thegroovyskull · 6 months
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parentlessbehavior · 9 months
Post 2: The most violent attack I experienced at the hands of a parent.
Note: I am around 18 years old(at the time of this event). I work full time. I have no license because my mother has simply never bothered to take any initiative to teach me to drive. I pay her $100 a week of my paycheck to take me to work and pick me up. I’m not even kidding. That is what she demands. 1/3 of every paycheck for “gas money” in 2005… I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know that was an absolutely absurd amount.
It’s 3:30 in the afternoon. In the middle of the week on an early spring day in the Midwest. I get off work and I step outside to wait patiently for my ride home from work. The time ticks by and still I wait. Eventually, I decide to scrounge some change from my purse call home, using the payphone in the lobby of my workplace.
I repeatedly insert my change & call. Getting no answer on any of my numerous attempts. the phone just rings and rings. I know from experience that means that my mother is on the phone at home, probably drinking, and talking to her friends.
Two hours later still I sit, having given up on trying to call. A friend of mine gets off from their shift and they offer me a ride home. I question whether or not I should do this, but I do it anyway because I’ve already been sitting for two hours and no one will answer the phone at home.
We get in his car and we head toward my home. As we’re headed down the street, at about halfway to my home, I see my stepfather pass us in my mom’s car. And my heart sinks. Because I know I’m going to get home and mom is going to be mad. She has sent my stepdad who just got home from work himself to pick me up…
I walked in the house (and my friend went straight upstairs to my room.)& as expected my mother lit into me. Yelling at me. And screaming at me. And berating me. For having the unmitigated gall to find a ride home and inconvenience my stepdad who is now driving all the way to my workplace and wasting gas to pick me up… Never mind the fact that I had been off work at this point for 2 1/2 hours.
She screamed at me like I had purposely done this, just to spite her. And then I turned and walked away. I thought she had made her point & was done.
It turns out she wasnt. As I turned to walk away from her, She stood up and she started punching me in the back. I tried to escape. I started walking/running away from her, and she continued to follow me, wailing on my back, shoulders & head with her fist & her hands until we had traveled, about 8 feet across the room and over to a wall where I crouched down on the floor trying to protect my head while she continued to beat me in the back.
The only thing I could see to try to defend myself with a dog toy. It was a tennis ball on a rope laying near by and I was trying to reach for that as she continued hitting me.
At this time my friend, who she did not know it was in the house, came around the top of the stairs having heard the commotion and sees her pummeling me on the floor.
He rushes down the stairs and he grabs her. And as he grabs her, I grab the tennis ball rope and swing out and hit her with it. I swing left to right once & right to left a second time. both times, hitting her in the upper body as my friend pulls her backwards, and they both end up laying on the stairs.
She scrambles to her feet, and simply goes back to the sofa as my friend helped me from the floor, and takes me upstairs to my bedroom.
This event will have a lasting impact for not only me, but my friend as well. Having never in their life, witnessed anything of that nature and intensity. It will mark them forever.
She denies it ever happened. But I learned sometime later that she called my grandmother and bragged about beating me.
For a couple weeks following I had a bulge in my back. What I’m assuming was a shifted disc. The impact of a car wreck(see post 5) a few weeks later shifted it back. My back has never been the same. There’s some sort of nerve/tendon damage between my shoulders. I feel it every day if my life.
It’s been 19 years.
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Whoa okay, I stop paying attention for a while and all of a sudden I have over 2k of you lovely followers?? Thank you guys so much! :D
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arashimybeloved · 2 years
Ahhhhhhh ok so like i just saw the 100 different kisses and i was wondering if you could do number 39 with keito (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
꒰ ✿┊ Hasumi Keito : Kiss prompt No. 39 : ''everything is going to be okay'' kisses !! ꒱
Cries a lot i love him
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Finally reaching home, you let out a long and tired sigh, followed by the horrible feeling of guilt and anxiety.
  You just took an exam this afternoon. A highly important exam that would affect the next few years of your school life. And you’re pretty sure you messed up the whole thing. You, being the hard worker you are, started preparing for it day and night despite the exam being months away.You gave in so much time and effort for study and preparation, yet your performance during the exam was not as well as you expected. Recalling all the questions you got stuck at, tears started to fall from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks.
  ‘... It’s my own problem. I won’t be able to get into the elite class now...’ you sobbed in between words. All you felt was hopelessness now that you finally have time to yourself at home. Not having the energy to even clean up and head to bed, you just crouched in front of the door and sniveled. ‘It’s all my fault... I should have worked harder... Then I could achieve a better score… Why does everything always end up like this?’
 All the crying and sobbing began to make you dizzy when you heard the doorbell ring. Right. Your boyfriend Keito promised to come over and hangout today. But what will he think of me, you pondered, if I open the door all teary eyed and make him worried? Will he see me as a useless person for crying over spilled milk? You stood there frozen.
 'H-hey, are you there? I'm going to come in,' Keito asked, polite as usual. You dried up your tears and forced out a smile, greeting the other as he pushed the door open. ‘Sorry for not responding, you must be tired!! I haven’t cooked yet, so tell me what you want to e-’
  ‘Don’t give me that fake smile, how incorrigible. What happened?’ Ah, it was only a mere second before he saw through you. Keito might not look like he handles emotions well, but he’s a really understanding person. ‘Your eyes are all red from crying, I’ll assume. Come here,’ The green haired-man offered a hug shyly, motioning you to come to him.
  You couldn’t take it anymore. Running towards your partner’s embrace, you sobbed loudly. ‘I worked.. so hard… and it’s all for nothing now… I messed up the whole thing…’ Seeing how difficult it was for you to even form a full sentence, Keito hugged you tightly, running his fingers through your hair. He then placed his warm, soft palms on both sides of your face so you could face him properly, and that was when you two shared a solacing kiss. A not-so-passionate kiss, as expected from Keito, but a comforting one nonetheless. The kiss brought a pause to your flowing tears and the lingering guilt in your heart faded away, leaving a soothing warmth behind.
  The lack of oxygen set you two apart, as you broke away from the kiss, gasping for air. A shade of pink could be seen on your lover’s cheeks. He went back to caressing your cheeks and in the most gentle voice you’d ever expect from him, he said, ‘You tried your best didn’t you? And that’s all that matters. It’s you we’re talking about, the smartest, most hard-working and diligent person I have ever met, so everything is going to be okay. It’s all going to turn out fine. I’m here with you to face any challenge, afterall.’ 
  For now, you still don’t know the final results of the exam, but Keito staying with you made everything much much better.
This. happened to me before. I dont really want to say the full story but i studied day and night for an exam that affects my whole future and i messed up on the exam day because i wasnt feeling too well. big gg
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Hello! Your answer to that last request absolutely ruined me (in the best way possible)
If you'd like to leave it completely ambiguous that's fine, but I was wondering about an Impulse POV of what goes through his mind when he wakes up and sees Tango? Depending on whether the game ends immediately after that, whether him and Brody have to do something extra to end the game, or if you want to go full bad ending and have the game carry on in that broken state forever.... It could be very different each way, but I'd certainly love to read that aftermath if you would enjoy writing it (because obviously I'm not in enough pain already :D /s)
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this is a sequel to this one :D very glad that two of my favourite requesters liked it enough to ask for a follow up!
I also love my Patented Vaunna Uncertain Endings (as Shade put it lol) bc it leads to at least one person yelling at me and at least one follow-up request demanding to know what happens (/pos ofc i love all you guys’ requests)
also yes i’m so sorry Raven i only just realised i wasnt following you asdfghjkl i thought i already was
Impulse opens his eyes. Letting out a groan, he sluggishly pushes himself into a sitting position. His head feels like it’s being clamped in a vice, but he has enough wits to register the scene in front of him.
Tango is lying in a pool of blood just a foot away from him, arm outstretched towards him as if trying to reach him.
He can’t stop staring at his best friend’s body. Tango is clearly dead, and Impulse remembers causing it. So why hasn’t the game ended? It should have ended when Brody killed Endless, but it didn’t. Now the only two people left on the ship are the two imposters. There’s literally nothing else that can be done to end the game, except…
Impulse glances down at Tango’s tablet, then at the upload panel. At this point, he’ll do anything to end this game, even if it means losing.
So he picks up Tango’s tablet, ignoring the almost painful tingle shooting through his hand. The game’s code is uncomfortable with him picking up a crewmate’s tablet. And even though he can’t see the screen, he knows what the last task is. So he hopes that the game will let him complete it. There shouldn’t be any protocols in place to stop this; after all, when would an imposter EVER want to do a crewmate’s task?
“What are you-?” comes Brody’s voice suddenly.
Impulse turns to find Brody freezing at the sight of Tango’s body.
“We’re the only two left,” Impulse confirms. “We gotta finish the last task, even if it means we lose. Otherwise we might be trapped here forever.”
Brody slowly nods. He and Impulse are in an odd state; the imposter bloodlust is slowly starting to wear off, leaving him with an uncomfortable mixture of satisfaction and horror at the sight of his old friend’s dead body.
“I think I might throw up,” he groans, turning away and doubling over, hands pressed to his stomach.
Impulse just keeps going with the task, his heart starting to beat faster. He hopes this will work. If it doesn’t…
...he can’t think about that.
As the upload finishes, he squeezes his eyes shut and holds his breath.
He feels something shift around him…
…and when he opens his eyes, he finds himself back in the lobby.
But only one other person is there with him.
Impulse and Brody slowly look around the room, registering their situation, before simultaneously meeting each other’s gaze.
“This is really bad,” says Brody after a moment, stating aloud what they’re both thinking.
Impulse nods, trying and failing to suppress the feeling of cold terror rapidly growing in his stomach. “Y-Yeah. Where are our friends and why aren’t they here?”
Recalling Etho teaching him how to access the code, Brody pulls up the admin screen. Impulse anxiously watches him tap away at it.
“Is it possible to go back to that exact game?” he asks hesitantly.
“I think so. Gimme a sec.”
After a tense few minutes, an open doorway appears in the side of the lobby. Through it, Impulse can see the Skeld cafeteria.
“I’ve altered your code slightly so you should be able to see and hear ghosts,” Brody says. “Go see if you can find out where our friends are. I’ll stay here and make sure you don’t get trapped there.”
Impulse takes a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Good luck, my friend.”
“I’m gonna need it.”
Impulse carefully steps through the door, half expecting it to vanish behind him. But to his relief, it doesn’t.
Where the heck is he supposed to start?
After a moment, Impulse goes into admin. But the admin table tells him nothing except his own location. Next, he rushes over to security. Again, however, the cameras yield nothing useful.
Time for Plan C.
“SKIIIIIIIIIZZ!” Impulse shrieks, running madly through the hallways. “TANGOOOO! ETHOOOOOOOOOO!”
For a worrying minute or so, there’s no replies at all.
He skids to a halt in the hallway between weapons and shields, his head automatically snapping round to face the direction he heard the voice yell his name from.
That’s when he sees two ghosts flying towards him from navigation. “Tango! Etho!”
“Impulse, you can see us?!” yelps Tango. “And hear us?!”
Impulse nods. “Yeah! Oh my gosh, a-are you two okay? I’m so sorry!”
“This isn’t your fault, Impulse,” Etho says firmly. “You were just playing the game. And don’t worry, I’ve managed to save everyone else.”
“What?” Impulse’s heart skips a beat. “How?”
“I was able to access their code and send them back to their respective servers. Skizzle, Joker, Astro, Mrs Tango, Endless, and Evil are all safe.”
“Oh, thank God,” breathes Impulse. “What about you two?”
“I couldn’t manage to access Hermitcraft’s code,” Etho responds. “So I couldn’t send us back there. I think it’s something to do with the firewalls X put up a few years ago.”
“Damnit. What’s going on, Etho? Why’re there so many glitches?”
“I don’t know. But if we get out of this alive, we should definitely give this game a break for a while until it’s fixed.”
