#I am insane. Cringe. But also… free~
eternal-moss · 4 months
I’m like. *this close* to writing Genshin fan fiction in Latin, not even joking. I’d probably stick to Mondstadt characters bc Latin conjugation would not be very compatible with Liyue/Inazuma/Sumeru character names. Maybe some Fontaine characters as well, but I’m less interested in most of them.
Some Mondstadt characters are pretty compatible, examples like ‘albedo’ which already exists in the nominative singular (nice!) but grammatically female (I can just make him grammatically masculine. Or change it to neuter or leave it haha. So many options).
‘Kaeya’ is not derived from Romance languages, I can’t find concrete information but I think it’s from Sanskrit or one of the derived languages (let me know if that’s wrong!) either way, very much not derived from Latin, but I could probably make it decline like ‘nauta’ and keep it grammatically masculine.
Names like Lumine are funny because ‘lumine’ does exist in Latin, but isn’t in the nominative singular (which is lumen, and a neuter noun also). I could make it decline like ‘Penelope’ maybe, and keep it neuter to honour the non binary coding of the travellers.
Klee is a German word, and I don’t know much about German conjugation but I think it just goes klee, klee, klee, klees, klees, klees, klees, klee. So I would need to give it a Latin declension of some kind to make a sentence with her name make sense. I could make it so that it declines like Penelope too, but then I don’t know if I’d keep both ees. Maybe just keep it like Klee, Kleen, Klees, Kleae (???) either way it sounds really clunky lmao.
‘Aether’ thank god is nominative singular already. Hehe what if I make it grammatically neuter though…. >:]
Diona, Eula, Babara, Lisa, Mona, Rosaria should be easy, just keeping them as first declension feminine.
Noelle and Sucrose shouldn’t sound too clunky with the Penelope treatment.
Mika can get the Kaeya/nauta treatment.
Everyone else with a final consonant can be 3rd declension m/f (eg Razor, Razorem, Razoris, Razori, Razore).
AND THEN VENTI. I don’t know what to do with him?? Venti is the gen singular or nom/voc plural of ventus. And there is no nominative singular ending in all of Latin or Greek (my Greek knowledge is bad so tell me if I’m wrong lmao) that ends in ‘i’ so wtf do I do???
I’m debating just keeping him as Venti, and him being treated like a plural noun like idk ‘posteri’ or something. It would be semi lore accurate, if his name is based of the thousand winds (plural!) as a way of honouring them. I don’t know this is a massive stretch. Anyway that’s the best solution to the Venti Problem.
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mezzmerizd · 5 months
I am cringe but i am free :333
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look at my two favourite blondes go, aren't they just the best :3
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temeraire · 1 year
theres all sorts of different flavours and foods in the world but sometimes theres nothing more comforting and reliable than the "basic". vanilla ice cream. salted popcorn. white rice. toast. porridge/oatmeal. cinnamon doughnuts. plain chips. pasta with butter or olive oil. so humble and unassuming but where would we be without them
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ravioliet · 8 months
anyways hey guys what would you do if i said that i got myself hyperfixated on a pbs kids show
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mummer · 11 months
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uh oh lol
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4e7her · 1 year
hmmmm read subnautica themed sun and moon fnaf fanfic and now i am brainrot. i know i have things to do but alas…. the lack of these fics is criminal…. i must write
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masato/aoki has been a hyperfixation of mine for almost 3 years now unfortunately he's a little worm in my brain slowly killing me off. this is half a response to some asks i've seen, a sort of explanation to aoki looking different to masato (which is definitely nonsensical in ways) may be because he's somewhat healthier than when he was as masato, hence he's not deathly pale, tired looking and a bit of weight gain maybe? (personally love his hamster cheeks as aoki). as a disabled person myself i don't think rgg really thought much through in his disability and the shit it can bring?? hoping yakuza 8 brings more context for him though i doubt it. again unfortunately,,, he's important to me regardless and ngl the hate he gets makes me upset sometimes. like he is definitely awful awful, especially aoki. my autism could write a whole deep dive essay about his character that no one wants to hear lmfao. also your masato art is a joy, just to let you know <3 as a fellow daigo enjoyer,, masadai ex boyfriends is the most valid and superior ship for masato lmao. ty for your service in this fandom 💪
damn im honored to be gettin a letter from THE ceo of ryo aoki themselves.. even if its anonymous ill still frame it on my wall hiii ty for writin <3
BUT YEAH that's what i figured in how drastic masato is from aoki- like his eyes notably lose that dark ring and his skin and lips get more color (tho that could be because he's in the sun more but who's to say it can't be both).
