditz’s neck, his heart racing. What could his father need to say to require an actual term of endearment? The prospect filled him with fear. Still, he stared back into his father’s face, as cold and dead as it was. Those were his killing eyes. Those were his “son, don’t fuck this up” eyes. 
    “I’m going to be gone for a long time, so you’re going to be the man of the family. You’re going to have to protect your mother and your brother from now on.” Bardock’s gaze seemed to become even more intense, and Raditz curled his hands into fists to prevent them from shaking. He nodded back to his father since the pause had grown long enough for the boy to realize that he  expected a response. There was a faint noise in the background from his mother, contesting the point that she couldn’t protect herself. But she said nothing else. 
    “I want you to promise me, son. Promise me that you’ll do whatever you can to keep this family safe, that you’ll do what any Sayian man would. No matter what it is, no matter if you have to hurt someone.” So that’s why his eyes were so cold. “Promise me. Promise me you’ll do what you need to do.” 
    For once, Raditz was struck dumb. A heavy weight settled on his shoulders, crushing his capacity for thought and killing any joy he had from his Aba trusting this responsibility on him. Hurting people? He was only eleven. He didn’t know what he was doing. How could he take care of his family like his father wanted him to? How could he protect anything? Raditz wanted to run away and hide under the Vegetan tree in their old backyard, away from his father and this country and whatever responsibilities that landed his way. He wanted to run away and be a kid and never see his father’s killing eyes again. 
    Bardock must have sensed his eldest son’s discomfort, and while a part of him wanted to smack the kid on the head to get him out of whatever trance he was lost in, a wiser portion knew he had to have his son promise on his own terms. He looked to the guard, who was glaring at him less passively than before. They were almost out of time. 
    “Son, listen to me.” He reached out and grabbed his son by his shoulders, surprising the boy and directing his attention back at his father. Good. “You don’t need to promise me anything else, just that I can trust you to do what you need to do. That’s the only part I care about. No matter what, you do what you need to do. Tell me this.”  
    That was much easier to promise, and it didn’t sound nearly as scary. Raditz looked up at his brother holding their mother’s hand, seeming confused by this entire interaction. In the distance, he remembered the sounds of rain and floods. He remembered leaping away from his mother to save Kakarot as if it was seared into his brain. He remembered the boat ride and holding his little brother tightly in his arms despite the pain from his stitches. Above everything else, Raditz remembered.
You do what you need to do.
The eldest son of Bardock squared his shoulders and tried to look as tall as possible, pushing back his earlier hesitations. He knew what to say. “I will, Aba. I promise.�� 
A rare smile broke over the cold man, and one of his hands moved away from his son’s shoulders to hold the boy’s face. Raditz stopped breathing, eyes going wide as his father looked kindly at him, not mocking or disappointed or apathetic. Just kind--maybe even with a bit of love, deep down. The world really had ended. He didn’t care though; he would end the world himself if it meant his father could look at him like that for one moment longer. His throat caught and his vision blurred, so he didn’t see his father’s face as he said softly in Sayian, “That’s my boy.” 
Raditz wanted to take back his previous thoughts; he would hurt anyone his father wanted him to, anyone at all. He wanted to say something in response but didn't know what. This is the father who mocked him and hit him and called him useless, probably the worst father in the world, but all Raditz wanted to say was, you're mine too. 
And, don't leave me. 
Or, I love you, dad. I love you.
And worse of all, do you love me too?
Despite his best efforts, tears kept coming back into his eyes. Raditz furiously wiped them away, not wanting his father to berate him for his weakness. Sayian warriors don’t cry. 
Bardock squeezed his son’s shoulder as if to remind him of that fact. Raditz blinked rapidly, managing to become composed again against all odds. “Stay calm, Raditz. I’m not dying.” His kind look was replaced by a more stoic expression, even with his humorous tone. His father took a deep breath himself as if having to center himself away from the kind man he had become. When Raditz’s vision became clear, he saw the same father he had always known: cold, hard, and distantly resigned. A part of him ached for that kind man to come back, a part of him always would. It was the only part of his father Raditz wanted to remember. Despite those unspoken pleas, Bardock removed his hands from his son and stood up tall. Another breath and he was a hardened criminal again, prepared to go to jail for seven years and forget the family waiting for him on the outside. 
His wife rushed for him then, dropping her youngest son’s hand to hold her husband one last time. “Gine, what are you--” Bardock started to say but was interrupted by one of his wife’s kisses, holding both sides of his head in her hands as tears ran down her face. Of course she would cry, Bardock thought. She was always the sentimental one. He began to push her away only for the guards to say his time was up and start the walk towards him. 
“Oh, damn it all,” Bardock muttered, seizing his wife in his arms and giving her one last desperate kiss before the guards made him step away. Gine looked at him in surprise before starting to laugh, her eyes crinkling in that mirthful way Bardock knew so well. “You better not fuck any other men while I’m gone,” Bardock warned with a guard's hand in his arm, but Gine just laughed harder, knowing Bardock’s crude words and what they meant. This was one of the memories she would keep, the woman decided. This one would last her a while. 
Raditz watched as his father was led away from them and into the gray hallway and whatever lay next. He stood there breathless, waiting for the man to look back at his family, at the only people in the world who loved him enough to say goodbye. Kakarot watched as well, wondering if his father had any words for him. Gine watched him go with a smile on her face, holding her hands to her chest. They all held their breath to see if Bardock would glance back and miss what he left behind. 
He never did. 
Gine, after she wiped away her tears, took her boys out of the tiny hall and the courtroom and back into the terrible-looking parking lot. She tried to be upbeat, making attempts at humor and silly quips, and when that didn’t lift their moods, she offered to take them to a burger joint. Kakarot immediately jumped up and down in his seat with excitement, his solemn mood forgotten, but Raditz looked out the window, trying to encase his father’s smile and words into his wall of memories. Throughout the ride, and for a long time after, Raditz stared out at nothing and remembered. 
You do what you need to do. 
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tigerlover16-uk-2 · 3 years
So, how big of a role do you think Pan's actually going to play in DBS Super Hero? Like, think she'll be a main character in it, or are we maybe expecting too much of it just because of the aged up design?
I mean we still don't know what the actual PLOT of the movie is going to be, so it's difficult to make judgements or predictions about what literally anyone is going to be doing in the movie at this stage when all we have is some character designs and the knowledge that Pan is slightly older and Piccolo has a house now. And I'm pretty bad at making predictions this early that turn out accurate.
Like, considering they've specifically jumped ahead far enough for Pan to be in Kindergarten, her design being one of the first revealed while a lot of other characters (Including Goten and Trunks who should also be older, and heck even Vegeta) haven't yet, and that at the last panel someone actually said she'd have an important role, I don't think we're wrong about her being important to the story in some way. But that could take several forms.
Like, the story is apparently based around the concept of super heroes and just what heroism means in the context of Dragon Ball, so it's possible Pan could be some kind of viewpoint character/observer to the story going on and getting her perspective on her family and the kinds of crazy, world saving adventures they get wrapped up in. Heck, that'd make sense for why Piccolo has a house now, we could get a scene of Pan visiting him and the two just talking about things like Piccolo's relationship with her dad (Who's a superhero, appropriately given the premise).
That'd probably make the most sense in my opinion. The whole thing could basically be that Pan gets roped into whatever shenanigans are going on in the movie, and by the end she's fully motivated to start training seriously and be more like Goku and Gohan, basically leading into where she was during the epilogue of the manga.
I doubt we're going to see Pan do much fighting apart from maybe she'll get a moment like Gohan saving Goku from Raditz where she gets a quick power boost and helps out during a crucial moment, because let's be real for all her potential she's still practically a toddler while Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and the strongest Z Fighters are all basically physical gods at this point in the story, there's little she probably can do without a magic power up or if the villains have some weaker mooks.
And honestly, that'd be enough for me, I'd just like for her to be cute and endearing, get fleshed out a little more, have some good interactions with other characters and just maybe do one or two useful things while getting some character development/introspection.
It's all they really need to do with her for now until they're ready to take the story further beyond EoZ and progress Pan to a point where she can be physically capable of standing alongside the Z fighters and have a bigger impact on the direction of the story.
Again, this approach just sounds the most logical to me with what little information we have, but we're gonna have to wait for a plot synopsis or a full trailer before we can make any solid judgements on where they're going with her, for better or worse.
Hopefully we'll get a better idea of what the story is there after the New York Comic con panel. I'll speculate with you on it then.
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Invasion Ch. 8
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Description:  A planet conquering race of Saiyans invaded Earth and deemed it worthy of habitation. After bringing the humans to their heels, they set up a new society where humans had one role, to serve. You found yourself in the unlucky faction of being bought and sold as a human pet. With absolutely no interest in owning a human but no way out of having one, Kakarot made a bid on you at the urging of his brother. It was only a matter of time before you were either killed or forced into obedience.
Warnings: Smut ahead!! NSFW.
