libelelle · 5 months
The throwing him Thursday post now has 10k notes thanks to your weekly reblogs.
I know : ) i even made a celebration post. With your help, we might even reach 20k 💯‼️🔥😎💥
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The Perfect Morning
You have been asking for it loud and clearly so I decided to write the Sprace baby you’ve all been waiting for. This is part of the “Life in the ER'' Series but a rare moment that doesn’t take place in the hospital. There are curse words and mentions of a hospital/working in a hospital. As always, feedback would be wonderful and would make me very happy. And if you have anything you’d like to see happen in the series, just let me know - I’m always looking for new situations to put our favorite characters into!
April 17, 2021
The house was quiet when he woke. It hadn’t been that quiet in almost six months and his first thoughts were holy shit. The second was questioning the time. He rolled over and looked at the green numbers of the clock - 7:34.
Running a hand over his face, he sighed before letting the hand flop to the other side of the bed. Empty. Cold. Sitting up, he blinked a couple of times, allowing his eyes to scan the room.
“Spottie?” He called, pushing himself off the bed and heading towards the room across the hall.
Pushing open the door, he was surprised to see it was empty. The dark wooden crib they had spent hours debating about sat across from the door, a light blanket thrown over the side. A mint green onesie was haphazardly thrown near the hamper and a stuffed elephant was nearby but otherwise nothing was out of place.
Continuing on his journey, he headed towards the living room thinking his husband and young child could be there but he came up empty once more. The dog was even missing which caused him to pause in his hunt.
At that moment, he fell in love with his husband a bit more. Here it was a rare morning that Spot didn’t have an early morning shift at the hospital; yet he had gotten up, taken care of their child and puppy so he could sleep in a bit.
Their lives were flipped upside down with the adoption of their daughter. It had been a period of adjustment for all of them, especially for their puppy, Sassie. From the moment they brought their little girl home, life had completely changed for the good. The two of them had always been a great team; however, they didn’t know how good of a team they would be until the doctor handed them Mackenzie Jayne Higgins-Conlon and wished them congratulations.
Pouring himself a cup of coffee, Race grinned putting in creamer before heading out to their front porch. He shouldn’t be surprised Spot would do this - it’s just him and his little ways of showing love. Taking a seat, he took a sip of his coffee as he waited for the rest of his family to return from whatever adventure they had gone on.
Relaxing into the chair, he sighed, listening to the birds chirp in the trees as he held the warm mug in his hands. Just as he went to kick his feet up, Sassie came bounding up the stairs, with her leash dragging behind her. Putting his mug on the table, he bent over and rubbed his hands up and down her sides, wishing her a good morning.
“Where’s dad, Sass?” He asked, looking down the street for him. What he saw caught him off guard.
Spot was pushing the jogging stroller that Jack and Kat had gotten them as a shower gift, shirtless, hair pushed back by a headband and sunglasses over his eyes. Race took a moment to publically ogle his husband, appreciating the physique that Spot effortlessly maintained. Race was careful not to let his jaw drop at how utterly gorgeous his husband was. There were very few times he could unabashedly stare at his husband and he was going to take full advantage of it.
Unclipping Sassie’s leash, he opened the front door for her to go inside before he bounded down the stairs to where Kenzie and Spot were. Race couldn’t help but catcall and whistle as he came closer to the two. “Hey good lookin.”
Grinning, Spot looked up from where he was unclipping Mack. “Hey yourself.”
“Have I mentioned how utterly gorgeous you are lately?” Race saunted closer to his husband and daughter with a shit eating grin on his face.
Spot adjusted Mack in his arms before throwing his head back and laughing. “Right now I’m a sweaty mess but thanks for the compliment. I wanted to give you a chance to sleep in since you’ve been taking night duty.”
“Sweaty mess or not, you’re hot. Own that. And thanks, I appreciate it.” Race leaned over and kissed him. “Did little miss enjoy the run?”
Spot kissed him back before handing Mack over to him. He leaned down to grab something out of the bottom of the stroller before giving Race a bright smile. “She was fussy when we first started but seemed to settle down as I got into a rhythm. I did about a 45 minutes run. We ran through town, picked up breakfast before heading back.”
“You’re my hero.” Race said, walking back up the stairs to the front porch. “Do you want a cup of coffee or water?”
Spot waved him off. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Do you need anything before I do that?”
“Nah, we'll just hang out here. If she wants, send Sassie out here.” Race pressed a kiss to Kenzie’s forehead. “Come back out when you’re done.”
Spot dropped kisses to both Race and Mack’s foreheads before slipping into the house, only to open the door again to let Sassie out.
Settling Mack with her back against his chest, Race relaxed in the chair, listening to Mack babble to herself. “Did you have fun with daddy this morning, Kenzie?”
She tried to adjust herself to see Race. He picked her up so she was standing on his legs as she continued her babble. Race continued his conversation with her as she tried to put her fingers in his mouth. He playfully ate them as she dissolved into baby giggles. They continued that game until she caught sight of her puppy.
Soon she was leaning forward to try to pet Sassie. Putting her on the porch floor, she babbled to and crawled over Sassie as the dog watched her young sister protectively.
He heard the door open and close just as he took the last sip of his coffee. He smiled gratefully at Spot as he spied the cups of coffee in his hands. Spot handing him one with a smirk. “Thanks. Feeling better?”
“Much less grimly and sweaty.” Spot took a seat, watching Sassie and Kenzie with a proud smile. “What’s the plan for the day?”
Race shrugged. “As far as I know, there are no plans. Jack and Kat mentioned getting together but nothing was ever put into place.”
“If they don’t reach out, I’m all in favor of a lazy day. We haven’t had one of those in a while so that’s my vote.” Spot said, stretching his legs out in front of him as he reached out and laced his fingers with Race’s.
Race nodded, squeezing their hands. “If I haven’t mentioned it lately, I’m proud of the life we’ve built. Perfect husband, perfect daughter and dog. Jobs we both love and great friends and family.”
“Sap.” Spot was quick to tease him but squeezed his hand. “I love our life too. Love you Racer.”
“Love you too Spottie.” Race leaned over and kissed him. “What did you bring for breakfast?”
Spot chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s always food with you.”
“Not always.” Raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively, Race smirked. “But I’m hungry for food right now.”
Spot pushed himself off the chair before sauntering into the house and returning with the white bag from earlier. “I got a couple of different things - didn’t know what you would be in the mood for.”
“Thanks snookums.” Race opened the bag, pulling out a cinnamon twist donut before taking a bit. “When do you work next?”
“Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday this week.” Spot drug through the bag taking out a donut. “Plums is working Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday with me so it’ll be a good couple of shifts.”
“Kenzie in daycare Wednesday and Friday?” Race inquired trying to keep the schedule fight.
Spot nodded. “Yea. You’ve got what seven weeks left of the school year?”
“I think. Days are starting to blend together.” Race sighed. “I’m just ready for summer.”
“We’ll have to figure out what we’re going to do. I have a couple of weeks of vacation that need to be used up before September.” Spot gave him a look. “Maybe we can head to the mountains or a beach. She’ll love the water.”
Race nodded. “Maybe Kat, Jack, Al, and Finchie would want to do something, at least for a few days.”
“That’ll be fun. We know how much Kenz loves Addie.” Spot grinned, thinking about the trouble the two would eventually get up to, as the two were only 4 months apart.
Race groaned. “No talking about the two of them growing up. They’re 5 and 9 months old and that’s all my poor heart can take.”
“Calm down papa bear. She’s still our little girl and Addie is still our little niece.” Spot squeezed his hand. “But I do love your idea of making it a family affair. Maybe momma and Smalls would want in.”
Race relaxed in his chair, thinking about all the adventures they would have ahead of them. With Spot and Kenzie by his side, he was content and happy. A thought popped into his head as a sly grin crossed his lips. “So, uh, Spottie . . . wanna tell me how you’re such a ripped dad?”
Spot threw his head back laughing before reaching over and shoving Race’s shoulder. “I could but you wouldn’t be able to keep up with me.”
“Is that a challenge?” Race raised an eyebrow in a warning.
Spot snorted loudly. “Race you complain when you have to walk to the mailbox to get the mail - no way you���re running 45 minutes with me.”
“I can kick your ass boxing.” Race gave him a look as Spot sighed. “Want me to reserve the ring for next weekend?”
Picking up Kenzie, Spot gave him a look. “Sure and we can see who’s king of the ring. You’ll always reign supreme running circles around me but I might be able to take you in the ring.”
“Keep up with the trash talk . . . we’ll see who’s still standing and who will get the bragging rights.” Spot gave him a knowing look.
Race held out his hand as Spot interlocked his hand with Race’s with a grin. “You’re on.”
He watched Spot tickle their daughter’s belly as a shrill laugh escaped her mouth. She pushed at his hands as he looked down on her fondly. “Hey Spottie?”
“Yea Race?” Spot looked up from their daughter with a smile on his face.
“If I haven’t said it, you’re a really good dad. I love watching you two interact.” Race said as a fond smile crossed his face.
Spot leaned over and kissed Race. “You’re a really good papa with her. We make a pretty good team, huh?”
Race nodded, reaching over and tickling Kenzie’s stomach as the girl looked at her dads with a gummy smile. In Race’s book, there was no better place he’d rather be than on their front porch with his husband and daughter.
So what did you think? Feedback would be wonderful. If there's something specific you want to see in this verse, feel free to send me a message.
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Tolkien Secret Santa Advent Calendar Day 4: Ice Skating
For @officialtolkiensecretsanta​ ‘s Advent Calendar.
A/N : ideally this should have been a podfic. Unfortunately i don’t have anything to properly record it. If anybody wants to go ahead and do it, they are more than welcome to do so! :)
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Men Short Program -  Elven Skating Union Grand Prix Final - Tol Eressëa 2020
Extracts from the commentary of the Men’s SP at the 2020 Grand Prix Final
Broadcaster : Winter Sports NBC (Noldorin Broadcast Company)
Commentators : Glorfindel and Ecthelion
- Six have made it through. The six best skaters in the world right now. This could be something special. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Men's event of the Grand Prix Final
- And here they are: Finrod, of the Teleri, Beleg from Doriath, Egalmoth of the Noldor, Fingon of the Noldor, Denethor of the Nandor and Maedhros of the Noldor.
- That's the line up and if you're a skating fan, you know you're in for something very special. For the first time in the season, Fingon and Maedhros will go head to head. This should be a great competition. Both have won this event in the past. Maedhros has won it no less than five times. Fingon is the defending champion.
- It's going to be interesting to see this battle enfold. Fingon is the favourite here. Reigning world champion. Won in Alqualondë and in Menegroth. In fact he's been undefeated for a season and a half. He is sensational and he is in great shape.
- Can he handle the pressure though? Because it's his first time going against Maedhros who skipped last season in order to recover from his ankle injury. As impressive as Fingon's track record is, he has yet to take down the sacred monsters of this sport, so to speak. As for Maedhros, well two weeks ago at the Cup of the Noldor, we saw...
- Well it was virtual perfection; you can't expect it to be any better than what he just did.
- But can he be anywhere near as good as he may have to be, with the talent that's around?
- That's what we are going to find out in a couple of minutes, meanwhile the four other skaters are all worthy opponents, starting with this guy, who is going to open the event. Finrod, of the Teleri. 
- For me this guy here has been the revelation of the Grand Prix, in all four disciplines. Second in Valmar, second in Tirion... He'll be eighteen next Thursday!
- There he goes. Young man from Alqualondë, always a joy to watch. We wish him all the best today.
- If you haven't seen this program already, you're gonna love it. Finrod of the Teleri. Skating to Danse Macabre, by Camille Saint-Saëns.
- Ohoh? What's happening?
- I think they may have put on the wrong track. We're looking for Saint-Saëns.
- Yes and this is very much not it.
- Crowd being really supportive.
- Oh this awful. So much unneeded pressure when you're competing at your first Grand Prix Final.
- Ah finally, here we go.
- Wow! Bring it on he said! Absolutely skated out of his skin. Unbelievable after all the drama with the music at the beginning.
- I love the way the music moves him, he's such a natural. Just great to watch.
- What a great way to start this event! Well done to the team around him! The score is going to be high, that's as good as I've seen him skate.
- They are showing the quad toe on the screen. Was it all the way around?
- Slightly under-rotated I think. In fact... Yes the technical panel has called it. But his second mark will be much better.
- Very good. I love that program, as you rightly said, he's one with the music all the way through.
- He's got a season's best of 94.76. In fact, it's his personal best.
- His choreographer, Indis, looking very pleased with that performance.
- Well that short program is an absolute banger, she did a splendid job.
- Oh yes. 96.71, this is a dream start for Finrod.
- Here is is, only twenty years of age. Already a two-time world champion. Defending champion of the Grand Prix Final. Fingon. Skating to Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John. Two quadruple jumps scheduled in the short. What can he do?
- Well that was just something special. You have to take your hat off to this guy. With all the pressure around him, coming unto this event as the favourite and throwing down such a skate. Technically perfect.
- Yes, textbook technique on all of his jumps.
- And so much progress in terms of artistry. He's not the most flexible skater, he can't pull off elaborate spins like Maedhros but he has chosen a really modern style of skating, with sharp, angular movements and it really fits him.
- They are showing the quad lutz here.
- It's ridiculous how easy he makes it look. That's the most difficult quad there is and he just casually lands it like he is at practice, doing a run-through.
- I've never seen his coach so relaxed.
- Well Fingolfin knows it's gonna go into the lead, no doubt about that, but by how much?
- He's gonna blow past the 100 points mark...
- 104.38! Way past his personal best.
- Remarkable. He's only six points away from the world record.
 - Speaking of world records...
- Here we go. The last competitor this evening, Maedhros. His achievements are incredible. Five time Grand Prix Final champion. Three times world champion. He has missed the past season due to an injury, and has come back in the most spectacular manner, setting up new world records for the short, the free program, and the total score two weeks ago at the Tirion Grand Prix.
- Just when you think he cannot possibly get better, he goes and proves you wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, Maedhros Feänorion, skating to Adios, by Benjamin Clementine.
- Well... That was not the skate he wanted.
- He skated his heart out, but with this level of competition, you have to be perfect, and that fall on the quad salchow is...
- He knows he's handed Fingon a present tonight. He's the supreme competitor but tonight he made a crucial mistake. Just how expensive will it be?
- Well his artistry is superior to anybody else in the field at this moment, I should think his second mark will be quite high. The technical panel is reviewing the elements. Everything is perfect, highest levels so far, but of course he fell on his opening jump
- But that program, it really is something else. The transitions, the details, all the way through are just to die for. Spins brilliant, step sequence unparalleled. The focus never left him even after the mistake.
- They are not looking very happy in the kiss and cry tonight. It wasn't what they were looking for.
- And here we go...
- 98.43 for Maedhros, that is a very good score considering...
- Yes, he goes comfortably into second place.
- Coach Feänor is not very happy with that score.
- Well they know they will have to throw down the perfect skate tomorrow in the free event to catch up with Fingon
- Well that concludes the men's short program. Fingon wins the short program, with a perfect skate. In second place, despite a costly mistake sits Maedhros. The newcomer, Finrod is in third. Just below him, Beleg sits in fourth. Careful, this guy is known for his strong come backs in the free skate, he will be gunning for a podium spot tomorrow. In fifth we have Denethor, and last, after a not so great performance, there’s Egalmoth. Thank you very much for staying with us and we hope to see you all tomorrow for the free!
