#I am active pretty much over there
esaari · 1 month
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realbeefman · 9 months
stacy is sooo interesting because she's in love with house but knows that they will never ever be able to have a healthy, stable, sane relationship because they're too similar so. she finds house-lite instead and marries him and. essentially moves on with her life! and is successful in this because she's a moderately well-adjusted person!
wilson, in contrast, never manages to escape the inevitable, in spite of his best efforts to find a house-lite of his very own, because he's an absolute fucking freak and ends up glued to house to the bitter. bitter end
#yeah im too sleepy to revise this. UNFILTERED posting wooahh#some may b shocked but i do actually read thru most of my posts several times to make sure i didnt accidentally write mein kampfe 2#recently ive come to the realization that i am in fact not an incredibly chill person#and that the constant paranoia and fear in which i live my life is actually PROBABLY a symptom of severe anxiety#like damn. ive always known that im pretty prone to depression but ive preetty much always been aware of that#my mom is a chronic depressive so i know the symptoms i know the signs i have a pretty good arsenal of healthy coping mechanisms#UNFORTUNATELY mommy's mental health problems did not help her not abuse me as a child#so i ended up being a terribly anxious kid who was constantly being screamed at and told i was overreacting (because i was. because i had#a severe anxiety problem that was making me react irrationally.) to everything all the time#which is you know. it is VERY difficult to deal with a mental health problem when you arent aware you have a problem!#its incredible how much. better. my life has gotten since i figured this out and started actively trying to work out what triggers it#and being able to like. realize 'oookay. there is an Issue here and it needs to be overcome'#instead of just beating on myself constantly for not being able to do things without feeling sick or getting breathing problems!#anyways. trauma dumping in tags is over now!#house md#hilson#greg house#james wilson#stacy warner
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ganondoodle · 6 months
so i didnt watch the game awards (bc i dont care really, also it was at 1am for me)
but i went back to see the bit where they talked about totk bc it did win an award (sadly bc i frankly dont thik it deserved that) and heard how totk was about "the player making their own story" which is.... ???
like it very much HAS, undenialbly, a story, its pretty clear about that, and its a bland and boring and also illogical one at that, you as the player influence what? how many sages or tears you get and that doesnt change fuck all?? building a hoverbike is making a story ??? huh?? do mean reenacting king kong with toys and glue?? i guess i CAN do that now but i dont play ZELDA for that????
it honestly, looking at the game as a whole too, sounds like "make one up yourself" bc they didnt care enough to write a good one themselves, much less give you any ground to work with bc they treated botws lore like it never happened
but its also so very much contradictory "making your own story" with WHAT, WITH WHAT?? there are no choices that matter and again, there IS a boring ass story, i literally cannot make it my own bc theres no option to do that bc it very much is dictated what happens?? you destroy the good groundwork from botw and old titles that you COULD work with and now tell me "we didnt bother writing a good story bc you should make your own" what the hell am i playing the game for then?? why make it a zelda?? why should i bother playing through a game for its story that you didnt bother to write?????? and you also DID?? but a bad one bc you didnt actually care??? why make one at all??? i could have worked better with an actual sandbox game
"lol i wanted to fuck around with game physics, if you want a story make it up yourself despite there being absolutely one as much in your face as it can be and everythign the previous title was discarded so nothing actually matters, do what you want lol nothing matters" really huh, this is were we are at now
why the fuck did you not make it an actual sandbox spin off then, at least we wouldnt have to deal with this missmatched cocktail of stuff you didnt bother to care about
just please, make your dream sandbox game, just make it, you know you want to, just do it, but dont pretend its a canon story focused zelda title, a sequel to one of the most -full of potential to be elaborated on- zelda games no less
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i'm a little sad at how sparse steddyhands and stizzy art and writing is on here now after the finale (thankfully, i am still digging through the couple thousand fics up on ao3 so i'm not totally bereft)
because during the airing of the season there was new stuff in the tags every day, sometimes even every few hours, but i think the finale really punched all of us in the face
there's lots of good stuff from before s2 to go digging through of course, and ao3 and twitter still have some new art and fic and memes if you go looking for it, but the difference from before and now seems a bit stark
don't misunderstand me, this isn't me being defeatist, just being a bit melancholy (and mad at the s2 finale tbh lol) about it. shout out to the regulars i see in the tags still making stuff and posting jokes, ya'll are doing the most and i wish you all the passion and motivation and time to create in the world <3
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Honestly I really feel that by Yi City Xue Yang isn't mad at Song Lan any more. He's moved on from all that arrest and massacre business. If he IS mad it's probably on XXC's behalf, not his own. All this is just going to make Song Lan even more furious, though.
