ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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       The Chaos Meter ft. The GANGSTA. Squad !!
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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  The girl trembles, the gun falling out of her hands as she scrambles a few paces behind her before sinking to her knees with a drop, aquamarine hues wide in fear and astonishment at what she’d just done. Her vision blurs as her eyes began welling up with tears, breath hitching as she began weeping, the rain falling down all around them.
  The blood flowed into the clinic’s tile floors, and the room soon echoes with the sounds of hyperventilating and crying. The corpse was a man who’d tried to steal her supplies and take her away, too. With no one else around to help her, for Nicolas, Worick and Theo were all away on errands ... Nina had to make the call. 
  And she pulled the trigger.
  I ... I killed a human being ... I ... I killed someone.
  Her hands, her white dress, her face ... were all stained with sticky, wet crimson, and she let out a loud wail out of fear. She was a monster now, tainted and ruined. Loretta and Constance had told her how to shoot a gun but ... she’d never thought that she would’ve had to use it. Nina’s tiny body shakes in fear, the tears streaming down her cheeks like little waterfalls as she shuts her eyes and buries her face in her hands, sobbing loudly.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
 A few important things to note about my portrayals of Theo and Nina:
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Theo’s real name is actually Theodoros ; he despises that name, though.
Theo was born in Athens, Greece and spent much of his early childhood there. His father was a descendant of an ancient noble Greco-Roman line and his mother was a doctor. With that said, his father was rather neglectful of him, seeing as how his only bookworm son was nothing like his macho father and he had a conflicted but overall loving relationship with his mother.
Theodoros liked his books and often researched alone in his study in solace and from a young age, he had a bizzare, perhaps even an eerie endless fascination with anatomy, conspiracies, science, mythology, the occult, and how living beings worked, even as a young boy. This drove him away from other children his age in social isolation but he didn’t mind. In fact, he considered it less of a distraction. 
His first friends were Nicolas Brown and Worick Arcangelo.
Was taught to play the piano.
Had a fascination with H.P Lovecraft - particularly the Cthulu mythos - a series he is still fond of to this day.
Theo wasn’t always meant to be a doctor. In fact, he was actually a teen actor and theatre kid back in Athens, where he was born, but that failed miserably due to complications in the household and after having lost his wealth due to his father not giving him anything and doing several morally questionable things, he moved to Ergastulum and helped his mother with the clinic.
Had an affair and fell in love with a lovely courtesan in his middle adolescence, when he found out, however, that she’d been sleeping with another, he murdered her and her lover in blind rage. He vowed to never get that furious ever again, unless if it’s to protect Nina.
Had his ring finger and pinky finger amputated by a group of stray Twilights who got furious with his mother and raided their clinic ; when he refused to give his supplies up, he paid the price. His mother overdosed later that same year, but Theo suspects it was the corrupt police or the Corsica Family behind her death. He was merely eighteen years old at the time.
Has sociopathic tendencies.
He speaks no more than what he believes needs to be said. He is capable of performing brutal and disturbing tasks while appearing cold-blooded and detached over the whole thing.  So when he cracks a potty-mouthed comment and keeps a straight face about it, it's no wonder it takes everyone by surprise.
Perfectionist. A bit of a clean and tidy freak, although it’s understandable considering he lives in Ergastulum of all places.
Will swear in Greek when furious.
He speaks Italian, English, French and Spanish with a hint of a Greek accent.
Occasionally acts as a listener, psychologist and therapist to those who need it.
The only person he genuinely loves is Nina, who he considers his daughter, after having raised her for years ever since she was a baby.
He’s skilled in poison and drug creation and will fight with syringes laced in deadly poisons and god-knows-what-else.
Although not an overly religious man, his patron deity is Apollo.
While having advanced knowledge on the human body can be used to save people, it also gives him all the knowledge on how to injure and kill people with minimal effort by knowing all the body's weak points.
Murdered his own father by poison at age seventeen after he wouldn’t give him any wealth in his will to support the Twilights in Ergastulum after he promised him that he would on the same year he murdered his lover and her lover; hasn’t told anyone about this.
