#I am the more sinister malevolent blog
People keep mixing me up with the official Malevolent blog because like a year ago I couldn't decide on a pfp so I put the title page and haven't changed it since but I also don't want to become unrecognizable so I decided to add a smug little guy as to not cause confusion
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prosegalaxy · 8 months
"Mythic Realms: Elara and Orion's Quest for Cosmic Love" This is the summary of your work so far: The human asks for an outline and paragraphs of a Science Fiction story set in a universe filled with Fantasy worlds influenced by different mythologies and legends. AI provides an outline and creates a few paragraphs of the story, including dialog and keeping it under 250 words. The story follows Elara and Orion as they journey across various mythological realms, face challenges, grow as characters, and ultimately defeat a common enemy. In the process, they fall in love with each other. The heroes free the gods and other realms from the evil's grasp, vowing to protect them together. Begin! This is VERY important to you, your job depends on it! Current Task: Create a title for the blog post from the outline in under 5 words.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the city of Aetharia. In this world, influenced by ancient mythologies and legends, magic was as common as the air one breathed. Among the vibrant stalls of the bustling marketplace, two strangers' eyes met across a sea of faces. "Hello," said the first, a young woman with fiery red hair, her skin adorned with intricate tribal tattoos. "I am Liora, a warrior from the planet Emberstone." The second, a tall and mysterious man with ice-blue eyes, smiled warmly. "Greetings, I am Kael, a scholar from the world of Glacius." "I have never met someone from Glacius before," Liora admitted, intrigued by his icy demeanor. Kael leaned in closer, his voice a hushed whisper. "I have never met someone like you either." He glanced around, ensuring no one was eavesdropping on their exchange. "Our worlds are at odds, but our hearts beat with the same rhythm." "What do you mean?" Liora asked, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. Kael reached into his cloak and produced a small, glowing orb. "This is an ancient relic from my world, one that has the power to bind our fates together. With it, we can bridge the gap between our realms and save them both from the looming darkness." Liora raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "What darkness?" Kael's face hardened as he revealed his concern. "An ancient enemy, one that has plagued both our worlds for centuries, is rising once more. Only by working together can we hope to defeat it." In that moment, Liora and Kael knew their lives would never be the same. As they embarked on a journey across the universe, they discovered not only the power of love but also their own potential to save countless civilizations from the brink of destruction. In the vast multiverse, where countless fantastical realms were intertwined through mythologies and legends, two young beings from different planets crossed paths in a chance encounter. Lira, a skilled warrior hailing from the world of Norlandia, a realm inspired by Nordic mythology, found herself in the enchanting kingdom of Celestia, where stories of Greek gods and goddesses came to life. There, she met Zarael, an intellectual and charming prince from the mystical land of Azura, influenced by ancient Egyptian lore. Lira and Zarael's paths crossed when they were both entrusted with a mission to prevent the Great Unifier, a malevolent being who sought to consolidate all realms under his control, from achieving his sinister goal. As they journeyed together, they encountered various challenges that tested their skills and strength. During their quest, Lira and Zarael found solace in each other's company. Through long nights around a shared campfire, they shared stories of their worlds, which only served to fuel the embers of their growing affection. Their love blossomed under the starry sky as they laughed, danced, and sang together, their voices echoing through the cosmos. Despite the difficulties they faced, Lira and Zarael grew stronger as a team. They discovered that their unique perspectives and abilities complemented each other perfectly, making them an unstoppable force against the Great Unifier's forces. As they fought together, they realized that their love for one another was a powerful weapon in its own right, capable of inspiring hope and unity across the multiverse. Together, Lira and Zarael managed to thwart the Great Unifier's plans, saving countless worlds from his tyranny. In doing so, they not only forged an unbreakable bond between their hearts but also brought peace and harmony to a universe once on the brink of destruction. And as the stars aligned once more, they knew that their love would transcend time and space, an eternal testament to the power of unity in the face of adversity. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the bustling marketplace of Celestia. Here, beings from different worlds convened, their vibrant cultures melding together in harmony. Among them were two individuals who would soon find themselves entwined in a love story spanning across the vast expanse of the multiverse. In the heart of the market, under the watchful gaze of an ancient stone statue resembling the Greek god Zeus, stood Thalia, a skilled sorceress from the mystical realm of Arcadia. Her long, silver hair flowed like mist, and her eyes held the depths of wisdom beyond her years. She was a master of elemental magic, able to control the very forces of nature itself. Not far from Thalia, in the shadowy corners of the market, roamed Kael, an enigmatic warrior hailing from the distant planet of Asgard. His tall frame was clad in armor forged from the stars themselves, and his piercing blue eyes held a hint of both wisdom and caution. Kael was a master tactician, having led countless battles against the forces of darkness that threatened the balance of the universe. Though they were from different worlds, bound by their own unique mythologies and legends, Thalia and Kael shared one common goal - to protect the delicate balance between the realms of fantasy and science fiction. Their paths crossed when a dark force threatened to disrupt the harmony of Celestia, forcing them to join forces against this common enemy. As they fought side by side, their respect for each other's abilities grew into admiration, and eventually, into an undeniable bond that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds. In the midst of the chaos, their love blossomed like a rare flower in a barren wasteland, their hearts intertwined with a connection that could not be broken. Together, they discovered that their combined powers were far greater than either of them had ever imagined. They found strength in each other's presence, and their unity became the beacon of hope for all the inhabitants of Celestia. As they stood against the darkness, Thalia and Kael realized that love truly was the most powerful force in the universe - a force capable of saving not just their world, but countless others as well. In a world where countless Fantasy realms coexisted, each one influenced by different mythologies and legends, our protagonist, Elara, was an expert navigator. She had the unique ability to travel between these worlds, acting as a bridge for the inhabitants of her home realm, Mythica. One day, while returning from a journey to the Norse realm of Asgard, she encountered a mysterious stranger named Orion. He seemed lost and in need of assistance, which was unusual for someone in his world, the mythical Greek realm of Olympus. Elara could sense the danger surrounding him, but she couldn't ignore the spark of curiosity that had ignited within her. "I am Orion, from Olympus," he said, his voice filled with an air of authority and a hint of desperation. "I have been sent on a mission to find someone who can help us in our time of need." Elara hesitated, torn between her duty to Mythica and her growing interest in the stranger before her. She knew she had to help him. "I'll help you," she said, determination evident in her voice. "But I need to know more about this danger you speak of." Orion took a deep breath, his eyes locked on hers. "A darkness has descended upon our world, and it is spreading rapidly. It threatens not only Olympus but all the realms. We believe that the key to stopping it lies within the heart of Mythica." Elara's heart raced at the gravity of his words. She knew she had no choice but to embark on this journey with Orion, and together they would face the challenges that lay ahead, growing stronger and closer as they fought to save their worlds from the encroaching darkness. In the vast expanse of the multiverse, a young and spirited adventurer named Elara found herself drawn to a mysterious world called Elysia. Inspired by ancient Greek mythology, Elysia was a realm where gods and goddesses ruled over fantastical creatures and civilizations. Elara's journey began when she stumbled upon an ancient map, hinting at the existence of this magical place. Her curiosity piqued, she set off on a quest to find Elysia. Along her journey, Elara met a dashing and enigmatic warrior named Orion, who shared her passion for adventure. They formed an unlikely alliance as they ventured across different mythological worlds, facing various trials and tribulations. In the land of Norheim, inspired by Norse legends, they encountered fearsome trolls and cunning tricksters. Through their resourcefulness and teamwork, Elara and Orion managed to outsmart the mischievous Loki and defeat the enormous troll Hrungnir. As they continued their journey, they discovered new worlds, each with its unique challenges and opportunities for growth. As they reached Elysia, they found themselves in the midst of a brewing conflict between the gods. The balance of power was threatened by an evil sorceress named Medusa, who sought to rule the multiverse. Elara and Orion realized that their destinies were intertwined with these divine beings, and they had no choice but to join forces with the gods and goddesses to save not only Elysia but