#I also have Empyre but that was just for the pretty art it was kind of ass
I really want Young Avengers friends because I feel so awkward posting about it without knowing anyone that’s like active in the fandom.
Like who am I supposed to tell about my whole self-fulfilling prophesy storyline for Billy in my MRU?? Who am I supposed to remind about the proposed Teddy casting from when the comics were being constructed?? Who am I supposed to talk to about the whole ‘Billy meets his equally powerful brother, Tommy’ from the Young Avengers original propositions???
I need people who are active in this fandom to let me talk to them before I cry
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sineala · 3 years
Your meta on 616 Tony's political affiliation was very well thought out and insightful! I was wondering if marvel ever did a comic storyline that was supposed to be an allegory for the iraq/afghanistan wars and if so, what positions tony and steve took? Like how the nixon alien thing was an allegory for watergate. Have the comics ever touched on the middle east wars? Do we know steve or tony's thoughts on those wars? Thanks!
The thing about modern Marvel comics is that they really, really don’t like to touch real-world politics.
The Secret Empire/Nomad thing was exceptional precisely because it is clearly supposed to be a take on Watergate -- and, IIRC, in the letters column Marvel tried to assert that it was not Nixon. They did publish it, yeah, but also they immediately disavowed it.
Sure, sometimes comics can’t not deal with major events -- JMS has a (as far as I know) very well-regarded Spider-Man issue about 9/11, but Marvel Comics are set in New York and they kind of had to say something about that one.
But for the most part, they just... don’t. I know this might be hard to believe given that Captain America Comics #1 has Captain America slugging Hitler right on the cover, published back before the US entered WWII and explicit anti-fascism was actually still a controversial position. But that was then and this is now, and as far as I can tell, mostly they just try to avoid telling stories that would explicitly interact with real-world politics in controversial ways.
And yeah, I know that Tony’s origin story was originally set during the Vietnam War and that he was an arms manufacturer during the Vietnam War. But in 1964 or so, this was not the controversial position that it became later. As the war became more and more unpopular, fans wrote in basically begging them to make Tony change. And, yes, they eventually did. In Iron Man #78, Tony leaves the weapons business. He reflects on how some of the terrible, terrible things he saw in Vietnam have made him commit to peace. It’s a lovely issue. It’s very moving. I recommend it a lot. But do you know when it was published? November 1975. Do you know when the US pulled out of Vietnam? I didn’t, so I just checked. The US officially withdrew in January 1973 and they weren’t all the way out until Saigon fell in April 1975. Marvel Comics did not make Tony stop manufacturing weapons until the Vietnam War was actually, completely over in terms of US involvement.
That’s not really what I would call being unafraid to take a bold, controversial anti-war stance. I’m just saying.
And, sure, once it was over Marvel felt free to tell stories about the war. In 1979, they retconned Rhodey into existence, as a Marine whom Tony met in Vietnam. And in 1986 they introduced Frank Simpson (Nuke), whose entire theme as a character is basically “what if the Vietnam War had really, really fucked Captain America up?” And there’s of course Frank Castle (The Punisher), who, like Tony, has a backstory that was originally tied to Vietnam.  Of course, it isn’t anymore, either.
So because of the way the Sliding Timescale works, pretty much every character who has a war-related backstory other than World War II has had their backstory reworked several times to incorporate whatever war would make the most sense for them to have been in if the modern comics happened right now. As I’m sure you know. So both Tony and Frank Castle have had their backstories altered to various places in the Middle East; off the top of my head, I know it was Afghanistan by the time of Extremis, but it may also have been Afghanistan before then. And as far as I know, they also avoided having characters take a stand on that war, either. Nothing is coming to mind, but if anyone else knows something, feel free to chime in.
Currently, both Tony and Frank Castle have their canonical war origin in a completely fictional war in the completely fictional country of “Siancong.”
(For what it’s worth, Marvel has also been known to publish Armed Forces Editions of their comics, and the PR for the Empyre: Captain America miniseries made a big deal out of the fact that the writer was also active-duty military.)