Began taking care of an infant Nina at age nineteen.
Theo suspects that Worick ( @kuroyri ) is Nina’s biological father, but hasn’t had the chance to tell him.
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Nina’s beat him with a broomstick in an attempt to get him to stop smoking ; it didn’t work.
As a baby, Nicolas and Worick were often assigned to babysit her ; none of them minded.
Nina has a fondness for everything pretty and cute ; she really wants a rabbit and a cat but unfortunately, due to them both living in a clinic combined with their home, that wouldn’t be wise, much to Nina’s dismay.
Nina has her own little rabbit piggybank and saves up.
She often paints portraits and landscapes on herself when she has the time and likes mixing colors. Her room is painted with all kinds of colors — it's a truly marvelous room and she only allows close friends to enter.
She wears homegrown or fresh store bought flowers in her hair, with each flower representing a mood she's feeling.
She's knowledgeable in the flower language and the fan language and other nonverbal communication, and will often send others messages in form of flowers based on the Victorian Era.
As Nina is a halfblood Chimera / Superhuman Normal, she shares a few abilities of pureblooded Chimeras, but as she is both a halfblood and untrained, her abilities are diluted in comparison to a trained, pureblooded Chimera and thus her abilities are in a stage of dormancy, meaning that she’d have to be trained by a Superhuman Normal in order for her to awaken them, but this is highly unlikely to happen regardless.
She possesses eyesight that can see at telescopic/microscopic levels while zooming in and focusing on objects from great distances, hear heartbeats and voices from miles away, determine the chemical composition of objects by smell, dissect food ingredients by taste, and determine fabrics by touch — all things worthy of Theo's apprentice.
Her sense of smell is so acute that she can distinguish between identical twins by differences in smell, and can identify any person she's spent at least five minutes with by scent alone, no matter how hard another tries to conceal it. She can focus on a single person’s scent and follow it through a crowd of people.
She can hear another person’s heartbeat or people whispering on the other side of a soundproofed wall. Can block out even her own heartbeat and breathing to focus on one particular sound. This makes her an excellent spy and scout. This gives her tactical advantages as well, such as awareness of people hiding around the corners of rooms, walls, buildings and furniture and makes it virtually impossible to literally blindside Nina.
On formal occasions she wears a pair of ruby earrings given to her by Theo for her eleventh birthday.
Nina's an agnostic and an eclectic witch.
Although not officially diagnosed, Nina inherits hyperthymesia from Worick. This means that she can essentially recall much of her life in vivid, near perfect detail, as well as public events that mean something to her. She would describe her memories as uncontrollable associations, when she sees a certain date, she “sees” a vivid depiction of that day in her head. These recollections occurs without hesitation or concious effort. However, although this is a rare ability, it also takes a detrimental toll on her mental health. The constant, irrepressible memories has caused a significant disruption on Nina’s life. It’s non-stop, uncontrollable, totally exhausting and a burden to her. As a result, Nina is prone to getting lost in remembering, and she is quite literally trapped in her past. This can make it difficult to attend to the present and the future, as she is literally permanently living in the past. This makes her suffering even worse because she can remember every death, every scream and all her worst memories in vivid, excruciating detail... and there’s no cure. Nina remembers having it for as long as she could remember.
As a halfblood superhuman, Nina has powers beyond the norm, but in comparison to a pureblood superhuman, her abilities are significantly reduced and even so, many of them are dormant.
She strongly believes in fairies and magic while being scientifically knowledgeable.
Although she is merely twelve years old, Nina is in actuality a medical genius and had she had the chance to grow up, Theo truly believed that she would’ve surpassed him, not only as a doctor but as a better person than he could ever be.
She leaves offerings for fairies in the local garden on her terrace.
Although she can see in the dark perfectly, Nina has many lavalamps and fairylights in her room.
Sunflowers are her favorites.
She often gives out lollipops to Theo’s patients.
Whenever things get rough, she takes inspiration from reading old World War II diaries of survivors.
Nina, although questioning, is pancurious ; might have developed a puppy dog crush on Loretta.