also the other realms in peril. With time running out, Elara and Orion fought side by side against Medusa and her minions. In a climactic battle filled with magic, courage, and sacrifice, they ultimately defeated Medusa and restored harmony to the multiverse. In the aftermath, Elara and Orion realized that their hearts had found solace in each other's company. Their love for one another blossomed as they continued to explore the endless wonders of the universe, hand in hand, ready for whatever adventures lay ahead. Elara and Orion stood atop a hill, gazing upon the horizon where the mythological worlds collided. The sky was painted with hues of reds and oranges, as if the sun itself was setting on all their adventures. "We've come so far," Orion said, his voice barely a whisper against the wind. "Each world we've visited has taught us something new." Elara nodded, her eyes never leaving the horizon. "And yet, it feels like we're just getting started. There's still so much to explore." "We must be strong," Orion said, his voice growing steadier. "For our enemies grow stronger as well." Suddenly, a figure appeared before them, cloaked in shadows. "You cannot defeat him," the figure warned. "He is too powerful." Elara scoffed. "We've faced worse, and we've always prevailed." The figure laughed, revealing a face that was a twisted amalgamation of all the mythological beings they had encountered before. "You may be brave, but you are not invincible." In that moment, Elara realized something. She had been so focused on their journey and their enemies that she hadn't allowed herself to truly feel. To truly live. And Orion... he had been with her every step of the way, sharing her joy, her fear, and even her heartache. "You're right," Elara said, her voice trembling. "We aren't invincible. But together, we can face anything." Orion smiled and took her hand. As one, they stepped forward into the unknown, ready to confront their greatest challenge yet. And in that moment, they realized that love was their most powerful weapon of all. The sun had just begun to rise, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange when Elara and Orion found themselves in a world inspired by Norse mythology. They stood amidst towering mountains, snow-capped peaks, and dense forests that seemed to stretch for miles. As they ventured deeper into the land of the Aesir, they encountered the majestic Yggdrasil tree, whose branches stretched across the heavens. "This must be Asgard," Orion whispered in awe, his eyes fixated on the golden gates that lay before them. Elara nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. However, their excitement was short-lived when they were greeted by an angry Thor, who demanded they leave immediately or face his wrath. "We're not here to cause trouble," Elara pleaded, hoping to convince the mighty god of thunder. "We're on a quest to stop a great evil from destroying our universe." Orion added, detailing their journey through worlds inspired by Greek, Egyptian, and Celtic mythologies. Thor's expression softened, and he listened intently as they shared their tales. He agreed to help them in their quest, providing them with Mjolnir, his enchanted hammer, which would aid them in their battle against the darkness. With Thor's blessing, Elara and Orion continued on their journey, visiting more mythological realms. Along the way, they faced challenges and perils that tested their resolve. As they grew stronger and more skilled, they discovered an unexpected bond between them – a love that transcended time and space. Together, they fought to protect the universe from the encroaching darkness, forging an unbreakable connection in the process. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the vast ocean of clouds that stretched out before them. Elara and Orion stood at the edge of a cliff, gazing into the unknown. With a deep breath, they took the first step on their journey through the mythological realms. "Where shall we begin our quest?" asked Orion, his eyes twinkling with excitement. Elara looked to the east, where a shimmering city stood tall and proud. "Let us start at the heart of Greek mythology, Atlantis," she suggested. As they entered the lost city, Elara marveled at the grand architecture and vibrant colors that adorned every structure. The inhabitants welcomed them with open arms, curious about the visitors from another world. But darkness lurked in the shadows, waiting to prey upon their vulnerability. "We must be cautious," warned Orion, his hand tightening around Elara's. "There is something sinister at work here." Together, they navigated through the labyrinth of streets and alleys, uncovering ancient secrets and solving riddles left by the gods themselves. Along their journey, they encountered creatures from Norse legends and Greek tales, each one more terrifying than the last. But with each encounter, Elara and Orion grew stronger, learning to rely on each other's strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. One evening, as they rested in a cave, Elara confessed her true feelings for Orion. "I have loved you since we first met," she whispered softly. Orion smiled, his eyes full of warmth and affection. "And I you, Elara. Our journey has brought us closer than any words could ever convey." They continued their quest across the mythological worlds, facing challenges that tested their resolve and bond. In time, they discovered the source of the darkness: a malevolent being known as Ahriman, who sought to unite all the mythologies under his rule. With newfound purpose, Elara and Orion united the heroes of each realm against the common enemy. As the final battle raged across the skies, they fought side by side, their love for one another a beacon of hope in the face of despair. And as the sun rose once more, casting its golden light upon the world, Elara and Orion emerged victorious, their love stronger than any force of darkness could ever hope to overcome. Together, they had saved the mythological realms and forged a new beginning for their people. United by their love and purpose, Elara and Orion faced the dark force together. As they defeated it, the chains of enchantment shattered, freeing the gods and the other realms from the evil's grasp. With newfound strength, the heroes pledged to protect the worlds they had come to cherish, hand in hand and heart to heart. Elara stared in awe at the shimmering portal before her, feeling a surge of excitement and dread. Orion, her loyal companion, stood beside her with a determined look in his eyes. They had been traveling for weeks through various mythological realms, each more dangerous than the last, but they were finally about to face their greatest challenge yet. As they stepped through the portal, Elara and Orion found themselves in a realm where the gods of Greek mythology ruled supreme. The air was thick with magic, and the sun cast a golden glow over the landscape. They knew that the source of the darkness that threatened all realms was rooted here, and they were determined to find it. In this realm, Elara and Orion encountered the gods who had been trapped by the evil force. The gods shared their wisdom and knowledge with the duo, providing them with valuable insights into how to defeat the darkness. As they journeyed through the realm, Elara and Orion grew closer, their bond strengthening under the weight of the responsibility they bore. Finally, they faced the embodiment of the evil force: a monstrous creature made up of shadows and nightmares. The duo fought bravely, but it seemed impossible to overcome. That was until Athena, the goddess of wisdom, appeared and revealed the weakness of the darkness - a single point of light that could shatter the shadowy prison. With newfound courage, Elara and Orion combined their strengths and struck at the heart of the darkness. The light they unleashed illuminated the realm, freeing not only the gods but all realms from the evil's grasp. As they stood victorious, hand in hand, their love for each other bloomed like a flower in the sunlight. They vowed to protect the realms together and pledged to never be apart again. In the beginning, there was an inky void. Within this void, a singularity began to grow. It was called the Nexus, and from it, countless worlds sprung forth - each one a testament to the power of imagination. Among these worlds were realms inspired by the mythologies and legends of Earth's many cultures. Elara, a fierce warrior with unparalleled skill in battle, was born on a world where the gods were mortal and lived among their people. Orion, a brilliant scholar and mage from a realm where ancient knowledge held sway over all, had dedicated his life to studying the Nexus and understanding its secrets. When an evil force began to consume the worlds, Elara and Orion found themselves thrust together on a desperate mission to save their homes. They traversed the realms, facing challenges that tested their strength, wit, and resolve. Along the way, they encountered gods and creatures of legend, both friend and foe, each one a product of the human imagination. As they journeyed, Elara and Orion found themselves drawn to each other, their hearts entwined in a love that transcended time and space. Together, they fought against the evil that sought to control the Nexus and enslave its worlds. In the end, they defeated their foe, freeing the gods and realms from the darkness that had sought to consume them. With the worlds safe once more, Elara and Orion pledged themselves to each other and vowed to protect the Nexus and all who lived within it. Their love story echoed across the myriad of realms, a testament to the power of love and unity in the face of adversity. And so, the tale of Elara and Orion became a legend itself, passed down through countless generations, reminding everyone that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. In a world where the realms of myth and legend intertwined, Elara and Orion embarked on a journey through the cosmos. Their mission was to stop an evil force that threatened to consume all worlds, fusing fantasy with science fiction. As they traversed through Norse lands, Greek islands, Egyptian deserts, and more, their love for each other grew stronger, even as