And, yes, Captain America, because of who the character is, does have more of an opportunity to deal with situations that are political but these days he doesn’t usually get to go very far beyond, like, “Nazis are bad and so is racism and sexism (and sometimes if you’re really lucky, homophobia is also bad).” And if you’ll recall, Mark Waid got in trouble for writing an essay for Marvel Comics #1000 in which Captain America described America as “deeply flawed” and they had him replace it with a different, less controversial essay, and this was, what, two weeks after they told Art Spiegelman that his introduction for a book of Golden Age comics could not compare Trump to the Red Skull? (Still not really sure why they asked Art Spiegelman to write that introduction at all since I would kind of assume they knew what they were getting with him in particular. But apparently not!)
But anyway, yeah, Marvel Comics’ attitude toward explicitly putting politics in comics these days seems to lean toward “just say no.”
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Thoughts on new comics this week?
SPOILERS regarding the two event comics I discuss below, minor for Empyre and substantial for Death Metal.
Die! Die! Die! #11: This comic continues to be A Lot in every way, and so far it continues to work for me.
The Ludocrats #3: No clue what’s going on here, but again, works for me.
Once & Future #9: Not much to say this month; fun, pretty art, cool last page.
Giant Size X-Men: Magneto: Pretty slim for the big post-hiatus return of Hickman X-Comics, but always down for him writing more Magneto, as well as more of who shows up in this particular issue.
The Immortal Hulk #35: Small an issue as this felt, it payed off stuff that’s been building for a long time both in this run and long before it, and I liked it a lot.
Avengers #34: This! Comic! Is! So! Dumb! And! Fun! Why did you have to fuck up that first arc so hard that no one notices Marvel’s flagship comic rules, Jason Aaron?! Why?!
Guardians of the Galaxy #4: My comic of the week! There’s no one big moment or twist to point to as reason for that, this is just real damn good comics. Juann Cabal puts on a damn clinic in here for easy-to-follow incredibly complex storytelling, and where I get the impression all the other Guardians of the Galaxy writers heard ‘marvel cosmic heroes’ and thought “So Claremont...in spaaaaaaace, and also maybe some movie stuff”, Ewing clearly received that logline and responded “So like Marvel Boy, but as a superhero team book with Rocket Raccoon and Hercules?”
Empyre #1: Three Ewing joints in one week! I wasn’t quite able to get into the beginning because I saw it online and assumed Slott scripted it, which somehow put it all in the wrong tone for me, but as soon as the ball gets rolling this puts the pedal to the metal and that it immediately swerves into a much more interesting premise than advertised has me very excited for where it goes from here.
Dark Nights: Death Metal #2: Speaking! Of! Dumb! Fun! Comics! This definitely isn’t hitting me the same way as Metal itself did yet - that came at a dull time for DC and felt out-of-left-field and additive and grandiose. This meanwhile is an ending, both to a run and an era for DC, opening in the middle and slowly ramping up into closing out stories that have already been introduced; while I expect that means I’ll like it more as it goes along, it does lose some punch until then. The Darkest Knight though? Igor-Alfred popping evil Batman’s brain into a fuckin’ Doctor Manhattan skull and asking “Shall you become a bat?”, adding all THAT nonsense on top of him already being both Batman and Joker? I’m extremely here for it. If it adds up later to a statement on how Watchmen has been handled now that it’s incorporated into the DCU, I’m betting that if hardly Peter Cannon I’ll still dig it given the tone the first issue took when discussing both it and Batman Who Laughs himself (and because it’ll be at Doomsday Clock’s continued expense). If however this is instead Snyder recognizing that in a post-Wallyhattan world the threshold has been crossed of this simply being yet another flavor in the DC stew, and he’s choosing to use it in the most deliberately ridiculous way possible? Well, as noted, the threshold has been crossed on absolutely every level, and it’d at least be by far the most earnestly intended thing anyone has done with those characters in the 21st century thus far. Anyway, all else aside, it’s definitely time once this is done for Snyder to do something very different, but as a farewell fireworks show for both his mega-story and the pre-5G DC, there’s little I as a reader am primed to enjoy more than this sort of four-color orgy of pure superhero comics trashiness.
Justice League #49: Kind of an odd Flash panel, and Aaron Lopresti continues to be an artistic mismatch, but Spurrier is handling questions about the genre that comics four times as long break themselves attempting to deal with with a quarter of the insight.
