tainari · 2 years
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Today is a day worth celebrating, I hope this day can bring you true happiness.
                                              ⇢ Happy Birthday Kaeya 30.11
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Hey my favorite Weasley twin writer! So I saw your post asking for Fred request and I have one! So I'm thinking Fred and the reader are best friends. she loves pranks and such just as Much as him and as a way to ask her out, Fred waits till her birthday and [ this is where I kinda get confused with my own idea lol 😅 ] he makes her a cake and she's like "aw Fred you didn't have-" then bam! It explodes and then somehow maybe magic it says will you be my girlfriend.
Love ya keep on writing for my favorite twins! 🧡
Thank you, lovely! 💖 I hope you enjoy it.
Birthday Surprise
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Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Fred Weasley was not one for subtlety. It was go big or go home. So, when Y/N's birthday rolled around, he decided to go all out and fill two needs with one deed.
"So, what do you think?" Fred asked George.
"I think," George began. "That Y/N will either agree to be your girlfriend because she'll be too stunned to realize what she's saying, or she'll punch you in the face for damn near killing her."
Fred crossed his arms. "Ok then, what grand idea would you suggest?"
George leveled his eyes at his twin. "Well, for starters, something a little less deadly than hiding full-blown fireworks in her cake."
"Ok, close your eyes!" Fred told her. "And no peeking!"
"No peeking! Promise!" Y/N covered her eyes and bounced in place. Fred had been hinting at a BIG gift all week, and his presents, whether big or small, were always amazing.
"Alright, open them!" Fred announced moments later. Y/N did, and her jaw dropped at the beautiful, if a little lopsided birthday cake.
"Baked it myself," he said proudly. "Without magic."
"Aw, Fred, you didn't have - " she began but was interrupted by a rumbling sound coming from the cake. Y/N took an instinctive step back. She'd been best friends with Fred long enough to know her fellow prankster wasn't above pranking her, especially on her birthday.
A tentative smile appeared on her face as the cake began to vibrate, and then suddenly, little rockets shot out of the dessert in a spray of sparkles that whirled around in colorful spirals before coming together to spell out,
Y/N reread the question three times before she looked up at Fred, who was watching her with an expectant smile.
"Are you pranking me?" She asked.
"No!" Fred's eyes widened. "No pranks! I really do want you to be... my girlfriend."
The last bit came out a little hesitant as Fred fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, his eyes darting away suddenly. Y/N had never seen him so uncertain of himself. It really was quite adorable, and her heart beat a little faster than it normally did whenever he was around.
Stepping toward him, she placed her hands over his. "I thought you'd never ask," she smiled.
Fred's head snapped up, and a brilliant grin spread across his face. "So that means - "
She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she kissed him.
"What do you think?" She asked after they pulled apart.
"I think I want to kiss you again," Fred grinned wide.
Y/N laughed, her eyes sparkling bright. "Anytime, my love. Anytime."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman @Havenater1920
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hjparisian · 1 year
make a wish- harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x reader (she/her pronouns) w: kinda deep, mainly fluffy, not proof read summary: it's (y/n)'s birthday but it doesn't feel like it. she doesn't want to celebrate it as it is a reminder that she's growing up and is getting older. boyfriend harry (and the rest of her friends) are determined to remind her it's still a special day. a/n: its my birthday today and this is based on my own feelings of getting older. sorry for not actively posting as much, i haven't had much motivation but will hopefully get back soon as i have so much planned out including a harry x reader book for a different platform
It was a special day, and no, not Christmas. It was (Y/N)'s birthday. But to (Y/N), it just felt like any other day. As the years keep going by, her birthday just felt less special. With the end of the school year slowly coming, (Y/N) realized that her youth is slipping away, nearing the stages of adulthood but not feeling prepared.
(Y/N) walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, fellow students wishing her a happy birthday as she walked towards the Gryffindor table where she'd eat with the rest of her friends. She began piling some fruit onto her plate when she saw Hermione and Ron sit down in front of her.
"Happy birthday (Y/N)" the two said to her. "I can't believe you're getting older," Ron points out
"Thank you," she said with a sour smile. "Where's Harry?" She asks wanting to divert from the reminder that she's another year older as well as wondering where her boyfriend is.
"He's still getting ready, he overslept a bit," Hermione told the girl.
Right after she said that, the subject in question rushed over to the group, taking a seat next to the birthday girl.
"Sorry I'm a bit late," Harry told his friends as he piles food on his plate. He looks over to his lovely girlfriend and kisses her cheek. "Happy birthday love!"
"Thank you Harry," (Y/N) says.
"How does it feel to be another year older?" asks Harry. "Are you planning on doing something big today? Fred and George could probably get food over to the common room and we can have a big party for you?"
As interesting as it sounds to (Y/N), she really had no plans. The day no longer felt special now that she's getting closer to adulthood. What was the point of celebrating something that no longer makes her excited?
Losing her appetite from these thoughts, she decided to leave, wanting some alone time. "I think don't wanna do anything. I should go now, I need to grab something from my dorm." She quickly left the hall, leaving her half filled plate behind.
Ron looks at her fading figure, slightly confused. "That's kind of odd," he points out. "Is she okay?"
"I hope so," Hermione says. "But she usually isn't like this. She was so excited last year. I'm worried."
Harry was worried too. He always wanted to ensure the happiness of his lover. He had to find out what was clouding (Y/N)'s mind and try to cheer her up.
"What if we throw her a surprise party?" Ron says. "Everyone likes surprises."
"Not everyone enjoys surprises, Ronald," Hermione huffs out. "It isn't a bad idea though. And like Harry said, we can use the twins help. We can invite her friends to the Gryffindor common room. What do you think Harry?"