You can find previous chapters in this link: Ch. 7  or you can read it on AO3
You stirred as the sunlight peered in through the windows, moving slightly but freezing at the realization of being pressed against a firm body. You opened your eyes to see Kakarot nuzzled against your chest, snoring softly and his arm draped over you while his tail wrapped around your waist. You looked down at him and the softness of his features while he appeared to be completely relaxed. Your fingers itched to touch him, having uninterrupted access to him in the moment. A noise from down the hall sent a wave of panic through your chest.
“Kakarot-“ You shook him gently.
“Hm-“ He grunted as he squeezed you closer to him.
You kept your voice low as you heard another sound, “wake up, I think your parents are up.” It felt weird saying that and honestly reminded you of your late teens.
His eyes opened immediately as he sat up, unravelling himself from you. He leaned over and looked down the hallway, seeing Gine shuffling to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
He turned back to you, “start breakfast?”
“Yeah.” You nodded your head.
Kakarot climbed off the couch and headed towards his room but stopped and strode back to you. He leaned down and tilted your chin up as he pressed his lips to yours quickly.
“Morning.” He said with a slight smirk.
Before you could respond he took off down the hall swiftly. You couldn’t explain what had changed in him over night, but he seemed to be more relaxed than before. He was different and it was comforting. You climbed off the couch and headed into the kitchen to start cooking breakfast for the family of saiyans. You cooked every egg you had in the refrigerator, three types of meat, and cooked more pancakes than you’d ever seen in your life.
“Smells great.” Gine said as she walked into the kitchen.
“Thank you, I’m almost finished.” You glanced back at her.
She walked around to where you were finishing up the pancakes and looked over the other piles of food you had already made, “I can see why Kakarot likes you so much.”
“He um… He just likes to eat.” You stammered, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks while you thought about how your morning started with him wrapped around you.
“It’s more than that.” She offered a small smile before Bardock and Kakarot entered the kitchen.
“She cooked us a buffet, boys.” Gine walked around the table and kissed Bardock on the cheek, to which he grunted but didn’t pull away.
It was odd seeing saiyans this way. Your main interaction with them included anger and roughness, besides the time with Kakarot recently. You wondered if all saiyan families were this way, distant but connected on a deeper level that supersedes regular contact.
“Raditz will be here shortly for training. He’s growing soft, as are you.” Bardock said as he took a seat at the table.
You couldn’t help the slight drop you felt in your chest at the thought of seeing him again. You were honestly hoping that you could avoid any contact with him ever again, but that was nothing more than a hopeful wish.
“I’m an Elite Warrior.” Kakarot defended himself, looking a little annoyed.
“An Elite Warrior who is on trial and may be sentenced to death soon, and who has been in several similar situations recently.”
You fought the urge to speak, knowing Bardock would most likely end your life where you stood at the stove. You focused on finishing up the pancakes and tried to ignore their conversation, but it wasn’t possible.
“Only at the request of the Prince. Maybe you should take it up with him as to why I’m on trial yet again.” He snapped.
“Boys-“ Gine tried to intervene, but it was pointless with the two saiyans.
“The Prince gives you an order of where to be and what to do, if you stray from the mission then that’s on you.”
Kakarot let out an annoyed laugh, “you know nothing of the orders he gives me.”
“Enlighten me then, what exactly is the Prince asking of you? Is he asking you to conquer planets or murder your own kind?!” Bardock all but shouted.
You tensed immediately and wished you were anywhere but there in that moment. You refused to turn around or make any movement at all. The food was done but you weren’t about to interrupt them.
“We both follow the orders we’re given. You know that better than anyone else.”
Bardock lowered his voice, “if the Prince is giving you orders to-“
“What? You’d tell the King? Even if it were true, I’d still be the one held accountable. Is the food done?” Kakarot turned all of the tension at the table into a focus on you.
“Y-Yeah. Just finished.” You grabbed the plates and set them out across the table for them.
You kept your gaze away from any of them as you served them. The tension in the room could be felt as you moved around the table and it made you eager to leave the room completely.
“Aren’t you going to eat with us?” Gine asked as you took a step towards the doorway.
“Gine-“ Bardock said with a warning glance.
“Um, no, I’m not really hungry and I need to start on some other chores.”
“No. You’re going to the palace to ask the Prince to buy you today.” Kakarot said without a hitch as he glanced over at his father.
“I didn’t know if I needed to do that today or wait-”
“What’s there to wait for?”
You felt like you were being put on the spot in front of them, if you were alone you could at least talk to him openly about the sudden change in his dimeanor.
“I thought you still needed me- my services?”
He continued to eat without looking back at you, “you’re no longer needed. Go.”
“Yes, of course.” You felt the lump in your throat rising and a heaviness building in your chest.
You could hear Gine trying to defend you as you made your way down the hall, but he’d made up his mind and Bardock was saying nothing to help. It was stupid, idiotic of you to think he wanted to keep you as long as he could. The conversation with Bardock only served to remind him of his fate and how limited his time was, bringing everything from the last few hours to a halt. Your time together the night before and that morning was nothing more than a bliss filled break from the crushing weight of the fact that he would be dead within a week and you’d be serving your new owner.
“Finish your food and meet me outside to spar before your brother arrives.” Bardock pushed his chair out and headed out the backdoor.
“Why did you send her away?” Gine kept her voice low.
“Because I don’t need her here.”
“But you want her here.”
He sat his fork down and pushed his plate away, “it doesn’t matter what I want. She makes one wrong step or says something he doesn’t like then she’ll cease to exist.”
“Have you chosen her as your mate?” Gine asked bluntly.
“What is it with the two of you asking me that?”
She persisted, “answer the question, Kakarot.”
“No, I haven’t. She’s human, I’m saiyan-”
“Regardless of what he thinks, your father isn’t always right. If you want her here with you during your last few days, then have her. We can stay somewhere else.” Gine began clearing the plates from the table.
Kakarot knew how difficult it had been on his mother to even acknowledge the trial and sentencing before, trying to avoid the subject altogether. She had always tried to be the softer presence in their lives, offering a place of comfort as contrast to Bardock’s harshness.
“I’m not choosing a human over my parents.”
Gine placed the dishes in the sink and walked back over to Kakarot, placing her hand on his shoulder, “no matter what your father or I say, the trial is happening and with us here you’re only reminded of that fact. If she can provide a distraction for even a moment, then take it.”
The walk to the palace seemed shorter than usual, most likely because you were stuck in your head, replaying the events that had just transpired and how you were going to beg the prince to purchase you. He didn’t seem super fond of you and it was nerve wracking to think what might happen if he refused, if you’d go to the arena? Or worse, Raditz? The words ‘I’m here to see the prince’ rolled off your tongue without a hitch as you stood at the palace doors. It didn’t occur to you to talk with Bulma beforehand, but it was too late as you were ushered towards the two massive doors that led directly to the prince.
“I’d say I’m surprised to see you here, but that damned woman won’t shut up about you.” Vegeta said as you timidly approached him.
You fidgeted with your fingers as you stood a few feet away from him, “then you know why I’m here?”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m don’t want to hear you say it anyways.” He smirked.
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself, “my current owner has a trial coming up and will have no use for me. I came here today to ask if you would… if you wanted to purchase me from him?”
Vegeta didn’t even try to hide the joy he got from you coming to him, “what can you offer me that I don’t already have?”
“I can cook and clean.”
“I have chefs and maids. Anything else?” He rested his head against his hand, looking completely disinterested.
You didn’t really expect that you’d have to sell yourself all that much, especially with the way Bulma and Kakarot seemed so sure he’d buy you. Vegeta seemed like the type to value not only skill, but the confidence to back it up and you didn’t really have any other options except him.
“I highly doubt your chefs can cook as well as I can.”  
“Arrogant for a human in your position.”
“Add that to my list of skills.” You felt your heart pounding against your chest wildly as you became even more cocky, hoping it wouldn’t backfire on you.
Vegeta stood up from his throne and made his way towards you, regarding you curiously with a slight scowl on his face. You felt even more on edge the closer he got to you, intimidated by him more than you were Bardock. Since the moment you opened your eyes that morning, things were going in a weird direction as the day went on and you weren’t sure you could handle anything else. He strode around you, hands clasped behind his back and the click of his boots on the hard floor fell in sync with the thumping of your heart against your chest. He made his way back around in front of you, grabbing your face and turning your head side to side as if he was inspecting you.
“I’ll consider your request. I’d like to see this cooking skill of yours before I make my decision though.” He released your face.
“The sooner the better, Kakarot no longer needs my services.” You pushed down the sadness that still lingered from the realization that he didn’t want you anymore.
“Noted. You may leave.” He turned away from you and headed back towards his throne.
On the way out of the palace you looked around a little more, paying attention to the vastness of the rooms and the bustling groups of saiyans and humans moving about. There was a possibility that this was going to be your new home and it seemed busier than you’d noticed before. There was a curiosity of what your position would even be with Vegeta, he already had Bulma and they seemed more in love than anyone you’d ever known in your life, though he probably wouldn’t admit it.
“I take it you spoke with Prince Grumpy?” Bulma said, startling you from behind.
“Y-Yeah, he wasn’t nearly as grumpy this time.” You smiled as she pulled you into a quick hug.
“So, did he jump at the chance to buy you?” She asked as she pulled away.
