#I am older than 💩
p-oisn · 2 months
let's get positive ! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
(the content below the cut contains mentions of sensitive topics such as implied su*cide & sh so pls scroll if you're uncomfortable w those !)
this is a long rant about life basically .. 💩💩
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i was going to make a post like this sometime later anyways bc i felt .. like a nice person ... but i made it a bit earlier than i expected bc i saw a post from oomf that really made me think .. so here u go
this comes from my own PERSONAL experiences and this is js my point of view yk !!! im no expert on any topic HSHSJ this is js the way i cope plz dont come for me in my asks ... i am aware that it isn't the same for everyone but , i hope this message can be helpful to some extent </3
if you feel like like life is leading nowhere n you feel like giving up I PROMISE it will get better bc i felt the same for two whole years n i will say that i have improved a LOT since . yes , it took me longer than i expected but i didn't give up and you shouldn't either ! it was hard n there were times i felt like i wasn't making any progress / improvement but in the end , it still got better
be kinder (to yourself, first) ☆
i think the first step to loving yourself is to forgive yourself .. its okay to try over n over again , you're still human n i think ppl tend to forget that often bc they're so tough on theirselves . let's not forget that your body is actively trying it's best to keep u alive , your WBCs for example ! (let's appreciate these little guys for trying their best 🎉🎉) your body too , deserves to be loved back , for fighting so hard just for YOU! so pls don't hurt yourself in any way </3
appreciate yourself for achieving even the smallest of tasks because even if it wasn't something big , YOU DID IT ANYWAYS ! every small achievement of yours deserves to be appreciated . even if it's momentary happiness , appreciate yourself while it lasts . i understand that sometimes even small things could be such a hassle but you can always reward yourself later ! i personally like to buy donuts everytime i finish something (this could come in handy when you're really craving something if you get what im saying ..)
It's okay if you're going at a slower pace than other people , what matters in the end is that you get it done ! everyone is not the same so it's unfair to put yourself down for such things .. also applies to comparing yourself to someone because in the end you'll still be you .. even if you don't like it .. that makes you unique ofcourse , there's only one of you in this world so embrace yourself for that !! you're one of a kind (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
oh, but, life's the same, it's boring ... ☆
yes , a lot of days could end up being the exact same because like , there are 365 days in a year so you can except most of them to be similar .. but as a new year starts , ofc many things change without you even noticing it , you grow older ofcourse , and you could be starting a new year in school , you meet new people and so on ! if you compare your life from a year ago or even a few months ago to now , you'll surely notice a few differences atleast so .. life is not reaaaaally the same right .... everyday is a new experience ! literally anything and i mean anything could happen the next day , you could even win the lottery who knows 🤫
when i felt like everyday was the same , i tried changing my patterns .. (my current favourite thing to do is go on a walk ! sometimes i take my dog w me , it's super fun) i would do small things that i dont usually do like sketch ! or i attempt cooking something new .. but obviously there were a LOT of days where i did nothing , sometimes even weeks , and that's okay ! we all deserve days where we do nothing ESPECIALLY if you're someone who is working or js in school / college everyday .. you deserve that break
i think a big factor is being unproductive ? don't get me wrong , i still am my same unproductive self at times unfortunately , n sometimes they do get so bad that they lead to a terrible burnout .. n i went through a rly bad burnout not long ago n trust me you do not want to get this far :( how do i deal with this ? (let's take studying as an example here) well i always start off with small portions , even if it's just a page or two . n then i slowly keep increasing the amount of pages i read .. n yes ofc , i understand how brutal burnouts can get sometimes n that's why it's important to not overwhelm yourself by attempting to finish a big portion of your studies in one go .. just take it easy , let the information marinate in your head for a bit before you move on to the next topic .. so basically what im trying to say here is don't overwhelm yourself with big tasks especially when you're already burntout
friends .. they're great ☆
the thing that honestly improved my life by a mile is getting good friends .. I've had my fair share of bad friend groups so trust me when I say this , it's better to be alone than with people who drain you mentally because . you deserve someone who treats you the way you actually want to be treated .