"It's not a bad idea. But I want to check on her to see if she's alright," He says.
"Well you're going to have to wait until later. Class is going to start soon," Hermione said.
Unfortunately Harry had to wait til after classes to have a proper chat with (Y/N) since all the classes they had together decided to be busy so there was no time for them to chat. Didn't help that in half of them they don't even sit by each other.
The moment classes ended, Harry went to find (Y/N), dragging her to his dorm.
"Harry where are we going?"
"My dorm."
Harry opens the door to his shared room, closing it behind (Y/N). He drops his stuff beside his bed and goes over to his girlfriend and gives her the biggest hug, which she returns.
"Are you okay love? You don't seem excited today." He hears her sigh, cracking open her true emotions. He brings her to his bed to lay down, wrapping his arms around her as she lays her head on his shoulder.
(Y/N) began to speak."I don't know, its just, its kinda of dumb."
"Whatever you're feeling is not dumb (Y/N)," Harry tells her.
(Y/N) could feel the tears trying to build up in her eyes. "Well my birthday just doesn't feel special anymore, it just feels like another day. I feel like it's just a reminder that I'm almost an adult now and I have to start figuring my life out. Graduation is coming closer and closer and after that, we're all going to go chase our dreams and who knows if we will be in contact. I just wish we were still first years exploring Hogwarts for the first time. I miss being a little kid and having no worries. I'm not ready to get older Harry."
Harry shifts his body to face her, and giving her a kiss on her lips before responding.
"(Y/N), it's okay to feel like this. What you're feeling is completely valid. Growing up is scary, but it means new experiences to try. We still have a lot of time. You don't need to grow up yet and you don't have to have your life situated right now. Sirius told me to live in the present. If we spent too much time worrying about the future we will forget to live in the moment." Harry pauses for a second. "I promise you that we will all still be in contact together. Hermione and Ron could never forget you. I could never forget you. If anything, Ron and I already planned to get houses right next to each other so we will always be together."
Harry leans over and opens his bedside table, pulling out a small box and hands it to (Y/N).
"This is one of your gifts. Open it," Harry tells her.
(Y/N) removes the wrapping and opens up the small box. Inside it was a ring. It was simple, but it was beautiful. She puts it on her ring finger. It was a perfect fit.
"It's a promise ring," said Harry. "To prove that I will always be right by your side. That I promise to love and take care of you even after Hogwarts. I see a future with us (Y/N), and I don't plan on letting go of you."
The tears in (Y/N)'s eyes filled up again, but for a happier reason. She wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and pulled him into a big kiss.
"I love you so much Harry," She tells him. "You're the most amazing person ever."
Harry smiles at her. "I love you too (Y/N). Don't make your self grow up yet. You're perfect just how you are."
(Y/N) smiles back at Harry. The one man who validated her feelings, telling her it's okay to feel what she feels, who comforted her. Birthdays don't have to be a reminder that she's getting old, rather, it should be a day to celebrate life. She doesn't have to force herself to be an adult yet. Will these thoughts continue to plague her head from time to time? Yes, but it will all be okay. She just has to remind herself to live in the moment and enjoy life.
"So," (Y/N) began. "You said this was one of my presents. What about the other?"
"Oh we'll come back right here for it." Harry winks at (Y/N) causing her to blush. "But first, there's something else waiting for you." Harry takes (Y/N)'s hand and brings her out the dorm.
"Gonna need you to close your eyes," Harry tells her.
"Just do it. Please? I promise I won't let you trip and fall."
(Y/N) closed her eyes. Harry held her hand as he guided her down the stairs to the common room.
"Alright, you can open your eyes now love."
As (Y/N) opened her eyes, she sees a bunch of people jumping out from behind furniture.
The common room was decorated in streamers and confetti. A sign hanged in the middle of one of the walls saying "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" All of her friends from every house was here, to celebrate her.
Hermione and Ron came up to her and gave her a hug. Fred and George were right behind them with a big cake with candles.
"Make a wish!" The twins said.
(Y/N) thought for a moment. I wish to just enjoy my life with the people I love the most.
She blows out her candles, everyone cheering.
"What did you wish for?!" Someone in the crowd asks.
(Y/N) chuckles before letting her answer slip. "This!"
Fred and George helped pass pieces of the cake around. Harry went closer to (Y/N), placing his arm around her waist and gave her a kiss.
"Happy birthday (Y/N)."
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Back to Hogwarts // A Sebastian Sallow x Male MC (Damien Evans) One-Shot
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Happy Back to Hogwarts Day! Here's a short, fluffy one-shot that I wrote this morning since I couldn't get the idea out of my head!
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Damien Evans
Word Count: 763
“Hello, you,” Sebastian said as Damien hopped off the final step leading down from the Hogwarts Express. 
Skipping to Sebastian’s side, Damien tossed him a winning grin and then planted a kiss on his eager lips. Sebastian’s whole body lit up at the contact, which wasn’t unexpected—Damien tended to do that to him. It was a welcome feeling, one that Sebastian hoped continued for as long as they were together, which, if he had anything to say about it, would be forever. 
Damien grabbed Sebastian’s hand and squeezed, pulling him away from the train and into the crowd of their fellow classmates. “I missed you so much,” he whispered into Sebastian’s ear, weaving past Garreth who was practically shouting about his summer spent apprenticing under Mr. Pippin at J. Pippin’s Potions shop. How he managed to nab such a prestigious apprenticeship was beyond Sebastian. Garreth always seemed to explode more potions than successfully brew them.
But no matter. Damien was here. He was far more interesting to think about.