“Not exactly. He said he’d think about it and he wants me to cook for him before he decides.” Which wasn’t an unreasonable request.
Bulma furrowed her brow, “what a dick. He knows the time restraints of your situation. Let me talk to him, I’ll get him to make a move sooner.”
“How do you feel about this whole thing? Like, you’re,” you leaned a little closer and lowered your voice, “his mate, right?”
“I don’t mind it. Plus, it’ll be nice to have someone else take on some of his saiyan stamina.” She smiled.
“Is that- will that be a requirement? Kakarot just has me cook and clean for him.”
Bulma pulled you aside to where you could have a little privacy, “Vegeta wants a saiyan-human hybrid, something about his bloodline and a super saiyan something. He isn’t going to purchase another human just to have them doing housework. He has plenty of chefs and maids for that.”
“Yeah, he mentioned that. So, we both fuck him and hopefully give him an heir? Then what?”
“Then we get to live like queens here in the palace, doing whatever we want. It really isn’t a bad trade off, plus, the sex is ridiculous. So, it’s a win-win.”
Bulma seemed so carefree about the whole situation, even sharing Vegeta with you. It was all so weird to you, but she didn’t seem phased by any of it. You weren’t exactly keen on becoming a breeding sow for an alien, but there weren’t really a plethora of options for you, and Kakarot was doing his best to keep you sexually frustrated. It wasn’t like he really wanted you anymore anyways. Maybe it was best to just lean into the reality of your situation between Vegeta and Bulma and say ‘fuck it’ to everything else. Your realization gave you a momentary reprieve from the anxiety in your stomach as you made your way back to Kakarot’s house, hoping he and the other saiyans were absent so you could start packing your things and have a few hours of peace.
As you approached the door with a newfound sense of purpose, you listened for a moment for any indication of someone inside. There were no signs of loud, bolstering saiyans arguing or bold voices echoing through the walls, so you decided the coast was clear.
“Where have you been?” Kakarot asked the second your foot stepped over the threshold.
“Where do you think?” You shot back, half annoyed and half startled from his sudden presence.
Closing the door behind you, you made a path towards your room and away from him, but he wasn’t one to be ignored. He grabbed your arm and spun you back around to face him.
“Well? Did he agree to buy you?”
“He wants me to cook for him first, but Bulma seems to think it’s a done deal.” You jerked your arm away from him.
He ran his hand through his hair, and if you didn’t know better you’d say he looked almost nervous, “did he say when he was going to make his decision?”
You glanced around, seeing no other saiyans around, a little curious and confused, “where are your parents?”
“Answer my question first.”
“He didn’t say,” you stared up at him, wondering what was going on and getting no answers, “parents?”
“And what about cooking for him?” Kakarot took a step closer to you.
“I answered your question, now answer mine.” You stepped back, feeling a little like prey in his eyes.
“Gone. Answer.” He took another step towards you.
“He wasn’t clear on it. Your par-“
“Did he touch you?” He sniffed the air between you as if he was trying to pick up Vegeta’s scent.
“No, he didn’t. Where are your-“
Suddenly he closed the distance between you, arms wrapping around you and his lips pressed to yours. It was abrupt and a slight shock, but you soon fell into a rhythm with him, leaning into his arms and his broad chest, needing to feel him pressed against you again. The incident from that morning was no longer on your mind, the way he pushed you aside had fallen to the back of your mind and you were helpless in his embrace. He walked you back and pressed you against the wall, his lips never breaking away from yours for a second. It was taking all the willpower you had not to wrap yourself around him like a vine and never let go, but he must have picked up on that thought as he lifted you into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Breathless but curious about time restraints, “your parents… when are they-“
“They’re not. It’s just us.” He said hurriedly as he returned his mouth to yours, his tongue slipping past your lips.
Kakarot slid his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck and entangling his fist in your hair. He held you there as he kissed you, clearly wanting you as badly as you wanted him. He pulled you away from the wall and headed down the hallway towards his bedroom. Everything about this was confusing and complex, but it was the only thing you were sure you wanted. After pushing his door open he laid you down on the bed, prying your arms and legs off of him. He stood at the end of the bed and pulled his shirt over his head, letting it drop to the floor as he crawled up the bed towards you.
You sat back on your elbows, watching him intensely as he moved, his eyes fixed on yours as if he was starving for another taste of your lips. You reached for the hem of your shirt and tried to mimic him in removing your shirt, but he stopped you. He moved your hands aside as he pushed your shirt up slowly with one of his large hands, skimming it along your stomach and over your breasts. He crawled up closer, his mouth hovering over the soft skin of your exposed stomach. Not once did he break his gaze away from yours, not even when he touched his lips to your skin gently, or when he kissed a trail up your stomach. His hands worked to rid you of your shirt while his mouth remained on you, touching you the entire time he moved upwards towards your breasts that were now exposed to him as well.
“Kakarot-“ Your breath hitched in your throat as you stared down at him, the dark look in his eyes setting a fire within you.
He splayed his hand over your chest and lightly pressed against you, pushing you down flat on the bed. Every move he made was simultaneously tender and forceful, positioning you how he wanted you and bending you to his will. He leaned down over one of your breasts, letting the warmth of his breath blow over your nipple, making you itch for more. He kept his eyes on you, watching your movements and how you responded to him. When his tongue finally flicked over your nipple, you thought you were going to levitate off the bed. He quickly quelled your squirming by sucking your nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it while his hand kneaded your other breast. You arched your back off the bed, spreading your legs and letting him settle between them. You wanted him, needed him, and you were tired of pretending you didn’t. As shameful and guilty as it made you feel, this is what you wanted more than anything. Everything else was meaningless as you melted into him and let him touch you the way you’d been craving for so long. He released your nipple and moved over to the other, repeating his slow, torturous actions until you were tugging at his hair.
“Patience. We have all night.” He leaned up and kissed you swiftly before setting a new trail towards the apex of your thighs.
As he moved down, his hands dipped into the waistband of your pants and panties, slowly peeling them down your legs. It was difficult to stay still, to not throw yourself at him and demand he go faster, but you wanted to enjoy this for as long as you could. After ridding you of your clothing he sat back for a moment, his eyes slowly roaming up your body until they met yours. His tail unraveled from his waist and caressed your outer thigh gently, soft fur prickling against your skin. Kakarot slid off the bed to remove the rest of his clothing before rejoining you and climbing back up your body. This time his tail immediately curled around your thigh and snaked up your body towards your breasts.
“Do you- I mean, is this something you want to do?” He asked, eyes searching yours for any hesitancy as he settled between your legs.
“Little late to ask that, isn’t it?” You smirked and shifted beneath him.
“If it’s not, we can-“
You cupped his face and pulled him down into a soft kiss, silencing him and giving him an answer at the same time. He groaned and leaned into you, lowering himself more, his body pressed against yours. The heat radiating off him was stifling but perfect. As he moved again, spreading your legs wider, you could feel the tip of his cock pressed against your slick cunt.
In the split second between his tail softly moving across your chest and his teeth sinking into your bottom lip, he eased into you slowly. Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling of his cock sliding into you in a torturously slow manner, inch by inch as you adjusted to him.
“More.” You said breathlessly, begging easier than you thought you would.
He grinned against your lips as he bottomed out inside of you, pushing his cock the rest of the way into you and making you gasp into his mouth. Having him fully seated within you and his perfectly toned body pressed against yours was almost too surreal. You kissed him almost hurriedly, trying to release some of the nervous energy you had pent up. He eased out of you even slower than before and paused for a moment, leaving you waiting until you tried to tilt your hips up to entice him. He thrust into you hard, knocking the breath from your lungs and making you cling to him. He set a slow pace of fucking you, each time driving his cock deeper within you as you dug your nails into his muscular shoulders.
Kakarot gripped your thigh and wrapped one of your legs around him, giving him better access to you as he fucked you harder. His hips snapped against yours as his tail wrapped around your thigh tightly, squeezing you. His mouth trailed down your jaw to your throat, teeth grazing along your skin. Everything he did, every slight touch, kiss, bite, thrust, all of it was perfect and left you panting and whimpering beneath the large saiyan.
“Don’t stop… please…” You begged, so close to letting go.
He fucked you a little faster, his cock slamming into you as the bed beneath you creaked and the headboard banged against the wall. He was still holding back, but it was intense nonetheless. He captured your lips again, slipping his tongue between them and kissing you gently in contrast to the rest of his movements. The noises filling the room were obscene, making your cheeks flush at the sound of his cock driving in and out of your dripping cunt. Your moans and whimpering mixed perfectly with his grunts and groans, along with the light growl he let out against your neck.
Your muscles clenched around him and squeezed his cock as you finally let go. Your mouth hung open against his with a slew of muttered pleas and utterances of his name spewing out. You scratched your nails down his back and clung to him more. He continued to drive into you roughly, until he found his own release, his tail tightening around your thigh. His cock twitched as he came inside of you, his cum filling you as you struggled to regain control over your breathing.
He leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours, sweat glistening and sticking to both of your bodies. Your limbs fell limp beneath him as the intensity of your orgasm waned and sucked the rest of your energy from you. The way the day began, you assumed it was going to end just as roughly, but you were pleasantly surprised at how wrong you were.