"but it's hard to make friends" i completely get this because i am a very shy person myself </3 but i think you could start by trying to make friends online ! its easy to find someone with similar interests on the internet .. so when you feel down atleast you know that there's someone on the other side of the world who cares for you ..
but this doesn't change the fact that solitude is AMAZING too (tbh i could go on for a really long time on how i love being by myself but this is already getting super lengthy ...) you can be your own friend too ! (okay see now this seems insane but if it makes you happy WHO CARES AMIRITE) i personally enjoy my own company like omg .. she can get a good laugh out of me sometimes ... you can do whatever you want when you're alone ! you can dance to your favourite playlist or experiment with a bunch of stuff ! if you get bored you can watch your favourite movie or consume your favourite piece of media that no one gets like you 🤫 so , as much as making friends sounds great , let's appreciate solitude too !!
ah, life can be beautiful sometimes? ☆
one of the biggest reasons i go on walks almost regularly is to remind myself how beautiful the world can be sometimes .. (atp half of this is me convincing you all to go on walks) i live in a beautiful neighbourhood n there are a lot of different flowers and fruits that grow here and that makes me really happy . going on early morning walks especially is soo fun , the world is so quiet then and you can even watch the sunrise 🥹
another thing is buying myself things i like ... especially clothes ... if you think you would look good in something then js go ahead and buy it ! don't mind what other people think because like ... YOU are wearing it and if people around you have a problem with that then i think they should close their damn eyes and not look at you if it bothers them that much 🤦 you deserve to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin , you deserve to dress the way you want to ! so if you feel like dressing a particular way would make you feel better .. GO FOR IT !!! this applies to other things you like, maybe accessories, merch or stationary that look cute .. it's okay even if people judge you for your style because in the end they're the ones who are boring and miserable because they spend soo much time hating on others 😒
life is soo much more fun when you take care of yourself trust me ... you deserve to be taken care of !! so spoil yourself once in a while i promise it's okay as long as it makes you happy <3
to sum it all up .. yes , good times don't last forever but so don't bad times , and you and i both can get through a bad day because life is still going on (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ bad times too , will pass . so please believe in yourself and hold on !! i love you
again, this is all how*I* like to cheer myself up so pls don't take anything here in a bad way 😖 all of this was made with good intentions and im so sorry if i still ended up hurting anyone in any way ..
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merv606 · 1 year
Juuuust wanted to say I love the Seduction fic, and will miss it! Daniel is such an Omega in that without being in Omegaverse lmao. Love that little cutie ❤️ However, I am Super Eager for more of Mercy Is A Sharp Knife!! Older Silverusso is just 🥲🥺😈🥵💩 And their dynamic is so good in it! I wanna feel bad for Terry, but he’s such a psychopath, so no. Lol. Also looking forward to A Sorta Fairytale With You! And all your other fics :3
Oh thank you - I for one though will be glad when it is finished 😂 but I am glad people like it so much ♥️
It definitely turns out it be much different than was originally planned, that’s for sure.
After that I want to get the other two longer WIPs finished.
After that, see if season six brings any inspiration.
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jessithewanderer · 2 years
Some days I wonder why God loves me. There’s so many people in the world that are disciplined in the word, so many people going to church all the time, so many people spending their money in communities that speak about God. But then I think about the times God would show up when I would pull over to feed someone laying on a bench, or all the beautiful moments I’ve had in this life of extending my hand before God showed me that I’m not alone when doing this stuff. That God has my hand while extending it. Those who work hard for their money or have a roof over their heads. I try to give to them still but it’s hard to please those who are money hungry so I don’t give to them as much when it comes to money and things. But what I can give is a listening ear and a voice. Even in times when I was hurting myself; I would listen to those I felt were my friends/fam and are my friends/fam. I was always too broke for them but I did more than I had to please those around me in the past. Now I just don’t care. You get what I can give and if it’s not enough for you, then oh well. God has shown me so many people will only care about you because they know your heart is filled with good intentions. Then you have those who will avoid you because they think you giving to them means they owe you something. This world is so annoying to me. I be so drained tryna gaf. It’s like the older I get the less I start caring about seeking to help people. Including the homeless even though I am more frequent with that because most times they want food or a few dollars which I can afford. But friends these days are so expensive to have and they aren’t truly your friends when people, places and things have a hold on the relationship. I said all of that to say… those times I wondered/wonder why God loves me. Makes me think that God just knows I try to remain authentic in a world that pretends. I used to try to mesh into what the world considered successful. But anyone who thinks they know my hustle, they never knew. I did a lot in silence and I’ve listened to a lot of pain. When I was seeking people, God sent them temporarily and then they left. But I thank God for those who came and stayed or even left. It was all a blessing. It drew me closer to God. My wondering becomes knowing every day. I know God loves me. The reasons why are always pending but a progress. Because I don’t even love me sometimes. I’m socially awkward these days. I can’t keep friends for nothing. The only person I can tolerate for long periods of time is my Mom and that’s only because she tolerates me right back. I just don’t want to be here 😂. I have conversations with God and I be cracking up cuz I know this place is full of 💩. God and I’s relationship grows more and more and I love it. Because what’s the meaning of life if you don’t have your one true love? That’s all I ever wanted in this life is to be loved. I took love with conditions, but that unconditional love is something unheard of in human form unless it’s your family or close friends. But even that comes with limitations in my life. I’m not around no one 24/7 but God. All my life I was never alone and it took a lot of feeling alone to know that.