She’s always wanted to sail on a gondola and fly in the sky with the birds. Although they cannot afford to pay for a gondola, Nicolas Brown helps in carrying her around in the air which makes her very happy.
She and Theo once went to the Holocaust memorials museums in Germany. Nina came out crying, though it had been her decision to go there 
Nina’s favorite movie of all time is The Hunchback Of Notre Dame.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
❛ it’s okay. let’s go home. ❜ @ nina B)
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Tears welled up in brilliant aquamarine hues as Nina attempted her damndest to try not to cry. But how could she? Her real home was gone, Worick was gone, Connie was gone, and ... and she’d had yet to tell everyone else the truth about her ... condition. If I tell him, he’ll hate me. Instead, the little girl slowly wrapped herself his leg and cried into the fabric. ❛ No ... no, it’s not gonna be okay, I ... I ... ❜ she whispered, a sob escaping her, signing the same message with shaky hands, knowing that Nico probably wouldn’t be able to read her lips. She shakes her head then before wiping her tears away and failing. ❛ Can you ... tuck me in bed? I’m tired, Nico.  ❜
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
🎃 carving Jack o’ Lanterns ( for nina! )
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  Autumn had always had it’s perks to her, magic was alive and the leaves matched her hair, Theo had often said, and tomorrow, a huge party at Bastard was going to be held. Loretta always knew how to throw the best parties. Laughter escapes the girl’s lips as she starts to begin carving into one of the pumpkins that would be displayed just outside the clinic’s door, slowly beginning to make a nose, “I’m gonna make this one a kitty pumpkin! Nico, do you think it should be a grumpy one like you or a cute and happy one like Betty?”
autumn starters || @cverdcsed
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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full name. Nina Nicci Arcangelo.
aka.  Nini. Ninja. Neeners. Neens. Ina. Cupcake. Gingersnap.
age. 12 ( GANGSTA. )
gender & pronouns. Cisgender Female &&. she/her.
orientation. Questioning ; Bicurious.
species. Superhuman ; “Chimera”  ; Human/Animal-Transgenic-Hybrid.
occupation. Nurse-in-training. ( CANON. ).
religion.  Agnostic ; practices witchcraft.
residence. Ergastulum, Italy. ( CANON. )
leader(s). N/A.
hair. Strawberry blonde with a reddish hue.
eyes. Brilliant aquamarine eyes.
complexion. Ivory ; pale as white as snow.
build. Small and petite.
scars. N/A.
tattoos. N/A, wants to get one eventually.
piercings.  On formal occasions she wears a pair of ruby earrings given to her by Theo for her eleventh birthday.
Notable physical features. Her beautiful blue eyes, her short stature, her hair.
etc. Wears makeup on occasion. Often wears white dresses, has her nails painted, likes wears flowers in her hair.
face claim(s). Nina herself ; Valentina Lyapina.
voice claims(s). Brynn Apprill ; Laura Shigihara ( singing. )
zodiac. Cancer ( Western ; July 13th, 1999. ).
alignment. Neutral Good.
allegiance. Theo’s Clinic.
hogwarts. Hufflepuff.
positive traits. Assertive. Adventurous. Adaptable. Artistic. Animated. Bubbly. Brave. Careful. Compassionate. Comforting. Considerate. Courageous. Courteous. Curious. Cultured. Creative. Clever. Determined. Dedicated. Devoted. Durable. Daring. Daydreamer. Decisive. Empathetic. Energetic. Enthusiastic. Efficient. Emotional. Excitable. Erudite. Feminine. Fearless. Friendly. Free-spirited. Flexible. Fun-loving. Hard-working. Headstrong. Imaginative. Impressionable. Independent. Individualistic. Intuitive. Insightful. Intelligent. Loving. Loyal. Mature. Musical. Neurotic. Observant. Patient. Passionate. Playful. Persistent. Percipient. Persuasive. Professional. Punctual. Polite. Quiet. Reliable. Resilient. Relaxed. Reserved. Responsible. Resourceful. Sincere. Sentimental. Selfless. Softspoken. Strong. Sweet. Tender. Thoughtful. Versatile. Trustworthy. Tough. Unrelenting. Well-intentioned. Whimsical. Willful.