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ibitchytimemachine · 5 years
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Vegebul - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bulma Briefs/Vegeta Characters: Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball) Additional Tags: Vegebulocracy Big Bang, VBO Big Bang 2018, Alternate Universe, AU, Mafia AU, Romance, Angst, Action, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, multi-chapter, Dragon Ball AU, Vegebul AU, vegebul smut is the best smut, Lemon, vegebulocracy, VBO, Big Bang Challenge Series: Part 1 of Retribution Summary:
Raised in the shadows, Vegeta’s sole purpose in life was to avenge the destruction of his family. The key to his victory laid in the hands of Bulma, the daughter of the enemy, and not even the strange connection he feels with her will keep him from raining his furious retribution upon all who had dared cross his bloodline.
For the TPTH Fic Club this month we read @scarletraven1001‘s Retribution. I have done a down and dirty review a while back when I did mini reviews of all the fics for the VBO Big Bang, but lets dig a little deeper, thoughts below the cut!
So first and foremost lets talk about what Scarlet does really really well. She is masterful at creating believable characterizations. And something that I have noticed is even though they all have the same canon/fanon feel as you would think they should in a canon or canon divergence fic, she takes those building blocks of personality traits and elaborates on them to fit her specific story. Sometimes Goku is a sweet, lovable clown, and other times he is almost the rock for Vegeta. Its a real special gift Scarlet has for this. Also, very rarely does she fall into the trap many of us fanfic writers do of making one dimensional characters. 
Also she comes up with the most interesting ways to incorporate winks and nods to canon in an alternate universe. They are hardly ever blatant and sometimes you really have to know what you are looking for to catch them, but there are always really great references to canon in her works. Besides Vegeta being blown up (poor ‘geets), which is another fantastic wink at the readers, I really loved the inclusion of Vegeta’s space pod as a toy he used to play with. And the fact that it changed hands, and even became a mini plot point later in the fic was special. I hope it comes back in part two, cause I want to keep seeing this little space farers journey.  
So I mentioned in my original review that it reminds me of Oceans 11 movies with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, with a character having a specialized role within the unit. When 18 leaves the group, it makes me wonder who is gonna fill her spot. She's the getaway driver, and as far as I know no one else is really good at that. We see Piccolo driving at the end but he ends up having to ditch the car. I feel like the character 18 is one that would have figured out how to not ditch the car, so I wonder how her absence is gonna affect later plot points. I would also like to see what her Krillin is like... so hopefully he makes an appearance later too when the action gets pumped up in part two. 
Really book one of Retribution feels more like the first act of a play. We know what the problems in the story are, we have been introduced to the world, and the characters, and even have had the first mini climax  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° The romantic subplot is on point. They quickly fall in love, but the relationship is deep seated in childhood friendship. It is also hinted at physical attraction from the beginning of the story, so it doesn’t feel like insta-love. I don't think I need to mention how nicely Scarlet writes smut, but just incase someone out there doesn’t know, her smut is fantastic. It’s both erotic AND romantic, which I gotta admit is not something you see often. Smut is either romantic, or its panty soaking in a lot of fics, but with her smut it’s BOTH. 
I am so disappointed in how this ends. It is truly a cliffhanger of epic proportions. Bulma is lost to Vegeta, and Raditz is also gone (although I do have questions about this asshole in the guard house.....) and the WAIT FOR BOOK TWO!!! It is painful. Honestly though, this is my favorite story she has written, and I gotta say coming from the writer of Insurrection, Linked, and The Final Price (all great fics, click those links and read them if you haven't already read them) I came into this story with expectations. I really and truly hope that part two lives up to my expectations. Part one has really set up a wonderful premise that is right up my alley (much lighter in tone than some of the other stuff I rave about so if y'all are worried about that its not dark and heavy) and has romance, intrigue, enough plot to hold up under scrutiny and great characterizations. 
I am honestly amazed about what Scarlet was able to do in the first part, cause for all intents and purposes it happens in one freaking location. Bulma is stuck in a freaking house the entire time (except for the last chapter but I digress) and it doesn’t feel like the story stands still during this time honestly. There is action, the dialogue is nice, the characters interact in fun ways... I told her I wished she had made chiaotzu a dog, cause he doesnt do much more than guard Bulma, but maybe he will have a purpose in the second part?! 
It is really a fantastic piece. It is only HALF a story and I still think it is just fantastically written and the set up is really well done, so I know that when she starts writing part two it should flow really well. This is a story that you should 100 percent read. If you wanna wait until part two comes out, I honestly can't fault you for that, but I will tell you that the best way to get an author to update something is to go to their page and tell them how much you love what they have done in the comments. So if you want more of Retribution (or any of her other fics) you should go and comment on something you loved, so they know that they are reaching someone in this void called the internet. 
On that note, I messaged her the other day after the TPTH fic club discussion and told her how much I personally loved this fic and asked what her time table for dropping the first chapter of part two. She is wanting to finish Obsidian and update Insurrection before starting book two. She says she is already deep in the draft processes of the first bit so we shouldn't have to wait too long! 
If you liked this review, after you check out this fic, head over to my A03 and check my stuff out too!
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NappainAnotherDimension’s Verses {For Mobile Users}
Hell Verse
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Open Starter
Tag: #Wearing a Halo but ain't no Angel (Hell verse canon)
Setting: After his death in Dragonball Z's Saiyan Saga, in Hell based on what is shown in the series that is influenced by Japanese and Chinese folklore.
Nappa's Motivation: To explore Hell, look for opponents to fight, get stronger, or learn how to get out of Hell. Will settle for good company though.
Intended Audience: Muses who can visit Hell, will eventually go there for one reason or another, or anyone who wants to interact with the ghost of Nappa.
Space Escapades Verse
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Tag: #Fond Memories of Past Exploits (Space Escapades verse Canon)
Setting: Before the Saiyan Saga in Dragonball Z, and after the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Sometimes I may also specify that this is after their successful takeover of Shikk, when Nappa got so mad at Frieza he charged at him with aggressive intent. Where it takes place can be anywhere in space. Be it within his own galaxy or in the galaxy of another muse.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa is still loyal to serving Vegeta, and is still a mid-level soldier in Frieza’s Planet Trade Organization. Which means he’s still assigned to purge planets in his galaxy. So he’ll still be pretty aggressive. If this is after the mission on Shikk, then Nappa could be taking some unofficial vacation time, and be less hostile towards other planets and people.
Intended Audience: Muses who are from other sci-fi series or play alien characters.
What If Nappa Lived Verse
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Canon Divergent AU
Tag: #If Things Were Different (What if Nappa Lived verse Canon)
Setting: Set anytime after the Saiyan saga, but is typically after the events on Namek. Usually on the planet Earth, but can also be on other planets and in space in his own galaxy or in the galaxy of another muse.
Nappa's Motivation: After the events on Namek, Nappa now lives on Earth and is an ally of the main characters of Dragonball Z. This is perhaps the most canon-divergent of the verses in terms of Nappa’s character. He no longer feels as destructive as he used to be, and he’s much calmer than before. When he does feel bored, he will venture out into space with a Capsule Corp. ship made for him.
Intended Audience: Canon and OC muses who wouldn’t otherwise get to interact with him because of his death in the Saiyan saga. Also works well with any humans or other muses who stay on Earth. Of course this can also still work for other sci-fi and alien muses who would rather interact with Nappa after he’s moved on from his life in the Planet Trade Organization.
WINL Verse Space Escapades
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Sub-verse for If Nappa Lived verse
Tag: #Livin' the Dream (WINL Space Escapades)
Setting: This is a verse within the What if Nappa Lived verse. Set anytime after the Namek saga, or after the Cell Saga. Usually Nappa is traveling out into space visiting distant planets from Earth.
Nappa's Motivation: When Nappa is restless on Earth and there’s no big bad to fight, he likes to go out into space. Depending on what time a thread takes place in the DBZ timeline will dictate how “good” Nappa is. After the Namek Saga, he still has a mean streak going on, but after the Cell Saga, he’s mostly "good."
Intended Audience: Muses who are from other sci-fi series or play alien characters who want to interact. Also good for fellow DBZ canon and OC muses who want a thread with a sci-fi setting.
Xenoverse 2 Mentor Verse
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A Time For Change Intro
Directly tied to the Hell verse
Tag: #A Saiyan Outta Time (Conton City Verse)
Setting: Conton City and wherever else the Time Patrollers are allowed to go for training.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa’s taken out of the original timeline and Hell to be available as a mentor for Time Patrollers. So his motivation is to help other characters to continue living in Conton City. This verse is my take on a redemption arc for Nappa that picks up from DBZ canon.
Intended Audience: For Xenoverse 1 and 2's cast and for the many OCs created for this setting.
FighterZ Verse
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More Info Post
Directly tied to the Hell verse
Tag: #Out of the Hellfire and Into The Baking Pan (FighterZ verse Canon)
Setting: On Earth set after the events of Dragonball Z and after the Universe 6 Saga of Dragonball Super.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa is going to be a Super Salty Saiyan™ because of what happened to him in the Saiyan saga. He may be begrudgingly working for Frieza and be an ally with the Z warriors, but what he really wants is to finally have his revenge against Vegeta. That is his end goal unless a redemption arc is being worked on in the thread. He may also be willing to work together with Android 21 if the alliance seems beneficial.