“I’ll second that,” Tango mutters. “But wait, how did you get here?”
“Brody managed to open a door here from the lobby. Oh, wait! Maybe you can come through it with me!”
He takes the ghosts to the cafeteria, where the doorway to the lobby is still shimmering.
“Brody, I found Tango and Etho,” Impulse reports to his friend. “Everyone else is safe. Can they come through the doorway?”
Brody hesitates. “They should be able to. Come through first, quickly.”
Impulse goes through the door again and turns back to face his friends.
“Will it be safe for us to come through in ghost form?” Tango asks nervously.
“Ah…” Brody grimaces. “It should be fine.”
Tango is not encouraged by his friend’s tone. “Are you sure?”
“I’m not,” admits Brody. “The likelihood that the game will either glitch or not let you through and delete you forever is worryingly high, but… I think this is the only way. If we don’t give it a go, you’ll be stuck in this weird purgatory forever.”
Tango shoots a glance at Etho, who’s gazing at the doorway anxiously, and makes a quick decision. “I’ll try it first. Then you’ll know if it’s safe for Etho or not.”
“What?” Etho glances sharply at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. 100%. I’m terrified outta my mind right now, but there’s no way I’m watching you go through that thing and disappear forever. No way in hell.”
Not daring to meet Etho’s eyes, Tango turns to the doorway and takes a deep breath.
“Tango, wait.”
Tango pauses and turns back to his friend. “Yeah?”
After a moment, Etho grabs him in a hug. “If we never see each other again, I want you to know that I’ve cherished every second with you and I’m honoured to call you my friend.”
Tango blinks, a lump rising in his throat. “D-Don’t. You’re gonna make me cry.” But he hugs his friend back. “I love you, buddy.”
Finally, he releases Etho and turns to look at Impulse through the doorway. Their gazes meet and Tango sees his own fear reflected in Impulse’s eyes.
“See you on the other side,” he says, his voice cracking audibly. “One way or another.”
With that, he steps through the doorway.
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ceoyjw · 2 years
so omg hi 😭😭
tysm for 100+ followers :(( pls i wasnt even expecting to reach the 100 followers mark 😭😭
i approached every single one of u <3
love u guys sm.
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ps. an upcoming update of serendipity || psh by 12 am kst today, or by around morning kst tomorrow !
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harley-style · 4 years
@hiccups-peg-leg, this is for you (your fuckin username man, its glorious)
Disclaimer: It might not actually reach 50 reasons because I have a healthy amount of concern for my fingers
​It makes sense as the final part of a trilogy, for them to separate, but the whole set up of how the separation goes was...blargh.
​Hiccup was not acting like himself.
​Neither was Toothless, actually.
​Astrid was weaker in supporting Hiccup. I mean, don't get me wrong, she was still as badass as always, but never have I been more uncomfortable with her way of "supporting" Hiccup throughout this entire movie.
​"You gave him his freedom, what did you expect?" BITCH WHAT
​part of the reason Toothless STAYED even when Hiccup presented him with an automated tail was because he preferred BERK. you know, a civilised, NOT WILD settlement even if Toothless himself was a wild dragon prior
​in fact NONE of the dragons were being forced to stay there. Which means they CHOSE to stay with humans.
​Why was there no internal conflict between Berk? Why are they all just following Hiccup after some discussion about "Berk is not a place, its the people and our dragons!"??? Just???? They didn't feel like a village at all, is what I'm saying.
​For the record, I think Valka and Cloudjumper would have been harder to separate because these two were together for like twenty years why wouldn't they stick together???
​Toothless should not have been the King of the Hidden world. there are several reasons.
​1 - he was already a bad fucking leader when it came to priorities. he chose his MATE over his FLOCK. what the absolute fuck. 2- in coming to the hidden world, he promptly forgot about the BERKIAN FLOCK THAT HE HAD RESPONSIBILITIES TO. 3- it just doesnt make sense for all dragons to have bowed to him accepting him as their king. Night Furies are deadly, but they are not of the Dragon king breed. Toothless only managed that title because he FOUGHT a fucking dragon of that SPECIFIC breed. 4- he's horny as fuck. I'm sorry, it had to be said. He and the Light Fury have met for, what, a week at most? And already he's in love? Give me a fucking break. but anyways, my point is, if he dropped EVERYTHING HE KNEW AND LOVED for a person he BARELY GOT TO KNOW, then he should not have been made leader in the first place. 5- this is more personal, but fuck the fucking fact that he left hiccup for this unknown stranger. its like his human didnt even MATTER to him at all. which brings me to my next point.
​why the ever loving FUCK did the team EVER imply that hiccup and toothless were SOULMATES if all they were gonna do is separate them and have toothless forget hiccup entirely.
​are the dragons intelligent, sentient creatures
​or are they just wild animals capable of replicating human behavior without understanding the deeper implications of it
​because if the latter was true, then what the FUCK was the first two movies for?
​the hidden world cannot exist in a geological scale. it cannot sustain itself either. if toothless did somehow recall EVERY dragon, then the ecosystem of the hidden world is suddenly shot to fucking hell.
​the movie basically spat to our faces that romantic love is stronger than the power of friendship. and family.
​im pretty sure GOTNF was canon, and THW just spits all over its message and story.
​what happened to my badass dragon riders, dreamworks?
​okay ill be honest A LOT of my issues with this movie are centered around toothless and hiccup
​berk did not need to be separated from its dragons. in fact, dragons leaving berk, realistically speaking, would actually be detrimental to berk.
​for one thing, theyd be totally cut off from the rest of the world -- they suddenly relocated without any warning, to a place where no one had actually explored thus far. traders would not have known where to find them and, if they were in the merchant thinking mode, would cut their losses and find some other village to trade to. so new berk isnt gonna get any support for a long while.
​berk chose an island than can only be safely accessed via dragons. do you see where im going with this?
​by choosing to LET DRAGONS GO, hiccup and toothless have now condemned Berk into a generation of hardship, one that will make its people struggle with getting supplies, rebuild their homes, and basically a lot of their basic survival needs.
​and MIGHT I ADD, hiccup has REVOLUTIONIZED the viking way of life by INCORPORATING dragons into it. what happens when that system suddenly loses a big chunk of what made that system work?
​may i also add that hiccup has also REVOLUTIONIZED the term BIG DUMBASS when referring to decisions that were made.
​im also salty about how quickly toothless forgot about hiccup when entering the hidden world. like, holy fuck, i cannot even begin to explain how dreadful i felt when toothless was just "oh fuck yeah" in that glowing neon underground while poor hiccup was like "do you think he's okay?"
​if it were me, toothless would at least be having a moment to himself, looking at his tail, and you can clearly see in his eyes, "what about my human? what about berk?" before getting distracted. I would have accepted at LEAST that.
​nope. we get a toothless reluctantly going back to hiccup and new berk, resentful and somber as he longs for, what, a home?
​goddamn it i hate the hidden world in the movie the hidden world. i like the movie, i really really do, but that fucking plot device grates my fucking brain.
​RTTE handled a dragon haven a lot better.
​Vanaheim was a perfect place for wild dragons to settle but dreamworks fucking abolished that idea
​i KNOW vanaheim is like a resting place for sick dragons but like
​if hiccup was half as smart as he was the first two movies thw wouldnt have been a thing in the first place.
​its really, really hard for me to defend a movie i liked the first time i watched it when the only things i can see from it are toothless not caring enough about hiccup and hiccup making the niggest mistake of his life.
​this movie honestly felt like emotional manipulation. watching it i always remembered the other two movies, which should NOT have happened. when i watched the second movie (and may i add i barely remembered a thing about the first movie at the time) i was so MOVED to the point of TEARS. i had no context and i was moved to tears anyway. THW constantly pulled at my nostalgia strings and indirectly and directly called back to the first two movies and that just....what???
and that's it.
i mean if youd like to add more feel free to, probably missed some there
and there are a couple of ao3 essays that depict the same reasons i have. just put the tag "the hidden world" in your filters uwu
one last thing: despite the reasons i mentioned above i did enjoy watching thw, im just sayin it took me a long time and a lot of reading to figure out that, no, thw wasnt as great as the hype made it seem.
this isnt meant as an attack to people who like THW. i understand that this movie is special to you and I have no right to take enjoyment from you. im just laying out the reasons of why I personally don't agree with what happened in THW.
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charspnp · 4 years
「 kirishima eijirou x g/n! reader 」
warnings: none
you quickly made your way into your local grocery store. eyebrows furrowed, hands deep in your jacket pockets, and eyes cast down, you didn't have time to notice the man you were about to run into. just like you, he didn't notice you either, as he was busy talking to his friend. your bodies clashed together harshly and you both fell back, letting out noises of surprise.
you looked up quickly and opened your mouth to apologise to the person you ran into, but as you saw him, nothing came out of your mouth. he had red, spiky hair that matched his big, red eyes, as well as the dark red shirt he was wearing (which totally accentuated his large biceps). the front of his shirt was tucked into his black jeans, which were held in place with a belt.
your face was undoubtedly red as you looked at him, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide.
his expression was equivalent to yours, except peeking out from under his top lip were sharp teeth. his friend who had accompanied him (as well as distracted him) chuckled a little under his breath as he watched his friend and a stranger have a staring contest. that's what broke you out of your trance, as you clamped your mouth shut and cleared your throat, bolting to your feet.
"ah, i-i'm so sorry," you smiled at him as you reached a hand out for him to grab. his eyes followed your every movement until he looked down at your hand then back at your face, his own flushing as dark as his hair. he slowly took your hand in his - his completely engulfing yours - and used it as leverage to stand. you reached your other hand out to grab his wrist as you realized he was heavier than you thought.
upon standing, you saw how he towered over you, casting a shadow over your smaller frame. he continued to stare at you, hand still holding yours. his friend laughed again from behind you and he shot a look at him before looking back down at you and letting your hand go. his eyes widened slightly as he realized he hasn't said anything yet.
"it's fine!! it's totally my fault!" his voice was gravely and deep - something you didn't expect from him.
"no, no, i wasnt paying attention to where I was going, and-"
"well, neither was i! i mean, that was so not manly of me!"
the two of you started talking over each other until soon realizing you were getting nowhere. shutting your mouths simultaneously, the two of you looked at each other sheepishly before laughing.
"dude, we gotta go or bakugou's gonna kill us," his friend interrupted, and you were suddenly aware of the bags he held in his hands.
turning back to the man you ran into, he spoke, "right. uh, sorry again! have a good day!"
he smiled at you and you smiled back as you stepped out of the way and bid him a good day as well. him and his friend quickly made their way out of the store and you watched them as they turned to walk down the sidewalk. you sighed to yourself as you hoped you would see him again.
to say you've been thinking about the mysterious redhead would be the understatement of the year. you couldn't get him out of your mind, no matter how hard you tried. it even started to affect your studying as you couldn't focus on simple math with your head in the clouds.
you groaned and ran your fingers through your hair in frustration. why can't you get this guy out of your head? i mean, c'mon, you see tons of cute people every day! what's so different about him? you rubbed your eyes to try and clear your head, but upon looking back down at the jumbled letters on your computer screen.
slouching back in your seat, you thought about what you could do to clear your head. maybe if you worked at a coffee shop like in the movies you could focus more? sitting there with a cup of coffee, listening to people as they scurry about the shop, doing whatever.
maybe you'll even see the cute guy you ran into there.
you shook your head and snorted. as if.
taking a deep breath, you stood up and stretched your muscles, your bones cracking at the action. you took your computer and shoved it into your backpack then got your shoes on, making your way out of your dorm room and into the outside world.
walking down the street, you passed by tons of different people minding their own business. it always fascinated you how everyone's lives are so different from each other. you smiled a little to yourself as you reached your destination. pushing open the door, you were hit in the face with the smell of fresh coffee, baked goods, and warmth from the shop.
fidgeting with your backpack straps, you rocked back and forth on your feet as you waited in line. eyes cast downward, you hadn't noticed hushed whispers of which you were the subject of. finally reaching the front of the line, you recited your usual order that you've said so many times before along with your name and looked around for an empty table. in your search, you spotted a familiar face; the cute redhead from a few days ago. he was joined by three other people: the yellow-haird boy he was with when you first saw him, a guy with large elbows and shoulder length black hair, as well as a very disinterested blonde guy.
you smiled at him and gave him a friendly wave, to which he reciprocated with a red face. you managed to tear your eyes away from him long enough to continue searching for a table. just as you saw an empty booth, your name was called, signifying your drink was ready. you thanked the worker who handed you your cup and made your way over to the table you had mentally claimed. setting down your coffee, you plopped yourself in the booth seat and slid your backpack off of your shoulders and fishes out your laptop, quickly getting back to what you were trying to do, now focusing better.
ignoring the shuffling and whisper-screams that were approaching your table, you typed away at your math assignment, explaining how you got your answer. however, your hardcore focused was interrupted by the redhead sliding in the seat across from you, face red and panting slightly from fighting his friends. you looked up at him and automatically smiled at the sight of him.