i really REALLY wish RGG wasn't so flippant about his disability, i go insane trying to figure out exactly what it is or what it could be so i can approach it better when portraying him and also just thinking about him. 'weak lung syndrome', surprise surprise, can mean a lot of things
it's already p cringe that they just poof it away with a lung transplant and get rid of it all together in ishin when there was no real reason to have him stand at all. like. he's literally in two scenes, one where he is sitting but the other he's just talking to the air while takechi sits in the room.
never mind im curious if he ever had to deal with his body potentially rejecting the new organ for a bit since that is a very real concern when it comes to organ transplants, but i get not really finding the need to dive into it since that transplant would have been 20 years ago and the chance to talk about it is slim. still, they could have at least give his initial illness a proper name or diagnosis if they were just going to make it disappear literally one chapter later
anyway, ty again for writin !!! i'm happy i can feed the worm that lives in your brain 🥰🥰🥰
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bonyato · 1 year
i'll see shows w/ the silliest goofiest character designs imaginable & be like You're Going To Become A Vital Part Of My Existence Now.
#ТVDINT‚ M!ІK‚ Kоnjiki no Gаsh Bеll . . . just to name a few.#this post is Specially abt KNGB tho bcuz It Has Done Irrepairable Damage To My Psyche; and also! i've been reminiscing on it recently :-)#a friend reignited my interest on it <3#I've mostly been revisiting the JPN opening sequences bcuz they go So Hard..ooughfjghh they r so!! thrilling to me.#MIENAI TSUBASA SPECIALLY UGHHHJFGHJ IT IS SUCH A DAMN MASTERPIECE FOR REAL ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ GOES CRAZY ETC. it just sets the tone of the arc So Well#ive been tempted to post them here because of it but as cool as they are to me i feel like KNGB's style just isn't for Everyone#from its eccentric characters that tend to misguide ppl into thinking it's a children's show at 1st glance#to the opening's more comedic sequences‚ to how much the whole thing very much feels like a product of its time — overwhelmingly so#MIND YOU these are All aspects i love abt them To PIECES but. yeah ♡#i wouldn't be surprised if i got weird looks from y'all when you saw me going This Thing Goes So Hard#over the most incomprehensible borderline cocomelon-esque footage you've ever seen HSJFHSKFJ#WHICH. FAIR. AND ALSO IT WOULDNT EXACTLY BE ANYTHING NEW COMING FROM ME EITHER but i feel like it'd be the last straw for so many of you(?)#and as much as i am a huge follower of the I'm Cringe But I'm Free lifestyle i just‚idk i cant stop it from holding me back for some reason#THEY RULE SAURRRRR VERY MUCH THO n' so does the whole series in general i hold it v close to my heart <3#i need to pick the manga back up at some point..hopefully soon. I'll be sure to go insane abt it btw so consider this a Warning /hj#wondertext
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babylon5 · 2 years
day 1 of trying to not talk about that terrible man. relapsed. relapsed. relapsed
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backup-backdown · 2 years
there’s actually a very cathartic and healing aspect to revisiting old interests that you were too embarrassed to like or talk about and to like them again with no shame.
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hattersarts · 9 months
okay im doing cringe (yes i am free but this is still category cringe even if i don't feel it) and putting the most homoerotic images of jeeves and bertie in a read more cut bc i cannot STAND to be looking at these pictures alone anymore.
also the wink wink potential of pg wodehouse being either gay or sympathetic and bertie never marrying and fry being part of this production of J&W sends me into tail spins bc like everyone knew right. anyway.