Intended Audience: Open to muses who are featured in the game and who would be on Earth at the time of this game’s story arc. This includes Player Soul muses. If you have an OC, Dragonball canon muse who wasn’t involved in this game’s story, or a muse from another fandom etc. talk with me before sending a starter and we can discuss an AU for your muse to make sense of why they’re there.
Legends Verse
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This verse follows Dragonball Super continuity 
Tag: #Cultivating Another Legend (Legends Verse Canon)
Setting: Takes place during the Tournament of Time, which is after the Tournament of Power in Dragonball Super. However, this version of Nappa was taken out of his time before Raditz came to Earth in Dragonball Z.  Nappa’s Motivation: While he and Vegeta are working together during the Tournament of Time, Lord Beerus commands Vegeta to train Shallot, Zahha, and Gohan so they could defeat Raditz. After becoming impressed by Shallot through a misunderstanding of his words, Nappa happily decides to train and mentor them all with a particular fondness for Shallot for what he perceived as him admiring how powerful he was. (I still need to finish watching more of Alejandro Saab’s playthrough of the game, so I’ll fill in more details as I become more familiar with what happens after)
Intended Audience: Open to muses who are featured in the game and any OCs who might also be taking part in the Tournament of Time. 
Baba's Champion Verse
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Directly tied to the Hell & Xenoverse 2 verses
Tag: #Brought Back by Fortuneteller Baba! (Baba's Champion verse)
Setting: On Earth either at Baba's palace our out exploring Earth if nobody's around.
Nappa's Motivation: He is resurrected for a day to fight as one of her champions. So his job is to fight anyone who wants a free fortune reading from Baba after they defeat the other four champions she has lined up for challengers. He may also get bored and explore Earth on his own.
Intended Audience: A fairly niche verse made to interact with DBZ canon muses who Nappa still has unfinished business with. Open to other muses who would be on Earth and might want to get a free reading from Fortuneteller Baba.
Planet Vegeta AU
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Canon divergent AU
More Info Post coming soon
Warning: Heavy with Saiyan Politics
Tag: #Home Sweet Home (Planet Vegeta AU)
Setting: Any point after the Saiyan-Tuffle War on Planet Vegeta (formerly known as Planet Plant) in an alternate universe where Frieza never destroyed the planet, and the Saiyans successfully found a way to overthrow his rule over them. The Planet Trade Organization’s technology, armor, etc have remained in their use and is part of their cultural identity.
Nappa's Motivation: Without the Arcosians ruling over them, the Saiyans pretty much continue to plunder and purge other planets to benefit their own empire. They also form alliances with other planets, trading goods with them and/or send their warriors to settle their wars for them. Nappa serves King Vegeta as the top General of the Saiyan Army, and is the bodyguard and partner to the prince, Vegeta. He has lovers and children in this AU. Nappa has even more accomplishments to add to his laurels in this AU, and has a stronger sense of honor about his actions since everything he does benefits his family and his people. Therefore, he has a more commanding presence, is militantly serious, and straight-laced. Nappa still has a kinder disposition towards Saiyans compared to other species of aliens. Unless those Saiyans are traitors, or disrespectful towards him and the royal family.
Intended Audience: Muses who are Saiyan characters (canon or OCs) who would like to participate in this AU. Also any sci-fi muses who might like to deal with the Saiyans as a political power that is either a threat or ally to their own planet and people. Keep in mind Nappa’s much more political-minded in this verse than he is in others.
Tenchi Muyo! Verse
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Sub-verse to Space Escapades verses
Crossover for Tenchi Muyo! muses
More information post coming soon
Tag: #Leaving All but the Future Far Behind (Tenchi Muyo! verse Canon)
Setting: Set within the side of Space where Jurai rules and the Galaxy Police enforces the various laws of their galaxy.
Nappa's Motivation: After being insulted by Frieza for taking 3 days to conquer Shikk, Nappa decides to go AWOL when he realizes he lost his desire to kill and destroy for the tyrant he and his comrades work for. Upon being accosted by Galaxy Police Detective Mihoshi Kuramitsu, he decides to play along with getting arrested. After helping her solve a cold case, Nappa comes to Earth with Mihoshi to meet the Masaki family. (Though really it's just to keep an eye on a dangerous visitor.)
Intended Audience: A niche crossover for Tenchi Muyo! canon muses to interact with Nappa since I roleplay with a few of them in a connected narrative since we all know each other through our mutual love for the series. Also open to other muses who are from any of the Tenchi series.
Star Wars Verse
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Sub-verse to Space Escapades verse
Crossover for Star Wars muses
Tag: #Visiting a Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars AU canon verse)
Setting: Takes place before the events of Saiyan Saga. Either in the Star Wars or DBZ setting. Depends on the partner and the plot of the thread.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa is still a soldier from the Planet Trade Organization and will take on jobs for anyone Frieza is working with.
Intended Audience: A niche crossover for the occasional Star Wars canon or OC character.
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radmanraditz · 6 years
Tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
Designed by: @supreme-kai-zamasu
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What inspired you to try/create that muse/s: To be honest, prior to coming onto Tumblr I could never roleplay Raditz in group rps because other people would claim his role quickly. I got to temp a few times for someone else on Gaia, but it wasn’t the same as getting to write Raditz the way I saw him. Seeing how Tumblr rp works and how it has room for multiple muses within the DBZ RPC made me feel like, “Okay...when I feel ready to do it, I’ll check into roleplaying as Raditz too.” But I wasn’t sure if I would because I worried I wouldn’t spread as much attention to both Nappa and Raditz’s blogs.  Wanting to jump into Raditz’s headspace for my fanfiction project was ultimately the final push for me to go through with making his blog once I was comfortable with establishing Nappa’s blog.
What is the inspiration for that muse/s: Watching how he moves as he speaks, how he speaks, his dumb face, his voice, his personality, the deeper aspects of his character that’s revealed in side content... the muse is legitimately the muse. Many people in the past who picked up Raditz as a rp character in the group rps I was in would do so for self-serving purposes. To attract female characters, to be noticed with a “cool” character, and to be “edgy” without understanding the motivation behind that outward attitude Raditz has. What’s worse is...a lot of the times they did nothing worthwhile with the character. Meanwhile, I draw from not only observation, but personal experience and my understanding of human behavior to give my portrayal that believable depth.
It’s nice to write him my way after so many years of being unable to. (I got rusty and tried to stay away from doing fanfiction for many years thinking I needed to move on to writing original fiction instead.)
Thread/AU that made you really happy: I enjoy pretty much all my threads with other people. I think the AUs that have made me really happy are my Xenoverse 2 Mentor verse, and my Wished Back to Life verse. 
Something really special on your wishlist: I’d like to have the chance to make use of my other verses. Also I’d really like to get more interactions with Son family members. (Part of that is because I’m too busy and don’t want to create a bunch of threads I won’t have time to respond to.)
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: Continuing to build the relationships between him and the other muses I have threads with. 
Share something related to your muse! 
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I hate that current official art doesn’t draw his unique nose right anymore.  What do you think about character’s design/how do you came up with this:  👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 that’s ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if I do ƽaү so my self 💯 I say so 💯 that’s what I’m talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌 THAT’S SOME GOOD SHIT! 
What has your muse taught you: How to write really good, captivating villains that stick with people. 
What is roleplay for you: A chance to practice character writing, a way to develop OCs, bond with other people in the community, and a real exercise in diplomacy and good leadership. (For group rp, since I have also been a Mod on group rps on Gaia and InvisionFree forums.) There’s good and bad that comes along with RP, but for me, it’s worth it. I’ve met some really great people because of it. 
Just say something nice about other mun(s)!: You guys in the Tumblr RPC for DBZ really impressed me when shit gets real. On Gaia, things were way more toxic and unbearable. You guys made it worth finally leaving that place for good to come here and enjoy the fandom again. I love how open and inviting this place can be. It’s not perfect all the time, but nothing is. I’m really thankful for all the wonderful experiences I’ve had over the last year. It’s all thanks to people like you, coming together, making the community a pretty fun accepting place. 
Tagged by: @saiyanandproud and I also saw @biomechanicalcicada do this and planned on doing it too. 
Tagging: @krazyokami, @indomitablepride, @champanache, @blue-and-blonde, @bughammer and if you haven’t been tagged and want to be YOU ARE TAGGED NOW! :D
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For every 📎 I get in my ask box, I’ll post a thread that I want to do.
