#Took two er trips to figure that out
its-a-beautful-day · 1 year
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Happy Caturday!
If you'd like a silly simple doodle of your pet, check out my Kofi @ WigglyWormWonders
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oatmilk-vampire · 8 months
Birthday Blues
Read part 2 here.
Steve hates his birthday.
He knows he may not be the only one who gets "birthday blues" but he feels like it's a lot deeper than just the blues.
When he got closer with Eddie and learned of his own shitty upbringing, he thought it'd be a bonding moment for them. Eddie has to hate his birthday too, right?
Despite Eddie’s mom dying when he was only six, and Eddie’s dad being a deadbeat, leaving Eddie on his own before Uncle Wayne took him in, Eddie loved his birthday.
The Munsons may not have been rich but Wayne always did his best to provide Eddie with new(er) clothes, or dice, or guitar picks. A new album or poster for his bedroom walls. Maybe even his favorite food at the diner--something they didn't do often as they usually survived on box cereal and spaghetti-Os.
And when Al Munson finally rolled into town conveniently around his only child's birthday, well he'd give the sort of shitty, low-commitment gift only a father could give.
And Eddie looked forward to it all the same. One or two shitty presents in six years is better than none when it comes to his father. He'd take what he could get.
So, when Eddie's birthday comes and goes and Steve gets invited to his and Wayne's get together with the kids, and then a later party with the members of Corroded Coffin--well of course Steve goes. And he showers Eddie with love and meaningful but still kinda pricey presents, because he can. And he wants to. Despite the merciless teasing he endures. The look on Eddie's face makes Steve feel like he's the one that got the greatest gift of all.
This, of course, all falls apart when Eddie points out Steve's own birthday must be coming up, and he's right. And because he has no tact he announces in front of everyone who realizes in horror that they've gone years of knowing Steve and celebrating his birthday exactly zero times.
Steve's equally horrified now because now everyone is tripping over their feet desperately trying to make it up to him with cakes and ice cream and movies and handmade cards and weird action figures Eddie probably would have liked better.
It's only after Steve gracelessly accepts all of their gift-giving, and fends off at least three panic attacks and two migraines that he has to put on his bitch voice and scream that the only thing he wants for his birthday is to be left alone.
And like usual, the kids do not listen.
Until Eddie steps in. He makes them go, Robin too, even if she is pissed about it. But they go when Eddie assures them that Steve probably just feels a little overwhelmed right now and needs some space.
He's close to leaving too, knowing he may have made a mistake and should probably get out of his hair... But then Steve starts crying and Eddie has to stay.
It's not loud or ugly, just these little, tiny pitiful things like Steve is trying his damnest to not cry. Like the act of tears falling would kill him.
Eddie cautiously slides next to his shaking form on the couch, careful not to jostle him too much.
He bites his lip as he experiments with placing a hand on Steve's shoulder.
Steve tenses under his touch until Eddie speaks,
"Stevie, I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. None of us did."
His parents were hardly around. Never gave him practical toys he wanted, just whatever they thought a boy should have to shape him into a "proper young man", if they thought he needed toys at all. No parties. Ever. He briefly wanted to throw ragers when he realized he was old enough and his parents wouldn't be home, they never were, but those made him feel even worse so he got used to spending the day like any other. All alone in a big, empty house. Not a home.
Eddie continues to rub soothing circles into Steve's back as he lets it all out, explaining his woes as best he can through a sore throat and runny nose. Eventually he pulls Steve into a proper hug-turned-cuddle until his breathing steadies and he isn't shaking anymore.
"I'm sorry." Eddie holds his breath, hoping it doesn’t trigger another panic attack.
"No--don’t be. Thank you."
"For what? Making you cry?"
"For caring enough to bring it up, even if it was a lot. But mostly for being here, after. Just..."
Steve didn't have to finish his sentence. Eddie knew what he was trying to say.
Thank you for staying. Thank you for holding me. Thank you for loving me.
"Always, Stevie. I'll always be here for you."
Steve squeezes him, and Eddie squeezes back once, twice.
He doesn't say it, but Steve understands.
Happy Birthday... I love you.
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bunny-1111 · 2 months
Beg for it - Theodore Nott
Description: Before break, you had trouble with Theodore. On the train ride back to Hogwarts, he reminds you of the consequences of your actions.
Word count: 1.5k
You had gone all summer break without taking to Theo.
All summer long.
It was out of pettiness, of course. A small little argument turned into a blowout fight right before getting off the train to return home for the holidays.
You stared at your parchment all day, every day. You even picked up your quill one day, watched the ink drop onto the paper, then dropped it, pride having got the better of you.
Pride got the best of Theodore too.
Who the fuck were you to do this, ruin his summer and not write a dot to him, he thought; stubbornness mets human form in Theodore Nott; he would not accept defeat in reaching out first.
So that was that. Nothingness for two full months.
As you made your way to the platform, you thought the silent treatment would reach its end. Scarcely looking around for your boyfriend, you realise you're so nervous, you don't know if you could get a word out if you tried.
Pushing your trolley you look up, in his mighty form, Theodore Nott, body leaning onto the brick, casually talking to Matteo and Pansy.
You felt your heart drop. What do you say now, hey stranger? Miss me? I'm sorry. No. Dumb, dumber, dumbest.
So you just stood there, hand on your trolley, heart beating out of your chest by the second.
Your daze broke when you heard Pansy call out to you.
"There she is!!" she called out, gesturing you to join them.
You tried to approach, really you did, except your legs failed you. You couldn't move for a few seconds, or was it a minute? You didn't know.
"What's wrong, come-er" Mattheo yelled towards you, eyebrows furrowed
You finally made your way to them, Theodore looking at the ground.
When you got there, he was quick to leave, stomping on his cigarette and boarding the train. So this is how it would go, still not talking, got it.
Matteo quicky greeted you, then followed your boy.
"What's up his ass?" Pansy questioned, pulling you into a hug.
"I couldn't tell you" you huffed
"What's up your ass?" she questioned
"Theodore" you rolled your eyes
"Did yous fight during the break" she asked linking her arm with yours, as you start to walk towards the train
You stop and turn to her "We haven't spoken since the last day of school" you admit
her eyes widen "did you break up?!"
"that would require a conversation" you laughed self pity laced in your expression
"you wouldn't have mentioned that in one of your letters?" she says
"I didn't want to think about it, I'm sorry" you reply
"what are you going to do?" she almost laughed
"I don't know, I was hoping you'd figure it out for me" you say faking a cry
she threw her head back in laughter "Oh no, no, this is a you problem"
You groaned back, searching for the carriage the boys secured.
As you reached the door, you looked at the seating arrangement. You could sit next to Draco, wedge yourself between Blaise and Enzo, or sit in the open seat next to Theo.
Next to Draco was the most rational decision you thought: taking a seat. Until Pansy had other plans. " Get up; I'm sitting there," she smiled, her head nudging towards Theos's direction.
You took a deep breath and moved beside him, your shy eyes looking up at him. When he didn't look back, breathe a word, touch you, or even acknowledge your existence, you took it upon yourself to rest your head on the window seal.
Pft you thought.
Nine and a half hours of this. You wished you had a time turner to change your present. To have just written him. Maybe you wouldn't be in this situation if you had.
Would it be this painfully quiet the whole trip? Would he even reply if you started a conversation? Ugh you wanted to scream out. But you didn't. Your mouth stayed shut, and your eyes stayed closed.
Eventually falling asleep to the soundtrack of your endless thoughts.
That is until Theodore nudges you awake. Opening your eyes, he gestures for you to leave with him. Here we go.
The two of you walk down the thin corridors of the Hogwarts Express in silence, looking for an empty carriage.
After looking and looking, with no luck, Theodore grew increasingly impatient.
He found an almost empty space, though three kids, much younger than you both, sat in cartridge, door closed. Theodore stopped before the door, opening it, as the children stared at him.
"Get out", he said cooly, pointing at them, then behind himself.
"Why, where will we go?" a boy replied
"I don't give a fuck join the people next door. We're prefects unless you want three weeks of detention. I suggest you do as I say," he continued; it was the most you had heard of his voice in so long; you didn't want him to stop talking, even if it was telling off these strangers.
They hesitantly got up and left, muttering something under their breath, beginning their quest for new seats.
Theodore grabbed your hand and sat you down, closing the door and curtain behind him.
Your heart rate picked up again as he sat directly before you.
You didn't know where to look and certainly didn't know what to say.
"You have some nerve." He stated, leaning back, relaxing his legs out, looking straight at you.
Could he hear it, the thud of your pounding heart, you wondered.
"I-" you began
"And then. You dare to not sit next to me" He laughs, a scary laugh, an angry laugh
You inhale, ready to rebut before he starts again. "Is that what you want, to sit with Draco? Huh? Or Blaise or Matteo, anyone but your fucking boyfriend."
"I didn't think you wanted me near you," you say, looking out the window. Avoiding his gaze. Yeah, he didn't like that, immediately moving next to you,
"What's so special out the window?" he growled, placing two fingers on your chin, tilting your head towards him "Look at me when we talk, not the bloody view" he continued
"okay", you managed to whisper back. I wasn't a second longer before one of his hands reached the back of your neck, the other finding its way through your hair. His lips exploring your mouth.
He was literally taking your breath away when he finally pulled away; you caught your breath back, his forehead connecting to yours
"why didn't you fucking write me?" he pants out
"I don't know," you say, closing your eyes
"look at me" he says, you do.
"I waited all fucking summer," he says, looking deep into your eyes; you knew what he was doing, searching for the answer you still hadn't given him.
"you didn't write me either," you said in a hushed tone
His hands meet his face, burying his frustration.
You place your hands on his back, he moves his hand from his face to your arm, sliding down until his arm is around your body.
"I shouldn't talk to you for the whole school year" he spat out
"You couldn't live like that" you quickly reply
"I have plenty of experience, two months worth, all thanks to you," he says inching closer to you
"I'm sorry, Teddy, alright" you plead
"you really don't get it, do you? How angry you made me all fucking break. What am I gonna do with that?" his voice husky and low, leaning over you
"do what you have to do," you say just above a whisper underneath him
"Here, now? I don't think so" he says before kissing you "teddy" you called out
"I'm right here," he says, kissing your neck
"please" you whisper
"No, no," he says, moving off you
"I'm gonna make you as frustrated as you made me all summer, baby" he smiles
You look at him blankly. He was knocking any bit of integrity out of you
"come on" you almost laugh
"I'm so serious", he says "You'll be begging all term long" he continues kissing your forehead, standing up
"where are you going?" you rush
"back to the group" he smiles. You furrow your brows
"what's wrong, baby?" he chuckles
"Teddy" you whine
"I told you... begging" he says, looking back, leaving the carriage
This was not how you expect things to go.
It was going to be a long term, and you hadn't even arrived yet.
The punishment of pushing Theodore Nott.
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part 2 - here
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drabblesandimagines · 2 years
Motorcycle Rides
Pairings: Sebastian x you
Wordcount: 1623
You limped out of the mine, your pack heavy with materials. That last bunch of slimes had really taken it out of you and as you’d realized your strength was depleting, you’d turned on your heels and ran, only to twist your ankle on a rock.
You leant heavily against the wall, trying to catch your breath in the cool night air. Truth be told, you’d lost all track of time in the mines and it was now just before midnight on a Tuesday for goodness’ sake. You’d hoped to get to bed at a decent time for once, despite your endless to-do list. You’d only meant to be in the mines an hour or two tops!
After your heart had stopped pounding, you reached down and tentatively prodded at your ankle before wincing at the pain. It was already swelling and that probably wasn’t a great sign. This was a situation you hadn’t considered before embarking on your new life in Pelican Town – what exactly do you do in an emergency? There was Harvey’s clinic, but that would involve limping down there and waking him up over your own stupidity.
If you were going to be limping anywhere, you might as well limp home. Heck, the town was gossiping about you enough, you didn’t want your midnight trip to the clinic to be their next topic. You took a deep breath and took a step – there was a sharp ache that immediately dulled, but it was tolerable? It had to be tolerable, you concluded, as you took another shuffling step. It might take you all night, but you were determined to get home.
It was slow, painful progress as you found yourself walking past the carpenter’s house.
You jumped from the voice, your ankle immediately twisting on its side and you fell flat to the ground on your back, groaning.
“Sorry…” a figure appeared above you, looking down with an apologetic smile. It was the carpenter’s son… Sebastian? “I didn’t think you’d be so jumpy with being out so late and all.”
“I… I guess I just thought everyone in this town was a bed by 10pm on a week night crowd.”
“Well, the majority are. Er…” He hesitated, almost as if he was debating something in his head before he offered his hand. “Can I help you up?”
“Thanks.” Truth be told, you weren’t sure how graceful you would be at getting up without his assistance, so you happily accepted. In a combination of not expecting him to be as strong as he was and your weakened ankle, you were ill-prepared for getting back to your own two feet. You nearly went falling back down when Sebastian caught you in his arms and you threw yours around his neck. From your glow ring, you could clearly see the black-haired man’s face had flushed red.