“Accio Bash’s attention,” Damien teased, yanking Sebastian out of his distracted thoughts. Sebastian chuckled under his breath. “I said I missed you," Damien continued. "Did you miss me?”
“It’s only been three days.” 
Sebastian spent the summer with Damien at the Evans estate in London. Initially, he was hesitant—not wanting to abandon Anne during the summer holiday—but his concerns eased when Ominis mentioned he planned to stay with her in Upper Hogsfield, where she had lived the summer before with Mrs. Sprottle. Naturally, Sebastian was still adjusting to the idea of his twin sister and his best friend being in love, but knowing Anne wouldn’t be alone was a comfort. Ominis hadn’t exactly sought Sebastian’s approval, but Sebastian offered it all the same. 
Sebastian had returned to Hogwarts a few days early to prepare for the new school year, since most of his clothing and supplies were still tucked away in Feldcroft. He and Damien were of similar build so he had mostly just worn Damien’s hand-me-downs in London. In truth, he quite enjoyed wearing Damien’s clothing. They carried his scent—fresh air and adventure, with a hint of old books and arcane knowledge. Intoxicating, but also somehow comforting.
“Three days, alone, in London,” Damien sighed. “A truly devastating amount of time to not be by your side.”
Sebastian’s cheeks warmed. He coughed into his shoulder in an attempt to hide the sheer delight Damien’s words brought him. 
Damien wasn’t fooled though. He released Sebastian’s hand and wrapped his arms around him instead, resting his face against Sebastian’s mop of thick, unruly hair, lifting him off his feet and spinning around, laughing with carefree abandon.
“I love you,” Damien said, rather loudly. Sebastian didn’t mind though. Everyone at school knew it by now, it being the start of their seventh year and all. 
Last year had been a whirlwind of affection, beginning with quiet gestures in hidden alcoves, flirtatious whispers in and between classes, and finally working up to Sebastian kissing Damien very publicly at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall on Sebastian’s seventeenth birthday. 
Everything escalated rather quickly from there. Sebastian and Damien’s relationship was the talk of the school, particularly among the members of Sebastian’s own house. Damien was an “honorary” Slytherin, Sebastian was Damien’s “shadow,” Sebastian had even overheard that Professors Hecat and Ronen had a running bet that the two of them would be married by the end of the school year. Sebastian wasn’t so sure about that, but he didn’t mind the rumor—in fact, he knew Ominis, Hogwarts’ king of gossip, subtly encouraged it, and Sebastian had no intention of stopping him.
Damien set Sebastian back down on solid ground. Sebastian grumbled something or other about not being a potion ingredient to toss around, but the playful tone in his voice gave him away. He quickly reclaimed Damien’s hand, reestablishing their connection.
“Are you excited for our final year?” Damien asked.
“Excited is, perhaps, an understatement,” Sebastian said, smirking.
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“I fully intend to make this year our most memorable yet.”
Damien raised an eyebrow, a playful smile curling on his lips. “And how do you plan to top last year?”
Sebastian leaned in, his voice a low whisper. “Oh, you know me. I’ll come up with something.”
“I look forward to it.”
Damien smiled, his golden-brown eyes twinkling in the soft afternoon light.
To their final year, Sebastian thought, and to the adventures yet to come. He took a deep breath, then stepped forward, his heart racing with anticipation. It was bound to be a great one.
[ Read Sebastian and Damien's series on AO3 ]
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zephrunsimperium · 1 year
Happy birthday to fandom darlings Stanley and Stanford Pines!!!!
To celebrate the anniversary, my siblings and I partied hard; it’s what the twins would want, I’m sure.
We bought jellybeans (I told my siblings, “first one to find the jellybeans gets a hug from Ford!” I found them first and my 7 year old sister hugged me in Ford’s place)
My siblings worked on a poster (you can see some of it in the pictures below)
We had Gravity Falls on in the background for most of the day (my siblings have watched the Weirdmageddon episodes an ungodly amount of times)
I made a shrimp chowder for dinner (because I wanted something seafood and shrimp is the only thing from the sea I can stomach)
We invited a handful of fellow GF fans to share my Journal 3 berry pie! (It has edible glitter!)
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I haven’t been part of this fandom for very long, but it’s had an absolutely indelible impact on me, in great part due to the other incredible fans I’ve befriended recently. All the love for every one of you, artists and fic writers and anyone who’s been impacted by the story that brings us together.
Y’all are amazing. 💙
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wiredcapability · 1 month
SOBBING JEN MY FELLOW VIRGO !! IT'S YOUR BIRHDAY ;-; ♥ ! Happy birthday to such a lovely soul like yourself, and I hope you get everything you ever want in life ! and if you eat cake, I hope you get the best damn cake and enjoy it ! Seriously I adore you so much, and your Negan is just so perfect like you ;-; ! Happy to wish you a happy birthday and to see all the many things you'll accomplish and achieve ! Like bless you, and bless everything about you. My fellow virgo and forever my muse twin xoxo ! Happy birthday ! Happy birthday ! 🎂
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Dellaaaaa, my love !!!! Thank you so much for this omfg I sobbb !!! Like pls I love you so much and this means everything !!! Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuuu !!!!!
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rothjuje · 1 year
The Israel-Hamas war is taking up a lot of space in my brain. I’ve had constant anxiety since everything started and instagram is jarring with all these photos of war and then photos of fellow Americans blissfully unaware, or at least unaffected.
You know the saying “it’s a small world”? Well it definitely is in the Jewish community, every one of us knows of someone that has been killed. Thank Gd we do not have family there like so many of my friends do.
