#I am A Nordic-Pagan and proud of it
abdljohnny · 2 years
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betty-bourgeoisie · 2 years
40 , 41 , and 44 for emil , please !! <3
40) How misanthropic are they?
I think all nations have a strong love for their own people and Emil is no exception. In fact, I think he really benefits from having such a small population because it means he's able to involve himself in the day-to-day lives of his people in a way that bigger nations simply can't. He regularly volunteers to read kids' story time at local libraries and will volunteer at senior homes so he can play board games and chat with his older citizens. He frequents local markets and churches and just generally likes to hang out in community spaces as a way to check in on his people. He's been able to build real relationships with a lot of his citizens this way and he feels very lucky to have done so since that's not the experience most nations get to have with the people they represent.
When it comes to interacting with other nations it's a bit more complicated. Idk that Emil necessarily dislikes interacting with the other nations but he's in a position where, outside of the other Nordics, most of his interactions with other nations take the form of mandatory but infrequent diplomatic meetings.
And the thing is, Emil has to put a good face on it. His nation has no military and very limited natural resources so at least in a professional setting Emil has to be likable, cooperative, and diplomatic as a survival strategy. And he is good at it, but at the end of the day, it's just an act. It's very hard for him to build personal connections with other nations because being his strange and prickly authentic self is not a good way to get trade deals or smooth over international relations. Most of the other nations aren't willing to travel all the way to his country just for social time, so work is when he sees them, and work is not a place where simply being himself is an option.
41) Hobbies?
I think a lot of what would be considered Emil's "hobbies" were once survival skills. Like he knits, he spins wool, he keeps horses and sheep - but none of these really started out as hobbies, they were more about participating in the local economy. He does enjoy them though, and now that these skills are less necessary in his day to day life he still does them for pleasure.
I think since the 40's he has picked up some new hobbies. Baking is something that he's always enjoyed but wasn't able to do regularly until recently (I'll spare you the ramble on why shipping grains to different latitudes is such a god damn ordeal but believe me when I say that flour was in very short supply in Iceland for a long time). He enjoys video games and tabletop gaming. I also think it would be very funny if he transferred his knowledge of fiber arts and fishing net repairs into macramé in the 70's, like this ancient 18 year old boy just has all the ugliest, dustiest macramé in the world decorating his house and he is so proud of it.
44) Superstitions or views on the occult?
I headcanon Emil as being Asatru (or rather a Lutheran-Asatru christo-pagan if you want to get bogged down in specifics, but I think his Christianity is more cultural at this point than anything else) so he definitely does believe in the occult.
I am always a little torn on his worship practices because American Norse Paganism and Icelandic Norse Paganism are very different animals and I really only know that subculture from a U.S. perspective. Like one place I'm never sure about is worship of Loki - because on the one hand, Loki has strong association with fire and earthquakes, and I think it would make sense for Emil, representing a nation made out of volcanos, to work with that deity aspect. And on the other hand, it's my understanding that Loki worship is really not a thing that happens much in European Asatru circles and it might not make sense for him to do that- like, to my knowledge Loki worship is a mostly North American thing so idk!
In terms of superstitions and magic - Obviously, if he's Asatru, he does participate in rituals like the Blot and Sumbel which do involve some magic. I also agree with canon on the idea that Emil can see all the same magical creatures Norway can, but I don't think he considers them to be especially spooky or mystical. Emil treats the spirits and magical creatures that exist in his orbit a lot like pesky neighbors - like he's not going to get scared or ward them away or anything but he Really Wishes They Would Stop Snooping Around The Hedges Thank You. He is skeptical, but still mostly accepting of common superstitions - like he's not gonna freak out if he accidentally picks the wrong flower or something but he's certainly not going to do it on purpose.
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bubbleteycosplay · 3 years
I think everyone thinks the Sigyn fandom is stupid. But we're not stupid, we're just doing better than Marvel!
How I just hate it! That's why we, the Sigyn Loved Ones, just want to give her a story and always have a hard time! Because we want to do better than Marvel did.
When I see something like that, I just think to myself, "What did I do to myself the two years I worked with Marvel for? For that Sigyn fans and Sigyn cosplayers have to endure the same thing that I had to endure ? "
Here you want to know what it's all about, around here?
And that's just one of the numerous videos on TikTok that say the Sigyn Fandom must strive. In a video, a TikToker woman even said that the romanticization of Loki and Sigyn had to be ended immediately by all means!
I was brought up so that if I don't like something, I definitely mustn't break it to others who like it! It had to be done with mutual respect and I immediately wrote in my blogs about what #JusticeForSigyn stands for! And I'm proud of everyone here who stands for #JusticeForSigyn, whether in cosplay, fanart artist, fanfiction author, blogger or as an RP author / blogger. Everyone is part of what makes us all we are a family because we know what potential Sigyn has and we use it!
Marvel wanted it so we put it into practice and there's nothing wrong with that! So do other fandoms, and they should do it too! You love Loki and Darcy together, write your fanfiction, do your fanart, do your cosplay and write your RP.