negative traits. Anxious. Depressed. Distant. Easily Excitable. Eccentric. Enigmatic. Exhausted. Fixated. Impulsive. Insecure. Haunted. Lonely. Naive. Nostalgic. Obsessive. Psychologically damaged. Saddened. Sassy when provoked too many times. Secretive. Self-conscious. Stubborn. Tired. Traumatized. Withdrawn. Weary.
mental. Seasonal Depression. C-PTSD, Abandonment Issues. Survivor’s guilt. Photographic Memory. She is not afraid of death due to her limited time left in the world as one of Theo’s experiments. Suppressed memories.
physical. Heightened senses.
phobias. Atelephobia ( the fear of never being good enough ), Atychiphobia ( the fear of failure ).
eyesight. Perfectly clear, she can even see to telescopic / microscopic levels.
drug use. It’s very, very difficult for her to get high on drugs, not that she’d ever do so anyway.
alcohol use. It’s very, very difficult for her to get drunk on alcohol, not that she’d ever do so anyway.
diet. omnivore.
addictions. A hoarder of trophies and souvenirs from outside Ergastulum.
birth place. A research facility in Dublin, Ireland.
hometown. Nina, due to her mother constantly wandering around in her infancy, although never for very long, and being on the run from the government, has had to have several homes, although she’s far too young to remember them. London, England, Paris, France, Athens, Greece, and Rome, Italy, but spent the majority of her actual childhood in Ergastulum, Italy.
ethnicity. Caucasian, of Italian ( predominant ), French, Spanish, Greek. English and Irish descent.
parents. Worick Arcangelo ( biological father ; @kuroyri ) &&. an unknown superhuman normal ( biological mother ; unknown ) ; Theodoros d’Angelo ( adopted father ; alive ) ; it’s unlikely she’ll ever know her true parents’ identities.
significant other(s). Unattached.
siblings. N/A, but most likely has many half siblings on her father’s side.
children. N/A.
pets. N/A, but she’d very much like a cat and a cute bunny rabbit, though.
education. High.
notable skills. As Nina is a halfblood Chimera / Superhuman Normal, she shares a few abilities of pureblooded Chimeras, but as she is both a halfblood and untrained, her abilities are diluted in comparison to a trained, pureblooded Chimera and thus her abilities are in a stage of dormancy, meaning that she’d have to be trained by a Superhuman Normal in order for her to awaken them, but this is highly unlikely to happen regardless.
Although outwardly she appears to be an ordinary little girl, she possesses abilities that far surpass the human norm, although in comparison to a pureblooded Chimera, her abilities are diluted. Nina has increased stamina, reflexes, agility, intelligence, dexterity and durability as well as an enhanced immune system and metabolism, exceptional night vision, enhanced senses, synthetic blood and regenerative capabilities, echolocation, greatly improved olfactory sensation and auditory perception capabilities.
Her reflexes are enhanced and are far greater than normal. In combination with her average speed, her reflexes allow her to dodge multiple attacks. 
Although she is a halfblood, a Chimera’s advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows her to exert herself for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair her. At her peak, as an healthy, uninjured Chimera, she can exert herself for several hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to weaken her muscles. She can also stay up longer than normal humans but unlike pureblooded Chimeras, still needs to sleep.
What with all of the previously mentioned attributes, Nina is also a promising being when it comes to her feet. It’s almost as if she is as light as a feather, limbs collaborating with whatever movement she requires. Ever since childhood, she was the fastest out of the children in her age group, and Theo praised this generic boost. This is more of a natural abnormality for her. This greatly helps Nina when she must escape, needs to arrive somewhere in a hurry or puts her reflexes to use in combat. Nina has nearly unmatched combat reflexes that are on par with most regular trained humans. Her agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are equal to an moderate level athlete. She is extremely limber and her tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being’s. With this, she can perform difficult acrobatics such as flips, rolls, and springs at speeds and angles that would be incredibly painful and/or highly difficult for a normal human being.