The twins turned four today. I haven’t had time with the current chaos (their birthday party, Peabody’s eye appointments, and in-laws in town) to dwell on it much, but I am deeply saddened that my babies are no longer babies.
I threw a large party for them and in hindsight, I probably invited too many people (but I didn’t want to exclude any of my friends with similar aged kiddos). It was fun but also pure chaos. Pure chaos. And lots of shots of cinnamon moonshine which I’m not even sure how that happened honestly. Have I turned into my parents, throwing large parties and encouraging day drinking and shenanigans?
Peabody ulcerated his cornea and it has been miserable (mainly for him, but also for me) we’ve had appointments at least once a week for two months now, two procedures, and a surgery and nothing has worked. They want to do another surgery that is 4k that they promise will work but man who has 7k just laying around? Dogs are so expensive, when he goes I can’t see getting another one for a long, long time.
I am in such a weird place mentally right now. Devastated about the war, sad about the birthdays, stressed about Peabody’s eye, drained from a crazy past few days of getting ready for the party, going to the county fair, the party, going to the zoo, celebrating their actual birthday. I could sleep for a week.
I am excited about this weekend though (lots of fun things planned) and about my friend crush (she’s super cool and we have so much in common). I’m even a little excited about Justin traveling next week. I desperately need space to process my feelings, and also I am happy to not have to share the tv because I need some dopamine via chick flicks.
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wolfstarslittlebug · 2 years
Did I Mention?
George Weasley X GN!Reader
Summary: It's George's birthday and you decide to give him a very musical gift.
Warnings: It's fluffy!! Gender-neutral partner!
A/N: This is definitely inspired by Descendants :DD Also lyrics are in italics and bold! Enjoy my friends!
I sat impatiently at the Gryffindor table, eagerly waiting to give my gift to George. A full five months we had been a couple, but I’ve known him much longer than that. I placed two small gift boxes next to me, one purple and the other orange. 
“What did you get?” Ron asked, noticing the bows. 
“Cupcakes!” I beamed. 
“No offence Y/n, but wouldn’t they want something more than a cupcake? Especially since one of them is your boyfriend?” Ron questioned. 
“Oh don’t be silly, this is just the first present!” Surely I’d want to spoil my beloved boyfriend for his birthday, one just isn’t enough. “And don’t worry, the one for George comes with a surprise!”
I know for a good fact that I looked utterly insane with the maniacal smile I had plastered on my face. Soon we heard the loud voices of the Weasley twins enter the Great Hall, dramatically of course. 
“Good morning my fellow citizens!” Fred announced as he approached the Gryffindor table. “Seventeen years ago today, legends were born. And one of those legends was me.”
“Happy birthday Fred,” I greeted, beginning to search for my boyfriend.
“And the much more honoured and attractive legend has arrived!” I heard George from behind me. I looked up to see his tall smiling figure, “Hello, my love.”
“Doesn’t the sun just seem a million times brighter this morning?” He cheered, leaning down to hug me from behind, cuddling me like a stuffed bear. 
“Must be because a cute human was born on this day.” I simpered, then grabbed his face, kissing him on the cheek, “Happy birthday Georgie!” 
“Sooo, what’s in those little boxes you’ve got there Y/n? May it be a little somethin’ somethin’ for your favourite humans?” Fred leaned forward, acting as if he was a shy little girl, politely begging for her gift. 
“Perhaps.” I teased. I slid Fred’s orange box across the table, “Happy birthday Fred!”
“Thank you, kind sir.” He pretended to bow, opening his small treat. 
I then handed George his little purple box. A little note hung from the bow, a heart next to his name. 
“For moi?” He sat next to me, pretending to get emotional.  George opened the small box of the cupcake I had baked him yesterday. 
“My favourite!” George smiled sheepishly, then kissed my forehead. 
“You should try it!” I encouraged him. George then took a bite out of his cupcake and gave a smile at the baked goods. 
“You like it?” I asked him, he nodded like a little child. 
 “It's godly,” George’s face had a sudden look of loss for words.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t know. I suddenly feel like… tingly.”
“Oh?” All I had to do now was sit back and enjoy the show.  
“You didn’t poison me, did you? 
“Nope!” I giggled. “How are you feeling Georgie?”
“Like I want to sing.” In seconds, George stood up from his seat and began to shout.
“Everyone, I have an announcement,” everyone turned to George, wondering what could possibly be happening now. Then he turned to look down at me, “For y/n.”
Suddenly, music was heard and George grabbed his wand, using it as a mic.
“Where the fuck is music coming from?” Fred looked around, confused. George then began to move, dancing you could call it. Fred’s face then lit up with amusement, “Ohoho, this is a good birthday present!”
Soon George began to move, his legs feeling the beat of the song. And soon enough he began to sing…
Did I mention that I'm in love with you?
And did I mention there's nothing I can do
And did I happen to say?
I dream of you every day
But let me shout it out loud if that's okay ay ay
If that's okay (Hey!)
“Y/n?” George stopped singing for a moment, looking down at me.
“Musical Love Potions.” I simply explained with a grin, “Happy Birthday, my dear!”
George’s face turned from confusion to a grin, complimenting my cleverness, “Oh, you’re evil, Y/l/n.” 
George continued to sing, now dancing on the long table and using his wand as a microphone. 
I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her and I won't never stop
I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me
But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees
And with those lyrics, George fell to his knees in front of me. He leaned toward me, holding my face, moving in to quickly kiss me. Only for him to wander away, singing the next lyric. Rude. He seems a lot quicker with his moves than normal. 
Because my love for you is ridiculous
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's (Ridiculous!)