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4507
Jalsa, Mumbai                       July 8, 2020                   Wed 11:54 PM
Birthday - EF - Prabir Bhatt .. Thursday, July 9 ..  wishes for a lovely happy birthday and the wishes of all the Ef go with you ..
Vidhu Vinod Chopra dear friend and Producer Director Writer of various iconic films , sends a virtual message to me to see his film “ Shikara” .. I say I will because I had missed it when it had released  .. he responded back on my message to him saying ..
हाथ धुल गए हों तो फ़िल्म देख लीजिए  । बुरी नहीं है मेरे दोस्त  ।
.. so I replied back to him “
देखूँगा देखूँगा  । इन अकस्मात् परिस्थितियों  में बहुत कुछ से हाथ धूल गया है  ।
मैंने सोचा ,क्यूँ की रात के भोजन के समय उनका message आया है , तो शायद वो ये कह रहे हैं की , खाना खाने के बाद , हाथ धुल गए हों , तो देख लीजिएगा  । पर Shweta ने कहा , नहीं , वो आजकल की परिस्थितियों में , जो लगातार हाथ धोने का प्रचार मैं कर रहा हूँ , उसकी चर्चा को लेकर उन्होंने ये लिखा है  । श्वेता सही थी , मैं ग़लत  । बच्चे ,बड़ों से ज़्यादा अकलमंड होते जा रहे हैं  । और इस technology शीर्ष विश्व में , उनका ही राज चलने वाला है  ।
... shall translate ..
Vidhu Vinod Chopra the bright light from the Film Institute in Pune on graduation from there met me for the first time in Mohan Studios when I was shooting for a film with Hrishi Da .. 
Vinod had made a short film and wanted me to see it .. he was just out of the Institute and wanted to show his Diploma film .. diploma film is a question mark, but there it was .. and since then we have been close friends and mutual admirers of each others’ works .. I like his work , I don’t think he likes mine .. 🤣🤣😜😜 ..
So this evening he sent a message that I should see his film ‘Shikara’ .. which he has made from true life incidents in the Kashmir Valley .. he himself is from Kashmir and when the Kashmiri pandits were asked to leave Kashmir in 1990 it became a cause of great pain and political controversy .. the film revolves around those times .. it received immense critical acclaim .. 
SO .. when he sent a message to me, I messaged back that I shall see it .. he said do see it its not a bad film ..
.. after a short silence he messaged back saying : ‘if you have finished washing your hands, see the film’ ..
I replied .. ‘my dear friend in these times a lot has been washed off our hands’
I thought that was somewhat funny .. but Shweta corrected me when I read out the exchange .. she said he is referring to the hand washing campaigns that you are doing during CoViD .. so when you have finished that, watch the film ..
I was thinking that since the message came just when we were sitting down to dinner, he could be referring to the act of washing your hands after dinner - as is the practice in all Indian homes .. but no, Shweta was right ..
And so I concluded in Hindi that this modern generation is a lot more intelligent than us .. and in this tech driven world, it is their reign that shall be supreme ..
Never before in the History of the World perhaps, have 2 words received the kind of universal patronage they have in these times or in the times of the twenty twenties  .. 
Santiser & Lockdown  ..
they have reigned supreme and shall perhaps, for many more months and even decades .. of course this is no indication that the CovId shall be with us that long .. but hey ! they say virus never leaves us or dies .. it merely diminishes in intensity .. and the immune system of the human body begins to take care of it or some such .. 
Kindly do not follow any medical indications being compounded here by some home made dr Amitabh Bachchan .. they are just  conjecture of what I read about .. 
Just making it very clear and honest .. in today’s time of hungry and thirsty media communication .. a lot can be made of the lot, made reference of  ..  
हर दुखद विषय को , किसी भी वास्तविक बहु चर्चित  विषय के साथ जोड़ देना ; उस दुखद विषय का अनादर है  !
love and admiration for the discipline of the Ef during CoViD ..
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Amitabh Bachchan  
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the59er · 3 years
2021: Oct!
1st Oct 2021, Friday - Hello October!!
Listening: The Way We Get By - Spoon
Woohoo it’s halloween month! Even though we don’t celebrate halloween, it’s still very fun to watch tv specials & movies yang revolve around halloween 🎃
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 Also it’s pumpkin spice season!!!! My inner basic bitch is squealing in delight! Coming out Oct 4th!! 
Also also today I managed not to snack during the day which is a win 🏆 PLEASE OCTOBER PLEASE BE A GOOD MONTH 🤲🏼
2nd Oct 2021, Saturday Listening: Keep the Car Running - Arcade Fire
Woke up to a morning text about work so I had no choice but spent my entire Saturday working until 2:44am 😐🔫
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I hope my work diberkati Allah despite me whining about being tired la, apa la.. Im trying to be less negative about it. TRYING.
3rd Oct 2021, Sunday - Happy Mean Girls day! Listening: Built this Way - Samantha Ronson
Went out for ice cream today! I believe I deserved it considering that I FINALLY finished my work this morning, so rejoice! 🎉
& Happy Mean Girls day! I can watch this movie multiple times, I have practically memorized the entire script 😂
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4th Oct 2021, Monday - Happy Birthday to En.Din & Aunty! 🎂 Listening: She’s So Strange - Travis
Monday started okay, work was okay, nothing significant happened. 
And I realised that my addiction towards Tetris still reigns supreme..
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Often times I go on Tetris in bed and played it until I fall asleep like it’s a bedtime story? 
5th Oct 2021, Tuesday Listening: You’re So Mean - Spirit Club
I could feel, smell and was fully aware that I was in a dream, and I told myself to walk slower & quieter so that I wouldn’t wake myself up from this beautiful dream. Then I realised that I NEEDED to wake up, because if I didn’t, that would mean I’m in some sort of coma. I woke up feeling surreal. I googled what it was and apparently I had some kind of lucid dream. 
On other note, my brother and I had our first PSL for the season today!  😂
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We really are basic bitches 💁🏻‍♀️
6th Oct 2021, Wednesday Listening: This Photograph is Proof - Taking Back Sunday
Today’s date felt extremely familiar but I could not put my finger on it. For the whole day I was trying to recall if I had unintentionally missed something. And out of nowhere I felt guilty for forgetting something that might have actually been completely nothing. 
But the worst thing of today was my lack of self-control that made me binge an entire big bag of Ruffles :(
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7th Oct 2021, Thursday - Happy birthday to my 1st nephew, Q! 🎂 Listening: Rock n Roll (part 2) - Gary Glitter
The best thing about the day was my successful attempt to focus solving an excel formula problem 🎉 Im supposed to look for an excel class but I keep on stalling. Note to self: find a class asap.
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8th Oct 2021, Friday! Listening: Listen - Collective Soul
SO happy that I had a smooth Friday (which has been an extremely rare thing since the past few months) and to topped it off, I had a fun video call with some of my colleagues. We are joining this “treasure hunt” thing and the first task was to take a selfie with a pet. Unfortunately none of my teammates and I had pets until someone asked “can I take a selfie with my aquarium?” and bingo! my dad’s koi pond! 
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It’s kind of sad that whenever the word “pet” is mentioned, we would automatically only thought of cats and dogs. Poor fishes and other types of animals being forgotten 😂
9th Oct 2021, Saturday - Happy Birthday John Lennon! 🎂 Listening: Because - The Beatles
Hello free Saturday! I vacuumed the house, did a lunch run with Mom and went out on a PSL date with Bubu! 😄 My first hangout with an actual friend! Woop!!
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It definitely recharged me. Just resting and playing.. Ahhh I wish all my Saturdays are just like this.
10th Oct 2021, Sunday Listening: Paperbag - Fiona Apple
Spent my Sunday browsing and watching handbag reviews. For some unknown reason and a true female mystery, I LOVE bags even though I keep on using the SAME bag. 
Yesterday Bubu was rummaging through her bag for her house keys which made me laugh because it’s such a common female problem 😂 No matter how “organized” our bags are, we never seem to find things that we need from the get. Handbags truly are some type of inanimate monster who eats your belongings and would only spit them out when you force them to, and definitely not without some intense fondling..
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I’ve been salivating on an Alexa since college but after watching multiple reviews, realistically it’s actually not very practical. Unless I have miraculously attained significant amount of excess money, THEN only will I drop a bomb on such a bag. I wouldn’t want to make the same mistake as my 2020 splurge which has only been worn ONCE before I realised that the bag is a huge hassle. I guess my prior research on the bag wasn’t extensive enough..
11th Oct 2021, Monday Listening: Spiderwebs - No Doubt
Today I got myself macarons when we stopped by Gardens. I was on leave so I thought it would be the perfect time to enter a mall on a Monday when it’s empty. 
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But it wasn’t really great for my weak-willed self as I caught sight of a handbag I was browsing online for fun, on the shop’s display window and it looked so much cuter in real life than in the pictures! But I’ve promised myself NO fun handbags for now. It needs to be multifunctional and roomy enough for play AND work! 😤
On the cranky-front, the current heat wave or whatever we are experiencing right now is making me extremely irritable and had unfortunately given me the sniffles 🤧
12th Oct 2021, Tuesday Watching: The Babysitters Club (2021) lol extremely cute, I grew up reading the books.
Got reminded of tomorrow’s water disruption by my brother informing us that he’ll be away throughout the duration, which is good news for me too since I share the bathroom with him. So with him being away, I can worry less about water rationing since I don’t have to share!
The heat from the past couple of days is still going strong. I wish I can just sit in a tub of cold water.
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I call this “To call the wind & summon the rain.”
13th Oct 2021, Wednesday Listening: Comfort Eagle - Cake
Decided to puasa today since our area was supposed to have the water disrupted but turned out there was water the entire day.......
Puasa in this heat is definitely extra challenging. All I was thinking about was Coke Coke Coke.. It’s also extremely difficult for me to ganti puasa, I just get so lazy to wake up for sahur when no one else does. Ramadan is EASY PEASY, but ganti puasa and doing alone.. not so much (for me). I have 4 more days to go.
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I call this “All Day I think about Coke” lol.
14th Oct 2021, Thursday - Happy Birthday to my 14 (or 15?) y/o niece! 🎂Listening: Teddy Picker - Arctic Monkeys
Yowzaaa my back-to-back meets from 1pm - 5.30pm 😵 I think at around 3.30pm I accidentally dozed off on my chair. I had to force myself up, so I grabbed the ipad and doodled this:
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I’m fasting today which added to the challenge because I couldn’t have coffee for that mid-day jolt. On the bright side, tomorrow is already Friday and I have 2 off-days next week. Phew.
15th Oct 2021, Friday Listening: Erase/Rewind - The Cardigans
Did not puasa today. Maybe I’ll continue next week. Today’s heat was slightly more bearable than the past few days, though I still wish I could be in a tub. I dont mind having to work, I just want to be in a tub!
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Would love to go on a staycation, but next year perhaps? Birthday treat for myself!
16th Oct 2021, Saturday Listening: He War - Cat Power
Hospital follow-up day, so spent my entire Saturday morning waiting. Just.. waiting. & this actually happened:
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thankfully managed to run down to the mart & buy some pads to save myself x_x
By the time I got home it was past lunch-time and I just got so exhausted from the wait & the cramps, I crash-napped for 3 hours. Aside from the appointment, I just felt like I wasted my Saturday :/
17th Oct 2021, Sunday - Happy birthday Juls! 🎂 Listening: Hey Sandy - Polaris
My brother and his family came over for breakfast & he ordered village park nasi lemak 😊. Met up with HH & Mars afterwards, it was supposed to be a lunch meet but I was still too full from the nasi lemak so I just had coffee.
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It was great to be able to see people today.
The rest of my Sunday was me trying to fight off and ignore the sudden headache I developed when I got home, which Im assuming is from my period? It’s always difficult to pin-point the exact cause of my headaches. On the bright side it finally rained today!
18th Oct 2021, Monday Listening: Pay No Mind - Beck
I rewatched The Terminal (2004), loveeee this movie. 
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It’s crazy how it was inspired by a true story, you wouldn’t think that this could be possible 😵
Considering that tomorrow is a public holiday, a lot of the people at work are on leave, leaving me & JT free enough to do some of our e-learnings. My headache is still here from yesterday and it lasted throughout the day. I finally surrendered to sleep at about 1030pm I think?
19th Oct 2021, Tuesday - Nabi Muhammad’s PBUH Birthday 🎂 Listening: Walkin on the Sun - Smash Mouth
Woke up STILL with a headache. Forced myself to shower, wet my head, trying to puke but nothing came out since I hadn’t eaten particularly that much in the first place so I forced myself breakfast and a small can of Coke to burp myself out, hoping that the headache was just trapped wind. Felt ok. Spent some time watching Mando behind the scenes (only a month+ until the new season!!) and A New Hope.
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But I succumbed to the headache again after the movie and ended up napping the rest of the day away :/
20th Oct 2021, Wednesday Listening: Big Brat - Phantom Planet
Initially planned for a lunchdate with Bubu but with my on-off headache, I figured it’d be safer for everyone if I canceled.
I started watching the new season of You last weekend and it made me think: does it make the person psychopathic if the person has thoughts of killing? 
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Wouldn’t it be great if we could just eradicate the people we hate?
21st Oct 2021, Thursday Listening: Hash Pipe - Weezer
Weekly team meet, weekly accidental doze off 😪
Been hearing ambulance sirens passing by our area almost everyday this week. Today itself we have heard it 3 times. It’s worrying ☹️
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I call this “Dark Days”.
22nd Oct 2021, Friday Listening: There’s No “I” in Team - Taking Back Sunday
Very odd Friday. Had a morning quick meet, and the rest of my working hours  was surprisingly quiet. We had to make this video where we pass each other “teamwork quotes” lol.. Thanks to J-Man for lending me the idea to this quote which I picked up instantly since it reminded me of Taking Back Sunday 😂
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Earlier in the morning Mars found an injured puppy on the streets. The family took her to the vet. Poor puppy. Plan was to nurse her until someone can adopt her.
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I wish I was smart enough to become a vet but unfortunately I got a C for Biology so obviously I didn’t make the UPU requirement....🥱
23rd Oct 2021, Saturday Listening: To Forgive - The Smashing Pumpkins
Puppy update: Puppy had multiple ribs fracture with 4 bite marks indicating she was initially bit by a bigger dog / animal and the bite punctured her abdomen near her heart. The vet had to put Puppy to sleep 😩 SEDIH GILA and she’s not even mine! Proof that I cannot have any pet in my current stage of life as I am fully aware of my separation anxiety and my emotional attachment can get unhealthy.
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RIP Puppy 😔.
On a lighter note, we had all of my siblings & their kids over yesterday (minus nephew E because he had to work) and it was so tiring even though it was only for a couple hours. Notable highlights:
1. Got to go full-on Star Wars nerd with all my brothers
2. Seeing our 9 y/o and 7 y/o nieces moving from playing ipads to building Legos together
3. Seeing my parents happy to have their grandchildren over.
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October babies of the family. Hamdulillah.
24th Oct 2021, Sunday Listening: Tiny Spark - Brendan Benson
Lunch run with my Mom & then we (Mars & HH) met up for my kopi, & we sambung catch up at soy bar where I almost slipped & fell because of my slippery shoes 😵
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RIP to my 2015 Vans. Thankfully I had another pair of shoes in my car to switch into. Time to finally let go.
Afterwards, we visited Shaq’s new baby, fowl boys!