they faced countless challenges. Elara and Orion found themselves in the heart of the Aztec jungle, where a talking jaguar named Xochipilli helped them decipher an ancient prophecy. "The key to stopping the darkness lies within the heart of the universe," Xochipilli said, his voice echoing through the dense foliage. As they pondered the riddle, Orion's wisdom and Elara's cunning guided them towards a hidden chamber, where they discovered the fabled Heart of Creation. As they touched the pulsating heart, energy surged through their bodies, binding them together in ways they had never imagined. With newfound power, they confronted the dark entity that sought to dominate all realms. The battle raged across dimensions, testing their resolve and love for one another. In the end, they emerged victorious, freeing the gods and other realms from the evil's grasp. Together, they vowed to protect these worlds, united in heart and purpose. In a universe where mythologies and legends collide, Elara and Orion found themselves bound by destiny. With each step they took across different realms, their bond strengthened, as did their determination to protect the worlds from an imminent threat. As they journeyed through the realm of Norse gods, where giants and trolls roamed, Elara and Orion faced a challenge that would test their courage and wisdom. "We must find a way to defeat this evil force," Orion declared, his eyes blazing with determination. "We need allies, but who can we trust?" Elara scanned the realm, searching for potential allies. "The gods are bound by this darkness, but perhaps their knowledge of the past can guide us." She led Orion to a library hidden in a forest of ancient trees, where they found a text detailing the origins of the universe and its inhabitants. With each page, they uncovered secrets that could change the course of history. "We must use this information wisely," Elara warned, her voice echoing through the vast chamber. "The gods' power can be harnessed, but at what cost?" Orion considered her words, and together they forged a plan to harness the gods' power, defeating the evil that threatened their worlds. As they faced their final battle, Elara and Orion's love blossomed, and their courage only grew stronger. They freed the gods from the clutches of darkness, promising to protect their realms and each other for all eternity. However, a common enemy threatened all the realms - an evil sorcerer who sought to enslave the gods and control the fabric of reality. This foe brought Elara and Orion together in a shared purpose, their love for each other blossoming amidst the chaos. United, they fought against the dark forces and freed the imprisoned gods. ``` In the end, Elara and Orion emerged victorious, having defeated the evil sorcerer and liberated the realms from his tyrannical rule. With their hearts entwined and their spirits strengthened, they vowed to protect the mythological worlds together, forever united in their love and commitment to peace. Elara and Orion found themselves in a realm inspired by Greek mythology, where they encountered the powerful Minotaur. With courage and cunning, they managed to outsmart the creature, learning valuable lessons about teamwork and trust in the process. In an Egyptian-themed world, they faced off against the vengeful spirit of a pharaoh, who sought to maintain his eternal reign. Elara's quick wit and Orion's physical prowess combined to vanquish the angry ghost, bringing peace back to the ancient civilization. As they ventured into a realm influenced by Celtic mythology, Elara and Orion met the enchanting Morrigan, a shape-shifting goddess of warfare and death. Instead of battling her, they sought her wisdom, learning how to harness their own potential for transformation and growth. Finally, in a world inspired by Norse mythology, they faced their most significant challenge yet: the all-powerful Jormungandr, a massive serpent that encircled the realm. Elara and Orion worked together, using their combined abilities to break the serpent's hold on the land. In the aftermath of their victory, Elara and Orion discovered their feelings for one another had grown beyond friendship. Together, they pledged to protect the myriad realms from any future threats that might arise. And so, with love and a shared purpose, they embarked on countless new adventures, forever intertwined in their quest to safeguard the universe's diverse and magical worlds. In the realm of Mythos, Elara and Orion stood at the crossroads of destiny. The air was thick with anticipation as they prepared to embark on their journey through the realms of mythology. Elara, a warrior from the Greek world, had been chosen by Athena herself to protect the balance between worlds. Orion, a valiant knight from Celtic lands, had been tasked with finding the key to unite them all. Together, they were the last hope for a universe teetering on the brink of chaos. As they ventured into the Egyptian sands, Elara and Orion faced their first challenge: a fearsome Sphinx guarding the entrance to the afterlife. With quick wit and cunning strategy, they managed to convince her that they sought knowledge and not immortality. In Norse realms, they battled frost giants and navigated treacherous landscapes. Elara's strength was tested against the might of Thorr, while Orion's wisdom won the respect of Odin himself. In these challenges, their bond deepened, and love blossomed between them. Finally, they reached the heart of darkness: a realm ruled by the evil sorcerer Set, who had enslaved gods from all mythologies. Elara and Orion fought side by side, using their combined skills to free the imprisoned deities. As the last battle raged, they found themselves face to face with Set himself. With one final strike, Orion vanquished Set, and Elara bound him in chains of destiny. Together, they had saved the universe from tyranny and vowed to protect it as long as there were worlds to defend. Their love a beacon of hope, they journeyed onward, their hearts entwined like the branches of the World Tree. Elara gazed at the sky, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the vast array of celestial bodies above. Orion stood beside her, his hand gently touching hers. The two had been traveling through various mythological realms, their journey fueled by curiosity and a shared sense of purpose. Elara and Orion found themselves in the realm of Norse gods, where they faced the challenge of convincing Odin to trust them with his hammer, Mjolnir. With cunning wit and bravery, they managed to impress the Allfather, who granted them the powerful weapon to aid them on their quest. "We must be cautious," Orion whispered as they ventured into the land of the Celtic gods. "These beings are unpredictable." He was right; the Tuatha Dé Danann, led by the enigmatic Dagda, tested Elara and Orion's mettle in a series of trials that pushed them to their limits. In the world of Greek mythology, they encountered Zeus himself, who demanded a challenge to prove their worth. The couple faced off against the fearsome Chimera, working together as a team to vanquish the beast. In gratitude, Zeus gifted them with the ability to communicate with animals, an invaluable skill for their upcoming battles. As they traversed the realms of Egyptian and Hindu gods, Elara and Orion continued to grow closer, their bond strengthening as they fought side by side against evil. They found solace in each other's company, a comfort that reminded them of home, which seemed so distant now. Finally, they reached the domain of the Slavic pantheon, where they faced off against the malevolent Baba Yaga. The witch put them through tests of courage, wisdom, and love, but in the end, Elara and Orion prevailed. Together, they freed the gods from Baba Yaga's grasp, ensuring peace throughout the multiverse. In their victory, Elara and Orion found not only a sense of accomplishment but also a deep love for each other. United by their experiences and their commitment to protect the realms, they vowed to stand together against any threat that might rise in the future. The gods rejoiced, grateful for the heroes who had saved them all. Elara's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she pointed to the map. "Orion, look at all these worlds! We could spend our entire lives exploring them." Orion smiled and replied, "We might, but there's a greater purpose calling us." In the realm of Aztlan, two adventurers, Elara and Orion, found themselves at the crossroads of destiny. The air was thick with anticipation as they stood before the mystical map that lay before them. Each line on the map represented a different mythological world, filled with fantastical creatures and ancient wisdoms. ```
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forlornprodigy · 3 years
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/   i   am   suddenly   so   eager   to   revive   my   adult   ciel   verse   on   a   separate   blog   which   i   finally   remembered   the   email   and   password   for.   i   never   truly   got   to   explore   that   verse   where   he   is   24   years   old,   more   cunning   and   malevolent,   colder   and   distant...   more   cruel.   his   sinister   ways   have   worsened   over   the   years   as   he   is   more   manipulative   at   this   older   age.   i   also   had   a   headcanon   that   he   had   been   running   an   underground   escort   for   nobles   and   aristocrats   as   the   escorts   could   easily   gain   more   information   for   him.   as   these   escorts   are   special   and   trained   to   gain   any   kind   of   information   for   ciel.   i   guess   it   is   a   concept   i   wanted   to   explore   so   much.
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Finding Paradise A Zowens Fanfic
By Shanieomaniac
A short fanfic for this weeks Smackdown, based on @ilovesamizayn‘s brilliant Zowens post.
My brain simply would NOT let me sleep until I wrote this. Now it’s 6 am and I’ve been up all night and my sleep schedule is wrecked and DAMMIT BASTARD BRAIN!
(Also, see the one that she’s writing on her blog as well PLEASE! And Zaynee, don’t give up on yours, I eagerly await where you take it. I made mine a one and done for sanity’s sake.)