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myastrouniverse · 27 days
August/2024🌒♋️The ROOT of Harmony is Humbleness🌱+💖=🌻
♀️ 🔺 ♇︎ The Celtic Order of The Golden Dawn is truly a fascinating esoteric system. The members are quite a nefarious group. I found many of the tools in that order to be extremely effective in grounding energies and communicating with the nature realms. I did not accept or complete any initiations in that order. I made the choice because I understood the path. Had I completed those initiations I would have gone to the fairy realms. No one comes back from the realms of fae if you accept the invitation. I’m sure it might be possible to negotiate with them if you are very polite. You must show the fae respect, they are older than time itself. They always were and always will be.
🌞 Λ ☊ I want to forgive, if some of you narcissistic psychopaths have the courage to not only apologize, but to explain your motives and what you have learned from your destructive behaviors. Do any of you psycho fucks understand that VIOLENCE against another human being, isn’t going to make YOUR life better? Why not FOCUS ON YOUR OWN FUCKING LIFE, YOU FUCKING APE CUNTS. Then I deserve compensation, for the suffering I have endured for DECADES, over the egos of pathetic fucking MONSTERS.
🌒 < 🎸 You may only go as high as you can go low. The problem with most of the human population, is that they confuse humble with excessive.
🌒 <♅︎ Low, means to have CONTROL over your ego, so you can HUMBLE YOURSELF; with the humblest of creatures. The dark ones are supposed to be GUARDIANS.
🌒🔺 ♄︎ Unfortunately some of you believe ‘low’ is a person bound to addictions and codependencies. This person has NO CONTROL over their EGO because they are constantly getting HIGH. People who are always ‘positive’ maybe blinding themselves with their own light (Ego.) and they must humble themselves if they want to understand their surroundings. The point of LIFE is to LEARN something NEW which stimulates growth and awareness.
🌒 < 🦺 It’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to maintain and align your chakras. The positive force of being centered within your own body, repels negative attachments. Work on root and move up. Try working on one chakra over and over again, that you feel most disconnected to. Personally, I need lots of heart chakra work.
🌒 < 🌞 I believe we ALL have the ability to manifest a much more peaceful and abundant future for EVERYONE. If you are nice me, I can be nice to you. If you want to be friends with me, I will be friends with you. If you show me love, we could be lovers.
🌒▪️🚑 Why would I want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect me? I don’t know why you keep expecting me to lose my human form to a quantum created false dimension. Again, I am so tired of being disrespected by people who refuse to let go of their own ego issues.
Tears for Fears - Sowing The Seeds of Love
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Lovers" from "Latvian Tarot" by Arthur Berzinsh
Don’t disrespect me with YOUR APE CUNT and HER PSYCHO KIDS.
I want NOTHING to do with the filth of you or your fucking past.
You made it perfectly clear, you are an ape cunt fucker.
Please continue…
Stay the fuck away from me with your psycho 🤡💩
I don’t nag people. I respect other people’s space.
Try treating me in the same manner.
I absolutely will not tolerate VERBAL ABUSE from fuckheads who TORTURED ME over their own fucktarded imagination land🌈🤡💩
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
Like you said, fuck the haters. My sister's a little older than me (though I can't say how old or else you might get an idea of my age, something I think I'll keep a mystery for now) and I've proved to have more common sense than her on multiple occasions, so whatever she says goes in one ear and out the other anyway.
It's very nice to meet you as well, by the way. Has anyone ever told you you're incredibly attractive when you language swap? Yeah..
I don't know what I'm getting into, I admit, but then again, I never do.
As for who I am? I think I can tell you.
Good thing I like ✨mysteries✨.
Younger sister has more common sense than older sister. 🤔...🤔🤔🤔
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I dunno about my attractiveness, but je comprends que les langues autres que l'anglais soient excitantes, mais sono pessima nel parlare alcune di queste lingue. Francés, Italiano, Español?  Si, puedo sobrevivir, men bede mig om at tale dansk? Nein. 💩 I can still read it, and am literate in several, it's just the speaking part of some of them that I'm terrible at. But I love learning them, even if it's just to be able to read international news in their original. Aprender otras lenguas es aprender otras culturas. Jeg liker også dansk, svensk og norsk (og jeg elsker finsk), mais rien ne dépasse les langues romanes, surtout quand...never mind.