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first is this insane moment???? hello???????? handing drink and then sitting down to play with a man (also lilies?????????? like it didnt mean anything for the set designer but NOW?)
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this cap in particular makes me loose my mind bc it implies jeeves putting flowers in bertie's button holes in public is just a normal thing that he does (like i know its his job but....this is like, out in the open? your fixing your y.m.'s flower? okaaayyyyyy)
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bertie in full grooms fit standing in the church next to jeeves being like the last scene of the series????? HUH???????????
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okay this one is obvious but ALSO the plot of "we much pretend to be TWO PALS, TO FRIENDS, COMRADE WHO LIVE TOGETHER" was prime fic territory and delightful.
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idk something about this.
and now follows the promo pictures that will haunt me to my grave of images you'd find going through an old family album with the explanation of "this is an image of my great uncle and the man he lives with and spent the rest of his life, they were good friends" meanwhile your queer ass sat there like. yeah they were in love and fucking, good for them.
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anyway thanks for reading
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moonit3 · 6 months
Yandere mafia x male reader. I imagine that the reader became a prisoner because he was part of the rival mafia (the reader's mafia was defeated), our mafia boss arrives drunk and wants sex.
this took more time than I expected, maybe it wwas the fact that I didn’t know what name to give the new oc. also this is dedicated to the anon who asked for more gay sex in colorful letters.
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➥warnings/notices: male yandere, amab/m! reader, mlm, nsfw, smut, dubcon, reader is coerced, sub! yandere, dom! reader, handjob (receiving), oral (receiving), anal (giving), both characters are drunk, reader is implied to have a big cock, is that a warning?), yandere is implied to be a virgin but reader is experienced, end is a little rushed.
➥ yandere! mafia man x male! reader
➥ synopsis: losing your group to allistair made you feel horrible, but feeling his lips on yours made things slightly better.
➥ a/n: once again I am feeding the male readers of this blog with this one, so any comments and positive criticisms is welcome to this post. it took me more time than as my original plan was to make it as I literally searched in how to write smut, so this might be better than my last works related to nsfw content and that writing this, I felt somewhat cringe and embarrassed, so yeah….but anyways, enjoy this.
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earlier today, the west coast mafia thrown a celebration to it leader after the group managed to taken down their longtime enemies. people were shoot down inside the gala room, making the walls red as the victorious drink and laugh from gaining an enormous territory over the east. the members are happy and dancing to show their enthusiasm over the victory, even the boss is celebrating with his men.
the party lasted hours until everyone fell asleep all over the manor, sleeping at the ground after a loud and crazy party, except for the boss. allistair is somewhere else way more properly than a cold floor of the living room, instead he is in his room, currently teasing his prisoner, in this case, you.
“why aren’t you paying attention on me?” the drunken state makes you worry about the amount of alcohol allistair has drink, definitely more than five bottles to turn like this. “y-you know that you are mine, right? so your attention has to fully mine!”
his body is rubbing against your, trying to gain a reaction from you. the whining coming out from his lips are driving you insane, it would be a great opportunity to take advantage of this situation and escape from this place to never be seen again. however, you can’t do this with allistair being so vulnerable like this, you aren’t a monster like his men.
your hand that isn’t cuffed to the bedpost goes over his shoulder and easily push allistair to the other side of the bed, “i don’t think you should do anything with you barely knowing what you are doing.” he climbs back to your lap, but this time more touch and needy than before. “do you even know who am I?”
he nodded, dumbly smiling and admiring the tiny blushing growing in your cheeks. allistair is planning something, despite drunk, he still one the greatest mind you’ve met and that’s why he took down your group so easily.
“you are my love~” his head is now against your neck, already cuddling you and prepping kisses at your cheek. “and as my love, you are going to make me happy for the rest of my life.”