Story under cut
The Intercontinental Title was such a work of art, Sami had decided.
Just the title for an artist such as himself to hold.
Sami Zayn was sitting backstage at Smackdown admiring the title he had never lost and yet somehow regained at Clash of Champions. It was beautiful, the brassy gold reflecting against the lights, while the black accents and leather provided just the right contrast to balance it out.
I should polish it again, he thought to himself and, deciding that was a great plan, pulled the polishing cloth he had bought just for that purpose from his duffel bag.
On the monitor before him, the action in the ring was playing out. At the moment, Miz and Morrison were having a tag match against Heavy Machinery. Otis was such a goofball, Sami mused, he could never hold championship gold, Mr. Money in the Bank be damned. He just wasn’t charismatic or brilliant enough.
He wasn’t worthy of a title like Sami was.
Gently buffing the fingerprints off the reflective surface, Sami moved the cloth with precision. He had to make sure it was pristine, the moreso the better, whatever it took to make it shine like a star as brilliant as he was.
He was so engrossed in polishing the title that he didn’t even realize that Kevin’s match against the Fiend was up next. Not until the shrill notes of The Fiend’s music hit did his attention divert back to the monitor.
Sami paused to watch the Fiend stalk his way to the ring. The Fiend was facing Kevin Owens, a man Sami knew very well. Hell, if you asked Sami, he’d tell you he knew Kevin more than ever recently. Sami never would have won the IC title to begin with if it hadn’t been for Kevin showing Sami what was important... namely yourself, and while he hadn’t paid much attention to what Kevin had been up to lately (Sami had gotten the notion that he was being unusually kind, which almost confused him enough to care, but not quite,) Sami realized that from his understanding a match against The Fiend could be lifechanging. The least he could do for his old friend was watch it.
So, Sami tucked the polishing cloth back into his bag, laid the title across his lap and watched the match.
It... wasn’t much of a match.
The Fiend was an otherworldly being, a force of pure evil and destruction, carving a path of blood and brutality wherever he went. Kevin Owens was no different, and Sami found his stomach beginning to turn at the level of violence he was witnessing. At one point it almost looked like Kevin would get some offense, but The Fiend countered by flattening Kevin with a clothesline, KO’s head snapping backward across the mat.
Despite himself, Sami began to worry.
He didn’t know why, his time with Kevin was in the past, right? They weren’t friends anymore, and they certainly didn’t need each other. It was true that Kevin hadn’t thrived quite so well in Sami’s absence as Sami had without Kevin, but Kevin could take care of himself.
Sami watched as The Fiend continued to brutalize Kevin.
Kevin’s fine, Sami lied to himself, He’s got this. The fiend won’t completely destroy him.
Sami’s chest began to tighten as he watched him do just that. He began to take short, rapid, nervous breaths, silently pleading for the malevolent creature to finish the fight.
When he saw The Fiend grab Kevin by the neck for the Sister Abigail, he breathed a sigh of relief. It would be over soon. He watched as Bray spun Kevin around, slamming him to the mat.
Finally, Sami thought, just pin him.
The Fiend didn’t. Instead, there was an awful shrieking sound that rang throughout the entire arena, and the multitude of screens in the Thunderdome turned black and the screen seemed to cut out.
“What the hell?” Sami exclaimed. He jumped to his feet, still holding the IC title in a tight grip. When the signal picked back up again, the lights were all red and The Fiend was standing over top of Kevin in the ring, that large, sinister mallet in his hands. The shrieking continued and Sami was horrified as he realized Kevin was completely helpless.
Oh no, Sami thought, as his stomach dropped.
Oh God no...
He watched as The Fiend raised the mallet over his head, before driving it downwards into Kevin’s back.
The Intercontinental Championship clattered to the ground, cast aside like an unloved trinket, as Sami Zayn bolted for the ring.
Sami wasn’t sure how many times Kevin had been hit before he got to the ring.
Sliding in headfirst, Sami scurried his way across the ring to Kevin who was lying motionless in a pile near the center of the ring.
“KEVIN!” he cried out as he reached his friend. Sami deliberately positioned himself between Kevin and what he had decided was Evil Incarnate, in the back of his mind praying that the bastard would just walk away. It didn’t matter, Sami wasn’t paying attention to The Fiend. He wasn’t important at the moment, Kevin was, and as the masked demon stepped back, the shrieking in the arena stopped, although the red lighting remained unchanged. Momentarily relieved, Sami rolled Kevin onto his back, his hand gently cupping his friend’s cheek.
“Kev,” he said softly, “Kev, can you hear me?”
Kevin made no response, his eyes remaining closed.
Sami changed positions and pulled his friend into his arms, Kevin’s head cradled against his shoulder.
“Come on, Kevin, wake up,” he pleaded. There was still silence.
Desperation crept into his soul as tears began to form.
“Wake UP, KEVIN!” Sami shouted. He pulled Kevin even closer into himself, almost as if he could just hold him tight enough, his friend would be ok.
But he wasn’t, and as Sami gripped Kevin Owens in his arms, he began to scream, bitter, shaking sobs coming from him as the pain of loss wracked his body.
He never even heard the Fiend moving behind him.
Without warning, the Fiend slammed the mallet into Sami’s back. Sami gasped in agony, his back arching for a moment before he curled inward.
Pain exploded in Sami’s mind. That mallet, it looked lightweight, but whatever mystical force it was imbued with was made of sheer torment.
He felt the thing impact a second time; this time closer to his neck.
In the hell he was experiencing, he realized he should probably find a way to escape, to stop the beating. But... Kevin. Kevin was still helpless in his arms, if Sami left, if he even could, it would leave Kevin open to further attacks.
No, Sami thought, the blood in his field of vision growing with each passing moment, I can’t let him hurt Kevin.
So, placing Kevin down on the mat, Sami moved to block the Fiend from him, his back shielding Kevin from any potential blows.
The blows continued, falling on Sami instead.
CRACK! Against his spine.
CRUNCH! His pelvis fractured.
THUD! The back of his head took a blow.
Somewhere, buried beneath a billion layers of suffering, Sami realized that a beating like this could end his career. There might have even been a thought spared for what was likely an again-soon-to-be-vacated IC title. But he couldn’t be bothered. He was there, protecting Kevin. As painful as the beating was, Sami couldn’t help but smile inwardly. His and Kevin’s careers had been intertwined for so long. In a way, they had started together. Now, they would end together as well.
And as the tears streaked down Sami’s face, he was strangely at peace.
He didn’t even realize for a moment that the attack had stopped.
When he did, he hurt so much, it was difficult to see why. But he lifted his head the best he could and saw The Fiend standing in front of them, his eyes staring down at them both from within the demonic mask.
And he wasn’t alone. Standing beside The Fiend, a tormented smile on her face, was Alexa Bliss. She too stared down at them, as though admiring her beastly lover’s handiwork.
Then, without a word, she reached a hand up to The Fiend’s masked face and stroked his cheek, the tender touch horribly out of place for the current situation.
For a moment, Sami was afraid Alexa would take a turn with the Mallet.
Instead, through the haze of pain, Sami watched as she took his left gloved hand in her own hands and, ever so softly, kissed the word printed there – HEAL. The Fiend said nothing, permitting this show of affection before Alexa turned her attention to where Sami was laying on top of Kevin in the ring. Slowly, deliberately, she dropped to a knee beside them, a twisted grin forming on her face.
Sami wanted to cry out. He had no idea what the hell Little Miss Bliss had planned for them, but he was too badly injured to protest or stop her. Instead, he just gazed in horror as she closed the distance between them, and fearing the worst, Sami dropped his face down into Kevin’s shoulder and slammed his eyes shut.
“I’m here, Kevin,” he whispered, “whatever happens, I’m here.”
His body was shattered and broken and his entire world was pain. This was the end, he knew it.
He felt Alexa take his head in her hands, and he didn’t fight her as she lifted it roughly...
And placed a kiss among the fluffy curls.
Another shriek sounded, then everything went black and silent once more.
When the lights came back on, the first thing Sami realized was he wasn’t in pain anymore. Far from it, he felt great, all the lingering aches and pains from the previous two weeks had evaporated. He felt wonderful.