Just (Ridiculous!)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
The rest of the Gryffindor table chanted the lyrics. George continued to sing with a confused look on his face, he seemed to enjoy it. George was never one to dance. When we’d go to parties he’d stand by and watch me enjoy myself. I guess he’d never truly tried until he was forced to. 
Well did I mention that I'm in love with you
And did I mention there's nothing I can do
And did I happen to say?
I dream of you every day
But let me shout it out loud if that's okay ay ay
(Yeah!) If that's okay
The whole Gryffindor table seemed to have been under the potion as everyone was dancing and chanting, answering George's song. George then slid across the table and took off his cloak, throwing it at me like a jock throwing his jacket into a crowd. I reached up to catch it, then put his large cloak over mine.  
Because my love for you is ridiculous
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's (Ridiculous!)
Just (Ridiculous!)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss, c'mon now!
George fell to his knees, sliding across the Gryffindor table like a rockstar, ending his number. I laughed at his performance. 
“MR. WEASLEY!” The attention turned from George to the loud voice of Professor McGonagall, standing at the end of the table stunned, “Please get off the table! As much as that show seemed to have been enjoyed by the students, it’s no longer the Yule Ball.” 
“Sorry professor!” George couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he apologized to McGonagall. He hopped off the table, soon hearing a cheer from the student around him. As always, McGonagall left with a look of tiredness, wondering where our ridiculousness emerged from. George then turned to me, noticing the snarky look I had written on my face. 
“Who knew you could sing?” I smirked, enjoying the sight of George with a post-performer look. His shirt and tie were loose and his hair was a god-blessing mess.  “It was impressive.”
He took a moment to catch his breath. I fixed his tie as he watched me, unable to contain the insanely noticeable smug smirk on his face.
"Magical love potions, what do you think?" I asked as I looked at him, seeing his eyes gleaming with joy. It looked as if George was more blown away by his performance than I was. “What?”
“You know I meant everything I said, or I guess sung.” George grinned. 
“Did you now?” I began to pull him closer by his Gryffindor tie. 
“Of course. Did you not hear the song? ‘I would give up my kingdom for just one kiss’.” He grabbed my waist, pulling us closer than we could be. 
“Really? Prove it.” I simpered. 
“Watch me.” He spoke as he leaned into me, kissing my lips softly. We both smiled through the kiss. I pulled away for a moment to look at George, quickly to tell him, “Thank you, your majesty.”
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stripesysheaven · 17 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINNN 🎉🎉🎉hope you've had the greatest bday!! <333
(and sorry for the lateness of this ive been celebrating with irl friends)
THANK YOU TWIN <33333 im glad my fellow september 7 buddy also had a good birthday 🥳
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shephar · 1 month
Happy birthday, Izanami.
Izanami (me) in HSR.
"No Easy Way"
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I look like albedo IRL, btw, just uglier because I am real.
"Me? Oh, you know. I'm Izanami. Nothing special about me, honestly. Hahaha..."
Izanami is an Imaginary damage type character, an Emanator of Elation.
Their weapon of choice is a deck of cards, instead of having Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs, the deck had Stars, Eyes, Rectangles, and Bones.
About: Self.
"Ahh, hmm. You wish to know more about me? I'm afraid there's not much to say, you know. I travel the stars..."
They wear loose clothes, aesthetics not mattering as long as it's comfortable.
A billowy T-shirt, a long coat, jeans, an obnoxiously long scarf.
About: Clothes.
"Where I got these? I don't remember, back when I was mortal at the very least. Thousands of years ago, maybe. Haah, I hope I can rest soon, my bones ache."
For their talent, Izanami guarantees to have half their hand full of cards that match for a set, and if characters who require attacks or skill points to use their ultimate instead of Energy are in the party, they have two extra points.
Their basic attack as a Blast damage where Izanami launches 3-1 useless card/s at the enemy, those cards going back in the shuffle.
Voice Line: Ultimate.
"50/50, winner takes all! My life or yours, let's find out who takes the money. Laughter."
Izanami's skill debuffs opponents speed and reshuffles useless cards in their hand, along with boosting Crit Rate for the party and depending on who the other party members are (Qingqiu, Aventurine, Silver Wolfe, Welt) this can be buffed higher, or lowered.
Their Ultimate is a giant screen, opened on a blank canvas that just says "Pull 10", when clicked, it either gives a 4*, which leaves Izanami at 1 HP and buffs the other members, or leaves the opposing side at 0 HP. For bosses, that's lowered to 50% HP and a debuff.
Ask: Aventurine.
"My thoughts on Aventurine? I ran into a friend of his once, at least I think so. They thought I was related to him, they saw my hair and my luck when I was betting on something. I won, of course, but they said that the Aventurine fellow has incredible luck. I just have luck for the funniest outcome."
Izanami's quest to get them on the ship takes place on the Astral Express, them bumping into the train as they walk along the stars. They ask for directions to the nearest space station, and are on their way.
"Ahh, the Astral Express is much warmer than the expanse of space. I wouldn't recommend walking the stars, friend."
Eidolon Activation.
"I don't see why you gave me that, aren't there better characters you could get?"
Their Eidolon only buffs the length their buffs last. No whale buffs.
"Yahaha! Get ready Astral Expressers" is their line when pulled.
Added to a team with Welt.
"Hah, Earth boy. Wait. I'm from Earth. What's up fellow earth guy. Forget I said anything."
Izanami would be yet to appear within the main story, outside of mentions by Sampo or Sparkle.
Sampo: "Oouh, my good buddy Izanami, whatever are you doing to keep you so busy."
Added to a team with Aventurine.
"Woah, we're twinning. Crazy."
