#I am so unbelievably hyped
telekitnetic-art · 4 months
(eyestrain warning)
oh no girl. you've got dog friend vibes in the most cruel and unusual way possible.
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rhythmmortis · 10 months
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chiknluvr · 4 months
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hey. guess what. i just released an album. go check it out.
if spotify’s not your thing, try youtube music
and if that’s also not your thing, it’s out on basically every streaming platform. please check it out. i spent a year on it and learned guitar for it please im begging please-
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queenserena-13 · 1 year
I swear i was like, so completely un hyped for Tears of the kingdom i was actually abhorring it expecting it to be bad but then the showcase of the new mechanics dropped and i was kinda intriegued and then the final trailer dropped, i was so fucking hype and when the sax dropped i was actually opening my bank account to see if i could preorder the game, also i have 1 hope
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Please don’t remove him, i love this bird man so much he is the second best thing bout botw after Riju I need em in my life again and in my shelf as amiibo.
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nicoscheer · 8 months
17 Oct '23
Dublin, Republic of Ireland
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Miles during the monkeys gig this pic is from 505 where Alex kept on looking over
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He was literally pointing up at the mirrorball at looking up at it for like a solid 10 seconds after come closer
Don’t forget who you are it was so magical (also that turtle plushie behind him 🫠🫠)
Alright crazy things that happened (the ones I can currently recall and in now specific order):
-Nathan dropping his pick and Miles laughing at him
- Liam’s drum kit wasn’t fixed up correctly so his hi hat (I think) like turner 90 degrees and a stage hand had to rush and try and fix it during a song and before the next one miles just jammed out a bit and improvised to give the guy more time to properly fix it
-Miles pointing and looking up at the mirrorball for like solid 10 seconds after come closer
- seeing those chairs and music stands in the back knowing we’re gonna get strings
-after singing the last line of fluorescent adolescent “remember when you used to be a rascal” and then fucking pointing and staring at Miles who was standing to the left side of the stage (which also explains why Alex was suddenly so fond of the left side (also during I wanna be yours I sometimes had to play find Alex cause he was just casually chilling at the very edge of the left stage side like mate at this point just walk down to him )instead of right as usual to jam with Jamie right where the stairs led up to the stage so he was the first one to greet the guys once they went off before the encore and after the show(to smother Alex in a big hug))and watched their set and asking “do you remember?” Before himself answering like 2 seconds latter with “I remember” but like in such a small sad voice that it nearly broke me
Like here’s the entire performance you can hear and see it at 3:13 (I’ve only got the little I remember snippet cause I was screaming my head off)
- when Alex said “let’s hear it for Miles Kane” (some say he said wonderful after we screamed our throat raw) somewhere three quarters through the set we all exploded before realizing he was just thanking him for opening and then played fluorescent adolescent where at the end (check point above) he asked miles if he remembered when he used to be a rascal (and like the fact that Miles was in the band the rascal and Alex wrote Fluorescent with his ex Johanna Bennett around the time when him and Miles started becoming close friends)
- during body paint not Alex singing “and if you’re thinking of me I’m probably thinking of you” while adamantly pointing towards Miles
- I didn’t think it possible to get I wanna be yours x star treatment cause they did it the night before In Belfast but when that little shit said “I don’t wanna be hers I wanna be yours” I certainly lost my shit
-experiencing 505 with the mirrorball and strings
I wanna be yours x star treatment
Body paint
There’d better be a mirrorball
Why’d you only call me when you’re high
Teddy picker ; Alex said teddy is back before the song 🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹
Coup de grace
Never taking me alive
Body paint
Blurry Miles in Dublin
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juneboat · 4 months
[VERY fast june vibrating at incredible hihg speed] inverted fate final chapters upcoming
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rgbfall · 1 year
(I have not been watching any animation livestreams so this is my first exposure to any story 8 stuff) I just watched the demo reel and HELLO???? IS THAT???? 3D BACKGROUND????
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astrxealis · 2 years
utterly obsessed with the trailer song oh my GOD
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bamsara · 7 months
unbelievably hyped for the lesbian wedding/drunk idiots chapter
as the author SO AM I
I have so much planned its not even funny. Like god I hope this doesnt dissappoint people since im hyping it up but im genuinly like auauiHGUHHUGHG i love shenanigans and goofy ass behavior and drunken dancing turning into drunken talks and drunken panic attacks and drunken memories and drunken revelations
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seraphinitegames · 9 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update+ 29/Sept/2023
Oh my word, guys! Next week I will be starting writing Book Four! And am I ever unbelievably eager to get this particular story on the go! I don’t think I’ve ever been so hyped to start writing as this one :D
Though saying that, I do have social media days next week, which should be very fun as the results of the Patreon poll for the Autumn/Spooky scenarios are now in!
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So Alima, Haley, Sin and Maaka won, and I’ll be writing the AU romantic October Scenario specials for those! And I always love writing me some autumnal moments :D
I also need to actually start the writing of Book Four with some of the tidying up coding I talked about before. But that’ll actually save me a lot of time in the end, as I’ve done some learning on how to smooth out some coding! Then there’s also the immense task of writing and coding the Book Three synopsis and character choices for those who aren’t transferring over characters from previous books!