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Unfortunately he was out, otherwise it’d be cute to have a transit mart reunion lol.
25th Oct 2021, Monday Listening: The Chills - Peter Bjorn and John 
Today’s achievements: 1. Picked up my altered shirts & pants;  2. Bought a gift & birthday card for my brother; and 3. Tapao starbucks all in under 2 hours! ✅
I get insecure when I wear collared shirts (not sure why I feel like I look stupid in them?) so whenever possible, I will get the collars removed.
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I used to be suuuuuper insecure about my toes more than I am insecure about my entire body. Body confidence and I will never seem to be friends.
26th Oct 2021, Tuesday - Happy birthday to my Brother #3! 🎂 Listening: Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hands - Primitive Radio Gods
Despite already having cake when the whole family came over on Saturday, we still bought him cake today for his actual birthday,
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(also because my Mom tak puas makan haritu lol. The ice cream cake obsession in this house is REAL)
Surprisingly functioned well throughout the day despite the fact that I did NOT sleep last night. I only slept this morning after Subuh until 8am. But as I am typing this now (time of typing: 26 Oct, 9:25PM) I am..slowly shutting down. But I still have one more major email to settle and then I think I will call it a night.
27th Oct 2021, Wednesday Listening: The Greatest View - Silverchair
Ben passed me House on Haunted Hill (1999)!! It’s a nostalgic movie because I remember seeing it repeating on HBO when I was a kid, but I cant remember what the movie was actually about, so I watched it right after he emailed it to me because I was too excited to revisit my childhood 😂
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NOW I remember the movie! The only enjoyable parts of the movie to me are the times when the ghost doctor shows up lol.
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The rest of the movie is just typical gore at its cheesiest 😂
28th Oct 2021, Thursday - Happy Birthday to my high school friend, Tqa! 🎂 Listening: Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers
I tried reaching out to Tiqs on FB but obviously nobody is on FB anymore 😅 I realised I dont have her number since she moved overseas..
Anyway, today I watched Halloween Kills that Ben also gave me yesterday lol honestly it’s such an infuriating comedy and I damn tak puas hati 😤
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29th Oct 2021, Friday Listening: Song to Sing when Im Lonely - John Frusciante
Last night I slept at 2.30am because I tried to finish the sudden tsunami of emails I received before my week-long break next week.
Budget meeting in the a.m.! It took longer than planned. I was already exhausted from last night so I struggled a lot this morning.
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Continued working until late and I haven’t even gotten the time to plan out my off-week activities yet 😩
30th Oct 2021, Saturday Listening: When I Come Around - Greenday
Dedicated my Saturday for work, as I NEEDED to finish my meeting minutes because on Sunday I’m seeing J-Man! But my sister came over in the morning and the visit took longer than usual so I sort of “burned” my morning away.. After lunch I went to my usual spot for coffee and managed to finish only one paper. 
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I continued working until my head finally had to stop at 5 freaking a.m. on the next day 😵
31st Oct 2021, Sunday - Happy Halloween! 🎃 Listening: Picture Book - The Kinks
So I slept at 5a.m. and woke up again at 8.30am to do my final editing before finally submitting my work at 10:05am. I immediately felt 10x lighter! And because of that, I got to really enjoy my day out with J & the guys! Thankfully HH drove so I took the opportunity to nap in his backseat.
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We havent seen J the longest. To me it felt like when I was in primary school all excited to see my friends on my first day back to school after the long year-end break lol
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And with that, we are done with October! What a ride. Work-wise I pulled several days of all-nighters which Im not proud of. Need to prioritise my tasks better.
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datenightfright · 4 years
In Distress
Just a reminder! Inbox is open! 
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To say that Katsuki was having a bad week as a hero was accurate. He started off Monday late for work, hung over from the surprise party you had thrown for your friend, Tuesday he got his ass beat seven ways from Sunday, Wednesday he was so swamped with villains in his sector he missed his very important anniversary dinner, Thursday he was called in four hours earlier than he was supposed to arrive, right in the middle of making his missed anniversary up, and now, it was Friday, and he was rushing to beat down bad guys. It seemed to him the universe was just using him as a punching bag, and he was very much tired of it. 
He was hunched over trying to catch his breath in the midst of all the madness when some third rate villain hopped in front of him. A guy, slimy, warty, and smelling so bad he could give a boys’ locker room a run for its money steps out into the light. “What the hell do you want?” Katsuki snaps, gearing up for another skirmish. He took one step forward before the little slime ball put his finger up and wagged it, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you~” He singsongs, making Katsuki want to punch him even harder. 
“Why’s that?” Katsuki growls, wondering what ace card this guy could possibly have up his sleeve. It had to be something major to give him such balls. “Well, you see,” the thing teased, “It just so happens that we have your beautiful, loving spouse, all wrapped up and pretty, waiting for you to come save them.” Katsuki pauses, trying to process the information. “You...you managed to catch-?”
The thing laughed heartily. “Yes, yes we did, and if you lift one more finger to try and stop-. Why the hell are you laughing?!” Katsuki couldn’t help it, he had doubled over, hands on his knees, tears streaming down his face. The gremlin grits his teeth, why isn’t your husband more concerned about you? “Y-you d-dumbass!” Katsuki wheezes. “Didn’t you hear me?! We have-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Katsuki straightens, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye, “You got my baby, I heard.”
“Aren’t you even the least bit worried?” Katsuki’s grin answers the question for him. Before the little turd could try anything else, screams follow a crowd of men running from something around the corner. Shortly after, you’re following them, hellbent on ending their lives for putting you through such an awful ordeal. Katsuki simply smiles, his week was finally looking up. 
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Izuku was running as fast as he could, hoping, praying that you were safe and alive. The intel came to him mere hours ago. You had been kidnapped by some League of Villain wannabes. God only knows what torture you’d been through already. He tried hard not to think of what he’d walk into, or what he’d do if you were actually dead. 
He shakes his head, getting those images out of his mind. He wouldn’t, couldn’t think of you like that. You meant the world to him, to live life without you in it? Tears begin to fall as he rushes his way towards the compound you were supposedly held in. He’d rushed in without back up, much to the annoyance of everyone working on the case, but his entire life was at stake, he couldn’t just stand by knowing you just might possibly be in there. 
He bursts through security, wasting precious moments fighting the onslaught of nameless henchmen. Didn’t they know? Couldn’t they understand? He wished for once things could be easy. Before he downs the last guy he fists their shirt, “Where are they?!” He yells, not caring how his voice breaks. “Where are they?!” The man shakes his head, unsure of who he’s talking about. Izuku gets frustrated and just throws the man aside, he doesn’t have time for this.
He spends what seems like hours looking for you. The maze of a compound frustrates him by the minute. You had to be here, you had to. One last door separates him from the truth. This was where the bad guys had been the thickest, this had to be where you were being kept. He wrenches the door off its hinges fully expecting a fight, instead what greets him is...you? You’re on your knees, lockpicking tools in hand, staring straight ahead at a door that was suddenly not there. “Izuku!” You yell, standing and throwing your arms around him. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap you up in his own warm embrace. “I thought I lost you,” He mutters, hugging you as tightly as he dared. 
“I’m ok,” You assure him. Izuku takes a moment to revel in your warmth, so happy you’re unharmed. When you pull back from each other, he remembers where he is. He goes on the defense instantly, looking around the room for any more bad guys. What he sees shocks him. A room full of people on the floor. “They’re all-?” He starts, trying to comprehend it. “Unconscious,” You say, smiling up at him. He looks at you, browns knitted in confusion. “Come on ‘Zuku!” You laugh, “You didn’t think you married some simpering waif did you?” Izuku shakes his head and kisses you, just happy you’re back in his arms. 
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Shoto grunts, upset you’ve disturbed him. He was trying to think of a way out of this, and you were being nothing but distracting. He would have burned the ropes away long ago if he were sure you would walk away from it unharmed.  “Will you stop squirming?” He snaps, irritated more at the situation rather than you in particular. “I almost have it,” You say through gritted teeth. “Have what, exactly?” He growls. He feels the ropes that tie you two together tighten painfully then...they loosen and slip off him. “Ah! There we go!” You hum proudly. Shoto blinks, he was...free? 
You get up, leaving him utterly confused. “Ok,” you say, rubbing your arms where the ropes cut into you. You begin to mumble, walking the circumference of the room. Shoto half listens to you, something about three steps down the right hallway and nineteen steps up a staircase, he didn’t really follow it, but he got the impression that you’d memorized the way out. “And then!” You say, turning towards him with a winning smile, “We get the hell out of dodge, regroup, and you come back later and smoke these assholes. What do you think?” 
“I think it’s a fine plan.” He tells you. You beam up at him. It’s so endearing he can do little but place a kiss to your forehead. 
He freezes the lock to your cell door, breaking it easily. You creep out before him, knowing which way you needed to go. As he follows you, Shoto has to wonder if it was really only this morning you two had been captured by some weirdo cult group hellbent on purging the world of heroes so the ‘quirkless could reign supreme again’. Their words, not his. He huffs, realizing that meant your anniversary reservations would be missed. He had worked hard to get into the restaurant you’d been eyeing for a while. You, however, didn’t seem to care. 
Shoto follows you silently through the maze of hallways and doors. You take out henchmen when needed, steal key cards when you could, but all in all, the escape is rather uneventful. You even manage to steal a jeep to help you along the way. As you’re driving to freedom, you’re smiling and tapping along to the music playing dimly on the radio. Shoto can’t help but smile himself. As long as he had you with him, life was just fine.
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frontproofmedia · 3 years
Bad Blood Ignited: Joshua Franco and Andrew Moloney Primed for Super Flyweight World Title Trilogy Tussle
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Published: August 12, 2021
Franco-Moloney 3, Arnold Barboza Jr.-Antonio Moran and the pro debut of Nico Ali Walsh to air LIVE Saturday on ESPN and ESPN Deportes (simulcast on ESPN+) at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT.
TULSA, OK (August 12, 2021) — Last November, controversy reigned supreme. Andrew Moloney thought he'd done enough to snatch the WBA super flyweight world title from Joshua Franco. Moloney contended that numerous jabs caused swelling under Franco's right eye, which forced the fight to be stopped after two rounds. Following a nearly 30-minute video review, the referee's decision of a headbutt was upheld. Franco retained his title, the title he won from Moloney via decision nearly five months prior. After all the trash talk and ensuing tension, Franco and Moloney are set to meet in a trilogy showdown Saturday at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa. Moloney hopes to right what he feels was an injustice, while Franco is out to prove their first fight was not an aberration. The special feature directly before Franco-Moloney 3 will showcase the pro debut of middleweight Nico Ali Walsh, grandson of Muhammad Ali, who will take on Jordan Weeks in a four-rounder. In the 10-round co-feature, which will open the main telecast, undefeated junior welterweight contender Arnold Barboza Jr. will battle Mexican veteran Antonio Moran. At Thursday's final press conference, this is what the combatants had to say. Joshua Franco "It means everything to me. This fight means a lot and that’s why I prepared myself the very best in the gym. Winning this fight and making the statement I want to make will open up bigger doors for me. There were no issues at camp. Camp went very well, very good, so I'm ready to go. " "Expect a great fight, a great show, fireworks, and expect for me to make a statement Saturday night." "{The second fight} was only two rounds. Two rounds don’t really show much. To me, the fight was going the same way as the first fight, but that’s why we’re making the third fight, to take care of business. I’m ready for that. " Andrew Moloney "I think you can expect a great fight. I know Franco is going to be more determined this time around after the criticism he’s copped since that last fight and the whole world knowing that I should be the champ right now. But I’m coming even more determined with more to prove, and as I said, I’m doing this for my family and this is going to be a great night and I’m going to come out with that belt like I should’ve." “It’s hard to put into words how much this means to me. I feel like my whole life I’ve dedicated to this sport. The last 18 years I’ve given this sport everything I’ve got and all the hard work and all the sacrifices I’ve made will all be worth it when I become two-time champion on Saturday night. And this is for my family as well. We’ve locked ourselves in a house for training camp and have been very safe to make sure that nothing gets in the way of this fight happening, and it’s a pleasure to be back over here in America. I really feel like this is my second home now. I feel very comfortable here and look forward to putting on a great show for everyone on Saturday night." "I know 100 percent deep down inside there was no headbutt. The whole world knows there was no head clash, and if you watch the replay, you’ll see at 1:36 left in round one, I land a jab that shuts his eye. I knew that on the night, and I’m even more sure of it now. " Nico Ali Walsh "I feel like everyone puts this pressure on me because of my grandfather being who he was, but to me, it’s just my grandfather. To everyone else, it’s the Greatest of All Time. I believe that too, but to me, it’s just my grandfather. I think he’d be most excited that I’m being promoted by Bob Arum and Top Rank. The tradition of Arum promoting my grandfather to now promoting me is pretty amazing, so he’d have a lot to say about that. It’s been amazing. "I’ve been training with SugarHill and BB Hudson, and we’re having a great time in the gym. I’m learning a lot, and it’s been quite the experience. I’m not surprised with the attention. I know my grandfather is a pretty special person to a lot of people. It’s pretty good hearing all the stories, knowing that my grandfather has so much love and admiration and people are carrying that onto me. That’s great, but it doesn’t affect my preparation. I would be training the same if I was Joe Schmo on the street." Arnold Barboza Jr. "I feel good. Happy to be here. {Moran is a} tough fighter. He’s fought really good opposition, he has good experience, and I’m looking forward to this. I really am." On the Saucedo fight "I fought a different fight than people expected. It’s a fight I made that way. Could’ve boxed the whole fight, but I wanted to prove a point that if someone wants to stay and try to bang with me, then I can bang. And if they want to box, I can do that, too. That’s how I came up. If you look at the tape now, it’s like, what can you do against me?" "I think I’m an overall good fighter now. It’s respect. I respect my opponent. I never look past my opponent. I’m all about respect and I respect him. Out of respect for him, I’m not going to look past this fight." Antonio Moran "You learn more from defeats than victories, I’ve learned a lot from those two fights (against Devin Haney and Jose Pedraza). I’m looking forward to better challenges. I feel stronger at 140. At 135, I was struggling too much. I feel stronger." "He’s a great fighter. We’ve been working on speed and counterpunching and we’ll be moving and we will have a good night." SATURDAY, August 14, 2021 ESPN, ESPN Deportes & ESPN+, 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT Joshua Franco vs. Andrew Moloney 3, 12 rounds, Franco's WBA Super Flyweight World Title Nico Ali Walsh vs. Jordan Weeks, 4 rounds, middleweight Arnold Barboza Jr. vs. Antonio Moran, 10 rounds, Barboza's WBO International junior welterweight title ESPN+, 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT Joshua Greer Jr. vs. Jason Moloney, 10 rounds, vacant WBC Silver bantamweight title Trey Lippe Morrison vs. Don Haynesworth, 6 rounds, heavyweight Karlos Balderas vs. Fidel Cervantes, 6 rounds, junior lightweight Genesis Servania vs. Andres Cortes, 8 rounds, junior lightweight Albert Bell vs. Julio Cortez, 8 rounds, junior lightweight Abraham Nova vs. Richard Pumicpic, 8 rounds, featherweight
(Featured Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank via Getty Images)
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junker-town · 5 years
Here’s your 2020 NBA All-Star mock draft
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It’s Team LeBron vs. Team Giannis. This is the 2020 NBA All-Star mock draft you never knew you needed.