Not necessarily with the person who sends. Just a thread I want to do in general some day
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GIVE RADITZ AND GOKU SOME FUCKING CLOSURE!!! I DON'T CARE WHO IS WHAT, AND I DON'T CARE HOW, IT JUST SEEMS REALLY FUCKED THE WAY THINGS ENDED IT FELT TOO SOON AND I AM MIGHTY SALTY AT THAT- Like, the situation was kinda complicated really looking at it, and I feel cheated that Raditz is off like that and never coming back. Have them meet again. Reconcile slowly? Destroy each other? Something in between? Just Raditz being that annoying pressence just being a nuisance? Yes??? GIVE ME
While we're at it, Vegeta too. Just imagine how hard Raditz took it when he realized that Vegeta never intended to help him, even despite their implied history. Like, Goku was one thing, while they're family, and Raditz was heavily implied to just want his brother back, they didn't grow up with each other. Vegata and Raditz did though and while it's implied that whatever positive aspects of their relationship did deteriorate over the years, Vegeta still seemed to mean a lot to Raditz, and maybe he was hoping the feelings were mutual. Just. AAAAAAAAAAA
Just bring him back in general. Whether it be for redemption, vindictive antagonist, or just. Him being a fucker, I fucking waaaant-
Yamcha being motivated to fight again. Whether by friends or by circumstance. Have him overcome his insecurities and make him feel like a worthwhile member of the team again god dammit-
Pico bonding with someone else's BF and/or GF muses. Like, not even in a ship way just. I strongly believe that despite them being exes, BF is still near and dear to Pico's heart, and since Pico swooped in to save GF in Week 7 [not realizing she didn't need it], I firmly believe he'd be open to befriending her too. At least, as open as someone in his mental state can be. Just. BOND YOU FUCKERS-
Also kinda wanna do something to explore his mental health and trauma tbh? Like, idk, he's been through some shit, and he reeks of unresolved trauma and untreated mental health issues.
Also, if there are any Cassandras that wanna fuck with Pico, hmu
tbh in my headcanon, my BF muse also survived the events of Pico's School, and I kinda wanna maybe delve into how he deals with it and the shit he dealt with afterwards as a result includingPicodriftingawayfromhimuntileventuallyvanishingonhimandeveryoneelseforacoupleofyears lowkey
Aside from GF shenanigans, because gremlin GF is kinda fun, just. Throw more people at her? I mean, throw more people at all three of them, but. I want her to have more friends-
Just. Anything with Deimos. He's a new muse of mine, andI want more of a chance to play and develop him. I did admittedly come up with a Madness Combat mass crossover verse, but like. I still need to learn more about MC before deciding to do it-
Once again, closure, but this time with Chell and Wheatley. Once again, don't care who's who, just. Please-
Just. Give Chell friends. Shove her out of her stupid fucking shell-
Young test subject Chell? Yes-
I wanna explore more of Dem's history and her memory issues. Someone take this journey with her dammit.
Ghoul bby... You need more friends too you fuck. Zeke is great but you need to stop solely relying on him for social stimulation-
I'd love for a chance for Amy to shine without Sonic. Like. Just do something and succeed without the safety net that is Sonic.
I'd like a Sonic to interact with, but also just. Amy needs more relationships in general.
Can I just??? Be a bitch with Adina please??? Let her antagonize and lowkey bully you please-
Honestly. Charlie needs to suck face with Vaggie more. CUDDLE LADIES
Charlie helping the other characters through their shit? Please-
Haha, wouldn't it be crazy if Kokichi had to meet the other students post game? =]
Also Ultimate Talent Plan verse, bitches, who's up for it?
Korekiyo coming to terms with what his sister did was fucked up and growing away from her and it? Just kinda becoming his own person and not being solely motivated to appease her even after death-
And finally; Interact with my mass crossover verses bls-))
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ayekanaru · 6 years
{Anonymously or not, tell me who you ship my muse with. || Because this all honestly couldn’t fit into one ask and I didn’t want to split it up into multiple ones}
I know you are aware that I ship our muses for a fanfic I’m trying to write, but I’ve kept mention of it to a minimum on my blog because (1) don’t wanna make it seem like I expect something and force you along with it cuz that’s force shipping and that’s no bueno and didn’t want that coming off as my intention for rping because it really wasn’t. A disappointing and toxic roleplay group plus a mighty need to share my Nappa portrayal with Tumblr was (2) Our muses hadn’t interacted much anyways so who knew if they’d get along well enough?
I’ve been enjoying the threads we’ve had together, they’re worth waiting for and I am pleasantly surprised by how the two muses get along as friends. Their social chemistry is better than I expected, and the banter is so entertaining to read and write for both when they get along and when they don’t see eye-to-eye.  
I know your muse already has @asktenchi as an interested Tenchi and they do an awesome job being IC with him. There are also a great number of other muses that Ayeka gets along with too. However, if you and your muse ever feel a pull towards wanting more than friendship with Nappa, I’m gonna let you know that as of right now she’s one of the few muses I’ve had Nappa interact with that has a legitimate chance of sparking his interest for a romantic relationship. It’s alright if you don’t see it ever going down that road, because that can certainly happen too and both my muse and I would be fine with that. But I figured now was a good time to bring it up since this ask meme has had me thinking about this lately.
I know it may seem like a biased thing, but I’ve been lookin’ around at the other muses who try to flirt seriously with Nappa and…it’s difficult to find muses who have mutual chemistry with the big guy. The only one who did have mutual chemistry with him wasn’t interested in shipping at all so we kept it to flirtatious banter. She left Tumblr because she wanted to focus on her family, understandably. That was so many months ago and since then Nappa’s not felt anything like that from another muse.
Other interested female muses only remark on/compliment his physical appearance – mostly his muscles too lol – as what makes them interested. Honestly it makes me and my muse feel like Odette from the beginning of The Swan Princess. “Thank you…but what else?”
Again, I wanna reiterate that I love and value the friendship between our muses and if it only stays a friendship I’d be perfectly happy with that. And I hope I don’t make you feel uncomfortable bringing it up or make you think I will be counting on things to go down a romantic road. Just wanted to say while we do ship Ayeka with happiness and self-confidence first and foremost, we also wouldn’t turn her away from forming a ship with Nappa. 
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Some things to clear up first: 1) Sydney @nappainanotherdimension​ and I have talked about this on Discord after this ask was sent [because uh, whoops thesis and grad school, I wasn't on tumblr???] so some of this may seem repetitive to her but new to you, dear followers; 2) Nyuck, nyuck, Odette. Who would be Derek then? 2) *Zsa-Zsa Gabor voice* Please. Ze followers. No drama.
Okay, now that this is already pretty long, my answer to this is under the cut. I'm not going to do point by point, bur rather a general full-fledged answer!
I've already told you this, but when I first found your personal blog, and went through your Tenchi tags, I really liked what you had reblogged and written in your personal text posts. It must have been one of the first pro-Ayeka --or at the very least, someone who appreciated Ayeka, because she might have not been your fave, I didn't know lmao-- blogs that had accumulated enough content related to Ayeka and/or Tenchi. I did notice that you, like me, were a fan of the...crossover ships ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What I found "whadda heck" worthy was that you shipped Nappa with Ayeka! My first thought, to be honest, was "...the bald guy from the Team Four star memes?"
[ I knew of him from DBZ, but since most people my age apparently found out about him and liked him from the TFS videos, I thought maybe that's where your like of him came from? At the time, because now I know better :y ]
I'm the type of person who isn't a shipper hardcore, and for most ships that don't make sense to me initially, I go "okay, well, whatever floats her boat!" XD I did like the pieces of art there were, and I think I liked your Raditz/Mihoshi icon more because yay, somebody also appreciates Mihoshi! XD And they like the buddy cop angle of things? LMAO
But anyway, time passes, we get to chatting and then you say you want to make a blog. Cool! You want to make a blog for Nappa!
Aw, jiminy christmas.
Your worries that I'd think you were force shipping on me were the same as mine. I've seen it enough times on Tumblr that I honestly was surprised I found myself in a situation where that could've been a possibility. I enjoyed your fanfics, even the lemon ones lmao, just because they were funny but also it was me going okay, how does she believe this ship works again?
and lemme tell you, I am the absurdist around here in terms of crossover ships, both platonic and romantic. [We've talked about some others of our own too, nyuck nyuck.] I really wanted to understand because obviously, I supposed we were going to interact and I'd wanted to know how you saw them so I could back the heck away, ignore it, and try to do my thing with Ayeka properly. I didn’t really want to think of the ship when I wrote, I wanted to approach it as if Ayeka really did meet Nappa for the first time or had him enough time as a guest in your DBZ/TM verse.
Half of my worries went away when yay, you weren't going to force ship and wanted to actually interact! Whhhaaat, true build up of characters through rp on Tumblr dot com? The devil, you say!
And like you say, and I agree, the banter has been really fun? Surprisingly not really, Ayeka finally gets some respect in the manner that sometimes she doesn't get lmao. Her attempts at cooking, her own thoughts and views -- not saying everyone in the Masaki house's a jerk [they're not, and listen, Ayeka really does mean stuff too without thinking or on purpose] but you get different things with different people, and with Ayeka, it's probably getting some maturity and two-way respect in conversations befitting two super old people 8D
To be honest, sometimes I get a tinge of the cynic in me, and wonder if the writing turns out the way it does because maaaybe it's being geared towards something else? But then, like, I remember Nappa and Skuld --and Sasami!-- and how believable your headcanon about him and children is, how real it feels. Of course, the fact that you would write with anyone, and even with my Skuld who you know less about in comparison, just makes the cynic go shoo-shoo. You don’t seek out ships either -- like most people will notice if they peruse your blog, the ladies come to Nappa LMAO.