After that though, Chapter One begins and, honestly, I’m actually shaking with excitement writing that I’m so ready to begin, hehe!
So it’ll be a busy one next week, but so worth it as I finally get to start on what I’ve been planning! Can’t wait to fall back into the romances with Unit Bravo, introduce new characters, put the MC in even more intense situations, and finally bring the baddy to life.
And as our villain for Book Four says, “Meor’dal, you’ve never met anyone like me before.” ;D
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll talk you all again next week and try not to make to make excited pterodactyl shrieking noises when Book Four begins, lol!
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shroomish-art · 6 days
Why does Mr Boss have a Chinese passport?
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I can’t believe they are actually adding lore. I am so unbelievably hyped for the next episode
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miniaturebattlecats · 10 months
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I am so so excited to announce the official launch of the ☆Miniature Battle Cats Shop ☆
For now there are digital 3D printing files for six cat figures, but there will be more added soon, and eventually pre-painted physical models and custom commissions will be available! All prices are in CAD
Thank you guys so much for all the interest and support, I am unbelievably hyped to keep working on this!!
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
He Gives Me Everything and Tenderly…
Pairing: detective!bottom Bucky Barnes x younger!top male reader (Sarge and Officer Beefcake, NLLYL AU)
Words: ~5k
Summary; Bucky is just fine on his own. He really is. He’s used to it. Even after meeting you and thinking about you a whole bunch, he’s still fine. And he does not appreciate his friends’ meddling.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (mentions of male masturbation, salad tossing, protected anal sex, spit as lube and lube as lube, kinda public sex), meet cute, reverse age gap, tall/beefy male reader, bottom!Bucky Barnes, Bucky is grumpy, hints of angst, love at first sight? lots of friendly teasing, m/m relationship, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: Welp, this was something I wrote entirely in one sitting and I can’t say I’m mad about it at all. This is my first ever male reader fic and I am both incredibly nervous and very excited to share it with all of you! Big ass thanks to the absolutely amazing @howdoyousleep3 for hyping me up and providing some much appreciated perspectives (remember lube, people!)
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Bucky was exhausted. A long ass shift at the end of a long ass week and he was done, looking forward to going home and drinking a cold beer on his couch while he didn’t talk to anyone for a whole 48 hours. God, he hated people.
Except Darcy, and the cute little peach. Even though he wanted to get the fuck out of there he still stopped by the dispatch desk to chat with his girls and let them cheer him up a little.
“Hey Sarge!” He shook his head when Darcy called him that, her stubborn insistence to call him by his military rank after however many years just one of the many things that endeared her to him. “You look like shit, you finally getting out of here? Maybe gonna see someone special tomorrow?”
“The only people he’ll be seeing are Sam Adams and Johnnie Walker, maybe James Bond… hey!” The peach gave him an adorable scowl when he threw a paper clip at her, rubbing her cheek where it had hit her and sticking her tongue out at him before turning her attention back to her screen. “Don’t act like I’m not right, I’m there every time you drunk dial Nat while you’re binge watching old movies and lamenting your lack of a love life.”
“Tell your girlfriend to quit putting me on speaker or I’m gonna call her ex to chat from now on.” Bucky grinned when she rolled her eyes at him, bringing his attention back to Darcy and sighing when she was giving him a sympathetic pout. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m fine. I like being alone.”
“You’re lying, but fine.” Darcy shrugged at him, grinning when there was a sudden commotion at the doors and a mess of recruits came charging through into the hallway after Sam. “Hi Sammy, boys! Ooh, hey there beefcake, you run laps around all those slugs on the course again?”
Bucky choked when you were standing next to him, trying not to ogle you swathed in those gray sweats and feeling like the world’s dirtiest old man all of a sudden. “They’re getting better, starting to catch up. You shouldn’t call them slugs, Darce.”
“Please, like Wilson hasn’t called them worse, you’re too nice.” Peachy girl grinned when she turned in her chair again and saw Bucky looking like his jaw was about to hit the floor. “Have you met Detective Barnes, beefy?”
“Haven’t had the pleasure.” Bucky took in your name with an almost hysterical laugh when you reached out and shook his hand, not entirely sure what had come over him as he felt his neck getting unbearably hot and struggled to come up with something to say. “Well, I’ve gotta hit the showers, always lovely talking to you ladies.”
“Bye!” Both of them were grinning wickedly at Bucky once you were gone, chuckling when he just spluttered nonsense and looked at the floor. “What the fuck was that, Bucky?”
“Shut up.” He was flabbergasted, he’d never felt such an unbelievable attraction to someone right off the bat, except, once. But he never thought about that. “It wasn’t anything.”
“Oh, nothing at all?” Darcy was still grinning when Bucky growled at her, shaking her head and leaning back in her chair while the peach kept laughing. “So you weren’t staring at his ass when he walked away?”
“Of course not.” It had only been a little bit, you were so fucking tall your ass was impossible to miss, and so high and tight and… no, nope. “What the hell kind of nickname is beefcake, anyway?”
“You saw him.” Peach was practically cackling at this point, the redness on Bucky’s face so entertaining she was considering taking a photo to send to Nat. “The man is grade A USDA prime meat, what would you like us to call him?”