There’s a lot happening in the NBA right now: the trade deadline is upon us on Thursday, the playoff race is heating up a few degrees as we zip toward the home stretch and NBA All-Star Weekend is just a week away.
In service of that, the NBA will hold its third annual NBA All-Star Draft, the second televised. LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo, 2020 All-Star’s two captains, will draft teams on TNT at 7 p.m. ET. There are rules, of course: starters get picked first, then reserves. LeBron has the first pick for starters. Giannis picks first for reserves. Trades are apparently allowed, based on last season.
I have my war room and my big board ready to go. And here’s what I think is going to happen Thursday night. Let’s mock.
1. Team LeBron: Anthony Davis
This is a no-brainer unless LeBron plays a practical joke on Davis by taking someone else for giggles.
2. Team Giannis: Luka Doncic
This is a reminder that James Harden went very late in the starters’ draft last year (seventh out of eight) and that it seems like perhaps Antetokounmpo doesn’t really have a lot of love lost for The Beard given the way that officials in Houston talk about him and his 2019-20 NBA MVP award. Giannis needs a playmaker and is probably drawn to a young European star.
3. Team LeBron: Kawhi Leonard
LeBron sure as heck doesn’t want to be on the team playing against Kawhi, even in an exhibition.
4. Team Giannis: Joel Embiid
Giannis picked Embiid high last season, too. It’s a good grab for size, the only true center among starters.
5. Team LeBron: Kemba Walker
Kemba going over Harden is a shocker, but there’s just something about The Beard that makes him a lower prospect in these sorts of endeavors. I could be wrong and he could be the second player off the board. But I think I’m right and Kemba will go before him. (Kemba is freaking great.)
6. Team Giannis: Pascal Siakam
Why not go full-on Team World?
7. Team LeBron: James Harden
Finally, Harden escapes the green room.
8. Team Giannis: Trae Young
I love Trae Young. But to me, there is no question that Young will be the last starter picked. As flashy and fun as he is, he is on a different level than the rest of these nine players. No shots, but it’s true.
9. Team Giannis: Khris Middleton
Giannis picked his teammate first among reserves last season, too.
10. Team LeBron: Chris Paul
Here’s where things get interesting. Does LeBron pick one of his best friends in the world, CP3? Or does he pick a Klutch Sports client and young star he’s mentored in Ben Simmons? I think he goes with CP3 as a nod of respect to his friend’s stunning comeback.
11. Team Giannis: Damian Lillard
The best player among the reserves. Maybe the third or fourth best player in the whole All-Star Game? This is why the All-Star draft is so funny: the third or fourth best player in the game is probably the 11th pick because of RULES and because of RELATIONSHIPS. So goofy and wonderful.
12. Team LeBron: Ben Simmons
Now LeBron can claim his protegé. And keep him off of Embiid’s team. To let him flourish. HMMM.
13. Team Giannis: Nikola Jokic
Team Giannis’s international flavor reigns, and Jokic has been one of the best players in the league for about a month now. If the draft plays out like this, Team Giannis is winning.
14. Team LeBron: Jayson Tatum
Tatum has been on fire as of late as well, and while he doesn’t seem like a traditional All-Star high-scorer candidate, his excitement at playing with the legends he’ll share the court with should be really satisfying to people who like to see nice folks be excited and happy.
15. Team Giannis: Donovan Mitchell
Let’s hope the Jazz win a game between now and All-Star or Mitchell (a supreme competitor) is going to have trouble smiling.
16. Team LeBron: Brandon Ingram
LeBron reunited with one of the players alienated by his machinations to get the Pelicans to trade Anthony Davis last season. Sounds like a Hallmark movie in the making.
17. Team Giannis: Jimmy Butler
I’m so bummed Karl-Anthony Towns isn’t an All-Star — not because he deserves it (his long injury absence and Minnesota’s downward spiral screwed that), but because Towns vs. Jimmy in this setting would be magical. Like a JV version of Westbrook vs. Durant from 2017.
18. Team LeBron: Russell Westbrook
Westbrook has literally nothing to prove for the first time in ... his life? Unless he reads too many quotes about how he doesn’t deserve his All-Star spot over Devin Booker. By the way, I have Westbrook and Lillard on different teams. That ABSOLUTELY needs to happen. Maybe that’s the source of the chip on Westbrook’s shoulder this time around.
19. Team Giannis: Bam Adebayo
High potential fun for Bam as an All-Star. Also, high potential for three minutes of playing time.
20. Team LeBron: Rudy Gobert
The NBA should donate $10,000 to a charity of Rudy’s choosing for every screen assist in the All-Star Game.
21. Team Giannis: Kyle Lowry
Kyle Lowry absolutely deserves to be an All-Star and absolutely cannot possibly want to play in the All-Star Game.
22. Team LeBron: Domantas Sabonis
There is no chance whatsoever that Domantas Sabonis, a wonderful young player deserving of his spot in the game, will be anything but the last pick in the 2020 NBA All-Star Draft. This is LaMarcus Aldridge Memorial All-Star Roster Spot. Someone make Domas a plaque.
Tom Ziller writes and publishes Good Morning It’s Basketball, a daily independent NBA newsletter. Subscribe on Substack.
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malfunction || self-para
WHO: Damien Longford. A special guest. ft mentions of Daniel, Laurel, Juliet and Tobias Longford.
WHERE: NOTOS Tower. Damien’s Room. 
WHEN: Thursday 24th August. Evening.
WHAT: Damien has a therapy session with a return character.
WARNING: Harsh Language lots of it. Also, Damien crying. Feels. 
To say Damien was coping with getting back to supposedly normal life would be a lie of great proportions.  He needed distractions and therapy weren't helping him as much as he hoped. He just wanted to shut it to be back of his mind. Maybe this was normal for students who had been here much longer than he had, but this wasn't normal? How could it be? How could one possibly just get used to this?
To say he was fine was a breeze to him. Damien could lie without flinching. It was a trait he didn't like about himself but he did it in order to protect his own feelings but he was good at it. He could convince himself so much he was telling the truth that other would believe his lies. So that nobody saw a crack in his glass, tints in his strong armour he'd built about for himself over years of years of feeling out of place in his own skin no matter how hard he tried.  He never used to lie but currently, it was something he'd learnt how to do as time went on. Getting into the life of magic for him was an accident, a part of life that had been kept away from just him specifically for some unknown reason he was still yet to find out. So his parents kept secret from him, they lied. So he had to find out how to lie good two, despite his upbringing to be honest, truthful and just.
So a distraction usually came in the shape of two things for Damien. Exercise and coffee. One. Or both. Not in a particular order but today it was jogging and then the coffee. Finally reaching his room.
He turned on the light as he enters, flicking the switch on but for some reason to him, he feels a little out of place. He ignores it for a little while as he goes to put his shoes away. The young new age sighed and he felt and saw the lights in the room flicker for a while. He furrows his eyebrows at it in confusion as he raised his posture. Damien looks around the room, spinning on the spot full circle and seeing nothing wrong. It was actually very silent in his room. Almost a little too silent.
"I'm backkkkkkkkk!" was said in familiar raised voice.  A voice Damien knew all too well.  A dramatic tone. As if one of those moments from a movie.
It made Damien freeze in his spot. His body stiff now and his heart rate picking up in speed in fear.  "No, no no...No. You were gone. I-I got rid of it" His voice shook. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes, he slowly turned around as the room lights flicker again like some horror movie he watched.
"What's the matter, Little D? Not happy to see me."  The figure appeared almost from the shadows with a dark smirk.  Whistling what he believed to be his own theme song. I’ve got no strings on me. A harmonious melody.  His electric blue eyes shone in the dark before he'd even stepped out. He was wearing a simple grey t and black shorts. Almost an opposite to the white t Damien was wearing. 
At the sight. Damien didn't believe what he was seeing so he rubbed his eyes and he was gone. A sigh of relief. His mind playing tricks on him. Thank aether it was only a short temporary thing. Maybe his guilt playing up on him. The event really had shaken him up more than he'd even let on.
Until a sudden cough from behind now caught him offer guard. "You know, D, we've gotta stop meeting like this." His shadow-self replied.
"Y-You're not real. You're gone. I killed you." Damien replied.
"I mean, yeah. Technically you did. Technically I'm not here. If you wanna talk technicality. Wanna medal, kiddo? Gold star, hmm" The shadow hummed, scoffed and rolled his eyes before he made himself comfortable on the couch. It was so fast he almost teleports. As if a light flash went off in his room, he was there in a blink of an eye. Putting his feet up on his coffee table.  "But god is it fun to see you squirm like a worm on the ground. I think I may just stick around a little while."
"No, go away."
"You say that as if I invited myself in, D. Woah. Is this how you treat all your friends you invite over? God, your kind of an asshole." He shook his head and chuckled. “You know, I’m only in your head because this is what your guilt looks like. I’m your conscience.” He whispered in a joking manner before laughing at him. 
"I want you to leave. So go away. Get out of my head." The New Age replied. His tone firm.
"If only it worked like that, man. I'm flattered you're thinking about me. I really am. I could go but what fun would that be?"
Damien really was squirming. He knew this wasn't real yet why did he feel so scared? So vulnerable?
"Okay, I've got a deal, Little D. I'll go now if we have daily meetings from now on. I'll just pop up and we can have a talk about your feelings. I mean, what's the therapist going to do when you just lie? Who knows you better than you do. Me! Duh" The imaginative shadow replies as he turns his head to face him.
"No. That's not how this works." Damien agreed to restart his own control against himself.
"Is it not now? Because I could talk to your about your problems all day, man. Cause I'm ready to rock on a roll!" He said, standing back up again to threaten Damien. "Like how mommy and daddy try so hard to make you feel loved cause they kept the biggest secret of all from you. Did they ever tell you why? No, I don't think they trust you with it. Not even now. You know as well as I do that nothing will impress them. So why are you trying so hard? You aren't Juliet. Oh, no, she's the golden child. She's everything you want to be, right? That's the sad part. Oh no, well, all of this is the sad part. What about that kid brother of yours, Toby? That is his name? Not like you actually remember. Oh, isn't he how you found out?  I heard a little rumour you used to be closed? What happened there?" His shadow shook his head. His eyes darkening blue as if there was a storm brewing in them.
Damien was silent. He gulped. What power did his imagination really have over him? This wasn't real. He was in control, right? What could he really do?
“Okay, now listen to these words very fucking carefully, you little shitbag.” His shadow gripped him by the chest. His shadow slightly taller reigned supreme. "Well, actually, I could get you really riled up and then everyone would think your crazy-pants? I mean, the Longford Little bitch and a loony wouldn't be good for your dreams of being a lawyer, huh kiddo? Better stick to those CSI re-runs" His shadow then lightly slapped his cheek. And for something that really shouldn't hurt as part of his mind, his imagination, unreality, he felt it a lot.   “You, mean nothing. You're expendable. Think if you disappeared you’d mean anything to anyone? You think you have friends here? You think mommy and daddy and your sibling would even blink an eye to here then maybe, you just couldn’t take it. That you gave up. Cause they’re not going to be surprised, believe me! Do not fuck with me. Cause I can make your life a living hell if I wanted. I’m not going anywhere.”
"I'm going to ask you a question for you to think about before I scoot for today and I'll see you tomorrow. Do you think your parents actually love you? Like, really love you? Not that fake shit they always give you like a Thanksgiving. Or love you the same as your brothers and sisters?"
Damien couldn't show any weakness so the whole time, he'd stayed in the same spot with a look on his face that was a mixture of aggression and vulnerability. His feelings hurt at every word because they came from his own voice. It sucked and he knew it wasn't real but the feelings hitting him now were very real with those lingering questions.
"Later, D." His shadow waved. “This was fun.” He winked. The vision of him faded. It was a glitch on a computer screen and then he was gone. 
"No," he replied to the question. Even though he was gone. "They don't...but I can make them love me the same they love my siblings. Okay. That I can change." He spoke only as if to convince himself which in he was. Really he was. If only he could do that with meaning. This lie couldn't sink deep enough for him to believe it though. So tears ran down his face despite staying scrunch. He'd tried so hard not to look pathetic but now he was alone. Just like he felt a lot in life.
He went to his couch to sit on it and now couldn’t get that question out of his head. Did his parents care enough? He’d always had doubts but was he actually right?
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fangbreaker · 7 years
Tales of Springfield: Denial
Looking over the horizon, the only thing that could be seen was cloudy skies overhead and a huge forest underneath. Within this incredible forest silence reigned supreme, no matter where you walked. The trees that made the land their home were so thick and tall and their leaves so many, it created a darkness like none seen before, save a few small creaks of sunlight that managed to make it through.
Within the darkness was a lone figure walking through the forest at a slow and steady pace. Faint stops of swishing water could be heard as the figure lightly treaded through the water that covered the ground, the sound traveled for miles due to the silence.
As the figure made it’s way through the forest, it came under a beam of light that managed to shine, the figure came under the light, it was William. Something was amiss with William, the smile that William always carried upon his face was not that of the standard good nature. This smile hid a feeling of desolation within him, he continued walking, being reclaimed by the darkness just as fast as he left it. For a little while longer William persisted through the darkness until he saw a light shinning in the darkness ahead of him, which lead to the very middle of the forest. The middle of the forest was a huge clearing, a perfect circle with a deep lake. William started up his slow and steady space again, at the same time that William made his way to lake center another figure was running with all of it’s it’s might
“I have to stop this, not again, I have to stop this from happening again”
The figure saw the light leading to the lake center and rushed through screaming at the too of his lungs “STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP” The echo went for miles, booming with strength even as it died out. William turned around, saw the figure who was revealed them self to be William. “You came” his desolate smile became filled with a brief moment of happiness “You came, it is too late though” with his face returning back to the desolate grin, he took on final step and was dead center. William back at the entrance ran towards him as fast as his body would allow “LIKE HELL IT’S TOO LATE” “YOU CAN’T GIVE UP” William screamed. “You have to stop” declared the desolate William and with the slight turned of his head the roots of a tree tripped the frantic William. Falling into the dirt face first, frantic William’s face was riddled with cuts as well as some dirt and leaves. Wiping it off his face frantic William tried getting back up to run, he was stopped by a pain in his foot, caused by tripping on the thick branch. “Shit!!” He tried hopping on one foot yet the soiled was damp to the point that William sank a little and fell over again, he began running on all four bearing most of his body’s weight on the other three limbs. That is when another branch wrapped it self around William’s legs pulling him back, frantic William tried holding on to one of the tree roots, his hands riddled with damp soil caused his grip to slip. As frantic William was losing sight of desolate William he saw a sharp rock grabbed it and hacked away at the root, breaking through he ran as fast as he could with a limp. Dodging other roots, frantic William finally touched down on the lake. He kept running towards desolate William, when frantic started sinking into the water. “ The hell is this? Why do you give up so easily” as William sank more he remembered “Right!!! You can swim…. Idiot!!” He started swimming to desolate when he realized he wasn’t going anywhere, the water was moving opposite of William. “Come on!!!”