Who am I or the others to tell you you are not allowed to do that! Correct, we are not allowed to do that, we can say I don't like it because ... and that is the end of the matter. Anything else would be a waste of time and energy. Time and energy that can be invested in something different, such as family, learning a musical instrument or something else.
I just want to say one thing to you all ^^
If you want to cosplay Sigyn, do it!
If you want to do some fanart about them, do it!
If you want to write about her in a fanfiction, do it!
If you want to do an RP on them, do it!
Nimmad can stop you no matter whether in the Marvel Universe or Nordic Mythology or where else you want to accommodate Loki and Sigyn!
or to quote @dank-art
dude, they took a nordic goddess with 1 of the biggest backbones in mythology & purposely turned her spineless just to make a “loki is evil” this narominded narrative has made its way in other media portrayals of their relationship bc of this bullshit. Their relationship has been done so dirty so many times when they’re one of the strongest and most connected relationships in the myths. People who are fans & worshippers of these nordic deity’s r tired of people only seing their relationship as abusive bc of the comics. So people and pagan worshippers are fully allowed to create a diffrent narrative than what had been largely accepted bc people just HAVE to find a way to make loki evil.
#JusticeForSigyn 💗
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ofrxvia · 3 years
𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓  ,  𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓  𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆!  tag  six  muns  you  would  like  to  get  to  know  better  when  done!
name : Wulfenstine
nickname : Wulf
age : 28
faceclaim :  Ainz Ooal Gown - OVERLORD
pronouns :  he/him
height :  5′8″
birthday : March 23
aesthetics : Nordic Pagan, Books, Mountains, Snow, Storms, Crows, Ravens, Winter, Animal Skulls.
favorite  muse  you’ve  written : oof. Ever? That’s hard. I’ve got to say Hollow Ichigo, but I called him Shirosaki. I was in that fandom for a very, very long time. And I made lifelong friends there. Hell, I lived with one for six months! But maybe that’s why he’s my favorite more than he himself. I did so enjoy my Loki, but that was a really edgy purple prose phase (I fucking loved it)
what  inspired  you  to  take  on  your  current  muse(s) : I’ll start with my oc, @varbjxrn . He was a challenge I made for myself. I wanted to make an OC, but not some random plug in to an existing place. So, I took my favorite shit, the VIKINGS, and threw in some were-bear action, and really threw myself into the story. I’m kinda proud of it, and I know it gets vague at the end but I wanted it open for roleplay. I feel I wrote a believable story, I do. And I feel I portray that well in writing him. Geralt; I was getting through Witcher 3 for the first time, and this was like, a few months after release. I was maybe halfway through the game. I remember distinctly, crossing the lake with Lambert and Geralt goes “Wanna hear a limerick? Lambert, Lambert, What a prick.” I had to do it. I made a page shortly after that, and that was the tagline I used on it.
what  are  your  favorite  aspects  of  your  current  muse(s) : Geralt, and it might sound bad but I like it, is reliable. I’m not saying I can pull his muse out of anywhere, he still needs prodding sometimes, but, when he is there, I have a good feeling I’ve got him down. I feel like his voice is still there, recognizable. Sverre? It’s just fun. Even when I’m writing something sad or emotional for the poor man, or planning to put him through even BIGGER trauma, I’m excited to see how he evolves. And it’s so much fun to make him more real with every addition, good or bad.
what’s  your  biggest  inspiration  when  it  comes  to  writing : Music. If I REALLY get into a writing mood, I need music. I will loop a song until I’m done. However, I don’t do this often, because my self control goes out the window sometimes, and I’ll write a mile long post. I think I hit....18 Para on one? For like, 4 consecutive posts? My head hurt after that.
favorite  types  of  threads : I’m a fluffy boy. I like feeling warm and fuzzy shut up. ANYWAY, aside from that, probably would say I like a well rounded thread the best. Unfortunately, those take a lot of time, and a lot of investment, like start to finish kind of shit. I’m essentially trying to write a D&D campaign as a story. That’s a long fucking story lmao.
biggest  struggle  in  regards  to  your  current  muse(s) : Geralt...Despite my knowing that I do a pretty decent Geralt, I am constantly comparing myself with other Geralt’s. And I couldn’t help but always feel like they were just better. It made it hard to want to...stay around. I’ve been working on that, and would like to stick around a bit more now! Sverre; Well, this is kind of self inflicted. Sverre is really pretty much the bear he turns into, as much as he tries to think they’re two different things, they’re not. So I’m waking him up after a long-ass winter and he’s being slow about it.  Not grumpy, just slow.
Stolen from: @evermerciful
tagging: @iigniiferroque, @nightscng, @wcrstarter, @mandragoraregum, @slainchosen,  and whoever wants to steal it. Be my guest!
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greystreetbarcelona · 3 years
Grey Street meets Linnea Gits and Peter Dunham, the creative minds behind Uusi Design Studio
This week we’re chatting with artists Linnea Gits and Peter Dunham about Tarot, their artistic processes, and their inspiring surroundings. 
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First things first, tell us a bit about yourselves! Where are you from, and what are your star signs?