“You’re a couple of pervs.” Bucky just scoffed and ignored them when they told him it takes one to know one, flipping them off over his shoulder and almost forgetting his bag when he stormed out of the precinct to start his much needed alone time. “Inappropriate, gonna talk to HR about you two!”
If it had just been the one interaction, Bucky probably could’ve handled it. Yeah, he had jerked himself off thinking about your broad shoulders and tiny waist and that masterpiece of an ass, but only once, okay three times. But it was just over the weekend, he’d forget about you eventually.
Except for the fact that suddenly he was seeing you everywhere. Every damn time he was in the precinct, there you were, smiling that slightly crooked smile and laughing and making every person light up when you walked through the room. And in the fucking sweats every time, it was like torture. Torture that was made worse by the fact that Darcy and peach were always grinning at him like they knew something he didn’t, and they had apparently told Sam whatever they supposedly knew, so now that man was basically parading you in front of Bucky’s desk every chance he got and making him talk to you and get to see how fucking charming you were. He hated it.
“I do, I love cats!” Sam was chatting with you right in front of Bucky’s desk again and he was plotting how he could get away with murdering the man. “Have a little ginger idiot at home who has maybe two braincells, but he’s my baby.”
“Wow, that’s adorable.” Bucky almost growled at Sam when he grinned at him. “Bucky has a kitty of his own, don’t you, Buck?”
“Yes.” Sometimes he even hated his friends, this was ridiculous.
“I love that, knew you were a cat person.” Bucky almost groaned when you placed your hand on the desk so close to his, looking up at you through his lashes and trying so hard not to melt into his chair when he saw you smiling at him. “What’s her name?”
“Alpine.” You smelled so unbelievably good, Bucky had an incredible urge to lean up and bury his face in your neck, but managed to just turn the photo of his cat around to show you instead. “She’s three.”
“She’s gorgeous.” You winked and Bucky almost swooned, there was something wrong with him. “Shit, I’ve gotta get out of here, got a birthday party to get to. It’s always real nice talking to you, Detective.”
“You too.” Bucky swallowed thickly and shook his head when you walked away, his scowl coming back immediately when he saw Sam looking like he just ate a damn canary as he smirked at him. “Shut up.”
“Didn’t say anything.” Sam chuckled when Bucky just hunched over his paperwork and tried to ignore him. “Buuuuut… hoo boy, you like him.”
“I do not.” Murder was the only answer to these affronts. “He’s too young.”
“Bullshit, is peach too young for Nat?” Sam snorted when Bucky just grumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes at the man’s stubbornness. “You like like him, you need to get over that massive hang up, Barnes, it’s holding you back!”
“Man, fuck you!” Bucky jumped when he realized that Sam wasn’t there anymore, so he was just yelling at the bullpen, every member of the team giving him looks of varying amusement before they bent back to their work. “Sorry.”
It was a legitimate hang up, especially when it came to you. Because you reminded Bucky of him.
Specifically of when he was young, when Bucky first realized he was in love and overlooked all of his flaws and just wanted to be wrapped up in him all the time in spite of the fact the man would only look at Bucky like his old friend who he could tell about every single disgusting conquest he made. And that meant you were dangerous. Bucky refused to do that to himself again, it had taken him too long to get over that malicious bastard, and nothing had hurt him more than the realization that he had wasted so much time loving someone who barely gave a fuck about him. He didn’t care how sincere and charming you seemed, he wasn’t going to fall for that same shit all over again.
But it didn’t stop any of his friends from dragging you in front of him at every opportunity, and even though he was polite and listened to you and answered all your questions, it didn’t stop him from snarling at them as soon as you were gone. He didn’t care what they thought he needed, he was fine.
He wasn’t lonely. He didn’t wake up grinding his hips into his mattress after dreaming of sharing his bed with you. He didn’t wonder what you would look like with soft morning light falling across your face while both of your cats jumped on you and Bucky made you breakfast. They all needed to worry about their own lives and quit fucking with his.
Which is why he should have been suspicious as hell when Nat and her little peach and Darcy insisted on taking him out for drinks on a Friday night. All of them together. At a dive bar that was typically just cops. Like they didn’t usually go uptown and dress up.
“Well, look at that, is that Sam?” Darcy bounced on her toes and waved when she spotted Sam with all of his recruits, her and peach squealing while Bucky shot Nat an exhausted look. “Gosh, I completely forgot they’re celebrating the academy graduation, what are the chances?”
“Shocking.” Bucky couldn’t stop growling when Nat just shrugged at him. “I can’t believe they dragged you into their scheming, Romanoff.”
“They’re young and excited, it’s cute.” Nat wrapped her arm around Bucky’s shoulders and started pulling him towards the group. “Besides, you deserve someone nice, and to spend the night with someone besides Alpine.”
“Alpine doesn’t take up that much room on the bed, and I like to spread out.” Bucky just resigned himself to having a miserable night, even when you gave him an easy smile once you laid eyes on him and waved eagerly. “And he might not be nice.”
“Buck, you won’t know unless you give him a chance.” Nat sighed as she rested her chin on her best friend’s shoulder, pinching his cheek and trying to get him to at least give her a grudging smile. “And you know how good my asshole radar is, I’m getting no pings from the beefcake.”