Quale preferisce che le scriva? 🫠
If it makes you feel any better, I never know what I'm getting into either, and I'm now half a gd century old. That's Gen X for you...we like to dive in without checking if there's water in the pool. "Darwin Awards" was truly established for my generation by my generation.
Somebody, huh. So...you're an all star?
I'm so sorry. I hate that song. I don't know what came over me, aside from being really gd tired. I need a palate cleanser.
Much better. 🔥
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montanababe7 · 8 months
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I wrote this a few years ago:
The more I heal; the more content I am. The traumas of the past are leaving. Unlearning all I thought I once knew both frightenens me and excites me. That’s the power of forgiveness. You learn how to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and you move on. I might not have been blessed with the best mother aka a good mother figure.
But, here’s the cool thing. I get to be a great mom to my own kids and spiritual children. Heck, I’ve had to mother my own heart for years. I’ve had to pat myself on the back. To remind me that I’m doing a great job. Learning how to speak words of life over myself. Reminding myself just how far I’ve really come. That with each trial and different circumstance-I’ve built my own building blocks and my own stepping stones. I’ve learned from the plethora of numerous harrowing events and you know what? They’ve only made me stronger and into the Christian woman of Jesus that I am today.
Truth be told. I do feel far older than just being 36. I told a friend several days ago; that I honestly, feel a lot closer to the age of 60. The varying events I’ve seen in my life have caused me to look at life alot differently; than what I’d perceive the average 36 year old to view life as.
When life hands 🙌🏼 you lemons. You have one of two choices. You can make lemon 🍋 💩 or you can make a beautiful lemon merengue pie 🥧. The choice is truly yours. In other words, I could have easily allowed life to crush me. But, I remembered that Jesus called me to live my life far more abundantly.
Jesus wants our lives to be full of worship and joy to Him. He alone is truly worthy of it all.
Whatever comes up next. Just know that Jesus has a twinkle 🤩 in His eye when He thinks of His kiddos.
Look to Jesus. And remember the song of, ‘turn your eyes upon Jesus’
In the end, bringing souls into the Kingdom of Jesus is all that will truly matter.
I don’t know how much time any of us has left on this earth. But, remember to make each and every minute count.
My brother Josh Farnam is having the best party in Heaven with Jesus. One day, I get to give my brother the biggest hug.
My brother is in the great cloud of heavenly witnesses. Cheering 📣 us all on. Praying for us. The days on this earth-are only as a vapor; compared to the vast moments which are made of eternity.
One day, You and I; will never cry again. There will not be any more sorrow. Just joy
Let’s all make each moment count. Pray for one another. Love one another. Just as Jesus first loved you and I.
Love you all.
Jessica Wolf
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jadedvibes · 2 years
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In honor of spooky season, sweater weather, and all things autumn, I'm hosting my first writing challenge! I started writing nearly a year ago because I was inspired by the beauty of the season, and I thought why not organize something where others could join in and celebrate the many aspects that make this time the best.
For the challenge, I'd like you to incorporate some fall vibes and activities into a fic or moodboard. It can be anywhere from taking a stroll down a leafy street with your fictional fave, baking together, cozying up by the fire, wearing their flannel, visiting a pumpkin patch, or watching a scary movie; anything that reminds you of this enchanting time of year plus a little catch I’ll describe below 🍂🎃🧡
This writing challenge will open today and has no deadline.
Rules, guidelines, and optional prompts are under the cut! 
Must be 18+ or older. 
You don’t have to follow me to participate.
There is no deadline, follow your muse. 
No incest/pedophilia/necrophilia/bestiality/ddlg/water sports/💩
Please tag any and all potential triggers with proper warnings e.g. (Fluff, smut, dark etc.) 
Original works or must be able to be read as a standalone if it’s part of a series.
If you want to withdraw at any point, it’s no problem just lmk!
There is no minimum or maximum word count.
If your fic is over 200 words please use the “read more” function.
You can write for any Marvel character, in universe or in any AU. I’ll also read for whatever SS and CE character you’re into except Jeff Gillooly and Tommy Lee. You may also write for Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson or a Top Gun: Maverick character. No RPF, please. Also no OFCs, reader inserts only.