Peter and I are both artists working in the field of design. We grew up in the western suburbs of Illinois in the USA and spent most of our lives living and working in Chicago. Peter received a BFA at Northern Illinois University, and we met the summer after his graduation in Chicago. At that time, Peter had a small art studio in the West Loop, and I began apprenticing with him for sculpture and painting. We started dating and eventually moved in together and found a great space - a vast, light filled loft that was once a furniture factory - in a very industrial part of the city that became our home and studio. Close to downtown, low rent, and located in a remote area of the city, this space gave us the freedom to grow our artistic ideas unhurried by the marketplace.
Along the way, our art practice merged with design, and in 2010 we launched Uusi with the idea that life was worth the meaningful effort, and its reward was one of discovery. Within a year of our studio’s launch, we had established Uusi as a creative identity in our hometown of Chicago. A few years later, the wildly successful launch of our Pagan Otherworlds Tarot in 2016 introduced our work to people all over the world. We continued our journey within the Tarot world with a loyal and growing client base for esoteric content and objects, adding an Oracle and two more Tarot decks to our published titles. Working with the Tarot and the creative community surrounding it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. 
In 2017 we decided to relocate to an area that we had long dreamed of calling home: Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. We traded the city’s fast pace and social energy for a slower life in the forest. It was a move that matched our spiritual exploration and has brought us an enormous amount of joy. We now spend our workdays surrounded by deep woods, nine acres of which holds a clearing for rolling farmland where a small dairy farm, built by a Finnish settler in the late 1880s, sits alongside a wandering creek. We knew the minute we saw it, that we were home and purchased it without a second thought. We are taking time, between art and design work, to carefully restore the hand-built, square-hewn farmhouse that is now our home and studio back to its original, humble beauty. Working on this old farm feels sculptural and sacred and feeds both our body and soul - good for anyone, and most definitely for this early Leo (Peter) and Sagittarius (Linnea).
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A selection of early work by Linnea
Where were you first introduced to Tarot and Oracle, and what inspired you to start creating decks?
Peter has been collecting old playing card decks and tarot cards for years. He loved the imagery and the quality of vintage decks, and we often used them as inspiration for design projects we were working on at the studio. In 2012 we began a playing card series, and that naturally led us to the Tarot. We loved the meaningful content of the Tarot and how it accessed our minds and our hearts with the creative language of the soul. It is the search we are all on, the individual story that mingles with the ordinary magic of the world to reveal our most authentic self which, in turn, makes us feel most alive. 
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A selection of Peter’s early work
Is there a particular deck that you are most proud of, or a specific card that you are really proud of designing?
 We are proud of all of our decks! But we definitely have favourite cards from each one. Strength, The Tower, and Death from Pagan Otherworlds. The Lovers from Eros: The Garden of Love. The element cards and The Secret cards from Supra. The Transactinides from Materia Prima that join to create a tableau that nods to Durer’s masterful, Melancholia engraving. These are just some that stand out whenever we work through the decks, but every card has its creation journey, both enjoyable and painful and sometimes even surprising, but ultimately rewarding. 
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How does the artistic process for creating Tarot and Oracle differ from your artistic process when creating less spiritual designs?
We have always worked with a great deal of intuitive direction. Color, form, and hand-drawn line create physical feelings that express themselves emotionally and instinctively within you. We have always felt that design should connect with you in this truthful way – it should meet your inner nature as well as the outer one. It should be both useful and beautiful, and if it is, it will be alive and self-creating, which we feel is the definition of spirituality. And that is something that can – should! – meet you in a spoon, table, or deck of cards as much as it does in a church, a tarot, or any meditative object. 
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 Wooden animal set designed by Linnea and Peter, featured in the New York Times and at Design Within Reach.
I see that you draw inspiration from Celtic mysticism, renaissance illustrations, the beauty of nature and jungian psychology. Are there any “modern” things that you find personally inspiring? Film, music, artists, etc.
All of those inspirations continue to be modern, ha! But yes, we have contemporary favorites. We are big science fiction fans – 2001 A Space Odyssey is a work of art. As is the original Star Trek :). In music, we range far and wide: Metal, Folk, Classical, and pretty much everything in-between. We have an eclectic taste but it's very particular. Peter posts some of our favorites at the studio on our IG account and has a loyal following for those music finds. We also love Japanese printmaking and craft – both old and contemporary. And books!! I am a total book nerd. I'm currently reading "Figuring" by Maria Papova. An insanely inspiring, beautiful work. I also picked up the recent edition of "Fool" magazine, "The Japanese Issue" (in my second life I want to be a sushi chef), and every article was fascinating. Anything by the writer/photographer, Teju Cole. Love the fashion designer Simone Rocha. The Fine Artist, James Kerry Marshall. Relaxed modernism. The grateful invitation to enjoy the quiet, humble luxury of our neighbor's sauna on a cold winter night. Snowshoeing in the woods after a snowfall. Gardening. Our cat, TMobile. Our dog, Yuki. My nephew's drawings. Dark nights filled with stars! The inspiration list is endless. 
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Soulful sketch of a moose, illustrated by Linnea’s seven year old nephew Beckett.
If you could go back in time and meet your childhood selves, what advice would you give to them?
