#I also draw snakes fish lizards bugs and such
its-a-beautful-day · 1 year
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Happy Caturday!
If you'd like a silly simple doodle of your pet, check out my Kofi @ WigglyWormWonders
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maswartz · 5 years
Fakemon Ideas
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power
Guardgoyle Guardian Pokemon Rock/Flying Guardgoyle  will watch over whatever property they decide is their territory and as  a result are often used as security for many buildings. Ability- Rough Skin
Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
Fakemon Starter Ideas
Sproutusk (sprout + tusk) Small elephant Pokemon Grass Type The leafs that grow out of Sproutusk’s face can be used as a sign of its health. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 18 Eleafant (elephant + leaf) Tree Elephant Pokemon Grass/Rock Type Using their new stronger branch tusks Eleafant dig for minerals to eat. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 38 Mastowood (mastodon + wood) Forrest Mastodon Pokemon Grass/Rock Type Mastowood use rocks to sharpen their trunk tusks, they can create quakes by stomping their massive feet. Ability- Overgrow Caneed (canine + seed) Moss Pup Pokemon Grass Type Caneed will roll around in moss and mud for hours to get their fur the right color. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 18 Thorowl (thorn + howl) Hidden Wolf Pokemon Grass/Dark Type Using their fur as camouflage a Thorwl can remain hidden for days on end Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 38 Flowulf (flower + wolf) Camouflaged Hunter Pokemon Grass/Dark Type Due to their camouflage skills many legends about Flowulf turning invisible were told. Ability- Overgrow Babrush (baboon + brush) Treetop Pokemon Grass Type A troop of Babrush will pick the tallest and strongest tree in the jungle to make their home in, many Babrush will never leave the safety of this tree. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 18 Babree (baboon + tree) Jungle Fighter Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type As they grow Babree train in order to defend themselves from their many predators. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 38 Baborest (baboon + forest) Jungle Champion Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type The strongest Baborest in the troop will defend the tree from any attackers often fighting for days without rest until the threat is defeated. Ability- Overgrow Plangon (plant + dragon) Seed Dragon Pokemon Grass Type Plangon spend their days gathering many different seeds from many various plants and trees. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 18 Dragard (dragon + garden) Garden Dragon Pokemon Grass/Dragon Type Dragard are said to have special plots of land they plant the seeds they have gathered, they will defend these gardens from outsiders. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 38 Blossern (blossom + wythern) Life Dragon Pokemon Grass/Dragon Type The breath of a Blossern can cause seeds to sprout faster and can make plants and trees healthier. Ability- Overgrow Caleaf (calf + leaf) Leaf Deer Pokemon Grass Type Caleaf will stay close to their parents until they are able to defend themselves. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 18 Elkric (elk + electric) Electric Deer Pokemon Grass/Elec Type Using the static that builds up on their fur Elkric can fend off attackers with a burst of electricity. Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 38 Moostorm (moose + storm) Lighting Moose Pokemon Grass/Elec Type The antlers of Moostorm can discharge incredible bolts of lighting for offense and defense Ability- Overgrow
Horse Embolt (Ember + colt) Pony Pokemon Fire Type Young Embolt will often leave flaming trails behind them until they learn to control their flames. Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 20 Flamare  (flame + mare) Ghost Mare Pokemon Fire/Ghost Type Flamare are said to gather around cemeteries. Folklore says their flames attract the spirits of the deceased Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 41 Necrorse (Necro + Horse) Spirit Horse Pokemon Fire/Ghost Type According to legend a team of Necrorse pull the chariot of the dead into the afterlife. Ability-Blaze Snake Scorcpent (scorch + serpent) Fire Serpent Pokemon Fire Type Scorcpent practice their strike on rocks and trees leaving burn marks in them. Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 20 Coburn (cobra + burn) Flame Cobra Pokemon Fire/Poison Type Coburn use their venom to immobilize their prey until they can consume them. Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 41 Vipyro (viper + pyro) Burning Viper Pokemon Fire/Poison Type The venom of a Vipyro is said to cause an intense burning sensation inside the victims body. Ability- Blaze Ox Calva (calf + lava) Magma Calf Pokemon Fire Type Calva play around the openings of caves, if cornered they will raise their body temperature immensely Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 20 Bulcano (bull + volcano) Volcanic Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Bulcano can shoot flames hot enough to melt rock and metal. Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 41 Minorupt (Minotaur + erupt) Magma Bull Pokemon Fire/Rock Type When two Minorupt battle for territory the ferocity of the battles often cause volcanic eruptions Ability- Blaze Ram Wold (wool + weld) Wool Pokemon Fire Type Wold usually stay in large groups while grazing. This allows them to ward off predators easier. Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 20 Goalten (goat + melt) Goat Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Goalten are known to ignite their horns in flame to increase their striking power. Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 41 Inferam (inferno +ram) Ram Pokemon Fire/Steel Type The wool of an Inferam is said to never go out once ignited. As a result they were once used to line the side of roads before the invention of the light bulb. Ability- Blaze
Narwhrow (narwhal + arrow) Small Whale Pokemon Water Type Young Narwhrow will spray a jet of bubbles when in danger so they can escape to the safety of their mother Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Narwhear (narwhal + spear) Whale Pokemon Water/Steel Type Narwhear will use their newly grown horn to attack any danger no matter the actual threat Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Narwhance (narwhal + lance) Horned Whale Pokemon Water/Steel Type Narwhance use their horns to fight for dominance as well as defense. Their horns have been known to pierce ship hulls. Ability- Torrent Tidat (tide + bat) Water Bat Pokemon Water Type Tidat use echolocation to navigate the ocean and rest in underwater caverns during the day Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Wavamp (wave + vampire) Aquatic Bat Pokemon Water/Flying Type Wavamp fly around on rainy nights and use their fangs to drain the water from trees and plants Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Vampami (vampire + tsunami) Hydro Bat Pokemon Water/Flying Type Vampami are able to drain the moisture from the very air around them to feed on. Ability- Torrent Dolphent (dolphin + student) Curious Pokemon Water Type Dolphent are curious about everything and are always trying to learn more about the world around them Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Schorsal (scholar + dorsal) Learning Pokemon Water/Psychic Type Using their psychic abilities Schorsal are able to collect an incredible amount of knowledge Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Profoise (professor + porpoise) Wise Pokemon Water/Psychic Type According to folk lore if you capture a Profoise at sea it will answer a single question without error. Ability- Torrent Platyoxic (platypus + toxic) Pollution Pokemon Water Type Platyoxic thrive in polluted waters often gathering near illegal dump sites allowing the authorities to discover such crimes. Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Platyirus (platypus + virus) Toxic Water Pokemon Water/Poison Type Long ago it was believed that Platyirus tainted the waters they lived in but it was eventually discovered that by feeding on the pollution they were in fact cleaning the waters. Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Platyague (platypus + plague) Purified Water Pokemon Water/Poison Type A single Platyague can clean at least three olympic sized swimming pools in one day Ability- Torrent Camwell (camel + well) Small Camel  Pokmeon Water Type In order to survive the harsh desert heat Camwell will dig in order to find water. Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Hydrump (hydro + hump) Hump Pokemon Water/Ground Type Hydrump can store a week’s worth of water in their humps and use this water for survival and attack. Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Desasis (desert + oasis) Oasis Pokemon Water/Ground Type Desasis can survive for half a year off of the water stored in their humps. Ability Torrent
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bravenurse · 6 years
5 & 12!! :D
 5.do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
GOOD LORD THIS IS LOADED!!! I kinda feel like an alien waiting to be taken home, but I think a lot of people feel that way…I mean, mostly everything i do is kinda how i want to be, like talking so much and drawing so much? bc that shit ain’t me, but i’m tryna be a better me if that makes sense ((thinking emoji)). Also I live and breathe art of all kinds so like-
12. dog person or cat person?
I love cats a lot but doggos are so fun too and big and fluffy and could kill me but cats are also warm cuddly babies that can feed themselves but i also love lizards and snakes and birds and fishes and crustaceans and bugs and rodents and giraffes and armadillos and anteaters and bats and cats and dogs a
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Survey #205
forget picking song lyrics, i’m going the hell to bed now.
Do you live by yourself? I live with my mom. Do you like cleaning? Does anyone???? Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I've never watched the series; not even a single movie, actually. So I don't have an opinion. Do you watch PewDiePie? Extremely rarely. He's funny, but I'm not interested in his channel's content anymore. Do you like "Despacito?" My sister showed it to me once when she learned I'd never heard it, and I found zero appeal in it whatsoever. Do you play Pokemon Go? It's a brilliant idea, and I really do wish I could play it, but here where I live, there are like ZERO PokeStops (where you get Pokeballs), even in cities, so it's pretty much impossible. Did you ever color your hair pink? No. Do you like Dr. Phil? I don't watch the show and don't know him as a person. Do you prefer to be inside or outside? Inside. Do you eat meat? Sadly. I'm HOPEFULLY quitting when I get to the weight I want; I wasn't getting the nutrients I needed when I was vegetarian to where my body was desperately clinging to what it had or something like that (basically, my weight wouldn't budge in a couple of months), but even still, I don't know if I could do it without depriving myself again. I'm just such a picky eater. Do you need to do the dishes? Yeah. Not desperately, but. Are you scared of clowns? No. Do you have any subscribers on YouTube? *checks* A very impressive 66. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Do you salt your popcorn? Yes. Do you like McDonald's? Don't even lie to me, you'll eat there. I don't mind it at all. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Do you like gaming? Not as much as I used to, but yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No. I don't consider jumpscares to be genuinely "scary," but rather a natural reaction to surprise, but FNAF's are intense, and I know they'd have me jumping like crazy. That aside, the games aren't of my personal appeal to actually play (though it's a fun game to watch). Do you like horror movies? Yes. Do you like chicken nuggets? I love me my chicken nuggies hunty. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. Can you twerk? I don't know and don't care to. Do you like dabbing? It looks stupid to me. The meme of it makes me laugh, though. What was the last country you visited? I've never left the country. Do you know your phone number? No, actually. It is incredibly difficult for me to memorize sequences, and besides, it's not like I give out my number almost ever. Do you swear in front of children? No. What’s your opinion on Brexit? Shit, I don't even remember what it's about. So obviously I can't have an opinion. It doesn't affect me, anyway. If you want children, what are some of your reasons for wanting them? N/A When you cook a dish that has beans in it, do you prefer to use canned or dry beans? I don't cook, and you'll never see me willingly eat a bean. What were some fun experiments you did in science class as a kid? The two that sharply stand out to me are dissecting an owl pellet in elementary and a frog in middle school. Both were SO cool. What was the last strong emotion you felt? Excitement. After finishing a bowl of cereal, do you drink the leftover milk? Only ever if it's Cinnamon Toast Crunch that I ate. And even then, only sometimes. Do you use dry shampoo between washes? No. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? Overdosing. What’s the most severe allergic reaction you’ve ever had to something? Nothing severe, besides pollen allergies flaring up. What’s your favorite sub-genre of rock? Hard. Who was the last person to get frustrated with you, and why? Mom, but she was more than frustrated. We were having a serious fight about her attitude towards Dad and his wife. What’s something that makes absolutely zero sense to you? Anti-vax shitlords. What’s your phone background? Lock screen is Darkiplier, home screen is Sara kissing my forehead. :'> Have you ever lived with someone you didn’t get along with? No. Do you have a fitness tracker? No. What types of animals have you had as pets? A billion cats, dogs, snakes, lizards, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, box turtles, hermit crabs... and probably more. How well do you understand economics? Have you ever taken an econ class? Not well at ALL. I had one my senior year. What was the last fruit you ate? I had two bites out of a watermelon 'cuz I was really hungry, but we didn't really have anything as a snack. (I fast daily, so I have to watch when my meals are.) I'm not a big watermelon fan, but I hadn't tried these cubes before, and at least it was something. Can you remember your first day of school? I believe I can very faintly... very faintly. I think I had a complete breakdown because of my insane separation anxiety regarding my mom, or it was the complete opposite... alskdfjaweiajr it's like I can kinda see it in the back of my head, but it's super blurry. What’s your favorite movie? The Lion King. It was my favorite as a kid and became so again as an adult just truly acknowledging how damn good and meaningful it is. Plus the soundtrack was a banger. Would you rather jump out of an airplane or go scuba diving? Scuba diving. Do you get bored looking at other peoples’ holiday pictures? Eh. If it's a whole lot, yes, but as a photographer, I enjoy noting which ones I like and why I favor them. Do you give money to charity? Not currently, no. I have no money to give. When I do have a paying job, I plan on definitely donating any time Mark does a charity stream. Are you more into music or movies? Music, easily. When was the last time you went to a swimming pool? WOW. It's been years. Either when I still lived in the apartment or once at Colleen's in-laws', I can't remember which was last. Would you rather have a pet snake or a pet turtle? I have a snake, and I'll take another for sure. Have you ever seen a band live? Who was the last you saw? Just Alice Cooper. Ma and I are seeing Ozzy next year (if the poor man ain't dead), tho!!!! And he's gonna be with Judas Priest and Megadeth. We are NOT going to survive. Do people who use massive amounts of emoticons annoy you? Yes. Emojis, more specifically. If you're writing a sentence and you use an emoji after each and every goddamn word, it drives me up a wall. What was the last clothing item you bought? Underwear, I believe? Or a bra? What does your washing powder smell like? Idk. Normal? Do you have a dishwasher or do you do dishes by hand? By hand, which I cannot explain how much I loathe. It feels disgusting. Are there any cobwebs in your room? I don't believe so, no. Have you ever used a pick-up line and had it work? Ew, I'd never use one to begin with. Have you ever entered a modelling competition? Would you? No to both. The current modelling industry is so, so harmful. Did you keep any drawings/stories from when you were younger? Like around two years ago, I remember going on a mass destruction episode of those super old things, as they embarrassed me horribly, even though I know it had no real reason. Just everything I create embarrasses me. My mom has old school stuff, though. Who did you last have an argument with? Mom today. When was the last time you cooked for yourself? If you include putting things in the microwave with few steps... not that long ago. Maybe two days back. Do you have a safe? Mom does. When was the last time you saw a relative? Mooonths ago when Grammy and her husband were driving through. My brother and his son are visiting real soon, though!! Do you shout out the answers at quiz shows? Yes, lol. Have you ever been in a TV audience? I've been to like three-four hockey games, so yeah. Have you ever entered the lottery? Won anything? No. Well, Mom or Dad would rarely get those scratch-off tickets at random, but the most we've ever got was just like five bucks or so. Do you prefer crosswords or word searches? Word searches. Have you ever drawn on a wall in your house? No. Do you like making collages? No. Have you ever kept a scrapbook? Yeah. What’s your favorite video-game? Silent Hill 2 and Shadow of the Colossus. Sigh, I want a PS4 SO bad to get the SotC remaster. I actually teared up when I saw the opening cutscene for the first time, and I just marveled through the EEEEEEENNNNtire playthrough I watched. It's unbelievable. Do you remember any inside jokes from childhood? Not off the top of my head. I'm tired, don't make me think. Have you ever made up a word? Well, as a writer, I've made up names and places. A word itself, I don't think so. Do you get nervous speaking to people you don’t know on the phone? VERY!!!!!!!! Are you scared of anything irrational? You mean like, half my fears? Do you have a passport? What’s the picture like? No. Have you ever had a full fringe? (bangs) As a kid I did. Is there anything you would never admit to liking? Don't think so. What’s the weirdest craze you can remember? Fidget spinners. Do you use bug spray or fly swatters? Fly swatters. Then we also have this hanging cylindrical sticky... thing that flies and gnats are apparently attracted to with the smell, I guess. Works like magic, though I agree it's pretty cruel. Just stuck there until you die. Are you a clumsy person? Boy, am I. Do you have tiled floors in your house? In three rooms. Do you listen to any movie soundtracks regularly? No. Do you bruise easily? Way too easily. Like normally something simple won't leave behind an obvious one, but even a normal poke in the arm hurts a lot and leaves the spot sore for a good while. I was tested for anemia, but apparently, I don't have it. What would you love to learn to do? Play the electric guitar. Do you prefer monkeys or lemurs? Ehhh... lemurs as far as cute goes, monkeys overall. Do you watch movies based on the actors or the movie plot? The plot. Do you have any phone charms on your mobile? No. What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? That's a big 'ole honkin' nope. Last time you puked from drinking? Never. Have you ever gotten drunk and danced on a bar? No. What is your favorite simple ice-cream flavor? Vanilla. Though sometimes I prefer chocolate. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages? Only for dinner. I forgot the science behind it, but one of my meds for bipolarity only works to its full effect after ingesting at least 350 calories; I only get about a 20% effectiveness of the medicine when eating less. I know it sounds weird, but my psychiatrist is a goddamn genius, and I trust every word that comes out of his mouth. When was the last time you slept on the floor? Two years ago when I was living with Colleen and I didn't have a blow-up mattress yet. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? When???????????????? do I?????????????? not???????????????????????????????????? Do you wear flip-flops? That's pretty much all I wear just about year-round... I remember in 7th grade, one of my teachers asked me about it a lot and I just told her I didn't mind the cold, which was true. Pretty sure she thought I was lying and was too poor to buy new clothes or something, as she gifted me socks one day, which I thought was incredibly sweet. I miss my 7th grade teachers. Best school year. Who was the last person to kiss you on the cheek? Pretty sure my niece Aubree when saying bye. What is your favorite sauce to eat with spaghetti? Normal Prego sauce, I think. Have you ever seen a magic show? A little one as a kid. When was the last time you vomited and why? Months and months ago when I was testing a medication. Quit that shit real fast, as it made me sick so many times. Where do you usually sit when you eat dinner? Uhhh I eat in my bed usually, lmao. We almost never sit at the table. I normally do if Mom's there, though. How often do you get headaches? Ugh, often. Why did you call the last person you called? I was calling back about my job application that I was supposed to hear about yesterday. How many windows are in the room you’re in? Two. Do you have Facebook friends that you’ve never actually met? Yes. When was the last time you had your photo taken professionally? Not since senior pictures, pretty sure. I hated how it came out. I have a lazy eye when I smile, gah. How long does it take you to get to school or work? Currently N/A. Let’s say you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both female, so. And neither of us want kids anyway. When was the last time you completely broke down? A couple weeks ago in a totally random and severe panic attack. Do you have someone you can spill your heart out to? Yeah. Is there a person that you would do absolutely anything and everything for? No. I'm not gonna, say, murder someone just because they want me to. What’s something you really want right now? To go and get my tattoo cleaned up by a more professional artist alsdkjfalwei. I got the approximate cost, I just have to wait until I can afford it. This tattoo is so so so important to me and it needs to be perfect. What is your relationship status? Taken. What was the longest time you’ve wasted on a certain person? Not even two weeks lmao. I said yes to dating mostly out of fear of hurting his feelings, and he QUICKLY proved he was NOT for me. Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, my iTunes is on shuffle. Anyone you would like to get things straight with? I wouldn't want to be friends I don't think, but I REALLY want to see Jason one final time to tell him how sorry I am. I recently acknowledged just how fucked up I treated him after the breakup; he wasn't the only one who made mistakes. I sure as hell did. He deserves to hear it badly. I do believe our last talk was a good ending, but I feel me finally admitting that I fucked up would be the perfect one. What was the best thing that happened to you today? Seeing Dad for his birthday. When was the last time you did something for the first time? I talk-talked to some WoW friends a couple days ago, though very very briefly. I couldn't figure Discord push-to-talk out and I ended up panicking lmao. What color are the last new pair of pants that you bought? Black. Is your room clean? I should dust and vacuum, but the latter doesn't currently work. List all the countries you’ve visited.  I've never left America. At what age would you allow your kids to dye their hair? Shit, whenever they wanted tbh. So long they sounded serious about it and it wasn't just a brief episode of "oh this would be cool." Which fast food place do you eat at the most? Hm. Wendy's or Sonic. When was the last time you weren’t lonely? Jesus fucking Christ, who knows. What kind of movies do you like? Horror, fantasy, Disney/kids' films, comedies, rom coms, and emotionally moving ones. Bats are not spooky or are they? They're adorable, omg. Do you think blue is a gay color? Fuck off. What's your opinion on gays? Fuck off harder. Do you like the song "Womanizer"? Don't even talk to me if you don't. Where is your favorite place to get fries? You can't live your fullest life without having Bojangle's fries at least once. Do you know anyone who was raised by their grandparents? Idk. Have you ever made your own pie from scratch? No. Who was the last person you had an in-depth conversation with? Sara. What was the last fast food item you ate? A hot dog. What is your favorite gaming console? You know PS2 was the best, you know it. What was the last major city you visited? Raleigh, if that even counts. Do you always have a stock of alcohol in your house? No. Have you ever had a pumpkin latte and if so, did you like it? I hate everything pumpkin-flavored. Is there an antique store in your town or city? I think so... Have you ever been to a baby shower? My sister's. Maybe others', but idr. Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? Pretty sure yes. How many romantic relationships have you been in so far? Genuinely "romantic" ones, two. Would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? I am 99% sure I am the pickiest human being to ever live. Have you ever lived in a house with a pool in the yard? Not a built-in one. What color is your toothbrush? Blue. Do you have gluten intolerance or know anyone who does? I know a few people. Have you ever slept in a car overnight? No. Have you ever fainted? Yes. Do you avoid conflict as much as possible? YUP. Do you like ice cream cake? I'm not a big fan. Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex? Yes. Where is your second home!? The place I'm second-most comfortable is probably Sara's. What song always makes you sad? I avoid listening to "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides unless I just really, really want to hear it. I always tear up due to memories. Have you ever played a game that required removing your clothes? No. Where is your favorite place to be kissed? Breasts and neck. Were you mean as a little kid? No. Who was the last person you hung out with? Dad. What is your mother’s name? Donna. What is your favorite song at the moment? I've been in true love with a heavy metal cover of "Invincible" from the WoW soundtrack for like a full month. What day will you never forget? The breakup night. Suicide attempt. My niece and nephew being born. Meeting Sara. Getting Teddy. First time hanging out at Jason's. 16th birthday. Alice Cooper concert. Putting Dale and Cali down. There's a lot. What was the last thing you took a picture of? Some crazy shit on FB to show Sara. Something you're looking forward to? Getting a goddamn job. What is God teaching you right now? Lul. What does Notre Dame Cathedral mean to you, and how has its fire affected you? I was devastated to hear about it; it was the one event that actually got me paying attention to the news. It is a monument of incredible art and history, and for Catholics, a house of their god. I am so thankful the damage wasn't too tremendous. What’s the last dumb decision you made that you beat yourself up over? I dunno. Surprisingly. What’s your favorite version of the Bible to read? N/A If applicable, do you underline verses in your Bible? N/A When was the last time you went to church? Not since Colleen had her extreme Christian phase two years ago. What’s the last song you listened to on repeat? "Radio" by Rammstein. That new album's gonna be bangin'. Does your town’s hospital have a good reputation? NOPE. It sure does not. I have no issue with the psychiatric care unit there, though. Every time I went to the ER for suicidal thoughts or the attempt, they were sweethearts to me. But as far as physical health, they do NOT have a good rep. I know someone's grandfather that nearly fucking died thanks to them, and I can't recall what it was exactly, but Mom had some complaints during her kidney cancer treatment. What is your hometown known for? Crime. Are you longing for and missing a toxic person? I honestly miss Colleen sometimes, but I can't go back to her. I can't. I'm done giving her more chances than she deserves. It was nice to actually have someone to hang out with, but she is just overall not a pleasant person. What’s your greatest longing? Financial stability, probably. Have you ever read a Bible verse and thought, “this isn’t true”? BOY HOWDY- What are you behind on? Being an adult. I am 23 and a SOOOOOORRYYYYYY excuse for one. Is there someone who’s stolen from you and never got caught? Yes. Someone stole our basketball hoop from my childhood home. Have you been lonely for most of your life? Most of my life, no. What color is your sleeping bag? I don’t have one. When was the last time you used a sleeping bag, and what for? When I lived with Colleen and slept on the floor for a bit. Do you live near the woods? Yeah, there's woods across the road. What do you want to be for Halloween this year? List 1-3 ideas. I wanna be the dumb blonde witch from Hocus Pocus, lmao. A pastel vampire would be pretty cool. And Rhett from the "Sleep Tight" video has instilled in me the great desire to be a steampunk toothfairy at least once. List five things people have been jealous of you for. Idk. List five things you have felt jealous of other people for. More than anyone, a friend of many friends' photography success when I can genuinely and modestly say I really think I'm better than her. That is easily the worst envy situation I've dealt with (and still do), as this is the one that is actually almost spiteful, wrong as that is. Then I have another friend who is a FANTASTIC photographer as well and is now a professional one in the fashion industry, I believe. Then there was a girl I went to school with called Cailin whose drawing skills were naturally INCREDIBLE since elementary school, and I remember back then, me and her would always get the most attention for our work, but she did moreso, but I wanted to be the "best" artist. Once I hit high school I just had great respect for her talent. Next, one of my former best friends Hannia was a natural GENIUS that got perfect scores on LITERALLY almost anything; she had the highest GPA in the entire school, while I was right behind her. And uhhhh five... I have been and still am jealous of my sisters for being proper, successful adults. What is your favorite shade of brown? Like a caramel tone, I guess? What color is your toilet seat? White. Would you rather live in an apartment or a house? Definitely a house. What’s one thing you had growing up that you miss now? Energy. Do you prefer kale, lettuce, or spinach? Lettuce. Do you listen to instrumental bands such as Hammock, Trentemoller, etc.? No. Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? Just because my sisters went and Mom wanted me to hang out with them. I may have with my old friend, too. Have you ever self-harmed? Yeah. Never the answer. Do you have any eating disorders? No. I'm afraid of developing one once I (hopefully) get to the weight I want, though. Have you ever met a celebrity? No. Do you like Monster Energy or do you prefer other energy drinks? I hate energy drinks. They taste like poison. Do you plan on getting married? Yeah. Do you want kids? That's a big fat nope. What’s your sexual orientation? I don’t judge. Bisexual. At what time of day do you normally feel the best? The morning. Name one reason why someone should not commit suicide. YOU. CAN. GET. BETTER. Seek professional help if you feel suicidal, and after what I understand is a serious struggle, you truly can go into the light at the end of the tunnel. You've got, to our understanding, one shot at this. Don't end it when there is a possibility for a beautiful future. If you’re unhappy, what would it take to make you fulfilled? Have a job and be in school. Name someone you know who is a cancer survivor. My mom. Are you friends with any cancer survivors? I don't think so. Do you wish the sunrise and sunset lasted longer? Hm. Sunset, maybe. Idk. Name a country whose history you know nothing about. Lmao most. What is your favorite store at the mall? Hot Topic. Do you have a bed or do you sleep on a mattress on the floor? I have a bed. When was the last time you went for a run? Shit, not since high school gym. Do you keep Christmas lights up year-round? No. What did you win a scholarship for? Nowhere. What type of bug do you see the most often in your home? Flies. Do you put off things until the last minute? I tend to. Is your mom the same size as you? No, I'm smaller. Do you know any Christians who aren’t judgmental? No shit. Do you still think of that Gwen Stefani song when you spell bananas? Ha ha yup. Do you like the way your hair naturally is, or do you change it? It's fine. But I want it dyed badly. Do you know anyone who died accidentally by doing something stupid? Yes. How many different languages have you taken in school? Latin and German. How tall is your father? (Estimate?) Idk. Over six feet. Would you meet Miley Cyrus if you had the chance? No. What is your favorite slow song? Oh yeesh. Idk. Maybe "See You On The Other Side" by Ozzy. Do you believe in karma? No. Do you constantly check your cell phone? No. Only Sara or Mom ever text me, and I pick it up just if the green light is blinking (means I have a message). If there were aliens on earth, would you be afraid? Well yeah. If you could spend 1 hour 20 years in the future, would you? Yes. I want to see where I am, so long as I can change my behavior to improve that future if needed. Otherwise, I don't wanna know. Are your pets asleep? Teddy probably is, Bentley might be, idk where Roman is, but he likely is, I can't see Mitsu from where I am currently, Venus may be (no eyelids, so you never know) as she's in her rock, and Kaiju is awake. Have you ever wished you were an only child? Never. Have you ever hurt someone on purpose? Yes. Have you ever gotten hurt while sledding? No. Do you enjoy going through old pictures? It depends on the subject of them and my mental state. Kid pictures I'm always up for, high school ones are okay, though they can make me really upset with how healthy and skinny I was, and I deleted all photos I had on Facebook of Jason and me last year so I couldn't even risk looking at them ever again, as there's a good chance some would trigger my PTSD. Of all your exes, who do you think you had the deepest feelings for? Jason, obviously. Do you tend to have a lot of drama in your life? I have the most uneventful, bland life. No. When’s the last time someone was disappointed in you? Idk. What song are you listening to right now? Is this one of your favorite songs? "Alone I Break" by Korn. No, but I love it. What is something you have to explain a lot? My sweating issue. Gross to talk about, but I sweat seriously excessively, like you would not believe. It can be 70 degrees and I'll be sweating in seconds. People worry about it, and in VR, I've had to explain it so many times due to it affecting suitable jobs (I think we can all agree being drenched in sweat at work looks extremely bad). Hopefully I won't have to anymore when my doctor decides what to do about it. It's most likely a thyroid issue, which I have no clue about how to subdue symptoms of. There's really a shitload I have to explain lately between doctors and VR... Which compliment do you receive the most? From those that know me/see me, that I'm losing weight. From people in general, "I love your hair" or something like that. Who were you last on the phone with? My sister. What is one thing you have always wondered? Uh. Idk. I'm sure there's a lot, just nothing's coming to me atm... What do your friends think about the music you listen to? Your family? My friends and I like similar stuff, as do my parents, especially Mom. My sisters are the total opposite of me and don't enjoy metal and the like at all. Has anyone ever told you to grow up? Essentially. Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people? Hell no. How many true friends do you have? Excluding family and my girlfriend as they're more than that, like... one or two, it feels like most of the time. Can you honestly say you’re happy right now? No. What is something you are exceptionally bad at? Doing math in my head or spelling up there. AND READING LIPS. Do you have a house phone? No. Who do you love more than anyone right now? Don't make me choose between Mom and Sara. How much money do you have saved up? I literally have $11. Do you like bright/neon colors? Yes, but I prefer pastel. What is your favorite wild animal? Meerkats. Do you ever eat breakfast? I almost always do. Do you remember who your first grade teacher was? Yes. Have you ever won any trophies? What for? Yeah, for A honor roll all through elementary school (save for 5th grade; I got one B and was so upset, lmao), then in all kid sports I played, everyone got lil ones, some from dance I believe, and I think there's one or two others I'm not thinking of...
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tessatechaitea · 6 years
New Titans #103
Tumblr is definitely going to flag this as adult content.
Marv Wolfman predicted Twitter
Just when you thought the Teen Titans had run out of relatives to attack them, Rita Farr shows up with the Brotherhood of Evil to disrupt the Titans' mind probe of Cyborg. During the fight, Terra finds time to remind Gar that she loves him because this comic book is ultimately a teen drama. It definitely isn't a super-hero comic book because the Titans never save anybody. It's simply a metaphor for being a teenager in nowhere near the same way Buffy the Vampire Slayer was. I mean, Buffy was as well but it was done competently which is why this is nothing like Buffy. Wolfman only knew that to be a successful teen drama, you need young people crippled by crushes, engaging in sex, and fighting with their parents. That's this entire series in a nutshell. I once wrote a teen drama and here it is:
Canada Junior High
The fat kid ran up to the hot girl on his first day of Canadian School but not because he was hoping to become a man but because it was his sister. "Hey sis! We're going to Canada School together now!" bothered the fat kid. His name was Fatkid. "Don't talk to me, you mopface!" screamed his sister completely irrationally just like a junior high school girl would act. Even in Canadia which just goes to show that communism isn't any better than whatever America has because teenage girls are mean and nasty everywhere. Especially to their mothers and fat brothers. "But Sis! We need to stick together because our parents don't live in the same house and neither do we for some reason that isn't because our dad is a fish but some other reason. I think it is because he likes jokes and whoopee cushions. And chicks old enough to get married and do it don't like those things," expostulated Fatkid to Sis (that was her name in case you didn't catch that). "I don't care! You're making me unpopular! Go bug someone who isn't me, you mopface!" re-emphasized Sis who immediately went into the bathroom to change into her popular clothes. That means she made herself look like a whore. While she did that, Fatkid went and got himself locked in a broom closet by Jacob Jacoby, the shortest kid ever to go to Canada School. "Ha ha! That mopface sure fell for the old get yourself locked in the closet routine!" high-fived Jacob to Lizard and Spokes who were off to write one song for their band and play it every episode for the next five years. "I think I'm a lesbian!" dreamed Spacelin during the big slumber party. Unless she had a medickal seizure instead. Either way it doesn't matter since both things probably make for good character development. After that, Lucky did some shoplifting with that one girl who never returns after Christmas Break (unless it is called Boxing Day Break in Canada School). And then the cool girl got pregnant at a party just like all the cool girls do. You can tell she's the cool girl because she has hair that can put ten people's eyes out all at once. Then some foreign exchange student named Doctor Somebody saved the world from inside a phone booth and some people asked for money while other people answered phones. That was weird but it's probably important to the story so if you're an editor, don't even think about taking it out. I think there were some really scary puppets who only ate vegetable soup looking for treasure while riding in a hot air balloon too but I don't like to think about that because it gives me the creeps and this isn't a scary story; it's a coming of age story! Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that Fatkid was rescued from the broom closet by the Asian kid, Bob. Bob and Fatkid become really good friends and enjoy a good flashback in the cafeteria to get everyone caught up on all of their shenanigans like the time they cheated on the male enhancement test and the time they had to do oral reports on cheap pottery. Then the twins ran around pretending to be each other but you could always tell which was which by the gross plaque that Prude had on her teeth and Skank didn't. It's really disgusting and I think that paints a pretty good portrait of them so I'll move on to the big dance finale! At the big graduation dance, the school caught fire and burned down. Unless it was destroyed by a giant snake instead. It was very exciting and initiated a new phase in all of their lives.