“Sorry, that’s us city folk”, you tried to make light of the situation. “We swoon at any country man.”
That didn’t seem to help as – you didn’t think it was possible – his face had gone even more red.
“Er… here,” he tilted you upright, trying to get you to stand on your own two feet. You tried to comply, but your ankle collapsed underneath you, the sharp jolt of pain bringing tears to your eyes. You grabbed hold of his upper arm in a fierce grip. “You all right there?”
“No… I-I’ve hurt my ankle,” you swallowed, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I was in the mines and I twisted it. I thought I could limp home on it but that seems like a really dumb idea.”
“Ah…” Sebastian mumbled. “Erm, should I wake Maru? She works at the clinic part-time, she’ll probably know what to do.”
“No, please don’t. People are talking about me enough without adding this to the mix. I’ll be okay. I’ll just… I’ll take five and then it’ll be okay. You should go home.”
“I mean, I don’t know exactly how things go down in Zuzu City, but I can’t exactly go to bed and leave you out here.”
“That’s exactly how things would go down in Zuzu City. You’re a natural.” You grimaced.
“Er…” Sebastian paused. “Wait, I think I’ve got an idea. Do you wanna sit?”
You blushed, before mumbling, “I don’t think I could with any sense of grace.”
“I got you,” an arm wrapped around your waist and helped you down towards the ground.
“Right, I’ll be back in a moment.” He turned and went to head back up to his house.
“Wait, Sebastian…” He spun on his heels and looked at you quizzically. “Thank you.”
He smiled shyly, before walking out of sight, swallowed by the darkness.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when Sebastian eventually returned. There was a brief moment when you thought he wasn’t coming back. Maybe it was some sort of Pelican Town hazing… The black-haired man eventually reappeared, wheeling along a motorcycle in tow towards you before stopping.
“So, it’s not working reliably at the moment – I’ve been working on fixing it up. But I thought you could sit on it and I can wheel it along back to the farm? Means you can take the weight off your ankle and get home and ice it, I guess? Or heat. One of those.”
“Honestly, you don’t have to do this. It’s so late.” You protested, embarrassed that your antics had led to this.
“I’ll be up for hours yet anyway. Plus, I’m curious to see what you’ve done with the land and it’ll get you home – win-win.” He put the bike’s kick stand out to balance the machine, before crouching down and offering his hand again.
You hesitated. “Only if you’re really sure.”
“I’m positive. Come on.”
You took it, allowing him to pull you up fully this time and you made sure to let your uninjured leg take all the weight. “Hop on.” He kept a tight grip on your hand as you swung your injured leg over the seat and boosted yourself up onto it.
“Cool. Right, er, probably best if you hold onto the handles too.” You followed his instructions, and he leant over, positioning his hands next to yours before kicking the stand back in place. There was a momentary wobble before you found your balance and Sebastian moved forward, pushing it along up towards the path you knew would lead back to your farm.
“What were you doing out so late? Not that I’m complaining,” you quickly rectified.
“I got wrapped up in work and forgot to get out today. I thought I’d have the night to myself,” he teased. “Was that your first trip down the mines?”
“Oh, gosh, no. The Adventure’s Guild and Marlon gave me some tips and I think that was my fifth trip. I probably went down a bit too far for the equipment I have, but to get better equipment I need money and the mine’s good for making a quick buck. Crops take their sweet time…”
“Ah, makes sense.” He nodded.
“What do you do?”
“I’m a freelance programmer. It’s okay, it means I can choose my own work hours. I’m more productive later in the day, so…”
“Oh, really? That’s so cool.”
You fell into a companionable silence. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long walk back to the farm and Sebastian let out a whistle as he admired your work so far.
“Wow, this looks different.”
“A good different?” You frowned.
“Of course. You’ve been busy – this was all weeds and rocks the last time I was out here. What are you growing?”
“Just potatoes and turnips – they’ll be out of season soon but I should get another load out… if I can keep the crows at bay.”
He wheeled the motorcycle up to the bottom of your porch, eyeing the steps. “Er, do you want a hand up the stairs?”
“If you don’t mind…” You mumbled – you weren’t convinced hopping up them would be a winning formula. Sebastian put the kick stand back down, then assisted you off his motorcycle. He hooked an arm around your back, just under your armpits to steady you as you hopped towards the stairs, and then took a big leap up the first one as he kept your balance. You were extremely grateful there were only three stairs and you exhaled in relief now safely at your front door.
“Thank you so much, Sebastian. I wish there was something I could give you in return…” You trailed off as he began to protest, but then you remembered – there was that cool-looking mineral you’d found earlier… You dug around in your satchel, leaning heavily on your front door, until your fingers found the smooth surface.
You withdrew it and Sebastian’s eyes lit up. “A frozen tear?”
“Is that what it is? Some weird creature dropped it – I think it came from deeper down in the mines. I thought it must be special. I was going to take it to Gunther tomorrow to identify, but it seems you’re a fan, so, please…”, you pushed it into his hands, “Take it.”
“No, I couldn’t…”
“I insist.” You unlocked the door behind you before he could really protest. “Goodnight, Sebastian. And, hey, every time you look at it, you can remember the time you helped the idiot farmer home.”
“Goodnight…” He continued to stare at the mineral in his hands as he heard your door open and close, “But I’m totally going to remember the time I helped the cute farmer home.” He said that a little louder than he intended and blushed, glancing up to see your door firmly closed at least.
Fortunately, your window was open and you’d definitely heard.
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daysofyellowroses · 7 months
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carmen berzatto x afab!reader | 1.0k | based on this gorgeous request from my angel @thecapricunt1616 🌼🫶🏻💗
It started as a cough. 
Then a sniffle. 
A little whining.
Then the inevitable cry.
You rolled into your pillow, letting out a soft groan. It felt like you had just closed your eyes and gotten comfortable and now you'd have to get up again. When you pulled the blanket back, you felt Carm's hand touch your arm.
“It's alright,” He yawned. “I got this. You went last time.”
“Are you sure?” You murmured, already pulling the blanket back over yourself. “I don't mind..”
“Nah, you get some sleep babe.”
You didn't need to be told twice, snuggling into the pillow. Through the baby monitor you could hear Carm go into your daughter's room and pick her up to sooth her. She stopped crying after a few moments and you felt yourself relax. It had taken at least fifteen minutes for you to calm her down when you had gotten up earlier in the night, you were convinced your daughter preferred Carm to you. Or he just had some secret trick he was keeping from you.
A little while later, you were just drifting off to sleep when you felt Carmy get back into bed next to you, his arm moving around your waist as he settled behind you.
“She's asleep,” He whispered, gently stroking your waist. “Hopefully she waits a little longer this time, I'm exhausted.”
“I wonder why,” You murmured softly, turning around and burying your head in Carm's chest. “Nobody forced you to try for another one.”
“Didn't hear you complaining,” Carm teased, wrapping his arm around you tightly. “you were very encouraging, actually.”
“Shut up and let me sleep,” You smiled, wrapping your arm around Carm's waist. “Or there won't be any more encouragement.”
It was early in the morning when the cries came through on the baby monitor, the sun barely risen. You placed a kiss on Carm's cheek and slipped out of bed, making your way to your daughter's room. 
She had stopped crying, but was still fussing a little. You carefully picked her up, smiling as she nestled into you.
“Come on, let's let daddy sleep.” You smiled, taking her to the changing table and cleaning her up before taking her downstairs. 
It was an hour or so later when Carmy came downstairs, giving you and your daughter a kiss before he went to make some coffee.
“Good news,” You smiled, glancing over to Carm. “We can add banana to the list, she loves it.”
You looked back to your daughter, sticking your tongue out and smiling when she laughed. 
“Was she okay with it?” Carm asked, looking over to you. “How long has it been since she tried it?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, scooping up the last of the banana on the little bear plate and holding the spoon out for your daughter.
“Like..twenty minutes ago? She's been fine. You can't do this every time we try something.”
“I'm just being careful,” Carm shrugged, getting two mugs from the counter. “But I'm glad she liked it.”
“She loves it,” You grinned, gently stroking your daughter's cheek. “no trips to the ER this time. The doctor will be so relieved.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Carm raised a brow as he placed a mug of coffee in front of you. 
“It means that maybe last time someone was a little..intense,” You shrugged, taking a sip of coffee. 
“I was not that bad,” Carm scoffed. “I took control of the situation, that's all.”
“So that's why you didn't let the doctor hold our daughter?” You grinned, resting your head on your hand. “And questioned every single thing he did?”
“I was just being a good parent,” Carmy held his hands up, looking over to your daughter with a smile. “She’ll thank me one day.”
A couple of hours later, you took your daughter back into the kitchen for lunch, smiling as you saw Carmy moving about the kitchen, humming along to the radio.
“Someone's prepared,” You smiled, taking your daughter over to her high chair and getting her into it. “What's she trying?”
“Uh..a couple of things,” Carm replied. “I figured we could do some more allergy tests, get it out of the way.”
“That sounds good,” You nodded, giving your daughter a kiss on her head before walking over to Carm and raising a brow.
“What's with the lunchbox?” 
“Well,” Carm looked over to you and you let out a soft sigh. “I just thought it would be safer if we got her to try at the hospital. Then we don't have to rush over there.”
You nodded slowly, gently touching your boyfriend's arm. 
“I love you, and because of that I am going to tell you that you're crazy.”
“It's just good sense,” Carm insisted. “you'll see.”
An hour later, you found yourself biting your tongue and holding back a laugh as you sat on a bench outside the ER. A very exasperated Carmy was sitting next to you, your daughter in his lap.
“We could just leave this for another time,” You suggested, glancing down to the still full lunchbox in your hand. “If she's not hungry we can't force her.” 
“She's gotta eat eventually,” Carm sighed, holding up a piece of egg to your daughter and sighing as she turned away from it. “Oh come on..”
“Are we really just going to sit here all day?” You asked, laughing softly as your daughter reached towards the lunchbox for a strawberry. 
“Hey, egg first,” Carm frowned, shuffling back a little. “just try it..” He huffed as your daughter got distracted by a butterfly flying past. “babe we’re not doing this at home, last time we almost hit that elderly man in the parking lot trying to get to the ER entrance.”
“Uh, excuse me, you almost hit that elderly man,” You raised a brow, setting the lunchbox aside. “and we are trying this at home. If she has a reaction I will take her back her, okay?”
“Fine,” Carm nodded, letting out a sigh. “But just one more try.”
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Bo Sinclair x mother fem!reader
@zaras-really-dreamless... you wanted some "Take me Instead" content, yeah? Well, it's not the next two parts, but I hope it quiches a thirst :3 . A dabble based off my Bo x preg!reader au. I promise I'll make a master list for this au and give it a name I swear--
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"Can you say 'Bo'?" You asked in your mother voice, a smile on your face. "Come on, Jazzy, say 'Bo'!"
"Shouldn't encorage to hav' 'er say my name, darlin'," Bo said glancing over his shoulder. "Have 'er say 'mama' or somethin' like that." He started working on the car you and Todd came. "When did ya last get 'is thin' an oil change?"
You shrugged as you bounced Jasmine on your hip, smiling at her happily. "Todd always took care of that." You heard an audible sigh and the hood slamming. "Is it that bad, Bo?"
"Well, ain't gonna lie, darlin', but your car," he thumbed behind him and threw his rag, "is done. Never drive ‘at heep o’ shit again."
You lifted a brow before looking at Jasmine. "Well... that sucks, huh, Jazzy? There goes out escape plan," you joked. "Trapped here forever."
Bo shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I'll have Lester bring the trailer down an' scrap it. Make more money than fixin' it." He placed a hand on his hip and fixed his hat. "Sorry, Mama, but it ain't drivin' no more." His eyes flickered down at Jasmine and watched her bright eyes looking back at him. "She seems lost."
"Jasmine’s just looking around, Bo," you answered, smiling. "She was always a wanderer just like my mother." You gave her an Eskimo kiss and smiled at her giggle. To Bo, it melted his heart. "She's just trying to figure the world out."
He takes a deep breath in and motioned you to follow him out. "Le'me close up an' we c'n get home-"
"Hello?" Your head snapped to the front door and saw young man walk in with two of his friends. "Anyone here?"
Bo gave you a look then led the way to the front of the shop. He puts on a fake smile and says, "Yeah, jus' caught me." He sounded cheerful when he said, "Was gonna close up soon."
"Would it trouble you to replace our spark plugs?" The man asked. "Me and my buddies have the slightest on what to do an--" his face was caught off when his green eyes landed on you. He straightens up and nods his head. "Ma'am," he said.
"Gentlemen," you replied. You stood between him and Bo before turning to look at Bo, saying, "I'll head up to the house and start dinner."
"I won't be long, sugar," Bo said, leaning down to kiss your head. "Promise."
They boys by the door parted and let you pass throw.
Jasmine played on the floor with little horse stuffies while you cooked dinner. Bo dropped hints of cooking pot roast and green beans with potatoes. Besides, he’s been working hard in the shop the past couple of nights along with making sure you and Jasmine are fitting in well.
