#I also like dipping my pizza crust in Hawaiian Punch
polyamorouspunk · 7 months
Reblog this and put in the tags your weird food combinations.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - c.9
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Summary: Walter and Penny can almost welcome their kid, however Penny starts to become very anxious
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 2.3k
Warnings: Just mentions of punching people
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
I’m thirty weeks pregnant and I know that I have around eight to ten weeks to go, however, this pregnancy has been pretty straining on my back, my pelvis and basically my entire body. Moving around is painful and my mom is over at our place a lot of the time to help me out. I’m thanking the heavens that I am not doing cosmetology school now as well, knowing for a fact that I probably couldn’t keep up at all.
If I’m not sitting on the couch reading, I’m crying because I am sitting in the nursery and think about having a little baby and all the bad things that could happen to them.
Walter is drained from a rough day of patrolling and he plops next to me on the couch. Just like any other day, I barely moved, however he still asks me the question.
‘How was your day, princess?’
‘Boring,’ I mumble. ‘How was yours?’
He simply shrugs, probably because something happened and he doesn’t want me to worry. I rest my head against his chest and without thinking it seems, he places his hand on my stomach. ‘Have they been good to you?’ he asks
‘They sure have been,’ I chuckle. ‘Just hate the fact that I’m practically glued to the couch.’
Walter nods, pressing a kiss on top of my head. I know he worries a lot and therefore confides to my mom, asking her what more he can do to help me out. Walter is being the perfect boyfriend, because even my mom said that he is doing literally all he can to help me out. One night I found him scrolling and searching for tricks to ease the pain and discomfort, though he never lets me in on it.
‘If you’re up for it, we could have dinner,’ he says, ‘somewhere other than our living room.’
‘Where do you want to go?’
‘I don’t know what you’re craving. I’m up for anything.’
‘Pizza?’ I ask. ‘I would really love a Hawaiian Pizza.’
Walter frowns for a second—probably remembering how I told him multiple times that I hate pineapple on pizza—but then he nods. ‘Of course, princess.’
✎ ✎ ✎
We’re sitting at a restaurant across from each other and it’s nice to be out and about again. I mean, I go to town with my parents a lot, I hang out with the ladies from the pregnancy class, but going out with Walter has been a while, especially because he has been working long hours and I’m tired after one trip to anywhere basically.
Walter actually stretched out his leg underneath the table, towards my side, so I can rest my feet on it. Every time I have a crust left, I hand it over to him and with a small smile he accepts them. ‘So,’ I say, ‘I’ve been thinking about a name.’
‘Tell me.’
‘I would say that for a girl we could call her Emma.’
Walter tilts his head. ‘Emma Marshall, sounds cute,’ he says with a smile. ‘You have a name for when it’s a boy?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. I actually think they’re a girl.’
He starts to laugh. ‘Why do you think that, princess?’
‘Just a gut feeling,’ I chuckle. ‘What do you think?’
‘I have no idea,’ he says, holding out his hand for me to take. When I placed mine in his, he adds: ‘I actually have a name for a boy. Wanna hear?’
Oh, that’s a lovely name. I don’t think I even know someone who is named Declan. ‘Declan Marshall. That sounds so cute. I absolutely adore it, Walter.’
Walter smiles and gives me a kiss on my hand. ‘We’ll see how we name them.’
‘Yeah,’ I chuckle. ‘Just around ten weeks or less,’ I say. ‘Kinda nervous.’
‘Why’s that?’
‘It’s giving birth, Walter. That’s scary. All these other ladies are so confident and proud of what their bodies can do and all. I mean, sure, that’s awesome, but it also terrifies me.’
‘Understandable,’ he says. ‘I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.’
‘I know,’ I chuckle. ‘It’s just that… I don’t know. With being pregnant, it’s just all a fantasy. With a newborn, it’s the real deal.’
Walter nods, taking in my worries. ‘Well,’ he says, ‘you and I can manage.’
‘You’re being awfully nonchalant about it.’
‘That’s because I need to stay calm for you. Believe me, princess, I’m freaking out on the inside.’