Linnea: Bake more pies with Grandma B, but take it easy on the sugar – you don’t need to be the mayor of Candytown. 
Peter: Follow your heart like you did the first time.
Is there anything you are currently working on that you would be happy to share with our readers? 
We have a new playing card deck called "Republic" coming out in the spring! We haven't created a new playing card deck for our studio in over four years, so it's pretty exciting for us. The deck's inspiration is Finnish/Nordic folk art and design. There is a large Finnish community in the Upper Peninsula, especially in our hometown of Republic – a Finnish settler built the home that now houses Uusi – how serendipitous is that! And we are excited to have a deck that bears the name of this local community that we love so much. We are also working on a special tarot project that we will be talking about more this summer :)
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Uusi “Republic” playing deck, coming out June 2021
We thank Linnea and Peter for their time. You can find them on instagram @uusidesignstudio and online at www.uusi.us/ 
Check out our collection of Uusi Tarot, Oracle, and Books at www.greystreetbarcelona.com
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dagazstudio · 4 years
My name is Chris. I'm a an artist, a living history actor, a volunteer haunt actor for Preston Castle, and a Brand Ambassador for TheBeardStruggle.
I am a proud Norse Pagan, and part of the leadership team for Northern American Nordic Society. You can find all links in my Linktree listed at the end of this post.
I like movies, reading, music, and art. I'm very passionate about creating things. I like trying new things, and always have something going on.
Most of my work is one of a kind. I like to collaborate with my friends quite a bit, and enjoy many hobbies. Maybe one day I can make a living from the things I create. 🙃
The watermarks say "Dagaz Studios" because I couldn't use Dagaz Studio for Etsy. 🙃
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wolfoftheautumn · 4 years
Hello everyone, I decided to do something different. I suppose a get to know me type thing. So here it is I will not post my real name but I go by Mouse or Darius depending on who you ask. I am a 32 year old female but I am gender fluid. Even though I do go by female pronouns I dont particularly like it. I would rather go by male pronouns because the make me feel much better. Most would think I am transgender but I am not I thought that for a while but not.
I may be gendfluid but I am a lesbian and I am proud of it. Most wonder why I am called Mouse is it because I'm super short? Have not at all my real nickname is Mousy it was given to me by my grandfather from my father's side. Apparently the story goes when I was a baby and he held me the way I cried sounded like a baby mouse squeaking. My family has called me that since I was born. I never really met my grandfather on my father's side since he died when I was three months old. When I was a teenager I shortened my nickname to Mouse but my grandmother and family still called me mousy.
I never really had true friends till HIghschool that's when I met my sisters as I call them. We were always together doing something if it was anime night with pizza to doing martial arts together. Honestly those were good times. We are all still good friends as well which I cherish them. Even though all of us live in different states with our own hectic lives we still talk and try to get together.
My passion is art, writing and music. I love to draw and use fabric paint to make clothes that I feel comfortable wearing. Music has been a part of my life since I can remember. I listen to all types as well though my favorite is rock, heavy metal and symphonic metal/rock. As for writing I've always made stories either in my head on paper or the computer/phone. I honestly want to become an author I feel my experiences and writing could help another or make them smile and forget lifes problem for a little while.
My favorite thing about me is my tattoos I have six at the moment with many more in the making. My favorite tattoo you may ask. Is probably my nordic tattoo of the helmet of awe on the underarm below my elbow. The most memorable? The two on each shoulder blade a buck for my father and a dove for my mother when they both passed from cancer.
Curious about my life? Maybe? Well here it is. I grew up on a farm where I kept animals. Dogs, rabbits, Turkey, chicken, geese, and many other things. I am the youngest out of three childeren. I grew up with a niece and nephew so the three of us were always on adventures. I grew up farming and hunting. Not sport hunting either hunting for survival using the meat to eat on. I love fishing because its talent and well fun.
Wondering if I have regrets? Yes I do here ate some. I regret not taking my doctor serious about being pre diabetic. I was young and thought I was indestructible. I am diabetic now and still trying to get it under control. I regret picking up my brother porch on my shoulders also he could nail it. Why? Because now I have three bulging discs in my neck that bother me and sends pain down both arms like fire that makes it impossible to do things. I regret not standing up to people who took advantage of me for years on end till I broke.
I am thankful and grateful for my fiancee she has taught me so much and has always believed in me. I am thankful for my best friends as well for helping me when I am at my lowest. I am thankful for my niece and all my nephews they have made me feel amazing throughout the years and i am so blessed to call them my family. I am blessed to have had animals who always seem to know my moods who has shared their life with me making me happy and thankful.
I will not lie I am not a christian I have no I'll feeling toward them it's just not me. I call myself a witch I pratice paganism and I follow the old way of the scandinavians (odinism) . Does that mean I'll hex you? No but I dont believe in kneeling for a god and waiting for the storm to pass. I believe the gods stand with you and test you to become a better person.
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Sam came out into the clearing where Gabriel and Johnny were training only to find Gabriel standing there alone, staring at his watch. 
She looked around, still not seeing her son. “Gabriel...where is Johnny?” she asked. 