Ever since you started living freely with the Sinclair Brothers, you were left with the house keeping and cooking job. Thought it's not the best picture of how you wanted to spend your life, but you had the freedom to move around within the house and around the dead town. Though you were watched with careful eyes, the fear you had with them would fade over time. Yes, the murdering and blood shed scares you, but tried their best to keep that away from you and from Jasmine.
Living with the brothers felt like you were living in a strange home. Lester brought you along to the store for baby shopping, and he always stopped after the trip to get your drink order at Starbucks. Vincent was a natural at rocking Jasmine to sleep when you were busy, and he enjoyed feeding her when you were tired or needed to rest. Bo found himself looking over you and her as time went on, and you would wake up to him some times at night with him looking into the crib, his hand holding Jasmine's fingers. When you saw the high chairs and baby photos, you learned why they made sure to keep Jasmine happy, to keep her away from them, to keep loving on her until their hearts give out.
If you were honest with yourself, you wanted to burn Bo’s high chair.
When you asked Lester why it’s there, he shakes his head. “Bo doesn’t know how to heal,” he answered as he nodded to his brother working in the shop. “This is the only way he can.”
Even if he doesn't show it, you knew Bo was in love with Jasmine. Besides seeing him with her at night, you would catch some glances of him holding her on his hip while he shows her the inside of a car, telling her all about the engine of a '68 Dodge. He would call her little star, sunshine, lady bug, sweetheart-- you kept seeing the shine in his eyes when he was around her. Of course, things weren't always calm and sunshine, but he never yelled at her like Todd did. Never once has he called her dumb or stupid.
Maybe you agreeing to stay in this town was good for the three of you.
Humming to the radio by the stove, you started cooking the potatoes when he came home. You glanced over your shoulder to greet him but your face fell once you saw him limping in with his hand holding his thigh.
“What happened?” You asked as you met him in the hall, taking a towel and the first-aid. After being here for two months, you learned that it's best to keep the first-aid within reach.
“Got stabbed,” Bo hissed, breathing through his teeth. “One of ‘em got brave and headed towards the house, too.” He then looks at Jasmine, who still played with her toys. “He was gunnin’ fer ‘at lil’ one.”
“How do you know?”
He bit the corner of his lips. “Just knew. Didn’t lik’ the way he was lookin’ at ya an’ ‘er.” His drawl was heavier than normal. “Should’ve said nothin’, girl, an’ snuck out in the tunnels.”
“I’m sorry.”
Bo grumbles to himself as he lets you tend to his leg. His eyes linger from you towards Jasmine. For a moment, the anger burning in his irises dimmed when Jasmine showed off her stuffed pink horse to him before playing again. Once her gaze was gone, his anger sparked again.
"Never do 'at again, woman," he warned, as he leaned back in the chair. "Men are dangerous 'round children."
"Are you dangerous?" He didn't mean to ask him, but as soon as those words left, he glared at you. "Sorry."
"I'll let it pass just once," he murmurs, "but don' say 'at shit again."
Bo leans back and closes his eyes, taping his fingers on the arm rest. As he felt the pain start to fade, his eyes linger over Jasmine as she plays with her horse. His relaxed his shoulders against the wood and watched her little horse wiggle in the air as of it was flying, grinning slightly at her movements.
"Dinner's almost ready," you say as you came back with water and two pain killers. "Just cooking the potatoes now."
"Yeah?" He asked, lifting a brow. He takes the pills and gulps down the water. "That's awful kind 'o ya."
As you two started talking about dinner, Jasmine sat and watched the both of you with curious eyes. She uses the couch to help her stand, dropping her horse, and pulled herself up. Once she was standing up, she takes shaky steps forward, her mind competly forgettign the horse under her feet. Tripping, she falls down, looks around, and opens her mouth, crying loudly.
Bo jolted as he heard her started to cry. He watched you scoop up your child and kisses her head as you tried to calm her. Her little hands reached out towards Bo, bright eyes burning through tears as she cried out, "Dada!"
It's like time froze and the world stopped spinning. Bo's eyes grew wide as he looked at you and back at Jasmine. "What... what did she just--"
"Dada!” Her little hands reached for him, tearfully crying out, “Bo!”
Just like that, Bo's heart shattered in two million pieces. Her little hands reached for him still as she wiggling in your grasp. With his hands still bloodied, Bo opened his arms and nodded at you, reassuring that it's okay for you to leave him, but you can't... not while he's covered in someone else's blood.
Though the pain was still there, Bo moved quickly from the den to the kitchen. He scrubbed and washed up as best as he could, took off his work uniform shirt and tossed it aside, and dried off as well as he could. He heard the basement door opening and Vincent entering from downstairs.
Before Bo could fill him in, Jasmine cried out, "Bo! Dada!"
Vincent felt his stomach drop as he looked at you and Jasmine. His lone eye looks back at Bo and pointed, eye wide in shock, signing, 'Did she just say your name? Or am I really dehydrated?'
"Ya heard right," Bo breathed. He limps away from Vincent and headed back into the living room. He held out his hands, motioning that he was reader, and you gave her to Bo.
This was his first time holding her since the day he got you away from Todd. Truly holding her close, not like when he has her on his hip while working on a car.
As soon as you place her in his arms, something clicked in his brain. The way she looked at her with tearful eyes and her hands reached for him to hug, Bo’s world rocked. He heldJasmine so close and protectively as he rocked back and forth, hushing her gently. Feeling her again in his arms felt almost right, but he’s not her dad. He’ll be a good enough father, he knows, but…
“You’re okay, star shine,” he whispered as he felt her calming. “Ya just bummed yer knee. Nothin’ to cry about.” He walked away from you as he paced in the other room with the pool table. He nodded at you to take care of the food while he takes care of Jasmine. “Yer okay. You’ll be alright.”
“Dada,” she whines as her little hands gripped his shirt. “Bo.”
How fast can a heart shatter and build up again? Is there a study out there that could answer Bo’s question?
He rested her head against his heart as he took shaky breaths. He’s not ready. He’ll never be ready. “Shh, star shine,” he whispers. “Rest ‘at lil’ head. I’m here. Bo’ll always be here.”
From the kitchen, Vincent started the potatoes and had you watch from the doorway. Were you in love with him, or did you just see him as a father figure? As much as you tried an answer, you couldn’t make since of it yet. Todd was her dad, but any boy can be a dad. Bo was a man; he was a better father than Todd. You just can’t tell him yet.
So, you watched as Bo swayed back and forth with Jasmine in his arms, murmuring a song only for her to hear. Slowly, he leaned against the pool table. His eyes was filled with so much warmth and carefulness when he looked down at Jasmine. You had to admit he knew what he was doing, and Jasmine fell asleep right away in his arms. He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers. The walls that he built and the lies he believed fell so fast to let her in.
Dada. Bo.
He squeezed his eyes shut as a sigh escaped. He’ll kill a thousand men just to keep Jasmine safe, to keep you happy and well, to keep what lever type of… family? Relationship? What is the best word to say? But he looked down at Jasmine as if she was his own, and a grin formed. Bo will fight off every and any monster that dare comes near his home.
Later that night, you woke to the sound of your bedroom door opening and feet shuffling across the floor. Turning, you found Bo in sleeping pants, shirtless, and holding Jasmine in his arms. Her head rested against his shoulder as he swayed slightly back and forth with his eyes closed. You heard him hum a lullaby low and soft just for her. When his eyes parted, he made eyes contact with you, smiled, and laid her back down ever so slowly and gently.
Bo turned his heels and tucked you back in. “Rest, Mama,” he whispers, pressing a kiss on your temple. “It’ll be a long day tomorrow.” Then Bo turned and left the room, closing the door silently.
What a beautiful mess that’s unraveling right in front of you.
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
Hey there! I love your writing and especially with Mk, and so I'm just here to drop by and ask you if I could have some Mk angst, preferably with a female!reader, but if you want, go with a gn!reader. I don't really mind which format, do whatever's easiest for you!
What I have in mind is where reader realizes that Mk is literally- in figuratively way- destroying himself with work, hero duties, and romance. Not wanting that, reader is trying to break up with the chaos incarnate to lessen his load.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I understand if you don't want to do this, just wanted to drop by!
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Pairing: MK x fem!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Being in a relationship with the world's hero isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There are many responsibilities that come with it. So, making a decision like this would help you two in the long run…right?  Warnings/Tags: Post s5 spoilers YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, angst, hurt/no comfort, and breakup. Word Count: 1300+ words 🍜 - I like the way you think anon...ur evil >:)/pos
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"Can…can you repeat that for me? I don't think I heard you right." 
"I'm breaking up with you." 
"Ha..haha, hehe, you're funny! That was a good one, cutie! Really got me there," MK wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he glanced around the park you two were sitting in. "Now, what vendor are we gonna hit today? Y'know I think I wanna try that-" 
MK grimaced before turning his gaze onto you. You took in a deep breath before letting it out and with one hand stretched to rest on his arm.   
"Did I…did I do something wrong?" MK's voice trembled as he spoke, his own hand reaching up to land on top of yours. 
"Oh goodness, no-" You reassured as you took his hand in yours. "-nothing like that." 
"Then why?"
Exactly. Why were you ruining an almost picture perfect relationship for no apparent reason? And so out of the blue? I mean, your boyfriend just got back from his nth time saving-the-world expedition and that meant he had a lot more time to spend the peaceful days with you. So…why?
You stirred the remaining noodles in your bowl, the lukewarm soup brought an unexplainable comfort to your cold palms. With a few glances toward the door, your unease grew as the seconds ticked by. 
"He's supposed tah be 'ere twenty minutes ago," Pigsy's voice grumbled from within the kitchen. "I got way too many orders for him to be messin' around wit my time-" 
"-I'M HERE, I'M HERE-...Oh! Pookie!?" MK's gaze landed on you as he staggered from the door he slammed open. You called out his name with the same amount of adoration as he walked up to your side and planted a wet kiss on your forehead. 
"I'll be right back after I finish up here," MK promised as his smile trembled from the strain of keeping it up. You merely raised a brow at the state of his messy hair, gloomy vibes, and overall…stressed look? 
"Oh, we don't have to do anything tonight if you're not up for it-" 
"-NO, ahem, no worries, my love, I'm A-okay! Just be ready for your feet to be swept when your prince charming comes back!" MK blew a few kisses and winked in your direction before collecting the orders from Pigsy and hightailing it out of the shop. You and Pigsy watched as MK almost tripped out of the door. 
"Is…he always like this…?" You glanced at your boyfriend's father. Pigsy sighed as he ran a hand down his face, his brow creased from a multitude of things causing him headaches; his son being a major contributor. 
"You don't know the half of it, kid." 
There were a few more instances where you felt like MK was speed-running for the entire duration you two were supposed to be spending time together. Whether it was on dates, hanging with Mei, or even just bumping into each other. Your interactions were sweet, short, and to the point. Sometimes, MK's love bombing was downright suffocating. One time you could barely get out of bed with how hard he hugged you during movie night. 
The following weeks were a whirlwind of craziness that you were, unfortunately, caught up in. Watching your boyfriend hop in a truck and run away from a confrontation between a celestial and…was that the monkey king? 
Whoever that was, you were already sprinting back home to avoid getting yourself in harm's way.
That was the last time you saw MK for a while until two weeks or so later. By the time MK and co had returned, you had already decided what you were going to do moving forward. The answer was clear as day in your mind and made the most sense. After all, MK didn't need anything else added onto his plate of responsibilities and he certainly didn't need you. 
Sadly, your heart was still (and still is) conflicted. 
Your gaze wandered away from him and MK hated how he couldn't see your face. He disliked it as much as the anticipation eating away at him, making his hands sweat way more than he was comfortable with. You struggled to properly find the words and when that failed you, the only thing you could muster was a few choppy sentences that probably didn't make much sense. 
"I just think it's for the best," Your voice wavered as the irritating sting in your eyes meant the waterworks weren't far behind. MK didn't seem like he could hold his back for long as he cleared his throat and nodded along with what you said. 
"Right, right, uh-...then," MK stood up from the bench and offered his hand to you. "Can I at least walk you home? It's getting late and I…" don't want to say goodbye.
A smile broke out on your face as you sniffed, happily placing your hand in his and the two of you began trekking back to your home. The stillness that surrounded you both was…oddly cathartic, cozy, and made you feel lighter than air. That heavy weight that had been sitting on your chest was finally lifted. In its place there was a giant abyss left where your heart would be. You ignored this seeping feeling of dread, at least you managed to lighten your—MK's load. 
The sight of your neighborhood caused MK to squeeze your hand from time to time with each step taken, corner rounded, and familiar sights leading to the end of the both of you. 
MK wished in the back of his mind for you to say something, to let him know that this was all an elaborate prank, a joke that you would surely confess the punchline as soon as he led you to the door of your home. 
None of that happened.
Instead, MK was standing in front of your door with you standing before him. The dim light from the nearby lamp post illuminated your skin beautifully under the moonlight.
"Thank you for walking me back..I'll..um." 
"It's no worries, I.." 
The two young adults awkwardly glanced elsewhere as the uneasiness from earlier lingered. You shook your head and opened your arms, "Hug?" 