“really? should you wait to be a little more sober to talk about it?” your free hand couldn’t stop him from zipping down your fly, not when he was faster and out of your reach while doing it. “h-hold it! allistair, you aren’t in the position to make decisions like this!”
again, you pushed him away from you and this time it was a bit too roughy as he almost fall from the bed. the smile on his face gets replaced by sadness, making you stay calm as he lays down in bed with you once more. the unusual expression of dejected doesn’t fit someone like allistair nor the soft cries that are coming from his throat, if he wasn’t drunk, he would be screaming and yelling about you disobeying him.
he began to cry, not even bothering to hold it back as his hands wrapped around your body, seeking comfortable as he placed kisses on your cheek. “please, [name]….i want you to touch me…” his hands goes over your pants, zip down your pants to reveal not only your underwear, but also a large bulge that is already quite big. “can i touch you? p-please, i need to know how you feel!”
your brief are put down to show your cock, it’s hard and there is precum leaking from the tip. allistair doesn’t lose the opportunity and start stroking it, making you fail to secure the moan coming out from your lips. “a-allistair you need—you need to stop it!” but he doesn’t stop, he ignores you and keep teasing you, going faster and more faster than before.
more precum began to spill from your cock, dirtying his slender fingers as allistair began to lick your member, fully happily to see how embarrassed you become because of him. unable to take most of your cock, allistair goes slowly as his throat isn’t accustomed to take it deeper than he wished. his head goes down and up at your member, gaining a rhythm to not slow down nor make you uncomfortable.
“a-ah!” your hips moves on its own, resulting in allistair not only in whimpering more, but also having him going faster as you free hand grab a handful amount of his hair as a way to make him go faster. “AH, ALLISTAIR!”
it took a couple of more stoking to allistair before his mouth was full. his eyes full of tears as you released him from your touch and let him swallow the entire fluids, not letting a single drop escaping his lips. your eyes couldn’t believe that he did it, the man you always feared is now looking at you with lust on his eyes. he wants more of you.
“[name]…can we do more, please?” his zipped down his pants, smiling at your exhausted and dizzy state, adoring how you look. “i promise to be good for you.”
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you are kissing allistair softly, something you wouldn’t never do, but after sharing a bottle of champagne with him change things. his lips taste like alcohol, a drink you wouldn’t never enjoy, however it’s feel good by tasting it on him.
between the kisses, your hands (now free from the handcuffs) play with his chest, twisting his nipples and in return, hearing the soft whimpering from his lips. it’s weird to have one of most dangerous man underneath you, ready to be taken by you only.
“p-put it inside me, [name]! i need you now!” allistair begs, no- implores you to take him. “just promise me to go s-slow!”
“i won’t hurt you, allistair.” you chuckled, playing a kiss on his forehead before inserting a finger inside him. the man thrown his head against the mattress and began to whine. “but first, I need to prepare you.”
regardless of trying to hold back his voice, allistair’s voice escaped and echoed through the room. it made you smile, knowing that he is enjoy made you add another finger, but this time a little bit more faster. seeing how his body reacts to your touch is interesting and you want to see more of it.
then, you hit his most sensitive spot that result on allistair whimpering and holding your arms for security. it took a couple more of touching his insides before he came with a loud moan and dirtying his chest completely, now he is the one who is exhausted.
“did you enjoy it?” you asked and he nodded, smiling despite feeling so tired and wanting to sleep. “i’m going to put it inside, okay?”
you pour some lube around your length, then slowly pushed your cock inside him, taking time to get allistair adjust to your size. his moans got louder, but not enough to break the privacy the bedroom gives to both.
“hmp—!” his body shivers when your all of your cock got inside. it’s a new sensation to allistair, you know that, so you take a couple of minutes before starting thrusting in and out slowly, gaining more whines from him. “a-ah—ah!”
your bring his legs closer to you, carefully throwing it above your shoulder to make him take your cock deeper. then you continue to e thrust into him, making lewd noises from the impact between your cock and his entrance.
“g-good—!” his body shakes as you hit the most sensible spot again, gaining a sweet moan from him. allistair moves his arms to your neck, bringing you closer to give you a kiss. “hng—! you a-are making me feel good!”
it took a couple of more thrust to both of you each climax at the same time. you came inside this time, not daring to pull away when the idea of filling him up sounds appealing. and allistair dirty his chest again, but this time he looks calmer of it. after a while, you remove yourself from him and the fluids inside him slowly got out of him entrance, hitting the now dirty sheets.
a smile on his lips as allistair kissed you again, exhausted but happier to experience something so special with you. the two of you lays down on the bed, not caring if it’s dirty, he is staring at you with his lovestruck eyes.