Send me an ask letting me know that you want to participate, then tag me when you post and tag your fic or moodboard with #fallinginlovewritingchallenge 
And the catch that makes this a challenge is – the words “falling in love” MUST come up in your entry at least once if you’re writing. You can change it to past or present tense e.g. (“fell in love” or “fall in love”); whatever variation you need to fit the vibe you’re creating.♡
I will read and reblog your work before adding them to a masterlist!
And feel free to send me an ask or dm if you have any questions or if I can help you better understand the season. I'm so excited to see what you all come up with!
Please note that you don’t have to use the prompts and au’s, they’re just there for inspiration and more than one person can use the same one ✨
“You’re comfy.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
"Here we are, home sweet home."
“Stop flirting.”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you like what you see?”
"Let’s go somewhere, just you and me.
“Your hands are warm.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“I’ve been waiting all my life for you.”
“I know you still love me.”
“Fancy seeing you here. 
“I know what you need. Hold on.”
“I’m scared.”
“Are you… jealous?”
"Baby, I could do this all day."
“I can’t think straight with you.”
“Give me a chance.”
“Am I too late?”
“You’re dangerous.”
Coffee Shop
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Thank you @bucky-barnes-diaries, @maladaptivexxdaydreaming, and @treatbuckywkisses for helping me, encouraging me, and listening to me ramble about my ideas!!
Tagging some pals that might be interested, but absolutely no pressure! ♡
@writing-for-marvel @summerofsnowflakes @tuiccim @sweetdreamsbuck @poppunksnowwhite @jobean12-blog @sunshinebuckybarnes @beach-daydreaming @weekendgothgirl @navybrat817 @mrsmischief209 @sgt-seabass @yarnforbrains @traitorjoelite @sweetascanbee @musingsinmoonlight @sanguineterrain @late-to-the-party-81 @sexyprise @intrepidacious
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roscgcld · 2 years
I feel angsty today and I wanna share this 🖤angst brain riot🖤
About the GojoTwin HOWEVER GojoTwin reader does NOT have the limitless and sex eyes. Basically all the STRONG curse energy was pass down to Gojo leaving reader with a very weak curse energy. So basically in the clans eyes Gojo is the "PERFECT" twin while reader is the "black ship" twin. TwinGojo is treated like SHIT💩 ofcourse reader act like she isn't bothered and put on this bitchy and strong facade, but cry in her room alone because she didn't want ANYONE not even gojo to see her in her total depressing state.
BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE (bc I can't stand sad shit😀🌻) twin gojo is very charismatic af even more than her brother that leads her befriending shoko and forming a relationship with Geto🌸❤🌸
Ever since I read ur twin gojo fic I have this what ifs scenarios. Sooooo a penny for ur thoughts?😀👂
I am sure that Gojo will be the most protective and loving older brother; and I am sure that Gojo is not dumb enough to know that his twin is not hurting with all the words their own family members are saying to her. So he always makes her to show her that he loves her, and that no matter what he is going to be by her side and make sure that things are easy.
and pls, I may be bad when it comes to replying to my dms. but I love new ideas and scenarios from all of my readers
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Did you guys get to the bottom of my steering contest why I've been placing a black skin City so the men can stare at me I'm going to hurt you I'm going to hurt you I'm going to hurt you
Fan off for 30 days and sunrise at the report mention anything about a quarterback in the NFL a white skin quarterback maybe Brett favre or Aaron Rodgers? We love Tom Peyton Manning
The white skin white hair needing his black skin man so he doesn't fall to his knees and put my dick in his mouth
YEAH NOW I GOT THE BLACK SKIN MAN FALLING IN LOVE WITH ME AND THE WHITE HAIR WHITE SKIN AND THE OLD MAN I HAVE TO BE SICK TO CALL A GOOD SHOT THAT HAS TO BE FUNNY OR ELSE DON'T DO IT DON'T KILL UNLESS THE JOKE IS FUNNY give me another try give me another chance I'll go to the bathroom right now come out with a cup of coffee and crack a real good accent Dent voice
But because they don't work they'll accept it and know that there's better people than them
Told you guys get the black sticking up for the white skin man the fanatics of me STARING CONTEST I MEAN what is the Black skin Man smiling #smiling it's the integration voice here I got the emoji 💩👀💩👀💩👀👀👀💨💩👀💩💨💩👀
So did you guys get to the bottom of the why they are stare just as much as the white skin man than black steps and it says no no I got this let him call me need his wife and daughter dead I'M GLAD YOU SAID IT