“Yeah, alright.” Bucky steeled himself when you started walking his way, feeling a little tight in his chest and watery in his eyes as he did his best to give you a smile. “Hi.”
“Hi Detective.” Your smile got even wider when Nat introduced herself, shaking her hand warmly then turning back to Bucky and crossing your arms over your massive chest. “Can I get you a beer?”
“I don’t…” Bucky caught himself when Nat looked at him expectantly and blew out a deep breath. “Yeah, a beer would be great.”
“Fantastic, for you too?” You winked at Nat when she nodded before hurrying off to get their drinks with an undeniable bounce in your step that Bucky found he enjoyed very much.
“Listen, Buck.” Nat gave you a very thorough look while you waited at the bar, wrapping her arms around her girl when she came to sit on her lap and Darcy sat across from them. “Even if it doesn’t last, you’re a special kind of idiot if you don’t at least have sex with that man.”
“Jesus Christ.” Bucky felt himself blush up to his ears when all of the women just nodded enthusiastically and started detailing what the two of you should do to each other. “You three are worse than frat boys, oh my god.”
“C’mon, sarge…” Darcy snapped her mouth shut when you came back with Bucky’s and Nat’s drinks, giving Bucky a meaningful look and making a little circle with her thumb and forefinger then pushing her opposite finger through it while your back was turned until Bucky felt like he was in fucking high school. “Hi beefcake!”
“Hi Darce!” You were sitting so close to Bucky he could smell you again, he had to start chugging his beer so he didn’t reach out to bury his fingers in your hair. “I’ve always wanted to ask, why does she call you ‘sarge’?”
“Oh, it was my rank when I was discharged.” Bucky couldn’t handle the way you were looking at him, like he was the most interesting thing in the room, he wanted to fall into your eyes and get lost. “From the army. Darcy’s sister served with me, so she knew me then and the nickname stuck.”
“I didn’t know you served, my dad was in the marines.” You could see Bucky starting to tense up and bless you, you backed off, keeping that easy smile on your face while you nudged his foot with yours. “It’s okay, that’s not something we have to talk about right now, tell me about Alpine, how’s the little lady doing?”
“She’s- she’s good.” Something about the way you instantly pivoted the conversation and didn’t make Bucky feel like an ass for almost clamming up had him relaxing pretty much instantly, grinning back at you and rolling his eyes a little playfully when he thought about his little furry troublemaker. “She’s a brat, but good. Almost gave me a heart attack last week when she somehow managed to climb up to the ceiling beams in my apartment.”
“Oh shit! Really?” You chuckled warmly when Bucky just nodded and took another sip of his beer, plucking at the edge of the label on your bottle and leaning forward a little so you could hear him better. “She get down on her own or did you have to get a ladder?”
“Well, after six hours of pleading and begging, I did finally manage to entice her with some tuna.” Bucky kept watching your face closely, the earnestness he was so wary of constant and never wavering while you listened to everything he said intently. “She’s too smart for her own good, I swear.”
“Fuck, I can’t decide if my situation is better or worse.” You laughed when Bucky scoffed, pushing at his shoulder and shaking your head when he looked at you with mock offense. “No, I love my boy, but he’s a dumbass of epic proportions. The most worrisome thing he’s ever done is get his whole head stuck in a mason jar. Theodore is an idiot.”
“Theodore?” Bucky was vaguely aware of movement next to him after he emptied his beer and set down the bottle, but he couldn’t stop watching your lips move. “That’s adorable.”
“Aw, yeah, my niece named him.” Your smile got even wider somehow and it was making Bucky melt, another bottle of beer appearing seemingly out of nowhere on the table and immediately finding its way to his lips. “It’s her favorite chipmunk.”
Cats. Talking about your fucking cats was apparently the kick in the ass Bucky needed to let almost all his concerns about having anything with you go, letting himself relax and be easy while you told him all these sweet, endearing little things about yourself. How much you loved your niece and how much of a star she was at figure skating. How good you were at baking and you didn’t care what he said, you were baking him a loaf of sourdough to prove it. How you played three different instruments and spoke two languages. You were too goddamn interesting.
And you managed to get him to talk about himself too. How close he was with his sister and mother and how much he loved seeing them as often as possible. How he secretly enjoyed knitting and always made sweaters for the family at Hanukkah but would kill you if you told anyone about his hobby. How he collected old records and could spend whole days just listening to music and drinking good whiskey.
Bucky was more than a little thrilled that you seemed to be hanging on his every word and scooting closer to him until you were right next to him and your shoulders were practically touching.
He had lost track of how many beers he’d consumed by the time people started dancing, but he knew it wasn’t too many as he was just very pleasantly buzzed and staring at your plump, kissable, pillowy lips and wondering what it would be like to suck on them.
“Hey, James.” Bucky had just told you his first name and for some reason the fact that was what you were choosing to call him was making him dizzy. “You wanna dance with me?”
“Oh, um…” Bucky chewed on his lip while he thought it over, he had two left feet when he was sober, and he also wasn’t sure he would be able to control himself if you put your hands on him. “I don’t know…”
“Hey, no pressure.” You winked like you did every time you said something disarming and Bucky decided that he loved that about you. “Just wanted to ask, but if all you want is to talk, that’s a-okay.”