"h-hi," he said quietly while examining your face.
"hello," you replied, shutting your laptop.
"uh, i-i'm kirishima, and, uh, i just-i just thought you were really cute and wanted to know if-if you would wanna go out sometime?" he stuttered his way through his sentence while avoiding eye contact.
you giggled at his shyness and he shot his head up, looking at you with wide eyes and face flushing darker. "i would love to, kirishima."
he sighed in relief upon hearing your answer, "awesome!"
requests: open, 6-15-20
thank you all so much for 100 followers!! i love you all!! <3
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valxeren · 3 years
hi! i was looking through your previews and i was just wondering if you decided when to post the eremika one shot. i don’t mean to rush you or anything but i’m just really looking forward to it
uhhh i think i’ll post it on thursday or friday?? i would post it sooner but i wasnt expecting to reach 100 followers, and i wanna release something for that before i post anything else
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skullstarz · 4 years
Hi there and congrats!! May I plz get both BnHA and HQ? Straight female, She/Her, 17. I'd prefer male matchups! Libra INFJ. I wear glasses and have wavy short brown hair. I'm a sensitive and kind person. Academically I'm ranked first in my classes because I want to score a secure place in university. I also love to participate in Speech contests because I love doing speeches!
My hobbies are drawing, video games, singing and listening to rock music like Queen, Bon Jovi, GnR. My pastime is basically just playing otome and RPG games on my phone or Nintendo Switch. I cry a lot cuz I'm very emphatic. I love to help people too although they take advantage of that sometimes.
Being a straight A student is surely not easy, but my family is very supportive and give me the best advice! I love my friends and family so much so I'm a soft person for families. One unique trait I have is a beauty mark below my lower right lip which is very prominent but my mom says it means I'll be a leader so I don't mind it. Oh yeah, for BnHA i'm fine with anyone! Thanks!!
um can i like kiss u i-
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✿ head over heels over you like he follows you around like a PUPPY
✿ always praises you and says how lucky he is to have such a smart girlfriend!!! brags about you to the team a lot
✿ lets you practice speeches on him, loves listening to your voice and telling you if theres certain words that seem too hard to understand
✿ doesnt mind listening to your music, and actually often find himself listening to the music you usually put on without realizing it
✿ loves gaming with you, even if they are otome games (might even tell you how much better snother character would be as a boyfriend than the one you chose)
✿ hates seeing you cry :(( he'll be like a dog seeing his owner cry, kissing away your tears with the sadest lil eyes
✿ agrees with your mom, loves your beauty mark, and often finds himself bringing his finger to it and admiring your pretty face
✿ sometimes even kisses it, which was what he was trying to do when he completely miscalculated his angle and made your first kiss a show with the whole volleyball team watching
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"im telling you, she's real!!" nishinoya yelled, upset no one would believe he had a girlfriend. "yeah right, you've been saying that for a while, so how come we've never seen her?" tsukishima said, standing a distance away with the rest of the team. "you'll be eating your words!" noya huffed before texting you to come to the court. since he hadn't done that before, you assumed there was an issue and rushed over.
"noya, is everything okay?" you asked him as you openned the doors you finally reached. "y/n!!!" he ran towards you "everyone, this is my girlfriend!" he hung his arm on your shoulders, motioning to you "and i dunno about you guys but im pretty sure she's real. what do you think, y/n?" you laughed at his words "yes, im very real." you nodded.
"are you sure that's your girlfriend?" tsukishima joked again, before being nudged by yamaguchi "this'll prove it" he said determined to show them you were his, aiming to kiss you right beneath your lip before you moved slightly towards him. without enough time to redirect his lips, they softly clashed against yours earning a proud woop from tanaka. scrambling to separate, he yelled a few sorrys before you reassured him that it was okay
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✿ when you were first introduced to the class he wasnt too worried, as he rather quickly picked up on your kindness and your intelligence and knew you and his friend group would probably get along well
✿ and he was right, except he didnt expect that he'd slowly fall in love with you once he learned more about you
✿ is really curious about your taste in music- perhaps not his cup of tea but always 100% supportive of it
✿ also 100% supportive of your dedication to academics, and is always determined to help you and motivate you
✿ understands why or what you're crying about, but still tried to comfort you as much as he can
✿ please also give him reassurance!! bby boy is trying his best and he wants to know he's actually helping you!!
✿ favorite thing to do is have you sit in front of him with his legs at your sides, watching whatever game is on your screen
✿ your first kiss was one of those moments, your face too cute to not kiss as you looked up at him
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izuku sat behind you, arms wrapped around you as you played games. it was moments like these that filled him with so much love for you, and you felt the same way. he had always been by your side, whether while you studied or goofed off. you felt his arms slowly loosen before being completely removed from your body. you were about to let out a huff, before feeling his fingers run through your hair. leaning into his touch, you continued playing your games.
he was quick to try to make a couple braids to then braid into one. when he finished, he sat there with a content smile, fingers lingering on the little baby hairs framing your face. his eyes were so full of love, his cheeks tinted a light red, his lips curved into the cutest grin. something in you told you to look over to him (me, miss girl, im begging u to), and when you did, you were glad you did.
the sight before you was so simple yet filled you with feelings so deep. with a smile, you whispered his name, before letting out a phrase izuku had been waiting for all this time- "kiss me, please?". he nodded eagerly, before placing a soft, excited kiss on your lips, blush deepening. shit, you were in the middle of a boss fight-
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ftpthemovement · 4 years
Comfort or calling? Stop stalling it’s time to ride.
God doesn’t place a calling in your heart and not give you the ability to see it through. Are you choosing comfort or your calling?
Last week I was seeking God to inquire him about a word he gave me a few months ago revolving around FTP. Most people don’t know, but we are closing in on the last few months of our lease here in Kennesaw, and the word he gave me was in reference to what the furture would hold for us. When I asked, I wasnt given a direct answer, so I expressed a lack of assurance to close friends and members of FTP. Since the inception of FTP, God has always given a clear vision of what was to come, and this was the first time where there wasn’t a direct clear cut direction or instruction on what we were supposed to be doing. So I went walking in solitude spending time with God and he began to speak to me.
Often times when God talks to me the most, Its during these times where I’m walking with him in a remote location free from distractions and any input, or out side interference. On this particular day, God placed it on my heart that it was time to uproot myself from Kennesaw Georgia, and move to Las Vegas Nevada to do his will. Cause you know, that’s super normal and all 😂
At first I felt very worried because it’s moving across the nation to a place I don’t know, surrounded by people I also don’t know, to places I’ve never been before in my life. Automatically, my first inclination is to worry. Yet God choose to remind me of a word he sent me around a year ago, when he said, “I’m bringing a raging river to dry sands.” I quickly remembered that I used to walk around a repeat it daily, often times I still do; but I never really understood it until recently. On September 6th, I saw the post come up on Facebook, Circa Sept 6, 2019. Exactly a year later, God was reaffirming his word from exackty year ago, and it lined up perfectly with the message he had just given me! Guess you would have to be there to know the full gravity of the situation, but let’s just say it was all the confirmation I would ever need.
But, in the process of such a massive transition, you obviously have to iron out a few wrinkles with such an undertaking. So, I immediately reached out to Alex and Jordan, who are very close brothers and members of FTP to ask them what they thought. Amazingly enough, they not only supported it, but they felt lead to deployed there as well! Talk about faith in action! I really don’t think you could ask for more than that. God says go, thier answer figuratively speaking was, “Say when.” It’s literally the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Obviously all of our intentions are there, but this is when the opposition likes to creep in. See, technically we are still here until the lease is up. We have to manage to somehow raise funding, continue expanding discipleship, and elect overseers to continue our work here in Georgia, while we expand to the west as God has instructed. In the middle we could come up with a number of excuses, fears, doubt, insecurities, distractions, and opposing opportunities in the process. Hence why the topic up top is, “Are you choosing your comfort, or your calling?”
Up until yesterday when I would think about the transition I would start asking questions that I think any sane, logical, rational person would ask. Stuff like, “Where are we going to stay?” “Are we shutting down the businesses we run?” “How do we all manage to uproot multiple families and make it work?” “Where will we work, etc.“ “Where will the resources come from to help make the transition happen?”
Now, everything isn’t complete, but the Lord has already answered about 90% of these questions, and in the coming months we are going to reveal the plan God has placed in motion, and we hope that you share in the vision and take the opportunity in helping be apart of Gods work! But, for now this is where God calls his followers to have faith, and to be prepared to put that faith in action by trusting that he will create the way to see it to completion!
Sounds tough, and it is! Yet, he specifically reminded me of one answer he gave that changed the complete trajectory of all of my thoughts. A question so imperative, that it shifted everything Ive ever known when it comes to following God. What’s that question you might ask?
The question was, “If I choose to stay and not go, would you be mad at me?”
Even reading the question as I’m writing it, it sounds loaded. But in the loving grace that only my Heavenly Father could answer in, I got a peaceful “No.” So, God is calling me to go do his will, but if I don’t go, he won’t be mad at me? Hmm..... I felt a prompting in my spirit to ask God another question. “If I don’t go, can I be just as successful here doing your will as I would be there?” He gracefully and calmly replied, “No.”
“So, if I go I’ll be more successful than if I stay, why wouldn’t I go?” I had a lot of answers to that question. It’s probably one the easiest list I could ever come up with. Because of job security, comfort, and fear. Because of being rooted in what I’ve grown accustom to on a daily basis. All of the things I take for granted that would simply disappear if i choose to be obedient. If you really think about it for awhile there’s sooo much stuff that I could list, and go on and on about. As I sat there and thought about every excuse in the book, God blessed me with a wave of insight that came crashing down on me, saturating me with love, insight, revelation and understanding. If you made it this far, stick around because I’m about to share it with you.
God showed that I can be saved, be doing good works, and still be far outside of his intended will for my life....
Listen.... It’s the times that God asks for obedience, yet we choose to shrink back from it. You might understand examples like, “God telling you to say something to someone, but your scared to do it so you shrink back. Or, you know you should have done something in a particular situation but looking back would have handled it a million different ways, but froze up. All those are good examples, but imagine that times 100 million, it’s that deep of a revelation.
What God revealed is that often time we will ask Him questions, and he will answer them in accordance to the condition of our hearts. Re read that slow 5 times and meditate on it.
Jesus often times does similar in scripture, by answering people’s questions with a question first, to reveal the motive of there hearts. What God was showing me was that when we ask him questions, we often times ask out of good intentions, but it’s filtered through our intended desires. We ask with intentions on receiving what we want the response to be. Let’s slow it down cause it’s really heavy. It means we aren’t really seeking his will, but instead, we are seeking what we want his will to align with it.