MK looked up from where he kicked at the floor and grinned, "Hug." 
One step and the two of you were wrapped in each other's confining, warm embrace.
"I'm gonna miss you," MK admitted through choked tears that escaped him. 
"I'll be here if you need me, but we need this…you need this," You rubbed a comforting hand on MK's back, frowning at the sight of his shoulders shuddering and the sound of his feeble sniffles. After a few more seconds, MK was the first to pull out of the hug. His face was damp with tears and what appeared to be snot, the corners of his eyes already looked puffy as he quickly wiped at his face. 
"..." You wanted nothing more than to comfort him further, but you had to draw a line somewhere if this was going to work. You turned to unlock your door and stepped inside, peeking out to wish the noodle boy one final goodnight. MK simply waved as the door closed, your face disappearing from sight but it was the only thing he could see in his mind. 
No one else was there to witness MK on autopilot. The dark-haired male shuffled out of your neighborhood and somehow ended up halfway up the stairs to his apartment. MK stepped inside his room, yet he couldn't even make it to his bed before he completely crashed on the carpet. Fat blobs of water spilt from his eyes, his frown opening to release the storm of emotions that have been festering the whole interaction. 
Only after his tears dried and the sun began peaking over the horizon did MK manage to fall asleep. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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First Day of School
Oh no, Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader twice in one day? I might have a new obsession...
Just a little blurb about their first meeting on the first day of school 🍎
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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“Smile, Pheebs. I’m sending this to your mum.” Roy aimed his mobile to take a picture of his niece.
First day of school. A fucking nightmare, really. The sounds of kids shrieking as they embraced after summer holiday, teachers trying to corral people towards the correct classrooms, little ones sobbing, parents sobbing.
At least Phoebe was happy, all smiles in her uniform and pigtails. And that made the morning Roy would be spending fighting his way back out of the parking lot worth being the person on drop-off duty today.
“I could get one of the two of you if you like.”
Roy turned his head. You smiled at him, looking like the last bit of summer in your dress and white sneakers. He felt something in his stomach lurch and wondered if he looked as red as he felt.
You offered a small wave to his niece. “Phoebe, right? I’ll be your teacher this year.” You offered your name and a handshake to the girl; Roy liked the way you seemed to treat her like a tiny adult, rather than like a toddler, the way some teachers did. “And you’re her uncle Roy, right?”
He shook your extended hand, amazed by how soft it felt in his. “Yeah. That’s me.”
“Lovely to meet you.” You gestured towards the phone that he clutched like a life preserver. “How about that photo then?”
Roy handed it over and crouched down next to Phoebe, wrapping his arm around her, offering a real smile. You quickly snapped a couple of shots before handing back his phone.
“Hopefully there’s a couple of good ones in there,” you murmured, doing your best not to stare too hard at the football star.
He didn’t bother looking at them. “I’m sure there are.”
Realizing that you were, indeed, staring at Roy Kent, you cleared your throat. “Right. Well, I’ll let you say your goodbyes.” You turned to Phoebe, plastering on that teacher smile, the bright, friendly one that you’d practiced in the mirror that morning. “And I will see you in a bit.”
As you turned to speedwalk to your classroom so you could try to remember how to breathe before facing twenty-four eight-year-olds, you heard your name called in a deliciously gruff voice. When you glanced over your shoulder, Roy was looking at you.
He took a step closer to close the space between you. “If you need anything this year, let me know. I’d love to help.” He cleared his throat. “My sister works a lot, but I’m available. To help, I mean.” He shrugged. “I’ll be coaching the girls’ football team, but seriously. Fucking- shit, sorry- effing field trips or class parties. Whatever.” He pulled his wallet out and opened it, plucking out a business card; he made a mental note to thank Keeley for making him get some. “My email’s there. Phone number too. Anything you need at all.” He let his eyes drift briefly over your figure before settling back on your face. “Gimme a call.”
Suddenly trembling, you took the business card from him. “Oh. Wow. Thank you, er, Coach Kent.” Your smile felt too big, too annoying. “I’ll see you around.”
You spun around, desperate to get away from those eyes and that leather jacket. Your fingertips tingled when you heard that deep voice hum, “Looking forward to it.”
It was going to be a long year.
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
stranger things au where when it's all done, instead of the general fandom usual of NDA's and cover stories, those guys at the NINA Project figure out a way to use that same technology that brought El's memories back to instead wipe the memories of anyone involved in saving the world/ anyone who saw anything abnormal and replace them with the mundane.
It's the only foolproof way to make sure that none of That gets out, to make sure that no one decides to go poking around again 10 years down the line or write a book or a song or a movie that hits a little too closely to the truth, and the government loves themselves something that seems like a foolproof plan.
But what does this mean for our heroes? They don't remember the circumstances that brought them together, only the cover memories that were inserted in their place. They don't remember why they care so deeply for one another because a summer scooping ice cream or a walk through the woods or an-- impromptu game of baseball???-- doesn't quite line up with how it feels.
It feels bigger than that. It feels--
There are explanations for Steve's scars, he remembers a big dog and a trip to the ER, he remembers getting in a car accident and the seat belt coming loose enough to get stuck across his throat instead of his chest. He remembers-- blood on his hands, blood on his clothes, the outline of a man torn half to shreds--
He remembers a bad trip with Robin, but sometimes Robin will say something and it's-- when we got drugged- took those- when we uh, y'know tried LSD that time?-- fuzzy because of the bad trip of it all.
It's easy to accept the truth as the truth, because he remembers. It's easy, for years, to let the truth be the truth, to forget entirely that there are pieces that don't make sense, that there's no reason he should be as close with Dustin Henderson as he is because wait how did we meet? over a missing cat? It's easy, to just let it be true, because the love is there and that's what matters.
The love is there for a year and two and five and ten and Steve's life isn't always easy, in fact he's gone through his fair share of therapists for the insomnia none of them can explain, the confusion that both him and Robin talk about sometimes in the dead of night but can't remember talking about in the morning.
Eddie gets medicated for some sort of psychosis for a while because he had years of these intense night terrors that he could never explain to people, screaming at the top of his lungs, but the minute he would try to tell a shaking and terrified Steve or Robin or Nancy or whoever was present what it had been about he would just sob with frustration because he couldn't remember.
Max has a condition which made her lose her eyesight rapidly as a teenager, who has chronic pain that no doctors have ever found a real cause for despite Steve dragging her to appointment after appointment with fierce protectiveness in his eyes and voice, a desperation that there has to be a reason.
It's easy to accept it as the truth, that they all gravitated towards each other because they're all just a little fucked up in unrelated ways. That they connected to one another because oh you get scared sometimes too? scared like I do? scared like no one else understands?
Lucas starts spontaneously sobbing when some Kate Bush song plays on the radio in 1992. Can't explain it except that it hurts.
Nancy goes to a shooting range and feels her hands go steady for the first time in years in '93. She's never shot a gun before.
El Hopper had a traumatic enough childhood that doctors say she likely won't ever remember all of it, that her brain is protecting her, that-- that's probably true. They're doctors. They know better than Steve, they know about everything except why Max's legs hurt so bad she can't move sometimes.
They know everything except why Eddie can't feel pinned down without having a visceral belief he's dying.
They know everything except why Jonathan swears that their old house used to be painted a different color in the living room.
There are explanations for Steve's scars. He remembers a big dog.
Sharp teeth. Snarling.
He's in his thirties when he kisses Eddie Munson for the first time, because they're fucked in the head in the same ways, because no one else has ever gotten close enough to see the scars and hear the screaming and feel the desperation and not suggested maybe you need bigger help than I can give.
He's a grown man, and it's easy to believe the truth of his past, easy to think that growing older means it's supposed to be a little fuzzy around the edges, and that's okay because this feels bright and clear and technicolor, this thing with Eddie who has run away and come back half a dozen times but always does come back.
Whether he goes to Seattle or LA, New York or Boston; whether he and Steve are in the same place at the same time for more than a couple of weeks, he always comes back, they always find their way back to each other no matter where in the world, except--
Except there.
Everyone left that town with a haste-- or was it one at a time? No, it was the Byers first to California, except-- didn't Will graduate from that school? No. Because El went to school in Chicago at the same time that Robin started college there and she helped Will apply to the Arts Institute and--
And it was Max who went to California-- no, she was from there, but she also-- did she go back?
And why does Steve remember the house he grew up in but the minute he tries to step outside the back door onto the patio in his mind, out by the-- with the blue light and--
"Have you ever been back?" he asks Eddie one day, 32 years old and living in Chicago now full-time together. Robin's just down the road, Nancy's at the Tribune, Argyle has been franchising that coffee shop of his, is opening a spot here in town near his friends who he met when--
"Back where?" Eddie trails his hands through Steve's hair, laying half on top of each other on the couch and listening to some old tape of Jonathan's.
"Where we're from."
Eddie's fingers slow to an almost still and Steve props himself up to watch the way his brow furrows in concentration.
"Why would we go back?" he asks, and Steve has this flash-- like they've had this conversation before.
Like they've talked about where we're from before, although the name of the place never crosses their lips.
"I dunno," Steve slumps into Eddie's chest. They're getting older though so maybe just, "nostalgia?"
"Are you feeling nostalgic?" A rediscovered rhythm to gentle nails across his scalp. Soothing.
"It's where we met," Steve says. It feels true, although when he thinks about it-- "remember? How we met?"
"I..." Eddie's jaw clicks. It does that sometimes, on the same side with the scar.
There are explanations for Eddie's scars too-- a drug deal gone wrong, too many guys with too may knives-- or was it broken beer bottles? They used those as weapons, yeah. Tattered clothes and tattered skin and blood on Steve's hands--
No. He wasn't there. Blood on-- it was Dustin who found him? No. Wait, it was Wayne. Wayne found him, yeah, exactly--
"We met there," Eddie's gripping Steve's hair now, by the root. "We met back there. High school. Do you want to go back?
"Why would we go--"
Steve startles himself with the words, like they just-- like they weren't a choice to say, like they said themselves, like--
Breathing is tight. Steve sits up straight and looks at him. Scars on his face. Eyes so big and deep they hold endless histories--
"Eddie, do you want to go visit-- visit, uh, you know?"
"Why would we--" Eddie claps a hand over his mouth and hums out a sound of frightened discontent. "What. What the fuck."
"How did we meet, again?" Steve swallows. Eddie stands up, paces to the other side of the apartment.
"High school."
"How in high school?"
"Steve, I stopped taking those meds because they didn't help, but this isn't helping me not feel fucking certifiable either--"
"Eddie, I don't remember."
"Okay, so we're getting old!"
"We're not even middle aged!"
Eddie stops where he stands, shakes his head, and Steve watches him because it's easy to watch him, easy to look at the life they've lived and accept that they found each other, fell in love, because no one else gets what it's like to be fucked in the head. To know what's true and still feel wrong in that truth.
To believe it and still get lost in it.
Eddie clenches down on the tremble of his jaw and his eyes go big and imploring.
"What's happening, Stevie?"
There are explanations for all of it, but no one has ever been able to explain Max's pain or Nancy's sharp-shooting or Robin and Steve's inability to get drunk without losing it or the color of the paint in the Byers' old living room in that fucking town that Steve can't even think the name of--
"I'm calling Robin," he says, already striding across the floor. "I want to go back."
There are explanations.
Maybe that's not good enough anymore.