“[name]~” his fingers reach out for a lock of your hair, smelling it when you just stare at him. “i love you.”
“…” it’s strange to believe of what just happened between you and the man who tried to kill your. he is your enemy, someone who took down the people you considered as a family and now you just had sex with him while drunk. it was wrong, but…it felt good at the same time.
“i love you too, allistair.”
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@moonit3 writings
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mblue-art · 2 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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outro-jo · 11 months
new moon, new vibes
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pairing: bang chan x gn reader
type: one shot
warnings: practicing witchcraft, mentions of deities, use of florida water, kinda spicy alluded at the end but nothing at all in detail… i can’t think of anything else 😂
notes: this is how i would practice but this is not a tutorial nor am i teaching you how to do things. if you want to practice witchcraft, please do your own research! this is just a self indulgent piece of writing and it is fiction 🫰🏻don’t come to me for questions lmao i’m sorry but i’m not a teacher. i just study for myself and incorporate things as i see fit. there are practitioners who teach, i am not one of them for my own idk… safety isn’t the right word bc like i’m protected but like mental health… i’m in and out of my practice sm it feels hypocritical to teach so just don’t ask 😂 i can give resources tho and google is ✨free✨ 🤍 also, i wouldn’t really request another one of these. the new moon in virgo said, “bitch, do something” 😂 sorry for the long disclaimer
please read info before requesting!
masterlist | info
chris tracks the moon better than you do sometimes. never for any reason in particular other than sheer curiosity but this time it all just worked out. yes, he’s like three albums ahead in recording with bonus 3racha songs that will never see the light of day, but he was feeling the need to start working on a new album too. the boys creativity was spiking as well and they were getting restless. in other words, it was time to get to work, but chris needed a refreshing in his work space. normally he loved his studio, it was all you could do some days to get him out of it. sucked into his kaleidoscope hole of creativity until it finally set him free once the album was done. but the vibes were stale. he felt trapped lately, like his mind was racing with ideas of lyrics and melodies but none of them were clicking.
that’s where you come in.
nothing felt better to christopher after he just helped clean the house and then you banish the negative energy and cleanse the space. he knew it was time for some of that in his studio or he was gonna go insane.
your spirituality was nothing you hid especially from him. he grew up in the church so he kept his distance but was quietly observing. he still remembers the first night he watched you work.
the living room was dimly lit, windows open with the moon cascading light into the living room on your makeshift work station on the coffee table. the air swirled with smells of incense, oils, and herbs and you sit quietly as you worked. your playlist of music softly played in the background. chris didn’t say a word but he was enthralled with everything you did, almost attempting to ask what each thing was and how it worked but you seemed to be in a zone.
“ask, christopher.” you spoke up, not bothering to glance his way.
he awkwardly shifted in his seat on the floor as he cleared his throat, “what’s that do?”
he cringed at himself a little for sounding like a child but you couldn’t help but smirk at how adorable and clueless he was.
“well, this is a pretty basic banishing spell.” you continued into detail of your work and the reasoning, which worked out well for you because then you could further set your intentions into the spell. eventually that’s just how you would do your spell work, explaining things to him in detail and why you were doing things.
also, it always blew his mind how you always seemed to know things before they happened but you were never super obvious about it. one time you had warned him about a presence at work. his questions at the time went unanswered but then he came home in shock.
“how the hell did you know about Beomseok?” he was in utter disbelief.
you simply shrugged, “you have family on the other side wanting to protect you.”
ever since he thought there might be something to what you do and after some time of thought he came to you and said that however you wanted to use him in your practice, he was willing. you started out slow and decided that apollo would be a good fit to work with for him and his music. it started with regular cleansing and a sun charm you enchanted for him, but now chris was feeling the pull for more to be done.
“i need your help.”
you glanced up at him from your spot on the couch to give him your full attention as he moved to take a seat next to you. he seemed nervous as he shifted a bit.