I feel like the arc of Xue Yang's feelings toward Song Lan goes roughly like:
You really pissed me off that one time so I'll remember it forever.
I'm actually more mad at Xiao Xingchen so this isn't really personal but you suffering is a fun bonus
Largely forgetting about his existence for a while
Wow thanks Song Lan for setting things up perfectly so I can move in with Xiao Xingchen, this is great and your contribution is appreciated
Song Lan is so stupid, unbelievable that he ditched Xiao Xingchen, why would you even do that, guess that just goes to show how useless he is
Song Lan, that fucker, how could he ditch Xiao Xingchen and hurt him like that, very rude, 0/10, obviously Xue Yang is better because he will absolutely never do that
This is all Song Lan's fault and a little bit a-Qing's, if he'd just not gotten involved (again) or died faster there wouldn't be a problem now, why does Xiao Xingchen care about him so much anyway, he's boring and the worst
Song Lan is still stupid and still the worst but if Xiao Xingchen comes back he might think about keeping him around if he's so important, probably he can make that work, he just has to figure out the right balance of free will to controllable and he'll make a great bargaining chip to keep Xiao Xingchen from doing anything reckless and regrettable, this is a genius plan
A boy's best friend is his fierce corpse he's controlling and can have one sided conversations with and occasionally cuddle when things are really rough, this is normal behavior and everything is fine.
but yeah, if Song Lan knew how much time Xue Yang spends just straight up not caring about him except as an incidental problem and/or a vaguely fond memory of the nifty two-birds-one-stone temple murder plan, he would be very unhappy about it.
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shepherdenjoyer · 4 months
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this is the information that we had about D dog. that's the info on her page (put through a translator, but its accurate) regarding how she is with other animals, and during the interview reactivity was only mentioned as a possibility not as a known fact about this dog. only dog? no problem. no cats? even less of a problem. potential for reactivity? sure. it can happen with any dog. known aggression towards other dogs? why the hell are you waiting for people to apply and go through a fucking interview before letting them know a week later that they're not fit for this dog and that that's the reason why. all that does is give people false hopes and upset that could be avoided by clear, direct, honest communication of a dog's issues/challenges. i heard about the specific language/way of wording things shelters and rescues use but i had hoped it wouldnt be a universal thing, at least not something i'd experience myself. turns out i was wrong!
maybe im being immature and unfair to these people, they probably dont all have the same amount of knowledge of the dogs and communicating all that inbetween volunteers/workers/and us can be difficult. but im angry and im allowed to express that ffs.
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Poor Yuuta 😆
What's he gonna do when someone tells him Todo punched His Boy™️ through a wall
And really, what's with every person ripping of their shirt or being shirtless while fighting Megumi. Sukuna is the worst offender of course, and their's also Todo, even Mahoraga didn't have a shirt. We're obviously excluding Toji.
Also, being offended at a low bounty is so Sukuna 🤣 That entire post was hilarious, especially the tags.
The other second years decide that they need to shield Yuuta from the knowledge that this ever happened because if he did he’d kill todo and then feel bad about killing him and it’s just be enormously inconvenient to maki specifically who would have to hear about it.
They also decide that this is immediately a mission doomed for failure because Inumaki’s a spineless simp who will absolutely spill the beans to his boy (his boy being Yuuta).
So they tell Todo that if he values his life (doubtful—maki has sincere doubts as to its value and feels even todo must know that) he’ll find a border and get over it because Yuuta will break his fucking spine if he finds out someone beat the shit out of Megumi specifically as a way to goad Yuuta himself. Fuck around, find out. Yuuta’s not letting anyone use megumi against him and he’s willing to make an example to ensure future safety.