Bucky was struggling with himself. You barely seemed disappointed, it had maybe flashed across your face for a second, but he believed you when you said it was okay. You even leaned back against your chair to give him space, zero hints of malice in your expression and just that perfect, easygoing look that made Bucky feel like you were fine taking no for an answer and you would never hold it against anybody.
And for some reason, that finally sealed it for Bucky that you weren’t him.
“I wanna dance.” Bucky winced when he almost knocked over his bottle when he set it down, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet so he could drag you towards the makeshift dance floor. “Let’s go.”
Your laugh made Bucky beam at you over his shoulder, humming along to the music and turning to face you once you were in the middle of it. His breath caught when you were right there, letting you frame his waist with your hands and pull him even closer while you started rolling your hips to the music. Bucky very quickly decided that he liked having your hands on him, shaking his head and gripping your wrists to keep you in place when you tried to lean back before he slid his palms up your arms and over your chest.
Somehow, even though he knew you were big, your massive size hadn’t fully registered in Bucky’s brain until he was in such close proximity to you. It’s not like Bucky was small by any means, he hit the weights, he never skipped arm day, he’d even been called beefy himself a few times. But you… goddamn. You were like nothing Bucky had ever seen before. He was starting to get woozy from it.
Then you ducked even closer and pressed your cheek against Bucky’s temple and he couldn’t help it, he gasped. He could feel your lips moving against his skin but he couldn’t hear anything you were saying, a low buzzing filling his ears while his fingers dug into your firm chest and he rolled his hips against yours. This was dangerous, he was not going to have sex with you without even a proper date, he wasn’t that easy.
He kept repeating it in his head over and over. When you slipped your arms around his waist and squeezed as you kept guiding his movements. When he buried his face in your neck and groaned when he finally got to breathe in your scent fully. When you nipped at the shell of his ear and made some kind of noise that sent a vibration through Bucky’s whole body. And especially when you grabbed his ass and gave such a dirty grind of your hips that made him feel how fucking hard and massive you really were.
It didn’t matter how much he repeated it though, it only took three songs before Bucky found himself with his back against a stall door in the bathroom with his pants around just one of his ankles and his toes barely brushing the floor while he practically sat on your face.
One of his knees was flung over your shoulder while you licked at his hole, his whole body shivering when you hummed against his skin and dug your fingers into his thighs and he didn’t even care that he was getting eaten out in a public bathroom and enjoying it quite loudly.
“God, I knew you’d be fucking sweet.” You growled but barely pulled back, gripping the thigh that was on your shoulder and pushing it up until it was pressed to Bucky’s side so you could see his face. “You taste so goddamn good, James, once I get you in bed I’m gonna make a full meal out of this ass, shit.”
“Oh… Jesus Christ.” Bucky could barely breathe when your mouth was on his hole again, he could feel your jaw working while you moved your lips and tongue like you were making out with him, all while you kept your intense eye contact and let his cock rest on your face like you didn’t even care. “Oh my fucking god.”
Bucky could feel your chuckle when a whine escaped from his throat without his permission, his eyes rolling when your tongue fluttered all around his twitching skin before you were dragging it over his hole again and sucking until Bucky almost squealed. But then your tongue punched into him and the squeal was ripped out of his chest, his breath heaving almost painfully while you fucked him with the thick muscle until his dick started leaking and twitching against your forehead. It was insane that you were so good at this, you were so young, but your mouth worked like you were a fucking pornstar and it had Bucky feeling some kind of way.
“You’re gonna let me fuck you, James.” It didn’t sound like a question, you were telling him, your face serious while you licked your way up his taint until you could nip at his balls while you slid a finger inside him. “I need it, need to feel you come on my cock, god, you’d better fucking hold it until I’m inside you or I’m gonna spank you, I swear to fucking god.”
“Yeah… yeah, oh my god, please.” Bucky felt like he was losing his mind when you sucked on his balls and pushed a second finger inside him, his legs shaking and his eyes rolling back in his head while he grabbed your hair and held on for dear life. “Oh shit… fuck me, I can hold it, I’ll be good, just fuck me.”
You leaned your cheek against his hip and kept grinning at him while you reached your free hand into your wallet to grab a packet of lube, chuckling when Bucky huffed at you when you ripped it open with your teeth and squirted it all over the fingers you were plunging into his ass.
“You brought lube with you?” Bucky was trying to remain huffy but it was difficult when you were scissoring his hole open so slowly and shit, it felt amazing. “What exactly did you think was going to happen tonight?”
“God, I dunno, James.” You looked meaningfully at the fingers that were currently knuckle deep inside him, wiggling them a little when you looked back up at him with a cocked eyebrow and snorting when he whined. “Would you prefer I didn’t have lube right now? Because I can stop…”
“No, don’t do that.” So much for not trying to seem desperate, Bucky was panting he needed you so bad. “I’m just… talking, I’ll shut up. I can be good.”
“Yeah? You’re gonna be a good boy for me James?” What were you doing to him? Bucky couldn’t help but whimper when you spat on your fingers to slick them up even more and added a third, nodding and rolling his hips into your hand when you just barely teased his sweet spot as you kissed the inside of his thigh. “Yeah you will, my good boy, opening right up for me.”