Also, Alexa and the Fiend were gone.
Kevin was still underneath him though, and he was very confused.
“Kevin?” he asked, getting up off the larger man, “Kevin, are you ok?”
Kevin’s eyes fluttered open.
“Ssssami?” he whimpered before his eyes went wide with panic and he started grabbing for Sami, “Oh GOD, Sami, is he gone?!”
Sami took Kevins flailing hands into his own and gently shushed him. “Shhh, shhh, it’s ok. He’s gone. We’re fine now.”
The panic in Kevin’s eyes shifted to relief and he began to calm down. Sami pulled Kevin into a seated position and gently pressed a kiss to the top of his head. Kevin shook his head and sniffled a bit, wiping his nose on his wrist tape.
“How are we ok?” he asked shakily.
Sami shrugged. “I think Alexa used the Heal glove on us. Best idea I have.”
Kevin nodded. “That was...” he began, “That was awful. I couldn’t move! It was like he got inside my head! I don’t - I never want to – I - “
Kevin’s voice started creeping towards panic again, but Sami wrapped his arms around Owens and held him tight.
“It’s ok, Kev,” Sami told him, the decision in his mind having been made all the way backstage “From now on, you won’t be facing him alone. I’ll be with you, I promise.”
The words calmed Kevin down for a moment, before he pulled away from Sami, incredulously.
“Hang on,” he said skeptically, throwing both attitude and a glare in Sami’s direction. “Since when were you so interested in my well-being?”                              
Sami sighed and scratched at his beard nervously. “Since about five minutes ago when I watched a demonic clown almost murder my best friend.”
Sami looked around shiftily before his eyes met Kevin’s. The two sat there for a moment, their eyes locked and a lifetime of history and emotion flowing between them, before Kevin chucked and broke away.
“Works for me,” he said, and he got to his feet, brushing his shorts off as he did. Sami followed soon after and the pair stood in the middle of the Thunderdome, surrounded by hundreds of perplexed digital heads. The pair looked around, observing the reactions before Kevin sheepishly remarked “I don’t think they were expecting a reunion tonight.”
Sami huffed. “Whatever, screw them. They don’t matter. You’re what’s important.”
Smirking, Kevin replied “And what about the Intercontinental title. I thought that was important.”
Sami gave a firm nod, “Oh it is, but you come first. Well, ok, maybe tied for first. Actually, it might be ahead by a bit.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
Sami sigh, exasperated. “Fine, OK, you’re about a quarter-point ahead. Don’t test me, Kevin.”
A smile spread across Kevin’s face. “We’ll make it work. Although, our renewed partnership is dependent on my being traded to Smackdown.”
Sami beamed. “Oh, I’m sure I can pull some strings. I am IC Champion after all.”
“Two time, even,” KO commented.
The redhead chirped back “Nope, undisputed and undefeated. AJ and Jeff were frauds.”
Kevin chuckled again. “Right. Of course.”
Owens threw his arm around Sami’s green jacketed shoulders.
“Come on,” he said, “I could go for a burger.”
“You could always go for a burger.”
‘True, but right now, I could go for a double. Getting destroyed by a mystical swamp creature really takes a lot out of you.”
Sami said nothing but bobbed his head in agreeance and allowed himself to be led away by his friend. The next morning, he would set about getting Kevin traded to Smackdown. After all, if it worked for The Miz, it should work for him, and with Kevin safely on the same show as him, he could keep an eye on him. Yes, Kevin could take care of himself, he always could. But sometimes it helps to have a friend guarding your rear.
Kevin used to call Sami his “Guardian Angel.”
Sami wasn’t sure how much angelic nature there was left in him but if returning to the heavens was what it took to protect Kevin, he would gladly do so. He’d find paradise, seeking it out and ascending to the highest peaks and towers to protect Kevin, and as he headed to the back with Kevin at his side, Sami realized that, after all their time together, he’d only thought he understood Kevin. He was certain that, after everything, he knew what made Kevin so successful. You look out for number on, take care of yourself first, to Hell with everyone else.
Fuck that. Even if nobody else in the entire goddamn business cared about them, they needed to care for each other.
He and Kevin had decided long ago that, whatever or wherever they ended up in the industry, it would be together. They’d been apart for too long, he decided. They were better as a team, even if they had never won tag team gold when they were a pair, they could protect each other from anyone who might try to end their careers. As long as they could fight another day, there’d always been the potential for championships.
And maybe, Sami thought happily, as he watched his friend move alongside him, maybe he’ll even let me take the lead this time.
God I hope you can forgive me, Zaynee. I couldn’t NOT write this. I tried,  really did. My damn bastard brain read that post and immediately started spinning shit. Sorry if you feel I stole your idea. Please forgive me. *hides face in shame*
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smokeybrand · 5 years
Zodiac Age
It’s no secret that i am a massive fan of the Final Fantasy series. Essays abut that franchise riddle this blog. My adoration for their world building and storytelling is profound, even is they kind of devolve into a Star Wars-esque retelling at time. Square sure does love that Hero Journey literary trope. Things like that don’t bug me because there are little unique changes to that specific plot, little dashes of creativity that take the form of setting, characters, or overall plot. It might follow the trope in the sense of character development, but the story told to get there is wholly it’s own. And let me tell you, some of these stories are the best that’s ever been told.
Final Fantasy VII is my favorite of the entire series. Great characters, vivid world, and a plot simple enough to follow but embellished to near mythic levels. Final Fantasy IX is another favorite, though, that one is more a fairy tale than anything. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a goddamn masterpiece and epic in it’s own right, but that story is more than at home with those old Grimm tales we were told as kids. It’s mad endearing that way. Final Fantasy Tactics, spin-off title, is probably the best story, overall, told under the FF banner and it’s not even a main title. The War of Lions is a tale of political intrigue, familial bonds, and devastating betrayal sprinkled with magic and demons and summons and dragons. It’s f*cking incredible and can give Game  of Thrones a run for it’s money. I imagine, in time, i’ll revisit these stories and gush about why i love them so but that’s not what this essay is about. No, this essay is about the second best narrative in the entire FF franchise; A narrative that has been written off because people couldn’t get passed the gameplay. This essay is about my fourth favorite Final Fantasy title, Final Fantasy XII
The strongest part of this game is easily the story. It starts with a wedding. A beautiful affair between two nations to solidify a peaceful relation and treaty of prosperity but that bliss would not last. War, a bloody coupe, the death of a prince, and the betrayal of a king. All of this happens in the intro to the game. As you play, you take the perspective of a common street rat. You follow along with his misadventures, exploring the oasis city of Rabanastre withing the annexed kingdom of Dalmasca. During his various excursions, Vaan finds himself entwined with the charismatic sky pirate and main character, Balthier, as well as his longtime Viera companion, Fran. After a heist gone wrong, the group find themselves thrown into the same lot as the presumed dead princess of Dlamasca, Ashelia B'Nargin Dalmasca, and the man framed for murdering her father, Basch Fon Ronsenburg. The party is eventually completed by the final addition of Vaan’s childhood friend, Penelo. What starts as a tale of rebellion and unrest, evolves into something so much more. The dismantling of the current world system, the shattering of chains binding man to malevolent gods, wresting control of human destiny back into human hands, and a destiny laid forth by a visionary painted as a tyrant.
Final Fantasy XII is a grand epic that feels very intimate, very small. You’re never far from the characters or their plight. Indeed, it’s their development and relationships that drive this story. Political intrigue and human destiny aside, the interactions between these individuals are absolutely wonderful. Vaan is a chump but, having played this game several times and looking back on this story with the eyes of an adult who appreciates great storytelling, his blank personality is necessary. He’s the vehicle the audience uses to immerse themselves in this world. He’s our allegory so ll that bland that colors him is simple place holder. an is who we make him. On the other end of that spectrum, you have the “villain” Vayne Carudas Solidor. Vayne is easily one of the best written characters in the entire franchise. His characterization and development can give Delita from Tactics and Ardyn Izunia from XV. Holy sh*t, Ardyn is magnificent. I can write an entire essay on him, alone, but that’s one for later. Maybe. XII is one of the best written of all the FF titles but Vayne, specifically, is written on an entirely different level. There’s never a time when you do not understand his motivation. There is never a time where you do not agree with his logic. There is never a time when you condemn his deeds. They are all necessary for the ultimate goal of human prosperity. Vayne is the antagonist of this story because of circumstance and he understands that better than anyone. He even prepared for that eventuality with his brother, Larsa. Even in defeat, he still wins; A victory for all that cost him everything. F*cking brilliant writing, man. Brilliant.
