bapzoka · 2 years
slay bestie
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fandomchaosposts · 4 months
it appears that I have fucked up
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be-good-to-bugs · 3 months
i dont WANNA go to work >:(
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slafkovskys · 1 year
Dating Mark Estapa ( a dream ) his girlfriend wears whatever she wants without a care in the world about what other guys say bc her boyfriend can very much fight. but after he fights a guy who says something about her outfit she can get mark riled up by saying “i like the bruises you leave on me better than the ones you put on him”
you love a corset top and mark loves you in a corset top so it’s a staple in your going out attire. you never really pay attention to anyone because you know that mark always has you in his eyesight and if he doesn’t, his teammates do.
your little bodyguards.
it’s a normal saturday at skeeps after a weekend sweep at home when some asshole makes an inappropriate comment and he just so happened to catch mark on the wrong day. with one punch to the guy’s face, the conversation is over and your dragging your boyfriend off to the manager’s office to bandage up his knuckles. your between his legs, cleaning off the blood with an alcohol wipe when you press a kiss to his cheek, “you didn’t have to punch him, you know.”
“i wasn’t gonna let him say that about you. if i didn’t, i think truss was gonna,” he chuckles at the mention at of his captain.
“i like it when you leave bruises on me, not stupid boys who say stupid things,” you look up at him through your eyelashes, “just keep that in mind.”
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bonefall · 7 months
I'm really sorry if you already answered but I did look through the whole lexicon and used control+f. Do we have words for Lizards/Newts//Salamanders/Reptiles?
I wanted to see the Clanmew names for 2 OCs Lizardsong and Salamanderclaw. The second being a Skyclan Daylight Warrior!
The word for reptile is "Skeep"! It is a wingless, typically scaled animal without fish "wings". So, it actually includes amphibians as well. This is because there are very few reptiles in the UK; Clan cats don't see why an amphibian is not simply a water-reptile.
So to them, a lizard is a four-legged reptile with a tail. It includes all of the newts that they encounter on a regular basis, even though these are technically amphibians. What are you gonna do, teach the cats cladistics?
Lizard (Generic) = Ssassa Adult newts and lizards, without breeding season adornments. Has 6 species.
Sail (of a fish or a breeding male newt) = Saoss The dorsal fins on top of a fish or a breeding male newt.
Viviparous Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) = Sipssa Eggs are much rarer in this part of the world than you might think. Like its name suggests, the viviparous lizard typically gives live birth, which is likened to the adder. This is the most common lizard in the area, encountered by all Clans.
Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) = Hwoossa Named for being seen mostly in WindClan's sandy lowland heath, because this IS an animal that lays eggs. It needs sunny, sandy areas to be able to hatch a brood.
Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) = Fyenssa A contraction of "Flame's Lizard," for the quirk where these newts will often hide in piles of cold, wet wood, only to flee out when a fire is lit. The most common newt to encounter, feel free to translate as "salamander!"
Palmate Newt (Lissotriton helveticus) = Horrssa The "shade newt," so named because this one generally prefers forested, green areas. Its tail is much fatter than the other newts.
Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) = Gisis What was once the Tribemew word for all lizards now only describes the great crested newt, the largest and most respected of the "lizard" classification. An accomplished hunter with an impressive sail during its breeding season, on both the back and the tail.
Some extra facts about newts and lizards in general...
Scientifically, all newts are salamanders, but not all salamanders are newts. You could translate any one of these words as "salamander."
Through their lives, newts will have terrestrial phases and aquatic phases.
Britain's cold climate and isolation as an island means there are very few reptiles in general; amphibian species outnumber them because it is very wet.
Slowworms are technically a lizard, but Clan cats believe they are a snake.
Clan cats also believe that snakes were not originally reptiles, but worms. There is a story about a cat who hunted them to extinction and then had to recreate them from memory, forgetting that worms don't have scales.
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huggybug · 1 year
good luck charm - luca fantilli
word count: 2.2k words
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Your phone buzzed on the table, stealing your focus away from your professor’s lecture on flow state. Looking down, you see Luca’s name pop up and you sigh, pulling up the conversation on your laptop.
You’re coming tonight, right???