“so, the moon is moving into pisces tonight and the guys and i are feeling a shift in our creativity and it’s a new moon but the energy in my studio is awful. so i was wondering…” chris stopped looking for you to finish the sentence as he wasn’t quite sure what he was even asking for.
you mimicked his head motions, trying to pick up what he was putting down. “you want me to cleanse your space?”
“i think so…” he breathed out a chuckle. “something, i dunno. whatever you do in here when we clean the house.”
you let out a laugh, finally understanding what he was trying to ask. “ok, yeah, so some incense, crystals?”
“yes! i like crystals.”
fuck, he was cute.
“yeah! let me get some stuff. oh! and by the window over there, grab a water bottle.” you pointed as you walked down the hall.
“one of these?”
“yep! it’s moon water. it’ll cleanse you too.” quickly you rushed out, stopping in front of him as he drank and showed the spray bottle in your hand. “florida water. gets rid of bad vibes. if we’re gonna do this we should cleanse ourselves.”
“oh! uh-ok.” he stood up straighter and squared off his shoulders in preparation.
“close your eyes and take a deep breath in…” you paused as he complied. “and out. good! now imagine a bright, warm, golden light surrounding you.”
after a minute, he nodded, “ok.”
“keep your eyes closed, and i’ll spray this now, ok?”
he nodded.
“perfect. keep drinking your water. do you remember what incense you liked best?” you rushed off again to gather supplies.
“ummm… oh! the dragon one!”
you giggled to yourself, “dragon’s blood?”
“yeah! it sounds cool.”
god, his intuition is insane.
you finished packing up your essentials and as the sun was setting you were able to head down to his studio. immediately when you walked in, you could tell exactly what he meant by the energy being off. the room, while not having any physical changes, felt stagnant and almost moldy without having the physical smell, but nothing you couldn’t fix.
“ok, top to bottom clean. dusting, clearing out trash, everything.” you told him.
chris nodded and immediately got to work. he was thankful to start with something he understood. while jype had regular cleaners, chris usually told them not to bother cleaning in here since he has things a certain way and he always intended to clean himself… he never did. the room already started to feel better with just a deep cleaning.
“what next?” chris asked eagerly.
“cleanse with some florida water and incense.” you explained, pulling it out of your bag.
this time when you used the florida water, you explained the history of the perfume to him and explained the use of herbs and ingredients, since you usually made it yourself. next was the incense and the properties of dragon’s blood, saying that it’s good for courage in pursuing creative projects that might be out of his comfort zone and that how there’s even science to back how the essential oils have increased activity in the left hemisphere of the brain.
“next, crystals. we charge them in the moon or sunlight.” you told him, raising the first one too him. “citrine, it’s heat treated amethyst that changes the color. it banishes negative energy and keeps you focused. also brings in abundance.” you finished him with a wink. each crystal you pulled out of your bag you gave an explanation and finally set everything up. finally you pulled out a golden stick candle with some herbs. “final thing, we’re gonna ask apollo for some help.”
“oh! the music guy! that’s a good idea!” chris exclaimed as he took the seat next to you at the desk.
everything felt different from the first time he saw you practicing your craft. before he was quiet and timid, afraid to ask questions and even participate. now, he was getting fully involved by helping make sigils with his intentions, carving them into the candle then applying herbs and oils. the two of you watched the candle burn down and chris already felt the energy in the room shift dramatically with new ideas for music pouring into his head. he couldn’t wait to get started but it was still a new moon and you two had other rituals to attend to.
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can i get some ilia malinin lore?
Yes!!! I have a lot. (Thank you for asking. Ice skating has consumed my week). I'll give you my swiftie powerpoint night summary slide on him then run though basics competitive results, controversy, and vibes
(I totally thought his name was 2 L's and mispelled it in the powerpoint)
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Obviously the homophobia thing
A lot of people dislike him because he isn't very artsy and he seems problematic
According to his spotify wrapped he listens to 8 hours of music a day and his top artists were all problematic rappers.