I frown, because that’s the first time he actually told me those words. Usually he says that he cannot wait for this baby to arrive, though it is a little scary every now and then, but saying he is freaking out?
That’s new.
‘What?’ I ask him. ‘Are you serious?’
He nods. ‘I mean, being a parent is difficult. Growing up I didn’t have the love and support I needed. I basically raised myself and judging from the person I am today, I didn’t really do a good job.’
‘You did an excellent job,’ I retort. I know about his youth and how he had to raise himself, how you can still notice it in his day to day life. ‘Walter, please tell me about your worries. You don’t always need to be the protective big bear who prevents me from any harm. I’m a big girl and I need you to confide with me. Please?’
He sighs as he is looking everywhere but to me. This is hard, I can see it, but from the looks of it, he is gonna agree with me. ‘Okay, I’ll try.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Dinner ended not so great. As we were walking back from the restaurant to our car, two guys thought it was necessary to whistle at me (I didn’t even notice at first, but then Walter’s entire demeanor changed, so that’s how I was informed about the matter).
Let’s just say, it evolved into an argument and then one of the guys thought it was an excellent idea to push Walter. I applaud him for having the guts to push my boyfriend, but it was honestly one of the stupidest things for him to do, because Walter wouldn’t be Walter if he punched the guy and his friend.
Multiple times.
I have been ignoring him for the entire drive and once we’re home, I still don’t know what to say to him.
‘Princess,’ he whispers, carefully trying to approach me as I’m sitting on the edge of the bed in his shirt. ‘Please talk to me.’
I purse my lips together, as tears burn in my eyes.
He sits behind me, placing his hands on my upper arms. ‘I’m sorry,’ he says.
‘Sorry for what?’
‘For scaring you. I was just protecting you, darling.’
‘What’s wrong with just ignoring the matter, Walter?’ I ask him, turning to the side so I can look at him without craning my neck. ‘You scared me back there.’
‘I’m not gonna let some dip shit whistle at you, especially not when I’m next to you,’ he defends himself.
‘You’re an officer,’ I tell him. ‘I don’t think this is proper behavior.’
‘I wasn’t gonna let anything happen to you,’ Walter retorts.
‘That’s not the point. The point is you put yourself in danger.’
I glare at him. ‘I don’t like this,’ I say. ‘Have you any idea how stressful it was for me? You know what, never mind. I’m going to sleep.’
He scoots back and I wrap my arms around the pregnancy pillow, with my back towards him. I love Walter, I really do, but this… I saw it all unfolding in front of my eyes.
It would start with an argument, some light pushing, until the other guys would pull out a knife, stab Walter, which would result in a trip to the hospital. Possibility of death. Me having to bury the father of my child.
I push my face in the soft fabric of the pillow, as hot tears slide over my cheeks. Walter sighs deeply next to me and starts to toss and turn next to me. His leg bumps into mine and it causes him to hold his breath. ‘Sorry, Penny,’ he says.
I dry my cheeks on the pillow. ‘Walter,’ I whisper, ‘you know I worry when you go to work.’
‘I know,’ he says, ‘but you don’t need to.’
‘You’re gonna be the father of our kid,’ I continue, ‘and I’d like to raise them with you, not in memory of you.’
‘Princess,’ he whispers, ‘we’re gonna raise this kid and eventual others together. You know, before I met you, I was an adrenaline junkie, detective or not. I got into a lot of shit, hence the reason I was suspended and started teaching. You, my love, made me realize that chasing danger like I used to, is not gonna get me further in life. Now I have you, I have the love of my life here with me and I’m never ever gonna do anything that’ll put me or you or our child in danger.’
‘Then why did you punch him?’
‘Because he started it,’ Walter says, only for him to realize how toddler like that sounds. ‘I just want to protect you against anyone,’ he says in a softer tone. ‘Because I love you, Penelope Townsend. You are my everything.’ He wraps his arm around my upper body, pressing a kiss against my temple. ‘I’m sorry I scared you, Penny. I never meant to do such thing.’
‘I know,’ I whisper. ‘Sorry for overreacting.’