Status when they leave the story: Unknown, but assumed dead.
"Wouldn't it be funny if I said that I'll see you again but I died and you never got to know anything more about me? Hahaha!"
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supercuteimagines · 10 months
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Authors Note: This chapter is mostly for character introduction and to set the overall mood of the story. There will be more reader POV narrative in future chapters. This is also slow burn for romance so please bear with me!
---This is a repost from my main account, if you are interested in following this story please follow that page! Thank you!! Christine Evergla
Hope you enjoy!
Rewriting History (Weasley Twins x F!Reader)
Chapter Synopsis: Harry's third year at Hogwarts is not starting out the way he had anticipated.
Chapter 1: A Warm Welcome
The air was thick with soot and ash, surrounding the area in a cloud of darkness.
Angry grunts and cries of pain were followed by several flashes of green and red. Spells ripped across the space like lightning in the night sky, desperately hoping to strike their intended targets. 
The bodies of fellow witches and wizards–friends, hit the ground with muffled ‘thuds’. 
The stench of death hung bitterly in the air and the feelings of fear and desperation seemed to be the only emotions capable of being had. 
What was once a happy place–filled with laughter and magic, was now a war zone.
The crumbled ruins of the castle laid haphazardly in the background and encircled the chaos. 
Hogwarts was no more.
But that wasn’t the thing that made Y/N’s heart clinch with dread.
The streets of Little Whinging were dark and quiet.
Loose paper and fallen leaves blew lightly along the pavement; the cool breeze doing nothing to ease the chill running down Harry’s spine. 
Running away from the Dursleys house had felt right at the time. He had been so angry and frustrated that the idea of leaving was the only thought that had crossed his mind. But now, as he sat underneath the dull light of a street lamp, on the damp curb with nothing more than a thin jacket to keep him warm and his suitcase to keep him company, Harry wondered if he should have just dealt with the aftermath of inflating his Uncle’s sister. 
‘No’, Harry thought, ‘Better to be cold and free than trapped and punished’. 
That house was suffocating and staying there another second was not an option. Harry couldn’t bear to hear another word of that horrid nonsense spoken about his parents. 
“All lies,” Harry muttered through gritted teeth. 
He was glad she was currently blown up like a birthday balloon and floating off somewhere far away into the sky.
The lamp above him flickered violently for a moment before shutting off, enveloping him in bitter darkness. The now ice cold breeze swept across the young boy’s skin as the sudden shriek of rubbing metal echoed throughout the street.
Harry jumped at the sound, glancing behind him with wide eyes and chattering teeth. For a moment, he watched the chairs of a swingset move back and forth, and the carousel a few feet in front of it spin counterclockwise. Both of them seemed to dance half-heartedly with the wind and the eerie sound of groaning metal made Harry gulp. 
The young man could feel his heart rate quicken, and tried his best to swallow the fear that started to climb its way up his throat. 
‘You’re being silly Harry. It’s just a playground,’ He scolded himself. 
The sudden sound of a twig breaking in front of him caused the breath in his lungs to stop short in his throat, and he quickly turned to meet a pair of glowing eyes. 
Surprised, Harry scrambled to his feet and watched carefully as a large, black, mangy-haired dog slowly stepped out from the bushes across the street. 
Neither one of them broke eye contact as the beast emerged from the shadows. 
Harry’s hand crept towards the wand in his left pocket, his heart now pounding against his skull. The dog growled and its ears laid flat on top of its head as it bared its teeth and narrowed its eyes. 
It felt like the creature was staring into Harry’s soul.
In a matter of seconds, the dog barked, he had drawn his wand, and was suddenly knocked back by an invisible force. 
Harry grimaced as his back hit the wet pavement, screwing his eyes shut as a small wave of pain washed over his tailbone. His round frames slipped slightly down the bridge of his nose.
Just in time for the blinding lights and obnoxious horn of the Knight Bus to flood his senses.
And for the mysterious creature to vanish. 
The Great Hall was a sight to behold as usual. Lit warmly with hundreds of floating candles that rested peacefully above the four House tables. 
Listening to the Toad Choir perform was proving to be a difficult task for Harry. His mind wandered to thoughts of one thing and one thing only. Or rather– one person.
Sirius Black. 
It was a name that had followed him the moment he boarded the Knight Bus the previous night. 
From the Minister’s vague chastising and Mr. Weasley’s very direct warning at The Leaky Cauldron, it appeared to Harry that his trouble’s with Sirius Black were only just beginning. 
The incident with the Dementor just a few hours prior only solidified the growing pit of worry in the young wizard's stomach.
Harry was hoping the trail would end here, now that he was within the borders of Hogwarts. 
“Something wicked this way comes,” The song ended with a rather, seemingly, fitting message.
Harry did his best to gulp down his anxiety.
“Welcome! Welcome, to another year at Hogwarts,” Dumbledore’s voice echoed throughout the Great Hall, raising his arms in greeting to all of the students. 
Their clapping ceased and all attention rested solely on the Headmaster. 
“Now, I’d like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast,” The old wizard chuckled, causing the room to mutter in amusement. 
“First, I’m pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who’s kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck Professor!” Dumbledore gestured back towards the teacher's dining table. The room began to clap in acknowledgement and welcome. 
Standing from his place between Professor Snape and Professor Babbling, Professor Lupin gave a small bow, hands clasped tightly in front of him as he gave the students his greeting.  
Harry smiled softly, recognizing the man who had saved him on the train. Had it not been for him, he was certain the outcome would have been a lot worse than simply fainting.
“Of course! That’s why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry.” Hermione concluded, giving her friend a smile from across the table.