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heyyallitssatan · 4 months
Todo fam headcanons
Enji isn’t a dick addition
He didn’t intentionally train any of his to be heroes, he just accepted them as they were
Touya really wanted to be a hero, but when they figured out his quirk didn’t work with his body they had to have a lot of long hard talks, they tried to find a lot of support gear but nothing could completely keep him from burning himself and they didn’t want him to risk his life
He came around to the idea eventually and ended up going to school to become a paramedic
Fuyumi didn’t get parentified and was allowed to explore what she wanted, she ended up loving art and went to an art school before apprenticing under a sculptor and then a tattoo artist, she eventually went back to sculpting and runs her own studio now
Natsuo followed in his big brothers footsteps and went to med school, he’s an er doctor
Shoto loved the skating trips his mom took him on and became a professional/Olympic figure skater and coach
Also, Rei was a snowboarder in this universe because I said so
It should be mentioned, Touya took up rock climbing as a hobby and got really into it
Fuyumi started doing mma as a stress release, she tried to get her siblings into it but it reminded Touya too much of training and the other two never enjoyed fighting
Natsuo feels like he gets plenty of physical activity between the er and his twice weekly workouts, so his hobby is playing video games,
Enji picked up crocheting after rei told him he needed a non stressful hobby to help him relax
Rei I turn felt she also needed a nonstressful hobby, and promptly chose rebuilding old cars because they have more money than god and can certainly afford it
Shoto never really made time for hobbies until fuyumi taught him how to sculpt, now he enjoys making weird little trinkets to give friends and family, and occasionally his competitors
I like to think the show still progresses normally, just with shinsou in 1A instead of shoto
The the reason we find out about the todoroki family is cause bakugou and midoriya both do their internship with Endeavor sanders he gushed about his wife and kids every chance he got
Midoriya thought shoto was the best thing ever and rei tried to set them up
She succeeded and got an adorable little son in law
Fuyumi showed up during bakugous internship with miruko to drop off some food for her wife and he freaked out cause he thinks miruko is so cool and turns out she has a badass wife too, best day ever
Touya meets both of them when he shows up at hawks agency to pick him up for their dinner date, they both lose their shit cause why are so many of them dating heroes
They meet natsuo during his internship/study program with recovery girl
Then they see rei on tv as a pro snowboarder
Now they’re wondering how many todorokis there are cause they just keep showing up everywhere
Then they find out that Touya and fuyumi are both in a heavy metal band, which segways into them finding out all of the todoroki play various instruments, and sports
When they ask how the hell they all know so much and have so many hobbies they just respond that they were homeschooled and rich, this left a lot of time and money to invest in random interests, so they all developed a ton of skills for absolutely no other reason than they got bored
Now Endeavor is number one after allmight retired, and they were competing for that spot beforehand but it was more of a friendly rivalry to encourage them to get better (maybe it started out legit but they both chilled quite a bit as they got older and eventually became friendly, though they kept up the image for the public and because it made them better heroes), but after all might was forced to retire endeavor publicly stated that this wasn’t the way he wanted their rivalry to end, but he would do his best to honour all might memory and carry on his legacy
He also encourages the new number two, his son in law hawks and every other hero to challenge him and make him keep working for his position
Now, this was cleared with hawks beforehand kind of as an announcement of his engagement to Touya, sadly the public misinterpreted that and thought that he was dating his daughter fuyumi, miruko shot that down quick and informed everyone that fuyumi was hers and hawks could fight her for it, all in good fun, and hawks clarified that he appreciates the offer cause fuyumi is great, but he’s very gay and quite in love with her brother
This was great, it was the closest to celebrity drama they’ve ever gotten from the todoroki family and it’s still super wholesome
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soullessdianthus · 1 year
Soft!Bo Sinclair X Fem!Reader | Headcanons
>> PART 2
Author's note: Basically, how Bo's heart softened and spared you from death. And yeah I'm kinda fucked in the head for writing him this way, but HEAR ME OUT━ I consider doing a part 2 to extend the topic hihi (like, what life in Ambrose with him later looks like or smth + NSFW obviously), but these are my first headcanons, so please be considerate. <3
Warnings: it's a bit lenghty, sorry, canon typical violence, SFW (lot's of comfort)
Word count: 1.1k
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Before your first "visit" to Ambrose, you and your friends set up a camp in the nearby woods - you were on a camping trip around Louisiana, for fun I guess or maybe during some break in your school/work
Bo watched your group from the tree line that night, he saw how poorly they treated you, how ignoring and demeaning they were towards you, why on Earth would you spend time with them?
He formed a strong opinion about those people right then and somehow took a little, tiny bit pity on you
When the car mysteriously broke down during the night, you along your companions took a walk to the small town nearby, searching the local mechanic
He was quick to find you, sitting on a pavement in front of a gas station
The man was charming, you admitted to yourself finally, especially when his bright irises traced your every step around the station
Bo looked enchanted, amazed by your personality, the way you talked, your appearance or all at once
But when some of your friends began to disappear few hours later, the true horror began
You stuck between the weirdly abandoned houses with two of your companions who were quick to seal your fate
They used handcuffs they found on the policeman wax figure to strap you to the metal pipe on the gas station - as a fucking offering to the killers chasing after the tourists
"Creating a distraction I guess" they responded, trying to justify their actions, before running off, abandoning you to die alone
No matter how hard you struggled against the tube or the handcuffs, there was no way you could escape this without cutting your palm off
Obviously you wanted to avoid that option
And then, out of bloom, he appeared - dressed in a blue coverall, sweat drops shining over his forehead, tousled hair sticking to his temple - clearly running after your "friends"
Bo noticed you in an instant and a wide smile twisted his face - such a prize as you, being placed (offered even) in front of him like a gift? best day ever for our man Bo
And if you are considerably way younger than him, let's say early twenties - he would take an extra intrest in you (being more vulnerable for manipulation *COUGHS*), also extra points if you have daddy issues
Come on, this guy just wants to be worshiped by younger girl and tells her what to do, okay?
"My, my, what do we have 'ere?" he asked rhetorically, slowly lurching toward you "Little fuckers left ya behind? Tsk, tsk"
You froze in place petrified, but... he didn't seem to want to hurt you
Bo swooped your loose hair behind your ear, before carefully examining your form - all this time you stood still
Because what else could you do? You were immobilized, ffs
"Don't worry darlin', Imma take care of 'em, yeah? Just stay right here"
He placed a goodbye-kiss on top of your head, before returning to his "duties", the hunt wasn't over yet
So you stood there helpless, bound to the metal pipe outside of the gas station for God knows how long, wondering what will happen to your friends and what will happen to you
You took a peek inside the wax museum and soon enough you found out the town was in fact empty - there had to be a correlation, right?
Besides you saw the man with a weird mask and long black hair stab one of your companions in the neck - so the conclusion was quite simple
When Beauregard came back with a pair of tiny keys looped on his thumb, you gave him a merciful stare with glossy eyes, non verbally expressing the thought "please, don't kill me"
"You're a smart girl, ain'tcha? Gonna be good, yeah? That means 'no troubles', got it?" Bo spoke softly, his voice enchanting you with sweet venom
He unlocked the handcuffs and set you free, while you gently nodded your head, agreeing to being "good".
"T-Thanks" you massaged the bruised wrist, devouring feeling of "freedom", before he placed his big palm on your lower back
It was so warm
"Come, you must be tired, huh?" Sinclair guided you to walk along him, heading to the house on a hill
His house
Bo invited you inside, opening the doors and guiding you once again with his hand
If he only could, he would hold you, touch you, fondle your flesh all the time - you were fucking magnetic
You politely entered the house, feeling his presence on your back - at this point you wanted to punch yourself in the face for thinking that you're safe now, that he wouldn't hurt you - he probably just killed your friends
But the man took a weird liking to you, maybe it was your bargaining chip to survival?
It was already dark outside when Bo led you to his room upstairs
He caught a clean t-shirt from the drawer and placed it in your hands
"Why are you doing this? Why are you kind to me?" you kept your head down, fingers digging into the material of his shirt
There was a dead silence for a seconds before he responded
"Such a girl like you doesn't deserve to be treated like trash, yeah? You had shitty friends, doll"
You finally looked up at him
He was smiling, it was a gentle smile, a caring one
"Now, maybe we should finally rest, hm? It was a long day"
You did not protest when he pointed with his finger to the bathroom, where you could change into the clean clothes
Neither when he changed into his pajama and guided you towards his bed
The adrenaline and emotions from the whole day kept you on a constant survival mode - but of course, you thought about escape
Yet you didn't
Somehow you made it this far
But now you were lying in bed beside him, under one sheet
You tried to remain calmness, but the tears overfilled your tired eyes - you started crying, trying to remain as still as possible
But Bo felt your curled up form shaking and a few weeps could be heard though you tried to hide it
"Come 'ere" he spoke through the darkness of his room "come, sweetheart. There's no need to cry"
When you turned around to face him, his arm was already opened, inviting you into his embrace
And you foolishly succumbed into his touch
This should feel wrong, but it didn't
He was so warm
Bo brought you even closer to his chest, letting his heat radiate through you
Oh, to have him take care of you &lt;3
You melted into his touch and soon after fall asleep in his arms
Bo never wish for his precious girl to cry like this again
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 8 months
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 18
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 5041
The two of you are irresponsible. Things end up fine, anyways.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, Dragons: Defenders of Berk, Race To Fireworm Island, unedited, part one
<Previous - Next>
“Yak dung, if ye brew’t ri’gh, yae can-”
You stared out at sea, legs stood apart, fur boots planted firmly against the wooden deck, fists on your hips and smelt the sea, which was a lot less fishy and foul than it had been by the docks, where stall owners tended to drop their fish guts.
Listening to the other two sailors talk was kind of boring. Apparently Yaks weren’t native to this part of the world. They were a far off import from a long time ago, which explained why Gobber and the other Vikings treated them like they were the ultimate cure-all.
“Aye, how abou’ we talk about something besides yak dung, you old frigate? I ‘prom I can’ ‘nit bear one more momen’ of- of-” The younger man spoke, voice tinged with a bit of roboticism and a definite note of disinterest. 
The last you checked, he was quite gruffly doing his best to untangle the knotted fronts of an old, frayed net, probably rife with holes.
Everyone was a warrior, few got to be nothing besides that.
Berk’s close knit community kept anyone from really falling into poverty unless they sucked or were new, but the few fishermen here on Berk that were unlucky enough to end up poor tended to have heavier accents than everyone else, spending most of their pay on their dying ships, in contrast to some of the other boats, with hardy shiphands and large decorated, painted sides.
This one, the one you were on, was old and small but incredibly hardy, though it felt like it might sink down in still waters. As you heard, it did surprisingly well during a storm.
Family boats died hard, it seemed. And he was very insistent that that boat ran in his family.
It took a while for you to ascertain the knowledge that here, you were actually supposed to poop on a poop deck, not that you wanted to. It was more like you’d been shown how they did it which was very similar to just leaning their butt over the side railing and roughing it in front of everyone.
You did not enjoy that show.
You didn’t think anyone here was there for that boat trip. You found that very good.
You were at sea with two other sailors, an old man, large but frail as his boat, and a younger middle aged man who had very little interest in anything but the nets.
The sea was oddly still though still windy as you felt through your very casual tunic and trousers. You figured it would be a waste to wear more.
A thick pouch attached to your hip bounced against your waist as the ship rocked. 
Today, you were a fisherman’s hired helping hand. It was a while since you’d helped on a ship. It was usually the poorer ones who couldn’t afford anyone hardier who pulled you up.
You were slightly pleased with it, though, as you raked across the sky with your eyes. Lunch was cheaper when you were part of the team catching it.
In the sky, you spotted the few birds brave enough to squeak and squeal and flip with dragons lurking around the clouds.
With a burst of enthusiasm, you waved up at them as they dotted the sky.
There were a few groups, not all clear enough for you to make out any more than a dot. And a little further back… There were what looked like the Riders.
You could make out the bright blur form of Stormfly and Astrid’s blonde head of hair on top. Behind her is who you thought were the twins.
You wondered where they were off to.
You eep-ed as a dot separated from the flock.
As the dot grew larger on the horizon, as you recognized the dark, swooping wings of the Night Fury and as it came closer, you realized, of course, that it was Hiccup and Toothless.
“Alr’gh, lass, You grab one end of the net and I’ll-” The old fisherman grumbled from behind, before cutting himself off, “By jove, what’s he want from ‘ere?”
His long, gray beard and ponytail shifted with the wind, and bald spot, which you presumed was caused prematurely a long time ago, half marred by a barely noticeable burn scar, slightly reflected the glare of the sun.
“Speak not of the Romans here, ol’ man,” The younger fisherman grumbled as you glanced back, his unevenly chopped, short brown hair blowing wildly as he limped and dragging his feet up behind him.
The old fishermen’s thin, threadbare brown fur tunic bollywood in the wind. It was patchy, something most Vikings on Berk could relate to but none would be bothered by besides the poorer, without the coin or resources to procure a new bit of fabric to replace.
Your own clothes were thin and not enough during the best of times.
You turned back up to the sky, nearly startled to see how far both Hiccup and Toothless had traveled in such little time, then backed up as they got nearer and nearer, quickly moving to compensate as they pul;led right up to the side.
The ship rocked dangerously as Toothless landed against the side, this fishing boat being a bit smaller than was typical, also positioned dangerously close to a set of rocks just barely peeking out of the water.
“Oi!” The old fisherman shouted angrily, as a spray of water rained down on them from above, just barely missing you, “Watch it, you-!”
“You watch i’, yae old man,” The brown haired fisherman said abruptly, scowling and fixing his accent and twisting his torso, sort of lanky but not nearly enough to be ousted from viking hood, dropping his net and coming over to cover the old man’s mouth, “Tha’s the Chief’s son.”
You winced, imagining his fishy breath over your own fingers, holding some pity for him though he didn’t look like he wanted or needed it.
Hiccup laughed awkwardly and winced, peering back at the rocks as Toothless sniffed around disinterestedly. 
“We go’ no fish for ye, beast!” The old man yowled raspily, throwing off the younger man’s hand and shaking his fist.
Hiccup looked at the fisherman with a slight grimace though he didn’t say anything.
You blew a puff of air out into the ether, looking to the side and inhaling a new, fresh breath and feeling the lungs in your chest expand as you did.
These kinds of spats were not something you had a particular interest in.
Hiccup neither, it seemed.
“Hi?” He asked awkwardly, turning his attention away from them and looking down at you from where he was seated on Toothless, whose claws were digging into the railing, which you were sure was going to give the old fisherman an ulcer later.
“Hello,” You responded. You supposed that by now you should be feeling at least a little bit of Deja Vu but you really did not at all, “Where are you off to?”
“So, ah, how’s…?” Hiccup asked awkwardly, “Is now a bad time?”