Sukuna feels the Zenin were on point with the brat’s valuation (if not too generous) but he’s in here too and he’s a fucking gold standard of targets. What the fuck why is the bounty so low. He’s the king of curses and he’s getting the valuation of an idiot high schooler with a crush. There’s no respect nowadays.
Yuuji has to hear a lot about how the price on his head is not good enough for Sukuna.
#sukuna at three am the night before a mission: i am nightmare incarnate they could BANKRUPT themselves to kill me and it would not be enough#what the fuck is wrong with sorcerers these days. brat you want to fix the in-law problem and you let me out on the Zenin compound. ten#minutes. they’ll see who’s worth a mere /800000 yen/. fucking unprofessional is what it is.#yuuji is somewhat tempted he cannot lie#the Zenin stress his boyfriend out a lot okay#he sees how much they can get to him. and also like. he doesn’t know the details. but he can read between the lines enough to know they’ve#hurt him. how bad WOULD it be to let Sukuna raze a few buildings to the ground#yuuji has a very pretty boyfriend who will let him /hold his hand/ and /kiss him/ and legitimately life could not be better were it not for#the active attempts on his life. those. those are a downer.#very pretty boyfriend. who’s smarter than him. can summon dogs at will. literally the gold standard cannot imagine how lucky he is but there#HAS to be a fly in the ointment and it HAS to be his lunatic family#the thing is yuuji overwhelmingly feels murder is wrong EXCEPT when you trigger him in which case he’ll kill you with his bare hands#re: mahito#and like. he’s getting there with the Zenin. he’s getting there.#the issue is that makis a fucking vault and Yuuta this impossibly beautiful and perfect son of a bitch in Africa who they’ve never met so#they can’t interrogate him. and inumaki is. challenging. to interrogate#pandas the fucking weak link tho and nobara and yuuji have figured out that the Zenin did something seriously fucked not too long ago#they don’t want to invade Megumi’s privacy but he’s Their Boy and they’ll cut bitches over him#yuuji shares a wall with megumi and sometimes it’s really obviously he had a bad nightmare he won’t talk about#but he will tell him when it wasn’t about sukuna ripping out Yuuji’s heart so he won’t feel guilty#and eventually yuuji just sort of pieced it together that it was about the Zenin#not to be dramatic but Yuuji and nobara will kill people for megumi#why does OKKOTSU YUUTA get to know about their boy but not YUUJI who’s LITERALLY DATING HIM#panda: well Yuuta was right in the middle of everything what with how he— *horrified silence* I’ve said too much#todos no help because he also thinks Yuuta is an impossibly beautiful and perfect bastard and it does not help yuujis morale#he’s on yuujis side of course#but if there is anyone who COULD come even close to his brother who is the sparkling pinnacle of existence it would be Okkotsu Yuuta#no one can tell if todos in love with Yuuta#like obviously his heart and soul belong to takada but it gets hella gay sometimes when he talks about Yuuta#he doesn’t know what this assless boy has done to bewitch such beautiful men and it torments him
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illjustpretend · 6 months
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Another day, another Tav!
Meet the bard, Marcus Everystar; travelling The Sword Coast with his merry band of Tadpoles 🎶
This lovely lad comes from lil_indigestion's playthrough on YouTube, please check it out if you're looking for a playthrough to watch! Ryan's a cool dude and a colleague who I've collaborated with on some stuff for his twitch channel, and this was just my little gift to him for his birthday 🎂🙏
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lesbiansanemi · 1 month
I spoke too soon I should have known that was too easy for him I’m so tired I was like hey! I might have found someone interested in subleasing, if they end up not wanting to ill start making posts places but either way, ill need a move in date to advertise and tell people. Do you have any estimates of when you might find a place yet?