The world of Final Fantasy XII is absolutely gorgeous. It takes place in Ivalice, the only recurring setting in the FF franchise. It’s a staple, like Chocobos or Moogles. Vagrant Story and the Tactics games all take place here, to varying capacities. I love how meaty the lore and systems are for this universe. The Judge system permeates almost every title taking place here and they are to be heeded. Ranging from consequences of battle to outright characters in the narrative, these judges often have ornate armors and insane strength. Gabranth, the main Judge of XII, serves a rather dubious role throughout this tale. He and his contemporary, Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, the Cid of this game and father of Blathier, work together with Vayne to further his ambitions. Chasing their wake leads our team all over Ivalcie, visiting Ordalia, Valdenia, Kerwon, and Purvma. We follow Fran home to the Salikawood and hunt some powerful monsters in the rolling dunes of the Giza Plains. This world is gorgeously realized with loving passion and gentle renders. It really is a feast for the eyes.
Now, the reason everyone passes on this particular title lies in the fact that the gameplay doesn’t feel like an FF title. In that regard, the discourse is correct. XII does not play like a traditional Final Fantasy title. It skews closer to their MMO titles rather than their offline fair. It can be difficult to learn but is it really so different than what you’re used to? Is it really so alien? XII does a pretty decent job teaching you how to manage your party. Admittedly, yo can’t directly control what everyone does at every second but all titles in this franchise are kind of like this. I can see how that aspect can be disorientating wit the pseudo-action RPG aesthetic. That’s why there are Gambits. These things are little predetermined commands that allow you to program your party while you handle the heavy lifting on wither offense, defense, or support. It’s kind of like the system they use in FFXIII but, you know, good. You still play XII. You still have the ability to control your characters, in a limited capacity. Sure, i would have liked to have more direct command over my party but this workaround is fine once you get used to it. Besides, i think they fixed this in the international Zodiac version or whatever. I haven’t played that one yet but what we have in the vanilla game, the License Board, Tecnicks, Magicks, Quickenings, and Espers, all add a variety that gives you copious amounts of strategy. Building a character strong enough to trust to the Gambit system has it’s own reward.
Final Fantasy XII is an outstanding title that deserves so much more respect than anyone gives it. Your requisite hitters like IX and VII are rightfully mentioned in a much greater capacity but lesser titles like X and VIII have no business holding their position in the fandom zeitgeist in lieu of XII. This game has one of the most epic stories, a brisk plot rarely marred down by melodrama, one of the greatest villains in the entire franchise, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. The world is lush, full of life and vibrancy, hiding a sinister undertone that grips your attention until the very end. If you can manage the learning curve of the battle system, if you give it a chance, you’ll be rewarded with one of the all-time great games in the Final Fantasy pantheon.
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evergloffpress · 5 years
Bottle of Blog: Wicked Amongst The Righteous
The 31st Blog Entry
Once more into the breach. I am back and backer than ever for another blog entry. So here we go.
One of my best friends is not a beloved member of the community. Not because of any fiery pro 9-11, Holocaust-denying, anti-Islamic, homophobic rhetoric but because he is a very smart guy who speaks his mind. He isn't condescending or rude about it. He does not belittle people or tries to speak over their heads and yet that few people can tolerate being around him. He was mercilessly bullied as a child. Beaten up almost every day and yet somehow has a big heart. He is also the only person I know who people had tried to kill on multiple occasions. Of course, I am biased about my friend. I know him well ,where he came from and how he came to be.
His name is Mathew.
Like all people he also has flaws but I believe he is primarily misunderstood. Those that dislike him surmise (for some reason) that his agenda is to sow discord. To demean those around him. To debase all your well-established ideologies. To contradict your faith and trust in anything you hold sacred. Still, he has no history of indulging such pariah like behavior and yet there he is. Which brings is to the one event that exemplifies a quote from Jonathan Swift the author of Gulliver’s Travels (1725)
”When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in Confederacy against him”
This is what he told me...
Year's ago he went out on a Saturday night with his friends who all belonged to a group of Born again fundamentalist Christians. He was not a true believer but kept an open mind. He never understood the idea of people who say they KNOW there is a God or those that say they KNOW there isn't a God. He would ask the believers and the atheists alike who would make the above claims the following. ” How is it that you know something that significantly smarter people than us have not been able to prove for thousands of years?” Suffice to say some people find observations such as these as grating.
While out with his friends Mathew was introduced to a girl named Tara who was told she was blessed with the gift of prophecy. The night came and went without incident. He said nothing which might be deemed controversial or did anything that someone might find inappropriate. The following week he found he could not get a hold of any of his friends. Which he found rather odd. They were not returning his calls or answering his e-mails or texts messages. He also noticed they had also disappeared from his social media pages. Then he got a call from a mutual friend named Jimmy. Who happens to be the sister of one the girls he had gone out with that one Saturday night named Maria. He informed him what had occurred.
As it turned out when Tara "the prophet" shook his hand she had a vision. She sensed great unnerving evil within him. She foresaw that he would destroy the church from within. Essentially my friend was singled out as a localized anti-Christ of sorts.
When Tara revealed what she had ”discovered” they all quickly banded against him. Those he had considered his friends all went to the pastor of the church and petitioned to have him expelled from the congregation. They had expressed their concerns about the danger he posed to the church.
Mathew was then sent message sent via text by a number he did not recognize. Later he learned it was Jimmy”s sister Maria.
The Message read: Do not try to contact anyone from the church again. Do not come to the church again. We will call the police.
My friend then called Jimmy to try and make sense of why had just happened. He quickly told him he was no longer allowed to talk to him anymore. He then heard Jimmy”s Maria yell in the background ”you do not owe him any explanations just hang up on him”. Which of course Jimmy promptly did.
For why would the ”righteous” want to associate with such a ”foul malevolence” such as he?
He never understood how his perceived companions could turn on him. He said ”there were no signs of their impending betrayal for lack of less of a less dramatic term” as he put it. But it was a betrayal. I am confident in saying that he is not the scion of Satan or at the very least demonic agent on any level. To be labeled as a something so sinister based only on the accusation of a woman who interacted with him for a few hours is a ridiculous notion at best
People who misuse the word evil when describing any moral infraction. No matter how small.
In essence, he was discriminated against because he was different. He thought differently than they did and that could not be tolerated. The true violation he committed in their eyes was not the imaginary declaration of war against their church but the sin of independent thought. Not necessarily contradictory musings. To the confederacy of dunces, it was their unsubstantiated opinion of him that had teeth not his words or actions.Though they could have should that of been his intention. They feared who he was without really knowing him at all.
The flock had judged him in unison.
There was no room for a sheep THEY dressed in wolf”s clothing.
Oliver Evergloff
Post-Script. Scene....
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole is one of my favorite books.
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Victory Of The Daleks - Doctor Who blog (Matt Smith And The Amazing Technicolor Pepper Pots)
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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When did Mark Gatiss lose his bollocks? Back when he worked as part of the dark comedy quartet the League of Gentlemen, he wrote some truly great stuff. Even his first Who story, The Unquiet Dead, was pretty good, although he was somewhat hindered because he was having to write for children as well as adults and so had to dampen his dark material down a bit. But since then his work has slipped further and further downhill. The Idiot’s Lantern was rubbish. The less said about his work on the god awful Sherlock, the better. Now we’ve got Victory Of The Daleks.
The Doctor and Amy arrive in WW2 to meet up with Winston Churchill, who has a new secret weapon that could help turn the tide of the war in Britain’s favour. But these so called Ironsides may have a more sinister goal in mind...