Strange Adventures #3: Yes. YES. Finally the comic about how Adam Strange is a piece of shit that I have always wanted. And page 5? The splash? Took my breath away. Speaking of art, very glad to finally see Doc get to try his hand at some good old fashioned horrific, unmitigated violence. Turns out the dude’s very good at that!
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12: I’ve been the Olsen naysayer, in that I like it a lot but not nearly as much as everyone else, but gotta say, I really did love this last issue and am very much looking forward to the future reread now.
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level99games · 4 years
Empyreal Journey
Last week, I’ve worked on a different kind of project than my usual game development and business management. I’m calling it the Empyreal Journey, and it’s a cross-pollination of The Empyreal Experiment and our Year in Indines program.
The Empyreal Journey is an experience designed to bring the World of Indines to your inbox, taking you on a tour of fantastic locations across Indines. It’s chock full of art and contains a bunch of goodies such as downloadable artworks, wallpapers, and even a mini-expansion for Empyreal! Every few days, at precisely 3pm, the train will leave the station and you’ll be transported to another fantastic venue from Indines.
Why do all this? At Level 99 Games, we make a number of things that are pretty big. A lot of our games—such as Argent, Millennium Blades, BattleCON: Devastation, and Empyreal—are don’t make great impulse buys. Which means that it takes a bit of time between when you decide that you’re interested in the game and that you’re finally ready to buy it. Keeping fans’ minds on our games, while also entertaining them and providing a quick break from work seems like an ideal way to achieve this.
Furthermore, since we strive to make games that live “outside the box”, we’re always looking for more ways to bring a game’s narrative experience to life. The ‘souvenirs’ from the Empyreal journey provide a great way to enjoy the game, even when you’re not playing it.
It occurs to me that if you’re into tabletop games, the only way to really enjoy the medium, aside from actually playing a game, is to visit forums and read news on BGG or Reddit. We want to provide fans a pleasant departure from the monotony of a workday, and a new way to dip into the tabletop gaming worlds they love. So why not have some interesting and entertaining board-game-adjacent content delivered right into your inbox?
Finally, Empyreal had a huge art budget and extensive world-building was done for the game. Artists and writers have spent countless hours bringing Indines to life. Without something like the Empyreal Journey, this content would only be available by combing through our blogs, buying the artbooks, or scrubbing through audios of our old podcast. In fact, some of it might be completely inaccessible. The Empyreal Journey gives you an easy way to experience the hard work our world-building team has done for you. 
After all, a thematic game is more fun when you care about the characters and story—the whole point of playing is to depart from the real world and dive into another one for a short time. Reading along with the journey will inspire you to enjoy Empyreal—as well as all the other games in Indines—even more!
Want to join the adventure? Just sign up at https://get.empyrealspellsandsteam.com, and you’ll automatically start getting the Empyreal Journey in your inbox. After you’ve completed the journey (it takes about 3 weeks), I would appreciate any feedback on the experience!
About the Author
D. Brad Talton Jr. is the President of Level 99 Games, as well as the designer of BattleCON, Millennium Blades, Pixel Tactics, Exceed, and many more games. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with his wife Lynda and daughter Kathryn. 
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djgamek1ng · 5 years
Media Tour Tanking Impressions! [FFXIV]
The Media Tour embargo has been lifted (over a week ago already) and I wanna give my quick impressions on each of the tanks! Let’s start with my current main first! Quick disclaimer however: potencies, durations and even skills are subjected to change before Shadowbringers’ early access starts on the 28th. If you don’t like something, please go to the official forums and let yourself be heard! Also, I might be missing some skills that got some minor changes. I’m sorry :<
Paladin (PLD): PLD got some nice stuff, mostly QoL to be honest.