And my fucking roommate replies with a bunch of links to apartments like well you could move HERE like fuck you fuck you fuck you jackass this wasn’t what we agreed on and also 90% of the places he sent me were places I already contacted and had no availability/a waitlist/couldn’t sign until august and the other 10% were WAY out of my price range also none of this solves that I don’t want to sign a new fucking lease cuz I want out of this fucking fuck ass city between you and your bf you make almost TRIPLE what I do you will have such an easier time finding a new place and moving plus you wanna stay in this stupid fucking fuck ass city just fucking GET OUT
#i am genuinely starting to hate this dipshit#I get moving sucks!#but also this is all YOUR fault so YOU should get the shittier end of the deal sorry not sorry#also me living on my own means I will go from about 600 dollars of extra income s month#to about 200 to fucking ZERO depending on what the rent is#how about you kill yourself#‘I’m not trying to make this harder for you’#you are actively fucking me over in sooooo many fucking ways dude because you are incapable of considering other human beings#he also has less bills than me?????#like motherfucker doesn’t even have a car payment cuz his mom GAVE him a car be fucking for real#he’s spent his whole life pretty much kinda jusy doing whatever he wants and getting whatever he wants#and it’s reallyyyyyyy starting to fucking show with this situation#GOD#I told him that doesn’t work for me and explained why to him AGAIN#and he has no answered so lol we’ll see#he was also like ‘but you’ll still have to live with someone you don’t know and you didn’t want that 🥺🥺’#like oh my god#yeah in an ideal world! no! I wouldn’t be doing that#but the issue wasn’t literally living with some guy I don’t know#it was being walked all over and treated like shit and not considered#nor was I asked about it lol like now I’m seeking a new roommate I was never doing that when you moved him in so I wasn’t prepared for it#fuck you for all of a sudden acting like you care about what’s ‘best for me’#and that it’s living alone when it quite literally fucking isn’t for so many reasons#you just don’t wanna fucking move and are scrambling now that I’m actually enforcing this#kysssssssssssss#kaz rambles
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arklay · 1 year
tagged by @girlbosselrond @morvaris @aartyom @risingsh0t @phillipsgraves @leviiackrman @indorilnerevarine & @denerims over the past month! sorry it's taken me so long to get to anything at all, i'm sure you guys have heard me address it enough, but thank you all so much for continuing to tag me in things while i've been inactive ♡
tagging @aelyosos @brujah @calenhads @florbelles @jendoe @lightwardens @liurnia @nokstella @nuclearstorms @shadowsofrose @shellibisshe @steelport @swordcoasts @wrymbloods @voerman & all of those who tagged me again cause i'm so behind + anyone else who'd like to share anything they're working on, not just writing! ♡
i haven't written anything since the last wip game i did, but i started trying to put diana's timeline together at the start of january, so i mean... i'll show that instead. as you can see, fatigue hasn't let me do much with it even though i've got all of her timeline already done and strewn about all over the place.
started with 1995 onwards cause it was originally going to be an ewskers timeline situation, but then wanted to include all of her backstory so i went back to the start and still have the late 80s and early 90s to get through before then, but yeah :]
it's going to include like all little moments i've thought of between the ewskers just for me and placing them on the timeline, so you can imagine how long this is going to get if i have to go to 2021 for village... like just 1996-1998 is going to be so much... she's very special to me if you couldn't tell already lmaoo
never sharing this though, it's just for me, and like will help for when i do her timeline page (more in-depth version of what's on her oc page) to just run through canon events and brief descriptions and whatnot. you understand.
everything is blurred out besides 1995 ewskers momence and the years, just cause like idk her i feel weird sharing her in-depth backstory unless it's in dms or something, just cause there's lots going on there and yeah. things. idk
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i also made a carrd for twt if you wanna have a look at that :] there's some cheeky subtle things with the two resi items i used as pics hehe
actually, you know what, i'll give a lil bit from where i left of with that rewrite anyways, even though it's been months since i wrote it. but why not
Wesker left a fleeting kiss behind her ear then reached around her and hooked his fingers beneath her coat, prompting Diana to glance back at him. But all he did was gently pull it from her shoulders. She watched him from out of the corner of her eye as he hung it up on the rack by the door, his movements careful and almost calculated, until he turned back towards her, and the warmth of his body returned once more. He pressed up against her side this time, as opposed to her back, and one of his hands found a home on her waist. The way the arm it belonged to was resting firmly against her as he began leading her towards the kitchen was comforting, secure, yet unmistakably possessive. And she revelled in it. He had quite the knack for handling her just the way she wanted.