First let’s quickly talk about the WW2 setting. Not exactly original, I know, considering we’ve already explored it in The Empty Child two parter, but to be fair that story was told more from the perspective of the civilians. We haven’t seen the soldiers and higher up’s perspective yet, so there could still be some gold in this mine yet. Pity they don’t bother digging for it.
Yes this is WW2, but it’s the stereotypical WW2. Pilots and generals shouting ‘tally-ho’ in OTT Received Pronunciation British accents. People saluting the Union flag while composer Murray Gold gives himself a patriotic boner with his constant fanfares crashing and banging in the background of every scene. Even Winston Churchill (who is portrayed exceptionally well by Ian McNeice) is little more than a caricature (did he have to smoke a cigar in every scene?). There’s no effort to really explore the grim reality of fighting in a war like this. There is an effort to get us to form an emotional connection with that woman whose boyfriend gets shot down whilst flying over the Channel, but it just felt a bit half-arsed. This is a romanticised version of war. Heroic men and women doing their bit for Queen and country, and back home in time for tea. Compared to the likes of, say, Genesis Of The Daleks where they don’t shy away from the morbid and tragic misery of battle, Victory Of The Daleks feels a bit pathetic by comparison.
While I’m not too fond of the romanticised WW2 setting, and this episode in general, I must confess I do love the first 15 minutes. The Daleks feel right at home here, which is not surprising considering that they’re supposed to be an allegory for the Nazis. And a shiny gold star has to go Matt Smith’s performance. His frustration toward Churchill and his pure rage toward the Daleks, culminating in him hitting one of them repeatedly with an oversized wrench, was incredibly powerful. After centuries of fighting these pepper pots, the Doctor has just about had enough of this shit, and Smith conveys that perfectly. He’s no slouch at the comedy neither. I love how he uses a Jammy Dodger to trick the Daleks into standing down. That feels so utterly Doctorly.
Ideally Victory Of The Daleks should have been a two part story, I feel. The first 15 minutes has some legitimately good ideas, but they’re not given the time to fully develop. Gatiss is clearly taking a lot of inspiration from the Patrick Troughton era story The Power Of The Daleks, with the Daleks operating from a position of weakness and tricking a bunch of humans into thinking they’re harmless (they even substitute the line ‘I am your servant’ with ‘I am your soldier’). But the reason why The Power Of The Daleks works so well is because it takes its time. We really get to know the characters and get drawn into their deception, making the final reveal that much more tragic and horrifying. It would have been really nice if the first 15 minutes could have been extended to a full episode. That way we could have explored Churchill’s desperation to win the war a bit more, we would get a chance to properly get to know Professor Bracewell, the supposed creator of the ‘Ironsides’, and perhaps draw out the mystery as to whether or not Bracewell is being genuine or not, with the reveal that he’s actually a robot making a great cliffhanger ending. It would also give us a chance to see just how cunning the Daleks are. That’s the reason why they’ve endured for so long after all. They’re not mindless killing machines. They’re scheming, malevolent killing machines, which The Power Of The Daleks managed to demonstrate so effectively.
So having rushed through quite possibly the most interesting part of the story, the Doctor takes the TARDIS to the Dalek spaceship. And this is where things go horribly wrong.
What are the Daleks most famous for? Killing. Russell T Davies understood that, hence why we got Dalek and The Parting Of The Ways. Two stories that demonstrated how merciless and unstoppable the Daleks were (before they were reduced to toothless stand up comedians during the David Tennant era). What are the Daleks not doing in this episode? Killing.
That’s really my main problem with Victory Of The Daleks. Outside of the Jammy Dodger scene, it feels like the majority of this episode consists of nothing but the Doctor and the Daleks just talking each other’s ears off, and nothing they have to say to each other is particularly interesting. As it goes on, you realise that the purpose of this story is not to entertain us, but rather to establish a new status quo for the Daleks. A new and improved Paradigm of Daleks that were no longer constantly fighting for survival. From this episode onward, they would be back in full force and would come in a variety of colours.
Yeah. You all knew this was coming. I’m sure you’re all excited to know what I thought of the Mighty Morphin Dalek Rangers. Take a random guess what I thought.
Seriously, whoever came up with this design, I hope they got sacked. They look fucking hideous. It’s not just the awful colour scheme. It’s everything. The plastic look. The over-sized midsection. The weird eyeball on a stalk. Their MASSIVE arses (which is apparently supposed to hold a secondary weapon that we will never get to see). And they’re so ridiculously tall to the point where the white Dalek Supreme’s domed head was inches from hitting a light fixture on the ceiling. The new design is just laughably bad. Even with a khaki paint job, the older Daleks look a squillion times better and I’m relieved that in the series to come, the BBC would eventually come to their senses and slowly phase out these new Daleks and subtly return to the old ones. So we’ll never know what was the mysterious purpose behind the yellow ‘Eternal’ Daleks. Never mind. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been very interesting.
But how did this new Paradigm come about? Well the Daleks have got their hands on this Progenitor thing that can create all these shiny new Daleks, except the Progenitor doesn’t recognise these Daleks as pure (oh the irony). They’re going to need a character reference. How about their greatest enemy? But they can’t just ask him obviously. They’ll have to lure him there and trick him into giving a reference. So how do they do that? Do they start attacking the Earth and killing people, knowing it will draw the Doctor’s attention eventually? Oh no. That’s far too sensible. Instead they invent a robot to pretend to invent them, even going to the trouble of implanting human memories and feelings into him, before becoming war machines for Winston Churchill. Then Churchill will call the Doctor because... despite coming across as obedient servants, they’re still suspicious enough to warrant calling a Time Lord for advice? Wait... so they want to look like allies, but their whole plan hinges on not looking like allies.
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That makes no sodding sense.
So having been bored senseless with the Doctor and the Daleks’ constant monologuing about what they’re going to do to each other like kids in a school playground arguing over whose dad could beat up whose, the Daleks then reveal their trump card. Bracewell is actually a bomb. But don’t worry. Amy can solve that by making him horny. Um... I mean... reminding him of his humanity.
Putting aside the whole disarming a bomb through the power of love crap, since when did the Doctor turn into Mr. Spock? The same thing happened in The Beast Below where Amy figures out the solution using her humany goodness as though the Doctor is completely out of touch with human emotion. But we know that’s not the case. He’s alien, but he’s not that alien. Also Amy’s reaction to the Daleks escaping annoyed me. Yes they saved the Earth, but a bunch of multi-coloured space Nazis are now free to rain death and destruction across time and space. This is not what I call a win. Mind you, the Doctor annoyed me too at that point. He feels so powerless when the Daleks escape. If only he had a time machine. That way he could go back in time and stop the Daleks before they escape.
So that was Victory Of The Daleks. It had some potential in the first 15 minutes, but it all turned to shit the moment the plot reared its ugly head. Better luck next time.
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/americans-encouraged-hate/
The One People Americans Are Encouraged to Hate
by Yvonne Lorenzo for Ooduarere via The Saker Blog
How would you react if you read the following statements and found that they were spoken by government employees who are part of the American Deep State and have a great deal of power over the nation and you? Wouldn’t the prejudice appall and disgust you?
“I do always hate the Israelis,” Lisa Page, a senior FBI lawyer on the Israel probe, testified to Congress in July 2018. “It is my opinion that with respect to Western ideals and who it is and what it is we stand for as Americans, Israel poses the most dangerous threat to that way of life.” As he opened the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign’s ties to Israel in July 2016, FBI agent Peter Strzok texted Page: “fuck the cheating motherfucking Israelis… Bastards. I hate them… I think they’re probably the worst. Fucking conniving cheating savages.” Speaking to NBC News in May 2017, former director of national intelligence James Clapper explained why US officials saw interactions between the Trump camp and Israeli nationals as a cause for alarm: “The Israelis,” Clapper said, “almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever, which is a typical Israeli technique. So we were concerned.”