Desolate William having dealt with frantic William’s attempts to stop him took one last breath “Let it begin” An eruption of water burst causing a mist everywhere, once the mist cleared Frantic saw Desolate’s neck covered by the fangs of a black wolfish creature whose eyes were a blood red hue, seeing this Frantic went berserk in the water, trying to get back on the water surface images of the deaths of his family and friends started replaying in his head. Two more wolfish creatures burst through the water clamping their fangs in the base of William’s arms “PLEASE!! THERE’S ANOTHER WAY” from behind Desolate a wolfish creature emerged, hyperextending it’s jaw to grip Desolate’s torso “It has to happen” the soft spoken words echo and Frantic stopped “What?” “What do you mean? No it doesn’t!!!” “It has to has to happen” Desolate spoke once more. As he finished speaking, two more wolfish creatures grip the base of William’s thighs to his torso. Frantic tried to move his body, yet nothing happened, “Thank you”
Just as Desolate finished speaking, the wolves pressed their fangs, ripping Desolate apart. Frantic looked on in horror, eyes widened, tears streaming down his face, the black beast gorging on the piece of Desolate they claimed breaking down the bone, even fighting amongst each other for the remains. Once they were done they vanished instantly, they looked at Frantic before leaving and didn’t care for him.
Some time had passed, William finally back on the water’s surface was kneeled over, staring at his reflection. The memories of his family and friend’s death replayed again, over and over until all he saw was the blood covered still bodies of those he loved. Faster and faster the images played in a loop, heavier and more rapid did his breathing become, face turning red. On the final play through of his loved ones corpses, he saw Desolate’s face, tears streaming down his face along with blood seeping from his eyes and mouth. Desolate stretched out his arm despite the wolf creature clutching the base “Thank you” that phrase echoed through William’s mind looping over itself multiple times getting louder and until nothing. The loops stopped playing, William’s harsh breathing regulated. The only thing that could be heard was a faint ringing sound, William began to chuckle “heh heh heh…… heh heh he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha” Inhale* “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA”
William went on for 30 more seconds laughing, once the laughter started dying down a heavy flow of tears started streaming down William’s face. He then started crying, memories of everyone dear to him replayed in his mind only to see their dead bodies again fresh in his mind, remembering how limp their bodies were when he held them after they died because he was unable to protect them. His crying got stronger and louder, and slowly converged into a horrendously inhuman howl. William’s pupils were gone, he was losing himself, he raised his fast into the air. Bringing his fist down to the water he woke up.
William was laying in fetal position when woke on his right side, covering his face with his left hand, he propped himself up “The same dream, huh? This time it was me” as William stretched, Hannibal snugged up against him “Hello hume, food please”
“Lets get you and me some food pal” William said with a smirk
Main Story
William sat on his couch already bored with the day, yet it was only 11:30 in the morning. “What a way to start the day, bored” it was a pretty bland week William was having. Anytime someone called for his help as the guardian of the area, it was minor stuff. Kittens in trees, hives located near areas with children, herding animals. William didn’t want anything bad to happen to anybody, that said he wouldn’t mind an unnecessarily aggressive beast to start fucking things up.
“What day is it?” William wondered looking at his phone seeing that it was Thursday, June 8th 11:36 am. “Thursday, yes the new manga’s out” William said with glee to find something to keep his attention, after spending 20 minutes reading the new releases William’s phone vibrated. His eyes widened with glee, he was being called by another guardian by the name of Rue to clear out an abandoned Transit workers subway work station located in Williamsburg
“Finally!! Some action, William got his supplies and was about to go. Before that, William left a message for Carrie and Kalis via text if they decided to come to the den, letting them know there’s food in the fridge, and that he would be back by 4:30 the latest. William used a little teleporting trinket Kalis and Carrie picked out for his birthday. He popped up in Williamsburg on Franklin ave, the site where he had to meet up with Rue was 3 miles right of him. William began jogging, as he jogged he counted 6 bodies within a span of 3 blocks, 2 churches next to each other and 2 schools across the street from each other.
A mile into the jog William saw more and more old construction stuff, a lot of it old. After 30 minutes he came up to the entrance to the of the transit station. Out of the corner of his eye William saw the sharpened edge of an Oathkeeper barely miss his right eye, jumping back William turned into his Livewire suits form William saw a young man in his late teens. “Who are you?” William asked clenching his lightning charged fist, the boy stood there in stance, stoic in the face The boy charged at William with great speed, William while not great with speed in his Frankenstein’s monster-ish form, used his power to his advantage smash the ground under him causing a great smoke cloud. That didn’t stop the youth from charging still, slicing through the smoke to see no one was there. Stepping forward he stopped himself before he fell into the hold dug, he went on guard quickly. Waiting for any sort of movement, that’s when parts of the ground were being punched through, causing the debris to fly in the air creating more dust and dealing bit of damage. The youth cutting through as much of the debris coming his way as he possibly could sustained damage to his legs, right arm and even face. The youth in an enraged fit charged up energy into the blade stabbing the blade into the ground, causing the area to fluctuate around him with the energy surging and destroying anything it reached. The area was quiet, the youth looked around for a while before finally lowering the dust covered blade, just as the blade pointed directly at the ground Livewire grabbed the youth’s leg launching him. The youth tumbled for a little while, Livewire emerged surging with electricity charging it all into his fist, before the youth could get on his feet Livewire hit the ground with all of his might once again, this time releasing an electrical wave. The eyes of the stoic faced youth were overcome with confusion, Livewire glared at the youth letting him know to give up on fighting. The youth dropped the blade and fell to his knees. “You lost James, that was a pitiful” a voice echoed, William looked around preparing some electricity “I’m not your enemy, I’m a friend” footsteps were heard coming from behind some old construction equipment. Who emerged from behind the equipment was a black man in his late 40s, piercing eyes and a greatsword with magically charged runes on them. “What’s the meaning of this?” William said reverting back to his normal form “Why did he attack me?” William was already in a bad mood almost having lost his eye, he wanted answers and wanted them yesterday. “Calm yourself guardian, I had my boy attack you to test your strength. See if you really worth the contact I sent you earlier” “Name’s Rue by the way, I’m the guardian needing help with this mission, this here’s my boy James. He’s apprenticing me to take over as guardian when the time comes, I don’t think that’s going to happen with that display I saw” William looked at James, whose head was lowered by the disapproving words from his father. “That display your son put forth was brimming with skill, the stoic face he had made it hard to tell wh-” “He was sluggish, didn’t want the victory hard enough” William could already tell this mission was going to be mentally draining, taking a deep breath he focused on the mission “What are we dealing with exactly? I want to be prepared” William proclaimed Rue looked at his boy “What are you waiting for, tell him” James walked up to William and started to explained “In this abandoned station there was reported to have been the dwelling of dark dust spirits” “Dark dust spirits?” William cocked his right eyebrow up questioning James, James humped back a bit “Y-yes” William looked at Rue “The message said beast. Dark dust spirits are not beast, they’re undead. Undead with a real grudge that distorted what they once were. We have to sanctify the remains , we can’t fight them” “Do not worry guardian” Rue spoke “My name is William, you could at least ask” “My apologies William, I will use my subjugation on them” William walked passed Rue on his way into the abandoned worker’s station. “Where are you going?” Rue asked “To perform the passing on ritual, I need someone handy with passing rituals. Do any of you know any?” William asked Slowly raising his hand James proclaimed “I do” Rue looked down upon his son “ And where did you learn those rituals? “F-from mom” James responded Rue scoffed at the answer “Figures that stupid light magic she was so fond of, she should’ve helped with enforcing your tutelage in subjugation” “She didn’t want me to be useless!” James reacted “What?!?!” Rue’s eyes widened “Enough” William voiced roared “We’re here to do our job, not bicker. James I’m going to need you upfront since you have the know how for the rituals” James agreed and followed after William through the entrance. “And what of me?” Rue asked “You’re still valuable for your mastery in subjugation. Places like this are home to beast” “Such a small role” Rue scoffed “Dude, seriously. Either help or go home, I could honestly kill the damn beast if I wanted to. I’d rather not, especially after the battle with James” William said completely done with the remarks The trio entered the subway station, the sound of faint water drilling could be heard, a mildewy smell was present yet not strong enough to bother them and the floor was littered with debris and police crossing tape. “There’s two tunnels, James and I will take the left. Rue you take the right, here’s chalk to write the seals used for the ritual” William explained “What happens if I find nothing?” Rue questioned William stamped a temporary calling seal on Rue’s arm “If you find nothing and need to regroup touch the seal, you’ll be brought to us immediately. Same for if we need help” Rue went down the right tumnel, James watched his father disappear into the tunnel. William walked past James nudging him in the process. “Lets get this done” William said as James followed after Walking down the left tunnel James was quietly staring at the ground as he walked “You know, you shouldn’t stare at the floor. Have to stay on guard” James looked up and caught up with William. “You can be at ease, your dad isn’t around for now.” James breathed easy “He’s not all bad, you know? He can be a little too tough at times, he just wants what’s beat for me” William smirked “Kid, that’s denial if I ever did see it. If your dad wants you to reach peak potential, he could show support in your growth. Tearing someone down, especially his own son is a real dick thing to do” “I didn’t even get a chance to properly introduce myself to you” “Name’s William” holding out his hand for a formal greeting James smirked “Name’s James” James met with for the handshake. Once They made contact, William noticed this dark aura hovering over James with piercing eyes looking down on James “Is something wrong William?” James asked William quickly reassured James all was well and they continued walking. Further down the tunnel William and James came across an abandoned train stop, William noticed there was a single figure standing in the middle enjoying garbage pail fire that was made. “Excuse me sir, are you by your lone some?” William asked the homeless “I’m never alone” said the Old man “We were called to deal with some dark dust spirits, you haven’t seen anything odd, have you?” James asked The homeless man sighed “Dark dust spirits, huh? Follow me” the old man said The boys agreed and followed behind the homeless “Those being you called Dark dust spirits are by no means dark, they simply couldn’t get past the pain they had inside. They shouldn’t be feared, they should be pitied” the old man explained “That may be sir, they still have to pass on. If they stay they mag cause the death of someone and only create more of their kind” William explained “I couldn’t agree with you more, I beg of you helped them pass on” the old man begged “We’d like to, we have to find their remains though” James stated “That’s easy” said the old man, they walked down the tunnel for miles until they came across snd underground subway oasis for homeless people. “What is this place?” William asked in amazement, James was rapidly looking from left to right, taking in all the sights he could. The three of the made it to the area of the oasis where the council for the management of the oasis reside “Who are these two Malachi?” A small woman asked “Gloria, these two are guardians. They’ve come to deal with the 3.” Malachi responded “Have they really?” Gloria said filled with hope “Thank goodness, we didn’t have the means to do it ourselves so we could only sit and watch as some of our own were forced to exist like that. “We’ll make sure they’ll pass asap” William reassured Gloria. Gloria walked Malachi, William and James two a smaller side tunnel where there was a seal placed. “I put this here, to keep the spirits at bay. Please, help them” Gloria began releasing the seal, just then James realized that there were prying eyes from behind the seal “You noticed too, huh?” Malachi asked “As soon as we stepped in front of the seal we were being watched” “Everytime someone passes the seal, the spirits enforce their aura, letting us know they’re still there wanting out” Gloria stated as she finished releasing the seal. Just then a shockwave of dark energy shot out at the along with powerful gravely moans “…Come…” three voices beckoned William and James rushed into the passage, the darkness was a lot more dense in this part of the tunnel. Mostly because of the spirits influence, the boys came across a passage that had three smaller tunnels in three separate directions. As William was about to take another step towards one of the doors a loud screeching roar was heard. James and William looked up, automatically making eye contacting with the spirits. Their form grotesque, a grayish-white mane protruding from the scalp of a head who face was majorly transformed, the eyes were an ice blue, the body was all red covered in black veins all over the body. The veins would pulsate, and the red skin gave off a slight glow. “We know why you’re hear, we want to pass on. That’s why we’ve been causing trouble, and now you’re here. We won’t go down easy though, our remains are within these three passages. Come and kill us” the middle spirit said William took the left path, James was going to follow William stopped him "Don’t think I can handle myself, huh?” James was stumbling over his words, William turned around smiling giving the thumbs up “Take the right path, beat and send the poor bastard on. We’ll get the last one together, how’s that?” James agreed “Will do” James went into the right path, it was a long straight corridor that descended downward into a big room. There he saw the remains of the dust spirit he was going to send on to the afterlife, it was a dirty skull yet the presence exhuming from it was nothing to trifle with. James focused on the task at hand, walking towards the skull when he was punched back to where he started. A cloud of dust particles came together and formed the spirit. “Soon, eternal rest” the spirit said eagerly “I will not fail” James said with more confidence, unsheathing his Oathkeeper used light magic to enchant his blade. Darkness engulfed the spirit’s fist, and he charged right at James. Punching James in his stomach, he endured slashing wildly at the spirit. The spirit dispersed and reappeared “You bore me, I’m going to kill you now” sharpening it’s claws to it’s peak the spirit, kicked off the ceiling charging at James slicing through his body. The spirit licked it’s claws of the blood from James, that was until the blood revealed itself to be light particles. The mutilated body of James was nothing more than a husk of light energy. *Molting Cicada* the real James appeared behind the spirit *U slash* slicing off the spirits arms and legs the spirit shrieked, then laughed “I can regrow my limbs, I’m a spirit.” The spirit tried using the dust particles in the are to craft new limbs, yet they failed “Oathkeeper drenched in light energy is especially because it halts the otherworldly healing process they possess” James sheathed his blade took a deep breath “I’m glad that’s over” he walked over to the spirit that laid defeated on the floor bowed to him and then proceeded to sanctify the remains. The spirits demon body was cleansing itself and breaking apart revealing the beast to be a man in his 20s “Thank you” and he faded