“Pstt, Potter- Potter,” The all too familiar, condescending tone of Draco Malfoy whispered from the Slytherin table behind the boy, causing Harry to roll his eyes in annoyance as he looked back at him. 
“Is it true you fainted?” Malfoy asked in mock concern. Harry frowned as Crabbe made a point of dramatically putting his hand to his forehead and sighed.
“I mean, you actually fainted?” The blonde haired boy smirked.
“Shove off Malfoy,” Ron spat from Harry’s left, grabbing his best friend's arm and turning his body back towards his plate. 
He flashed Draco a glare, while Hermione shot him a look that was nothing short of venomous. All the pure-blood did was snicker in response. 
“How did he find out?” Harry grumbled, his eyes downcast in frustration.
“Just forget it,” Hermione reassured him, shaking her head and turning her attention back towards the Headmaster. The boys in front of her decided it would be best to do the same.
“Our Care of Magical Creature teacher of many years, has decided to retire, in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs,” The man had said it so casually, as if the idea of losing one's limbs was as simple as brushing one's teeth. 
The sound of Fred and George’s snickering a few bodies down the table did not go unnoticed by the trio.
“Fortunately, I’m delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!” Excited clapping and enthusiastic whistling followed, the Gryffindor table being the loudest of the celebratory cheers. 
The gigantic man stumbled to his feet, hitting the table in front of him as he nervously stood. Cups and plates clattered lightly against the wood. He gave the students an anxious smile. 
Harry couldn’t help but grin as Professor McGonagall pulled the towering man’s arm to once again settle into his seat. 
“Now, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban,” Dumbledore’s tone was grim, listening to the sound of hushed voices of disbelief that took over the Great Hall.
“Until such a time as Sirius Black is captured.” 
There it was again– that name. 
“Additionally, due to the nature of these unique circumstances, we will also be welcoming a new transfer student from Ilvermorny,” As he spoke, Professor McGonagall stood from her chair and walked towards the door closest to her position at the table. 
“Please, give a courteous welcome to Ms. Y/N Black,” As soon as the name left his lips, a roar of surprised gasps filled the air, followed by a chorus of different sentences gossiping back and forth: “Is he serious?” “Is this a joke” “No way this is real” “Black is sure to show up now”. There was a look of disbelief on almost every single student's face. 
“Dumbledore must be right out his mind to be letting her ‘ere.” Ron said, his face twisted in distaste.
“Think about it Ron. If the ministry thinks that Sirius Black is going to show up at Hogwarts, then they need to give him as many reasons as possible to show up.” Hermione reasoned, leaning forward to quietly relay the information to the duo sitting across from her. 
“Yeah, as if killin’ Harry isn’t a good enough reason,” Ron grumbled back. Hermione rolled her eyes in response. The pair looked towards their friend in concern.
Harry could hardly say he was paying attention to them.
“Settle down! Settle down,” Said the booming voice of the Headmaster, narrowing his eyes at all the students in front of him. His gaze rested on Harry for just a moment.
“Come on dear,” Professor McGonagall assured, waving her arm in order to coax the young woman through the door and towards the center of the room.
The Great Hall was deafeningly quiet as she came to stand next to Professor Dumbledore. All eyes watching her every move. 
Harry couldn’t help but observe her appearance, curiosity taking over as he watched her stand near the beloved professor. 
She was already wearing a Hogwarts uniform– at least, part of the uniform. She wore a white, button-up shirt, half hidden underneath a black cardigan. The top two buttons were undone and no tie seemed to be present around her collar. The black pleated skirt she wore rested comfortably down onto her mid thigh, exposing the s/c skin along her legs. Black socks came up to her knees and the shiny black shoes that every other student wore covered her feet. She wasn’t very tall, but not overly short either. Smooth locks of h/c hair rested peacefully on top of her shoulders, falling just above the curves of her chest. A few strands sat stubbornly in front of her eyes.
She was too far away to really see anything else, but she seemed like a normal teenager.
But the daughter of Sirius Black couldn’t really be classified as “normal”. Not here at least.
The girl’s eyes scanned the room as her fingers twitched nervously at her sides, but her expression remained calm and her stature upright and confident.
All attention was on her. Some are curious. Some cautious. Most, however, were filled with suspicion and mistrust.
“She will be continuing her education as a fifth year student. Of which house she will be joining– well, that remains to be seen.” Continues Dumbledore with a soft, knowing smile.
“Slytherin no doubt,” The red-headed third year muttered. He received a small kick in the shin underneath the table.
“Ow- Hermione!” “Shut it Ronald.”
Gingerly, Professor McGonagall approached to stand behind the girl, the all too familiar looking Sorting Hat gripped softly in her left hand. 
It sprung to life as soon as it touched the young woman’s head.
“Aaahh. It’s been a long time since I’ve had one of your kind in my presence,” The Sorting Hat said slyly. The room chatted lightly in response.
“Hmm, yes- quite a fascinating mind. Yes- yes!” The hat squirmed in excitement.
“Such interesting pieces- courage; ambition; intelligence– an unwavering loyalty to people who don’t even know you~” It cooed.
The girl tilted her head, narrowed eyes pointed up towards the cap in a way that was almost warning.
“Oh I’m sorry.” It said sarcastically, “Have I said too much?” The hat asked teasingly and flapped its rim in mock surrender. 
Harry frowned, wondering what exactly the old hat meant.
‘Could he mean Sirius Black?’ The thought made him almost choke on his own spit.
“A complicated mind for just one house. One house, one house…” Its face scrunched up in thought as it mumbled to itself.
The young woman's eyes once again scanned the room. Searching.