So have you guys got to my memo about the steering? Just an old man live 30 years past the black skin Man's father walking around smiling and in a young black skin boy for 60 days 90 days and he says take my son and murder him for my white daughter for I am too weak AND I SAID AT LEAST IT'S NOT THE BLACK AND WHITE SKIN BOY let me tell you what I found on the second dead family NOT ONE BLACK SKIN
You know what happened is I called black and white sun out for bad socializing me and the girls had an ongoing joke about his one leg when he stops walking lands in front of the other foot because he's so cool walking in front of white skin girls AND THE BLACKSKIN MAN STANDS UP FOR THIS WHITE SKIN MAN BECAUSE THEY BOTH STARE AT ME JUST THE SAME JUST AS MUCH
And then it happened I had the white hair white skin girl kill whitey because he tried to weaponize her against me walking by him outside YEAH THE OPERATORS WITH ALL PRESS THE BUTTONS IT'S QUICK AS I CAN TO MAKE ME LOSE BALANCE AND ALL I HAD TO SAY IS I NEED HIM DEAD and I waved up at the satellite I said girls this one's for you I'm sorry it took me so long to come into the City and rescue you
And then I spit in the guy's face
So anybody on the stairs why satellite protection had consist of The Old Man and the old grandmother the white skin white hair not in 20 years coming to court to defend black hair whites on having a daughter AND THE OLD BAG OF BONES BOTH OF THEM STARE AT ME AS MUCH AS A LITTLE BLACK SKIN BOY AND A LITTLE BLACK SKIN GIRL
You ever seen a superhero meet one of the people and one of the people shaking while meeting him literally I'm a satellite maker can you hold my hand I lose I lost
So obviously 30 days and sunrise report would end up he was surrounded by white people although they were 60 years old and older and holding hands with an entire black skin family all had incident covid witnesses sorry I killed your family it's no 15 years later satellite maker threw me out of my city into your sunlight City and you did not kill me for 15 years I raised a white family against your black family in your own City YOU KNOW THAT'S THE BEST END OF IT IT CAN'T IT HAS TO BE A DEAD DAUGHTER IT CAN'T BE BLACK MASS JUSTICE THESE PEOPLE CANNOT SPEAK ON A NATIONAL LEVEL MAYBE LIKE FIFTH GRADE AT THE HIGHEST
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It’s weird
that I found my best friends in people 10 years younger and 8 years older than me. My I’m so in love with it. For once in my life, or in a very long time, it feels so...right. We bring out the best (and worst 😂) in each other and are also aware of each other’s weaknesses, but help each other through the tough times. Today they saw me at my worst bc I had a bad morning and cried otw to service meeting. They knew something was wrong right away bc I wasn’t making eye contact with anyone and “looked mad” and didn’t hug anyone. But what I loved is they all came to me and hugged me and made sure I was okay. And I realized how much I trusted them bc I was able to talk about it with them. They kept making sure I was okay. And they’re all so...mature and know/are so aware with mental health.
But like wth, me and the ones 10 years younger than me want the same things in life and living arrangements. Like...we legit wanna be roommates and know it’ll work out because of our tandems and attitudes. And tbh, I’m more excited about it than I am with my actual best friends 😂 bc we literally want all of the same things. Backyard dreams, REFRIGERATOR DREAMS 😍😂😂, colors, theme, room for our creative outlets and music room, schedules, spiritual goals, dream dogs, etc. But what’s sad is I’m the oldest LOL. So I’m the closest to having my life together while they’re still in HS. I gotta wait til they’re legal and have jobs. But at least unlike me, they know what to do and what they wanna do at a young age and are taking advantage of the programs in HS so that they can have good jobs and pioneer. But honestly I’m so assured that it’ll work out because we’re all pioneers. They make me better and want to be better. They help me to become the kind of person I’ve always wanted to be and I can be myself around them. Clumsy, dorky, clueless, depressed/anxious, open. And they admitted they can be the same around me and just love us all together. It feels amazing. I’m so grateful. But seriously, more than ever, I wanna get my 💩 together. It’s funny though bc I was like...by the time they’re ready to move out, is the time I wanna settle down. So I asked if they wanna settle down and his sister said, nah. Not in this system. And I told her I agreed, as much as I do wanna settle down too, I’d rather wait, but we’ll see. But I was like, “If this is happening, I guess I’m staying single!” HAHA. But Abby was like, “Mmm... I don’t think I can do that” LOL. So obviously in her heart she wants to be with someone, which is fine! I guess we’ll all just see.