- Iron Will is our not Shield Oath which increases our enmity generation. - Rage of Halone is our not Royal Authority that gets upgraded into Royal Authority at level 60. - Total Eclipse is now our main AoE move (RIP FLASH! I WILL MISS YOU BUDDY!), that comboes into Prominence when we get that at level 40. - Cover got nerfed a bit. No more 20% mitigation and it now costs Oath Gauge. - Oath Gauge... untouched. You still get it via auto attacks. 5 per auto. - Enhanced Shelltron! Now it doesn’t get taken after 1 attack and lasts the full 6 seconds! - HOLY CIRCLE! MAGICAL AOE! FINALLY A REASON TO USE REQUIESCAT INSIDE OF A PACK OF MOBS! - INTERVENE! GAP CLOSER! HALLELUJAH! - ATONEMENT! AWESOME NAME! ESSENTIALLY A REPLACEMENT FOR OUR 2ND ROYAL AUTHORITY COMBO INSIDE FIGHT OR FLIGHT! YOU GET 3 OF THEM AFTER 1 ROYAL AUTHORITY COMBO! - ENHANCED REQUIESCAT! INSTANT CASTS! MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! - CONFITEOR! HOLY CRAP, THAT’S JUDGEMENT BLADE FROM FF TACTICS! IT DOES A CRAP LOAD OF DAMAGE AND IS AOE. IT ALSO ENDS REQUIESCAT IMMEDIATELY, WHICH KIND OF SUCKS BUT ALRIGHT. 800 POTENCY! AAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Warrior (WAR): WAR, similar to PLD, got mostly QoL to be honest. Also, like PLD, it mostly stayed the same.
- Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone now get changed into Fell Cleave and Decimate respectively (NOOOOOOOO, STEEL CYCLONE!) - Onslaught is untouched. Still costs 20 gauge, only 100 potency and 10 second cooldown. Still just an gauge spender, not sure if you get crit rate up from building up gauge still. - Overpower now comboes into Mythril Tempest and it looks awesome! - Nascent Chaos! Infuriate now makes it so that Fell Cleave becomes Inner Chaos and Decimate becomes Chaotic Cyclone for 1 cast. Chaotic Cyclone is a 400 potency direct critical hit AoE attack and Inner Chaos is a 900 potency direct critical hit ST attack! Holy moly! - Nascent Flash! Bloodbath is back... sort of. You put it on a buddy and you get 6ish seconds (so 2 GCDs roughly) that heals the WAR for a portion of the damage and their buddy for half of that amount. The buddy also has 10% mitigation. It shares a cooldown with Raw Intuition (which got changed to just give 20% mitigation. NO MORE PARRY!)
Overal verdict: WAR got stuff! It got WAR stuff! It will cleave your face off with Inner Chaos! SE put more WAR in your WAR, so it’s pretty good!
Dark Knight (DRK): DRK, unlike WAR or PLD, got actually quite a few changes!
- Darkside is no longer a stance, but it is a buff! It gets activated after using Edge of Darkness/Shadow or Flood of Darkness/Shadow. It also doesn’t cancel passive MP regen anymore. - Unleash now comboes into Stalwart Soul, which fills the Blood Gauge by 20 and restores MP. Unleash also doesn’t cost MP anymore. - Blood Price is gone, but Blood Weapon can be used at any time. Blood Weapon doesn’t lower your GCD anymore though and it gives back 10 Blackblood per weaponskill or spell - The Souleater combo now always restores back some HP at the end of the combo! - Blackest Night somehow got more OP. It is now 25% of the targets max HP, so in Shadowbringers at our AF gear tank will get about a 25k shield from it. - Carve and Spit is now a flat potency and restores MP - Abyssal Drain is now an oGCD that also heals - DARK ARTS IS DEAD! Sort of! It is still a thing, but it is something you get when you break The Blackest Night and the only thing it does is give a free usage of Edge/Flood of Darkness/Shadow. - Plunge now can get 2 charges! Awesome! - Delirium got changed... again. It is now totally-not-Inner-Release, giving you 10 seconds in which all of your Bloodspillers and/or Quietus cost no Blackblood - Edge of Darkness. An oGCD that costs 3k MP and gives you 30 seconds of Darkside. It is single target and has 350 potency (upgraded to 500 when you get Edge of Shadow). - Flood of Darkness. Totally-not-Dark-Passenger (RIP Dark Passenger btw ;-;). Straight line AoE oGCD that costs 3k MP and gives you 30 seconds of Darkside. It has 250 potency (upgraded to 300 when you get Flood of Shadow). - Dark Missionary. An AoE defensive cooldown. 90 seconds cooldown, 15 second duration. Reduces magic damage taken by you and the party by 15%. Will be good for AoE damage, since a gross majority of AoE damage is magic damage. - Living Shadow! Costs 50 Blackblood, lasts for 24 seconds. Summons a certain NPC we are all too familiar with as a DRK and he does 7 400 potency attacks. The attacks he does in reality don’t matter (maybe Abyssal Drain and Quietus are actually AoE, but I can’t confirm that one way or another).