You both stared back at the older fisherman who was now squabbling with the brown haired guy, who was busy holding him back, his arms hooked under the back of the old fisherman’s.
“It’s been… fine,” You said, “He’s kind of crazy, I think. Don’t mind it much.”
You heard a loud sniff as what must’ve been Toothless knocked over a small barrel on the other end of the ship, causing some weird-smelling liquid to spill over onto the deck.
“Shouldn’t they be doing better, with all the dragons nearby? You know…” Hiccup gentured down towards the head of his dragon, sniffing at a few closed baskets by the side of the boat, “...Fish?”
“No, ah,” You hummed, nodding to the dingy floorboards and the frayed everything; this vessel wasn’t even painted, a great deal smaller than the other ships, “There’s more fish now because of the dragons doing less hunting, which means an easier catch, food has to cost less in order to feed more and to sell and because most people can probably catch their own fish, and also this boat is kind of…” 
You cleared your throat, shaking off the remnants of the fisherman’s accent, lingering along the edges of your voice.
You didn’t pick up on the whole thing until very, very recently but on the regular, you spoke in a way that was more formal than the rest of Berk.Of course, you knew you had an accent, but often you found that as you spent more time with the villagers, in an effort to be more polite, you tried to adapt the accents of the people you were speaking to in order to mask your own foreign one.
  It helped, some.
“Right,” Hiccup said again, “We’re- we’re looking for Fireworms. The others and I. I should probably…”
“For Snotlout?” You asked.
You looked back and then up towards Hiccup again. They usually managed just fine without you, and it was an awfully calm day.
Would you leave them behind? 
To be fair, if you stayed, you were sure to get an earful. So you didn’t feel bad about it at all.
“How did you know?” Hiccup asked. 
You squinted. 
Hiccup was positioned just so that the sun glared down from around him, which was a bit painful to your eyes.
“Well…” You started.
There wasn’t much the Riders did that had anything to do with the Jorgensons when Snotlout wasn’t involved and the ‘Louts had been particularly grabby recently. What wasn’t for them?
They took the island very seriously and themselves even more so as the ‘protectors of the island.’
From your interactions with the rest of the Jorgenson house and, more importantly, the head, you knew Spitelout was very rough on Snotlout.  
Depending on the Jorgenson, they were either sort of wasteful or wasteless to an unreasonable degree, throwing things out before they could be fixed and using old, broken tools even after it became incredibly dangerous to do so, but they were also very rich compared to some of the other families on Berk so it didn’t really matter. 
They had to have the best of everything in people and things, or something like that. Which usually left only crumbs for the rest of everybody.
You’d heard some of the women by the square complaining as you scoured over their crumbs and dry pickings.
You didn’t mind it. Berk was pretty first-come first-serve, anyways.
Until it came to dragons.
Everyone on Berk stuck to the typical types of dragons whenever they were forced to find a mount, not because they preferred it that way, though it wasn’t something you found to cause any dissent in particular. 
“Gut feeling,” You shrugged, going with the easy explanation, “Do you need any help?”
It was difficult to find any type outside of a Dragon Training course, of course, those being a roster of the most common native dragons. The other kinds were a bit harder to stumble across. Any of the ‘exotic’ types of dragon mounts were something to be proud of, and proud of them they were, the few Vikings who had the time and resources to expend. 
There were a few squabbles about it but nothing too major. Most Vikings were still a little dragon shy anyhow. The whole argument was kind of silly.
Having a dragon was about more than the type of dragon, anyways.
 It didn’t matter much to you, a person without a dragon. 
There was a fisherman who was quite proud of his exotic dragon- a Scauldron. He’d picked it up a little bit after the incident with the purple flowers.
It helped a lot with fishing.
“Well… Are you busy?” Hiccup asked, albeit a tad unsurely.
“Not particularly,” You said, staring back at the old fisherman, also a bit unsure. 
Adventuring with Hiccup would make it easier to avoid the old fisherman, who, now that you thought about it, was a bit off and who you imagined was very close to blowing his top.
“Really?” Hiccup asked, looking a little guilty, eyes darting back towards the fishermen behind you.
He pointed a shaking hand towards you, spluttering messily as the brown haired Viking guy scrambled for some of the ropes along one of the poles along the back end of the ship, still not letting go of his arm.
“Yeah,” You said, beaming as Hiccup scooted forward, urging Toothless to turn around with his foot, causing the boat to rock a bit and you to back up, adjusting to the dragon as he swung wide.
Hiccup made a sheepish smile and offered you the space behind him on his saddle, though he kept his eyes on the fisherman behind.
You pretended you saw nothing. You thought the scene they were making resembled something out of the world’s blandest comedy show, or an old cartoon. 
He paid pennies, anyway.
“Someone should be by with a Scauldron in case you need help,” You called back, “I heard the rainbow big ship was out today.”
“Not tha’ barrel! The other! Can’t you see the difference?” The old fisherman made a rude gesture and shouted as Toothless took the initiative to do a bit more exploring.
He shook free enough to grab something thick, dark and viscous from a wooden tankard to the side and throw it towards Toothless.
Hiccup shifted awkwardly as he responded, “I don't see the difference…?” 
You yelped and jumped back and scrambled up on Toothless behind him as the glob landed right by your feet. 
Looked like your refreshing day out at sea was over. You could always go fishing another day.
You tossed the fisherman back his coin, holding it between your fingers and flipping it to him with your thumb before he could say anything, shooting off a quick, “I’m sorry!”
He jumped down and grabbed for it, though the brown haired fisherman caught it with some minor exhaustion.
You turned away and lightly nudged Hiccup’s arm, hurting before the old fisherman could do something more crass. Like his bare bottom over the railing. Sure, you may have had to know the sight once, but it was still irritating. And gross.
Hiccup kicked Toothless quickly off and up into the sky. You could feel the wind bursting past your face, much more biting now that you were once again without your coat.
You rotated your shoulder slightly after you slipped into the saddle behind Hiccup, arms sore from all the rowing you did earlier, which was difficult considered your arms were clenched around his waist.
“Fireworm island?” You asked, “Which ones are Fireworms, again?”
“They’re the small orange glowy ones,” Hiccup spoke past the rushing wind, though it didn’t seem like he was particularly rushed, bumping your shoulder with his as he glanced back.
“I don’t think I’ve seen those yet,” You said as you locked your arms around his waist, Toothless moving at rocketing speeds.
“We’re heading back towards Berk?” You asked. 
“Yeah. We were just- Well-” Hiccup struggled, “Recouping. Navigating. Splitting ground.”
“Splitting? What’s your-? You know.”
“I’m not- I left too early,” Hiccup said, embarrassedly at nearly a shout, “I was hoping you might know- Ah– But the- I know some of the fishermen used to use Fireworms as bait.”
He cut off then, but you got the gist of it.
“Why don’t we try a different island?” You asked, fighting against the wind as Hiccup and Toothless reoriented them all, nearly flipping over.
You imagined what Fishlegs would say; ‘There’s an island for that!’
It seemed like there was an island for everything. Was there one for Fireworms?
You wondered what Berk was the island for.
You didn’t need to be close friends to know for sure. 
It was bare. 
You pushed through another set of ferns, following quickly behind Hiccup as the two of you trudged through a thick set of trees.
You really hoped you hadn’t messed up and someone ended up dead, or something.
People would riot. Chase you off for sure.
You heard people talking about moving more into the forests where there were more resources and privacy, the only thing having kept them in the village being the dragons.
You’d have to take refuge.
Another dock would be nice, you thought.
You wondered if the volcano on Dragon island was still active. That would make for a good second island, if the dragons didn’t mind a few human visitors. Roommates. Exile-ees.
You figured they’d probably rather they be left alone, though.
“Would using Gel from another Nightmare work? Or is it like blood transfusions?” You asked as you ducked under another low-hanging branch. 
You stepped over the gnarled roots of this tree quickly afterwards, the soles of your boots making an odd wet noise as it hit the damp undergrowth. 
The two of you had just hit a pretty soggy spot in the undergrowth and you knew Hiccup was worried it might turn into peat. 
You were close to suggesting that you head back and try another direction in the forest.
Said Hiccup looked at you oddly, brows cinched and raised as he tried to repeat your foreign modern words, “Blood transfusions?”
You puzzled over it for a moment, “Blood… exchange? Blood giving?”
“That…” Hiccup cringed, but he had the shadows of his idea face ghosting the corners of his expression. He was, also, probably wondering if it was just as unsanitary as it seemed, as a normally adjusted person should.
“It’s not as gross as it sounds, I promise.”
“I mean, everyone has different blood types, and you- Shouldn’t try it. Please don’t try it,” You said a bit quickly.
He didn’t have the medical equipment, at least not for blood.
It probably wasn’t safe anyways.
You hadn’t talked since before his Dad started asking you questions you didn’t want to think about. You refused to let it get awkward. Still, you hoped to find some Fireworms soon.
Toothless had run off earlier, chasing the likeness of a work into the trees. Hope was nearly lost.
Catching the worms was sort of difficult and the Fireworms had been sparse. You’d been out for what, thirty minutes? An hour?
You winced.
It was like trying to catch frogs with tweezers. How you imagined it, anyways.
You wondered if there were frogs here and if that was something Vikings did. You thought you saw a kid with a frog once. You wondered if Hiccup wanted to go catch frogs, and if he was the type of kid to have tried to do that. 
Maybe with friends? You weren’t sure.
He seemed a little solitary before the Red Death, though not by choice or any sort of personality quirk, at least nothing you would clock from the modern day.
You were afraid, though, that his only friend was Gobber which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, in and of itself.
“Toothless!” Hiccup tried then, calling again, cupping his hands around his mouth. 
You glanced down at his leg, which you noticed just then had sunk a bit deep into the mud. It was going to get caked later.
“No dice?” You asked, pulling yourself up a step.
“No dice,” Hiccup shook his head. He tried to hide it, but he was looking kind of glum. Which was understandable.
You squinted ahead as the way forward got lighter, blinking placidly into the treeline. 
Maybe you wouldn't have to turn back after all. 
You kept moving forwards. 
Hiccup had a sort of stormy, contemplative expression on his face a for a while, and so you’d given him the space to think.
You weren’t particularly pressed to speak yourself, in a mood that made you just as happy with silence as exercising your vocal cords.
“Spitelout… Snotlout hadn’t said anything but I’m sure he wants him to- …” Hiccup spoke, after a while.
“Kill Hookfang?” You asked.
You likened it -the idea- to euthanasia for older animals or animals that were too sick to function anymore. But you had the inkling that that’s not exactly the type of person Spitelout was. 
It was still unreasonable, though. You hadn’t exhausted half your resources yet, you thought. If there was still a chance you’d be able to save Snotlout’s dragon…
You felt sort of bad for Hiccup.
Dragons were his thing, after all. “I should have told the others where I was going,” Hiccup sighed, gesturing with his hands as he stopped suddenly, then letting them fall until they slapped soundlessly against his legs, “I can’t believe I messed up this bad.”
You moved up beside him to see his face, lips pursed into a thin line as he looked exhaustively up into the thin pin-ey canopy above, “It’s not that bad.”
He looked at you guiltily then, though you had the feeling he wasn’t looking at you with guilt any more than you being the cause of it. Did he regret stopping by to pick you up? Coming to another island?
“It’s fine,” You tried, before adding hopefully, comforting yourself a little bit, “We don’t know if it’s a mistake, yet. These things happen, and you never know.”
“My Dad is going to kick me out and I’m going to have to spend every night from now on until I die eating alone.” Hiccup spoke dryly.
“I’ll be here,” You suggested helpfully, “And if you get kicked off I promise I’ll visit with things. So you don’t drop. Like fresh water and probably beads, maybe.”
“Well, thanks, I bet they’ll taste great mixed up with a plate of loneliness and self-loathing,” Hiccup said sarcastically, waving his hands at his sides, before pausing, as if remembering who he was talking to. 
You snorted, a little bit surprised.
He’d not spent so much time being any more sarcastic than awkward whenever you were together. 
You thought it was a little bit funny and a little bit worrying. If things went wrong it was probably your fault, anyways. For messing with the plot. 
Had you really, though? The thought came unbidden. What had you done besides just existing? That was a guiltless action. 
Had that been all you had been doing?
You internally shook, brushing thoughts of those things away.
You didn’t want to do any pondering.
“You’d be fine, minus the indigestion, probably. You have a lot of things going for you,” You nodded.
“My sharp intellect and dashing charm,” Hiccup said, keeping his elbows close to his sides and gesturing to himself emphatically in a way that was incredibly sarcastic and slightly gawky.
“Yes,” You said firmly as you nodded besides, your side brushing fully past another fern as you went, “I mean, you’re a good inventor. I can’t name another one on the island- really, I’m sure I heard your Dad talking about it the other day-  ‘I could leave that boy alone for a week and he’d have me a city built on a whole other island by the time I got back.’”
You didn’t talk to many people so you mostly kept that bit to yourself.
“Wow, that’s…”
“A bit crazy?” You hummed, lifting your boot and jumping back slightly as you stepped into a particularly wet, boggy patch of grass.