#tag games.#keep going to do picrews and just zoning out 😭 i'm so behind on literally everything but it's fine it's okay (lying)#i'm having a day and a half even though i woke up feeling okay but oh well. my last month has just been like watching videos during the day#or playing games when i have a bit more energy but like i can't do anything that requires me to actually read or write things like words#are just not computing in my brain at the moment but it's okay like i'm just exhausted and hoping soon i can get back to writing because i#still have over 30 wips going lmao but yeah it's been a time a half with lots of appointments and seeing specialists again and trying to#sort things out. i've been more active on twitter which i've mentioned before but it's just because like it's easier for me to sort of just#like and rt things and not having to do my organisation tags and things like i know that sounds so just small and simple but that's how#i've been lately like to my brain rn that seems like a really big task. so i just keep coming on here randomly for a few minutes then#disappearing so i'm sorry that i've definitely missed so much and i haven't been around to just show my appreciation and love to your#creations!! also just everything that happened in december and then a bit at the start of january too like i'm just a lil paranoid about#being on here honestly so i'm trying to get back to it and be okay with posting again and i'm going to make a promise to myself to actually#filter more tags i think? just to help me with like not exposing myself to things that do make me feel uncomfortable in any way!! i'm#rambling now but sorry sometimes i just need to lmaooo idk but yes so cute lil subtle things from my carrd i wanna talk about cause why not#i didn't have to change the blue herb from re0 besides making it brighter because it's already teal toned which is so sexy but i shifted#the hue on the spade key like SLIGHTLY like it was so little. but anyways. i use this emoji ✨ on my twitter name and yes cause sparkles but#also. three stars. the s.t.a.r.s. badge and logo :] then blue herb because i will have no poison in my safe space!!!! take a blue herb or#leave please!! only good vibes and safe space here!! spade key because i'm ace <3 i was going to include the diamond one in there as well#because am demiro and like those are the symbols in the community. ace of spades for ace. diamond for demis (both orientations)#but wasn't sure how to weave the pink through the rest of the carrd even though cyan and pink together is so pretty omg
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mattodore · 11 months
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#making my two favorite ocs like oh i’m gonna give you both sooo many character flaws you’ll be helplessly drawn to each other bc of it#river dipping#theodore doe#echthroi#cw drugs mention#questionnaire lb#hello all........ i come bearing good news: theo's doc is already at 9.2k words <3#not so great news: i actually still have 29 questions left so.......... um. i'm still not done...#😂🔫💥#i'll definitely be making some cuts for length once i'm done answering all of the questions#like i simply can't have this go over 11k at any point... bc that would be....... just too much. like just way too much.#editing is gonna be rough when i get to it like i can just tell but whatever kill your darlings etc. etc.#also :) i've been so good at not opening tumblr or letting anything else distract me which is how theo's doc is already this long#in such a short amount of time like!!! i'm really proud of myself actually!!#i'm trying to finish it quickly bc i miss being on here but dfjkhh when i took that three hour break the other day to catch up i lost all#of my motivation to write and ended up stopping for the day bc i felt like everything i was writing was awful and ooc 😭#so i'm holding off....... i do see my activity feed and i'll get to it i promise i'm not ignoring anyone on purpose!!#or. well i guess i kind of am but jsdkchddkj i'm just trying to get this done first!!#honestly i'm moving pretty fast tho so i feel like i'll have this done soon :) theo favoritism etc. etc.#okay... i need to go now........ i've rambled here for much too long#just felt compelled to drop another little update since my blog is inactive otherwise#logging out...... wish me luck friends and lovers
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roses-and-tears · 3 months
#I have spent. 8 almost 9 hours resetting my laptop. I chose the option to keep all my files but uninstall apps. and it has been restarting#and installing for almost 9 hours. yeah I get that the process will be long. but ffs#I have been bored the past few hours so I watched the smile movie bc I got reminded of it yesterday#it was pretty bad. the couple gorey scenes towards the end were nice but some of the acting and writing was just terrible#I was also hoping the movie would’ve taken a different turn. I think it would’ve made it more.. idk. I can’t think of the right term.-#-it just would’ve made it better I think.#I’ve also eaten a lot today. more than I usually do. more than I have in months and years and im upset about that. im already bloated.#I hope I don’t work tomorrow. I have to call in in the morning to check. and I don’t mind working but rn I just kind of want to spend the#day relaxing#I’ve spent almost 9 hours on this resetting part. and 4 extra hours trying to simply repair it in restarts#I also need to clean up my room. a lot of it. and clean my pets cage. it’s ant season now and im really stressed about that#the smell of sharpie returns and I am just. overwhelmed. I have 3 days to prepare for my special week long activity and im not happy about-#-that.#I also had some feelings earlier that im stressed over too.#im being vague about that bc i just don’t want to go off about that to everyone#im tired and overwhelmed i just want my laptop to finish resetting so i can stop fretting about this. i want to sleep#im tired. of so much#to delete later
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airenyah · 1 year
no you don't understand!!!! for this bad buddy run i'm gonna be watching the episodes without subtitles the first time around!!!!!