” I wonder how William is doing?“ James said as he rushed to the entrance of the dungeon he entered. William on the other hand had just finished passing the spirit on "didn’t mean to pin you to the ground, you gave me no choice though. Rest well” The spirit smirked “thank you” William emerged from the dungeon path he choose to see James waiting for him “You finished already? Damn good” James gave a thumbs up, the two stared at the last door and they went through and saw the last spirit standing “Just you left, I’m guessing you won’t go easy” William said. The spirit said nothing, it just released miasma from it’s claws. We’re going to need all of the help we can get, William touched the seal and brought Rue to the dungeon. “About damn time, is that the beast?” “Spirit” James corrected "and yes it is" Rue walked passed William and James, drawing his sword "Lets get this over with, being in this station is tiring" "Agreed" William responded All of a sudden, James charged at the spirit, Oathkeeper drenched in light magic. The spirit unimpressed blocked the frontal assault with it's arm "Brave yet fool hardy" the spirit's eyes widened "This boy's eyes, he's being subju- Rue attacked the spirit with his greatsword, the runes on his blade glowing "You would o that to your own boy, you're no guardian. You're a monster" the spirit said in disgust. "You know nothing, he will be strong" Rue said as he charged at this spirit. The spirit leaped back charging miasma in it's fist, charged at Rue. James was in route to attack the spirit stoic face on blade at the ready when the spirit kneed James, Rue tried to behead the spirit and the spirit ducked, uppercutting Rue with all of it's might sending Rue flying back. The spirit grabbed James by the head and roared at point blank range. James lost the stoic face "where am I?" The spirit responded "you are free" William sprinted behind the spirit "Let go of him!!!" Slashing his way through the shoulder of the spirit. "AAAAHHHHHHHH" the spirit turned it's head 180 degrees "I'm not your enemy boy" the spirit hissed, then exhuming an omni-directional miasma sent William flying. Rue and James struck the spirit from both sides, the spirit couldn't move because of the runes and light magic in both blades "Sanctify the remains already!!!!" Rue yelled, William back on his feet ran towards the Rib cage spewing aura wrote the seals and poured the water. The spirit's distorted body reverted back to the original human form to show a priestess. William walked over to the fading spirit, Rue and James sheathed the blades and walked back to the entrance of the lair " You coming William" Rue shouted "Yeah, just give me a second" William responded. The woman looked at William "Before you fade, what did you say?" William questioned the woman basically gone replied "The real enemy is among you, the enemy is- The spirit faded "Damn" William said clenching his fist. William ran to catch up with Rue and James, William nudged James "You were in the zone dude, that stoic zen form you go into is good. If you can master it" James chuckled "thanks" as William was laughing he saw those piercing eyes looking down on James fade. "You okay William, you look like you've seen a ghost" William snapped out of it "Sorry, I thought I did. Also, don't you think you should give James some praise. His hard work made the victory possible" "Him showing the level of skill required of a guardian isn't praiseworthy, it's required" James sulked his head. They arrived back in the subway oasis and then appeared before Malachi and Gloria "Are you successful?" Asked Gloria with hope in her eyes. William spread the good news and everyone was relieved. "Thank you gentlemen, your hard work has brought them peace. We thank you, here is what we could muster as payment" The trio was given a set of scrolls with magic in them "It's not much" "It's more then enough thank you" William replied. The trio parted ways with the subway civilization and exited the station, William got a message on his phone from Carrie. He looked at the time, it was 5:30 "Shit, I already know her and Kalis are going to let have it for keeping them waiting at the den" William played the voice message *Boi if you don't hurry up with this mission you're on, Kalis came to the den looking like a snack for you my nigga. Got the cake and you ain't even here to enjoy it, you slipping* Kalis could also be heard *Welp, never doing this again* *you're slipping William* Carrie and Kalis were both laughing *Hurry back doge* William pulled the teleporting trinket from his pocket "Hey James, nice job today dude. Lets hang out Tuesday" James agreed, William gave a thumbs up and left William appearing back at his den let out a huge sigh "No place like home" he opened the door and Hannibal jumped up like mad BAAAAAWWWWRRGGHHH!!!!! "Ha ha ha good boy" William pet Hannibal on the head and saw Carrie and Kalis "Hey Carrie, KAAAALLLIIIISSSSS!!!!" "Oh well I guess fuck me" Carrie said jokingly William and Kalis chuckled "How was your mission?" Kalis asked "Yeah, you were gone for basically the whole day" Carrie added "It was a little wild, teamed up with this guardian and his son to deal with spirits bound to an underground subway" William explained "how did that go?" Carrie asked "It was tiring, the guardian was a dick to his son and he didn't really have kind words for the magic he knew because it was the same magic the boy's mother " Oh geez" Carrie said "Yeah, and that's not even the weird part. While trying to send the last spirit on his way she told me that she was the real enemy, I asked her who was and she faded before I could here an answer" "Oh and when I shook the boy whose name is James by the way, I saw this aura like it was lurking over him there were eyes looking down on him in the aura" "What do you think it means?" Kalis asked "I think someone is controlling him" William said "I say it's the father" Carrie said bluntly "You think so?" Carrie placed her hand on William's shoulder and give him the "Carrie" look "William" she said with confidence. "Well I can't just attack him for no reason, I could be stripped of my guardian status" William explained "Well you better think of something" Carrie said "It's pretty fucking disgusting to do that to your own son" Kalis added "I agree" William added. "It's a good thing I'm hanging with him Tuesday, I can possible get some answers" William explained "Not to change the subject here, can we get some food?" Kalis asked "Deadass, William got us starving" Carrie added "What about the food that was in the fridge?" William asked "We ate that as soon as we got here at 2:30" "Oh, all right what do you guys want to eat?" William asked. Kalis went into her grub hub app and search for a restaurant. The trio agreed on Chinese, and William pulled his debit card out. "Put it back" Kalis demanded William slid the card back in his wallet as fast as he slid it out. After Kalis ordered Hannibal started whining "Want to head outside boy?" William asked Hannibal jumped around. "Why don't we all hang outside on the stoop, while he doges around in the yard?" Carrie suggested. William agreed, they all went to the front yard, Hannibal bolted out the door, running in circles on both patches of grass. "William, bring out some tea for us" Kalis asked "Good idea" William went to the fridge took out the tea brought it to the girls with two cups. He sat back down. The food came soon after, after a good feast William teleported them back their homes. Cleaning up the cups and forks used along with any dishes from the day he showered and then went to sleep. The same dream played through for him, and he awoke to a bright sunny day. "I have got to do something about this feeling" Fast forward to Tuesday William awoke, he felt pretty good, didn't have the dream "The start of a good say" William said to himself. He got dressed and headed to the ave, where he was meeting James. Teleporting to the ave he met James as he emerged from the train station "Hey dude" William said greeting James, James waving. "You ready?" William asked "Yeah" James replied. "Where are we going?" James asked "A place that guardians in Queens frequent" William explained, "I'm not a Queens guardian, or a guardian at all" James said "That's why you're with me" William explained "Oh" James understood. The whole say William and James walked around the area checked out the many different attractions, different trinkets and wards on display in shops. James was amazed by the different trinkets, they all had great effects, lots of different armors and weapons that coat a lot for normal people. For guardians, they were able to get a special deal thanks to their badge of status, it also helped the price if your rank amongst other guardians was in good standing. Luckily for William he was known as the little wolf, who was well respected. There was a particular set of armor that James saw that his eyes glowed for, the "Goddaman armor" a light weight armor that granted immunity to all poisons and majority of diseases that could be contracted in battle. The armor cost $700, money that James didn't have to spare. William showed his badge to the shop owner and pointed towards the "Goddaman armor". Thanks to William's badge, along with his rank amongst the Queens guardians the armor's price dropped down to $80. James' mouth was open during the whole interaction, William handed the Shopkeeper $80, the armor was boxed and William gave the armor to James. "Bu-...that......" James couldn't speak, "Hey we've been out all day, you hungry?" "Y-yeah" James managed to replied they went to get some teriyaki from the Sarku Japan place Once they were situated William looked at James as he began eating and saw the dark aura, it was still there. He even saw one of the eyes keeping lookout, James saw William staring "You okay there?" William snapped back to reality "yeah" beginning his feast William started talking again. "So why's your dad the way he is? William asked, James smirked "He can be tough and a little dick baggish, he does want the best for me though. That's why I'm always training" "What about school? That's important" William stated. "I'm in school, don't worry" James reassured "That's good" William responded getting more into his meal " Do you have a job?" William continued asking "Yeah, I work at a Petsmart" "Nice" William said "Eh, it's a bit tiring" James said "How come? Long hours?" William asked, "No, it's to pay for school" James said William's fork stopped moving "Don't you get fafsa?" William asked "No, my dad doesn't help me with that. He said I should've just went to devoting my full time to becoming a guardian." "The tax returns I get help, I still have to pit a lot of hours in and then the training I do with my dad while apprenticing him is pretty intense. I'm running myself ragged at times" James remarked "What does your mom have to say about this?" William asked " Haven't seen her for some years, her and dad split up when I was really young. She's the one thing I won't let him talk down about." James said gripping his plastic fork, small cracks started appearing on the fork. "What did they split up for if you don't mind me asking" William continued "They got into a bad argument about this thing Dad wanted to try with me, it was said to boost the natural ability. The drawback was a bad one though" James said trying to remember correctly. "How did you come up with that zen mode you went into at the station, you were pretty strong there" William inquired " That mode was something my dad created, he researched for hours that special mode referencing from the procedure he wanted to try the first time, with none of the drawback" Hearing that William saw the "Carrie" face along with Carrie's voice "William, I told you" Flashes to Carrie at work* Carrie raises her head , shifts her eyes "I told him" and she went back to work As William and James finished their food, they got their stuff and headed to the train station James waved goodbye "Hey James, wait, here. A teleportation trinket, this should save you some money and also make getting places a lot more easier" James eyes lit up "I thought only guardians could get these" "You're an apprentice, you have some benefits. Especially because you're apprenticing your father, who is somehow well respected" William remarked. Just then James remembered that he had a ward he wanted to give to William "I made this ward for you, a ward that you can use in forms that might not have resistance to poisons or diseases" William smiled "thanks dude" he went into his Null Void suit form and equipped the ward, by doing so a pattern covered the armored "I feel stronger" William remarked. William watched as James arrived home with the trinket and texted him that he was home safe, William then did the same texting James. It was 7pm when William got home, he entered the house and there was Carrie and Kalis in the living room. Kalis was playing Kingdom hearts 2.8 watching the Back cover movie "You started playing without me" William sulked "I'm sorry William, we hot bored waiting for you to get back. How was hanging with James" Kalis asked "I was right again, wasn't I?" Carrie said with a smirk. William smirked while looking at the floor "Yeah" Carrie burst out with a triumphant laugh "AAAAAAH YAGGA YOW" Kalis chimed in with a slight laugh too. Carrie finished her laugh "Seriously though, we have to do something before shit goes down" "I agree" William chimed in, Rue is draining this kid, it's nothing but training with this kid, he doesn't even help with James paying for school. He relies on his job and tax returns. "Geez" Carrie and Kalis said William continued he somehow thinks he dad is still a good guy" he's splitting himself up into too many directions trying to take care of everything and it's burning him out. "Kind of sounds like you William" Carrie stated "My dad doesn't do that kind of stuff" William defended "No, yet your mom isn't here, his mom's not there. You both are burned out from splitting yourselves up trying to take care of everything, the only difference is that you were able to come to terms with that and aren't in such a state of denial and your father doesn't control you while also down talk you" Carrie said "We need to find his mom, don't you have a form that can track life energies?" William thought and realized "Yeah, before the shaman left back to her home, she gave me some if her power and I got a shaman form" William concentrated and assumed the form of a shaman. William's form was composed of black clothing and he was holding a paintbrush that had jet black bristles, he was holding special papers. William placed the paper on the ground, he took the ward from his Null Void form and placed it on the paper, wrapped the ward in the paper and dipped the paint brush in the black that was William's clothing, writing Find James Mother as the sole command on the paper the ink on the paper turned into 8 arrows the arrow pointing left glowed. "I'll be back guy" William said as he transitioned from Shaman to Seraph form and took flight. William followed the arrows all the way to Forest Hills to a 2 apartment complex, he reverted back to his normal form and knocked on the door the arrow pointed to. The arrows disappeared, the door opened and a hand grabbed William pulling him in and launching him into the living room behind the couch. William got up to find a blade in his face "State your business" the woman demanded, William held up the ward and said "Your son" "How do you know of him? Has that bastard sent you after me to kill me?" The woman asked ready to fight "No, I'm here because I need your help saving James" William explained "My name is William, a guardian of Queens. I worked with your husband- "Ex" the woman declared "I couldn't stay there with him and my son, I would've taken the boy yet the judge ruled that without proof I couldn't get full custody. I had no choice, except to leave my boy, I felt horrible" " You aren't a bad person, you did what you could. Now you have a chance to finish what you started" William remarked "How do we do that? Oh and my name is Mona" "First I have to ask you about the procedure you and Rue argued about" William asked "The procedure was done with a ritual, it would awaken the latent strengthen within an individual in every way. It seemed to good to be true and it was, the test subjects all started becoming aggressive destroying anything in their path. They soon turned into beast that broke free causing one of the biggest tragedies ever" "the march of beast in 97" William chimed in, Mona nodded her head. "My husband Rue was a guardian and also someone who was lending a hand in the project with his mastery of subjugation magic, he was so hell bent on this projects success that he even tried to offer up little James at that point. I violently forbade it, the arguments got fierce, so I destroyed his notes on the project so he couldn't try it. Filing for divorce, I tried full custody yet you know how that went" Mona sighed" I want my boy safe with me." "I think he's created another procedure" William said, Mona's eyes widened "How?" "James told me he referenced the procedures strengths with none of the weakness, the thing is it turns him into a stoic soldier" William explained Mona became enraged "My poor boy has been turned into a guinea pig by his own father none the less" "Take me to him" Mona demanded, "I can't right now the law would be on their side if we attacked like this" "Don't you worry boy, I have a ace up my sleeve that I've been preparing. Meet me with your friends tomorrow" Mona said she gave him a hug, which caught William by surprise "Thank you" William returned home and told Kalis and Carrie the plan, they were all for it except "Work William, we have jobs. We can't just ditch" they both explained " I know that, that's why I have a friend who can help" William reassured. A figure came walking through the gate "He means me" a mage by the name of Mark said "impeccable timing as ever Mark" William said " Well I sensed you need my abilities. So who am I helping today?" "Us" Carrie and Kalis responded " Need you to clone them, temporary clones for the day." William explained "Easy" Mark replied holding out his hands "I need you two to put one of your hands on one of my hands, focus energy and we'll begin" Carrie and Kalis focused energy with one of their hands and Mark did the same, a few seconds later and they were done. Mark held two orbs in his hand one with a C and one with a K "I added that to make sure no mix ups happened, that should help. They are just like you, same aura, magic force and all. They can't take too much strain though, or they'll disappear." "Understood" Kalis and Carrie responded. "Thanks Mark, there's food in the kitchen if you want some" William said pointing to the kitchen Mark ran inside to the kitchen and made a sandwich then left "that's all I wanted" Marked walked until he faded away "Where do we go exactly tomorrow? Carrie asked "To Brooklyn, Williamsburg" William said "Now it's time to rest up" William teleported them back home William then went to sleep In the dream William saw Desolate him walking towards the beast. He pushed Desolate out of the way before they ate him, he ended in the grip of their teeth and just as he was about to get ripped to shreds he woke up Propping himself up, he rubbed his eyes "I guess that's a better outcome somehow." William said, jumping in the shower he was quick because he had to be there by 10 when it was 9:50. Kalis and Carrie were at his house by 9:55 and they left soon after. The area was desolate when the trio arrived "Where is Everybody?" Kalis asked "this must be what Mona had up her sleeves. Switching the real area of Williamsburg with a faux Williamsburg. Now we can fight full force" William said "Heeeeyyy" James waved as he came closer, he was wearing the "Goddaman armor" "Looking sharp James, that's the look of a future guardian" William said gassing James up "What might the guardians of Queens be doing in my territory?" Rue appeared "Rue!!! Give up" Mona shouted "Well I'll be, Mona. Just as beautiful as e- "Save me your honeyed words Rue" "Give up and come with me. To stand trial for using your own boy for experiments" "I'm going nowhere" Rue said simply, snapping his fingers 3 massive beast appeared all exhuming powerful aura. William's eyes widened "Those eyes" "That's right the best that came to be from the procedure, I subjugated them" Rue explained "Now fall to their power" The beast sprinted towards the group Mona sprang forth 5 mini metal cogs, charged to the max with light magic *Secret teachings: Dancing laser* two beat dodged leaving the last to take the full force of the attack, slicing him to pieces. Rue's eyes widened at what he witnessed "Fucking light magic, too bad you wasted that amalgam of Energy because I've jacked up the beast ability to heal" the cubes of flesh that the beast was cut into started coming together and just as the beast was almost fully healed it burst into flamed reducing the beast to ashes. "How??!?!" Rue said enraged that his hardwork was just destroyed easily "Dancing laser is a special light magic that shreds through anything, that's not all, if the target has healing properties the body of the individual breaks down even further thanks to an accelerated decomposition of the body" Mona explained "Maybe if you paid me mor attention that wouldn't have happened" the other two