This means when asking God, we can have all the best intentions in the world of serving God, but when we ask him for something, we are asking it for self, and he graciously and lovingly gives us the desires of our hearts. But if your hearts will, even though being good, isn’t what’s God wants for your life, is it a life worth living? It may appear to be good, you claim it’s for his kingdom, but if it’s not the mission he’s called you to....?
Walk with me bro...
How many of you have seen visions in your head from God, or felt a prompting in your heart to expand in ways you can’t even fathom, but then you quickly rationalize every excuse of why it can’t happen for you, and you write it off as a day dream How many times have you asked God for something but if it doesn’t happen how you wanted it to, or expected it to, you start questioning if you have unresolved sin, or if you did something not pleasing to God. How many of you reading this are weighed down by your past decisions in life, and they hauntingly become the excuses of your future?
God literally loves you enough, to bless you, save you, bring you into heaven, and you still not have lived the life he had intended for you. Most people I’ve met say, “Well everything happens for a reason, and God allowed x______ to happen to learn from it, so I don’t consider it a mistake. Yet they refuse to take ownership of truthfully considering if they were choosing their will or his!
God meets you where you are, when you turn to him, then He gives you beauty for your ashes. Things happen because you choose his way or your way, second by second day by day. When you’re on track and fully submitted to his will, you will live how he wants you to live. When you choose your will, and realize what you’re doing is wrong, he meets you where you are at. When you turn from your way, (aka repentance) Thats when he puts you back on the right path.
When you take ownership you realize, you can’t be focused on fear and faith at the same time. You’re going to choose one or the other daily. Several times God gives orders in scripture, man choose his own way, and he meets them where they are at. It’s literally the whole entire book. Man chooses flesh, God sets them straight, repeat. God tells Isreal do this, they don’t do it, they repent, he blesses them. You think he wanted them to mess up? No! He wants to bless them, but just as we do, we pursue our own ways, and then ask God to bless them.
Long segway, but I hope it was useful. Point is, how many times have you been given a vision, or felt the feeling and didn’t act? In my experience, JUST MY PERSONAL experience, everything God calls me to do, is wildly uncomfortable, and he always places me in a positions that my faith is required to go further than my flesh has ever been capable of. Meaning, God gives me visions that I cannot complete on my own, that I have to overcome fear, walk in faith, and be wildly dependent on him to complete the mission. Period.
So, what calling has you placed on your heart that you haven’t been listening to? Are you so far past having them that you don’t even ask God anymore? Are you just focused on, watch over my family, help me make it through this work day, get a decent spot at the mall, next promotion, and don’t let me get stuck in traffic?
Or is it, God you know what I’m going through, if you would just give me a sign, I’ll do whatever you tell me? But, then you don’t read the Bible enough to realize, he’s already given you the sign, your mission, purpose and calling, and you would just rather wait on magic to drop from the sky, settling for comfort and complacent over sacrifice and obedience?
Come on bro!! Excuses are void in the kingdom of heaven, act like you knew! Don’t be the guy who gets so far off path that you say you believe, but don’t seek Gods will daily, so you walk around professing God, but living nothing like what he’s called you to live. You’re better than that.
So, what’s the answer to this ridiculously long blog?
Fully submit yourself to Gods will daily, no matter how crazy it may seem to others. Use me as an example if you need to. If you know me, I’m not the trophy boy for exceptional Christian. I’m what most churches would call a heretic, a false profit, or lost in sin. Yet, all I eat sleep and breathe is doing Gods will daily. My point is, people will always have an opinion, even the people who thought they were closest to God, killed his son, and the prophets who came before him! Christ rebelled against their man made religion, called them a brood of vipers, prob some more stuff, and then went on to reveal love, care, generosity, forgiveness, and compassion! A little different example than what they had set. He goes on to show mercy trumps sacrifice, and forgiveness and love conquers all. He literally displayed the example of what it means to be his disciple for all to see, when he picked up his cross, took on the sin of judging hypocrites, and said “Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”
Yet in this world, being a true disciple is a stumbling block for most religious people. It’s the very ones who claim to know him the most, that continuously persecute his elect. So, if you don’t look like mans religious church, and you don’t look like the world, you might just find that your walking on the narrow path with Jesus, that he himself said very few will find.
So don’t choose the ways of the world and they will hate you. Don’t seek to align yourself with mans religious customs and narrow viewpoint, they will hate you too.
For they fear what they don’t know, and kill what they can’t understand. Blind guides, full of judgment, an outward display of selfish insecurity, masquerading itself as righteousness. They’ve been judging themselves their whole life, because it is all they’ve known to do. Some past judgment on the world, others understand the word enough that they don’t pass judgment on the world, but comprehend the word enough to pass judgment on the church. Yet when they do so its a perversion, because they do not know love, so they lack the truth. They themselves can’t even look in the mirror and love themselves, so they cannot rightly ever loves others! When they look in the mirror they see sin and not their savior. So they outwardly reflect their shortcomings onto others. Claiming to be free, yet they tie a burdensome yoke onto others that they themself cannot carry, because they have skeletons they cannot bury. Depraved bunch in high positions, appearing to be Shepard’s, but they are like chaff in the wind, being thrown to and fro, judgment to judgment. If the words I speak aren’t from God himself, then let this day be held in account for all to see, so that the motives of my heart be displayed for all to bear witness.
Take the time to seek his will, and you to will find yourself on a similar path. But in this walk of righteousness remember, God won’t place a calling in your heart and not give you the ability to see it through. You just have to have the courage to bring it to fruition.
So in closing, are you choosing comfort or your calling? Search your heart man of GOD, the end has yet to come. Will you have the courage to follow his will? Fear is for the fire lake, be bold and courageous, you’ve been called to go and spread the good news of the gospel, baptize in the name of The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit! You have been commissioned!
Stop looking for the approval of man, and rest assure in your approval and right standing in God through Christ, who sacrificed everything for you to be set free! Let God himself be the only judge you consider in your pursuit of his calling. Go to where the pastors don’t preach, and where the teachers won’t teach. Go be a light in dark in the dark, a city on a hill for all to see. Stop settling for tradition, and go complete Gods mission! May his spirit rage inside of you, calling you to relentless actions of faith, being bold as to laugh in the face of fear, and courageously walk out your destiny. God be with you always even until the end of this age. Don’t do, be. because you already are.
From the front lines, -ES
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hardyimagines · 5 years
Summer In Italy — Part 3
Reader is spending the days with her family at their 17th-century villa in Italy. Reader meets Tom, a handsome scientific student who's working as intern for her father. Reader and Tom discover the beauty of awakening desire. ( Smut/Heated Scenes )
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Warnings: sexual!
Part 1     Part 2     Part 4 
Part 3 of 5
The summer breeze was hot and humid as it wafted over your sticky skin. You were laid out on a lawn chair, knees bent and arms extended out along the length of the plastic armrests. The sun was shining down on you, forcing you to bask in its bright rays. The sunglass on your face, oval shaped and impossible to see through, shielded your sensitive eyelids from the unforgiving sun that didn’t care if it burnt you to a crisp. You inhaled deeply, feet squirming against the seat you were laid out on. Your hand fell to the table at your side, blindly roaming the length of it. Your fingertips grazed the hardcover of your opened book, page folded at the corner in case the wind managed to knock the novel closed. Your fingers moved away from the entertaining book, polish chipped and coming off of your nail, something you hadn’t noticed until that morning and had made a mental note to fix. Your fingertips tapped the nearby glass, coated in moisture that raced along the edges. You lifted your free hand to the leg of your sunglasses and slowly lifted them up and out of your way so you could see your drink. The ice cubes were long gone, melted inside the orange juice. You clenched your jaw momentarily, instantly regretting the fact that you hadn’t taken a few sips when you’d first fixed the beverage. The ice was your favorite part to toss around inside your mouth and then crunch and munch on when it became too cold for your tongue to endure any longer.
“Muppet!” Your father’s voice carried in the breeze. You licked your lips before slowly setting your sunglasses on the top of your head. Rotating around on the seat so you could look toward the villa where his voice had come from, you stood. “Lunch!” He shouted again. You let out a quiet sigh before hunching over to gather your belongings. The book clamped shut so you could tuck it away beneath your arm, hand circling the bottom of your glass and then the bottle of sunscreen. You stepped around the chair and toward the stepping stones, following the rocks that led you back toward the house.
Rose was in the kitchen, humming beneath her breath as she finished making the sandwiches. Her hair was drawn up in a loose bun, a last minute hairstyle she’d decided to go with in order to avoid any strands falling into one of the snacks she was making. She dropped the flat side of a piece of bread on top of the last sandwich before carrying the plates toward the den. It took two trips, but she managed. She would eat in her studio, tucked away all on her own so her mind could wander and her creativity could soar.
Edgar was laid out on the floor where he’d been weeks ago. The same bolts needed to be tightened, tended too, a constant problem in their project, but not one that was too difficult to resolve. His trousers were covered in grease, black stains that looked almost impossible to remove. Tom watched him intently, hands resting on his hips as his blue eyes moved from the project, to your father, and then to the plate of snacks that was delivered. He smiled gratefully toward Rose before reaching for one of the finger foods.
“It’s so hot out there.” You groaned out verbally as you climbed the short steps into the den. Every morning, you were up long before anyone else and you always took it upon yourself to venture down to the pool and get in a tan before everyone was called in for lunch. Breakfast wasnt really a thing.. nobody, apart from you, woke up early enough. Edgar didn’t look toward you, he merely continued to twist the wrench in his hand repeatedly. “Morning, daddy.” You called to your father, eyes avoiding Tom’s at all costs.
It had been a week since the pair of you had first kissed and since then.. nothing else had really happened. He seemed very reluctant to go forward with anything else and because of that, you tried to keep your distance. Lusting and chasing after a man that clearly wasn’t interested just seemed foolish on your part. You set your book down on the couch before letting out a quiet hum as you moved toward the plate in the middle of the room.
“You sleep alright?” Your father’s deep voice grumbled out.
“As good as any other night.” You told him quietly before lifting one of the sandwiches and finally looking toward Tom. He hadn’t kissed you in three days. He didn’t say anything, but you knew that if he wanted you, he knew where to find you. There hadn’t been an argument.. no disagreeing, but you figured he was having an internal battle with himself. The age gap was pretty drastic and he’d probably never pursued anyone less that 5 years younger than him.
“Mh..” Your father slid out from underneath the project. His dark eyes moved to you, lips parting before he looked to Tom who was staring you down. “Where’s your dress? Put some clothes on.” He barked instantly. You were stood in nothing but your skimpy bikini which looked like nothing more than a string to your father. He clenched his jaw before rising, waiting for you to scurry off.
“Dad, I’m going right back to the pool after this.” You defended before lifting another sandwich. “Besides,” You looked to Tom. “He’s the only person here that isn’t family and I’m sure he knows how to keep his eyes..” You almost smirked. “where they’re meant to be.” Looking back to your dad, you brushed the crumbs off your fingers before sending him a pout. “You’re not mean to shout at the birthday girl..”
“I didn’t shout.” He defended before slipping toward you and locking his arms around your shoulders. He leaned forward and pressed a lazy kiss to your head before embracing you. “Happy birthday, muppet.. can’t believe you’re all grown up.” You stood in his arms for a few moments, savoring the hug before you drew back and shrugged it off.
“It’s just another number.” You pointed out before clasping your hands together in front of you. 18. It felt like it had taken 100 years to get here.
“It’s your birthday?” Tom finally spoke up. It was the first thing he’d said to you today. You tipped your head to the side before leaning against the table, fingers lowering to the sandwiches so you could pick at the bread.
“Why else would he have said ‘happy birthday’?” Your father swatted your hand away, a nonverbal reminder to keep your hands off of the entire tray because this was here for everyone to share.
“Still the same brat you were yesterday.” Your father chortled. He ruffled your hair before moving away from you and instead back toward the machinery. He lowered himself down and on to his knees before sliding back underneath the tall object. You were still beneath Tom’s gaze, eyes scanning his for some sort of emotion. He licked his lips slowly before nodding his head lightly.