The End!
Rita and the Brotherhood of Evil wind up being blobby light creatures from a technological world creatively called Technis. They kidnap Cyborg because he's some kind of human/machine interface and they need him to wipe out a virus infecting their sister Zavior. One of the Technites has second thoughts about the kidnapping and remains behind to help the Titans travel to Technis for a four issue story arc that is going to completely suck. Meanwhile, Pantha continues to suffer the worst existential crisis in the history of sentient beings: is she a cat that became human or a human that became a cat?! My guess is she's a cat that became a human because she's too stupid to realize that, being created by Project Hybrid, her issue should be "Am I the offspring of a cat that fucked a human or a human that fucked a cat?!" Oh wait. That's the same thing. Anyway, Pantha should buy a dictionary. New Titans #103 Rating: Boring. It was a Cyborg issue! And the only thing more boring than a Cyborg story is a Cyborg story where he isn't brain dead. So this Cyborg story was actually a bit better than the usual ones. Plus Pantha freaking out about not knowing if she's a cat or a human was lamer drama than that found in any episode of CW's Arrow. P.S. The Letters Page! Ingrid Nuernberg substantiates my claim that Titans is nothing but a melodrama when she writes, "The current story arc is better than any soap opera." But she isn't criticizing the comic book! She's actually praising it! Weirdo. All of the letters were in regard to Issue #100 and not one of them mentioned the rape of Starfire by Raven. Although Johnathan Mark Campa of Glendale, California, had this to say, "...the lip-lock between Raven and Kory (HOT STUFF)...". I feel you, Johnathan! I hate when comic book artists draw the women so hot that you don't realize something terrible is happening in the story! How am I supposed to know I should feel shocked and horrified when I have a boner stirring in my pants?! You know how many dead heroes I've jerked off to?! Stupid artists! Make terrible things look terrible so I stop acting terribly!
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coolcancunyachts · 3 years
Studying Nature in Mexico is an Unforgettable Adventure
After spending many vacations in Cancun Yacht Rentals , Mexico, I decided to take the plunge and move there to study the beautiful nature I'd admired in my previous trips. Having lived many years in the comfort and safety of American suburbia, it was time for some adventure. After learning Spanish, I went to the Yucatan and rented a home in suburban Playa del Carmen and hired myself a maid. Then, with help from hired guides and friends, I visited a variety of remote places in the Mexican jungles. It was an unforgettable experience to see a variety of animals in their natural habitats.
The ever-growing city of Playa del Carmen is an hour south of Cancun, and easily accessed by public buses. Both cities are on the Caribbean Sea, where coral reefs abound up and down the coastline. The beauty of pure white, limestone sand, and richly colored, turquoise water of the ocean drew me down there. Being a nature artist, I was fascinated by the plants and animals of the region. Armed with my cameras, drawing paper and pens, I got to work drawing and photographing bugs, birds, plants and anything else exotic. Soon, my artwork landed me a job as main illustrator for a large nature park called XCaret.
Whenever I had a drawing to deliver to my employer, I would board the employee bus for XCaret, and then walk down a long, back jungle path next to the park to the office. These walks fascinated me, due to the path was directly next to fenced enclosures for their zoo and aviary. Flamingoes, spider monkeys and a harpy eagle were animals I could see the best from the path. One time I made the mistake of giving one of the monkeys a cookie, only to see the other monkeys chase after him to steal it, trying to beat him up! I quickly got out a couple more cookies and gave the rest to them, to avoid the original monkey from getting hurt. They all sat there munching peacefully as I snuck off, hoping nobody saw.
In Mexico, you will see iguanas in nature frequently. As I walked down the nature path on my way to work, there was rustling in the big tree near me. I looked up only to see a large, 6 foot green iguana male with bright orange fringe on his back, in the canopy of the tree. He looked down at me. I remember people telling me that iguanas are good eating, taste like chicken, and that they are called "chicken of the tree". I never found out if that was true or not, but then, I wasn't about to go eating iguanas. Nope, I'm not that adventurous in my dining choices. Black iguanas can be seen usually sitting one per rock pile. Everywhere there were rocks, were male iguanas sunning themselves. Interesting creatures. In Chankanaab Park (on the island of Cozumel) there is a huge iguana that walks around public areas, oblivious to the humans that walk past it. It will bite if petted, the park employee told me. So, I took photos of it and kept my distance.
Another lizard that was interesting and plentiful, was Basiliscus basiliscus, the basilisk. There are a few varieties of basilisk to be found in Mexico. It can run on water if it gets scared enough, and I witnessed it after scaring one unintentionally. Later, I found a smaller one and drew it for my job, they have intense eyes, looking very serious. When I was finished drawing him, he ran upright into the jungle, glad to be free of the big, scary human with whom he'd spent a few hours with.
The jungles of Mexico are fascinating, but I would never recommend walking off your path into one. First off, the foliage is very dense. Second, there are critters in there that can hurt you if provoked, namely scorpions, snakes and spiders. Look, but don't touch. I have seen all of these, and have paid people to remove them from my home. Scorpions will come after you if they are agitated. Back away quickly, wherever they cannot follow. The lighter colored ones, I was told, are more dangerous than the black ones. There are tarantulas in Mexico, and they are big but not aggressive, thank goodness. I had a red-kneed tarantula taken away from the front of my door once. My maid used to throw out other spiders she found inside, and laugh when I would be freaked out by them. "This? It's harmless!" she'd tell me. Yuck. I took her word for it.
As for snakes, there are a few that are reason enough not to go walking alone in the jungle. First, there are huge boa constrictors. My ex-husband was called by the ladies next door, to remove a 6-foot boa out of their rental flat. They said it just slithered into the open back door. Lesson learned, never leave an open door to your house if you live close to the jungle. Then, there is a crimson colored snake the locals called Coralio. I don't know its scientific name, but it was beautiful but deadly. A man who lived near me had a whole apartment full of snakes, and he showed them to me up close. Snakes are interesting but it pays to watch where you step, since my ex and I nearly stepped on one during an evening walk. There are other snakes to watch out for, but these are the kinds that we saw. All snakes will mind their own business if unprovoked, it seems, trouble seems to be when humans aren't paying attention and step on one by mistake. So, it pays to watch where you walk.
Then there were the amazing birds. A gorgeous variety of colors, shapes and sizes, birds in Mexico are exotic and fascinating. My favorites were the toco toucan, motmot, currasows, Yucatan jay, cinnamon-colored cuckoo, and pileated woodpecker and violaceous trogon (a relative of the resplendent quetzal). They had a knack for showing themselves whenever I didn't have my camera with me. I did draw and take notes of what I saw, then look them up later. There was a bird that was so colorful that locals called it, "siete colores" (seven colors). After looking it up, I identified it as a painted bunting. Another bird locals call "pecho amarillo"(yellow breast), otherwise known as the great kiskadee, used to sit outside my window and yell, "Eeee, Eeee!" at the top of his lungs. We used to call back at him, and he'd answer. Very funny bird.
In Playa del Carmen, there is an outdoor aviary, built into the jungle, in the Playacar section. I went in there and walked around, to see the different birds that usually are hidden by jungle. One bird took a fancy to me, a barred currasow who followed me everywhere. She was my feathered tour guide, and posed for photos freely. I finally got to see a chachalaca up close, a relative to a turkey, that is shy, loud (its call sounds like a rusty meat grinder), and travels in groups. Also, there were red ibis, more flamingos, egrets, and much more. The aviary is a must see if you visit Playacar.
Another interesting natural sector in the Yucatan were all the bugs. Insects of every kind, in great quantities. I could've done without all the mosquitoes, though, thank goodness for bug repellent. My favorites were the butterflies. Sometimes when driving down remote roads, we came across undulating masses of various butterfiles colored yellow, white or black. Monarch butterflies also migrate in large groups down to Mexico, I saw them once, too. The most beautiful butterfly I came across in the wild, in my opinion, was the morpho butterfly. It has large irridescent blue wings, wasn't as common as other butterflies, and preferred the privacy of non-populated areas like fields and jungles. There was another butterfly that was big, brown and with its wings closed, was the size of a large dinner plate. It was called an owl butterfly, and flew slowly. I got really close to him and he seemed unafraid. He had patterns on his wings that were like numbers. Fascinating.
Beetles. Ahh, beetles..not very graceful, and apparently not all that bright, but endearing with their less than graceful antics. There were golden scarab beetles that used to fly into my window as I was working, frequently. They usually landed on their backs with their feet flailing helplessly in the air. Eventually the situation would rely on me turning them right-side up, some would then fly off, others would somehow end up on their backs again. It was odd, but I took the opportunity to draw these metallically colored insects, who looked as if they were gilded in brushed gold.
Grasshoppers and katydids are in large quantity in the jungles of the Yucatan. There are so many varieties of grasshoppers, I lost count. As for katydids. their bodies are gigantic, the size of a sparrow. I caught one, to draw him, then when I let him go off my balcony, he flew away in a straight path. His big, green body was visible for a very long time as he flapped off into the sunset, it was surreal.
Sea creatures and fish are plentiful in the Caribbean Sea. Though the reefs are endangered and show signs of damage, they are still beautiful. Every day, I'd snorkel in the low-traffic area near my home. It was serene to get to the beach early in the morning, pick up a few shells that washed up on shore, then make my spot on the beach. I'd snorkel until my body got cold, every day. There weren't many large predators in the areas I swam in, due to the breakwalls that run up and down the coast, separating the shores from the deeper, ocean water. Once in awhile, a barracuda would find its way into the reef area, my, what big teeth they have. Out there, you can see dolphins playing in the waves made by large yachts or ferries. Bottle-nosed dolphins are very social creatures and seem unafraid of humans. Some of the most memorable smaller fish and creatures I saw were brittle starfish (they live under rocks and will climb off your hand quickly if you try to hold one), octopus, conch, sea turtles, moray eels, blue tangs and of course, those feisty damselfish. Though I haven't gotten my scuba license, I went on a few professional scuba tours where the water was so shallow, snorkeling was possible. Tours are great for finding gorgeous coral gardens that aren't visible to everyone else. The prettiest ones I saw were near the town of Puerto Morelos.
Other places I liked to explore were the Cenotes Azul, and Dos Ojos. Cenotes are brackish water natural bodies of water that the Mayan indians used to build their villages around. Now, they sit in the jungle and tourists enter them to go cave diving. Underneath the Yucatan is an elaborate network of caves that attract cave-divers from all over the world. Not me, I preferred just swimming in the crystal clear water in the mouth of the cenotes, and observing the fish I saw. One of the cenotes had fish that I'd seen in pet stores back in the US, swimming there naturally. Jack Dempsey fish and green sailfin mollies, along with a kind of livebearer fish I didn't recognise. They were very colorful, and the Dempseys, being combative cichlids who like to pick on one another, had tattered fins. But, all the fish were very healthy. What a wonder it is to swim among them in their natural habitat. The nature around cenotes is interesting, too. I saw a basilisk run across the water, when I swam too close to him, and a duck that would dive for fish and stay underwater for a long time. Nature abounds in and around cenotes.
The nature of Mexico is plentiful and beautiful in all its forms. The tropical, hot climate brings out flora and fauna unlike anything I've ever seen in my home state of Ohio, or even in my current state of Florida. Living among the lush jungles, hearing jungle frogs sing at night and spending time with my wonderful Mexican co-workers, guides and friends changed my life. By being respectful of nature (look, don't touch) and watching where you walk, you will see clouds of butterflies, brilliantly colored birds, and animals like coatimundis, agoutis and others normally only seen in zoos. My employer promoted the preservation of Mexico's wildlife, and it was my honor doing artwork of all things natural for them. I miss walking the jungle path to their office weekly and seeing the zoo animals, as well as the wild ones in the trees. If you love nature, make sure to visit Mexico and go on tours to see the beauty of the wild, but with professionals who know where to take you. It will be an experience you will appreciate and remember forever.
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galacticbugman · 5 years
Recent Reptile and Amphibian encounters
I am not much of a herper I am more of a bug person more than anything now and days. However I fancy myself as a generalist when it comes to nature. No matter if it flies, creeps, crawls, leaps, gallops, slithers, swims; I will photograph it. I love to keep a diverse life list and love to keep a track of all that I see in the natural world. It is just something fun to do; it is like a game of hide and seek but when you seek out a new creature you log it and then keep it to a list. It can often jog fond memories of the places you saw the creatures and sometimes the people you were with. For me even the old wild friends you see with often lead to more memories and sometime you learn something new about the creatures when you encounter them over and over again. This occurred just over a few weeks. I went out to River Legacy to try and get a boost in observations for my iNaturalist account. I have been going out there a lot more because it has been really rainy and great for fungus and bugs. Here are a few old friends that I took photos. 
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Okay in the photo above it is kind of hard to see. What you are looking at is one of the most common of the snakes at River Legacy. This one I have posted all too often but I got this Copperhead in a position I have never photographed before. This guy was pointed out by one of my friends who works at the science center. She saw it right off the bat but I had a hard time trying to spot it. You will notice in some of the other photos they are more of a tan and orange color and sleeker. This one was much more brown and dulled out. This guy is gong to shed soon but he had not quite gone into blue yet. Okay what does that mean going into blue? Well when snakes shed the skin is solid and even covers the eyes for it makes a scale over the eyes when it is time to grow. They gain a bluish tint on the eyes and when they are like that Look Out! They will strike at anything and everything. You just have to make sure to give it it’s space. I fed a couple that had gone into blue; they may have been non-venomous but still they are more alert to everything since they are practically blind. This guy was all coiled up by this tree waiting for a meal to pass by. I think that the Copperhead is one of the most beautiful snakes in the state of Texas. They are a very attractive snake in my opinion. There skin when freshly shed is so beautiful. Before I get on one of my long winded speeches let us look at another herp that I found recently. 
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A couple of weekends ago I went out on the longer trails at River Legacy one Sunday on one of my weekend nature hikes. A lady on the trail was with her family and pointed this guy out to me. This little cutie may look cute but he will grow up to be one of the kings of the pond. This is the Common Snapping Turtle. Now there are two kinds of Snapper in our area. We have the Common which is this guy and we have the Alligator and both have two different feeding habits. I used to feed animals at the Fort Worth Nature Center as one of my volunteer jobs and I had the pleasure to feed both species of turtle. This one is the active hunter. That neck may look small but don’t let size fool you this guy can extend it and it will whip around and try to get you if you pick this one up. I learned that babies are not as ready to bite but when they get a few years old they become more bite happy. They will go out of their way to chase down a meal but; The Alligator Snapper (which I don’t have a photo of) that guy is more of a ambush predator. On their tongues are made like a fishing lure and when a fish comes into close...WACKO! I love snapping turtles. I used to love it when kids would come into the reptile room. I would teach them the feeding behavior of the turtles. I loved their reactions when they would snag a fish or bite one in half. They are the true meat cleavers of the of the pond. 