Gabriel glanced at her, holding one finger up and then his watch beeped and with a flush of air, sound of wings, and rush of electricity through the air Johnny suddenly reappeared, falling to the ground and rolling a few times before he came to a stop. 
Sam went to his side, helping him to sit up. “You’re teleporting already?” she asked, reaching out to brush the dirt off of his shirt. 
“Kinda.” Johnny said, wiping at his forehead. “We were trying to teleport but I was also trying to,” he looked and pointed at a sigil that was drawn in the ground. “To see how long I could keep powering that, I was just a few feet away. Gabriel was counting how long I can keep it up.”
“And what’s the prognosis?” Sam asked, looking at Gabriel. “How long did he manage?”
Gabriel held up his notepad. “Ten seconds.”
“Felt like a lot longer.” Johnny mumbled, getting up and brushing his jeans. 
“The fact that you’re doing this on day two, means that you’re learning really fast.” Sam told him. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, you’re doing great.”
“But I want to be doing more.” Johnny said softly, moving closer so that he could lean against her and put his head on her shoulders. “How am I going to be able to rescue grandma if I can’t even do this?”
“Because you don’t just jump the gun twenty steps in front, you need to take smaller steps and get used to everything.” Sam told him. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and rubbed at his arm with her thumb. “Trust me, you’re doing great.”
When he didn’t look convinced Sam sighed and pulled him down a bit more so that his head was on her lap. She gently stroked at his head, running her fingers through his hair. 
“Just relax.” she told him. “Because you’re trying to push yourself too hard, you’re being too hard on yourself. So please, just relax.”
Johnny stared up at her. “But I want to be helpful. I want to be better than this.”
“And you’re going to be, but you need time to get there.” Sam said. “But right now, you’re going to relax and stop thinking about all of this.”
Johnny slowly nodded, closing his eyes as she stroked over his face and hair. Sam looked up when Gabriel sat next to her, showing his note. 
“Kid pushes himself too hard. I keep telling him to stop and take breaks but he’s insistent.” he wrote to her. 
She glanced down at her son, smiling when she saw that he had fallen asleep in her lap. “Did you tell him that he’ll be drained like this?”
“Yes, he’s stubborn.” Gabriel wrote. “Said that he doesn’t care.”
“Sounds like a Winchester to me.” Sam said with a smile, resting her hand in his hair. “What else are you guys going to work on?”
“Ideally, his wings and using them to teleport to farther places.” Gabriel wrote. “But realistically, I think I’m going to stick to him using his grace to attack and defend.”
“Why the difference?”
Gabriel looked thoughtful for a moment before he started to write. “Well if he’s in the middle of the realm and suddenly loses all feeling in his wings, he’ll be falling damn knows where so I’d like to be there to catch him. Or at the very least be able to heal him.”
“Thank you.” Sam said with a smile. “So, what do you think about him? Not just as a student but...technically, as a nephew.”
Gabriel looked at the kid who was sleeping on her lap, a soft and fond look on his face. He chewed on the inside of his cheek before he started to write on his notepad. 
“He’s a good kid, he’s definitely your kid and I mean that in the best way possible.” he wrote. “He loves you a lot, loves Dean a lot. He wants to be good.” he smiled once more. “He’s just really good and I don’t know if I can say this, but I’m really proud of him and who he is.”
“You can say it, you’re family.” Sam told him. “I know that we all want to ignore it,” she swallowed hard. “Especially me. But...we all know who the angelic part came from. And...he was your brother.” she looked down at Johnny once more. “So you’re his uncle. You’re family.”
Gabriel smiled at that, she ignored the tears in his eyes as he slowly wrote out his next message. 
“Haven’t been a part of a family in a very long time.” he wrote. “Last...group that I was a part of was the one that handed me over to the demons.”
“Is that who you were with after the whole Elysian Hotel?” Sam asked him, watching him nod. “Who were they?”
Gabriel hesitated but then turned to a new page on the notepad, slowly writing his message out before he handed it to her. 
“A group of Nordic gods that I was with when I left heaven. The main one even helped me with the vessel thing, we look exactly the same because of that. I worked with them until I left and after Elysian, I hid with them again. Until they turned on me and handed me over to Asmodeus, the yellow eyed demon in a white suit you saw.”
Sam slowly read what he wrote, taking a deep breath before she handed the notepad back to him. 
“So Asmodeus is the last, I guess general, of hell. Of the yellow eyed demons.” she said. “The Nordics, who were they?”
Gabriel wrote a simple name, turning to show her, “Loki.”
“Loki?” she repeated. “The god of mischief?”
Gabriel nodded, quickly scribbling a few more words. “And his sons as well.”
“Do you think they’re going to come after you again?” she asked. 
Gabriel swallowed hard and then wrote. “I don’t know. I think Asmodeus will, he only has so much of my grace left to use. But Loki and his sons?” he hesitated and then continued. “They won’t but I want to go and get them.”
“You want revenge.” Sam said quietly. “For them betraying you to the demons.”
Gabriel just nodded, looking away. 