“Happy Birthday.” His tone was soft, sweet, a genuine congratulations on surviving another year of life. You shrugged it off as if they day really didn’t mean that much. Humming beneath your breath, you took a lengthy sip of your drink before moving out of the room without so much as another word. Making your way into the kitchen to find something else to munch on, you hauled open the white cabinet and began to sort through the endless amount of flavored chips. You’d stand there and eat all the sandwiches if you could. They were almost addicting — so insanely good. Another one of your mother’s many talents.
Tom was stood still for a moment before looking toward Edgar. “Want anything to drink?” He asked before retrieving his empty glass from that morning, perched on the piano. Edgar grunted out huskily before grumbling out a strained no. He was too invested in fixing the unfixable. Tom let out a soft okay before making his way out of the room as well. He turned the corner and walked the length of the corridor before dipping into the kitchen. You were right where he’d expected to find you, rummaging through the snacks. You shut the cabinet, bag of Doritos in hand as you twisted around and set them on the counter. “You didn’t..” Your eyes lifted to the man in the doorway, surprised to see him, but not visibly showing that. “tell me your birthday was coming up.” He uttered before laying his glass on the counter. It clinked audibly.
“Eh, I’m not a big birthday person.” You told him under your breath before laying your palm on the countertop and watching him under a studious gaze. “What’s the difference in who I was yesterday versus who I am today?” The question made his tongue burn with an answer, but he bit it back. He figured he could let you be right — afterall the day was about you. He moved around the counter slowly, like a predator attempting not to startle its prey. You watched him closely, but made no movement to distance. He came to a stop about a foot away from you, staring down at you as you continued to feast on the chips.
“What?” You finally spoke when he didn’t stop ogling you.
“Nothing.” He shrugged. “I can’t look at you?”
You almost rolled your eyes. Of course he could look at you. Licking your lips slowly, you moved your finger to your bottom lip, briefly pulling it down as you contemplated your response. You turned away from him. “I’ve been waiting on you for days to come kiss me and you’ve made sure to keep your distance, haven’t you?” Tom almost smiled at how defensive you were.
“I’ve been very busy with your dad. Haven’t had a second to myself.” He informed you before stepping even closer. He didn’t stop moving until his chest pressed against your arm, firm and warm against your flesh. “Let alone a chance to come see you.”
“Well,” You turned to face him then. Your chest skimmed his, much fuller, but his was much tighter. Gazing up at his handsome features, you swallowed thickly. “are you gonna make time for me today?”
Tom did smile then. His pink, full lips drew upwards into a slow grin before he nodded his head. “Course.” He stepped around you, finding it entirely too risky to flirt so blatantly when your mom or dad could walk in at any second. He drew the fridge open, eyes raking along the different drink choices. You pursed your lips, watching intently as his thick fingers curled around the handle of the refrigerator. Stepping toward him, you reached beneath his extended arm and pinched the plastic box of strawberries.
“I think I’m going to go have a shower.. read more of my book.” You pulled your lips in as he reached for the gallon of sweet tea. “And then later I may go for a night swim.” He sensed you were telling him when the two of you could be alone so he listened intently. He shut the fridge and moved toward the counter at the same time as you. Lifting one of the stacked plastic cups from the middle of the table, he poured himself a glass of the beverage before looking toward you when you stepped up to his side again. He wasn’t sure what your intentions were, but when you leaned up on your toes so that you could kiss his cheek, he had no control over the way his head turned to the side and his mouth caught your own. It was a very delicious surprise in your opinion, for you lifted your hand to the back of his neck and held him in place. A breathy moan of enjoyment left your throat and filled his mouth as you savored the sweet kiss. His mouth opened against your own and his large hands moved to your hips, cradling them as he turned completely toward your body. He let out a heavenly sigh tongue sliding out to run across your own but before he could, you dragged yourself away and left the room without doing or saying anything else. Smirking lazily, you made your way toward the stairs and climbed them to do as you’d said and shower.
Tom licked his lips slowly, unable to ignore the sweet, fruity taste that could only be described as you. So uncomfortably addicting. He took a sip of his sweet tea before shutting his eyes and having a very long talk with himself. He needed to see eye to eye with this entire situation before he pursued it any further. His eyes lifted, rolling to the ceiling when the pipes cut on and the water could be heard racing through the rusted metal to pour out of the showerhead and hit your small form. He folded his arms before looking back to the living room when Edgar called for him.
The day came and went much quicker than you’d thought it would. You were laid out on your bed, stomach pressed against the cool sheet as you lounged along the length of your mattress. Your book was opened, damp fingertip tracing the length of the page. Droplets of water moved through your wet strands before falling so they could seep into the thin sheet beneath you.
The shower had been refreshing and much longer than you’d meant for it to be. You’d stood beneath the showerhead until the steaming, hot water had run ice cold. The floorboards creaked in the hall, pulling your eyes toward the door. You could see, beneath the doorway where the light poured in from the hall, that the feet were small — probably your mother’s, so you looked back to your book and let yourself fall further and further into the fictional world.
You stayed like that for hours. It was always easy for you to lose track of time, especially when invested in a story. The sun in the sky was beginning to fall and the clouds were piling together to create a large shadow along the length of the sky. You yawned out before tipping your head to the side so you could roll your stiff neck. The action was followed by your back, popping here and there when you realized that the stiffness had raced along your spine.
Downstairs, Tom had his hands on his hips, watching the machine in the center of the room as it tried, and failed, to do whatever it was that Edgar wanted.
“Son of a bitch.” He ground out tiredly. His grease stained wrist lifted to wipe at his sweaty forehead. The gunk on his hand rubbed off on his face. “Alright, little break? I’m going to get entirely too pissed if we don’t take a breather.” Tom nodded his head once in agreement before dropping the notepad in his hands down on the wobbly table in the corner. He let out a soft sigh before taking a small step back so that Edgar could slip by him. He was sure the man was going to fix himself a drink and then stare down at the crashing waves that repeatedly hit the side of the villa. It always calmed him. Tom’s eyes drifted to the stairs outside the door in the corner. He figured he could at least go upstairs and say hello to you. You’d spent most of the day all on your own which was sad because it was your birthday. But he supposed you were use to it. You had independent parents that liked to do their own thing. He popped his jaw before spinning around on his heel and setting off in your direction.
The floorboards were cold beneath your bare feet as you stood in front of the tall, lengthy mirror. Studying your reflection as you fastened the ties of your bathing suit, your hips began to lazily sway, song playing in your mind loud enough to lure your body to dance along. The green bathing suit was vibrant and beautiful, a simple but very snugly fitting outfit. Your wet hair was pulled up into a messy bun, one that looked untameable, but still cute. The tip of your fingers skimmed the edge of your bookshelf before coming to a halt when they hit your glasses case. Swiftly lifting the navy-colored box, you flipped it open with your thumb before withdrawing the frame from its home. Opening the legs, you slipped the glasses on to your face and inspected yourself closely. You were meant to wear the eyeglasses all the time, but you never did. They made you look so dorky, you thought.
There was a sharp knock at your door, a sudden hollow sound that was enough to make you jump. “Jesus..” You murmured before turning toward the creaky wood. “Come in.” You called out without hesitation. One of three people could saunter in and you really didn’t mind which one it was.
The door opened slowly. And once it had opened all the way, Tom stood in place. His arms were folded over his chest before he stepped forward and into your designated room. “Birthday girl.” He smirked. “What are you doin’?”
“Trying on my swimsuit.” You told him swiftly before licking your lips as you made your way toward the glass of apple juice — switched out a little over twenty minutes ago because someone had taken it upon themselves to finish off your jug of orange juice.
“And glasses?” His fingers ushered toward the frame on your face. “Those are cute.” You sensed ‘cute’ wasn’t the adjective he was looking for. He made his way closer to you, arm extending long before he’d reached you so that his fingers could graze your hip when he was close enough. His hand was hot against your side, thumb lazily brushing along your attire before he circled you. He came to a stop when his chest hit your back and his eyes locked on to your own in the mirror.
“See something you like?” Your eyes held a playful tint as you ogled him in the mirror. Briefly looking toward his lips, your stomach did a somersault as your gaze then began to roam his sickeningly attractive face, a silent way for you to plea for the man to have his way with you. You swallowed down that urge. The man wasn’t interested in anything but kissing, you reminded yourself.
“Mh.” He nodded before brushing his fingers around to the surface of your belly. “I see something I want.” He used his free hand to press against your back, forcing you to bend over so that he could inspect you completely. God, he needed you.
“Oh?” You challenged him. Extending your arms, you planted them firmly against the wall on either side of the body-length mirror. “Well.. have what you want. I’m not stopping you.” Tom looked south. He swallowed thickly at the sight of your ass, wiggling against his covered crotch.
He didn’t know if it was the sudden position, you hunched over so your back was extended and his hand could trace your spine or if it was because of your rear which brushed against him confidently, or maybe it was just the fact that he wanted you even when you were twenty feet away from him, not touching him in the slightest.. but he hardened visibly. A low groan fell from his lips before his hands planted firmly against your waist, tenderly drawing you backward so your thighs and bum molded against his front.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me.” He informed you. His blue eyes flickered along your revealed inches of skin, thumbs hooking in your bathing suit bottoms so he could lazily tug them south. He would pry them down in the slightest before watching as they rolled back into their rightful place. He smirked.
“You have no idea what I can handle.” Your grip on the mirror tightened, feet shuffling against the floor beneath you. Your insides felt hot and your skin was growing to be the same.
He almost snorted. Daniel wasn’t capable of fucking. The boy looked like he probably lied down beneath you and let you do all the work. “You’ve got no experience. Playing with boys.. they don’t know what they’re doing.” You straightened. No hesitation resided in your movements as you twisted around to face him.
You could tell he liked having the upper-hand. He wanted to be right, that you hadn’t been screwed senseless. You supposed he was, for the most part, correct. You’d only had good, hard sex once in your life and it was with a boy you’d only known for a month. It was a spur of the moment decision to let him have you and you’d wanted him many times after that. He hadn’t returned the feelings. You swallowed thickly before lifting your small hands to Tom’s chest. Stroking the taught muscles hidden by the fabric, you leaned up so your lips were centimeters from his own. “Then let me play with you.” The tips of your nails moved down to his belly before gliding down to the bottom of his shirt. Rolling the fabric up so you could get your hands underneath and touch his bare tummy, you bit your bottom lip.
Tom inhaled deeply. His wide palm lifted to tenderly take hold of your face. He pinched your cheeks in the slightest before leaning in so he could steal a very slow kiss. His touches were never misleading nor were they empty. He only put his hands on you when he wanted you to know how he felt. And you supposed, in that moment, he wanted you. The kiss didn’t last for as long as you hoped, so when he pulled back, a little wave of disappointment flooded you. “You’re too good for me.” He whispered. His hand fell from your cheeks to your throat, cradling and caressing your jugular. “I’ll come swim with you in an hour or so.” He whispered. “And we can talk about this then.”
He watched as you drew your pink lips in and nibbled on them, head bobbing softly. The sound of your father’s voice filled the house as he called out for Tom and you couldn’t help the little twinge of excitement in your stomach. You hoped you’d be getting a lot more than just a few kisses tonight.. afterall, it was your birthday.
Tom stole another soft peck before taking a small step back and vanishing from the room. You watched him go before slowly wrapping your arms around yourself, savoring the feel of his lips against your own. Twisting around on the ball of your heel, you made your way to the closet and grasped one of the folded towels before making your way out of the room as well.
Being alone was always nice. It was peaceful, quiet, nothing but the squawking of birds and sound of sloshing water to keep you company.
That was until your shaggy-haired boyfriend came sauntering through the woods in nothing but a pair of swim trunks and a pair of your old sunglasses resting on the top of his head. He clutched a towel to his chest, arm lifting so that he could wave toward you. “Happy birthday, baby!” He shouted before he’d even made it into the little courtyard.