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Here is another one that was pretty cool. It was found just this weekend right when the Copperhead was found. This guy is one of the hardest lizards to photograph. This is the Little Brown Skink. Not a snake although he is snake like. He is long and slender and pretty small. This guy is about the size he will remain forever. These guys normally are on the move. You will hear them rustling in the leaf litter and most of the time they are gone before you see them. You have to sneak up them but they are quick to run. This guy was the exception however. My dad and my friend both pointed this out to me. It is good to always have extra pair of eyes on the trail. I do have pretty sharp vision but even I miss things that are hiding in plain sight. This guy was sitting as still as could be not moving a muscle. You had to watch him very closely because his head would twitch every so often. These are one of my favorite lizards. I have managed to catch a much larger skink at River Legacy but the thing with skinks is they can be pretty bitey and boy did I get it the day I wrangled a Common Five-lined Skink. I was showing it to a few kids and it had enough and bit the base of my ring finger on my left hand. It didn’t draw blood but he told he that he had enough of that. The bit isn’t that bad in some cases normally a quick release. They may pinch and you can feel their needle sharp teeth but it depends on the size if they will draw blood. There are some huge skinks in the world that can take a plug out of you but the ones we have here are small potatoes compared to some and are nothing to worry about in terms of getting bit. You just have to understand that it is their only way to tell you; you crossed the line and it is time to go or to PUT ME DOWN!” Still I love skinks they are cute little lizards. Lets look at another one sshhhallll wee
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Okay so not my best shot but still a really good one. This is known as a Southern Leopard Frog. This is a fairly large species we get here in Texas though is considerably smaller than our giant Bullfrogs. This guy was on a bit of refuse down near the Red Bridge where most of the shots were taken in these slides. This guy was sitting as still as could be; possibly looking for a nearby snack. I don’t always see these kinds of frogs. I mostly see Bullfrogs and Blanchard’s Cricket Frogs along with their cousins the Green Tree Frog, and the Gulf Coast Toad. I have not seen a new species of frog to add to my list. I don’t see these all too often because they blend in so well with their environment. This is my second one to photograph in recent years which is kind of odd. Frogs and other herps are not my strong suit but I do carry around a make shift herping tool. It is a BBQ skewer that I converted into a double pronged herp stick. I don’t use it too often by I have been known to use it. I use it mainly to flip over logs and if you dare do this in person be warned and wear some snake proof boots or your best pair of hikers for it is pretty risky business sometimes. The thing is when out in the wilderness you want to wear a pair of jeans and a good pair of boots. You never want to be out in shorts. It is the one thing that I was taught early on before I signed up to be a Texas Master Naturalist. It is just something to take head of because there are plants like Bull Nettle that will get you and not to mention the mosquitoes. 
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Here is my last observation for this herp post. This guy was found as it was being swept down stream in a current near where the Leopard Frog was. This guy is not venomous even though its name might conjure up another master predator of North America. This guy is called the Diamond-backed Watersnake. this guy was a big one. These guys are known to get pretty good sized around and in length. These are said to be more common than another species of Watersnake we get called the Plain-bellied Watersnake also known as the Yellow-bellied Watersnake. In the herp world there have been quite a few changes to the Taxanomic Nomenclature which is kind of causing a lot of mixed feelings and causing a few upsets in the science community. Some of the snakes have been hit hard by this. I have seen quite a few of these on my travels to many North Texas parks. These guys are quite fun to look for. I don’t mind snakes they don’t bother me at all. They used to bother me something fierce but after years of learning to better understand the beauty of the reptile world mainly from watching Steve Irwin tapes and things I have since changed my attitude toward these misunderstood creatures. For some reason I love the misunderstood animals. I guess I have always been one to stand up for the little guys. To better appreciate these creatures is to learn how they live and what they do to survive. Their is beauty in the ways in which these creatures live. Sure they may not have fur or make pleasing sounds but the world of herps is a special one. They are an indicator in our ecosystems that tell if it is healthy or not. If you have these guys the area is a good one. If you don’t see many of these then you don’t have such a good ecosystem. Many species are known as indicator species and this goes hand in hand with many of the insects and even with the fungi. Everything is connected one way or another. For this is the way of nature and the connection it makes with us. It calls to us for we came from it.   
In closing remarks: 
Remember being a naturalist may not cost too much to get started but when you start working you way up the ladder you might want to invest in better equipment. Learning about nature in the field is fun but field investigations are only part of the equation. In the iNaturalist gig you have to go out and get your observations but then you have to go back home and study your findings just like in a lab situation. Learning about nature is fun and very rewarding. If you have an interest in wildlife or nature don’t be afraid to let that small spark start a life time of wonder and self discovery. Being an wildlife photographer and a hiker and a naturalist has helped me find my voice, my strengths, and my weaknesses. I always had a hard time conveying natural ideals to people but now that I have been out more and have spent time with people who are like minded and people who share some of the same ideals I have been able to speak more on the things I love the most. Nature is a wonderful thing on this planet. There is no other place I would rather be than losing myself in a forest, mountain crest, or oceanic area, or heck a dark cave studying the beauty and the majesty of Mother Nature. I often see this quote that really speaks to me “Not all who wander are lost.” This is something I have really taken to heart. Nature is something I really connect with and love. I love it so much and it makes me sad just how far away we have driven ourselves from it. It is something that we can’t replace and must be protect for our future generations to appreciate and enjoy. Making contributions by volunteering for your local nature park or nature center or heck even donating is a great thing. Nature was made for us to lose ourselves and explore. So until we meet again I am Zachary Chapman AKA Galactic_Bug_Man and I will see you on the trail. 
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Alligators Quotes
Official Website: Alligators Quotes
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• A gun is not a weapon! It’s a tool, like a butcher’s knife, or a harpoon, or an alligator. – Homer • All the pictures on the walls, they all white as lilies and smiling like alligators. – Charlaine Harris • Alligator: The crocodile of America, superior in every detail to the crocodile of the effete monarchies of the Old World. – Ambrose Bierce • Alligators and crocodiles are some of the most aggressive creatures on the planet – they’ll take down a boat if you come up to their nest. – Jack Hanna • Au revoir, jewelled alligators and white hotels, hallucinatory forests, farewell. – J. G. Ballard
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Alligator', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_alligator').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_alligator img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Besides alligators, the only animals to be feared are the poisonous serpents. These are certainly common enough in the forest, but no fatal accident happened during the whole time of my residence. – Henry Walter Bates • Donald Trump is my leader. And if he decides to drop the swamp and the alligator, I will drop the swamp and the alligator. – Newt Gingrich • Don’t taunt the alligator until after you’ve crossed the creek. – Dan Rather • Down in Louisiana where the alligators grow so mean, there lived a girl that I swear to the world made the alligators look tame. – Tony Joe White • Everything on Saturday morning [cartoons] moves alike that’s one of the reasons it’s not animation. The drawings are different, but everybody acts the same way, their feet move the same way, and everybody runs the same way. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an alligator or a man or a baby or anything, they all move the same. – Chuck Jones • Far off in the red mangroves an alligator has heaved himself onto a hummock of grass and lies there, studying his poems. – Mary Oliver • Feed the alligators and you get bigger alligators. – Helen Gurley Brown • First time I saw an alligator gar I damn near threw up. They ain’t natural anything get that big. It’s ten feet long and three feet at the girth. Not one of God’s creations like you and meSome say they ain’t afraid of alligator gar fish. Bullshit. You look at that thing. It’s big and mean. Swallow both of us. Them people say they ain’t afraid tellin’ lies. – Bukka White • I dislike the word ’emerging artist.’ Emerging connotes to me an alligator coming up from the water. I consider all artists to be artists, not rising, emerging, amateur, beginning, but the real thing. – Jack White • I look in music magazines now and see things on Luther Allison, and my name’s getting out there more, thanks to all the good people at Alligator Records and at my management company. – Luther Allison • I love The Inn at Palmetto Bluff, an Auberge Property in Bluffton, South Carolina. Its a spectacular corner of the world, with massive old trees lined with Spanish moss, and alligators swimming in the river. – Gail Simmons • I spent most of my 20s with these alligator wrestlers in the swamps of South Florida. – Karen Russell • I’m also fascinated by the difference between terror and fear. Fear says, “Do not actually put your hand in the alligator,” while terror says, “Avoid Florida entirely because alligators exist. – Mira Grant • I’ve tried that. I’ve tried aspirin, too. Rusty thinks I should smoke marijuana, and I did for a while, but it only makes me giggle. What I’ve found does the most good is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany’s. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits, and that lovely smell of silver and alligator wallets. If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany’s, then I’d buy some furniture and give the cat a name. – Truman Capote • I’ve wrestled with alligators, I’ve tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning And throw thunder in jail. You know I’m bad. just last week, I murdered a rock, Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick. I’m so mean, I make medicine sick. – Muhammad Ali • If all I can say is I’m not in this swamp, I’m not in this swamp then there is not a rope in front of me and there is not an alligator behind me and there is not a girl sitting at the edge eating a hot dog and if I believe that, then dying would be the only answer because then Death couldn’t come and say Peachy to me anymore and after all she has a brother who believes in hope. – Tori Amos • If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say in a pleasant and hopeful voice, “Well this isn’t too bad, I don’t have a left arm anymore but at least nobody will ever ask me if I’m left-handed or right-handed,” but most of us would say something more along the lines of, “Aaaaaa! My arm! My arm!” – Daniel Handler • If five years from now we solve the access problem, but what we’re hearing is all encrypted, I’ll probably, if I’m still here, be talking about that in a very different way: the objective is the same. The objective is for us to get those conversations whether they’re by an alligator clip or ones and zeros. Whoever they are, whatever they are, I need them. – Louis J. Freeh • If I could rest anywhere, it would be in Arkansas, where the men are of the real half-horse, half-alligator breed such as grows nowhere else on the face of the universal earth. – Davy Crockett • IGNORANCE I didn’t know love would make me this crazy, with my eyes like the river Ceyhun carrying me in its rapids out to sea,where every bit of shattered boat sinks to the bottom. An alligator lifts its head and swallows the ocean, then the ocean floor becomes a desert covering the alligator in sand drifts. Changes do happen. I do not know how, or what remains of what has disappeared into the absolute. I hear so many stories and explanations, but I keep quiet, because I don’t know anything, and because something I swallowed in the ocean has made me completely content with ignorance. – Rumi • Im Southern, so alligator tail is pretty interesting and yummy. – LeAnn Rimes • I’m that same David Crockett, fresh from the backwoods, half-horse, half-alligator, a little touched with the snapping turtle; can wade the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning, and slip without a scratch down a honey locust [tree]. – Davy Crockett • It embarrasses me to think of all those years I was buying silk suits and alligator shoes that were hurting my feet; cars that I just parked, and the dust would just build up on them. – George Foreman • It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts. – Kelly Brook • It took me the bulk of my twenties to write one book about a family of alligator wrestlers. Whereas somebody like Steve Martin is releasing his latest banjo symphony, having just completed another movie and acclaimed, best-selling novel. – Karen Russell • It’s so hard for me to sit back here in this studio, looking at a guy out here, hollering my name!—When last year I spent more money, on spilled liquor, in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made! You’re talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, whoa! wheelin dealin’, limosuine riding, jet flying son of a gun and I’m having a hard time holding these alligators down! – Ric Flair • It’s hard, when you’re up to your armpits in alligators, to remember you came here to drain the swamp. – Ronald Reagan • It’s the chauffeur’s outfit from hell, right down to the alligator shoes. I was wearing these alligator shoes and this very interesting and haunting chauffeur’s outfit, but what really did it for me was the hat. And then, when I eventually get my eye taken out, the gold eye really brought it home for me. – Dennis Haysbert • It’s what you’d expect out of Baton Rouge: people tailgating with shrimp étouffée, everything from alligators roasting on a barbecue to dishes that you would get in the French Quarter. These people are serious and they are legit and they’re ready to go. – Erin Andrews • I’ve just done a movie – Albino Alligator – with Viggo Mortensen, who’s an actor I idolize. He influenced me in a way that has helped me move toward getting lead parts instead of supporting parts, merely through his presence. So now I tell everyone, as a joke, that I’m entering my Viggo Mortensen phase. – Skeet Ulrich • Just take them rascals [rapists, killers, child abusers] out in the swamp / Put ’em on their knees and tie ’em to a stump / Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest. – Charlie Daniels • Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet. – Chuck Palahniuk • My father being an outdoors person, he used to take us on quite a few adventures thorugh the wild areas down there, introducing us to alligators and rattlesnakes and all the trees and plants. – Jim Fowler • My mom was beautiful; she was supposed to be the original Jane in the original Tarzan movie. They asked her to put her foot in the water and there was an alligator in there, and she wouldn’t put her foot in the water. – Dr. John • My number one rule is to keep that camera rolling. Even if it’s shaky or slightly out of focus, I don’t give a rip. Even if a big old alligator is chewing me up I want to go down and go, ‘Crikey!’ just before I die. That would be the ultimate for me. – Steve Irwin • Nobody in the city of Los Angeles knows how to catch an alligator, … We have no experience in recreation and parks, the zoo or animal control. – Janice Hahn • Not much is known about alligators. They don’t train well. And they’re unwieldy and rowdy to work with in laboratories. – Diane Ackerman • On one hole, I hit an alligator so hard, he’s now my golf bag. – Bob Hope • Once when I was golfing in Georgia, I hooked the ball into the swamp. I went in after it and found an alligator wearing a shirt with a picture of a little golfer on it. – Buddy Hackett • People wrestle alligators but not once has someone done it without an audience. – Doug Stanhope • Places like Hilton Head, with water adjacency and nice climates, are in high demand, and land values are insane. In the case of Hilton Head, which was developed in 1970 on what had been a mosquito- and alligator-infested swampy barrier island, land value has leaped from nearly zero to now unaffordable. – Susan Orlean • Really, it was difficult to determine which I had most reason to fear—dogs, alligators or men! – Solomon Northup • Remember that postcard Grandpa sent us from Florida of that Alligator biting that woman’s bottom? That’s right, we all thought it was hilarious. But, it turns out we were wrong. That alligator was sexually harassing that woman. – Homer • Remodeling defies the principles of modern commerce. You shell out great sums of money to people over whom you have no authority or power, yet these same people are constantly insinuating that you’re cheap. (It reminded me of medicine, another area where you shell out great sums of money to people over whom you have no authority or power, who make you feel guilty for questioning a bill.) Construction workers are the blue-collar version of the snooty salespeople at Gucci who make $8 an hour but look down on you if you balk at a $400 alligator wallet. – Margo Kaufman • Sanford is a little redneck town north of Orlando. It’s right off Lake Jessup.Lake Jessup is the most alligator infested lake in the United States and I live literally 5/10ths of a mile north of that lake right off the swamp down here. I’ve lived here since ’94. When I left Nebraska my dad got a job at a private Christian school in West Palm Beach. People will say “You’re not really a country boy. You’re from Palm Beach, Florida.” Well, I moved to West Palm Beach, FL which is a far cry from Palm Beach, FL. There’s a reason it’s called West Palm Beach. – Larry the Cable Guy • See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile. – Bill Haley • She gazed toward the marsh that grew thicker, deeper, greener with approaching summer. Mosquitoes whined in there, breeding in the dark water. Alligators slid through it, silent death. It was a place where snakes could slither and bogs could suck the shoe right off your foot. And it was a place, she thought, that went bright and beautiful with the twinkling of fireflies, where wildflowers thrived in the shade and the stingy light. Where an eagle could soar like a king. There was no beauty without risk. No life without it. – Nora Roberts • Skins tanned to the consistency of well-traveled alligator suitcases. – Russell Baker • So he left the lagoon and entered the jungle again, within a few days was completely lost, following the lagoons southward through the increasing rain and heat, attacked by alligators and giant bats, a second Adam searching for the forgotten paradises of the reborn Sun. – J. G. Ballard • That dreadful alligator attack in Orlando would never have happened if Disney had put up real warning signs, like other Florida resorts do. But wild alligators don’t fit the Disney image, so they were no proper warnings, and a child died for no reason. – Carl Hiaasen • The government competes in the private sector the way an alligator competes with a duck. – Mike Pence • The Marquis sighed. “I thought it was just a legend,” he said. “Like the alligators in the sewers of New York City.” Old Bailey nodded, sagely: “What, the big white buggers? They’re down there. I had a friend lost a head to one of them.” A moment of silence. Old Naeiley handed the statue back to the Marquis. Then he raised his hand, and snapped it, like a crocodile hand, at the Carabas. “It was OK,” gurned Old Bailey with a grin that was most terrible to behold. “He had another. – Neil Gaiman • The sensation of writing a book is the sensation of spinning, blinded by love and daring. It is the sensation of a stunt pilot’s turning barrel rolls, or an inchworm’s blind rearing from a stem in search of a route. At its worst, it feels like alligator wrestling, at the level of the sentence. – Annie Dillard • There’s a lot of time sitting in movies, so you can