beast came for Mona, she tried using the residual energy in the cog for a shield yet it wasn't enough to stop the fist of the beast. James went to his mother who was falling from a building and caught her, placing her down gently he went to the beast with a light drenched Oathkeeper and sliced through the leg of the beast. William turned into his Livewire form and went for the second beast, Kalis joined him and Carrie helped James Mona healed herself and went for Rue. Rue tried using subjugation to stop her, to no avail did it work and she attack *100 light pillars* Mona created created one light pillar which multiplied into 99 more and launch them all at him. Rue focused energy into the blade causing the glyphs to glow, thrusting the blade into the ground caused an energy shield to block the pillars "I've learned a few more tricks" Rue said with pride "So have I" Mona said, with the snap of her fingers a light glyph appeared under Rue and exploded. "Give up Rue, you lost" As the battle between the beast waged on, Kalis used her Phoenix talons grabbing on to the beast burning it severely and launching him at Livewire. Livewire charged up all the electricity that he could *Gigabolt* black lightning surged down combing with Livewire's electricity and reduced the beast to nothing. James had cut through the last limb of the last beast and Carrie charged up her magic "You're life is nothing more than a run on sentence, that needs to be ereased" *The end* a black dot launched on to the beast that resembled the period, the dot instantly consumed the beast and shattered leaving no evidence the beast was there. James was amazed at the power of William's friends "Awesome" James shouted. William and Kalis caught up with James and Carrie "Lets go help mom, I can't believe Dad did this. All four of them ran towards whereMona and Rue were last seen fighting. Rue had been subdued by three rings of light. "The battle is over, I called the council to come for him" Heh heh heh he heh HA HA HA HA HA HA Rue laughed like he won the battle "Why are you laughing Rue? You're a failure, not just with this plan, as a guardian and a father." Mona dug into him with harsh words. "Save it Mona, my victory is here. BEGIN!!!" Rue enforced his subjugation and the dark aura began pouring from James. James began transforming into a combination of all three beast "Look at your boy Mona, isn't he beautiful?" "You monster!!! What have you done to him?" Mona roared holding a dagger composed of light magic to his neck. "With the new and improved procedure that makes James become a stoic soldier, I added some of the dna and aura of all three beast. He is perfect, he is Catoblopes" Catoblopes stood over all of them at 20 ft tall "Mona!! What is that monstrosity?" Erogn a council appointed guardian asked "Erogn, Rue turned my son into that,we have to save him" "I'll have the mages use their magic to stall him and then I'll extract as much beast DNA as I can" Erogn promised. Erogn saw the badge on William "Guardian, can you lend help?" "What do you need?" "Something to stall him" Erogn said William transformed in to Livewire charging up massive electricity *Thor's hammer* Black lightning touched down again and combined into a massive projectile William launched the attack at Catoblopes resulting in a huge flash followed by a cloud of dust. Erogn used his wind magic to blow the dust away revealing Willing on his knees panting heavily in his normal form, Catoblopes even with half of his body gone was healing and still trying to fight. "William, you have to get out of there" shouted Kalis and Carrie "I can't move, too tired" William muttered, Kalis and Carrie rushed to William and tried picking him up yet they couldn't move him. "Normally everyone can pick him up, now of all times he's heavy" Carrie said trying to pull him to safety Mona stood between the trio and Catoblopes, staring at him not blinking once. "James, come back to me, come back to your mom. This beast isn't you, just a disgusting romanticization your father concocted." James almost done fully healing his left leg crawled towards Mona "You left" "I was alone" "That's right, she left you boy. Saved her own skin, no good. Kill her" yelled Rue, Erogn slashed Rue's face with wind "Stay silent you disgrace" "I know I left you, I tried to come for you dear, I truly did. The judges wouldn't allow me to take you and if I tried to take you I would be jailed for a long time, especially with your father pleading to extend my sentence like I knew he would" "I have a chance now to spend time with you, please little one allow me to atone" James looked at his mother holding out her arms, waiting for his answer. It looked as if he was going to crush her, instead he pushed her closer to him and she hugged him. James decreased in size and regained his original shape fully healed. He held on to his mother tightly tears streaming down his face. "Where were you? I missed you" James cried "I'm here now, I'll never leave you again" Mona promised William got up surprisingly with a smile on his face "That's nice, I need to see my mom. It's been a long time" tears began streaming down William's face "You okay William" Carrie asked "Yeah, there's two things I need to do" William declared William walked up to Rue "What are you going to do? Punch me?" Rue provoked "No, I am" James said as his father to the floor "You're no linger the guardian, I will take your place" James declared "Really now? You're a monster, they will never accept you" Rue boasted Wind magic slashed Rue's face again giving him an X across the front of his face "He assisted in the attack against you, and he was able to bring himself back to human hood. With mastery over the beast form he would make a fine guardian. Better then you any day" Erogn explained Rue tried once more out of anger to use Subjugation. He was stopped by James who used a primal subjugation on his father "Give in, give up" Rue went with the police quietly, Erogn walked towards James. Bestowing him as the fill in guardian until his apprenticeship was over. "Who will he apprentice though?" William wondered "Who do you think?" Erogn pointing at William "Seriously? Well all right, guess you're my apprentice" William said non-chanlantly "Good, then it's settled" Erogn said "Good work guardians, future guardian" snapping his fingers the battle ground was gone. People were everywhere going on about their business. "Lets get back home I know William's tired" Kslis said looking back at William to see him K.O'd "Did he really fall asleep?" Carrie asked Mona walked up the the Carrie, Kalis and William "Thank you so much, I have my boy back" "You're very welcome" Kalis said "Don't worry about it" Carrie responded William gave a thumbs up and went K.O again A few weeks later James had completed his apprenticeship and was a full fledged guardian William stood at James' right as the guardian seeing him take on the oath. Erogn gave him an official badge and James stood before everyone Guardian James. Everyone stood in applause and his mom rushed to his side tears in her eyes, that she was able to see this joyous occasion. William looked at James and his mom, it reminded him of when he became a guardian. His mom sat in the first seat, with a beaming smile. "You okay doge" Carrie wondered "Yeah, I just miss my mom" William responded. "Why don't you go see her and me and Kalis come with you as support?" Carrie suggested "Really? You guys will come with me?" William asked in excitement "Sure" said Carrie and Kalis. "Great! We'll save up money and go" William said excitedly. Epilogue 3 weeks later Desolate William stood in the middle of the lake once again, the water erupted revealing the wolves who were eager to feast. Desolate held his arms out, eyes closed, ready to meet his fate, yet nothing happened. Desolate opened his eyes to find William standing in front of him blocking the wolves "BEGONE!!!!!" The wolves dispersed, never to return. William turned around and faced Desolate "That's over with" "But" Desolate tried getting a word in and William hugged him. "It's time we become whole again, become who we were supposed to be" as William continued to hug Desolate William continued reassuring Desolate "You're not a failure, you can and you will succeed. If you mess up once get back up and keep trying, don't forget. The most important thing" "What is it?" Desolate pondered "Smile" William said Before Desolate knew it everyone he thought he had lost was alive and well, they all came together and hugged him. Desolate's eyes began to glow "thank you for restoring my hope" Desolate said "No problem hope" William responded "Come on, lets go see mom" "I'd like that" Hopeful said William woke up, feeling more refreshed then he had in a long time, laid out his clothes for the day and took a shower. Emerging from the shower and getting dressed Carrie and Kalis entered the Hotel room "You ready doge?" Carrie asked William nodded with his goofy smile "You seem a lot happier than usual, are you excited to see your mom?" Kalis asked "Definitely" William said A cab was called and they gave the directions, the drive seemed long, William was too hyped to care and then they arrived at the house. Carrie and Kalis got out first, William got out and saw his mom standing at the door of the house. William walked first, Carrie and Kalis walked a few steps behind him. They got to the doorway and before Carrie could say hi William and his mom hugged Tears streamed down both of their faces, as it was a hug long overdue. "I missed you mom" "I missed you too baby" The end @rorycassie @she-got-the-jazz
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keywestlou · 4 years
God bless America! Two hundred forty four years old today. It was on this day in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was signed whereby we declared our independence from Great Britain.
Except for the Civil War era, July 4 was a happy day. Partying, parades, etc. Last year a relatively normal one, also.
Not this year.
The scab has fallen off, the wound is open again. Race relations.
My positions on the various issues are known. Set forth in detailed fashion in recent blogs. Today, I wish only to make 2 observations.
The blacks believe it is their time. To all appearances, it seems like they want to take over. Their time to run things.
The U.S. has a population approximately 76 percent white. Includes Hispanics who make up 12 percent of the white population. Remove the Hispanics, and the whites still are the major group with 64 percent.
Blacks constitute 13 percent.
How can a group decide it is their time to rule when they have no where near the numbers required to be the majority group? Equality, yes. Rule, no.
Observation two is the coronavirus epidemic. It is screwing everything up. Race a legitimate part of the issue from the virus perspective. The problems must be corrected. Blacks are entitled to the same assistance and concerns as whites. They have not been getting it.
Trump is not helping. He is screwing everything up by his lack of handling the pandemic in a proper fashion.
Today is the holiday! I wish you each a Happy Fourth knowing full well it cannot be because of the race and health problems confronting our nation.
Idiocy continues to reign supreme! The GOP is reportedly eyeing Tucker Carlson for the 2024 Presidential run. He is as bad as Trump, if not worse. Lies equally as well.
The reason Carlson is under serious consideration is that his FOX news show is the most watched cable news program in history.
Would you believe!
Donald was at Mount Rushmore yesterday. Probably thinking how great it would be if his face were sculptured on the side of the mountain.
He spoke to 7,500, all closely seated. Very few face masks.
Nearby Native Americans were upset Trump was to appear. They asked he not do so.
The tribes fear a coronavirus spike among its members. They had done well up to this time.
One of the tribal leaders said the “President is putting our tribal members at risk to stage a photo op at one of our most sacred sites.”
Trump spewed his usual poison during his speech. Like “the left wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American revolution.” Some on the political left hope to “defame out heroes, erase our values, and culture to be taken from them…..Our children are taught in school to hate their own country.” The left represents “far left fascism.”
This past week Trump questioned Biden’s mental capabilities. Claimed he would fail or not do as well as Trump did on the congenitive/dementia test given as part of a physical.
Trump claimed he “aced” it.
You would have to be an idiot not to. The test is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Tests for early signs of dementia. Part of most annual physicals. I have been taking it for years.
The test requires all of 10 minutes.
Simplicity permeates.
Things like identifying 3 animals in a picture, asked to relate why certain things are common, draw a clock with the hands at 11:10, repeat 5 words 3 different times, etc.
Glad you “aced” it  Mr. President. I would not expect less from you or any President.
Chechnya is a southern Russian republic. The scene of a horrifying humanitarian crisis. The site of a social cleansing. A place where terror reigns supreme for LGBTQ people.
Since 2017, the government has been trying to exterminate all gay people. A state sanctioned purge.
Putin is directing the human destruction.
Trump is fully aware. Trump has failed to speak about or criticize the situation.
Outright killings on the streets. Also, family honor killings of lesbian females.
Forget Trump for the moment. No one in Washington is talking about this slaughter either.
The blacks are deprecating John Wayne, also. He was known to speak strongly about problems similar to those confronting us today. His feelings anti-black in a sensitive fashion. Made his position clear, however.
Another part of Wayne to be shared are his religious beliefs.
He was born and raised a Presbyterian, believed in God, and occasionally taught the Bible.
Wayne was known to hand write letters to God as a way of praying. He refused to take part in movies he thought were immoral, even during the times film immorality was on the rise and acceptance.
He died on his deathbed at home from cancer. Two days before he died, he converted to Catholicism.
I don’t know what all this means. I am merely sharing another part of John Wayne with you.
A bit of Keys news and information.
The lobster mini season is the last wednesday and thursday of July. Islamorada is asking the County and State to cancel the event. To close all of the Keys. In an attempt to further protect against coronavirus.
A good idea. Visitors come to the Keys in droves to lobster fish those 2 days. I used to sit on my dock in Key Haven and watch them. Reminded me of that scene in Jaws where everyone went out to capture the shark. Big boats, little boats, in between size boats. Boats overloaded with people.
A bit of history. Monroe County was the sixth county established in Florida. June 3, 1823.
Way back when.
Florida not even a state. The county established by the territorial legislature, signed by Governor William P. Duval.
Dengue fever is on the rise in the Key Largo area. It comes around some where in the Keys every few years.
Someone recently asked in Citizens’ Voice: “Now that dengue fever is rising, will Key West require that we all wrap in mosquito netting when we go outside?”
A little humor never hurt!
Cocktails at 7 last night with Cathy in Seattle. Skype works wonders for a person like me quarantined now for over 100 days.
Made a friend over the internet early on. Cathy used to live in Key est in the 1980’s.
We now get together one night a week for 2 or 3 hours. Sort of like a date. We chat away. Cathy drinks alcohol, I diet soda.
She told me last night she was having a cook out at her house today with 2 friends. You are aware I have two lesbian wives. Donna and Terri. Cathy has gay husbands. Two, also. One colored and blind. Terri is colored and blind.
How very unusual! I would like to put together a Skype party for all of us.
A well liked and respected American died yesterday. Hugh Downs. Newscaster and announcer. Ninety nine years old. Died from natural causes.
One of the greats in television news casting.
Enjoy your holiday!
    NOT A NORMAL INDEPENDENCE DAY was originally published on Key West Lou
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survival0001-blog · 6 years
The Top 10 Survival Posts of 2018
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The Top 10 Survival Posts of 2018
As we wind up 2018, I thought you might be interested in seeing the things that people were the most interested in reading over the previous year. The topics run the gamut but the prevailing theme is that we want to be self-reliant and independent. People are concerned about the uptick in unrest and about the threat of war and they aim to be ready.
The articles below are the ones that got the most hits during the previous year. If you missed them the first time around, be sure to check them out. 🙂
Looking for laundry detergent with a good rating from the Environmental Working Group? Want to see how your own detergent measures up? Check out The 10 Safest Laundry Detergents (And Brands to Avoid).  And for something to look forward to in 2019? We’re going to be expanding this series throughout your entire home by popular demand!
Did you ever wonder about the differences in how people behave in a crisis? Why some people survive and some people die? Are there characteristics that we can nurture now in good times that could help see us through bad times?
In this interview, Selco: Who Survives and Who Dies When the SHTF?, I talked to Selco about who can withstand the stress of an SHTF event and who crumbles based on his experiences during the Balkan War.
Kelly Guthrie Raley has been teaching for 20 years and currently educates kids at Eustis Middle School in Lake County, Florida. Just last month she was named the 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year.
The day after the horrific shooting that took place at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, she posted a rant on Facebook that has since gone viral. In the post, she talked about parental responsibility, compassion, and respect…and more than 823,000 people have “liked” the post and agreed with it, while more than 649,000 have shared it with others. Check out Florida’s Teacher of the Year Bluntly Writes WHY School Violence Is Out of Control.
Governor Jerry Brown is retiring but not before he passes a few draconian laws as parting gifts for California. Two bills were signed into law on Thursday of last week to “help California be better prepared for future droughts and the effects of climate change.”
The mandatory water conservation standards will be permanent, according to their wording, and not just for use in times of crisis. To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s effectively illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.” Despite my notated explanation of where I drew this conclusion, I got “debunked” by both Snopes and Politifact, who said I was a big fat liar. (Here’s my article on debunking those debunkers.)
See why I said Now It’s Against the Law in California to Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day and let me know whether you agree or not with my conclusion.