“All I can say is that if you want revenge, you’re going to want to wait.” she told him. “Wait for your grace to power back up. Wait for your powers to come back. You don't want to go into something like that, especially against a pagan, at half or less power.”
Gabriel looked down at his hand, attempting to summon his grace only for a few sparks of grace to appear before dying out. He nodded at that, setting his hand down onto the grass between them. 
“And when you decide to go and get your revenge.” Sam continued. “We’ll be there to help you.”
She smiled at him when he looked at her in surprise. “Like I said, we’re not about to throw you out onto the street. And we’re not going to throw you to the wolves, or Pagans in this case.”
She couldn’t really read the expression on his face then but slowly he reached for her hand, entwining their fingers together hesitantly and squeezing. 
“Thank you.” he mouthed. 
Sam just smiled, squeezing his hand back. She looked back down at Johnny and let out a deep breath, she could see Gabriel just staring at her but when she looked back at him he looked away, but didn’t pull his hand away from hers.
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bloodyvampire-83 · 5 years
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I am late to reviewing and uploading because my life is one hell of a ride. But I just received a BEAUTIFUL Rune Oracle Card deck!!!!
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This artist, Inkway Arts, is on the app Witches & Pagane Amino. She had uploaded a couple blogs showing her beautiful rune art pieces and I had to reach out to her and ask her if she had any plans to make an oracle set or some other kind of art card set. Not only was I very interested and having a set of her rune artwork but I thought it would be a very good idea, not only profit wise but to share her art wise with the world and at the time she didn't have any plans. Come 2017 she came back and messaged me and notified that she ended up creating attack and when I believed that I had enough money I finally bought myself a deck from her.
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I am so proud of her! I can't even describe how happy I am to own this deck and to be able to share it with everyone who loves runes or even just art. If you wish to learn about runes and you are very new, I believe this deck would be amazing for you!! This is very high-quality cards errand on the back leave the descriptions which make it extremely easy for you to use as a learning tool!
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Featuring Nordic imagery and gorgeous watercolor backgrounds.... You can purchase a deck here:
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Inkway Arts: Illustration & Design
Facebook: @roxanekressin
Instagram: @roxane_kressin
Amino- Witches & Pagans: Iridium
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zombieheroine · 6 years
4, 17, 20
Hi! Some obscure knowledge on its way~
4. what does your room smell like?
Always clean because I am a neat freak, and probably of whatever incense I’ve burned last. Currently sage. 
17. what form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.)
I think a mix of several is a good way to go and find balance, but first and foremost I think the obligation of a society is to collectively take care of its people. And I also think that wealth should be distributed reasonably, and also that there are things that should never be for sale or used to make money. Thus I’m for socialism.
My family background is very red, and I hope my great-uncle the revolutionary is proud. :’D 
20. do you believe in god(s)?
 I do, yes. Several. I’m a traditional Finnish pagan. My worship and craft is centered around the Nordic gods and goddesses, with the focus heavily on the Finnish tradition.
Obscure asks?
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Dark, Passionate, and Playful: Nightwish at the Astoria
by Rami
Friday, 28 March 2008Rami gets excited by Finnish metalheads
Oooh! This is in the Axis of Awesome!~
I'll be the first to admit that Nightwish, a symphonic metal band from Finland, are a bit of a niche taste. So if you're not into slightly outlandish metal you probably want to stop right here, and I wouldn't blame you at all. If you are, read on...
Drama on stage is de rigueur for the genre, and Nightwish have had their fair share of drama off stage as well -- not too long ago they kicked out their old singer amidst a host of recriminations. As if to drive the message further home with their fans, they opened the concert with a song aimed directly at the acrimonious split: "Bye Bye Beautiful", from their new album (Dark Passion Play, you see, features a shiny new frontwoman). Fast-paced, heavy, and featuring plenty of powerful vocals from bassist Marco, it certainly worked as an opener and set the tone for a high-energy show to come.
I haven't seen Nightwish live before, except for video clips, so I can't compare performances -- from what I've seen, though, their previous singer Tarja was aloof and reserved, providing her (glorious) voice and very little else to the proceedings (
another review
of the previous night says Tarja "had all the stage personality of a walnut"). Annette, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of energy -- dancing around the stage, joking with the audience, interacting with the others, and clearly enjoying herself to the full. She also kept little of the limelight to herself, so we were able to see each of the other band members doing what they do best -- performing, be it strumming a guitar, on keyboards, pounding at drums or belting out lyrics at the top of their lungs. They were having a great time, and it showed.
Every piece from Dark Passion Play came out fantastically, with every member of the band in his or her element and the crowd's enthusiasm for the music infusing the performance. I especially appreciated their choices of songs to open up and finish off the concert -- as I've already said, "Bye Bye Beautiful" started things going energetically and unashamedly declared that this was the new Nightwish, and they were proud of it; the last song, "Seven Days to the Wolves", is one of my favorites from the new album as well. I was also impressed to find out that the haunting flute tones in the wholly-instrumental "Last of the Wilds" were actually produced by what looked like a set of bagpipes, expertly played by a guest from the London Philharmonic.