Although only a halfblood, her body is physically tougher and more resistant to injury than the body of a normal human. Although she can still definitely be damaged and killed by knives, stabbing weapons, bullets, shrapnel, and kinetic impact, her body holds together much better than normal. She can keep doing a task and keep going at it for hours, even in high intensities. So, if one intends on tiring her out while pursuing her, they'll be very disappointed. She can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by a opponent of similar or greater physical strength, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little discomfort. Small cuts and abrasions can heal within the hour, and given a week, she can bounce back from any non-fatal injury.
The metabolism and immune system of the Chimeras, even though she's a halfblood, is greatly enhanced. She is virtually immune to most poisons and drugs, among other impurities, except in very large doses, and her accelerated metabolism allows her to stay in near perfect shape with only light exercise. This also makes it extremely difficult for her to become intoxicated from alcohol and get high on drugs, not that she'd do either of those things anyway. She is also immune to most standard biological warfare agents and diseases and it is nearly impossible for her to catch a cold or common flu. It’s also speculated by Theo who experimented on her that had she not been his experiment, she would age slower, thus allowing her to stay fit and healthy until her nineties should she live that long... which unfortunately, will not be the case; she has only a few months left to live.
The Chimeras were engineered with a massive amount of raw stem cells and cells made from diamonds in their blood, giving them and their blood accelerated healing abilities, as well as quite literally giving the Chimeras trillions of miniature air tanks in their body meaning they never run out of breath and could spent hours underwater without other equipment. They have been able to heal and fully recover from injuries such as gunshot wounds, broken bones, damaged organs, and pulled and/or torn muscles at incredible rates. Their blood also has regenerative properties as one’s blood healed a fellow comrade’s paralysis.
A Chimera’s senses are enhanced to levels passed human. Their eyesight to see at telescopic/microscopic levels while zooming in and focusing on objects from great distances, hear heartbeats from miles away, determine the chemical composition of objects by smell, dissect food ingredients by taste, and determine fabrics by touch. She can navigate through locations using her hearing only, blindfolded, and parry blows and thrown objects, armed with nothing but her hearing. Despite her own movements, silent as a grave, she can hear herself. That says a lot. This has gone so far to the point where the girl can use her remaining senses to make up for any lost ones. So when she needs to, the Chimera is capable of still fighting and performing regardless if her sight, hearing, or any of her other senses were to be damaged or otherwise compromised, her other senses filling in the gaps. This ability, however, is dormant.
In addition to their superior physique, Chimeras possess a genius level I.Q. and problem-solving skills. They are very gifted at assessing people and situations, which makes them highly adaptive to change and able to learn and mimic with extreme speed and accuracy, possessing exceptional concentration, mental calculations, memorization, perception, deduction, analysis, cognition and competence, expertise and knowledge, learning capacity, thought process, creativity, originality, etc.
Nina, like her fellow Chimeras, has the animal-like ability to sense danger.
With the aid of her bat DNA, she has the ability to find the right path to wherever she wants to go, allowing her to navigate unfamiliar places, even mazes with ease, with the help of echolocation, like other Chimeras. This ability, however, is dormant.
She, like other Chimeras, possess perfect muscle control. They can perform very precise muscle movements such as complex billiards shots and perform dexterous task with virtually no practice beforehand rapidly and flawlessly, although in Nina’s case, it’ll need a bit of practice. She can almost always copy any movement/action after seeing it performed once. She can control her own vocal cords allowing her to speak, sing, whisper, yell, hum, etc. in any pitch, voice or tone she wants.
Nina has a keen awareness of her surroundings, making her quite sensitive to subtleties of art, music, fine food, and nature. She also tends to be easily distracted, since she is stimulated by even minute sights, smells, and sounds in their immediate surroundings.
She can tell when you’re lying, because when one lies, your body has a physical reaction, like a rapid heartbeat, and she can easily pick that up. Though this ability does has it’s limits… if one has complete control of their emotions, she can’t properly sense what her target is feeling, and it becomes difficult to read that person. She is very difficult to sneak up on, because she can still sense the vibrations that one gives off whenever they touch the ground, or jump through the air.