“A lot of pressure,” Hiccup gestured aimlessly with his hands again, the glass beads threaded into the twine around his wrists twinkling slightly as he rotated them.
He seemed kind of crushed, suddenly. 
“I’m really not that good at… Prioritizing, I guess. Anything. All of this.” 
They were yellow today. Yellow and light green. You hadn’t noticed, too focused on staying atop Toothless in the sky earlier and on the fauna after you’d landed.
You looked down as you stepped up onto a short dry patch, kicking aside a few pebbles with your muddied boot toes and grabbing a hold of a thin branch, sticking up out of a log as you pulled yourself over.
“I hope he didn’t mean it literally,” You said, shrugging. But then you immediately felt guilty for it, glancing up from your feet back to Hiccup, “It’s- I mean, things happen-And- You don’t have to be good at it. I mean, you’re doing it. Who else is going to?”
You stopped for a moment and took that time to let out a large exhale.
You felt like you fumbled the conversation before you even moved your mouth again. 
“Right,” Hiccup looked at you unsurely before peering around the underbrush, “I guess. But everyone expects me to. I shouldn’t be saying this, but I don’t- …know how.”
Hiccup grimaced, looking like he had a heavy set of weights on his shoulders. Which, he might’ve.
You hadn’t had any in a while besides the need for food and board.
It made you wonder. Did you expect anything from Hiccup?
“Can you…? Gods, do you even know what I’m talking about?” Hiccup continued, burying his face in his hands, throwing his head up exaggeratedly as he rubbed his face, one hand lingering longer than the other.
He glanced at you from the corner of his eye as he did, “I didn’t mean-...”
He sighed heavily, defeated.
You looked at him for a moment, halted.
You ignored how your feet were sore and your back was starting to hurt from spending the whole day on your feet. This was no place to sit and rest, however, not even for a minute. You wouldn’t stop for more than a minute. 
Unless you wanted to be wet, that was. And froggy.
Way back on Berk, you were expected to take on responsibility a lot earlier than you were expected to in modern times so you guessed, in a way, you got it. And you wanted to tell him so.
You felt kind of odd about it all. 
Any direction you had you’d surely misplaced. Any path you knew was probably derailed- even this conversation you were sure wasn’t supposed to have happened. 
“I kind of know?” You said, “I get it, I mean. I haven’t been here for everything, but, you know, I’ve seen a lot. I don’t really have any good advice for you, though.”
You watched Hiccup slump slightly, grimacing as you spoke, feeling as if you’d failed some sort of test.
Who were you to ask for anything, really?
There was one thing you could give him, though. But similar to your own sleeves and patchy boots, which you liked a lot, you weren’t sure if it would count for much. 
“-And I’m sorry,” You said, before shrugging, not giving Hiccup a moment to think before you spoke again, “But I don’t expect anything you don’t want to give. Maybe, it would be hypocritical of me to ask for anything more than you are- I mean, I’m a delivery girl. I guess you know all that already, though, right? That you’re nice all on your own?”
You ended in a question, watching Hiccup as he watched you, searching for any more reaction. His reaction. Had you missed the mark? Was there even a mark to miss?
You hoped not. 
“Am I?” Hiccup asked, looking at you incredulously.
He gave you a wide-eyed look, some emotion you couldn’t name plastered all across his face.
You weren’t exactly an authority on the subject. You had been here, in the Archipelago, for a long while, but there were still many, many things you weren’t privy to.
“I think you are?” You took the lead by a few feet, urging Hiccup to subconsciously follow you forwards, hurrying the both of you up, “I don’t know what-I mean… Are you? I can’t really say. I’m not- the judge of- I think, honestly, the only one who can say what you are is- well. You? And you’d know better than me what you can handle. I don’t mind it, whatever it is you can or can’t do, I guess.”
You gestured back towards him as you glanced and turned away without actually looking, face heating up with an extra amount of embarrassment. 
You didn’t want to consider the idea that maybe you’d messed up, so you opted to ignore all of it. The idea that the whole conversation had happened in the first place.
Really, he was the main character. Why wouldn’t he know?
“I- ah, ph-what? I mean… Yeah?” Hiccup sputtered, following you as you through the forest around you, trying not to flinch as the water seeped through the bottom of your boots.
You shrug-nodded awkwardly, still staring ahead.
Thankfully, the damp earth began to grow firmer and the ferns grew thicker as you spoke until just by what you assumed to be the end of the treeline, where the sun shone brightest.
You pointed ahead, “I think there’s an opening up there.”
As you got closer, hurriedly trudging along though not too fast for Hiccup to keep up, you felt the beginnings and wisps of sea in the air.
You felt the beginnings of a rumble in your stomach as your anticipation grew.
So you had a little bit of an ulterior motive too, for rushing the two of you along. You were a little bit hungry, and you also had had no breakfast at all. A break would do Hiccup well too, you were sure.
You kept moving, the two of you in silence, until, finally, stepping past a particularly large front, framed by light that was almost glaring, considerably brighter than the kind you’d been subjected to in the smoggy underbrush-
The two of you had just broken out of the forest into a clear cliffside.
It was probably not too far away from where you’d initially landed. Geometric rock columns lined the cliffs’ edge, making the ground look almost like tiles, though some bits were slightly elevated over others. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but he beat you to it.
“Look, how about we take a break? I have to… I have to figure out how we’re going to get back,” Hiccup looked back, in a way you imagined was exhaustive, into the trees, most likely thinking of Toothless. Yeah, that was a problem.
You were glad he said it first. 
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may--hawk · 29 days
ain't no cure for love - chapter 1
It's spooky season, y'all!
Or, the haunted bookshop story:
Everything’s gone to shit. Aziraphale’s fucked off back to Heaven, and Crowley’s stuck down on Earth with a new angel who asks the most annoying questions, like they’re some kind of divine punishment. Then there’s all the weird dream he’s been having, the same one, over and over. Oh, yeah, and the bookshop’s haunted. Or, The shop’s always been able to do what it wants, within reason. There’d been that time in 1973 when it had manifested an extra room to hold Aziraphale’s unexpected stock of National Geographic magazines. Or the time Aziraphale brought in a new copy of Alice in Wonderland and they’d each had to answer a riddle to go down into the wine cellar. But Crowley’s never come across a single locked door in this bookshop in two hundred twenty-four years. It’s just - it’s not done. Something’s up with the shop. There’d been the thing with the jazz music from Crowley’s dream. Crowley’d figured it was just another one of the bookshop’s quirks, although the bookshop’s musical taste tends largely towards classical, naturally enough, with, of course, the exception that any Shostakovich left in the shop too long turns into a copy of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours.
Crowley goes back to the bookshop. There’s nowhere else to go. Not really. The bookshop is it for them, it’s everything and everywhere, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. It’s the one place they’ve ever really felt free, the one place they’d been able to be - them. It was what he meant when he’d told Aziraphale he couldn’t leave the bookshop. He’d known it ever since the first day, opening day, when he’d come in with his flowers and his chocolates and Aziraphale had made an elaborate show of inviting him in. Crowley’d only realized what the whole pantomime was for when he’d stepped across the threshold and felt the wards shiver across his skin and through it, sinking through his scales to the bone, all the way down to the other plane, where he felt it sinking into his very atoms, and disseminating, becoming a part of him, forever, or, at least, until Aziraphale took it back.
Crowley imagines that’s what humans mean when they call something home.
He expects to be turned away at the door when he goes back three weeks after Aziraphale’s gone back to Heaven. New management, and all. And, sure, he can probably trick the Inspector Constable into letting him in, but - why bother. It doesn’t seem sporting. Maybe, if he’s honest, he half-hopes the bookshop won’t let him in. Then he can say that’s that and fuck off to, say, the Marquesas Islands or something. Nice. California. Siberia. It would be a clean break. But. No such luck.
He steps up on the stoop and puts his hand out, about to touch the door in the same spot he’s touched it for centuries, where his hand would have worn the paint, if Aziraphale had let it, and the door swings open before he’s even touched it. He swears the lamps brighten, just a little, as if inviting him in. He turns around to look back at the Bentley, but it’s already sidling around the corner to its usual spot.
Well. Nothing for it, then. He goes in. There’s a nice bottle of Talisker waiting on the coffee table for him, right in his usual spot. His favorite. A welcome home of sorts, he guesses, from the bookshop itself. It was - it was nice, okay, if demons did nice. It was like an old friend, one that had been around for a long time.1 The bookshop was like the Bentley; after spending enough time around ethereal - er - occult beings, it had developed a personality, of sorts. Like the way it’d trip you up at the step out the door if you’d upset Aziraphale.2 Or the time he’d rearranged the books to spell something crude, and then he and Aziraphale had gone out for dinner, and when they’d come back, the books had spelled up yours, Crowley instead. Crowley had accused Aziraphale of doing it. Aziraphale had denied it, of course, the little bastard, all disapproving eyebrows and a twitch at the corner of his mouth. “Must be the shop,” he’d said, and patted the wainscoting when he thought Crowley wasn’t looking.
Or the way the shop always seemed to make sure it was the right temperature for Crowley. Or the way the blinds always seemed to be perfectly adjusted so they covered the sun - which, during the hours of three and four in the summer, and one and two in the winter, was always right in his eyes, if he napped in his preferred position on the sofa.3 Or the way the latest Fleming novel would always be in whatever bookshelf he was facing, even if the section was something completely unsuitable, like, say, French Cookery, or Experimental Oceanography.
So. Crowley stays. It makes him feel a little less lonely. The bookshop doesn’t seem to mind. Neither does Muriel. Besides, he wants to see the look on Aziraphale’s face when he comes crawling back - and he will, nothing lasts forever Crowley’s snakey arse - and sees that Crowley took such good care of the bookshop. That Crowley could take care of something, given the chance. Just look at his plants. They’re great, thriving specimens. The most beautiful, lushest plants in all of London.4
There’s room for the two of them, him and Muriel, because the bookshop always has been big enough for two, and they stay out of each other’s way, mostly. Muriel’s taken over Jim’s old room, got it piled up with rocks, and books pilfered from downstairs, and an incredible assortment of stationery and office supplies. Also, embroidered vests. They’ve discovered thrift shops.5 It’s like him and Aziraphale, discovering Earth all over again, except with a great deal less guilt and hand-wringing and a great deal less consumption, too.
Crowley tells himself it’s fine.
Crowley haunts the downstairs like a ghost....
Continue reading on AO3.
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cereusblue · 8 months
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Hi, all. So, I've had a day from hell and I'm too exhausted to re-explain on another platform. But here, I'll copy paste the story here. TLDR at the bottom. If you can't help, pass it on. Literally everything helps. Love you all.
Good day all, thank you for stopping your busy day to check my page.
Let me lay out the situation as best I can.
First off, some background for myself and my family. My fiancee and I only have(had) one functioning car between us when we took in a family member of his in an emergency CPS case. We are trying our hardest to take care of her and teach her how to be a person, but our schedules and only having one vehicle has made that a struggle. She has gotten a job just last week and is working hard to get on her feet. It's great and we are very proud of her! It's part time for the time being while she learns how to manage finances and how the world works.
However, since October things have started taking a turn for the worse. Between my fiancee and I, we both worked minimum wage and in October I bent over to put on a shoe and my back made a horrible crack noise. I went to the ER in immense pain and despite having insurance, I still got dumped with a hefty bill that to this day I am still trying to pay off. I have gone through physical therapy as requested by my doctor, since he didn't want to operate on someone of my age. However, it did nothing but agitate the problem. While I can now move around again, bending over and lifting anything past 15 pounds is strenuous. I'm in pain every single day and even sitting up is difficult most days. I can't stand up for long anymore before it becomes too much on my back. But things continue to happen, as they do. I was set to come back to see my surgeon this year but on Dec 29th in the last hour of the day, my job decided that an AI system could completely take over my job and laid me off. Getting unemployment as well as answers back from my previous work has been very difficult. My benefits were cut off with no chance to refill medications or see my surgeon. So, now my continued treatment to fix my back on top of my other health issues have all been put on pause. I've been working for almost two years now to get treatment and figure out what's wrong with my health, but I am now on a desperate search for a new job.
Which leads us to today. We are already strapped for money, and on a trip to an interview and my fiancee going to work, we got taken down a gravel road that looked deceptively fine. Driving across, the ice was far deeper than it appeared and it destroyed the grill, bumper, and wheel well (I believe that's what it's called) aka part of the frame that covers the front wheels broke and are hanging. That's not where it ends. So, I took the car to get it temporarily fixed so we could hopefully figure something out to get repairs done. The car got a temporary fix, and then I proceeded to take the car to pick up my fiancee from work. He and I began our drive back home, and as we were passing train tracks a doe jumped out into the road way too close to us. She only came into view as she appeared in the lights of the car, immediately getting bodied by the car. As you can see from the image, she destroyed the hood of the car and much more. I feel horrible for the poor thing and I hope she went quickly, noticing the fur and blood on the front bumper. We managed to get the car home, but the check engine light came on. This car is a Toyota prius. Anyone who knows anything about a prius knows they are basically tin cans. So, the worry is that the cooling system is busted now too. This will exponentially increase the amount we need to pay to repair the vehicle.