Or you know, who knows. What if I actually end up with her brother... if he/she doesn’t mind, I’d love for her to live with us. LOL. I feel like she’s so weirdly my soul sister. We’re so alike and want and say the same things 😂 but at the same time maybe her bro and I won’t work out bc she and I are so alike and they’re always arguing 😂 then again that’s bc she’s sassy. So Idk. IDK. JEHOVAH, HELP! HAHAHAHA
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myastrouniverse · 1 month
August/2024🌔♈️ Changing laws to serve your CRIMES is NOT serving JUSTICE.
🌔 ☍🦚 I’m sorry I cld you a 🖕🐷, Mascis. I am sorry every time I harass someone. It doesn’t make me feel good to insult people. Especially people I really want to like. I just don’t know what to do and then I lash out to try and get attention for my plight. I would rather leave this country than stay here and live under the oppression of a corrupt government. How can I fight against this 🤡💩alone?
🌔 ☌ ☊ Inger Asper, is my cousin in Norway. The family dairy farm is one of the oldest running farms in Norway. I need my Viking family to help us. Christy, Marty, Debbie and my father Pete have ALL gone CRAZY. The older generations are most susceptible to brainwashing & propaganda used against our citizens. Bruce is smart and so is Bonnie, I tried to tell them, but I wasn’t sure if they ignored me for their own safety. Kevin Conrad is my friend in Sweden. He has a brother named Kelsey whom maybe living with him there. Kevin Conrad is an artist. He was my friend in HS. We were in German class together for three years. If anyone could ask Kevin or Kelsey to talk to my cousin Inger, that would be awesome.
🌔▪️🌽 Most of my friends and family are sick, dead or crazy. I am desperate for assistance. I have been poisoned multiple times, kidnapped, assaulted and tortured. The local courts are corrupted and civilians in America are being murdered or sold into slavery through the jail system. Everyone is enabling this corruption, by being silent or being silenced.
🌔 < ☿︎ I’ve been waiting for someone to speak to me like an adult for a long time. Now I realize there are no adults. If I am speaking to you in simple terms, it is because I KNOW you are a simpleton. That is particularly directed to all the doctors, lawyers, police officers and politicians I have contacted for assistance.
🌔 < 🎸 I think my heart might be the missing piece to your rock n’ roll puzzle. Will you finally sit down with me and put the whole thing back together? What if it ends up not fitting? Who goes in the lost and found then? The puzzle or the piece?
🌔 < ♅︎ The MT Goddess Pele, wishes to pour lava up Oprah’s wormy asshole. Oprah, along with Bill Gates and other billionaires invested in Hawaii, paid to have Israeli soldiers murder and burn down indigenous communities in Maui, so they can buy their land. Yes, it is sick. Corporations are murdering civilians and getting away with it in America.
🌞 Λ ♇︎ My longtime stalkers, understand the legal situation our country is in, but others may just be catching on. Let me explain this yet again, especially for my cousin Inger, if she was possibly contacted and aware of my blog. Inger, it’s worse than you can possibly imagine. I have had a difficult time facing the reality, because the truth is well hidden, in legal corruption within our judicial system. I am going to update my blog later, so please check back in a few hours. Explaining how America turned into a murdering machine for international corporate psychopaths is a long complicated story.
To be continued…
Yeah, continued tomorrow.
I have been processing a lot of Mantra energy. It is good for speed healing, but sometimes I have to stop and catch up to my own progress. If that makes sense to those who understand HARD CORE meditations, which last 8-12 hrs a day. That is my current work.
🌔 < 🦺If you kidnap me, I am sure I can make some money to earn my keep. I’ll do roadside reiki for donation. That’s about as close to prostitution as I get, because I am a hippie, NOT a hoe.
🌔 < 🌞He loves me🌼He wants to turn me into a corpse bot🤖He loves me🌼He wants to turn me into a corpse bot🤖He loves…me? 🌼or someone pretending to be me🤡?
♀️▪️ ♂️I really love Mascis, in my own fantasy sci-fi romance novel, starring ⭐️Mascis. I cast Mascis in all my imaginary Lifetime Movies for Wonen. However, I am a bit nervous about being possibly kidnapped by Mascis. When fantasy meets reality, it’s not always a compatible situation. I am not interested in being gang raped and murdered. FYI.
Spinanes - Hawaiian Baby
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myastrouniverse · 5 months
April/2024🌝♐️I notice Sag people are always at their best in a fight.