You were in the pool, elbows resting on the side, fingers pinching the same novel you’d been trying to finish since Summer had begun. Your sunglasses were low on the bridge of your nose, lengthy lashes fluttering visibly over the rims of the frame. Your eyes flickered toward the boy who was approaching with a purple bag in hand. It swung at his side, the contents rattling momentarily before he lifted it to his chest to silence the loud present. You let out a breathy sigh, nostrils flaring before you slammed your book shut.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Your shapes brows rose, exposing your confusion at his presence.
“What do you mean?” He set the bag down on the hard table in the corner once he’d reached the small deck.
“I mean..” You adjusted yourself in the relaxing water, body growing tense because Tom was sure to head back to the little villa if he ventured out and caught sight of Daniel here. “why are you here?” There was a silence. Daniel was trying to figure out why you were asking such a foolish question. “You’re a pussy.” You shook your head before nudging the sunglasses back on to your face. Shaking your head dismissively, you clenched your jaw before setting your book down flat and inspecting the boy thoroughly. “You ran off the other day because we’d been caught. You’re lucky that it wasn’t my dad who saw us, he would’ve chased your sorry ass.” The eye roll he received was enough to make him straighten considerably. He frowned.
“I didn’t want it to be awkward.. he’d just caught us having sex.” His excuse was pathetic in your opinion. You moved toward the stairs at the edge of the pool. Climbing out of the water, you gripped your towel off of the lawn chair and wrapped it around your shoulders. It hung loosely in place, glued to you because of your wet skin.
“So you ran off and left me to deal with the situation all on my own?” Shaking your head, you let out a moan of agitation before pressing your hand against his stomach and lightly pushing him back toward the woods where he’d emerged from. “Go back home. I don’t want to see you. You haven’t been around the whole week, but then you think it’s alright to just come by on my birthday?” His eyes twinkled in the soft glow from the sun.
Daniel rolled his eyes before moving around you. He folded his arms over his chest, flimsy arms and small stomach flexing defensively. He moved toward the pool, eyes roaming the length of the blue water. “I was nervous.. I thought I might be attacked. How was I to know that that guy wouldn’t tell your dad what he saw?”
“Like I said,” You stuck your hands out at your sides, arms extended and palms toward the sky. Your annoyance was obvious. “pussy!”
“I’m not a pussy.” He ground out before looking over his shoulder.
“You are! You’re a piece of shit as well. Take your stupid gift and go home. I’d much rather sit and read and be all on my own than..” Daniel spun back toward the pool. “spend another minute with you!” Your tone was exasperated. He sucked in a deep breath of air before closing his eyes to try and calm the building anger. He didn’t move. “Are you deaf?”
Daniel opened his eyes and stared down at the novel by his foot. He knew he’d regret being a douche later, but for right now, he didn’t care. He wanted to infuriate you as much as you were infuriating him. He drew his foot back before sending it flying forward and directly into the book. The hardcover soared a few inches forward before falling into the water. You gasped loudly, heart lurching forward. His name was on the tip of your tongue, ready to be spewed over and over and over again until it tasted like poison. You rushed forward in order to retrieve the thing that had been a gift from your grandmother, but Daniel was quick to step in front of you, easily restricting you from getting to the book that was growing soggy and heavy and beginning to sink. He knew how much the thick book meant to you, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He peeked over his shoulder and down at the book, only releasing you once it was nowhere in sight.
The tears brewed in your gaze, thick and visible. You shoved him as harshly as you could before throwing yourself into the pool so you could sink beneath the surface to retrieve it. The back of it had a scribbled message from the woman, a long note for you to read when you’d turned 18. You were waiting until that night to read the message you’d been waiting two years for. And now, you broke to the surface and hurriedly opened the novel, instantly turning to the back, the writing was smeared. Unreadable. Everything hurt all at once, but nothing compared to the anger that simmered in your chest. You looked up at your ex-boyfriend, watery orbs telling him all he needed to know. You hated him.
The pair of you were being casted into darkness as the gloomy city darkened further and further. Daniel turned around and snatched the gift off of the table. He had a few parting words, brain racking every insult in the book so he could ensure to hurt you just a sliver more. But when he whirled around and prepped himself to speak — he found that he was speechless.
Tom was stood on the cement, big, broad arms bulging as they folded over his chest. He was clad in his clothing, no swimsuit in sight. He saw you first, submerged in the water with an expression of pain, betrayal, heartbreak. And then he saw the book, dripping with droplets as you laid it out on the patio to dry. He wasn’t sure why the book meant so much to you, but the fact that it did was enough to make him step toward the boy.
He’d never kicked a boy’s ass. But there was a first time for everything.
“What’s going on?” His voice seemed so menacing when he took up a position of power.
“Daniel here,” You sniffled quietly before lifting yourself out of the pool. “didn’t like that I calmed him a pussy for running off and leaving me the other night..” You told the man in the corner. “so, as a birthday gift to me, he sent my novel into the pool.” You let out a whimper before leaning over to lift the hardcover. “It had a note in the back of it from my grandma.. I never got to read..”
“Jesus, stop whining.” Daniel told you exhaustedly. “And you.” He didn’t fear Tom. What was he going to do? Hit him? He’d tell your parents if that happened. “Why the hell do you keep showing up, perv?”!
Your lips parted. Shoving Daniel roughly with the flat of your palms, you narrowed your eyes. “Why are you still here!”
Tom stepped forward, large palm curling around your wrist. He drew you gently back and behind him before slowly taking another step toward the boy. “That’s alright, mh, let the boy say what he needs.” Daniel seemed to cower. ‘Perv’ was the best insult he had? “I see you around here again,” Tom grabbed the birthday gift in Daniel’s hands and pulled it free. Tossing the bag on to the chair so you could still have it, he let out a low grumble. “and I’ll break every bone in your body.”
Daniel took a long look at the bloke. He was big, strong, and could definitely snap him in half — like a mere twig. He distanced slowly before looking toward you with a slow frown. He pondered saying ‘fuck you’, but then he thought it would be wise to just shut up. To leave. So he left. You watched him trudge along through the dirt, eyes glued to the gravel beneath his feet as he slouched his shoulders and made his way back home.
Tom lifted his hand to his beard. Pinching the scruffy fur, he took his time before rotating around to face you. He looked to the book you held and then slowly lifted his gaze to your bottom lip. It trembled in the slightest, but you’d bite it in order to momentarily cease the little wobble. His arms opened silently, a gentle urge for you to come forward and bury yourself in his embrace. You dropped the book on the chair in the corner before moving toward him. Your arms curled around his shoulders, an action he hadn’t expected and then you leaned up and pressed your lips against his own — something else he hadn’t expected. Clutching him against you firmly, your mouth moved at a very lazy pace, taking your time to thank him thoroughly. He let his arms hover in their opened position before he lowered them to your hips and locked you against his broad body. You let out a quiet hum, a sound that told him you wanted to stay like this for quite some time.
The book couldn’t be fixed. The words couldn’t be re-written. The gift held no meaning for it had no heart in it any longer. But the man in front of you, he was all heart. He had so much meaning. And he didn’t need fixing, you liked him just the way he was. Your mouth opened against his, tracing his pink lips in order to lure his tongue to come out and play with your own. He let out a soft grunt, a noise of pure want before he let his arms slide lower. His forearms pressed against your rear, knees bending so he could reach you, before he lifted you up and on to his hips. The kiss didn’t break, not until he moved to sit on the now cluttered chair. He held you on his lap, strong thighs a perfect seat for you to reside on when you pulled back to suck in gulps of air. The kiss broke, but the proximity remained. Your nose bumped his lightly, breaths mingling with his own as you placed your small palms on his cheeks and lazily traced his furry jaw.
“My hero.” You teased in a breathless voice. “Still have impeccable timing..” you pointed out. He smiled lazily before moving his face to your shoulder. Kissing your warm, damp skin, he drew you in closer, embracing you securely. He wanted to ask if you were alright, inquire more about the discarded book, but he sensed your sadness was fading the longer that he let himself be your distraction, so he didn’t bring up the situation that had just taken place.
“Your dad’s exhausted. He went to bed. And your mother? She’s been in her studio all day. She put a birthday cake out on the table..” He whispered before shrinking back so he could see you fully. “Is this how every birthday is for you? You just spend it on your own?”
Your head tilted to the side. “I’m not alone.” You pointed out, fingers continuing to move along his face. “But, yes. In the past.. once I turned 15, this became routine. They tell me happy birthday and then I spend the day doing whatever and if I want cake, they leave it out. No birthday wishes or gifts or blowing out candles.. just.. another year gone.”
Tom studied you momentarily before brushing his wide palms along the length of your back. His fingertips were rough in texture, but slow and gentle as they traced your heated skin. He leaned in and stole a very tender kiss before letting his nose brush over your own. “Well.. it’ll be different tonight.” He told you quietly. “Anything you want, we can do.” He let his hands fall to your thighs, lazily squeezing and massaging your skin before he looked toward the pool. “I assume you want to swim?”
You shook your head in the slightest. “I wanted to swim when I was by myself.. now you’re here and I think I’m fine with just kissing you for a few hours.” His lips spread upward, teeth on show as he let out a boyish giggle. It made your belly churn and flip, a sound you wanted to hear him set free on the daily. “But.. we can kiss in the pool.” You rose up from his lap and twisted around to move toward the water. “You didn’t..” Your eyes moved back to his attire. “wear a swimsuit though.”
“I didn’t pack one.” He told you softly before curling his hands in the front of his tee shirt. He rolled the fabric up to his stomach before crossing his arms and reeling the material all the way up and off of him. Throwing it to the side, he let out a soft grunt before slipping toward you. “I’ll dip my legs in.” The distance between the two of you grew smaller and smaller as he approached and once he was close enough to dip his toe in, you bit your cheek.
“You could just skinny-dip.. don’t make me swim all on my own.” You mumbled playfully. The tip of your toe sunk into the water before your entire body followed. Climbing into the pool, you let your body sink beneath the surface, eyes remaining locked on the man whom you wanted to continue to get to know.. and continue to kiss and kiss and kiss.
“I think that would lead to a hell of a lot more than just making out.” He murmured before leaning over so he could roll his slacks up to his knees. It would’ve been a pointless attempt to get them at least semi out of his way because he knew if he did submerge himself in the cold water then the heavy fabric would roll back into its previous place. Tom lowered himself down to sit on the pools ledge. His feet sunk into the water, calves following. Lazily swinging his legs, he eyed you closely as you swam toward his feet. Your small hands curled around his ankles, delicately tracing his skin before you slunk forward. “So..” As he spoke, you looked toward the bright moon. It shimmered vibrantly, not quite full but almost there. “Daniel..” Your eyes dropped back on the man’s. Lifting your hands away from his ankles and instead to the pool’s ledge, you gripped the rocky surface on either side of his hips before slowly tipping your head to one side.
“What about him?” Your tongue traced your lips, cheeks lifting with your smile.
“Why did he show up?” You shrugged. The topic at hand was already boring you. He knew the boy was the last thing you wanted to talk about. Yet, he kept speaking of him and he didn’t know why. “Are you.. done with him?” He pondered how to phrase the question, but didn’t have time to wonder if the way he’d asked was good enough. You inhaled slowly before gliding closer. Propping your chin up on his knee, you nodded your head softly.
“I’ve been done with him since we made out in my bedroom.” You confessed. Tom’s ego boosted considerably, but he didn’t say anything. He merely smirked. Another silence settled over the pair of you before you lifted your damp hands away from the rock and placed them on his thighs. The parts of your palms that were still considerably wet stained his trousers. He didn’t seem too bothered though, for his curiosity won out. He wanted to know where this was going. “Were you jealous of him?” The question was playful and garbled, for when you spoke, you sunk back into the pool and allowed half of your lips to move beneath the water. It bubbled in front of your face. Tom lifted a brow before letting out a harsh snort.