The worst part is, is that this is the only car we have to go to work and for me to go to interviews. I do have a car, but it's not in running condition right now. The poor thing is a 1999 and needs some parts replaced that we have not had the funds or availability to get a list of parts and have them replaced. The car also can't move anyway right now and would need towed. The prius is our only vehicle we have, and I don't have the funds to drop on fixing it. Insurance won't pay for it as far as we have been made aware by the body shop because of the type of insurance we have.
So, this is the current estimate we have to work with in regards to repairs. The entire front, hood, coolant system, and I know a few more pieces need replaced. The prius can run and be moved to a body shop at least, but paying for it will be a nightmare. If he can't get to work, we are in major trouble. My fiancee, his little sister, and I all rely on this car for work. While I'm still looking for work, I'm very limited because of my current physical state. We've spent a lot of money on my Healthcare already and every day are worried I'm going to reach for something and have my back crack again. While we are working on Medicaid, these things are proving a slow process. They also don't cover previous medical bills when I did have insurance. So, our only choice is to live off his income currently while I'm on a search for a new job every day. Our lives depend on this one car. Especially since we live out in the woods and work is 40 minutes away.
If you've read this far, I appreciate every single second of your time. Every single hand this gofundme goes through will be a huge help. If you can't help, that's okay, please don't stress your own financials if youre in a tough spot. If you can pass this along to anyone you can, that would be more than enough. Thank you again, and I wish you all better fortune this 2024.
For those who can't read the whole thing;
TLDR; Me and my family are already going through a lot of financial troubles with my health and being laid off, our only mode of transportation is severely damaged from an unmaintained roads massive pothole and hitting a deer in the same day. Three people rely on this one vehicle for all our jobs and interviews that are far from home. Donate if you can, if not, please share and thank you so very much.
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Also including another picture here for you all to see. Thank you all again, I wish you better fortune this year.
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Bruce Wayne x Bat!Mom
Title: A snowman, a nosebleed, and the Wayne’s
Warnings: None, the typical bickering, and silliness with the Waynes
-Christmas Special-
Prompts used are in bold and credit goes to: @dialogue4urocs
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Christmas Eve and Christmas day were your two favorite days out of the year. Two whole days with your boys; no Batman, no fighting criminals, just two days doing fun holiday things with the boys.
It was snowing and the ground was already covered, and it was deep. You decided to make the boys put on coats, beanies, gloves, and their boots, so you all could enjoy the snow day. 
Before the six of you could make it out the front door, Jason and Damian were already shoving each other. “Boys stop it.” you scolded them, and they had surprisingly stopped.
“Are we going to have a snowball fight?” Dick asked and Tim followed his question with, “I think that would be fun. Is that what we are doing?”
You shook your head, “No. Last year we did that, it was a disaster. Jason ended up with a bloody nose, Damian got lost in a snow drift, and Dick slipped on a patch of ice, and we had to take a trip to the ER. Tim was the only one who didn’t end up hurt or lost.” you said, and Bruce laughed.
“I forgot, we almost had to get a search party for Damian.” Bruce said, and Damian huffed. “I did NOT get lost. I just--- couldn’t get out of the snow drift.” he said, and Jason laughed at his brother. 
Damian rolled his eyes, “What are we going to do, mother?” he asked, and you picked up a basket that had a carrot, a hat, and a scarf. “We are going to make a snowman.” you said, and the boys started laughing. 
“Mom, we fight criminals at night. And you want us to make a snowman?” Jason questioned, and Bruce folded his arms. “Jason, we are going to make a snowman, and we are going to do it together as a family.” Bruce said, as he pulled you to his chest. “It’s the least we could do. Your mom hardly gets to spend time with us, let alone a full day. It’s only right that we do this one thing together.”
“Thank you, honey. Now, let’s get busy.” You said, as you started out with a small ball, and the boys joined in.
After what seemed like three hours, a big snowman was in the front lawn. Bruce picked up the top hat from the basket and put it on Damian’s head. You smiled, “Awwww come here, Dami!” you exclaimed with opened arms. He walked up to you, and you embraced him in a big hug. “You’re my favorite little snowMAN!” 
“Don’t call me little, Mother...” he said as his cheeks turned red. 
“Oh come on, you are so cu-”
“Don’t call me that either. You are going to ruin my reputation.” he muttered, and Jason snickered. Dick had already put the scarf, the rock eyes and buttons, onto the snowman. Then Tim put the carrot nose on the snowman, and he smiled, “There, all done!” 
Damian glared at the snowman, “Wait a minute-” he said as he approached the snowman. “That’s my scarf! Mother, why would you use my scarf and put it on this dirty, pile of snow?” he asked, gesturing at the pile of snow. 
“Well, you never wear it. Great Grandma Mary made it for you, and I recall you saying: It’s itchy, and it smells like mothballs.” you say, and Bruce shook his head. 
“For your information, mother, I would like it to be taken off.” he said as he folded his arms. 
Jason took it upon himself to remove the scarf from the snowman and wrapped it around Damian’s neck. “WHY’D YOU PUT THE SCARF STRAIGHT FROM THE SNOWMAN ONTO ME?! THAT’S COLD!” Damian screeched.
Jason, Dick, and Tim started to laugh at Damian’s dramatics. “You said to take it off the snowman because it’s yours. So, I figured you wanted it.” Jason said with an eyebrow raised.
Damian ripped the scarf from his neck and threw it at Jason’s face, “You could have let it warm up at the very least!!!” Jason grabbed the scarf and threw it back at Damian, and then all hell broke loose.
It all happened in a flash, Damian lunged at Jason, and he had the scarf in one hand, and a snowball in the other. Damian somehow placed the ball of snow on Jason’s neck and wrapped the scarf around him. 
“Let go, Demon Spawn!” Jason shouted, and Damian grabbed another snowball and threw it at Jason’s face. Blood stained the snow, and Bruce had to pick Damian off of Jason. “Can’t you two go one day without bickering?” Bruce questioned, and the two boys stared at each other. You helped Jason up off of the ground, and pinched his nose, “C’mon, let’s go get a tissue.”
When everyone had gotten inside, the fireplace was on, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas was playing. Everything was just right, a hot pizza was sitting on the coffee table, and for once, the boys were sitting on the couches quietly. 
Bruce took you to the kitchen and fixed you a glass of red wine. “I’m sorry if the boys put a damper on your ‘quality time’ together.” he said, as he rubbed your lower back.
“They didn’t ruin it. It’s not a Wayne family holiday or activity unless one of the boys get into a fight.” you say as you took a sip of your wine. “Well, I should say, it isn’t a Wayne holiday or activity without Jason and Damian getting into a fight.” you say, and Bruce laughed. 
“Damian, he is like angry toddler. A very intelligent and feisty toddler.” Bruce said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “And Jason--well--Jason too, acts like a toddler. But it amazes me how much his nose bleeds.”
You chuckled and the two of you went back to the living room where the boys were sound asleep. All was right in the world, and even though building a snowman turned into an act of violence, you were happy you, your husband, and boys were together.
This was short and I hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!
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ana-deaky · 9 months
Too Much To Ask For | Ari Levinson x Reader
So what would happen if your boyfriend accidentally saw a Twitter notification and this particular Twitter notification revealed that you had a second account and your boyfriend scrolled through the account to find something spicy. What did he find you ask? Gotta wait a couple of paragraphs for that 😉
Warnings: Soft!Ari x reader, some fluff, some SMUT! Fingering, licking and implied. Proceed at your own risk! (seriously tho)
Let the reading begin.. 😋
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Barefoot felt like a good idea, so did a good warm bath which you dreamt of since you got off work at the very ungodly hour of 8 instead of the usual 5. Blame it on the new intern to misfile the wrong paper and for you to run behind fixing all the dominoes that fell on due to the new girl, including having to have a meeting with the said intern. Thank God, Andy was in a better mood? The lemongrass smell was all you could dream about and a glass of the leftover white wine from last night's catch-up sesh with Malcolm. Thank fuck Malcolm exists!!!
Heels already in hand, imagining the lemongrass oil fragrance, you go up the elevator and walk the empty hallway. You let the heels drop in front of your door and started fishing through your bag for the keys. You huff and grunt as you pull out the charger and then your laptop to see inside the bag which seemed to be Hermione's magic handbag at this moment. The pitter-patter from the other side had you look up and thinking to yourself "Oh thank fuck he's home" when the door opened and revealed..
"Ari.. wha..? What are you.. when did you..? I mean hey, hi", your boyfriend stepped aside to let you walk in. "Hey treasure" and pressed a kiss against your temple. "When did you... Where's Malcolm?", you said after giving him a hug. Gosh that felt good after almost.. what was it.. a month?. "I flew in early afternoon. I tried calling you but I couldn't get through." "Fuck! I left it on silent when", you waved your hand and then took off your coat, "Work was hectic so I left it on silent for the whole day, sorry." "I thought I'd surprise you here at home. Malcolm said I could wait for you here, then he got a call and long story short, he won't be back till the morning." You smiled to yourself and rolled your eyes hearing Malcolm leaving Ari by himself.
"Babe!! Did you get me that?", you said noticing the vase of calla lillies that were not here when you tripped on the coffee table this morning. "Part of the surprise", he continued, "And I called the office to check on you because obviously I was concerned." "Obviously" "Mmhmm and they said you were in some meeting or something so I just figured I'd wait and maybe order takeout for the night", he said with a grin. "I missed you", you said giving him a hug again, you cheek resting against his chest and his big wrapping around you in the most comfiest bear hug ever. Happiest place in the world, fuck Disneyland.
"I've missed you more, for sure.", he said chuckling and continued, "Do you want to sit down and talk about work or something?". You looked up at him, "What's or something?", you asked coyly. "I don't know.. maybe I could draw us a bath and then watch a movie." You hummed. "Or I can help alleviate some of that work stress, Tesoro", his voice going bass-er and his hand almost petting your hair. A shiver ran through your spine as you heard the nickname.
Ari and you had been going out for six months now. Matchmade by your wonderful boss, Andy. And by week 3 of dating, Ari proposed that you two go steady and things have been amazing romantically and especially sexually. Man! That man is a beast in the bedroom, not complaining. But the thing is, in all the past six months Ari has called you princess, treasure and sunshine and other names too (wink wink) but never tesoro. Why would it surprise now, you'd ask? Tesoro was your alternate Twitter handle were you expressed thoughts without letting the world know it is you.
"Ari wh-", your back was pressed against the sofa with your legs spread and Ari kneeling in between you knees before you could finish your sentence. Ari leaned forward to grab you by the neck ever so softly and planted his lips on yours, devouring on you as if his life depended on it. His free hand was busy lightly tracing your face to your neck and going south to unbutton your shirt. A palm slipping inside the bra to fully envelope your breast and you feel a squeeze and then moan into his mouth which he takes as an opportunity to entangle your tongues.
His hand abandons your tit to slide down the side of your abdomen and then over your thighs and removing your stockings and repeats the gesture with your other leg. When he was done leaving your legs naked, he pulled away and leaned back to lift up your right leg and place it on your shoulder. You thought he growled as he looked at you spreadeagled and almost naked.. all for him. He ever-slowly and sensually starts kissing you up your leg. He paused at the hem of your skirt and brought his hands to raise your skirt and then gently caresses up you inner thigh upto your sex.
He hummed a tone of satisfaction to himself as he gently moved the panty to one side and felt the wetness starting to coat on his fingers. He presses a finger into your sex and begins rubbing against your clit. It had seemed forever since you felt him inside you and your body is already starting to build with the painful need to come around him. You stretch your feet, pointing your toes hard, feeling them curl and extend in preparation for your climax.
"Ari.. I need you, please", you begged. “Not yet.” He pulls his fingers out of me and before You have a chance to react to the loss of contact, his mouth is on you. His tongue penetrates your wet channel, rubbing your inner walls before pulling out of you and flicking your clit. He does that motion again and again until he settles on your clit, alternating between licking, sucking, and nibbling. Just a gentle graze that sends delicious jolts up your spine and into your brain.
You grip the back of his head and clamp your thighs around his ears as you watch him submerge his entire face in your sex. The tip of his tongue continues to tickle the engorged flesh between your legs and you're ready to explode. “Fuck, Ari. I’m going to come!” You hear him slurping and sucking everything that your body offers him. “Come, princess. I know you’re close.” you begin to rock against his face, feeling the orgasm at the tip of your tongue…and his as well. “Yes!” you scream. “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my Goddddd,” you chant. You shut your eyes just as the feeling explodes through you, causing fireworks behind your eyelids. You're barely down from the high when he's on you again.
“Ari, please.”, you beg again. He pulls away for a brief moment and asks, “How long did you stay after your usual work, princess?”. You stammer, “I..”. “I just asked you a question and I know you are far from being dumb still so tell me how many hours did you stay back at work today?”, he asks again in his almost dominating voice. “Three”, you replied instantly.
“Two more to go till you get me then, tesoro”
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