put alligators in people’s trailers in your spare time. So it [making a film] moves slower, which in some ways is great, because you can live with a scene and invest in it a lot. And in some ways it’s hard, because sometimes you can start to lose your energy a little bit, but both are fun. – Mary-Louise Parker • They will do more whether we do what we’re doing or whether we don’t do what we’re doing. And the idea that you could appease them [terrorists] by stopping doing what we’re doing or some implication that by doing what we’re doing we’re inciting them to attack us is just utter nonsense. It’s just – it’s kind of like feeding an alligator, hoping it eats you last. – Donald Rumsfeld • Three million alligators were killed in Florida between 1880 and 1900. Goody! – Will Cuppy • Turn the goddam music up! My heart feels like an alligator! – Hunter S. Thompson • Unoka went into an inner room and soon returned with a small wooden disc containing a kola nut, some alligator pepper and a lump of white chalk. “I have kola,” he announced when he sat down, and passed the disc over to his guest. “Thank you. He who brings kola brings life. But I think you ought to break it,” replied Okoye passing back the disc. “No, it is for you, I think,” and they argued like this for a few moments before Unoka accepted the honor of breaking the kola. Okoye, meanwhile, took the lump of chalk, drew some lines on the floor, and then painted his big toe. – Chinua Achebe • Well, Im wrestling alligators. – Claire McCaskill • What is a turducken? An exclusive culinary creation available by special order from some little Cajun town down south. Entirely deboned, a turducken consists of a turkey, stuffed with duck, stuffed with a chicken, like an edible Russian nesting doll. Some were stuffed with alligator, crap, shrimp; my favorite was the traditional cornbread variety. – S.A. Bodeen • When Amos Moses was a boy his daddy would use him for alligator bait, tie a rope around his neck and throw him in the swamp. – Jerry Reed • When I was a little kid, I was the first kid in my neighborhood to have a pet alligator. – Benicio Del Toro • When I was young, I had a big problem with warts. It started with one on the side of my little finger. A year later, I had it on all my fingers. My hands looked like the hands of an alligator. So I fist bumped people instead of shaking hands for a few years. – Berhan Ahmed • When we were shooting in Shreveport, me and a couple of friends went down to Lafayette, because they had a big Zydeco music festival down there. We spent two days dancing to Zydeco music, eating fried alligator… It was one of the craziest festivals I’ve ever been to in my life, but I loved it. – Alexander Skarsgard • Writing fantasy lets me imagine a great deal more than, say, writing about alligators, and lets me write about places more distant than Florida, but I can tell you things about Florida and alligators, let you make the connection all on your own. – Terry Brooks • Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators. – Richard Miller • You know you’re old when someone compliments you on your alligator shoes, and you’re barefoot. – Phyllis Diller • You’ve got forever; and somehow you can’t do much with it. You’ve got forever; and it’s a mile wide and an inch deep and full of alligators. – Jim Thompson
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Alligators Quotes
Official Website: Alligators Quotes
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• A gun is not a weapon! It’s a tool, like a butcher’s knife, or a harpoon, or an alligator. – Homer • All the pictures on the walls, they all white as lilies and smiling like alligators. – Charlaine Harris • Alligator: The crocodile of America, superior in every detail to the crocodile of the effete monarchies of the Old World. – Ambrose Bierce • Alligators and crocodiles are some of the most aggressive creatures on the planet – they’ll take down a boat if you come up to their nest. – Jack Hanna • Au revoir, jewelled alligators and white hotels, hallucinatory forests, farewell. – J. G. Ballard
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Alligator', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_alligator').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_alligator img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Besides alligators, the only animals to be feared are the poisonous serpents. These are certainly common enough in the forest, but no fatal accident happened during the whole time of my residence. – Henry Walter Bates • Donald Trump is my leader. And if he decides to drop the swamp and the alligator, I will drop the swamp and the alligator. – Newt Gingrich • Don’t taunt the alligator until after you’ve crossed the creek. – Dan Rather • Down in Louisiana where the alligators grow so mean, there lived a girl that I swear to the world made the alligators look tame. – Tony Joe White • Everything on Saturday morning [cartoons] moves alike that’s one of the reasons it’s not animation. The drawings are different, but everybody acts the same way, their feet move the same way, and everybody runs the same way. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an alligator or a man or a baby or anything, they all move the same. – Chuck Jones • Far off in the red mangroves an alligator has heaved himself onto a hummock of grass and lies there, studying his poems. – Mary Oliver • Feed the alligators and you get bigger alligators. – Helen Gurley Brown • First time I saw an alligator gar I damn near threw up. They ain’t natural anything get that big. It’s ten feet long and three feet at the girth. Not one of God’s creations like you and meSome say they ain’t afraid of alligator gar fish. Bullshit. You look at that thing. It’s big and mean. Swallow both of us. Them people say they ain’t afraid tellin’ lies. – Bukka White • I dislike the word ’emerging artist.’ Emerging connotes to me an alligator coming up from the water. I consider all artists to be artists, not rising, emerging, amateur, beginning, but the real thing. – Jack White • I look in music magazines now and see things on Luther Allison, and my name’s getting out there more, thanks to all the good people at Alligator Records and at my management company. – Luther Allison • I love The Inn at Palmetto Bluff, an Auberge Property in Bluffton, South Carolina. Its a spectacular corner of the world, with massive old trees lined with Spanish moss, and alligators swimming in the river. – Gail Simmons • I spent most of my 20s with these alligator wrestlers in the swamps of South Florida. – Karen Russell • I’m also fascinated by the difference between terror and fear. Fear says, “Do not actually put your hand in the alligator,” while terror says, “Avoid Florida entirely because alligators exist. – Mira Grant • I’ve tried that. I’ve tried aspirin, too. Rusty thinks I should smoke marijuana, and I did for a while, but it only makes me giggle. What I’ve found does the most good is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany’s. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits, and that lovely smell of silver and alligator wallets. If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany’s, then I’d buy some furniture and give the cat a name. – Truman Capote • I’ve wrestled with alligators, I’ve tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning And throw thunder in jail. You know I’m bad. just last week, I murdered a rock, Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick. I’m so mean, I make medicine sick. – Muhammad Ali • If all I can say is I’m not in this swamp, I’m not in this swamp then there is not a rope in front of me and there is not an alligator behind me and there is not a girl sitting at the edge eating a hot dog and if I believe that, then dying would be the only answer because then Death couldn’t come and say Peachy to me anymore and after all she has a brother who believes in hope. – Tori Amos • If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say in a pleasant and hopeful voice, “Well this isn’t too bad, I don’t have a left arm anymore but at least nobody will ever ask me if I’m left-handed or right-handed,” but most of us would say something more along the lines of, “Aaaaaa! My arm! My arm!” – Daniel Handler • If five years from now we solve the access problem, but what we’re hearing is all encrypted, I’ll probably, if I’m still here, be talking about that in a very different way: the objective is the same. The objective is for us to get those conversations whether they’re by an alligator clip or ones and zeros. Whoever they are, whatever they are, I need them. – Louis J. Freeh • If I could rest anywhere, it would be in Arkansas, where the men are of the real half-horse, half-alligator breed such as grows nowhere else on the face of the universal earth. – Davy Crockett • IGNORANCE I didn’t know love would make me this crazy, with my eyes like the river Ceyhun carrying me in its rapids out to sea,where every bit of shattered boat sinks to the bottom. An alligator lifts its head and swallows the ocean, then the ocean floor becomes a desert covering the alligator in sand drifts. Changes do happen. I do not know how, or what remains of what has disappeared into the absolute. I hear so many stories and explanations, but I keep quiet, because I don’t know anything, and because something I swallowed in the ocean has made me completely content with ignorance. – Rumi • Im Southern, so alligator tail is pretty interesting and yummy. – LeAnn Rimes • I’m that same David Crockett, fresh from the backwoods, half-horse, half-alligator, a little touched with the snapping turtle; can wade the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning, and slip without a scratch down a honey locust [tree]. – Davy Crockett • It embarrasses me to think of all those years I was buying silk suits and alligator shoes that were hurting my feet; cars that I just parked, and the dust would just build up on them. – George Foreman • It makes my skin crawl to think about the violent ways snakes, lizards, alligators and other exotic creatures are raised and killed for boots, bags and belts. – Kelly Brook • It took me the bulk of my twenties to write one book about a family of alligator wrestlers. Whereas somebody like Steve Martin is releasing his latest banjo symphony, having just completed another movie and acclaimed, best-selling novel. – Karen Russell • It’s so hard for me to sit back here in this studio, looking at a guy out here, hollering my name!—When last year I spent more money, on spilled liquor, in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made! You’re talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, whoa! wheelin dealin’, limosuine riding, jet flying son of a gun and I’m having a hard time holding these alligators down! – Ric Flair • It’s hard, when you’re up to your armpits in alligators, to remember you came here to drain the swamp. – Ronald Reagan • It’s the chauffeur’s outfit from hell, right down to the alligator shoes. I was wearing these alligator shoes and this very interesting and haunting chauffeur’s outfit, but what really did it for me was the hat. And then, when I eventually get my eye taken out, the gold eye really brought it home for me. – Dennis Haysbert • It’s what you’d expect out of Baton Rouge: people tailgating with shrimp étouffée, everything from alligators roasting on a barbecue to dishes that you would get in the French Quarter. These people are serious and they are legit and they’re ready to go. – Erin Andrews • I’ve just done a movie – Albino Alligator – with Viggo Mortensen, who’s an actor I idolize. He influenced me in a way that has helped me move toward getting lead parts instead of supporting parts, merely through his presence. So now I tell everyone, as a joke, that I’m entering my Viggo Mortensen phase. – Skeet Ulrich • Just take them rascals [rapists, killers, child abusers] out in the swamp / Put ’em on their knees and tie ’em to a stump / Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest. – Charlie Daniels • Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet. – Chuck Palahniuk • My father being an outdoors person, he used to take us on quite a few adventures thorugh the wild areas down there, introducing us to alligators and rattlesnakes and all the trees and plants. – Jim Fowler • My mom was beautiful; she was supposed to be the original Jane in the original Tarzan movie. They asked her to put her foot in the water and there was an alligator in there, and she wouldn’t put her foot in the water. – Dr. John • My number one rule is to keep that camera rolling. Even if it’s shaky or slightly out of focus, I don’t give a rip. Even if a big old alligator is chewing me up I want to go down and go, ‘Crikey!’ just before I die. That would be the ultimate for me. – Steve Irwin • Nobody in the city of Los Angeles knows how to catch an alligator, … We have no experience in recreation and parks, the zoo or animal control. – Janice Hahn • Not much is known about alligators. They don’t train well. And they’re unwieldy and rowdy to work with in laboratories. – Diane Ackerman • On one hole, I hit an alligator so hard, he’s now my golf bag. – Bob Hope • Once when I was golfing in Georgia, I hooked the ball into the swamp. I went in after it and found an alligator wearing a shirt with a picture of a little golfer on it. – Buddy Hackett • People wrestle alligators but not once has someone done it without an audience. – Doug Stanhope • Places like Hilton Head, with water adjacency and nice climates, are in high demand, and land values are insane. In the case of Hilton Head, which was developed in 1970 on what had been a mosquito- and alligator-infested swampy barrier island, land value has leaped from nearly zero to now unaffordable. – Susan Orlean • Really, it was difficult to determine which I had most reason to fear—dogs, alligators or men! – Solomon Northup • Remember that postcard Grandpa sent us from Florida of that Alligator biting that woman’s bottom? That’s right, we all thought it was hilarious. But, it turns out we were wrong. That alligator was sexually harassing that woman. – Homer • Remodeling defies the principles of modern commerce. You shell out great sums of money to people over whom you have no authority or power, yet these same people are constantly insinuating that you’re cheap. (It reminded me of medicine, another area where you shell out great sums of money to people over whom you have no authority or power, who make you feel guilty for questioning a bill.) Construction workers are the blue-collar version of the snooty salespeople at Gucci who make $8 an hour but look down on you if you balk at a $400 alligator wallet. – Margo Kaufman • Sanford is a little redneck town north of Orlando. It’s right off Lake Jessup.Lake Jessup is the most alligator infested lake in the United States and I live literally 5/10ths of a mile north of that lake right off the swamp down here. I’ve lived here since ’94. When I left Nebraska my dad got a job at a private Christian school in West Palm Beach. People will say “You’re not really a country boy. You’re from Palm Beach, Florida.” Well, I moved to West Palm Beach, FL which is a far cry from Palm Beach, FL. There’s a reason it’s called West Palm Beach. – Larry the Cable Guy • See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile. – Bill Haley • She gazed toward the marsh that grew thicker, deeper, greener with approaching summer. Mosquitoes whined in there, breeding in the dark water. Alligators slid through it, silent death. It was a place where snakes could slither and bogs could suck the shoe right off your foot. And it was a place, she thought, that went bright and beautiful with the twinkling of fireflies, where wildflowers thrived in the shade and the stingy light. Where an eagle could soar like a king. There was no beauty without risk. No life without it. – Nora Roberts • Skins tanned to the consistency of well-traveled alligator suitcases. – Russell Baker • So he left the lagoon and entered the jungle again, within a few days was completely lost, following the lagoons southward through the increasing rain and heat, attacked by alligators and giant bats, a second Adam searching for the forgotten paradises of the reborn Sun. – J. G. Ballard • That dreadful alligator attack in Orlando would never have happened if Disney had put up real warning signs, like other Florida resorts do. But wild alligators don’t fit the Disney image, so they were no proper warnings, and a child died for no reason. – Carl Hiaasen • The government competes in the private sector the way an alligator competes with a duck. – Mike Pence • The Marquis sighed. “I thought it was just a legend,” he said. “Like the alligators in the sewers of New York City.” Old Bailey nodded, sagely: “What, the big white buggers? They’re down there. I had a friend lost a head to one of them.” A moment of silence. Old Naeiley handed the statue back to the Marquis. Then he raised his hand, and snapped it, like a crocodile hand, at the Carabas. “It was OK,” gurned Old Bailey with a grin that was most terrible to behold. “He had another. – Neil Gaiman • The sensation of writing a book is the sensation of spinning, blinded by love and daring. It is the sensation of a stunt pilot’s turning barrel rolls, or an inchworm’s blind rearing from a stem in search of a route. At its worst, it feels like alligator wrestling, at the level of the sentence. – Annie Dillard • There’s a lot of time sitting in movies, so you can put alligators in people’s trailers in your spare time. So it [making a film] moves slower, which in some ways is great, because you can live with a scene and invest in it a lot. And in some ways it’s hard, because sometimes you can start to lose your energy a little bit, but both are fun. – Mary-Louise Parker • They will do more whether we do what we’re doing or whether we don’t do what we’re doing. And the idea that you could appease them [terrorists] by stopping doing what we’re doing or some implication that by doing what we’re doing we’re inciting them to attack us is just utter nonsense. It’s just – it’s kind of like feeding an alligator, hoping it eats you last. – Donald Rumsfeld • Three million alligators were killed in Florida between 1880 and 1900. Goody! – Will Cuppy • Turn the goddam music up! My heart feels like an alligator! – Hunter S. Thompson • Unoka went into an inner room and soon returned with a small wooden disc containing a kola nut, some alligator pepper and a lump of white chalk. “I have kola,” he announced when he sat down, and passed the disc over to his guest. “Thank you. He who brings kola brings life. But I think you ought to break it,” replied Okoye passing back the disc. “No, it is for you, I think,” and they argued like this for a few moments before Unoka accepted the honor of breaking the kola. Okoye, meanwhile, took the lump of chalk, drew some lines on the floor, and then painted his big toe. – Chinua Achebe • Well, Im wrestling alligators. – Claire McCaskill • What is a turducken? An exclusive culinary creation available by special order from some little Cajun town down south. Entirely deboned, a turducken consists of a turkey, stuffed with duck, stuffed with a chicken, like an edible Russian nesting doll. Some were stuffed with alligator, crap, shrimp; my favorite was the traditional cornbread variety. – S.A. Bodeen • When Amos Moses was a boy his daddy would use him for alligator bait, tie a rope around his neck and throw him in the swamp. – Jerry Reed • When I was a little kid, I was the first kid in my neighborhood to have a pet alligator. – Benicio Del Toro • When I was young, I had a big problem with warts. It started with one on the side of my little finger. A year later, I had it on all my fingers. My hands looked like the hands of an alligator. So I fist bumped people instead of shaking hands for a few years. – Berhan Ahmed • When we were shooting in Shreveport, me and a couple of friends went down to Lafayette, because they had a big Zydeco music festival down there. We spent two days dancing to Zydeco music, eating fried alligator… It was one of the craziest festivals I’ve ever been to in my life, but I loved it. – Alexander Skarsgard • Writing fantasy lets me imagine a great deal more than, say, writing about alligators, and lets me write about places more distant than Florida, but I can tell you things about Florida and alligators, let you make the connection all on your own. – Terry Brooks • Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators. – Richard Miller • You know you’re old when someone compliments you on your alligator shoes, and you’re barefoot. – Phyllis Diller • You’ve got forever; and somehow you can’t do much with it. You’ve got forever; and it’s a mile wide and an inch deep and full of alligators. – Jim Thompson
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maswartz · 5 years
Fakemon Ideas
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
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maswartz · 6 years
Fakemon Ideas
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
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maswartz · 6 years
Fakemon Ideas
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
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maswartz · 6 years
Fakemon ideas
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
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maswartz · 7 years
Fakemon Ideas for use!