They were playing Ohio State tonight in the first round of playoffs and Luca had been bugging you all week about it. However, as the end of the school year was approaching, your assignments and tests seemed to start loading up and it was heavily cutting into your social life, something that your best friend was not happy about.
Not sure, have a paper due on Sunday :(
His response came back almost immediately.
You had a hard time saying no to Luca, he could almost always get you to agree to whatever it is he wanted and that truly went both ways. You liked his message and knew he’d understand.
Leaving your lecture hall an hour later, you see Luca standing alone across from the building, clutching something tightly in his hands. He’s searching the crowd of people that had formed from classes being let out and when he spots you, his entire body relaxes as you make your way over to him.
Before you can get a word out, he’s shoving the balled up sweater into your hands. “Wear my jersey tonight”
“What?” You ask, hesitantly taking his jersey from him.
“It’s playoffs, Y/n. I need you to wear my jersey” You weren’t going to pretend that you understood him. Hockey players were weird with their rituals and superstitions, you weren’t sure you even wanted to know the reasoning behind this one.
“You gonna score if I wear it?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’ll try” Luca smiled brightly. You both knew there was no way you’d say no so you folded the jersey up and held it against your chest.
“Good luck tonight Lu” You grin, waving the jersey at him as you walk away, making sure he knows you’ll be wearing it.
“You’re wearing that jersey this entire run, baby!” Luca was running off the adrenaline rush after the game as were the rest of the boys that had finally made it to Skeeps. The first win of playoffs felt even better since it was against Ohio State so the boys knew a night a Skeeps was needed.
“It’s the only reason you won, huh?” You grinned. Luca’s goal was, in all honesty, meaningless. It padded the team’s lead and you didn’t want to discredit it or him but it made it even funnier how serious he was taking the jersey you had worn.
“Of course, you’re my good luck charm” He winked. “Drinks on me tonight”
“Aren’t they every night?” You tease, grinning at him as you snag his drink from his hand and take a sip.
You spent the entire night with Luca, sitting at the tables listening to the boys talk about the game and watching some of the guys strike out with girls on the dance floor down below.
Nights at Skeeps seemed to last forever but every time without fail, Luca walked you home. Sometimes it would be him and Adam or him and Johnny, you never knew if someone else would be tagging along but without fail, Luca was there. He wouldn’t even think about not taking you home, it was practically apart of his routine now.
“You ready to go?” Luca came back from the bar, coming up to stand behind you at the table where you were talking to some of the sophomores. You spin around to face him, not realizing he had his hands on either side on you on the table, bracketing you in.
“Get a room!” Hoots and hollers from the boys around you didn’t stop even when Luca flipped them off behind your back.
“Adam coming with?” You ask. You hadn’t seen his brother in a while but you assumed he was still here.
“He’s with Seamus somewhere” Luca shrugged, “We can go now though” It seemed like he wanted to leave so you nodded, grabbing your stuff and saying goodbye to the guys.
Luca guided you out of Skeeps and you held his hand until you got outside, dropping his hand as you walked beside him on the sidewalk heading back to the dorms.
“So… Minnesota next weekend” It was going to be a tough game, especially since it wasn’t at Yost.
“Yup” Luca paused, “You’re gonna come right?”
“I don’t know… I’ve got exams and stuff” You wished you could go but you had an exam the following week so you weren’t exactly sure that a weekend trip would be the best option.
“Oh…” Luca trailed off and he sounded so sad, you had to look over at him.
“I would if I could Luca, you know that”
“Yeah, I just… wish you could come” You put your arm around his waist in attempt of a makeshift hug and his arm naturally dropped around your shoulders.
“I’ll be cheering you on from here, I promise”
The day of the Big10 Finals, you were sitting in your dorm while opening snaps from the boys who were all in Minnesota. They had left a couple days early and you’ve been kept up to date with everything going on thanks to Luca’s constant snaps each day.
Adam and Rutger have both texted you, complaining about how much Luca has mentioned you and it made you second guess missing the game. You looked over at Luca’s jersey that was flung over your desk chair and made a quick decision that you were getting to that game.
You found a flight that left in a couple hours and booked it immediately. Grabbing some essentials and shoving them in a bag along with the jersey, you were out the door and on your way to the airport in less than 30 minutes.