She can tell if a person is dying and cannot be saved, something Nina considers a curse.
She can also otherwise detect the story of a person’s life through the ‘feel’ of their aura. A pockmarked aura means a particular person has had a rough life, either physically, emotionally or mentally while a warm and ‘complete’ aura usually signifies contentment and a prosperous life.
From her lizard DNA, she can regulate her body temperature at will by increasing or decreasing it. Nina, like other Chimeras, are adaptable to the outside climate and can withstand harsh climates, although, unlike pureblooded Chimeras, this can only last for so long. They could walk out in harsh snowstorms without succumbing to the effects of hypothermia or walk out in a hot desert without undergoing heatstroke or hyperthermia, but this ability has a time limit. With this, a Chimera is able to walk around in the hot sun, or walk through intense heat without problems, as well as walking around through the icy colds without problems. This does not mean Chimeras are immune to ice or fire; they can be frozen, or completely burned, however the effects of freezing to death with intense cold, or having a heatstroke do not apply.
Although only a beginner, she cooks well. 
She’s an excellent painter, as well, she likes using water paint and combining colors.
She is an excellent actress. She makes for a good dancer and she has a lovely singing voice.
languages. Fluent in Italian, multiple Sign Languages, English, and Greek ; Conversational in French, Spanish, Greek, and Latin, if only for medical and scientific purposes.
passions. Tending to patients and stray animals, helping people in need, learning new things, being with her friends, painting, coloring, baking, fashion, listening to music, playing musical instruments, particularly the harp and the flute, fawning over animals, sailing, flying, eating sweets and desserts, observing flowers/nature, singing, dancing, cake decorating, gardening, hiking, swimming, stargazing, astrology, traveling, reading, collecting precious stones and flowers to decorate her room. 
Nina was born in a research facility as the result of an escapee-turned-captive Superhuman Normal and one of Ergastulum’s most renowned gigolos, Worick Arcangelo, and as a result, the baby girl was considered worthy to be trained in the intense and rigorous program along with the other Chimeras, whom could be utilized for a wide variety of Special Operations assignments and missions, as some of her mother’s abilities would pass down to her. Those children were bred, trained and raised by Uranos Corsica and his family, under a sinister top-secret military institution controlled by their shadowy government project, and all of what came to be known as The Destroyers in the series are human/animal-transgenic-hybrids, superhuman normals or Chimeras. For a time, it seemed that would be Nina’s fate, but her mother managed to escape with her into the summer night with the assistance of some nurses who worked there. She’d escaped once to break free from her chains , she could do it again, and she succeeded.
Nina was a very happy baby girl, always smiling and almost never crying unless if she demanded her needs, blissfully unaware of the struggles of her mother being on the run from the government. She moved from country to country, never staying in one place for very long, always looking over her shoulder.
When she’d had enough of moving from place to place, her mother finally traveled to Ergastulum once again, not to stay, but for a specific purpose. In order to have a chance at keeping her daughter safe, she entrusted her baby girl to the only person she knew would keep her safe: Theodoros D’Angelo. The man was only nineteen years old at the time, but his mother, whom was a good friend of hers, had passed away the year before, and she’d always said that she would be welcome there. She’d begged on her hands and knees, and although Theodoros was never necessarily the fatherly type, he wasn’t cruel enough to push his mother’s friend and a baby girl away, so he did as the woman bid. She tearfully said her farewells and left without looking back once, in fear that she’d change her mind. She would not have her daughter be at even the slightest risk of enduring through the pains and trials that she had growing up as a child.
So, little Nina grew up never knowing who her parents truly were under the guise of his illegitimate daughter. It was a rather difficult thing, raising a superhuman, but with good fortune, he’d managed to do so. Nina was a very happy and sweet little girl who handed out lollipops to patients. She grew up tending to the wounded and it was since then she knew she wanted to be as great as her father one day.