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
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coolcancunyachts · 4 years
Examining Nature in Mexico is an Unforgettable Adventure
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After spending many vacations in Cancun, Mexico, I decided to take the plunge and move there to study the beautiful nature I'd admired in my previous trips. Having lived many years in the comfort and safety of American suburbia, it was time for some adventure. After learning Spanish, I went to the Yucatan and rented a home in suburban Playa del Carmen, and hired myself a maid. Then, with help from hired guides and friends, I visited a variety of remote places in the Mexican jungles. It was an unforgettable experience to see a variety of animals in their natural habitats.
The ever-growing city of Playa del Carmen is an hour south of Cancun and easily accessed by public buses. Both cities are on the Caribbean Sea, where coral reefs abound up and down the coastline. The beauty of pure white, limestone sand, and richly colored, turquoise water of the ocean drew me down there. Being a nature artist, I was fascinated by the plants and animals of the region. Armed with my cameras, drawing paper, and pens, I got to work drawing and photographing bugs, birds, plants, and anything else exotic. Soon, my artwork landed me a job as the main illustrator for a large nature park called Xcaret.
Whenever I had a drawing to deliver to my employer, I would board the employee bus for Xcaret, and then walk down a long, back jungle path next to the park to the office. These walks fascinated me, the path was directly next to fenced enclosures for their zoo and aviary. Flamingoes, spider monkeys, and a harpy eagle were animals I could see the best from the path. One time I made the mistake of giving one of the monkeys a cookie, only to see the other monkeys chase after him to steal it, trying to beat him up! I quickly got out a couple more cookies and gave the rest to them, to avoid the original monkey from getting hurt. They all sat there munching peacefully as I snuck off, hoping nobody saw.
In Mexico, you will see iguanas in nature frequently. As I walked down the nature path on my way to work, there was a rustling in the big tree near me. I looked up only to see a large, 6-foot green iguana male with bright orange fringe on his back, in the canopy of the tree. He looked down at me. I remember people telling me that iguanas are good eating, taste like chicken, and that they are called "chicken of the tree". I never found out if that was true or not, but then, I wasn't about to go eating iguanas. Nope, I'm not that adventurous in my dining choices. Black iguanas can be seen usually sitting one per rock pile. Everywhere there were rocks, were male iguanas sunning themselves. Interesting creatures. In Chankanaab Park (on the island of Cozumel) there is a huge iguana that walks around public areas, oblivious to the humans that walk past it. It will bite if petted, the park employee told me. So, I took photos of it and kept my distance.
Another lizard that was interesting and plentiful, was Basiliscus Basiliscus, the basilisk. There are a few varieties of basilisk to be found in Mexico. It can run on water if it gets scared enough, and I witnessed it after scaring one unintentionally. Later, I found a smaller one and drew it for my job, they have intense eyes, looking very serious. When I was finished drawing him, he ran upright into the jungle, glad to be free of the big, scary human with whom he'd spent a few hours with.
The jungles of Mexico are fascinating, but I would never recommend walking off your path into one. First off, the foliage is very dense. Second, there are critters in there that can hurt you if provoked, namely scorpions, snakes, and spiders. Look, but don't touch. I have seen all of these, and have paid people to remove them from my home. Scorpions will come after you if they are agitated. Back away quickly, wherever they cannot follow. The lighter-colored ones, I was told, are more dangerous than the black ones. There are tarantulas in Mexico, and they are big but not aggressive thank goodness. I had a red-kneed tarantula taken away from the front of my door once. My maid used to throw out other spiders she found inside, and laugh when I would be freaked out by them. "This? It's harmless!" she'd tell me. Yuck. I took her word for it.
As for snakes, there are a few that are reason enough not to go walking alone in the jungle. First, there are huge boa constrictors. My ex-husband was called by the ladies next door, to remove a 6-foot boa out of their rental flat. They said it just slithered into the open back door. Lesson learned, never leave an open door to your house if you live close to the jungle. Then, there is a crimson-colored snake the locals called Coralio. I don't know its scientific name, but it was beautiful but deadly. A man who lived near me had a whole apartment full of snakes, and he showed them to me up close. Snakes are interesting but it pays to watch where you step since my ex and I nearly stepped on one during an evening walk. There are other snakes to watch out for, but these are the kinds that we saw. All snakes will mind their own business if unprovoked, it seems, trouble seems to be when humans aren't paying attention and step on one by mistake. So, it pays to watch where you walk.
Then there were the amazing birds. With a gorgeous variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, birds in Mexico are exotic and fascinating. My favorites were the toco toucan, motmot, curassows, Yucatan jay, cinnamon-colored cuckoo, and pileated woodpecker, and violaceous trogon (a relative of the resplendent quetzal). They had a knack for showing themselves whenever I didn't have my camera with me. I did draw and take notes of what I saw, then look them up later. There was a bird that was so colorful that locals called it, "siete colores" (seven colors). After looking it up, I identified it as a painted bunting. Another bird locals call "echo Amarillo"(yellow breast), otherwise known as the great kiskadee, used to sit outside my window and yell, "Eeee, Eeee!" at the top of his lungs. We used to call back at him, and he'd answer. Very funny bird.
In Playa del Carmen, there is an outdoor aviary, built into the jungle, in the Playacar section. I went in there and walked around, to see the different birds that usually are hidden by the jungle. One bird took a fancy to me, barred curassow who followed me everywhere. She was my feathered tour guide and posed for photos freely. I finally got to see a chachalaca up close, a relative to a turkey, that is shy, loud (its call sounds like a rusty meat grinder), and travels in groups. Also, there were red ibis, more flamingos, egrets, and much more. The aviary is a must-see if you visit Playacar.
Another interesting natural sector in the Yucatan was all the bugs. Insects of every kind, in great quantities. I could've done without all the mosquitoes, though, thank goodness for bug repellent. My favorites were the butterflies. Sometimes when driving down remote roads, we came across undulating masses of various butterflies colored yellow, white, or black. Monarch butterflies also migrate in large groups down to Mexico, I saw them once, too. The most beautiful butterfly I came across in the wild, in my opinion, was the morpho butterfly. It has large iridescent blue wings, wasn't as common as other butterflies, and preferred the privacy of non-populated areas like fields and jungles. There was another butterfly that was big, brown and with its wings closed, was the size of a large dinner plate. It was called an owl butterfly and flew slowly. I got really close to him and he seemed unafraid. He had patterns on his wings that were like numbers. Fascinating.
Beetles. Ahh, beetles..not very graceful, and apparently not all that bright, but endearing with their less than graceful antics. There were golden scarab beetles that used to fly into my window as I was working, frequently. They usually landed on their backs with their feet flailing helplessly in the air. Eventually, the situation would rely on me turning them right-side-up, some would then fly off, others would somehow end up on their backs again. It was odd, but I took the opportunity to draw these metallically colored insects, who looked as if they were gilded in brushed gold.
Grasshoppers and katydids are in large quantity in the jungles of the Yucatan. There are so many varieties of grasshoppers, I lost count. As for katydids. their bodies are gigantic, the size of a sparrow. I caught one, to draw him, then when I let him go off my balcony, he flew away in a straight path. His big, green body was visible for a very long time as he flapped off into the sunset, it was surreal.
Sea creatures and fish are plentiful in the Caribbean Sea. Though the reefs are endangered and show signs of damage, they are still beautiful. Every day, I'd snorkel in the low-traffic area near my home. It was serene to get to the beach early in the morning, pick up a few shells that washed up on shore, then make my spot on the beach. I'd snorkel until my body got cold, every day. There weren't many large predators in the areas I swam in, due to the broken walls that run up and down the coast, separating the shores from the deeper, ocean water. Once in a while, a barracuda would find its way into the reef area, my, what big teeth they have. Out there, you can see dolphins playing in the waves made by large yachts or ferries. Bottle-nosed dolphins are very social creatures and seem unafraid of humans. Some of the most memorable smaller fish and creatures I saw were brittle starfish (they live under rocks and will climb off your hand quickly if you try to hold one), octopus, conch, sea turtles, moray eels, blue tangs, and of course, those feisty damselfish. Though I haven't gotten my scuba license, I went on a few professional scuba tours where the water was so shallow, snorkeling was possible. Tours are great for finding gorgeous coral gardens that aren't visible to everyone else. The prettiest ones I saw were near the town of Puerto Morelos.
Other places I liked to explore were the Cenotes Azul, and Dos Ojos. Cenotes are brackish water natural bodies of water that the Mayan Indians used to build their villages around. Now, they sit in the jungle and tourists enter them to go cave diving. Underneath the Yucatan is an elaborate network of caves that attract cave-divers from all over the world. Not me, I preferred just swimming in the crystal clear water in the mouth of the cenotes and observing the fish I saw. One of the cenotes had fish that I'd seen in pet stores back in the US, swimming there naturally. Jack Dempsey fish and green sailfin mollies, along with a kind of livebearer fish I didn't recognize. They were very colorful, and the Dempseys, being combative cichlids who like to pick on one another, had tattered fins. But, all the fish were very healthy. What a wonder it is to swim among them in their natural habitat. The nature around cenotes is interesting, too. I saw a basilisk run across the water when I swam too close to him, and a duck that would dive for fish and stay underwater for a long time. Nature abounds in and around cenotes.
The nature of Mexico is plentiful and beautiful in all its forms. The tropical, hot climate brings out flora and fauna, unlike anything I've ever seen in my home state of Ohio, or even in my current state of Florida. Living among the lush jungles, hearing jungle frogs sing at night, and spending time with my wonderful Mexican co-workers, guides and friends changed my life. By being respectful of nature (look, don't touch) and watching where you walk, you will see clouds of butterflies, brilliantly colored birds, and animals like coatimundis, agoutis, and others normally only seen in zoos. My employer promoted the preservation of Mexico's wildlife, and it was my honor to do artwork of all things natural for them. I miss walking the jungle path to their office weekly and seeing the zoo animals, as well as the wild ones in the trees. If you love nature, make sure to visit Mexico and go on tours to see the beauty of the wild, but with professionals who know where to take you. It will be an experience you will appreciate and remember forever.
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maswartz · 6 years
Fakemon Ideas
If anyone would like to draw any of these or use them in a fan game feel free to do so. All I ask is credit for the idea. By the way I came up with most of the ideas before Gen V was even an idea.
New Type is Strong against - S, New Type is Weak against - W, Neutral - =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb the element of light. Many if not most pokemon with this type exhibit an honorable personality Examples of existing pokemon who would get this type are the Musketeer Quartet (replaces fighting), Shinx line, Volbeat/Illumise and the Mime line Examples of moves with this type are Flash, Light Screen, and a move I thought of called Prism Parade (the pokemon rushes towards the foe and splits as if they were filtered through a prism and strikes the foe anywhere from 1-7 times) Normal- = Fighting- = Fire- = Water- W (water scatters light) Flying- S (Light blinds them) Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- W (Light doesn’t reach that far underground) Rock- = Psychic- = Ice- S (Light heats and melts ice) Bug- S (Bugs are drawn to light) Ghost- S (Light dispels ghosts) Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- = Fairy- = Sound- =
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Pokemon with this type can emit, control, and absorb sound waves Examples of existing pokemon with the Sound type are the Jigglypuff line, the Whismur line, Chatot, Meloetta, Examples of moves with this type are screech, supersonic, perish song, and others Normal- = Fighting- S (the loud noises distract the fighter) Fire- S (the shockwaves put out the fire) Water- S (Water increases sound so it backfires against the water pokemon) Flying- = Poison- = Grass- = Elec- = Ground- = Rock- = Psychic- S (the noises prevent them from focusing) Ice- = Bug- = Ghost- = Dragon- = Dark- = Steel- W (the sound bounces off the metal) Fairy- = Fakemon under the cut PLEASE READ THEM
Burnbun (burn+ bunny) Bunny Pokémon 2 ft tall 5 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like Bun-Bun from sluggy freelance on fire (small bunny on fire) Dex- Burnbun are known to reside in vast fields. Many crops fall victim to a mischievous Burnbun. Lvl 20 evolves into Pyrabit Pyrabit (pyro+ Rabbit) Rabbit Pokémon 4 ft tall 10 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks like the Monty Python rabbit with its ears on fire Dex- Pyrabit use the flames on their ears to light up the dark tunnels they live in. Lvl 41 evolves into Torchare Torchare (Torch+ Hare) Hare Pokémon 6 ft tall 20 lbs Fire/Ground Type Looks a little like bugs bunny with a flame instead of a tail Dex- Torchare prefer to stay in the sun instead of the tunnels. They will attack anyone they think is attacking their home. Pronin (Proton + Ronin) Ronin Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Light/Steel Type Small humanoid with a small staff weapon Dex- Pronin train all day and night for the day they become Samuray Lvl 20 evolves into Samuray Samuray (Samurai + ray) Samurai Pokémon 5ft tall 40 lbs Light/Steel Type Taller humanoid wearing some samurai armor and holding a katana Dex- Their katana are said to move faster than light. They are so dedicated to their duty that many use them as bodyguards. Evolve at lvl 40 into Shogleam Shogleam (Shogun + gleam) Shogun Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Light/Steel Type Even taller humanoid wearing complete set of Japanese armor wielding a blade staff. Dex- Shogleam have been known to lend their skills and strength to causes they deem honorable. Squade (squire + shade) Squire Pokémon 4ft tall 20 lbs Dark/Steel Type Small humanoid in very basic medieval armor, small dagger and shield. Dex- Every Squade follows a Midknight around and assists it. When not helping out they are training. Evolves at lvl 20 into Midknight Midknight (Midnight + knight) Knight Pokémon 5ft tall 50 lbs Dark/ Steel Type Larger humanoid in suit of armor, wields a mace and shield Dex- It is the duty of a Midknight to fight for and defend their Darex. Evolves at lvl 40 into Darex Darex (dark + Rex) King Pokémon 6ft tall 60 lbs Dark/Steel Type Even larger humanoid in a fancy suit of kingly armor and crown, wields a scepter with the top of a mace on top of it and a shield Dex- It is said that Darex from different areas will send their best Midknight to do battle once a year. Decibelle Sound type it looks like a small humanoid with bells for hands and carries a small banjo like object, on its back is a small speaker Lvl 15 evolves into Ampt Sound type Looks like a medium sized humanoid with the same bells for hands and carries a larger guitar with more details, the speaker on the back is bigger and has dials now Lvl 32 evolves into Konsert Sound type Looks like an adult sized humanoid with larger bells for hands and carries a dual headed guitar also should look similar to the stereotypical rock star, the speaker on the back is larger and all the dials are on 11 Tridantis Water Type Trident Pokémon Fish with trident for tail Name- Trident+Atlantis=Tridantis Lvl 23 evolve into Nepiden Water Type Titan Pokémon Fish upright with crown wields tridents Name-Neptune+ Poseidon= Nepiden Grazelle/Grasselle/or Graselle Grass/Fighting Type Gazelle (sp) Pokémon Looks like a Gazelle/Antelope with tree branches for horns and shrubs for its mane-esque thing Strong hooves and horns to fight off predators and is swift to evade the stronger threats Vibrant Ant Pokémon Ground/Sound Type Vibrant is a big ant-like Pokémon with “satellite dishes” on its’ antenna, Vibrant is blind from a life spent mostly underground so it has adapted to see with echolocation which doubles as a way to defend itself from predators using sound attacks. Vulcano Blacksmith Pokémon Fire/Steel Type Vulcano use their hammer to forge items for those who treat them kindly but if they are treated wrong they leave faults in the items Lizard like in appearance, visor, hammer glows with