‘No, no, no, you’re not overreacting. Maybe I was.’ He pulls me closer to his own body and places his hand on my stomach. ‘Just know that I will forever protect you and the baby.’
I chuckle. ‘I know that. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid anymore, not when I’m around at least.’
He smiles. ‘I’ll tone it down a notch, princess.’
✎ ✎ ✎
‘Is that that colosseum thing you were talking about?’ Walter gestures towards my chest and I look down, spotting two tiny wet patches near my chest area, before bursting into laughter.
‘Colostrum, Walter, not colosseum.’ Oh dear, he is totally blushing, because of his mistake. ‘Can you grab me another shirt?’
I barely asked the question, when he jumps up and rushes upstairs. I rub my stomach a little bit, slightly scared at how much it expanded. I’m close to the end of my pregnancy, having reached thirty nine weeks yesterday. I wonder how it’ll ever go back to normal.
Walter comes down again and without me asking he changes my shirt. ‘Have I told you I loved you today?’
‘A few times.’ I give him a kiss and whisper: ‘I’m proud of you.’
He frowns. ‘Why are you proud of me? You’re the one growing an entire baby here.’ He carefully places his hands on the side of my stomach. ‘The least I can do is to make things as comfortable for you as possible.’
‘But you always do it without complaining,’ I say. ‘I heard that Stacey’s husband is such a pain in the ass. Always complaining, groaning about how much he has to do nowadays.’
Walter scoffs. ‘Well, pregnant or not, I’d like to worship you, make your life as easy as I possibly can.’ He gives me a kiss. ‘What can I do for you, darling?’
‘Sex,’ I say, before I curl my lips in. Oh gosh, never have I been so straight forward. My cheeks heat up. ‘No, please, forget what I said.’
‘Is my girl asking me for sex?’ Walter starts to laugh. ‘The day Penny Townsend asked me for sex has finally arrived.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I laugh nervously. ‘It’s just been awhile.’ Awhile equals three months. I hate how he sometimes initiates, but I simply shake my head. It’s a combination of a very low sex drive, not feeling pretty and being in pain nearly twenty four seven.
He leans forward and kisses me. ‘Want to go to the bedroom, princess or is the couch acceptable as well?’
‘We can stay here,’ I whisper.
‘Then let me close the curtains and lock the door, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I mumble.
When he comes back, he takes off his shirt, so I can admire his beautiful strong body. There is something so special about Walter. He looks strong enough to left a car up with one arm, but he is a mushy man the second the front door closes and we’re together. He kneels in front of me, pressing open mouth kisses on my lips. ‘Shit, I love you,’ he says against my mouth. He disregards my shirt and admires me.
‘Stop,’ I say, rolling my eyes.
‘No, no, no, I could never stop admiring you.’ He places his hands on my expanded stomach and says: ‘You’re so beautiful.’
He gives me a long kiss and then I whimper. Not out of pleasure, but out of shock.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asks me.
‘I think my water broke.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Twelve hours later, I am looking at Walter, who holds the little baby in his strong arms. He sits next to me on the bed and wraps one arm around my shoulders. ‘Penny, princess,’ he says, ‘I don’t think words can describe how proud I am of you and how much I love you.’
I nuzzle my face in his chest. ‘I love you too. Thank you for not freaking out.’
‘Externally freaking out you mean, because on the inside I was fainting,’ he chuckles. He gives me a kiss on my temple. ‘I’m a dad.’
I actually see some tears in his eyes and I cannot stop my own either. ‘I know.’ I place my hand on the little bundle and whisper: ‘We’re officially parents. It’s so surreal.’ I let out a deep and content sigh.
The little baby opens their eyes and I cannot stop my smile.
‘Hi, little one,’ Walter says. ‘Oh no, Penny, we’ve created an exact copy of yours.’
I chuckle. ‘Good luck saying no to him,’ I say. ‘We love you so much, Declan Marshall. So so much.’
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forthemultiverse · 7 years
Young Justice Headcanons
Teenage Night Out
- Dick had been in the mood for Ice cream
- Everyone completely agreed the next few events all came back to his need for ice cream.
- “Ice Cream?”
- It had been 2am, and they had been on a stakeout mission where nothing had happened.