Plus, again, the threads are fun. I'm still laughing at the Xmas one where Nappa thinks Ryoko and Ayeka are the alpha females XD
In that sense, I can see why Ayeka throughout our rps would have a better chance with him. I mean I've seen your threads, it's pretty obvious who Nappa gets a conversation with, who Nappa gets a Conversation with, and who Nappa gets small talk-y with. Sometimes it's the writing, sometimes it's the character. That's the way rp works. Ayeka and Nappa have Conversations.™
I think I didn't really answer your ask as is, so I'll just say this, which applies to everyone: if the writing takes us that way, it takes us that way. I'm slowly beginning to see your crossover ship as it is, but still feel "hmm, but is it really?" It's like Ayeka and Fang: I didn't expect it, but the writing took those muses to some place along the lines of "are they...or are they???!" I would hope the end result takes us somewhere where we’re both satisfied with whatever relationship our muses have.
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Or maybe you know, either polyamory polygyny or Nappa fights Tenchi, I guess. [I vote for the Pay Per View fight during the Space Travels arc of Universe.]
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stenka-razin · 6 years
More DB Minus stuff
So I get why Toriyama would want to rewrite near everything about Goku’s parents, since that wasn’t his story. I just don’t understand why he decided the story he wrote was so incongruous to what he had previously written (unless he just didn’t care).
First and foremost, Goku’s biological parents are unimportant. They just are. The original run makes it clear that Goku doesn’t care about his Saiyan family at all, he tells that point blankly to Raditz. All of his Saiyan memories and heritage are erased in childhood, and his entire personality is molded by Grandpa Gohan and Master Roshi. We don’t need to know his birth parents because within the narrative they are both explicitly and implicitly unimportant to understanding Goku as a character. And that applies to both Gine and fan favorite Bardock.
Contrary to it’s title, the reason the Bardock special works is not because he’s the Father of Goku. His interaction with Goku is pretty minimal. It’s more of a story about the Saiyan society and it’s downfall, with Bardock being a Cassandra figure. It could basically have been any old Saiyan leading the failed rebellion and then having visions of Freeza’s ultimate defeat. Having it be Goku’s dad does help thematically link it back to the main story of Dragon Ball, but absolutely none of the story is about Bardock being an influence or predecessor to Goku. In fact, he’s very not-Goku-like. He starts the special off committing Genocide. There are no deeper ties between the two.
With that said, Dragon Ball Minus does give us a version of the story where Goku’s parents are a positive influence on him, and send him off to Earth for his safety rather than to destroy it. Let’s run with that. So... what the fuck happened to Raditz?
Like Minus shows that Gine and Bardock had a similar bond with him. Hell they even talk to him in that story. But Raditz is a complete shit when he meets Goku in Z, and point blank tells Goku that he was sent to Earth to conquer it. I’ll accept some plotholes with a good retcon, but this is massive. The whole Saiyan saga and them some is built around this conflict. Raditz bad, wants Goku to be bad like he was supposed to be, Goku dies stopping him. Was Raditz just seriously lying to him the whole time? He’s notably dishonest, but his whole lie would literally depend on him knowing that Goku got brain damage as an infant on Earth. And he keeps it up when he’s talking to himself? Alone?? Hello, Dan Humphrey (spotted: Gossip Girl reference). It is completely at odds with narrative and that doesn’t even touch upon how odd it is that Raditz exhibits none of Gine’s “softness.”
Thematically it doesn’t fair much better. Goku’s origins aren’t super deep, but having Earth’s savior being originally sent to destroy the planet is a nice little irony. Dragon Ball Minus’ version is, as many have pointed out out, a wholesale rip off of Superman. The original wasn’t amazing, but it had a lot more going for it, especially since Goku was never really supposed to be a metaphor for the immigrant; Toriyama famous didn’t plan anything. The surprise, “he was supposed to be bad!” I think works way better when you have a character so innocently dumb and goodhearted like Goku and want to give him a twist of a backstory. Especially when that backstory is a tool to bring in Goku’s evil ancestors.
Those are my main gripes with how the story reworks Goku’s origins. There’s other stuff you can pick at (Bardock is supposed to be more sympathetic, but he still kicks this story off mid-Genocide), but this is the stuff that is so at odds with the rest of the Dragon Ball canon. And of course, it is Toriyama’s story and he has every right to change the bits he wants. And I don’t want to imply he doesn’t care about Dragon Ball anymore, but at times it certainly feels like his approach is increasingly haphazard. Dragon Ball Minus is the worst offender in that category.
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darkspellmaster · 7 years
So about Matt Holt: A Voltron Theory
With Season 3 coming out some time in September I thought I’d take a moment or two to wax poetic on Matthew Holt, Katie “Pidge Gunderson” Holt’s elder brother and missing member of the Kuroberos space mission.
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Matt is an odd one because what little we have is from Pidge and Shiro’s memories, and neither are 100% correct since we’re only seeing what they saw rather than who Matt really is. So with that in mind what do we know about Matt Holt?
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Well when we first meet him in the very first episode where they’re captured, Matt is very invested in the ice and talks about how the ice may hold the key to meeting aliens. From this very first interaction with Shiro and Dr. Holt we get a sense that Matt is a young man that his highly involved in the idea of research. He’s soft spoken, polite and very invested and excited about what the universe has waiting for them.
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However this changes when we next see the Galra attack them. Matt is both confused and shocked and it takes Shiro grabbing his arm and pulling him away, forcing him to drop the ice sample to get him to move. This is very different then Katie who acts on her own when in danger and reacts quickly by either following Shiro’s lead, or reacting on her own as a means of helping herself or her friends. Matt it seems needs some push to get him moving.
We don’t see Matt again until we get Katie’s backstory when Shiro gets his memories back.
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 According to one of the aliens that the crew rescues Matt was the first set to fight and that Shiro injured him.
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 However Shiro clears this up and notes that Matt was scared. Matt states that he wasn’t going to make it and the first thoughts were of not seeing his family again.
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 Shiro then pushes Matt back and goes after the robot that is holding the blade weapon and shoves him into another alien.
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To everyone’s horror Shiro wounds Matt on the leg and then attacks him screaming “I want blood!”
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This terrifies Matt and seems to really shake him up something fierce. 
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Keep in mind that his and Katie’s father has been taken away with the weaker prisoners. (If this wasn’t Voltron I would say that he’s dead.) 
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However his look changes when we see him reacting to Shiro’s sudden change to normal, “Take care of your father.”
There’s a lot of things going on here, but I’ll try to dissect it as best I can. From these few scenes there’s a lot to take in on regard to Matt and Shiro, their relationship and how Matt sees both Shiro and himself.
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At first Matt is clearly terrified. He knows that his life is practically over as he’s not built for fighting. This means that he never served in the Garrison in a post like Shiro did. He more than likely was on the research end of things, and never had to worry about facing combat. His fear comes from an internal worry of dying and not being able to see his family again. We see it in the way that he starts to freak out and the way his body language shows utter fear. What’s interesting is that Shiro sees this too and tries to calm him down in his normal tone, however Matt’s not having any of it and seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. 
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Shiro, realizing what’s going on here, after the robot comes out and shows the weapon to them, pushes Matt back then proceeds to act crazy and attacks him, wounding him in the shin with a blow and allowing himself to be taken away to fight.
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 Shiro also tells Matt to take care of his father and get stronger. These actions show how much Shiro cares about Matt as a friend and crew member. His first goal is getting Matt out of danger, even if that means hurting him to do so, his second action is to tell him to protect his father. This shows that Shiro cares deeply for the Holts and wants to keep them safe.
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What’s interesting here is Matt’s reaction to all of this. He sees Shiro go crazy, is terrified of that, then recognises that he’s not about to truly hurt him and he’s sacrificing himself so that Matt can find a way back to his father and keep him safe, since he’s weaker now due to the wound. The fact that Matt seems to take in what Shiro says indicates that there’s respect there, possibly a brotherly love going on as they are crew mates and Shiro is the sort that will do what he can for his friends.
But what about Matt? Thinking about it a bit more, while we see Matt is scared, to me at the very least I got a Raditz feel about the whole thing. What does that mean? Well in Dragon Ball Z Radditz was Goku’s older brother, an older Sayian, but he was different then Goku. He was cowardly, afraid of death and also someone who thought of himself.
Now, the thing about Matt in these scenes makes me pause. While we can tell he’s not one for a fight, that’s more Katie’s area, we also can see there’s some selfishness to him. He doesn’t think about Shiro, he’s more worried about what’s going to happen to him, rather than trying to think of a way out and help the others. Now this doesn’t mean that Matt’s a bad person, but rather he’s less altruistic then Katie or Shiro is. In fact it looks like he’s taking in what Shiro said about getting stronger. The question is, is he looking for Shiro, or is he planning on getting revenge with the Rebels.