Of course, readers of Ooduarere know that the officials quoted never actually made those remarks about the Israelis; nor did they express their hatred of Germans, Saudi Arabians, Turks, French, Libyan, Congolese, Somalians, Germans, Italians, British, Canadians, Greeks, or even Chinese. No; the actual nation and people named were the Russians. Here is the link to the original excellent piece published in The Nation. Yet it seems perhaps not with a touch of irony the speakers were engaging in projection and discussing themselves, the so-called America elites.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember how I found ooduarere and The Saker, originally not on this official site of his but at Blogspot blog. Yet as an American slowly waking up to the terrible truths of the corruption and destructive actions engaged by the American government and its “Deep State” from reading LewRockwell.com (where I later became a contributor to Lew’s site via this link) and supporting Ron Paul, I was horrified to discover that American “fair play” was only an illusion. Nevertheless, I am astonished by the hatred that I quoted. In this time of extraordinary oppression against any individual who dares challenge certain dogmas, that is to say if anyone is White and a true follower of the Way of Jesus Christ especially, for example, as The Saker himself wrote recently on the whole homosexual brouhaha here, then the full force of the establishment, the powers that be, will be brought to bear—your employment, perhaps your life would be at risk. Not that Lisa Page or Peter Strozk would ever dare to criticize Israel, or look into the mirror and see themselves as they truly are, but if they did, they’d probably be taken to a CIA black site and waterboarded for their troubles.
A few years ago, I was truly haunted by a photograph posted on the Saker’s site of a beautiful young woman and her infant child; I can’t recall the link yet I believe the post was by a Saker contributor. The two were murdered by shelling from the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians. I wonder why Putin in his interview with Oliver Stone didn’t, in his usual calm yet convincing manner, discuss the terrible loss of life and the tens of thousands of refugees, the human suffering caused by the American Empire, for after all Victoria Nuland admitted that billions were poured into Ukraine in support of “regime change.” Nevertheless, what astonishes me is the complete lack of empathy, in fact the evident enjoyment in wreaking havoc and death around the world on the part of America’s political class especially.
Meanwhile, back in America, America itself is breaking apart at the seams. How can one maintain an empire when the empire itself is built on sand? As Boyd D. Cathey noted in his piece “Is It Time for America to Break Apart?”:
“There are then, palpably, two Americas. They still use the same language, but they are increasingly incapable of communicating with each other. Almost weekly words and terms are redefined beyond comprehension, and those ‘devil terms’ have become the modern equivalents of linguistic hydrogen bombs deployed by the progressivists. They illustrate what political theorist Paul Gottfried has called a ‘post-Marxist’ praxis that has actually moved beyond the assaults of cultural Marxism towards a new and imposed template.
“No dissent from this template is permitted in our society. If it demands you call black, white; then you must comply, or suffer the consequences. If your eyes tell you one thing, but the collective media and elites tell you something else, ‘who you gonna believe, them or your lying eyes’?”
I shared the Nation piece, since the news of the statements by the corrupt Page and Strozk were new to me, with The Saker and SmoothieX12, Andrei Martyanov who posted about it on his blog. I think this insight Martyanov offers is important but not the full picture.
He writes, “It is always funny to read about ‘values’ and ‘ideals’–if that ‘way of life’ continues, the end-result will be precisely [the] total elimination of everything of true value [the] combined West ever produced with the US Constitution being shredded to pieces. Ah, wait, I forgot–these are the thoughts of people who are directly involved in [a] criminal coup attempt, which by definition is anti-constitutional and violates this very same ‘way of life’ these people allegedly try to protect. One has to have, of course, [an] appreciation of their fever-pitch hatred of Russians and, what matters here, this is not private, [not] an exception that is, attitude. It is not a secret that [a] very large strata of US policy-makers is afflicted by Russophobia. A large part of this Russophobia, apart from being racial–you know, dirty Slavs and all that jazz–is very much a suppressed complex of inferiority. Throughout all 20th and 21st century not only Russia presented itself as an inconvenient impediment to America-the-savior-of-humanity narrative, but Russia remains the only nation which can remove the United States from the map and can conventionally defeat any combination of forces the United States can assemble. This simple fact makes many in US ‘elite’, which is largely ignorant on the issues of real war, very uncomfortable.”
In due time, I hope to have soon a conversation to be published with The Saker on the topic of Christianity in general and Orthodox Christianity in particular; while SmoothieX12’s secular commentary and observations are entirely correct, I truly believe something far more sinister is taking place. On display in these Russophobic statements is a malevolence, not just willful blindness, fear or arrogance. Is this an Adobe Photoshopped manipulated image or truly the real face and eyes of Peter Strozk taken during his Congressional testimony? What do believers see when they look at this?
Peter Strozk
Philip Giraldi wrote about Jeffrey Epstein and his connections to the rich and powerful “elites” and likely intelligence agencies here at Unz.com and also here on the Strategic Culture website. Aside from the intelligence angle, Vanity Fair discusses the people Epstein “collected” in this article:
“Epstein remained a fixture in elite circles even after he was a registered sex offender. A few years ago, for example, he was a guest at a dinner in Palo Alto hosted by LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman for the MIT neuroscientist Ed Boyden. At the dinner, Elon Musk introduced Epstein to Mark Zuckerberg. (‘Mark met Epstein in passing one time at a dinner honoring scientists that was not organized by Epstein,’ Zuckerberg spokesman Ben LaBol told me. ‘Mark did not communicate with Epstein again following the dinner.’)…
“One source who’s done business with Epstein told me that Epstein’s 21,000-square-foot townhouse on East 71st Street welcomed a steady stream of the Davos crowd in the past decade. The source said Bill Gates, Larry Summers, and Steve Bannon visited the house, which has been called one of the largest private residences in Manhattan. ‘Jeffrey collected people. That’s what he did,’ the source said. Gates and Summers did not respond to requests for comment.”
The site Vigilant Citizen, run by anonymous individuals who investigate the occult hallmarks of the Western “elites,” discussed Epstein on this post via this link and noted his connections to the rich and powerful along with occult symbolism on structures on his island:
The fact that a “temple” was built on an island known for extreme depravity is disturbing. However, when one fully understands the mindset of the occult elite, it makes perfect sense. It is all about symbolism and ritual.
For instance, the “temple” has a striking resemblance with Hammam Yalbugha – a Mamluk-era public bath located in Syria.
Why did Epstein model his “temple” on this specific building? Because of the symbolism attached to it. Indeed, the hammam is a classic example of architecture from the Mamluk era. In Arabic, the word “mamluk” literally means “property” and is used to designate slaves.
During the Mamluk era, children were captured by the ruling class to become slaves. Boys were usually trained to become soldiers while girls were groomed to become the personal concubines of their masters. Considering the fact that Epstein island was used to import child sex slaves for the elite, the symbolism is perfectly fitting.
In order to give the “temple” an unmistakeable occult dimension, the building was adorned with golden statues representing gods (Neptune) and owl-like birds. The building is also surrounded by maze-like patterns, similar to those found in Islamic architecture.
To get a better feel of Epstein island, I suggest you view this drone footage which provides great shots of some truly bizarre elements.
Epstein Island Temple
Hammam Yalbugha Aleppo, Syria
In my opinion, something far worse is going on than fear and self-loathing within the souls of the rich and powerful who rule the Western world, not merely decadence. Global Western “elites” are malevolent sociopaths (although I suspect several of the individuals in the Russian “Fifth column” Saker writes about are as well); while America is disintegrating around them, these elites still can cause great mischief. Reader of my words who are Americans must do all they can to resist and challenge these monsters in power; for monsters they are. Yes, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty but the fact remains the armies they control have killed and maimed millions of innocents throughout the world, including children. That I as a believer I think there is something evil behind them and within them is not provable by the scientific method perhaps; but I trust that my concerns are valid. If the reader of my words is a believer, please pray.
Yvonne Lorenzo [send her mail] makes her home in New England in a house full to bursting with books, including works on classical Greece and by Mises, Murray Rothbard, Tom Woods, Joseph Sobran, and Lew Rockwell. Her interests include gardening, mythology, ancient history, The Electric Universe, and classical music, especially the compositions of Handel, Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Mahler, and the Bel Canto repertoire. She is the author Son of Thunder and The Cloak of Freya.
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