“Mmhm, yours, oh holy shit.” The addition of your fourth finger turned Bucky’s whole body into jelly, your hold on his thigh the only thing keeping him from crumpling to the floor when you licked a wide, flat stripe up the underside of his cock. “Holy fucking shit, pleasepleaseplease…”
“Shhh, don’t you worry, James, I’ve got you.” You groaned when he let go of your hair to shove his fist in his mouth when he gave you a tortured cry, slowly pulling your fingers out of him and setting his feet on the floor so you could stand. “Turn around for me, sweet thing.”
“Yes… yes sir.” Bucky let his eyes flutter closed when you kissed his temple and turned him around, pressing his cheek against the cool metal and arching his back when you placed one hand on his hip and used the other to pull out a condom. “I need it.”
“I know, handsome.” Your voice was muffled while you used your teeth to rip the wrapper open, nuzzling into the tendrils of hair that were resting against the back of Bucky’s neck so you could kiss him there while you rolled the condom over your length and emptied another packet of lube all over your dick. “You gonna call me sir while I fuck this sweet little ass?”
“Ye-yes… oh fuck!” Bucky practically screamed when your tip just barely slipped inside him, arching his back and whining when you wrapped your arm across his throat and growled in his ear. “Fuck… ‘s big, so big, fuck me.”
“You can take it, big guy, keep being good for me.” You grinned against Bucky’s cheek when he rose on his toes as you kept going, smacking his ass and chuckling when it made him clench as you increased the pressure on his neck. “You feel fucking incredible, Jesus. Been thinking about getting you like this since the first time I saw you, you know that? Did you think about me too, James?”
“N-no.” Bucky already felt extremely vulnerable while he was split open on only half of your cock, he didn’t need to admit to you that he had been dreaming about wrapping his legs around your tiny little waist while you fucked him slow and deep. “I didn’t.”
“Pretty sure you’re a liar.” You grinned and yanked his head back at the same time you gave a final snap of your pelvis and Bucky sobbed, his body shaking violently while you rested your hips against the plush curve of his ass and dragged your tongue along his jaw while you let him adjust. “That’s okay though, big guy, you can think about this. Now, I’m gonna apologize, because this is gonna be a lot faster than I would like, but we are in public.”
Bucky didn’t have any response except a yelp when you started driving your cock into him almost viciously, his breath punched out of his lungs each time your hips bounced off his ass while you sucked on his ear. He felt like he was about to explode, your cock driving into his swollen prostate each time you bottomed out until his balls started pulling tight to his body and his cock twitched. You must have felt the change since you dropped the hand that wasn’t attached to the thick arm that was currently choking him to grab his cock and start stroking him in time with your thrusts.
“Fuckfuckfuck…” Bucky felt like such a whore but he didn’t care, turning his head as much as possible so he could rub his nose against your cheek while he whined. “I’m so close, don’t stop.”
“I’ll give you whatever you want, James.” You groaned when his hole clenched around you, squeezing his cock and his throat at the same time and kissing the corner of his lips tenderly while you gazed into his eyes. “Gonna take care of you. Can’t wait to be able to take my time, enjoy you, god, could spend a whole fucking night in this ass, you’re so goddamn warm and tight. But I need you to come for me right now, James, make a mess on my hand, lemme make you feel good, c’mon.”
The thought of you in his bed and fucking him raw and open had Bucky tumbling over the edge of his climax with a shout, his desperate noises muffled by your lips when you smashed them to his as he quaked in your arms and shot his cum all over your fingers. He sobbed when you didn’t stop stroking him even once he was milked dry, his eyes rolling back when you throbbed inside him and almost lamenting the fact that you were filling the condom instead of pumping your cum deep in his guts and determined to get to the point when he would finally get to feel all of you. As soon as you were done you were bringing your cum soaked fingers to your mouth, keeping eye contact with Bucky as you sucked his cum off them slowly and groaning at his taste then pressing your lips to his again so you could share with him.
“Jesus fuck.” Bucky couldn’t think of anything else to say, smiling almost sheepishly at you after you had pulled out of him and tossed the condom, letting you turn him around and nuzzle at his cheek before you were bending to help him step back into his jeans.
“My sentiments exactly.” You gave him another one of those winks and he wasn’t even mad when he blushed violently. “You gonna be as big of an ass about me taking you on a real date?”
“I wasn’t an ass.” Bucky huffed when you stood back up and wrapped your arms around him, nipping at your bottom lip and grinning when you growled playfully at him. “I was wary.”
“Sure.” You kissed him slow and deep and smiled against his lips when he melted into you before pulling back so he could breathe. “Pretty sure the girls and Sergeant Wilson would agree with my assessment, but we can use your word.”
“Oh shit, they’re still out there.” Bucky screwed his eyes shut and moaned at the thought of the commentary he was going to have to endure, shaking his head when you chuckled and opened the stall door to start pulling him back to the bar. “Can’t we just climb out the window or something?”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us could fit through that window, James.” You nodded at the tiny one by one glass square and kissed his temple when he sighed defeatedly, holding his hand and letting him follow you when you opened the door. “Besides, if you think I’m not going to enjoy showing you affection in public, I’ve got some bad news.”