He gives the vibes of a white boy that says the n word casually. Like everyone treats him like he is casually problematic but all we have on him is the homophobia scandal
Competitive background:
He just beat the world record for free skate score and won worlds. Major major Olympic gold medalist contender
He is technically "good" but also crumbles under pressure. In 2022 he was 2nd at US nationals but US figure skating refused to send him to the Olympics. Then he went to world's and got 9th overall when the person who got 3rd and 5th at nationals both beat him🤡. The last two nationals he had disaster skates and barely won
He thinks he's so cool and he would be so cringe but he does it with such confidence
His favorite subject in school was physics. He wants to be an interior designer. He enjoys soccer and skateboarding for fun.
He calls his girlfriend the quadg0ddess
He regularly records instagram story videos like there is a gun to his head and he is reading a script. He starts off all his videos with an extended awkward pause then says "hey everyone! I'm here at (event name). This is for you" and then effortlessly does the hardest jumps known to man with 0 speed going into them
US Figure skating never sends him anywhere without Isabeau Levito (the world silver medalist). She is a sweet 17 year old girl. Ilia is too awkward so every event he is at they stand next to each other in every photo. They are inseparable when cameras are on. They have never been seen speaking. Pretty sure she is HIS babysitter.
So yeah,,,, that's a lot but I think that's a general vibe of Ilia. He is insane!!!! I am greatly entertained by him.
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aleenya · 12 days
sharing a little bit more of my steins;gate mtg deck bc im having a lot of fun with it and to be cringe is to be free
context: these are all mtg proxies. ive changed nothing mechanically except the card names or flavor text (some i need to tidy up or format better tho.)
i wanted to prioritize thematics above all else so most of the cards come from the dr who sets!! (which are so banger omg. suspend is a great mechanic.) if ur interested in the full deck feel free to pm me, im happy to share! it still needs some editing/reworking but its fully playable and legal as is
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so these are the commanders. kurisu (clara proxy) is scarily good bc whenever an activated ability triggers on a doctor (all the doctor cards are mostly just world-line variations of hououin kyouma/okabe LOL) then it triggers a second time. and that gets ridiculous fast 🧍
hououin kyouma (tenth dr proxy) is great bc he gets cards into suspend, the mechanic this deck is built around. when cards are in suspend, they're considered 'exiled' and have time counters on them that tick down every upkeep. once there's no more time counters on those cards, you play them for free. He can also time travel (bc of course) which can either add or remove time counters. hes honestly a lot of fun, i love the lil combo this pairing has!! and i love the thematic element that kurisu just makes okabe better bc its true jfghdhdhdh
see more below!
creature highlights
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ignore the fact that mr braun is an alien rhino soldier i just had to have this card in my deck bc i thought it was funny LMAO
i also have other wordline variations of suzuha and all the lab mems <3
spells/instants highlights
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one thing: all of history all at once + rousing refrain = insanity
i have no defense for grapeshot i just really wanted the cg of mayuri with the gun in my deck KGHXDH
enchantments highlights
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artifacts highlights
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i have a lot more artifacts (including the time machine and a lot of the future gadgets, like moad snake, which gives protection from all creatures for a turn.) round table and the moment are thematically fun tho - and of course obligatory ibn 5100.
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wincons are cards where, if i fulfill a certain condition, i win the game! i play mtg very casually and just for fun, so i dont like infinite combos or anything like that. but i thought for s;g it'd be fitting to have some slow-burn win conditions that i slowly build up towards. one is Gates. Gates are special lands from the baldur's gate set; i've reworked them in my deck to either be different s;g locations or worldlines (like alpha, beta etc) and then finally i have the steins;gate card (proxy of maze's end) where if i have at least ten gates in play and then play that, i win. it's a verrryyy slow burn wincon tho and i've only pulled it off once, so it's not very reliable. but its fucking thematic and thats all i care about LMAO
and then the other wincon is the Divergence Meter which is also super slow. if i can at least get the time counters on it to 500, then double to 1000, its pretty much an autowin B) but again, getting it to that point is difficult and takes a while. which i find very fitting
thank u for coming to my deeply autistic presentation. am i slightly deranged for doing this? mayhaps ... but my love for steins;gate knows no bounds </3
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