Overal verdict: DRK got a lot of good stuff! I’m sad that the Power Slash combo is completely gone now, since its finisher was freaking awesome and I loved Dark Passenger’s animation, but honestly... all it is getting is way too awesome to be sad over those 2 things for too long. There are a few complaints I have, mainly Dark Missionary being the same cooldown, duration and mitigation as Gunbreaker’s (GNB’s) Heart of Light while only covering magic damage while Heart of Light covers all damage. Kind of feel Dark Missionary could use either a longer duration, shorter cooldown or more mitigation (not too much in any which way) since it now just feels like worse Heart of Light. I know that they will be used for different things, but still feels weird. Gunbreaker (GNB): I won’t be covering GNB in detail since it is an entirely new job and I would need a completely seperate post for it. Big take aways are: it’s animations are a mostly 1 handed sword fighting style, it is LOADED with FF8 references, every GNB is Doomguy (Ready to Rip/Tear/Gouge? Demon Slice and Demon Slaughter? I know they are probably references to something else, but all I want to do is rock out to E1-M1), it has a random GCD DoT skill while every single one of those that weren’t really part of a rotation were taken away, it looks awesome, its abbreviation is GNB and NOT GUN THANK THE LORD, it’s cartridge system looks pretty good, its potencies from the media tour might need to get a bit buffed (REMOVE THE GCD DOT FROM THE GCD. JUST MAKE IT AN OGCD WEAPONSKILL LIKE EMPYREAL ARROW FROM BRD), it has a gap closer, lot of flips and stuff.
Overal verdict: I’m leveling this first for ShB and it might probably be my main job for the rest of the expansion at least. It looks freaking dope and I want all of it right now!
Overal thoughts on tanking: If you are a person that suffers from tanxiety (I hate that phrasing btw), tanking will be so much easier in this expansion. Square has finally decided to say “this is what we are going with” for tanking instead of trying to do both offensive and defensive tanking. With our level 1 passive of permanent 20% mitigation on us, tanking stances on level 10 across the board and fun looking rotations across the board, tanking is looking like it has never been more fun and accessible. The tanks do look a bit homogenized, but I have all hope and faith in SE to make them more unique and fleshed out in future expansions. I’m most likely gonna be maining GNB in ShB and you can expect me to make reviews for each of the tanks. Later and thank you for reading! I’m very excited about the future of tanking in FFXIV!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Empyre: The Next Marvel Event
One of the big constants in Marvel has always been the endless rivalry between the Skrulls and the Kree. Back in the ‘70s, we got the classic Avengers story, The Kree-Skrull War out of the two alien forces going to war with each other with Earth’s fate in the balance. The What If spinoff (“What If the Avengers Fought the Kree-Skrull War Without Rick Jones?”) is presumably the first massive superhero team-up storyline in Marvel history. The aftermath of the Kree-Skrull War caused the creation of Marvel’s Illuminati. They even retconned it so that Venom’s origins were spawned from the war (its first host was a Kree warrior trying to weaponize shape-shifting against a race of shape-shifters).
Plus, hey, we got a pretty successful Captain Marvel movie based on the feud.
A major wrinkle in the rivalry appeared in the mid-00s when we got to meet Hulkling from the Young Avengers. Teddy Altman was introduced as presumably some kind of Hulk-based offshoot of Bruce Banner’s gamma-irradiated alter ego with the big twist reveal being that he was the offspring of Kree hero Mar-Vell and Skrull Princess Anelle. The fact that Teddy looked like a Hulk was just a shape-shifting ruse (for the record, Hulk himself found that charming and flattering). Now, after all this time as an Earth superhero, Hulkling is finally giving into his birthright.