The downside of the new Nightwish is that their older songs fall a little flat -- this was particularly evident during songs where Annette was clearly out of her vocal range and simply couldn't sustain the clear high notes or match Tarja's vocal projection (in "The Siren", for instance, she couldn't help but be drowned out by Marco's more powerful voice). On the other hand, a couple of old favorites -- "Wishmaster" and "Wish I Had An Angel" were raw enough in their tone to work well for her obviously straining voice, and "Nemo" couldn't help but be a hit simply because of the enthusiasm rolling out from the crowd.
On the whole, Nightwish put on a fantastic show -- and if, in future, they focus more on their newer offerings they'll continue to blow the socks off anyone who goes to see them!Themes:
Music and Gigs
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at 17:46 on 2008-03-31Ahhh, it was brilliant! It took me right back to my misspent youth it did, and reminded me why I'm secretly so fond of symphonic metal. Annette is absolutely adorable and, quite frankly, even though the older songs are slightly out of her vocal range, I prefer her to Tarja. She's much more engaging for a start.
I wasn't so impressed by the support, I have to admit - although perhaps I'm being harsh. They certainly warmed the crowd up effectively, I will say that, but dear God the music was ... well ... not bad (except for their pointless cover of Eleanor Rigby which was excrutiating) but sort of generic. But what can you expect from a Swedish metal band called PAIN. Hilarious quantities of head-banging though.
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Claire E Fitzgerald
at 02:40 on 2008-12-05This is what I like about Ferret - I read about things which would otherwise pass me by with a resounding 'hnn?'.
NOOBQ - how is symphonic metal different from metal? I like symphonies but am pained and disorientated by real metal. Would I like symphonic metal?
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at 09:33 on 2008-12-05Symphonic metal, to me, basically softens down the rough edges of more traditional metal -- so instead of discordant angrily screaming men, you tend to have melodic angrily screaming women, for instance. Nightwish, in particular, often record with orchestral backing, so a lot of their track sound like a cross between harsh, fast, powerful metal and the grandeur of film-score music. You can try out a couple of tracks on
Last.fm's online radio
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Arthur B
at 09:35 on 2008-12-05Based on my experience, you've got mainstream metal, symphonic metal, and extreme metal.
Symphonic metal has vocals tending towards the operatic. Mainstream metal has somewhat aggressive shouting. Extreme metal has vocals ranging from Cookie Monster to Cookie Monster with his blue fuzzy balls in a vice.
Symphonic metal is likely to be influenced by classical music, folk music, and 70s prog rock bands (who, indeed, sometimes described themselves as "symphonic rock"). Mainstream metal is likely to be influenced by Black Sabbath and Judas Priest. Extreme metal is likely to be influenced by a keen desire to upset your parents.
Symphonic metal bands ideally have a very pretty vocalist, and even when they can't manage it are at least well-dressed. Mainstream metal bands have torn jeans and Slayer shirts. Extreme metal bands have an alarming tendency to wear KISS-inspired makeup and fake blood.
Symphonic metal bands do concept albums based on The Lord of the Rings (or their own mythology which basically involves elves and wizards anyway). Mainstream metal bands are less keen on concept albums overall, but will sing about Conan the Barbarian if pressed. Extreme metal bands do concept albums about fucking you to death in the eye socket and shitting on the face of Christ, though if you can actually decipher enough of the lyrics to understand that you're doing pretty well.
The stage shows of symphonic metal bands - well, Rami describes one above fairly well. The stage shows of mainstream metal bands involve more mosh pits. The stage shows of extreme metal bands involve more pig heads on spits.
Symphonic metal bands tend not to sing about Satan. Mainstream metal bands will occasionally mention about how cool Satan is. Not only will extreme metal bands never shut up about Satan if/when they get onto the subject, but they're much more likely to be serious about it.
I can't tell you whether or not you'd like symphonic metal: ultimately, it is still all about the loud guitars, but this time they borrow more from Mozart than from Tony Iommi. You could do a lot worse than checking out some Nightwish or Rhapsody of Fire or Dragonforce videos on YouTube.
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at 09:51 on 2008-12-05I have say I'm loving the random article generator since it seems to be calling up fine under-loved articles from Fb's past.
For what it's worth, I adore Nightwish ... they're just so *dramatic* and, as people have said, they're loudly melodious as opposed to just, y'know, *loud*.
Arthur: you missed out VIKING METAL!
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Arthur B
at 10:04 on 2008-12-05Viking metal straddles everything, like a giant of Jotunheim; you've got stuff ranging from symphonicy-folky bands with Viking flavours to mainstream bands who happen to wear horned helmets on stage to, on the extreme metal end of things, racist madmen like
Varg Vikernes
. Though the guys on the folk metal end of the spectrum probably have a better grasp of Scandanavian history and culture than most.
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at 10:09 on 2008-12-05
it is still all about the loud guitars
Sometimes it's the loud organs or amplified choral scores too ;-)
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at 10:51 on 2008-12-05Tee hee. You said organ.
(sorry, it's Friday, I'm hysterical).