lines of fire Name- Vulcan (god of blacksmiths) + Volcano= Vulcano Mime Sr./ Mimelder Pantomime Pokémon Psychic Type Evolves from Mr. Mime at Lvl 45 Carries a cane and is crouched (sp) over, coloring should be like a street mime (i.e. black suit) Mesduck Water/Psychic Type Duckling Pokémon Looks like a small baby duck, white colored, veins on the head form a brain like pattern Evolves into Psyduck with Happiness. Tentaken Evolves from Tentacruel at Lvl 50 Almost same size as Wailord The two end tentacles have claws (the mandibles from tentacruel) Water/Poison Type Kraken Pokémon Typhloon Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Typhloon looks like a good sized bird (5ft wing span) with rain falling from its wings, it’s mostly blue with gray features. No evolutions Huricrane Water/Flying Type Storm Bird Pokémon Huricrane looks like a crane with a storm cloud for a torso, mostly gray with blue features. No evolutions Dolux Water/Light Type Dolphin Pokémon Dolux uses it light abilities to see in the depths of the oceans. It is friendly towards people Name- Dolphin + Lux (Latin for light)= Dolux Aquleo Water Type Sea Lion Pokémon Aquleo is a lion that lives near and in coves and bays. It is usually the top of the food chain in its location. Blue with a swirling mass of water for a mane. Paws, tip of tail, and ears are white. Name- Aqua (water)+ Leo (lion)= Aquleo Tigreal Rock Type Cave Tiger Pokémon Tigreal is a tiger that lives near and in quarries and inside caves. It is usually near the top of the food chain in its location. Brown with orange stripes made of different types of rocks. Teeth are similar in appearance (sp) to stalactites (sp), claws are like diamonds. Name- Tigre (Spanish for tiger) + Mineral= Tigreal Aerolf (aero + wolf) Air Type Sky Wolf Pokémon No evolutions When it howls the winds increase in strength and they can run faster than the wind. Caninero (canine + inferno) Fire Type Lava Hound Pokémon No evolutions Tracks its prey by using their heat (see in thermal vision) hunts as pack. Cutis Bug Type Mantis Pokémon Cutis is the prevolution of Scyther. It is about the size of Elekid and is a darker shade of green then Scyther. Its wings are unable to hold its weight so it cannot fly, it has smaller sickles for hands and is more similar in appearance to a real mantis then Scyther is. Name- Cut+ Mantis= Cutis Nipsect/Pinsect Pinching Pokémon Bug Type Small maroon or gray with tiny brown pinchers Evolves into Pinsur with happiness Name- Nip+ insect= Nipsect Mageist Fire/Ghost type Poltergeist Pokémon Ghost formed of flames Name- Magma+ Poltergeist= Mageist Clouderm Ground/Wind Type Elephant Pokémon Looks like an elephant roughly the size of Donphan Colors-Blue, White, Gray, Clouds and fog surround body Able to produce gusts of wind using trunk and whirlwinds with ears Travel in packs, mothers protect the young Gatiny Normal Type Kitten Pokémon Mix of Meowth and Skitty Evolves at Lvl 13 If happiness is above 50= Skitty If Happiness is below 50=Meowth Name- Gato + tiny= Gatiny Unasea Water Type Eel Pokémon Looks like an eel with various horns No evolution Name- Unagi (Japanese for freshwater eel)+ sea= Unasea Farflung Fighting/Flying Type Eagle Pokémon Large eagle with same color scheme as Farfetch’d Always hovering In talons either has one large leet/stick or two smaller sticks/leets Evolves at Lvl 30 Orangusang Sound Type Conductor Pokémon Looks like a mix of a conductor and an Orangutan When groups of Orangusang gather their songs fill the jungle with beautiful music No evolution Name- Orangutan+sang=Orangusang Piscero Water/Flying Type Flying Fish Pokémon Looks like a fish like Pokémon with wings instead of fins Can fly but needs to find water every few hours or they will die. Normally found in rain storms or over oceans No evolution Name- Pisces (Latin for fish) + aero (Latin for air/flight)= Piscero Watthog Electric Type Warthog Pokémon Looks like Pumba with two battery like objects sticking out of its back and lightning passing between the tusks. No Evolutions Kolanda Normal Type Bear Pokémon Mix of koala and panda bears Usually reside in tall trees in groups Chimix Dark/Poison Type Chimera Pokémon The size of a small car Snake for a tail, Head and horns of a Ram, and body, claws, and teeth of a Lion Resides in deep dark caves. Snake head attacks with poison moves. Minlix Stone Worm Pokémon Rock/Ground Type Mate male Steelix and female Onix to get Minlix Evolves into Onix with happiness Small horn on forehead and some lines/veins of magma along body Smaller and more rocky/jagged then Onix Name- Mineral + Onix + Steelix= Minlix Kangaskid Joey Pokémon Normal Type The baby form of Kangaskhan and Gengroo Weak in attack and defense Evolves into Kangaskhan if Female and Gengroo if Male at Lvl 15 Gengaroo Parent Pokémon Normal Type A spikier (sp) and sturdier version of Kangaskhan with reversed color scheme Faster but not as strong attack wise All male species Calfle/Moxen Calf Pokémon Normal Type Bred from a Tauros and a Miltank Looks like a calf with features from both the parents Evolves at Lvl 15: Male=Taruos Female=Miltank Thundrex Electric Type Thunder Lizard Pokémon Revived from Tooth Fossil T-Rex with a Lightning Bolt running down its spine Color Scheme- Yellow and grey Fires blasts of electricity to stun its prey. No evolutions Woodril Drill Beak Pokémon Flying/Steel type No Evolutions Woodpecker with drill for beak Phobix Fear Pokémon Ghost Type No evolutions Ghostly Scarecrow Uses fear to attack Hexen (hex + Vixen) Human Shape Pokémon Ice/ Psychic type Evolves from Jynx at lvl 45 Taller humanoid female like Jynx wearing a kimono holding fans Mammist Mammoth Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Revived from the Tusk Fossil Although it appears to be shivering Mammist is protected from the intense cold by its thick fur Ability- Thick Fur Evolves at level 35 into Cyrodon Mastodon Pokemon Ice/Rock Type Ability- Thick Fur With its tusks and thick fur there were very few predators that could harm Cyrodons. It used its trunk to shoot ice at enemies Spittaur Spitting Pokemon Poison type Revived from the Frill Fossil Spittaur spend most of the day practicing spitting. From birth their spit is very acidic Ability- Toxic Skin Evolves at level 35 into Acidilo Acidic Pokemon Poison Type Its frill is now bigger and has barbs on the side to further spread its poison Ability- Toxic Skin Savash Ruthless Pokemon Dark/Ground Type Revived from the Razor Fossil Said to be one of the most relentless hunters of the ancient world, this saber-toothed pokemon would use its claws to cut through any obstacle in its way Ability- Deep Cut- Breaks any defense Siruel Siren Pokemon Fairy/Dark Type They use illusions to lure their prey into a trap. They are able to see what their target most desires and use it against them Ability-Foresight Groach Roach Pokemon Poison/Bug type Seen in hordes in dumps Ability- Toxic skin Cobrite Cobbler Pokemon Fairy/Steel type Said to help kind people with work Ability- Fairy Aura Holidaze Holiday Pokemon Fairy/Electric type Drawn to the sounds and lights of the holidays Holidaze are mostly seen imitating Christmas lights. Ability- Static Tocktic Clock Pokemon Psychic/Steel Type Uses time based powers Looks like a living grandfather clock with a staff made from the hands of a clock Ability- Time lock- prevents any items from affecting speed Veeare Virtual Pokemon Electric/Ghost Type A ghost given form via virtual reality Ability- Data Scan- can predict enemy attacks Dolpherno Dolphin Pokemon Fire/Water Type Produces boiling water from its blowhole Ability- Scald Cannice Frost Puppy Pokemon Ice Type Cannice practice their tracking skills day and night Ability- Odor Sleuth Evolves at level 25 into Yukound Tracking Pokemon Ice Type Yukound can track a person throughout an entire mountain range without loosing the scent Ability- Odor Sleuth Romumer (Romulus + Remus) Armor Wolf Pokemon Steel Type Romumer’s fur grows in patterns similar to roman gladiators, its tail can cut through metal Ability- Rivalry Grubble Gremlin Pokemon Rock Type Grubble are found mostly in caves, they carry a rock to fend off attackers Ability- Earthbound- Prevents flinching while on rocky terrain Evolves at level 16 Gobill Goblin Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Gobill are often seen crawling along the ceiling of dark caves, they carry a broken stalactite Ability- Earthbound Evolves at level 36 Mougre Ogre Pokemon Rock/Fighting type Only seen in the deepest part of caves despite their fearsome appearance they have been known to rescue people trapped by cave-ins, they carry a giant club of rock Ability- Earthbound Coltning Small Horse Pokemon Electric type Legend says that Coltning are born when two bolts of lightning strike the same spot Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 16 Galloplt Galloping Pokemon Elec/Steel type Galloplt are often spotted during large thunder storms Ability- Motor Drive Evolves at level 36 Thundorse Thunder Horse Pokemon Elec/Steel type It is said that Thundorse can run faster than lightning Ability- Motor Drive Tempu Pecking Pokemon Flying type Large groups of Tempu gather on rooftops during windy days Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 16 Tengale Gale Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Using their psychic powers Tengale increase the power of their wind Ability- Big Peck Evolves at level 36 Tornadai Tornado Pokemon Flying/Psychic type Tornadai usually reside in the center of strong tornadoes Ability- Big Peck Fairret Trickster Pokemon Fairy/Ground type Fairret love to play harmless pranks on people traveling through the woods however if they come across a lost hiker they will show them the way out Ability- Prankster Scorpyro Flame Scorpion Pokemon Fire/Poison type Scorpyro have flame shaped claws, it is said that being stung by a Scorpyro is one of the most painful experiences on the planet. Their venom actually burns the victim as it poisons them Ability- Poison Touch Swartt Thunder Insect Pokemon Elec/Bug type The pincers of Swartt have an electric current traveling between them. They use this current to stun prey. Ability- Swarm Splacick Hatching Pokemon Water Type Splacick can shoot a jet of water from their mouth to knock bugs into the water. Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 15 Hyduck Duck Pokemon Water/Flying type Hyduck love to fly during rain storms Ability- Drizzle Evolves at level 35 Swave Swan Pokemon Water/Flying type Swave produce jets of water from their wings Ability- Drizzle Windbot Wind-Up Pokemon Steel Type Ability- Wind-Up (when at critical health speed raises) Evolves at level 16 Battbot Battery Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Recharge (when at critical health attacks have a chance to restore small amount of health) Evolves at level 36 Mechbot Mecha Pokemon Steel/Elec Type Ability- Overdrive (When at critical health attack raises) Cheweak Chewing Pokemon Normal Type Ability- Overbite (boosts any biting attacks) Evolves at level 16 Mouphse Gnawing Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Evolves at level 36 Rodooth Biting Pokemon Normal/Ground Type Ability- Overbite Snorb Snowball Pokemon Ice Type Looks like a living snowball Ability- Ice body Evolves at level 16 Flurrost Frost Pokemon Ice/Water Type Two snowballs on top of each other, two small icicles for arms Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Bliceard Blizzard Pokemon Ice/Water Type Snowman with arms made of ice Ability- Ice Body Valmander Valor Pokemon Dragon Type It is said that Valmander seek out only trainers with true valor in their hearts Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 16 Drave Brave Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type The more courageous their trainer is the hotter their flames burn Ability- Flame Body Evolves at level 36 Couragon Courage Pokemon Dragon/Fire Type Only the bravest of the brave will not be burned by their flame Ability- Flame Body Orangutrain Training Pokemon Fighting Type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 16 Gorring Wrestling Pokemon Fighting/Normal type Ability- Inner Focus Evolves at level 36 Chimpion Champ Pokemon Fighting/Normal Type Ability- Inner Focus Mortease Rigor Mortis Pokemon Ghost Type Mortease are usually seen in grave yards gathering power from the dead Ability- Necromancy (increases power for every fainted pokemon in the party) Evolves at level 16 Voodoom Voodoo Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Voodoom are known to appear as soon as the day after a funeral to absorb the power of the dead Ability- Necromancy Evolves at level 36 Necruel Necromancer Pokemon Ghost/Dark Type Necruel are often followed by the souls they have harnessed for power Ability- Necromancy Beatboxer Dance Battle Pokemon Elec/Fighting Type Beatboxer are seen near loud music dancing to the music and even synchronize their blows to the beat Ability- Own Tempo These are my ideas for a series of legendary Fakemon based on the Four Symbols of the cardinal directions in Chinese mythology as well as the general idea of the Zodiac Basically you’d be given a compass that you follow to find the four Cardinal pokemon Azugon Eastern Dragon Pokemon Dragon/Grass Type Found inside an ancient forest deep within a massive tree Ability- Grass Pelt Verid Southern Phoenix Pokemon Flying/Ghost Type Found in a mountain above the remains of a battlefield from long ago Ability- Gale Wings Whitger Western Tiger Pokemon Steel/Ground Type Found in a valley covered in shining armor Ability- Tough Claws Blatle Northern Turtle Pokemon Rock/Ice Type Found in a desert surrounded by a blinding sand storm, has a rocky shell and a freezing cold body Ability- Shell Armor After you catch all four Cardinal Pokemon you are pointed in the direction of the fifth legendary Zodeon Aether Zodiac Pokemon Fairy/Psychic Type Found during a meteor shower, has a body that looks like a chart of stars Ability- Solar Power Slimoss Moss Pokemon Grass Type Is usually found in meadows and forests feeding on moss Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 16 Molloot Root Pokemon Grass/Ground Type Found feeding on roots along the ground, A shell resembling a seed has begun to form on its back Ability- Liquid Ooze Evolves at level 36 Arbail Arbor Pokemon Grass/Ground Type The slime left by its trail has similar properties to fertilizer, the shell on its back now resembles an acorn Ability- Liquid Ooze Stompig Stomping Pokemon Ground Type These small piglet pokemon stomp hard on the ground to kick up minerals and fungus to eat Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 16 Swike Swine Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Tusks made of hard rock have begun to grow Ability- Pickup Evolves at level 36 Quog Hog Pokemon Ground/Rock Type Its tusks are now hard enough to cut through dirt and stone with ease Ability- Pickup Spidread Dread Pokemon Poison Type This spider pokemon spins its web in the woods and has been known to wait for days until it catches its prey Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 16 Scarchnid Arachnid Pokemon Poison/Dark Type These pokemon can throw their webbing like a rope, the venom of Scarchnid can paralyze a grown adult for days Ability- Arena Trap Evolves at level 36 Terrotula Terror Pokemon Poison/Dark Type Even the webbing of this pokemon is oozing with its dangerous venom Ability- Arena Trap Kamantis Masked Pokemon Bug/Fighting Type This pokemon has been seen defending weaker pokemon who cannot defend themselves, using its strong legs it leaps high into the air and launches a devastating kick attack to the opposing pokemon (resembles a mix of a mantis and a grasshopper with elements of the original Kamen Rider mixed in) Ability- Compound Eyes Cerborm Empathy Pokemon Psychic Type Cereborm are usually found near scenes of negative emotions, they actually feed upon them Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 16 Mesmeryte Mesmerizing Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type Some therapists use Mesmeryte to help patients calm themselves and move past traumatic events Ability- Telepathy Evolves at level 36 Parapsyte Therapy Pokemon Psychic/Bug Type All those near Parapsyte feel only positive emotions as the pokemon feeds upon negative ones Ability- Telepathy Puppyro Fire Puppy Pokemon Fire Type Puppyro huddle together in caves and howl on cold nights while the parents gather food, their combined effort creates a flame to warm them all Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Flabo Flame Canine Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Flabo reside near volcanoes and are known to dive into the magma itself to bathe Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Vulcolf Volcano Wolf Pokemon Fire/Rock Type Vulcolf make their den within the volcano itself Ability- Blaze Battoon Moon Bat Pokemon Dark Type Battoon sleep all day hanging upside down within dark caves Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 16 Echolene Selene Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type Their wings have razor sharp edges which they use to cut down obstacles in their path Ability- Shadow Tag Evolves at level 36 Vamplune Lunar Bat Pokemon Dark/Flying Type It is said that Vamplune can see perfectly in complete darkness Ability- Shadow Tag Ripupae Pupae Pokemon Bug Type Ripupae are found in places usually associated with death Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 16 Maghost Maggot Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type An old legend say that the appearance of a Maghost revealed the culprit of a heinous crime Ability- Swarm Evolves at level 36 Scareb Scarab Pokemon Bug/Ghost Type Many believe that Scareb are the embodiment of the wrath of the unjustly killed Ability- Swarm Healite Healer Pokemon Fairy Type Healite can be found in the wild tending to the wounded Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Mercit Mercy Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type Mercit gather near the gravely injured and combine their efforts to save them Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Saviry Savior Pokemon Fairy/Normal Type There are numerous accounts of people and pokemon near death suddenly being saved by the appearance of a Saviry Ability- Healer Yakurn