The comic one-shot Incoming showed bits and pieces of what’s going on in various Marvel status quos, but the big thing is that Hulkling – now calling himself Dorrek VIII – is going to be uniting the Skrulls and the Kree to smite Earth in what he calls “The Final War.”
Why? Not sure yet, but it has something to do with killer trees. PROBABLY not Groot-like trees, but Incoming did involve a Skrull trying to give exposition only for a tree to grow from his insides so fast that he exploded.
…Yeah. Well, here’s the trailer where the creative team goes over everything!
Marvel Empyre Trailer
Empyre, at its core, is a team-up between the Avengers and Fantastic Four against the Kree-Skrull Alliance. Granted, it isn’t so radical that these two alien races would join forces. With storylines like Annihilation, Annihilators, and Infinity, the cosmic threats have been getting more fearsome lately, to the point that 1000-year enemies now regularly fight side-by-side out of necessity. But why target Earth, who acted as their ally in those instances?
If anything, this makes me think back to the ’90s one-shot Hulk: The End, where a nuclear war wiped out Earth’s population and the Kree and Skrulls called off their war for one hundred years of celebration. Sure, these two races have it in for each other, but it’s only a matter of time before they agree on how much they can’t stand Earth and build on that.
Marvel Empyre Release Date
The main series will be co-written by Avengers scribe Al Ewing and Fantastic Four scribe Dan Slott. The art will be taken care of by Valerio Schiti. While the Incoming intro one-shot is already out, Empyre #1 is set to kick off the event on April 15 and last for six issues.
Or…well, it was set for April 15. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the entertainment industry hard and the comic book distribution is no different. As of right now, all Marvel releases are put on hold indefinitely, so I guess consider Empyre #1‘s release date to be “about two weeks after things go back to normal.”
Read more
First New Marvel X-Men Crossover Revealed
By Jim Dandy
Marvel Reveals Juggernaut X-Men Spinoff
By Gavin Jasper
Marvel Empyre Tie-Ins
As for tie-ins, in April* we’re starting off with Empyre: Fantastic Four #0, Empyre: Avengers #0-3, Empyre: Spider-Man #1-3, Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling #1, Fantastic Four #21-22, and X-Men #10-11. May* will give us the Union #1-5, Lords of Empyre: Celestial Messiah, Empyre: X-Men #1-4, Empyre: Thor #1-3, Empyre: Stormranger #1-3, Empyre Squadron Supreme #1-2, Empyre: Savage Avengers #1, Empyre: The Invasion of Wakanda #1-3, Empyre: Ghost Rider #1, Empyre: Captain America #1-3, and Captain Marvel #18-20. Lastly, Lords of Empyre: Swordsman #1 comes out in June*.
*Again, that’s what was originally announced. You can probably a month or two to when Marvel’s comic releases go back to normal.
Time will tell what in there is actually worth reading, but the Savage Avengers tie-in is Gerry Duggan and Greg Smallwood putting together a team-up between Conan the Barbarian and Venom against alien plant people, so I’m all about that jazz! Also, the Spider-Man tie-in is written by Taran Killam, who was one of the brighter spots of the last decade of Saturday Night Live, so that might at least be interesting.
Marvel Empyre Covers and Promotional Images
Another piece of the puzzle is that according to one of the promotional images, one of the big plot points is the crowning of Ronan the Accuser’s successor. Ronan was killed off recently in the Death of the Inhumans storyline, but supposedly one of Earth’s heroes will be wielding his not-quite-as-cool-as-Mjolnir hammer. The covers for certain solicited comics coming in the next few months seems to spoil the wielder, so that might not be the most shocking development in this series.
There’s also a promotional cover saying that one of the heroes will be betraying the rest. Is this supposed to just mean Hulkling or is there more to the story? Maybe it ties into the Accuser situation I just talked about. Someone taking Ronan the Accuser’s spot might not exactly be a good thing for Earth, considering he spent much of his fictional existence as a villain and this is already a Kree-Skrull invasion.
In the meantime, here’s some more cool cover art.
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The post Empyre: The Next Marvel Event appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Comics – Den of Geek https://ift.tt/33SjEEB
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