“Jealous?” He was baffled by your need to make such an inquiry.
“Mh. When you caught us in the pool?” You stood up in the water now completely. “I bet I’d be jealous to catch you with someone else.”
“That happened before we kissed. I wasn’t looking at you in that way.. I just saw you as my boss’s daughter.” He laid his palms out behind him, torso expanding as he tipped his head back and relaxed beneath the bright stars.
“Still.. weren’t you attracted to me at all?” You bit your bottom lip before swimming forward once more. It was fun to tease and hound him. You truthfully didn’t care about the answers to the question, you just wanted to see how much aggravation he could handle.
“Course I was.” You expected him to say no. “The second I laid eyes on you when your father was introducing everyone, I knew I was in deep shit.” He smirked lazily. You couldn’t see his expression completely because of the height difference and the fact that his head was tipped back, basking in the moon’s rays leaving his neck to be half shadowed. “I was actually going to flirt with you until he said you were his daughter.” His lips parted and a breathy sigh escaped his mouth. “You had on that little button down blouse and your shorts.” He pulled his lips in momentarily.
Staring up at the handsome bloke, you slid all the way forward. Returning your palms to his thighs, you clutched on to his trousers and weakly pulled yourself up. “Come here.” You pleaded, lips parted and waiting impatiently for him to kiss them. He lifted his head, blue eyes dropping to your sweet expression. He almost cooed over how adorable you looked. The man hunched forward and met you in the middle for an unrushed liplock. His hands moved to your hair, curling in your wet strands as he held you close. Your fingers were kneading his thighs, fingertips working thoroughly on his legs as you let whimper after whimper leave your mouth. This was it. You could feel it. That want that bubbled in the pit of your stomach, yearning to have the man who was kissing you so carefully. The hands on his thighs moved north at an agonizingly slow pace. They creeped along the length of his trousers before coming to a stop when your pointer finger skimmed his zipper. Tom didn’t draw back, but his lips paused momentarily against your own.
He would’ve pushed you gently back and told you that kissing was all he wanted to do — but it wasn’t. Kissing would only happen so many times before you grew to be daring. Just like now. Your hands were on his crotch, pinching at his zipper, fiddling with his button. He could tell you wanted so badly to just rip the clothing from his body and have your way with him, but you wanted his approval. He swallowed thickly before moving his lips against your own once again. His mouth moved just a little harder, just a little quicker, more passionately, and his hands moved around to your jaw, cradling your face as he let your tongues battle one another. The kiss told you he wasn’t going to stop you so without anymore waiting, you pulled the zipper down and undid the button. Your fingertips slid through the opening, delicate as they brushed along his shaft. You smiled into the kiss. “Happy Birthday to me.” You murmured before breaking the kiss. You drew back in just a little so you could use your other hand to assist the first. Dragging his trousers down and out of the way in the slightest, you then tugged excitedly at his boxers. His skin was hot and his stomach was on fire, all that heat pooling south to stiffen his cock. He wrinkled his nose momentarily before looking down at you as you let your small fingers sink into his trousers to curl around his aching shaft.
A twig snapped, briefly luring Tom’s eyes over his shoulder and toward the darkness, but he couldn’t see. You hadn’t heard the sound, for you didn’t even glance in that direction. He let his gaze linger, scanning the space momentarily before he looked back to you when your hot breaths wafted over his tip. He let out a shaky groan before laying his hand on the back of your head. Stroking through your strands, he let his tense body relax further and further, giving himself over to you completely.
Behind the trees and stood on the stone path was your mother. Her features were red at the sight. From anger or shock, she didn’t know. Was she embarrassed to have caught her little girl fooling around with the older intern.. maybe not embarrassed, but her stomach churned in surprise. She didn’t even know you were sexually active and now here you were, fondling one of your father’s employees. She took a slow step back before twisting around on her heel and heading back toward the villa. She’d had her fair share of encounters with older blokes. Terrific lovers, but also terrific heartbreakers.
Part 1     Part 2     Part 4
End part 3 of 5
Tagged: @peakblogbecauseimweak @bsotstory @mollybegger-blog @morphoportis @ghost-of-student-sufferings @drippydownes2002 @ellar21 @sovereigngoth @willowick13 @pansexualginger @marvelgirl7 @heyitscam99 @wow-he-cute @haroldpain @justrepostandlove @emerald-bijou @multireality @innerpaperexpertcloud @goodiesintheclosetlove @giftofdreams @ihclipse @inkedfandom @thatsamegirl @doct0rstrange @jakechillenhaal @shanty-lol @centerhabit @clevertheoristpainter @jamierdr @favouritereadings @badmaax @thephuonganh @wewillfindourwaythere @uhhhemilyrose @scarrasco1325 @matoki-darkpanda @bignastyfan-nz @hot-and-spiceyyy @azayamari @shane-isa-shame @chimthighz @baliadelcuore @lonewolf471 @crldrr @keeleyella @overitall2018 @97freaknik @sparklyreaderx @evilspretty-dead @xxxxxeroxxxxx @wheresthewatermelon @anrm1 @lovebitesimagines @eddieisasnack @willowtree42095 @hufflepuff25 @meer0rauschen
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namea · 6 years
Goth Rainbowcy Challenge!
I’m sorry guys, I couldn’t resist. So this is my Goth Rainbowcy challenge. I came up with it for shits and giggles but I think it’ll be fun! It’s a 7 gen challenge that plays with different game features and goth subcultures at the same time. You don’t have to be goth to do it (I’m not) and you can play with vanilla, berry, or any sims in between. Hit the read-more to see it! Tag “GothRainbowcy” with your pictures. I’d love to see them!! <333 
Goth Rainbowcy rules:
No money cheats
No trait, skill, or gameplay cheats
Occasional motives cheating allowed
Appearance cheats free game
Choose the heir however you want.
Aging should be on.
 You can play this berry, banilla, or however you want!! I have a mix in my game so who knows where mine will go! While matching hair/eyes/clothes are encouraged like in most rainbowcy challenges they aren’t mandatory at all!
Gen 1 – Fledgling Goth
If no one wants to try and understand you, you’ll strike out on your own! Build a life for yourself and start a successful dark legacy of awesomeness.
 Start as a monochrome black white and grey themed goth teen. Choose any aspiration or traits and any style of gothiness that you want. Start on an empty lot. Choose any 3 of the following items to place on the lot:
3 small planters
Cheapest BBQ grill
Potty Bush
Ice chest
woodworking table
Cheapest sink
Don’t purchase anything else until you’ve made 500 simoleons. 
Have 1 pet. Have the following on the lot:
Cat: Cheapest litter box, Cheapest bowl
Dog: Cheapest bowl, One cheap toy
Don’t get another pet when this one dies
Get a job you slacker! Any job will do. When you’ve made 500 simoleons (in any way) go ahead and choose one extra item from the list to give yourself as a reward. Make sure you have at least 100 simoleons left!
Maintain a B or higher grade in school. 
Have at least 1 best friend who isn’t goth.
Have at least 1 other friend who is goth.
Have at least 1 enemy
Have at least 1 friend who is a senior citizen
Attempt (but fail) to get to know Death until you’re a senior yourself, then become friends with Death.
Upon aging into adult get a job in any industry you like and advance to the furthest level.
Upon aging into adult complete your aspiration.
Upon aging into an adult marry and have at least one child with another goth.
Build a house on your lot bit by bit for you and your family to live in. It can be themed gothy or not, up to you. 
Gen 2: Red – Gothabilly
Your parents taught you a love of goth culture and fashion…but they never expected that you’d hear the swinging sounds of the 50’s in your heart. It’s time to make your way into the world and show it what you can do!
This sim should have the Serial Romantic aspiration and the following traits: Music Lover, Self Assured, and ONE other trait of your choosing. Upon reaching adulthood they should enter the entertainer career and eventually choose the musician branch.
This generation starts when your sim is a teen. This sim should have a red and black aesthetic with a 50’s twist similar to rockabilly but more goth. Red hair and eyes recommended. To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
Own at least 2 guitars and one microphone.
Have checkered floors in your kitchen.
Win a Karaoke contest at least twice
Have 3 non-goth best friends who introduce them to music as a kid or teen.
Have 1 goth best friend
Win a dance off against someone.
Reach level 10 of the guitar skill and singing skill.
 Reach the highest level of the musician career.
Marry a non Gothabilly goth.
Have one child with them.
Eventually break up and marry a non goth.
Have one child with them
Break up and marry another goth. If you don’t have a boy and a girl yet have kids with them until you have at least one boy and one girl. Stay with them or break up as you want.
Have a dog and a cat.
Max relationship with your children and pets. Be friends again with both exes before death.
Finish the aspiration.
 Gen 3: Orange – Steampunk
Music never interested you the way it did your parents. You weren’t social or loud, you didn’t care much for the 50’s aesthetic…in fact you worried you weren’t even…goth…until you saw a steam engine in a movie. You were enamored quickly and suddenly it made sense, the cogs and steam of the world. Brass goggles, corsets, clockwork and elegance. This is your scene. Your parents may not understand but they love you anyway.
This generation starts when your founder has died. The sim should have an orange, brown, black, and brass aesthetic or however you wanna do steampunk. Orange hair and eyes recommended. Skin too if ya wanna berrify it.
This sim should have the Nerd Brain aspiration and the following traits: Genius, Loner, and one other trait of your choosing. Upon reaching adulthood you should join the Scientist career.
To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
Reach the top level of the scientist career
Have 2 cats
Reach level 10 of the handiness skill
Reach level 10 of the fishing skill
Own a woodworking table and create at least one of every option.
Catch at least 12 different kinds of fish
Have only one child with a one night stand
Never marry, you’re too busy!
Have a strained relationship with your child
Max relationship with your cats
Have only 1 best friend who is goth but be on good terms with as many of your coworkers as possible.
Earn the marketable trait
Own at least 4 high tier electronics
Fully upgrade at least 5 things in the family home.
Complete the aspiration
Retire after reaching the highest scientist level and concentrate on inventing at home.
Finally fall in love as a senior but don’t marry before death.
Generation 4 – Yellow: Pastel Goth
You never got along with your parent and felt cheated by not having a two parent home. Their aesthetic wasn’t as dark as your grandparents but you still try to distance yourself from it as much as possible. The cute but creepy aesthetic of pastel goth appeals to you in a lot of ways and that’s where you’re going with your life.
This generation starts when the sim is a teen. This sim should have the Super Parent aspiration and the following traits: Childish, Family oriented, And one other trait of your choice! This sim should join the social media career as a trend setter.
To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next gen starts:
Completely re-decorate the family home (except your parent’s room) replacing all black with white and the colours to pastels with some black accents.
Reach the top level of the trend setter career.
Own at least 2 rats in your lifetime.
Max the Parenting, gardening, and floral arranging skills.
Grow a cowplant
Earn a money tree.
Earn the green thumb trait.
Leave the house at night as little as possible.
Have 2 goth best friends
Have 1 pastel goth friend
Have at least 1 non goth friend
Marry your goth high school sweetheart
Have at least 2 kids
Finally get a friendly relationship with your parent after your first child is born.
Max your relationship with your kids but not your spouse.
Make at least 5000 simoleons with things you grow.
Generation 5 – Green: Cybergoth
You were always close with your parents but man that pastel aesthetic bothered you. Looking into old family albums you found pictures of your great grandparents and started learning about the darker sides of goth. Nothing could keep up with the electronic beats in your ears until you found cybergoth. With shiny blacks and neon colours you were home. Gas masks and hoses forever! Just don’t trip over them.
 Generation 2 should be dead before this generation starts. This generation starts when your sim reaches teenhood. This sim should have the Computer whiz aspiration and the following traits: Hot headed, Dance Machine, One other trait of your choice. Green hair and eyes are recommended.
 To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
 Join the programmer career but quit when you get to the career split and join the secret agent career in the oracle branch.