- “Ice Cream?” he asked again after another half hour of boredom. 
- The only reason he thought about getting ice cream was because of the gas station across the road.
- “ICe cREaM?” he wasn’t really annoying the whole team, he was just pestering Wally. 
- “Dude! Nothing good happens after 2am, especially in a nearly abandoned gas station.” Wally pointed out before eventually giving in and agreeing to go across the road with him. 
- After the pair didn’t come back quickly the rest of the team found themselves drifting across the road to join them.
- “I need sugar balls!” Artemis complained. “I have cravings.”
- “Is that you subtly trying to say you’re on your period?” Wally stupidly asked whilst pulling a face.
- “Would you rather I just yelled that Satan has possessed my bikini area to perform his monthly hate towards nice underwear?” she asked, keeping the same monotone voice the entire time.
- “What are sugar balls?” Miss Martian asked carefully. 
- “Dough, covered in sugar and cinnamon, with a pot of dipping chocolate, and they come from this pizza place back in Gotham.” 
- Artemis felt her mouth start to water as Dick explained. 
- “Like churros?” Rocket asked
- “And now I want churros and sugar balls.” Artemis groaned
- “Churros?” Superboy and Kaldur asked.
- “Oh my god, we need to get you guys experiencing non-superhero stuff.” Zatanna shook her head. 
- The team were constantly having to do things for Batman, that it was hard to remember that they were in fact teenagers, and at least three of them probably didn’t even know what a normal teenager would do in there spare time.
- “Not to be rude…but are you guys going to buy anything?” the gas station worker asked awkwardly, “Even if your not, could I, maybe, grab a picture?”
- After the picture was taken, all of the earth based teens grabbed different things from the store and paid for it quickly. Their stakeout had been boring and probably wouldn’t result in anything too important anyway. 
- They wanted to have fun.
- Next stop after the nearly abandoned gas station was a drive-thru.
- They had deliberately used the boom tubes to get quickly to Gotham before using Artemis’s car to go to the Pizza place that served sugar balls.
- “Large pizza, pineapple, Cumberland sausage, and extra cheese!” Wally yelled as Artemis started her order. “And any drink, don’t mind.”
- “Cumberland sausage and pineapple! Fix your best friend, Robin.” Zatanna yelled “Who puts pineapple on pizza? or Cumberland sausage!”
- “People with taste!” Wally countered.
- “People with no taste!” Rocket argued. “Margarita for me!” she then yelled to Artemis.
- “Just be grateful he didn’t order fish on it, he’s done that before.” Artemis laughed at her boyfriend. “But I like pineapple on pizza.”
- “No!”
- “What should we have?” Miss Martian asked through the chaos.
- Everyone started to yell their opinions on pizza but Dick just climbed over Artemis and to the intercom.
- “one Large pizza, pineapple, Cumberland sausage, and extra cheese, one large pizza, half pepperoni half Hawaiian, with cheese stuffed crust,  three medium margarita pizzas, one small pepperoni, and one small pineapple and ham. Five cola’s, one spite and two water’s, and four tubs of sugar balls,” he said smoothly.
 - Dick paid attention to his friends, he knew what pizza’s they liked and then what would be a relatively large range for the three who hadn’t had pizza before. 
- A range Wally or he could eat if the others didn’t like.
- When they got to the pickup point, there were two people working to complete their order.
 - They stopped when they saw the car stuffed with young superheroes.
- “Can we have some photo’s with you guys?”
- “As long as you remember to use the hashtag OnlyinGotham when posting them,” Artemis smirked
- Dick high fived them and yelled “Gotham Pride!”
- The third stop on their rebellious evening was a 24/7 store that had absolutely everything. 
- They ate as they drove to the store, all coming to the agreement that the sugar balls were the best thing to ever happen to planet earth.
- “We need to be quick,” Zatanna instructed. They wanted to be in and out since they had a few places to go to before going back to the cave.
- Of course, that meant that they all ended up separated across the shop and each had piles of useless junk in their shopping carts. 
- Miss Martian wanted everything new she saw, and Conner didn’t know how to say no to Megan. 