The false alarm in Hawaii last January should be an enormous wake-up call. It should inspire everyone, everywhere to make a survival shelter plan. Hardly anyone had a plan for where they would take shelter.
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For 38 minutes, hysteria reigned supreme across the island state after Hawaiians awoke to this message on their cell phones. “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”
Nobody knew what to do. People were shoving their children into storm drains. Mercifully this was a false alarm but it should be the impetus for everyone to make a plan for where they’d shelter if the situation was legit.
Here’s Why (And How) EVERYONE Should Make a Survival Shelter Plan (+ Printable Checklist)��– do you have your own survival shelter plan?
Power outages are becoming a more common fact of life here in America. In California, the electric company is turning off the power on high-risk fire days. After hurricanes, recovery – and the restoration of power – can take weeks. We’ve seen dozens of lengthy blackouts in the past year. That’s probably why the article, What to Eat When the Power Goes Out was so popular.  Use it to create your own power outage food supply.
If you’re looking for a good response to that age-old comment every prepper has heard dozens of times, “If the SHTF, I’m coming to your house” Selco has you covered. In this article, What to Do If Unwanted People Show Up at Your Door When the SHTF, he discusses the conundrum of how to handle those folks you just know will be trouble.  No, he doesn’t want you to shoot them. He has some pretty great ideas for dealing with unwanted visitors.
We have to face it: tensions have been HIGH in the United States ever since the last election and this year was no different. There were some skirmishes across the country, some heated riots and protests, and near-constant simmering anger between people of differing political philosophies.
So it’s no surprise that people are wondering How to Survive the Civil Unrest That’s Coming to America. Many people were wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared. This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.
Jose from Venezuela has been a wealth of information for those of us who are trying to learn from the economic collapse of his beloved country. In this article, he talks about a subject that many of us have been concerned about should we face our own collapse: how will the police officers behave? Will they help us or harm us?
Of course, it all depends on the officer. In this article, he shares some specifics from his own experiences about Why Some Cops WILL Go Rogue When the SHTF (And How to Survive When You Encounter Them).
And Selco’s in again at #10, sharing his experience to help us determine whether or not the SHTF is happening for real.  This is very important because you have to know when it’s time to get out of Dodge or to hunker down, depending on your plan.
Would you know the signs? Can you tell the difference between some minor unrest or the beginning of all hell breaking loose? Be sure to review this article, SELCO: These Are the Signs the SHTF Is Happening for Real to help you decide when it’s time to lock the gates.
And here are the all-time top articles on The Organic Prepper
Here are the most popular articles of all time on this site. Happy reading!
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper, where this article first appeared. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and lives in the mountains of Virginia with her two daughters and an ever-growing menagerie. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
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The Top 10 Survival Posts of 2018
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freebetalerts-blog · 6 years
NBL Round 12 Preview & Betting Tips
(New post on FreeBetAlerts.com) - https://freebetalerts.com/2019/01/03/nbl-round-12-preview-betting-tips/ #NBA
NBL Round 12 Preview & Betting Tips Please share.
We hit on three of four of our NBL betting tips last weekend to continue what has been a very profitable season to date. We now shift our focus to the first round of the new year and look to get the ball rolling. Good luck to everyone following! NBL Round 12 Betting Tips Cairns Taipans vs Brisbane Bullets (Thursday 7:50pm AEDT) The first game of the round sees the Taipans host the Bullets in Cairns. This is the second meeting between these teams this season. Interestingly, the first time they met was in Round 1, and it was the Taipans who won that match-up by 18 points. However, months later that win remains their only one of the season. There’s not too much you can say about the Taipans at this point. They’ve lost 14 on the spin and their season is well and truly done and dusted. On the other hand, the Bullets continue to surprise with scalp after scalp. They now sit in fourth position on the ladder with a 9-8 record, and don’t look like slowing down anytime soon. We’re surprised to see the line open at -4.5 here. Although the Taipans won the opening fixture between these teams, they’ve done absolutely nothing since. Also, in all 14 of their losses they’ve lost by 5+ points. Seems like great value on Thursday night,
  Adelaide 36ers vs New Zealand Breakers (Friday 7:50pm AEDT) Second up we have the Breakers travelling to Adelaide to take on the 36ers. This is an interesting and very important battle between two teams vying for the final spot in the finals. The 36ers come into this in some really strong form having won each of their last four games and six of their last eight. This recent stretch has propelled them to fifth position on the ladder and only percentage outside the top four. Meanwhile, the Breakers have won two of their last three, but other than that have had a pretty poor season to date. These teams played in Round 11 in the exact same fixture, and it was the 36ers who reigned supreme by 11 points. We don’t see too much changing this time around and are happy to back them in to get the job done once more.
  Illawarra Hawks vs Sydney Kings (Saturday 2:50pm AEDT) The lone Saturday game this weekend has the Illawarra Hawks playing host to the Sydney Kings at 2:50pm (AEDT). This will be the third of four meeting for the season in a regular season series the Kings currently lead 2-0. The Hawks really let us down last weekend in a game I truly thought they would win. For one reason or another though, they just never looked likely. That loss has their season on a knifes edge at 7-10 and a couple of games outside the playoff picture. On the other hand, the Kings look every bit of the contenders we thought they’d be heading into the season. They’re starting to fire on all cylinders and now sit on top of the NBL ladder at 11-5 after some really strong rounds. The Kings have won both games between these teams really comfortably this season and we don’t see this being any different. Although we do expect the Hawks to respond after last weekend’s embarrassment, the skill gap is too much here.
  New Zealand Breakers vs Perth Wildcats (Sunday 12pm AEDT) The first of two Sunday games has the Breakers hosting the Wildcats in New Zealand. This will be the fourth and final meeting between these teams in the regular season. As it stands, the Wildcats lead 3-0, so the Breakers will be desperately trying to avoid a sweep. This will be the second game of the round for the Breakers after travelling to Adelaide on Friday, making this a bit of a tricky one to predict. Meanwhile, the Wildcats snapped a losing streak against the Taipans last weekend, which keeps them in touch with United and the Kings at the top of the table. There are quite a few variables making this one a tricky proposition, however, at the time of writing we do favour the Breakers on their home court to avoid the dreaded sweep.
  Brisbane Bullets vs Melbourne United (Sunday 2pm AEDT) The second and final Sunday game will see the Brisbane Bullets host Melbourne United. These teams have already faced off three times this season, which means this will be the last time of the regular season. The Bullets currently have a 2-1 advantage. This will be the Bullets second game of the round after facing the Taipans in Cairns on Thursday. It shouldn’t be the most draining encounter in Cairns, plus the break is long enough for fatigue not to be a factor here for the Bullets. For United, well this will be their first game of the new year, meaning they will be super fresh coming into Brisbane. United have had a few indifferent weeks of late, but they’ve got enough class to flick the switch when push comes to shove. This is another tricky one to predict at this point in time, but we do feel that United will begin to flex their guns in the new year and surge towards the top of the ladder.
  Cairns Taipans vs Sydney Kings (Monday 7:50pm AEDT) The final game of Round 12 has the Cairns Taipans taking on the Sydney Kings in a top vs bottom clash. Again, the Taipans are a basket case and will most likely have 15 consecutive losses under their belts coming into this fixture. In contrast, the Kings are top of the ladder at the time of writing and will have arguably four of the top five players on the court in this match-up. We expect nothing other than a straight forward win to the Kings on Monday.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
The media industry has suddenly become a Game of Thrones-like battle for power
The media industry is suddenly mulling a flurry of huge deals.
Cord-cutting, streaming and shifting consumer and advertiser preferences have upended the power structure as former giants scramble for relevance long term. 
The stakes are as high as it gets  – who controls content, distribution, advertising and connections with consumers.
If you spend any time on Twitter and follow any media industry people, you'll often come away dizzy, and fairly certain that every media company is buying everyone.
It started a year ago when AT&T announced it had reached an agreement to buy Time Warner. Then things really turned upside down when 21st Century Fox — just three years after trying to buy Time Warner — signaled it wanted to sell some assets to Disney. 
Then on Thursday, it was reported that Comcast might buy some of Fox. Or Verizon might. And of course, President Trump might not allow AT&T to buy Time Warner. The FCC is potentially loosening media ownership rules. Net Neutrality might go away. 
Confused yet? 
When did media become Game of Thrones? 
Media used be an industry that was primarily about content, distribution and advertising. Now, the emergence of deep-pocketed tech giants has changed everything. People are streaming, ditching cable, avoiding live TV, watching shows on mobile, etc. 
"The one take away is that the media industry is facing real pressure," said Rich Greenfield, BTIG media and tech analyst. "You've got cord cutting, ads moving to mobile, etc. None of these companies has been prepared for that."
So all these media machinations are about power and control. These giants want to make as much money as possible, position themselves for the future and prevent rivals from getting into their territory.
"What we’ve noticed is where there’s big change there’s often a lot of M&A," said Terry Kawaja founder and CEO of M&A advisory firm Luma Partners. "In this case, it's motivated by fear, not greed."
What gives you the most power in the future?
"In the pre-web video era, it was all the same for decades. Content was king, distribution was queen," said Toby Chapman, associate partner at strategy consulting firm OC&C. "Then, suddenly people are talking about, is content king any more? In a platform world, is it the relationship with consumer? Or is it the pipes?"
Those questions get at the heart of why everyone in media seems to be rethinking who their friends and enemies are.
Is content still king? Does the company with the best shows and movies (like Disney) have the most power? 
Is distribution where the true power lies? Does the company with cable boxes or broadband pipes in people's homes (like say Comcast) rule?
Is having a direct relationship with the consumer the winning strategy? Amazon is one of America's favorite brands, and Netflix is a favorite with millennials.
Or is it all about the browser or the interface? Maybe delivery mechanisms don't matter, as long as you own the browser (like Google) or the interface (like Facebook).
Or do you need to have everything?
"No matter how big you are, tech and user behavior throws it all off," said Elgin Thompson, managing director at Digital Capital Advisors. "Unless you are the full ecosystem, you're not an emperor. These companies want to be so big they can create their own weather."
It seems that suddenly, Fox has many suitors interested in some of its assets (it's not selling Fox network, Fox News or Fox Sports.) Why?
The rise of Netflix
You may recall, Disney is planning taking on Netflix with its own streaming service, and it may want to own as much content as possible, so Fox's Studio could be a big help.
Disney already owns Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar. Theoretically, if it gets Fox's content and other TV companies start starving Netflix of their shows, Netflix would have fewer people signing on to binge "Breaking Bad" and would have to live and die on its own shows.
"A lot of people would look at them and say, they've stood alone in that space," said Chapman. "But they may suddenly have very credible competitors. And you’ve also got so many channels who've never been good friends with Netflix." 
Netflix, of course, plans to spend $8 billion on content next year. So don't count them out of anything.
The Verizon playbook
Meanwhile, Verizon is eyeing a deal with Fox, according to the Wall Street Journal. What is it doing?
Like AT&T, all of the wireless giants need to get into new revenue streams, since pretty much everyone in the US who wants a cell phone has one and they keep switching to get better deals.
Verizon has acquired AOL and Yahoo in recent years to challenge Facebook and Google, which remains a brutal task. Meanwhile, it has a very limited footprint in TV, other than Verizon Fios. This gets them in the TV game, theoretically.
What about Comcast?
What about Comcast? Many see this cable company as being in great shape, given that it has such a complete set of assets: NBCUniversal (TV networks, and a studio) and the largest pay TV service in the US. Buying some of Fox could help strengthen them against competitors. One very appealing asset: Sky, which is sort of like Comcast or DirecTV in the UK.
Yet Greenfield believes Comcast may have to sell NBCU if it wants to make any more big moves, given the Trump administration's objections to the AT&T/Time Warner deal. 
Isn't everyone cutting the cord? 
Millions of people still have cable. There's a lot of money to be rung out of that business over the next few years – and maybe even some untapped potential.
For example, Comcast theoretically knows what you watch and what you do on the web. They could tie that together with data for advertisers and programmers, for example.
And don't forget that even if you cut the cable cord, you're likely to keep the broadband one. Cable TV companies are essentially broadband companies. And that business isn't going away quickly. The company that delivers broadband to your home could always charge cord cutters more. And if Net Neutrality goes away, they could also charge some companies like Netflix a toll to reach consumers. 
A big limit to cable companies' power is that are inherently regional. You can't get Comcast in New York, for example. No one's been able to roll up all these cable companies into a national play. At least not yet.
Still, these companies have the most to lose in an 'over the top' TV future.  As Kawaja explained it, a company like CBS is happy to deliver its network to new distributors like Sling TV or YouTube TV. Even if people cut the cord for skinny bundles or they just pay for CBS All Access to get the new "Star Trek," CBS makes money.
But recently earnings for Comcast and DirecTV showed both losing subscribers faster. "Now everyone is saying, oh shit, it’s on," Kawaja said. "Cord-cutting is suddenly not a college graduate thing. It’s accelerating faster. And the distribution people have the most urgency to move. An OTT world messes with their bundle first and foremost."
Who else should we think about?
Charter Communications: Charter Communication is another big regional pay TV provider (they are the ones who bought Time Warner Cable a few years ago). According to the New York Post, Charter has considered buying the cable TV company Cox Communications or even selling itself to Softbank.
(By the way, watch Softbank in this area. They have lots of money. They're the Iron Bank in this scenario)
Liberty Media: Liberty Media chairman John Malone told CNBC that the company has received four acquisition overtures recently.
Malone is a legendary media industry investor who's worth billions. As the chairman of Liberty Media could make a big move at any moment. Liberty Media has stakes in SiriusXM, Formula One Racing and the Atlanta Braves. Malone also has a big stake in Discovery Communications. 
Altice: What's an Altice again? Ad tech nerds know them as the company that bought the web video company Teads last year. They acquired Cablevision a few years ago. Now, the stock is tanking, and they could be looking for a savior.
Viacom and Discover/Scripps: These cable programmers used to be among the power players in the TV industry. Now they're suddenly vulnerable. Do they need to find buyers? Greenfield argues that Viacom needs to reunite with CBS (they two companies split a decade ago) "yesterday."
What about selling to someone like Google or Facebook, both of whom want to get into premium content in a big way (and TV advertising). Greenfield says no way. "Tech companies can build, they don't need to buy. Nothing has changed my thinking on that."
A good example is Amazon inking a deal to make an original series centered on "Lord of the Rings." You don't have to own a studio or network to do content, if you can spend a lot of money.
Amazon: It's coming for every industry, so it seems. The billionaire media mogul Malone earlier this week called them "The Death Star," reported CNBC. Though in this case, The White Walkers might be a better analogy, since few know what Amazon really wants to do.
What's Next?
Dave Morgan, CEO of the data-centric TV ad company Simulmedia, sees a flurry of activity.
"Charter could combine with Discovery/Scripps," he said. "Or they could do a deal with Sprint or T-Mobile, since they each will need a scaled partner. Comcast will talk to one or both of those wireless company. As will Dish."
Morgan also predicted that Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google could become sudden buyers. In particular, he predicts Netflix could buy a studio to hedge against Disney. "I think that they will have to, and may want a network for its ability to help them market their programming and maximize its monetization."
The Wild Card
Trump and his team are the great unknown. Few thought that the AT&T/Time Warner deal was in trouble. Now it's headed for a court battle.
"Usually logic reigns supreme," said Thompson. "But with Trump, none of this matters. That’s what these guys have to deal with."
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