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heartbeetz · 6 months
Trying to find an apartment with a friend and a job in the area we wanna move to but it's so so so hard. I have no money for that. And no work experience or credit. But I've been told I need to either start paying my father rent to keep staying here at his place (again, no money or job + he's really not the kind of person you wanna be stuck living with), or get kicked out in potentially a matter of weeks. Scary and stressful...
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behind-the-sc3ne · 6 months
sometimes i think about trying dating apps/online dating in general but i don't think i'll be able to attach to a real person again
#cw vent#oversharing#shoutout to the people who ruined it for everyone#like don't get me wrong i want (and probably need) relationships with real people#but how am i supposed to do that when i don't even have the courage to message first#at a glance i seem pretty open and honest about who i am and what i've experienced#but there's a lot of things i'll never talk about. not online or irl.#i can't open up fully to my therapist (who i've had for two or three years at this point)#so how am i ever going to have normal relationships?#there's people both online and irl actively trying to befriend me but i don't know how to react#how can i trust them?#i feel like they don't know me well enough to want to be my friend but how are they supposed to know me if i never talk to them#i think the biggest problem is i don't know what's appropriate to discuss. (<- autistic)#i always accidentally overshare or talk too much and become annoying or make them uncomfortable etc#and i can't talk about my interests over and over because it'll get repetitive and annoying#and no one cares anyway.#about any of it tbh. i'll be honest and say that humans are very self-centered.#we want relationships to make OURSELVES feel better#i'm convinced no one actually cares about me and they just want to talk to me because i'm cool#they're not looking for anything mutually fulfilling. they're not looking for anything meaningful or long-term.#they just want short term pleasure#and i'll be honest. so do i. i'm not going to be around for much longer so it's all i can get.#i'll likely kill myself before next year is over and no one's going to miss me#can't say i blame them. i don't think i'd miss anything.
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camptw1nk · 1 year
I wish tumblr was. Easier
#it just feels very. hard to kinda get things going sometimes#mostly its pretty easy on kurt but i can not emphasize enough that my other blogs are not inactive bc i dont want to do things#i log on to every blog i have every day and i try to reach out to people but. really only a small handful interact#and that handful follows me everywhere and is always trying and thats very nice!! i appreciate it a LOT!!!#but when a blog is at over 100 followers and u struggle to get more than 5 people to talk to you its. discouraging#esp bc so many people will also just. not read a single thing ab ur muse#there are people who have approached me who didn't know jason had powers. when that is. plastered everywhere#and that also happened when he had the url expheiriment and his graphics were entirely fire themed#like idk i have so many muses that i love and i try so hard with but no ones as excited as i am#and thats fine i dont expect them to get excited ab every muse its just. idk it feels like so much work to go on my other blogs#bc i show up and try to get interactions and a couple people send memes in but those memes wont always lead to more#i keep going to multimuse blogs so that i dont. have so many blogs that are ignored and i can tell myself im active and people care but#its usually only the same handful of muses that people care about#so ill make a solo blog for a passion muse but they're not one of the ones people were there for so it goes nowhere#idk im just. im very tired of tumblr but i dont want to leave you know#i just. idk i want to feel more like this is a fun little hobby and i can enjoy it but i dont. know how to do that#negative cw
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