Remember there was a reason why those two former members left, and that indicates that whatever this group is doing it’s not going to be like the Voltron crew nor the Blade who seem more empathetic to protecting others and willing to sacrifice themselves to protect their crew. Something Shiro willingly does, Matt on the other hand…
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Then we have the situation at home in Katie’s memory. Matt teases his dad about eating peas and we see the family together. The issue is that it’s just from Katie’s view so we get more about her dad then Matt. However we do see that they care a lot about one another and that he took a picture with her.
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Things change up during the escape from the space jail Beta traz. We know that Matt was held captive for a time in a place where the Rebels were able to find him and take him. The question is why? Could his dad be part of the rebels, or was someone else looking out for Matt. Or could it have been the Aliens that were let go by Voltron that informed the rebels of matt? That doesn’t really tell us much of who knew where he was or how though.
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What’s interesting is that he willingly seems to go with them, he’s being led by the arm again and it’s clear his cell was the one that was targeted.
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 It also seems like they broke him out of a similar jail where there were guards, the robot kind, but again the question is who knew all that? Even Shiro didn’t and why do the Rebels want him in the first place.
Now here’s where things might get depressing. If the story of matt plays out like I think it might, this is not going to be a happy home coming for Pidge. Matt in the time that he’s been with the Rebels will have changed, a lot. Assuming that they didn’t just recently break him out, as he’s wearing the uniform that he was in the pit, then he’s been with them since before the time that Shiro escaped. If this is true then that means that Matt has been staying with the Rebels for some reason rather than finding a way to get to Earth and back home. Why? My guess, he’s become obsessed with what Shiro said. He wants to stay with the Rebels to fight Zarkon and get back at him for attacking them and other people. It’s clear that Matt is a sensitive caring person but also one that is selfish and tends to see things in ways different then Katie.
What I think will happen is that Katie will find the rebels, either with Lance, Hunk or Keith at her side. However while Matt is happy to have her back he gives her an ultimatum. Either join with the Rebels and fight Lotor with him and take back over the places that Zarkon had with less than good ways of doing so, or become their enemies. I can’t see this turning out good till far later, and I’m pretty sure that Matt will have to eventually accept the Voltron group working with Keith and the others. This is going to put Katie in a rather bad place, one that will ultimately pit her against her brother during events of this or future seasons.
Given that I have a feeling Matt might be more selfish then Katie I’m kind of betting on this happening in the end.
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dulali · 8 years
DBZ Ask: 9, 15, 18, 25
9. My favorite moment of all time would have to be Vegeta’s final atonement; it’s also the saddest moment for me, though! During my first watch-through of DBZ, Vegeta wasn’t even my favorite character, and that moment still made me very emotional. For Vegeta to confess his love for his family, and to give his very own life for them, it made me so sad that I felt literally sick. And it’s at that very moment when I began to truly LOVE Vegeta.
15. This is a tough one, but if I HAD to pick I suppose my favorite movie would have to be Fusion Reborn. I love the interaction between Goku and Vegeta, Janemba is a really badass-looking villain and I love his sword and ability to dematerialize, and The emotional value Vegeta brings to the movie is really good, with him struggling in the afterlife. He is really badass and AMAZINGLY SEXY in that movie too! My honerable mentions would be: The History of Trunks, Wrath of the Dragon, and The Return of Cooler.
18. There are so many scenes that got me equally pumped up, though! Firstly I would have to say Vegeta’s gravity room scenes. Gets me pumped up in more ways than one if ya know what I’m saiyan myeheheheh
I would also have to note the first battle in DBZ: Goku and Piccolo vs. Raditz! Need I explain why? Also I love Vegeta’s battles on Namek: When he smacked down Cui, both battles with Zarbon, and when he knocked Jeice’s lights out. Goku vs. Jeice and Burter was also so cool and fun. Vegeta’s battle with android 19 was pretty badass. I loved it when he ripped 19’s arms off (I sound terrible xD) And even though he got his butt kicked I loved Vegeta’s battle with 18. For some reason I like the moment his arm got broken? I know that sounds terrible but I dunno, it just made him seem very… Human? Real? Vunerable? I also love Piccolo vs. Dr. Gero. What a badass Namekian! Skipping ahead, I like Vegeta vs. Pui pui. What Vegeta fangirl doesn’t?!?
25. And the award for most annoying character goes toooo… KID GOHAN.
Oh. My. Dear. GoD. No matter WHAT version I’ve watched, the english, english kai dub, japanese, or even japanese kai dub, kid Gohan is FAR AND AWAY —the— most annoying character in the DBZ canon. Why? Mostly his voice. His whining, crying, screaming, complaining, and pathetic bitching made me absolutely RELISH when Vegeta bloodied his face on earth. I know that sounds bad and that he’s just a kid and all but JEEZ if you really wanted to make me hate this character, then by golly, you succeeded, Toei! And if his voice wasn’t terrible enough, his bowl cut added to the annoying factor xD
Honorable mentions for annoying: Fat Buu, and the big fat lady who is the mother of the two weak boys in the buu saga tournament. Buu can be hilarious though, but once I’ve heard that squeaky voice long enough THATS IT OKAY. Oh, and that big fat lady. She’s just one annoying bitch xD
Thanks muches for the asks!! ^^
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(12 for the mun shipping thingeroo!)
{Mun Related Shipping Questions! || Open and Accepting!}
12. Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
Oh it definitely can! Especially if you’re shipping with a muse and mun who brings out more of your muse’s other sides and parts of their personality that other characters might not be able to see! Is a ship needed for character development to happen? 
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Just look at how much being a #Dappa brings out Nappa’s other dimensions as a character! 
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And after all I’ve been through, I’m EXTREMELY wary of people who come off as/are ship-centric without having other kinds of relationships going on with their muse. Ships are nice. I know, I’ve written far more than I can count off the top of my head, but they’re not the end-all-be-all for roleplay. Friendships and familial bonds are fun and add to character development too! 
But since this meme is about shipping...
A romantic relationship will bring out other sides to a muse that those other relationships won’t of course. If friends are turning into lovers then that also builds a new layer to that relationship too. After all, there’s only so much of a person a friend might see in their friend crush. There’s certainly a lot Nappa doesn’t know about Poharu still. And he’s learning some of those things in very interesting ways.
Haida makes some really great statements in Aggretsuko that explains how prior to forming a relationship, you only know the idealized version of this person you like. It’s something my muses are experiencing in their romantic relationships since all of my current ones have some sort of interaction going on at the start of things leaving the friend zone:
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This can be applied to roleplaying a muse in general too. There’s only so much your HCs and portrayal ideas can tell you about the muse you’re playing. Even other ships with the same muse SHOULD be different with different muses as their partners. Just like in real life. 
Morals and views can change when certain people enter your life too. Sometimes specific circumstances can happen with a certain muse you’re interacting with and suddenly your muse who is against doing most PDA things for the sake of his own modesty and pride for his public image being a certain way might find himself getting really into smoochin’ someone special in broad daylight on the street! [GASPS IN SPANISH!]
Not every muse you come across will be able to get your muse in a compromising situation like the one mentioned above, even if they try doing the exact same things. Neither is such a situation always going to be something “going against character.” For the above example, we all know I’m talking about Nappa and Poharu. Nappa’s usual attitude towards doing something like that didn’t cause him to put a stop to things because he’s also impulsive and has been crushin’ on that lady for over a year. Because I write Nappa like he’s a person, I allow him to be complex and make exceptions sometimes. Allow him to get swept away in the moment because that was something I saw as totally being IC of him to do with Poharu. I don’t know if you’d call that character development, but it’s something I wouldn’t have expected before doing the flower confession thread. So maybe that’s more like character discovery?
I’ve sadly seen people try to explain radical changes to their character, and contradicting/hypocritical statements and actions as “character development” for the sake of making a ship work. That’s not development, that’s a form of force-shipping. And that’s no bueno. It’s easy to see when a muse is breaking character though. There is a constant disconnect between their actions and their words/stated morals given IC or OOC. 
But yeah. Development with shipping can be fun and very rewarding, but for me personally, it has to be done in a way where there’s natural chemistry between characters and some sort of strong bond. I’m a fan of slow burns, and while things escalated faster between Nappa and Poharu than I expected, that also works with their personalities, and how they met and developed their friendship etc. (They also happen to be very good at flirting with each other.) There’s always a lot that can be learned throughout a relationship too. It all depends on what works with the muses.
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Some characters need a lot more time to open up emotionally, and to develop as a person in order to properly be in a healthy relationship too. Like Raditz. With a character like him, you really can’t rush into things unless you wanna be in a toxic relationship, or a casual dating/physical only type of ship. Yet sooooo many people think he’s the guy to go to when you need to be coddled and have their muses’ emotional issues get solved. 
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Huh...this T is suddenly so bitter. Wonder why.
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radmanraditz · 7 years
{Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse. || Open and Accepting!}
((Feel free to add your own. Have fun~ ))
@turles-thesaiyan sorry this took so long! It was stuck in my drafts buried under other things there! More things can get bolded or change the more we have these two interact.
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you (if we trained or were fighting against each other) / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me (Raditz is an elite) / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re (a bit) childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you (if we’re working together) / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We (could) make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d (maybe) have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend (could see it happening if they end up getting along) / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you (if we’re working together) / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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