- “Marco!” Dick yelled when he realised just how long it had been.
- “Polo!” Artemis and Wally both screamed back, from opposite sides of the store
- “Marco!” Kaldur’ahm yelled so he could try and find Rocket and their cart.
- “Polo!” Five different people screamed back, including people who weren’t there with the team
- “Kid Flash, you on the other side of the aisle?” Dick asked, pretty sure he was about to chuck a rubber chicken at his best friend. 
- He may have climbed up the aisle and placed himself int he perfect position to fling things at Wally.
- “Yep!”
- “Yeet!” Dick screeched whilst pulling the rubbed back and flinging it as powerfully as he could.
- It hit Wally square in the face.
- “What the hell!” Wally looked up but Dick was gone.
- That then started a war of trolley chucking. 
- Everyone was climbing the aisles to throw strange items into other people’s trolleys.
 - It stopped when none of them could figure out who put condoms into Zatanna’s and Artemis’s trolley.
- “I just had the best idea ever.” Artemis stopped and Wally ended up walking into her.
- “What?” he asked while she pulled out one of Robin’s fifty million phones that he lent the team and started to record.
-  They were all back together at this point.
- “The Floor is Lava!”
- Kaldur had actually heard that phrase and knew what to do
- Wally had shown him a compilation on Youtube.
- Conner didn’t 
- He started screaming and prepared to punch to ground.
- Well done Conner.
- Dick was somehow upside down on the store ceiling
- Artemis had flung herself onto a pile of teddies so she could record the chaos
- Zatanna had stuck herself to the aisle and Rocket had disappeared completely.
- Miss Martian had just shot up into the sky, and Wally had thought grabbing her ankle would go well.
- He fell off and crashed into a pile of stuff
- “W- Kid Flash!” Artemis stopped the recording and rushed over to him whilst Dick just laughed. 
- “No teenage adventure would be complete without a trip to the hospital.” Rocket pointed out.
- They ended up walking around the children’s corridors of Gotham’s main hospital to surprise some of the sicker children.
- The staff and people all took selfies with them, and before they knew it, #YoungJusticeTakesGotham was trending on most social media platforms
- It also turned out that some of the people from the store had recorded all of their little jokes and posted them to Snapchat and Twitter.
- Zatanna didn’t understand how the hospital was so busy at three in the morning, then she remembered that this was Gotham and shut up.
- Once Wally was cleared by a doctor, they headed up to the top of one of the Wayne Towers.
-It was one of the tallest buildings in Gotham
- They had spent so long in the Hospital, visiting kids was worth it though, that it was nearly sunrise.
- Gotham was usually so cloudy and grey, but somehow the sky was nearly clear.
- The colours started to flood into the city for the first time in a while and they all started eating the snacks they had brought throughout the night. 
- Dick and Zatanna sat at the edge of the roof, making out whenever they were sure none of the others could see them
- Artemis and Wally were throwing food at each other as the other tried to catch it in their mouths.
- Despite the fact that Artemis had such good aim, they were both pretty useless and stuck laughing at each other.
- “I’m pretty sure Batman did a speech from the Lion King in one of my first nights as Robin.”
- “What do you mean?”
- “Everything in the shadows touch is our kingdom, not that sunny patch though, that’s Metropolis, no one likes Metropolis.”
- “The Lion King?” Kaldur asked.
- At least M’gann and Conner went to school, he literally didn’t communicate with teenagers other than the team and people he saved.
- “Disney movie marathon tomorrow!” Rocket yelled
- “High school musical marathon after that!” Zatanna improved on Rockets idea.
- “Yes!” Dick agreed.
- “Together, Together everyone!” Wally started.
- “Here and now, it’s time for celebration!” Dick continued.
- “Fake fan!” Artemis interrupted “You skipped like two lines.” 
- All of them held eye contact for a second before just launching into the chorus anyway.
- Batman materialised on the rooftop, prepared to tell them off, then he heard.
- “Wildcats everywhere, wave your hands in the air!”
- He wasn’t about to cut off them actually having fun in the usually dark Gotham.
- He would tell them off some other time.
Part Two: Teenaged Night In
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