devitalise · 1 year
📫 Simblr ask: If you had to kill one of your sims who would it be and why?
oh wow i got one of these
i'd kill this guy for existing
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*nom* y o u h a v e d a U w U v i w u s n y o w -C H A O S S P I W I T
(you have da UwU viwus nyow -CHAOS SPIWIT)
I wiwl weduce you to a pathetic memowy.
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theearloftophats · 1 year
ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ "Machine, I wiwl cut. You. Down. Bweak you apawt, spway the gowe of your pwofane fowm acwoss the staws! I wiwl gwind you down untiwl the vewy SPAWKS CWY FOW MEOWCY! MY HANDS SHALL WELISH ENDING YOU HEWE! AND! MEOW!!!"
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+ more after the break
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this game is making me insane. its so unreal. theres something about gabriel man. he just. he makes me so fucking happy. idk. his character is so,,,,,its SO!!! HES SO!!! AUGH
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Ah wiwl! (I will!)
*Stops pattering paws so that Harvest can focus better, but is just vibrating with excitement.*
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Harvest: Now what?
Kill Code: Now- *lowers himself to all-fours* Now we track. Pads into the forest, keeping himself low to the ground*
Bloody: Brother! Track! Hunt! *follows behind Kill Code*
Harvest: This had better be worth it.
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Ish twying tu dus big kid stuf buh I wan bes baby/kiddo. I habs tu duus iwt so I nuuuu wiwl bes bwoke n NYC. Iwt hawd TwyTwy.
Yeah! I saw your post about it, and all I can say is how rewarding it will be once you no longer have to constantly be big kid stuff. Besides work, you can be a kiddo in your free time. Of course take your time for yourself cause you deserve it!
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smolspoopykiddo · 2 years
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I adopteds two stuffies today. Da skellie bat ish Diego an da skunk has nuuu name yet. (Buh she wiwl soon.) I has seven fwiends now!
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gothicagereprinx · 2 years
Hihi! I's otays today. Da wast few days was bads. Buh I ish otays an smol rn. ☺️ Iwt wiwl bes otays.
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fictive-explosion · 1 year
try and get some rest, okay?
I wiwl trye ande rwsst I promisee.
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softsleepysheepyy · 2 years
i fweels so wiwls wight nows . . . an mi fwend texted mi . . . an im tryin not to be aw cwingey wif da babie tawlk. . . but ifs so hawd. . wawa
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callilouv · 2 years
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devitalise · 2 years
I haven’t read the book but I adored the series. Love seeing Pachinko get talked about <3
i honestly don't have enough good things to say about the series one of the best shows i've watched in a really long time :)
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thinperfections · 2 years
Japierdole czuje sie jak maszyna bez uczuć. Właśnie jakieś okolo 10 min temu mój tata wrócił o wiwle wcześniej niz kończy pracę i zwykle jest w domu. Powiedział mi i mojemu bratu że dziś nasz dziadek zmarł, a mnie to to talnie nie ruszyło. Brat odrazu jak to usłyszał to sie popłakał, a ja tylko ślepo patrzyłam sie daleko przed siebie nie myśląc o niczym, prawdopodobnie w czwartek będzie pogrzeb. Boże tam będą wszyscy ludzie, będą płakać a ja? Ja będę pewnie stać z kamienną twarzą patrzeć gdzieś przed siebie nie myśląc o niczym... Czemu od jakiegoś dłuższego czasu śmierć kogokolwiek czy to zwierzątka czy kogoś z rodziny nie wywiera na mnie żadnych emocji... Czy już do konca jestem popoerdolona?
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flyhighaangle · 2 years
I WANNNT TO FINISH AUITSM FILES then i wiwl ......... have to seee mom a ......................................... erm
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Jus dessidedded dat I wiwl muv to NYC n August nsted of March. Ish xcitd an a widdle newvous.🥺
Wow! That's so cool! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!
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rubyafton · 3 years
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i wiwl be doing ask us now. feewl fwee to text me uwu
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gothicagereprinx · 2 years
I wan a cawew one day. I nuuuu knos wen iwt wiwl bes. Buh I wan a (pwatonic) Baba dat wuvs mes as I ish an wiwl nevew weave me.
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