The game was close, you were on the edge of your seat the entire third period but in the end, they did it. You jumped up when the buzzer went off and screamed with the rest of the Michigan fans in the building.
Once the crowd had thinned out, you headed down closer to the ice; you spotted Luca’s parents and made your way over to them.
You’ve met his parents a few times from when they’ve come to games so you made small talk as you watched the other boys take turns to skate around with the trophy. When it was finally Luca’s turn, he came right near where he had already spotted his dad and then he saw you, sandwiched in between his parents, cheering just as loud as the other guys’ families and girlfriends.
Luca’s smile grew even wider when he saw that you were wearing the jersey he gave you last weekend. He stuck his tongue out at you, still balancing the trophy over his head which made you laugh as you mirrored him. It felt like time had stood still for a moment before he skated away and handed the trophy off to Adam.
You caught his gaze a few more times while they were on the ice. He still couldn’t believe you were actually here and in between hugs from Duker and Moyle, he kept finding himself looking for you.
“I’m glad you were able to make it sweetie! I think Luca was pretty upset you wouldn’t be here” You smiled at his mom as you walked together down to the locker rooms where the families were instructed to wait for the boys.
“I’m just glad he was busy all day so I couldn’t ruin the surprise” You we’re terrible at keeping secrets, especially when it came to Luca which was a well-known fact among your friends.
“Well just know that we’re both grateful you’re there to look out for both our boys but especially Luca, he’s lucky to have you” You chuckled at her first comment; Adam probably looked out for you and his brother more than anything but you didn’t say anything. You were too stuck on the last thing she said.
You were thinking about what she meant by it when the room suddenly erupted and you turned to see a bunch of the boys coming out to see their families who had made the trip to the game. You saw Adam but no Luca.
“So are you gonna talk to him?” He had made a beeline for you as soon as he came out of the locker room, barely stopping to hug his parents before pulling you aside.
“Who? Luca? About what?” You looked up at him, very confused.
“You know…”
“Adam” You groaned, becoming frustrated. “What are you talking about?”
“Your feelings! You should tell Luca tonight” Adam exclaimed, acting like it was the most obvious thing on this planet. Which apparently according to everyone other than you and Luca, it was.
“My feelings?”
“You’re telling me you would’ve flown out here if I had asked? Or Shea… or any of the guys for that matter” You hesitated at that. Adam was your friend but he had a point, you wouldn’t have considered coming here if it weren’t for Luca. Up until now, you hadn’t even thought of it. Luca was your best friend. Nothing more and nothing less.
“You know it’s not like that…”
“I think it is though” Adam huffed, “I know my brother, Y/n. He’s different when he’s around you, believe me” You take a minute to think on that before your attention is once again taken elsewhere.
“There he is!” You heard their parents talking and turned around to see Luca had finally made it out of the locker room. He hugged his parents before you saw him looking around, searching for you.
“Y/n” Luca called you and Adam sent you a knowing look before letting you go, walking back to distract his parents from his older brother to allow you to have the conversation he’s decided has to be had.
“You came” Luca mumbled as he hugged you tightly. You let your body relax into his, suddenly feeling emotional and you’re not sure what about whether it was how proud you were of him and the team or the two weird conversations you’ve just had with two people that know Luca better than anyone.
“Of course I did, it’s you” You pull back a little to look at him only to find him already smiling down at you.
“Thank you” He whispers and suddenly the air feels thick around you.
“Good job today, Lu. I’m super proud” You do a little fist pump at the end and it’s so stupid it makes you both laugh.
“Couldn’t have done it without you” He finally stepped away, awkwardly running his hands through his hair.
“Really?” You hummed.
“You’re my good luck charm Y/n/n, I’ve told you” He tugged at the jersey you were still wearing and it made you smile.
“Hey… can we talk for a minute?” You bite the inside of your cheek which of course he notices. Luca nods, pulling you out of the room and down the hallway where nobody would interrupt.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing just… your mom and Adam both said something and-”
“Oh my gosh” Luca’s cheeks turned pink as he ran his hand over his face, “I’m gonna kill them”
“Just listen for a minute?” You reached out for his hand, squeezing it to refocus. “I hadn’t even thought about this until today and Adam brought it up because you’re my best friend and I love our friendship and I wouldn’t ever want to ruin it but I think this could-” You were rambling but didn’t know how to stop, the nerves had suddenly gotten to you.