🚑▪️🌽 America has turned into an island of broken addicts. I think in order to survive the rat race, you have to find something to keep you motivated. I may not be able to live my life, but I can always find something to live for. In other words, do what you can with what you have. What else have you got?
🌞 Λ 🎸 I have self confidence issues I hide behind a Leo rising. I’m like the cowardly lion roaring…”full of sound and fury, signifying”…🤡💩
🌝🔺 ♂️I thought I saw you limping in the hallway wearing a Fonzie coat. I know it’s just psych ops fucking with me. I know the ghost of you and it’s gone. I sometimes imagine it’s back, but that is just my imagination.
🌝🔺 ♆︎ I appreciate anyone’s concern for my mental health. I certainly feel on edge. If this helps, NOTHING shocks me anymore. NOTHING. If existence completely deteriorates and I am left floating through the vastness of space, it would probably be LESS SHOCKING; than the shit I have already been through. Try me. I can if necessary, find a healthy way to process my emotions. It’s difficult on occasion, but I do make an effort to function in society. I would benefit by hearing any news or being approached with any important news by someone I know, like Tara. Tonya really needs her own handlers. She is a Sag, and she is a mutha fucking crazy ass fighter. She really scares me these days. Tara shouldn’t have to deal with her. I would hang with Tara more, if Tonya wasn’t so difficult to deal with. You know Harley Quinn from suicide squad? Picture her looking twenty years older with NO TEETH. That is Tonya.
🌞🔺🦚 My scalp/jaw area is feeling almost completely normal. I don’t have a fucking cyber crystal skull. That was that stupid fucking jar of monoatomic gold that insane doctor, poured into my scalp. She was wearing a tattoo of blue flowers running down her shoulder to her elbow on her left arm, I believe. That bitch was a psychopath murderer. How does anyone fucking get that evil? She was from Peace Health hospital. She needs to be in jail for conducting experimental surgeries on the vulnerable without their consent and then trying to hide their bodies in the mental ward.
🌝 < ☊ Yeah, it’s difficult to be alone but I’d rather be alone than around crazy people and no one is passing my reality checks.
🌝 < ☿︎ I am getting sort of tired of looking for messages within the messages. It’s going to lead me right into the abyss if I keep playing into the games. Is this really entertaining?
The Temptations - Just My Imagination
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Krzysztof Gil — Stardust (oil on canvas, 2024)
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montanababe7 · 2 years
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The more I heal; the more content I am. The traumas of the past are leaving. Unlearning all I thought I once knew both frightenens me and excites me. That’s the power of forgiveness. You learn how to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and you move on. I might not have been blessed with the best mother aka a good mother figure.
But, here’s the cool thing. I get to be a great mom to my own kids and spiritual children. Heck, I’ve had to mother my own heart for years. I’ve had to pat myself on the back. To remind me that I’m doing a great job. Learning how to speak words of life over myself. Reminding myself just how far I’ve really come. That with each trial and different circumstance-I’ve built my own building blocks and my own stepping stones. I’ve learned from the plethora of numerous harrowing events and you know what? They’ve only made me stronger and into the Christian woman of Jesus that I am today.
Truth be told. I do feel far older than just being 36. I told a friend several days ago; that I honestly, feel a lot closer to the age of 60. The varying events I’ve seen in my life have caused me to look at life alot differently; than what I’d perceive the average 36 year old to view life as.
When life hands 🙌🏼 you lemons. You have one of two choices. You can make lemon 🍋 💩 or you can make a beautiful lemon merengue pie 🥧. The choice is truly yours. In other words, I could have easily allowed life to crush me. But, I remembered that Jesus called me to live my life far more abundantly.
Jesus wants our lives to be full of worship and joy to Him. He alone is truly worthy of it all.
Whatever comes up next. Just know that Jesus has a twinkle 🤩 in His eye when He thinks of His kiddos.
Look to Jesus. And remember the song of, ‘turn your eyes upon Jesus’
In the end, bringing souls into the Kingdom of Jesus is all that will truly matter.
I don’t know how much time any of us has left on this earth. But, remember to make each and every minute count.
My brother Josh Farnam is having the best party in Heaven with Jesus. One day, I get to give my brother the biggest hug.
My brother is in the great cloud of heavenly witnesses. Cheering 📣 us all on. Praying for us. The days on this earth-are only as a vapor; compared to the vast moments which are made of eternity.
One day, You and I; will never cry again. There will not be any more sorrow. Just joy
Let’s all make each moment count. Pray for one another. Love one another. Just as Jesus first loved you and I.
Love you all.
Jessica Wolf
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