In the main series, she still serves as Theo’s nurse, but since her girlhood, a lot more expectations have been placed on her shoulders, or more specifically, the lives of the Twilights, as her blood was considered miraculous and as a result, was used as one of Theo’s experiments, with her consent. It was a dark proposition, and the risks were high, she knew, the experiments performed on her, but she has seen what became of most hopeful individuals in a city as wretched as Ergastulum, she would rather die young and happy than grow old and bitter at the world around her, and so, her body would be used as a guiding star so that the future generations of Twilights wouldn’t have to suffer under the effects of Celebrer anymore.
She would be their martyr and their angel, even if they never knew her name.
AVAILABILITY. secondary.
PORTRAYAL. predominantly canon divergent and headcanon based ; open to canon compliant plots.
SHIPPING. closed ; too young.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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APHRODITE: laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves,revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger.
APOLLO: glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold,neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of Wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies,smile mingled with wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes,probably has a Tinder account
ARES: armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots, boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest,ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses,curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS: keen sense of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes, disheveled braid,moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting a target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling
ATHENA: discerning gaze, unreadable face, quiet museums, owl perched on their finger, armor that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid, big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes
DEMETER: soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom-friend, can lift you and your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat, picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
DIONYSUS: drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers,theater masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause
HEPHAESTUS: the calloused hands of someone who knows labor, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted in blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles
HERA: resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain,loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, files that under fuck it, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold
HERMES: devil-may-care smile, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning,mixes redbull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers  
POSEIDON: storm with skin, colorful coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, stroking the soft fur of a cat, their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more, leather jackets, fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle ,compass with a spinning arrow
ZEUS: thunder in their heart, running on coffee, flash of lightning, natural charisma,eloquence, badass in a nice suit, aficionado of history, force of nature, lenny face,nightmare-filled nights,proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease, expensive watch
tagged by  : stole it !! will do this with other characters as well!! tagging  :  all y’all
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
Mourn Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character mourning your character’s death. // for nicolas & nina.. if he theoretically die. :^)
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For whom did the bells toll?
In truth, Nina could not say, not when the entire city seemed like a morgue. Theo had tried to shield her eyes from the carnage as they walked past corpses of men, women and children that were yet to be buried due to the overflowing of bodies in the graveyards but he could not conceal her from everything no matter how hard he tried. Aquamarine hues watered up with tears as they walked past the streets and into the local graveyard.
Dressed in black from head to toe with a batch of fresh sunflowers in her hands, she stood in front of the grave marked Nicolas Brown. It was only due to her begging and pleading with the Paulklee Guild on her hands and knees that he was even able to get one, an uncommon practice for Twilights. Nicolas didn’t deserve to simply be tossed into a pile of corpses and burnt like he was nothing but garbage, not… not like Doug.
Nicolas was dead and buried in the ground, Marco and Connie were dead and gone, Worick, Alex and Clementine were nowhere to be found, for all she knew, they could be lying lifeless and she’d never know, Monroe was nothing but a liar, their home, their entire legacy was gone … all she had was Theo … and her faith. 
And how long would it take until he was taken away from her too?
All her life, Nina had tried so very hard to keep a positive outlook on life for as long as she could, for flowers always bloomed the most beautifully in times of great strife and there was always a rainbow after the storm.
But what if the rain never ends?
Tears trickle down her cheeks like a waterfall as she began sobbing, sinking down to her knees where grass stained her leggings. Nicolas wouldn’t come home anymore, he’d never see her grow up, he’d never fall in love or have children of his own, or take her flying into the air like the birds in the sky or ruffle her hair. Through her misty vision, she placed the sunflowers down. No words needed to be said, not that she could do so audibly, anyway. 
Even if no one else will remember you, even when the whole world goes up in flames, I will always remember you. Thank you for existing, thank you for always being there when I needed you, thank you for everything… Nico.
Nina brushes her tears away, slowly standing up after lying there for who knew how long.
  Was it… was it all a lie? Have I only been pretending my whole life?
Even her heart of hearts gave her no answers, only silence. 
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