Freezer Burn Pokemon Ice/Fire Type A large Yak like pokemon, Yakurn can produce intense flame to warm itself in even the coldest conditions Ability- Flash Fire Mirrusion Mirror Pokemon Light/Fairy Type Mirrusion hide inside mirrors, most people only see them in the corner of their eye Ability- Magic Bounce Chaboa Charm Pokemon Sound/Poison Type Chaboa use their melody to communicate with other Chaboa Ability- Shed Skin Traineu Apprentice Pokemon Fighting Type Inexperienced but strong Traineu set out to become great warriors Ability- Guts Evolves at level 20 Herorrior Hero Pokemon Light/Fighting Type Herorrior are often seen assisting other pokemon and even people in danger Ability- Justified Evolves via happiness from Traineu Vilent Villain Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type Vilent have given up on their dreams and now set out to cause chaos and mayhem Ability- Anger Point Evolves via unhappiness from Traineu Neanthud Neanderthal Pokemon Rock/Ground Type Revived from the Club Fossil Neanthud used a rock club to hunt and fend off predators Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 25 Speave Cave Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Speave used metal from the ground to make spears to defend and attack. Ability- Rock Head Fishorod Fishing Pokemon Water/Steel Type Looks like a fisherman with hooks for hands that it uses to catch its food Ability- Arena Trap Despairado Bandit Pokemon Dark/Steel Type Is known to ambush people traveling in the desert and steel things, fortunately it usually takes useless objects Ability- Pick Pocket Gorgranit Gorgon Pokemon Stone/Poison Type The venom of a Gorgranit is known to cause a sensation similar to being turned to stone inspiring many myths about this pokemon Ability- Poison Point Descald Oasis Pokemon Fire/Water Type This crab pokemon is found in desert oasis, the water in its shell is at boiling temperature Ability- Sand Veil Fivy Flame plant Pokemon Grass/Fire Type Fivy resembles a venus fly trap but utilizes fire moves to weaken its prey Ability- Strong Jaw Coaler Miner Pokemon Rock/Steel Type Coaler are found in deep caves digging for the minerals they eat   Ability-  Pickup Evolves at level 25 Shinmond Diamond Pokemon Steel/Rock Type Shinmond are coated in diamonds formed from minerals that covered their body as a Coaler Ability- Battle Armor Gremence Haywire Pokemon Fairy/Electric Type Gremence are known to cause mayhem with machines and vehicles by entering them and going wild. Some can even control them. Ability- Motor Drive Enbox Toy Pokemon Fairy Type Enbox have a box like outer shell protecting their true self which appears to attack and inspect its environment Ability- Magic Bounce Atornal Lone Warrior Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Legend says that during an ancient war Atornal was tricked into betraying his master leading to a horrible massacre. Since that day Atornal has walked the world seeking redemption for his actions. Even now he protects the weak. Ability- Sturdy Honi Honor Bound Pokemon Dark/Fighting Type It’s said that if a person wins the respect of an Honi (either through strength or by kindness) they will pledge their loyalty to them. A folk tale says that a man was saved from a group of Honi when one of them stepped forward and showed the others that the man had tended to a wound earlier. Honi in the wilderness will often use clubs while those closer to civilization will use swords Ability- Intimidate Toogie Spitting Pokemon Poison Type Toogie attack by spitting a toxic acid. They can fire this an incredible distance hitting a target at least one football field away. Ability- Poison Heal Sashstomp Bigfoot Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Sashstomp live deep in the forest and vines and moss grow on their fur. They avoid people if possible but if threatened they will attack Ability- Leaf Guard Gharm Ghost Warrior Pokemon Ghost/Steel Type Gharm are spirits of fallen warriors who have possessed suits of armor in order to continue fighting even beyond death Ability- Battle Armor Bukfinear Pirate Pokemon Water/Dark Type Bukfinear are a constant risk to ships carrying precious cargo on the oceans. They are attracted to shiny objects and will use their teeth and razor fins to reach the prize Ability- Pickup Kaferno Kabuto Pokemon Bug/Fire Kaferno reside in the tropics and can survive in extreme heat Ability- Flash Fire Startic Stag Pokemon Bug/Ice Startic reside in the frigid mountains and can survive in extreme cold Ability- Ice Body Teddoot Teddy Pokemon Grass Type Teddoot spend most of the time sleeping in the roots of large trees Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 16 Cubranch Cub Pokemon Grass Type Once a Teddoot evolves into Cubranch they can gather food on their own Ability- Overgrow Evolves at level 36 Grizeed Grizzly Pokemon Grass Type Grizeed will attack anyone who gets too close to the tree their Teddoot are in Ability- Overgrow Meowlt Meowing Pokemon Fire Type Meowlt are at home in high temperatures Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 16 Felare Feline Pokemon Fire Type Felare can produce heat similar to that of a wildfire Ability- Blaze Evolves at level 36 Napoar Roaring Pokemon Fire Type A Napoar was once sighted within an active volcano with no ill effects Ability- Blaze Hydray Ray Pokemon Water Type Hydray hatch from their eggs inside caves along the coast Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 16 Devave Devil Ray Pokemon Water Type Devave are able to swim against even the strongest waves Ability- Torrent Evolves at level 36 Mantide Manta Ray Pokemon Water Type A Mantide can support an average adult on its back with ease Ability- Torrent Takick Chick Pokemon Flying Type Takick can fly within a week of being hatched Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 16 Hawing Hawk Pokemon Flying Type Hawing are able to swoop down and attack their prey at incredible speed Ability- Aerilate Evolves at level 36 Aquilord Skylord Pokemon Flying Type Aquilord often try to race airplanes to test their own skills Ability- Aerilate Rhinose Bone Pokemon Normal Type Rhinose are born with two skeletons, one internal and one protective external Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 16 Spino Spine Pokemon Normal Type As a Spino the external skeleton has grown even stronger and the horn even sharper Ability- Battle Armor Evolves at level 36 Skuorn Skull Pokemon Normal Type A Skuorn can stop and puncture a speeding car with no problems Ability- Battle Armor Glovist Glove Pokemon Fighting Type Glovist will often walk around punching random objects to strengthen their punches Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 16 Jabox Jabbing Pokemon Fighting Type If a Jabox thinks it has been challenged it will not stop until the challenger is defeated Ability- Iron Fist Evolves at level 36 Kayoh Boxing Pokemon Fighting Type The punch of a Kayoh can shatter solid stone with no effort Ability- Iron Fist Needill Needle Pokemon Poison Type The quills of a Needill are coated in a highly toxic substance Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 16 Pinject Pin Pokemon Poison Type Mere contact with a Pinject’s toxin is enough to cause nausea in grown adults Ability- Poison Point Evolves at level 36 Porcix Toxic Pokemon Poison Type A distilled form of Procix toxin is sometimes used in medical procedures to induce temporary paralysis Ability- Poison Point Digt Dirt Pokemon Ground Type Digt will spend most of their lives underground Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 16 Soile Soil Pokemon Ground Type It is not uncommon for a Soile to accidentally dig through important cables while digging their tunnels Ability- Sand Force Evolves at level 36 Molh Mole Pokemon Ground Type The tunnels of Molh are sometimes large enough for people to travel through Ability- Sand Force Thundegg Egg Pokemon Electric Type A Thundegg will shock anything that approaches it excluding its parents Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 16 Elechick Chick Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Elechick are seen the most flying during thunderstorms Ability- Lighting Rod Evolves at level 36 Surgle Eagle Pokemon Electric/Flying Type Surgle are known to fly faster than lighting Ability- Lighting Rod Pebalf Calf Pokemon Rock Type Pebalf enjoy rolling around in the dust to keep cool during hot days Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 16 Sterock Steer Pokemon Rock Type Sterock will bash their heads against large rocks to break them down into minerals to eat Ability- Rock Head Evolves at level 36 Rubbull Bull Pokemon Rock Type Rubbull have sharp horns made up of rock like material Ability- Rock Head Quesand Question Pokemon Psychic Type Quesand are highly curious about many things and will often follow people to learn more Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 16 Phraddle Riddle Pokemon Psychic Type Phraddle will continue to follow people to gain knowledge and will even follow children into schools Ability- Forewarn Evolves at level 36 Spharoh Knowledge Pokemon Psychic Type Spharoh will pass their knowledge onto Quesand and Phraddle Ability- Forewarn Burrun Bunny Pokemon Ice Type Burrun live in frozen environments and are most at home in the frigid cold Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 16 Hoppreze Hopping Pokemon Ice Type Hoppreze enjoy hopping around during snowstorms and their fur coats will usually end up coated in snow Ability- Ice Body Evolves at level 36 Chilare Hare Pokemon Ice Type Chilare can travel inside blizzards with little effort and in some places are used to help travelers find their way through the storms Ability- Ice Body Larvesp Larvae Pokemon Bug Type Larvesp are found on trees drinking the honey within Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 16 Hornest Hornet Pokemon Bug Type Hornest will gather in large groups to form hives, the largest of these hives covered an entire forest Ability- Honey Gather Evolves at level 36 Royallow Royal Pokemon Bug Type Royallow produce a special honey to help Larvesp grow stronger Ability- Honey Gather Tearip Shade Pokemon Ghost Type Tearip are found near places of great tragedy Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 16 Gloomsic Wisp Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type Myths state that the sound of a Gloomsic is a sign of ill tidings Ability- Cursed Body Evolves at level 36 Banscream Banshee Pokemon Ghost/Sound Type The scream of a Banscream can induce feelings of dread and fear and have been known to knock some people unconscious Ability- Cursed Body Dragire Dragon Squire Pokemon Dragon Type Dragire will sometimes try to battle much stronger foes to prove their power Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 16 Knigon Dragon Knight Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Knigon will often keep watch over an area for days on end waiting for their might to be needed Ability- Marvel Scale Evolves at level 36 Draex Dragon King Pokemon Dragon/Steel Type Draex are more reluctant to enter battle however they are well able to end the battle if they do fight Ability- Marvel Scale Minimp Imp Pokemon Dark Type Minimp love to cause trouble and mischief with their pranks and tricks Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 16 Demed Trickster Pokemon Dark Type Demed sometimes go overboard with their antics but they truly mean no harm Ability- Prankster Evolves at level 36 Devlarg Chaos Pokemon Dark Type Devlarg are skilled at getting others to assist in their schemes without them even realizing it Ability- Prankster Bronield Bronze Shield Pokemon Steel Type When in groups Bronield will often fight amongst themselves to find the strongest Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 16 Spiron Iron Spear Pokemon Steel Type Spiron can throw their spear with enough skill to hit a target on opposite side of a battlefield Ability- Sturdy Evolves at level 36 Stord Steel Sword Pokemon Steel Type Like the gladiators Stord will often find “arenas” in the wild to hold their battles Ability- Sturdy Spirite Spirit Pokemon Fairy Type Spirite are known to follow children and keep them out of danger Ability- Healer Evolves at level 16 Goodrent Wish Pokemon Fairy Type Goodrent often reward good children while chastising naughty children Ability- Healer Evolves at level 36 Wishaint Saint Pokemon Fairy Type Wishaint will protect children from any threat with immense power Ability- Healer Glotah Glowing Pokemon Light Type Glotah use light to distract their prey to make it easier to catch them Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 16 Feshine Shining Pokemon Light Type Feshine use the light to conceal themselves from their prey Ability- Illuminate Evolves at level 36 Hikat Luminous Pokemon Light Type Hikat can turn themselves into light for a short period of time to drastically increase their speed Ability- Illuminate Pupic Sonic Pokemon Sound Type While they are still young Pupic use their howls to notify their parents should they end up in danger Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 16 Loboom Sonic Boom Pokemon Sound Type Loboom can cause temporary deafness in people with their howls Ability- Cacophony Evolves at level 36 Howolf Howl Pokemon Sound Type Researchers believe that Howolf can communicate with each other using sounds the human ear cannot hear Ability- Cacophony Wendighost Wendigo Pokemon Ice/Ghost Type Wendighost appear monstrous but in reality they appear to people trapped in blizzards to lead them to safety. Because of this legends of people becoming Wendighost after death and returning to save loved ones are common. Ability- Ice Body Nanrite Nano Pokemon Steel/Fairy Type Nanrite appear in factories and are fascinated by machinery Ability- Light Metal Mentaur Mentor Pokemon Normal Type Mentaur are fabled to reveal knowledge and wisdom to those they judge worthy. Ability- Analytic Barbrian Barbarian Pokemon Grass/Fighting Type Barbrian use thorns as weapons to attack their foes Ability- Leaf Guard Shineon Shining Pokemon Light Type Shineon are drawn to bright lights and will often reside near cities as a result Ability- Lightspeed (new ability, increases speed when in direct sunlight) Speakeon Sonic Pokemon Sound Type Speakeon will sometimes mimic the sound of others and can also throw sound to give the appearance of ventriloquism Ability- Microphone (new ability, any sound move that hits will increase the users attack power) Scripthor Author Pokemon Normal Type Believed to be a relative of Smeargle this pokemon is almost always writing in a “book” that it always carries. Researchers are so far unable to translate the writings Ability- Writers Block (new ability, contact with this pokemon has a 10% chance of confusing the enemy pokemon) Soleo Solar Lion Pokemon Fire/Light Type Legend says that the roar of a Soleo causes the sun to rise Ability- Solar Power Lunger Lunar Tiger Pokemon Ice/Dark Type Legend states that Lunger grow stronger the more the moon shines reaching immense power during a full moon Ability- Lunar Power (new ability, boosts special attack but lowers HP while in moonlight) Senoev Blind fighter Pokemon Fighting/Psychic Type Blind since birth Senoev use their psychic abilities to sense the moves of their enemies Ability- Keen Eye Henoev Winged ambush Pokemon Flying/Poison Type Henoev are able to swoop down and attack their prey without making a single noise, the tips of their wings are coated in a poison they use to stun their target. Ability- Poison Touch Spenoev Silent Spirit Pokemon Ghost/Rock Type Spenoev appear as spirits bound by stone chains which they use to attack. Ability- Shadow Tag Posivolt Positive Pokemon Electric Type Posivolt charges its attacks with immense electrical power Ability- Plus Negabolt Negative Pokemon Electric Type Negabolt super charges its body with electricity giving it great speed Ability- Minus Plusle and Minun evolve into these if they are in the party together and they both reach level 30 Posivolt has stronger attacks and more HP Negabolt has stronger defense and more speed Posivolt is bipedal while Negabolt is quadruped Twisdeer (male only) Breezy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Twisdeer use gusts of wind to knock berries out of bushes and to gather them Ability- Aerilate Tornadoe (female only) Windy Pokemon Normal/Flying Type Tornadoe use the wind to boost their speed and strengthen their attacks Ability- Aerilate Wolk Silk Worm Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Wolk produce a material often used in making some clothing Ability- Shield Dust Evolves at level 10 Yarnoon Yarn Cocoon Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Yarnoon are covered in a soft yet sturdy casing made of a yarn like substance Ability- Shed Skin Evolves at level 15 Knitterfly Knitting Pokemon Bug/Fairy Type Knitterfly can create incredible works of art with their knitting Ability- Compound Eyes Autauros Steering Pokemon Fire/Steel Type Only the highly skilled can ride an Autaruos. It resembles a mix of a bull and an ATV Ability- Speed Boost Mecharmor Robotic Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Mecharmor are large bulking robotic pokemon. Their attack power is vastly higher than their speed Ability- Heavy Metal Evolves at level 30 Robotitan Titan Pokemon Steel/Fighting Type Robotitan cast off their heavy bulky armor and gain a much needed speed boost at the cost of their defense Ability- Light Metal Dammer Builder Pokemon Water/Ground Type Using the hammer on its tail Dammer build massive dams in rivers and trainers often use them to help with construction projects Ability- Keen Eye Whodini Escapist Pokemon Psychic/Fairy Type Whodini can escape from any trap and it is believed that they will only stay with trainers they respect and like otherwise they would just escape from the pokeball. Ability- Run Away Floweon Dandelion Pokemon Grass Type In sunshine Floweon is at the peak of its potential Ability- Solar Power Gargoul Gargoyle Pokemon Ghost/Stone Type Gargoul enjoy hanging out around old buildings and scaring people. Ability- Rock Head Mandroar Mandrake Pokemon Grass/Sound Type When startled Mandroar unleash a piercing scream Ability- Soundproof
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