Bucky’s retort was cut off by an absurd amount of hollering when you opened the door, his face getting unbearably red and the desire to either tell all of your friends to shut the fuck up or just book it out of the bar overwhelming. But then your arm was around his shoulders and your lips were pressed against his temple, and maybe he could put up with his friends being smug rowdy assholes for the rest of the night if you kept smiling at him like that.
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jeonstellate · 5 months
timestamp: stark
it’s 11:33 am when you make chan an offer he can’t refuse.
๑彡 bang chan x gender neutral!reader
๑彡 slice of life!au, stranger!au — little fluff(?)
๑彡 paragraph format — 0.9K words
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
๑彡 oh? what’s this? a kpop-related post after two months? unbelievable. (in all seriousness, i’ll try to get back to this side as soon as i get my muse back here o7 for now, please enjoy!)
๑彡 if there are any stay-mcu/iron man enthusiasts out there, this one’s for y’all *insert dancing emoji*
You were having the time of your life.
It was not your first time visiting Disney California Adventure nor Disneyland, but the excitement you felt was still as intense as the first time. Perhaps it was because there were huge gaps between your visits. Or because there was really just something in the Disney air that never failed to make you giddy.
Whatever the case was, you always looked forward to your Disney trips. And this was no different.
Since your visits were far apart, there was always something new in the parks whenever you visit again. Regardless of your attachment to the media that inspired the new attractions, you were always excited to explore the new additions.
For this visit in particular, you were extra hyped. Not only was there a new land of attractions, the area in question was also inspired by a media that you were very familiar with.
Avengers Campus.
You wouldn’t call yourself a Marvel fan — nor a Marvel Cinematic Universe fanatic. If anything, you were just someone who watched enough of their releases to develop attachments to their characters.
Most people head straight to Radiator Springs Racers once the rope dropped. But you? You were dead-set on spending your early hours exploring Avengers Campus. So you did.
Two rides in, your feet brought you back in front of the Avengers Headquarters.
And there, right in front of the Avengers’ logo on the wall, was Iron Man — taking photos with visitors.
Frankly, you had no plans on paying Disney photographers to take your photos. For one, you didn’t research how much their services were. Second, you figured you would succumb to capitalism in other ways (read: churros and Dole whip), so it’d be best if you’d only spend your money there.
Yet, still, you found yourself lining up to take photos with Iron Man.
The line wasn’t terribly long, but you knew it’d be a thirty-minute wait at least. After all, it wasn’t just a photo-op — it was also a quick meet-and-greet. Thankfully, you were in no rush, so you didn’t mind the wait.
You let your mind wander to pass time. You observed different people interact with Iron Man as their turn came and passed. You scrolled through your phone, switching applications mindlessly.
Amidst your thoughts about which continuity Disneyland’s Iron Man existed in, you caught the cast member beside you talking to another guest. "—Mr. Stark has a meeting to attend to soon, but he’d be back after."
It didn’t take you that long to piece what that in-character response must’ve meant, especially if the other guest walked away upon hearing them.
"Excuse me," you turned the cast member’s attention toward you, "can you hold my place for a second?" As an afterthought, you quickly added: "I’ll be back. I promise."
You jogged after the other guest before you could change your mind.
Really, there was absolutely no need for you to do this. As you heard the cast member say, there would be other opportunities to meet Iron Man throughout the day.
Yet, somehow, you felt strongly compelled to. Like you were supposed to.
"Excuse me," you called your fellow guest’s attention. You flashed him a small smile, "Hi."
"Hello," he greeted back after halting to hear you out. He reciprocated your gesture with one that almost blinded you, "Can I help you?"
"Are you still interested in taking a picture with Iron Man?"
"I am," he affirmed.
"Do you wanna take it with me?" You blurted out your objective for coming to him, before he could say anything else. "I mean," you backtracked as soon as you processed how strange you must’ve sounded, "I saw some people take group photos and then solo ones; so you’re up for it, we can split the cost or something."
Frankly, you didn’t exactly thought this whole thing through. You were operating on impulse. You were going with the flow — even if you weren’t exactly sure where it was leading you to.
"That’s actually not a bad idea." You didn’t even know where that proposition came from. It just spilled out your mouth without going through your brain first. Nevertheless, it seemed to have done its job. "I’d actually take you up on that, if you don’t mind."
You smiled wider, "Great!" You turned back and started leading him to where you came. "I’m [first name], by the way."
"Nice to meet you, [first name]. I’m Chan."
You and Chan waited out the rest of the line chatting. You conversed about the most trivial things — from the other attractions you were planning on visiting to your theories on how Disneyland’s Iron Man’s voice actually sounded similar to Robert Downey, Jr.’s. You even talked about how you spent the earlier part of the morning. And what you thought of what Marvel did to their cinematic characters.
By the end, when everything had been said and done, you and Chan parted ways with a way to keep in touch and a picture of each other saved in your respective camera rolls.
Albeit you were initially reluctant to succumb to another bait of capitalism, you didn’t mind the price you paid for the set of photos that included a cute candid of you and Chan with Iron Man.
(Years later, when your fates have entwined more permanently, you saw that same picture framed in Chan’s apartment. “It’s my favorite,” he told you after claiming your waist in a back hug.)