“I know just where to put you! Yes–yes! The perfect house for you.” 
The room was silent, looking at the pair with heavy anticipation as they waited with bated breath.
Y/N's eyes found Harry’s in the sea of watchful gazes. 
The silence was deafening.
Harry’s heart thumped heavily against his chest as he stared back at her.
Both of their gazes were unwavering– locked in a quiet stand-still. 
“Better be….
Harry's ears were ringing.
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curioussatoru · 2 months
[AHHH :(( so sweet of you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY TWIN!!! i hope you have a wonderful birthday my fellow leo]
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geraniumplant · 2 months
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Hiya. ❤️ Just stopping in to celebrate the July birthdays. Vash & Knives Birthday is today!! Happy Birfday fellow Plant twin roleplayers! 🎉
If you'd like to send Birthday messages to Vash I'll take priority answering those. Grimmjow's birfday is July 31st. Can't forget the chaotic cat arrancar! He is also accepting birthday messages, but probably won't be polite about them. 🤭
Annnd the mun's birfday is sometime between the two. I'm not expecting to do anything special, I just think it's cool to share a birthday month with two of my muses. & of course happy birfday to my fellow July babies & Leos! Shine on my sibling fire signs! 🌟
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galatariel · 2 months
zay my beloved!!!!! my fellow 03 liner!!!! wonderful creator, brilliant mind, and absolute icon!!!! that's you!!!!!!!!! happy birthday!!!!!! i hope you have such a wonderful day full of the very best because that's what you deserve ♡♡♡
my fellow age-twin <33333333 this is so nice of u to say and send in 😭 🤒 💛 i appreciate it sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!
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neonhairspray · 3 months
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Your birthday twins, Po and Eevee, wish you a Happy Birthday today!! And to my fellow Cancerian, may your day be all you want it to be and more 🦀🦀🦀
OMG! I don't care about the celebs I share my birthday with,THIS is the real thing ☺️
Greetings to your kitties as well! Lots of cuddles and delicious treats flying their way 🥰
And thank YOU, fellow crab sis! Ačiū,as we say here. This was so so sweet of you 🥹
🦀 Crab powaaah🦀 hehe
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plaindangan · 3 months
It's Emma's birthday! And she's gonna celebrate it by stripping naked and twerk in the Jack-O Pose~
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"You got that right~ It's my very own special day, and this birthday girl wants her own guests to Jack-O' to her!! Pfffftt!! Get it? Jack O'? Jack off?!!!" Emma giggled at her own pun...before shooting a glare to her audience. A tied up Iroha, Nikei, and Hajime, all down to their underwear.
"Ohhh!!!!! A-a-aah...ahahahaahaha!!! Th-that's funny!!" Iroha quickly said, wanting to avoid Emma's wrath on her special day. Especially since last time she messed up it had her own phat booty sharing in Emma's birthdays spankings.
"Hey, if it gets to the superstar throwing it back for us, I'm not complaining!!" Nikei said, shrugging his shoulders and looking very open to such extravagances.
"You know you could have just done this normally without tying us up, right?" Hajime pointed out.
"Please, as if you don't have a thing for a woman being rougher with you, dear Hajime~" Emma giggled, even more so when she saw Hajime blush and massive tent stretch against his boxers.
"Tch, sh-shut up..."
"Awww, no need to be shy!! Just relax and enjoy the show..." Emma cooed. She was already in her birthday suit from the get-go, but had now just begun to really get it started. Taking out a bottle of oil, she began lathering her body in it, especially her juicy, especially bouncy, cake. So slick, so jiggly - it was an ass that had many of people craving Emma in more 'adult videos'...but who needs videos when she's willing to do it person for those she held dear~
"Forgive me if I get a bit...cheeky, dears~" Bad pun aside, Emma made up for it in spades with her special event. Spreading her award-winning, enviable, legs apart, Emma bent downwards to the ground. Initiating a pose that had all three of her trusted friends fully captivated - and quickly becoming aroused from the sight.
"Now then...time to hit it!!" Remote in her hand she pressed unpause for a very infamous device in her corner. Large, golden and now spewing quite the bit of hypnotically engaging rap music, Emma let the beat wash over her. Let it get nice and horny and ready to shake her stuff!!!
Clap! Clapclapclap! CLAP! Clap! Clapclapclap! CLAAAP!!~
While Emma wasn't in the league of the twins or even Yoruko, she'd be lying if she said didn't practice making fine ass music back there!! Every bun crashing clap was done to the beat of the music, and, with it, engagement to her performance was guaranteed. Every ripple, every bounce, ever blur-shaking, sweaty, feast for the eyes, was carefully done to be the highlight of all her training...
And with it her performance being so well, she untied her fellow Void members to reap the 'gifts' of what her teammates had planned for her. For Iroha, she became so ravenous at such succulent meat being shoved in her face, she was the first to dive in, eating those globes out while giving herself the best fingering she had in ages. Nikei's choice was more on the grabby side, slapping and squeezing such a tease of an ass raw, until she wound up making him cum messily from twerking right on his dick. Finally, there was Hajime, who had been riled up the most from such an arrogant, yet, sexy display. Taking Emma, he bent the actress over the bed, lubed up his own cock, and gave the birthday girl her punishment by being balls deep in her ass. Thrusting and slamming his hips into hers - as if it this was a sort of match for the ages where everything was on the line.
A match that would eventually end in his victory as Emma came hard into her own sheets, becoming a giggly, deliriously horny messy as he dumped all that cream from his cock into her ass. The greatest gift he can give to such a flirty girl and teammate~
Happy Birthday Emma!
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