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at 21:14 on 2012-04-21Was it the 90's where 'Nordic Rock' started getting more recognition around the world? For me it started with the stratospheric popularity of the Bulgarian Women's Music Choir. They toured once & when they were in my city I happened to be in the front row, bawling me widdle eyes out. (one of them actually came up to me after the show and put a sympathetic hand on my tear-stained face, making me of course cry even
From there I got got into Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish, and all things musically Baltic. It was the rocking reinterpretations of Baltic traditional music I enjoyed more that Viking Metal per se. I love Vartinna, Garna, Hedingarna, Gallahorne, Mari Bonne which are band names I'm most likely mispelling. But they are all worth checking out.
I like metal about as much as I like rap, which is to say, not very much. The metal I do like either has a sense of humor about themselves (Rob Zombie and DeathClock) or are unapologetically Pagan in their themes (that is, done for acutal
value and not for mere shock/schlock value).
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mysticnaturechild · 6 years
Beginners and how to get started
Whether you come from a long family of history of witches and taught from a young age or you are the first in your family line, either way, we all have to start somewhere right? Well, I have always had an interest in pagan, Celtic, Nordic lore and when I found Wicca I was instantly hooked and intrigued. Now I am not Wiccan, but I did study it when I first started out until I figured out that was not the path for me.  I am pagan and yes I am a witch I love nature, love crystals, herbs, you name it. I have done tons of reading on various religions from Hindu to Asatru and each one has it’s own unique path that yea you may not stay on but it’s a stepping stone to where you’re supposed to be.  Having an awakening was the scariest part of it all because I shed the self I knew and was growing into the self I am now aware and heightened to a new vibration. I also realized how much I had my blinders for signs, hints, clues from the universe this is where I am supposed to be.
For a beginner, you don’t need to go out immediately and buy everything for your alter right away or spend a ton of money to practice trust me learned that the hard way… I started by reading books by Scott Cunningham yes he focuses on the Wiccan faith but his books are a great starting point for any beginner looking for knowledge, then I was turned to Silver Ravenwolf her books are also a great source of all over information. Just because some the books titles maybe geared toward a path you’re not following they have a wealth of knowledge in them. I also was lucky to find a Facebook group, but be careful there and have a wonderful witchy family that when I need help is there, and I also leaned my knowledge to others as sharing knowledge is how we all grown and learn as well. The hardest thing about starting is worrying about what if your family finds out, or your friends find out. Well no you don’t have to come out of the broom closet so to speak right away unless you’re comfortable. When my mother found out what I was she judged me, but only because she did not understand it, and still doesn’t but because most people are so stuck in there faith they become closed minded to the facts and truth. I don’t practice around her and she doesn’t ask me about it and that’s how we get along. I also don’t judge her on her faith as she leaves the subject alone with me. If your friends are your true friends they will still be your friend no matter your religious preference, and if they stop because so then they really were not a good friend, to begin with in my opinion. A lot of peoples fears about when they hear pagan, which we have been stereotyped as bad and evil for so long that breaking that cycle is hard, but believe it or not more and more are awakening to there true selves, whether you decide to follow druidism, shamanism or Heathenry aka Nordic Pagan it is all in how the new generations help change the mindset and opinions of others by teaching, love, tolerance, and not judging others along with helping those who do not understand what your path is about. I will always tell someone do not be afraid to be you because lying to yourself is the worst thing anyone can do, and it is so freeing to recognize who you are proud of it.
    So start small read, read, read yes a lot of reading but great things happen in books, take notes, and if you have questions on starting a Book Of Shadows ( journal of things you learn, spells, herbs, crystals etc..) keep it all in one place. Also, you do not have to join a coven either don’t fall into a situation that could be unhealthy or bad. Do your research on the coven, and do what feels right go with your gut feeling and intuition they will tell if something is right or not, and learn to trust those feelings.
I hope this helps clarify for anyone looking to get started on your own path , and always feel free to email the blog with any questions I am here to help as best I can or point you in the right direction.
Blessed Be )0(
  Day 17 Beginners and how to get started Whether you come from a long family of history of witches and taught from a young age or you are the first in your family line, either way, we all have to start somewhere right?
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midgaarb · 8 years
My best friend @ynaffitt is always bettering my life, but she has really given me the best gift of all. She found a 4 week old kitten that was abandoned and in desperate need of a loving home. After I immediately drove 4 hours to go see him, and I saw this little half a pound ball of sunshine, there was no doubt he wasn't coming home with me! I named him Stitch, in honor of my craft and number one passion, sewing. I also think it's very interesting how the word stitch is the same or extremely similar in German, Norwegian, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. In Italian it is also extremely similar to my last name, which is Italian. I definitely put it out in the universe that I wanted a furry friend to keep me company while I sew and he's just perfect. I am already a proud mom so be warned he may be featured in many upcoming pictures! ☺️✨🌿 #paganpride #paganism #viking #vikings #vikingpride #kitten #asatru #blackcat #blackkitten #mjolnir #thorshammer #renfaire #renfair #odin #warrior #thor #vikingmetal #heathen #sca #knotwork #yggdrasil #nordic #pagan #reenactment #pagansofinstagram #heathen #got #gameofthrones #celticknot #legwraps #valhalla
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