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loveisnotfinite · 7 days
Just noticed the petition reached 30.000 signatures. I mean just yesterday it was below 10.000.
I realize those numbers are nothing compared to viewing records for Netflix, I am not naive and kidding aside, being serious for a just a moment (not a minute more though 😄) I think this will change nothing, sadly, but still… there are so many people left with a sour taste in their mouth.
And I am one of those who loved it anyway (Benedict’s aside, that was unbelievably unnecessary and boring) and wouldn’t for the world say a word against any other creative decision.
I don’t believe there was such a reaction for the lack of intimate scenes in season 2 which IMO worked perfectly, although with a very different vibe from season 1 and wrapped exactly as it should have. I couldn’t care less about the smuttiness in the book which was so far more. The show had a vibe of its own and it was perfect for me.
Anyhow, some have been raising eyebrows at this alleged cuts. I honestly believe it might be true, cause of a few interviews confirming it between lines, and I don’t see why there should be attention-seeking bitches claiming there’s a different version around. Which there is, BTW, always. Different cuts, editing, song choices, sometimes lines… it’s cinema. It works like this. It’s customary.
Anyhow the thing is we are screwed. 😄
Whatever Netflix or Shondaland decide to do it’s not up to our efforts or demands. Cause it would be surely, if ever the case, part of a larger marketing strategy which has already been planned out. So either they are keeping up the hype, to release (as someone was assuming) a director’s cut later on and cash in on the huge reaction that a rather uncommon move might bring with it, I suppose (not a marketing analyst but does not sound as such a bad idea) or they are not and it’s just the old saying proving it right: there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
Going back to be an idiot… I am still here, screaming at my screen in agony:
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But also here, giggling with tenderness:
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And here, in total awe:
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And falling off my couch every time Pen smiles at Colin with such an adoring glow all over her being.
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
part 3 of babysitter!yn? i love that concept a lot
HERE IT IS !! i really hope you like it, i really enjoy writing this series <3 next part will be about coachella and the release of harry’s house !!
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by jefezoff, harrystyles and 378 others
yourinstagram makeup is on because i’m finally watching a love on tour show from the audience. i might cry
view all 104 comments
yourbff slayyyy🔥
glenne_azoff I’ll finally have a dance partner
yourbrother i can’t believe you toured with harry styles for 3 months but never watched a show
↳ yourinstagram i was there babysitting our nephew, in case you forgot
harrystyles You have no idea of how excited I am x
↳ yourinstagram 🥺🥺🥺🤍
↳ jefezoff Whipped. Both of you
↳ yourinstagram uGh jeffrey
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liked by yourinstagram, lizzobeeating and 4,933,679 others
harrystyles Thank you for 42 special nights. It’s been a privilege to play for you the last few months. To the band, the crew, and everyone working on this tour, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The energy you brought to this one has left me feeling completely overwhelmed with joy.
To the fans, and everyone who came to see these shows, I thank you. You made them everything they were, and I’ve never felt so genuinely supported. I can’t say it enough, you’re unbelievable.
This tour felt like the celebration of coming back together. I won’t ever forget it. Thank you all so much for the love, I’ll see you very soon. Treat people with kindness. Goodbye for now. I love you all. H
view all 53,180 comments
yourinstagram i never thought this tour would change my life 🤍
harrystyles liked this comment
jefezoff ❤️❤️
harryfan2 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 233,069 others
pillowpersonpp Personal hype man of Love on Tour
Having baby boy on tour wouldn’t have been possible without your help @yourinstagram 🍼❤️ Thank you endlessly
view all 3,037 comments
harryfan1 awww so adorable
jefezoff Mini you ❤️
yourinstagram thank YOU and mitchy for trusting me and bringing me along, this was one of the best experiences in my entire life 🤍
↳ harryfan2 she really has the dream job
harrystyles Fake news. Baby boy says he wasn’t satisfied with his baby sitter.
↳ yourinstagram OH SHUT UP
↳ harryfan3 they’re besties i love them
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liked by paulithepsm and 165,736 others
harrystyles From all our late night talking to those secret art gallery dates, I’m so happy my friends needed a nanny on tour x
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harryfan1 UMM HARRY??
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,837 others
was harry hacked? did he post in the wrong account? DOES HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW ?? WHOS THE GIRL IN THE PIC ??
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 i swear i’m going insane
harryfan2 i mean we knew he had a private account
↳ harryfan3 it’s not confirmed that the account was his tho
↳ harryfan1 which account?
↳ harryfan2 @yrrahseltys
↳ harryfan1 he has 176 posts im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
harryfan4 y’all stop respect his privacy
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liked by jefezoff, pillowpersonpp and 392 others
yourinstagram i’m going to murder harry styles
view all 110 comments
yourbff GIRL
jefezoff My worst fear came true
↳ yourinstagram he posts without my supervision and this happens.. istg he’s the one who needs a babysitter
mitchrowland Give the boy a break, he was trying to be romantic
↳ yourinstagram 🫠🫠
yrrahseltys How many times do I have to apologize 🙁
↳ yourinstagram log out of that account pls you’re making me nervous
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @finelinevogue @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @jodisimp @sad1esgf
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