Max the DJ skill
Max the Dancing skill
Get rid of the pastel in at least half of the house
Reach at least level 5 in the programming and Video game skills
Win at least 3 dance offs
Have 1 goth best friend
Meet at least 2 aliens and become friends
Max your relationship with your spouse and kids
Have no pets
Earn the Mentor trait
Die before reaching senior age
Generation 6 – Blue: Victorian Goth
The death of your parent struck you hard…but not just with sadness. You discovered a beauty in the calm darkness of the graveyard. Poetry and art call to you and invite you to feel and experience that sadness until it leaves you feeling refreshed.
Generation 3 and 4 should be dead before this generation starts along with the parent from gen 5. This generation starts as soon as gen 5 parent dies. This sim should have the Renaissance Sim aspiration and the following traits: Gloomy, Art Lover, and one trait of your choice. Blue hair and eyes recommended.
To finish out this generation you should do as much of the following as possible before the next generation starts:
Finish redecorating the house back to its dark roots with a classical flair
Join the artist career and advance to the highest level in the branch of your choice.
Max the art skill
Max the violin skill
Max the logic skill
Max the gardening skill
Grow Roses, Dahlias, Orchids, and wolfsbane..
Graft to create a deathflower, then plant it and grow them.
Grow Roses, Dahlias, Orchids, and wolfsbane as well.
Paint at least 2 masterpieces in every art category.
Don’t go out during the day if possible.
Work from home as much as possible.
Have no close friends
Have a black cat. Keep owning one cat at a time of their family line.
Meet a marry a vampire.
Have one child with them.
Allow them to turn you the day before you become a senior.
Grow a plasma fruit tree
Max your relationship with your child but not your spouse.
Your spouse dies of “mysterious circumstances”.
Final generation – Purple: Modern Vamp Goth 
People talk about your family a lot. They’ve always been dark, your parents never came out in the day, and one parent disappeared under mysterious circumstances. They whisper that your other parent did it but you don’t care. You know it’s not true. You love the darkness but you’re a cheerful soul at heart. You grew up knowing something was different about your parents but it’s not until you reach teendom that you learn about your vampiric heritage and what that means. It’s time to embrace eternity.
This is the final gen! Thanks for playing!! This sim should have any of the vampire aspirations and the following traits: Cheerful Good/Evil (your choice) and one other trait of your choice. They should join the writer career and max out the author branch writing the story of their family. Purple hair and eyes recommended. Try to do the following:
Write at least 1 book of each genre
Finish all of the vampire lore books and max the vampire lore skill
Become a master vampire
Turn at least 3 sims and move them in with you
Own a coffin
Have 1 non goth best friend, turn them as well.
Max at least 7 skills
Earn at least 500,000 simoleons
Max the pipe organ skill
Destroy and rebuild the house completely or move to another world.
Thanks for playing!!
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maevelin · 6 years
That is what i find so frustrating about TO. You have to be on another level of crap storywriting, if you have all the characters you need there in front of you on a plate yet instead of using your creativity and working with what you have you conjure up a baby plot revolving around a character no one even asked for. The whole reason we wanted TO as a show was to see more of TO family. These are supernatural creatures that have lived 1000 years yet theyre reduced to soap opera storylines. 1/2
I was really slow to pick up on the fact that TO wasnt going to be the show we all asked for. I wasnt really an active part of the fandom on social media then so didnt know what was going on so when TO was announced i stupidly thought this is going to be amazing, a plot about the original family. By that point i was sick of damon and most of TVD characters and was rooting for klaus to kill them all lol. It wasn't till the scene where Rebekah's driving away from NOLA in her car i (2/3)
Realised that she's actually leaving for good. I still thought in my head that this is just part of the plot but then i found out Claire left and i realised that this baby plot is actually what the show is, and not the show i was expecting so i stopped watching for a long time. Maybe i was just stupid because the pilot did make it clear it was about a baby plot and not TO family. Also weird how elijah was barely in TVD, rebekah was in it more yet Elijah was more prominent in TO. (3/3)
I honestly believe that JP never cared or wanted to write for vampires. She doesn’t have the knack or the talent for that genre. She does not grasp it. She does not care for it. I think she was there to fill in the blanks for Kevin and together they made a decent team. Kevin had the genre down up to a point and was good with the plot and the characterization and Julie could sprinkle some soap to the ships and the emotional drama and that combination actually fit. 
It is no wonder that once Kevin was out everything became a shipping soup and by the end of it everyone seemed to have one goal. To be human. To act human. To get the white fence, the babies, the normal life. Which would be find for a drama soap or show concerning humans but was catastrophic for the kind of genre show TVD was and what TO was meant to be but never was. I mean how many vampires were even left in the end? Not just those that died but those that turned...human. Come on now. JP wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She didn’t care for TO in the way a genre writer should and would. She wanted to get her baby soap and that was the only chance she actually had to go through with it. Everything else of hers that didn’t belong to the TVD franchise was getting cancelled in their pilots or before their first seasons even finished airing. And in general as a writer she writers for the telenovela kind of soap and she can’t separate in her mind church from state in the way that she couldn’t divide what she wanted as a fan from what she should write as a professional. She believed it to be one and the same and when it would not work she would throw everyone else under the bus so to avoid responsibility and then she would try to make it work anyway. Well... newsflash Felicia!
I on the other hand however was not in the same boat you were where TO was concerned. 
By the time S4 of TVD had reached its middle I was seeing things I hated. When they killed Kol while they were planning for the spin-off my mind was on red alert. I knew by that time how JP operated. It was obvious. I already knew her ways with the fans from Kyle XY too. Then I heard Phoebe had signed first. BEFORE Joseph while they had killed off Kol so Nate wouldn’t be part of the show. I saw where that Klayley trainwreck was leading. I already knew JP’s lack of talent and her inability to actually create intellectual plots and twists. So I was suspicious. I wanted this to actually work. I was an Original groupie first. I was rooting for the Original to get their own show but not in that way. It was like I watching a crash happening and I could not avert my eyes while everyone else was not seeing it.  I was voicing my concerns back then and I remember that the fandom kind of saw me like the crazy lady in the lot but when the backdoor pilot aired I was 100% sure of what TO was going to be. Rebekah was regressed to a supporting cameo ffs! Kol was dead. Klaus was OOC crying in the streets next to his lunch that was obviously by the promotional interviews and the way they framed it in the backdoor pilot meant to be his love interest with what I saw from the gifs later (since I had never finished the backdoor pilot because when they threw the twilight scene I was out) was a copy of a KC scene with the whole art but meant to be more ‘deep’. The whole episode had some cinematic moments that were okay and I remember liking that they had used the Lafayette cemetery from Interview with the Vampire. The soundtrack seemed awesome. Marcel actually seemed interesting. And then...the baby crap and I was out. Back then before the backdoor pilot had even aired Joseph Morgan had said in an interview that if he was in charge some things may have been differently done. But then I remember thinking...oh crap...and then the episode actually aired and OH CRAP.
I never bothered with TO. 
I dropped TVD like a bad habit when S4 ended and saw the ridiculousness with the doppelganger nonsense. At that point given everything JP was doing I found it really hard to understand how people could hold on to hope when it came to her and her writing. I was trying to warn people from the fandom left and right. Because I had honestly gotten truly attached not only with the ship but with the fandom too and I didn’t want people to get their hopes up and get treated as I was seeing them get treated. I was seeing it, I was speaking about it and understandably most people believed me to be irrational. I remember even people that I was close with and still am to give me the sideeye and be okaaay then.
By the time the official pilot aired along with TO’s first season I was 100% they would cut out the KC phonecall scene that was only meant to be a hook to get the green light for the backdoor pilot rather than anything else. The seen was cut of course.
But then I remember thinking that any responsible writer would aim to get a crossover as soon as possible and get Caroline there even to create a closure small arc to span in the two shows slowly (as they did with BTVS and ATS) but then they were all about saying how logistics were not working and the universes were going to be separated and I was still unable to understand how people actually had hope when the people in charge had no talent to do the basics and were so reluctant. The warning bells were there. Kudos to the DCTV universe for actually going for the crossovers in parallel back then so to show to everyone how the excuses the TO writers and producers were using were just that...excuses.
I was out for sure but I remember that I still kept an eye out to what blogs I followed reblogged and I remember when I realized how sloppy TO actually was. I remember seeing a gifset from a flashback of Klaus that aimed to be a visual parallel to Lestat from Interview with the Vampire only in the lore of the TVD franchise it was from before he broke his curse and he was shown with double fangs and golden eyes that were Hybrid traits. They actually didn’t bother to keep the basics of their main lead consistent for crying out loud. I don’t remember from which episode that gifset actually was. Only that it was from the first episodes and I was like...come on!
I remember I basically muted and unfollowed many blogs back then so to get my dash clean from that mess.
Anyhow I then returned for the 100th episode of TVD. When 5x11 of TVD was meant to air and the promos were out I was insisting that anything else that a kiss would be bad news for KC. I didn’t want to ruin everyone’s excitement but I was just getting a bad feeling about it especially after knowing JP’s track record. It was just too obvious to my eyes and it would be a regression in the development KC had up to that point. You DON’T narratively speaking -from a writing perspective- go from one cheek to the kiss to the whole sex when the characters are in different shows forming different attachment and ships if you don’t meant to wrap up the story. Which would mean leaving fans high and dry after leading them along. By that time TO was doing well in the ratings and I knew JP only cared for that and the KC fandom was not needed in her mind. I had made posts about it warning people again before 5x11 had aired. I remember I had even gotten some aggressive asks from KC fans about spoiling their fun and being negative without an actual reason. Then 5x11 airs, the sex scene is there (all sloppy to just get it out of the way...bad directing, not bothering with a song, giving the bare minimum) and JP goes all out and gives the interview about the KC closure minutes after the episode airs so to ruin everyone’s parade. Then there was the bomb with Claire’s exit which in my eyes was pending anyway ever since I had heard Claire had wanted to stay in TVD but was given an ultimatum only for her to be barely there in the backdoor pilot.
So generally speaking when it came to TO I was never hopeful. Not when JP was in charge. Not when they hired Carina out of all people for their writing team. Carina that hated Klaus and the KC fans. Not when they were disrespecting KCers from day one. Not when they were disrespecting the Kol fans. Not when Daniel was out there saying that once we would meet the new girl we would forget all about KC (which was said before TO’s first season aired so it was obvious that everyone was lying about Klaus not having a love interest). Not when the cast was mocking a whole fandom. Not when the conflicting interviews kept coming. Not when they had hired the gossip girl writers and producers and no one bothered with the actual genre. Not when...not when...not when...the list kept going. 
I kept my criticism and my predictions going and I remember being patient because most people believed me to be crazy (which I am generally but not when it came to that so I could understand the confusion) 
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....and flash forward and here we are. 
Although, admittedly, certain things did surprise me on a real life level, at first anyway, because fictional stuff aside I could never believe that certain people could act in the way they did (losing flights? getting into twitter fights, picking out fans, and even calling them assholes in podcasts? on and on), but otherwise I never had any expectations to begin with so most things didn’t surprise me and yes I did earn the right to go ‘I told you so’...which I tried to tone it down many times but sometimes it was just too fun to resist. 
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taromilks · 6 years
well i didnt expect this
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i wasnt expecting to gain any kind of following when joining this fandom on this hellsite yet here i am, celebrating another milestone.
It means so much to me that you guys follow me, even when i post nothing but complain about the heat and dissapear for most of the day, it means alot.
Now, i know im not at 100 yet, and may not be for a couple of days or even a week, but i just want to say thankyou.
i feel like i should give something in return? do SOMETHING atleast, but i have no idea what???
If any of you got any ideas on what to do they day we reach 100 followers, tell me! reply with it, reblog with it, out it in my asks anonymously if you want to stay hidden! I want to know what you guys want me to do, what i can do to give back.
Thankyou again.
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chittaphonsai · 8 years
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