“Hey- nothing is going to ruin our friendship” He knew what you were talking about, he’s been at the brunt of Adam’s talk a few too many times. Ever since you became best friends, Adam hasn’t been able to drop the idea and after a month of denying it, Luca had taken the time to think about what his younger brother was saying and realized he was right, not that he’d ever tell him that.
“I like you Luca” You take a deep breath before looking up to meet his gaze. “I really do but I don’t want to lose you so if you don’t feel the same way-” Luca cut you off by leaning in and kissing you. You melt into the kiss, pulling him even closer if that’s possible.
“I like you too if that wasn’t obvious” Luka chuckled as he broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Hey lovebirds, we gotta go” Adam suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway, smirking like the little shit he is.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked, stepping away but keeping his hand in yours. Their flight home wasn’t until the morning while yours was tonight.
“Yeah, see you at home” Luca grinned, kissing you one more time before following Adam, trying his best to ignore his brother’s incessant teasing.
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httpshujii · 1 year
i slept well (i think)
its 4:37 am
im taking a shower at 5 coz y not
anddd exam is gonna go well hopefully
im confident so ya :>
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cheolism · 1 year
Was gonna write in bed but now that I’m cuddled up I can feel myself drifting,,,, time for skeep
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fceriestcrdst · 2 years
my mom: "wanna go with me today"
me: "....i probably should to avoid depression skeep--"
my mom: *nodding & ordering breakfast for me* "mhm, we're gonna play rockband & you can just hang out on your laptop"
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Boyfriend(Cam) and Girlfriend(Ashley) baking a cake
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Girlfriend(Ashely): Wow Cam, the cake is going great.
Boyfriend(Cam): Beep bop! ( Thanks Ash!)
Girlfriend(Ashley): Your Sister is gonna love the cake we made for her.
Boyfriend(Cam): Beep skeep bo bop! ( Yeah, Say GF, Should we also make brownies for Pico and the Shrugfriend duo too?)
Girlfriend(Ashley): Yeah, I just started making them right now, you wanna add m&m's into the brownies?
Boyfriend(Cam): Yeah!
Girlfriend(Ashely): Alright then!
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septic-9mil · 11 months
My eues are gonna be puffy tomorrow i just nee dto lay down and try anf skeep whatever
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ellabsprincess · 1 year
i cabt tell if i wanna skeep or like touch myself i thibk ik what im gonna do tho😋😋
this is my dilemma every goddamn night afjkslfjs
have fun with that baby <3
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slafkovskys · 9 months
why do i feel like josh & reader met at umich, and it’s like a running joke between them that josh always knew that she was going to be the one who would have kids, get married to etc 😭
because they meet at skeeps and he knows her for an hour before he looks her dead in the eyes (after she beats him at an arm wrestling contest) and goes, “you’re gonna have my kids one day.”
they spend that night together and really never spend one apart after that. when they get married, when they have their first baby, etc., josh always has this soft smile and goes, “i told you so.”
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
Hey I just wanted to say, in regards to your adrienette April stuff, you're doing awesome!
Really. I've loved everything you posted this month. I also see how you're tired, so don't forget to take care of yourself!
You're doing amazing and I look forward to seeing your art
thank you!! yeah,, whoo god, i need to be better about pacing myself, i appreciate your care anon!
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bloodenjoyer · 2 years
i follow @bartsimpsonanon now mr enjoyer 🧡
i thonk empjjies are so wonderful my most recent are 🎤📢❓️🤺🥂🦵🤬 but my favorites hace to be 🦣📯🫖 those three for sentimanetal reasons i have this reoccurring dream where i melt and i love it i love feeling liquefied yummy
!! that sounds sooo nice actually...my fav emoji is probably 💃i use it all the time she is literally groovin
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louisprideflag · 4 years
ok but so fucking many of hl’s songs are revolving around being young. literally. too young to know we had everything. tell me do you still remember feeling young. and we’re still young, don’t know where we’re going but we know we belong. i have loved you since we were 18 long before we thought the same thing. don’t blame me for falling i was just a little boy. don’t know why they put all this on us when we’re so young. we were only kids just tryna work it out ???????? fuck
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