tainari · 2 years
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Today is a day worth celebrating, I hope this day can bring you true happiness.
                                              ⇢ Happy Birthday Kaeya 30.11
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authenticaussie · 7 years
Tagged by @rboooks and @rockingthegraveyard​
1. Cutest thing you’ve seen this week?
I was typing up stories for my mom’s grade three class and one of them wrote “he creyid ):” and I almost cried laughing because it was. Such a cute sad face guys. Holy fuck. 
2. If you could warn you past self of something what would it be?
don’t let peole hurt you because you want to be friends with them. they wouldn’t be hurting you if they were your friends. 
3. If you could change your eye color what would you change it to?
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I like blue!! ;u; Though I guess heterochromia would be cool haha
gay I could make them gay im having fucking rainbow eyes guys
4. What was your childhood dream and what is your current dream?
my childhood dream was to be a power ranger pFFFT
now it’s to write & publish & act vuv
5. Do you trust people to go through your stuff?
yeah, uhh it depends? I’m not super comfortable w/ some people going through some of my stuff but like, if my roommates needed smth from my room I dont?? care if they go through my stuff to find it?? 
And I don’t mind ppl going through my notebooks or my phone bc I don’t have?? anything I really need to hide or am ashamed abt, but I would prefer it if they didn’t, you know.
6. When is your birthday?
March 19th!!!
7.  The most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen is?
wakin up next to the gf and watching her Drool all over her hair was pre good sniggers
8.  Favorite past time?
writing and reading ;u; 
9.  Have you ever broken a bone? If yes, how?
yes! (tw for injury description lol bc it’s Extensive)
I broke my ankle in two places and crushed all of my metatarsals, which are bones that run along your foot and are Dumb and Fragile and bc I did so much damage to them I had to get a titanium plate inserted and a bone graft taken from my heel so that it would grow again properly. My ankle’s now half-flat and you can feel the screws in my foot when I flex it. //thumbs up
10. Favorite anime?
sighssssssssssssss it’s probably one pieceeeeeeeeeeee (groans @ self). Honestly tho like !! I also super love One Punch Man and FMA so Who Knows
11. Who was your role model growing up?
didn’t have one. I just?? never saw the point of it as a kid haha xD shrugs
1. What song are you currently obsessing over?
HandClap by Fitz and the Tantrums!! It’s Fun ;u; also Walkin’ on the Sun by Smash Mouth 
2. Favorite movie of the year so far?
Power Rangers wins but Wonder Woman was soooooooooooooooo good and I saw it recently. I got to see both of them w/ @2014federalbudget​
anyway pls watch power rangers sobs
What is one of your favorite games of all time?
I really like portal ;u; But if we’re talking old school I love twister!!!!!!!! it’s so Dumb even if the board is. Sticky and plasticy. 
What is to the left of you at this very moment?
My piano!!!!!!!!!!!!! which reminds me I should go play it bc I have Scales to do lol
Favorite fruit based dessert?
mmmmmmmmmmmmm it’s apple pie~~ I love apple pie so much ;u; I’ve had it as my birthday “cake” every year since I was ten lol
Looking forward to anything next month?
ummm I think I’m on holidays?? so no uni work!! lol xD
Tea or Coffee?  (Specifically what type?)
Turkish apple tea. And like I specify turkish because ENGLISH apple tea is a FUCKING LIE
Pizza or Pasta?
pastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love pizza but it makes me feel sick if I have to much. Pizza is good to share w/ friends and w/ movie nights but like.............I lived off pasta all of last yr pffft
If you’re a gamer, what’s your preferred platform? (Xbox, PC, Nintendo, Playstation yadda)
shrugs????????????????? I’m...BadTM at games haha I guess DS tho that’s fun and easy!!! ;u;
Weird thing you loved as a kid? (maybe still do)
I had a weird obsession with stories that started in bathrooms?????????????????? Like, magical adventure via the toilet, got taken through a school room sink?? Idk. It was probably bc I hid in them so much xDDD 
What is your opinion on candles?
candles are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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